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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
JT A. 3 1 voLxxxm Ealerea aft tke Fee at Mbaay. Or. Heeaad-Class Mall Mallei i ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, IS9S w r ICtTISfi raklU frraprtciar 36 ens i i i it ni vsa 71 JJ JiSy V f t 1 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT -the EXCLUSIVE USE tF THE WORD " CASTCRIia," AND -"PITCHER'S CASTORIA,,, AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR SAMUEL -PITCH -R, was the originator cf " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," that has borne and cc:i . lear the facsimile'jrs cf This is the original " Ft rCHE.TG used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ciihe wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bouylt 0n the and has. the signature cf wrap per; No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Conpany of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President ? $ j . March 8, 1897, 3iy&- .. Do Rot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your child by a cheap substitute which sonic 'druw;:st mav ru i. e . ' J. yucuiusc uc a iev rredients of which even he "The End You Have Always Bought" DCnng IMC -rUrf-yl Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Yon. etTu ck, tt K.aT aTaccT, mtm sawa, am. THE OPENING DAY OF Tl e Second Term is college January 4, 1898. Th mercial work very much, so that now it has become a Business qua! to any in the state. Thi3 is s now. Come and secure a branches of a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, HAVE YOU Thomas Brink's Lately. He has one of the finest stocks.of Furni ture tn the valley. He has udded Bahv Buggies to h 8 stock. Just Ca'l in and VU Will " Scenic Jin THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE w Oregon Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light For Cheap Heat For Ch8ap Powe Fop Correspondence Solicited. "HTa F E. ABiKS, Pres. - A, H. FREERKSEN, SEC AL3AMY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. cf Ilyannis, Massachusetts, the same ' on every zyfJUc wrapper. CASTORIA," which has been accepting offer you t), the in- more pennies oa 1; docs not know. MILfc SIliNAl UHfc has strengthened its com College wa3 not so in the oast It thorough training in all President Albany College BEEN IN Furnituie Store Jr. r find that his nricea are thb I t Tlt: m W Caj"- I Yyy J 'y-X e WoRLD DENVER -; : RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. NORTHWEST EAST TO ALL POINTS 17 v 'J UlmmmSm -f W Lebanon railroad RCNKHOUGoxmI AfoH S.K.HOOPER,C.P.tT. A J5I VaktofU.St.FOKTLANn.OiI. PENVER.OOIXX IhuTch Hous3 and Hotel Church. Eoai8 and Hotel Anything ana Everything Reminiscent. The most successful local entertain ment given in Albany years ago was Queen Esther, presented on January SI and February 1, 1881. It was under the leadership of Mr. Charles of Portland. Albany bad a splendid mu sical talent in those days and was able to present the elaborate and beautiful car. tata entirely with home talent. Mrs.E.W Langdon was Queen Esther. H. 0. Clem ent, who afterwards made several hun dred thousand dollars in Tacoma proper ty, now dead, was King Ahasuerus; P. H. Raymond, now a candidate for coun ty clerk of Marion county, whom the Democrat said earned off the houors.waa Hainan; Miss Seltna Avery was Ha man s wife; Charles Haflenden was a splendid Mordecai; which were all the cast mentioned bv the Democrat except toe chorus, the following being tho list besides those mentioned: Sopranos Annie Powell, Minnie Monteith, Lottie Monteilh, Ida Brush, Mary Mnnte!th, Bertie Enoe, Mrs. t. J--.ggert, Airs Jay Blain and Miss Alice Monteith ; altos Mary Gaston. Lib Irvine, Laura Uoltra, Leiia White, and (Hue Miller; tenors W. B.Allen, J. F. McCoy, Jay W. Blain, E. V. Lansdon. E. F. Sox, H krich- baum; bass G W. Turrell, Charles Brush, Frank Redfieid. Charles tierce, Jaa Potteneer and G. W. Grey There were also others not given in l bo pape . An admission fee of 75 and 50 cents was charged the first night and 25 rents the second night.and the receipts were a coin S40U. A Tramp Experiencs. This noon a neizhbor of Mr. D. P, Mason v a tramp enter the front door of his residence on Ferry street. The members of the family at home were no tified at once and a search was mane tor his trampship. lie was finally found nnder a bed hiding. Upon being ordered out he did to meeek'y, leaving without being disturbed criminally. Dr. Mica Davis, of Eugene, is in tbe city. J. M. Somers came up from Salem this oon. R. L Carroll, of Berrv.has been in tbe city on business. Dr. Trimble returned this morning from Halsey, where be went to assist Dr Marks in a surgical operation. Mr. Charles Barrows, tbe horseman. of the Mcilinnville track, and owner ot the celebrated Del Norte, was in tbe city touay. Sam E. Van Yactor. nominated for prosecuting attorney o: the seventh di Uii t, was born in Lebanon, Linn county, in is.o. Several Albany A. O. U. W. mem hem will go to Brownsville tonight to show the members there a tew things in Wtrk mensbip. it Mr. Anderson Cannon has been in Mc- Minnviile this week trying a ease for Art no t. uicu he won last evening, tecur ing a verdict for J01. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brytoa were in tbe city today on their way to Corvaliis itom fort!and where they were united in marriage yesterday. Mr. anl Mrs. Phil Cohen lett last night for San Francisco to attend tbe marriage of their daughter Miss Eaiher nu air. nermann Ternbauer in a lew I davs. ix k returned to Albany I last night after traveling several months 1 1 for a Chicago portrait company, and tins J morning rescmed his old position aa V l runner lor the Kevera. Bishop H. L. Barklev came up froto Woodourn. last night. Kev. Karkley will accept tbe nomination for joint sen ator irom Marion and Clackamas couo lies on the triaopolar ticket. Sttrmn. Misses Margaret Geisendorfer, EmmaJ tt t L. D.IJ.L k f . 1 Jones, Ora harkness.Huldab Mewquest, Winnifred Stafford and Mr Joe Ralston, left this morning on the boat for Mc-' :n -, .l -..- i oiuiOTiue to iiiena me CDWona iearne i ... . . CT f eonvenuon wnicn meet there today. A J. F . King, who coached the Stanford rack team last Tear, has been engaged by Willamette Lniveraity totra n the rack team of that scbool this Tear for the intercollegiate contests of this year Clyde Ran be, son -of the Willamette river steamboat captain. 'm, Raabe, returned to Portland today after a short visit mtn balem friends. I be yorg man expects soon to leave for tte Alas kan gold nelds balem Journal. M. W Wilkios. the Waterloo andl magnate, was in tbe city today on his way home from Sal-m, where be bad been on bustneee. Mr, i tisins never gives np and be proposes . L 1 . 1 I I . ' t 1 1 uve iz:i roaa uuui ii do aoea n lotie, and tbe prospects are that it will be a fact and before the people realize it. ev. Manshardt returned this nooi from Leonardville, Kan., where be had been on a visit with bis relatives and former neighbors. He had a pleaitant time and was benefitted by the trip. Rev Manshart attended tbe conference and was placed bv it in charge of thr Oik street Ewic-lical church of Kansas City, mo., ot wnicn be will assume ibe paator ehip on May 10, remaining in charge of tne &many cnurcn until tbenrstot May. Tbe Degree of Honor last evening at their ball gave a delightful Shamrock social that was enjoyed bv a large nun: ber. Colored lights and fine decorations added to tbe effect of :he ball. KelresL menta were served with green napkins, A program was rendered, consis'ing of a piano solo by Miss McGee, a reading by Mr. U. U. Hogoe "The Brother s La- ment'rendemi in a very affecting man ner, a piano solo by Miss Anna Houck, a well rendered recitation by alis ura Hirkr.ers, a piano solo bv Miss McGee.a recitation bv tbe versatile Col. Monta gue, a vocal solo bv Mrn. Lee, ''Come fcstck to Enn." and a drill by tbe Irish Bngad. a companv of small bovs dresi .A I t; a.:- . ! lng's enjoyments closed witti dancing Kay there, ha' is in San Francisco, ii - a ton with a decided upward tendency, frexident Krucer of South :frtca. is reported have been awassinated but thisK. ta not yet been verified. A patent for a towel-rack was inued o i V edneaday to Henry S. liroughton, of Diayton, ur. jonn rattee, ot S ileal, Or., was yester day appointed teacher at tbe Rapid City Indian scbool, in South Dakota, at 1600 per annum. ine people or liiiamooc county are in dignant because C H Wheeler, a subject ot t-anada, bas held the office of count commissioner two years before it is found out that he ws not an American citizen. J as. J. Corbett, tbe ei-prizj fighter, it is reported win be ran tor congress in one of the New York city districts. Thin sounds likft a joke, but it is given for a fact, and not only that, it is qnte probable tout L-orbett will be elected. s3Hsiini3ia km fM7 prtiwtB M'xfo jj qog CA vnf in morf jfm unol 'i(nxdaA4 4 'KOilvMOJato;, iv.rl ?ooq pay Mi3 HJ jo uoainq iilaid ta 'Haipaaiq 'iuiujnq 'Damaii joj )uam)vaj) raaiouose pus Xpaads iiao'aux -una uiv aqi '(aaanao) va.ioixn.j jo uoii0dd aiilu pay 'jtos vanaixao qilia qicq uui B u aiaqioui pun -ul MM pu S3qvq pMDjn-U!n i"l Jlli utnui ii 1 AllfS Oregon's Tobacco Law. Published by request. AN ACT to prohibit the sale of tobac co, cigars, or cigarettes to minors under the age of eighteen years, and the use of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes by such minors in any publio place, and to re peal tbe act entitled, An Act to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigarettes to minors under the ape of eighteen years, approved Feb. IS, 18S9. Enacted by tbe legislative assembly of the state of Oregon : Section I. It shall be unlawful to sell, barter, trade, give or in any manner fur nish to any minor under the age of 18 years any tobaccs, cigar-er . cigarette In any form, or any compound in which tobacco forms a component part, with out the written consent or order of such minor's parent or guardian, and when such minor has no parent or guardian, then in that caie conoent may be given by the county court, sitting for the transaction of county business, upon the proper application in the county in which said minor way have his real dence. Sec. 2. Any person violating the pro visions oi this act mail, upon conviction, be nned in any sura not leas than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars. oec. a. usna'ibe uniawiul lor any minor under the age of eighteen years, to smoke, or in any way ue any cigar. cigarette-or tobacco in any form whatso ever in any public highway, square or resort. Sec 4. Any