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About The Benton democrat. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1871-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1873)
I-.'. .- v : t ct ! - ' ; ; ; Hi It : 61 1 fc!" :) Oil ; O'.U V ii tt::: ?i c; .1 C 1 !' J.l i' v'u u" if THE BENTON DEMOCRAT. rOTFICIAL PA PEE FOB" BEXTOS COUNTY. I? SATURDAY, : JUNE 21. RIPPLE ALIAS MITCHELL . , This individual is attracting eonsitf . erable attention at the present : time, on account of gome tferelopments that have unM bCBn made in the history of hia life, , showing bine entirely unworthy the po v aition he now fills. When he became a candidate for the United Stales Senate, and bis friends were pressing his claims against those of men that were' above reproach, and be was at the Capital himself, resorting to every possible - means to secure hie election, it was well ' known that he was- the willing tool of Ben llolladay, and had been ever since Holladay came into the State, and was not a fit Euan to- be entrusted with the t position of United States Senator; but the Puke hod ent furth'Tua fiat, and his minions dare not disobey. I The re , suit that to-day we see young Ore . gon humbled in (be dust; ber fair es cutcheon blotched, her integrity stained and she made a hissing and ' byword of reproach, through her Senator with an alias. When the charges were first 'made against the lion (7) Senator, peo pie were generally surprised but not those who had watched his actions closely and it was expected that he would hurl forth an indignant denial; but instead of that he has filed his plea of confession and avoidance, and this ; commonwealth is entitled to a judgment . against him by default, on his own -i showing, and to demand of him that he " no longer disgrace this State by at tempting to represent her in the coun cils of the nation. - The- charge that he left Pennsylva nia with other men's money is met by a statement that no man has lost a cent t byhiin; the same kind of proof would .. clear a man of larceny; all' that he . would have to do would be to pay for ' the' property stolen, when he was caught, and the demands of the law would be met. This kind of an argu ; meqt may be very consoling to Mr. Hippie, under the circumstances, but will be treated with the contempt it de t serves : by sensible men. Hia excuse for changing his name is a miserable u subterfuge, and worthy only of con- '.;d? w tempt. Is there a sane man in Oregon -rr Sa that would assume a talse .name, and "I 'r.t.- 'mpose upon jthe community., in which , - r, . he lives, because he had been unfortu t.:ui i! nate enough to have domestic troubles? "n-J It seems that Hippie's domestic troubles 33" y Jj not prevent him from seeking , con ,,,, r eolation, at a very early day, in the so c"ity and companionship of another wo--i?n -.! ttan, with whom lie came to California Bi-ij;;. and passed as his wife; and this is thesa 'J cret. of his .changing bia name; like -jU -m'j ian7 other villain that would desert hia JjLiitiWife--fend children, and take, np with .cn;' such a woman as was willing to ; bear ."JllSi. v: . -i . j be was anxious to ; bide himself from . the aze of honest men, and cover up t ih ithe double crime of desertion arid adul c! "tery by the cognomen or Mitchell, and "9' thereby 'elude . pursuit or run pleasant contact with' the officers of justice, who might be en his track. ' :After Mitchell .iif- ; j 'arrived "in Oregon ; it appears 'that he ; nifi.i deliberately committed the crime of big-'"ur-cu? Ani marrying a - lady in Portland, .Y "while he had; a wife Butler Si -IT :connty Pennsylvania, a wife! wbo3e jriHii i plain, Unvarnished story carries with' it the conviction of truth, and shows that U this man Hippie has been guilty of erimes which, but tor the statute or lim itations, would