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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
THE CORY ALUS' GAZETTE, FRIdAV, JUNE 2, iS9. :.- A. '. ElilEF LOCALS. JL I. Underwood, i.hotojjiapber over Sewing; -nachine headquarters at J. Woi. Will'M. Renftvetini; and repairing furniture, .at lviightV t . - , SJe' the litcle Grgia- .-Wonder, E'-iday, June 9. - . Novelties in the stationery line at the Gazette office. M. J. Ei win goes to Portland next wcfck to enter the , employ of a wliole alj house in that city. Mrs. llemj.hiil and Mrs. Waggoner tlrovc over to AJhany Wednesday to -attend the funeral of Mrs. Piper. Tim imdurtakiiV' department of Knight's store carries a complete line of coilins :uid caskets. Embalming. .Chi'!ey.Siiii!l rode his bicycle from Philomath to Coiv-diis yesterday in 32 minutes, a distance of six and a half to lies. j Inks, pens, pencils, blank books, en velopes, plain and fancy writing paper m great vani ty at the Gazette sta tionery store. i Lawyers and clerks can find exactly what thuy want in the Gazette sta tionery store. -A specialty made of typa writer supplies. Gall at the GazettS stationery store and examine one of.' those Dunsmore typewriters, llieser machines have now taken the from rank. ' 7.1 .Tlie little Georgia Wonder, is the smallest "heavy weight" now before "t he public. Nobody could carry her ofi' against her. consent, that's certain. For anything ih the sewing ma chine line go to Jj .Wm. Will. lie keeps the largest assortment of extra jarts, attachments, needles, oils, ' and the best of machines at the latest re duced prices. - r Wanted Everyone to know that Peterson kef ps the moulding and .makes the finest picture frames in town . as well as turning; out the best job t work. ' Shop two blocks south west of "jubuc school. . ... j . Screen v'otirself . from ' the torment ing flv. The CorvaUis Screen Door , and Ladder Co. makes the best screen y doors and windows in the market Tor sale at all the hardware stores or .at the factory in the addition. 21. H. Gi ham, of Wrenrr purchased 'tins week from Conover and Keady one of those magnificent "Imperal'1 wheels. Mr. Graham seems to want the best thines agom?-, ana to so on the-best. WITH THE LITTLE FOLKS. The 'undergraduate entertainment of the public Whooli last Wednesday evening vas largely attended Mid proved a great success, as all on the programme carried off their parts well 1 id not a single failure was noticed. Faa young people who participated highly complimented on their efforts, and great praise is due also to the teachers for their careful drilling of the young folks in their several parts. The firbt on the programme was umsio by the Conpon orchestra. This was followed by a welcome song by pupils of the 5th grade which was very good. Then a sceno from Mother Goose was carried through with great effect. A recitation by Jamie Johnson entitled "Yacop's La ment" came next on the programme. As is usual with Jamie's recitations FIREMEN NOT IN IT. SOCIETY OS TOP. THE FIRE LADDIES TAKE BACJSKAT. AMUSEMEKTS. En. Gazette. ' CorvaUis has a volunteer fire de partment, lis present organization consists of an engine company, includ-1 plicaMe, amusing and extraordinary CORVALLIS OPERA HOUSE. T. E. WILSON, MANAGER. ... FRIDAY, JONK Olh. The Georgia wonder in her inex- lt was delivered with fine expression, the German brogue being good. Following this was a ing a hose company, a hook and lad- I der company and a side organization denominated the Coffee Club. The latter consists of ladies, the regular fire companies, of men. At fires the Coffee Club have a committee at the engine house to serve warm coffee to firemen, which is intended to prevent them from going to Saloons for intoxi cating drinks. The ladies have re sponded promptly to fire alarms, and due credit should be Riven them for the attainment of a worthy object. Each