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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1899)
Somehow and eoroa-where, among tlx model and Jolnta, ZSSb RHEUMATISM creep in. ST- JACOBS OIL ST IT PENETRATES, SEARCHES, DRIVES OUT. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. The Insurgent war enutinnes to be a-1 a Lebanon paper seye that Albany is bout to end in a few -t-vya, with every in the throes ol agony over a proposed body but Aquinaldn. '! U not so much ; aDeclal business us. Not to very much A Big Offer. Subscribers paving up and one year in advance, to tbe Dkmocrat, will, upon re quest, receive tbe Wceklv Democrat tor one year, and t e Farm Journal of Phil- adelphia, for FIVE years, for the price of , the Dkmocrat alone. Subscribers to the I Daily can have the privilege by paying ' sixtmontns iniativance. This is limited to one hundred sub scribers. First come, first served. The Farm Journal is a 24 page paper, sometimes larger, full of live farm news. A copy may be seen at this office. PmcntimtTfaTifl an Arinnilaiit rTflrTrDtjt liuuuuiuj uuuuu auuuiuuu uiu i uai are mured onlv to those who sow OUR TKSTED SEEDS SonJ puetal for our IHumraleJ Ca' alomia and moii by purchasing from tk. pacific seed company Wholl and Retail Dealer 7l torn J St. Karramral mi. wLSKKlW add at lowest prices. Apnti Wu Liberal dLcounta. but NOSEKD3 sold an at commission. AfifiS SUMS TO LEND On Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate, Reversionary and Li ie Interests on Real and Personal Property. Annuities and Legacies. Or will purchas outright if so dei-red. Life Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned on Patents sold on tayorab i ar. na and caDltal procured to devel op'.and pertect meritorious inventions 'ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgage at Revenue Producing Securities For terms and particulars address R. GOULD, IX ltgom iry St., Sn Fraaeiso'i 0 the ending . f tin i. He seems to be built on the coutintu ulao. bat even ungle warfare cannot tas for ever, and tbe cannibals will ivt to eventually give in and consent i-'villsed. They ouitht to be civil c .1 ud Cbristian- ed for certain, but 'be ballet plan is I every man's business and not not the correct one tl"i.-tical!y, though anouirh on the others. i'i the long run. .( the Filipnoe fast as to anv- It mav have som ff Reports so far inlu-t take to oar ram a- ut thing. FOR SALK. The session laws of the state of Ogon torl8C6. '6S, 70. '72, '74, 76, "78. '80, '82, '85 "89, '91, 93. Senate Journala-1366, '70, '72, '74, '85, '87 '89 '93. House Journals 1866, '68. '72. '74, '83, '87, '89, '93. Wiliians on Real Property, Tyler's Law Glossary, Chitty's Pleadings, Vol. 1., Bonvier's Law Dictionery 2 volumes. Bioom and Hadley'a Commentaries 2 vol umes. Price for the lot, f 15. Call at the Dkmocrat office. I Julius Gradwohl - Dealer in - Killed and Cured la Oregon. Nice Hams Bacon Try a Cottage Ham. ALBANY TRADING CO, Middle Store Baltimore Block. K3TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Q Notice it heteby given that M. Cannlntt ham. the administrator of the eatate o Thomas Roach, deceased, has this day filed in Coanrv Court ol Linn county. Oregon. his final account as nch administrator and a&id conrt has fixei the 1st dav of Mav, 1899, at the hoar of 1 o'clock p. m. of Mid lay, at the couit house at Albany, Oregon hearing objections to said account anc ettltng the aarue. March 11,1899. II. Cuitniiiohaii. Administrator of Thomas Roach, de ceased. H. C. Watsox. Attorney for Administrator. OUR CAPACITY 1 I'nequaled In the Valley. OUR" WORK Is UnsurpAsNi In Oregon. te Lave the best stock u. select lrom and our prices 9 to always the lowest, quality considered . . SlVlILEYi Allanv. The Pr.dter .n Trvl V art obtained and all Pat-! act btuineajcondortedfor Moderrta Fee, i 1 Bend model. drawing orpboto. W.adetaeHi nintiliUfrnefdara. Our fee not dne tiU patent!. secured. A I'm an pb let -aow to Ob tain Patents," with co.t of suae in the E. aadforeioousuieaaestfrse. duicaav C A. SNOW & CO. O-. Panwr Or( . WftBHIWGTOW. D. C. -rThe Golden Wedding Edi paresis Dcsuiy 1 1899 GARDEN FLORAL GUIDE tkm to eJebratt w.irk ct art. 24 I T2?4 scuvenir: 00 pages filled with fin? ha,f.tonr illus trations of Flowere, Vcje: biea. Plants, F mita, etc Itu Soocx;eo;.-? c- giveaway iaducriauaat-Jy, but we want .rv--ae. iver eted in a rooa garden t3 bxz '.orr, (here- wi,wt.iuieaaiw7ci:2: . ..1 - wui, a Due Bill for JJ cen' 1 1 . We have a worth of seed lor oaijr - i ncwplaaee' aeUinc vegetable aecc,, ;w far Tonr nooer than any aeeacr.,;., ,y. a icbeme gtrmf credit for tlic tui! j-r:' :t i your pur chase to buy other fx A 5 ; li'i to get our catalogue, it will piy 5 .. . wit's Utile Gem Ct ' --i: raa. Hardware, Crockery, Olasa ware, Groceries and all Roods kept la country stores. I I WILL i SELL GOODS 3 FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. Country produce and eggs taken in exchange (orgooods. iUiiUlUUUUUUliU lUilUU Must Be MotSon e Way. deal of opposl- anony, and yet there is a reat Mik, and most ol the tala is in tiuntoths t A member ol.the council tiives a ver sion of.the situation in saj log that the trouble is that the tax is too high on high Pres Comments. From tbe Philadelphia Time. Borne aay there'! no reason why Con- r ess shouldn't have an extra session, becaoso there is cvrtaiuly nothing extra about this one. MISFITS. From the Chicago Record. Having seen the Cnicaiio Board of Trade In action, Lird Charles Bersford realisss what a powsrlnl all e would be in war or how formidable a foe. During the past wck'o it of the worst hotel fires in th.