eonsign him to the Pen- itentiary.:''-f,:'w. J:'; s ."i t. . In the first place, it seems that, while i a school teacher, he took advantage of the position be occupied and sedueed Sadie Hoom, one of hia pupils,- she -arfti'fjj teing then a girl of fifteen, years of age,' ' young and inexperienced, liable t fail 'n't . into the snares of an ' accomplished vil b -i e'jlaiii;. while he was' a man of mature ,"j3 yearsr and if he ever j had any moral 3 i t f ribeiple, it should have been sufficient f. t.a cJty strong to prevent him from destroy? ::e.:i ing 'the reputation and happiness of one placed in his charge;, but the libertine is a moral outlaw, that regards neither --.d 1 tne laws or uoa or man, a social Deast f prey r whose ravages desecrate the i..' , altar and the hearth, to minister io his i unholy lusts, and whose crimes, in their , i effects upon society and npon his vio ,t i,. 4 tima, i - thousand- times more to be ' dreaded than the knife of .the -assassin, ; . or the bullet of the murderer. The next " youthful indiscretion ! that Mr.-Hippie is guilty o ,ifl thatof 1 ' ' bringing a mistress into his family and r " ' keeping her there as his paramour, in the- fa of hie wife and chiidreu, and when remonstrated with by his wife for such conduct,he curses her and threatens to kill h(r beautiful conduct for an hon orable man -and finally runs, off .ath hia aflrhity to California,'where shJhis appears, and Higpletorna op! in Ok&; gotii It la" useless tor the Hon(?) Sen ator to crave the charity of an indignant, J outraged public; he has, no right to ex pect it, and his' evil deeds "has put in every honest band a whip to lash the rascal naked through tbe'world." ' , r ApoLOGT.--Our readers will excuse any lack of miscellaneous news matter, in this, issue, as our columns are crowd ed with the proceeding of the late Far mers' Convention, which we deem' of vast importance to the people of Ore- gon. ' ' ' To do Holladay 'a dirty work in or ganising bands of ruffians for the pur pose of surrounding the polls in Port-, land Intimidating legal ; voters and trampling under foot the wilP of the taxpayers is what Hippie alias Mitch ell calles "honest endeavor." ; Caed op Thank 8. -M. J. Allphih wishes to return thanks to students ol the Agricultural College, for their lib eral patronage during the past week. PACIFIC SLOPEBS. Halaey and Lebanon each have a brass band. - Sixteen citizens of Holt county, Mis souri, are en route' to Eugene. The Fourth will be generally cele brated throughout Oregon. The Jacksonville Sentinel publishes a map. of the seat of the Modoc War. The Modoc- Chiefs have had then pictures taken.- ' The machinery is being put into he Oregon City Woolen Mills. Work on the Oregon Code will be commenced by September 1st. " The Boseburg lime has proved to be the best o i the 'coast. " - Rich iron ore has been discovered two miles back of Oregon City. . x- Gold has been discovered in Ochoco Valley, thirty miles from the Dalles. - Albany farmers have purchased C. Westlake's fine warehouse, for $12,000. A fire alarm1 attachment has been added -to the Eugene Court House bell. - A quarry of stone, closely rBem bling the famous French burr, has been discovered on the Santiam. ,. . j i , A joint-stock warehouse is to be built at Iudependence, by. the farmers . of Oak Grove and Monmouth.. ! li 1 : The Courier reports strawberries four inches in circumference grpw.n bjr Mr. Burbank in -Tamhill county.. . . Articles of incorporation of the Mc Senzie Warehouse have been' filed Ju . the County Clerk's office, at " Eugene. The foreman of the Dallas Republi Ban has the measles, and that sheet comes to us on the 'half shell." . Santiam farmers aver that they were imposed upon when storing wheat in. theO.j&OV R. H. Co.'S; warehouses; ; i Leo Hudson died on the 2d, from in-. juries ; received by falling through a stage at ot. ij.iuis, several weeks ago. ' The friends of JacobRupp, who has been tor on year,1 and is now,-, lying ill, at the Dalles, are notified that be is in need. of assistance,. L r.; s : ' An attempt was maae, on Tuesday last, to. fire the': residence -of Reuben Glaze; at Dallas, hut the' flames were extinguished before any damage re sulted. , .