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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
IMPERIALISM. Issued Every Friday Morning by F. M. JOHNSON & D. MONTAGUE E M. JOHNSCN, Latest War News. Gen. J. H. Wilson's command sailed lor Porto Rico Wednesday. continually harp , une aay s ruie u..u ican nas: at oauuagu ua -,iv'u -I 4V... Wa 'naff or with their own discordant notes. c"u AtUntfe rlftrl t he taking the Spanish PHILOMATH ITEMS. Manv timid souls pretend to - fear imperialism in the United States. f hey on this string, seemingly 'charmed CORY ALUS, OREGON, July 22, 1S98. The battleship Oregon is to be the flagship of Commodore Wat son's fleet, which has been ordered to Spain. The national an What is imperialism? - power ana prerogatives ; a guv Editor end Manager , eminent under an emperor. No fear need be entertained, ; under our form of government, of an imperial sway, for we have no ; one man whose word is law. Here every man is a sovereign, and can be heard on ail topics. The acquisition of territory, in i our case, does not mean tnc building up of an empire which is of the South to be governed by an autocrat, The comnanv have contract, of prisoners to Spain. It costs our government over half a million. The first vessels will be at San tiago the 201 li of this month. The Cuban General Garcia is re Krlcd iie:icl. THE WAR LOAN. Too late for last week's issue the information that the came i "The Mockin 5ird," not i but the uplifting ot Humanity, bond sale closed on tne 14m msi., and it was so adopted Dy tne enligntennient 01 raanKinu, arJd jt was louna mai luc ! giving liberty to uie opprebbeu, r0f $200,000,000 oneicu nnu J freedom to the downtrodden, in-1 subscribed for six and one-half tlip iomnrant. and L; ,.c nvir In short there had lWlieS, l.lOOKV .Hi" 4.n;. v,.. r -...,,- r fl Dixie, and it a confederate congress. have been detai committee by needed reforn e and Sampson led as a standing nele Sam to apply in Porto Rico. hope to all. Wherever 0111 U. S. Senator Kenny ot Dela ware, is on trial in the U. S. cir cuit court in Wilmington charg ed with aiding a bank embezzle money. ti mes ilasr rmirt.v-rr, ST., a floats there must be peace. 1 lie I large portion of which Intel oeen mandates of or government will subscribed by the common peo be obeyed, not by bayonets, but I pie in sums ranging from $50 to hv ttilnvnl devotion of Datriotic Utrno The rlenositors of actual Spain's plan of governing Cuba needed fixing. Schley, Sampson and Shaft-r undertook the job, and in two weeks have got the nlinl works rep-ulatcd ill tin. subjects. If it is imperialism to carry the blessings of an enlight pncrl Phrieriaii ri vilization into teller Ue Spanish islands, dispelling the dense ignorance and superstition so prevalent there, then we eastern end o won 1 egulaied he island. Admiral Dewey has recom mended that the Chinese who served on his fleet in the battle of Manila be naturalized as a re ward for the devotion and valor they displayed through the mem orable May day. According to statistics the col ored people of the United States are paying taxes on $294,000,000 worth of property. Tins is not a bad showing for a people who thirty-four years ago were only chattels themselves. Lieutenant Blandin, who was ; officer of the watch on the Maine j at the time of the explosion, is ; dying at an asylum in Baltimore as a result of the mental shock. Lieutenant Blandin was also with j the fleet at the time of the Samoa catastrophe. wel come it. 11 it means enlargement of our borders, not for conquest, but to elevate the laces groaning under the terrorism, spoliation and tyranny of Spanish rule that has prevailed for three Hundred years or more, then we embrace it. with thankful hearts to the forJ of nations that we are the chosen instruments in His hands to carry out His wise and just decrees. This llation is imperial in in telligence, brains, loyalty and resources. Let us. with a due regard for the great responsi bilities resting upon us, with humbleness, with dignity, and with the spirit that will not brook defeat; with a lofty, un selfish patriotism, and with a devotion worthy of our high duty and with a firm