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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1898)
ii m 11 ii volxxxiii ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 15; 1898. Eat.reScC tee Pest at albaay. r. m aeaeClass Hall slttit' ,W ,T KCTTIS6 rakll.feer aad rreprleter NO 37 i AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT l"r HE 4 EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD UC ASTORIA AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Byannis. Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTOR!A,M the same that lias borne and dr3 r.rj rr on every bear the facsimile sigveiro cf C&2fffl&&kt wrapper. This is the original - PI ."CHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct ihe wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bouih t. w? on the and has the signature cf OzL&ffi&Z&x wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company cf which Chas. H. Fletcher 13 .President. , . March 8tlS97. (2L&&iCt--rt.x. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf 'your child Ly accepting ta cneap suosmute wincn some druggist may offer ucwuic ne mases a iew greaients ot which even He docs not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" DT 1 nO -t 1 mm . A.. mm - . 1mtf ocMno inc. rAWOlMlLt OlUNAl UHfc. OF v7 mr. r r V Insist on Having The Kind That -Never Failed Yon. . wiuinMuwuT,n kiiiut mn, annuani, Oregon Gas Light Heating Cheap Light For Cheap Heat For Cheap im Fop Correspondence Solicited. Dft F I- ASUS, Pres. A. H. FRIE&ISEI, SIC. THE OPENING DAY OF The Second is January 4, 1893. The colleg9 jnareiat work very much, so that now it ha3 become a Business equal to any in the state. Thij is so now. Come and secure a branches or a liberal education. Albany. Oregon, PfBSldait AlllUiy COllBg0. M m. r i K 4 ' ill - -f E - T""T 1 T" 7 "t TT 1 . y .1 WWIfWjO-. i- HAVE YOU Thomas Brink's Lately. He ha3 one of r , ture in the Valley. He has added tfafW baggies tOhS StOCK. t ii - , . -m W w-aw -a- just can in anayau wiii nna tnat nis prices are uieibany and placed in the county jail to LOWESTi Scenic Ijjme .-WoRLb 4- Jte. iL. rent ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. you more pennies on it), the in- 44C and Power Company. Church Housa anl Hotel Church, Eo ne and Hotel Anything and Everything has strengthened its com- College was not soin the tast. It thorough training in all W vTy-i-ta rT-T. . L',"XRAGTIf'Al2. Z JT ryJT. . 1 2l-T poRramxoR BEEN Ifi Furnituie Store the finest stocks of Furni- . . . a - w DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. Term rfHm . THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE m Northwest East TO AU. POINTS RCNIOrOI,Cmnl Arm S. K. HOOPER, C. R ft T. V Kl Tmtimt-' St, PORTLAND, OVX P(MVEa.COtA THURSDAY COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Barton, oounty Judm; J M. Wtr D. L. Curl, Comnuatonara.) W R Roberts reargued aa supervisor of district 4. O P Brown was appointed. In petition ot 0 Clark et al, for county rotd, viewers were appointed towit: 0 T Leeve, Eli and Chas Croft, to meet april 2Q. In the matter of the application : ot R u r epperling et al lor county road; K a Irvine, A M Shelton and Henry Phillips were appointed viewers to meet April 22. In petition of 0 0 Jackson et al for county road, Elmarion Smith, Frank trie by and J as Pearl were appointed viewers to meet April 27. POOR ACCOUNT. Aid John Cox " Alberts.. Sarah Hines . " Mr and Mrs Barnard.. " Mrs Hochenbnrg...... " Dinah Mower. r. , " Mrs Stellmaker " I Coleman and wf 6 00 9 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 5 00 5 00 400 5 00 8 00 5 00 S Keith. J W Lame.. ... Mrs Jankins..... Mrs Streithoff... Mr . Bowen MrsKJnm Hodges. Henderson Caywood Gillock-. 5 03 6 00 6 00 7 00 6 00 2 00 S 00 D E Choadle, for poor Robert Shaw . , Aid Hamiltoj Barkhart & Lee 6 00 4 60 2 50 00 IS 00 6 00 8 00 2 00 3 SO 8 20 15 45 9 00 9 00 9 00 7 30 4 20 1 fiO 5 00 BF Ramp , J A Camming LAdiee Aid Society O B Reece Mrs Frv Ashby Pierce a F Sanders Aid Henry Zestrum Fred Dawson Aid Griffin 1 Gilmore... Weddle KOACS A BRIDGES. PHahn I... Mrs M E Vail W H Roberta. Ghl & Ray misccixa uxors. Salaries of count? officers. John Usher 14 00 9 00 & SO Phil Ritter.wmne account .'. Or Telephoue Co biertrte Light Uo 2i 00 fO 12 00 50 00 23 00 35 00 13S 25 33 22 4 18 9 00 300 107 90 2 50 536 00 9 50 10 50 5 OS 23 13 1 00 20 25 307 60 14 61 61 21 65 w 11 Miller acct U a C F Swank acct sheriff. E C XeaLownershipbook G W Rice, road tax list a Kirkpatrick. prntg docket. Geo D Barnard & Co, stationary smi;e the prater Glass & Prndhomme M Startevant, deputy sheriff... Wm Farmer, acct coroner T J Stitea, postage .' v A Lone, stationary... B A Stafford, assestor J S Smith, printing- bITt isher. surveyor Fred Dawson, Stationary M E Posh, rebata Ux Annie Myers rebate Oregon agt John Doe et al, in Jovtice Lovelee'a court R Wheeler, annual report of 1?3 aiatncts Oregon agt John Doe in Justice rrice a court C O Lee, dispatch Or agt Harry JSrane in Justice fo well's court Or agt Henry French in Justice foeeirs court 1 4t WHEAT. Chicago 105 and S3;Bc. Xew York 100 and 84 e. Liverpool