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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
VOLXXXII1 EateredcC tke Foot 0e at llbaay. Or. ai BecenClsss Hall Matlett ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 25, 1898. m 34 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTTXG IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT to THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIxl, ' AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. ' I DR. SAMUEL FITCH ER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA ,; the same that has borne and docs on every hear the facsimile zigr. durs cf 6&4&&4j wrapper. . This is the original " i.rCHCR'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes cf the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bouyit 0 yr Jf on ne und has the signature cf Cyf&&i wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Conpany of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. - March S, 1S97. 2&C ,j. Do Hot Be Deceived. - Do not endanger the .life cf your child by accepting a cheap substitute which so:::c cl.uggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on ii), the in gredients of which even he docs not know. "The Kind Yon Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Toil bc ccmtauh cMMn, tt m.mj,v mm, mm Ta mm. .' RAGTIOAli Jt "f T -Jfrt. "arijp:SAflg y Pi" ;v& ; -OXm'KII fu.5 fo MwfSK THE OPENING DAY OF The Second Term THTJR3PAX DEMOCRATIC CO. CONVENTION The following delegates were elected : W R Bilyeu.J K Weatherford, O 0 Jack on, D S Smith, M A Miller. O Q Bark hart, DrTO Mackey, W W Crawford, H O Wtaaon, J J Whitney, W O Cooley.O H Stewart, GeoFinley, 8 m uanana, nenry Liyona. . The following committee on platform waa appointed : M A MMer, Dr Mackey, j j uuney, u u Lee, n Keebier, wm Smith, A A Tusging. The committee on conference reported action in lavor ot union with the follow tng division of offices : Democrats Clerk, assessor, treasurer, commissioner, surveyor, one aojator, one representa tive; PopuliBts sheriff, recorder, sup erintendent, one senater. one represen tative and coroner. Silver republicans one representative. Adopted unani mous). ixebanee of courtesies ere made be tween the three conventions. A p'atform was adopted, found on our editorial page. , ine committee on order 01 business reported according to the proceeding. A Resolution waa passed endorsing Bon William J Bryau lot hi noble and gallant fight for the da mot r tie party and the people in the great struggle tor hnman right! in 1896, and that he is the unanimous choice of tne democrats of Linn county in convention assembled for the presidency to 1900. tor senator, Dr I V Jiaciey was nom inated by acclamation. f or representative. J J wunney aa nominated bv acclmation. For clerk. Franklin Prabtree, Maurice Payne, R B Montague, were named. Four rallota were taken. Payne belne withdrawn after the 3rd ballot, frank Crabtree waa nominated. - Geo M Devaney, A J Pitner and m H Parker were named for awessor, De- Vaney 65. Pitner 32. Parker 33 ueo M Devaney was nominated on the hrt tllot. F M Jas-k and I D Miller were named tor treasurer, jack S9, M tiler 37. Mr Jack was nominated on first bal lot. For conntveomanisoioner DOSwanti. W m Meeker and X) L tlackleman were named, llackleman's name was with draw after the first ballot. On second ballot each received 67 votes. Swann waa nominated on the 4th ballot. Meek er 66, Swann 78. Anthony Austin waa nominated for surveyor by acclamation. Ihe peop.e s party and silver republi can nominations were ratified I C Dickey was nominated for lustice of the peace of at Albany and A W StellmaKer for constable. CtXTBJM. OOMUniTB. West Albany DD Hackleman. A Ibany. C G Borkhart. Crawfordsville. D C Swann. Center, scot i Ward. A Brownsvule, O t Sranard. S Brownsville. W O Cooler. Haley. C C Jackson X Harrieborg, O P Hyde. S Harrisborg, M W Canter. Sweet Home, a J McClnre. Saotiam, Frank Crabtree. Orleans, A 8 Stone. Price. R L Borkhart. Tangent, H V McElmnrry. poaavilie, j r Utirthir. Scio. Geo Morrow. Taliman, J E Archibald Syracuse, C. Meeker. Waterlou, L M Taylor. Franklin Butte. L W Ponerov. Jordan, J A Bilvea. N Lebanon. F O Hansard. S Lebaeon. S M. Gat land. Sbedd, John Doncao. Bock Creek H w Davit. Foster. Jerry SbeaL . . - j "FoSTalTey. W K Potter. Shelburn,- R L DeVaney . POPULIST CONVENTION. January 4, 1898. The college has strengthened its com mercial work very much, so that now it has become a usiness College B eual to any in the state. ThU was not so in the oast. is s now. Come and secure a thorough training in branches o. a liberal education. . Albany, Oregon, It all President Albany College Scenic Iin e WoLD PTTTTTl. f iif"' ' it in :i)ENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE NORTHWEST EAST The folloing delegates were elected to s'ate convention : V D Stein, T J Me Clarv. II B Sprenger. T U Mankera. Thne Froman, J S bmitb. A Blevins, O Sl. A S McDonald, V d Montague, COHigue. Ibe report ol the rommitteeoo corner ence of onion, and the division of olficea aa stated elsewhere The report was ratified unanimously, a platform adopt ed and the following nominations n.ade: Senator J. Clem. Repreaentative H. M. Palmer. Sheriff I A M ankers. Recorder E. C. 