reliance upon the God of nations, go for ward with the sublime mission cash on their tenders amounted to the large sumof $750,000,000 or three and one-half times more ri.QTi t!,e total amount ottered. This wonderful showing is evi dence of the abiding faith the people have in the stability of the government.. It had the ef fect of spiking the guns of-the grumblers who have continually asserted that there was not enough money in the country with which to carry on the regu lar business of the nation. That the laboring people wcie ucig oppressed and had no means and could not buy oonas 11 incy uc ci'rcr) p-rv so much to do so. The facts are that the whole I $2&o,ooo,ooo has been many times over subscribed for by the small wage earners of the land. ! Think of it, $1,300,000,000 of j money subscribed to a war loan j by our own people without in the j least affecting the trade or busi-i Hess of the country. What bet-1 ter evidence is wanted that there j Prof. Guthrie is on the sick list. Prof. Emrick and wife are at Alsea bay. Rev. Parker has repainted the boarding hall. J. E. Henkle is hauling lumber for his store building. Henrv Emrick after an extended visit in Portland, is at home. Miss Floy Henkle, of Portland, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Bishop Castle and Pro I. blieak with thpir families returned from the Bay Tuesday. Mr niu, Mrs. Guv Frink, Lena Derrick and Grace Boles wont to Summit Saturday oil their wheels. A. J. Sawyers and family and Mrs. J. V. Ingle and Mrs. E. A. Nichols and children are at New port. Last Saturday while walking in the v aid Mrs. Boyd Cannadr and fractured her right hip. is now in a critical condition. Last week George Brown closed a term of school at Kings Valley. Jpssie Rnov one at Ohitwood and The Best fell and Grace Boles one ley. at Pleasant Val $3,00 How to Destroy Hop Lice 'Hon John Mm to, Salem. Or. Dear Sir: Vacation or ro va cation I am always glad to hear from Mr. Minto, and now, in an ... 1' . 1 -1 -j . 1 . to your letter 01 me inn will say th t I have great r faith in early spraying 01 nop vines. In general, growers are disposed to wait until the aphis becomes vary bad before resorting to the use of the spray pump. Tle res.Il It is that, if the weather swer in st,, f l- 1 i- I. .. mult m i4hnn is lavorauie 101 tm; miuujHv-""-of the lice, even the spray pump, intelligently and faithfully used, fails to hold them in check and the crop is injured or even lost, while if the application had been made at the proper time much more satisfactory results would have been secured. Shoe The V Whole SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S CLOTHING TZHSTTIL j-TTG-UST lO- Your Choice of Suits, 7.48 We make change to the cent at KLINE'S. THE WHITE HOUSED Corvallis, Oregon. World, EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Comoanv 0 HPt TO THE EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY. 6:09 I. M. I Leave !:4 A. M I Leave 7:45 A. Si ! Arrive Portland Arrive !':30 a. M. Albany Arrive j i:00 A. ML S. Francisco Leave I S:60 P. M Above train- stop nl all principal station: between Portland and Salmi. Turner. Ma rion, Jefferson. Albany. Tangent Shedd.'. I HaUcv, Hani burrc. Junction City, Eugene, Crijswell, Cottage Grow. TVains, and all stations from RoseburgtoAsfeland, inclusive. Gnscbarg Mail Daily. EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES i op is plenty f money? When the of redeeming: mankind from the; be fulfilled, their o-rp en. selfishness and the inhu-! to lisfat and eagerly funnnv nf the dark apes. I nr rpiit. while a much larger To be cllled to such a high place among the powers of the earth ought to cause every Amer ican heP.rt to swell with pride, ,-vprv nulse to lean with lov and Camara, after paying $80,000 j every soul to rise to the spot cash to take his fleet through ! of ecstatic bliss. the Suez canal, paid bo,ooo to ; 'The winsed females of the aphis migrate from prunes and plums to the hop about June 1st and then give birth 10 a brood of wingless hop lice, and it is from the few individuals of this brood that all the lice in that yard lor that season must come, i. p., after . : . 