c lower. Albany 70c. A Gold Wscovery. Recently Ed Coin made what be be lieved to be a discovery of rich qoartx on tbe middle fork of Savage creek, this county. A wave of excitement spread over the Soap creek country and a me senger was sent to Corvallis on Saturday to secure an inspection of the ledge by Adam Aasell and Robert Watts.the well known mining experts of certain Knelisb capitalists. They at once repaired to tbe locality ot tbe discover? and fonnd an ex cited crowd awaiting their arrival. Tbe experts at once pronounced the rotk country quart, and, gravely station that in tneir opinion, it wonld assav fabulous quantities of country gold. Tbe assem bled expectan'e probably mistook tbe I word country" for "native" or some- Ithingof that wrt and tbey scurried off, fifteen claims were at once located. their absence the experts stole ith all the liquid and other choice refreshments the lortoneeekera had convened to the prospective Klondike, leaving tbem to discover, in time, that country gold Is identical with fools gold. Corvallis Times. A Republican Annex. The following call hat been issned : Populists Attention 1 Police is hereby sivsn that a mass convention of the People's party will be neia in LDauon.uregon, t ndsy .tbe l&tb day of April, 1898, at tbe hour of 10 a in. or tne purpose of nominating a people a party tieket for Linn county to be voted for at the coming Jnne electioo. The convention recently held in Albany fail ed in its supposed purpoM of nominat tng a people s party ticket, therefore all truepOnlista who desire to maintain tbe principles of our national platform and are opposed to fusion are requested to attend the mass meeting and partici pate. A train goee from Albany to Leb anon early in the morning and return. late in tbe evening, which will give ample time for those on tbe line of tbe road to attend. J H Whedbee, D Eagle ton, Grant Dodge. Geo Rice, W E Har den, J M Wiiey, D W Hardin, Phil Rit- Wg. Hklo for thiGraxd Jl-y. Frank Ba I ker. fh o. bo was arrested in sa- I lem lor robbing the store of Hyde x Ty- ler in Han isburz. was examined in Har nsourg yeeieraay aiternoon ana neia lor I the grand jury. He was brought to Al- 1 " r. a. I await ine action ot tbe next erand lurv Chief of Police Lee remembers him a. one of several tramps who were recent? driven from tbe llac kieman barn bv a poesee of citizens. There was found up on bim a ?immv wbich exactly fits tbe marks made in tbe doors of Pete Schlos- ser and the Albany Trading Co.. when opened several weeks ago., and there ia little doubt that be la the same man wno entered those places and perhapa cne or two others in Albany. i,Luxa3 Bon, wnite nanus wim Duapci !, -i riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by ConocBA Boat, ths most eOectlre kin purifying and beautifying soap in tbe world, as well as purest and sweetest, tor trilt. hath, and nonary. The only preventive. .. .. . ... m lr.M. ot Inflammation and clogging oi ta. roara. MlClFfSl mwmi aetrkaMeima(hrttlMafM. romaPseaABW CKM. COKr., Bmlm Vromm., BoMoa.U. .. A. 4 -"How la Partly and BMvSrj u lata, Sashfc a4Brir,"aulktm: 'easy KUOHsrw.i-ffirif Bepubllcan Convention. The republican county convention ad journed last evening after making the following additional nominations: For commisioner, O Q Rutsell was nomin.ted. For auperintendent, L A Wiley was nominated by acclamation. For treasurer, J W Wolf, of Browns ville, receiving 119 votes. For surveyor. E T T Fisher was nom inated by acclamation. For coroner, Wm. Fortmiller by accla mation. t or assesor, B A Stafford by acclama tion. Tbe following delegates to the state convention were elected: M H Ellis. Frank Friaby, D F Hardman. J R Davis, reter Hume, V B Marshall, A dicker son. A J Johnson, W O Tweedale, J O Sabin, R O Oarleton, E O Russell. Delegates to the congressional conven tion were elected as follows : P R Conn, W B Donaca. W C Smith. J A Wilson. A W Blackburn. J H Turpin, EE l meyer. i K Whitney, J x McUune, t-eo 3 MclCnight. R L Whit. L O Ttask. The delegates were requested to nae all honorable means to secure the nomi nation of Thomas H Tongue for cona-ress- man, r T oeer for governor,1" .u k r Blackburn for attorney general and Judges II U Hewitt and 'George H Bur nett for district judges. The following county central commit tee was chosen : Albany J R Wbitnev. Eaat Albany D F Hardman. West Albanv N M Newport N Browhaville F M Brown. S Brownsville A M Templeton. Center Alf From. Crawfordsville W H Scott. Fox Valley W H Traek. Franklin Bntte Wm Brenner. Foster A H Yost. Halser Alex Power N Harrisburg Samuel Nixon. S Harrisburg R L White Jordan L O Traak. N Lebanon A I Crandall. , S Lebanon Dr J A Lamberson. Orleans X Needham. Price P B Marshall. Rock.Trerk W h Hessman. Scio W F Gill I l Sbelburn Griff King. Syracuse John CooMr, Santiam G H Carlton. Sweet Home E C Ruses!!. Sodaville A P Flory. Sbedd K A Jayne. lallman A M Wilson. Tar gent J n Sca:t. Waterloo B O Carlton. D F Hardman was elected chairman. Tbe following precinct nominations were made: Albany Na. 1, A H Freerkeon, J P, W H Worrell, constable. West Albany No. 2, JC Powell, J P, A