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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1897)
THERB ARB NO EXCUSES NOT t ST. JACOBS HniII&C U1L or HIM 1 11IUB.U A PROnPT AND CERTAIN DR. J. L.HILL Physician and Burgeon. Office, First St. DR. C, U, CHALIDERLIN Treat tumors, strictures, facial blem snes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St , wear 3d street. WETIIERFORD& WYATT Attorneys at law Will practice in all the court of the state. Special attention given to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICtS In the Elinn block. W.R.DILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. M ONTAN1E DAC&LEMAM, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon J. J WMiTAEl Attorney at Law, Aloany. Or. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No qoestion about foil and prompt ' ment of losses by fire on insoiance plaice with the leading agent cf Albany, M. Sn den. 'WsftatHeteesPeoftFor Don't allow yourself to be roped into tba rariooa "Local Mutuals" now being poshed on you as being "cheapest in surance. when yon insure yon do do4 want to worry about getting your money is case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. H Os Before?? Were talking again talking to the hard- to-pleaae people who uu particular i printing. We are particular ' printers ; we pot in that little , extra-nice touch that pleases I you. Be the job big or little, ' ita big enough to be well done. . I Our Particular Department is ' whole shop. Ask as to prove : i can please you I or give your money back Smllkt's Particular Printery. Phone 9, Albany. 'J.' H hi HEW YORK WORLD, Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week ... . . 156 Papers a Tear For One Dollar. rakUahcdcvefy ailerwale Bay except SaadJ Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of Thb New Sobk World is first among all "weekly'' papers in size, frequency of publication, and tbe freshness, accuracy and variety of its coi tents. It has all the merits of a great $6 daily at tbe price of a dollar weekly. Its political nears is prompt, com. plete, accurate and impartial as all its read ers will testify. It is against the monopo lies and tor the people . It prints the news of all tbe world, hav ing special correspondence from all im portant news points on the globe. It has orilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital humor page, comfolete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this unequaled newspaper and tbe Democrat together one year for S2 00. .H KMT HATIOafAL BAHK, I "T AUAXTTt OIMOS P aatdavt Prerfciaut . - tlat . ,rr i vx.lwm .. 8,r,TOUB0 . W. LABODOS T HMS4CTS A OICrflCHALh .ir. IU e X'-MAIOk .; .'eir-tphi. traMm, oM H a r1,i!'m mmria4P -Iv4 ::iin- .nai.l. Ursa K ' e A Goornrn, C 1 C S Lamww t. Fun. PATENT. " - ' numiio paocuRED, EUGENE-W. JOHNSON, Victor ailltiyiaPaWCaM ?f Me Wrk Ave.v.WliltsTtKtsm, D C Car-ata an 4 Trt e Hart obtained and all Pat cotbnjBneMcaDdaetedfor Moderate Fees. Bend model, drawin or photo. We ad viae If patentabla free ot eluire. Oarfe.notdn.tiU puentiiMrana. A faiapn let "Jlaw to Ob tain Patenu." with east of lull In the V. and foreign eouatzia seat free. idCiesa, c. a. snow & co; O . Pa-wrr Omtc, Was-HiwaTOW, O. C J. M. RALSTON BROKER. 2 Door East or Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the tarar-st companies in the world, it lowest rates. WANTE!' TRUSTWORTHY Ac tive gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established Lous in Orcein. Monthly 165.00 and ex pen son. Position steady. Reference Enclose self udMr -Med stamped envelope. Tbe Domin ion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evening at E.. O T.M.Hall. Visiting Knights invited ? nd, J, r. it TO USB CURB NO ONB REUSES? Mrs. Ashby's Display of Tarns, Caps and Walkers In fact a , Full Stock of all that is in the market. CLEAN Commercial Printing On Good Stock Quiet fort lit Prices SMILEY THE PRINTER Broadalbin St Brown Block, LOOK HERE. The Oregon School Supply Eonse, Incorporate!, of Albany, Has come to stay and is now prer sred to famish school "districts with every thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks, maps, charts, elobee, blackboards and in fact ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room. We are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and ' teachers instruction. The blocks are indeepensiable in the echoil room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. Tbeee blocks are uni versally endorsed by the beet teachers and educators in tbe land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give oa a call Our prices are tbe lowest and our terms the beet. Office Sarahau Blck, Room 20, upstairs. Obegox School Scpply Horss. Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canned Mtt Queensvr&.- Vegetable. Cigars, Spices Tea Etc. erytbinr 'bat i jot in good variety and gro. oery store. HigH et pi'-ce paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODOCI WATCHES If you want a good reliable watch ca on French the jeweler. (Bank of Oregon building.) We have the goods, theanalitv guaranteed and tbe prices are riicht. OttW.P. we are the Authority in the city. The basis of our authority is our stock, which leaves no doubt of onr position in the wall paper trade. If vou ony look at our nrices von'll think them o:ir trein feas nre, when you xsmine onr stock nl 20,000 rolls in different patterns, you'L wonder bow we managed to get so muck together, and think our price must be high for such goods.ontil voo're 'eraind ed that they're only 12 cents a roll and J. A.Cummlng.n To Cute Conatlpatlon Soravtir, Take Caecarets Candy t'uthartio. I0evr!a If C. C. C. fall to cure, druuKixtH rtuuil muuey. SBkav. ' H ssvasw it rfT the George Washington in a letter spoke of manufacturing wheat. A man's home life is a great test ol his character. Dilto of a woman's A Chinese paoer estimates that victims of the plague in FoocLow year will not fall far short of 40,000 the this Laboring men have 312 work year in Hungary, 303 in tbe States, 278 in England, 267 in days a United Russia. 