-' ; Official rpport s have been; received by the Governor ehowing that none jof the Oregon Volunteers were " near , the: late killing of the Modoc captives, aud denouncing the report connecting ; them with the transaction as malicious. ' FLASHES OF ULUUTL'0. .., Wool in Boston, pulled 23 to ' 53c per poond . f , : " Susan B. Anthony found guilty. .Sen: tence not yet passed, . . ; v ' - On the 18th inst there were 11 deaths from cholera in Memphis, Tenn. . . i? ; Meacham is at . present, engaged in preparing a report of. his attempt, to pacify; the Modoca. .n i , J : - i ; ba Anti-Chinese excitement ' runs fhigh in Saa Francisco. - ' A There were eighty-two deaths in San Francisco' last week two by , suicide. ' San Francisco has six Italian . rape ease la the Police Court. Caa? they do thaK ''.,,., . :ilx-President.. Johnson proposes,, to run,; for Governor of Tennessee, in tber falU'i .' Jr. .r ' V:; ; : . A dispatch from the GreatiEasterd on the 18th inst report 443 ' miles of cable paid out: ; -& - ! '. The NaVy Department has purchas ed the British "steamer Tigress, " for the Polaris search expedition.", j j '' Several shocks of1 earthquake re cently frightened fhe people of Valpa raiso aud the south parts of Chili. - The ship Dorris arrived . at Halifax on the 28th Inst with six. cases of j el low fever on board. Oae died ou the voyage.' .Three thousand cases of salmon and 6,000 barrels of flour, were - shipped Upm Sao Francisco to New York yea Wrday, -..-. . ',- Strket Improvemesi's. Deputy Mar shal Raririy has been busy, this " week, re pairing our streets, .and filling .np ia low places, and near crosswalks, a much need ed Improvement., The dirt used in filling up is hauled from the-excavation being made for. the new warehouse that is now being built by the Benton County Farm- :ff JifKETfNO. Xliere, will be a meeting, of the little girls, ot this city, held tbis even ing at ibe- Presbyterian. Church, at the ringing of the bell, for the purpose of se lecting tuose to represent we uiuereni. States and Territories. Throw, in a few large ones too .- '' -' Tiea Bbokkh. John Tantis, living on Little Elk, on Thursday last, while driv ing some sheep his horse -stumbled and fell, breaking one of bis legs short off just above the ankle joint,.; Medical aid Was summoned as soon as possible. ' ' . : Changed 11 anus. Sol. King has pur chased the drays, trucks; etc., formerly run by James Eglin, aud is now prepared to do hauling of all kinds on-short notice. Ox A Visit. E. G. Head, Editor-in-Chief of the Bknton Democrat went to Portland on Tuesday last. He will return the first ot the comiug week. . Branch Brewery. joe Hunt has open ed a branch establishment in Eugene for the sale of his excellent beer. : Charley bteim does the honors.. " -iio , , . ... ' Base Bali.: The match game played between the Athletics and Homoletics of this city, on last Saturday, resulted in the victory of the former. . ' .r--. Deceased. -The wifeof Hon. James Gin- le, ex-Representative from this county,' ied ou Monday of last week. , ' Repaibino. Several of the sidewalks along Main street received much; needed repairs last Saturday. . Firbcuackebs. VV estheimer received au invoice of firecrackers last night: : All in good time for the Fourth. t ' ' A girl in. Iowa, without legs, has married-a man without-'arms, and the local papers say they gel along splen didly. ' - ; HABUIEOl . HOWARD .JUSTICE In this City, on . the 