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About The Benton democrat. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1871-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1873)
1 - "- ' - - - - , mi, - i ill r -I . iii , 1 'gSgggSgag THE BENTON DEMOCRAT. Til E BENTOrT DEMOCRAT ""fBni'aaOn Tea Cin advance.. 1 Otte cbpy, Three Months " aw : COEVALIJS, OREGON," To cinbaof Ten or nioM, -6nt'Jto on X .. offloo each cop:, f a .jjef year; 1 1 "' , , rr , ; : 7 7; ,- '. '.' - - , . '.'I.). i v.- " ; II II , V llarJIl- nil W 1 .illnfll ltbU l-ll '-I f I I'l 1 - II 'X " ' lT ' laZX ; F3 Mti I'll ! h : . MM IAU J r ;1 I.S!lfil I TO-'X p ! ere V t.2 i " .anil J 0 , STATEFJLEMEnS' CONTENTION. aa ruu iToceeaings. ielow will be found-a continuation ; ' T--i ; ilpf4 ite k bora on Friday last: ; . IHiJ.iTbe Ooniniittee on1 Internal TranB " :: oi portation made tha following report ; ' " " i " I;?,.1,' 'The Oregon Staam 17ayigation''-Com- -I:?'lii7lv1&aW Dat!g5Pg th Willamette river " below Portland and the Columbia river j. ir.lo iu mouth and to the bead tbereof. Ai 4 vfiaid mpany town the following jjttmed boats;) Emma; "Hay ward, pViur be-r-n t t Ttween Portland and theCpefei ea- Tannic Troup, betven: Porwnd and Portland and - Aetona: Idaho, between rjhf Cascv'es and the Dalles. Owybee,"' betwe(4 UelUo.and vvallula; ; Uneonta, ' Oka-agon. Joeie McNear and Daisy ' ".iJCbonipson, laid np.. In rail fourteen. " -Y'.-.j ,V' Oregon Steamship Company E. -N. f . J, tCooke, fr6m'"'P'Qrtland to Oregon City; fi iFannie Patton, i rom OregonCily to- i y -Corvallis;; Dayton, from Oregon City I J. to Dayton ;" Alice' and Success, laid up, j K;. Willamette Transportation Company j i;-, -Gov Grover,. from Portland ta Cor- &T --vallie; Vancouver,- from , Portland to 1 'Harriaburgr Enterprise (now building), j q. ilrom Portland to Eugene City: - I c i k Other boats Calliope, from Portland c; :to McMinnville: JUaria Wilkens,; from j x Portland to Vancouver; Annie Stew art laid up. V; ; , , . luer, and tow boats Varnna. Hub (iii .tioiiaaay, "jommoaore jrerry, owauow, - ? , , JUinnebaha, Webfoot and Jsaac West. 1f! ." ! We find the following rates of freight w,ii .immn . ii charged feythe differettftoompanies; ' ,23S:Tbe 0.'& N3 C6s rates to the Dalles - ' $15 per ton. ' . - "I'i IV 'J 'T FARB ON KAILROAUJ . ilkl. iportland to Oregon City ... .. s.nw - - VSalem.i;.i....i.. i... -S ,ri.r.V Albany j... I '!"'f.V'orvains ' :i'MarriSburg. .... j 'jEugene 'City ''"'Rates' Of freight on merchandise; $ 75 2 75 4 00 5 00 5 25 7 00 Portland to Oregon City... '.$2 40 t j " ' Salem 660 ." . " "Albany 9 6Q: u KixfU iHamsburg .'jw.J. . .... 1100 " .jK Eugene City .l?L'0ft plates ot freight on gratn,sllour, etc. Kuzene City to Portland .... 7 00 Hurrisburg to Portland . Albany to Portland C 00 4 60 3 60 1 00 sgon City to Portland .... fauk ok w. n. T. CO, 8 BOATS. H f ft Vortftind to Oregon City -25 1 00 1 60 2 00 2 60 2 75 SI . , ti Cm Inn. Albany "3orvalli8 .... . Eueene-City . . Bates of freight per Grower fc Vancouver. ,3 ISrfland td OregoaT City, .4. fl ;O0 " Salem 3 60 .. t-r rx,f 5.4 Albany : : .. r -Vr-T "Hanlsbure.,. 4.. Bz5 Kaces 01 ireigiic on grainiour, eic. ' tfuzene City to Portland.. 4 .'. . .. f 6 06 Harrisburgto Portland ;.. 4 00 ..oo-hO Albany to Portland'. .'Js ; J. L . 3 00 " ' lem to Portland w.. S 50 "Oregon City to Portlands 1 00 The railroad carries - grain: at the i Pcefl otAy hi le car load of ten i lipnsilotSi.of lesaiiihaa' ten tons - are charged more than double the above rates, thereby prohibiting the farmer jfrpmringing tiS j produts to the mar " x htt, and compelling him to sell to the . reho u se me n ia .the , interior. The ,toats "of the W. B.'T. Company carry one ton for the same price per ton as matter ho little be has to a rbipi'aflbbw to- market his prodncts v -where he can obtain the best price' for Jthem, while the railroad company, by