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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, i0. for Infants and Children Castoria, is to well adapted to children that t recommend itaa superior to any prescription kasrwa to me." H. A. Abchkb, H. D., 1U So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "the use of 'Castorta is so universal and ' tta merits so well known that it seems a .work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the tateuigent families who do not keep Castoria withit easy reach." CAJtLOS KiRTYX, D. D., New York City, taee Pastor Bioomlngdalo Baformed Church. In Cbktaus YAQUINA BAT I, LC'i m a StSSSli mmmim ""-a t I Water Front Business Lots, Residence Lots overlooking the grand Pacific Ocean, II fjWPJHT; OR OTS IN H NY DF THE flPDITIONS To Yaquina City, or Tracts of from 1 to 5 acres on or near the Bay Also several small improved farms where vegetables grow fresh and green 12 months of the year if given half the care required in any other state in the Union, at prices that will " ASTONISH THE NATIVES !' All those wishing to dispose of Iheir property can't put it in better hands than ours. Those wishing to invest will make money by call ng oi or addressing JAMES ROBEUTS CKN & CO, NEWPORT. Benton County. OREGON. - . . . REE us lae in California arc waitiuy to be taken up in the bcautiiul 'I loiiev u 7 '-r 5 nrc- Lake Ccuniy. Cal VS Under the Extensive Irrigation 8ytm of th Hf-ny L-?ke -Valley Land and Water Or. I (EXPLANATION m m I i .,vHE HEAUT1KUI. HON FY LAKE VAIXF.Y CONTAINS A V Mrgr arr4 01 nnc, level, loam i-.u , ii ic.u jr i ure iji"". 4 . "r:1"' rouniiot unii snchcrvd uy m uutai-i-, ard has a fin--, mild climate 2t fL 1h! ytar aruuuJ. Honey l.ak . is a h-dy ul frcsli wa!r covering one jj. humlrcd square miles. The N . C. . llailruad has recenlly be n buill i"lo ih Va l-.y. and the Great Salt Lake toad ihrough Beck lih Pss n il! alo jfi aoss it. 'l'lic land it easily cultivated and produces extia l-irpe crops X wli'ai, oan, ba.Iey, horK., cum. alfdlfn. ves- laliles, nuit r.i.d i'tk. W. od jj. a-.d atcr aie plentiful and lumlier cheap. The land can be tal.en up will.- jj. ou: r-sidence umler the Deairt Act, iu trac'. uf 40 to tao ac:e. ky a aian jr J( ur w--man, mnni'd or single. -Sr r We are Luildinn a la. ge Water System f.-r the irrigation of this land X, We want to get castom :i s I jr t he water w e will have sell, so s'll hlp X jo.i to get a piece of it. 'I n- ltid wti! cost yow $ a? acre to ihe (v- if )f en mei.r. 25 cents down, nnd $1 ovi in f.ur yi rs. 'J he Water (.t perpetual JfL ti:;hi and iippl I, eot Ji an acie H tht Cc-mpany: $1.75 down if jf and $5 00 wii delivery to the land for its itristi'.-n. All l..iid office business J. ye is attended to for cuNt.raicrs by us iihrait extra charge, and the filings jf. under die leiert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a waitr supply before rh-y will be accepted H HJNfcV LAKE CnY. the town we are es.iai;!ShtPB, rders good chances for the establishment of new businesses, is well worth in- if. vestigating.- 2 THCSC LANDS CAN BC i gTAKEN up without, residence! Under the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator Jf i as well as the houicseeker. EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD WAGES l; For Men sad Teams on the construction work, if you desire to make a jm home there $ i V. REMEMBER that these Lands are level, all ready for the plow, with rich soil, on railroad now built, and on line of another, building. Fuel is M$free, lumber cheap, and water p:entiful. Good local as well as outside i4 ""fa diately productive. . ' Tl. irrioritmn nf thA t Send 4 cents in stamps Honey Lake Valley FRED W. LAKE, Secretary S Office, 6 Flood Building, 1 it rt-m&rrr at rvrinwcTOivrQ AT REDUCED BATES ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Castoria cures Cone, OorwtipaMoa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. EruclatkA, . . Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes S- "Witfiout injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue . do so as it has invariably produced benaflwai results." Sdwix F. Pabds. H. Dn "The Winthrop," 126U Street and Tth Ave, NjwTorkCitJ. Compajty, TT Motmay Stixr, Haw Tom. i, M A, . kf M H -dV . X -a is n GOVliRNM ENT & LHNDSH . AM A- M iiieyii ; - v - i ? J.. . s -i -! ' - InnAa nic9 thpm immfnselv ana imme- rv ' for full information to Land & Water Co. g SAN FRANCISCO, GAL -ft MISSIONARY MACKLI1TS IDEAS. M. Macltlih, M. D., a missionary of the Christian rhurch, who lias resided nine years at Nankin, Chi na, was at the St; Charles yester day says the Oregoniart of May 26tlK In discussing ihe probable amtuue or tne uninese arovern- ment in regard to the Geary law. Dr. Macklin said in part: "It is my opinion that the Chi nese government will not retaliate upon the American missionaries because a mere handful of its own people are to be thrown out of Ihe United States. Why, 100,000 people are not a drop in the bucket in one of China's big cities, and if they were wiped out of existence instead of being seut back, I don't think the goernment would raise a finger in retaliation. There is no such thing as public opinion in China. The newspapers of the empire have a very limited in fluence, and even if they were dis posed to stir up a bad feeling against the white residents, they would find it a very difficult mat ter. But the newpapers will never make trouble, because they are all under foreign management. A newspaper controlled by natives never proves a success, for it is al ways sure to get into trouble with some powerful government official, and the government steps in and squelches it. But when a journal is conducted by a foreigner, that is another matter, and the government dares not interfere. News travels slowly in China. At the present time probably no one outside of the leading members of the ruling class knows thai such an act as the Geary law is in existence, and it would be a useless under taking to attempt to explain its meaning to the majority of the Chinese. To them it would sim ply be incomprehensible. If the government should think it best to create dissatisfaction among its subjects, the Geary law and its measures would never be men tioned. It would simply prey up on the superstitious minds of the poor heathen by hanging up huge posters declaring that the white men were conjurers who produced evil spirits. It would hang up in conspicuous places pictures of white doctors tearing out the hearts of Chinamen by means of porous plasters, or cutting off heads and imbs with huge knives, saws and axes. ine uninese riots wincn created so much consternation some years ago were brought about in this manner, and then the gov ernment was eight long months exciting the natives. 'Despite the adverse legislation of the United'LStates in regard to the Chinese, they have far more respect lor the Americans than for any other nation on earth. Amer icans can travel almost anywhere in China and be treated with re spect, for his nation is feared as the greatest on. earth, and because its missionaries have done so much for the people. 'You can say that when I left Nankin, nearly a month ago, there did not appear to be the slightest feeling in that city to cause appre hension on the part of Americans who have f riends in China." The business world was startled last week by the news that ex Secretary of the Treasury Chas.Fos- ter had failed and turned his finan cial interests over to an assignee, The failure is due to the fact that Foster had been a heavy endorser of large establishments which re cently assigned. His endorsements aggregate $300,000. and the strin gency of the money market caused the banks to request payment ot the notes. It is conceded his gen erosity and public spirit has been the indirect cause of his financial downfall, as he was ever ready to lend a helping hand. The month of June bids fair to be a prosperous month for the lair. From the number ot societies and organizations that have announced in advance their intention of visit ing llie fair during that month, it is estimated the daily attendance Will be enormously increased There are to be a number of spec ial days selected for some particu lar observance by the different nationalities and societies, and each of these will bring crowds. HUGH McKENZIE. (Contributed.) "Vo&t bid Mack!" This is the way one spoke and thought of Hugh McKenzie. But he was not old, notwithstanding a bowed back and a