year the Coffee Club has cele brated its anniversary by a social gathering of some kind, and as it is composed of enterprising and socially inclined ladies, it has developed into a exhibition of phenomenal power. The press speaks for her in most flat tering terms. Gri ace Eden has been guaranteed a crowded house if she will day again NOTICE OF NEW SURVEY. N United States Land Office, Itoseburg, Ore., May 1st 18'J.l ce, ) 03, tho following townships have been Purely' a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It ES - All manrer of Blood diseases, from the takit, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Treatise on Blood and Sldn Diseases mailed free. Swurr Specific Co, Atlanta, oa. specially J qUjte popular "eyeut," and one antici- : ... . . 1 1 r.r at Frazier', opera house and she has rrt7SdK consented to go iwck again next Thursday. She amused, mystified, and astonished not a few people there this wek. The ' hall was crowded two nights. The Georgia Wonder, Grace Eden, is in truth and in fact a wonder. In the judgment of many who saw the entertainment given by her, assisted by Prof. Fontana, Thurs day and Friday of last week, it is the most remarkable performance ever given in this city. Grace Eden is' re fined and modest in all her acts, and 0TICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT aurvevca 10-wit: Township No 16 sontli, of range No 10 W., W. al., and the heretofore nnsurveyed por- I tion of township No 14 S, of range No. 11, Yv. Al. RS follows: Sections No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 16, 17, 18, and N.J I and S. W.J of section 15. Approved plats of said surveys have been received, and will be filed in this office on June 22od, 1833. and on and after Baid 22nd ciuy of Juno 1833, we will l.e prepared to receive Mimes aucl entries iu said newly surveyed . portion. "' " John II. Shupe, Register. A. M. Crawfokd, Receiver. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of Crain deceased: the estate of G. . L. titled "The Fruit Market" . by 9 boys greatest pleasure is derived from society. 01 me isu primary, wmcu was very iiSI!i v t he tiottee ( u'j anniversary good and the way in which the "little js f'rly well attended by the firemen, folks sang in unison showed thorough i,ut a8 it ;3 u. select, invitation "event" training. The audience was then ti,e firemau's invitation usually deDends pated long in advance by those whose the entertainment can be attended by favored by a vocal solo by Hattie Clark, which was also excellent. A ong entitled "The Gypsies' Festival y pupils of . the 6th grade came next; is was exceedingly well carried out. Next on the programme was a song entitled "The Little Waiters" by 8 girls 01 the first primary. 1 his was ne, and pleased the audience exceed nglv. Following this was a recitation on his social popularity, The. membership of the Volunteer Fire -Department is made up of young men who reside in the town and who have enough interest in its welfare to sacrifice considerable time, a good deal of convenience, and some-money in keeping the companies up to the ncces- 11 nr rri sary standard 01 emciency. Anese young men come out of homes in the y E!va Friendly entitled "Selling the Uown and are as respectable and as Baby. .This. -recitation was good both in expression and delivery, a vocal uet by L'lln fciaaIer and farl Wells following, ine young ladies re flected great -credit: upon themselves as this number was one of the features the evening. Auother recitation was well rendered by Arthur Belknap, entitled "B iv's rights." Miss .Eila Casto then favored the audience with an essay entitled "Fifteen Years Hence." In this essay the prominent A man named ChajLStggOItecU followeyJtrisjlion by Bvtha Buford entitled "The Drummer Boy's Burial,"- which was well recited and showed good elocutionary preparation. The last on the program