'eal. Superintendent A S. McDonald. Coroner J. G. Nortnan. Central committee: Orleans Walter D Smith. Rock Creek Oacar Dillard. r ranklin Butte G L Soatberland. Waterloo J C Hntton. West Albany H M Palmer. S y racuse v ni Con ner. Urawfordsviile T A Rig?. Center M Snyder. Taliman D B Irou'man. East Albany L M Curi. Price Tfios Froman. South Harrieborg J R Buckoum. Jordan A W Frost. Santiam M Downing.- South Lebanon U D Stein North Lebanon D W Hardin Scio T M M ankers. South BrowDsville-rW D Terrell. Tangent J J Beard. Shelburn D Barber. North Harrisbnrg J Myers. Halsey Frank Lseper. Sodaville Peter Lewis. Fox Valley C F Swank. North Brownsville Herman Lease. Foster M Sturdevant. A DYEA LETTER. Dyka, Alaska, March 5, Mr. F. P. Nuttiso : Dear Sir: Agreeable to promise I write you a few lines on the situation of Skagway and Dyea. Arrived in bkag way February 24, stopping there only one day I found it very dull as far as work was concerned, there being twenty men to every situation, business in nearly all its branches being overdone. Sickness is very prevalent and in most cases death ensues within 48 hours. As many as 10 deaths have occurred in one day. The symptoms are similar to spinal meningitis and no remedies have beeu found to check it. In Skagway I met Mr Ramp and son, wood, xeiiy, Maggie wnite and ueorge Anderson. Moon & Kelly were carpen teriug, Maggie White was painting, Mr Ramp and son and George Anderson were going to chopping wood. They have ail done very poorly since they came op here, but all have plenty of hope and courage and expect to do bet' ter when spring opens up. I came over to Dvea on the 25th of February. Met Duncan Monteith. C. G. Rawlings and John Lamar, also Mr Becker and wife and Mr Jooesr- All were watf wwept. Jones, who hag been very poorly for some time. Monteitb Co. are runninea real estate and lodging home aod will probably do well this spring. Mr Becker owns three or lonr houses and I am told ia making money. Dyea is very healthy and quite an orderly place. Everyone appears to be busy getting their outfits and striking out up the trail We bave had 4 or 6 days ol warm weather, the snow aod ice is melting and sledding wilt be a thing vi mo past id a lew oava Freight was ? of a cent to Sheep Camp, Ion r teen miles from here, that is aa far aa teams can go. One week ago now it was two cent and will probably be five tbortiy. Two borae teams are making w per aay nere at present, and all the work they want. I saw a Uirly good team aell for SO a few days ago. I met John Rnlfbi, Faber'a man. Ha baa got his outfit nearly al on top of the sum mit of the Cbilkoot pass and will move right along. ' Everything is high, bay 63 per ton, potatoes 6c per pound,eggs65c per dosen. everything else in proportion. Laboring work ia very scarce except carpentering Wages are 60cu per hour for all kinds of work when there is any to be bad A fire here on the 3rd barned a lodg ing houe and two lodgers lct their livsa in it. Their namea I did not loam. Tbe wrecking tteamer Wbitvlaw was burned to the water's edge at Skagwav ibis morning. No further particulars. To anyone wbo is thinking of coming uo here for work or for business I would aay stay where you are as you will bo doubt be disappointed when too get here aa everything ia overdone. Yon will have dui hardship to overcooe. the cold is intense at times and everyone nearly baa very bad colds: the trio will coat at the leaat $ 100, so I amy stay and af ve your money and enjoy the plaa- ores oi a emitaed cocnlry Myself and Mr L A Allen, formerly of Albany, leave here Monday for bbeep Camp, where we will go to Decking over Lha oaaa. If I can stand it I am poing to stay until I make a atake, if not I will make enough to come home on I had a view of the northern livhta a few nights sioce. one of the mndest sights I bave ever witneaeed. Tbe lights kept closing and spreading oat like a fan and with aa manv colors aa a rainbow and lasted nearly all night. I will close this letter hoping it may interest some of your readers. Yours Hsxtr Rocaxs. WuxAsswaaHawLrr. Rt. W. E- Copeland will lectors in Unity chnixh on Jonn crown. Mr. Cooelaad w .a on 4 to bodyguard who protected Wendell r-biliina from U Bottoa mob which threatened hta life la conieoeace of his aoiogy on tsrown. Mr. Uopeiaod w.u narrate many of tbe exciting incident preceding tbe outbreak of tbe civil war, and will give the estimate not oa John Brown by tbe braves of New Eociand. Mr. Copeland (specially invites the presence ot bis comrades ot tbs Grand Army. Journal. WHEAT. ChicftBO-WS'c for May, 86c for July. New Yorg 10o?c for May, 8c for July. San Francisco 85c. Liverpool 6-10c higher. lAlbany 64c. Marlon County Ticket. FpllOwingisthe peoplei-reform himet- allatictet in Marion county : btnator u w uimicit, tiubbard. Teo- pledparty; LOGrithth, Macleay, demo crat, Kipresentstifes 1 A Knight. Wood. burn. Peoples party; F A Myers, East Salem, Peoples party ; H L Bents, Butte villi silver republican; Chas F Hein, Anesville, democrat; Geo II Croison, SaUm, democratic. SaerlR K W (innty Clerk King L Hibbard, W il lani People party. Assessor T O Davidson, South Salem, Peofie party, ' . t joret- O-J r'.meral, Macleay, alU vevtepoblican. ' Kecorder U r htrain, Monitor, silver republican. Countv Ssoeriotendent W II Ean. Gervais, denocrst. Countv Commissioner C Marsh. 