Straney, constable. Jnstice precinct No. 10, Aaron Yost J P, Paul Mignola, constable. Justice precinct No. 8.G Lovefe. J P. Halsey. W J Stewart J P. D B Stn dish constable. - Precinct No. 11, W H Scott ) P, John Smith, constable. Syracuse. J D Uiatt J P. Amos Hiatt constable. Brown mile. W W Bailev J P. H H Chance constable. LEBANON. FronLtbe Ex;eai: John H Donaca U expected home to- morrow from Sacramento, where be bas been spending tbe winter. The W R C assisted by Mr and Mrs W S Thompson, will give an entertainment at the Sand ball Aril 16. Jas Stuart was in the city last Friday and Saturday, visiting his neice. Mrs C O Peteteon. Mr. Stuart is on his war from Iowa to the Klondike coot. try. Eii Mayer and his mtther arrived last Thursday from Central Point, Southern Oregon. Eli haa been running a butcher shop there, bat oa account of the poor health of bis mother-, haa leased bis shop, and they exp. remain in Leb anon for some lime. Walter L Toore. a republican atoms speaker, of Wood burn, is billed to ad dress the people of Lebanon Friday night at tbe Band ball It is not likely that be will have much to say about that "viKuruua fore inn nolicv" that was to be a feature of the prevent administration. A Good Entertainment A. R. Carrington. tbe drummer bov of soiioD. gave an entertainment at tbe on- era.noose last mgnt tnat was greatly a preciatea . 1 1 consisted oi some wondt folly expert drumming by Mr. Carring ton, who probably baa no equal as a snare drummer, several artistic selections oa th piano by Mr. Cbanveset and a series of scenes splendidly presented, patriotic in character, with acsompan ment of song and piano. This afterpoon at 4 :30 a matinee will be given acd tonight a general entertain- ment. consisting principally of scenes of j Sbilnh, one of tbe greatest battle ever fought. Admission 25 cents. It will pay to see it. A Shsep Caiif Lrrrta. Mr. Mosea Parker today received a lettter from his eon Louis written at Sheep Camp. He was just getting over tbe measles, and would go on across tbe peas with bis 1700 pounds of provisions. He had paid bis share of doty, coming to $30.93 There were eight or ten thousand peo pie here. A bully named Snyder bad just, killed a small man named Clem' mons near his camp. lour was IMi barrel and bacon only 14 or 15 cents, bd and Ab Umpbrey bad sold their outnt and returned to Wrangle to locale. Mr. Csrricgtou's sterenuticoo ia prob ably the best ever presented here at least is bsndled. tne best, fbe dissolving views are woncertui. Rev G M Hill, of San Francisco a for mer Eugane boy, and now one ot the best known pulpit orators in the west. Is in tne city. tugene Kegtster. The Brt locomotive to eo tbroush from Portland over tne new railroad arrived at Astoria yesterday, it was engine No. 1, in charge of Engineer Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fsrlow.of Marion, ill start in a it w days on an extended visit to several of tbe eastern slates. where they expect to spend the summer. The advance agent for tbe lav in Ne York, one of the funniest and mot Imiirh able plaj. oat u in tbe city arranging for the appearance ot tne company io this city weaneauay o next wees A prominent A.1DSUV musician sava . . . ... . . that Mr. Chauvenet, wbo performed at the entertainment last night is one of the best II not the est concert pianist. ever in Albany. He will be beard again lomgui. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sower will lasve tomorrow for Salem, where they will uereaiter reside. Mr. Sower and hi. brother In-law, Mr. Reinstein, recently of San hava hmmht n..t ik Emporium, a house-furnishing estab lishment and will enlarge and push the business Mr. and Mrs. Sower hav) msde many warm friends in Albany wbo wui wi.u tor iu..r conunuea success. Tomorrow will be arbor day, a day quite generally observed by the schools of the state. ilen Hill, the wife murderer, was hanj ma m oan yueutin yearoruay . ne was a wen known base ball player. ' Tbe circuit court at Portland ha. eranfad judgment to J O against Joseph doiladay for 13.000. The action is for wages due at $100 per month. The judg ment was by default, Holladay failing to answer the suit. Kx. The republicans of Lincoln county met yennetday and nominated tbe following ticket: County judge, J 0 Stearns sher iff, IB Rom; clerk. W L Davis; assess or, F M Wad.worth; school superintend- ah . nflPPra Hlath.Mi' MMMli.l..ta 1 M Davis; survsyor, joe tiideon; coroner, William Alexander. WHEAT. Chloago 105 and 84, '.'c New York 101'c and 88;'o. Liverpool no change. Saa Francisco a holidsy. Albany 70c. Charles' Bowen came op from Salem this noon. Judge Burnett, of Corvallis, Is in the tbe city this afternoon. D L. Curl left this morning for Day ton, Wasn., on a vls't with relatives. ' J. F. McHenry, tbe rustling orgsnlcr, is in the city organizing a lodge of Vigi lan ten. A. W. Marks returned this noon from Astoria, where he has been working for tbe A & C. Mr. Malt Scott returned last night from Portland, where be bad been on cattle business. Mr. J. O. Croesley, recently of Salt Lake, is la the city on a visit with bis oncl. Mator Jounson. ff 1 i . .1 1 . . A