1 3 per cent, wduc a miu.u mis , ino spring, uBgimwu ...c interest could be obtained in per-! females is over, which is not later npnnlf have couhcieuce tnat tne promises ot the government will come invested in heights fectly safe investments, .bet us ; than June 15th orBUtn at ineom hear no more about the lack of ! side, there can be 110 infestation ol ".... o,vi,;ip Tt Hops not I thn vard from outside sources It. munty iwj o.m-- ,,,i r,ii does not har:an- tberefoie, follows tliat, it ize with the facts. I Our third Car of n Fhoeniz Bicycles Is now oil the way from the Factory take it back again. Spain con eluded that she did not want the fleet to meet Dewey at Manila, feel ing certain, a doubt, after mature iLfl!W"ieu-U!ing Cr.mara's ab sence from Cadiz, if that event SHEEP AMD WOOL la 1892 the What a wonderful and sudden awakening this must cause among the nations of Europe in number of sheep regard to our wealth ana Douna S tares and terri- j less resources. and their OUR MEW (iOVERjYOR. occurred she would no longer have a fleet with which to threaten the United States. The average price for Last year we soid the Domi 11-. Oregon unwashed wool in 1592 ion of Canada $65,000,000 worth j ranged from 16 to 19 cents, of exports, or $13.50 per head of! The '93 clip when marketed was population. During the last four j affected by the threat of the dem years we have increased our sales j ocrats to reduce the tariff on im in Canada 7.7 percent, while (ported wools which was carried our imnorts from that country into effect by the Wilson act, in the United lories was 44.93!35 (Wis weighed 2.707. 54-4.. In 1893, being the last year under I A 4cknio.llt of the grip" from the McKinley tariff act, sheep recentJy wttilein lem increased in numbers to 47,273,- inquire(j Qf a Salem man who 553 ana wooi 10 34- 54i M Oregon's new governor pounds. Oregon good time to encoura ing of a reciprocity treaty with our neighbors across the lakes. Wilson act, so ranged from 9 to Now is a 12 cents. From '93 to 97 m e the mak-1 elusive, sheep decreased in num- have only increased 6.7 psr cent that the price in the same period regon s new guvauai wa.. where he lived, what he was like, etc. On being pointed out on the seat of his farm wagon begrimmed with dust, after the Easterner had looked him over, he made the remark, "If that's the sort of man Oregon has for o-overnor she is all right." A PROPER RECOGNITION. Lieut. Hobson's class called him "Tin Saint" and "Parson Hobson." He is devoutly re ligious. He prayed on the deck of the Merrimac He neither smokes nor drinks. Now his old classmates and all the world name him hero. He had the strength bers to 36,618,643, and the; As soon as me uatuc w v amount of wool in pounds to ; in which Admiral Cervera's fleet 274 75, 000. In '94 the same was destroyed. Captain Phillip of t.1 ronrrorl in nrire from 8 to I the Texas took oft his hat, and ""O' " t . . ., r, T1..1 f In '95 from 7 to 11 bowing to tne supreme r.uici w the universe, ordered every man 12 cents. In '95 trom 7 cents. In '96 from 7 to 10 cents. The number of sheep decreased from '93 to '97 in round num bers 11,000,000 and the decrease in wool for the same period was in round numbers 50,000,000 b.v early , . T . CUkl spraying Between juiiej.uiN.nui July 1st. we can destroy the indi vidiials of the first brood, there can be no great development of lice (luring the rest of the senoi. Ot coarse, it will be said that at this time the lice are always vry scaler- and that one cannot tell whether they will be abundant enough to do any damage during the season or not. which is all very true. However. tm must oear in mind that a v;iy Tew lice upon j each hill in June, under favorable! conditions may become ah im : mense host in August or Septem- ber, whereas if the few are killed in June the hosts will certainly j fail to materialize. j ''Now, as to whether you should spray your yard now or not, I can- j not say. It depends upon the j number of lice present on each I vine and upon the parasite which ! may also be present. I do not think that the spray will injure the pollen. But I hfive been through all the yards in this vicinity and I do not think it necessarv that they be sprayed. 