minor violating tbe pro visions of this act shall, noon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than ten dollars, or by im prisonment at the option ot tbe court, two days for each offense. ec 5. Justices of the peace shall bave concurrent turisdict'on with the circuit court for all offenses arising nn der this act. ..6. The act entitled. "An act to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigarettes to minors under the ago of eighteen yeirs, approved Feb 18, 1839, anu an other acta and parts ot acta in consistent witn this act are hereby re pealed. Inasmuch as the present law upon the subject is incomplete, and an emergency exists, this act shall be in force from and after its approval by tbe governor. Approved February, 1S93. Resolution of Condolence Faib Oak Cikcuc No. 1 L or G. A. R. At a regular meeting of Fair Oak Cir- le No I, March 22nd, tbe following res olutions were adopted. M bereas, It bas pleased God, the Su preme Ruler of tbe universe, to remove from our midst our helove ! sister II at tie Meffroo. we feel that in her decease onr Circle has lost a worthy member and tbe children a kind and loving mother. lie Resolvkp, That we a officers and members of Fair Oaka JUircle No. 1, ex tend to tbe bereaved children and rela tives our heartfelt sympathy, and trust tbat God who doetb all things well ill sustain tbem in tbeir hour of bereave ment- Be it further RcaoLvro. Tbat a copy of these resolu tions oe sent to tbedaii papers for pub lication and a copy be cent to our de ceased Bister's relative and a copy of tbe tame be spread upon our record. Any JUVISGS70X. Jru A. Bjuibk8, Rkbccc Sm all, Committee. $100,000 for Yaquioa. The sundry civil rervice bill was re ported to the seoate yesterday. One of tbe amendments adopted was for 1Q0. 0(0 for a continuation of the work at Yaqaina Bay. If this can only be got ten clear through in this way it will be a ten atroae lor tbe Bay and satisfactory to tbe people here, though fi 50.000 would of course be preferred. FEIDAT At Mr. Ws Expense Poktuxu, Or., March Slst 1S93. Editok Dbmocxat. I co'.ke tbat my old friend Georre W. Wright has gone all wrcng on the fin nance question. Some fifty rear, ago when Silas Wright, a leading New York democrat, was running for governor in thwt sta'e, a poet perpetrated this coup let: "itnt Sila we wont trouble yon, Yoo'r right without the W." But ia the case of GeorgeW.. it now kes the W to make him right. Poor low 1 fie bas gone wroog and in view tbat fact would it not be a most proper ing i or me next legislature to change bis name to George W. Wrong. Fctir. Assembly o Prohibition Elector . An assembly of Prohibition electors ia hereby called to meet in Newberg, Ore., Wednesday, April 13th, at 10 a. m , for tbe purpose of nominating candidates for state and district offices, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said asembly. "Recognising and declaring tbe iuf pression of tbe liquor traffic to be tbe dominant issue in national, slate and municipal politics, we invite to full party fellowship all who on this one is sue with us agree." (Signed) Prohibition state Executive Commit tee. I. II. Anon, F. McKkrchu. Chairman. Secretary. , N : Tb etitden:s of ry nice thing this I .tiHACErm. TkIBL'T nne coi.ege did a very nice thing . .. ... morning, when they presented the co.- lege with a nne crayon portrait of rres Le. It was done immediately after chapel. A. W. Wight, our orator, mads the presentation speech, aud President iee, to whom it was a surprise, replied Tba portrait will be hnog up in the li orary. Jamie James of Salem, is in Albany on. bosines. G. W. Simpson, of Por. land, is in the city on business. Miss Mattie Lee. of Junction, is in the city the guest of ber brother Chief of Po nce lAte. v juoge v . k is. Blackburn, of this city, is caouiuate lor attorney general on the republican ticket. Mr. T. L. Dagger has sold his interest in tbe reople's Free, of this city, to I, L, Jone, who bas already begun work In tbe omce. J. E. Painter, of Portland, and Ketella aimer, oi near bbedd. were united marriage on March SO at tbe home ol the bride's parents. Mrs. Amanda Smith the colored evan gel is t. will preach in the M. E. church tonight abd Sunday morning and even ing, closing her services here Sunday night- Conductor Kearney, who has been on tbe run from Roaeburg to Dunsmuir i now on the local He is that fatherly looking gentleman with the spectacles lie is gentle and will not Hurt you. w. u. Tweedaie returned this noon from Baker City, where he bad been delegate to the Mining and Irregation convention, which he reports a great suc cess Baker City is a live tosrn and knows how lo treat her guests well. Tbe Elks will install tbe new officers to night. A bny's lodge has bftcn started bacg in Illinois to be called The Coming Men ot America, the object being lo instil patriot ism into the boys of the land. This is April fool's day, the biggest fool 1 dav of the year, because made so bv fools. . of which we are all one more or less. 1 - v.iv. .h i... it Ik to a great day for small boyi and old and bill collectors. men A WORD OF ADTICE. To Those Coming to Alaska or the Klondike Gold Field. One thing should be impressed upon every miner, prospector or trader comlnx to Alaska, to the Klondike, or tbe Yukon country, and this is the necessity