16th iust at the residence ot the . bride's parents, Mr. Henry Howard to " Miss' A. B. Justice. ... :'; ; . .. ! No cards. V , . . ": - . ' ' FISHER ML'LKEY In this city, on the 15th inst., by E. Holsr-ite, J. P., Henry Fisher to Mrs. Roine Mulkey, both of inis county. . - - - . . i f ' We aekuowledge the receipt -of a boun tiful sup.nly of cake, accompanying the above notice. May summer clouds alone adorn their skv. and niav their home ever be made bright by the innocent prattle of young "naners. -y . i "nteSw - x his Week. GRAND CELEBRATION! ..AT., CORVALLIS! ;1 ;',- v.?v- 'I:,-j-- PROCESSION TO BE FORMED AT Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock A; M., in the following order; ,t , ' "'T 1 Corvallis Brass Band: ; 5 Orator of the Day and Reader; ,iiniJ o? president and Chaplain; Representatives of States and Territories: eol'vl Sabbath Schools tit thfrCity; . Albany Fire Company; V ' w:uo CorvalZis Fire Company;' . ri Big Six,'' drawn by sii horses;' ' " . - Citizens on foot; - ,;ry..-a Citizens ia carriages; etc.j ' ; ' And-will then inarch up Fourth" street., tp corner of Fourtli and vyashingtan; thetioi to Second;, thence dowii Second to the cor ner of Second and Van.Bui en, i thence to Fifth 'streetj;sup .the, same to the Court House Square. '.'."! J. , ) AJV.-. -f, - PROGRAMME: , VaJT':.H .HusiCby the Band; ; J ' Prayer by the Chaplain; t ; ( Reading ot Declaration , of Independence; Music by the Band;11 i; . . OraUon, ' .; , HON. GEO. Rl HELM; J. Music by, the Band; , si. J.c;a Original poem, 1 . 1 t I. , MART. TAYLOR;, - " -,t - (, -Dinner; - t ' --; Music by the Baud; ; i- t'- 't Toasts and Responses; ' . Plug Uglies parade with grand military ... i ;jr.- - - music, ,. . "Big Six' , will be manned precisely at 4 .o'clock preparatorytjto jthro vying water. Immediately; after, r dancing at the Pa , CCMMITTEE CFJlRRAJiCEMCtTS: ' 3T. P. Briogs, ' G.'P.' WsksV,' & S. E. Robinson,- ; N1. H . Eabbbr . " . r - i i. W. IIatbubw. .. 4 a A Estray Notice. 3 TAKEN tTP BT THE UNDERSIGNED I-IV-ing live. miles north of Cotvalils, on the tain road, one sorrel man, fifteen hands high, six or seven years ef ago, with two- fore feet and one hind foot white, and small star in forehead. -Saddle marks on back. Appraised at. , P. 9EKSOX. -. CorvaTiK Jn ! 1873,' , . l9w , f I r- - Rates of Advertising. TBANSIKKT ADVIBTI8IKO. . Orie square, twelve lines or lessJSoni . pareil measure, f 2 50 for first insertion ) and $1 00 for each subsequent insertion. Cash required in advance. '' ' TIME ADVBBT18EB3 i Will be charged at the following rates . ' Bills payable quarterly : 'f One square one week .... .". . .' .". . . $ 1 60 Two squares, r1; rrK.. .. -Xf 00 Three " . . .2.50 One-fourth colurnn,' one week....". ' . 6 00 One-half JW -., 7.00 One column, " .... 12 50 One Square, one month.... ..j. .i..Z 00 Two squares, " . . t... .. . 6 00 Three " " 6 00 One-fourth column, one month.... 9 00 Oiie-haif : ' ,' : -....4 .15 00 One column, l " ,' Jf!f ':. ! ..,;20 00 One square, three months . .-. ,' 5 00 Two squares, 4i ;:. :-? ; 7 00 Three ; " , . , ........ 10 00 One-fourth column, three mo.... 15 00 Half-column, 'v ".' " . ... , 20 00 One column, ' K" . 35 00 One square, six months.. .... 8 00 Two squares, . ! ' . 13 00 Three 4t " .... .... .. 15 00 One-fourth column, six ,.,.. - 25 00 One-half column, u 35 00 Onecolumn, 1 ' ' " i...., 60 00 One square, one year.... ;... ..... 15 00 Two squares, " ,..,(;..;t; 18 00 Three squares,:,! ", ...'.'.... 20 00 One-fourth column, one year., ... ; 35 00 One-half column, . 6Q 00 One column " "( " '.. .. .. 100 00 - Local notices will be inserted at 20 cents per line, for first insertion : and lOeents per line for each subsequent insertion.: Legal' notices charged at transient" rates, and payment required upon their expiration.. .No charge for proof of pub lication before a Notary, f . '" Liberal discount to regular yearly advertisers. , - : i- , ;. -: Professional cards, $12 per. annum. ' . Oregon Official. Directory.