8:36 A. M. 12:-2-. P. M. 5:21) r. M. Leave Leave Arrive Portland Albany Iloseburj; Arrive ! 4:30 P. l Arrive 1 13:5m P. M Leave I 7:3fc A. M UKTWEKK T7estaie Di rrn. PORTLAND AND COHVALLlS. Mill Trail. Saily E2ispt Easily. 7:3i A. it. 12:1.: P. M. Leave Arrive Portland CtfrvaUis Arrive Leave 5:Sfl P, 1: P. At Albany and Corvallis Mimed Oregon Pacific Kail wit.b brai jad. I is if the i Mien, s u.:e VIA VIA mm salt in wimmi mm 11 M QM4U AND " shicaso mm cut Errress Trail. BaSy Eicept Smiiv OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 4 DAYS 4:59 r M. 7:30 P. M &:33 P. 1L Lave I Arrive Arrive Portland Alrivi McrMinnville Leave ludependenee Leave S:2a A. M. j .-.:: A. M. I 4.50 A. M. The PHOENIX is the Popular Wheel Because it Looks Well, Runs Well and ii SAN FBANi 77 99 The "GOLDEN EAGLE is the best medium priced, ivheel Direct connection at Sail l-'rancisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines f.-r JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates '-n applicatioh. Rates and tickets to fcastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket Agent, Corvallis. R KOEHLER, C. II . MARKHAM, Manager. A. G. F. & P. A. Portland, Or. Sailing dates for July 5, 9, 13. 1". a 25- 29- OCEAN STEAMERS Ieavc Portland for ALASKA POINTS JULY 19. on the market. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO Etru. MITCftELL, LEWIS & STAYER PORTLAND, OREGON. CO., T havfi reached this conclusion in his command to thank ijoa ; from observinj; two tacts: 1st, the Almighty for the victory of the extreme scarcity of the hop lice Dining Parlors and Bakery. hour. Governor Lord'. appointment of W. P. Riley to the captaincy ol Battery B is an excellent one. ain Riley has Had a numoer experience in jNational b!e be Lainaiii jlivj au ! of years of experience in Nation; received for wool Gnard servicei an(1 js a capab! s result of the '90 officer Should BaAery B I died into active service, Ure shut out ot our markets tne op Qjty wln hear news iroin phean ptowh South American nan. Rilev and his brave boys able of their kind yet construct ed. They will have a speed of inch barbettes, 12-inch Hichborrf 5 tari" aci;. inclined turrets, 12-iuch guns, 1 2 -inch armor, each of their twin screws will be driven by 1200 horse power engines, and each vessel will cost $1,250,000, and are to be completed within 12 months. Here is a combination of "twelves" that should win a dozen victories. R EPUBLICAjX PROSPER! Tl hearts leap Lieutenants Rutenie and Case are ot the same batterv and are all right. that will make their with patriotic pride. r l ,1-10 i,nrl DOUliaS. UUriUiJ LUC to silentlv endure the jeers ot his ! iod the population increased from AU V, Vio i)if rnnrruTP tn O tO b million An of .nntino-n the most darinp i The prices iJa nnnob in 'o2 were the . - - ....... , .-, - ruAU m 01 1 ill 1 I' 1 1 . cinrp T .1V.1t Ons h nrr h ew un the , Lailu ul -"" be ca Albemarle (Jaw. lit ley The four new coast defense ; and Australian grades wnue tne vessels are to be the most formid- ! - P-es for the years 93 94. able to the free trade policy carried into effect bv the Wilson General Joe Wheeler was car TM, ninrrVv tariff not of Tnlv riofl tn tht front in the battle 111 A. 11 V. 1 ' 1 J ...... j ' ' - - 24, 1897. although not passed which the outer works of Santiago until after the '97 clip was re-' were taken, on a stretcher. The moved from the sheep, had the ! general had been sick for several effect to increase the price the deys prior to the battle, but when same as the threat to reduce the he heard the ro 61 the guns and tariff on wool by the democratic ; w p, , X'l- V : l,ol t le pHpp. nt sen uameu lowering the price. The increase in the number of ihron in Oregon from 1807 to i8q8 was 1,000,000 head, and Trv.nou,.tv Clerk Ehlen, of Ma- Statistician Hvde of the United i the increase in wool for the same rion county, charged with em States Department of Agriculture ; period was about 4,000.000 ; bezzlement of county money and has iust issued a verv interesting pounds, while the price on the 1 with forgery and counterfeiting which shows a large in-; 97 anu yo wi iw iovm ( LIJe eiwuun values of every crop