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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1897)
TERMS. Daily Drmocrat, 25 cents per month 3.00 per year,in advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Weekly. $1.25 in advance; f 1.50 at end year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for hird and proceeding j ean, when not paid in advance-. Club of five m subscriber for $5.00. SPECIAL Childrens School Shoes S.E. Voting & Son. READ, PEAOCK & CO. Albany Or. Have just opened np another choice lot of wooiecs and childrens fall and winter wrap. New Upto-Date GooiU that will bear the closest inspection and comparison. New Dress Goods Are coaiing in each day. Toa'II find the quality and prices right. Tney have a double texture, donble cape woman's mac intosh that's a "hummer" at $2 75. Call and investigate. BEAD, PEACOCK & GO. Special sale of embroidery next Tuesdav, September 2 1st. New fall wrappers and skirts just re 's eived at the Ladies Bazaar. If sou want a stvlith jacket or cape at the Ladies Bazaar call Oakville. We are free at last and feel happy, al though we have enjoyed the harvest work and the dinners were all good but we like to be at home. The prune driers are running night and day and the small Johnnies are all at "work picking the ripe fruit for 4 cents a box whch will be a nice thing for them, a many c-i them will eara from 60 cents to Jay. "r.jF xi t t. . t t our merchant this wek. Mr. '. lslgent for D. M. Ferrv & Co. Mr. ZoneEudd. of Albany, called at our residence last Saturday, lir. Rudd is a native of Peoria ' Some of our farmers were unfortunate enough to loose some wheat byjthe reins, bat it will not be an entire loss as it can be used for teed. The late spring grain yielded well and the farmers are happy. Belinda, we are sorry for your solitude, hut we are not prepared to be with you. ' Hope yon will think of as when you are eating melons. We some times feel mei oncholy, but we prefer that ''tired feel ing" to "meloncollic." Hood's Sarsap arilla is good for the former but it takes S. B. Alpha Pain Cure to get away with the latter, however, we will try to be at your place some day before the rains set in. Many thanks for the invitation. Littlk Rose Bci. Dr. J. W. Watts, cf Lafayette, is in the city. Mrs T Wandahl expe ts to leave this week on a visit to relatives in Iowa. Tbe Journal says Mrs C. H. Loyd, of Albany, bas returned from Ojean Park. Mrs J K Weatherford returned this noon from a two months outing at New port. Mr George Thompson has accepted a position in the Combination barber shop for this winter. Mrs. Florence Hammer Las moved from Spicer to Albany ready for school work next week. Miss Ethel Red field has returned from her California trip. She was at the Na tional C. E. Convention, visiting sev eral weeks following. Dr. and Mrs. Adaxs returned this noon from their summer's outing at New port. They were also at Coos Bay. Dr, Adams did a good business while gene. Lomer Ralston, naeeby at Olex, and with bis wife spent Sunday in Albary with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Ralston. He reports big crops and better tmes in eastern Oregon . Mr. Clem Jones, of this city has made arrangements to open a racket store in Brownsville this month. He is a relia ble, popular young man wncm we are glad to commend to the people of Browns ville. Mrs. Clista Wilson of Chicago, who bas been visiting her aunt, Mr D L Butler, in this city, leic loaay ior points down the valley. Sue will visit Philadelphia before returning to ber Windy City borne, Eugene Guard. Mr and Mrs Norcross of Albany have returned here from a trip to tbe Camp Creex country and are on the way to tbe valley They intend to return here and snend the coming winter some where in this neighborhood Mrs Norcross is the sister of George Milhean of this county Crook County Journal A sheet and pillow case party given Saturday, Sept. 11, in honor of Miss lroa Parker's 16th birthday, was a ban tv affair. Those invited were: Misses Orah Harkness, Jessie Clifton, Elma Parker. Gertrude O Bnen, Louise Dan ials, Frances Murpby, Elizabeth fatter- annals. Lizzie Lnper, Anna McCauley. Lillian Lanning, Frances Frsnch, Sarah Chambers. Emma Sox, Anna Marshall, and Bertha Worre.l, Messrs. Roy Parker, Will and , Frank McGhee, Bert Beam, Clarence Craw, Joe Ralston, Edgar Stewr- Rocky Maron and James am ben A Chihksb Youngster Burned A half breed Chinese "kid" jesterday in playing witfit matches got on tire and came verj near batting a serious conflagration. 1 be flames ware quickly extinguished but not until tbe ctild was considerably burned From thk Mihes. H. H. While came dowu from theSpiines to is forenoon lie reports a rich strike in tbe Lawier mines . probably the besjt ore ever taken out. It nas not yetlxn Assayed, but it is undoubt edly rich Mr Lfawler proposes to greatly increase the forced and pusb matters. The Detmcrfct ana Examiner. The Sau Frant isoo Weekly Examiner jcr win givv ( mj ii suoecriDers I $10,000 residence iu fcan Francisco rent ing for $60 a montb, a $S,3(W (J. S. bond a $1,500 gold nugget anf .hundreds of other things. You can get th Examiner and Weekly Democrat for $2 SO a year, with the Dailt Democrat by msjil for $1.25. by earner $0.75, in advance. The Demo crat will order only on combination pay jt, in ment. t $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book 5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buvs 16 choice"catgut" Banjo la strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysaS-drawersewing machine ; high arm, light running; guaran teed 0 years. JPff"Friees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application . E. U. Will Albany. WHEAT. The market is considerably weaker to day. Having dropped 2 cents in New York, Chicago and San . Francisco, and 3 cents In Liverpool since Saturday noon. The Albany quotation is 77 cents. . Saturday 20,000 bushels were bought at the Farmers at 80 cents. Fruit Returns i ne returns t rem t tie nrsl three car loads of fruit shipped from Albany will not make the shippers