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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1892)
SIGNS ONTHE BGWEK? WHAT ONE MAY SEE ON NEW YORK'S FAMOUS THOROUGHFARE, he Most D.stlfcffni.bin Feature of a Street TTttat Ha Worldwide Iteputa tloa An Arentre Wherein Are Feood People of AU Nationalities. To those students of human nature "who are quick to see the weak side of wvery character save their own, a trip tip the Bowery and Park row is always fruitful of good results. There are 60 many sights, sounds and scenes novel and interesting in the stirring comedy drama, "Straggle for Bread," that the - student cannot help feeling amused and interested. Then, too, the fact that nearly every one he meets is poorer than himself imparts the zest of complacency to his pilgrimage, and he steps among the hungry and wretched and the happy and careless, keeps his hand on his pock etbook and his eyes on the shifting pano rama of life and makes notes. The signs xe the first things that take the wanderer's eye. lie notes "A RegulaT Dinner for thir teen Cents" and "Two Genuine Import ed Havanas for Five Cents" with inter est. He feels that his barber charges him too much when he sees that he can teceive tonsorial attention here for five cents, with the added luxury of bay rum for ten cents, and that a clean towel is guaranteed with every shave A large and gaudy cartoon extolling the merits of the "Flor de Maggie Clino Cigar" attracts his attention. A small footnote says that it is changed every day, and that while the merits of the cigar will be dwelt lovingly, upon, yet the cartoons will also deal with timely topics. A clothing store near by has a big black signboard stating that this is the headquarters of the "Society for En couraging the Wearing of Clean Shirts," whereof the proprietor is president. He cannot but feel that the society is at once beneficial, salutary and situated in its proper field, Park row. The notice over a dingy doorway that "black eyes will bo made to look natural for ten cents" causes him some vague apprehension, as it is a silent witness that he is in the land of fisticuffs and s eault and battery. But contemplation of the chalk writ ten words that "a Delmonico lunch goes with every glass of beer" gives rise to more kindly feelings, and ha soon for gets his fears. A red nosed man rapping with a rat tan at a large and startling representa tion of "Tho Wonderful Monstrosity, Jumbeto, the Elephant Boy, Half Ele phant, Half Human, Now to Be Seen Alive Inside" holds him awhile. But he feels sure it is a fake and drifts on to the "Auction Sale." A- sharp eyed person in his shirt sleeves is extolling the merits of a solid gold, full jeweled, stem winding, Amer ican movement watch, cased, chased, turned and beveled, going at the ridicu lously low price of four dollars. Cap pers are urging victims to buy, pullers in are bawling the auction to all who pass and the hurdy gurdy behind the dime museum screen tries vainly to drown their cries by its jerky render ing of "Comrades, comrades, ever since we were, boys," while the man at tho (door still raps the counterfeit visage of the elephant boy and cries that the ad mission is but a dime. The crowd thickens; evening comes on. The "oysters and clams one cent" man lights his torch. Chinamen, bloused and pigtailed, heading for Chinatown; Ital ians with pushcarts turning toward the bend, Greeks bound for James street, negroes for South Fifth avenue, Ger mans for Avenue A, Hebrews for El dridge street, all homeward bound, work worn and weary, hurry past. "Beef steak John's" is crowded. TJie fifteen cent lodging houses have each their score of loungers at their dingy portals. It is night. Now the shooting gal leries light up and the "pingl" Vpingt" of the 23-caliber bullets ring down against the sheet iron targets. Men lurk in alleyways and slink out to demand alms. A crowd of roisterers come down arm in arm. They are college boys, down on the Bowery for fan. A one eyed man has song sheets for sale. He cries his wares and sells several copies to the youths. The variety theaters open their doors and the Bowery amusement seeker surges