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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1885)
Weakly Corvallis Gazette. FRIDAY' MORNIXG, FEB. 27, 1885. 0 TICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COuNTY Entered at the Postoffioe at Ore 'u, as seeou J-class matter. Corvallis News Summary. The oyster men on Shoalwater bay are fcusy this month, the demand for bivalves being large. W. H. Price, living near Port Discovery, has discovered a Hue dejxisit of fcoij iron ore ou his farm. Empty houses at Goldendale are being bought up by farmers and moved out to grace their ranches. Rogue river valley and county is about to appear in pamphlet shape and be freely dis tributed. A goW idea, if well executed. The government has just established a ip,nal station at Port Angeles, from which hereafter weather reports will be made. It is on the government' own line to Cape Flattery. Times must be dense out in Modoc county Cat. The delinquent tax list occupies fif teen columns in the local paper at Alturas which was lucky enough, to secure its pub lication. The fall sown wheat in Kittitas valley has been well protected bv the snow, which melts no faster than the earth can absorb it. This enhances the prospect of a lull crop the coming year. Mrs. Laura Wilson, on trial in San Fran cisco for selling white b.ibies to Chinese, denies that she ever sold tlicm, but ac knowledges to having given away 100 in the last fourteen years. Jacksonville people boast of spending $25,000 in building improvements within the past year, the brick buildings in the I urnt discrict and improvement in the flour ing mills being the principal items. A considerable amount of real estate has passed into the hands of immigrants in Linn county during the past few weeks. During the past week $25,000 has been paid for land near Albany by immigrants. Gov. Adams, of Nerada, happened to overhaul an old ooat the other day and Jound $3,800 in one of the pockets. He had forgotten all about the money. We've done the same thing a dozen times. Astor iau. It is stated that the Northern Pacific will lie completed to Ellensburg by April 1st and that connection will be made with Ta coma in October. The temporary road over the Cascades will be in the form of a Z, or similar to that used during the construction of the Bozeman tunnel. Concerning the proposed new building for the state university, for which $30,000 has been appropriated by the legislature, the Eugene Guard says: "The building will be a two-story brick structure, with basement, of very handsome design. The first floor will be used as an auditorium, while the second will be divided up into class rooms. Plans will be ordered immediately, and the contract will be let as soon as possible. The whole work will be under the supervision of the Board of Regents. The building was badly needed, and our people appreciate the action of the legislature in so promptly passing the measure." After the legislature had been in session forthirty-eight days, its committee oa elec tions was at last enabled to report on the L lughlin-Burch contested election case, recommending that Burch hold his seat. Inasmuch as Burch has held it so far, it would not have been much satisfaction to Laughliu if they had reported in his favor and given him a seat among the solons for the last two days. The testimony written out in long hand makes 800 folios, or 80, 000 words, and covens 500 pages of legal ctp. It is made np in three bound books. There were about 125 witness examined, and fifteen days taken up in the examina tion. It will cost the state about 82200. Oregon ian. Salem is troubled just now with a great deal of sickness of the malarial type. Why is this? It is the fault of bad drainage, and siothing else. Which is better, to pay , from $10,000 to $20,000 annually in doctor's bills, or to pay a less amount in draining the streets, and thereby prevent disease? The latter, of course. The medicine taken after one becomes sick is not so effective as prevention. ISo one eoejd expect anything but sickness with the streets full of slimy, .stagnant water; and when spring opens, and the rains cease, it will be a thousand times worse. The healthiest cities are those where cleanliness and drainage is well at- .tended to. Tribune. The new county established east of the .John Day river is named after Col. Gilliam, who a.-cidently shot and killed himself in that region in the year 1848, at the close of the Caynse war. Gilliam county contains bout 46 townships of fine agricultural and grazing land. The land is mostly the bunch grass table land, of easy cultivation, and produces from 35 to 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. The principal trading points are Alkali and Fossil, but other towns are springing up rapidly, such as Condon, Clam Olex, Eight Mile, and Rock point. Ad joining Gilliam county on the east side of Marrow county, carved mainly out of Uma tilla, with Heppner as the principal town and county seat. This county is named after Captain Jack Marrow, a member of the Legislatures from Umatilla. The prin cipal settlement ia both these counties has been made within the last three years, ex ceeding anything of the kind known in the history of the state. Statesman. The depression in the wool tra le is driv ing some of the Coos and Curry county flock-masters out of the business. Wheat shippers offer to advance 20 cents on a bushel on next season's crop, to Walla Walla farmers, which was not offered last year. Citizens of Ashland tender a splendid building and grounds there to the State, to be kept and used as a normal school. Worth.