I 14 to 19 cents. j.hc muw. w j monin s ausence, u idumsu n i the price wouia nave Deen eon- will iace nis one in uuuu. ro einVr.'ihlv rn-eater were it not tor i - ' P . , . , ,r r -., 111 tiip tli'- fact that in tne nrst nan or Morrow couuiy win, u into the thicK ot Mie Irau t.hft onlv instance ot tile 1 kind on record in American conflicts. nine tenth of the vines having ab solutely none and 2nd. the abundance of parasites ol the lice. 1 verily believe that in the yards I have visited there are at. least a j halt dozen para ites tor each hop j aphis. Whether the above fort 11 luate state of affairs is present in jot her localities or not I do not j Know. If nott spraying is abso j lately advisable, although iy is I now somewhat late, but with us i I am certain that at present spray jing would do more harm than jgood, since it would kill far more I parasites than hop lice. "The wheat aphis, contrary to I the srenerallv acceDted idea, is not j identical with the hop aphis. In j ifact they are as distinct as the sheep and cow, belonging as they do to entirely separate genera. The wheat aphis is siphonophora j avenae, while the hop aphis is , phorodon humili. Yours truly, A. B. Cordlky. Corvallis, July 12 189" SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Qregon) SI EAILEOAP- The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS Steamers Monthly to Yokohorna and connection with O. from Portland Heng Kong in R. & 15. I'or full information call on O agent. W. S. stone, C'oi vallis, Or,, or address: W. H . HURLBURT, Gen'L Pass ACCNT, PORTLAND, OR DODWELt. CARLILL & CO. GEK. AGENTS NOR. PAC. S g. CO. PORTLAND, OR. Cottfectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. Hodes & Hall's East and Southeast. Corvallis) flSTERii) JE&- IES CO. Yaquina Bay Route Connecting at YAQUINA BAY wih the fan Francisco & Yaquina Bay STKAMSHIP COMPANY. First-class Stock Good Workmanship Reasonable Prices GAZETTE OFFICE t Orders promptly filled. particulars regarding of trains, etc., call on GEO. F. EGLIN, E. COWAN, Agt., Corvallis. General Agent, 124 Tbiird St. Porrland, Or For full rates, time or address W E. HOWiATK. M. L. HOLGATE. Speed in a Harvest Field. report, crease m except cotton. vear's srrairj crop ivnrth t"io. 000.000 more to farmers than the crop of 1896, and $8,000,000 more than any year since 1S92, when Republican prosperity was at high tide. Farm horses in 1897 increased The big good na tared farmer. T. W. B. Smitli, of Willamette, has good well led and groomed horses, who feeling their oats, started out with the binder to which thtv ! were hitched, one day last week .'and undertook to do up their liar . r n .... in value $25,000,000; milcli growers 01 netiLun w"V J' cows, ?6s,ooo,ooo; beef cattle, The one that compels them to 104000,000. Sheep gained over! compete with wool-growers la 8 000,000, and the increase of Australia with that ignorant all stock was $236,000,000. The J native help, and by degraded , farmers of the United States ! peon labor on the pampas ot , d t Sat received oo,ooo,-! South America, inaugurated by 000 more for their crop., aud ! the last democratic congress; or produce than in 1896. the Republican policy, carried WUu uicm iiiLu ciiv-i-i -j tr- favor of tures of the McKinley law 01 1890 and the Uingley Dill 01 -""v . V . . , v ' 1 .:i ivestinsr alter tneir own manacr. '97 the importers laid in very qicted, proance i,zoo,ouo uuu- evidenllv taken a nrcre stocks 01 ioreiyn wuui, eis w wuou. iub wu. t il r.a;,, and must which must be consumed betore wool could be used. j ikuntg-s H7l,;i, -nnliVi? r1r the ;1iper- ITEMS J. Q. Rodgers s Valley flour These figures carry rtipir own argument in protection and other Republican and have sold the Kins mill to Dick Dunn. John Chambers and Willard Price and their families and Miss Nettie and Miss Nellie Maxfield have gone to Newport for a vaca tion. J. Q. Adams has decided to be come an honest granger, having purchased 67 acres of A. C. Miller which adjoins his 65 acres, mak imr him a srood farm. a survev have thought the harvesting was going on too slow, so they took the bits in their teeth and ran away. For 400 yar is they ran at the top