in to see the Irish-American Four and McGiffin and McGufdn, the king pins of song and dance. The German and Hebrew theaters are open, too, and have their crowds also. The Elite Lady orchestra has tuned up in the concert halls, and the Bowery is at its best. The bell at the family resort is clang ing for the first performance, and the ticket seller opens his little window and gets his change ready. The clothing store "barkers" redouble their efforts to catch trade by manual force, and the Bowery roars with sounds of life and trade. Saloons are doing a rushing business now. Sailors, long shoremen, mechanics, all out for drink and recreation, make up the crowd. A new venture, the "two-and-a-half-cent-a-cue" poolroom, has done such good business that rivals have sprang up on every side. Thgse places are all crowded, The frequenters are for the most part evil looking, low browed youths of eighteen or twenty years of age. They crowd the tables and Bow ery argot makes their conversation al most unintelligible to the uninitiated. The notice that "no profane or vulgar language is allowed" seems sarcastic It is as funny in such a place as "Bow ery prices for Broadway goods" is in the Cheap John clothing store. And the student of human nature notes it in nis memory along with the sign .: - . If 1 Rest 1 Rust. : : If I Trust I Bust. : ; No Rest No Rust. : ; No Trust No Bust. : : AU Drinks 6 Cents. i ...X New York World. Blaudyte is the name given to the new inatflrial made of Trinidad asphalt and waste rubber. It resists the beat of high pressure steam and . lasts well in the presence of ou ana grease. - - ' The harbor works in Lisbon are about tn Via abandoned, as far as improvements are concerned, as the contractor finds himself unable to carry on tne worjr. ... A street in Germany, like a portion of an Edinburgh street, has been paved with india rubber. The result is said to be most satisfactory. - . ....... j Not a Nourishing: Diet. An old Scotch servant attached to the household of the famous British logician, Sir William Hamilton, was as proud of his master's fame as if it had been his own, and, having picked up u few of Sir William's technical words and phrases, brought them into play on every possible occasion. One day a gentleman who was fond of drawing out old John for the amuse Went of the company said to him, with an engaging air: "I suppose, John, now that yon'vt lived so long with such a great reasonet as Sir William, yon are quite able to conduct an argument yourself?" "Weel, I winna say sae muckle as that," replied the old Scotchman, with the modesty of true genius, "but if I canna conduct an airgyment, I'm think in I could draw an inference." "Could you? Let us see, then? There's an Eastern proverb, you know, about the wild ass snuffing up the east wind. Now what inference would yon draw from that?" For a moment old John looked non plussed, as well he might, and then a gleam of ely humor twinkled in the cor ner of his dark gray eye', and ho an swered, with a grim chuckle: "A weel, the inferenco that I wad draw from that wad bo that he might snuff a lang time before ho grow fat!" David Ker in Harper's. Folly Saved tbe Valuables. We had moved into a nowly built house, which had all the modern im provements, the electric bell being one of them. It was a cold winter's night. Mr. and Mrs. J. were traveling in Europe and the servants were all gathered about tho kitchen fire. Polly was also near the lire, but in the dining room, which was up stairs. She used to seo our mistress ring the bell for tho servants to enter, and, like a elever bird, studied on this for a long while. On this night Polly was all alone, when suddenly the door opened and two men entered. The room being rim-lr tViA-O' nnl(l nrvr: rpa thn Tmrr" art( began searching for valuables, for they J were burglara. Polly now proved her worth. She put out her claw and pressed tho button of the electric belL , It brought the servants to the dining room, where, after a phort struggle, they secured the burglars, who were about to make way with much of the valuable silver in the dining room. Polly was fed on dainties for some time as