70.000. .Quebec, with a population of has six daily newspapers, four of are in the French language. rhicb Portland wants the Alaska trade. The whole northwest is getting it now, par ticularly that greatest of all fakes, Skaguay. If all gossipera were to be ostracised to the North pole it would be a glorious thing for those rsmainine at home, if sny should be left . - Ex-president Cleveland of Trenton, N J is assesed at raO.OOO oa real pro perty and $130,000 on personal property. He is wortn about $1,000,000. An international congress is being ar ranged in Paris tor the discussion of means of preventing fires at theaters and other places of public resort. A Portland (Me.) cjclisttoos bis wheel to pieces to clean it, putting the small pieces, bearings, ets., on t !, door step. whers they were gobbUu up by chickens. some A frog that can't get out of a jog is a curiosity at Mayfield, ivy. lbs jog, uncorked, was left ont on a back, yard otnch on the place of R. C- James last (all. Farmers of Northampton county, Va nave received more money for thei 160.000 harrela ot ootatoe shipped thi vear than tor tbe 2S4.t60 shipped last year. The Albany college will open next week under vory favorable circumstances, with an excellent corps of teachers. It deserves the beat support ot our people. As many as thirty men are frequently employed to guard tbe jretidentof tbe United States, especially at times of big gatherings. This ought not to be neces sary in a country tike tbe U S. 1 permanent pr'ce of f I in New York is a consummation to be desired. It would mean over 80 cents in Albany. Tbe uncertainty of the market always ' effects Albany sev.ral cents. Spanish trains so seldom leave stations oa time that the time tables in many cases merely indicate tbe hour ol depart ore say , 8 and "minutoa" that is. an ndrSaite number of minutes alter eight. ' - . One of the surgeons of a bospital asked an Irish help which re considered the most dangerous ol tbe many cases then In tbe hospital. "Tbat sir," said Patrick, as he pointed to a case of surgi cal instruments. There is only one man living who bas sat in tbe bonse ol lords since tbe begin ning ot tbe first parliament of Wiiliam IV, and be is tbe Earl ot Mansfield, who is now ninetv-oas years ol sge. Last lannarv tbe ci'v ol Lausanne, Switzerland, took charge ot tbe local gae work. It was expected tbst there would oe a profit ot M.000 trances the first five months, but tbe sum was as large as 105,000 trances. Tbe private consumers at tbe same time got better nod cheaper as- A man bas died near Pomona. Cal. from a morquito sling. Depend upon tbe fact tbat it was tbe combination of the posons in tbe man's system and not in tbe motquilo that sauted it. A mosquito bite in a beakby body will never cause death. Tbe eastern league base ball contest is nearing lbs end with Baltimor", Bos ton and New York in the lead bot after tbe pennant. Had New York started out as well as it bas ended up it would bays won in a canter. Until recent years our oakers bad nog improved upon tbe method need in tbe bakeries of Pompeii six., by bain ins mocd in the floor of the oven itself until the proper temprature had been r cach ed, tlien cleaning out and introducing tbe loaves. Nowadays onr large bakeries are fitted with ovens healed with flues, gas or steam. In one of tbe Canary Islands there is a tree that as evening comes cn quite j frequently rains down a copious shower ot water from its tutted toiiase. this forms a pool at the base ot the tree wbi-) the natives use as driukiug water it being apsolu'elv pure and fresh. Tns leaves have iinnme-ab'e iiule pores on their uiargiu aod through tln-se the wa terfloA-s. ThedWiance between Liverpool and London is 201 miles. Oo each side of the railroad, as lar as the eye can reach, tbe most beautiful aut most splendidly cultivated farms present themselves But not one foot ot tbe land belongs to those who bave thus brought it to such beauty and perfection. It all belongs to six men, who own it because tbsy bsppen to be the oldest sons ol their fathers. Some Democrat Splinters Don't spend your life worrying. Tbe man who makes a desperate effort to find the bright side gets along pretty well. After all the old maid often has the most sense. 8pend less than you earn. The bert stimulant ia healthy food. Around the fireside bear and for bear. Everybody gays bo. Ci'ciimts t'andv Cathartic, the most won i i'f..l i:i.'i!v;i! ilifu-oterv of the ace, pleas a'nl it ir h i i in to tbe taste, act peiitly ind wK4:liw!y on kidneys, liver and bowels, clraiiHiiii lha entire system, dln'l colds, euro lir-mliiolio, fever, hnhltuul mttlaMon ind b: iotiKnn.. Ploase buy nnd try a box f !.!. C. to-ilny j 10, 2.". M) pentJ. bold and giioruutovd to cure by all druggists. for Cin I'ipation take Kil' Clove R o' Trt. th gret Bloid Purifier. Cure 11 :a Ihc'ip, Nervousness, Eruptions on the ace, and makes the heal clear as a bell old by Fosh.v 4 Msn, Mrs. Yiereck bas connected parlors with her summer gxrden, where she can serve tbe public in all kinds of weather wilb her dencious ice cream. TOCUREACOL'l IN ONE DAY. Take Laxailva Broui Qulutne Tablets. 'All DrugirlHt re'und the money If it falls to Cure 23 r. It may some day be referred to as Klondike bubble. Albanj continues to have the most reliable wheat market In tbe valley. L'nn county's exhibit at the slate fair P'Omises to be the best them. Every ray of sunshine is worth some thing during the next few days. What Is I be matter of tbe Examiner. Why doesn't it send John J Ingalls to Boston to writeup the John L Sulli van fight for mayor. From a wees to ten days more of good weather wi.l give ns our wheat crop In full. It will be fully one fourth larger than ever before, if dsys runs of thresh ers indicate snything. A man traveling through the valley picked two bores of bops in a day, paid 00 cents for meals and had 10 cents left He didn't want sny more of it, and yet it was more honorab'e than beeping. Jspanese theaters bave their boxes so arranged that tbe ladies can change dresses,- as it is not considered stylish for a lady to appear an entire evening in jns d-ess and witn tbe same