hilarious. The The first car indicated a loss. No- two shipped from Aloany Auk. 27 was sola in Mew York on SeDt. 8 as follows: Bartiett pears $1.38, Itihan prunes 46c, Hungarian $1.47. There were 490 pack ages dross lecetpta $592. There was a net receipt of over 30 cents for the paiM and nearly $1.00 for the prunes, The third oar brought the following: silver prunes 5Sc, Bartiett pears $1.19. Packages 186. Gross receipts $U8. While these rates are low, yet they are nign compared with other returns on the eame day, due to the superiority of me iruit and packing, tor instance. Italian prunes shipped from Cornelius bought only 36 cents, McMinnville 35-, and Bartletts from Red Bluff only 62. while those of Albany brought 46c for the prunes and $1.33 for the pears. As the railroad gets 66 cents freight and 23 cents goes for ice it is easy to ngure out that tbe farmer doesn t stand a ghost of a show except in case of fancy prices like those for the Hungarian prunes. Mr. Slauson's Appointment - The new congressional building at Washington cost $8,000,000. The library is probably the finest in tbe world. John Russell Young is librarian, and it takes sixty men, appointed for life, or during good oenanor, to run it. Ihere are de partments as follows : Catalogue, law, mape and charts, periodicals and news papers, music. Tbe Washington Pst says : "The choice of the heads of the de partments has been a very difficult work for Librarian John Rasfell Young. The law made it obligatory to name for ser vice on the new staff only those who pos sess fitness ai.d aptitude for library dutv. There were over 7,000 applications to choose sixty people from. Nearly all the applicants were people of culture, experience and influence wth public men, and several hundred possessed in a high degree the requirements nominated in the law. To obtain the very best as sistants from so much rich material re quire i the very ca.eful weigtiing of the qualifications of each applicant "A candidate from the northwest was presented by his many friends for the position of superintendent of the peri odical and newspaper department Tbe choice of this section was Mr Allen B. S.anson, the Washington correspondent of thn Seattle (Wash) Poet-Intel ligencer, tbe Spokane (Wash) Spokesman-Re view, and tbe Daily Statesman of Bois, Idaho. He was also for 11 years in tbe service of the Portland Oregonian. Jlr Young found that Mr Slaoson showed a peculiar aptitude for tbe place. He is a graduate of Cornell, and a thorouihly trained newspaper man of seventeen years' experience in every department of a newspaper office. He has a Urge li brary of bis own, wb ch is catalogued and classified in the most scientific man ner, and is a great believer in the value of contsmporaoeoua literature in peri odical and newspaper torm. Mr. Slaoson possesses great energy, and Liorarian Young is confident that under bis di rection tbe new superintendent will make this important department one of tbe most thorough. y organized and pop nlar in tb? library." Mrs Slauson being a native Linn county young lady the Democrat's read ers will be particularly interested in what is said ot the appointment. Good for Tom. Tha Salem Journal gives the following excellent notice for a reformed man, well known in Albany: "Tom McNary ain't slow as special po lice, lie makes more arrests than all the rest of the department, and be isn't afraid to go after a man. even beyond tbe city limits. He is freely spoken of as Salem's next citv marshal." The M. E. Cosikbescxe at Corvalis ad journed this forenoon. The appoint ments were announced. Albany people will be glad to know that Rtv. Wire was returned to A.luinr, Rev. Abbett will go back to Enece, Rev. Meminger to Ash land and Kev. Jenkins to Gran.s fans. Poor Ektcbsb. G- W. Welder has returns from 177 boxes of fine Bartiett pears shipped to Chicago. They netted him $50.45, about 28 cents a bushel. Barely enough to pay for picking and de livery. rattier thing ne was lucxy to get anything Guard. Bio Suit. Jennie Smitson, the jouug lady injured at Springfield on July 29, losing both ber legs, has sued the S. P. for $50,515 damages. Thompson & Hardy and H. D. Norton are her attor neys. A Nickle-in-the-slot-macbine at Pri De vi lie threw royal flashes on two succeeding Wednesdays. Rrinirlhe little to1 as to lfers John N Hoffman's opening next Wednesday Sept. 15th, they are not. forectten. Special prizes, inmmed bats $1X0 Prof Edward Fleck, of Summit City. N J has been engaged to take chkrtre of tbe piano department of Willamette University formerly heIC by Prof Winkler. College will open on Wednesday. Tbe indications are that tbe attendance will be tbe biggest in it's bisfory. As harvest is not completed it is probable some ot tbe country studants will not come for a few days. Yesterday evening Cal Ornclf wa brought before justice VVintermeier and charged by Tbos Frowley with being a fugitive from justice. The justice there upon directed that be be remanded to the Lane county jail Tor 25 dav to enable a requisition to be issued to take him to the state tine. Eugene Guard Art tht Ueuengert of Serue, the Telegraph - System of the human body. Nerves extend from the brain to every part of the body and reach every organ. Nerves are like fire good servants but hard masters. Nerves are fed by the blood and are therefore like It In character. Nerves will be weak and exhausted it the blood Is tliln, pule and Impure. Nerves will surely be strong and steady It the blood Is rich, red and vigorous. Nerves find a true friend In Hood's Harsapa- rllla because It makes rich, remiooa Nerves do their work naturally and well, the brain Is unclouded, there are no neuralgic pains, appetite aud diges tion are good, when you take Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $L Prepared only by C. I. Hood Co, Lowell, Mass. . . .,, the best family cathartlo nOOU S PlllS and live stimulant. 