- etui of the ,Tnlted States occurred v N- York city. The fire was dne to grot' - l-osness, and at least fifteen persi. . I the penalty The country nels a U nat shall reach men who mUtakt t . r f How men for drers and throw n into lace enr tains Se;eral more tiua c t.tve been addvd to the list during the tt k. The picture in a paper with Unci, tarn with bard arms and a big cai- e.u ta.atiack the monster as a cobra i- and to the point. But' th ttoubl. is Uncle Ham will neve.- strike so lot g s he reprrseuit a party in league wi I. ilm trnata. Tbe trnst began to fio si. al tn tbe present adaiicistraton;toukt hate cf the govern ment, and they are ali.,-ed to increase at a terrifi: rate. T - i a good law all right against them, hut what does any law amonnt to when the fliolals whoa: business it is to enforce i is a partner to tbe crime. V." An exchaog thi wwk says stick to Oregon . By all means. We have all to gather the finest soil and climate tor working Jour industries in tbe world. We may not have a 'e fall of big trusts, bat le ha e i.-ioiaLadvaDtagta and some artificial carstoo that should make oars a great at. And then you do not hear of Ibre-Mailures cf crop in succession, for with oar o andclimsl there is no such wrv as failure in oni lexicon. ADMINISTRATOR'S KQTiS Notice is hereby is given that tbe nn- aeraigned has been appointed by tbe cointy court of Linn county administrator ot tbe estate of U. Lyous deceaased. &n persons having claims against said person and estkta are hereby sodded to present the same at tbe office of tbe ondersigned ia Lyons, Or., witlua six months from the date hereof, with ptoper vouchers. Dated, Lyons, Feb. 9, 1899. Thos. Iaoss. miaiatratf. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY AlbanT Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. 9n1y set of abstracts of Linn County. Complete set tf maps and plate. F RUST RITIOJA1. BtfaK. : aj.B4.btt, ouao raaldaat. rea PftOaat ..... TaaW- TAHiACT8Aet-Sa truroi a.Touva .a. w.tAJtauoti ACOOUKTS EBPT al 1QHT BlCHANa acd (lavrapt'K Lbaaali tattt. dtoiarr Twk Baa Frxadaco Catcaro aad ri'aa LtOTIOat UDtM taeorabl. luw We have bsdplro ocandal,'not a very nice thing to bare in any eommon ity. and yet yon cannot tell where a Doll will appear. It' is interesting that when a man prt fses a good deal goes wrong there islmurb more fuse made over it than a man who make no profes sion to being decent doea eotnetbinc mean. Thii natural i enough. But it Is tbe way of tbe world and cannot be pre vented, for black sbep will slip into everything and thrr are nubbins in all com fields. The -nora' is to prv yoor eyes open and keep tnsm revolving in all directions. Do not lisre words be- canse tbey are smooth, tmi of tbe eqar est men are blunt in their language. j Sweet words may be palatable, bat tbty re not always diresied. Many a rascal has the beet ree mmndatioos. Half the men are like those who sign every partition presented, tbsv cab not reins when asked, and spread on tbe honey so ! mnrb thicker a 'it.Moeuon is neeo ed against socal 'lascala as much as a gainst the trust octopuses. This is a case wbeie tbe referendum would come In very nicely. That is, let the votars of the ctty decide and tba council do their will as their represen tatives Albany Is growing, thrifty city, our rssidences and business block ate now better occupied than ever before and we must be rarefal to act discreetly judlciouilv, not going to extremes in any direction and doing anytl ing that will have a tendency to reep capital away from our city. If there ie anyraay to meet tbe eaier gency without a special bosinesitax it should be done. II not this is the only refor. Can we ran the city and keep even without this tax. tbat ia tbe ques tion, and without doing those things tbat will injure tbe city. It ia an eaav thina to sav "do without elect no lights," would be an ia'.a dicious thing to do so. Could the city a.t .Ian. with'tsn lishts. distributed so as to make a showing and not get every bodylmad because tbey are not at their eomer. Can .he city make it with one night watchman iuatead ef two, or wltb ooe and deputise a man Jaet to be at tbe two nigbt trains tol'-meet tbe tramps and keep them moving, getting a man who has tome other occupation and it willing to add to hie income by staying op later and arising in the mornings earlier, the motor man for instance, in tbe two sav in theclty etleeat Sl.OOOa year, and would it be advisab'e. Tbese are not recommendatioBS bat teelere. How to meet the sUostloo is a busi ness proposition, ooe in which every ctt iten is interested, and nothing should be done to retard the cooncilmen in solving It. One thing ie certain, every loyal cit sen shoold pay the regular city