half totter in his gait He was only thirty-ninein what ought to have been his prime. Born of hardy, Highland stock in the north of ..Scotland; he was .a giant in muscular strength, with a heart as tender as a woman's; and a sense of honor as true as steel. Hugh McKenzie served eleven years in Highland regi ments. There the soldier's enemy pursued him--an enemy greater than the foe in time of battle. Kind friends sought to watch over him. Some letters, laid away among his few treasures, followed him after leaving the damp near Dublin. I knovvs. my dear friend, that temptations will surround you as have beset you so much of late, but Christ the good shepherd stands over and ready to protect you, if you will but give yourself up to his care and protection. In yourself you are weak, but He can make you strong." Could this lady in Ireland, a well known friend to the soldier, have foreseen poor Mack's after history, how bitterly 6he would have mourned; how bitterly we all (who have known the kindli ness of his heart) grieve, that a Christian community makes it im possible by its license-laws, that such as he, with the drink- crave fastened upon him, could do otherwise than fall prematurely into the sad grave that whiskey digs. L. Since Jan. 1st $60,000,000 in gold have been exported to Eu rope, and the export movement, instead of abating, seems to have received a fresh impetus. Most of this gold was taken from the United States treasury, and prac- Itically all that is now exported comes from the same source. In that time the treasury department has sustained a net loss of $25,- 354,243, the net total gold in the treasury Jan. 1st, 1893 having been $121,266,662, while on Mon day it was only $95,912,419. The gold engaged for shipment Tues day and Wednesday would leave t about $93,000,000. the lowest figure reached since the resump tion of specie payments. In ad dition, there are reports that more will go out next Saturday, suffici ent, it is said, to reduce the) gold loldings to $90,000,000. Despite these heavy shipments, the treas ury officials express the greatest confidence in the ability of the treasury to restore the gold balance. Fixed just right Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, by Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. They do it in just the right way, too by using .Nature's own methods. That's why they're better tnan tne oreaoiui. old-fashioned pills, with their griping and violence. But they're better in every way. In size, for instance, and dose. They're the smallest and the easiest to take ; otuv one uitie .renei is needed for a laxative three for a cathar tic They cleanse and regulate tne system t but It's acme easuy ana nat urally. Sick and Bilious Headache, Uonsti- lUon, inaigesnon, cinous Aitacim, ana aix ran cements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're the cheapest pill you can Duy, lor they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. iuu yay uiujr im value received. .... Something else, that pays tne dealer better, may be offered as "just as good." Perhaps it is, for him, but it cant be, for yow. HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that - cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. (JHKISKx JOM Props. Toledo, O, We the undersigued . lave known F. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wests Truax, VV holesale Urugrnsts. ledo, Ohio. YY aiding. Kinnan & Mamn, Wholesale. Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hal Is Uatarrh Unre is taken internally. acting directly npon the blood and mucuouB- turfaces of the system. Price. i5e. per Dots sle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials tree. WORLD'S FAIR TRAVELERS WILL HAVE IT. The public demand through service when traveling. It is old-fashioned to change cars. Un the tnrongn solia vestbuled trains of the Chicago, Union Facitic ami North western line, from nr to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, there is no ct.ange. This the finest and fastest road. ' HERE IS SOMETHING FOR YOUR RHEUMATIC FRIEXD3. If any of your friends are troubled with rheumatism harp them read this. Lynchburg, Va., April 18, 1893. I desire to say that Chamberlain's Pain Balm has cored one of our citizens