2S0. TUESDAT WHEAT. The Democrat is glad to report a better ouiiook toaay. Tiie Luverpool market this noon was 2 cents higuer. Quota. tion: New York 98 cents, Chicago 948, San Francisco 96 cents, Albany 79 cents. Al. E. Appointments. Presiding E'der J Parsons, Salem. Brownsville J M Shulse. Brooks Rev Burbank. Dallas H Gould. Oorvallis Isaac Peart, Dayton S L Lee. Halsey, Harrist:uy, L T Belknap. Hubbard C E Urandall. Jefferson and Buena Vista A. Ker shaw. Lebanon H B Ellworthy. McMinnville D T Summerville. . Oregon City H Oberg. Salem G V Grannis. South Salem T F Royal S hedds V ,B Moore . Sheridan J Tonkins. Si let i and Toledo W H Meyers. Silverton H G Atkinson. Woodburn C G Harmon. Independence W M Walls. Lincoln I M Turner. J unction H M Rounds. Eugene J T Abbott Albany M E Wire. Amity E F Zimmerman Can by Lew Davies. Falls City E R Home. Monroe G F Rounds. Rose burg T L Moon. I D Driver lecturer on Willamette Univeisitv. theology in An Ola Pioneer Dead. Dr. Asa Peterson, died at his home in Lebanon,at 1:30 o'clock a. m.,yeterdav after short illness from a paralytic stroke. He was aged 75 years. Dr. Peterson was born in West Virginia in 1822, and in 1845 with his family, crossed the plains. Dr. Peterann trmk nn a elaim iK. - f u. W . . ,W I oi jsnox's butte, in 1846, but soon aban-j aonea and took ud one at the font off Peterson's butte.wbich claim he held an til a few years ago. Peterson's butte tak mg us name from him. In 1872, ne moved from his farm into Lebanon. He was the father of five children, three three of whom survive him. Dr. Peter son was probab.'y the oldest pioneer in the country. Lucky Rabbit-Foot Charms. Our rabbits' feet are all hind feet taken from rabbits killed at midnight in a country churchyard by a ercsa-e)ed red neaaea negro, and warranted to cure all ills, accomplish all good purposes, and io nit a long-ieit want. Everybody should have at least one of these or life is not worth hvinir. For sale at French's Jewelry Store 25c. Th Powder Exploded. Walter By- ars, an 11 year old boy went bunting ing Saturday afternoon with a tnnaile loading eon. He spilled soma nwder and in order to make things sale set bis can down and touched the powder off. The can was too cloee and exploded. The result is a badly burned lace for Walter. Harrison Barnes, a former Albany young man and Miss Bertie Boyington, were married at Price, Crook County on Aug 29th. Towxsiro's Ai6wih. Not long since the New York World telegraphed to the national democratic committeemen in the various states to telegraph answers to the inquiry "whether the growing prosperity of the country has shaken the faith of democrats and populists in tbe silver issue. Is their loyalty to Mr. Bryan as leader as great as ever?" J. H. Townsend, national committeeman for Oregon, residing at Dallas, gave this reply. "The democrats, silver republi cans and true populists of this state are loyal to Wm. J. Bryan and will march under his banner ta victory in 1900. We beneve biman honest mn,a great states man and a friend to tbe common people as well as the rich." Two Corvallis Gnus ran away yester day and came to Albany. Tbeir mother telegraphed the marshal to capture them, and a man was stationed on the bridge for an hour and a half but tbey came the other side. Tbe mother followed, and succeeded in finding them in tbe 1st ward, but tbey got away from her, and afterwards while she was on the bunt, took ber horse, drove it across tbe river and turned it loose. It is not known how the matter terminated, but 'it is i probable tbey are all at bo-ne now. A xoxo the Farmers. A rain yester day caused a good many blue faces ; bat a hgb barometer today baa cheered the farmers. In Benton county particularly there are a good many nnthreahed fields. Some with tbeir fields full ot wheat be came almost desperate. One farmer of fered a thresher 10 cents a bushel if be woulc take bis field next, and another one duplicated the offer and added a $-V) bonus In this county some fields are down.but runs of 30 to over 35 days have saved tbe bulk of the wheat. One week's more run will save all of it. Old Clothiko Wasted Tbe mem bers of the Salvation Army have found several families in need ot clothing suf ficient to send their children to school in proper condition. People having cloth ing that can be spared will confer a favor by leaving it with captain of the army and it will be properly distributed. Mr Leslie G. Halin of Eugene, is in tbe city. Ex-Sheriff J K Cbailton was in the city today. Mrs. C. C. Hogue bas returned from ber trip to Palo Alto. Miss Graves, of Newport, came to Albany today to attend college. Miss Story, of Portland, is visitirg Albany lriends and relatives. Dr. Mrs. O. K. Beers left this morning for Wasco, on a two to four weeks visit. Mr. Wrenn Boss and family have re turned from tbeir outing in tbe Waldo bills Secretary of State Kincaid and fam ily have returned from a trip to Yellow stone park. Mr. John Grimes, ot Hamsbnr;, was in the city yesterday and made the Dem ocrat otiice a pleasant call. A. Becker and E. W. Achison, who started for Dawson on tbe Bristol nave been obliged to return with tbe boat to Vancouver, B. O. Miss Ina McCullagb, one of Albany' popular teachers returned this morning from ber summer vacation, spent with ber parents at Halsey. Mr Peter Scbloseer returned laet night from Portland, where he placed his son IT -1 T : llnrrr in vue xiuiuueo xjuoiiicdo vuiickii, a splendidly managed institution. Miss Emma Pfeiffer will df part on Thursday night's overland for California for the benent ot ner neaitn. one win be accompanied by Mrs Wm Pfeiffer and daughter of this city, and Mrs W J Hen. derson, of Oakland, The delightfully written letter from Miss Elizabeth Campbell, who spent sometime in Albany recently, tbe guest of Mr and Mrs E U Will, will be read with great interest by tbe Democrat's readers generally. Jay W. Blain, well known as a former business man at Albany, bas arrived in the citv and will take a place as head salesman in the E. F. Osburn Racket store, Mr. Blain bas had wide business experience, and will no doubt prove a valuable acquisition to oar city. Salem Journal. According to the Ashland Tidings there is to bs another change of time of tbe run' ning of tbe overland tram- Piper Donovan, of Natick, Mass., re cently ran 100 yards, in competition in 9'A J .. i i. T . l i . 