for pro viding an adequate and proper food sup ply. Whether procured in the States, in the Dominion, or at the supply stores here or further on, this must be bis prim ary concern. Upon the manner in which the miner has observed o neg lected this precaution more than u pon any other one thing wfll his success or failure depend. These suppl'ea must be healthful and Should be concentrated, but the most careful attention iu tbe se'ect on of foods tbat will keep animpa!red indefinitely under all tbe conditions which they will have to encounter is imperative. For in stance, as bread raised with baking pow der aiust be relied upon for the chief part of every meal, imagine the helpless neas of a miner with a can of spoiled baking powder. Buy only the very best flour; it is the cheapest in the end. Ex perience bas shown tUe Royal Baking Powder to be the most reliable and the trading companies now uniformly supply this brand, as others will not keep in this climate Be surf that the bacon is sweet, sound and thoroughly cured These are the absolute necessities upon which all must place a chief reliance, and can nn der no circumstance be neglected. They may, ol course, be supplemented by as many comforts or delicacies aa tbe pros pector may be able to Dick or desre to pav lor. A book of receipts for all kinds of cook ery, which is specially vs'uable for upon me trail or in the camp. Is pub lished by the Royal Bikinn Powder Company, if New York. The receipts are thoroughly practical.and the methods are carfnliy explained, so that the inex perienced may, with iia aid, readily pre pare everything requisite fot a good, wholesome meal, or even dainties if he has the necessary materials. Tbe matter is in compact though durable form, tbe wooie ooog weighing but two ounces Under a special arrangement, this book w'U be sent ire to miners or others who may desire iu We would recommend that every one going to the Klondike procure a copy. Addrea fhe Rovai Bak ing Powder Co., New York. Dr. HHPs Practical Advice. A class of ten wer graduated f-om tbe medical department of tviitamette Uni versity, as follows: E T Anderson, CHBrever. R Cart right, C V Fisher, I D Piasnond ro. Alice Prettyman. E fi Phi!hook. FE Smith, R E L Steiner and J E Webb. Owing to the sudden dtalU of a daugh ter in the familv. Dr. Kutkeodail, of Eogene, who had been selected to deliv er the charge to the de. in unable to carry out that happy fonctin, says the Journal. That pleasure devolved upon Dr. J. I. Hill, of Albany lr. II ill's address to the claa was re plete i!h bumorot-s remarks and con sisted of a great amount of thoroughly practical advice to Ih graduate. All tbe diploma in lh world wilt not make a pbysicieo. It simply indicates that the poaieesor has the capacity to make a phvsician There are many obstacle and stumbling stones at welt a many pleasant things in the medical pro.'r ston. Tbe ignoract and superstitious are a nightmare to all profenn. He exhorted the members of tbe ri to be honorable, manly, upright and firm in tbeir course Do not present your pho tograph to yonr patient and discourage your lady patienie from naming tl.cir babies) after you Dr. Hili eked his re marks bv saving tbat the regret of the facnltv at loting the members of the daas from the session room was only equalled by tbe welcome with "Inch they would be received into the nwOica! profession. Towaap tb Pan . Yelerdy after noon when Chief of Police Lee learned that tbe house of D. P. Mason ha J been entered he immediately went to toe ho bo camp at liacklemau's grove, and hav ing a good description of the man. had no trouble in picking him oat. He ar rested him and placed him in jail, lie was a young mao. pretty well drest-ed. only about twenty one years of age, gave the name ot Harry fcvans, said be was just from Loj Angeles, an J was looking for a job as bote! clerk, which was his business. As be had opened sxaie of the drawers at Masons the evidence was prett good agaiost hiji and be stands a good chance of seeing the inside of the penitentiary. He was held by Justice Poaell nnder 2o0 bands for the grand jury. Whitney lor state, .Mion lor ueieadant. Lakeview, in Lake county, ia about completely isolated Itom the net of tbe world aa any place ia tb United States. Tbe Examiner of that town eays: "We are now living in a world ot our own and know not what is goiog oo about us. ore!y, br the coming springtime, sose move should be made bv our p-opie ts- ard procuring telegraphic or 'elephonic communication with tbe outiie aoria. Hocriblr AcctOBisT. Mr Mount, mother of the boy killed at Saginaw Tuesday afternoon, had iust traded ber n p-oporty in Uottage urove iora farm near tbat citv. so as to set ber boy out of town, and had not had tbe deed more tbao halt an boor when she beard of her son's death. James Ilemenvay, n writing ot tbe accident, aavs it was a horrible aiebt. The body was cut in two nc the heart was picked up in on piare and the liver in another, one loot was cot off, ode arm maahed into a jelly and the body generally mutilated. r-ugene Register. Scpskhi Cocbt Ca-. The calendar case in tbe Oregon Supreme court yester day was entitled : "A. Wheeler.sssignee bt the Blaker-Graham Com Dan v, plain tiff and defendant, va J. A. McKeron, tiWonrlint and rennntnnt. and was reu- j . . , ... resented by the following able iegai tai- ant nnwlf Waatlipr ford A W Vatt . at- - - i . . . j, tnrnnva Inr manontlent. ana H. is. mv son. attorney lor appellant. This was a Kamtforthe noaaeaaion Ol a uav ware house at Sbedd. "Just as Good as Scntt's and we sell It much rt,f." is a sutement sometimes made bv the druepist Scott's traui5ioiiuv..v.. tnattneorutJiTisis"""..