was an ex ercise, "The Days of the Week", by girls of the 6ih grade which was quite original and looked very pretty under different colored lights . ' i 'ed an insaltingTffnark to a respectable "yaung lady on the street yesterday. For his audacty he was taken belore Police. Judge Porter and fined $10, in default of which he went to jail. The result of last Saturday evening's meeting' of citizens was a decision to celebrate the approching 4tlf of July, The committee on arrangements is ' composed of S. L. Kline, Geo. Fish Robert Huston. B. W. Tohnson, Sol "Stock and C. Schmidt." Rev. Geo. Gillespie, of Dallas, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sunday. In the morning , the subject will be "The Mediatorial ivingsuip ot Christ. A he evening topic will be "Preparation for Christ's -.', .Work." The Junior, and Senior so s : cieties meet at 6 and 7 p. m. Se wice of praise at 7:45 p. m. ; Sunday Jnne ll,;ill be observed as children'! day. bpecial exercises and specia music will he prepared for the occa- . sion... Baptism of children and pre sentatio'n E. bibles at that time. ---- - - "si. Little Johny Green, who makes hii home in the vicinity of Corvallis is in - 4 rouble. Last - Saturday at function lie stabled a man named Chas. E, Byers, and on Thursday tl: "-'injured man died. Johny lias been in 4 ;. jail at Eugene awaiting the result of Uyers wound. I he particulars of the affair are not at hand, and to what extent Johny is to blame is not " known. He is an eccentric little old nan and many people are disposed to I ., annoy him in various ways. He some : ; times responds viciously with a knife. giving las tormentors what they richly ,'.-"'- deserve. Clarence Smith went up to Eugene to-day to x-ender Johny. som . assistance.. ,'. , . . , For several weeks Mrs. Jud . ' Piper had been sick at the residence . of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Langdou a - in Albany, with ho hopes of recovery, Monday evening May 2D, 1893, th final end came, and she passed peace fully awiiy. ' Mrs. Henrietta Piper was from Indianna, aged 61 years and has lived since coming to Oregon in Albany, Saleni and Independence. Three of her children, Mrs. Langdou - Hr. Chas. Piper, postal clerk in the "U. S. service, and Miss Grac9 Piper ; were, at her. bedside when the change : cama. Three isons, Mr; E. B. Piper of - the . San Francisco Rural Press, Geo. W. Piper of Moscow,; Idaho, could not be there. . Mrs. Piper - was a lady 1 of sterling worth, and vre liked .wherever ; she has lived, and hosts of warm friends will regret to he tr of her death. Herald. v - v ... all classes with the assurance that it will not only be pleasing, but wonder ful and mysterious. Pendleton Tri bune, Sept. 19th, 1892." Prof. Chas. Maiden, hypnotist and psychologist. . Nothing like it on earth The little LeIIoens, Max and Cora, the smallest song and dance team in the world aged 6 and 4 years re spectfully. Also Madame LeHoen, the witch of Wall 'street, the great mind reader. Admission, 50 nd 25 cents. SUOCeSSlOll Of SuipriSGS. ThU nflir ban iiist issued in namnh- The Bargains offered at Kline's 1 I 1 . r...r ....1- 1,0 1-0 let form, a splendid discourse on the uurl"S V "" 'i NOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN THAT to all persons coneernedlchat the under. signed has been duly appointed as executor of tlie last. will an testament of O. L. Cram, deceased, 'and letters testamentarv have been i3iued to hun lip the county court of Uentou county, Ureeon; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate are herer-y re quired to prosent the same duly verified vith pr"per,Y.oni-tier3 to hun at thu law of fice of J. E. Bryson at Corvallia, Oregon within six months from this date. ; Dated May 5th, 1393. James IT. Ckatn. - Executor of the last, will and testa meut of G. L. Crain, deceased. NOTICE TO MDDEUS. NOTICE c ; To the