air, usury-' aouniwui .uo veoi to Skagway with golden p rot peers, 'Several months ago, returned last night with the prospects behind bim. He got enough of that country and is glad to be at home. Tbe other Albany men will soon follj. J ITonight Mrs. Kareissa White Kinuev. of Astoria, lectures at tbe college audi torium on "Rome, as I saw it " Mrs. Kinney has a brilliant reputation aa a writer and public speaker. Corvallis Gscette. Prof. A. 8. McDonaM. of tbe Harris burg school, and candidate on tbe onion ticket for school superintendent, bas tone to Kansas, called there v the seri ous illness of bis mother. He will be I gone about two weeks. vT Walter L.Toooe and wife, of Wood is- i ourn, were in tbe cttv tbta afternoon oa jo the r way to Lebanon, where Mr. Toore II I will pluck the feathers from tbe eagle i i uwi(oi in ioo luteresi oi tne republican nj Jpy. Lagineer Arthur Miller came no (mm Albany yesterday and is packing bis household coods Preparatory to morine them to that place. Mrs. Miller is visit ing relative, io Cortland. S. Y. Roee- ourg noview. A pleasing feature of tbe Carrincton entertainments this week was the per forming on the piano of Jean dt Chan venet. Though a vounr man he die- plays a rare. talent anJ good judges here pronounce bis playing far above theTbere are near I v 1000 halMoJ ho. average, paying him pronounced com pumeuis. Vise Janet Wardof met with tbe Mas aiioe elnb this afternoon at the borne t Mr. Charles Pfeiffer.and spent the afters noon wim tbe bob facially. She was heard in eiveral reciutirns to tfce de light of all. Mies Waldorf is a crarmicg young woman personally. Mise Iva Tern Die too. one of the X Students, returned home from Myrtle Ureek Monday where she bad heeo at tending the bedside of her friend. Uri T. X. Humphrey, who died March 26. of quick eaoeomptioo. Drain Watchman A readable letter from C. W. Watts. written at Lake BeaneU. appears in to days Oregonian. He teat tbe junction of the two paesee and seen everybody go ing ana coming irotn tbe Klondike. Mr. Watts mention Bod Williams of Al bany aa being one of those at Lake Ben nett. Tbe astorisn, a strong republican pa per. says of tbe onion nominee for school superintendent: "Professor Lyman is everywhere recogolwd as a plain, prac tical man, wbo ha. always done bis duty wiiooQi lose or otieoiation. tie is aieo familiarly known to the re id in and thinking puol'c of t!e entire northwet as an interesting and aUe writer en hi.tor ical and industrial subjects." A moor the members of tbe Boston Ladie s Military Rand, which live, a concert here Tuesday evening, is M;as Bessie Dalesman, a former O A. C. un dent and member of tbe Corvallis ladies' brass band. Miss Date mm haa stud ied and practiced dilir-ntlv since leeving Corvallis and it is said that she has few superiors aa a Cornell it. among women. Corvallis Gazette. Ballard k Jobasoa have opened a irea- era! repair shop in Ihe Y M C A building. Tew or twelve fine horses were taken to Seattle to day from th-.s city, probab'y for e Aiaisa mar. Albany is connderable of a bone mar ket. During the pat year tbe sale, oi bora, al tha atatila of MilW A Tamer ns have amounted to about 130.000. y A maa ia a airoatioa to know iji tberVJ i. no doubt tbat work oa the Corvalli. batters will be pushed eastward this year, Thl will III wk mtmA Atm. I trum tKi. 4 nt I 7 lOreson and Albaav narUcnlarir. -f t Tbe rerideeca of Mrs. Covlv.of Miliafy. WM bunied thu week. It was iosored in Ube Fire Relief Association of McMina- vine. Mr. Bryant of tbi. city will go op and adjust the loss in a dav or two. A few days since a petrified log from the rotil eountrv was received aed snip ped to Omaha, where it will be placed in the Otesoe exhibit darn the cominar ex position. Tne log is ten leet long and weigned o.bOU pounds-' The county clerk was Instructed to no tify D A Obore and his bond men that tbe amount still doe tie county from tbe ex-sheriff (about 1600) tnot be paid to the . . . ... oeaeorer immeatateiy. corvaiii uurne, For some time past there bss been a contention in tbe republican ring of this ritvs to wbic'i faction aboald control it. Tbe broil is tbe malt of tne pewt otnee fight, and vu finally fiaLhed nn Saturday o far a. McMinnville was concerned . Tbe Jim McCain faction wiped the! Apneraoe laction oat ci existence. Jim i. now me absolute boss of tbe part. McMinnville 1 . K RegardlcM ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl in'endi to go oat of tbt crockery and glassware boaineas, go ng in to some other line ot boxine, and nenoe will sell hi. eood of Ibis kind regardless of coat. When )OU Call and get his pnnea SOU Will oe convincea uiav in uwn uw ness, aud will believe what be ssys. Persistent Coughs A anue-h WtllCIl SCCnlS TO nAno ot ia spite ot au tne remeoies wrucn ? r yott Have appuea cenaimy noi enef xXtic and sensible treatment. For twcnty-iive years that stand- I -4 DrepAration Ot Cod-Iivcr oil. I r ' SCOTT'S ECJULCIOH has proved its effectiveness in cur - ine the trying affections of the throat ana lungs, ana inn is mei reason why t the cod-liver oiL par- ivsmvu - ' tially uigw-, ..rwju.. vitalizes tne wxiwic aya temi the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mini and nerves, and the clvrerSne- soothes and T m .A m -a heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? ft- iur yen Ut SCOTT'S ErauUlon. Sm thtt th. aua ana aril an e. th. wnpptr. 