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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1897)
iiimniimniii mini 1 1 Mind this. It makes no difference, I RtlEUr.lATISr.1 of the Muscles, Joints, and Bones iiimimiiinii 1 1 in 1 1 1 mi i mini It. J. L. HIL.L.. aveMan and Sttreeon, O "T1C1-First St, Just Run Uoose, Albany orseon. OR. C, U. CIIAMBERLIN HOMOB03PATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem isues, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity; Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. WETHERFORD&, WYATT Attorneys at law Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to matters ia probate and to collections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. BLACKBURN & S0F.1ERS a"roiiiTE"5rs -a.t law All legal matters witl receive prompt at tention. Office, First National Bank Build ing, up stairs. ; . W.R. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicilor in Chancery, collections made on ' all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. jOKTAHTE tfc HACKLEHiM, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon IRST NATIONAL BARK, OT AI.BAST, ORMW P.-ssldent.. Vies Prestden . Cshiar . Lruira 8 , K, YOUNG , W. LANdDON TRANSACTS A GKNKRALbnk1n!bnsiosa ACCOUNTS KKWsobrKt to sbaek. 103T EXCHANGE and t agraphia transfer, i a No it York San Franelsco.Caleairo id P-Mtlai d OL'.SCTIONS ADSoa for!ls tsrma S B roum' PA GooDwn?, C. E W Li a OS L. Puna 3. Push. J J- WH1TKEY . Attorney at Law, Aloany. Or. Fire Insurance RE YOUR PROPERTY with le Old Bartford, the New York Tin. liters Aeencyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFICE m P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. Pfnuucit Cams in li to Jj d-T. We refund money- it we do not Yoa can be treud tt bomefortlMSBtmepnce C5d9 tviii ih sixrs . rtr-r-s. ANSf With UMHS Who 1 J pi trio" tOCl iiio Yr viU contract to cure I c-r Ui-m or tt x :... and hotel t iT J s iT 5 c- t yoa Have Ukco mer ettll hare ache and In month, Hm Tfcmt, p4 HaxatA. Ikrre on avnj tMrwa ratiiHta oas ry or Tvsrtiarr mnot mrr. Tii& l.- kT ; r.- e- c .n 14 treatiur this riiseae- froaraitire. Write v 07 Jf aocie mm ORCHESTRA J HEiCXEISTO. Conductor - BIST WISIFEOOK Mgr., INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Yio., Qar., Cor., Trom Bas3 and Drums Iepei ohte of qe-vv' if vsic Music Furnished For Concerts, Parties. Receptions k. Eater hdnments at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited regarding ?n-g-igeTieta out of town. Address Bert WesOrook, Business Man ager. Revere House, Albany, Oregon BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MIRKS. COPVRICHT8 AO. Anrone tending a sketch and description mm 7 quickly ascertain, free, whether an InTention U protabl7 patentable. Connniinicatioiis strictly eoDrtdentfaL Oldest areocr for eecaring patent in America. We have a Washington ofnee. Patents taken throagb, Jiann tt Co. reoaire special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, besnttfallr Illustrated, lanrest circulation of Mar scientiSc Knrnal, weekly, tennsSSUAJ a rear; six months. Specimen apples and iLuio Boon ox Patxsts sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 BroadwaT. Xnr Yrk. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR DR. TaLMAGE'S "The Earth Girdled," or bis famous tour around the world, a tbri'ling story of savage and barbarous lands. Four million Tal mage's books sold, and "The Earth Girdled'' is his latest and grandest. DEMAND ENJRMOUS. Everybody wants this famous book; only $3 60. BIG BOOK, BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREDIT GIV EN. FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. Dr all trash and sell the king of books and make $-00 a month . Address for oat fit aud territory. The Dominion Com pany, S'ar Building, Chicago. wiaasysyyya-eM & Careats and Trade MsrkucMatned and all Pat feet business conducted for Moderate Fees. Bendmad'-l.drawinfeorpboto. WesdTlaelf patentable free of charie, Onr fee n ot due till' patentiSBW.nrcd. A Pamphlet "How toOb-' f tain Patents," with cost ot same in tbe U. B., i and foreign countries sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. , Parturr Ornec. WaaHlfteTOH, D. iniuniu PROCURED, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, Solictor