dwellers in the ffltu of Corvalli You are hereby notified that the alley nd streets abutting upon y on lr.' property, "! your back yards, must, be foithwitlr cleaned of trash aud refuse matter . deletere ous to health. . By a failure to .perform yonr duty in this respect yon will incur extra expense. J. 11. hCRAFFORD, ..... i Sealed bids will lie received up to June 1st, 1893. at the office of the clerk of school district No. 0, for sixty cords of sound red fir wood, split, fully four feet long, ranging from two to eight inches iu diameter: same to be delivered on public school block. Cor- I .. iiilia, ou or before tbe 1st day of August, 1S33. E. H. Taylor, ; - " ' ' District Clerk. Corvauis, Or., May 9th;'93. NOtlCE FOIL PUBLICATION.- Land Office at Oreoos Citt, Orr. April 5th, 1893. NOTICE IS -HEREBY iilVEN ,THA the followiug-named s-ettler has rilfd notice of his intention' to make final proof in sup port of his claim, -and that said proof will b made before the county clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Ore., on May 22nd, 1893, viz: Hermann Keitert tin entry jt. 7178 for the nj of nej and ej of nwj ec. 7 t 10, 8 r 6 w. - lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reoitieooe un ana cultiyatioti of, Baid land, viz: Barney Cdy, Dil'ard Price, Wilson Bump, Jacob Kinsey, All of Kiugs V alley, Bentou cnun.y, Oregon. . J. T. Appbrson, Kegister. FARM FOR SALE. ' ' Containing' 300 acres all told; 150 acres under cultivation and balance good pasture aud brush land; good house, barn and im provements, with a good 01 chard and tho best of water; 12 miles from Corvaliin atiti 5 miles from Philomath. Will be t,ol.l in a body or divided. Price $15 per acre. En quire at Gazette office. PURE Jersey Milk. IS. E. A BEACH. On and After May 1, 18fS. WIf.L HUN A Mil.K WAOONT AND DICLIVER Pure Jerxey Milk to any part- vt t!i. city in quantities to suit. Will omieavor to lurnish extra iiilk aud C'rea:n when desire:l. Leave Order, at Gazette Ofllcfi. I , . t- . i i 'hiah" in all that coes to make gen- suiijeei oi leinpeiam; uenvoreu u,., tlemen, as any of their more Word, llble champion of the cause. The work but. ofttimes. more selfish townsmen. was aone tor lur. vvra. uyer, wno w... 7 1 . . 4 . . r nr-. To the anniversary ' of the' Coffee otLer the pbmruiet tor sale. air. uyer Club; just passed, a few, .perSaps Half is now depending on his own resources ' A,.. fln,.n. oi-a im-lti m anu lie nones 10 ue auie w supiwn been a SUCCESSION OF SUK- FIIISES to their pleased custom ers. 'Ti3 said that "wonders never cease" and vou will think so i after reading our price list. THE LIST. tend. Of the Hook and Ladder com pany there, was -no lack of disappointed firemen without invitations; of course they could not go. There was a pain ful searcitv of H & L boys present. It is not encouraging to""a fireman to find himself in part from the sale of this work. " ' R. L. Taylor, . propiretor of . the "kittle .Band Box ' barber ; shop, has people of the whole world seemed to hig st-if sacrifice unappreciated by those 1 for whom he labors. This, ho-vever, ought not to be the case for it is only an exemplification of human nature in one of its most common and most des picable, because selfish, forms. To single out a few favored members of the department-' and slight the rest, might justly call forth the indignation of the members of the department. It have been all pupils of the Corvallis public school.; A dialogue entitled i 'The Bargain Hauter, between Wal ter Cummings and Clara Smith cme next and was ; well carried out The next was a well rendered instrumental solo bv Bessie D?tesnidii. This was James Fyle3 Pearline i-lb pkg, each. ? Axle grease, per box Dr Price's baking powder, 1 lb. can, I O .1 1, , .. pmchnsed J, C. Moore's Palace shav- mil,Vlrtl'7ls l WA - i .NnuMin .