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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
NO. 37. TO L. XXIX, COli VALL1S, BEATON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1892. A Peculiar Request. Salem ealeon men ! have petitioned the cncno-l to etop all tha gambling it the city lor one year trout dice. That looks like a queer r quest to 'make of the city orhecrs. as is supposed by inrst peojje that it 13 their duty to look into this matter anyway. Ex. GREATEST SKIN GORES Cuticura Cures All Skin Eruptions Gives a Clear Complexion Free from Pimples. ON TI1E WAV TO PARADISE, -When you buy mf nre, sua ltd Wall sir. Picture Framing a Specialty at Successor to Philip Tnn nmrri nrsine cannot he paid of tbc CcTICCKA Sxmediks.tis I have n.'d them for the laatyea.r. gUlU A Hall Or BO, UUU UHU LW'Ul lu HI! me grciA.--. BKin cures, uioou purine and liumar remedies of tbe ege. I liave used a -ffood roanv called toilet eoavift, and 'I f:ud Ct-TIcurtA fcoAP Is Ian best I h;ivc ever used. 1 find it fur superior 4.o all other toilet ct cdicin.-n soap. It cares all Ekiu ernptione, acd giveaaclear complexion. ,As for euaru pooinijl wonluuscno other, aadfortfce face eitlicr, ant is a cure for all pimples, biackhcudfl, eczema and all irrrtetiousand rontrbness of tbc face. Tor after uing aw bile, 'it ir.akfB the face smooth and cool, -and docs cot give that burning feupalion v.'liieb no many ether toilet aoaps do. Try the Cimct'tiA Ueiiemeii end you wiil not LEWIS P. KELLKit, 13 Le Avenue, Bridgeport, Connr. Poip Hh3 'CCTtCTTRA Eczerna IO Years Cured T iiiirchascd end need CuTicurtA with the mom pratltying results. I wi:a troubled witii eczema in tue torm 01 sail rueuin lor I'-u jt-uin, uuu n.m ijm.w desn.iired of bcius-curcd. Clticura. with the lielp of the Ootictra bcap and Cuticura IIesolvent, lias permanently removed my complaint, anu len niv flesh Round ami healthy. JAMEtf X. WIUsON", Mannfacturing Chemist, ifc BeeL-inan btreet, iiew i orK, r . r: Dam M ft H S ii fv" 1-3 fed 5.-3 M s5"' Gjticura Remedies Are the createat skin cure, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern timea. Bold every, wnere. l riec, Ci'Tici'HA, Wc,; Boap, 25c: KEf eoLVENT, $t. Prepared tiy the Potteu LlKUa AKU Cuehicai. Cospobation, Boston. Kg-' llow to Cure Blood Diseases," mailed freK 'P Bkin and f-eclp purified Wid Ticarrtificd I U ty Coticcca t?OAH. Absolutely pure. RKUfSATIG PAiNS In one rolnrrte the Cnticura Anil. Pain Flastor relieves rheumatic, sci atic, -Wp, kidney, chest, and muscular pains ai d wcaune3;. rmx, ioc. If' Fall and Winter Will b"lh lre;isl 1,- 1 . Scores ill No! one I hat is loutl : goods lliat frentleraen AN I -.iiur't . find -donble- lidit rut Sack suit, - (SX" m Horn' ' ;f S10 TO $25. M JmM ; llie sofl of A Kinir Pins h Wv ; H-l:.- F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALL1S, OK. AWfVws a ffcncral r ractioe in all the courts. A !so nnt, lor all the tirst-claas msurance comuantea. Let 8 hope that the people who habit ually disregard their health will reach that I'.esirahle place, ahd avoid the locality lHih is less desirable as an etertfhl residence on account of the heat nrrid Irarrotrncrinrfes generally. But wliilo weta'rry in this vale of tears, why should we voluntarily endore the tortures of dypepsia when a systematic: use of Hostetter's Stoinach Bitters iirill rid us of the atrocious malady, which unless physicians are very much at fault tends to shorten the term -of our cfcistance? Heart burn, l.iliimsness, constipatttfn almost al ways' accompany this compUiut and are, sympU.iuatic of it. These are all extin-l guished by the Uitte'rs, V'lich also com-. ph-tely couqueri maiana, tonugunn, ner vousness and debility. Since tbe appear-; ance f " 1 grippe" it Ima ahoWii singular martary over this complaint that has car ried off so many of our brightest ana best, BRtiEtf LOCALS. The Gazette office printed twenty-; five 'thousand ballots for the use of; Benton conftty voters this 1 week, (oi the jutsidentwl -election which takes place one week from next Mouday. The tickets Imve the same rod tnpe complicatioi S as those printed for thf state election lield last Jui.fc, but are considtTitljly smaller m size, ts there are only sixteeti na"mes oii theballot.fouv electors for each presidential candi date. This simplifies matters to a or.