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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
lasnaai mm Wkt Stoma. A Young Man on Bimetallism. 1893. Crawfordville, March, To thk Editor : My attention has been drawn to an article published In tbo Dkvocrat of March 11, 1898 from the pen of Geo. W Wright, and it was both with surpris and dgust that I perused it. Surprised, that it came from the pen of a man, who, during the campaign of 1896 was prone to talk of the wonderful effect! of the bimetallio system, and of the grand principles and great patriotism of Win. Bryan. Disgusted, to think that a man of bis orominenoe wonld show his igno rance in such a manner on this great question . I' tna- be pr-sumptuons of lae to atitni-t to reply to Mr. Wright, from the (act that I will not be a voter for four vears, bat as he undoubtedly need tome enlightenment on this question, 1 will stterupt to give the required in forma. ion. His article only continue any baliet that the forces of the "Quid Trust" are at work to capture the Dem ocratic party in 1900 la undoubtedly true And in the out set let us eay that we have surely come to a parting of way. Those who favor a single god candard and a bank currency shco.d take their stand on that side of the question, and those who favor bime allium and a national currency, take tbeir ntand with those advocating thai policy . There is no middle ground. Th international phantom baa vanished and there is only two aides to the gre.i question, and every voter will have io cast bis ballot for one or the other. Th democratic party baa always stood, ani is today standing for a sound and stab'-e monetary system, it has always been ic favor of sound money, the soundest the . world ever knew ; consisting of gold and silver aod a paper currency issued by the national government Demo cratic principles ou the same subject never change. The party may change but that does not do away with the o'd principles. And bo I eay that the Demo cratic party was never a gold standard party, and never did declare far gold as the sole standard of values, but on th contrary, it etands today, on the finan cial question, where it stood at the very foundation of this government. Ani it issueless, it is nonsjnical, to ask such questions as Mr. Wright asse, each as, "Shall the democratic party return to eound democratic principles?'' . After the first coinage iawc were en acted, the question of the free coinage of gold and silver was never an issue every one irrespective of party voted on the question. Daniel Webster, Ameri ca's greatest constitutional lawyer said : "1 am certainly of the opinion that gold and silver at rate fixed by congress con stitnte the legal standard of value in this country and that neither congress nor any state has authority to establish any other standard or to displace this standard." Mr. Wright in bis article rajs : "There Is as much reason in plowirg with an old fashioned wooden plow share because onr fathers need it, as there ie in saying that a silver dollar in its own merits at , the ratio of 16 to 1 would be equal to gold Jollar, in face of tbe fact that the commercial value has so changed that i now takes 33 grains of silver to buy 1 grain of gold. The ratio fixed by Jeffer son was 15 to I, etc1 True the ratio was fixed at 15 to 1, by tbe first coinage laws. In 1785 the American congress adopted tbe Spanish milled dollar, as the basis and unit our money . This was the Spanish silver dollar. Our first coinage law was en acted in 1793. After giving to both gold and silver free and unlimited coin age, it fixed tbe size of tbe silver dollar in the following language : "Dollars or units each to be of tbe value of tbe Spanish milled dollar as is now current, and to contain three - hundred and seventy one grains ana lour six teeotb parte of a giain of pnre silver. Tbe gold dollar was to contain 24.73 grains of pure gold, but the coinage of gold dollar was not provided for. It will tbos be seen that the silver dollar was made the nnit of value. Tbe ratio . wis established at 15 to I, but at tbi ratio, gold was cnder-vataed and went out of circulation in this country Whv? Because all of the nations of Europe were coining silver at tbe ratio of 15 to 1 and we could not maintain tbe ratio of 15 to 1 because it nnder valafcd one of the metals. . In 1834 the ratio was changed to 16 to 1. From 1 92 to 1873 tbe silver dollar was tbe nnit ol value, it was a full legal tender for all debis public and private, aod ' when it was srspended irom coinage in 1873 it s'ood at a premium of 3 per cent over gold. During all this time each phases as "unround money" was never heard . Tbe silver dollar was neva era dUbonest dollar, it was never called -50 cer t doliar. ' It would have been just as seneibie to bave sailed tbe fig ure 1, 50-100 of 1 as it would bave been to hare called tbe silver dollar a 50 cent dollar. Today as Mr. Wright tays tbe ratio ie 33 to 1, and be admUs that ail ver baa been discriminated against. He admits that its demonetization by tbe leading nations of tbe world is tbe cause of tbe cbaoge in ratio. What else conld be, expected bat that it would depreciate In value? Take away tbe demand for any article and it will depreciate in value. Dem onetize gold, deprive it of its money function and it-too will depreciate. It wouldn't be worth as much today as silver ii. Silver is need as subsidar-; money in all of tbe gold standard nations today, a function which gold cannot serve, and. therefore I my that if tbe money demaod for gold was taken away it would be subject to the fluctuations of the market, the same as any other commodity. - Mr. Wright seem to think gold is something sacred, that it is a kind of a God . lie assumes that gold has a fixed and unchangeable va'ue, and that its value can neither be increased nor di minished God, as expressed in dollars and cents has a fixed value. Wbat gives it a fixed value?. If I remember rightly, when parliament chartered tbe Bank of England in 1844 it said, that for everv ounce of pur gold offered on its coon ters for rale, the Bank of England should pay for it f 30. 