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About Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1875)
mmGsaesxzssa lí WO (at. Bakel* City, J u ly 7 » 1875 . The B edbock D emocrat haa more BoSi WDB, Payin8 subscribers in Baker Countyi than has any other two papers pub- jsLed iu the State. We put no man’s name on our subscription list unless we have orders go to do. ■= BLANK DEEDS, Mortgages and other Blanks for sale a t th is Office. W E BEG PA R D O N . jt Is not often th at we beg any m an ’s pardon, but som etim es the very best of fiunilius m ake m ista k es—or som e m em ber of it m akes a FAUX PAS—but FORSAN jjT nJEC OLIM MEMINISSE JUVABIT. The fourth of Ju ly only com es once a year, and the past Fourth being the 99th A nniversa ry of American Independence, and having to commence the celebration on Saturday, the 3d, and keep it up u n til Tuesday, it had a tendency to rather dem oralize the Internal workings of th e D em ocrat for this w eek, therefore we w ili issue a full sheet, but the reading m atter m ay. and no doubt w ill be in rather a dilapidated condition—we have not y et fu lly recover ed from the effects of the great and exh au s ting efforts that were required of us, as well as of the rest of our citizen s, to m ake a com plete success of the celebration of the anniversary of the 99th Fourth of July, at Baker City. We all had a good time, this is th e reason that we are in the humor to beg everybody’s pardon—down to that of the Siw ash “ W enap-snoot”. of the editorial staff of the Pendleton Tri bune,—for the lack of reading m atter in this w eek ’s B edrock D em ocrat , and if there arc any who do not see lit to accept •our apology, we w ill not get angry at them but let them go their way rejoicing—as we •do—and th ey can frame an apology to suit them selves. N ext W e e k . —N ex t week we w ill give a full account of the manneg in w hich our citizens celebrated the past Fourth. W e will only say here that th ey had a good time generally, the best of feeling prevail ing. We will also have som ethin g to say about our friend H ank Edw ards’ trip from Snake River, and w ill also tell the reason wtyy he l)as to collect w h at is due him . Hank, how do you th in k Mrs. E. w ill lik e tills? I. 0. 0. F.—The fell ow ing officers were Installed for the present term of Baker City Lodge, No. 25, I. O. O. F, on last S at urday evening by D. D. Q. M., Jam es W . Dugbale:—N. Q.. Jam es H . Shinn; V. G., J. P. Atwood; R. S., H . N . M cK inney; T., J. P. Ross; R. S. N . G., F. M. Alfred; L. S. N. G., Geo. Robinson; R. S. V . G., J. M. Shepherd; L. S, V. G., W ni. Umbergcr; W., M. C. Sprague; O. G., J. P. Bowen; I. G., W. T. Shelton: R. S. S ., Chas. Palm er; C., Chas. G. Chandler. 1 .0. R. M.—A t a regular Council of W in- nemucca Tribe No. 5 , 1. O. R. M., held last evening, the follow ing Chiefs were raised to their respective Stum ps:—Prophet, J. P. Ross; Sachom, Isaac Bloch; Senior Sa gamore, J. P. Atwood; Junior Sagamore, J. II. Ingraham; Chief of Record, M. S. Bloch; Keeper of W am pum , G. L. M an ning. R eligious .—R ev. A . Morrison w ill preach at W ingville on the Third Sunday in this m onth, at w hich tim e ne w ilt ad minister the rites of B aptism to several persons. L ibel .—Lawyer Dol ph ,of P ortlan d ,sued W. II. W atkins, of S alem , for slander, and the jury, last w eek , gave a verdict in Dolph’s favor for 81. Characters in Tort- land appear not to bo worth m uch. L aborers W a n t e d .— By lookin g at our new advertisem ents Brick Masons and common Laborers can find out where they can obtain work. R eligious . —Bishop Morris will make a ■visitation to St. Stephens church, in this place, on Monday and Tuesday, the 12th and 13th of July. Services Monday at 8. P. M. Tuesday 11. A. M. and 8. P. M. Bishop Tuttle, of Balt Lako City, will join Bishop Morris on Tuesday, and will bo present at the services at night and will preach. Bish op Tuttle will accompany Bishop Morris on ■his visitations to the churches in Grande Roude valley, and Walla Walla, for the pur pose of acquainting him self with the condi' tion and prospects of the church in Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory, which, it h hoped may some day he united to a part of bis own jurisdiction in the formation of a ngw missionary Diocese. N ew P atents — Through dispatches to "Dewey & Co.. Patent Agents. S. F., we re ceive the following advance list of