50c. m4 Ii.oo, .11 dmjjiit. IM-OTT A BOWNF, Chmbn, New York. Bio Bicvclk Sale. The sale of bi cyles in Albsny this year bas started out fast, mush faster than ever before, many oi mem to young men in tbe connfy. Hopkins Brothers have sold 48 Cre ents already, where lastyesr at thistiu.e iuey Lia soia oniy six. mey nave or ders sbead. Stewart & Sox have sold thirty Hart- fords and Columbias, everything being cleaned out, could have sold more if they bad had them in stock. F. E. Allen & Co., have sent out a good many Stearns and other makes, Conn & Huston have bad a good sale of Waver lyes and the Ramblers and Ideal have gone fast from Geo. E. Fish's It is for a fact a bicycle year, . Csnrcrr Cocbt. The trial of tbe case of Mry . Swank agt Phillip Swank was completed last evening and taken nnder advitement by the court. The suit was brought to set aside a deed. The plain tiff is tbe wife of tbe late Jay Swank, who died from a gun sbot wound accid entally received several months sgo. Be fore be died he made a deed of his farm to Lis father. There is a dispute as to tbe object of it, the plaintiff claiming it was for ber benefit, banc tha unit Tb case of Bradley & Clemens agt Dohn and M. B Craft, a snit on a cattle Contract, was being tried this afternoon, ana it win prooaniv no a lew days be fore a decision will be rendered. A Bad Mam. The. Jonnal air a nf Frank Baker, in Ihe jail for tbe Harris burg robbery: Wbileawaittog his pre liminary examination. Baker was in carcerated in tbe Harriabnrg city jail, a siraciure. tie came very near enecting bis eecape Tuesday night. With small pieces of iron he had succeeded in removing tbe staple that barred the jail opo' d Fas jot oa tbe point of le-ving tbe jail when be was surprised by Con stable Steavens. Baker is considered a oa 3 man ana will no doubt serve time j,in the slate penitentiary for tbe Harris- P" ourgiary, Jr Ssaooixq van Rivan. The eoag has completed its work in thia and in a day or two will move down the river and remove some snags in tbe cnanne! between Harrisburg and Cor vallis. For several months past tbe boat bas been engaged in hollaing re vetnente from Eagene down the river a. distance of about aix miles, and some good and effective work bas been done, and is already shown by the changes In the chan oeL Eugene Register. - . I Dccuxa is Hoe. Portland nimN ai me Doawern ractnc ireigbt depot la Ibis city. Some of them are over a vear ine bope are a:i i.-oto Willamette valley points, and are of alow sale. They lonkl Lave been sold last fall Irom 9 to 1 1 cents, bat now they are down to 4 or 5. It com. 6 cents to raise, pick and bale k. . .it ... .... . I ' ! nop raisers are sines worse then ever this vear. v SOCIAL AND PERSONAL D. II. James went to Portland on tb morning train on bostneea. Deputy U. 8. Marshal George Humph rey came op from Portland last sight. Mr. C P Barkhart haa returned from a several months residence ia T scorns. E. E. Montague left tor Portland and Oregon City thia morning oa a two days butt nee. trip. The Scio paper says that Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Dugger expect to move out to their farm oa Aloany prairie, soon. Mr. John Baiter orth returned to Portland this morning after a trip up to Detroit to look after fait property there. C E Hawkins came over from the Bay this noon with a big string ot trout which be aijaitted that be did not catch. L L Swan delivered an address before the Woodmen of the World at Sbedd last night, at aa entertainment given there. Mrv. Jennie Garrett, daughter ci Mr. J. W. Anderson, phased through Albany yesterday on ber way to Eastern Wash ington from California. Franc Grant and bis boys, of Big Elk. have, during the winterkilled seven wild cats, three bears and one congar. Lead er. Invitations are out for tbe wedding of Mr. George Phillioe Jr.. of thia city and Miss Anna Worrel,of Albany, which will take place at Albany, April 20. Santiam News. Mr. Langley, of Montana, haa been ia tbe city bnyiog cattle, wbich he .hipped cn:- v twwx. it. - - I- ... . v. ii, mmm swum lv traveling agent for tne Great North- ivm. i 7-pe.eeaaT on a to his old borne in M innesota. accompanying bia brother wno bsa been nere several weeas, pack to bia home in thai Mr. Roy Gill. unUI recently editor of this paper, baa accented a position with the Pope Manufacturing Co.,at Portland, wnere bia lamiiy will move ia tbe near future. Santiam News Mrs. Xarciesa White Kinney, of As toria, lectured in Corvadis last Highland tote noon pasted tbrouen Albany lor Sbedd, where she wi'l lecture. She wss accompanied from her by air. L. E. Clam. Mr.. L. E. Blain haa taken tbe srencv lor Mim Anna Gordan'a life of Frances E. Willard, and wilt receive orders for the same. This will be the official biog raphy of Mies Willard by one who spent most ot ber me witn her. I. II. Van Winkle, wbo bis been in Albany tbe past few days helping tbe