07 and since that time it has nlwsys, and is today commanding 1 that urice. and if England can fix tbe price of gold at 120.07 per ounce, tbe uottru states can say, mat it win coin t the silver offered at its mints for tha purpose into standard silver dollars at $1.2920 per ounce and at a ratio of 16 t 1, and maintain tbe parity between be j miala. Mr. maintain parity is to make no discrim ination against either metal, make silvei a full legal tender for all dehts public and private, declare all contracts calling for gold payment void, ani pavable ir. any lawful money of the United States and there will be trouble about main taining paritv. Today we have a vast amount of silver dollars in circulation all on a parity with gold How are they kept on a pamy T Simply by granting o them the rights of a full legal tender. The aw save that K shall be the policy of the gave nment to maintain the two metals at a parity. But under this declaration tbe work of maintaining the parity lias been greatly strained . The treasury has been transformed into a pawn brokers odice, the Sec. cl he treacu 7 has surrendered the op'icn of redeeming government obuat'ous in either gold or silver, and the gamblers in gold have come and took the gov ernment by the throat aud demanded ne certain kind of money in payment of iliei,- exchanges, .bat was never specified in the contract, and hy this policy the bonded indebtedness of tbe government was incrad during the Cleveland adintnistra ion $262,000,000. That is tbe r-snlt of the parity policy . which my irittnd ie advocating. The only cof-cl way to restore and uiaimtiu t'l" former relative va ue be tween gold and silver to a fixed ratio, is to open the minte to tbe free and un "in ed coins K- of both, and without itM.nmica ion. Again Mr. ' Wright jm: Vt are the best prepared of any a-iou on earth to maintain the gold tankard. By doing wa will become to .-realtor nation of the world, onr in'iet wnt be onght from abroad; the tu L-ey vro'er will be changed from Lon- ton to New York, aud money will be -ed t hoToemron loug tirue,at from I t j 4 .-! i -ntper annum.' If th if nuiplion ii correct, tbeu I confess I w nottiins of history. F i 23 e,- e bave bw;i trying to inaiiitaiu thr gold standard, and what ' bvt-n that resnit? It baa given the tiotue-eteade of thonsande of toilers to TSflli5, Down Brakes, and Reverse' I " When a train is discovered rushing on to a inguuul col lision, it is a thrilling in. sunt aa the engineer whistles "Down brakes t and reverses his lever. Brakes alone are not enough; the whole pro pelling pow er of the en- '-Tgine must be made to work in the oppo site direc tion. That is how it is sometimes with disease. There are times whes the system is flyinsr along the track of dis ease at such a thrfhtiul pace that no ordinary methods will prevent disaster. There are plenty of medicines which act merely as brakes to "slow up" the disease and put off disaster for a little while; but that isn't enough. Wbat is needed is a medicine mat will instantly reverse the entire wasting, degenerating process. When people are losing flesh and strength and vitalit. with the life oosinar out of them day after day, they need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical macweif. waicn acts qircut uuvs the vital forces, completely transforms th entire nutritive organism and totally re verses the wasting, debilitating process arhleh at (he root of all diseases. It enables the digestive and blood-making ntmns to ancnlv tbe circulation writs an abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It stops the wasting of tissue, builds up solid muscular nesn ana neaitny ncrve-iorcc. . iflt, U.rv Whitman of East DkklOSua. Franklin Co.. N. Y.. writes; "For nearly tee months I bin had a bad cough, and instead of getting better. It grew worse, uuttl I was adrlaed K irlnul tn t nr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover. 1 hesitated at first, for it seemed to mc nothing would gt relief only death. MJ parents were anxious about me, and 1 was said to hare consumption. I tried your medicines. mmA h-f.