1 a t a rwuue, urcuaiug mo wuriu m itcueu ui 9 4-0 seconds. Tbe F Co. chess tournament will begin to morrow mgbt with the following mem' bers moving: Capt, Phillips, Lieutenant Sears, Bam Clevenger, Jasper Wyman Lewis Love, C. 8 . Harnisb, Tom Heffion, ana das. emeu, witn uesite viersck ss referee. No spectators will be allowed until tbe third night. THROUGH THE YELLOW FEVER Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1897. Editor Democrat. With ycur kind permission I will give through your paper an account to my Albany friends of my trip from New Or leans. While in that city I occasionally heard passion gossip of the yellow fever, but I was to bUBj seeing the quaint, in teresting old town to look at the pews papers. The Crescent city must always be attractive to a northerner as loug s he can endure the filth and odor which are characters tics that help to make its fame. Twenty-four hours were quite sufficient to satisfy me, and in that time I did the cemeteries.the French market, the French quarter, the chaiity hospital and attended mass in three churches. V hen I took the Illinois Central train ou Wednesday morning, nothing was said to me about a certificate of health, but when tbe train pulled out of the sta tion 1 discovered by the animated con versation in the crowded cars that most of the passengers were refugees, hurry ing from possible Ganger and possessed oi Health certificates, the value oi which grew more and more apparent as we journeyed northward. The express stops at only the larger towns of course, an oi which sre quarantined. At Jack son we met our first trouble. The presi dent of the board ol health of that town boarded thr jraln at the city limits and alter a cursory examination ot tbe pas sengers gave us permission to enter tbe station restaurant, with the exception of one "suspect" who was traveling with nis wue and child from Ft Wo-tt, Texas. As each passenger neared his destina tion he became visibly nervous and the passengers for bevond tbe state line had the laugh on such victims. When the station or quarantine line was reached the passengers who wished to land were taken into the day coach and tbe other cars locked. A policeman and a member of the board of health constituted the reception committee that tendered them an unwilling welcome The excitement while tbe health officers were making their decisions would in crease until a great crowd would ear- round the objects of their deliberations, " vigilance oi meneaitn officers teem ed absurd and the schemes to evade them were many, varied and amusing. Tbe railroads and business men especial ly deplore it and do all tbey can to sup press the excitement, but tbe public generally must commend the vigorous action taken to prevent a possible epi demic ot that most horrible and fatal disease, yellow fever. New Orleans was so unfortunate as to have heavy rains in the latter part of August which always makes the ci:y much more unheathful than nsual. At tbe Charity Hospital I was told five sus pected cases had been reported by phys icians on that staff, but that they after ward proved to be congestion of the liver. All possible precaution is bein taken to prevent contagion and we can rest as sured that the medical profession in the sooth, with experience, courage and science back of them will succeed in crushing tbe bead of tbe monster which threatens tbe public health. You need not feel alarmed on th re ceipt of this note, as the mails are fum igated and even if they were not, a yellow-fever germ could not exist in the heavenly air of the Willamette valley. It would die of home aickness pining for its native swamps before it could set around to work. 1 shall not stay in Memphis until it quarantines, at the first hint of such re strictions I will leave for the shores of Lake Michigan. C. Elizabeth Caupbeix. U. S. Crop Report. Tbe cessation cf the rains was most oppot tune, for the bona and grain bad about as much rain on them as they could stand. The rains and damp weath er produced more mold in the bops, and the result is some hoptarda will sot be picked. It is estimated that tbe rains damaged one third tbe total bop crop, so much so that they will not be picked, and caused mold to appear in almost every yard . The rains injured to an ex tent, tbe wheat that was in shock: the damage will be reduced materially by tbe lata weather, which allows tbe grata to dry. Little, it any, grain has been absolutely ruined, though some oaf.not properly protected, may be rained. The damage to tbe grain, when considering the total product, wilt be a very small percentage. The rains caused Petite prunes 'jo crack open badly. Threshing is very active, and with favorable weather it wilt be practieal'y ail done by the cloee of the current week . 1 be weather conditions today are fa vorable for fair and warmer weather from Wednesday. B. S. Pagcs. Public School Notice. Tbe public schools wilt open next Monday, 20 h inst. I will be at tbe Cen tral school Friday, 17th. from 9 to 12 a. m., to receive and classify all new pupils. Parents will please accompany pupils in the primary grades. Allow me to urge the great necessity ot entering pupils at the beginning. Ponctuality and regular attendance to school dotits are great virtues to be taught children. Without regular at tendance it is impossible to create and sustain tbe interest essential to good work. Every preparation bas been made that could be made to give yon the best ses sion m tbe history of tbe schools. n. ttrke, Superintendent. The Child Dead. The little Chinese girl burned on Sunday .mention of which was made in yesterday a vemocrai. die I at 4 o'clock yesterday from the effects ot the burn and was boned this afternoon, the funeral being held at the Baptist church. Tbe child's mother was a white woman. Letter List. Following is the list of letter remaining in tbe Postoffice at Albany. Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were advertised. Caldwell, S F (2) James. Mrs A D (2) Layton, A C Kurabey, J aim T. J. SriTsa. P M Seaside Excursion. Sunday, Sept. 19th, the O. O. & E. will give another of the popular seaside ex cursions from Detroit and poinU west to Newport. Salmon fishing Is now at Us height. Train leaves Albany 7 a. m. Fate, points east of Albany $2.00; Al bany and Corvallis $1.60. The Weather. Tonight and Thursday, fair and warmer River 1 .5 f frt. r . M.Krencb. Displayman. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets . All druggists refund tbe money it It fails to Cure. 25c. Prices on wheat are advancing but prices on groceries, hardware, stoves, tin ware, glass ware, crockery, etc are still very low and quality better tban ever at i h Allen & Co s. You Don't Have to Run Sou can stroll, walk or saunter right iuto Burkhart & Lee's drug store where you will find the i . t . ; it . vest o cent cigar in von cnv. ranuonuo is the name. Also a full line of clear Ha vana cigars in stock. Go On With tbe crowd to theCombina tion barber shop, four barbers, all first class, you can get a clean shave. Hair cut or shampoo wit Bout waiting. Best snop in town , "Romona" Baking Powder A pure cream tartar powdti Toe latest and beet. Ednca Tour Ilowels IVUb Cascarota. Can-iy Cathnrtle, cure constipation forever. 10c. 20c. It C 0. 0. fall, diMKgiatarofuoJ money. pays To buy your groceries and produce of Coun tt Huston. They keep the best and freshest ard are all right on prices. They win neip you to prosper in ami times. See tbeir fine line of crockery. Wanted! Your tea trade from now on. Schilling's Best wants it your money back if you don't like it hilling St Corap San Francisce tao WE! ID 1ST El SID -"V SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Prof. A: S. McDonald of the Harris burg schools, was in tbe city yesterday. Dr. A. B (iillis has been appointed a member of the state board of examiners to succeed Dr. Cusick, resigned. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Moceby, of Cottage Grove, are in Albany the guests of the letter's sister, Mrs. Rev. McGhee. Rev. M. O. Brink, was in the city yes terday on his way borne from Corvallis. He will now be stationed at Cottage Grove. Miss Mae Pollock left this morning for Wakaburg, Wash., where she will teach in the United Presbyterian College of that place. Mr. E.G. GraTes. a Crook county horseman, is in the city with a band of horses He reports a-marked Improve ment in E. O. Tbe Tangent school will begin on Sept 27 in charge of Prof. F. M. Mitchell, principal, and Miss Anna Worrell as as sistant, an assurance of an excellent school. Earl Stevens, a fo.mer U. of O. stu dent, has gone east to enter the Conn musical school in which be will take cornet lessons under the famous Jules Levy. Miss Nellie Danoals last evening, at the home of her father. Councilman Dannala, gave a party to a number of ber young friends Several hours were passed in a very pleasant manner. Miss Settle Whitney, of tbe high school department of the public schools, baa returned to A'.baoy after spendiug vacation with ber mother In Eugene, ready for school next Monday. Mr. Miller .of Pomona. Calif., a relative of Mr. Wm. Baltimore, is in tbe city on a visit after trip through Eastern Washington. He was greatly pleased with the apoerance of thintrs there. particularly the big wheat fields and enormous yields. Of all the p.acee visited Mr. Miller liked Spokane best. Mrs. C. O. Hogu who ha returned from California, staid with Misa Nellie at Stanford University until she had passed tbe examination for entrance to the university and then spent tbe re mainder of ber stay with relatives and friends in Oakland ant Alameda. Sbe says Oregon is good enough for her and that sbe would not exchange the Wil lamette valley for any section of Califor nia. HOME AND ABPOAO. Wheat 79 cents. Romona pure spices Romona Romona pure extracts . Hops are being qoo'ed at 1 1 and 12 cents in tbe valley. Will k Sla k always have la flock lat-wt novel tie in all Itje of jewelry. X. Somurd bas moved bis Feed to Rohertaoe's old stand oe 2nd street ntx door to the Democrat oce. Yon will always Sad a fine liae of je -elry at Will A Starks. Do not be, before examining their good. I W bentliy. the pior and aW ; mo, does firet-daaa work cheap. Call oa him. just north of the Democrat efike. J W hen you want a choice ateak, a nice I roact or meat of any kiad. cail on 1 leery Broders. lie keps tbe be. The beat meats of all kind aad gtod ilxeattneat at tbe Albany Drewd Uerf Company's market, jiut diwa Second street Good weight and prompt aUm- Fine "orooFlata bain at" Combination barber shop. Evvry thing clean and 6rt i !..-, - -! J. J - . . I v.m jj-cnu.u u ire a poou rieaa shave. t Tbe Progress CIuK bens its work for! the year ia tbe roaneot Literature, next! Monday at 2:30 P.M at Mr C I Kelley's, Any persons thinking r Using the course ! are ioti ed to alteoJ. j La4is wishing their rxblooJ. chocolate green, brown or Un aboea polubed please call at the eland on brat street. Henry Morgan the champion rutaet shoe polUher. First claaa work gnaraateed. Give o a call. C Simpson k Son bate etxoloved an ex pert irooer for skirts, drew, ahirtwiiaia. etc, and ladies will do well to send socb articles to that laundry. Blocks fir chit dreo's bats and Uutoeu. r im St. near nasbington. Visa K Bertha Ellis, revstlv Wfd vocal ioatroctor at O A O is in tbe city and will be prepared to receive pupils at juaaiea qui trom 3 io4 p m each day of next week. . bs rmilmW ot ilv time be may be found at tbe home of Mrs Mary I XWI n - . " jw tuuer. vorvaiiia timet. Gold at Taquina Day. A special to tbe Journal from Eddyville 5 tbat two miles and a half southeast of Eddyville, on tbe Dutton place, a gold quarts discovery bas been ma le tbat causes great excitement io Lincoln county. Mining claims under United States law, tyjOiWO fset. bare been filed for over three mile ia length of the canyon. Ooe of tbe claims on file st Toledo, is named Pros -perity G W. Buford. of Yaquiea. an ixperi enced miner, bss just returned Iroui the ledges on the Little F.Ik and decUres it to be largely a decomposed qaartzite and por pbyry rock heart r-g from $13 to $35 to tbe TOO . A big water power i i nnlinl bv the falls in the canyon, sufficient to work tbe mine, lotbeaoutb is a large tract ot government land, and rant ia railroad land. The mice is twenty miles east of Toledc. Pay Your City Taxes Tbe city taxes tav. been due for some time. Tbe money is needed in the city's bi sinees and tax payer are urgently re quested to pay as prompt as possible. By order of tax collector. Humors In the Blooa, boils, pirn pies, s'rofula sore, are promptly eradica ted by Hood's Sarsapanlia. tbe One True Blood Purifier, nerae tonic and health builder. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to opeiate. Cure indigestion, biliousness Sic. Bowling. The Albany bowling alley. R. Drum proprietor, will be open to night, and nightly during the week Step in and knock down a few pins. Don't fail to drcn in next wednesdaj Sept. 15th and see Mrs John N Hoffman s tine line ot bats on opening aay. Come one come an. Uome great and small. New veiling, neck rucbing, kid gloves and ribbons at the Ladies Basaar. Cupids Kisses at Parker tiros, somclhiug une for only 10 cent a quart. Go to F. H. PfeiiTer'b for the Best Pacific Coast Oysters, He Keeps Them. At Cost! At CostJ I have concluded to go out oi tbe croca erj busineasand now offer to the puolic my large stock of queensware, glassware and iwbl imttlerv at actual cost. Country rrerchants will do well to tall and stock up as most of these goods were shipped direct from England and my prices will be way down. KespecHniiy, O & Bbowhkll. A HOP YARD MURDER. Enoch Sylvester, of Lebanon, Kill ed at Independence. A row at hop yard nsar Indepen dence last night terminated fataby. Enoch Sylvester of Lebanon, And anoth er picker got into a quarrel and proceed ed to settle tbe matter with their fists. While fighting, a voung roan named Al lan Logan, of Toledo, whom it Is assert had nothing to do with tbe quarrel, struck Sylvester in tbe temple with a club. He fell over insensible, and after lingering until 11 -.80 o'clock today, died. Logan is a young man only 16 years of age, said to be quick tempered. He was in Albany recently, and went to the bop yard with one of the Van Oleve boys. While be undoubtedly did not intend to barm the unfortunate victim, the result, due to the b'ow striking in a vital spot, will be liable to terminate seriously for him. Mr. Sylvester is well known In this couuy. He is a son-in-law of Mr. eurti'jishaw, who left this afternoon after he remains. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday evening, Sept. 14. Present Mayor Burkbart, Recorder Ilentnn, Street Superintendent Weetfall, and Councilmen Dannala, Hopkins, Hogue, Martin and Dickey. The following bills were ordered paid: Frank Propst, $39.65; W H Goitre, $10.00; L W Moenrn, .50; W A Cox. $13.65: Mrs M G Stetter, $2 50; J W Roberts, $3.00; N J Henton, $24.05; Al bany Iron Works, $225.00; H C Watson, $18.25; 11 J Hopkins, $3.60. The street superintendent reported work done sioce last meeting on streets of tbe city. Mr H O Watson, city attorney, and Councilman Hopkins, reported a consul tation with the King Bridgs Co ia Port- Isnd in reference to tbe receipt of tbe $7253.94 on deposit in tbis city, on the principal of tbe warrants beld by that company, presenting tbe stipu.a tions offered by the city and that demand ed ty the company, so far apart as to render an agreement impossible. Upon motion of Councilman Hogue the street superteudent was directed to improve Ellsworth street from First to Water street. The recorder reported the insurance on the city buildings renewed, with fo low ing premium account: O G Burkbart, $9 00; J M Ralston, $12 00; 8 N Steele, $12 50; 11 F Merrill, $12.50. Councilman Martin reported that Nigbtwatch Baiiiss bad kept a record of the time the electric light bad been turned on, which, since some time in August, had been generally after 12 o'clock, after tbe lights in the business houses had been turned out. The bill of the company for $139.00 was continued. M. E. South Coutercnce. At the conference which met at Roee burg Hie ministers weie stationed as fol lows in the Willamette district: U. S. fchaogle, P. E.; Albany and Tangent. John L. Jones; Lebanon, T. Thomas; Brownsville. Walter Milltcan. supply ; Junction City, D C. McFarland ; Independence, T. P. Haynes; Oregon City. W. S. Molloy ; Dallas -nd Dixie. J. M. Peters; Corvallis and Peoria. J. W. Fenion; Mcklinavttle, J. M. Turner; Lewkviile, P. A. Motes; Tillamook, to be supplied ; H armour, H. A. Wood. tl. 8. hhangle was elected clerical, and IV A McGhee lay delegate to the "gen- rlonxir mh.irh r.i. ! US) ore, Md., 10 May, with R. A. Reagan and E. R. Skipworth reserve. Tbe next session of the con fere ace will be beld at Albany. Lake Creek. Lake C.'kcejc. Sept., 15, 1SCT. S. Brock bas h grain all in tbe wars house and U sowing grain for next year. C. C Jacasoo. Wilson A Company bare finished harvesting. K. Gilbens is sow ing bis sunnier fallow. Owen Brothers are picking tbeir prune. Tbey have several thousand boslie's to pick. Fred Jackson bas returned borne from Burns and will visit Lis parents several weeks and then return to Burns for the winter. R. A. Gilbens will commence ricking bis prunes Monday. Carter Aliozham bas moved to Will Sbeppetd's farm. Rrsric 0LT TllBtX. A3CD IX A C A Bit AGE. In Saturday's Dkuocwat appeared an item about five tucvcle young ladies from Corvallis being in Albany Friday night, and at 9 o dock be ng driven oat on ao count ot tneir misconduct by Mgbtwatch Bailees. Instead of five it was three and a young man, and instead of being here on bicycles tbey came in a carriage, but tbe young ladies wore bloomers and were supposed to be bicyclists by the police I oibcer, hence the mistake. ow it seems tnst on me same day nve ot uorvaliia s best young lsdies came to Albany oc a bicycle trip; but they returned borne at 5 o'clock, and were known by Albany people to have done so. I a Corraliis though there is an apprehension that tbey may have been