U. S. Patents granted to Pacific Coast inventors, viz: Isaac L. Morrell, S. F. Cal., paint com pound; Christian Meyrs, Marysville Cal., plow; John C. Henderson, S. F- Cal., car buretter, Horace Parkhurst, Oakland, Cal. horse-power; J. W. & V. Cook, Clifton Ore gon, trade-mark for salted, pickled and pre served salmon. G. S. Hunt, Sacramento Cal. and B. E. Hunt, St. Louis, Mo., trade-mark for anti-friction metal. As a boy was going down Court Avtjnue, yesterday, a woinau opened the frontdoor of a house and called, “John ! John ! John !” As the boy paid no attention to the calls, a pedestrian said to him: “ Here, bub, your mother is calling you.” “ No she isn’t,” re plied the boy, “She’s only father’s second wife, and I want her to understand that she can’t run me.” A man in North Carolina who was saved from a conviction for horse stealing by the powerful plea of his lawyer, after his acquit- tal by the jury, wag ftsked by tLo ]awyer;_ oner right now, Bil), you did steal that ldut you?” “Now look a-here, itoJ th air t e,rQply’ fo tta aIlers did think I ra“b,“ / he" t your m * « u .S o ^ u “ e<Honed,fI*ln'*W liked the fun of loading it a ’ , ^ b°wever> Other charge, but was stiii >d S° put in ari* I He kept on charging bu m'a,d to fire— til he got six charges'in t h e ' S ^ ™ * ’ Un' grandmother, learning h t ** tinental discharged it» The result was tre mendous, throwing the old lady on her back. Sho promptly struggled te regain her feet, but the boy cried out: "L ie still gran ny ; THERE ARE FIVE MORE CHARGES TOGO OFF YET. »» W A N T E D , A - ,, B edrock D em o cra t , n 'n^ Baker City, Oregon. Your feet are very stylish, said a man to his friend, whose feet was covered with bun ions. “No, not stylish, but exceedingly In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon nobby,” was the good natured reply. for Grant County. Arkansas camp meeting preacher. “That’s W illiam G. Overholt, P laintiff a d—d lie; I am going to New Orleans,” said a butternut on a rear seat; but he took E lizabeth Overholt, Defendant. it all back when the preacher marched down To the above named Defendant , E lizabeth toward him, pulling an 18 inch bowie knife Overholt: from his boot leg as he advanced. N THE NAM E OF THE STATE OF Leslie Seymour, the directory man of Jo Oregon,you are hereby requuired to liet, has been missing since Monday last. As f i f f n ™ ni afiiW r t?le com plaint of Pluin- titt, now on file against you in the above he was in debt for a suit of clothes, and owed the publisher, James Goodspeed, of entitled suit,, on or before the First day of the Republican, several hundred dollars, the n ext regular term of the Circuit Court and took a valuable horse and buggy belong for the State of Oregon, for S t County! M onday, the ing to J. S. Palmer, the surm ise is that he has absconded. Sum m on s. I A curious litigation is going on in -Bloom ington, Illinois. About thirty years ago, one Stephen Griffith had some 1,500 head of cattle and the same number of hogs. Corn was high, stock on the decline, and Stephen in daily fear of losing all his property, enter ed into a covenant with God, that if Ho would help him out of the difficulty he would makeover all hi3 property he might in fu ture acquire, above enough to support him, to the Lord. During his life he gave away almost $1,000,000 to various religious and charitable institutions. When he died, at the age of 80, he was thought to be insane, for he previously conveyed property valued at §150,000 to the Orphan Institute at Flat Rock, Ohio, the Freeman’s Aid Society, the Christian Union, tho American Bible Socie ty, the Tract, and Church Extension Society. These conveyances his heirs proposed to set aside, with what prospect of success we are not informed. Tho point that when in danger of loss ho made a special vow, would hardly prove him insane, though his keep ing it might, in the opinion of some men.— New York Tribune. Money MarM. Latest New York Gold Quotations, LEG A L T EN D E R S IN P O E T l I n 116H D : Buying,....................8Gc. | Selling.................. 87 U seful P resent .— Every family ought to have a good Sewing Machine. We have a beautiful new Silver Plated Wilcox & Gibbs’ Maehina, that would ue a beautiful, valuable and useful present to any man’s wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, which we will sell on easy terms. We will instruct the person buy ing how to operate the machine. It i 3 one of the nicest machines in our city. B a k e r C it y L o d g e N o . 