anaAtlyin FatentCanses m New lark Ave.. WasBlagtaB. D C Office established I8tt. Charge mod ate. Correpponc'ence requested. Notice to Water Consumers. rT,HAT WE MAY BE ABLR TO MAIN L tain a good pressure in all parts of our system, consumers are prohibited from ' lining hose without nozzles and from allow in water tl.tgets to run at all times. The waler will tie shut off without notice from premUes where it is allowed to run to waste. A lb amy Water Co. CAMPEKS ATIENTION. Dr. Adims the defcUst, has two good wall tent. with fly it each cut", for sa'e at a bargain, .1 11 minim m Chronic Acute, or Inflammatory is cured by . Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First Sts CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -Dealer In- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. Canned Meat Queenswfc.- Vegetable Cigars, Spices Tea Etc everything that ia rapt in food variety andgro. 1 eery store. High est ptse paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODUCI SENDERS' COMPANIE Always Pay. No question about full and prompt mentor losses by fire on insurance placed with the leading agent of Albany. M. Sen ders. 'WsfliatHelMiiresFeoieFcr Don't allow yoowelf to be roped into tha various "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on you aa being "cheapest in surance, when you insure yoa do do want to worry about getting yoor money in case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. We lead to wall paper trade. We were never more in the Tan than now. More designs; newer, brighter, fresher, and more orig inal designs; a greater variety 01 as signs; finer qualities of paper; and lower prices for fine qualities of paper than can be found at any other establishment; these are onr manv and solid claims to your patronage. When you see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we only ask 15 cents for it, you'll be very much surprised. J. A. Camming. HearflDs Before?? We're talking aeain- talking to the hard-to-please people wbo like particular 1 printing. We are particular 1 printers ; we put in tnat lit tie , extra-nice touch that pleases i you. He toe job big or ntue, 1 its big enough to be well done. I Oar Particular Department is ! I our whole shop. Ask ns to 1 prove it ; we can please you I or give jour money back. Smlkt'b Particular Printery. Phone 9, Albany. CHEAPEST POWEtt ...HERCULES HAS AND'GASOLINE ENGINES,.. Built in special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term". Illustrated catalogue furnished . free upon applica tion. Amibicas "Jtpb Foundkbs' Co. Portland, Oregon . For Sale. "Tha Miiipa rtnfflt Iianm mmiom, Pr of the John Schmeer livery stable is offeree for tale. Parties wishing to buy please call at the stables and only those wbo mean ousiness need apply. A bargain will be given loun Schmkek. FOSHAY k MASON Wholesale & Retail-- DRUGGISTS ABD 600KSEURES ALBANY. OEKOON. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. FOR SALE. A span of iron aray mares 6 and 7 years old, will weigh 1200, good travelers. For particulars inquire or write to f RED ARNOLD, B06Ua. Uf. Dr Adams Cusick Block Albany, Or; Painless work a specialty. Ife jScmomt There is to be a fine of $50 in Canada for every paper published on Scnday in I hat province. It is a good idea not to reach the acme of one's fame at commencement. Keep on plodding. The student who receives the least notice on graduation may be the hero of the day in ten years. The goldbug democratic party is to be perpetuated another year, at least in Oregon. Only a few will remember the fact veiy long. Lebanon's 4tn of July celebration will be a mild affair in all probability com pared with the crowd that will be there on the day of Bryan's visit. It is said $1,000,000 will be. distri buted in the Illinois legislature on account of a bill passed which will te worth $5,000,000 to millionaire Yerkes. . A Lincoln Nob., paper must be run in a ,ery extravagant way, for the editor says "in the eleven months ending with Ma our expenditures exceeded our re ceipts $33,000,000." An experience like that would have an observable effect on the Democrat's poca-etbook. The wheat crop is short in France, short in Russia, almost a failure in Ar gentine, there is a