lishine the rates of prices' by 'the -. fur ynnririiffrW..,,.;... m nh tlmn eLouble4Bei:gea 'owiTpWTTeporwiuiout. can o . . - r J the rates for less than a car load. nro. pro hibits tba farmer from selline in the best market, thereby enabling the capi talist to establish just such prices as he icbooses.0' The boats' of the Steamship tfetnpany.carry freight at the same rate a the-Wi E. . TC 'Co-'s.boata,"; but only since the boats of the W. R. T. Co. began runnine:The W.:R. T. Co. are inakin? preparations for ample .means ttEanBporfrall freights that may be of: . fered, as the following will show: They have at present the steamers governor Grover,' 250"t6n's; Vancouver, 80 "tons; ..nterprise,, fnow building), 200 tons, sahd"-a'news steamer, to be built, for v which bids are advertised, 250 tpns, en A3 viibling j flie company to carry, by the . goming harvest, 1,600 tons per ' week, ;; -'''!:. . s or 6,400 tons per month- down , freight. In addition to the foregoing the boats j - belonging" to" the railroad company now 8lJiOTfKfllgbCtou;bi.tiie ware fcoase at Oregon City, charging storage - -', at the rate oh fitty cents per top tor all ' . whieh remains there over twenty-four v,?37lnwf"!Bd t"Jhereris often "a delay of . t boatl Itf,"Hiakrng corinectionV shippers " . ' are .bprdened.-, with an extraj charged - which he. escapes by shipping by way $J$f 2r$&' Wi4'on to which' there v r r Js, great waatagen handlins; grain and X T Xpski "it from oriowat to thd other. - - per cent., epiuiiug buujo onoj at uisi - -"'pUce to fatten .from "one to 'b wpsa. 9f,,bogs:,pe1M wltfi - Jtm grain belonging to shippers. On boate i . passing through tbe locks, all wastage or extra charges are entirely, avoided. Jour committee have, the roost positive assurance from; the, W. R,T..Co.' that they will remain" onf the river as long as they are fairly patronized. Your com mittee ! believing ' that, in, accordance with a resolution passed by .the.'S6 Convention at jta. last meeting," ''that it was the imperative' duty of every farmer, wherever practicable, to patron ize and in every honorable way, tsup- Eort and encourage the W, R.. T. Co a ve given this brancli of the subject a most thoroueh investigation, and are now firmly convinced i;the wisdom of the. coarse recommended in saia .resoiu tion. .. Zu fact we deem it of paramount importance that u?' farmers should give said company eucE encouragement as to firmly establish them- on the Willamette river and all -its navigable tributa4s. to the. end thai- we may jnever in the future be left to the tender mercy of a monopoly, iiffli '1!u! "i . In connection with 'the subject of in ternal transportation, your committee' have deemed jt, gain all the information they, could in relation to the navigable streams, and more es pecially those draining the Willamette valley. From the best- information we can gain there is on the Columbia river Bar at least 24 feet ot water; Tongue Point, .9 feet? low water 19 feet high; at St. : Helens, 12 1 feet low water, 18 high; at Swan Island, IT feet low wa ter; at Willow -Bar, 8 fathoms: ' This stage of water is whenlhe-river is. at its Iwwest stage. JkHJ : ,;.'.!!'.' The following are the principal ob structions on the Willamette river be tween Portland and Harrisburgt. r)(1, j : ' 1st. Independence 1 Bend, tiuckia mute. Powers' Chute, and Half-moon Bend. ; ' v-;;,i',- " ;:' ;-- The probable cost of removing them will, be about $6,000 K d:.. a 2d. Snags between fiorvallfs and Harrisbnrg, . every mile or two; prob able cost of removing about $10,000. . . . 