- . . t ak ntralira - Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos nh;te nf Lime and Soda as the itanrlarrL and the purchaser who orocure the "standard" tvMse he knows it has been of untold benefit, should npt for one intent think ot takine tne rUK ot using; some untried prepa ration. The substitution of somethin? said to be "just as good for a stand ard oreearation twenty' five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. I n sura voa vet SCOTT'S Emulsion. Sc i. ' th., ,h. -,.n .nit Ash ar on tho wrapper. cue. and Si.oo. all druggists. 6COTT A BOWNB, Chsinlata, Naw York. ALBANY'S PAST. So much interest wss taken in the Al bany Past items that tbe Democrat bas concluded to resume them for awhile. From the Dxmochat of Jan. 10 to Feb. Zl. IBiV. , . Tbos Menteith was sworn in as mayor, rumrpsru recorder. J W Anderson aa marsnai and T S Mealy as treasurer oi Aioany The law firm of Weatherford & Piper ear a m mm I mm A wwmm uisctne;it Dr J W Watts Ribbon clubs was organizing Blue Hon Allen Parker moved Lincoln county to Oneatta, Brownsville rained $10,030 for nsr row cauge railroad. Win A Cox waanearlkilln1 hw f.lli from Fox's new brick A scsffoldiog " "7 ro ne ten zt leet, breaking teg. He limps yet from it. w i. watkms and Mart Heffron were circ'cu nigntwatcbmen. Rev E N Condit. of aalnria nM.I on Sunday, January 24, for the first time in Ainany. r v oi j ones moved from Salem to Albany, relocating here. George E Cbamhrlafn was president of . iooon uiuo, ard delivered a stirring address. V? B Barr surveyed tbe town of Sweet Home , .. c y.kkey heriff. end the big uiiiiwiuihi anoweii oe was doing a prnepnreut business bose days. Billy Parker accepted a position on the Junction Republican. The new U P church at Oakville was dedicated on February IS A school census taken bvLHMot tanye showed a population of 2.064. a a I WM ,o:l of KnahIera.cutthroats and dead heats. 6,000 000 feet of log. were comingMown the Cal .pooia for Allen, Robinson & Co. WHEAT. Chicago 103.'e and 83c. New.York994'eaod 85TC Liverpool 3-10 ceote higher Albany 67c. Oregon Weather Service - Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month M.raSi. 1S9S. Elevation above Uf, 214 fact. Mtaa tempera'ore, 44 91 Manmom temperatiara, 6$; data, 6 h M uiiuium temparmtare, 25;date. 22. Maaa of matinam tatnptratare, M 77. Mu of mistmata 'enparatare; SS.C4. Xamber ttroea maximum tempera tar 90 cr bo. 0. Nambor tisnoa mm man taaaparatar 32 or bk,w, 9. Nambar timet mioimaai tomperstarv 40 diw crtxlo. 2S. ToUJ praeiptutioa) 2.0$ wcb. Uteatrst practpltatum lo 24 coiaaeetiva bor, and date. 0.40. 6 A, 24 A No. of cW day. IS Nv f pa-tly cloody tj, 6. No. of cloody day. 10. Nuaabcr o 4y no mhteh JDl or oon of (r-cipla!ma fall, 10 N amber i4 aayi oa -tick jt4 cr mrr cf prcet-ti-atim f.ll, 10. DaUsofbghtfriMtS, Id. 17. U. 25. IliteaoJ killing frtt, I. ?2, a I.Ua oa hich foam fell. 0. Iatoa whach had f;i, 0. Datea o which a'awt fall, 0. Ial of tk aade storaa. 0 Aaroraa, 0 Preraihog dirKtoa ol wird, S Sc H. The 22ad of the rnte'ej araa wo itpmt co'drr tasa oy time datiog tba winter . CG Braxaaaf, Volnotear Ukactvar. An Ode to Peter. Mv nnkaowa friend, "Peter of "Port," Desiring to publish a friend in aaort You shfold to the letter siga voar name. adj a nctiuous one ne er maintain Now Peter is tbe name of a Christian Saint, An early Apoatl whim manv adore. But bis friends have now just cause of complaint. Because of your assuming bis name I'm sure. Now Peter my friend bas made a mis take. But I'll forgive htm so hers. I els abake. Though a legislative bill I'm sure 'twill take. Yooroaoieto create, via Peter "A Fake." Governor Wright of New York, i i hie dar, a great man. II living nor I opioe would for sound n.onev stand. I, his relative, propose to stand for tbe right. Not wrong, sure's my name's G. W. Wright. Tbe (iai-tte give a nice write up of the recr nt oreaeBtauon of Oaeea Esther ia t crvallis. It says among other tbiags: Uae ot the most pieaitn and satisfactory ot ail amateur entertainments giaea in Corvalli. was the presentation ot tb ea Tati, tjoeea Eatbn, at tbe opera boose triday and Saturday, rbis cant a will be given scon in Albany nnder Prof. Wate'a direction. Mi Fill ariil take tbe part cf hlbr; Prof Ware. Mor lcai and Mias Mabel Jooooo. Zrish. The orber character will h taken by Albany people. The Union aa well the Times fails lo mection tbe cantata. W tix CkLEBBATt. Tbe city conncil of Astoria baa decided to celebrate the com pletion of the road to that city on Wed nesday, April 13th. Governor Lord will lie invited to b present aa well aa other celebrities, and the event will be made one of the moat important in the history of tbe city. There will be an excursion over the toad limited in extent on ac count of tbe road bed being new. Tbe day will be a great one tor Astoria looked forward to for years as tbe beginning of a new era ia the history ot the city, for it will then be a railroad town. Strict lv Business French