- ,; . - EXECtrnva department., "! . : i Govenor.... .... .... .. L. F. Orover. Secretary of State.. . ....S. F. Chadwick. Treasurer of State.... ....L. Fleischner. State Printer.... Eugene Semple. State Librarian.. .....IS. C. Simpson. Register of State Lands ..E. S. McComas. COSGRESSIONAL. -: . ' tr. S. Senator.... .'...V.James K. Kelley. -' - tSC-.-f. .... .. H. W. C'orbett. Congressman ...... ...V James H. Slater. - i t : FEDERAL OFFICERS. " "1H ' U. S. District Judge , j.. . ...M. P. Deady. U.S. Marshal.. ,;;... Tho's G. Young. Clerk U. S. ourt ........ K. Wilcox. Surveyor General... ,W. H Odell. Sup't Ind. Aftairs .... A. B. Meacham. IT. 8. Assessor.... : .... ..-..Thos. -Frazer. V. S. Collector...; ..W. Bowlby. '. LAND OFFICERS. W: R. Willis, Register, .... Rosbeurg. B. Herman, Receiver, ............ lt -. Owen Wade, Register, ....Oregon City. Henry Warren, . Receiver, .... . " , . . J. H. Stevens, Register, ..La Grande. D. Chaplin, Receiver, .... .... " - BUPRFME COURT. ' " V--V '. P. P.. Prim, Chief Jsutice, 1 Jacksonville A, J. Thayer, .... .... Corvallis B. F. Bonham.... ,.,..;..v...". Salem W. W, Upton, , ....Portland LV L. Mc Arthur.'....'.... .....Baker City - ' " JUDICIAL DISTRICTS.' n .'.i . . First District : ' Jackson and Josephine Jd District: Benton, Coos, ' Curry, Doug las and Lane - -3d District : Linn. Marion, Polk and Yamhill 4th. District : Clacka mas, Columbia, , Mulnomaa Tillamook and Washington.' 5th District : ; Grant, Umatilla. Union and Wasco. ,.:?.-...! TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURTS. ! 1 First District In the county of Jose phine, on the fourth Mowlny iu October; Jackson, 'second Monday in February, June and November. ;" . ; . : - n 1 ! ' - Second Districtr-Douglas,,' third Mon day ; in October, and second .Monday in May ; Coos, four.'h 'ifouday in May, and. second ionday in September ; Curry, first Monday in June ? Lane, third Jtfonday in April, and -rflrst JKonday In ; November j Benton, second iifonday. in , April, and third ilfonday in Noyember. : j -a-.) ; Third District Linn, fourth jtfonday in March, and .second Monday in- October; Marion, second ilfonday in March,' June and November .' Polk., second Monday in May, and fourth ilfonday in November ; Yamhill, second Monday- in- AdHI, and fourth Monday in October ; ; Tillamook, second Monday in July. : ,',. f -''-; . Fourth District-Clackamasj fourth Mon day in April and September ; Multnomah, second Monday in .February, June and October ; -Columbia, "second Monday in April; Clatsop, second Monday in August and fourth' Tuesday in January Wash ington, fourth Monday to May, and first Monday in October.- -'' ,! : '--' Fiffh District Wascor third Monday in June, and eetrrtt Monday in Xft ember ; Grant, first Monday in June,' and third Monday in September ; Baker, third Mon day in May, and first Monday in October: Union, first Monday in May, and third Monday in October ; Umatilla,"last Mon day in April, ' and the fourth .Monday in October. t : ; ujc-:l:: ' : : j Bentn Caraty Blreefory. . Countv Judge. i...-.'i... John Burnett. County Clerk ...,B. W. Wilson. Sheriff -. J. S. Palmer. Commissioners, J. Chambers, J. Edwards. Treasurer ; . . .:. . ....... William Groves. Assessor U..-.J.. W. H. Johnson. School Superintedent.,... ..,iA. Brown. Surveyor -. .... George Mercer. Cororier Dr. T. J. Right. Justip of the Peace.. W: R. Privett. Constable ...... i James Graves. TERMS OF COUNTY COURTS. ' " On the First Monday in each Month.- . H. E. HARRIS. ON HAND" AGAIN '.AT., THEi OLD - STAND, ' 7 PR0CEBT AND PROTISIONj STORE. V? November 8, 1872.. ' : ; 2:29tf i . . 