8a lem, silver publican. Survevori-T C Jotv. Yew Park. Peo ples party. I Important Changes. Tbe DiJitvBAT recent It mentioned the extension of Manager Kohler's iurisdio tion from Ashland to IKiosmmr Be sides this there is to be arrangement made for a change from four to three divisions between PortUnd and Ashland and that it is generally understood amobg railroad men the "com pan v has concluded to make Eugene a dtvteioa instead of Junction. Ittdulee will be a division, with repair shops, in.tead of Koseburg. Grant's Paas division will be eliminated entirely and Ashland wit retain its former division. T!iis will cause the local train to stop at Eugene aud will be a serious blow to Junction and toeeborg. The report i that tbe Southern Pacifiscomr-anv has obtained p session of land jt Riddles for town site purpose i Tbe dtvtaion from Portland 'x Eorene will be 121 miles in length; from Eugene to Riddles 123 miles and from Kiddies to Ashland 115 miles, mafctog tbem of uoi- form length, wb;ch of iuvlf ia a great ad- vanuge in lacilttating business Impobtaxt Ixrrarriioxa Conja.i (toner Hermann, of tbe general land of- nce, yesterday Mned instruction to local Isnd officer in Oregoo restoring to settlement aod entry several tunJred tbo jand acres nf Und situated in Lino. Crsok, Grant, Harnev and Malheur counueai. which had for yeara been helJ n a state of reservation cm accooot of a land grant to thtr Willamette Yaliev- Cascade Mountain Wagoo Road Com pany. Xw Cnrsca OaoutixaTtox Rev C. E Kliewer returned from Albany where be had been over Sunday and organized a German Baptist church of eighteen member, being tbe result of two years wuik. Us preaches at Albanv one Sun. day ia each month : His work is pros pering He has also organised a Ger man Sanaay school with over thirty scholars. The German Baptist cborcb and its pastors are miraionarv workers. Tbe Albany church is tbe second one or ganiaed by the Baptist society during the moo nY ruiewerDaa naa tne work in charge. Journal . V Wbst AoaorsD. Tbe steamer flattie Bell, under charter H. F. Fisher .finished tne contract oi transit ring wheat from the Peona warehouses to the Corvallis Flour Mills, aod left down tbe river for Portland on Sunday. It ran aground at Half-moon bend, above Aloanv. and. there remained until lightered by tbe C4 A G'a steamer Albany on Monday. LEBANON. Faom the Express : J. L. Lewis shipped a double deck car loaded with 07 head ot bogs and 117 head of sheep from this place today. Little Bessie Mencies, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Menziei, diet last Sunday morning after an illaes of three weeks. A. Shep.rd and family, of Waterloo, Pftshed tti ron hh Lebanon Monday for Fairhaven, Wash., where tbey expect to maxe tneir Dome. Mies Grace Bennett, neice of Mrs. E L. Power.will soon open a Ladies Bazaar in a room that is being fitted up just back oi air. rower s harness shop. George Diver, of Sodaville, ha traded in lurm and stock to Mr Herrtngton for a farm in Minnesota. Mrs- Herrtngton and children arrived here tbia morning to take charge of their farm at Sodaville. Jos. Claypnol nod Jos. Wifton arrived in Lebanon Fridav from Squaw creek, in Eastern Oregon. Tbey came across tbe mountains, walking the entire distance, and made the trip in four daya. 1 hey report the snow about lonr feet deep in the deepest place on their way across Accompanied hy Geo. El kins, they le!t Saturday evening for Bridge Hirer, B. C, where tbey will prospect for gold. It will be remembered that Geo. Elkinabad the Klondike fever and had decided to go to Alaska; but Mr. Clavpool bad a friend who had "struck it rich" in British Col umbia and bad written to him that he thought there was a good chance to "strike tt" in that country, and Mr Claypool persuaded Ueorge to go there with him instead of going to Klondike. A Bauer Bill. A W a tine ton dis patch ot tbe 1-Hh states that "McBriJe today introduce I a bill to pav OnviUe f. Porter 11293, an amount embeuied by chief deputy while Porter was serving as l nitd Mates marshal lor Alasa in IS92- S-4." Enough to Paralyze From the Corvallis Times: Six hundred dollars in gold, all washed out in a single pan oi dirt is tbe sight that waa seen by Assessor Alvxander in bia recent visit toCaoyon City. Mr. Al exander returned borne Tuesdav. This famoua pan of gold be saw in the Gnker mine recently discovered During bis visit to Canyon City Mr. Alexander be came well acquainted with Mr. linker, tbe owner, aod one day was in tbe mine wbUe work was going on. Lodged in one of the waits ot the tuonel he noticed a chonk of decomposed quart that dis displayed a ahining network of gold aod to it he called the attention of Mr. Gn ker. The chunk was but little more than ttx inches in length an! with a big jack- knife that nas become famous as being tbe chief tool used in picking ool the gold in this queer mine, the lomp wss digged out. Mr Alexander held Ihe pan. and tbe chonk with the dir; loosened in de taching it was dumped in Then th product was wahed. and the ret v. I as of tbe gold secured was a trifle over tOO. Tbe richness of tbe sight paralysed the Kink a alley mao. A lew day pre vioos'y a similiar lump of decomposed quarts and wire gold, held togtther by a labyrinth of golden wire when sashed out netted Mr. Goker nearly S00 Three men tbe owner. Jack t alp, formerly ol this county and a son of Jack Chambers work lle mice.putUng io about sis hoars per ay. and the least amoant taken out in a single day was iSJ. and tbe greatest f 1 500. Mr. Goker has fr digged oot lb his old iackknife about I15.0U0. and there is every in I teat ion mat tbe extra ordinarily rich deposit will continue to yield op its precious metal in ia-ge quan tities lor a long time to come. Tbe lucky owner i shout S3 year of age and he ex pect! in a ebort time to visit Uorvalii. Royal auks tbs food pars, wbslssoais sad dsUclows. K sljjf FOYDER Absolutely Pur WHEAT. Chicago 103. an gsc New York 101?,'c. and 89c. San Francisco Hi 8c. Livarpoal 3-40 kigbirr Albany 64s. A BURGLARY. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Maccabee Bill, of Corvallis, was in the tcday L'.cenje has been issoed for the mar riage of 8 M V alker aod Julia Cbesber. Miss Warner, of Albanv, is visiting Mrs. A.J Goodman this week. Inde pendence Enterprise. Mr. Alonzo Morrison, nephew of J. H. Howard of the St Charles, went to Port land today to begin work in the mail service. Mr. Frsnk Bartlow and Ralh Baker. of the Chicago Deisarte school are it the city for tne purpose of organizing clssses in elocution. Miss Dorothea Nash is quite ill at the Episcopal parsonage, aod her mother haa been summoned Iron Nashville. Cflrvaliis Times. VJ I Fred Da aftiifl twls tvkncrKf ti,m V9v 7 n ' property at tbe corner of tbe ditch and Eves Exciiasgsv Two marriage, in teresting to Corvallis people, will occur iinin a week in one. Corral i is tarn ishes tbe bridegroom and Portlaod tbe bride, la the other, aCorvalhs lady weds a PorUaed g 0ssMan.iast'e Patixo a DrrTDKVO. Receiver Jamet. ol tbe Oregon Bsok estate, is potticg several thousand dil!ar in eirrolalioa, by paying out a dividend of nineteen percent, which I being tbankfalty re ceived by a good manv. The bank failed on June 19, im. rTribune The silver republicans ratified the ac tion of the conference committee and notainated Dr D M Jones, for represent! Mr. H. J. Sower wss in PortSaoJ yese terday on business. Tbe Msgaxine Club will meet with Mi. Emma PfeiBer tomorrow afternoon at the usual boor. Miss Leox Louis entertained a number of lady friend yesterday after noon at tbe reeiceoreoi Mrs. Mioni id Honor of Miss Flora Mn. of Albanv. Cor- vatlta Gssette. Mite Mason tetnrned borne today. James Cram and Prineville.are in tbe city, and Mrs. Cram leaves tomor row for Albanv. Mr. Cram sav a!! of Crook county is needing rain badlv The ground there is dryer than ever be:nre knows at this season of the year - Tbe vauea i. M. Mr CbsrtesJ. Whee'er, the barber, has accepted a position at traveling tales man for Whae A Move, of Salem. P ciflc coast agents of several fine makes ot pianos and organs, and be been atteod- ng to business several dars. Mr Wheeler is ia tbe city today. Mr Byron Millnv went to I.-vfave'b yesterday cai'ed titers tv Ihe dimrerou up.r. 1 TiLLanoog.Or ucre wu u oe a proDaoiutv yes- TO ALL POINTS R.CNKHOL. Grand Aco S. K. HOOPER. C. P. t T. A 2SI V ill (III V. PORTLAND. OKI. DENVDt.O0IA Some Fakirs. Oregon Gas light Heating aod Power Company. n Cheap Light For Cheap Heat For Cheap Powe For 4 timi ImusaiiiEotel Church. House aui Hotel Three or fnur men bave been in the city several days selling rings and spec tacles, in their game tney stop a per- i son and present a pair of spectacles or a nog ana ciaim tney lounu it or it was one their grandmother gave them, that tbey are a' starved and will let vou bav it for 50 cents. A spectacle man made such a proposition to the Democrat man yesterday. Tbe goods . though looking like a first class article at a glance, are tbe worst kind of trash. Today Chief of Police Lee got after them and tecured a haul of three. They gave their names as w. w. Elliott, iSelson Walters and J. U Smith. Recorder henton sentenced thsm to five days in tbe city bastile and bard work, Anything and E,erjthing MARRIED. Correspondence Solicited. Bft F E. A21MS, Pres. . A. H. FRIERISI5, 8EC. Mr. G A. Tartar, of Portland, wa ia the city today. P. B Marshall was in Portland teiday on business. Judge Burnett came no from Salem this noon.coart though will not convene until Monday. Hon. J. H. Mitchell, who haa been is Washington several months will return to Uregon on tbe 22nd. A letter from Wallace. Idaho, states that Fred Roes, son of S. V . Roes rl ibis city, is lying seriously ill there. Mr Rot Bentlev returned this noon from Pendleton, where be has been for several months working in tbe mill. Mr. Al. Dav, a former Albanv vouns . . . ... - . man, now oi roruaoa, is in tbe city a viit with his mother and sisters. , i : t - m . - musiieuuie ijiavion. woo came no several days ago to assist in attending tne lamuy of her sister, returned to Portland today, .where she is doing a t .i -i i mjouim waging ouainess. roday's'.Oreponian contains a well writ. I ten article on Yaquin. Bay by tbe papers spwial correspondent Mr R A Harris Ifiills four columns and covers tbo im portant matter well. The hut spike on tbe Astoria and Pnl- ! ombia river railroad is to be driveu on April 1 Then look out for tbe ex'ension of ibe Corvallis and Eastern. It is bound to go. Augusta Rossi, of Beaverton. in Wh- ingron county, says that last year be raised While Mr. Ernest Weigan. a bschelrr, residing a mil or two from Peoria, was in Albany attending tbe convention on Wednesday three men entered