the jeweler. Try Schilling' Beat tea and baking powlr, Baths at Yiereck's shaving and bair cutting parlors. Pictures from "5 cent to 125 per d'w.a at bongs gallery. C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets ta all points in the east. Crwford it Hamuli for photographs rrices from ti lo r.V per dozen. Be anre sod see the anti rti't tinware at Itopkin Bios, will la, a li'etinie. Kac-rs hond. set and put in first claas or ier at Wreck's shaving and bair cut ting parlors. when you want a choice stoat, a nice roast or meat of any kind call on Henry Iroler. He kiepa tbe beat. ii,. ti v j,, v n... m A I msa v. aav. a -v win residence in pot office building. Special attention given to disease of women Don't ann"y others by yourcougblng.and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Co igh Cur cures conghs. colds. or up, grippe and all throat lung troubles. J. A. Cuiamtng. The beat meats of all kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company' market. just dwn Second and prompt attend treet. Good weight tion. Regardless ot Cost. Juliu Gradwohl intends to go out of th. crockery and glassware business, going in to some other line of buainess, and benoe wid sell hi goods of this kind regardless of cost. When ou call and get his prices ou will be convinced that he means bti ness, aud will believe what he says J. Gradwohl Inform the general publio that be -tell as low as aoybody in the city tor taab. Come and get prioes before you bay April 1st, 1897. J.Gkadwobu Royal aufcaa tb food para, wbotoso aod aslldeas. mi IS FOYDZn Aboutcy Puro mnm BAtema mtymnrn f).. sawirwsfc. 8ATTJEDA- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Coke Bilyen, eon of L. Bilyeu, of Eu gene, is in tbe city. Isaac Miller, Jr., has returned from Fruit Vale Uaiif., and rejoice at again being ia Orvyon. Mr. and Mr. E. W. Weinberg, of Colfax, are in tbe city oo their waj bon.e irom a trip to r londa. E. H. Sparks, of Sisters, while in town last week sold his entire bunch of cattle to J. V. Howard for something uae a nesxi an ronnd. Journal. A B. Hammond, the well-known csni- talist and railroad boiider, is at the Port land, accompanied by hie wife. He reg istered from Miaaoola, Mont. Telegram Toledo bas a new barber. This time it is a Mr. Bilvea from the classic city of ecio, on the bantiam. lie is a young man sni is recommended to be a good woramao. Le&aer. John Goins, of Albany, was in town Monday. It looks natural to see John on our streets He eaid his father would not go to Klondike as reported rome tirxe ago. Santiama News. Married, at the residence of tbebride.s mother, Mrs. T. J. Logan, of Prineville, at 8 JO p. m . Wednesday, March 30, 1898, Jndge M. E Brink officiating. Miss Lulu Campbell and Mr. Frank Elkine Tbe bride and bridegroom are both residents of this city where they are highly respected by all who know them. Journal. An enjoyable musical recital was given by tbe coi'iege conservatory daa last evening. It opened with an overture by Meesrs. Fox and Strange and Miacea Howard and Maa'on. There were vocal solos by ilia Wadsworth, Prof. Parvin and Henry Morgan and p ano solos bv MUaesAddies Schiffiet, Edith Smkk, Vida Mfetoa, Obling, Wadsworth, and Messrs. Strange, rex and CundiS. The DeMoea Lyric Bards gave a wry intereetibg musical entertainment tbe 19th test., and on the morning of the 23rd they started no a trip eastward in Oregon, in their newly painted and re paired stage coach, which loiked quite unique Rev. C B. Davis came here fast Saturd y, and is going aa advance manager ot the DeMoes concert for a bile, Wasco News Lea is Helmick who recently died at Independence was born at Salem in 1847 but spent most of his life oo tbe Lock iamuts. couth oi Monmculh. ifter gradually wtirg away through many months be died last Saturday at InJe pendence where be owned and was run ning tbe flouring mills. Beside that be owned 700 acrea of land, his es'a.e being valued at ISQ.UOO. After a faneral 10 tbe Presbyterian church he was buried ia the Moomoath cemetery. His mother live in Albany, bis brother, lames, on the old home place and his sister. Mrs James Telorw, on an adjoining farm. Itemixer. A Pleasing Entertainment. Tbe entertainment given at the opera ioqm last sight by Mrs. Part low and Mias Baker waa aa artistic and very en joyable affair, complimented by all wit oeiogit Tbe beau 1 1 lul drama was presented with Beasie Parker as Cinderella, Oscar Raumgart as the prince, Eva trench aa Fantasia, Gracie Payne as Lady Deedain. Harry Weaver, as Lord Easy going, Mil lie GoUieg as Charlotte. Marguerite Cun diff as Annabelle, Frank ie Payue at tbe qoeec, Clyde Jaetoy aa tbe king, boy Woods aa the mesmoger, Maud i-aug head. Mabel icLuita. ellie Miller and Nita Chamberlain as tbe courtiers, au doing their parts splendidly. A tr.xe con tee t loiiowed. r ranees French recited "Brought Back," Flo NuUicg "Jimmy Buffer and the Owl," and Fred Thompson "Black Horse and hie Rider." Little Usael Pteiffer gave some plastic movements prettily. 