famine in Icdia, and the American supply ia rather leea than average. Still, wheat sells in the Chi cogo market for 67 cents. Twenty-five years ago under like conditions, it would have been worth from $1.50 to $2. What is the matter? Is it evident that money is even scarcer tnan whea:. Asks an eastern paper. A Bostonian who recently returned from abroad had quite a struggle with the customs officials at the hub over a small piece of the Giant's causeway brought home as a relic. The naval office held ihst it was granite and should pay a duty of 9 cents. The collector's office pronounced it a crude mineral, and therefore nndutiable. In the end the latter opinion prevailed. It was cer tainly a hair splitting affair. from the .Washington Post: Ex-Senator Corbett, of Oregon, enjoys all the privileges of the Senate chamber except making speeches), voting, and drawing a salary. He has been assured of a favorable report from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, but has been told tnat be will have to wait nntil alter the tariff bill is out ot the way before the case can be brought op in the senate. As it is pretty generally understood that Congress will adjourn as soon as the tariff bill is out ot the way, adieu by the senate on the question of seating Mr. Corbett upon bis Governor's cert locate ot appointment will oodoubtedlr go over nntil the beginniog ot the regular ses sion in December. 11 r. Corbett doee not sem to be losing anything by the delay. He makes friends continually among the newer senators, as he bad already bad friends among tbe oler members of the eenate. Popular Science Prof. Alexander Graham Bell is now busily engaged in perfecting an instru ment which carries words on a ray of light. Be Las already succeeded in tele phoning by tbis means for a single irite. A medical contemporary meotioos, on tbe authority of Dr. Alexander, that tbe planting of osiers on a large sale io nortbwestesn India has been useful in stamping oat malaria in a notoriously nubeallby valley covered with stagnant pools. - Cheap Living. An eastern writer gives tbe following very interesting facta about cheap Hv' ing: Down on the Bowery, near Canal street, I found tbe other day tbe cheap est restaurant in New York. An old music hal: lias been converted into a vast dioinz-rm, (quipped with tbe custo mary counters and stools, and at the door there are signs announcing meals for 5 and 10 rents. Ten-cent meals are not at all remarkable on tbe Bowery, where there are dozens of places in which you can get what is called a dinner for 10 or 15 cents, but I s ave never before seen an attempt made to provide thoro ughly clean, decent, and appetising meal fer 5 cent9. This concern was es tablished as a charity by Dr. Klopschep, proprietor of tbe Christian Herald, but it is run on a straight business basis, and tbe manager, who is a nephew of Rev Talmage, says that it now pays ail ex tenses of rent, superintendence, food, sooking and wailing. Tbe rent alone s 2,500 a year, f ince tbe restaurant was opened, about a month ago, more than 65,000 meals have been fun-isbed, and more than nine-tenths of them were of tbe 5-cent class. Now what does a man get for Lis nickle? I say a man for I saw no womeo at the counters. Be baa bis choice of a plate of bash, liver, bee I stew, or pork and beans, and be gets a bowl orcolfee, with sugar and milk, and three slices of good bread. If be prefers oatmeal and milk, he can substitute tbat (or his meat ration. The food is all well cooked and wholesome, and is served in very liberal portions, so tbat a hungry man can really satisfy himself at an ex pense of on!y 5 cents. The 10-cent meal consists of, first, either oatmeal and milk or soap, then choice of roast meats, with two kinds of vegetables, bread aodjjbut ter, coffee or a glass of milk, and some kind of dessert, usually a rice padding or a bread pudding. . The place is never closed night or day. No matter at what hour tbe hungry wayfarer may pass, the doors are open and the l'ghts burning. The customers are by no means tramps or "bums" most of them are respectaple looking men. No one is refused a meal, however, no matter bow ditty or forlorn may be his appearance, nor is tbe beg gar turned away who has not 5 cents to pay- Shaving 10c Hair cutting 15c At Mack's barber shop. J W Hentbr, the pioneer boo and shoe man, does first-class work cheap. Call on him, just north of the Democrat oflice. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. lit fu ll mils If aa SWT 5 Ifuturo Music. Miss Mildred Burmeater teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residence fifth street, opposite V P chuteb. is not New York is as much of a prise fight ing state as Nevada, if not more so Advance agent McKinley still has bold of his cample case according to an east ern paper. Lynching, prise fighting and football will have to be done away with before our civilization Is complete. From the Columbia (S. C.) State . We may salefy predict the election of a Democratic president in 1900 tbis on a platform substantially if not exactly similar to the Chicago platform of last year. There are better times ahead though we must be content to wait. "Spokane is tha liveliest town in the Wast," said Mr. T. D. Gibbs, who repre sents the Northern 1'acihc Ksilway there, to a reporter ot the Post at the j Short ham. "There isn't a vacant house in the town, and it is calculated tint 1,000 new buildings will be constructed tbis year. We were in a rather deplor able condition nntil the development of the great gold mining propei ties in the Trail ereek country, in British Columbia, and in the Colville reservation. With the opening of these mines the tide turned, and an era of prosperity set in which bids fair to be permanent. Spok ane is the trade center of both these dis tricts, and her business men have reaped large profits. But the best part of It ia that Spokane men own the big mines, and so the revenne therefrom is kept at home. The Le Roy min, in which Senator Turner owns a large in terest, baa been paying monthly divi dends of 125,000, and the deeper it is exDlored the wider becomes the vem from w hicn the precious metal is taken Experts say that this region is ecaicely in the infancy ot Its development, and that it will in the near future come to be regarded as one of the greatest gold dis tricts in the world." Liverpool England. Editor Democrat: A paragraph in the Orexonian lately spoke of tbe increase ol temperance in Liverpool, as dns to tbe facilities for strife transportation of wheel and stieet car. Thinking back a good many years, I can put the improvement down toother causes besides, A quarter of a century ago tbe whole line of tbe Liverpool docks was dotted with cocoa houses, where tons of cocoa were u?eJ weekly aed sold at a penny a pint to tbe workiog man as early as five o'clock in the morning. Another was the evangelistic work of the churches to rescue men from dnnk, to bold them through the existing tem perance societies, recreation rooms, un ceasing care for them and their families. I remember a clergyman's wife sayiog: "Our reformed drundards mostly Iiish) are all right till Halloween arrive, and then their old companions get them off on a spree, and we have to begin tbe work all over again. These causes made Liverpool ripe tor what ia now a fact : vix, an average of 40,000 popula'ion without a saloon. L. Curious Facts. Tbe perfectly round pearls are tbe most valuable; next come tbe pear-shaped. and, lastly, ths egg4baped. On the top of the parish church tower io Bickooller, Somersetshire, is a yew tree, now five fet high and still grow - log. Tbe ioogest time daring which a note bas remained outside tbe Bank of Eng land is 111 years. It was for 25, and it is computed tbat tbe compound interest durioe tbat loss period amounted to no less tbao X'3000. Perhaps tbe moetsplendidtydecorated church in tbe united Kingdom is that of Whitoev Court. Worcestershire. It is entirely constructed of white marble and tbe pulpit is of genuine carrara marble, richly decorated with precious stones. The total numbeis of copies ot news papers printed throughout tbe world io one year is 12.000,000,000. To print tbeae requires 781,240 tons of paper, rr 1 ,52, 430,000 pounds, while it woold take the fastest single press 333 years to print a single year's edition, wbicb would pro dace a stock of papers nearly fifty miles high. National flowers have been adopted ia various countries as follows: Greece, violet: Canada, sugar maple; Egypt, lotus; Engiand.roee ; F ranee, flner-de-lia ; Germany ,corn Sower ;!re!aad,sbam rock ; Italy, lily ; Prussia, linden ;Saxony, mig nonette; Scotland, tbistle; Spain, pome granate; Wales e Every steamer tbat sails along the coast is a refoge for birds that ate blown to sea, mostly small and not strong of wing. When disturbed or frightened by people on deck, they fly into tbe air and fall behind tha ship. After several dis turbances they become so tired tbat they can no longer catch up, and after hope less I y chasing the vessel for several mile tbey flutter into tbe sea and are drowned. A flock of wild pigeons, so numerous ss 'to recall tbe buoticg stories of days that were supposed to have passed for ever, bas taken possesion of a grove In Shasta County Cal. When tbe birds are oo their foraging expeditions tbey are said to form a line a mile in length, and from one bundled to two hundred yards wide, while the sound of their wings is like tbat of a furious storm. At night they gather in a black forest where, over an area of adout 1C0 acres, they seem to cover every twig and bough. MARRIED. GLOVER ASIIBY. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Loomis at Ilwaco beach, Washington, at noon on Wed nesday, June 16th, Miss Minnette Grace Ashby and Mr. Orange D. Glo ver were joined in wedlock. Both the happy young principals to this high contract are well known and hiuhiv esteemed in tbe Capitol City of Oiegon.the bride being the sister of Geo. U. Asbby, ot this city.ana toe groom oe ing pleasantly remembered as an em ploye in the groceiy house of James Alt ken. Mr. and Mrs. Glover will continue to reside at the beach and will be at borne to their friends after Sunday, June 20th. Statesman. The bride wss a res ident of Albany several months last year &THEJRIUUPH OF LOVE ! Happy, andjniitful Marriage. Xrsrr MAN who would know the GRAND TtT UP . h. , .(VW'IIU. Hill Facia, the (Nd Secrets and the New Discoveries ol Medical Science asapplied to Married Life, who would atone fur tast fol. t Use and avoid future pit.' . r 1 1 l ij i . r iuw, iriwuiu wiiie fur vw wonderful little book, called "Complete Man. hood and How to Attain ft. To any earnest man we will mall one copy Entirely tr, in plain sealed cover. , ERIE MEDICAL CO.. tUSSSM: The hones of Representatives earning its salt these days. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS No event interests more people than the various commencement exercises of a college. There is a npirit and fascina tion connected with them that draws the crowd. Poetical In character one is elevated. The ending of school days aud the commencement of life's in lesion makes an impression that is emphatic In its character. The object of attend ing school is to fit one for life's battles, hence it is an era when the battle is sup. posed to begin, and the beginning of a battle has so much uncertainty about it as to create Intense interest. As a rule the outlook is a bright one; there is a rosy tint to things during the flowery orations that elevates the hopes and in tensities the expectations. On com mencement day the country Is full of 'nlure presidents. It is well. The realities of life lollow soon enough with their hardships and grubbing experien ces, which if industriously persisted In may lead on to foi tune. The great sec ret to success in any field is application, industry and economy. Who thought there might be a pros pect otdrougbt. Drought in the Wil lamette valley; well we guess not. This valley li as much cf a proof against drought as Sahara ia sgainst rain . A very rich mau during the week jumped into the ocean and of course was drowned. Ho the wires stretched themselves to get the news 07er the woild that Barney Barnato, or whatever bis real name is, bad termiaated bis very unsatisfactory existence. The Democrat baa no tears in the matter. It does not admire his earner. Yes, let us have Hawaii as a the TJ. S. There is something and its interests that ally il to S. and we want it. part of about it the U There is nothing for which the ! ockat strives harder than. being fair to all people, and it will always consider it a privilege to be able to correct a mistake or tak back a micrepresantaiioo, never intentionally made. Mtlk of Human Kindness. From the Salem Independent: The editor of this psper is gla J to an nounce that he has so far recovered from bis recent severe illnees, tbat be has been able to visit bis office a few times, though not yet able to attend to its rou tine duties. He Ends it necessary to go to the sea coast rt mountains to recuperate. As soon, however, as he is able be will be fouLd "forginc thunder" as of yore. Now, we want to say for the goud peo ple of Saiem and vicinity that e cannot find language sufficiently strong to thant them for ths msor kinJcetses stiosro duriogoor sven week's illness. When we decided to make Salem oar future home our "lines bad indeed fa! lea in pleesaoi places." People of every de gree called upon ut an J offered to assist us in any way postibte. Tbe calls and inquiries daily made a.'ler our hea th frtqucnllj amounted to Site a or twenty Many gentlemen ho were campe.leJ to leave the city on ba:nest seat as letters of apolrgy with their best ihet. And ben onr medical adviser forbade our friends to visit our room dec'ariog that absolute quiet was necessary to our res toration to health, the ladies sent io boquete of flowers nntil our room pre sented tbe appearance of a d iwer'garden and little children p'eked n wild straw berries, and erer-ron seemed to do every thing they could to make as feel well. We can otver forget the kindness sbosrn ne on Ihia on-asian Peonle reaf,lu. us on ibis occasion, t eopie. regard wee of politics or religion came to tender us tbeir kindest offices. It would oicopy too much space to name die many ladies aodsenUemen wbo made frraaent calls . ,. , , , " . siampsM upon and smashed into a pan Ia innnira allarnar heallh. bat es liaeel.., Xhs list carefully preserved, nevenb e!ess and ws shall always loot noon it as one of the most precious mementos ot our life. G jd b'ees the peonl -f Sa'eai. From the As'oria Budget : I do not wish loeneourage voa in the sen ti men is expressed io tbe Budget," said a proooueced gold-etanJard Mc Kinley man as be sat tboogbtlolly on a settee in the Occident bote! last eight, but I tell yoa I have beard mire tick iog lately by commercial d rammers about dull trade than I ever bave beard before io my life." Tbe mau who spoke is a life long republican, and it will take something more than talk to convert him to free-silver, but like a great many more Republicans be ia be ing crowded very hard by McKinley prosperity. Tney will all be io lir.e by I!.). "Help! Help!" cried tbe drowning man. "I am drowning!" "Jove! What an opportunity!" cried tbe reporter on the shore, whipping out his notebook." "Quick -lell me your sensations, and III give you a send off in Sunday's paper " But it wss too late. Tbe man had gone down for the third time. Ex Those wbo are growling because the psople are demanding prosperity so soon after election should remember that it was promised at once in order to secure votes. In fact it elected Mr. McKinley. There's the mb. Why it was even pro posed seriously that on election morning all the bells in the U. S. be rung as aa announcement of tbe begiuutug of pros perity. That bicycle jokeaboot getting all the exercise needed by dodging wneeis, seems to have had a run in the east and was aiplied to both David Hill and Billy Mason. Whatever else may come in this great Willamette Valley, pot it down solidly tbat it will not be a drought. This valley is proof against drousbts and cyclones. Barnato's brain gave out. There wasu't much of It to start in with, just a financial bump in one corner. Mark Ilanna is said to run tbe Xavy departmebt, being a regular dictator. A NEW NECK-BA.ND makes manv a useless shirt as We put them on good as new. for 15c. We'll care for all your laundry so well you'll never miss the darnine sirl of the si 1 home There's really no necessity of collars, cuffs and shirts dying of anything but ripe old age. Broken bands and edges prematurely fray ed are tbe result of careless work and poor machinery. Why don't you try an up-to date, careful laundry? Onr collectors call any where, any time. , C. Simpson & bo, Opp tit Charles Hotel. City Laundry. MISFITS. The Salem Journal wants Judge rell ol Marion coun'.y impeached, alter him red hot. Ter It is The walk between the Dkmociiat office and First stieet makes it look as if some of