-nt f vtent for the voter, and makes easier work lor the clerks. The twenty-five thousand ballots VOclude samples on colored paper for the use of voters. State of Ohio, C'n-y op Toledo, T.t.-f:As County. Vr.nk .l . nESEY makes oath that he is tli Beiiior nartuer of the firm of F. J. CHE siv (!o.. rtoins; business in the city of To- .'siUi Ciinntv and State aforesaid, and that firm will nav the sum of ONK HUN DUEL) DOLLAUS for each and every case .r Catarrh that caunot be cured by the H all's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. OHENFY. 5?wfirn to before me and subscribed in my nrrsence. this 6th dav of December, A-, 1). 1886. SKAL A, W. G LEA SON Notary Public. H.JI' Catarrh Cure is taken internally and jiritH ilireetlv on the blood and mucous sur faces of the svsterr. Send for testimonials, hee F. i. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. aa'Pold by" Drugsjists, 75c. fine Dfsss Soils Our al biocK IS'.'IM MiiNSE. i liiifs of BooK SIiops, Kubb r and Oil Clothinp, Itubb T.DootP, Mackintoshes, Trunks, Valises and Satchels. ion J US"C j ILTT1VB d LAOB '& OONGItSS, $4 $5 and $6. Blankets at Oast to Olose. MaMVoWr LB ADD r-VinrW full from cellar to garret with . Garments for men, boys and youths. It will pay you to see us before fencing-. THE TV TYL I3ST Headquarters for clothinff: ready made and made to order. Market Opened'! I have Purchased the Old HT?J.T"B --FOR-- MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREISr. nnnvAT'T m w J V" " N And will carry a full line of the best Meats to be obtained. The pnb-1 Tic ns well as alt of my old customers, are respectfully invited to call ; and see me. OLAI' One Price Cash Store, s 'For cedar posts go to T. W. Will, '6r'yallis, OregOri. Wanted, thi-ee ot four ccrds of otk woodattJiisoffi.ce. Ladies and children's hair efetting a speciahy at Taylor's. Dried fruit wanted. Highest mar ket prices at iUines. Coffins nd caskets at L. Welker & Co's. Hearse furnished. The rnofet beautiful decorated table sets can be seen at Wells & Sou s. Marion R. Johnson is prepared to give instruction pn the guita'r by note. E. H. Taylor has opened a neat in the fire department would have to be called out. Fortunately, however, it terminated in nothing more serious. We we pleased to hole that the much needed cross-walks are being placed in positf6n, but none too soon, for last Monday Wening one of Cor vallis" fair 'daughters had the mis fortune to received quite a fall, owing to a bad croSs walk, but received the timely assistance of a young man, who, by the way, is a prospective member of the family. The state board of railroad commis sioners, consisting of A. N. Hamilton, Robert Clow and Clerk F. J. Miller were in Corvallis Tuesday night. The other commissioner, G. W. Colvig, did not accompany them on this trip. surance efface near the Rdyal restau-j They were On thefr semi annual tonr rant. - Henry Pape, Of the leader, made a flying trip to Portland the 'first of the week. On accofint of he scarcity of water, Fischer's niill is now usrilg steam power. The highest market price paid for &1 kinds of produce at Wheeler fc Langley's, Ii L. Htfrd, of Koseburg, but for merly of CorVallis, was at the Occi dental Saturday. Orders for the Salem laundry left at Frank's Racket store, will receive prompt attention. Just step into Wells & $ons grocery store and examine those beautiful li brary and stand lateps. Do you knew that you can save fiYty per cent by buying extracts at W.ieeler & Langley s i Iry them. Thfe or5;e has just completed a neat catalogue for H.