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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1891)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891. BRIEF LOCALS. County court is in session this week. Horses still continue to get in the pound. For Bird cages and extras go to J, Win. Will's. , For first class grub-oak wood, go to J. Wm. Will's.. A full assortment of summer cloth ing, at Kline's. J. Wm. Will leads in pockt knives, razors and scissors. Large choice in rucliings and neck- j wear at the Laches Bazar.. Bargains in ladies' ar.d childrens' un derwear at the Ladies' Bazar. Bicycle repairing a siecialty. Work warranted at J. Wm. Will's. Mrs. C. W. Franklin, of Philomath, celebrated in this city Saturday. Miss Etta Lee, of Independence, is visiting in Corvallis this week. E. W. Achison & Co. are selling monuments at Portland prices. tf. One hundred and fifty rolls of wall, paper, 10c. a roll; at Philip Weber's. Mr, D. F. Spangler and family, of Santa Ana, Calif., are visiting here. L. N. Price, agent for the Philomath college, was here on business, Tuesday. A few more second-hand sewing ma chines, to close out cheap, at J. Wm. Will's. No circus lemonade is served at Small & Son's. It is the genuine pure truck. Miss Molhe Bergin, is here from Yaquina City this week visiting with friends. If you wmit a monument see E. W. Achison & Co., of Albany, before purchasing.- tf. A new. invoice of wall paper,, the lat est designs and shadings, at Philip Weber's. N. P. Briggs went to the bay last week, where he expects-to take a rest fofa lew days. Small fc Son have opened their ice cream parlors and are serving a de licious article. For bargains in monuments, head stones, etc., go to E. W. Achison & Co., Albanyj Oregon. tf. Miss Nellie Davidson returned from Polk county last week in time to cele brate in Corvallis. A union Sunday school picnic is be ing held to-day in Mr. Walker's grove near Philomath. Henry Korthauer returned from his visit east .last Thursday, accompanied by his better half. There will be no services at the Presbyterian chufch next Sabbath morning or evening. A number of young people left here Saturday noon for a few week3 visit at the beach in Newport. 'Judge Kelsay has returned from his ranch in the mountains where- he has been for the past few days. E. W. Achison & Co. are handling New Westerley Granite. This is the finest granite known for monuments. The government snag boat is now busy pulling snags from the-channel of the river between here and Harrisburg. Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, of the State University, was in Corvallis Tuesday to attend the funeral of Hon. T. E. Cauthorn. CapL Short is now handling the steamer Wm. Hoag, and Capt. Kaaba has been placed in charge of the gov ernment snag boat. A party is being organized' of young ladies and gentlemen, who will spend a few days of camp life at Marys Peak in the near future. Miss Bertha Barin, who has been a guest of Miss-Anna Allen for the past few weeks returned to- her home in Portland last Monday. - Several hoys have been wounded this week while tampering with powder and fire. Experience is a dear teacher but generally teaches well. "West Bros., of Salem, passed through Corvallis Wednesday with 500 head of- sheep purchased in Lane county. They were taken to Salem. Dr. L- L. Rowland of Salem, was elected superintendent of the Oregon Insane Asylum at a meeting of the board of commissioners last Thursday. MrR. M. Thompson has returned Horn a.two- weeks visit at the bay where he has been building a side walk around his property in Newport. Several members of Barnutn Lodge No. ' 7, I. O. O. F., went over to Al bany last Wednssday evening to assist their brethren of that city in some pecial lodge work. E. W. Achison &Co. handle the cele brated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls am be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. tf. Monday the son of Mrs. Dennick filled a cartridge with powder and then applied a match. The shell flew up and struck the boy on the side, inflict ing a painful but not serious wound. D. C. Itosebrook, leader of the To ledo band, was in this-city Saturday, and rendered valuable assistance to the Arion orchestra in helping furnish music for the ball on that evening. The Yaquina Republican now ap pears under the name of The Newport news and is edited by W. L. Davis. It presents a much better appearance than when under the former manage ment. C. E. Nicholson, W. F. Brooks and A. Wercet, all railroad men of exten sive experience, left last Friday to en list their services with Mr. W. E. Earl, who is now chief engineer of the Pen insular R. R., Lower California. The hose team which went from here to compete for the prizes offered at Eugene, succeded in obtaining the third prize only. They run under great difficulties, however, as they were without harness and running with a different cart than- what they