2 5 , 1 . 0 . O . F . , meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hall, in the new Bank Block, corner of Front street and Court Avenue. Members o; the Order are invited to attend. By order of N. G. I. O. It. ML-—'Winnemucca Tribe No. 5, Im proved order of Red Men Regular Coun cils Tuesday evening of each week. Odd F ellow s H a l l , corner of Front street and Court A venu e. Members of the Order in vited to attend. By order of 8. A. F. a n d A. M.—Baker Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No 47, meets on tho second and fourth Thursday evening in each month in thoir Hall. Transient brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W* M. AG ENTS.—T he fo llo w in g n am ed gen tle- mev are a u th orized to act as A gen ts for the B edro ck D em o crat : G eo . P. R o w e l l A Co., New York. Tiros. B oyce , San Francisco, L. P. F i s h e r , San Francisco. P. C. H arper , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, VY. T. S. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A gnew , Boise City, Idaho. •J. J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. S. M. J effreys , Weiner Valley, Idaho. N ed . T urk , Canyon City, Oregon. H. H . H yde , Prairie City, Oregon. P a rtn e rs around Union and tho Cove can pay their subscription to the D emocrat to Geo. Wright & Son, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or S. G. French at The Cove. Persons wishing to subscribe in that portion of Union county can give their names to either oi the above named parties. F red S alade is authorized to act as Agent for »the D emocrat at Umatilla. G eo . W. P almer is authorized to act as Agent for the D emocrat at Marysville. C h a rles "IV. C ran e is authorized to act as Agent for the B edrock D emocrat in San Francisco. L. P. FISHER, Nos. 20 and 21, New Mer chants’ E xchange, is our authorized Agent i» San Francisco. J ohn G orman is Agent for the D emocrat in Boise County, Idaho. S am . H annah w ill. receive grain, produce, Ac., at Union, in payment for subscription to the B edrock D emocrat . D r . T. N . S now is authorized to act as A gent for the B edrock D emocrat at South M ountain, Idaho. L. R emillabd and It. S. C ates are author ized to act as Agents fur the D emocrat in Union County. -------- *4».-------- R e l ig io u s .— There w ill be a Camp Meeting held n ea rE b ell’s M ill, com m en cing J u ly 9th. Boarding tent and horse feed for the accom m odation of the pub lic. N o other stands or huckster shops oi any kind allow ed. G. W. ADAMS, Pastor. C has. S t. L o u is has located perma nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man ufacture and repair all kinds oi jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years experi ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is also agent for the best Sewing Machine in use. the New Wilson, price,' $55,00. T lie H ou se W e L iv e i n —In other words out bodies—are held on repairing leases. We must prop and sustain them when they exhibit signs of weakness and decay, or they will inevitably break down. In Dr. Wal ker’s California Vinegar Bitters, a matchless compound of newly discovered medical herbs, peculiar to the Pacific region, tho debilitated, the bilious, the rheumatic, the consumptive will find the most genial tonic and rastorative ever offered to the suffering invalid. It contains no alcohol, and conse quents leaves no sting behind. u4n7. R e l i g i o u s .— Divine Service will be held in the JVL E. Church, the second and fourth Sabbaths of each mouth, at 11 o’clock A. M., and 6% P. M.—Expository Lecture, by the pastor, and Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening at 6t£ o ’clock. _A11 are in vited to attend. G. W. ADAMS, Pastor. T h e “ b o n a n z a ” fo r a l l . —Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of again feeling the vigor of health and vim ofsystem, should take a few bottles of Dr. Henley’s Celebra ted I. X. L. Bitters. Before one bottle is taken they will feel the dawn of restoration of returning health. No case of dyspepsia, indigestion, Joss of appetite, Rheumatism, kidney or liver disease has ever resisted its restorative power- Every part of the hu man system requires and should receive sustenance and support from the stomach regulated by the liver. If the stomach can not supply the aliment required, the whole system