ornaments An oak tree was cut down at Baraboo Wis., recently, tbe trunk of which bad nearly 430 rings, which, according to tna generally accepted rule that a new ring is formed each year, would indicate that the tree started on its earthly career after Columbus first sighted tbe new world. The tree was six feet In diameter at the base Fame may be acquired easily in a small town, but sometimes it takes a long while. The most noted man in Auburn, Ve , is a man who is publicly known to bave worn tbe same straw bat twenty-six summers and tie ssme cloth cap forty-two winters without a break tor repairs or renovation 'Ilis largest pin factory in the world is at Birmingham, where 37,000,000 pins are manufactured every working day. All Uie other pin factories together turn out about 19.000,000 pins every day. Taking tbe population of Europe at 000,000, every fourth person roust lose a pin every day to use up the production ot pins per day. Bof Ion Transcript. I Bryan was on tbe train ttiat was wrecked this week in Kansas. Tbe fol lowing pleasing sc count ii given of his actions: Mr. Bryan bimselt was on the train but was riding in tbe tear Pullman some 4UU teet Horn tna cars wnicb were wrecked. Hs states tbat nothing bot a heavy jolt was experienced by tbe pas sengers in biscoacb. Mr. Bryan was one of tbe feeders lu tbe crowd of rescuers. He helped to carry out the dead and wounJrd, and gave tbe greater attention to tbeir care. One poor fellow who was badly niaitovu, called to Mr. Bryan and said: "I Wfcnt to bear you today ; I am dying now, and want to shake your hand and say God bless you. It you possibly can, VI r. Bryan, get me a drink of water." Mr. Bryan went ioto the fast mail car, one end ot which was burning, and came out with a drink of water, which be gave to the suffering passenger, lie brought out coabioos for others of tbe injured, and was everywhere present to minister to the wants ol tba suflWring. From the Washington Post. "The Slat ol Aikantas is not well known to tbe ontside world and is con seqoently much mwunder stood," said Mr K. L Jennings, of Little Rock, last nigbt at the Riggs. Tn rough some lack of posh or advertising our neighbors in tbe United States do not bear much about Arkansas, except wben onr politics get an airing in tbe pre or sevsial negroes get banged by a mob Arkansas, however is one of tbe largest State io tbe Union, and bas more oavigable river perhaps, than any of its sisters. It lis tbe beat granite tn the South and the best coal outside ot tbe Pennsylvania anthracite. Its timber rteonrees are un surpassed in extent and variety; its agriculture possibilities are illimitable. "Tbe trait ol A raaosas is excellent and famous, while the mineral wealth ol the State is beyond compare. This year we have tbe finest and best crop ol cotton ever raised, and it oothtoc bappeos to prevent, everybody in tbe Common wealth will be well off this fall. Yes, io spite of all this Arkansas is a starch free silver Bute" Curious Tacts. It is saii tbat were it not for our atruos pbere, Ibe oceans woold become boiling bot from tbe sun's rays in the course of a year's time. Tbe earth probably receives about on two-thjutandlb-million part of ba total 1 radiation ot tbe son rays. Firelighters are made in Germany by twisting wood Into a rope, cutting it into short lengths, and dipping the end into mel'ed res n. A reeding p ant of the Victo'ia r-.ia water lily has Uave no larger V an a penny. In the space of 'uiir or fvr months It brar loor mo. fif 1..-11 irsvea of over six fret in diameier. Ths hairspring of a watch is a strip of the finest steel, about nine and one half inches loan, one-one hundredth Inch wide and twenty-seven ten-thousandth Inch thick. It is coiled np in spiral form and finely temperei. Godalming, Surrey, England, has a semarkable black and white cat, which, after being taken to Leeds by railroad' returned to its former horns on foot, tak ing six weeks to roske the journey of over two hundred miles. A procession ot iceberg sunt against tbe surfaced the sun would melt at the rate of 303,000,000 cubic miles of solid ice a second, and its beat is estimsted lo produce a force of about ten thousand horse power to every square loot ol its surface. Housewives in Norway and Sweden bave started a scheme to encoursgs servants to rem tin tn tbeir places. Mistresses pay into a general fund what ever they can afford for evry servant that has remained with them for twelve months. The money Is regittered in in the ser vant's name, so tbat when age overtakes her, and she csn no longer work, she hs a comfortable annuity to fall back on. VIGOR of m Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Weakness, Mervouaneaa, Debility, aaa an w. traia ar anit bum aaclf arrora or lata .aaiaa.i ( raaalla ol nwwark, jiakaaaa, wor. Sr. aW. FuU .traayta. aralopfaaat aad toa. tlaa t. mrr m and portion .1 tha body. Sbnpla, aataral autaoda baaiafl lata IraproramaaS aaoa. f.ilar. iiunMathl. aM rafaraaaaa. Bo.k. aplaaauaa aad pruola aMiladCaaaiwhfir. ERIE MEDICAL CO, aKiJ: SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS A pleasing event of the week was the transition from rain to sunshine. It meant a ureat deal to prosperity and therefore was a Klondike strike. The saving of sll the spring wl oat so that there could be oo draw-back to a finan cial recuperation in the Willametta val ley was very desirable. The fact that co much depended on saving our crops should have s'gniflcance to some people who run politics into everything. There ate a great many electrictity stories afloat, but none better than the following read this week by the Dem cob at: A Pennsylvania man owns a hor which hs says is worth f 10(H) to him. He had offereJ $200 to anyone who could cure him of the habit of balking, and all to no purpose lie then pro cured a three v It storage battery, with which he connected each side ol the bit and crupper by means of tbree wires. The borte when bitched to the road, cart braced his feet snd at first tefused to move, but at the first push ol the button, he jumped, snorted snd moved off. Each day for a week be was