$10,000. Reports from all parts of Coos and Curry county agree that this has been an extraor dinarily good weather for live stock in that section of Oregon. While they have had an unusual amount of rain, there has not been sufficient frost to check the growth of grass. Major Jones of the United States Engi neer Corps, will soon leave Portland with a force of men to survey Priest's Rapids on the Columbia river, an appropriation of $6,000 having been made for that purpose. The Priest's rapids are on the Colombia river about 200 miles above The Dalles, and extend a distance of 1 1 miles. General work on the locks and canal at the Cascades has been resumed for some time. During the continuance of the heavy snow storms and very cold weather opera tions were almost entirely suspended. About 160 men are now employed at the government works there, and the force is being slowly inct eased. The Second Adventists are at it again. They are bound to wind up the world some time. The prophets live at Los Angeles, California, this time, and place the date at September 30, 1SS5. The announcement is made through the columns of a paper called the Los Angeles Trumpet Call, and the editor was but lately discharged from the Stoc'.on Insane Asylum. The Adventists are at least a persevering set in the matter of prophecy. Mr. J. H. Stine, formerly editor of the West Side, which flourished for some time at Independence, Oregon, proposes to es tablish himself with a weesily newspaper at Grants Pass, devoted to the interests of that section of the state. A bill has just been passed by the legislature which fixes the boundary line between Josephine and Jackson counties, by taking four townships about sixteen miles of the Rogue river valley from the latter, and adding to the former. A second bill provides that the inhabitants f the entire county of Josephine thus created, shall have 'the right to vote at the next June election for the county seat. There is little doubt but that Grant's Pass will receive a majority of the votes. Mr. Stine will be the pioneer publisher of Jose phine county, as it has as yet, never had a newspaper within its boundaries. He says he has received substantial encouragement from the people of that section, and be lieves his new venture will accrue to his own profit, as well as to that of the coun try he will represent. Protection for Newspaper Carriers Portland carriers held a meeting recently for the purpose of forming some plan to protect themselves against dishonest sub scribers. It is said that persons in that city will subscribe for a paper, and when ever the collector come around will keep putting him off, telling him to "call again." The collector does "call again" several times, but never gets his money, and finally has to stop leaving the paper, having lost the price of it during the eutire time it has' been left. The newspaper beat then sub scribes for another paper, and gets it free for two or three months more from another carrier, and so on for six or eight months, and even a year in some cases. The carriers hereafter will have one common "black list," which will have upon it the names of all the above class of swindlers, and when a man fails to pay one carrier he will never get another paper from any of them without paying in advance. The Senate. All doubt as to the senate for the next four years is removed. The election of Ev- arts from New York and Teller from Colo rado insures the republicans a clear majority, whether the legislature from Illinois respects the will of the people or not. There are al ready chosen or to hold over 41 republican senators out of 76, and the democrats with out Illinois can get only 34; with the sena tor from that state they would have only 35. But it is hoped by republicans throughout the country that the splendid services of General Logau will not be ungratefully re paid by defeat. The people of Illinois gave a clear majority for tho republican cause, aud a plurality of over 25,000. To defeat a republican candidate for senator, either electing a democrat or depriving the state of half its representation, would be a wanton defiance of the popular will. Included in the list of 41 republican senators are Gener al Mahone and Riddleberger, who joined with their associates in formally adopting the republican name prior to the national convention, who sought admission to that body as republicans, and were recognized and admitted by the convention, and who heartily supported the republican national candidates. If without them the republi cans had not a majority, it is possible that the bourbon democrats would have been willing to sacrifice almost anything to secure the co-operation of the Virginia senators, though there is no reason to suppose that any overtures to them would have succeed ed. But with 39 members, a clear majority of the senate, besides the two senators from Virginia, the republicans know what their opponents have nothing to gain by offering terms to Mahone and Riddleberger, and the savage abuse of those senators by demo cratic organs will therefore continue. The confirmation of Cleveland's appointments aud the power to defeat mischievous legis lation will rest with the republicans of the senate for two years from March 4, and After that time they have reason to hope they will be supported by a republican ma jority in the house. JT. Y. Tribune. Temperance Department EDITED BY THE W. C. T. t". Education vs. AlconoL Every one can see the outward effects of alcohol upon human beings. We know that those using it to excess usually have bloated faces, bleared eyes, red noses and many other disfiguring marks left by the habit. These are too well known to need enumerat ing. And it will seem as though these effects were bad enough to make all wish to put down the habit. If one could become intox icated an indefinite number of times and still recover and oe no worse off mentally, mor ally or physically, we think the visible