a reward for her valuable as sistance. Cor. New York Recorder. An Old Buccaneer. "I recently met a survivor of Pirato Lafitte's band of freebooters," said Thomas Haines, once a lieutenant in the United States navy. "He was a tough looking specimen, and must have been well past eighty years of age, for it is more than sixty years since Lafitte had his headquarters ou Galveston island and preyed upon the commerce of the Gulf. The relic of thoso half forgotten times was an inmate of a Jersey City charitable institution and was not much inclined to discuss bygones. He said, however, that Lafitte was a very hand some Frenchman more than six feet in height, well made and possessed of won derful talents as a commander. He ruled the toughest lot of men ever con gregated on one island as though they were a flock of lamb3. Occasionally a lawless spirit would rebel, however, but his days thenceforth were brief and full of trouble. Every woman who came in contact with Lafitte fell in love with him, and he was as safe among his fe male friends in New Orleans as on Gal veston island surronuded by his armed buccaneers." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Production of Portland Cement. Mr. Giron read before the Engineer's club at Philadelphia a paper on the trade of tho world in Portland cement, in the course of which he Baid that the present annual production in Europe amounts to over 20,000,000 barrels and its commer cial value to over 7.200,000. The first factory was established at Northfleet, on the Thames. The process was so crude that in 1850 only four factories were in operation. In England there is now over 8,300,000 barrels made eacn year. The process is much the same as it was twenty years ago. The raw materials are chalk and clay, both pure, and al though inferior processes are employed they make a satisfactory cement. A few years ago the entire product of the kilns was put on the market; but the fineness of the Continental cements led English makers to improve their pro cesses, although even now English ce ment is not as a rulo as firm as Geneva or French Portland. New York Even ing Sun. Photographic Paper. Photographers were obliged until re cently to import from Germany the pa per used in their work, our own manu facturers being unable to assemble tho necessary conditions of material water and workmanship for the production of paper suitable for silver printing. A process has now been pertectea m this country whereby a very ordinary paper is coated with a thin surface of sulphate of barytes and answers admi rably for photographic use, bringing out in the finished, picture a wealth of de tail formerly unknown in the art, it be ing lost in the texture of the paper em ployed. Engineering Magazine. A Clever Bit of Workmanship, In a museum of curiosities at Salem, Mass., there is preserved a common cherry seed or stone hollowed and fash ioned like a basket. Within the basket are twelve tiny silver spoons, the shape and finish of which cannot be distin guished with the naked eye. The name of the artist who constructed this little wonder has been lost, but the actual ex istence of the thing itself will not be questioned by any one from the old witch headquarters of the Bay State. Chicago Herald. America's First Lighthouse. The first lighthouse built on this con tinent was at St. Augustine, Fla. Its chief use was as a lookout, whence the Spanish people of the town could see vessels approaching from Spain or get notice of the coming of foes in time to run away. The tower attracted the at tention of Francis Drake as he was sail ing along the coast with his fleet of high' pooped ships on his way home from pil laging the cities of the Spanish main. So he stopped long enough to loot the town and destroy what he could not take away. Wasmngtonbtar,- A WARNING-PONT USE BIG WOEDR ' la promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your statements possess a clarified concise ness, compacted comprehensiveness, coale scent consistency and a concentrated cog ency. Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asiuine af fectations. In trying tc impress upon others the superiority of the Wisconsin Central Lines, and why you and so man others use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Min neapolis aud Duluth a;ul Aslilaud to Mil waukee. Chicago and points east and south, it is not necessary to Use jawbreakers. Ijft your extemporaneous descautings and un premeditated expatiatious have intelligibil ity ami veracious vivacity, without rhodo montadeor thrasonical bom bask Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, psittaco ous vacuity, ventriloqual verbosity and Van diloqueut vapidity, shun double eiriendres, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obscurant or appateut. In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truth, fully say the Wisconsin Central Lilies is the route, and that ends it. Benton County PLANING MILLS ASD V. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors and Sash kept in stock or made to order. Mouldings of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders Will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my work to be 6r3t-c!aa3. We&t of S. P. depot, Corvallis, Oregon. 88-tf. Benton County a:b:sxmt c:o. Complete Set of Abstracts of Benton County. CoaTejucing & Perfecting Title, a Sp.siiHy. Money to Loan on Improved City and Country Property. J. E, Mllll & CI, - Proprietors. MAIN ST., CORVALLIS. i. M. APPLEWHITE,!!. D.. residence North 0th Street. II. S. FEitfaO'A', M D., residence 4th street, two doors north of Opera House. Applewhite & Pernot, PHYSICIANS AMD SURGEONS, Corvallis, Oregon, Offices over J. D. Clark's hard ware store, and at K. Graham's drug store. Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m. ONLY RUNNING "HROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland 8:45 A. M. 7:30 P.M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Fours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Honrs Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Dining Cars. For rates and general information call on or address W. H. UURLBURT, Asst. Gcnl. Pass. Paw. Agt, 254 Washington Street, nor. Third, PORTLAND. OB. na bahdsits LATEST PATEHTSgpKg az WITH ELECTRO MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY. IMPROVEMENTS. Will enre Without Mtfielne aii Wakfa waiting from oreruz.tlon of brain, ner.o forcM,exceMe. or indiscretion, u icxaal axnaaition, dralM. low", oorrou. dtbllity. Ip Icuneu. leaguer, kidney, lira and ladder eompTalnta, lime, lelallea, general Ul-bealtn, etc. THU elertrie belt oontalna Wenderiul lmpronU ow ill othor..ud Eira eorrentthat U IbiIuUt felt bTtbo ram or wo forfeit SS.OOO, and will ran all or tboaboT dixaM. or w nay. Tnosiende hare bora .eared by tbl. mar velone invention after all other remedies failed, and we Bin hundreds of testimonial. In thi. and every otbor .lata. greatest boon era offered weak men.FKKB WITH Ul BELTS Send tor illutrated Pampbleta, mailed, aealed, free. Addreu gsse-xsasvr aEaxaEXJM'Jwua oo NO. 178 First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. HE KOEa HOUSEWIFE KH0W3 THSLWRfT -IMTOVE3 THE HOUSEHOLD FM3' IMPRTOrS WITH RlffiY A Nil THE MlNDb tHAT la WFl I HNDfliSTQflD WIRE 6MJZE OVENJ3COR5 rarnvF fiFKnim MiKiK i BEST Of COOKS PREfER.TKEO IP XOU WANT THE BEST 'Buy ilia CHARTER OAK, "With the Wiro Gauze Oven Doors. For Sale by Fisk & Murphy -4i , IT IS A DTTTY yon owe yourself and fam ily to set the beet value for your money. Kcoiiomize in yen r footwear by purchasing TV. I. DOHjtias Shoes, which represent the best Totae for prices asked, as thousands trtil testify. W-TAKJS SO SUBSTITUTE..! W. L. DOUGLAS THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEt A genuine tewed shoe, that vnll not rip, flno Calf, seamless, smooth inside, flexible, more com fortable, sty lifth and Strable than any ot her shoe ever com at tne price, jsqiuus custom maae snoes cosuns fromtltofe. M . A f2i ana 94 riaoa-ocweaj uaecnusaDea. iug 97 most sty lleh. easy and durable shoes ever sola St the price. They equal fine imported shoes costing I ruin .jo 10 914. -B4 SO l'ollce Shoe, worn by farmers and all b9o3m nthftra wfaa want a srood heavy calf, three noted, extension edge shoe, easy to walk in, end will Keep me reec ary ana