given ths same lesson, aud is now, tbe own er's pride, ss hs never balks, bites or kicks. It takes a pretty level headed person to kiow just what to betters these Ths Dkjiucbat man dosn't care to arrest tbe man who is koown to hsvs id be would never be taken alive, and who had shown his Jariog by fleeing with bullets flying all around him and bis boise dead at bis feet. Tbe Albany constable who did that displayed good nerve. An old fashioned social suggests tbat it if a pretty good thing to be old tash- ioned sometimes in ones ideas, there are some new fashioned things in the world that might well give place to old things so far as public good is concer ned. And yet progtes ol the as wi.h o. new Cwmlorts U III. UIIV'UKk, UIIUK, ' lJLM.w to and privilege, a wider icope for man's vision., broad fie.d lor humanity.pienty . uwu. .v, - - - cbance lor action. A man sajs the most unpleasant poi- tion occupied I be data is tbat ol a thre,her. With ,an poMi, I. at sny 0m..d.bon.nd. ol dollar, detend- . , . ing on saving one. wheat t e I con..n- oaily pushed to thn-sh next at a down !-. .t . lima Hn. ran ha ul .lr every body. He can't and many a far mer declares be w ill never be thrrsttd aanbyh!m. me jike i that some. rsn el with the same experieocs with some other thretber take, his place. makes The rustler is the mo who it. Washington Inciter. frvm ear raroUr Oswai- Wasbixotoji. Aug. 16, IS.7 Such a hubbub ha ben raised about the coo.truction tbat thooid be placed upon section 22 of tbe U:og!ev Uril law, imposing discriminating duties, which v.. - m . n .1 1A 1.. flKa Mnf.i.llr. A,m. mittee in a way alleged lo be more or lew. mysterious, and which has been re . ' ' ..... ferred to Attorn., General McKenn. for in official opinion, that Mr McKmUy T. . T..' ha been asked to return to Washington ' Si ids nnini iiuhiu i ua.r, iu vruri . .. ... .. . . . . ! tbat be ana tne enure cabinet may taae i .... .- a hand in determining the opimoo tbat i - .1 .11 k. lull II.. IIIiumi Can. ...... .-. ....... j eral. 30,000,000 a year in revenue is invoHed in this cooalruction, and ... , , ,. . , entire foreign commerce- I A Kentucky democrat Jobs G t oods, of Louisville, bas put a portion ol the j administration n pin and needle by j j bringing a n't again! the t'otmster! j General to prevent hi removal, without an. from a noaition in Uie C.attiuea " ' - ..r.ip. If. AKfatna.4 a f rt .wir.rv ..... . retraining order acaintt nis removal. a. . . . l ue receipia oi ine gov-rnmeot ior tn. month of August, under the Dlngley tariff law, were. $o.53,5S2 Was than the receipts for August 1S9U, under the Wil son tariff law. It may be tbat the claims of tire republicans as to tbs revet. as pro ducing qualities of the Dingte tariff will be realised at sometime in t!i future, but the above figures show that they are, as yet, a long way from being real ted. Ths republicans are showing how con fident they are of carrying Ohio by colrnixiog voters there from West Virginia and other a Ijacent stales. Tbe democrats sre folly aware of what Is being done in that line, and Boa Hauna's henchmen will find it inurh easier to carry men into. Ohio and give them temporary work than it will be to ! l-r and vote them Tliti Spanish Minister is still kepiua' ttie revenue cn'ters of the U. v Govern ment buiey burning Cuban filibusters. He informed Secretary Gaga that tbe filibusters had aband med t loriJa as a starling point and were preparing to send several expeditio fe from the Carolina coaU, snd Secretary Gag obediently issued an order to the lommaoders of all revenue cutters in Sou'.hern waters to keep an extra close watch on the Carolina coast lor filibuster. This sort of work must be more or less disgusting to the officers and men io our revenue marine service, but they have no choice in tbe matter. They must obey the orders ol ths Secretary ol the Treasury, even il those orders are dictated hy the Spanish Minister. Religious Services. Services next Sunday at the Baptist ohuroh as follows; In the morning at W-.30; Sunday School, 11 :4o; Junior so ciety, 4:00; Chinese niitsion, 3:00; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30; evening service, 7:0. Morning subject, "The Sea " Evening, "The Power ol an End less Life." . No preaching at the M. E. church morning orevening. SS2:30; Epworth League 6:30. U. P. chtirch: Seiyhes morning and evening, wi'.h preaching by the pastor Rev. C. R Stevenson. Morning subject : "The Whole Duty of Man " Evening: "Job." 8 Sat 2:30; YPSOE at 6:45 pui. Presbyterian church: Services at 11 a m and 7:45 p m, Sunday school at 12:15; Christian Endeavor at 6:45. Subject of the morninir sermon. "God is Light." Evening. "My Father's House" II. L. Ksxo. pasior. Services tomorrow at the Congrega tional churr, ., follows: Preaching at Ham: Sstl2:15; YPSCEat6:45; preaching ftt 7 ;30 p m. D. V. Polinci, pastor. A large stock of printer'sstaHonaryJeiral blanks, wedding cards. c Best printing at low prices. Smiley, ths Printer. dnca. Toor With Caacarata. Camiy rathartle, cure constipation forever, too. X6c, If U. O. C. fall, druKKiawraf und money. MISFITS, these days makes bright Sunshine tflccs. Theft at Bkaguay is punishable with death. It doesn't take ten minutes to try a man there. Pepnnd on it Farmer (leer, of Marion, will take that t'SOOO ollice. IIVs just showing off now. A trip to Victoria, B. C , used to be a long one north. Now it is ou'y just a start toward Dawson City. When people come around and offer vou something for nothing don't take it. There is a mouse around. Yjung women need not despair. Two young ladies went to Dawson City aqd were married on the thi'd day, both to wealthy men. Klondike has already bad a modern strike Tbe men on lhinlui creek struck for $1.75 an hour. Thy were getting $150. The strike was a success. Oregon mortgages are fast being paid off. There were seventeen decrees ol foreclosure in Portland yesterday. The plaintiffs will probably get tbe property. J as Brownell, a Pr.rtland man on his way home from Wondbarn to Portland, alter picking hops, ssw a big ball-on by the moonlight and was An- drees. A'.l of which