tbs bouse and helped themselves to things gener ally, stealing a new auit o' clothes, a re volver, some files and other toIa aod other thin. s. Mr. Weigsnd traced them op to ibe Corvallis ferry, where tbey traded two file for a trip across lbs river. Tbey eaie north, among other places stopping at William Riles, where they tried their revolver. A warrant wa se cured and today, with Mr Weigaod. Sheriff Gaines arres'ed tbe men six nile tbis side of Independence, one of ihem with the stolen clothes on Tbey were brought to Albany and placed in tbe county jai!. They gave tbe names of r red Ciow. Jihn JLee and Ths men left so many clues behind that It loosed soma ss if they wanted to be ar rested. New Store Al bany Trad i ng Co R. IV. iHorrig, Manager. Are now located in tbe buildijig for merly occupied by Grkhsu. A Robsoo machinery building and will be pleased to meet all our old customers a well as new ones W will eontinoe se'ling go ds on a cash basis and take vakmik's raoccca at a catb price. We can ssve voa from 5 to 20 per cent on groceries, Oome and see ns ; cs T O HOME AND ABROAD Social doce tonight at armory . Crescent BicycV, Hopkins brothers, agent. Bet BicyJe for tie money Will t Stark, jewe'er. 2 ponnd of tracker for 15c at Sharer Smith and Gorton drew big house ia Eugene. Freh sreda, two packa tt for a oicke! a Stewart k Sot Hardware Co'. Fresh weds, two package for a nickel at Mewart box ins raw are Uo s. backers are now way down id price. Broadalbtu suet l,.r sao i.t ik..1F" erowoell tor lre.b ones. Mr Enger paid for il. Ladies long watcn chain at low Mrs. D. V. Polio'g and little dangbtor came down from Albanv Uedneadav morning, and is the guest of ber l rents, Mr. and Mrs, W. T. William. Inde pendence Enterprise. Dr. T. C. Mackey. lormerlv of this county, is tbe democratic-populist nomi nee tor senator ot Lion county. There is little doubt ol his election, and he U certainty well qualified to fill the posi tion. Koseburg Review. Frank Williamson has taken no hit reticence ia Portland, havibg resigned his position with theC. A E. comDaav. Toesdsy Mrs. Williamson went to the metro puh to vtatt ber hotoand return ing Friday. Corvallis Times. Tbe priacipal candidate for sheriff oa tbe republican ticket are J. W. Pusb. of Sbedd, ex-county commissioner, and Ftaak Froman, of tbis city. Mr Pogb, wbo baa been i . tbe field for some Ume is said to bsve the inside track. The bi-metallic forces of Marion coun ty seem to be nnsoimous in favor of ex- J udge J. it, aido for gvrnor He is a man ol ability and the strict eft integ rity and ha always stood high among Ibe people of Oregon regardless of paity. Mr. L. McFarland aod boo. Oliver. amved in Albaa. last nig Li from Cal if ore t, ihe lormer not improved in beaitb. Tbe latter la doiog a fine bus iness at Uaaford and tiiiroy, vrbere be is assisted by his daughter, sister an i crtce at r rencn s jewelry lore. bite House Java sV Mocha coffee the bnet in the iand at F. E. Alles A Co. GarJea seels that grow, ia large variety at M K iJrowneil s. Golden Fsgle bicycles ass honest wheel at teasoaabie price-. J. A. Weaver "THE FAIR agent Colombia and Hartford bicycles, the best for tb mjoey, at Stewart 4c Sox Hardware Uo. It is reported that busteeas ia so brisk oo toe S P that u will br eweeasarr to pat asmoer rreigbt train oo teu diruioa ol toe road. . ViererV Shaviag aod Hair Cuttia Parlor. Shaving 10 ct U sir Cutting 15 Shampooing l&u. Clean towel to every coslotner. Tbe wr witS Spain does not affect be sale of Pboenix bicrdea. See our add in aao-ber column. Call at 'TH FaIR" for catakfne. Can you guess bow many people ia town will be riding Pboenix bkveka before Jose 1st. J. A. vvesser, -Thk Faia" agent. Ice government ha shown good see re thiag. I l. selling t,S those reindeer at the best figures it caa secure. 200 bave been svd tor $100 apiece Tha da-co is drawiag to a close. ' Mrs Tkmpoa sued Mr. Coletcaa la the Lane circuit coor: for def minon of Died. At Mill Ottv. Orwras. March 16. 1S93. Paul S. Kotson sirej 74 vear. eleven months and oo day. lo ibe mend and neighbors whoso kindlv snd goeroosly satiated as during; toe recent nines ana at tbe deatn ol our beloved husband and father we desir to return our heartfelt thank, and when tbe Angel of Iteatb visits yoa aod tores ' our household from ooe oi joy to one of sorrow and deepest mourning, may you too find, as w bsvd done, kind friecd who witb loving beods. will lighten voor loal of sorrow ss much a is possible for buman bands to do.i the earnest prsyer oi toe sorrowing rsmiiy. Mas I At KOBI'lOX, AlU Romsojt, Miss Faro Row son. Mtil City, Or., March 18, 1S8. Charles McGhee, all formerly of Albany. I character and reco -esed t, which is sirmt A Hint From the Klondike. Joseph Ladue. tbe famous trapper and miner and tbe present owner of Dawson City, and for msny year tbe agent of tbe Alaska Uommdrctal Uocnpsoy rivw a binl to persons going to Alaska, and pay great compliment to a well known artirle. He writes: , "I bave alwav used Ihe Royal Baking powder ia Alaska and ortbwest Tern- lory, as no other gave equal aatietattioa in that harsh climate. I also found my cottomer always insisted on having that brand." A Tillamook Wreck. March 18. New ha of s Ftost been received from Ore town, a small middle-of-tbe-rosd populist ticket in thi. ILiIlisge on tbe coast, about 