tax now due and being collected by tbe sheriff, and as well those taxes dne on the delinquent list. If this were done promptly aad tally tba Dbmocbat believes ways eoald be devisea for meeting tbe case without an occupation tax. Tbe trouble ia tbat it is not done promptly and fol'y and probably will not be. Alter all this is a decided! confeeieg Biatter to settle. Frrtu the N.w York World. tie. many has very cleverly exploded the latest "foreign-interference lake' and ras made it impossible for the fakirs to use her name again . She.has put al) ber interests in the Philippines under oar protection. , Kroic the Qiinry Herald. It will be hard to convince the ragged Filipinos that the United States is the apostle of liberty, Christianity and civil isation. The only feeling can claim place in tbe Fil;pino breast is tbat he has Jumped out ol the tryingpan into the fire. lie bad tome chance to fivht with the Spaniard, but he has none with the American. From tbe Baker Ci ty Deuioc II somebody isn't careful, those 13,000,- 000 sent to Cuba by the administrslion, without a scrap of congressional author ity, to pay for the ditbandment of the Caban army, will be orse than tbrowa away. Telegraphic. a g rovn " Oowawrv, C.I. B LawMCW t. Ium; Finn. 2 Tick's Kagasine, e p to Gale -c u su. ,c: .. . Sot. a year. - -" .- Magazine i yx. tn . -. - 4 1AMES VICKS r-r". Albany .Maik.-t hea' 47 san'i. Oa's30 Cpcs 25 cents. Butler 1! to 21 cents. Potato 15 c cts. lams 11 to 13 rnts. SideslOiollcenU. 8hon!(er6 to 7 cents. and J icrr-jK T er-the J" A Rare Bargain. For sale, a boose and lot in a favorable part of tbe city. House ia a two story, eight room ouildinz in good condition Good well and city water. Will be sold at a rare bargain. It mist be sold so do not miss this chance. Inquire at the Dzmo bat office. NEW MK WORLD Thrics a-1Vek Edit. 07, 18 Pages a Week ,. . -... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar ' WtaBeeevcry AIIraalB)CErp4ta. The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Tee aw Toax Wobld is first amon? ail "weekly'! pspers in size, frequency of publication and tbe freshc9. accoracy Hnd variety ol its cot t ns . It his all the merits of a reitt S6 daily at the price of a dolla eekly. Ics political news is prom ft, coai SOCIAL DANCES. Prof. Holland's social dances will con tinue regardless of the chanjre in time, hereafter the social dances will be held on each and every Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Dancing school Thursday evening. . Private lessons4o suit patrons. From tbe Dalles T. M. Since the passage of the army reorgan ize I ion bill during the closing dajs of the fast teraion ot congress, placing at the disposal of tbe president the appoint ment ol 101 second lieutenants in the regolsr army, there have been 22.0C0 ap plications for these positions, and there have been CO.OoO applications for the positions in tbe volunteer army wbicb lb. president is empowered to fi I There must be eometbiog wrong when there ia each a clamor for positions In tbe government service. Young men certainly mart see little to encourage them in busmrs ventures when tbey will thus seek places in tbe army. From the Corvallia Times Tbe eUctina next year may nU see the reaction agaiost trusts aofficisnily devel oped to demand immediate Settlement . War ieaae and financial questions nay obscure other iesaea. Bat that the crisis The Journal accuses a cc temporary of not paying any taxes sinco 1895. Tbat is a pretty serious charge. One of the newspaper annoyances is being asked by friends to leave tninga out of the paper tnat get into all tbe other papers. Please don't. Quinine has advanced sixty-five per cent in the test. Tbat will mean consid erably when it strikes Oregon, vuen quinine is rampant. Salem is a tax ridden city. Tbey amount to over 4 per cent. Outrageons, and yet Astoria beats that a cent and a half. Our 3 cent tax is certainly enough judging from public comment. Senator I D Driver says that orchard, ists are more scared than hart It is to be hoped this is true, and it is often so. Tbe DaaocBaT with Senator Driver pre dicts a good.crop of fruit altogether. A young girl in Texas wanted to kiss Sryan and he told her he was not Hob son. Correct. Home style to the'. By ran is a man of experience. Tbe fialem Journal promised to pub lish how different members of the state legislature voted on prominent bills, but has not yet done t. tVe expected to get some copy from it. Pendleton ia a very religiuus town ac cording to tbe papers there. Recently the celebrated Max Bendis gave a coo cert there, and tbeie were present only nttv including ti e janitor aod every body. Tbe reason given was tbat i' was firater-meeting night and during tbe enter wason. Eveo tiio editors were all absent Sweeping Victory Manila, Mar. 24. A sweeping victory over Aquinaldo's forces has iiwt been won by the U. B. troops. The total American ions is estimated ai about 100, including both wounded, Land the Filipino between 300 and 400. second Oregon were in the engage ment, 2,000,000 strong. . ; Yellow River Floods. Wahrikotok, Mar. 24. Citizens of the U. 8. residing in Che Foo, China, have made an earnest appeal, through