republicans of Linn to nominate a ticket bas returned, to resume his studies at Willamette University Salem States man. A letter was received here veaterdav from II O. K. TOilkineon.who is st Den ver Coiorado. He la worse than be haa been for some time. He bad just com menced to ue tbe Uerschfelder treat ment for consumption. Eugene KegiS' ter. J. F. Wbiting left Tueeday for the east, where be will spend the summer. In the fall he will return weat and reside on the place he recently traded for in Cali lornia. Mrs. Wbiting and children will remain here until fai!. Lebanon Ad vance. Fai Oaks Circle No. I Ladies of tbe GAB will give a social at tbe GAR bail on Tuesday tbe 12th. A good pro gram will be given and refreshments I to att.nd. Tan cent, admission. How We Say It.-Cough.cured for a J quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling lot of our White Pine cough syrup ith tar, because it is ju.t what we say it is. srives uuicg relief and i. hiKUlt recomend ed to cure a deep seated cough, Burkhart X Lee, Druggists If you want h aooa and clem tnoke buy ctgara made by our AI bany ciRar lactorv. l Whooping cough I. the most distressing malady; but its duration can be cut short bv the use of the Minute Conirh Cure. which lsj also the best known , remedy for at I tvtinanr1 all Inn a nnA hmnrial swtiKlawa - J. A.Cumming. - i mu.. i :.n s 1:1 i.u v. i I Bche .constipaUon and biliousness V Thous- I and. experience them wbo could become 1 Ptect'J' beaithy by mini De Witt's little MT Riser lamous little pit's. j J. A, Cumming. We ara anvioaa an tkn m. little eood ia thia world and oan think of no plsaaantar barter way to do it than f reoomnending One Minute Cough Care ss a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and otbsr ser- ; iou. lung troubles that ollow neglsoUd ooldt J A Cumming R.yal auka. tb. lead para, wbotoaMB. asd drtictees. Infill FOVDin Absolutely Pure) jwnimil MMm en.. Mm, HOME AND ABROAD. iLe reports this afternoon im' irate no c Unge -to tbe war ntoaUoe. . (descent Bicycle, Hopkins Brother., agent. Bet BfcyJe for tue money. Will 4 Stark, jewelers. C H Dodd. of Portland, has been sued fjr ts:,Zi8. 2 po.iodi bf rrackers for 15c at TO Shaver's. Girdle., the very lateat, at rrc neb's, cents. 25 Seethe new gird!, French's ibow window. tbe very latest, in See the aewe feds in girdles, at French Jewelry store. 25 ecu's to 5. Crescent bicycle, at Hopkin. 13 rot hen for only $M, 30, 135 and 100. Freah seeda. two packages for a nkke! a Stewirt k Sox Hardware Co'. Freb setd. two packsjre. for a nickel at Stewart A Sox hardware Co'. Ci ackers are now way down in price, call on C Browaell for freah ones. Ladies long waicn chains at low cricei at French's Jewelry store. White Home Java t Mocha-coffee tbe inet in the lano at F. E. Allea A Co. The overland was three hours 'ate thu norning. It was made np of fourteen cars. In coming over tbe Sikyou it was nec essery to do so in two section, wsich caused some delay. Arrangemeets have been made ia Salem or ringing tbe fire 111 eibt or ten mia es when the new ia rusived that m ha been dee'ared. no ma' ter whit tim of day or night it occur.. Brownsville. From tbe Times. Mr. Peter Home, of this ci! v. will h a candidate before the state republican convention for the nomination of mem ber of the state board of equalisation from thia district. Died At ber borne in tbi. dir. at 3 o'clock thia morning. Mr. Haeh L. Brown, of cancer of the face. Died Go Wednesday, Aprrl 6. 189?. Mrs Mat -a Prlev. asrd S7 veer. 11 months find 29dsy. Mrs. Preelev wm a well known pioneer, having iTOssed the plains in '45 or '47. Mr. and Ma. I. X Warmoa' h and son departed yeeterday morning on an Et- inp Ibey will probably be absent 6 or 8 week and will visit relative. .nJ friend in Trenton. Mo.. Winfiel 1 K an . Gnithrie Oklahoma Mr. G. A. Drson is now emnkived in tbe poetotSce at Skagway. Alaska. We learn that Wesley tandish. who accom panied Mr. Dyson to Skagway, will soon return to Brownsville, bsvicg given np bis contemplated trip into Cook 'a Inlet. Mr. Drson bss not yet decided if be will go into Cook's Inlet or not. Tbe war spirit abroad in the land haa culminated in the attempt to organise a annua company in Brownsville. Tbere are two vacancies in the second regiment of tbe Oregon National Guard, and thia company, ,1 tnrceselul omnixsuoo is ac- complised, will fill one of these vacan ciee. A Rising Actress. A good sized and highly pleased audi ence witnessed tbe performance ot In- gomar at tbe opera boose last nigbt. Though the second performance it was none tne lees welcome to theater goers. Miss Wa dorf ia tbe character ot Par taenia sustained the excellent opinion already had of her. She uodoaoted!y poseesees tbe elements which will give her lame. Mr. McVey is a master in bia line and both bold tbe audience w:th in tense interest Mr. Murdoch doe. some splendid work aa Polvdorand Mi. George uieravidex is a first class Myron. Bad Bictclx Falu Prof T. E. Mor ton met with a serious accident at Soda- ville last evening. He was riding on his bicycle at a good rate of speed tx the tne town, wnen toe wneei ran on me . , , rr . . walk, giving tbe gentleman a very bard tall. He struck on bis forehead, and we are informed that bis skoll was fractured. He bad n regained conscion.nee at 8 o'clock this morning. The Professor is a very fine roan, and one of tbe lead ing educators in Mineral Spring College, ami bia friends and the friends of the college are pained to hear of the unfort unate occurrence, n is a single man. and came to Sodavule from Ueorgia a tow month, ago. Advance. CoxciQ. William Jerome's Herald Squate comedians presenting the "in tensely mnny- comedy a jay in -ew York' will be tbe attraction at Albany Opera House, Wednesday, April 13. The comedv "A" Jav in New York," was written tor laughing purposes oniy. it illustrates tbe sdvenlnrea ot a country man's first visit to the city and many funny and amusing situations are de picted during tbe action ot the comedy from the rise to the fall ot the curtain it ia said to be ooe long, continuous laugh. The dialogue is bright aad witty and the scenic effects and costuming are alt that could be desired. Thi Lowest Bipobs. The bids tor the construction of a government hospital at Silets Agency were opened at the agent a office on Monday laet, and A r retereoo o' this city, secured tbe contract. His bonds have been filled out end forwarded to the U. S. Indian enmmissioner at Washington for inspection. The rosin building is 27x40 leet, and 14 leet high one-story, and there will be a T annex 13x20 and 11 feet in height, the whole to be covered by a metal root. Tbe bios and bidders were, A F Peterson, $1,797 Huffman A Heceert. Corvallis. 12.144 Pugb A Uray, Salem, $2,198. Times. A Pooa Ci.aANrr.-J-Warren Deyo and R L Oasteel. who have been down Curry county for the past two or three. months mtnine, returned borne last bun day. Tbe mines they have been work ing down there did not pan out very well. A clean-up of a solid month's work netted them the sum of onlv $19 The boys thought that this would not pay and to came home. Leader. Tng Kniquis Templars a. F. A A. M at their meeting last night elected the following officers foi the ensuing term: F K Allen, Eminent Commander; FJ Miller, Genera'issimo; Edward Wash burn, Captain (ienersl ; D P Mason, Pre late ; H L W'alden, Senior Warden ; J Seeley, Junior Wa.-den; E W Langdon. Treasurer; J R Wyatt, Recorder; T J Butler, Standard Bearer; P R Keller, sword Bearer: OB Winn, Warden; W Baker, bentinei. I Seeacrs Alter Gold know they may bl disappointed, bpt teekers after health take Hood's Sarsaparilia with the utmost confidence that it will do thera wonderful good. . REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for Ihe Dkmockat, for tbe week ending April 7, 1898. Lucy Wright to James Nsnney.T 11. 4 w 68 acre and roadway.. . 1 E Gains to A J Johnson, small tract adj Sci- 20 1400 10 E B Pen land to Fannie E ' 8tarr, T 14. 4 w 100 acre -. Maud M Wagnon to N.ncy I Gitb ond int in lands in T 13. 4 w. . . . S Shobert to J L Arnold, T 12, 2 w 80 acres 1000 J 8 Cooper to C O Hogue trustee T 11, 4 w 125 acres... Nellie C Baker A husband to Ag nes Pearson, part lot 8 block 103 Hacklemao's add 800 J K Weatberford etalto E D Starr llotX Brownsville , 600 2218 250 C Graf et al by sheriff to Mary E Kizer, N claim 43 T 10 3 w. . . Cbas Yates to Jno A Yates 4 lots Highland Grove Nellie O Baker A husband o Etix- beth Fry, part lot 8 bl ICS Hack lemao's add 400 150 366 125 L r oley to Joeepbine Wheabee, 2 lota Lebanon , .. RCbeadJe toJC Allen, T12,2w 14 acre " J M Walsh to J W Macker. block 7 Waeeomsadd to Lebanon AHackleman A wf to Nellie O Baker, lot 8 bl 103 Hacklemao's add U s to Boot Schnebel, T 12, IK 160 acres I X McNeil et al to W G McNeil T 13. 4 w 181 acre E B Penlana to W C Smith, T 14 4 w 8o acres.... 2630 700 150 3000 300 H C Hardman to J A Bacou T12.2 w 20 acre , F W Perkins to Allen Simons.T 12 2 w 2 acres J W Garland to J A Richardson. T 11. 1 w 222 acre Wm Skeltoa to R J Skeltoo, T 13 1 E 190 acres J M W art to S F Rands T 13, 1 E 47 acres .. 1400 R M Wright to J K Sterling, Til, I w 100 acres 500 SCO 1000 J K Sterling fo Sarah Wright, T 14 i w iou acre Mary U Vernon to Jno T & Sarah Archer, r 9. 1 w 80 acres T W Tillm-an to Elizabeth Swan, T .,z w is acre 345 WHEAT. Chicago 106 and S44'c New York 101 c and SSJie. Saa Francisco Hf and 93c Albaav 70c. The Omaha Exposition. The Oregonian says that Commiaains. er i. . t raier, of Lugene, writes to neadqnartera that the mayor of that city has actively interested the leading busi ness men in tbe pronoeirioa. Aihaav too. baa promised to give it her pa actios, wim tne result tnat una eountye tax payers, so Mr. Fraaier writes, will aak the county court to advance a loan, bas ed on tbe contingency. A public meet ing is to be held at once, and it seems likely that the proposition of tbe Linn county people will go through. Er.Tios Co. Stirs Francis M. Gev- rex and wife to John W. Holman, 143 acres near Albany ;2,fc00. J. it. Cbitwood et al to Jsa. Plumber. 