3d. Deepening bars. . . . -': -' yj Eola Bar, Tickels Bar, anJ others probable cost ..of deepening channels from Portland to Eugene Citv, $50,- Your committee find that the nayiga tkjn of the:Willamettee:liaB been much improved by appropriations . heretofore made by the General .Government, and would recommend that petitions be cir culated by every -Farmers' Club in the State praying for an "appropriation, to improve the navigation of the . Willam- -ette.and its , tributaries; and that this convention memorialize Congress to that 1 effect. . .: ' ..; - Your committee also find that the Yamhill river, penerating one of the finest sections of, country in the State, is obstructed at its mouth by, a gravel bar, and at Lafayette 'by ft ledge of rock running across.eaid river; that said obstructions can be .easily removed, and that the improvement of said river be especially mentioned in petitions and-meosorials ----- j !5: '. r . .Yout ooimittee are fully satisfied, that by perststent efforts Eberal t appro priations can be obtained of . the Gen eral Government to make such improve ments on said rivers, as will make them navigable for at least ten months of the year. ... -w.ut.kji um-j, - ( . .. ...... . i i-s-a. n I he jocks at Uregon City have De come a subject oLjrast the white people -of the. Willamette valley, and in order to satisfy ihe minds of all, as to-their efficiency, durability, etc., we submit for the consideration of the Convention,', with this report,' a copy of ,the report of .the engineer constructing, said works, only ! remarking that tiJ; time now "required to - pass a, boat throngh said locks is 40 minutes. . Your committee cannot bring them- I , . .... . ... . ng the attention of farmers and capi talists to the remarkable facilities for the construction of canals in many parts of the State' where cheap". trans portation is mncb needed for inscabce, from Spore's ferry, on the McKenzif-vateiWottld-W-28.160 cubic feet fork of the "Willamette river, to Albany, a distance Ot 40 miles, presents proba. bly the-'least' obstruction to jtbe con struction of a' canal of any : other sec tion of the same distance,', there' "being bat. two streams' to cross "and but one cut of any depth on. the : whole . route Such a canal Would afford cheap and easy transportation for; the products .'of, that section of . the country, so justly, celebrated for its rich soil, known as the"; Forks of the Willafleltel' besides all that section of the nne farming? eounlry lying north '.of ) JVlclteiiZie's tork, between it and-the, city. 01 Albany and. would fdruisU stock water" and' wa- fcif'pbweremnume'rabld along its whole route. ! I NfeMER0)i;FicE,''W.T,.C. ic L.Co. v Mr, B. Goldsmith; President W. F7 G.-&-l!r-Ce. DearSin -I - herewith submit, ttje folbwing statement as to points presented' in your letter ot Jan. 34'e iotal length -rf theVvWin. j?" ?; k ette Falls Canal and Locks is.. 3.000 ft. CpnslstSng of .approach to firsor j f'-i ,oi1;h.-lockr:..,v.-. ,.:,,... .i 1 rjiQQ ft'; four wb locks, 210 a. ume.iosu j ridfl,'li.ft. deep,. , . . , .... . , f. 840 ft. Canal north of guard lock, (50 to ., t 100 feet ;wide.j ;i,.i4Sit'.;;.;.. l,273lt. Guard lock, 210 ft. kmg, 40 feet - -wide 210 ft. Canal and basin south of snrd j! lock, from 80 to 250ft. wide. j. 1,077 ft. ! Total. V5.f.vV..-ii'; v. v.. i 3)00 ft The four lift locks are . what are call ed-. combiued.jkcks, the lower gate of one serving as the upper gate ot the lock next below. '. The- walls .are 19 feet in height above . the"' locks' floors, 5 feet wide on the top, with a batter of 3. inchea to the . foot, founded 1 in au Cases on solid rock, through, which -the locks are cut. . . -f-'H ' Tie guard locls y all ls"16 feet higli above Jh -bed. sthe: lock, with tne same . general dimensions as ( tire lift locks,---J- A v-''f-'l' The first; and 'secpiiJIoCks (nortbT are .cut wholly in .the soli4 rockj and have as their sides the natutal rock, with fenders bolted to it, except - around and below the gates', where masonry is set in, for the . hollow quoins am). Sup ports for, the gates. ' itm'"t:i - - o. ,;The third lock is also ut. in tie sol id rock, but- the walls rise above the surface, and fenders, with a backing of three-inch timber, are oolted and .tied into tterock.,iii iiip"...! V-'" "" " , The fourth lock is almost entirely above the rock, and 'has walls of ma sonry on both sides. 