30 mile county, it win take a petition of 150louth of here, that tbe lumber schooner, names . A Ko'lowioirsre ibe fm silver renulliran delegate 'o the stale convention: T F. Smith. Tbo. Brandon. David Gibsns. J. Kewtaad, H. Uurlburt and lr. U. M. Jonr K Judge 0 N Denny ha been by Governor Lord a member of lb com mission to take charge of tne Crgoo ex Dibit at Ibe rrans-Mtiriini and Interna tional exhibition at Omaha . It was G W Tvkr. actins- a niobt watcb.andnot Nightwalch Bailin ho waa knocked down b a msn lite otber morning, the Dkmocsat is informed that tt i known cow who did it. A number of letter were received in Al bany yesterday from relative and friends lDBtagwayand Ujea. Nearly all crm tain tha same stnria. i.f iliin Kinir overdone, and of the sick nets and banM ships. S Clean Printing, we are doing it. SM1LK.V. CARTRIGHT HOGGINS. On March 14. 1808. at the residence of Wm. Mc Donald, in Harrisbnrg, by Elder A. Hood, Mr. Leroy Cartrlght and Miss Mr. and M rs. Cartright have the best 2 racks of onions, which be s-ld at 12.50 wishes of many. CANDY CATHARTIC Sc CONSTlPATg 10c &M'MtWSfZ Tail- ttlVlSa 25c 50c ' . MJ ALL DRUGGISTS Weak Lungs ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY u A m Itcblog, trrltstcd, sesly.crasted Scalps, dry. thin, sad felling Hslr, elssnjed, pn rifled, snd beauti fied by warm sbsmpoos with CtmovBA soap, aod occasional dressings of Cotiocsa, purest of smollienta. ths greatest skin cores. ItlGiira Treatment will prodne a clean, beslthy scalp with Inxnrlsnt, lnatrooa hslr, when all alss falls. Sold thwmrhoflt th. voHd. fOTTIlDlD. jLD ClfSK. Coar.. Sol. rrun... BAatoa. How to praSiM. Linifnl Balr, a sack. He sold most of hi crop to a uarronion aryer. At2:45pm vesterdav at Ralom fiM consamed the wool picking plant of tbe oaiem nooien amis. lnelosi eoinia ted W Mr. Kay at about 5000, with 2500 insurance. Next Monday and Tburtdav Ihn Dm. wlit publish an article on the. tree coinage of wlver 10 to 1, in answer to a recent article In 'he Dbmocbat, written by a oolyseven'een year of age, suicu is uun ut ma uei wrtilen and ablest articles on tbe subject tbe Dkmoohat has seec, one for thinking people. A good many bobos have been around, and some of them are pretty tough char acters. They stop people in a very un cermoniou wy. Last night two of them were going to make W.M. Parker ni. gorge, but be kept his bicycle on the move. une ot mem toia tne uimocbat man that be bad not bad anything to cut since tha night previous and be was getting desper-l ate. reopie neea to oe on tueir guard against tbem. m If you have coughed and $ coughed until the lining; mem- brane of your throat and lungs t is inflamed. I Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil will soothe. strengthen and probably cure. $ t- ..ii. :l t-.S. A w I aC COO-uvcr un sccua aiiu strengthens the weakened tis- $ UlMftM. SKINS ON FIRE VtrzZlZZ" "t-Te-tiaa ror sirsy cent. Ouaranteed tobasco hsblt eur, make wjak men strong, blovC nur., AU druggwt; MX ... W sues, l at glycerine sootnes and heals them. The hypo- phosphites of lime and soda t Imoart tone and vigor. Don't neglect these coughs. One bottle of the Emulsion may do j more for you now than ten t can do later on. Be sure you ju get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Alt druggiata J 50c snd $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUta, N.w York, 3 Arthur I., ot San Kranclsco, ia on tos beach at that point, a total wreck, hav ing been broken into sevtral piecea by heavy sea. Nothing; baa teen ceen of the crew. Ijind it is feared tbatall bave perished designated - Cosvallis Bowi.rxo. Th howling contest consisting of a aerie of SO game ended baluMay night, Dr Lester v in- mog tbe first Drue, with an average ol 39 3U pin to each game, tn bigneet ecorw was 66. George Bowers was sec ond witb an average score of 39 08, and Prof Pratt came third with an average of 36 92. In thi contest F. L. Miller, with a handicap of tea pins to each game made aa average of 36 72. making his actual average 45 73 r Miller s highest single score was 65 & Another contest began yesterday in which all tbs bowlers may take part wttb equal chances of winning any ct the prises of- lered, each player being handicapped witb his average past score as a basis. Ooe hundred games will be played in thi series, and the contest will close April 20th. Times. AA Livg FxrcRtgKCE. Fied McDiniel, 1 solicitor for the Examiner, who was in lbanv several weeks ago. met with a ve experience in Tillamook county re cently. A notice of a rewarJ of SSOO for an embeaxler wanted in Detroit. Mich had been received there, and it wa de cided that he wa the man. A posse of four men with guns arrested him in a somewhat sensational manner.but it wa found that he didn't look any more like the picture of the embesxler than an ap ple loks like a potato. On is Two HexoasD. Ed Jory of Skagway returned today. He has just come out from the Little Salmon, as one of tbe Mayor Walsh party, who is minis ter of the interior of Northwest Territory. He will stay a week and says there is about one chance in two hundred of mak ing a strike. He says the latest go.d dis covery was at Phil Walsh river, four miles below Big Salmon, paunitig out $1 M) to the pan. Mrs. Jcry is Mopping at Dyea. Mr. lory i well satisfied with his trip and will return in a