Consul Fowler, at Che Foo. to the charitable in America and elsewhere on behalf of the sufferers from the appalling Yel'ow river floods of this rear, the mot conserva tive place he number starving at 2,000,-000. ! oia I ID Q 1 UAlEi i 1 imm r!10RTHRil ) PACIFIC R. R The recommendation of tbe American commission at Manila is tbat home rele be the policy of tbe government of the islands. Tbe government should do tbat much anyway. It will save a horde of rapecioos office seekers robbing for ward for offices under a government with tbe islands as oar colony, tboagb even thea there would be som. aad tJo many. 3.. TJ f:J Tiits U fanny. The engineers recom mended $10,000 rpproprtation for Coos Ba . The governmrot granted tloO.000. Then tbey left Ynqnine oat entirely, though there was mm-h more reason lor the appropriation. Will someone w to a very big bead explain it. The Cabao aseemM is aooat to quit Tbe United Slates ia tt much for tbsns. Tbe Cabana migh' a 11 make np tbeir minds tbat whatever he war was for they will have to co jnt about as Cne e Sam dictates. Tuesdays ai 1 tavs :"It wasenro-i bcr rf peopl who tbe c!o-d hank. bad fori one vo d were soma othe having; tbe'r m never known ft have Ires than ssv.n.- r. Obispo Tribume r to find tbe earn 4 nail deposits in ,ell as some who y. Then there complained cf d up, who were i!d piece, much BO YEARS' V CArEVIIU&ItBV VMM JJ .J?1 Tiudc Maims Ocarasta COFVRMKT AC Anyoa. aaadlac a akateb aaedewlpUqa bmv aalealy aaortain oar onoB rra. imuv mm tareauoa Uooaautetl; ant ; a probably Hand book on Pauaaa aaaney for aeeanarsaiani Patent, taken tbrowa Mora CO. lac Ma Uyeotrf OtOeat It bona Scientific Jimeiicatu A haaoaoaielr maatrsted warirty. ealailoa of aay aetanufle InoroaL VrrriUn. Hixi. at. Biabeall toLcb Ml F Bt, Waablilon. p. u . Clujixo Rate Weekly Dkmoceat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and Oregon ian $2.25; and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00; and Salem Weekly Journal Z.OO, llr Bryan laabes it to is r Bel moat ia great shspe. Perhaps it will be taken as a slap for Tammany. Tammaay Is a New York city organisation of booJIeri.e co - rapt ioslitation, aod tbe Democrat hopes Mr. Bryan will defy tbe tiger, lbe pre. sidential candidates who did .hate teen the men who made it. W aahliutttHl Letter. Brother Flag; vo'jtd 'or the saga beet bill wbicb carried an appropriation o 1 $20J,OCO for the Artesian well pronoei lioj. which amounte I to $(2.00 w . for twe normal echoolf in southern t gon costing $15,000, and for s-vera' ... nr queetionar! propositions, and si ( tbe ake "I obtaining- a amall appr-,- talion for tbe slat. fair. Ani this a papers designate statetmanship. ?aLut Indep endent. Unc'e Btm stands a good deal. Tbe editor of tbe Se'etn Statesman receives ten dollars a day from tlte govwrament 'or an office filled down ia Port. and and that rani the paper at lbe same time, aed i. Cbaoacey M. Dep. back in New York i , - e w, - . i In the toe ant me,the democratic pa.ty R,m M c Ma.urand a. thaaameiime anoaia prepare i jt it. it oas ail tttese $ ,0,000 a year as preeideotof the Cen years been right on tbe soMect ef lbs I tral Pacific. No employer bot Cnc.e uriff. the tiott aod tbe income4ix. It 8m woold Und tbe" things. a!iould swear new a'.leaiance to lbe old, faith snd cling cloeals as poa.ib'.e to it-1 A hig,demand ia being made in 3alem for that faith time will vindicate hi ,lhe indebtedness be rebonded ns. Pi t the interest down. Proper Thing New York, Mar. 24 A special to the Tribune from Havana savs: As the re sult of iresh conferences letweea Oen. Brooke and Gen. Gomez. Col. Carloe Cespedaa started this morning for the eastern end of tbe island to arrantre with the army chiefs of the 1st and 2nd fjorps lor trie aisoanamem oi me soiuieru The Plan. I Washikotox, Mar. 124. It -is under-1 stood that Geo. Otis has so far matured his plans of campaign that in a week or 10 days he will be able to begin a move-1 ment which ia expected o mark the tie- J struct ion ot Aqvinaido s army. Bodies Recovered. New York, Mar. 21. Four more bod ies were recovered from Windsor hotel ruins today. Tbe record now is 23 dead, 40 or more miseirg, and a large collect ion of email bores. Tbe injured in Hos pitals and other place are recovering. McCoy Won. 6a Fbascmco, Mar. 24. With a su perio ri y ih cU vernesi, quickness and ring generalship which waa apparent from the first roond Kid McCoy was very properly awarded the decision over Joe Choynski al the et.d of 20-round contest. A Small Secretary. W ABnmoTox, Mar. 23 Secretary Al ger left behind a sting for Gen. Miles, lie nas shorn the major-general com mand ing the army of t he laat vestige of autl riiy he poteeaeed, as su -b com tf ling officer cannot issue an ord. co a to any ooe. Famine in Kusia. St. PerEBsecBC, Mar. 2 1. The news. by warm shampoos with C crura Soar, fot lowed by light dreMlngi with Ctrnm a. par eat of emollient and gnunt of akin cores. This treatment will clear the scalp and hair of cruau, aralea, and dandruff, soothe irri. toted, itching aarfaces, stimulate the hair loll Idea, supply the root with energy aad nourishment, and produce laxnriant Inatruos hair with