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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1897)
They stop work, eoa S. """'vji pain J??jniand Bruises them right away with OI. JaCODS Oil. l!jfave8 yywvwMM.. sisa money, mlanrv. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. iK" Blackburn, P 0 block. H Bryant, PO block. t 5rd?vr8on cnon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block Kelly ft Curl, bank building. S Wtaon, bnk bailding. VtSSSZ bnilding. Lebanon. S M Garland. Nice Brownsville. A A Tnssing. I I J M Somera. P ft ki..i. DB.C, 0, ClUinOERUn BCOXkXOZIO J"88 tu1mor. strictures, facial blem b, neuralgia aad other diseases, witt DR-J. L.HILL Phyaiciae and anreeon. Office, Firtt St. The ROBERT A. KILLER ' ssStt 4TT0EKKYAT LAW ORssoit crrr. ' ltif. Land Title, and "Land Offioa Bh - I specialty. in i go to and are room. vr . FIRST HATI09AL BASS. ri agirt-rnt a- ..oam ui u " g.1- . I " ...y, and not by politicians. .. a.K,yocMe . w. Iajodoh TUaSACTB A GKriBKALbaaktou! AGOOUMe UPT nbjct e ckwk.. IGHT KXOHANGS and UUt-mpbJa kwht, el a HavTork Baa Frmaetaeo.ChJeeco a4 roittard OL'jcOTIOSS dADIra fawmbls Urma 8 Tomra W r A Oeoswni, ' . 0. S. Fun. ODR CAPACITY Is Unequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK la Unsurpassed In Oregon.; "We have the best stock to select irom ana our prices are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. : : C The Printer Book nmm ax ovm A oar mhatmtmmam Law abMtthls (Teat pad. as tt lata. For sal. by J. A. Gumming. J. M. RALSTON BROKER. 3 Doors East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the argtsteompanies in the , world, at lowert rates. - .. , Dr Adams Cnsick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. J. C UTTLEIH Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St., Albany, Or. Vard Littler, Assistant. Mail Cla Hois. I wish to announce to the farmers with in the vicinity of Albany, especially those ; interested in hog raising, tbat I have pur chased the hog kwown a Common ' Ideal, No. 3C213 recorded in the American Pol and China Record Co, tbe one that took the second premium at tbe fair this fall. He is a fine bog and a "good breeder. I solicit tbe patronage and inspection of parties interested in good hogs. He is accompanied lye yearling of my own rais ing which Is recordable. - I have three thoroughbred sows which 1 am raising pigs from. I have a few pigs at present for sale, all recordable. They can be seen at tbe Skeels place, one mile nor h of Albany. , F H HUGBSON, Tbe Gardener. Honey at 7 Per Cent, I bav. a limited amount of money to loan on good security at 7 per cent inter est, fire years or longer, interest payable annually. Address vox Via. Albany (Jr. flaJfr Price Store n ouia re an appropriate name lor my stock of Books fur old and young, office books, oftce fixtures, tiles, inkstands, draw ing tools, inks.glue. mucilages, art novel. ties, ecvetopes, cheapest to tbe very 6 nest; writing paper, tablet, a large lot of both; calling, S S cards cheap, pea nut ion, peuum, pena, DOUOOS, OlOttini psda. tisane, etc, at the rate of II 00 worti for 60 centb. W R. BLAIN (He puts tbe price down.) WW TAH IJfiD TKUSTWORrHY AC- W J uve gentlemen. or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oiegon. Monthly 165.00 and expense. JPpaition steady.' Reference. Enclose lf- & -far stAAUysf I! COST. - f . -Binmire-s torn jW S S , hre. te retain ffJ Fttoov In i iiiilim. to r-i mmi ... . mm- - Albany Trading Co v-KEW PRICES. K. IV. Morris, Manager. 171btcran sugar beat iin 00 00 9 pa Royal Java coffee, "best" . . , 2 pa Arbuckle or Lion coffa 6 pk Red Bell amo tob 1 pk Corn Cake ' " ami 25 25 20 3 cam pepper, clovea or allanioJ." 25 25 3 cans cinnamc n, sage, mustard . . S bottles extract, lemon nr c.niil. 51ba Lard ... . ... ". Nice corn fed bacon R ice corn fed bams !!!!"' We have just received a nice lot of mem and bova nvaralla 25 45 9 10 Boya apron overall from 25c to 40c per pair Mena black apron overalls blue 9 oa overall. 60 50 lot of drees goods. Rmth. plsids at T.r ' Ce- All nice bright new goods. Come and see us Cor 2d and Main St. LOOK HERE. tneir it. Oregon School Supply Eousb, n Incorporated, of Albany, , AllAn.l. be "J"?!?" hD0. of "Chool furnf- .nJ . 4.7. - lunu- ITJ, th. fact ail theVerv clee which .uired'in the school .. are also general agents for ue famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teacmng 01 mensura tion and teachers instruction. The block, are indespeneiable in the school rom, and board, of director, will au well to come and examine tnem anu ecu for themselves. These blocks are oni vereally endoreed by the best teacher, and educator, in the land and are to be Min tn he annraciated. Give us a call. Our prio-e are the lowest and our terms . . n i Tll- t M tne beet, umce Btrtuu iiui, bwmu nv"4 UIXQOX OCHUUL OvrrLt ajvos Denver k Hie Me : RAILRdAD : Scenic Line of the World Tia Ogflen & Salt Lais TO All Points last & Southeast Pullman Palace sleeping cars Pullman tourist cars Free reclining chair cars Are run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. For rates of fare and all in formation call on your near est ticket agent or address R C Nichol, E B Duffy, Genl Agt, Trav Pass Agt 251 Washington St, Portland S K Hoopir, GP&F Agt Denver, Colorado. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. So question about full and prompt ment of losses by fire on insurance place. with tbe leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. WsflatHetaresPeoieFcr Don't allow yourwlf to be roped into U vanoQS ".Local Mutuals now bein poshed on you as being "cheapest in' surance, when j ou insure you do not want to worry about getting your money i case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo!. The Magnolia Laundry CSIMPSOItSSOIl Standard Piice Work Warrantee CO VtARS KXPkRICNC TRADK SHARKS, DCSIOMS, OOPVRIOHTS eta At. TOO enHlivr a keteli and deaerlptlen mar SaicklfaaeartAia, free, whether an invention (a probably patentable. Coomninlcatlona atrlotlr eonadantl.L Oldeu wrw fWMsoannc pateau in America. Wa bar a Waantacton onlca. Patanta taken through ltuna Co. reaalTe epaaul notioa in the SCIENTIFIC AKERiCAN, beantlfnllr lllnifrated, lanieat etrralatlon of anr aoienttac lournal, wMkrj,termaS8.U0 a rear, SjiiO nx ino'itha. Kiieetmen eoplm and UAJia Addraa MUNN & CO., 361 Braaaaar, Mew Yerk. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale Retail- - BEUBBISTS 1HD BOGKSELLRL, ALBANY, ORKGOV. Pure Drags and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books ' ', , in tbe Market. FRANK SKIPTON ' Successor to Jonn Scnmee. Livery at Reasonable Rate. W H keep teams for 10 cents, with feed 40 cents, all night ro" - ..ia. rernep luougu uo mmj i v00 -1 more effective work. I mw1 -art tboald J .- 5) cm o cat. Mr. Pennoyer seeks to get even with Mr Scott by charging him with receiving $4.50 (or advertising a sale for 34c taxes due. ' of property The Cubans are hot. Thsy expected some wheat from the present adminis tration, and they have received chaff. the President's Cuban policy la simply ditto Cleveland. Wheat is as v.tcillatiog as an old maid Vou don't know where to locate it in the market. It 1 nay go up and it may go down and it m ay not, and no one can sgure at all what i't will do. Farmers should 'raise all the bogs possible. There will! be a big demand for them according 1 V the present out look, created by the big immigration to the Alaska mines. 1 lost of those going will be outfitted in th e Korthwest.wbicb will make a large dem end for bacon. Horse men are repot 10 be very hot at the state fair ma vagesasnt, and have passed resolutions declaring that they will not enter their . at the next fair unless certain ti iaa " tended to. One thing is I ha. money Whtn th m . 'ewfapd il A warm fight i on .. Vn.4 , " ijrtut Uj . .. . ucuorai ucivennev tt c Judge. Th. opinion is .en.. ;r:,Nf1C.,n-iudge that Uu. "rTTMZ., 1' ' " mix. r. McKennev is ni . I - ,"u wr the office. That bs jPotu.- 7 J "wooing for so import ant an office. The ... ""porr. . f W444VJ ST""' filled with the r coo - President Elliot of Harvard college recently said that '-everybody cannot play foot ball," and now tbe papers have mads it center ruh .. hi. gram, mar, and it looks as U the President would bav. a touch down scored against him We rather think that the ex pression was good enough for any place bnt Boston. W await though eagerely, the decision of Brother Holer, of the Salem Journal. A dispatch from Los Angeles in a San Francisco paper aay. "Governor Lionel O Sheldon of New Mexico, who Lelped to nominate McK'tnley at St Louis, a a member of tbe California deligation, today at the fiagraising at tbe Miver re publican clubhouse made a speech in which he reDodited tbe policy of tks Republican party, spoke of tbe Dingley tariff as a failure and declared lor bi- metalism. He was one of the old guards of the Dartv. but cannot follow it in its decadence. Back in Kew York city eighteen men are pedaling for dear life on a six days contest to see which one can go tbe far tbertest in that length of time. Tbe con test s a cruel one.besides which foot ball is tame. There may be no knock downs, but there is a steady undermining of the muscles and nerves, until the men be come automatons, sparred oe by their trairers, aimoet goaded in the last atagt of tbe race. The average man does well to ran a bicycle at full aoeed for a mile, but these men do it for nearly two thon Mil inile. not at fall peed all tbe time, but at a very rapid rate, and al ways nnder a fearful strain. Ko machine bas yet taken the place of nature's teaaiein finishing various grades ot woolen cloths. In this coontry, tbey are grown only in Onondago County in Sew Yerk State, though a few have been raised in Oregon. Teasle require a soil f clay and lime in cjrtaio proportions. so that their tips shall be sharper than steel. Such soil is found in Marcellos and Skaneateles.twhere they bav been a staple production for fitly years. Tees lea are also grown in Eogland and France. Tbe American preduct 1 stiffsr than tbe Eoglisn .softer tbao the Franeb. When the foreign crop fail, tbe Amr ican i drawn on . I hi year the Koro- pean rrop is small, tbe American large, nearly 250.000,000. Ex Item lik this is what continue to give people the Klondike ferer : Seattle Wash., Dec 7 News comes from Daw son tbat a big gold strike which promises to exceed tbat of Eldornado or Bonanza creeks, has been made at Dog creek, 50 miles from Dawson, on tbe south side of tbe Youkon. A single pan tamed oat $8000. Tbe first claim wa located by a man named Peterson of Illinois. He i aid to be taking out $1000 to f 1500a day. A stampede soon began and tvery claim on tbe creek was located. Tbe news was broagbt oat by K T Smith a miner, who bas been io Alaska seven teen years. There should be no law. for tbe col lection of debts. If John loans Henry money what has the sate got to do witb it? Why should tbe state furnish the machinery tor collecting it? Let John take care of his own aflairs. Tbe state does not compel John to loan the money, and wby should it attempt to compel Henry to pay it? Laws for the collection ol debts are pure patern ilsm. Pendleton E O. What, no law for the collection of debts, therefore no civil courts at all, for there would be no more reason for court of justice for other purpose than for this. The Dkmockat would be op posed to the innovation, and yet there is considerable good sense in the propo sition . We have, though, to take things as they exist, end not as they should exist, and hence it can only be that the government should regulate these things. Here are some interesting fact about Tod Sloan the