-ro i had taken man doaea there wa a treat ensure. When the second bottle was empty X bad no cough an w a treat aeal stronger. And now comes the tug of war. it be war or peace. Will Tbe man is always to be congratulated for being spoken ill of for doing a gocd deed. TELEGRAPHIC if emitter, "t h one third of lustT mil age of the United States tut ban J of receivers, it baa given idlnee to 4 millions of would be toilers etiop and ttald, it has given produc tive capital t o scope for use and little or no returns - for risks assumed, given the silver miner rnin. t ha giveu tbe fa-mrr at one time lose han 40 cents for his wheat asd the cotton sianter 5 cents tor bis cotton, it has pronnced a crop of 'defaulters and erimioa s until our jails and pi ieona over flow, mobs, riots, suicides - and strikes are everyday, occurrences, the bonded indebtedness -of the TJoitad States ha been increased over 262 millions of dol tare a year, and today it requires twice the products oi human toil to buy one ol bee "honest cold dollars." that it did in 1S73 If we are the rest prepared nation on earth to maintain tbe gJd standard, I sty, God pity the balance of them. There ie only way by which onr feet may be guided and that ie by tl.e lamp of experience. And if dnring25 years in which we have tried to maintain tbe gold standard tLere has been anything aetiforth to indicate that we wonld be come the creditor nation of tbe world that the money center woild be changed from London to New York, aod that money would be loaned to the borrower at S to 4 per cent, I W3uld like to bave it demonstrated. Prior to 1873, but two nations England and Portugal were upon A gold beaii They bad a population of 42,000.000 of psopie. Today the same amount of gold ia divided among the 350,00,000 o! peo ple) who have adopted the gold tancard, Tne struggle for go'd continues, and if nJer a diminishing money standard we could become tbe creditor Ballon of tbe world, iben r right's theory is cor rect. But again Mr. Wright says: "It will not do to bavs two standard." I myself bave never found or beard of a party that adopted two standards, at tie presen day. It may be that my perceptible faculties are not good, or my understanding is at fault, but if I can read rightly, the Democratic party ie to day advocating true money standard composed of two metals, and that is all that any party ever advocated, Mr. Wright tells ns that the Democratic par ty was always in tbe lead for a sound and stable cuirency, and that in 1868 it declared for one money only. But be failed to tell us wbat kind of a money vetem that was. ' The poor gild Democrat "where ie be a'," be canno' join the Republican par ty on aceonnt of its tariff policy. Be cannot stay with the Democratic party on aceonnt of Us financial policy. B ie like the left tbeed of tbe boose of I -i art. Aa.' on ti e montita'ns mild and bare from t'S tender shepherds care. in ;ie t- vr is beerd bis ery Sick aod l.Blp.fcttf" and readv to die. Clitf Abrams. There is enough telt-hatas in tome people to spread out ovi a whole town ship and thsn tinge the character of some of tbe people touched by it. tiold and silver have always been mentioned together and wilt continue to be. Give them equal privilege- and tbeir ratio will remain eubnaruially tbe same. Nature has her share of freaks aa welt as politics. The manner in which it snowed from three to four inches in Eugene, and not a flake five miles away. was one of them. Aaulhtr alaska Wreck Ban Francisco. March, 22.-Upon the arrival of the Paciho whi Company's steamer Santa Rosa, from ban Diego today, the news was received of a korrible accident directly tUibutable to the Alaskan gold excitement, which U be lleved to have cost tne ayes w r--" gen. and sailors. Captain Alexander, of the Santa Rosa, reported that early this morning, while nine miles off Point Mont ta, at tbe mouta of the Golden Gate, be Itthted a dereiectooiiomup. ynw i""" ,, th hark- rlnlen W A liny. All on board bad peiUhed, The Sltaatloa Washimoton. March. 22 The cabimt meeting today was devoted exclusively to the Spanish situation, me woo ' Hiarniuinn waa verv firm and determined that there must come an end to tbe pres ant utata nf affair in.Cnba. Raomtar Loner authorized the statement that th nndnratundintr before the cabinet waa that the report would reacn wanning- ton nextTburtday or r'nd y; mat it waa ver voluminous, aud that the publication anil' f eanamiaainn to COmrTeSS WUUld DOt occur until next Monday or Tuesday. rrcDatlaa a Messate Chicago. March. 22. A Washington special to the Daily News says: Pnwident McKinlev is preparing a mes am, on the f'tihan situation. It will be sent tn ronirreaa. it is tboucht, iodependen of tbe Maine inquiry, and will relate to ln- trtnuon One nf foe nremdent a advisers shiu to day the message would probably go beyond tne recognition ot touepouueuwj -- esse ereon rtaaws Vasuimgtoic. March. 22. lhe follow- inn nominations were made by tbe presi Oca. today : l'oatmasters uregon. J a "neeier, . Independence: R M Poe. at Detroit, vice Clara E Perkett, removed and J W Arn old, at Freewaler. vice 8 T Barnes resun ed. Washington. S 11 Mason, at v'euia Wyoming, J V Holteaaouse, a' tvan ston. aaereSB Marsler . Cascade Locks, Or., March, 12. Lewis Gebbard, aged 70 years, shot and killed his wife, aged 65. and taen turned the pistol upon himself and took his own life here last a ght. Ibe bodies were not found until this morning. A Bare seearreaee CoviKOToir. Kt.. March ?2. Judte Tuft, of the ITnitad S,'e court, has sen tenced ex-Cashier T. b. Youtxev, of the First National bank, of Newport. Kr., to six vears in the oenitentiarv. Execution of the sentence was tnspended for 30 days to enable the defendant's counsel to pre pare a bill of exceptions. Tfce BetMtrt finished Chicago, March. 