clean, wholesome scalp. SeMoeiJ alicia. Pwrria llTeeaC. Coer .SnltPmpa, Boaua. etf--llew tofnaac Isaenaat Uu.' Cm. YAQUINA ROUTE uWALUS & EASIER11 RAILROAD e e ea. t;onujcting at YAQCIN'A wi h the AOUINA STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar and Nayarro firsi-claee in every respect. One of the above steamers is due to sail from Yaquioa about ever live days. pujiman Sleeping Oars Elegant Dini g Oars, T ourist Sleeping Ok r- at Paui ! Mincer polts Pnlath targo, Hi 8rani l rk Crook B WtOUif -k Helen and Butte TXROUGH TICKE. TO htcago Saahtnetou rhiladelpbia Hew York Joe ton and al. Point East and South Through tkkdU to japan aad Cb aa, vis ; Tacomaaad Kortbni PaciBe' steamsh Co., aa America" li ae . For in format ion, time cards mapsanC tickeu call on or write C O Bnrthart V) ilk... fm gem iwi;,ui. A n Charlu At Gen Faes A Portland O t alley potntt will come ia time ts as certain as effect follows can. AUCTION! $10,000 JD0LLA.RS, STOCK $10,000 Consisting ot Oothing.Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats' Caps, Neckwear Boots, 5 hoes, Mackintoshes, Child ren and Youths Clothing.Trunks, Valices, Grips, ete. THE ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY APRIL 1ST. Sale every day at 2 and 7 p. m. until the entire stock is disposed oh Commencing March 10, '99. J. M. Chase, Auctioneer. a S Ptivate sales at all times at auction price 0 osite Cumming's Drug Sore (Froaa Oar Biaralir CtoercapoeMatat-) WAsanoTox Feb. SJth. 18&9 Accotding to War department offieta'a. O i. Gom a will not receive a do larof the 3 000,000 aboat to be distributed, entirely on hie ray, amoo Cuban eoMiere by this government. statement baa ceased etervbody to with to koo where Gomes got tbe money to pay to his present very estrsvagaat socde of living-, in Havana It knoac that previous 10 his beutoninu the negotiation with B. P. Porter, who acted at Mr. He Kmley'e personal ,-epraeeolative. wbiib esnlted ia aa agreement to pay V 0u0t- 000 for the disbaodmeot of th. Ctiban army, Gomt had no mocer, and that ever sine thco ba ba appareolr bad plenty. Sea. Thurston, of Nthrasrs.ien't one of tboee wild republicans wlo renai J tn presidential electioa of neit year, as al ready settled. In an interview, Mr. Tharstoa id: The prei-let al hut.e next year promises to be exciting. iK Kiuley will be tenomloa ed and I pre some tbat Bryan will head the demtc a.ic ticket- Ibelierstbat tha reroh-i.-ans I will win if we stand together and work hard, bat oar democratic frieod am no daobtedly put ' op a stiff AgU. W. mast ntvt indulge ourselves with tbe de lation that we are going to have a walk over. Sec. Alger doesn't appear to care any mors about being1 consistent loan he did about tbe welfare of the soldiers darirg tbe war. Several days before congress adjourned, Alger announced tbat tbe jonket be bad intended to conduct to Cuba and Porto Rico was off, becsase ie.. ot va it ... . .il ! V fortune : lavia tuai Aigec piauuuHcu luamiriiu' ad junket because he failed to get a suffi eient number of democratic aeoators and representatives to accept invitations to aceompsDv him. Private news from the Philippines in dicates that the administration is again Juggling wltb tbe public In regard to tbe situation. While no official dispatches have been quoted, official havj talced 0 as to leave the impression that the reports of Ueo. Otis, since the viitories of the past week have bten to the i fft that Aquinaldo's arinr Is about reaJy to ass for terms and that a general collapse' of tbe rebellion trav be looked fir at any time. Oaring to the stlht censorship no private telegrams Healing wltb tbe conditions existirg, can be Sont from Manila direct, but soms bave been sent to Hong Kong bv boat and cabled from there, which do oot take such a rosy view. According to these, the war is a long ways fiora being over, and the only effect that wil1 follow thrashing Aquin aldo's army, wbie hour foops do every time they come In contact with any por tico of it, will be to transfer the fighting ground to the bli's and bushes, where it will be difficult for our men to get at them except when tbey choose to be get at, and possibly to other islands ot the group. There Is a nightly panlo in Ma nila and most of tLe white women and cbildren have been sent awe? for fear of a native uprising. Time will tell which Is correct, the officials or the private view ot tbe situation . Tbe Oregon has arrived In Mao Ha Bay. Uae Scbier of tbe Morreoa street bndge.says tbe Portland 0eooin .feeds (he sea gulls which alight on tbe draw rest as regularly as if ttey were chickens and tbey crowd around him every morn iof on lbe lower side of tbe bndge.hke so many tame hens and roosters . If was throwing bread crumbs to them yester day oojq and pedeetraas woald elop and enjoy tbe barnyard scene in the middle of the murky Willamette. Schier saie hit birds leave every evening lor their homes oo the coatt, no matter bow squally tbe weather may he, and then are back aa-ain b daylight ie the morn ing. He- keowe several ol the golls at :ght. Some cf tht m like some men. a re adJicted u llehting and bullying tbe rtt aod often miasing a d sited erosi wnite engaged ia "waltzing iaio" erme haegry trother. A on legged gull is a special pet, and ba pot to hi a inter day on tbe Morrison street bridge for a number of years. The deputy game and foreetry warden am receive fouu a rear, ana there are twenty three applications for the posi tion. The price is more than Ue war den and deputy together a ill be worth to the state. Highwayman Merrill, of Portland, has been eoteoce-i to thirteen year in the state penitentiary. That is a gaod deal but none Uo iitu. ti. Tte highwayman enoaui K thoroughly set down on and the business dicuurgei. If Code $atn doesn't look-out John Bull w ill get ahead of him on the Alas ka boundary que lion. John has hjd a irrvat deal cf boundary experience and his paw is that of a lwn. it is a col. i aay nowadays wnen a new trust is not formed. But they can never form a trust on the ir we breathe and the water we drink, though some of the millionaires o( t lie country would be glad to do so. It is alorioo. that t j nary bat Its Dewey of tmd worth so l greatnete, hati ewpaper quarrel are ea'ore in Sa lem. Iloeeburg and Pendleton, and more is ewer glory th.t action has shown tiarr .houij no mrtr. lttM,h ' , twrary per,nally than a ntervhant an i other merchant or a lawver another laarer. And yet tbrir columns are their own snd tbey have a right to do as they please in the matter. th nreteore cf a hnet it men esdoaed 'III the qjaittiee a t-tc) IK-wet laedu rtoeid. Ieer - ia tpe of the Am eii.ait naval otBc.r f i(h(al. ia-laatr: ro. patirol,nHM3e.t and brave, willing t wa.t .ad work a 1 fftim. for ons honor of 0por:onii- El. Ooeol the puoierooa rounut member of theConiiriiciitlei a'ore introduced a reroiu im proewiin; the geneta ateroibiy shall finslty a'j io n Thaisd.y, April9, st 2 p. iu , "this a t i t take eflect opon its passage." w A County's Calamity. Tbe Democrat has recused a copy of the Sao Miguel Meaeenger, in four col nam folio forai, without a busineve ad. In it and tmenti'pg a pitiable tale. ,t it published in iheeoooty visited last year with dr nxl t and recently with three big bank figures The editor spireals to bis brother newspaper men t r help to tide ov.r the season, with som prospects of better time s rain tad jast began frit ing. We give one of tbe editorials tbat our people mav belter appreciate their Spa ft '1 ircdnesa ia different frot the weariness causea by labor. Tbe lat is cured by rest; the firnt requires a few bottles of Hooc"i8arssparillatocureit Tbat distress sfter eating is cured by Hold's Pihs. They do not gripe. 25c. holly indequate to convey the fall meaning of tht great financial calamity which has befalleu our county In thepa't few davs. It is piobably one i ( I be most deplorable miafortune s in the history of any county in lbe State, aod is a matter In which the whole Stale aod In fact, ib entire coast, will feel the deepest interest and concern as to its Baa! outcome. Our peopie had just passed through a season of drouth and a total failure ot crop, accompanied with much loss of their live stoca and enduiing considsr ab'e haidel.Ua and privtoos them' selves. They bad bravely tUre 1 anew to re coup 'heir loeses but were face to face with .list has seemed to be another sea son of adversity. The majority of those wbo had a little means bad placed it in the bin as and had rosorted to every end ol ingenuity and coition lo keep from nsiug it ootil ttey could determine as nearlr as poasible what the coming sea too gave promise of. With the anxiety due to the outcome of tbe coming bar vest few gave thought to the strain that was bearing down heavily upon tbe fin anclal Institutions ol tbe country. Even if tbey bad done to the crisis hich has come would probably nave only been hastened. But with the probability "of en adverse season before them and w-th credit and reaource strained to tbe utmost, comet the final erttshing blow of all of our Hauls closiog their doors. No wonder the stoutest heatts are appalled. Ho wonder all are enveloped in one pall of darkness. W,J. Bryan it more in demand than over. There are ca .s tor mm a i over it e tut-ntry . Tbe Aettciaied Frees got considerably ahead of time when they reported the death of John Sherman. Mr. Sherman ie not th- kind of a man to die any eooo. er than ooeMMe aod he insutfd on liv ing l be report was undoubtedly made bv some smart voting man town on the Cuban coast in order to scoop the rest of trie oovf . Some county.bonJs were recently .old in Montana for 41.' per cent. The rate of the CerraJiis district bonds has been lowered to 5 per cent from 6 per cent, by the holders of the bonds themee'ves, l tie beroita 1 rust and .Vpcurry Com pany of San Francisco. The bonds of tbe city of Albany caa now be had easily or o percent u not lor 4or4, per cent. If possible the city ehould at once pro ceed to rebondthe indebtedness, if not take up the bonds as fat as due. Here ia an item alone that suggests a saving of considerable money. If possible let us add no more burdens by saving where ever poesib'e. DIED. HUNT. In Scio. on Friday, March 2, isTO, alter a eiort lllnete Mrs. llulda K., w.fe ot Albert Hunt, al the age of fifty veart. The dereared wat a reeident of Albany tor several