warm. ffiA 30 Fine Calf, 83.25 and 83.00 TVflrk. P G a 1 n kid e u ' s Shoes will give more wear for the money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. The increasing sales show that worklngmen, nave found this out. Snuel S.J.UI Br.d" Yontlis' 81.73 School QUID sihoes are worn br the boys every where; The most serviceable shoeseold at the prices. Ladies' srir&n&i'W M isses are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, a desired. They are very stylish, comfortablo and dura ble. The3.0Dshoe equalscustommadeshoescostlng from 4.00 to 66-00. Ladies woo wiah to economize io. ineir looiwear are dhoidr mis out. riantinn. W. I Douelas' name and the tiric M stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for Is wnen yon ouy. isewareoi ueaiersatwjmpunK iOBuu stitnte other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money under false pretences. y. J.. vutUJidSi swocMWMi. wan, bwu w Z.H. 3A71 THE PORTLAND SAVINGSBANK Of POETLAND, OKEGON. Paid up capital Surplus aud profits $2GO,000 . 6d,CO0 Interest allowed on eavincrs deposit as follows: On ordinary savings books. . . .4 per cent per annum On term savings books.. 6 per cent per annum un certiiicates ot aepo: For three months. 4 per cent per annum For 8ix months & per cent per annum ITur twelve mouths 6 per cent per auburn fKANlt UKlilM. rresiaeut. D. K THOMPSON, Vies President II. C. STJ1A1T0S, Cafhier. ..L. Taylor, PROPRIETOR OP THE Little Band Box Barber Shop, Corvallis, Oregon. - afgTSliaving, liair-cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. A. HODES, PItOPIilKTOE OF TEE I .QBVALLI8 HAKEIY " bsy And Dealer in Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. PURE WiSBiMD LIQUORS Frcsli Brearl, Cukes, Pies, Crackers, Etc.. 4ct constantly on baud. Corvallis, - - Oregon. THE SHUT EXPOSITION OF 18C2 OPENS AT- PORTIMD) SBPTEJIOEBT'12 Continues one solid month. The fore-runner of tho Chicago Exposition of 1892. MUSIC BYjTHE FAMOUS AM E'.aOAN BAND OF PROVIDENCE, E. I. Am Art Collection Surpassing all former Expositions and valued at $300,000. A MAGS1FICEOT DOUBLE , ELECTRICAL EXHIBIT Under the combined Thomson-Houston and Edison Companies, including the latest adaptations of electricity. AN IMMENSE Mineral Exhibit I U. a MODELS OF BATTLE SHZPS : From the Navy Yard at Wash- " WRton. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Exceeding all former years, with greatly Increased. Premiums! 80,000 spuare feet devoted to tho finest.' HORTICULTURAL - EXHIBIT Ever made on tho PaciOc Coast.' a. miiltnro tn thn front. Mnnnfittm-iM in full operation. The wonderful Hall of MVetanr. "The Ziittlo "World." the result of in chanical genius. Larger number of exhibits than ever Detore. j ne popular special days continued. Everything new; nothing aeaa. ; GREATLY REDUCED , BATES V05 ALL-TRANSFOBTATION 1IKE8L REE : r GOVERNMENT LHNDS Mr Fine is the choicest in California are waiting to be taken up in the beautiful it -k-K flTQr oney U' 8 $ ' n n . t . f "4 Lassen County, Cal. Valley Under the Extensive irrigation 8yitem of th Honey Lake Valley Land and Water Co. -4 J EXPLANATION 5?HE BEAUTIFUL HONEY XL Jargr area ot line, icvci, icain V"?e i , . . j . 5 u 8 it W ain-J. Honey Lake is a tie miles. The N. C. O. tbe Valley, and tbe Great Sal Lake cross it. Ihe land i easily cultivated i whrat, oils, larley. bops, ccrn, alfalfa, A. aid water are plentiful and lumLcr clap. Th! land van be tken up ith out rtidence under the Icscrt Act, iu tracts of 40 10 320 acres, by a man j (jt wrinian, married or single. fc We are building a laige Water System for the irrigation of this land. if. We want to get customers lor the watesjpre will have to sell, so will help if. jf. ) ou to get a piece of it. 1 he land uiirct you $1.25 r.n acre to the Gov r S. en nient. S5ccuts down, and 4f 00 in four y:ars. Ihe Water ( peipettial 3$. ji- rii;hi ai.dgxxi supply), ill cost $5 a an acre to the Company. $1.75 down 4 3f o3 $5 00 on delivery to the fond fr its irrigation. All land office Lusiness is attended to for customers Ly us without extra charge, and the filings 4c underthe Desert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a