22 .A special to the Tribune from Washington says: Late last evening- secretary Long ad mitted that a telegraphic summary of tbe report of the court ot inquiry had been received, aad be also adinit;ei that Ad miral Sicard had received tbe report lat evening aad wonld forward it to ashieg ton without delay. With tne teletrraphic summary received as a basis tbe state de partment has already proceeaea to snhuj Minister Woodford officially of tbe cha ac e-. MISFITS. i The first to nay bis taxes in Mariof cnuntv this vear on the new roll was u. A 11. man. GH APRIL AY I. D. Driver is the union nominee If sheriff of Wasco county. He Is r enough away from Eugene to be electeS. A Butle paper about hits it wheni' says that tbe Alaska stories aie about 3 per cent truth and 97 per cen; ilcttoni fhefamous J. J. Uorbett will perprtf in Portlaud thia week in The Naval t -a det. He, like Portland's Corbett, has retired from the ring. A correspondent in an exchange is alraid of being bored to death bj nail keg politicians, there is so mucu time before election. Chere is one siii ') of escape, go to Klondike. I The McMinnvil'e Traneoript thinks Rev. Ross d.d a very smalt Mn catchiLg a lot of innocent old frdies or that old Hesnkiah teg, humiliating them in a public place. For Blood and lierves in Spring paines Celery Compound A union bimetallic ticket will un doubtedly be nomintard In Portland to morrow, composed oi members of tbe democratic, populist and free silver re publicans. If judiciously put up it will march to victory. A war vessel is to be named New Utieans and it is ta be manned by New Orleans men. Tbe Oregon. New Orleans and tbe Indiana will fight side by aide if it comes to blows The bomber oi war vessels being man ufactnred and being sent towards Chioa makes things also look umbrageous ia that direction. This is a case of a lot oi nogs an ready glutted, alter more provender. Tbat relief bill for tbe victims of tbe Maine went through without a no. There ie no east, north, west or soalb when it comee to patriotism of tbe gen uine order at tbe end ol tbe nineteenth century. Washixgtos, March, 21. The boose today unanmously passed tbe bid for tbe refits' of the aorvivora aad victims of the nt lh Maine disaster. The bill reimbur ses the survivors, officers and men lor tne losses they sustained to an amount not io rmeil a nar't nav and directs tbe pav- , . . meet of a sum equal to a year pay to toe leirsj beirs of thote who srubed . There was a nits a soirited debate otrev aa amen-1 meat rturgeeied by Cannon, to a-ive the survivors a rear's pay out of brrd instead Hon. II. R. K-ncaid ahouU be the nominee on the union ticket kr secre tary ol state, tie would recti W an im mensevote. liu has made ote of the beit officials tbe aUte has ever lad Pro! Baker, of tbe Lebanon schools . kent track of the number of miasles in the schools of that city and tif re ult ...... !...A..t .! waa ino cases out oi ma uigijim, 2T2. or 6? per cent. They rerikinly had a measly time. f Soapy Smith, who aspired to bethel Does ol Sksgw.y, has been kit tea out oi that place. He waa famous etiouith to be illusuated in tbe WoilJ and other big papers, and was at one time the moit prominent gambler in Denver. .Skignay did a good jod. ' t The rural but me'odicns voii-es of the famous DeMoss family will again be heard this season. They opened the unn last Saturday sir hi at Warco with on of their concerts, and "Sweet Ore gon" will again be in the laud Prof Hawley haa come out in a ietter defending hi John Brown speech, de claring tbat he only gave history. Many nsaola do not believe he cave hi'iory. ! and anv way they do not like seeing the 1 '' . D f . -1 nsme OI JOuo orosa rciaiu.u Jackson and Jeffries are to finht in San Francisco tonight, ih Pbhocbat! man doesn't Uke ny stock m inei pugilistic hypodromes, lot just to t in tbe swira, be predicts that fon win win. though the odds are io too on Jeffries. It ii said to be a f -cl that at a church in Portland last Sunday a man mho put SOceata in tbe collection bse-et w promptly rebuked by his wile. She di I not say a word, bnt when the tatket reached ner she took out tbe SO cents a . ; . . w;Ai.iA .u. kai cent p;ece into her pocket e'rome. J Tbe Sa'etn Statesman is 47 rears o'd today, having been started on March 21. 1861. A. Bosh waa the first editor and some people thiol be ia interested in tbe paper now. Tbe Statesman is a credit aa newspaper to th c i:al city, and baa played an impoit- ct part in it, upbuilding. A new degree baa been cjiahlifLed in of attempting to reimburse them for acntal I the K of P lodge at Wasco Last Wed nesday evening in tbe lodge room at that place, Ernest Well and Mies tenable, two K's of P.. were formally o-ited in tbe bo'v bonds of mairimonv, and th new degree wa so well ca.-ried out it is hoped to make it a permanent feator Mr. Bryan baa been saying; some pa triotic things in a very nice manner. White some people will construe bin mo tives to suit themselves, yet it it is a fact that there d:es not live in tbe borders of the United States a man who poseesee a more genuine love for hie country. Ev ery one of ns though enoold be jnst as patriotic. From the Pittaborg rimes Uncle Sam does not need any help in the encounter. If Victoria earee to wiok at him occasionally, as an esleessed lady did one time before in tbe history of ihi, country When Mr. Fitsttmmona had a job on bands, and sboot such encour agement as "Go for bis wind!' and "Smash him in the liver!" it will be ac cepted as sofficien. C- A Johns of Baker City, a former ! resident of Polk coonty, ia a prominent : candidate fer secretary of state on the t republican ticket. Mr ' Jobns sere raj j yearn o waa defeated for district at- , torne ot this d.s'nrt, running tar bs- bind bis ticket. I io a ratal rtsw BnTs, Mont., March, 2l.