makes one weary, ' Professor Falb. of Vienna, announces that on November 13. l&tft, the eatth will come into collision with a comet And everybody will tie prisoned by gas or burned to ueatb. Another astronomer eavs there is only ote chance in 281,000, 000. There is a e-ocer at Sunnvside. a suburb of Portland, who make good ne of tbej bicycle in the delivery of proviions. llei has hi wheel equipped witba largecanvts receptacle over the rear wheel and ju behmd the sadd. and it holds quite a lotoi packaire. ine a'taebment baa a peculiar appeaenre, but it is proving ue- iu. ! Tbree Northwest commission hnses, The American Fruit Grower L'n .., C. B. Jeffries A Co. and the Ear! I i,t Co. uave oeen caning eacu otner nnuies. in : nei snd the fruit raiser is ting .bucks, TifL. ,", B0 ,n 0' o( J " "me "w ujiiN. toe) aer- - . , a report from 1 by the Ove- lami jnt aown irom St. Michaels is that famine t imminent at Dawsub City, the hort.iNi nl !n J i, ,rin.l il,. closed, beinif H.ui tun. rv.rr t in ; it enormously i.ijsb and the u:look i i one for a reign of horrors in the aunal. 'U Terfl " j R Henderson the d. severer of s Tomt-stone, and who was once on the : KUinJik. at aa in SiVm V r ll-n,!.-. j on averea to a Matesman reporter tbat inx: runnvia caui8 muai goinrouu tbe htatorr ai .!! ,.1-. There will be sicknr of an enidtmie! . son, starvation in and out ot camp, I'"1" irptu a botdreu tane. and blank j failure tor thousand. Tbe "tale oi iwoe' is just t-Ttsnnicg says, and f w several year it mart continue in ao agrava-.ea lorm. S The Eogeoe Gua.d change its cotr. - . ment oo Ue Lkbforaia drauts sheriA a iol:oa r Mr. r"row.ey at ; local otHcer and iKtul the train by a;i-drentNl ' congrat uSation kr hi meritorious work, in pisctng Lornei.'.as wed 4 hi partwr. Meredith, behind the burs. Sir. riow- ley's rapid work.coasidefing too, that he is in a temU.ry, is certainly very mtlT'll In la rVktn main lal tirtl It kala. tl . ' idnie n?WV1A filh.ralw 1 1 - I... .U.. v "- ut aa a ttiytaUM IU j " M ro" to do. being out ? warrant. ! TUMnni,,,,. ,r r i . .'C county court of PoogU, county has raited the i . "w m 11. i.e. l i.ere IntHimmiUiu.i . , mse. there it j - - -" - " 'Tr"1 in ma action jtana'r i .-. v!T . . .. . . i rvwiurr uivarmni ine lacv iiiar ir, I : . :i ... i . "uniauT urn in ii, ai county i alwit t,000 per year and took in $?,-' ior ireigM and Uckei Ie i various station. In tbe item at Uie of tar. the wasss of men whose run terminate there, except ibe ; passenger trasomn rn.nins tetwen tnere ant rortiand; amount wood and lor section met. paid From the Journal : In an interview with local . v .uaia miriiiF, ami , i ii nnn fTnw. eaa an. I ,ii.m i.. tn. j ' ' ", I'.V ClllWilWU, f 1 OUtloOk. etc. of the Oregon hnn mirx an.t z 'ercia!! that rf lha Wi!!, Z' r.":., ".V " icuiai aau.rj uvsa. UlltirriallT lllfli , ....n,, m,je by lhe c!m, ter. Ibe grower, who bas bis crop at - - : . t t , . , Hr, ii wg ooptiui no -a cneeriui orer tbe situation. He prvdu-i aheavvvietd ol an excellent qua iiy. He reports the yards comparatively free from lice while moid bas not yet put in an appearance. the buyer win picture the situation as moil deplorable. All yaws are more or iessaftected with lice, while the raioy weather ot the past two weeks lias csused mount. ins of mold to appear, which is spreading very rapidly The yield will scarcely be a half-crop. Strange how intelligent men can differ in their views on important mailer. The fsiltle Times eavs: "Dr. L D. Driver, ol On goo, who has been engaged to deliver an interesting teries ol lectures to the Itinerants' Ciub, ia well known cbaractei in the Pacitic Nonhwen lie tHlonc lo the old school ol frontier circuit riders, althousb he is not on the circuit now. For years he traveled in Oregon, Idaho and Washing ton, and hence possesses an almost inex haustible fund of interes'ing anecdotes about his early experiences. lie is rug ged and original and in bis element when in a debate. Dr. Driver enjoys the distinction of having contused Jnuer s 'II in a debate in Portland, aud ol hav irg met the Secular l uion in Chicago Ilis themes are a. one the line of nrooi ol Scriptural teachings from nature." Tbe Eugene tiuard adds : This whole "debate," as Mr. Driver is pleased to term it, did not consume five minutes time after Mr. Ingersoll's lec ture. It is mostly in his imagination. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. lake Laxative Broino Quinine 'IWeta, All D.-ugiata refund ilia uioo.y If ft fail Ui dire. 2oc. Will You Give L'p nil that health means to you ? If not, look out for impure blood. Cure bolls, pimples, humors and all scrofdlous tendencies by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are purely veeetablt, and do not purgo, pain or gr pe. All druggists. MARRIED. KLEIN LEWIS. At the residence ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Lewis, on East Court street, ),,. .1 a aI.IaI. . rni . "''"i .ioini i. in. aiiursuay, Sept. 0, 1897, Miss Anna Lewis and Mr. Anthony Klein. Mr. Klein atone time was a feculent of Albany and Mibs Lewis is well known by many Albany people. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy tn tho stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hood's msomlna, nervousness, and, - " tt not relieved, bilious fever 5 1 I -a or blood poisoning. Hood's III IS Pills stimulate Uie stomach, rmiso ths liver, eure heailache, dizziness, eon stlpallon, etc. 2S cent, (tolii by all driiKcms. Xbe ouljr l'UU to take with llood's tSaraapariua, TELEGRAPHIC. Aaslher Bis Wrtfk Uazkltoh, Pa., Kept. 10. The ktrike situation reached a twrible criiiis on the outskirks of Latimer this afternoon, when a band of deputy sheriffs fired into a mob of miners. The men fell like so many sheep, and the excitement wan intense. Keports run from 15 to 20 killed and 40 or nure wounded. One man who reached tbe scene tomirut counted 13 toniifbt counted 13 corpses J ruui oiuix wuu.'i jay in ine mountains between Latimer and Harieigh. Tee scene that followed was simply in-1 dencribahle. Tbe deputies seemed to be terror-stricken at the deadly execution cf their guns, and went