water 4c fr, supply before they will be accepted. j( HONfcY LAKt CIIY, the town we are establishing, ofletr good & X- chances for the establishment of new businesses, aud is well worth in- 3f. j(- vestiguting. -jf J"Hf: H THESE LANDS CAN BZ !! TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENCES Under the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator as -well as the horueseeker. tt EMPLOYMENT AT For Men and Teams on the construction work, if you desire to make a J J xc , . home there - REMEMBER that these Lands are level, aU ready for the plow, with rich soil, on railroad now built, and on line of another, building. Fuel is free, lumber cheap, and water plentiful. Good local as well as outside JT markets. The irrigation of these lands makes them immensely and mime-1 J diatelv oroductive. Send 4 cents in stamps i Honey Lake Valley -tc: s FKHiJJ w. jjiubi, secretary g H Office, 6 Flood Building, tt . SPECIAE EXCURSIONS ! ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO. 4jfJ44f tmnic & NERVOUS DISEASES CUBED BY DrrG.F. Webb's Klectrie Body Belts and Appliances, tu. Catarrh, Uiioumut:sm, icintica. Ainouorriinca, Bpermatonnoea, f I'l-olapsue, ChtorosiS, f FalnttU Menses, Loucorrhoea. Seminal Woakness, Ullocta of Onanism, Incontinence, Palpitation, Paralysis. Nervous Debility. Sterility, lnipotency, DiatioUih Neurastbdfiio. Sic'i Headccha, . varicoccio, Hornia, Insomnia, Lumbago, Spinal Disease. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Kidney Complaints, General Debility, Loss of Memory, DR. G. F. WEBB, (mentor and Patentee, United i-oco-Motor Ataxia, Epilepsy, etc.. etc. and Foreign Countries, send for Oataloiruea ana Testunoiuaifl. TAQUIHA Water Front Business overlooking the grand racihe Ucean, n EWForrr. or 1 ots m fcjY of. the fippmoHS To Yaquina City, or Tracts of firom 1 to 5 acres on or nar the Bay. Also several small improved farms, where vegetables grow fresh and green 12 months of flip, vear if iriven half the care required in any other state hi t will , ASTONISH V THE NATIVES ! AH t Iiose wishifig t6 dispose 6f their property can't pat it frt belte hands than ours. Those wishing to invest will fiiafes money by call ing on or addressing JAMES KOBEKTSN &1 CO, NEWPORT bentonf County RECON. ti t 1 K it K " n LAKE VALLEY CONTAINS A jnnc:s. an ready lor ;ue plow, is sur- m . . . ' e ., . ,. . T body of fresh water covering cne m RaiJr.jaii hat recently bern bm!t into M road thronsh Uclcith Poas will alto M t$ and produces extia large crops vrectables. Iruit and stock. Wcod GOOD WAGES !? for full information to Land & Water Co. 4 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. it - AT REDUCED RATES If WONDEEFDIBUT TEUE ELECTR0-R"cD!CAL SCIENCE STILL TRIUMPHANT ! The Doaf Kada to Hear bj Elec&ici. iBT.ntcd In April, 1301, ratentcd In Jano, jot Xlioammdn Pi orlalm Its VTonJer ful and Forfect Bunlts I Any one, old or yonnir. rrhoee ear drum is unbroken can be made to tear and convereaiirflingry tocos ond bo cufeff ly Dr. 5. F. Webb's Electrlc&l A ppnratii3 for Treatinff Deafness. An Efcctro-Medical Body Battery with ap pliances invonted cspocf'y tor t'e,a?" tug Deafness and tno diseases wliicU prfiducod it. ., . States Theory and Practice, describluf troOr sjent. 7poi;e3. Address B. B. BLISS, Genera! Agt, IOWA FACL8. IOWA. Lots, Residence Lots m the Unioh ai prices BAY : Sclentiflo NultfiB Agency for. avi CESiOM PATENT r Fffl . .....CO COPVRIOHTS, eto Corinf ormation and free Handbook write to MUNii co to. Bboadwat. Nbw York. . Oldest bureau for securing patents in Amertea Every intent taken ont by us is brounlrt befor tbe public by a notice given free of charge in the Minimi Mrntm Lanrest circulation of any acientiflc paper in thi ma shpuld be witbont it. Weekly, Ra.OtjTfl ear; 1.S0 als months. - Address MDNJ ubushUS, HSl Broadway, New fork. EAST AM VIA SdTJTTHKRN PACIFIC ROtjtS Shasta Line. Express Trains LeT Pbatlabd Daily. 801T1I. . .. SORTII. - I.v Poulard . . . 7:00 p. m. I Lv Son Frisco. ...7:00 pi Lv Albanv....J0:23 n. m. ILv Alhnnv....... 