languishes. Fortify your organs of life with these bitters and in a few days you will feel yonr whole system invigorated; for every desease arising from disordered liver, , stomach or bowels, it is invaluable; it will revive your shattered system. Dyspeptics and persons o f bilious habit should Keep it within reach, if they value health and ease. ! n-50m3. D R E S S M AKING! Mrs. 1, C. Shepherd & Co., ONCE MORE WE COME ! ! WITH OFFICE OF THE inform the Ladies of Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the residence of Mrs. B. C. Shepherd, in Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cut an Make all kinds of A New Stock of Goods Tim Singer Manufacinring Company, Larger and more attractive than over before, bought since the great Financial pan ic, and which we offer at Ladieg & Childrens Clothing. OUR STOCK OF SITUATION AS PRESCRIPTION Druggist. The applicant has had liiignteen Years experience in the Drug business in the States, and comes w ell re Respectfully com m ended. Address, you for a d isso lu tio n o f th e m arriage con- D efenriant b e tw e e n P la h ififf and Defendant, and to declare the same void, upon the ground of A dultery, and for the Con^plainL* 1^ demanded in P la in tiff’s B. W HITTEN, Published by order of L. L.1 IfcArthur, Judge of the 5th Judicial District including Grant County, Oregon, dated June 24th, 187°- n8n!4 A y e r ’s Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hair its natural V itality and Color. A dressing which is at. once agreea ble, healthy, and effectual for preserv in g the hair. It soon re stores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness o f youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and. a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I ’r n c li c a i a n d A n a l y t i c a l C h e m ist?., to n BOLD BY ALL ell , nr a s s . D R U G G IST S EVERYW HERE. A y e r ’s Cherry Pectoral, For D iseases o f th e Throat and Dungs, such as Coughs, Colds, W hooping- Cough, B ronchitis, Asthm a, and Consum ption. [P o r t la n d , O r e g o n . -------— ~— GREATLY REDUCED PR IC ES!! Our Dress floods Department G w sr & Bator’s Sewing Machines. TO TH E U N F O R T U N A T E ! NEW REMEDIES! HEW REMEDIES! iisFimu Millers’ aui Farmers1 Implements, 2 rate cases without mercury or any injurious drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or those interested in the welfare ot their friends, to be careful of the many pretended doctors who infest all cities, publishing their skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im posing upon the public by using the names of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful and make strict inquiry or you may fall into the hands of those charlatans. SE M IN A L W E A K N E SS. Seminal emission—the consequence ef self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth of both sexes to au almost unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainty the fol lowing train of morbid symptoms, unless combatted by scientific medical measures, viz: Hallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling of chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence in approaching strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan ces, a disposition to shun society, loss o. memory, pimples and various' eruptions about tlio face, hectic flushes, furred tongue, foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained, should ap*ply immediately either in person or by letter, raid have a euro effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this dis ease, which never fails iu effecting a quick and radical euro. C U R ED A T HOME. Persons at a distance may be CURED AT HOxME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon stating case, symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicine promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of tho country, with full and plain directions for use. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this ad vertisement in. By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, iu regis tered letter through the Postoffice, or through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package ot medicine will be forwarded to any part- ot the Union. All communications strictly confidential. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny street, San ^Francisco. Postoffice Bax 1,- 957. u lly r l A B ook . n 38y ]Sf achines*—A Grover Dr, J. C. AVER * C0. ( towel!, Mass., I O Sewing & Baker, and a Florence, both new and g..