-Ybe Hale boose, a Urge three-story trick building on East Broadway used ss a lodging and boarding booe by miners ia tbe 4m ploy of the Anaconda Company, was entirety des troyed by fire, which broke out shortly after 3 o'clock this morning. So far aa known two men are dad from injuries In jumping from windows, another is dying aad twenty ate missing. SpaJa Kxkaaatew BarssBxa, March. 21 A diapatcti to La Govt fiom Madrid describes aa inter view with Seoatrw Margalt. at one time president of tbe Spanish federal republic and chief ot tne ministry ia which be ie reported aa declaim that Cuba is prac tically lost to hpaia. "Spain is esoaosted." be ia reported as aaying "She most withdraw ber troops and recoguse Cuban independence before it is too late." ViiKXa, March, 21. Tbe newspapers; A few years ago the S'ateemsn helped announce that japan, between iMj and elect Billy fcgtn count v clerk or tbe re 1905. will bave devoted 194,000.000 yea to i publican ticket, and it cou d not ear ; t tbe building ot warships. Forty-sereo j encash good things about t iro. Sow it bae already been ordered with short j is fighting him for county school super terms of deiWerv io England, France, j ioleodent or tbe anion ticket and it! Germany and the L'oited bulee. 1 cannot eay enough n e-n things a tout I i h S J Vj f, , W Ii"-!.' M I DENVER -w wvaAAl AaaVafl RAILROAD The Sceuic Line 01 He World. mmj um feeilj fisursions To The EAST In through tourist ears without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Ia uhaaga of f ipensncel conluc- to; s am porters To Ksoaas City and Chicago MONDAYS wichoot cr.aege.via S t Lsae Mtsw ari Paune and Chicago & Alton Rm'road To Omaha. Chic, o, Fsffato TCEsDaV'S Bf sn. it o-it c so, v s Salt Lsae Bd rnie gj. -ck I .lard & Pacific K, To St Jo!U, K-oaaa Citv, WENSUAV-t St L-oU. ir. atehaox. via fealt L ks sDi Boriisg tot- r-1' re To K nw Ctr sad S Lowis THCR3DY3 ih a' chsrg., U Hals Lx . a d Mia-ouj PaeifieRv A day stopover arrange 1 at H '.; Lska and Dssver A Ride through tbe fmoe C.lorado S-enery For rates aod iofor o ain irqsire if 0 R ft N aad S P agents Or a?dres R C Nk-bol. Gen Agt, & K R-rts, 251 WaabiDttoa street, : Ihinter. Purtlaad Ore,oo C 4 rdo. 0 oil ilo llMo TO THE E A ST ITU TH -WICS OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT ftORTHERM via SPOKANE MIKXEAP0US ST. PA'JL Acn CB1CAC0 0EEC0M SHORT Lf FIE vxa SALT LAK DckYEB 0XAKA SXD eaxsas enr In tbe fiibt at San FranrtoroUst night j between tbe once famous Peter Jackson and Jeff rie. the pupil of Corbett, the lai 1 ur in the third roond knocked out what S wa left of the once powerf .d carke .now j a wreck from a several years life of die j aipa ion, though a physician jutt beioeei tbe fight pronounced bim in perfect pbt- j ical condition. 1 "Wall Faper. t-arpets, Lineoleam, Lace Curto-lns. Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Siruiture Bedding. Piz-ture Frames. Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking " ALBANY FURNITURE CO. SOHsfOXS. Lowest Hates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 4 days SAM FRANCISCO Steamers monthlj' from Port land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa- v: i- .... ciuc ifauifciiiu vu. con- fa Ae OrenU CoiO t State f QreJer Li neCtion with O R and N Vioict Ford, pVin!5ff - For rail iafoncalioa cajrea OmaaJi ft Mostctth, Albjoy. Sotwithttanding the continued reports of the hardships and fakism of Alaska aod Dyea, every steamer takes more pas:ners north, Int Elder sailing with seventy fire and two hnndred more ar riving in Portland s;oc. the boit left, are willing to run the risks for thepoe siblliiies ot gold either from the earth or pecalaiion. From the Kragmsdoro Sentinel. Death. 8mu. On the 28'h inet.. Amy Jane Mary Smit, eldest daaghter of John and William Smit, a-ed one day two and a hali bonrs. Tne bereaved and be ar-broken parents bear to tender their hearty thanks to Dr. Jones for his ua reinlttiiig attention dariog the illnees of the de based and for the moderate brev u of bis bill. Also to Mrs. Williams for tbe loao of clean sheets, to Mr. Wilson for raoaiig for tbe doctor and to Mr. Robison ' for recommending mnstard plaster ' From Cumberland Dispatch to Wash log ton Post. Mrs. James C Frazier passed throngb here alone today ridiog horseback, man's style, on ber way to aforgantown.W Va., where she is studying law at the univer sity She left Martinabarg Wednesday and expect to cover tbe entire distance, 209 miles, by tomorrow evening. She earned a brace of revolvers aod attract ed much attention. Hr basbaud fol lowed by train. One ot the fnnniest things recently was the challenge for a dael by a Span iard in Madrid to Senator Uason. Mason did . rather . go to ex tremes, but in a general sense the Spaniards got no more than they de serve. If this Spaniard will wait until war is declared if It is, he' will have all tbeehances he desire for duets. It wid be safe to predict though that he will stay f nrtherest away from smoke and bullets. . 