7 tThe guard lock is , also of masonry ou one; side, ' with the natural rock on the other, ' and; fen ders bolted to it, the bearing .fur the gates being masonry;.1 Both above and below the ' guard lock the cliff serves for one side.. of the canal, and the tim ber, on the other side is founded on the bed rock," except about- 700 feet- north of , the guard . lock,- which is built on a stone wall 8 feet- wide on the top" with 1 a butter.ot 3 inches, and-from 3 to 15 feet deep,, reaching the bed rock below. The gates are constructed substantially after the plan of those .of the Monon gahela "locks being swung by suspen sion rods passing over-iron -brackets on the . walls, and . tied into the masonry: They, do not rest on rollers or tram ways beneath, and. are easily; worked by one man. , In each gate are eight wickets, each 4 by .2 leet, besides two culverts, leading under jthe sills to carry off the, mud and : gravel, which might , otherwise clog the gates.. 4 .1 . . The stone . of the masonry is-a fine ground basaltic sand fetone, exceedingly hard and durable..' The r stone for' the hollow quoins are of the same charac ter of rock,' but of . some what different texture, being obtained from the 'quar ry of Mr. Baker, on the Clackamas I .The masonry is laid in hydraulic ce ment, with no iutermixtnre of ;lime. . Above the guard ' lock,' the wall on the eaTt'stdeis of lumber, the beets 5 feet apart, and each bent bolted to the rock by three iron- rods extending the full length of the braces. ' . The - whole timber wall above and below the guard lock is filled with stone. ' ri i y.i '' Theimaxrmflm' depth of water ia 7 feet, and when the depth . in -t the canal above the guard . lock is IeBS than this the guard lock- gates are left open, but for greater depths ' boats - must lock (brough. r '.-:!''.. " '''Z Boats can' now pass ' through with a depth of : 15 feet of water on the upper guard lock gates; and It is designed ta add an additional rail; so that they can be passed through with 17J feet of wa ter.; .When the water is higher than this, the river cannot be safely : navigat ed, and such floods rarely occur and last only for a few days in the year. ; The water power is almost unlimited in. quantity. i;i "'. ; I - The lowest depth of water above the guard is 4 feet 6 inches, and only at extreme low .water. The fall from low water above, to low. water below, is 41 feet.. , The water may. be taken from n-JtheJsasin, aboye the guard, lock, it Ten. from .the; canal below - the or tak- the gnard iock. f In' the - latter case a current would be provided through the canal, depending on the amount of water taken out, with a depth of 4 feet, and a depth of 2 miles per. hour; the volume per minute, whichi with a head of 30 feet to allow for ' back- water below in rises of the river, would . amount to 1, 600 horse power theoretical, or say 1, 200 horse power actual, if, taken from the canal at. the. lowest stage. ot water. .. This could be doubled or trebled by taking the 'water from above the guard lock... Between, he guard) lock and the entrance : to . the. . locks below the falls, there are over 2000 feet of shore line with a width baekof frbm'IbO to 300 feet, all well adapted formahufacturing purposes.' ;,rbe water can also be tak en froni the canal along thewest - side-of- the locks' to the shore line below the locks. ivi.T?: '-'''':"' "Z Z-j 'ts':t ..A, dry dock .may be built at a. ltl,, cost on the west side J of the' fourth: or upper lock,, between the lock wall and bluff, using the lock wallandTthe bluff; as walls. The depth of cut ting would be about 5- feet, antl taking Ihe j length; at 210 feet aud ther.wfdth at 50 feetV excavation w6u,ld be about $,8Q yardSH i ;?:f in ex- cellent