>LV a v A LI DRUGGIST!» TVKBYWHER* N o . 1 0 5 T h ir d S t r e e t , CLOTHING THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Practical ;:a4 A nalytical Cfeemtet®* I.. J. E3TEQ. The Singer Manufacturing Company sold 219,*758 Machines iu 1872. The Singer Manufacturing Company All orders from the surrounding Towns I Bold 232,414 Machines in 1873. and Country will be promptly attended to, at I the same prices that our City customers are Has been lergely increased and we can show The Singer Machine is a Shuttle as handsome a line of ready made goods in ! charged. Machine. MEN’S AND BOYS BUSINESS and DRESS j Stamping for Embroidering and The Singer Machine makes tho lock Suits, Overcoats, Ac., as can be found in the | Braiding done to order. stitch and will uot rip. County, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. The Singer Machine is the standahxj LATEST FASHIONS M achine of the W orld . Received every month, direct from Ne Is well filled with a spleddid assortment of the York. The Singer Machine is sold at #10. leading styles and fashionable shades. per month or on note or a liberal Empress Cloths, Agent for Grover & Baker’s discount for Cash. Satteens, Mohair, The Singer Machine is fully war dewing Machines. American Dress Goods, ranted for five years. and FLANNELS, Mrs. R. C. Shepherd Plaid, Plain and.Opera, of all colors. The Singer Machine will do any Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. IS AGENT FOR work that can be done on any Ma chine in the TForld. Ladies’ & Gents’ Underwear. The Singer Machine is ea»y to learn, runs light, made strong and has a H a t s and C aps. straight needle. In the leading Styles. The Singer Machino is put up for durability and any person can pay JBoots a n d S h o e s . for one iu work. DR. GIBBON’S We would call spocial attention to our stock The Singer Machine is used by of Mena’ and Boys’ San Francisco Boots T ho usands who make Buck Skin which we have sold for a number of | gloves. years past with satisfaction. Every pair waranted. C23, Kearney S t., The Singer Machine will sow from A Well Selected Stock of the finest cambric to the heaviest | Corner Commercial street, beaver. San Francisco- 9 The Singer Machine has a reputa At astonishing low Prices. Established in 1851, for the treatment of tion which no other Machine can sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor We have a large assortment of excel. rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forma, seminal weakness, impotoney, etc. Skin The Singer Machine for family use diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated is named the N ew F amily . legs successfully treated. Which we are selling at lower prices than The Singer Machine for Tailor’s usa DR. GIBBON has the pleasure ofannoun- ever before offered in this Market. cing that he has returned from visiting the is named the N ew M edium . Remember that our Store is in the principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re FIREPROOF BANK BLOCK. . The Singer Machine for Baoe mak- sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear ney street, corner of Commercial, where his BAMBERGER & FRANK. ! ers is named the No. 2. standard . old patients and those requiring his services Dec. 1, 1874.n3Gtf | The Singer Machine for Saddlers’ is may find him. ! named the No. 3. I. V. P. The Doctor has spared neither time nor O f t h e C e le b r a t e d S ta m ln r d ! The Singer Machine is going to be money in seeking out new remedies, and Organs—new—for sale. For particulars has returned with increased facilities for the sold ill Eastern Oregon, on easy enquire at this office. n50tf alleviation of human suffering. terms to suit every person. H O R R I B L E D IS E A S E S ! F IT S CURED F R E E !! The Singer Machine uses the finest How many thousands of persons, botk cotton and heaviest linen thread male and female, are there who are suffer Any person suffering from the above dis or silk twist. ing out a miserable existence from the ef ease is l equestod to address Da. P rice , and fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab a trial bottlo of medicine will be forwarded The Singer Machine should bo seen sorbed into the system. Look at their pal by Express. to be appreciated. lid, emaciated and disogured faces and FREE! The Singer Machine is no cheap af