198 acres near Alrwnv, 6.0f 0. Strictlv business French 'be jeweler r Try ScalUlafa Bert tm mat bakta poveer. Baib at Yiereck's sbarinz and hair cnttinj? pariors. Pictures from 75 cee.1. to (25 ser da si Longs gallery. C B Winn. CUT txk etarent. Tickets to all points in the east. Crtwford A Earaua. for nhotoffrarha Prices from II to VQ per doxea. Bi are and see the aari mt riaware al Hpkia Br ot, will Us. a t'rtime. RaxTT koiHd. set and tAkt ia Erst clan or ler at Yiereck '.(haying and hair cat ling parlors. W hen you want a choice steak, a nice roator meat of any kind, call oe Henry sroJers. He keeps tbe best. Dr.. H. E. and O. K. Rot oSm and rendence ia post oSk building. Special attention given to disease of women. Don't aao'y others bv your coojt Linir -nd rkk your life by aegVcting a cold. One wienie txKign uare cure, coach., cold. eroar, gnpee and all throat lung trouble. J. A. Curaratng. lie best meat cf all kind, and vood treatment at the Albany Dreeted Beef Company market, jast dwa Seeond rtreet. Good weight and prompt attend tion. - v Central Committee Meeting I Amag th Liae County Dem ocratk Ceorl Committee is bene by ceiled to meet at Albaav. Lng coueiy, Uregoa, on Wednesday the M b day of April 1S3S at 1 o'clock p. ta. Democratic Candid ate. aoe required to be preeent. B H r AYS K, ' W It BILTETJ. Secretary. Chairman Populist Central Committee. A meeting of the Linn County Populist Central Committee ia hereby called to meet at Albany, Linn Co.. Oregon, on Wedneeday, April 13th, 1898, a. I o'clock p. m. All committeemen and populist candidates are requested to be present. Oo. Chairman. Hickory nub. at C Irownells. BNIOYO Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts cently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effoctuallv. dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any oae who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. ciLkTonm no mu? ctx A FKAJK13C9. CiL. rc,sfc New. Store Albany TradingCo B. X Morris, .Hanagrr. Terms net cash or produce, ing on books. 3 pk Our Mothers mush . no ehsrg- .. 25 itoton Mills - r lour 16 lbs granulated sugar, best. 5 gal Pearl oil 3 lb cartoon eraekors, foil wt Large bottle sewing machine oil.. bicycle oil 10 lbs choice white beans 5 pa corn starch 5 gat keg fresh pickles 1 gal best vioegsr I " " pickWa 1 " borne made sweet pickles I lb pa Gold Dust.. 6 20 os bar. Battle Ax acap . 3 eana string beans.. 3 cans spices 1 plug battle Ax too.. Beet working shirts Best heavy overalls... Black aprc n overalls 00 60 20 05 to 25 2 65 15 SO M 20 25 25 25 25 HO 50 55 A good supply of garden teed ia bulk and paekagea. Early Rose, Early Maine, Early San-, liae seed potatoes . We also have bran, short and bop teed lor sale. Remember the place, Graham boil -ing Cor. 1st and Baker Sta. , Four Farms For Sale The fot'owiag deurabl. farm, are far AdCrces McMsater & btunlL 311 Wor- OMter block. FoTtlaad. t regoa, or call oe C G Berknart, Alwcj, Oregoe, for parties Ian: 1. (6 acre, on. -ail. west of HaUay.ia the DLCof DW Alliaahas, im See 35, T 13, S K 4. W W M . 35 acre, are emnd aad aeder eaJuvanoa, I'm raeaaiader feeing severed with aatall Uaber. Ma4dy Creek ran. tlmagb the property Tarr. U small orchard. Price f 13). 3. SO acnr; .am mile S of BrowmmiUe, NttheDLCof Suned Joeeaoa, ta See 11, f 14. h R 5, W W M. All cleared laad ' 65 acre, seder ceftivariee, all leased, oo eeildiag..- Fric. 11300 3. 255sereTcao u'e S of Bfowea ri'ie,Sml3edl4,T14,SR3, W W M. 120 acr -m are ullabla aad the balance beat raited f jr pmterage. 75 acrear aader crop, is all feeced. has a gomn aap ply of e-ater, good beUdiaga aad orbvd Prie?S30. 4. 735 acrd. six mile, eaat of Lebanon, ia Sees IS aad IS, T 12, S K 1. W W M. Tats m a very atoek farm, of wfcieft aboatlOO acre are tiilab'e. It is weU watered, all feeeed aad baa some fair eildiags. Price $3300. OUR CAPACITY IsUneqnaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is ITnsarpasied In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality considered - SMILEY, Albany. The Prmtev THE . theTbwt and yet simpiest type wte nunafactared. the consummation or ' inventor art. Aa expert stegphe after nstng "naev macbioea, says. 1 eon aider the Yost Writing Machine far wper- or oasr I have yet need ' " DaaocxAT office and see one of the type writers that haa to have a perrect ment. . , AU Typewriter eoophes oreerea- r.P.XcTTOte. Agent. TKAOC MARKS, Htt' eOVVKICHTS AO. mBaalBOieaiata - SCIEMTIFIC AMERiMS, yik I-atv-TTi, Mat tw AAtrwa , MUNN A CO., Sfil Breaewev. Vare. IXECOTCE'S KOTICE ToaUthecnditorsanl persons i later st ed ia the estate Rebecca Smith, oa eeewd. von are be eby aoriied that 1 have been du'y appointed executor of said estate bv the county cow ol Una county, Ore gon. therefore, ail rerwes jwwto" Lglnt Miid estate are harebv aotiSed snd required to preecnttbe same to to. vh the paper vouchers, at the law officeof W R Bilvea in Albany. Linn county, Oregon, within sit month from the date rK Dated this 1st day ot January, 1S9S. SAMCKiKtADKR. Executor rAlfiillb PROCURED, ' EUGENE W. JOHNSON, oltor ail Atiyis PateilCansg irtSK TraaeWanieai. c JHEAPEST POWER I PRINTING Possessing pre-eminently per fect profit producing possi bilities, produced promptly at fcMiLEVS Clean Printery. rluuiuuaiiua'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw . S VES All 4m