to tbe aid of the un- fortune who they had brought down. The vt eii Bai New York. Sept. 10. R G Dun & Go's weekly review tomorrow will say. There is no halt in the advanra? A I, , . - s'eady increase in production, working iura uu me power or toe people to pur chase is the feature winch overtbeaows all others. Reports of New York traces unions show an increase since one yev ago ot 34 per cent in tbe number of men at work. laijwrtaal farMIJrer Losdos, Sept. 11. Tbe Times, in a spe cial article from a correspondent in whose accuntcv it sas it bas reaaon to place confidence, makes tbe aonooncemeat lht the Bank of England directors bave given consent to hold one-fifen of the bank's re serve in silver. Oollar wheal la thlea. Chicago, Sept 10. September wheat Tbe advance was ca-.d oy the e.renhUi of foreign market, and continued heavy ex- port enticement. "'u at, i ior a uriei time in is tnorninz Wmrtrntr Ajltaar AauscToti. Or., Kept. 10 L O. Ral ston's general merchandise store, at Oiex, 20 miles south of this place, was bura-larized last night. The thi ves evidently became aiarmed and fld blore much booty could be secured. The authorities have a clew, and it ,,! ).! t I . A . I .... . A BU4 Wrrrk Dejtveu, Se't. 10 A rpecial t the ' Nea from New Catle. Colo , says- ;.!P iraoJe paeeenger train No I. run - Boit boor late, e d-ided with a Colo r.l , Midland -lr if it' ;i.. j ew talfc. lioln engine were a total i wreck. There ar in all rml.ilitr AM hn. i mao beisgi id the horning mas. co tnorougm; are tbe trains demolished hatUtfewofrho,e.u,htescape alive, ifcofe noc ifiiidj br tbe shock of the . coiu,ion oeinc burned to death in the rain. l, ' , f . " ,u- j Two car of stork moluiand the ri,Irof i dead de.i.. O were cotnp'etely de- way was u Coaductor Bur- ) j80 eHna'ion of tbe wreck is that in tooVrm Z t ne iaiet iniormation from th : wrrk make it almost certain that 25 per- Xna are dml iv,l . k..i. .. fully half of wham will sa.aj ,.,.. i. j p t w, . Q T. Kto" 'r'' AU Cp.-l- ; ten ...i lo-. arrived tod.y. M day. m i MicbaeU. bb brouyht n pan - 'T-rs or weasore. Captain Penballow reports that very little height bas ben i taken from lirh.!a nn , l - ,.-... i " aoa, as compare-j with tbe repor- I nii,u wi iuu ucsreur o: i and DrovialOfi at 1 l.a fc-.n r,,v int-4 1 he caf tain savs that the Imie steamers at I Prp l-lying oo ths Yukon are hiUJ : a Bai a4 la.k j Pomthjid. Sept. 9. WaJkor McKn - f ii. the 12 jar-oJ son cf William Ms - i Kt.c, bo Uvea near Ttvmoot. oa the Mount icot railwa, lo-t ins band f-jreArm j 1 b e plonon of a droWe-brT4 shot- I ." e-'oeway waue saotiBg. k wa i5rifcg amdeot. ! M.atr Um-mr lUEMK..f. (r Sonl Q Y. day nKin-. at I JX o"Uk. tbe boa kiln ; of M M Porer$.'d, are mil wtb cf here i turcd. tor.;tor with 3C box. of bod f lb lo i $1500 Toere wu smiie insur-': : ant . Mr. PortriWd ht. on- boc-noate ' f LJ . K- V. : j '".T 'r" J'J5' fc V9r-WJuUD U surroun rea on turns aides br praine fcrea ton.ght. Already c.ider.t.tTr has been detfnvei. ad I nracb mor t !ttr!-.l. TK- nnw v..., 1'HiiUnu.i, ;wnMot HiiUn.i, t; ... j prairie, and ith ab!iia!eur no br rrj- lbe Stmes areaep:og do to .,.-. ; l WMI. Wa t-ala Wmk 1 h-ASsts t iyy. tn-f. A Special to toe lows from Kanviria. Ku . un- ( "-"ne of tbe ont wrecks to tbe bislraf-r ; of 'he Santa ft raiimed occurred tfcre' mi et ot br at . 3) tjeihs. Ten - -.. . .u.,, vunmln ippn.t t. oonetantine.ot the mounted police benj-a in a day or two. alloaed each of h is men to dlu Imlinn. l,)r;wii htvih and as nuny more . - ar. Tut if' r.ail tram ; going est. atu M-vic aad t'aUr-rnia expre. westoound i J. bead o. 1; i .. ... I . .. . . . I . 1 I , " a" wuav ibv a rrv a was caum bv a . ... , : . .... mio rMlm Sitslw nr. c tv.., . : grain trad in Sxithrt-n Ruia ba wi-cw, a.XL't, .'. IQPtTttIS ID IB IC i enoanced by tbe mtsax of half score cf . 11 .. . , """iiarno ivaimiMiourr, woo are ror- cnaiu wceat at any prue A marj.-irity of tbe grain exporter are tn a very pre canoos position, and a larg- nuaUier of smaller firms havs already od apjed. Co large foreign brvn bas already lost $-1000.' i ruble on the luifiilmect of contracts made by it in tbe expectation tbat thre woo. d K a middling crop. S at reia strike I Ustos. Or Sept. ?. Another rich strike was made at Soart tUy. which i cjujtderah: excit-oiecl ia taat promising mining camp. The discovery . . . . . ! -, uiaue uy fugiey t.un a: MM. and is an j exienuon o? the very rich strikes ciads 1 i mere a few week a.. It i located' j nrth of the Goldoog mine and south of! i the Ollie Woodman mine. R .ark from the ! J ""w discovery, pounded up ana washed i out, yteute l f 1 a pound. laaa.dl .aSli.. lVnr Tow5skxo, Setvt. ?. Not a lit-I Hesurpn-e wa create! h-re this eivnin? at 6 o'clock when, without Previous an- hen, without pnvioos an- nosKemnt. tba stern whee tteauicr Fug"ne, Captain Lewi steaoied into port auu tii,l up at the dock. The old craft i nded io a bad cindition but is far from being a wreck, Mx Srs tSrawaeat pKTaorr. Sept. 8 Six young mer were diowncl in a yaich near Windmill point, on Like Si. Clair, Lite this alter n. on. The ded are: Thomas Frits 11 tiertiea. Urant Murry. Thomas Newcome. Charlea Rice. J Lanley. Kaalaraslai Srkln Citv or Mexico. Sept. 8 New York exchange is at 1.S9 premium. Remark able activity is shown in the organ isation ot new stock companies f-r manufacturing and tor trading. This has been especially noticeable siuce tbe sharp decline in silver. flOO Kcward JIOC Tne reader of this paper will be pieal lo learn that there is at least one threaded disease that science has been able to cu'e in all its st '", and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core i the only positive cure known ta the medical fiaternlty. "'" "'" - -"",., Ui.E.M-,re- auircs a constdd ional tremment. II all tWhcuro is taken ln:erna!1,, dirett'y t.t.on the blotd ana mucous sur faces ot the mtem tuereby destroying the foundation of fh a un.l r.;..;,,.. ,1... I - - - - - . , hum a . " m mv ! Dstient strenirth bv buildintr nn th ( stitulion and assisting nature in doing its I work. The proprietor hare so much faith in ils curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any Case that it fails ' 'o cure. Send for Ht ol testimonials. I Address. F It CHENEY & C Toledo O. I S ld by DruirKi s 76c Hall's Family Pills tre iho bt. That German washing fluid, which ba proven such a Sua tiling has arrived at Parker Bros in a Urga quautitv. Cal wd try a bottle. Stop tbat Cough! Take mav lead to Consumotion. warning. It A 25 j bottle ol Shiloh'sCure may lave your life. Sol by Fosbay A Masou. 