week. Salem Journal. Mis Berths Eil' tbis noon moroed from br weekly trip to CorvaiHe. Miss tu a wi I War the part oi tne queen tn Uoeen Esther, lobe prevented in that city Friday snd Saturday nights of next week 1 tie young nun having tbe can tata ia chsrge will come to Albesy and present it here Tbtte ii a rumor that Ueo. ITetnev. wbo went to Alaska some time ago, lost bis life on the ill-laud steamer Clara Nevada. His relatives do not bear irem bim. and loqniry fail to disci hi wbereabou s. It is thought that he prob ably look passage for borne on the Civr Nevada. lime. Messrs. Lou snd Edwsrd iWa-oer, ae- cocnnanied by tbeir families arrived from r mooo l, ebrak. last atarday and are rutting relauve bear tirrubarg These gentlemen have come to Linn county with the intention of locating sad becoming permanent residents. Tbey will probably purchase tomes at once. Brownsville Times A very pleasant social was given by tbe Rcbekahs al their ball last evening Af ter iuiliaiioo, the members and visitors listened to an en lovable muaacal pro gram cooaisiiog of a piano ok by Miss Edna Howard, a vocal solo bv tbe Kev. D. V. Poling, a cornet solo by Prof. Sim- ontoa, and s guitar solo by Dr. Coiuna, r allowing tbi was a noted f erson's Coo lest ia which each player was given sn opportunity to show how many noted men and women be or sue could recog nise and name bv their picture. Mr Rkbe received the first prise, a copy of "The Lady oi the Lase," and Mr. Uavid Borkart. the booby prise, a miniature grapbophone. The com i any then marched to the sopper room where ta bles beautifully deco'ated with lerns, flowers, snd fruit were spread with dain- tv refreshment. ben at a late hour all ar pa rated, each felt that the evening bad been pleasantly spent, tne com mittee desires to thank those wbo so kindlv favored tbem with tbe program aod all others who contributed to tbe success of the evening. be osaal ending of such cases. As valua e a character is. such ca-es are better cS out of cjort. 1 00 6-5 I 00 (A 06 C6 05 Salmon Bellies each , Bot.n Mills Flour 9 ps Royal Java coffee 9 gat keg pickles. 16 lbs granulated sugar, best We bsve a small stock of dry goods to close out at prices named be low; Tnrkey Bed Indigo Bine '. A (.ron gingham, good quality.... Scotch plaids, tbis is the snap of tbe season A good supply of garden teedi in bulk and packages. Esrly Bose, Early Maine, Early Son use seed potatoes We also bave bran, shorts ant cbop teed lor sale. Bemember tbe place, Graham build ing Cor 1st and Baker St. Four Fans For Sale The following desinLte farms arc for sale, AdCna McMsater bamll, 311 Wor cester block. Portlaod, t'regow, tt call oa C G Burs Hart, Albanv, Oegea, frr particalsra: 1 . '6 seres. ns natle west of Halsey, ia bs DLi'of DW Alliosbsar, ia See 35. T 13, S E4, W W M. 33raerear cleared sad Bade caJttralioa, te rwosaiadc bieg covered srita small timber. Ma4dy Creek ran Uuniagh tbe prooerty. There is small ereaard. Price 11300. 2. SO aceca; .oe mile S of Btvwwawiife, tkD LCof Huna-J Jabsaoa, ia See 11, Tl4.B5.WWl. All cleared laad 65 acre aader ealtivstica, all feaced, ow tmUdtfjrs. Fnce 113 JO 3. 25 acre, two mi'esSof B-owas- vi'ie,Sse13ad It, T 14, 8 K 3, W W X. 120 acr an tUUbia aai the balaaoe s iet Mited Itt paatarage. 75 sere, ar sadar crap, is all farced, has a gos ply of water, good baiUhags aad orcfcvrd tos CSM. 4. 75 acra. six wjies east of Lebswow. a Sa 13 aad 16. T 12, S R 1, W W il. Tai i a vary gjod stock fans, of which aboat 100 sens are UlUb'e. It ia well watsmrf, all feweed awd aaa snsas tair aildmgs. r-nee 3300. A Hobo's Collapse. The Junction Times gives a vert inter esting account of tha manner ia which a booo met detest, aaa ue too lenient manner io which be was treated : A hibo visi'ed tbe home of John Wil liams east of town the nher morning aad John wsn t up yet aitboogb awake witb ooe eveoa the hobo. The hobo looked into the window and concluded that there do one at home. He coo id see a truck in the bed room where John was but ha couldn't see John. He finally eo- t red the back door and made for the troak. In Ihe meantime John heard him coming aod getting out ol bed. he stuek revolver under toe booo s noes a ne entered tbe bedroom door. Thi so frightened htm that be fell to the floor As avion as be could recover hta breatb be pleaded the usual bread act and dis claimed aav intention of robbery Jobs toKl bim to "git," wbtcn be aia in a nor- ry , touching only the high places. A Am Colovt. A colony of about 50 immigrant from Minnesota passed ovr tbeCAE Wednesday oo their way to Lin oin countv where tney expect to purchase land and go into isanolactanBC enterbrise Thev earns here oa reprsen- lalion of O. O. Crogstead ol t he 1 aquina Mercantile Company which haa already dona much toward development of tbe industries of Lincoln, particularly ia the way of shipping csh. Tunes, OUR CAPACITY - Is Uncqoaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon We have the best Etoc to select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Pr nte THE Waasr T aV - mil to" 1 tbe'hMt aad vH sirapiet type wnie maaafactured. the coaMiaimatioa of W iaveators art. Aa expert stcnogvaphe after using manv machines, y. "I cob aider the Vost Writing Machine far super- nr n a l hare vet used ' Wl as tw Dxaocs-AT office aad sea one of the type writers that