7-rr -. ' Stockholders' Meeting. ;, .,. TVTOTICE.JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN'- a meetUig of -the stockholders of the held at the Court House, In. the city of Corvallis, mmi Saturday, the 19th day of uiya one o ciuuK p. iu., xur luc of-. increasing the capital stock,. -and to transact mxcii other business as may be thought proper when met. . Per order of -the President. " .f ' " . C. E; MOOR,; Secretary f t CorvallK June 14. 18737. r 3 -8m PrtCFESSlONAL CARDS. DR. f. Xf. BIDDLEj Having jmrctiased tne interest Of Dr. D. S. Stryker in the DENTAL BUSINESS, would ieTectf&l vnnnonnee to the citizens of Corvallis and vicinity that he. is now prepared to perioral r L- FIRSTCLASS DENTAL OPERATIONS In the most approved styles, oh short noi-J 2 tice, and at reasonable charges . 47 : JOHN BOSWELL, M. i p., . PHYSIC IAN A N D SU R Q 0Hlt? ? . :-'..-,.CORVAI.LiS.:... --f" -'' Will attend promptly to all caflg In the i ; : . :b line of bis profession, i Office at Graham & Bayley 's I Drug Store.' RESiDBNCK7-Southwest corner "of second - i5 block north of Court House. : .October 25, 1872. -'' :- : ' - 2:27tf ' :r-.;;.'. FO IE i, M.;:;j,-y-;J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' ' J' V OFFICE AT --'--.;- -'- r draJsaia's viag Store, 7 , J r 2:I5yl CORVALLIS. v ' i.T. V. B. EMBREE, -V f! PHYSICIAN :s AND SURGEON; ' LEWISYILLE, Polk County, Oregon."; . Office at Resi 2:50 deuce. ; 6m BY3U C. SIMPSON. E. B. 8TONE, .. . ., . . ,i Notary Public . SIMPSON & STONI;. A T TORN E Y S AT - L AW, SALEM,. OREGON, ; : . Will practice-in all the Coui-ts ol the i Third Judicial Lnscrtci. OFFICE Opposite Chemeketa Hotel. r . : S:Syl -- , ERASTUS HOLGATE, Justice of the Peace. v CORVALLIS - -. . - . - Oregon. XTTTLL GIVK PKOMPT ATTENTION TO THE V V Collflctlon of notes and accounts. Particular attention paid to all business en trusted to ms care. Office in New Engine House, Upstairs, R. Si STRAHAN c , . . ; ( ; Attorney at Law. J CORVALLIS; OREGON. K-Offick corner Stl and Monroe Streets. . -. ... ;: .: " : 4matr. r. A. CBENOWKTH, ' CorvaUj. i: . X. K. SMITH, ". ' Linn Co. ' CHENOWETH &, SMITH. ; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. COBVALUS, OREGON. , COffick at the Court House. ; ; JOHN BURNETT, ; ' '. : Attorney at Xato, - : , CORVALLIS, : , OREGON. Wil practice in the Supreme and Cir cuit Courts of the State. -' ' ' ! '-'"OFFICE AT THE COUET-HOUSE. ... , , , . . : : ylnol9yl. " -'.- A. J. LAWRENCE, , AT TO R NET -A T - Ii'A'.W ; ." ' Room No. 22, Dekum's Building-', . PORTLAND, OREGON- V '. :Alarch8, 1873. '. '' " 1,-" 4 2:46yl ' t W. T. JOHNSON, . iPi Notary-Public and Conveyancer. May be Jound ,at .Dr.. Bayley's Store, on , r, Main 'Street.',.,.- ''.'". - 'Conveyancing done on short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. ,-, . NEW STORE ; ; EliK CIT Y;; ' ', WE TAKE THIS METHOD-OF IN formiug the inhabitants of the Ya qulnaBay, and the surroundiug country, that we have opened a store at thei above place, and keep 'constantly on hand' an assortment of GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, suchas, ,. : ,., tV:i;. COUHXRtES;' ' . 'it' "A CLOTHEN G; 0 " BOOTS and SHOES i ;r ' HATS and CAPS . , .CIGARS & TOBACCO. And we shall endeavor to sell our goods n1 , FORCASH -y At a very low margin. , . ' . We will also pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for mDES. FURS and SKINS, ; v2no6tf.; .. .!. , , -i H.P.HARRIS, i . ' .-y DEALER Ilf S A D D IE s, harness; CURRY-COMBS, BRUSHES. B RIDLE S H IP S L A S H E S , i ' SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC ,i,i.r, - Carriages Trimmed, and Job Work done on I 1U( 52 ' Main Street, Corvallis. tf ! Hotice" of Final Settlement.":- - - NOTICE' li'nereby f;iventhaile aiMler . signed,- Admin intrator of tne estate of Elizabeth Foeter, deceased, having fllad his accounts in said estate, for final settlement, the first Monday.the seventh day of Jniy.1878, at 10 o'clock a. in. is the time set by the Court for hearing -objections to said accounts, and making final settlement of the same. - JAME8 FOSTER, . , Administrator of the .Estate of Elizabeth Fos ' -' ter, deceased. ' : , . . By order of John Burnett, County Judge. . 