1 by Here are two sentences ottered Shelby M Cnllom, of Illinois: "Any man, whether a member of Con gress or otherwise, who would attempt to make a dollar out of auch a crisis ia too mean to live. Men who attempt to speculate on the calamities of tbe poor Cubans or on tbe blowing up of tbe Maine ongbt to be shot." niE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Gooda Is at Parker Bros. Everybody knows where their place ia. They . keep, a fresh stock of groceries, produce ana baked goodfc. of all kinds, sell at rvta eon able prices and treat their customers well, all adke. You may regret some step you take in life tut none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It ia a grett thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much bnt yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Fro1, the Chicago Tribune. Tbeonlv way. by which a conflict can oe avoided with tonor to the American popIe is for Spain to recognize the in dependence of Cuba and get off tbe American continent.- ' Then. when Toere are thrra little things which do more work than any other three little thlnpa created they are the ant, trie toe and DeWicts Little Er:v Risers, tbe la t being the f motn little pills for (tomaoh and liver troubles I A Camming Home First, The World after wards. Get irood grcceiies for your family . Conn ft Hus ton keep the best, which thev sell at tbe lowest posiible prices. Firsh vegetable and fruits according to the season, always on bscd. A fine line of crockery. 'ample and thorough reparation and Wright places great stress on apology have been rendered for the des- mtintaining every dollar as good aa gold troction of the Maine and for the lives i a . . . aatfk I O ... J C tnn mi rnninritininir tna t nines, in m ma zuu dtivv wttiiahju ewruijtni ur t : . . a n n - ry- j 7 , . . . ' i tionit tini oeT-ana u micerwuDgu yvm jaOgmeat the only wt to csalnUin bpaniiih trerehrrT, may American honor ' doa'tsay f returo tbe paokK6 and irnc ss waev s Stop tbat Cough! Tate wamln. It ma teail to Consumptioi.. A 25) bottle o Shiloli'sO re may av your life. Sold, ny Foshay ft Masou Ta Care Constipation Forever. Take Coscareta Candy Cathartic. Ms or Ue. It C. C. C (all to cure, druggist refund money Kdarntm ToarBawele With Casearsts. Candy Cathartic, cure onnatlpstkm forever. 10c,ISe. ItC.C.O.fall.druKKtstsrelaDdBHey.. On car load of Phoenix Bicycles gone already and another on the road. Karl's Clover floor Tea. .or Constipa Will laterrtew Coscobd, X. H. March. 21. Senator Chandler, in aa editorial io tbe Concord Monitor today, says President Ale Kin ley is shoot to take action in tbe name of the j United States to relieve famine an't sick ness in Cuba. A Cewfereaee Wathisoto, March, 20. President tfcKinley did not attend church this morn iog as is bis cpstom but instead spent two hoars or m -re in conference with several members of his cabinet Assistant Sec retary Day called about 10:30 and remain ed until nearly 1 o'clock. Secretary Lf n g and Secretary Bliss were the other mem bers pjeeent. Tbey remained aa born. The members of the cabinet on leaving the White House, said there was no spec cial aignificance in the meet ins tbie morn log Tbe report of tbe enure of inquiry bad not been received, nor was it definitelj kaowo when it wonld reach here. A BUa Saew Moras Eauxraxi, Mont., March 20. Tbe most severe snow storm of tbe seas" a i prevailing ia this section. At t o'clock this morning it began snowing and at 6 this evening 18 Inches of snow had fallen. The wind changed to the north and the snow ts drifting badly. Trains are de Jayed, aod street traSc bad to be abandon ed for tbe day. CeSllea Brady to Slabl Tacoma. March, 20. Officers of tbe Northers Pacific steamship Victoria. wbicb arrived last night from China and Japan, report tbat the British government is mass Inc. - ru,Arfnl AaaI nl mnhtn, in Chinese waters, and tbat the Urittsn are buying all the coal coming to these waters lor their men-of-war. abet By a Bergeler Sacramento. March. 20. Ex-street Commissioner E J Croley sj shot and probably fatally wounded by one of t wo burtTUlars who were attempUng to rob bis boose. Although 60 years old and unarm ed, Croley grappled with one of thetn and was about to overcome bun wbeo tbe bur gular broke lose and Bred two shots in Croley's breast.. The wounded man is on ot the most prominent contractors in Call fornia. Balker Brasnalle Salem, Or., March, 20. Tbe Re W E Copeland lectured tn a critical audiance in Unity church tonight on "John Brown, of Osawatomie' The audience included many old soldiers and persons conversant with American hittory. 1'receeding the lecture waa a violin solo, by Miss Nellie brown, of thia city a granddaughter of Jcbn Brown. Tbe BeesM BesUn HBTrnnwoN, Kan. March, 20. The Bank of Nicrerson at Nickerson, was rob bed last nisbt. rive men did the job and it required from four to five hours to blow open tbe safe- Citizens who were passing tbe building were held np and forced to go iaside, wheie they were kept nntil the safe wss blown open and the money secur ed. About 5000 waa taren; - bim. Koch are the political of tbe times. mutations A great deal of tbe bitterness of parti sanship should be dropped wbeo it ia remembered that Fitxhugb Lee. woo has so bravely represented the government at Havana, waa once a confederate sol dier, a man mho does his duty so faith fully as to be endorsed by a president of oppoeiteparty and the people noivers-allv. This is Indeed a form world. Mrs ! Duncan of Eugene, bad her bneoand sr-; restea lor living; with another woman. He was held nnder fSCO bonds, and then what did Mrs Duncan do tut make on with him and secure bonds for him. Be J sidee ibis the paid for bie nipper and j bongbt bim some cigars. i . 