famous rider : Ordinarily be weighs 100 pounds, most of which is in bis shoulders. He can ride at 93 or 93 pounds. lie stands 5 feet ot an inch in bis racing boots. Hs bas a chest measurement of 36 inches, a leg measurement of 32 Inches, and hi. arm, which i. of steel, I. 27 inches long. He wears a ltjinch collar. Physically he ha a big head, but be bas never shown symptons of megalo mania. He wears a 1 hat. His wrist and the grip of his hand ars tremendously strong. He weartCglove, lie earns $26,000 to $30,000 s year by rding and spends it like a prince like th Prince of Wales. He ha a weakness for one clothe and a predilifectioo for big fat cigars. He rides on a horse's withers snd never wears spars. lit his races he bas excellent judg ment snd s cool bead. He went o England o ride James R Keen's horses. At first the Englishmen whose jockey, rid. with s long rein, laughed at bi position id the saddle. ??ow be Is the moot popular jockey In Wt have been baying the kind of wsather that gave this valley it name of Webfoot. An exchange says that If the state legislatures keep up their work there will LDe no lt but Nevada left for the same. We mention this merely as a sample of sarcasm by an enemy to the game. i There is no place like the home for boys during the evenings. Parents should sea that they are in before the curfew bell. Depend on It when they stay out later it is for no good purpose. There am reports of conkiderable night hood lumiem. It is somewhat ol a lightweight foot ball contest tbat is in progress in Wash ington just now. Finance will probab ly be the principal ball.tand it willjb. a kicking game, withtthe chances in favor of the ball not being recognisable when the game is finished. The Linn county assessment will be considered on December 27, by the so called board of equalisation of the state of Oregon. It will proceed to mix things np witbont doing any good. A recent decision though may possibly stop some of the foolishness. - Xii Oregoniao publishes a picture' of d. uogjfttte -successor f Dr. .m pas. - c. .-k,. i . " mere . . .. - . .,1 - '" aggressive cbVtfLtevJ the work of Dr. '" aggreasivene.. 7, For years tba St Gothard Tunnel Jba benfamoua a th longest in th world, extending nearly nine and a half miles. Th. glory of tbi. tnnnel 1. about to de part, a. the longest tunnel 1. about to be constructed in Eogland. It is to be on th. London and Northwest Railway Company, which ha. decided to bore through th. steep incline known as bbap fall, with which travelers to Scotland are more or leas familiar. Ex Popular Science Th. tint of birds' eggs, especially tbe light colors, are apt to f exposure in museums to too great sunlight. Tbi. i. tbe case witb tne greenish blue eggs. as those of the murre. By experiment the darker colored eggs of olive brown or chocolate hue have been ound to on dergo little change. Esquimalt, in British North America, la the only place in the British Empire, according to a resent climatologies! re port, tbat exceeds London in cloudines. EsquImsH is also the dampest place in the empirewbile Adelaide, in Australia ia the driest. Ceylon is the hottest, and northwest Canada the coldest possession that tbe flag of Eogland foal over. A Russian chemist aa discovered a meet powerful anaesthetic. It is several i thousand time more powerful than ' chloroform, volattlix most readily and acts when freely mixed with air, at a great distance. Experiment are being made at St Petersburg loses if it cannot be snc:osed ia bombs, which bave tbe s fleet of anaesthetisiog instead of wound ing the enemy. Dr Howard, the new secretary o! tbe American Association for tbe Advance ment of Scieece,' writing ot tbe manner in which seeds are carried to great dis tances by birds, recited an experiment of Darwin which bad a carious result. Adhering to the leg of a wonoded par tridge, Darwin lound a ball of earth weighing six and a talf ounces. From th. wed contained in this ball he raised thirty two plants belonging to five dis tinct specie. How often w bear tbe remark, "We shall bave rain, tbe atmoepbere ie so heavy." Tbe reverse is true. When one see esnoke banging from a chimney with a tendsocy to sink to tbe ground, it iodicate. tbat the atmosphere i light ia fact to light to float the smoke. When th. smoke rises from the chimney it in dicate a heavy atmosphere. A column of amoks ia not a bad barometer, for s barometer simply records the pressor of tbe atmosphere. When the atmoe pbere ia light and tbe smoke settle, the pressure of the merenry ia light and tbe column falls, indicating storm. Wben the atmosphere la heavy and the smoke riaee, the pressors is greater and the col umn rises indicating fair weather. Linn County Council P. of II. Oh rainiog! no doubt exclaim ed many an anxiooa granger, ere day light fairly begun to dawn on Lion County's beautiful valley, aud broad prairie, on Saturday morning Dec 4-97 Yet in spite of lowering cloud and threatening sky, brave and loyal heart ed Patrons of Husbandry bitched np their teams and starred for the trysting place. We were among tbe first to reach Harmony Grange ball, aad the first to greet us were S A Dn with his snare manners, sod J C m looking happy and bland. m The outlook was discouraging, but we waited patiently, and ere long from east and west, from uorth and south, came pouring in the grangers, and soon filled tbe ball. A rap of the gavel in the hands of onr worthy President II C Powell, called tbe Council to order . . Upon statring the running machinery was found to crest a little, ar.d time was taken to oil it; after which it ran smoothly to tbs finish. 1 song was sang followed by prayer by the chaplain. Rill call of deligates and protem ar.pomtmsnt, gave the fol- ! lowing granges represenatlves, Grand Frairie, flaley. Harmony, Knox Batte, Oak Plain, Band Ridge, and Tangent. 