condition, j'o All of . the fauridar; tins, ot both masonry and 'wood work; are rbhi: splidj rockt'ind, thevlock Moon' and canal teds fire also of CrockJ f Ev ery portion of the work is of . the "best material, and ' carefully built,' arid will require but little repair. .vo For the first four or five months there will necessarily be some work to be per formed.wbicb, belongs more properly to constructioa than to namteaance. , Af ter 4hat l think ,$600 , pe-.annum will cover thfta ordinary.': repairs, j I ' think the masonry "will lastfor n ' indefinite period, and the timber "work ler.irom eight to ten , years, as all., the., lumber used has been carefully selected and is of the best quality. , v.i t ' If desired a BAtnenw.aJljcould be erect;' ed bove the guard lock, witnout.susr pending navigation.' x tmnK tna one SuperintendeDti atfromlOO; to $125 per. month,' and two lock tenders,-at $50 each J wmM be ' sufficient' to tend: the : iTher isn qttestioo .but:tfkt freight can be . .taken tbrougb . the canal and locks at lower j rates than by rail or through the works. at Oregon City.', . "-.In a densely populated country, with level, grades, , railroads may compete wite steamboats, but ' when the quantity-is compartively small, and the grade ' such ts are on ordinary ronds, the cost m inver er canal navigation is not more than half what it is by rail, r n :n.A . In the. report .of . the -New York State Engineer for 869, .the following ; plater ment is made as to ; comparative cost of freight4y-anal and rail: t ' f t, ,( Actual cost' by -canal. Including j ''' ' ' - '-' h purchase and repairs of boats 1 supposed ta last-tea -years, , ,?-,f.i witbinterestPon same, and j .fc if . . expenses of crew and to Wing I '" ' V per ton per mile. .t. .-.. 4.C1 lUills. tamer's profit. ..,.,.. .r.u..l.6S " Tolls... I.....-..".... ,..4.38, ... TOmTcost per toffer fnlTerby caRaKf.-..1!.. ......10.64; ," Total cost -during years 18.65, i 1868 and- 1807 per ton iper mile on the New York Cen- : - tral Kailroad.'.-J V.i.'...'i. ...29.20 " Erie BaUread :.V. ?.M, .241.20 ' It is true that the comparatively "small amount of freights in the country would not justify the above rates, but the di-( minisbed quantity would be more to tne disadvantage of the railroad than of the river navigation..: v.l..-w Uiih .UUi'.ti : . 1 tflinfc tbat the bulk of the , freight from the Willamette'.VaJley 'must - pass through tne loess, ..put- lor .some, time TailadwilL take off a. portion,, aft,ad Hime will be re quired to develop' the' couatry, At present I doubt whether the trade' .will b3 safficientT to- rpaT' interest on the tnf the sTunount expended 'in construc tion. 1 have not, boweyer, a sumcient knowledgelof Ete business cf Oregon to enable Jtie to form an opinion.. Respect fully yours, ' Isaac W. Smtth,- ; Jjneineer and bupennteudent. - - On motion of Mr. Minto a committee ,of Jhree was apppiotedjtoaft a me morial to Congress in accordance with the above suggestions. The committee consisted of Messrs. Minto, Ruble , and Binehart. or Tovr-rjorrr X i ; ... .," Mr. Clark offered the ' following res olution,' which' was, on motion adopted : .- Besolved,! That the various ' clubs throughout the State be requested, through their1 Secretaries, to : inform this Union, from timei to time, as to the amount of . concentrated prodncts for which a market is sought.' i - r jrMri Ruble offered the-, following res olution, which was adopted: j v. i - i Resolved." That this Convention do now proceed to elect the officers of the btate Boaro. 105 tne ensuing year. 1 : g . ELECTION OF OFFICERS J Nominations being in order the fol lowing gentlemen were nominated for President ; r Messrs. , Wilkins, Daven port. Clark and Curry .1 i Mr. Wilkins declined the nomination. Daniel Clark, 1 ef Marion, was elected President on the first ballot. The following gentlemen we're placed ia nomination , for Vice Presidents : Messrs. Walker Ruble, Curry,! Kelly, Minto and Townsend. - i Jno. Kelly and W. R. Walker were .duly elected.; . . .j i JV Henry Brown, of ; Salem, was unanimously elected 'Recording Secre- taiy. '-n't .! of 10; J . H. Smith, of Harrisbnrg, was also unanimously 'chosen Corresponding Secretary. . ;'TO V.''M ? 