1 SSSl Mi'toi Ford, defendant, T Milton Ford the above samed de fendant IS THE SAVE CF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoa are hereby required to ap pear and answer the ccmpUint of tne plaieuS herein in tbe aNrre eatitied coart. now on file in the cfScc of tbe clerk of aid court, on cr before the first day cl th rrguiar March teras of said coort, it being Monday. March tbe 19th. 19?; and VOS a'e hereby farther notified that in case you faii to so appear and answer said compt-int. the plain -:ff srill apply to the cart for tbe te'ief demanded tbrt, tnwit : A decree of the above conr ananU ing. settles aade and holding for naaght tte bci-dsof matrmflny heofcre exist 1 ins- be sreen tne rJainl.ff and defendAst ' i ,. ft .vn JinmJ TV f plaintiffs name be cheated from Yoiet Ford to thatoi Violet McNxmca, ber m: idea name, and she b ve bsr costs and oUborarmeata ot tbu toit to be taxed. I Tbtssutnmons is pobbsced by order cf Ron R H Hewitt jadge of said coort,made . st cbambe.-s ia Albany. Oretron. oa the i l?b dsr of Jsro-r . I-SeJ L H Mostastk A Sox. Auoroers tor Ftaiattff. Hello: F. E. Allea & Co! I fm Ue Circuit Curt at tit Stalt f Crtfm for tin Ceaosfy of torn Send np one of tt.oee;- Siea.ns -Yellow j beta usrt., pia.aua v wonn uvu. Boy, w heels for Charlie acd one of tboee 135 j To Jo0B dt, the atove asmtd defred- tbe bandsomeet STATE OF vrrecoo, are oeievy ntuw -- Trainmen on the S P. lurd'.y sr here thev are. The nosr diriainna ha been established. Conductors Heudricks, I Kearney and Tynan now tun tbrongh j from Portland to Kiddles, and Conduc- j tors Huston, Yeatcb and Brady from Kiaaiee io lunsmuir. I ms nereeeitatee several families leaving Roeehnrg for otber places. Tbe Shasta division has been elimlnatod entirely. Now for a change in the freight divisions. Tbe Statesman reports a practical joke played upon a number ot Sa em'e patri otic citisens. A huge emote stack wss sidetracked at the S. P. depot and a fun ny man aent Gen. OJell and a score of otber well known men, including tbe Oregonian reporter, out to look at the big new coast defense gun on the flat car. Tbev went, and returned to send others out to bite at the same War talk will excite tbe coolest of people. From tbe Chicago Trloone: "Jones, I'll bet you half a dollar that if you ask Brown any question, no mat ter what, be'll give you a free-silver ana wer." "I'll take that bet. Smith Hello, Brown ! How do you think we'll come out with Spain?" ,., "Sixteen to one we'll lick? "Here's your half dollar, Smith You've won." ' yueer.s lor t-eesie, itey are , ... - TII5 XAMS OF TV .nd best wheels evr ebown in Albaiy, re erd!es of price. M' V 7. . ibis alternoon. j on bV with the clera ot said Coort, oa or v A , itAmn Jk Wriel.l Plank Koa I lire na it in. om nr u shi ngr.w wo f f 1 W I uu ui an w sr-vaava uv vavr- knowjWH wjAYI pot on a "Jim Dandy Untern. 2l iv send th a' "Jim Da F. E. ALLEN & CO. Thomas HAVE YOU BEEN N Brink's Furnituie Store Lately- He ha one of the finest stocks of Furni ture nt the valley. He ha-? added Bahv Buggies to h s stock. Just ta'l in and you will find that his prices are the SLOWEST d a:d C rt, which -aid neat reenter teres I ci sa;d Oort besiu on Monday, the 14th j day if March, 1SSS, at the O urt Hoese ia J tb citj ol Albiny, Una Coeety, Oregon - And y jb are hereby Dotitied tbat if yoa fail to appear and aatwer said oocop!aiBt of piais u!f as hereto repaired a decree ot ssid t'oort will be taken ae:nt yoa for the reiief prayed for io plaintiS's said coeiplaiat, to-wit: A decree diasolring tne beads oi sra'rtaioo; row existing betweea yoa aod said plaintiff, and tor the coats aad die be rsemeataef said suit. This Sdmmoos ia served by publication is tats Eights Dimocxat f jt six snscossive srecka, ia psrenance oi as order nude by tbe Hon. il H. Hewtt.jodge of said eoert, made ia the city of Albany, 1 iaa Coeety, Oregon, oa the 25th dsv of Jannsrr. 1S9S. W. R BiLTxr, A'ttmey for Flamtiff. W H HTJBLBUhn. Gtn'. FaAAeara PoCasd Ok. OREGOX t'EVflML & EASTERf. R. H. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaqunaBay with the San Francisco 5 YaqQina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPAN Y. Sails from Taqoina every 8 days fbt Saa Francisco, CooeBay.Hamboidt Bay. Fassxwexa Accomodatiost Uxstrwassxt Shorteet roote between tbe S"ffianr sate Valley and Caliiornia. Fare from Albany aad points west tc Sea Francisco Casts 9raou6a Boond trip good for 60 days To Coos Bay Cabin Steerare.... To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford, kbta : $10X1 keerage 8 0O River Division. Steamer "Albany between Portland" jnd Corvaliis, throoffb it boot lay-ever. Leaves Cor rail e 6:30 a. m. Tneedays. Thursdays and Sundavs: leavee Port land, Yamhill street dock. 60C a. Mondays ffedneedaysand Fridays. t.Dnx stoics, i u Mi-n "ianager Sapt River Piv .f SOC ... JC ....1TJ1C ... SS.C 600 J SEW ADVERTISEMENTS WAGONS. One two horse wagon will trade for boards; a small wagon with tongoe or shafts for one or two horses, for sale, inquire of J. M. Marks. LOS r. Tbe front wheel of Victor bicvele was rlaced in a buggy from the country hv mistake. Tleae return to he office every dollar as good as another and to be considered vindicated. your money , Sold by Fosbay Jsbk Elk. The finest ever in Al bany without any exception at Parker Brothers. Try some. It is tery palata ble. There Is talk ol abase ball leacne in the northwest, composed of clubs in Port in.i Tatvtma. Seattle and Sookane. The chances are that if organized it will! tne Pkviock at office oe compoeea ui i ijcio hum eastern leagues, whiskv soaked, who will do as has been done in the past, give fake base ball, tbat the people will not care to aee the second time. There is though no reason whv first class bate ball should not be well patronized in the northwest. CHANCE Tu TRt UK Would any ne like to trade a piano for real etate in Newuort, Salem or Seattle lf call ft Deal Tossece Spit sad Betake Tosr lift) Anas. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be msr. aetio. full ot life, nerre aod vigor, take No-To-Bsc. Vbe wonder-worker, tbat makes weaa men strong. All drugs-let, too or II. Cure g-uaran-eed. Booklet and sample free. Address SlecUng at-medy On, Cbloaio or New York. To-iae rov Sir or Cents. Ouaruntoed tobosco nabit cure, makes woe.k saeneu'ofiw, I', .mire, eOe. II. All drugvMU. One of the fattest offices In Oregon Is tbat of state printer. The result is a large number of candidates. Among them, on the proposed union eicket ar I L Campbell of Eugene, Jas A Godfrey of Salem, Geo Alexander ol Lebanon, nd w ii Manilla a oi ids uanrr. an good men. There isn't a printer in Ore n.i who would fill the position better than P J Smiley of thia city. KpwnnTfi Lkaous Convkntiox, Salem District, M.E. church, McMinnville. Or., from March 31 to April 3rd. Take "Ruth" to Weaton Landing. Fare and fifth round trip. For further information call on or address J 0. Oil pbant, agt. w OOD FOR 8ALK. Ash and dry and green. di. BAYLOR. fir HONGWAHTONG CO., Second St near Lvon street. A iban eens vm neee medicine, Chinese rice Chinese tea and n it oil. "STTfTANTKI? TRUSTWOltl'HY AC- W five gentlemen or iaui-s to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly 65 00 and expenses. Position steady, fteierenee Koclcwe self sddned stamped envelope. The Dunns on Company, Dept. Y Chicago. it rANiKll-UPRIGHTAND FAITH. W ful gentlemen oi ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and tipenses. Position steadv Reference. Kncb'se self address ed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Depr. K. Chicago. AOMlMfSTRATOR'S SALE. VavKa-a. te kArAitv 0.vtn that tbe ntitler A. 7 s j s , signed adminisrator tf tbe estate of J tne c f.-t tvui.l will in nursuance ot an order ol the county court lor Linn county. Oregon, duty made a d entered of recoid o.. the 11th day o April, 189b. offers for sale at public auction -'courthouse d or on the 16th day of A pnl. Iff. t the u... ot i nelnrk n m of said day, the :. .l.ihe.l wsl eUte. towit. t-.. a tv.nd o in block No 11 m n...i,io,n''. MM-md addition to Albany, Oretron. Terms of s-le one u.ii .h in hand and tbe remainder In six months from date of le, payment secured by mcrtgage on propeny. Ibis March ltY 1898 Ed R M Castkk, Admr. EXECUTQA'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the under ;..norl eTPeutor ot the last 'iil and testa mnntof James McMaban, deceased, has hied his final account with tbe clerk of the county court for Linn oounty. Oregon, and the court has fixed the 9tu day ot April. i(?93, at the hour of 1 o clock pin ot said d ly for the hearing of objections it any to the account and lor tbe settle ment of said estate This the 4th day of March. 1 898 WSATHtHFORD & VYTATT, YY H McMAUOH Attys. Executo of the estate of James McMshan, deed Flano,Grgan,Yoic8 Cnltnr8,Earmoiiy tttss Hels R. Gilbert, Mrs France G H amine Teachers of Music Washington Street, naar V P Church, Albanj ASSIGNEE'S H0TICE-F FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given . that tbe nnder gned. assignee of the estate ot E J W l ughby. insol"cnt debtor bas filed in tbe Ircutt court ot the U'e of Oresoa for the county ot Linn. Department Number Two bis bnai account as assignee of said m t ter, and tbe said final account will be hesrit and parsed upon hy said court at tbe regular March term thereof, to be boldec at the court house in Albany, la en cou a ty. Oregon, on tbe 4th day of April at the hour of 1 o clock n ni ot said day. All persons iater3sted in taid in solvent esta e fire herebt Hihed to make any objections thev bare to t allowance it said hnal aceonnt on or before tbe said day for the heating and passing 00 the same by said court Dated January 28, 1898 E R SKtrw-oRTH. P E Sxodobass. Atty for Assignee Assignee ot said insolvent estate STOSKHQLQERS MEETIMC Notice U hfreSy given that the annual rut-iting of the A bany Mining & Milling Co. will be held at the office of C G Boik hart on the 25th day of April, 1S94, a. 4 o'clock p m of said day for the purpose of electing sevea directors to serve for ore year and the trantactica of such other business aa may legally come before the meeting. By order of board of directors, C JJrownksl, C G BcaxuART, Secretary, President. 3 m u 11 till. Vh!ic, 's fill cviie 3 r shads fer L.-v stast f ".-c-.. riant On!y 0 Free U-c- - Tire -v e.aii::c . Hp V - lj Ut ' - :iuu-. ls ;tai.fM. j . m noon, :..miy. toe - of Sowers. . r JAMES VICK3 .'; c!lverecJ. MORAL r. A 't riser .:t-avt.nt roa t-T HtJCmrlsM - a-V Sttt4 r . : v - f.-srV C" i .-v-l;t-l UiAaaUaUkoMs SONS. COW WAN rED. Fresh milk cow,tJer sf y preferrtd, tubject to trial. M. SrsDass. f. a r-:-t- ia--k C ittt-S . f-swit r ssjja 1 v - tvS . - V - M--nlta f - . m t.s - S - . re , t 1 .x t w-e-etx Uu ss- - utt l-aUU Utt -Je) avl ts.s. U g r'JEUSHISC CO. Rcmestgr. H. L He Fe Herrill Insnracce and Collectice Afr-nt Money to loan, warrants cougnt vmce in me Dkxockat bnildlng.