-t ri'ira in ' ing parlors and bath rooms, and taken , ' ' , , , , charge of the same. Mr. Mocre, Extra qu:llily roll oats per lb. nowevcr, retains one oi tne cnairs anu 17 yS granulated sugar willcontinua with Mr. Taylor during the. summer. Both gentlemen are veteran manipulators of keen steel and they have enjoyed a good trade. They hope to increase the business under the cew arrangement. IS " extra O 20 " No. 1 Island rice, 25 ". beans, 4 papers Arbuckle s couee, 2 cans choice corn, Choice tomatoes per can, Japan tea per lb., 10 10' 40 CO 25 25 05 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 25 10 25 Fool With Fakes! ' If yourself or friends wish to be enred of Liquor, Opium, Eorphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the Genuine Keeley' Treatment, which is ' the only. saf-, reiiahle and perminnt cin e in exist-; ence. Genuine Keeley Institutes, with most favora ble surroundings, at Forest Grove and Roseburg, Write for Particulars. Correaimndcnce Confidential. Nine girls of the Monmouth public is only justice to those firemen who sci,00i piaved a game of ball with nine were invited, and learned that the rest ,oys 0f tafc inititution last Saturday iaQ chocolate per lb. Price's or Pioneer bak. powder, 21 lb. cans, each Matches, 2 pkgs. for INGOIIPORATED 1851. X DEATH OF JESSE B. HUFFMAN. of the boys had been slighted, to say that they" did "not attend the "social event." The firemen will stick .-to irether and thev are risrht about it. A slight to one fireman, as such, is an in sult to all. It ought to be, and is so considered by all of them. Tho Fire and beat them. Eoth sides were Star or Climax T)lu. 1 - 1 neatly uniformed, the girls in white I A. & H. soda, '4 lb. pkgs., waists and black skirts to the knees, Clothes pins, 4 doz:, the bovs in white and blue. The Pie IrmLs, 8 cans, cl.eers from the crowd in behalf of the Box soap.20 bar., feminine team, '.'rattled" the bovs, raisins. 1 001 05 25 45 25 10 1 00 1 00 75 "251 25 Jfrsachusctta has the B&t insurance Law in tho United OvUUs. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Everv Policy Guaran- ifIssues the most Liberal Policv of anvconiDanr. Insurance yearn. alter two Cash dividends paid All oi her articles at equally low other tuijou scetuis. l3fnr hiirlov 4-lbs ...i f 1 .1.- i I """-j wnu were aneuu uiuu Hie ia.-si inu Tonmon A ti Department is not an exclusive affair. hne, an(i they succeeded in scoring oa . ' i . f; 2 I lunnn I. a nnoh R-nFOI. I t Tl11 A .1 MCA I T. 1 ' '3 . 1, I' ll L 1 . . . . I ' Julius wic io it.Uivi v.w.v .ov. ils oiiiect uoes ikji can lor iiiai. sun one more run tlian tne Doys. ine llii.lfiitnn rr Ihm nrv. lift! hpftn m la ! I r c . ,.u. r. , Ti- mt . no-icmnu !o I o oc-r..:. r ii... -rjt ui luuuaijucoo. ii "y score Stood lO Oti ill idvui oi wiei wr .,i,o mg health caused from affections of find Wltlin lls membership elements fair sex. ' ' . Li n., i,;.ff;L,a tne neait. was more inan ou wi)lc, individual members ot a - eoBce good class of -oods at prices above years ot age and it is not surprising clllb migilt not ,nvite to their homes. Childr8n CfV fof Pitchers Castorla. named vou will '-only serve your- thathis vitality should begin ' rapidly The probabilities 'are they "(the bstra- , .1. : self bv buyinzof ns, as by so doing to grow feeble. Ou Monday he was J c:se(j firemen do not want such invi- ,. r, .i ,rt'u we will be able io continue these feeliiiir stronsrer thin usual, and after i.; ,u nnt wt iht Imi t a t.-..; ;..i, rates. JNoW'iS the time to lay in ST"Seethat3Tour Policy has CASH AND PAID UP VALUES I gS"-Guaraneed Each Year. AND TAKE NO OTHER I Write me for particulars. H. C. CGi-TON, Con. Agt.,242 Stark St., Or m. s. wo dcock, Portland, Or. First National Bank, Corvallis. dinner took a scythe and did a little tlat does not rejeive one branch of n I the.cheapest and best place in town. . ...I- '.1.1 . mowiug about ths nonse witnotu department, whose object is the same, bringing about any. unfavorable symp- from showing proper courtesy towards tons. 