1 Jtime 7, 187S, .m? ' ,k-j:,',ii!w; 3:7w5 " jet . . The Jaw of.Newspapeff. ?Tf Subscribers who do nojt give expresst t,..c wutntry are considered aa wishing tor cDntimw their subscriptions. ' ; S.Hanv'subsoribeifH iMapir tl rf!. tinuance ofihelr newspapers, the publisher' may continue ta send them until all ar rearages are paid. -J . 3. If subsiRribers ne elect or refuse to takrf their newspapers,irpm tb offices to which they are directed, the law holds them m- spensiblenntil they have settled the bills shut jtlwtm1 4-ttr?r ?t,if.' X i'ii If subscribew'removrfto other places' without tnforarlng the piiblfaW, and the" newspapers are sent to the former direC tin, ,wrey are ueltl responsible. - 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newsoaners from the' offlp. m m. moving and leaving them Uncalled for, ia prima tacie eyiaenoe or intentional fraud. 6. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal notice of the neglect of a person to take from the office the newspapers ad-' dressed to hifaf 4s liable' to; the publisher1' tor tne suoscnptien price. V. R. 1 COMPANY'S $tUm& . governor groyeb, ill Leave corvallis for Portland and IntAnnndiatA nlacea. w every Tkay.; 1 'L. - FREIGHT ASP PASSE RATS r.t: "9 TOWNS. s 9 Milwauki".. .... .. Oswego. .:. .'. . . . . . Oregon City., i...' Butteville. . . Chain poeg Fairfield... .. .. Wheatland .'... ..' Lincoln. .. ..;..'.V Salem I.... .'. Eola.... .. v. ....... Independence. Ankeny's Landing Bunena vista. Albany, .v .. .. Corvallis. . . . ; t Peoria,. . .-. .. .,;. Monroe Landing.. $0 75 .100 1 00 300 300 300 '3 25 3 25 ' 3 50 . 3 75 400 4 50 4 75 4 75, . 650 650 6 00 600 6 25 700 0W 0 25- . - S6. 25 i 00 1 00 100 1 00" 10fr 1 oo- 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 50 0 1 50 2 00 2 00 200 200 250 2 75- . U bO 1 00 ' ! 2 00 2 00 200 260 2 50 2 50 2 75 : 2 75 .3 00 300 300 3 75 4 00 .4 00 "4 00 , 400 5 00 Ulelery's Landing. ' namsourg ...... Eugene City.. ... B. GOLDSMITH, 2:49m3 President. Marcb 29. 1873. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GRAHAM & LAYLEY, ' corvallis . . . . . onsen. DEALERS IN Drugs, :: - - Medicines, - - and Chemicals'. Paints, Oils, ' - Glass, Putty, - ;,'".;'' nl Dy Stnffli,. A Fine Assortment of Lamps and Lamp- ." , . ..; y -.: i-:-.; . Stock. '. Pure Wines ' and Liquors for Medicinal use only. ( ... j ; j j;- ' v;r.ii ' ... pounded at all hours. ' ' Tlno3Str ALLEN & WdoDWARIT, DRUGS AKD iy!ED!CE3 V'--;' FO -.-.r -. rPAINTS, OILS, CLASSY AC. ' At Very low price, Xor cash. SCHbQE BOOKS, At San Francisco catalogrne price - Bf iscellaiMr ous Books, Stationery 4c-.'J. . . . Fishery Block,! Corvallis Oregtwr -Inlvswolltr JOB PRINTING. JOB nWORK, oJ " r WB Axi rHErAKBpTO f4xiicBTB 8 r! n:-- Kt,; .--j j : J Lint ,1m ' E f E R t1 E S'C K i P X 1 0 H .. . , '-, . .- -....! . 'Kl- PLAIN &, OBAHNTAL. .... .... J OB WORK i, At Price-inat Defy Conpetlton. ;rir..';.: t y ?'ir .'.yAjBtst aaf . . ainim aflfucrrs& row POSTERS, (PWa or Colored!; - B1U-KEADS " -- ' 1 lEGALBLANKSr71. . . i o.'n.-.i ' , CIKCUUKSr , ( , .! v,v-w, BUSINESS CARSSn , , ' r)i "v. J. -t Etc.. .... 2.' ....Etc.. . . . , ' ) , CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS.. t i ' ' ' AT THB.' '" , "s s CORVALLIS. PETER KL'.m.V Phvsician's Prescrintions carcfullv Com- I ..;.- CORVALLIS OREGON, A, Shop Opposite .Max. f Friend!;'. Stort-, - i - v, A U work executed! with neatness and is , I .. - tad.. IHvi AM . . ! . . . t - ,aivn, - w ' V -if- v5 , !!, -