of their speed through the field ot wheat cutting and binding as nicely as though going at the regular speed for such work. The binder was a Piano, and stood the tram on its capacity all right un til the team struck the limber belt at the further side of the field. The machine not having been made strong enough to manu facture stove wood out 0( stanu ins ftreen oak timber it collapsed. To the Public. I have leased the brick, stable formerly conducted by Skiuton Brothers and have opened tha same as.a sale and feed stable. My rates for feeding are as low as those of any other stable. Horses bought and sold and a general feed and sale business will be conducted. John W. Stewart. i Corvallis, Oregon. Laxative BroiMu-Quinine Tablets m0vc i the bowels gently, relieves Uig fverish I condition and headache, making it the ! best and quickwt remedy for Coughs, j Colds and Lagrippe. Cures in oae day. "Xo cure, no pay." frice 25 cenis. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it.but there is really no trick abeut it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Eloetric Bit ters. This medicine tones up thi whole sys tem, acts as a stimulent to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures cn:tiptkn, head.'-ehe, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melaiichuly. It is rmrelv rt-setable, a mild laxative, and re stores the system to its natural Tisror, Electric Bitters n;-.d be convinced. Only 50e a bottle at Graham & Wells' drug stare. HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVALLIS. OREGON "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Wliis kys, Fine Wines, Liquors ancl Cigars. LOUIS G. ALTMAN, M. D., Homeo ist. STEAMS IIP "PRESIDENT." Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Hay, and Humboldt Bay. Passenger Accommodations fc'nsurpaased Shortest route between the Willamette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and Points west San Francisco: Cabin 8 00 Steerage 0 60 Bound trip for 60 days, 517.00. To Coo Bay: . Cabin SS Steerage 6 09 To Humboldt Bay aud Port Orford: Cabin '. 810 M Steerage 8 00 1UVER DIVISION. steamer "ALBANY" between Portland and Corvatlis, through without lav-over. Leaving Corvalli: fi:39 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays: leaves Pttmnd, Yamhill St. Dock, 6:00 a. m., Monday, Wednesdays and Friday.. EDWIN STONE, Manager, J. C. MAYO, Supt River Div , H. H. CBONISE, A,?ent, Corrallis, Or. Wanted. Energetic, hustling young man to rep reseat the Keystone Watch Co. Good opportunity to right party. No exper ience necessary. Keystone Watch Co., Portland, Or. Wanted. A customer to borrow I500 on long time. Secured oa real estate. Experience i thk Best Teacher Use Acker's English Remedy in any case for coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cents and 50 ce?.ts. Graham & Wells 11 Ufc&. 7. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It "is simply iron and quiuifle in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Office: Over Alien & Woodward's Try Hrno-store. o Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. 1 9-12, 2-5, 7-8. Hours Sundays, 9-10. E. R. BRYSON, Zieroif Building. Fire Insurance. Collections promptly attended to. Gorvallis,Or. Wanted A purchaser for a nice cottage aud lots in Jobs office. Addition. Call at Gazette The editor of the Evans City (Pa.) Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named . It cured rny children after all other romxiiiK failed." It cures couehj, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Graham I & Wells. Onion Laundry 60., POETLAND, OK. All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves oa Tuesdays and arrives Satardays. T. D. Campbell, Ageat, Secoad-Haad Store. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW S. R. FARRA, M. D. Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in frent of courthouse. Office hours S to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 and 7 to 3 p. m. All calls attended promptly. TJ 33- VOG-LE 30PTICIAN OREGOSt. CORVAIXIS, Does a general practice in ail tk courts. Also I ageat for atl Hie first-class insurance companies Your eyes correctly fitted with a pair of SPEX.