'He ate supper with usual relish other branches of the same department. but shortly afterwaid was suddenly Another thing .undesirable social ele ments never so where thev are not wanted. The. chilling atmosphere is a guarantee of immunity from wnwel come guests fully as sufficient as anv A physician was sent for but coffee ciub could desire. All men the messenger was scarcely away from I fi.-pmpn havp a little wide and I him perfectly honorable in all business n,.,;Uc lfnr TTnH Jc0' Sr.;..;k . - , - i. i , ... transactions and financially able to caify " 1 certainly enougn 10 kckjj umu mui- i out any obligations maile by tlieir firm. had taken flight. He had died ot neu- vidually away from a circle where I West & Truss, Wholesale Dmggists, . . i. .1 . I - .... I leilo. Ohio. . raigia oi me nean. J their presence is not desired, lhe Waldine. Kmnan & Marvin, Wholesale, In accordance with the expressed I tn l.- nnn(rr9r.nltrl in Drncsrists, Toledo;' Obu. wis.ic wi .uiUU, having scorea a complete social success actiE directly upon the blood and mncuons- .tending his funeral was as simple "S on the credit of the fire department, turfaeea of the system. Price, 75e. per b.ts t 1 mi . 1 .1 . .- . . .1 SIC. OU1U UV I1 lIULKWW. iWJUlll.wuiWJO th siezed with pain and it became difficult for him to breathe. Members of the household hastened to his relief, and he said, "I am afraid it's something bad." FOR SALE. A fine 5 acre tract facing Collecre Avenue, at a resonable .figure. Apply at tins olhce. HOW'S TI1IS. We offer One H ri mired Dollars Reward for anv case of . Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Core. ' ' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O, - . We the , uiideroicnedvanwiiol'. ek. h Cheney for the last 15 years, , and believe your spring: goods at THE BUSY, BIG STORE. THIS 13 01" IXTEHEST TO 1 YOU. ';, A-LIFE-SIZE JSavin purchased tlie tetoclt oi groceries, Crockery and Ulassware oi Ji I II r I t- a . -n , -Tool wifh tlio T3eorle oi I - ' 4i, vlluiinn. -i-vl rT'TTl t ms vininiiv uuoii uio iuuuvuib ABSOLUT ELY Jr nnj.f Vnn ran send us a Dhotosrranh or tm-type of your self or any meitiDer oi your iamny, living or urau, and we will make from same an enlarged portrait Rexford cemetery on the south Ljer whose elegant hall they occu- branch of Mary's river and laid beside and to the great defecation of the those of his life's companion who had preceded him eight years.1 Mr. Huffman- had long since ' selected this locality, known as Pleasant valley, as his last resting place, Jesse Huffman was born in Cumber land county, Ky., November 21, 1812, HERE IS SOMETHING. FOR YOUK ' RHEUMATIC FRIENDS. If any .of yonr friends are troubled with rheumatism nave inem reau iuis. Lynchburg, Va., April 18, 1893.' In yearly life he went to Missouri social way and that their proper sphere where he grew to manhood and married, is in ; tho "sand lot while Adonis, plains social Adonis without enough firemen present to lead one to imagine there was a fire department in the city. It inust alsc be exhilerating to the mem bers of the department, and esoec-I tism of two years standing. One bottle did ially the Hook & Ladder boys, to - ; fc Wa nVi!. now alize that they qon t nil tne bill in a recorameuds Paiu Ualm to ail nia tncnos. -. , : . . V. HELBIG. Fifty cent bottles for sale by T, Graham The portrait is 14x17 inches, the frame is 24x28 in- cnet. t incnes wme, maio ..u ... cream and gold, highlr-ornamrnted. Besidesthis, y cm-can make . gjSOO aSVIonth SeJSing :Tli9 ' World's Columbian Edition . ; AND CHICAGO GUIDE. Millions of copies will be sold. It contains all the particulars of the fair as 'it will appear when com pleted. S00 larjre pas; 40,000 worth of -illustrations in water enl-wtf aiid wood.