- V. Settlemire, the Tangent nurseryrmtn. W. S. Gardner, pfeotdgrapher, cor n; r Third and Monroe streets. Stic cessor to Chase and Gardner. Highest market pi-fees paid for but ter and eggs at the New Erav. Wells & Son. Frank Stan'sell-, the geiiial clerk at the Occidental Hotel, returned Sun day from a two weeks visit to Port land. " Chas. Hodson. of the Gaztte of fice, returned Monday from a day's visit to Porttand ?and Falls City, Polk county. " - (ieorge Kouinson tne rustling rep- esentative of Blake, Mi-Fall fc Co., of Portland, paifer dealers, was m the ity Monday. Chester tSaines. Of Niagara, alter a hoit visit td the exnds.tioii at Port and, is spendinii a few days at home previous to returning to Niagara; Since the "tariff has been taken off the Chinese pneasants great numbers 3f these choice birds have been killed by our local sports. The steamer Willamette Valley, from San Franciscov . arrived at Yaquina Monday with the tftnal list of psissen- .rei-s anil Carso of feeneral merchan dise. F. f Chambers, an enthusiastic re publican of Kings valley, was on our , in? ana positive, streets Saturday and reports political I qualities, and bear the apiiearance of matters as running smootuiy in mat i having been done upon of inspection over the railroads of the state, and spent Tuesday and Wednes day examining the Oregon Pacific line between this place aud Yaquina. Cait. A W. Rose returned last Sunday from the Blue river mines in which he is largely interested. He has been there for several weeks work ing out his share of tlio assessment on the waaon road now beinc built into these mines, and reports that the road lacks only four miles of comple tion, and the snow is now lying on the ground to a depth of six feet. Thwie mines are of undobtefd richness, ancLure situated iu the Cascade moun tains in Lane county. Salem Steam LaunSry. T. M. Hamilton, the agent Tor the Salem steam laundfry, has decided to locate permanently in tins crty. He has al ready established a good business for that company in this city, which bids fair to betome constantly larger. Their work has- never failed to give entire satisfaction, while their charges are as low as is compatible with first class work. Clothing called for and delivered free of char&e. Deah of Mrs. Harrison. For i he second time in the history of the White House a presidents Wife has died within its walls. At 1:40 Tuesday morning, Mrs. Harrison died from a lingering attack cl consumption. In the last hows ol her llinass MVe would awake from a truubled arid tin- ten j satisfactory sleep, and was conscious, She met death with the patience and resignation of a devout Christian, and her last days were comparatively free from pain. For twenty-four hours the president and family had been al most continually at net oeusuie, ana the entire nation sympathize witli them in their sorrow-. Arrionn messages of sympathy received by the president, were those from (ueen Victoria ex Secretarv Blaine, ex president Grover Cleveland, Vice-President Morton and Hon. Whitelaw Reid. v TRADE J. It LINER AND ADVERTISER. Wood, trade-liner and adver tiser, among us advertising some of our leading business men. Among whom are Wells fc Son, Nolan, and also the Gazette. The "Hi Ho" trade lines are pleas- have good notice section, Lafe Wilson resembled a real live rancher as be drove into town last Sunday afternoon-, after having driven ill the way from Chitwooa to orvai is in a buckboard; The Misses rage and Hoaas, done upon . honor. Things arc llow taking on new cora- ulexions and pleasing forms as the public are being posted as to the business ot uorvauis, anu n i ex pected that those will now read who never read before, and those who al- ftwavs read, will now read the more. AT THE COURT HOUSE. SPEAKING BY DEMOCRATIC ORATORS. AND POPULISM Eugene, visited a few days in Corvallis Us a class our business men are whfle reluming tt their home from friendly to projects tl'nt .Will forward wnii.e . u i i. I tlo hnainess interests of the ton. aud Portland, whern they had leen attend ing the exposition Simerintendent John Sticker, of the carriage and wagon lactory, re turned last Saturday from the east, where he has bttYi purchasing material for that manufactory. Frfdav evening. Nov. 4th, Ellsworth Post. G. A. .. Will hold a camp nre to which all old soldiers and their fam- iha are invited. The program