were used to. Prof. C. E. Blanchard, principal elect of our city schools, started on Tuesday last, in company with his wife, to at tend the National Teachers' Associa tion to b held in Toronto, Canada, on the 16th inst. They will also visit friends in Ohio and return in about six weeks. In addition to the usual music by the choir of the Evangelical church at the services on Sunday evening, Misses Emma and Ollie Thompson and Messrs Poling and Bowersox will sing a quar tette, "Cast thy burden on the Lord." Solo by D. V. Poling. All are cor dially invited. J. B. Wyatt, of Portland, stopped over in Corvr.llis Thursday while on his way to the bay. Twenty years ago Mr. Wyatt was in the general merchan dise business in this city. The firm name was known as Clark. & Wyatt and their place of business was in the store now occupied- by J. M. Nolan. Henkle Bros, tlie leading merchan tile firm of Philomath, sold their stock of goods last Friday to J. W. Ingle who will conduct the business in the future. This firm has been in busi ness in Philomath for many years, and have the best wishes of their many friends in whatsoever they may under take in the future- The barber shops will soon be closed on Sunday. The petition to the city council asking that a penalty be im posed for opening up on Sunday, has been signed by all the barbers in this city and will be presented to the coun cil for consideration at their next ses sion. This is a move in the right di rection and other business men should follow their example. The band boys who spent the fourth in Eugene, report a fine time- They were treated in royal manner by the citizens of Eugene especially the young ladies and declare they had to return home too soon. The crowd that gathered' in that city was immense and are estimated 50,000. The citi zens did their best to provide for them but many went hungry for want of any place to obtain food. The sham battle held there is reported as being a succes in every particular. The -regular quarterly meeting of the O S. H. S., will be held at Newberg, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 and 15; A full programme for three ses. sions has been prepared, but as all the titles to papers are not in, the an. nouncement of the programme has been omitted. Newberg promises to entertain royally, and there should be a full attendance, showing our appreci ation of her interest in. horticulture. Train leaves Portland for Newberg at foot of Jefferson street at 9:40 a. m., returning at 3:20 p. m. J. W. Ingle and family of Philo math, came here to celebrate Saturday, and their daughter, aged 11 years, be came seperated from them and was un able to find her parents during the day. They supposed . that she had gone home with some of their neigh bors who were down from Philomath, and returned home without her. Upon arriving at their destination and not finding her they became alarmed and telegraphed here in regard to .her. She had been well cared for by friends here and returned to her home the next day. i A son of F. G. Clark, city drayman, was badly hurt last Tuesday morning by being kicked by one of his father's horses while riding by on a bicycle. The wound was not fatal, however, and he has recovered. The Foster colt, Oregon Eclipse, is making some very fine records. He t ed in a half-mile race at Walla Walla, last week in 48 seconds. This is one of the speediest colts on the coast and has won every race in which he has been entered this season except one. He runs in Portland to-morrow and of course he will win there, for he was foaled in Corvallis and can't be beat. Brady Burnett was seriously burned about the hands and face last Wednes day by the premature explosion of a lot of gun powder. He had become impressed with the idea that the powder was worthless and to test it he touched a lighted match to it. It took only a moment to convince him that it was of first quality, for it made such an im pression on his face and hands, and perhaps on his mind, that he will carry the scars through life. He is getting along as well as could be expected un der the circumstances but he will have to wear bandages for several days yet. The arc light which was recently sent to this city for a trial, was put on the incandescent wires in front of the Maddux saloon last Saturday night and was highly complimented upon by many visitors present. These lights can be run by the present incandescent dynamo now in use, and as there is power enough to operate twenty -five or thirty it would incur but a small ad ditional expense to use them. The lamp gives a fine light and would be a great improvement over the system now in use. The matter will come be fore the city council at their next regular meeting and will then receive the careful consideration of that hon orable body. A SPLENDID OFFER. Persons who have already purchased lots in Job's addition or who purchase now and erect residences costing not less than $800 will be given Free rransportation for their families over the Stieet railway for one year. Re member the lots in this addition are high and dry with fine natural drain age, and the only addition with street cars running through it. Cars run direct to the school house and children can ride to and from in the dry at all times, why purchase elsewhere at high er prices and walk when you can get better property, lower prices and ride free. For prices, terms etc., apply to Ralston Cox. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: ''Electric Bitters has done more for me thau all other medicines com bined, for that bad feeling arising from Kid ney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farm er and stockman, of the same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kid ney and Liver medicine, make me feel like a new man." J. VV. Gardner, hard wars merchant, same town, says: Electric Bit ters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appe tite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle at Thos. Graham's drag store. Mr. Price, of Illinois, who came to Cor vallis with his family a few weeks ago for the beneGt of his wifes health, returned Thursday taking with him a lot of stock which he intends to dispose of in Chicago. Mr. Price is delighted with Corvallis, and will return bringing with him, several of his friends as soon as he can close out his business. His family will remain here dur ing bis absence, and on his return he ex pects to purchase property and make Cor vallis his future home. Bucklen's mica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Thos. Graham. If you wish to test the merits of the Pa cific, take your dirty clothes to the office (in the building formerly occupied by Assel's restaurant) and be convinced that it is an improvement over any other machine ever offered to the public. Across the Xteep, to the Far West, On steamboats, cars and stage-coaches, Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters is carried as the most important item in the materia medica f the traveling public. It deprives vitiat ed, brackish water of its hurtful properties and execrable flavor, counteracts the per nicious effects upon the stomach of bad or indigestible food, remedies cramps, heart burn and wind upon the stomach. It ia a fine defense Against malarial disorders, nul lities the effects of excessive heat, cold and damp, relieves sick-headache, and is an in comparable cure for costiveness and bilious ness. The fatigue of travel often tell most disastrously upon invalids and convales cents, occasionally to sufch an extent as to jeopardize life. Persons in feeble health, apprehensive of bad effects from travel, will, if provided with the Bitters, be far less likely to have their fears realized. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Carriage Factory. The stock holders in the Corvallis Carnage Fac tory held a meeting last Monday, and elected the following board of direc tors: John Sticker, Z. H. Davis, J, B. Lee, F. M. Johnson, M. A. Beach, W. A. Wells, M. S. Woodcock, P. Avery and Wm. Crees. The board then organized by electing the follow- ! ing officers: J. B. Lee, Pres.: P. Avery, V. Pres.; F. M. Johnson, Sec; and the First National Bank, Treas. A vote of thanks was tendered the newspapers for kind words and en couragement in maturing the enter prise. On Thursday evening the board met and selected the cite for the buildings about five acres just west of the Oregon Pacific depot in Avery and Wells addition. They also have about nine acres more land in this vicinity. They discussed the general plans for the buildings, and ordered that they be drawn up in detail and be submitted at a meeting next Monday evening, when bids will be advertised for. Mr. Sticker will leave for the east next week to pur chase the machinery. Hotel to Let. A first-class hotel situated in an excellent locality and doing a business which pays from $3500 to $4000 per year to lease for a term of years. This is a good op portunity for some-one. The furniture must be sold with the lease. Reasons for leasing, on account of poor health. Address "L. N." Gazette office, Cor vallis. Oregon. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a reliable remedy for bowel com plaints. It is almost certain to be needed, and no family can afford to be without it. It costs but a trine and may be the means of saving much suffering, if not life. There are many different remedies in use, but Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is undoubtedly the best. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, Druggest. Over at Newport. Matters are beginn ing to liven up at Newport and iu the vicin ity of Yaquina bay. Summer trayel is just beginning to set in earnestly. Already a number of cottages are occupied and tents are beginning to fleck the hillsides here and there. A sidewalk has been built over the hill from Newport to Nye creek and several new cottages are in course of construction in the Nye creek settlement. Only One in the United States. Out of 1357 cough syrups manufactured in the United States, but one has been found to be entirely free from opiates and that ia the California Positive and Negative Elec tric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth for coughs, colds, croup, etc. Sold by all druggists. New Railroad Station. A new station is being laid out on the Oregon Pacific rail road between Gatesville and Brown's mill. It is to be called Micto. It is near Leedy's saw mill, from which a tramway will be built to the railroad. A bridge tor wagons and the tramway is being built across the river at the new station. A Mother's Gratitude. My son was in an almost helpless condition with flux when I commenced using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and I am sure it saved his life. I take great pleasure in reccom mending it to all. Mrs. M. L. Johnson, Everett, Simpson Co., Miss. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Thos. Graham, druggist. Quarterly Meeting. Rev. H. L. Bark ley, of the United ' Brethren in Christ, will hold the first quarterly meeting of the con ference year in Keezel Chapel, Philomath, Oregon, Saturday and Sunday, July 11th and 12th. Services on Saturday to com mence at 2 p. m.; on Sunday at 11 a. m., and in the evening at 8 p. m. Excitement Runs high at the Pharmacy over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspesia, Constipation and impure blood and to build up the system. It certainly possesses wonderful merit when all speak so well of it. Sold by all drug gists. Card of Thanks. The general com mittee on 4th of July celebration take this method of thanking the citizens who so liberally helped them financially and other wise, also the tire department which aided them, and especially the leaders who took such an active part and gave such v aluable assistance. General Committee. Why are we Sick? Because we allow the Liver, the bowels, and the Kidneys, these great organs,- to l ecotne clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are forced into the blood. Expel them by using Plun der's Oregon Blood Purifier. Letter List. O. Baxter, J. H. Brown, Mrs. Fannie Custer, John High, Hans Alsson Kleokaar, For., Tom Lillard, Will H. Low, Joe Philips, Lena M. Stokes, Miss Kate Vigili 4, Edward Waldeu, John H Warnell, Bertha C. Washburn, W. W. Woodworth, Sherman L. Young. F. A. Helm, P. M. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cnre. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo.O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 ysars, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tion, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Whole ale Druggists Tole do, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directlv DDon the hlnnd And mnpjms surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per' bottle. Sold by all for Infants "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Mahtyn.D.D., New York City. Late Faster Bloomingdale Bef ormed Church. Tbb Centaur R. M. WADE & CO., DEALERS IN- H AEDw AND Agricultural The Machine of Steel Leads the World! ALSO DEALERS IN Binding Twine, Clevbland Cottage Colors, Paints and Oils, RACINE BUGGIES PARRY CARTS. CLEARANCE SALE nmmer Goods ! FOR JUL Y AND AUGUST. Stae: Ming, Sninsr Uaderwsar, fasr Qvsrshirts, Summer Hits, Etc, Etc. All at Ked uced Prices in order to make room for o ur new fall lines. A. CAR-LOAD OF TRUNKS AND VALISES JUST EECEIVED. A complete stock of harvesting outfits, such as buck gloves, overa'ls, jean and cotton pants, jumpers, blouses, etc., etc. HEADQUARTERS Type Writers, New and Second-Hand. TYPE - WRITING SUPPLIES, Fins Liaen and Carbon Papers, Ribbons, etc. General Agent for "SMITH PREMIER" Type-Writer, EDISON "MIMEOGRAPH," Automatic Steel Copying Presses, Cook's Auto matic Postal Scales and. Rival Filing Cabinets. I can furnish you with a complete Office Outfit. Send for Catalogue. JJ1. TV". REYNOLDS, 29, Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. SALAEY $25 PER WEEK. WANTED! Good agents to sell our General Line of Merchandise. Ho peddling. The above aviary will be paid "live" agents. Far information address Chicago General Supply Co., 178 West Van jBiwen gt. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote dt gestion. Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended Sour Castoria, 1 and shall always continue to o so as it has invariably produced bennflntol results." Edwin F. Pjjidei, M. D., The Wmthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave New York City. Company, 77 Mubray Stkckt, Nktt Yobs. ABE Machinery. HEADQUARTERS FOR McCormick Binders and Mower?, OF- FOR MENS OUTFITS. L. G. ALTMAN, M. D., iiinioriTiiii; PHYSICIAN. OFFICE Over Nolan's Store, Second and Monroe RESIDENCE On Jackson Street, between Eighth and Ninth. OFHCK HOURS-From 8 tp 12 m., and 2 to 5 M 7 to p. m.