7 Not represented, Charity, Falrmuunt, Harrisburg and Kings Valley 4. The latter wa admitted to representation in tbe Council two months ago, but bad not as yet furnished a list of delegates. A song was sung by the 3rand Prarie Glee Club, entitled "Who Will Reap." State Secretary J H Scott, called at-J tention to the matter of a County Farm ers Institute. Arrangements bad been made with the officers of the State Agri cultural uoiiege at uorvaius, to bold a two days session at Taogeni commencing Dec 29. Parlies attending are to orirg their own lunches, Tangent Grange will furnish its ball and dining room free of charge Thequestion.Hew to bring our grasps hack to what tbey were ten years ago, and discussed at tbe last meeting but referred back to tbe various granges, was aga'n taken np, snd warmly debatsd. sSS" SMVa bVastW iniiog. . ..... ,i Various remedies were prescribed, all very good, snd would no doubt prove effective.TI properly administered. Dinner waa now ai-nonnced, and re- i. f r . 1 1, lii..thla snmwereJi rrj ' I . to exciaiui, Oh what a fine dinner! The writer has attended wedding suppers, Thanksgiving dinners, and many grand feasts, but never before has be een a table so loaded down with tempting vi ands. The meuib rshlp ol Harmony u, email nente tbls d:nner reprt- ented many hours ol skillful toil by a chosen few. All praise to the oartioular. ly small party of peaceful patrons, whose patient painstaking practice, provided plentiful provisions for the people. . . 1 1 . reuow nusoandmen! we should not expect too much at the hands, of our matrons in the way of providing refresh ments for our feasts, but be coo tent with a simpler fare, should circumstances wisely dmand it. A farmer's daughter who has lately crossed life's bridge on th road to matrimony, enlivened the dinner hour with instrumental music on a Sne organ brought from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Altermatt, members of our oider, A vote of thank was tendered them for its use The afternoon session opened with a ong by the Glee Clnb. Band Ridge was then chosen as the next place of meet ing, first Saturday in January. A committee on program was ap pointed, who submitted th. following quettions, and named leader, for th. same. Which breed makes th. best all purpose cow T Which breed of chickens makes the best all purpose fowl? Gentlemen alone war. placed on the first question with. Geo L Reese as prin cipal leader. Ladle aloae on the sec . . know Tbe subject chosen at the last ing "How to iouprov our public ways" was then taken np by ineet-bigh-U H Walker, and presented by bits in s pa per tbat wa well listened to. Tbe live liest discussion of tbe day followed it reading, and many useful tints were girea. A letter was read from Post master Voorhes, regarding the holding of a meeting of tbe Stale Dairymen's Asso ciation at Albany in tne near luture, but no definite action was taken . Tbe usual vote of thanks was tender sd as to the uae of the hall and enter tainment provided. A vole of thank was also tendered the Glee Club for music furnished. Br vote, the Worthy Chaplain was once more choeen to report tbe pro ceedings (or pubiic action Of songs sung by the G'.ee Club those nulled "Reaard of Toil," and "O! Colombia I Love Thee." " received the beartiest eocort. Tbe closing socg "Ughtly Laugh and Gaily Smdj," is pealed from the last meeting led a joy on and happy feeling as parting word were spoken. Harmony graogs is at a dtaJrantag in not having a dining room separate from it. hall. This ha Us bright side however, and especially was it so at thia meeting when weeping skies render ed it uncomfortable oat of doers. Tbis wa not an arm length re-union but one face to face, hand to band, heart to heart. Harmony cast her peaceful maotle over all, and foood expression in laugh ter and jokes aod song and mixed with earnest basmess ontil well toward day' decline . Beet of all no donb. wa lb prevail ing sentiment. trend Ridgs expects aa to bc!s her welcome in tbe new year with happy greeting on Saturday Jan. 1, 1S, hen the inspirtion we receive thoald arge us on to more carnejt labor, and make thst year on of grand achievement. W C Festi v al or tb iHoum is The event of the eeaAon promiaesto be given at I be Opera House in this city on the ev-ning of the 17th lnt. New and noel feature, will characterize this eateraionsent. Tbe ladies ot the Coagt church wbo have it in charge, are sparing no pains o make it even more of a soccesa tbaa "Tbe Twelfth Ngbt" given by them hut jwr: Chriat mas. St Valentine. Independence Day. Klondike, wiU all bave attrecltuns for tboae wbo attend. The committee on pre gram hope to secure the help cf Mr M,U Lawn. dale, the acknowledged greatest maao on tbis soast. Mr Lawnadaie has ttudieu un- ocr tbe matters, both in this coun'-r, and Europe, AdoitMion only 10 cent. Supper IS cen'a. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Jlercury as mercury will surely destroy the senee of snelt aod completely derange the whole system wben entering it through tbe ma coo surfaces, each articles soojld never be used except on prescriptions from repot able physicians, a toe damage they will do is tea fold to the good you can poasibiy derive irom. naii s uatarrii Lure, mtnu Udured by F J Cheney Co, Toiedo,Obio, contain no mercury, aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe .blood and tnacous surfacesof tbe system. In bating Hall s Catarrh Cure be SJre you get the genuine, it is taken interualiy, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J Cteney Co, Tealimonials free. Sold by drugg st, price 75c per bottle. Hails Family Pills are tbe best. f HE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kbows where their place is. They keen a fresh stock of groceries , produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all aiike. You