mistaken for tbe hoodlums who w re driven out of tbe city. The Democeat is glad to give the facte in order to make sure of no mis apprehension, for the ktaodin of the five young ladies is so excellent as to 'de serve of no mistake in such a matter. A Gila Mosstsk Mr. Ben Bowers, of Southern Texas, where he bas an in terest in a paying silver mine, a former Benton countv man. arrived in Albany this morning from tbat staU. his second trip here within a year. He brought m i-h him a genuine Gilr monster which be captured in New Mexico, and which he presented this afternoon to tbe O. A. O. at Corvallis. Tbe most poisonous of reptiles, It contains in its 30 inch body as ugly looking a mass as ooe ever sees, lbs uehocrai man. ready for a lump trom o anger, gased upon it. From Seaocat. Dr. Job, ot Corvallis, who started for the Klondike, has re turned. He left Schmidt running a res taurant composed of rough boards, on $10 lot, one of 39 restaurants there. He charges 50 cents a meal and gets $1 per night for tbe nse ol a bunk. He reports Skaguay the roughest town in tbe world. full of gamblers, thieves and cutthroats Memorial Service To the officers and members of Greenleaf Lodge No. S3, 1). of H.: A memorial service wilt be held at the hall this Wednesday even- ng. All are requested to be present, Chief or Honor. fce. filltf5- CLBflt. at our expense J if you're not pleased F E ALLEN & CO- Sell Them Phjsical dire and IciiM Emerson or Msarte MARY CUNCIFF, Cor. Sid and Washington St. Horses. Easterns Orepon horses at Turner & Miller's stable for sale by E. Q. Graves rc..s Ce.fres Spicra Extracts baking Powder We are receiving a large new stock of seasonable Clothing, for men, youths and 1 boys, which has been bought lor cash at 1 low prices. Our expenses are minimum, 1 and we can sell these goods at such low 1 prices as to satisfy the bargain hunter, giving splendid quality for the money. Our old bankrupt stock is nearly all I sold, but, there are a tew suits left which I will be sold at a sacrifice. I THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. 1 LIVE PORTLAND LETTER. Poetlasd, Oregon, Sept. 14, '97. Eorros Democeat: I reached Oregon's metropolis Friday, and am at the Quimby House. As we steamed down the beautiful Willamette valley one could see field after field of merry bop pickers working as if their lives depended on the swiftness of tbeir fingers. There were several eastern people on the train nd they gazed with wonder and astonishment upon the or chards of fruit and tbe fields of bops and wheat. One old geut'eman from Indi ana went nearly wild over the sight. We neard mm ten bis wife tbat be never saw anything that would near come up w mis vauey ior iron and grain. To speak in tbe common parlance of the day. Portland is getting a move on ber and has entered the race with Seat tle and Tacoma for the Alaskan trade. Seattle at present baa the inside track hot it is bard to tell which will roroe under tbe wire first. Collector Black and bis force of Linn eoooty hoys are making for themselves a brilliant record. Yon hear on every hand nothing but words of praise for tbe management of the customs hooe. It is generally con eeeded teal Mr Black baa given better satisfaction than any collector that baa ever occupied the collectors deck since Portland became a port of entry. Yon bear Kloodike at every turn and we beard one man ask another where in blaze did that word Kiondicitis corre from. Brushing back oar bangs we po litely informed him tbat tbe Dewooiat man was it lather of the word ax d tbat be had applied for a patent on it, At any rate the word take and is coming in, eeoTi there wta t nse. ben spring opens be a big rush from here to Klondike. Parties say that Portland will coo tribute at least 500 men to swell tbe ranks of the great army of go'd hunters. They have here at the Quimby House tbe skin of the first Alaska packing dog direct from Itawson City. A man by the name of Brown brought him down here about a year ago, left bim at the Quimby Hoose end went oa to Califor nia. When first brought here he would not eat snything bat fish and would not make friends with anjooe nor notice another dog. Shortly after bis arrival be be;an t fatten very fast and in a few months be died. This skin does not look like a dog skin but is more like tbe skin of a fur bearing animal. Tbe Quimby lioase bas, a it deserve, a good patronage. No hotel la Portland is better conducted than the Qaimby. 11 ill A Morris are genllemen.wideawake, pleasant and courteous and tbey leave nothing undone that will add to the comfort and pleasure ot tbeir guests. Tbeir tables are loaded with tbe best in the market and their beds are as white and clean as tbe snow cap on tbe crest of Mt flood. StsiE Saso. SMABI AND SOI EDI. CO. Dealers in Harthare, Faixtsani Oils, Yagtn Sate rial. Iron, Steel, Coal, Chain, etc- Stoves Wheat is a good price and there is no reason in the world why yon should not boy your wife a cook stove. e can fit you oat with anytbing in the line of stoves and ranges, having a large stock of "Jewels" and nive reals constantly on band. Ocxs axd Asmntmos Hunting bas now commenced and we are prepared for it with a fine line of guns and a big stock ol ammunition. Our s'ock of shot guns is particularly good and the prices very low. uaii early ana get yoa cfloice. We still carry the two best bicycles in tbe market tbe "Columbia" and "Hartford." There isn't an v other wheel tbat w.ll give as good satisfaction. and tbe people are beginning to find it oat. We also have a repair shop, so if your old wheel needs any work, come around and we will put it in good shape tor you. Jewel Diss- Harrows Does your old disk barrow rear np iu tbe middle un less you run a rail into itr ben you get a "Jewel" you won't have this trouble. It bas a solid steel frame, is the most durable harrow on tbe market, and tt it doesn't do as good work as any of them you can bring it tack. Plows and Harbowi, You can't raise 30 bushels ol wheat pet acre nnleea you get tbe ground in good condition and we have the implements to do it with and want to sell them. We can sell you plows tbat will be light draft and will scour in any soil and we don't think any one can beat us on price. The Best Broov brought into the val ley is Studebaker a "laser." and we in vite you to come around and take a look at our stock. We have them in light and heavy sises.brewster and end springs quarter leather ani full leather topa and the gears in three different colors. 