-' In addition to these superb views .are many magnificent photo- tfrnpnic scenes oi me i'im r (n nu vjuiu. Tim material In this book is official. The information is furnished by the Bureau of Pnb i nill'inrar,tiuniiftlie WorW'n Fair. . . ... . i . .1 nt Kach suDscnoerwni reacive wis k'u-"'c, m I will not be Undersold; Everything in Stock First-class and Fresh; I shall deal on the square in all cas a; Call and examine my Steele and Prices, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED CUSTOMERS FOR 30 DAYS. Iu 1847 he crossed the plains to Oregon and was the captain of liia company. He took a donation claim near Aurora, Marion county where he lived happily and contentedly for many -years. Coming - to Benton county in 1865L he settled on ' the' south ranchl of Mary's : riverj and en gaged, in. saw-niilling. . He was occu pid in-this - business until about 1877 when ho came .. to CorvaUis to reside. Ninecbidren to lijs house hold, only two of whom survive him. j. p; Huffinan and Mrs.' --'TannidlifTe, both of this county. Any eulogy of Mr. : Huffman is un necessary as he was well known, to possess all , the attributes of a good citizen. -"" ' who never , touched a brake, or spoiled a polish, luxuriously enjoys the fruits of their : (the tremen s) de votion: and complacently remarks I "aw, yaasthe fireman's a fine fellow, Hon ciia nowi in an piace. Decidedly the, firemen are ."not in. it? '' iifi'-: V -OHSEftVER. . ' I desire to sav that Cliamberlain's Pain Bus, Eye View tUe grid's Kair buiidin Tt,lTi hna cnn'H nnn f.f ou I" citizens rheuma- I a. .b i. ,- AhA .i7A 9iv9n r - - -- . i wnai uuiuui. uc tiiidftuw-u " His WoiftisflB ofSallars to Yen, iiiriiiHITIinil To act as our asrent for WUWntit i our locality We will pay iJl SSHll I UU vou liberally, we will pay . . . . freicht efasnces OB orders. We will allow vou more premiums than any other Uruiifcist. .... , : .... ... .. ( I house in tha country., j-.uaer. sex, . youiiB or uiu, - v - I . . . 1 T ...... mnmqbli niniliV fiaoilv wirn ii. u 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . rAuciKiiu.. .... . u. nw .......... - - - i and rapktlv working tor ua. The Guide i sweeping The plant of the Novelty printing .rooms I everything before it 'Blir monej' for you. iTo:day has been ' removed to- the Gazette, which rtieniirT., d send 75 cents for oii-oc thiinffioiinHViit'ionBl facilities for dome I enmnletecanvassinsroutGt. . Address sole manulact- job printing. Mr. .Flett, the former pro prietor of the. Novelty, is now employed at this office, nnd bis patrons will be pleased to know that his services . are still available. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. '' Used in Millions of Homes 40 Ycjts the Staadard. arers. PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO., 1336 Market St., San Francisco, Cal, CASKEY.& OTTERSTEDT, BlacksriiitMng, Horse-Sfebeipg, , And . Wagon-Making, ' . KNIGilT's - OLD STAKD, '" COflVALLIS, ' - : - ; : -' ' f "OREGON. All work Jn 'the linle ' -dotoe tiromptly and satisfaction (jqara-ntee. .., t ';-,. " ' ' .''...!. ,.t, 1 f;GETRlG. ; t- . f Papa, if you.want your little boy ; , To have his heart just full of-Joy, ' ' . i Give to him five cents of ten, ' ' ' ' Se he can buy- a .CENTRIOrPENV', r J ; : For sale at,1jhe Gazette stationery store. F. L.1 MILLER, THE POPULAR 6L0TIER and FURNISHER, ? ". . . - .- Has riaced on Sale The Best $ 10 AH-Wool Suits evw- Oirert d in Corvallis. ' . . . V : We, do -not s:-v e.have'roarked,hese gwcls down, norre?!- - : ing them at iosl;;but we do sar tljt we have bee.i? . ;.: ' purchase, to give the public the best well and '! Q ; r-..j nll ce'e rliPtn whether vou lu "f gar u ..ever oiieiea. , v. - . v. J v - "uryoriiaiM??? ft" ' " Shoes a Specialty. '- " ' : ' I . ", i r- f,,;-( . ,, . v . ,, Clothier and Funiisher. Oppobiie C tj;a ine .'.tu'l- v.-ivr' h-4 -.' toryV.Oorvallis3)regon. , 4 - 'v t . '