rheuma tism of two years standing. One bottle did the work. This gentleman, Mr. R. H . Par. nel), ticket agent of the C. & O. R. R., now recommends Pain Balm to all his friends." F. C. HELBid. Fifty cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, druggist. A Practical tllunti-aUoiu tTncie Silas was the best posted m&A bn general topics in the Villagei and a hunter of renown as well. He also had a virago for a wife. Dear, dear; What a temper that woman had! .. She was the only thing on earth of which Uncle Silas was afraid; One day a class of schooi children called on the old man. They were sent by their teacher to. get some facts in natural history; "We've come," said the spokesman or the class, "to ask you somd questions Uncle Silas, about the habits and cus toms of the wildcat;' Uncle Silas had been very glad to see them; as the broad smile on his face testified; But now he looked very much alarmed. "H-u-s-hr he said, with a cautious gesture; "who on arth sent, ye here on such a' errand?" "Miss Knowles, our teacher," said the class in concert. "Waal, she oughter know better. I ain't never hed anythin to say about them thar critters sence oh, Lordy, thar she comes!" And Uncle Silas lit out as a tall wom an armed with a broom lit in. "Think ye'r smart, do ye?" she scream ed. "Wanter know about wildcats, hey? Got up a joke on the ole man, but Til teach ye to joke on fac's. Take that home fof yer pains." Whack, whack, went the broom, and it did not fail in its aim, as two of the boys who were the last to get out could easily prove. Detroit Free Press. Mots.t C0cts.,and $L00 per Cures Coughs, Hoarseness, More Throat, Cronp promptly; rel te ves Whooping Caugk and AUmia. For Conaosnpiioa tt has Bo rival; has enrod thousaatls where all othass failed; will CURB totj If taken In time. Bold by Dni(fgT3t on a tniaran tec. Far Lame Back or Chesty use BHILPH'B yiVAsigB. asota. SEiLOH'SpATAT.RH teed to cure you. Price Wets, injector irea. For sale by T. Graham. nave you uat mil Catarrh This nmuilv im miaMn- Practical Watchmaker. Dr. J. M. Campbell, Corvallis, - Oregon. Office over First National Bank. If. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. iSTPocs a general t ractice in all the courts. A1k rent lor all the first-class insurance companies. 2:1 bee) Readihg) Rooia i) Main St., Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet room. Good Books. Current Pa pers and Periodicals. The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W. C T. U. sSrl'urnished rooms (up stairs) ttr rent. DR. DU MONT'S FEMALE , REGULATING PILLS are always safe and reliable. 12,0u0 testi monials from all over-the world. Beware of danger ous substitutes and imitations Price 03. 00 per a ! -asre. bent by mail securely sealed from observatior . Addrens Lr. R. UuMont, 03 S. ITalsted St. ,, Chicago, 11L, U. S. A. BO WEN LESTER DENTIST. Office upstairs in Farra's Brick. Strictly First-class work guaranteed. Corvallis. - - Oregon. "It is worth the price to every person who even reads a newspaper." Darlington Jour nal. THE JOURNAL REFERS TO BY A Pocket Primer for the use of Reporters, Cofresnondents and Conv Choppers. Short, simple and practical rules for makinsr and etiitinar newspaper copy. and of equal value to all who wish to write correct English. Sent on receipt of price. Price. 10 cents per copy. ALLAN FORM' AN, Publisher, 117 IN assau btrect, JN ew X ork. HL Gr. DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, CORVALLIS, t f OKEOOR. . Legal business promptly attended to In any part of tne state. Office in PostofQca Block. B. S MARTIN, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Especial attention given to collections of xfiess it it n SM I LADIES ONLY. every description. -OFFICE IN ZIEROLF'S BLOCK, C Corvallis, : ; Oregon. A new and Complete Trea: consisting of Stop positories, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills ; a positive cure for External, Internal, Blind Or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent br Hereditary Piles and many other diseases and female weaknesses ; it is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This Kcniedv has never been known to fail. SI per box, 6 for S5 ; Bent by mail. Why suffer from this terrble diseiSe when a written srtlarantee is civen with 6 boxes tore fund the money if not cored. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by Woodard, Clarke & Co., Wholesale and Retail Drujirists, Sole ArenU, Portland, Oregon. For sale by Allen 4 Woodward id by Graham & Wortham, Corvallis, Oregon. VAE PORTLAND SAVIHGS3AHX OF PORTLAND, OUliUOS. Paid up capital : : . : C2M0C . CO, COC Surplus and piotita Interest allowed ou saviocs deposit at On ordinary saving books. On term saving: buokg , A p-r cnit per aimnm . .0 pvr cent jcr annum tin certificates of deposit: For tureo inniiibd . 4 per cent scr annum . 6 per cent ier annurr. . .A tier cent per annual For six months Fur twelve month?... r HA i K DhhtiM, Frrviilci.t. D. f. - HitMI'SON', Vicu I'rcs.dunt U. O. STlt.Vn'O.S, Ca? l.icr. . la. Taylor, "rnoPRiEToit or tub a' little Band Box Barb Shop, Corvallis, Oregon. (SjTSliaving, l'a'r cutting, dressing ding, and shampooing. DISSOLUTION OP CO-PARTNEPvSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between H. W. Hall and August Seholeman, doing busi ness under the name of Schoe!man & Hall, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Au gust Sell oel man retiring from business. The business will hereafter be conducted at the old stand by H. VV. Hall, who is authorized to collect all outstanding ac counts and assume all liabilities. AUOOST SCHOKLMAN. H. W. Hall. Dated, March, 20, 1893. In retirine from the late firm of School man & Hall I desire to return my sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patron age bestowed upon na in the past, and to bespeak for my successor a continuance oi the aame. August Schoelman LEGTRIG BELT LATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTRO BEST IMPROVEMENTS. MACNETIC SUSPENSORY. Will euro Withoat Ucdiela all 1fh" malting from overtaxation of brain, n.rvo forew,xeHMortnAl,retUa, at lexu&l oxbauatioo, drain.,, Dervoui debility, eleep., laefuor,, kidney, liver and bladder emp!.lnt, lame baek, lumbago, iclatlea, general ill-healla, ete. ThU eleetrte belt eonUlae Woederral I".rrwm. over all others, and given a current that is ln.tantly felt by the weerer or we forfeit 5,U0O, and will earn all of the abovo or no ay. Tbouaands have been eured by thle mar veloua Invention after all other remediee failed, and we give hundreds of testimonial. In this and every other .tato. Oarnewerfal ISHROVKD KLKtiait: Sl'SI-iNSORT, the greateatboon ever offered weakmen.rRKI WITH ALL RKLTS Health and vlgoron. .trength UtABAITKKDinSO to Daye, Send for illutrated Famphleta, nulled, aealed, free. Addreee tSAIS'XSXlZr JBIiBOTRIO CO., Ho. 178 First St., PORTLAND. ORE. HOME INDUSTRY! Pine Buggies and Carriages. will amply pay anyone for their time to go to THE CORVALLIS ARE1AGE & WAGON CO.'S FACTORY And see their larire and extens:ve factory at Cor vallis. Oreiron. where vou can buy BCUOIK8. CAR RIAGES AND SPRING WAGONS which, with proper care, will last a life-time. They are made ol trie nnest econd-crrowth timber and the best of ether material hp that factory, where each niece of material is taken irom tne rouirn anu snapea in tins laciurj uy luiKiuu- erv desined for the purpose, tach vehicle is nneiy pain to 1 in the most eleitant ntyle. Alt. .Iom arr Made aso Pt'T Tooethbr is Dry Si'K ii Weathkr when the timber is thoroughly dry w iich is not done with Eastern jobs, as most Eastern riirs shipped to thi country are built in winter and eirlv spring when the weather is damp. The beauty of all these lobs is that thev are all FULLY WAR RANTED and sold at sucn KKASUiN ACL,r. raiuns at there is no excuse for anyone to but a homi-mauensf. C 6IYEH I AVftY Q "THE CELEBRATED Band, Mally & Coai UNIVERSAL ATALS. The Latest, 3kdL"ost Reliable, HVtost Complete ATLAS Published in the United States. Fof particulars uddress .STEVENSON, Gen. Agt. Pacific Coast, Local agents wanted. CorvaLLIS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted ror sioderat rest. Our Ofllc is Opposite U. S. fatRt Offic. and we can secure patent in less time than tnosi Send model, drawing or photo with flpsntp- lion. We aavise, 11 paieniaoio or dui, ireo ui charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of act rial clients ia your State, county, of town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. S- Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. 