win it.l I15 1 1-1 I in consequence, vui iiia "i" coming the trading point of this sec tion of the valley. . . , , . Advertising will be found a power in this direction aud it is also discovered that the merchants whose names ap pear are the very ones who afford the lowest price. Kivivri fT trfE COUNTY. It has -iiwav been the custom xor ine nrw lprk to make out the list .ti. oegin prompuy a. , .v- "?, VJ7 thV fJrse Av The many fKends of Mrs. Kalston oi - aced in .the ftn'nda of the sheriff for collection. One .,rat fault with this nietnou was inar, u . - , . . , caused a considerable .loss y ie county,' as the state receivea its snare of tax from tne lisseu iiiui is-sc ,h on.mtv had to stana an iosst s on riiorfages on which taxes could not be forcibly collected by tne snerui. ror instarice, a party held a mortgagfi on a niece of propertyj which was U t xl on the first day oi o my i.v.u. provided by statute, and that mbrt Sase was caiicelled between that time and the annual piecnug. w holder wouia re- Free delivery to all parts of the city. COEVALLIS, OKEGON. Cox, now of Vancouver, but formerly of July m each ye a h of this city, will be sorry to learfi that part of the tax roll pi JLV-sii -i .;u 0ldlv hands of the sheriff for co sue is uai'KciuuniY - n j receive tidings of her improvement. The many friends' of Dr. J. , B. Lee will be pained, to learn that he, is 1) ing dangeroiisfy ill at his residence in this city. The latest reports were that lie was in an extremely critical condi tion, and the worst was feared. Wells & Bon are building up an ex tensive business in the grocery line by kmnino ohlv the best goo'ds, and sellinsr at bottom prices.' One advan tage iri purchasing goods from this firm is the assurance of prompt deliver, r - oina1i7.ation. the aa they have their own delivery wagon. jaxes on tUe same wheu J; . W.' Matthewij a' well knowti the sKerificame around to co lest, for traveling man and insurance agent, re- the reason that it had oeen canceuei ports having transacted more business before the board of equalization met. in rnrvalhs dmine a recent visit here, Tbi stale would receive its proportion than in ahv other town of our size m r .up .a arid the county wouia oe the valley, which speaks well for Cofr i08er tlie entile amount. At tne late val is. - I meet ng of the Doarq oi equauzawou, M.H. KrieBel,wfiowascaiieaiornu-i County Judge liunora aecweu to cor aaeipnta oy a ibkiiu ...v,-. b . jqis uua "66- that his iriother was seriously" ill, ar rived there ori Saturday, the 16th insL, but nothing remained but her em balmed remains. The funeral services took place on Sunday, the 17th, Ouito an excitement was created last Sunday afternoon ; by the burning ont of a chimney at the residence of J. C. Ta'ylot)' and for a time it seemed as ii by ioo;,-,T nff the roll all mortgages can- since the first day of July and np to the time of the .sitting of the board of equalization. . The result is t rMintw is saved the taxes on about 50 mortgages, or $10C0 in the payment of state taxes' for ths year 1892. by this wise method of pro cedure. Two well known political speaker! have occupied the arena in the court house Erring the past week. Each, presented then ideas of a panacea for all the ills the American voter is heir to, and were greeted with full houses many republicans turning out to giv the political war horses a respectful hearing, luesday evening VYm. M. Colvig", candidate on the democratic presidential ticket for elector, made & very creditable . democratic speech, replete with the time-worn dogmas of I horiias Jetlerson and modem lesser lights, and again wore the threadbare subject of free trade to. the bone. Al- tliough Mr. Colvig or "iJiir, as be ii familial ly called by his old acquain tances, was born of good old republic can parents, and the only one of tho family who became a black sheen as it were, by, early falling into bad com pany and becoming a democrat, he does not spoil his oratory bf rancorous abuse of the opposition. For many years the honored names of Applet gate, Puddle and Colvig have been pionunent