4:2.1 a- Ar San Frisco ArVortlnnd 7:35 aid Abrve trains Bton-onlv at followinir. atatluna nortd of ilogcbury, Kast Portland, Oregon Citv, Wood burn, Saleni, Albany, Tangent, Sbedils, Hal'scy, Haf risburg, Junction City, Irving, Lugeae. Iioaebnrg Mail Daily. Lv Portland 8:30 a. m. I LVRoeoburir....7:00 a. m Ar Roseburg 6:50 p m Ar Portland ... 4:30prd Alhany Local Daily Except Sunday.. tuivE: Portland..... AlbihV f VI arrive: Alhany.... Portland ., .5;0flp. im. .flfiO a. m. ....6:00 p. i ....10:30 a. 1 Lebanon firaucn. 8:30 a m . ..Lv. . . Albany. . .. Ar. ..3:35 p ii 9:19 a in. . Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv. . .2:39 p n 1:30 p m..Lv. ..Albany... .Ar.. 10.31 a n 2:19 a m. .Ar, .Lebanon. ..Lv . ..9:46 a rx Lv Albany.... 12:15 p. m. Lv Albany J 12:30 p lit -Pullman Buffet Sleepers; SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS; For the accommodalion ot. passengers hoi d ing second-class tickets, attached to expresl tiiiis. . , , wamuvmm; : BETWEte PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. KtUTnlE.' Sa7 Zx6yt Biniay. LKAVB. Portland 7:S0a. m. Corvallis..... 12:55 p.m. ARBIVB i Corvallis 12:10 p. r?f Portland.'..... 6:30 p. m At AUiinJ.and Ccrvallis crrrwt w ith tlailisoit il Oregon racinc Kailroad. Erprcts Train. Ctily Iiccpt Suiay. . - LKAVB. Portland. 4:40 p. m. MtMimiville. . . .5:45 a. m. arrive. , McMinnville... 7:25 p. Portland 8:20a. Through Tiolcfets to a?i Points East and. Sonth For tickets nr. I Ml inforniation regardiiiS rates, maps etc., call on company's agent at CorvaOis.,. . ... .. E. P.ROGEJtS, Asst. 6. T. &P Agent. E. KOEliLEK ManM'tr. Portland, Oregon. HERCULES Havs fewer parts, and ar therefore leas likely to trot out ef orcer than any other gas or gasoline engines now buUU Jum Uglit the buruei. turn Uia wbeci, aud If runs aU day. - MAKES NO SMKtli OB DIBT.. Ko doable or false explosions, so frequent witli unreliable sparse- For BtmplloHy It Beats the World. It Oils Itself AutomatlcaOly, No Batteries or Eleetrlo Bparlu It ran with a Cheaper Grade of GssoSue Uuta an Other Engine. rOB BESCBirTIVB; ClhCDLAM APM.-V T PALMER & REY, ManufaCJORBIk Saa rrantijw, CaL aid PorttoA Or Ofeoh iacfflc tT. E. Hogg, Beceiver, ancf '. Oregon Development Co. 's STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 26 Honrs less tiiri than ' by any other route. , First class through passenger and freight , liiie frcrrf Portland all points in the Willamette valley to and frorh San Francisco, Cal. TIME 3CHEDULE (except Snhdaya.) i . . . i . . t ... Leaves. Albany 1:00 p. m I Leaves YanninaflrtR a. nt Leave Corvallial:40 p m. I Leave uorvains iuo " Arrive Taauina 5:30 p. ni I Arrive Albany 11:10 a. Oregon i California trains. connect at All'aiiTari Corvallis. , The above trains connect at Tanina iti tbe OrL'on Development Ca s Hue 01 steamslnps tween Yaqaina and San Francisco. - From Tarjuiha. f?tearnshi6 "tVilJamette Valley." Juue hi 11th, 22d, July 1st. From San Francisco. Stearnship "Willamette Valley," June 6th! 17th, 27th. , , . , . . Tliia. Couinan y 'eserves tbe riglit to change sailin f dates without notico. K. B. Passengers, from Portland and all Willamette valley itoints can make close connection wfth the trains of the- Yaquinav route at Albany or Corvallis, aud if destined to San Francisco should arragne to arrive at Yaquina tbe evening before date of .sailing fassenger and freight rates always the lowest.- For information, apply to J, W. Ouinmine." freieht ansl ticket ncent, Corval us, or w , "..- v Uen. ST. and r. Agent uregou ra cilic Kailroad Co., Corvllis, Or.f W. K WEBSTEfi. , ' Gen, F. and P. Agent. Oregon Develop nt Co., 304 Montgomery St., S. F., Cal Caveats and TradH'Markf obtained, and all Fat' eat business conducted for Moderate Fee. .. Our Office is Opposite It, S.Pstant Office. . and we'ean'secare patent in less time than thoes remote from Washington.' . . : . . 8end model, drawing or photo., with descripj tion. .We-advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not one till patent is secured A Pamphlei, ''How Jo Obtain Patents," wltlf names ofactuar client in your State, count, o town, sent free. Address, v C.A.SfJOW&Ctff 0pp4ill PiXSM OWtfe-, WaSbriiatoa',B:0. . . CAVEATS, . TT" TRADE MARKflS iflTIUF 1 UtiaLEl ROUTE.