0 Mil i I ' I TO V ft V M II ' il ssa TRADE MARK&, riairtrftwA- DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. et 1 r "Tr"S!P SPiSCS? SSI JIUllAl C W Wst SBUAUW4I HlnV K Q ttdest bureau for eourtag pateifc tn tnitWini the public by a notice given Iroe ot oharg sa So4 err patent taken out by na Is broticht besot largest circulation of any solontulo paper ta world. Splendidly illustrated. Go lutelD man should be without It. Weekly rears 1 1.50 six months. Address MUNH A CO, frum.tHiittBS. Ufll Broadway. Mew York OUj. EAST BD SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUT OF THE Soixthern Pacific Companyi Express Trains Leave Portland Dally. SOUTH. Lr Portlard T:00p. m. Lv Albary 10:2:1 p. m. wbhTif. Lv SnnKrisco....f:00pn1 Lv Albany 4:23 atU Ar Phftland 7:3&ats Ar Man Krisco :la.m. Above trains stop onlv at followinir stations norst! of Koseburi;, Hast Portland, Orepon City, ffoni' burn, Salem, Albany, Tanjrent, Shcdds, Ilalsey, liar risburfc', Junction City, Irving, tugene. BoBebnrg Mail Daily. r Portland 8:30 a. in. 1 Lv Boscbure.. .7:80 a. ft) r Albany 12:45 p. m. Lv Albany 12:80 D. Vt Ar Rosebnrg 6:50 p m Ar Portland 4:80 p. ni Albany? Local Daily Except Sutiday: Portland 5:00 p. .m. I Alhanr 9:00 p. f8 Albany. 6:30 a. ni. Portland ......10:30 lkavk: arrive: Lebanon Branch. 8:10 am... Lv... Albany.. ..Ar.. .35 p rsl 9:00 a m. . Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv. . ,2:9 p n) 1:20 p m..Lv... Albany... .Ar.. 18.21 a at 2:09 a m. . Ar... Lebanon.. .Lv . ..9:30! a ni DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTS.' -Pullman Buffet Sleeperss- SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS, Attached tO all through trains. WsttSUsHvisla. BETWEEN PORTLAKD AND tOKVALUfl. I HI- X 44. UiilTrttL; i: ;Zicopt Ctmdty. tiEAtl. ARRIYR Portland 7:30 a.m. Corvallis 12:10 p. (R Corvallis 12:56 p.m. Portland;..... 6:0p. af At Albany arid Cdrvalli connect witH trains of ttt) Oregon Pacific ltailroad. ExpreM Train. CiUy Except Sulty. LRAVB. AftRltl. Portland.-: 4:40 p.m. McMimiville... 7:25p. ot Mi-Minnviile....5:4.'a. m. Portland 8:20s. a4 THROUGH TICKETS ' To all points in the Eastern States, CanadA and Europe can be obtained nt lowest rate4 from A. K. Milner, agent, Corvallis. E. P ROGERS. Asst. O. K. &P Agent R. KOKI1 LEK Manavsr. Portland, Ortgon. OflLY LINE ETJNNINCt THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland 8:45 A. M. 7:30 P.M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Honrs Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicaffo, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Dining Cars. For rates and general information call on or address! W. H HURLBURT, Asst. GcnL I'ass. l'ass. Agt 264 Washington Street, cor. Third, PORTLAND, OR. THK EBFOof Route, Oregon Pacific Hailroad E. W. Hadley, Receiver, and Oregon Pacific H. R. Co.'s STEAMSHIP LINE. 23S Miles Shorter; 20 Hours Less Hmw than by any other route. First clasa through passenger and freight t line from Portland. Eueene and all points in the Wil lamette valley to and from San Francisco, CaL , TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) ij. Allnw 19-jio n, ta, I Leave Yaxmfna 7 a. ae Leave CoivailiS 1:06 p a, I Leave Corvallis 10:86 " Arrive Yaqnina 4:36 p.- m Arrive Albany 11:18 a. SB . Southern Padftc trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Taqniaa witi the Oreyoti Pacitic R. K. Co.'s line ot steMruhips bs tween VaqUina and San Francisco. From Yaquina. . Steamshio "Willamette Valley," May 20tn, 27th and June Cth. From San Frtn Steamship "Willamette Valley," May lGth, 23d aud June 1st. This Company reserves the right to chance sailing; dats without notice. N, B. Passengers from Portland, En gene and all Willamette Valley points can make close connections with trains, of the! Webfoot ronte at Allmny or Corvallis and if destined to San Francisco, should arrange" to arrive at Yaqnina the evening before date1 of sailing. Passenger and freight rates always th lowest. For information apply to - R. K MULOAH Y, Gen'L Snp't., . Oregon Pacific R. R. Co., Corvallis, Oregon. D It. VAUOMN. On'l. A sent, CaV No. 4 Sea Wall, San f raiiwiteo, W