'The Mistletoe Bough" a pantomime, was presented b Mrs. Partlow and Uiss Baker in the leading characters aesisteo by a class ot girl, displaying excellent training in delsarte movements. The entertainment closed wttn a nne presentation of "Mother and Pott" by Miss Baker. Last nisbt there were three other meetings or entertainment ia the city to draw from this, and hence the entertain ment will be repeated, and no one should ,. . ' .a , or . - miss it. Aam.ssioD tuauu j won. The result of the vote oa tbe contest will be given after tbe entertainment to night. DtscoraaotKU. James A. EbbeH, of Springfield, returned last night trim rarmington. wash, lie says ne was in that section 23 days and that the ther mometer registered every day from 6 to 40 deareee b-low f reeling point, and snow fell every day. Farmers were bad ly discouraged, not an acre of grain be in rlantem aa vet.whicb is very unusual. Of course not a blade of grass Is visible in that country. He thinks the W tllam- ette vallev is a good place m wnicn to jive Eugene Guatd. A Mk:o Oo. Casb Jeff Thorp, of Stavton. has been held to await the act ion of the grand jury on a charge of se duction prelerred oy Miss Fannie Hig cine, who is now critically ill at tbe Salem hospital the result of a criminal opera tion performed upon her. MissHiggins bas also brought suit for $1,000 damages. Sentinel. Beo Cocstv Saiss G W Ken drick to P H Marlev, 10 acres near Al bany ; 117; Frank Wood to P H Maney, 45 acre near Albany, $25.40; A M Ham mer and wife to John Connor, 33 acre near Albany, SI ; 8 N Steele as assignee to John Conner, S3 acres near Albany, fl.000. Republican primaries were being held lo Albany and thn.nirh the conntv this af u.rnoon, witn a live contest on for dele gate bet aeen rival candtda'ea. The oa venlion will be held next1 elns(.a). Dpartniei't 2 f the circuit court convene ia thisrit next Monday. rill Please Insist p having vour pre criptl"n fil'ed a or iing to 'he doctor or deis. and sruar-i 'giiit aubstitori n We make a speciality in com ounding prea cription, using pure frvii drugs tn every one. Ou- prices are in acoriance with tbe II .11. times Try ua and b" coevtneed. uurkuart & LeeDruitgisis Stop that Cough! mat lead to Conajm ot Shiloh's C n ray ay Fohay aou Tag warning. It tion. A 25j bottle ave your life. Sold Bdaeata Taor llowala With Caaeaiwt. Candy Cathartic, cure eonatipatlon torerer. t0o,o. ItC.aC.ratUdniKglRtsrvtundmoiiey. HOME AND ABFOAD. A. R. Carrington Apiil 6 and 7tb. Crescent UicycV, Hopkins brother, agent. Bet Bicycle for tne mouey Will k Stark, jewe'ers. i po ind of rrackers for 15". at T O ebaver Girdles, the very late.t, at rrcneb's, cents. ' 25 See fhe new girdlt-s, French's bow window. tbe very latest, in See the newest fad in o-irdlo at jeweiry store, ZD cen's to K. Crescent bicycle at Hopkins Brother ior ooiy wm, 30, 135 aod 150 f b seed, two pack a ie for a nickef a oiewan tc sox Hardware Co'.. t reab seed, two package for a nickel at oiewan box Hardware Go's. Crackers are now way dowa in price. mm, u. . v. c Drusroen ior ireaa ones. 1ade long wafeb chains at low prices ' cuvu jeweiry store. bite Hooae Java Mocha coffee the nnet in toe laud at r. E. Allea k Co. Ou Jen ee that grow, in large variety at w c rsrowneu utit ct the ordinary printing is the amove UO. CUTLET. Golden Eagle bicycles are honest wheel Price". J. a. V eaver '-THE lain agent. Columuia aad Hartford bicycle, the Wat iin mjarj, at Stewart box Hardware VO a. J. a. cnarltoa has sold hit farm ia oaatiam precinct to a man from Canada. Auracce. Viereck's Shaving aad Hair Cottia t arior. heaving 10 eta Hair Cutlinz IS .-Lampoomg lOcts. Clean towels to every VUSMUJCI . Cao you gut how many people ia towa will be riding Pboer.ix bicycles before june it. . a, weaver, -Thb Faia agent. K,. a. iOng, who came here from Uiooeaota about a rear am and mrriM a large farm near Lacomb. a few days ago ui au join ing rarm ot j. U. Boyd. Thu shows that Mr. Yoantr thinr. ,K. vegoa u au ngbt. H. A T ... us v a. a nam. oi i nnexioa tiaa am rendered lta charter aad moat of the mem ber aid place their cards with J W Geary post of Kogene Tike membership wa ymnj mvDg out i was a Dam matter to moner a itiornm. nenea the nnnvW Time. WHEAT. Cnkagj 1O6 and glc New iork lOO.Vc aad f57.e. Saa Francisco dHc. Lierpool .fte higher. Albany 67c. Brownsville. Mrs. W. A. Cslder went to Alharv Saturday where she wi 1 spend some time visiting with relatives and frirndr. Hub Bryant was no from Albany SaU ordey adjusting the insurance lose on the Mcr eroo residence recently destroy ed by fire. The loll amount of $2t- was allowed Hon W E King, of Baker county, who received the fusion nomination for cov entor from tbe hands of the democrats. popalista ami silver republicans at Port land last week, ia an old friend and scboolmMe of Attorney B S Martin of this city. Messrs Hogue & Media, ol Albany, repteeenbng tbe "Oregon Gas Light, Heating A Power Co.. of Albany, are in Brownsville, and will remain until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, intaodacing the company's system of lighting and abating. The lighting powers of tbis system were displayed on the stage at tbe opera boose last evening and were a splendid advertisement for tbe company. Great ad vantage over all other systems aad kind ot lighting and beating i claimed. Messrs Hague and Media will be found at the Arlington hotel prepared to answer all questions and show the workings of the system. Times. Xo Yellow. The senior dare cf tbe college yester day displayed a yellow flag oa the build ing. The following is aa expression from tbe major.ty of thestndenta- O haughty lads and maidens, Yoa thought it very fine To raise a yellow flag on high Aad chuckle that it' thine. Though small-pox, vellow fever Are not with our ranks, You'd quarantine us every one. bile at your tbongbUees pransr. Remorse endure the students. But mildly states the fact. Since seniors, dignified, betray The indiscretion lacked. Xo yellow 11 float above as It savors of disease And sendeth tear to everyone, Who sees it in the brees. We'lt raise the emblem o'er ua, "No honor shall it lack," The streamer dear to Albany, Tbe Orange and the Black ForsD. That Case ttroa bars retimed to their old sUad by P. O and are tara iog ent th best work for tbe leaU money. Our prices are hair cutting. 