in republican councils of this state, and now , comes another" stray sheep fioni the fold in tho per son of Geueral E. L. Applegate, in past days known . as . the sage of the Mohawk. Like Bill Colvig, Lish A pi plegate has republican antecedents and has at divers times nibbled at the succulent public teat, but has wan; dered off after strange gods, and i4 now stumping the state iu the interest of tlie peoples party, and owing to the fusion arrangement between the dem- ocrats and populists there must at pres ent be a bond of sympathy betweeii him and Colvig. Lish s turn -came Wendesday evening t. address theciti4 zens of Corvallis, and a good part of the day had been spent with his demo cratic friends, who wined and dined hini until he was given to understand that; he must give it redhot to the republi cans in his speech, but an astute repub lican got on to tlie racket, and took the versatile populist under his pro-i tectirig wing, who nodded to the re quest not to be too hard on the repub licans. This placed the doughty gen eial between two fires when he mounted the rostrum, and he begaii with a number of lengthy allegorical repreaentations, which were to be the arguments brought up in his final perf oration that would terminate in an eu logy on the peoples party. But befoio he completed his allegorical repre sentations many of the large audience had, become weary and started for" their resiiective homes. In a Quandary. The Ansfcraliari. ballot is striking terror into the hearth , of the various county clerks, who' ' have to compile and see that the bal lots for the coming presidential eleel iron are correct, and printed in proper style. And all this trouble and an- noyance is urougnt auout oy me resig nation of R. A. Millei- as an elector on the democratic ticket, and the nomina tion of Nathan P.erce, whose mime"' also appears as a peoples party candi-'' date. Iu the certificates of homina- -, tion there were four groups,' viz: re- publican, democrat, people's and pro- : hibition. In the original certificated . there were four nominees in eacli . group, but Miller's resignrtion lefli but three under the democratic head. The state democratic central commit tee tilled the vacancy by the nomina tion of Nathan Pierce, of the political ; principles of the "democratic-people's party. x rierce wau aucauy mc i vj;u lar nominee of the people's party, ami the question" how arises how f lioiw him nrnnprlv i-Krtresentt'.d on tliH - -i ticket, a well known authority , says his name should appear on. the. ballot in three places, as follows: under demo cratic, under people's, and under i em -ocratic-peoples. But there is a vari ance of legal opinion on the subject. W. L. Boise, chairman ot.tue state re publican committee, says he thinks Pierce's name should be printed on the ballots under the two groups demo cr: t and people s. D. 11. Murphy chairman of the democrat C committee, says it should appear iii two places," "and Attorney-General Chamberlain gives the same opinion. The, clerk of Benton county received no official notincation umu a majority of the ballots had been ( printed, arid he will , have to have printed cards of instructitr.i regarding the resignation and the appointment to fill the vacancy and have posted in" his office and one at each voting booth in the county. All ballots yet in the. , i i . .i i- j care ol tne cierx, uotn sampie anu official,' must have the nime of tho withdrawn candidate cancelled, iiioso that have been sent out to the va rious judges of election must be can celled by those judges," This' we be-, lieve is the correct and most satisfac- . tory way of proceeding in the premises as County Clerk Wilson had consulted " the best legal authority in the matter As there aie 25,000 ballots, sample aria official, it will rt 4 1 ire considerable work' to cancel them bll. .... , '..S-.. . Mis! i Mrs." lob. Mrs. Buchanan and Hattie Gaines, of this-city, were- presj. ent at the wedding of Miss Jenms Looney, of Jefferson, Marion count and Mr. Willard Jones, of Portland which occurred at the former Jla last Wednesday.'