year, enlovtng lbe ore and oteem of many She was a member of tbe Rebekahs. Her death will be en erally regretted by a targe n'oib-r of our en ileus The funera' mill be conducted at Scio at 11 o'clock Sunday forenoon. No Cripe VThtn too take Hood's Pint. The big. okl fash, toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in It with Hood's. Easy to takb and easy to operate. Is true ot Hoods Pills, which are SSI lean, tip to date la every respect. "f I i aZ Sate, eertaln and sure. AU I W druggists, sue. C I. Hood & Co., towell, Mass. ?b only rius to take wtvb noorr ranaeiiw papers of thedtv pobliab pitible account of the condition ot the ao-called famine district of Russia, especially Samaria, in tbe eastern part of European Kueeia. Tbe peasant are compelled to sen everything, and are livii g in cold, damp and nlUiy cabins. KaceVar. Texabxasa, Ark., Mar. S3. A race war i- on in Little Biver county, and during the last 21 hit. an indefinite num ber of negroes hare met their death at the hands of an infuriated white peopie Seven are known to have been lynched. shot to death or slain in some manner, and tbe wot k ts not yet done. BrmKcsman Killed. ASnoTTea, Mar. 23. R. A. Rhodes a brakeman on the Portland, Vancou ver A Yakima railroad, was thro an be neath the wheel of an engine, at Barber ton this afternoon today, end almost in stantly killed. Negroes Lynched. JjurxAox, Misa, Mar 23. Three ne groes were taken from an officer of tbe law and lyncned by an armed mob near Silver City, ia Yaaoo county, list Satur day morning. After being ehot to death the bodies were weighted with bundle of cottoo-bale ties aad thrown is-to the Yaxoorirer. Cut in 1 wo. SeatTLE. Mar. 23. Kates to Tswsoo City have bees cut in two by the forma tion of a transportation OMcbmat-oa, in cluding rarions steamers running be ta een Seattle and .- kagway. For Home Government. NcwYobb. Mar. 22. The Journals Manila rorreapondent caLles todar that the address to tbe natives U the "Philip pine bland, drafted by the American com mission baa been made public Tbe address assure the Filipinos of the intention of tbe Americans to devel ope powers of seii-gvvernac&t in the ' pople. It expiaina that tbe American j nave a-omea intematioaai obligations which woald make them responsible to the whUe civilized world lor the stable govern ment of the Philippines. Will Quit. IlaVaXA, Mar. 22. The military a eembly. owing to the absence of a quo rum, held no meeting, today. Tbe eel ing is now that, as it is clearly impossi ble for the assembly to raise funds for the nee of the arm, the moet logical course, all tlings considered, would be to disband the army and d:ssolre. A motion to tbi effect wi!l nndout-tedlv be made eooo. 1 The 1'op Will Die j NewTobk, Mar. 22. A di patch to -the World from Washington savs: j Apostolic Delegate Martineili', who is! in constant receipt of news from private ' source in Rome concerning the p pe's I condition believes that the pot.tifTs age I renders It extremelr nrahabh that i.-' end cannot be far off. V - eae. flay for Manila ELuncsBrao, Waah., S. Local dealers are now CI. ing orders ior eeTeral hundred tons of prune tiinothv ha v which is to I ehipp-d to Manila' from Seaule on April 1. The confact was swarded to Seattle parties w ho anticipa ting TOoceea, bad agenu secure Kittitas hay China Refuses. P.ont, Mar. 22. It is understood that the Chinese minister ha informed the lUlUn government that Chine absolutely refute to grant the demands of Italr for concessions at San Mun bay. Peculiar Accident. Baker Crrr, Mar. 22. The 6-var-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Elms, of Unity on Cpper Burnt river, e hid tied a bottle rf turpentine on a red hot stove yeeterdav, I Tbe child was immediate'y enveloped in ukuivk, mat was seriously ourned. lbe young one is not expected to live' Shortest rooie between , San Francisco. Fare: Albany td point west to Sao Francisco CaUn $10 00 Round trip 17 00 For sailing days ppl t Edtu Siosr, fi L. Walds. Manager. '. A P. A. I. Tca.tER, Agent Al'.aoj, Or, ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES HallSlJi II 4i '4 KABCSr. i ieb. locab err Btxewi. BAUOj. TKAIL, KOeXLAVP A0 Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, ACralXISTBATOS'S ftOTlCE Xotice is herebj ei-en that the aaer- sigraed has be by the Count T Court for Lion County. Otcgon, 3a.y ap ioed ad- miniatiat r with toe will annexe of the estate c4 W. 1. Mclleeaio late cf 11 trris borjr. Uregoa. deceaa-d. All perot. bar leg claim BgaioAt id eute are tereby required to pre-tent U;e rune proper'y veri Bed to the noderaiened at Li resideaee sear Lawsoo, Linn Connty, OreKOB. with in six month from tht da'e. This tbe &ih day cf Mar:h. 1;W Admitrator vriih the will aacexed of W J. McMeekio. dwvrl WglTHEKrORD A WfATT. Atry'a for adsi'r. S30 PACIFIC Li fit. lo ill f cini3 East Solid vestibule trains, eoiting of pal ate sleep'.Bg car, laxa too diniag can. e'gantday eoacbea, mAumSceat toorus cars i ad free coioniet al-per from the Pa cific to the AUaotus wiitu-a! che?e eorr otaacr aio chhpbt aorrn f Kootcnny) n..,inr DUtrict All potnta ia the Okaateae osatry G a perapbiet giviag a ieacnptiet of this woaderfol eooaoy Aak tbe aceat for a copy of the misiag laws cf Brittar Colambia. Lowes ratm o and fr ETJROPBJ Atlaatk -teanuhip in. flona'lisn Pun vr 1 ' r 'o wa.aaffa-aecaiia av J ww- a i Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan4" CAIAOlA- AFtTBALlAJI STBAHaa LXj(S ZJk aoaoLnx. run o AcarBAUa. Tbe thortfat Uoe to tne Cclonin. These i steamers carry aa experieaod medjfai saaa, aad a stewardess oa every voyage. ror QBMiaoies pampoicTa, or aay ut- ormaXioa. oil oo or address. , S "r52L?t 2). tr-i i f.t CJG37L1. Aj't. Hi eu.