may regret some steps you take in lifo fcnt none taken into the store -f Parker Bros. It is a grext thing to be well fed. Far ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bre id is not much but too want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Norcks, Sij-jibd, WrKrns. These are nauies that stand for the finevt drugs and chemicals in all the world. The kinds most rse I at our prescription counter. We look for the best, we buy the best, it is most coativ to us, but we know that quali ty is standard sad can be depended upon year in and year out. Bcbkhart &Lkk. What Iir A E Salter Says. Buffalo, N Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge. ganed in obaerving the effect of your Sblhh't Cure in case ot advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable itemed that hss ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly aaved many from Consumption. Sold by Foshay M son. A Laundry N unset. Laundry patrons who want first class work dona without paying exorbitant price, should patronise the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the best hand ironer on the coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for anv of these article. Home Hrst, The World afterwards. Get good Igrcceiiesfo.-yourfnmtiy. Conn & Hus ton If An the beat, which thev sell at the lowest poiuible prices, rrh vegetables , nJ fruit according to the season, always on band. A fine line of crockery. H F Merrill buy City, County and School warrants, umce in Democrat uilding. TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL, WITHOUT EXPENSE. Tbe famous Appliance and Remedies of the Erie Medical Co. now tor tbe lint Una offered on trial wltboutexpenie to aor bonestman. Not a dollar to be pale In advance. Cure Effects of Errors or KioeMwe In Old or Young. Manhood Fully Honored. How to Knl.rm mnA Btrens-tben Week. Undeveloped Portion ouur. Aoeoiuieir unruiine; Home Treatment. No C o. D. or other soheme. A plain offer by a nrm of high standing-. MISIFTS Tbe Jefferson Review savs Albany tbe best governed city in Oregon. is An exchange says the little boys in Corvallis go crying "where is my wan dering ma tonight." Editor Brann, of the Iconoclast, ot Texas, complains tbat the Astoria Her ald, Oregon, "revamps it articles and runs it as original." Unfortunate read, en. La Grande is liable to be a sweet city. There is serious talk of a beet sugar fac tory there. That is a eaccharinity any city may be congratulated upon securing. Charter, in Portland yesterday went op to 43a Pd, which mean a lower price for wheat. There i. nothios in whirh competition is more necessary than in charters. The papers almost universally have spoken well of Alba ileywood'a enter- tainment. Tbe Yreka Journal, Uiougn, called, it a 25 cent entertainment and ob jected to the 75 cent admission fee. Boys, look np and brace np. Gover nor John C Brady, of the golden terri tory of Alsska, was once a street Arab in tbe city ot Sew York. Tbe boy who bebave himself and keeps pegging away will be sure to win in some shape. Tbe Brownsville marshal is bringing tbe boys ol that city to time in great shape. Tbi. week be a nee ted seven boys lor jumping on and on tbe carsna tbey were fined, and lour boys lor dia- larbing s religious meeting. Almost every town is having a Klon dike eomoanv. One of the latest i Aumsville, a small town tn Marion coun ty . It is to bave a company, whirb ia to build its own boau Tie K.vJike level is a widespread one.- December 30 ia the date on which the Cardinal quartet ol Salem ill give their concert in Albany. Tbe quartet is com Dosed of the following well known and accomp.isbed young ladies: Genevieve end Kthel Hashes. Oskie Mathews and Lalber Coiun. Charles RevnolJs. with money in bis Dockets, tried to jump on a break beam at Adams, and was killed. He was not a Ira run. The man wbo beat bis wsy on a train of cars ia as moch a thief a the man who steal the price of a fare from roar money trti. The Willamette Unive aity refused to eive the V of O concert in Salem nnder their anspsce oecausea presenwa vj rival institution. Tbat was narrow, i ne Albany college will give it and wu: do tbeir bt rustling for a large huuse. Let evervbodr turn out an the ?7tb. Megrim means "painfol disorder of the bead," whitb ia what Mtvor Peonoyer cays Harvey Scott has. There are, by the wsy, a good msry people wbo have megrims. The word is agood one, and hss the sanction ol tbedicionary, though new to moe peopfe. Capt. E. P. MaLooey, a former mem ber ol tbe Cuban army, it ia Salem, and ha raised money there for tbe Cuban. After all though, with the government against them what can be done for the ocDreesed native. Instead of splitting GSiri ins gnvtrniDvni wujjwtwuw live winking al a.isUoce given the Cuban. Tbe Corral! is papers bave been pub lishing considerable about the trouble of Dr. and Mr. I. X. Woodle, over their adopted daughter. Lena Howell. The Itr.waa accused ot cruelty toner oy wdid ping, and its liule girl wa taken from them. In a leuer in lie Times the Dr. denies that he ever whipped Lena at all. Tbe editor of an exchange aays be ia true Christian, an adamantine pillar of the church and lore sacied songs; bnt when citbt alter night be hear, a neigh boring family that owe turn three years subsrrictlon'singiog. "Jmu paid it all.' be feel like abedding hi Christianity for a lew moment to go over with a clab and give them a receipt in fall. A former Eugenette wnlin ing to the Portland Guard frout Portland, says trLcM ma a a 'busted community Everybody pleads poverty and bard times. The place eems lo bave gone craiy on local politics. They neglect bnaineasof importance to tbe city and talk for boor and even days over little political matter tbat is not worth five cents." Portland bas a regular nickel-in-tbe- slot plunger. Since tbe machines start ed be bas