their broken down constitutions, disquali The only cost being the Express charges, fair but a genuine live article. fying them for tho happiness of marriage or which owing to my large business, are small. the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa The patents on the Singer Machine Dr. Price has made the treatment of tion thousands suffer until death closes the holds good for five and seven FITS OR EPILEPSY scene- Let parents, guardians and friends years yet, regardless of all others. attend to those who are suffering with any a study for years, aud he will warrant a cure by tho use of his remedy. The Singer Machine will be sold in of these horrible, life-destroymg maladies— *Do not fail to send to'him for a trial bot see that they are cared for and cured before Baker City and County, by it is too late*. Bend them immediately to tle; it costs nothing, and ho IRLAND & ESTES. Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri WILL CURE YOU, vate diseases his especial study for years, no matter how long standing your case may n49m6 Agents. and who is certain to cure the most invete be, or how many other remedies may have Among the great discoveries of mod ern science, few are of more real value to mankind than this effectual rem edy for all diseases of* the Throat and Lungs. A vast tri al of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The tes timony of our best citizens, of all classes, es tablishes the fact, that C herry P ectoral will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affec “ The L eading A m erican N ew spaper.” tions of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consum ption» cured THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. by this preparation, are publicly known, so D a ily $10 a y e a r . S e m i-W e e k ly 83. remarkable as hardly to be believed, were W e e k ly @3. they not proven beyond dispute. As a rem edy it is adequate, on which the public may P ostage F bkk to the S cbsciuhek . Spe re v for full protection. By curing Coughs» cimen Copies and Advertising rates Free. the forerunners of more serious disease, it Weekly, in clubs of 30 or more, only $1, saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of postage paid. Address, suffering not to be computed. It challenges n38y T he T hibcne , N. Y. trial, aiid convinces tho most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a *5911 N*e r D a y . A g e n t s W a n t e d . protection ¡Gainst the early and unperceived UM tfi IU tPmJ A ll classes of working people attacks of Pulmonary Affections, which are of both sexes, young and old, make more easily met at first, but which become incura money •A work for us, in their own localities, ble, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tender during their spare moments, or all the time, lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to i than at any thing else. We offer employ be without it. As a safeguard to children, ment that * will pay handsomely for every amid the distressing diseases which beset the hour’s work. Full particulars, terms, Ac., Throat and Chest of childhood, _ C herry sent free. Send us your address at once. P ectoral is invaluable; for, by it« timely Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look use, multitudes are rescued from premature for work or business elsewhere, nntil you graves, and saved to the love und affection have learned what wo offer. G. STINSON & CO., centred on them. It acts speedily and surely u38y Portland, Maine. against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer- troublesome Influenza and painful B ren» D V E R T IS IN G : C h ea p : g o o d chilis» when they Know how easily they can Systematic.—All persons who contem be cured. plate making contracts with newspapers for Originally the product of long, laborious, the insertion of advertisements, should send and successful chemical investigation, no cost »5 c e n ts to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park or toil is spared in making every bottle in the Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET Book utmost possible perfection. It may be confi (nine) ’ seventh edition), containing lists of dently relied upon as possessing all the vir over 2U00 newspapers and estimates, showing tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of the cost. Advertisements taken for leading producing cures as memorable as the greatest papers in many