15c, shading 10c or three shaving check for 25c Kjx ors honed aad set for 15c Opposition is the life of trade so if you want to keep prioes what they are patroaixe our shop and we will star with you ua il Gabriel blows his bora. - Yours for tbe leader of eastern price. Cask Baos. Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eys- tem effectually, dispels COldS, nead- achea and levers ana cares naDuua constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasinst to the taste and ao- onntahla to the stomach, vromnt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the' most healthy and agreeablesnbstances, its manv excellent; qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. s Tl- I F Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable dreggist who may not have it on . band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any Bubstitate. CALIFORNIA FJ3 SYRUP CO. 4ff faVUKUKA C4t. uxxnuf. a. em roue at New Store Albany TradingCo II. 1Y. !TIorri, Manager. Are now located in tbe building for merly occupied by Grabau.dc Kobson machinery buiklin? and will Le eleaaed to meet all our old customers as well aa oew ones Wa will continue seiing gods on a cash basis and take vakmkk's raococx at a eaeb price. We can save voa from 5 to 20 per cent on groceries. Come and see ns. Salmon Bellies each....... .....I C5 Botun Mills Flour 9 pe Royal Java coffee 1 00 65 1 00 gat keg pickles 16 lbs granulated sugar, best Vk e bave a small stock of dry goods to close out at prices named be low: Turkey Red OS 06 OS Indigo Blue Atron gingham, good quality Scotch plaids, this is the snap of Ibe season 05 A good supply of garden seeds in bulk and packages. Jtarly lioee. Lany Maine. Early Snn- t iae seed potatoes . we also bave bran, shorta and chop teed for sale. Kemember the elaee. Graham bond ing Cor. 1st and Baker Ste. Four Fans For Sale The following deairable faros are for sab. AdJreas McMaatw barrill, 311 Wor iter block. Portland. Cregoa, eg call oa C G Burkbart, Albany, Oregon, let particulars: 1. '6 acre, one 'ail west of Halaey, ia tbsDLCaf DW AUioctuc:. in See35. T 13, S K 4, W W M. 33 acres ar cleared aad Bade caltiTatioa, t'M) rmainder being eutssed wiifc saaall timber. Maddy Creek roaa tbrtagb the proocrty There ia small orchard. Frica 11300. 3. 80 acres; .o mile S of Browaarille. is thD LCof Saaaael Jofuaoe. ia See II. T14.HR5, W Waf. All cleared Usd 65 acre aider eaJtiaaica, all fenced, ne baikWs. Pries I1S30 3. 255 acre. to Bu t S oC BfOwnv ri'k. ii S3C 13 aad U.T14.SR3. W W M. 120 aer a ar tillable aad toe balance is et aaitad f je paacaraga. 75 acre, ar andar crop, is all feaeed, has a good np oly of water, good bail ding aad orchard rats fxsxj. 4. 7S5 aereL u mile eaat Of Lebaaoa. ia Sec 13 aad 16, T 12. 8 E 1, W W M. This i a very gjod atock tana, of which aboatlOO acres are tillab'e. It ia well waiered. all forced aad has aosae fair Slid log.. Prise $3500. OUR CAPACITY 1$ Unequal ed - In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurp&s-'Cd - In Oregon. We have the best stock tc select from and our price? are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printc THE a the beat aad yet simplest type vote mannfactared. the consummation of tn iavaators alt. Aa expert ateaographe after using nanT machines, saya. "I con aider the Yost Writing Machine far saper- or oaayl have yet md Call at the Duoaut office aad see one of the typ writers that has to have a perfect a! liga ment. Ah Typewriter supphec ordered - F. P. Xrrrrss. Ageat- TRADC SiaRKSV oesjeaa. corvatcHva o- , a a. FawSa tlkea tkreaA Uua A Ca. raoatia SCIENTIFIC AMEHiSAN, ETSwodae njm wy.traa a ray. SlJOaut Kili. pWB "dia Buua JrATEST scaa tree. AAma MUNN A CO., SSI BraaaaWia. Kaw Yarau Clubbing Rates. The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner text Tear will give to its subscriber a $10,000 residence iu Sao Francisco rent ing for SSO a montn, a w - 1 1.500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. ou can get me .iut, Wuut Dkmockat for $2 50 a year, with the Daily PaaocaAT by mail for earner S5.75. in advance. Tbe Pawo- caat will order only on combination pay. oent ST LOUIS REPUSLIC. semi-woekiy o ieoftne oe paper in tne iaii S'atea. and the DmocraT paw in saiasw tot onl;tl "5. rAlDillo PROCURED, EUGENE W.J0HNS0N, o'lc tor ail At jin PatentCause trte Ma Vara 4t.. Waaklaaa. CIIEAPKaT POWER PRINTING 2 Poaeesing pre-eminently per- rS S feet profit producing poesi- 3 fe bilities, produced promptly at 3g bMlLEY'o S Clean fr ntery. lUiiaiiiiUiUiUliUUiliiiilllll DR. J. L. HILL rhysician and sargeoa. Office, First S t aaa4, e4 tears ExPtlcllC. aX5a? A