1. U Davidson, of oalem, was duly elected as Treasurer'; - ? : ! . . T. W Davenport and John Minto were elected members of the Board 'of Directors,-but owiDg to the fact that loth were from Marion county," Mr. Minto resigned and H. Hewitt of Yam hill county, was elected in his place, au& Jesse Stump : .was elected i as the remaining member of the .Board. MrUurrv ottered the folio wins reso lution, which was on motion adopted j'SesolediVTha.i the' chair appoint the 'following' Committees, consisting ; of .five members eacbj the member. itbereot to hold their ofEoes for one year : A Com-, mittee on-F-arm Produce ; Farm Sup-, plieBjnTranpoxtatiQn V" iM arke t ; 1 Fi--nance ; vConference. having a kindred object withythe Oregon Eanners'TJnion; FarmvMachiaery, and Legislation-?4 Second, 1 bat these Committees re port this' result 'of their investigation irooa timwto timeTothe.?Secretary -of theuioandltiit; ;tbe 'BoArdi of i; Df rectors shall have authority- to ealtupqo ahy;,pectaji jsbj ecfe which iha', Joacdcot Directors may &sir& information upon. -.Third, That" the Secretary forward toach nsembftl' dt committee a list of the names of the committee with him and forward to the Chairman of each committee, a copy ;'of any -resolu tion reterred to it tor investigation, ., Mr. Dimick intioduced the following resolution and moved its adaption ! "' n -Resolved, That it : is the opinion of this Codvention that the people of Ore eon ought to adopt, as sjooq as possible; the national currency as the circluating medium, ottbicountry and that . as a necessary preliminary Step toward such a consummation we demand the repeal or tne "epecinc contract .Law"; now upon our statute books." ." 1 ., ,t .. A motion- was made to refer the reso- lutroa tothe laegislativb Comtnittee.' , .The members, indulged in, a lengthy qiscussion and it created not little 'sen sation among the delegates present.:' jl T Mr. Srr.ith considered the Convention inclined to agitate a question rather out' of their 'line. ' it' beinff 'a, iriuestmn that would naturally come befoire'' the State Legislatureit-t.iiS:, ; '. ' m Messrs. Engle, Downing and,. others supported the resolution and were, in clined to sanction its consideration.. ,:. It:was finally referred "io the Com mittee on Finance -to report at the -next session, -j. -0 , H Mr. Crawford introduced the , follow ing resolution, which was, . on motion, adopted : t ,.'' ''.'.;".' s. ... "J ' Resolved, J That a committee ot five be appointed by the Chair1 whose duty it shall be to confer with the committee of , the United States Senate,' now in vestigating the subject of freights' on produce' within aud 1 from' the United States,' and that such committee report its doings at its earliest, convenience. to tne President of this organization. '. , ., Mr. Mintp reported the following res olution, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee bhFinance: , ,- ' -! w,- Whekeas,' We, the farmers of Ore gon, have ' by past' experience felt the destructive and injurious effects of con tentions between rival: transportation ' companies; when rich, (powerful' -and unscrupulous, companies' have succeed ed in dr ying off weaker companies, or forcing" hehi to sell their property and ' Whereas, We believe that the pow er bf law: may be justly applied to pro tect the ' weak' against " the5 stropg .