States at a tremendous re duction from publisher’s rates. G e t t h e it has ever effected, P R E P A R S b BY W. I*. IRUA.ND, | the very bsst—for sale. ! quirs at thts office. For particulars, an- ' ocOti failed Circulars and testimonials sent with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Bo particular to give your Express, as well as your Post Office direction, and Address, AGENCY O f THE PHŒHII INSURANCE COMPANY, OF H A R T F O R D , CONN. D ll. C H A S. T . P R IC E , 67 W illia m S treet, N ew Y ork. May 12 1875nlly N O T IC E . Cash Assets, $1,852,302,82 ; Annual Income, 1,700,000,00 Operating conjointly with the H ome I n Co. of N ew Y ork in this Depart must be paid to mo immediately, or ment, enabling the P hcenix to safely assume Costs of Action will be incurred. large lines, and affording its patrons the am- I. D. HAINES, ! plest security. u32tf Attorney. Aggregate Assets exceed A I X N O T E S d u e A. IS. B r o w n surance $7,500,000,00,— Gold. Policies Issued and Renewed direct by John J. Coffey, Agent, BAKER CITY, OREGON. May 19, !S75.n2nl5 L iv e ly T im e s IN B A K E R C I T Y , SINCE THE ARRIVAL OF THE BEST LY THE WORLD. Œ W GOODS, NO H O U S E K E E P E R C A N M A K E S W E E T A N D AVH O LESO M E B R E A D W IT H O U T IT . This well known and long established YEAST POWDER is now in great demand. Sales increasing daily. Now 25 gr^ss per day to the trade. D. CALLAGHAN now sole manufacturer and proprietor, uses no drugs—¡to bone dust; pure white cream of Tartar, imported direct and ground on tho prem ises, being the ch ief ingredient. Always on hand and for sale at lowest p rices: C a llu g lia n ’s Y e a s t P o w d e r , i a l lb cans, a superior article. C a lla g h a n 's C ream o f T a r ta r , in ail style of packages. C a lla g h a n ’s P u r e E n g lis h 15 i-Car ho is a te o r S o d a a n d S a le r a tu s . FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. ------ A L S O ------- Just H e c e iv e d FROM San Francisco Direct, The Most Extensive, the Best and Most Extensive Assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDI SE E v e r otS.i'”o " U L l u t . i o T l x is M a r k e t , Consisting in Part of Ladies’ Dress & Fancy Goods C ream Of T a r ta r C r y sta ls a n d E n g lis h O t Every Description, togetheryvith a F u ll B i-c a r b o n a te o f S o d a , in k e g s . and Complete Assortment of FOR SALE BY MINING SUPPLIES, » . CALLA G H A N & CO., » a n w r a e tu r - LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, GROCERIES, 121 FRONT STREET, San Francisco. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, i»513m. CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDW ARE, CROCKERY, and GLASSWARE. Poes r. Ail of which will be Sold H30QART V^RH.BURNETT. iV lio lc s a le a n d R e t a il tom erJPin c & Sansom c S treets. AT S a n F r a iic is c o C alifornia. CapitaKPaiiupiE(M(i)$800,00Q Surplus Fund (la301(1)206,110 T r n n s a c ts e r e r y k in d o f le g itim a te B a n k in g B u s in e s s , L o w e s t i P r ic e s . car Thankful for tho liberal martn-er in which I have heretofore been patronized', I hope by fair and honorable dealing to merit a continuance of the same. S. GTTENHEIMER. Virtue Block, Baker City, Oct. 7,1873. n22 B U Y S A N D ’S E L L S E X C H A N G E on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. IS S U E S C E R T IF IC A T E S O F JD E B O SIT available at all commercial and financial points. B U Y S A N D S E L L S National, State, City and Countv bonds. IN V E S T M E N T S M A D E on orders. C O M ) & S I L V E R B U L L I O N and L K G A L T E N B E R S .b o u g h t and sold. D E P O S I T A C C O U N T S kept in Gold. Silver and Currency, and Subject to check at pleasure. .......... I N T E R E S T P A I R on Tlmo Deposits. C O L L E C T IO N S M A R E in S a n F r a n c is c o and vicinity without charge, and at all other points at cost, and proceeds remitted at current rates of Exchange. 5, E BCOAST, To Skeep IL a is e r s l - i i p t i CotswoW Stoop for Sate. NE H UNDRED AND FIFTEEN; Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, lately Imported from the best liordb in Can-', ada. The above Sheep are Full Blooded, and as fiu'e as any on the Coast. There are Forty Bucks in the lot. The whole will be sold in-lots to suit pur ,, chasers, and at O REASONABLE PRICES. For particulars, enquire of PETER H. BURNETT REID & FLETCRER, p24tf Baker City, Cfgjj