has tobaveapenecs aiugw-ment. AU Trpewritsrs suppftes orswrea. r.P.XtrmstK Ageai. Ltncolu Couut y Ticket. The democrats snd populists hel I a joint eoaventioo on Thursday at Toledo, and nominated be following ticket: County judge, I F Stewart, dem; clerk. J H Luu.dem: sheriff. I TKeeder. pop; treasurer, M L Trapp, silver ropub.ican ; assessor. P M rorester. pop: commis sioner, W R WakeSeld, pop school su perintendent, lr J A lownseud, dem; surveyor, b M uerrick, pop; coroner,1 air sn Pelt, pop. Tn Dkucoavks. Tbe Corvalli A Et will make a rate of one and one fifth fan. la delente to tbe Democrat and PoDulist ate con rent ion at roniaao. kid eolnr Tnesdar March 22. and le turning March iS'.h. Cijovnixo CaaAP. The Blain Co, Kavinr boovht the u Bnen Danaropt stark of clothing, hoots, shoes and fur nishings st a sacrifice, wu: sea tne gooas ! at the O'Brien store at corrsepondingly low prices giving some rare bargains. Jrac Els. The finest aver in Al banv without anv exception at raraer i Brothers. Try some. It i very palata ble. 'hit eopvincMTS a. . in s stew at "ltJ"-", "lStea Ibjuawb Mau A C. SCIENTIFIC KERiCAH. VMttrvl'T Hha-rraAed. r-q. i eoBM aad V,tle J"J; ai u sue -oomli. M-y KSiV FAtSXW sew fe. asanas. atuNN A CO.. tai Btwastwa. Sew Tara. Elks Flection. The Elks, last evening, held their first annual election, resulting as follows: Exalted Kuler, J R Wyatt; E Ldg Knight, II J Hopkins; E Lov Knight, C O Horkban; E Ln Knight, J K Weath erford; Secretary, K B Montague; Ireas nrer. Fred Dawson : Tvler. K J Seelev: Efouire, P J Sm ley ; Chaplain, A M Cannen; Inner U. Henry Kirscb: Trust ees, W K Bilyeu, P J Smiley, H J Sower. Several new Elks were sdded to the roll, the initiatory work being witnessed by a number of visitors from neighbor ing lodges. XM-i f i NEW ml WORLD Thricc-a-TVek Edition IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Teat For One Dollar rabltsbeaevery alteraateBar txrept Baww Tit Dravaoi Liciniik The draymen are alter all inlrlngements of the dray li cense, and yesterday had 8. W. Koas ar rested for the violation ot the dray li cense. Tbe case w ill be tried next Sat urday before Kecorder Heoton. t Tbe three fakirs in the city jail for dit ordetly conduct, were taken out this morn ing and ordered to work on tbe street, but they absolutely refused, when tbey were put on a diet of bread and wattr. A Libanon Firs Bra Lebanon is now afflicted with a tire bug, one of the very worst kind ol bug. During tbe past week there bave been three incendiary fires. Tbe bmldiugs fired weie unoccu pied hou es, and as they were out of the reach of water, each was destroyed. Sat urday night an old houee I el ween the Presbyterian cnurch and railroad track was burned ; Sunday night one of B II Marker's boueev, near the academy, a good houee, went uo in stuoke.iust at the Tne Thrice-a-Week Edition of The 1 ork World is first among all "a'? paper in iw. frequency of publication and tbe freshness, aceoraey and variety of it coi t-nis. It his all tbe merits of a great $6 daily at the price ot a dollai weekly. Its political news is prom pi. com plete, accurate and impartial a ail U read, er will testify. It is agumat the monopc- lias and tor the CeGDte It print the new of all the world, hav ing special corresoondenre from all ia portant new points oa tbe globe. It ha jnlliant illisrrn:ions . ne ,.--. complete Both the method ana results vhn Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Sntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and IJowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kindeyer pro- anthors, a capital nun page, ducea, Pteasino; w uie laaie sua skj- ra-rets,uff' inn-tii. V i ceptable to the etomach, prompt in ' nd women- work and other special de its action and truly beneficial in its P"im2l, ki .ii wfater and close of church servb-es ; and ti-is moru- effects, prepared only from the most th. dksiocat togerterone Tear for 0 ing about 1 o' l. k the people were thynxKlesubstanoes, its aroused 10 witneee the burning ot the old iw""" " . . wrirrrDr 1'BTirC Springer house, jubt outside the north- many exoellent qualiUes commend it : iXlCUTrS 5 KOlILt western limits ot thecity.Advance. . to all and have made it the most; ,u the editor an 1 person later popular remedy known. es ed n 'he estate I Kehecca Smith, de Chbapls PaorgRrv Sou.-Tne rea' Syrup of FigB is -for sale in 80 .j, 0uaw be eby aotiied tfcSt 1 have estate of the Chesd e estate w.s .old cent bottles by all leading drug- been duly appointed elevator o said estat tbis afternoon at auction. The propeity rist. Anv reliable druggist Who bv &e counitc r. . saa . s at -w 1 asXs I naVasri aTs sail nrrwa asa -. --" may not have it on nana wm pro- ('njt wd ate r heby so iSed nd core it promptly for anyone who ,tttr(d to present the same to me wh ft TV. nrl uwnt ins .L...nA.Aikn t th law Otbcw Of W CALIFORNIA FtO SYRUP CO. 4 fUKOOO. CAU IBIimUE. AT. raK CX at tbe corner ol First aod Baker tree- was bid in by Wm Ralston for $1600 Judge Fl'nn received the two bouses and one lot at Third aod Ellsworth streets $1500, E T. Fisher a lot and house iu he first ward for $1 75, and Wm B s on the remainder of the property Tbe ids ot Judge Flinn and Mr. Balstoa ars to cover Indebtedness, .ki. ... month from the date hereof Dated thi 1st day of Jarmaiy, 1S98. SamCElKka.dxb, Executor