made a living by working them, wh'ch he does srstemaUraliy ana con linusPy, never quilting amil he is ahead, and always quitting wbn he bas a good thing if he start out well. Hi eyes are aid to have a ntary motion from watch ing the machine so much. Here is another freak: D. C. Blaody and wife, with their four-year-old boy. left Brainerd, Minnesota, last August in a wagon drawn by eight St. Bernard doss. Their destination i Portland. Or, where thev will outfit for Klondike. Mr. Windy expects tn reach Dyea about March 1st. All three of the party are in excellent spirit and seem to be enjoying their novel trip. It is already plain that this will be a do notuing congress, so lar as results go A poll of the members by the Examiner shows thst there i a majority of about 100 in the two house against the Resi dent's financial policy, of wh'ch 78 are republicans. There is a majority also against his Cuban policy, and it is prob able a belligerency resolution will pass. His annexation of Hawaii policy will he endorsed by about 20 majority. The State Board of Equalisation con vene today at the State Capitol. Nearly all the assessment rolls are in this year aod the remainder will be in, it is said, before "many days have passsed. Abe board sits for SO dys and costs approx imately $100 a day or 3.000. and with mileage etc, the cojt usually ions up close to $1,000. The clerk formerly got $10 per day but last year was cut down to and the messenger was cut down from 3 to 11.50 per day. Journal. A waste ot money. The Eugene Guard boast, a. follows: At the city election Monday Albany cast 648 votes. And tbe election excited considerable interest and was closely contested. Eugene had her annual city election the first Monnsy in April. There waa no unusual excitement over the event, and 677 votes were polled. Last yerr Eugene polled in ore votes than Albany, from these indications it may be safely stated that Eugene bas passed Albany in tbe race for growth and per manent development. Try our iiasitiingstlOo. Kxua quality. U. b. urownei Mosio. Miss Milarca Burmester uacher of piano or organ. System Mason touch snd technique. Reaidenct Fifth street, opposite U P chuieh. TOCUREACOLU IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brotrn Qututne Tablets All Druggists refund the money If it fall o Cure 25a. TELEGRAPHIC readea 1II raseed Wabhiwotoh, Dec 10 The bouse to day passed the pension appropriation bill without amendment, and adjoornod till Monday. Tbe amendments offered b) democrats to correct alleged exc ting eboses were all ruled out on the point of order tbat they were new leerislation . As passed, tbe bill came $141,263,880- A Crael i'eateat. New Yobk, Dec 10. The great six days' bicycle race at Madison tipuare gar den has narrowed itself down to 16 riders. Miller still retains a lead of nearly 100 mile over Rice, the Wilkesbarre miner. At midnight he was something like 235 miles ahead of tbe world's record, and with 24 hours to spare. He had covered a distance no to within a few mile of tbe great record which was made by Hale last year, l'JW mile. A tteed Slave 8h Fkascwco, Dec. 10 The health and police committee of tba board of so perrisors put a quietus upon the prize fighting industry in this city for some time to co-ne today by refusing to ij any more permit tyt pugilistic or "phisi cnlture" exhibitions to tbe big clubs. Tbi disposes of the Griffo- Lavigne, Hiwklns-CoonoUey and Smith-Kelly matches. n eltlaler' Ceadlltea ' CaxToir, 0 Dec. 10. Friday marked the ninth day of Mrs. McKinley's illness since sbawaa stricken with paralysis. During these nine dajs she has taken but little nourishment, and during tbat period has been conscious only a few times. The case ha been pronounced by tbe attending physician as a very remarkable one. Blveta Keleased the insurgent leader, who was captured in March last in Pinar del Rio by the Span ish troops under General Hernando do Ve . and was recently DardOned by royal decree, has been released from Catenas fortress, where be has bees imprisoned for several months. EMI la CfeaeaptM. Chicago, Dec. 10. Fred Gilbert, of Spirit Lake. Ia. and JAR Rlliot of Kan sas City who tied with 93 bird yesterday to their race for the Dupont trophy shot off tne tie today at 25 birds, Elliot lilted 25 straight. Gilbert lost two birds. A KrMmkS BIB Wajbuikotos, Dec 9. Tbe senate did a considerable amount of bosinea today. although no very important matter was 'ered or Dasaed. There was very lit tle debate. Senator Gallioger, enrirman of r- commi'-tee on pensions, called atten t.un to tbe increacing demand for pri vate peasion legislation reqoesUd enators to be careful to ee mat tneir duis tor pri vate pensions were meritorious before tney were introduced. Aa attempt was made by JfcBride to secure aa approf notion lor . . ... I -1 I " . . lbs retell Ot tne n.ioaaise miner, eat urc net remit was a resolution calling on tbe treasury of war for all information he bad oa tbat subject. The Treacaterews BaaM Yicvoeta, Dec. 3. Five or six. and perhaps seven lire have been lost in the White Hone rapids, Lewi river, during the last two months, according to John Hepburn, wbc arrived from tbere today. A boat built for tear or six men wa found below the rapid one morning, bat there wss bo trace of the occupants. Tbey most all have bees drowned. Other rarties lost Ibetr oatat. but mansgea to sav their lives. There is now very tittle opec water be tweea the rerAn and the lakes, most of it "J"x I TW sjeatraM Btatac i fe t'Ercassexa. uec. inrouga-oui Koaua Asia there u general unrest amoag t jk Moslems. It ts attributed to tne re I norts of the Turkish victorcrs over tt "ores Greek empire.' which have spread tbrougn tbe leagia ana oreotn ot the ooetioecU 1 be authorities tear tbat tbe brigaaiag reasa'ly practiced ia the Ceocaa i aimoat solely against the