100Bcueus of wheat is a common every-dav load for a S.1 Studebaker wagon, it is not warranted by tbe mat ers under such a load, but it carries tbnt much right along during the straw-hauling season. However it ia warranted to carry as much as t SW wagon of any other manufacture, if you want a wag on that will last you during the rest of your lite, bay tbe "btudebaker." St PERioR Drills Wm Jordan, E D Farwell, Jno Hutchins, . Wm Walker, J E Arcbibald, B J decker. At Perrv, 8 Freerksen, Geo E Edge, Z G Hayes, Frank Tntes, E D Barrett. If vou think the Superior drill is not right at tbe top. wsk any ot tbe above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and used one last snrinir. We have iust received a car load for the fall trade, and tbey are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, but were shipped direct to us from the factory Aug. 1st. Come around and see the very latest and best drill. Don't Forget tbat the place to buy all these articles ana many others tbat we have not mentioned, is at the store of the STEWART & SOX 11DW.CO At THE MINES Boarding, moving and meals may be secured of the sub soriDer at me o an nam mi nee, at ou piaor t the mouth ot .Dry Uuicn. tt. W. Whjt. SEPTEMBER 13, 1897. H. F. MclLWAIN, CASH STORE. OUR NEW 8 papers A r buckle or Lion coffee.. f Standard brands floor, per sack. 10 papers beet solid matches 5 lbs Arm A Hammer soda (bulk) 7 spoils Clark Spool Cotton Sardines, every can a arranted .... Extra soda crackers per cartoon.. 6 gallons best coal o:i 9 bars pore Savon soap 5 bars Codabys best soap 20 bars Codabys beet soap . . Mens beet kip boots Mens good kip boots IP 85U 25 25 SO ! 75i ! 00, Mens long and short rubber boots, mens and ladies macintoshes, ladies and mens rubber overshoes, umbrellas of all grades and styles, blankets made in Oregon of Ore gon wool. . DF UcILWAIiVS CASH STORE Q'BRI Closing Of fancy and staple Dty Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Ladies & Childrens Shoes All of which we shall sell at cost and below. Call and see for First Street Bet The Fair. Another lot of lit 'em Hard' bargains just re ceivedCall and see us. Respectfully J. A. WEAVER. TTORTBADE.-A trord horse to trade P for bar and oats. Call on F- H. PteiBer. T700DF0R SALE. SO eords of bis VV t body fir, dry. Order in carload lo's of 8 cord. 1.25 a cord on toe car. R L Carroll. Berry, Or. WANTED Girt to learn assort-'ng and bundling. Also man to learn to taae tun cnarge ot wasn room. City Lanndrv. 0. Simpson & Son First SL 1 osr.- Someebereia Albany a plain gold rinsr with the name of the owner on inside. Liberal reward ocrat office. Call at Dby FOR SALE on easy terms, SM acres rich farminsr land within 4 miles Ot of Albany, are ia cultivation; also 320 acres in same neighborhood with about 225 in cultivation; also 320 acres in same district with about 150 acres in cultivation. Tbeet lands are in eood condition and a portion of each tract has been summerf allowed this yeer. Apply to J. J. Graham, Albany T70R SALE. Two booses, central!) 17 located in A Ibany.with 6 and 7 room each, cheap, in good repair. Good wheal farm with eood boil Jin nr. 4 miles from Al ban v on count v roar'. For particulars call at residence of T Baker. 2nd St, be tween Baker and Montgomery, Albany Or TWO RIGS. It yon wish to take a drive see J W Roberts for a first class tig cheap, til dm two ready ior nse. t. t r VV ments bv the day to sew. engage Ow. Mrs R, H. TTROIT BOXES. For anv kind of fruit 17 boxes leave your orders with the Sugar Fine Mill ft fixture Co. liaiiiiuiuiuiuiiiiuiiii PRICE LIST.- OOLadies full stock shoe 10 Ladies beat fine sboee 10 Celebtated Anins ville dour.per sack 25 Keg of eundard syrup, 6 gal 25 Mens $1 shirts go for.. O5S20 lbs good rice 1 00 1 50 115 1 50 75 1 CO Mens Oregon wool suit from $5 to 12 0" lbs Fairbanks Gold Dost. 20 Mens $3 Fedora bats Mens fine $3 calf sboee Tbe beet line of blankets from. 75c A fine steel rod umbrella ior 1 00 2 25 7 0 1 00 -The People's Friend. ENS Out Sale yourself. Ferry and BroadalMn. U SCHIffLER & CO. Merchant Tailors . Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Oil Siail ia KM Bloct. ' DKESS- M A KIXG- Ladies wishing learn cutting aad tntine by the Mo can system, call an Mrs. R. E. Owe Dresses made ior $2.50 and up. Cor !r and Calapooia- WHO wants a tuition in toe Holme Business college of Portland If Oat at tbe Democeat offce. WANTED-UPRltlHT AXD FAITH. FUL gentlemen or ladies to travel tor responsible, established house in Oregon. Montblv 165.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference inclose self -sui dressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, Dept. H, Chicago. T?0R SALE A stock of general ixer- r chandiae, including groceries. at a countrv town un tbe railroad in this (Linn) county, for sale cheap. Probably wilt induce appointment as k k. ucaet agent and express agent and postmaster. Only store in town. For particulars apply to U W Wright, attorney at law, Albany. TnrrANTED trustworthy ac- for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Tee Domin on Company, Dept. Y Chicago, TTOR SALE. Tbe meat market furni- V tore, tools and slaughter house tools. tbe Emerick market. Call oa Loots ejtkmaa or William Flu singer for par liars. DISSOLUTION K3TICF. Notice is bereb5 given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between L H Montanye and T P Hackleman is 'his day dissolved by mutual consent. A'baay, Or, Aug 31st, 1S97. L H MONTASYK, 1 P fiaCXXKMAS. TJ0TJND A boy's macintosh, almost X7 new. about eight miles from Albany. Call on J W bentt. WANTED. Woman to do ' boose work ia family of three. Apply to L E Grav, at water works.