-3 in business - as "' well as : Other relations; therefore;' - ' ' "'-' I ' ' Resolved, Tbat -we are !h! favor of legislation r to - limit 'to i within1 ten' per cent. o tfe lowest ratea-oft -trejgbt tar-: iff whichVsaid : companies may . adopt, anil, fn nnnl.sih a a ATbvttinn .' an if piirri nw 1 . r . ' p r 1 . . ' - . rise 01 ireigni tana m cases wnere tuey may succeed in crushing out opposition; and we would also invoke the aid of the law to punish as extortion any; charge upon freight in small quantities . which shall be lore than 25 per cent, above the charges upon freight ia large "quan tities. y; ; !; 1; ':" i-' STANDING' eOMklTTEEa. i .1 ; I .The President "inadec the following appointments of standing committees for the ensuing yeart'i s& t - -is I ' " ' Farm Products Geo. B. Curry, F. X, Matthieu , D v p, , Stewart, I-- Case and. JI,,.W.ilkins,.ifa! r .,.!, 1n j:, ,n . . Farm Supplies John T. Crooks, J. Engle, T. P. Powers, Jeff. Morrison and rj.n;. -3 1 hi : - i ITS lUffUDCUU, (' , -. .. ! f. 'Transportation J1. H. Smith j Phillip Low, J." B.' Stump, Titos'. Edwards and Geo. W: Dimick. i:""ii' .y-.' j , ' Domestic Manufacture John Minto. Fanning,' ilaley,' Downing,' Davenport. - tjn Markets JLiaugbiin, tj. 12. Moor, M: Fisk, R..C. Geer and Nelson. Wj J '" OrrFinanee -AJ D. Babcock, J.. Da vis, CV P. Burkhart, WJ C. Brown and Thomas Pearcei '" " On Conference J. B. Stump; T.W. Davenport, jT. Smith and Ruble ' Fin- layson. epi-j ; iMW ! ,iU1 8 1 Mr. Ruble introduced the following resolution, which on motion was' adopts Resolved, That the compensation of .- r ihe Recording Secretary: shall $3 per day for each day's attendance! on the Union ; or qn; the Board of Directors, and 15i cents per folio for all writing by said Union oriSoard ot Jjjrectors wbile not in Bessionnaqd also the. cost of any book or books necessary for the j duties , of his office,, ,;, ot-rr i t i ' Resolvedr That the jQorresponding Secretary of the State Board be direct ed to 'correspond, with the mill men of ! England' with a view bf opeuing a di- rect trade with them tor Cur wheat so as to 'avi1 ihe exorbitant Charges of thewmraercial houses- of that' Country . Jar. Haley introduced ttaei: following resolution,! which; was on motion ' adopt-' edij i- iicrrii;.fisiij..iiioi -.h no tatL'vta WhebeAs, From present indications wool dealers .do ao( intend: fo give liv ing ratesi'for -the DresentrcroDf of wool: Resolved,. !h& , we recommend 'the! wool growers pf Oregon ,1,0. put their WU1,IU gUUU .tXHlUli.IOU,- BLOFO ILPl HDpie or jn their warehouses or other plceof deposit,' and hold the same. , j . . MrjStoats" introduced' the followlngT which was 'aappted; t-rs.?tiu j ; Resolved, That whetf this tJnioii ad journ it adjourn to . meet in this bailor Ihe-Alonday of the week in "which the. : JThe Committee orilMeniorial to Con gress submitted the following report,' wlvicn was on motion adopted XolM Senate and House of Repre-- sentalives iff 'Congress Uisltiitledl We, your memorialists, farmert "of Oregon in convention assembled ;ia4he city of Salem, June 12, ISt.l.wqpkl respect fully represent that we. are inhabitants1 of a district of our " common country embracing the counties Of Ma!rion, Yam hill, Polk, Benton; Linn aa&'Lane, and that said counties are rieh mt agricultu ral resources, developed ; and undevel oped, which makes this a center of pro duction at" pfe8ent"''and,prQspectively second to no district- of' the Bame area in the Uni;ed States; that climattt and conditions surrounding tkis district e such that it has never yet during the , thirty years of - settlement and cultivation failed to yield remuner ative ' crtps X to the - cuhivatbr; that In seasons, when crops fail i f rm lack of rain in (Ja'ifornia this district, is a never failing source of , supply, to jtbie popuhv tion'south of it, thus making the facili ties for moving CropH. bf-iriiportance to the ''people of the 'entire tedast and of vital importance to ua aa Snhabitants of the country;-that the facilities for trans portation of crops from tbis istrlct af-' forded by the' Willamette " river and its tributaries'' are'1 available