effects ought to be enough to deter all from the use of alcoholic drinks. But these are only out ward results from inward effects. There are many no dojbt that are ignorant of the laws which govern the organization of the human system that they think they can take poison in their systems as often as they like if they do not kill themselves outright, and may recover from the effects of it and be well and strong, and live as long as if they had never taken it. But educated people who have studied the physiological effects of poison upon the human body know that everything that injures the system injures the health; that it interferes with the per son's usefulness and certainly shortens life. The youth of the past generation and of to day have been altogether too ignorant as to the actual effects of alcohol on the body from a physiological point, we firmly believe that many people would never have acquired thejhabit had they been taught in their youth all these facts. The temperance people now ask that their children and the coming generations may be enlightened on this subject, and taught to understand their own systems and the effects of abusing them by the use of stimulants and narcotics, even as they are taught to other important branches of knowledge; to the end that they may learn self government in order that they may be qualified to ad minister the affairs of the nation. Herbert Spencer says: "Knowledge which subserves self-preservation by pre venting the loss of health is of primary im portance." We do not say such a knowl edge would by any mens wholly remedy the evil, but that she right knowledge im pressed in the right way would effect much, we infer that as vigorous health aud its ac companying high spirits are larger elements of happiness than any other things whatever, the teaching how to maintain them is a teaching that yields in moment to none whatever, aud therefore we assert that such a course of phyisology as is needful in the comprehension of its general truth, and their bearings on daily conduct is an all es sential part of a rational education. We heartily endorse this with reference to scientific temperance instructions and to this end have asked that our legislature place upou our statute books a law requir ing that in all schools supported by public money, instructions be given in physiology and hygiene with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system in order that the children of Oregon may have equal advantages with those of Vermont, New Hampshire Michigan, New York and Rhode Island. Wherein laws have been euacted makiug such instructions obligatory. We sincerely hope to see such laws iu full force all over our state and that right speedily. Strufof Figs. Nature's own true Lax ative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, painless iu its action. Cures habitual Con stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion aud kin dred ills. Cleanses the system, purities the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up colds, chills and fever, etc. sitrengthenes the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sam ple bottles free, aud large bottles for sale by Allen & Woodward. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale at T. Graham's. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us ou a guarantee. It cures con sumption, for sale by T. Graham. Shiloh's Vitalizcr is what you need for Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at T. Graham's. Will you suffer with dispepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitaiizer as guaran teed to cure you. For sale at T. Graham's. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by T. Graham. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it For sale at T. Graham's. For lame back, side or chest, use 'Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale at T. Graham's. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by I'. Graham. A Happy Thought. It was a happy thought that led to the production of a con centrated fruit syrnp, so harmless in its nature that it may be given either to the mother or her babe, relished alike by both, and of such wonderful efficacy that all who take it feel brighter and hippier. Allen & Woodward will furnish anyone wishing Syrup of Figs a trial bottle free of charge, sell fifty cent and one dollar bottles. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvallis Oregon. CANAN & G1BLIN, PROPRIETORS. THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building, newly furnished, and is first class in all its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaouioa Bm Holidays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Floor far 19-36 ly Large Sample Commercial Beo. Send six cents f or postage and receive free, a costly box of roods which will help all, of either sex, to more money ngot away man anyrnin in trie world. Fortunes await tbe workers, absolutely sure. At once atldreisVRr ot Co. , Augusta, Maine. A PRIZE; FOR ANY KIND OF JOB PRINTING, From a Calling Card to a Full Sheet Poster, The Corvallis Gazette Office HAS NO SUPERIORS In Quality and Prices. Send few prices and estimates- Real Estate Agency! CORVALLIS OREGON Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or lease farms or farm property on commission. Having made arrangements for co-operation with agents in Portland, and being ful ly acquainted with real property in J'enti n county, we feel assured of giving entire sat isfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. G. A. Waggoner, 20-liyl T. J. Bcford, C Ornamental. Useful n HRISTMAS PRESENT u Something that will last and Be a Joy Forever, At Philip Weber's FURNITURE STORE. Patent Rockers, Folding Chairs, Picture Frames, Brackets, Work Cas kets, And in Fact VEBYTHINGNIC In the Farnitnre Line for the Holiday Trade. Of either sex admitted to the rOETLAND BUSINESS COLLIGB On any week-day of the year. The College Jonrnal, containing informa tion of the coarse of study, rates of tuition, board, examinations, etc., and cats of plain and ornamental penmanship, free. Ad drees, A. P. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104. Poaixara. Ob. In writing, pletue mention this paper. THE MUTUAL SELF-ENDOWMENT .AISTD BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, . Grand Central Cfflce, Fort Worth, Texas. SAM CUNDIFF, President. E. M. MACY, Secretary B. W. BROWN, Vice-Presileat. A. W. MORRISON, Treat, Chartered under th. laws of the Stat ot Texaa. June 11th, 18sl. CopyrizH secured bj filirx title Jane 11 1481. in the office of the librarian ot Congress, D. C. PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT. OFFICE: No. 7 Powell St. Corner Market. San Francisco OFFICERS: O. C. WHFELER, DD. LLD., President. W. H. WAKD, Vice-President. W. K. TAYLOR, M. D. . Medical Director. J. N. RUSSELL, Sr., Superintended. J. N. RUSSELL, Jr. Secretary. PACIFIC BANK, Treasurer. CAPT. J. N. LEONARD, State Supt.. Portland, Or. The object of this Association is to provide endowments for living members as well as benefits for families of deceased members, at the least cost conaiiiteiit with perfect security, by issuing endowment is well as death benfit certificates. The plan embraces two forms, lite and death. One pays at the death of a member, and the other p in five equal installments during life. The association is operated on the mutual plan. Jt has no sto:fc holars to absorb its earnings, and no trustees among whom to divide its surplus. The total membership r.f the association now amounts to nearly 12,000 with a steady inereas each month . The association has disbursed to date f370.76S.83 in benefits to the legatees of deceased mum bers, and on maturing coupons. Is loaning from fif tee to twenty thousand per month to lining members. -REVIEW SINCE ORGANIZATION. Paid Legatees Paid endowment fund. Home Office Paid endowment fund. Department Offices Balance uu hand 154,206,31 186,491,97 24,168,21 11,902. 65 Total - $376,7S.83 Agents Wanted in every county of the Pacific Coast. F. M. JohnSOn, Eesideut Agent, - - Corvallis, Oregon. City Stables iDaily Stage Line FROM ALBANY THOS. EGLIN, On the Corner West of the Engine House CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. HAVING COMPLETED MY new and commodious BARN, I am better than ever prepared to keep tlM BEST OF TEAMS BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND SADDLE HORSES TO HIRE. At Reasonable Rates. 1ST Particular attention given to Boarding Horses Horses Booxm anu sold or exchanged. PLEASE (JIVE ME A CALL. TO CORVALLIS. Proprietory Having secured the contract to t-arryiag tk United FRO Corvallis to -A-lbany For the ensuinsr four years will leare Corvallia racfe morning at 3 o'clfck, arriving- in Albany about o'clock, and will ttart from Albany at 1 o'clock in -h afternoon, returning to Orv&llis about S o'cl This line will be rt pared with good htn. and emir ui driven anu nice comfortable and EASY RIDING VEHICLES For the accommodation ot th TRAVELING PUBLIC. 4M Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by aX. aT. BLAIR, AT CORVALLIS SACKS FURNISHED TO HTWSh. Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangement eisewlu r 18-27-vl CABINET MAKER, !DftTAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sts., CORVALLIS, : OIJEOOW, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of FURNITURE Coffins ard Caskets. Work dene to ordsr on short notice and at reasonable rates. Corrallis July 1. 1881. 19:27yl. LTHIE (GAZETTE) JOHN KELSaT. E. HOLGATE. Notary Pmue. KELSAY & HOLGATE A.ttornevs - at - Law Prompt attention given to business intrusted to on. car.; in all the Courts of the State. Demands collected with or without action anywhere m the U. S Wil collect claims against the Gov ernment at Washington. E. Ilolgate, a notary public, will rive strict attentioi to coovej'ancing, negotiating loans, buying, selling and leasing real estate, and a general agency business. Local agents for the Oregon Kire anil Marine Jnsu ranee Con-pany of Oregon, a reliable home company backed bv the heaviest capitalists of the State. Office in Burnett's new brick, first door at head ot stairs. 19 17tf KELSAY & HOLGATE. -AT- J. W. HANSON'S. Clothing and Tailoring Emporium, You can find the latest styles of ready made clothing, also the finest Pants Patterns and. Suitings Ever brought to Corvallis. READY MADE CLOTHING PRESSED TO OliDER. Constantly on hand a full line of Furnishing- Goods, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties, &c, &c. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Twe doors South of Will Bre.'s. CORVALLIS, - - - - OREGON JOB PRINTING BEING SUPPLIED WITH LATEST STYLES, AND DESIGNS OF s Typ& and all Printing Material IS PREPARED TO DO FINE BOOK AND.'FANCY JOB PRINTMS In the latest styles and at pi ics but little Biers than cost of labor and material, on short notieo We are constantly turning out at prices whith defy rem petition, the niet designs of Letter heads, Bill heads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, .Note books, Order books. Receipt books, Posters, Druggists labels, Gummed er Ungummed, Legal blanks, Send, ior Samples and Pricaa to the Gazette Of fice il you want the Best work at Lowest Prics. DEFORMITIES. Diseases of the Spine and Joints, Club Foot, Tumors, Ruptures, Ulcers, and all Surgical Diseases; also Diseases of Women, Jievous Diseases, such as Paralysis, Ac.; specially treated. Consultation Free. Ad dress or call on Dr. H. C. Sticknkt, Gener al and Orthopedic Surgeon, Dekum Block, cor. First and Washington Streets, Portland, i Oregon. 21U