gov eminent cfdala. A BMcTraa Kew Yobk. Dec- t. Another meeting of manufactorers of wire aad wire sails wa held today at the Waldrof -Astoria hotel, ta furtherance of a plan to consoli date the uteresta tt roar boot the country J P Morgan It Co. are said to be behind tbe movement, and according to correct reports, tbe interests involved aggregates $00,000,000. itamaw WMtewkev III EcoEJtE. Or., Dec 9. Ex-Govxtbct John hitaker "offered a severe stroke of paralyse thia w-etxoon. asd hi friends are roach a armed. Hi entire right side i affected, and has no power of speech. TWrieal.sal frteSae1 WAStrmeTos. Dec. S. Today's aee- ioa of the senate occupied lews tbaa an boar, the time being main'r consumed by tbe members ia the presentation of mem orials, reostioo aad bills. A resolution presented by Alien of Nebraska, declaring it to be the sease of the senate tbat the United State shotM recognLe th politi cal iodepeadeocs f Cuba, was cade the object of tone remarks by th Nebraska seoAtr, io tbe course ot wbich he critici ed the president for not carrying into effect tbe pledge of tbe rrpiUican party in its last nation V p'atform tu n-coeite the iadepeedence oi ue Cabana. r (mum New Toss. Dec. 8 A dispatch to the World from Madrid says: Tbe first news received in Madrid con cerning President McKinley's message came ia a telegram from the state depart ment to Geaeral Woodford, wbo imoiedi ately sent it to the minister for tbe colonies. Seoor Motet was at a banquet which his friends had offered him as a compliment for his colonial jIUy. He translated the telegram aloud and all present entreated moch satisfaction with the president' declaration touching Spain and Cub. Oarraat Blast Btaag Sas Faascisco. Dec 8. Late this afternoon the supreme court dispelled tbe hut hope of W 11 T Durraa the murder er of Blanche Lamont and Minaie Wil liams, by divpjsing ta a summary manner ot hi two appeal. In a written opinion from tie pan of Chief Justice Beaty, which is concurred ia br all but one of his colleague, tbe court farms the jajgement of Jodge Bahrs, in remanding the prisoner to San Qatnten. A Mar Is snectlea Astosia. Dec. 8. The following city officers were elected: Isaac Bergam, ciutens mayor; F J Carney, rep. beasurer II t elsou, rep. auditor; Harrison Allen, rep. oi:y attorney c w Holt repj super intendent of streets; J Red citizen harbor master; P lleickman, citizen surveyor; W K SJhiebe ""ituo, police commissioner: Hansen, citixen. Utxinger. cltixen Goddard rep. members city council. rUhllas Barbartaa Laoqs. Wet coast of Africa Dec 8. Additional adrioe iui. received from the interior gay the French troop bare five engagement with natives before effective-1 ly occupying lukki. The king tied, j r ranee and Great Britain each clair-a tne Borgu territory i. within tbe sphere .cf their influence", j Peat Tehac Salt a4 moa laar 1-iia Away. To quit tobaoco easily aud turarer, he mag aeUc iuUof lite, nerve and lur, take Ko-Tv Bao, tbe wonder-worker, that moke rr rtk mca strong, all draccista, &0a or tl. Cw.i guaran teed. Booklet ami iunr1a free Address Sterling Kerned? C. Clircc 5 or New York, Edorata Your Kowaja V .th t'aarareta. Candy Cathartic, cure coiwtiDaikin fnraim 10c, Sw. MO.C.O. fail, drugs1"-:-dumliuouar MARRIED. COPELAND VINCENT. At the real, dence of Mr. Lee Wade, Toledo, Ore gon, on Wednesday .December 8, 1897, by the Rev. Chaa. Booth, Mr. Ora A. Oopeland, th champion seal fisher, and Mis Lola Vincent. Constipation buses folly half the sickness in tbe world. It retains th digested, too too long in the bowels and produces bUlousness, torpid over, UuU- geation, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache. In somnia, eta. Hood' Puis cure eonstlpatron and all Its Pills results, easily and thoroughly. 250. AU druggists. Prepared by a I. Hood ft Co, Lowell, Mass. Tb only 1111s to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. I -u. 1 1 The most money is made on cheap things. Be-1, ware of cheap baking powder. It contains alum and other things bad for you ; or it is weak and wastes k money. 'I If Schillings Best could be made and sold for the price of the cheap baking powders, we should be only too glad to make it and sell it so; for the whole mar ket yes the whole worldwould be ours. Your grocer knows ask him. 2291 m.vmm. ,. . Li , HESDS1ECK PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) INCREASED M f0 , IN SIZE Fu y The picture shows the exact increase tha has been added to the 5-ce:it piece. No ini crease in price and quality The biesrest barsrain one of these new pieces Try one. Drain Xorm il Note New student coauoe to jeia tbe school. There ia s small rrop of amateur poets being developed at tbe normal Irom whom tbe worid may bear later. Fifteen minute morning exercise are regclarir held ta the training school at tbe beginning of each day, one pa pi! re citing from each room, together wiih two rooting school songs. Pre. Ranee delivered a Tjevchokxncal lecture Thursday evenicg in tbe 31. r. church to a fall boose. Last Monday was city election day tor Drain. At 4 p. m. a boat twenty-five Normal students filed np to tbe polls to vota lor a fall eet of city officers, nom inated from their own ranks. These votes, together with a goodly number secretlv pledged from oat the Normal, would 'have easi;v carried the "school" ticket, aa bat little interest was mani fested in the towa snd few vote were cast, bat Blackstooe, Vent. Hill's codes aod copies ot the election law were bar led rub such force and precision at the would be electors sad candidate, tbat the whole force waa commanded to re treat which soon developed into a second Bull Run. Moral : "If yoa do not suc ceed try, try again. In Memoriam. ... . . It bas please! God in hie infinite via- dom to remove from our midst ocr teemed celoved friend Frits Zahls- dorf. By bis death tbe