a 'portion ef the year only and that an expenditure ' of $55;000 in the .Willamette and $10, 000 in the YamhilU and . $10,900 in the Luckiamuto rivers for the purpose of improving the' facilities for' 'transporta tion upon the 1 various' streams would render them navigable the entire year. We woull, therefore, ask you, as the guardians of the. best interests of the nation, to remember these facts in your annual appropriations for' such purposes, Mr.'Ciirry introduced the followintf resolution,, which was agreed; to t . Resolved, , That the committee on Markets be ' instructed to investigate and report' at the ''next' 'meeting, in a .tabular form, the 'amount aud' value ot produce , exported from '.Oregon, the im ports of the State, and also,' the costs of producing exportable commodities in the State, including Stafe and coun ty taxesi life,' fire and marine Insurance, interest cn capital invested, and capital procured from abroad. , . rll .Mr. Ruble iatroducedj the following, "which was'adopted : , . ; 'Resolved, That the J State Board b directed to solicit and. open ioVrespond- ; ence with the farmers of thd State who wish to make direct shipments on their own account, the obyectbeing to ascer tain in a tangible way p the axount ot, , strrpfos avarlable- fof Such 'purpose, so -that if a favorable Opportunity offers to secure vessels at reasonable rates direct shipments may be made and re port the same to this Union at, its next meeting. " " "' " " ' ' ." The following resolution was adopt , Resolved, That the Secretaiy be au thorised . to : have , twq hundred copies of 'the Constitution hnd By-Laws prlntedin pamphlet form;, "at an expense not exceeding $200 f but in case the ex- pense exceeds this sum, the - printing to be postponed until some future time. ., '" "Also the following.: .irT V5 ..i ' ' Resolved!, That a committee from each county irr the State be appbirTtfed by the President to report to the' Board of Di rectors what the annual loss ! of sheet) are by , dogs, wolves and isease, and to report on such, under separate headings. "''The President appointed' the follow ing gentlemen as members of such com mittee : r' :.-t! v a ua sJ Vt&ta T. L. Davidson, Marion cdnnty ; Mr. Laughlin, Yamhill,; Mrf Crooks, Linn ; ington ; Mr. Elliott, Clackamas ; E. K. Dvfur, Wasco ; Jacob Fiaejr, Umatilla; Fred Schumacher,-, : Union jJ W. C. Meiers, JacTtsqn. .', -i Mr Davidson i offered the' Tollowinir resolutioii.'whieh' was b&oplei V i j&sofved; bat at -the producers ot wheat in the Willamette Valley-can re ceive satisfactory proof that a saving of expense-, and wastage of wheat in it transportation' to the seaboard can be had by sending it directly for shipment or storage 'to A'storiar mutually pled ge Ourselves to ship to that point. -William-Ruble introduced the follow ing, and moved its adoption.isov . Resolved, Tba.t we woujd. respectful ly call the attention of the debtors and creditors of our own country torthe pro- prfety 6f 'Siting4 the "pay, my' growing" oat ot their respective transactions at a later period Df the year so .'as-; 'to give tbe produeer-tbe beneh or . the. ; nse or the. market. Adopted., f, f f ' ;There being no further "business, the Union adiouraed to:: medt 'egain in this hall the. Monday in' Fair Week f Sep tember next .r ti -.(il ,T'iw - UIMAA1 XJJTXXKfM UaO,UCCU vvtucu 1U Ne; York if Governor DiilThe bill proposed to allow each1 Community to decide-by a vote of - the peoplei whe ther, within their respective bounds, the traf fic in liquor should or should pot be li censed.' It was vetoed on constitntion al grounds.' -X' " v - " n he trialf Boss 'T wc.ed ., has been postponed ' tUT October," in ' consequence of the illness'of his' counsel iA The Bank of England has increased its circulation 6, 000,000 James latem, .Folk; Jen Morrison, Clatsop" f Mi Wilkins,1 ijan6 ;; iThoma Smith, DouglaS ;.' W. -A. Mills', Wash