1 FIRST KLON DIKE PAPER. The first copy of a paper actually is sued at Dawson City has been received t Portland, The Klondike News. It consists of oar pages of tbree columns, 9x12 inches, wilt be Issued weekly at 75 cents a copy or $20 a year. The editor took a printer with him. but he deserter! nd took tin a rUim ..,i t,- xt. r-.i i. " n.av. ucuv. iui. itor bad t. An .n , . . . ent.,1 " , ! rk UlmKlL His , , ?ntfu welK"ed 300 pounds, and be ,,a1 nl" 2o0 pounds of paper. Here are few items: M M Ci,t-ii ,ri t - . , x,- inBtS&h and at once repaired to Beckedc Wilson's dance hall to have a good time. In some manner be got into a row with a Canad- 'n ! thera, and wben tbrwfrfMt f i,.n. 1 Caidwell bad eight knife wounds noon Mimam Older sewed him up with a darninir needle. Caldwell will leave on tbe Healy for Nebraska where be lives. ii.V'i l81?" building a tbree story hotel. He pays carpenters $2 an hour Lvery board in it wfil be painted, and tbe mattresres will bemadeofWhiti river nicsi. The cabin and tools of Zeller A Baker was burned, loos $2000. A five gallon can of gold oust iras just saved, but ten pounds of shot on top cf it melted into tbe dust In an interview with a News represent- Iu "KeDt f the AUek Company i I - :riv f,e na'i no tears i the Heal" ,T1 J. . new bost Hiluflt " . '?T , iF mute irom rjetow oetote cold weather. There is stuff enoagh in tbe warenoosee at fct. Michaels u, fl an army of 20,000. There is no such creek as Two Much Gold. It is a myth. Dawson City has the wealthiest police lore to the wor.d. When the strike ... u ,. . C c:(nrn,r ..u.uuuicm uuuo:, Thee mfn are all worth from $J0,C00 to ! v1''0000 ch. We challenge tbe world 1 16 l"1 u,e io0'Dg. ! The firs king salmon caught this eea- ! n o!l Wedneedav lor $20. I i.: : t-v- . t . per month, with none in the maiket w ,nm,r r...A .-. : , ' and build tbeir own cabins Henrv Ash kinnf h n .VlSllZTZLl rm -:. 4 . . r . V IKT in Bonanza ana Ft T.. "ZJ'zLV: .. .,, . s.cMsrvi fij,w A party of tbree Indian fmm Anm tbe river brought in some docks Satur jday. Thev sold them Sunday for $5 j apiece, netting ahoal $200 on tbe tran- taction. edaeday was the hottest day of tbe ; year. Tne Ibsrmompvr ris.t o t "rees in the shade- The heavy forest s Crea to the mittl,.,,.) ....kilii. I creased tbe temneratore . ! ,hje .Xri. i As hieh as 5 per cent per month is be- 1 m? V Wl ia D lJfi s L.! . . remain on the Hon ' dike th,t olhrw be exported ' William Older, who is abided with ' eCUrrey. left resterdar an lha .taam- t , i ey ior ui ra borne at KaUimore, i nP,c that a winter in the states will "rure him to beaitb. He took out $20,- i " . , nk Richer, of Penntvlyania, died l euneeoay nuht ot typhoid fever. ii. 1 hd about fcS.000 stomal in h, hio ! "od Jt e-Jid his claim for $2o,0t - 3re- II his intention to leave on lae I:eAir. tui l'-e i.M o;herise. Peter Ala.ler. a miner workine for Harry McCuHooeb Bonanxa creek. City, ears that the above there are practica lr deerei Ths diggings par only about $10 per dar, and it is not worth while to work tbeul. Tbe latest new frr.m v.n.i R,.,, l, . r. . . . . v 9 . mDS . reek bas i th.I I I Brainerd ciesred fSSoTiti Toe, "paMtie ff yieW-n ' j SUto that Alei nmM tacinivwt t -. I had been VeU .ed T, ,, ' , " , Two of Ue saddest of the many deaths ' t Dawson Cur this season w hnw nf ; Robert aad Cbaries Carlson, who died , atxwt tbe frst of the month. Their clam. va No. 27, Bononxa. and thev : had taken out ore.-1100 ounces when the t eider was stricken with fever. Robert i was Uie first to fail ill. He lingered a week, and the lav befor? his death Chailes also was stricken. Within ten i i days both of them in ttir .hcm At Cost: AtCost: . 1 i- . ck! -idr"d to l- -jut ai the crock- r aoescd cow cr to the poeUc mv at?.rtSti?aWwr J p cunery at aciasi cu Cooatry ft'fl aV Si FSJ WTt '. t f- aVaaJ - - a,' 1 I a SBOt of li?e aTOods " --aw w-ra,- fcJ aTaSU MlV a Bl. , W wflu.-t: duvet rro-t. Knv aiJ a.l , " rl - - : f. varf wt. WAT riwrtfiiv, . . . mio ; . . j Yes. it rvavs ; To bay ywar fwwis j- Twvlace cf txa Hwst. TV fcfv S-t aad , fwb-t aed are all nwt pt-K''- They i wist help yv V prosper iw dU times j tbeir Sa- he of envkerr . WokI Vanti. The Albany Woolen Mills want from 150 to i r.t. ?n,; m J.L . . I . .. ... ' i change for coud of the mil' a chance for dealer io Here is Wood tO ! make a m-wl Ka...; ' . , ". rules f Cost. ia'.ia Ordwobl in'end to m out of th crockery aid glassware buMots, go n in- j o om- . Mher tine of bai ie, and hen , fcA-rod 'hikind regruies ! - n an t tt hi lvlcef AOU ''V convinced that be nmuu btsi- ntss, aud will believe wbat he say J Gradwohl Inform the central pablic that h? sell as low as anytoly m ve city t cawa. Come gvt tn-ices before you April Ut. IT . J. t,EAOwo .r oa bay DVOHU XO CURE-NO PAY'. That I. th w.t ai ,Jru for Malaria, Cbilla and Fever. l is thildien oven. Adults oreter i u.PW, nauseating Tonics- Frice. 5Je What l)r A E Salter Says. Buffalo, x Y. -Gents:-From my peronal knowledge. ga:ed ia observing the effect of your ShUih'a Cure in case! of advanced Constipation, I ,m prepared ,w i t "f uio?t rematkADie Kemedi that ha, ever been brought t0 my atWn. ITI ISV e id a. ... a a . - Vw " ""cenainiy avea many from ru...rv.uu, py fosnay Jf Ma Magnolia Elevators. The undersitrnetl have rented tbe M.olia LlevaFors at ibe w "end of rirst street. Albany Oregon, at th 1 to the steel bridT.nd . f i-nwn io ine steel bridge, and will m i do. i a ,uu.oi ... ... V "ua .wl" COi- Vet or cats will do we 1 to seen r-ffoV. tt ing their -rrapgementsT K8 ' ' usn, v 1 v avcx S. K. Yocnu. I No-T-ll.c for i j, t SLd?rt, '"-- - - . .e.e. I U & C. rail, ttrutfv- s .viu L 1 cirw cori.iiiLiii.m Albany Market. Wheat 80 cents. OaU 25. Kygs 13 cents. Butter IS to 22 cei ta. Potatoes 60 cents. Hams 11 to 13 ceuts. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. JJM1 lie Ljot. last in from r";i--I i ,i ai1 LLst of P&tents. Granted to Oregon and Washington inventors this week. Reported by C A now A Co. patent attorneys, Wash ington, V. C. C E Bergman, Everett, Wash, fluid preesure neermg gesr; T T Parker, Wheatland, 'Ore, clothes-lire support A K Strang, Salem, Ore, bedstead. For copy of any patent send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C A Show A Co., Washington, D C. Editok Democrat, YAQU1NA BAY. Its new Attractions, etc. etw. Grestly reduced rates are now in ef lectfrom Albany, Corvallisand a'l Boath em Pacific points to Yaquinat Bay and Newport. It may be added that, in addition to its many natural advantages as a sum mer seaside resort, the Seaside Educa tional Association will open on Auiraet 2nd at Newport, in tbe new auditorium built especially for Jtiis purpose, and continue in session for & weeke, thus affording to students, teachers and oth ers a rare oppotnni'v for combining study with For full im forma tion as to special dirtes, etc, applv to Mr S G Irwin, Preaidett of the associa tion, Newport, Or. A lare and commodious tag "Reso lute," is sgaii in service on Ysquina Bay, and will take fishinz or other par ties to sea and return The fare for the roat.d trip is only 50 cents I he Second Regiment Baud and orches tra has been eogaged for the season, which wilt give daily concert on tbe beacb and furnish nusic tor tee evening bops. Every possible convenience has ben arranged for the comfort of guests, and tbe rates at tbe botes are very reasona ble. ror ionD For further im format ion apply to any ?t.of tbSootbem Pacific Co, or Or. Mnn linlr. egoo Central A Eastern R K Co, or ad dress. Kdis Stoj, Manaeer U C A E R R Co, Corral lis Or. You Can t uy More ax d L'e tr aTrucrrie, provumn, glasiware. crockery wart, lamps, woooV-nware, tinware, had ware, stove-, etc, for Les Money of F K Alln A- Co than eewbe-e. A Laundry Nugget Laundry patrons who want first class work done without paring exorbitant prices should patronize the Albany t-team Laundry which bave employed regularly fire of tbe best band ironesaoa I ,tl . f . v "I . "1 . " , , " 1 . . uitro, auuuurt V"'".",!,'J n c,n? 18 toebuxtest ; ccargwi ior any oi tuese article-'. Our Prics are not any Ligber lbn the etamtard for good work. We do good work, in fact, the Ut in Albany , aou we oaca tuie statemect ov gUAran- teeing our work. Nobody can do good honest work at iow prices. We don't want all the washing in Albany (unless we can get it but we want our share. Try ns for first claes laundry. C. Sucfsos A So. FIrtt Su City Laundry. THE PL-ICE -rr crv I I our Groceries and baked GootXs ! Ut Pju.ter sake. i oa may regret eome step j in lite Lot none taken into the ur. t t A.-ker Bros. If. is a great thing to be well fed. "Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread -is not much bat vou want it well made. Try Parker BrosT. HL& STARK forjsweliy. They keep tbe best. Best . IceOeam ABTwbere At F. H. FkiSat. rVIn-ioos ice erexm soda at F. H. Pfeif fer. j at Longs gallery. Crawford A Harnua for photographs. j i rew hot t to ip-j per dosea. r- . uu K4a ai kka poj as at f 'tereik' Darlors and summer garden. I icream, 5 and 10 cents a dish. D, H- K- B oSces and I rwdence ia pol oS baildins. Special ' aa - ... - ' aUtf Dlb-at Vf TWaASt IV. Hifawaa. a-a a , S ' W IMe-CaaK-LTe V WVU.TH. I ai- , , i rmtM jwar wars, icini ijerosre roa t met. M.nA HtaM. sm fr-. U ;, ka . - - aa. - a a s.. taw va fc1 a J yosi mnu a.ada choice stock of meats of ad sinds fc order bona Yoa are boaad to be ptesed if yo order of them. Mcstc Miss 3d. Jlrc3 Barmeater teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street. opposite U P church. If you want v koJ and clen smoke buy cigars made by our Al Ntny cigar factory- Kiri's Qorer Rx T.-a for Coastipa tioa it's the B' aad it after astog it yoa don't y so, retana the pweaaee and get yor n.aey. SJJbv F-xoiy A Masoa SailVsCoawiinp lea Cire cares where other fail . It is th let ting Cough Care xd home sh)u'd be without it Pieas ot t- Uks and ce right to tia spot. So-'d by Foshay JT Mason. Let everybody come to tn star 8xkrj andgrt - Vsves of Iresh bread fx- Jl.oo Civh. C SISVKB. Baat Tobatv. .t aad ai laac ute ieaf. T quit totvacvo easi5 aad teeter. t rcair eue. uaot lite, nerva and vijwr, tu No-iO imc. la. ooY-r-orT. aat Bia.esckl teed. liokt aad anraBrS free. AAiresa Sbsrlvna; Ueioety Co. tiiciiJ cr New Tnrkv Instrumental .wusic. . Mr. H. V. Backensto is prepared to give instructions in ins-imentai music on violin, guitar, mandolin and a num ber ot orcheetral and brass instruments. Business placed in his bands will be aithfully and conscientiously attended o. CASTORIA For Infants and CMldren. Tisfis. ljAiars Cf A arMiMKa. l'i 1 .mt 1 s dars. w. oe ovatadaS X'a-1 aioaey if a Uo a,t r.. I iw 1 i naaat tat? ptaitfr toeuaa ar w Ua or par xtaa o itt eoanac vBtlay. and htftW Make a. w. (all la r.itrM. aiua, Cwara-,ir ar.. It w. aa. ta .ra mrj, UMUao , ,r..a aad mAaa. IWata ,ti:i hav. acoiw aaa la uoa:a. aa I S. a. I. ad lala. tlraoaaj tnian billnaa. f.taialva.t ., tr t oaaa. uut at tbo Ik .Halror 1? a this frlaiar;. aaawd 1'iln. uu a aoacutbo aaoaSaaataa. ( warid IW a ra.r v. oaav aaa al vara aataed oamtaoaS aayalraiaa a STtvlaitT of t VfBLLESK aad . fct.aaaanr or TaitbuT anaraatra tonira V. a ml aai and caallaaa, eaaaat nra Tai li I.e IU af th. aaaat Uraunx !hi. fliiawa vita aavo oivv.a capital btvad oar aawMdiuoeml araaranUMw anawlariaiaatc. a a aaq aa.alas. SO Jtaaaa 1 !.. t fct-aa-a, luiaata, AtHroaa aaaaw a. r a u m IJEO E Fl&rt U TUB PLUMRkR 1 Tin roofing and plumbing. Opiosita ' opera bouse ; 1 S I BEET RAILWAY. NOTICE. The motOA on the Albany street rail- sy will cotmect promptly with ail train lo and from the depot, day and night. Special trip will be made at special a'e. 1. F , Corn, Conductor, t Yoa may regret some step '"'-C ,. -A aatty a S SB "l-el 1 1 ii b m. 1 1 f V r 1