-I i aad. Or. GJO. McL. BROWS. 0. P. v Taacoaver BIG ( 1 GGLE-BOOIS A Fans library of aseaulled Taiae practical, Cp-to-aatc Concise and Cons prenensive EAad seaeij rTtntcd and Bcuadally liixstratcd. By JACpB BIQQLB No- 1 B1CMLE MORSE BOOK Aa abort KoriA a CoeaBK Scaar Tremtaee -rtth w-er 74 laaatrataata ; a era an mi ort 1-ncc. jbCcbu. No. 3 BKKU-E BERRY BOOK t gioaiug Staan rnura n a J aad teara fcew ; 43 colored hat-teAe WMMlaaaioaotailltaiim taex iQaattaticaB. I-rt. Crata. No. 3 BKKU-E POULTRY BOOK AU aboax PoeUtTy : tac txat FaaJtnr Book aa evJaSeace; teiatemtBiBa; ; wsA-j ccaored haMiAgreprodacutaa jfU tjtrcipal breeoi; waa aoj otaex lUsatrauoa. No. 4 BKiQLB COW BOOK 1 talTTir TTaii j Paaiai luaillilil aaie: contams S colored l:ike reprodacliaaie oeadl breed, wrti iji cthrj illuatiauoeea. fm.jeCaata. No. S-BfOOLB SWINE BOOK Jaat on. A3 aboaX Hor Breedaj; . Feediag Baata err. iDKaxs. etc Cuntaiaa oecr 6s braeuLl kali taadsiKrcagTaTias. Pnoe, jo Cewa. TSe BKMCE BOCKS are gk?r,oritrrBat.a.. fa - lueawu aaw aanaaax late tbeat eo practieal. eiibe. Tber are tarajt aa emare-Kna aale- : vrs, Sieartk aad oeta. Ever- oa who keep, a Horse. Cow. Hog or Ouckea. ae fTmraSntail FrsMa, oeqrht to arad ngat T far tae BMXaLE BOOi&. tTha FARM JOURNAL 7OOT PPr. asadelor yoa and aota arkdrt Bfewyeara od: ttia lie great botteeVdoetm. ait ttw nail rm lac acini. oeftn ni,etjd a. Farm aad Hoaeeaeen Barer a uevono uk mrr paper ef Us ana ka tae trailed Siatea Aaaerica caaag oeera aailiMT aad a-aaaregalav rcaOrra. AJsy 0KE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, aal tie FA5K JOURNAL S V tAKS fmnaiader of r to aa. addrest lor A OOtXA iS Keo. joat. t--ac on i . 19" aad 1903) will be arret frr auil Sample 01 FARM iOCitVAL aad circular dearxflrjjg BKKiIJE BOOKS nrr. Addtcaa. FAJKJK JOTaUIAI. ruiiwirm vriutsa ATKtxsoa ca. 1. jutuq. i fiERUlTA FLOOR COVERING! ftt-Li UOL ISLE tbe amoont ever before shown by n, consist vi ierpei, in jnare-, vo'iace an ta new and aitrvctive toodt) tags, L'nolenm ard Oil Cloth. We are a!eo well supplied with Lace Curtains, IVrliers, Shades kindred good. fiece goods in CntUin material and covering. VITALITY. LOST VIGOR ANO MANHOOD Cures ImpotcncyNipht Emissions and wasun; diseased, all effects of self- abuse, cr excess and indis cretion. A nerve ton ic and btooAl builder. Dr infra the pink pic-nr to pale cheeks and restores the fire of Youth. By mail fiOc per box; O boxes tor tT.30: with a trritten truarair 1 tee to euro cr rcfAmd tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Oflnton A Jackaon sta, CHICAGO, IU-. Kor salo by Fred Dawson, Dm;it lbany, Oregon. ALBANY FURNITURE CO, Masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or, IT'S JUST LIKE TIS" Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItaillnelallTdlMStAthefnorlanrl aMa Nature in strengthening- and reoon structine the exhausted diireattva nr. gans. I. lit he la test discovered dipest ant and tonto Ho other preparatloa can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieve and permanently cure a'Tsprpsio, inaigeHuon, ueartouro, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Kauaea S ck H ead ache, G a 1 1 al s1 a. Cram ps, and uutiiier results ui imperrecialgeaUOO. - rra para a oy c w- wswf ut co. ctucege 130 Cords of Wood Wanted Notice is bertby givvn that sealed bids will be received ty fc-ho-l Uistr.ct No. 5, Linn Count v. Uregot, cp to toe 15tb day of May, 189'J, at ibebourof 1 o'ciork p. ni. for contract for fornitbintr 1 JO crds of seasoned grab oak wood, anil 10 cords tody fir.otk wood lo be not Ie. tban 4 incbea in diameter at smallest end. 4 fett Ions-, traight,and free from limbs, fir to be split from large trees, tree from knots aud bark. All wrod lo be UeUvervd al school buildings in sid district aa may directed oa or before Auoat 15tb, IS99, closely corded, tids wtll be leceived for all of the wood, oria lots of not less than SO cords Ii led this sard day of March, 199. , ViRorii Pakkbk, School Clerk. T'OGET ACISCU on the or i set at -the c airt' in tbe Fall your chickens should be hatched in a Petaluma Incub ator and raised rn a Petaluaa Broodar yoa thus avoid the wbims ol a cranky te t tins; en and KNOW bow the chickena are dome. 8je the machines in fall op eration at Oregon Poultry Farm. V.u. iJATis, Agent Albany. A good article ia worta more a poor one. EVER t ONE KNOWS rif AT. ONE WHIT SEWING MACHINE..... E will outwear a doaea cheap one, therefore cheaper in the end. -I. We lave machines ia stock as low as.......... $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines a first class repairing:. Stewart & Sox Co. Headquarters for Machines tha (4 A w. V. s