community bas lost a young man whose sterling worth snd morJ integrity would have made for him a foremost plaaa among bis fellow-men . While we deeply mourm hi. toes, yet more fully are we made ta realise that "As for man. bis days are as grass: as a Hosier of the field, so be flourished! For the wind passetb over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof .bail know it no more. Bat the me-cv of the Lord is from everlasting to eventing upon them who fear him." To the bereaved ones we extend oar heartfelt svmpathy, commending them to the tender care of the Father in heav en, for he.and he alone can eom fort them. Wissnrasa W no . H. C Jordas. Mabt Poweix. A lb as Y, Or., Sot. SO, "97. Tbsc Who Endure, The pains of rheumatism should be re minded that a care for this disease bit befouad in Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of those who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla tor rheumatism and have been completely and permanently cared, prove the power of thia medicine to root snd conqaor this disease. Hood's Sargaparills is the One True Blood Part ner and it neutralises tua acta wnicn causes the aches and pains of rheuma tism. This is why it absolutely cares when liniments and other outward ap plications fail to give permanent relief. Be sare to get Hood .. Mrs Ash bt has lastraceivedahaa line e Stamped linens, perfect beauias. Haudkerchief. hose, facica'.or. Boas, mitts' fans, Chatalain bags. Call sad examine the 'line of. fancy actions. Regardless ot Cost. iJulius Gnidwohl iotend to go oat ot the crockery and glassware business, going in to some other line ot business, aad hence wid sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When oa call and get bis prices auu wiu oe convinoea mat no means out r ' 1 1 i l . . . t . . ness, aud will believe what hs savs A Barrel of genuine maple syrup at "sxkerBro. Take your bucset and get me. It is cheap but good. The best assottmerit of paper, envelope, cards snd printers stationary of all kinds, ia tbe valley. . Sstiiar the printer. THti BEST Clothes ras snd ironia ig K.i. marU bv K. B. Davidson. Sample at Hopsin Bros., where may be left. Albany Market. Wheat M rente. Oat 83. Eggs SO cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. order Ham 11 to 13 ceuts. Side 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. oocr This (rlach Lt-ttcr than ever. in tobacco to-day is of PIFE? HEIDSIECK. Something Jropp Ilear It, Did Toss We will sell for cash. Ungroond Boast CoCee as follow.: Oar Superior Blend 12 lbs for $1 00 - Beet 14 k ia lbs tor 1 to " Royal BleadS lbs tor..... J Qp Have only a few hundred lbs of these eeffees oa band snd eaa sot guarantee wees prices tor any eegxa ot ume. Baowsnx. For Sale. A well eetabiisbad aad good paying basinesr is Albany. Inquire at the Ladies Bazaar. Xagaolia levators. Tbe anderaigned have rested tbe Magnolia Elevators at the west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the ateeJ bridge, and will eo-l-duct a general grain warehouse bntian . Persons wishing to store or sell 'wheat or cats will do we'l to see as before mak ing their arrangemeata. Ed Gods. W. L. Yajtcs. 8. E. Yocse. Leavk KoTHuro to Lccx. Bat oil oa Will 4 Stars for each things ia their lias a will suit yoa for holiday presents. They Bar. a spieaaia it x ot Jiwelry. Silverware, Kovettis.' ia the latest design aa well as i i a fine IjT e.Tne of watches, docks, cat glass ware.Ac. wiu win pfease yoa is gooes sad paces. XOCURE 0 PAY. That ta th wtv all dm is iwU GROVE'S TASTKLGS's CHL.L T KQ tor Malaria. Chill and Fever. It if simply Iran and Qalniae la a astteej form. Children eva u Adalts nrafer I to b;ter, naasescUix Toaicw Price. SJc Good Times have come to those whom tSood s Sarsaparilla has cured of scrofula catarrh, dyspepsiv, rheumatism, wee aerve,or some other form of impure bluo Hoods Pills are tb o!v pill to tak. with Hood's Sarsapariila. Cares U Ureg us. Carl's Clover Root Tea. .or Constipa tion it's the Bert and if after using it yoa dont say a return the package aad get your money. Sold by Foshay A Masoa Tbe office that doe high grade printing good stosk, for tie prios of tbe o'bet dad . Saiiky, the printer : Catarrh Cured, weetbris.h scarI arr-i ttrailf: I A clear head wifi SiU't i Ci ioi 1 T Care CaauuaiMa FaraT. Take Ouxmrets OuhIv Oubartic 19c orSe ItCCC- UU to care- .rues rvfumi aocae E2ata..Tan xtowct With Csraa, Cac ij falhariic. car coactiauioa roree. 10c 2J . UC.CC aiUtraiaurettBlssta i I W Kfntljr: the moaeer boot and sa man, doe first-class work cheap. Call oej htm, just north of the Dbhockat omce. If vou want a aood and cleat malii hir ir mill br sitr A aay cijr factory- TO CURE A COLD IS OS BATf Take Lawive Broma tjainin TabWs ! All druggists refund the money )f it ti; oCore. 83o. Stop that Cough! Tak. warolngjaj may lead toConsumpUoa. A 2Sj borti , v cuitvu a v.iv ma jw - - t .'L:i .1.'. J . ... ... mh, i fa KnI by l oshay c Masoo. tMitUmma wishing Christmas presen for their friends can Snd them at the fcaJ ie Bazaar. Aa-Ia-Sat fur SlKjr C-ta-Guaranteed tebacee kaMt cure, ma ies vo Kiuraui, bw " "Hire. AU fg(- EvervtKMty Bar , Chcarvta Candv Cathartie. tbe mrt wJ deriiU lucdicai tliacoverv ot the a, P'f ant ana reiresmng to tne tasie, act gecf .ind xsitivi'!y on kidneva, liver and hoof CK-aiiauiu; tne nure avatetn. disitel ro euro liea.ittoiie. lever, habitual coiisth and b'.'ieusnesa. Pleas buy and try a ti or vi 10-uay ; iu, St. no cents, txiiu guarx.d to cure by ail UrutgisU. I 500 freh eastern oysters, jost recei as toe aeriwortny restorant. Zoe per 23e per t . I isis daI uoxen. jLiaroy oroa, proprietors. to cure a rni.i in ok Tata Litttlrs Brom i Quinine Tab au u ugnia reruns toe naoasy u ..... . . - i. i Cora, too. Ta Cat CMMtnatlM rsasv Take Cascareu Candj Calbartlc. We erf II ac.CiaUMewa.aratitsrBBdax.t J m i ft I