Albany's grades are uncertain affairs. Another tnan, A. I. Brown, has jut-t started for tnose Blue Bucket Mines, lie will find what all ollir'inytli hunters have found, nit. Tub I)kk hat man has hear! Stewart L. Woodford, the new minister to Spain bpeak politically twice. He is a man of considerable force. One paper In Oregon defends Presi dent Chapman of the State University. The Eugene Guard says there are some suspicious ear marks seen. The bssrd of regents of the State Uni versity employe! president Chapman for another year. rh-y declared the charges against hint to be trivial ones. The finest greens ever eaten are dan delions, the lines tonic for the kiuneys in tbe world, and vet Albany people kick because their yards are full of them. We are looking for the Salem papers to build a railroad up into the Crabtree country in order to get all the trade of the new colon;. Why tbis dilatoriness. It cost f 2 65 to cut off a table leg at tbe court house in Salem . This makes cold chills run down the Dejuh-h at man's back. What are we coming to ! ! Portland's sinart-Alecky detectives still insist that Planner, the Forest (rove absconding banker is in Portland, lie is in the east by this time. The story of Queen Victoria's blind ness proves to be one of the modern newspaper fakes. Nothing in it It isn't safe to believe things nowadavs wtiliout an affidavit. m. Kictor was yes ter Jar sentence.! to toe penilettary lor two years for rob bing w. 8. Idd's grave. Tbe judge sxmtv in limit was so low. Ten J years would be about right. ! Patronize your home business "tea Do not send away for your things Spend your money with these who p -.J their money with you. and always cuisalt the columns of tbe IIewockat for business invitations. The live bjcin n tnrn are represented. Mot people mho watch the eastern base ball games have a team picked out tbey with to see tn. The Dsmocsat man a'.ware looks first for the score of tbe New York., and notes m ith j leis ure every win that brings the club nearer the pennant. A no; her train load of cattle from Web foot panted through here this morning going to Montana. Ft cm the way cattie have been shipped out of tbe VYidametle vallev this season, it wntil l tem that beel will lea very tcarre article dawn j there in tha Inture. The Dalies 1. M. j Pienty left Io eat. This abig vsUey A few years ago Corvaliis had nine ta-l.-oos and six cburch bondings. Sis- then there has teen a steadr lessening in the number ct dnrk resort and an increase of churches, "''hia month Chas Albrecht c'.oeed Ins r!eon. leaving five in the c'ty, hi)e rrgular servk-es are held in eleven churcti edifices. Gaxeste. Fred HoStum. of Oakland, Calf., de clares that he and liareey Btrnato per formed jn the ring together in London many vears aga, no:isbUnding tae sieter oi liarnato says her i-nrther was s never a circus Tills matter should be sifted to the bottom and even placed in the bands of Port land detec tive if necessary to get the rexl facta. J At a tnee-ting of the Alumni of WU Frsnk Irvine, of i laroette I niversity, 15. i " a OI ' now l Versatile eUHOr , o( iM Corvaliis Times, delivered tbe ad- . a t . now the versatile editor ires of the evenitg Cut was his theme. There was hardly a spot left hen he bad bo:!el Spain djwn. and f'f? ol V government was cake. As a sample of soar granes the follow ing statement made by Max Prsel.t io I'ortland, is the lxt on record: "I will be near my family and bat 1 esra I can save, while the cot of moving my f im ily and keeping the latch siring" out at tbe governor's rendence in Sitka, which the srovernor is expected to do, wid eat up al. of his salary, and nothing but tbe glory is left for pay." The Alumni of the Plate t'niversity psseed resolutions, of which tbe follow ing is the substance: Whereas, We un derstand that repcrta have been circu lated charging I'rof. Johnson with in temperance and cross iniuioraiity, and J attacking his ability as an instructor Resoived, That we dcire to realhrm our entire conbdem-e Uth in his excep- tiooal )ua'iities as teachr, and our es- teem of his moral integri-y, and stead- fastness of character, and our gratitude or ins unentiaicxl services lurin the! . niversity's pioneer existence. Coming from so fair and readable a paper as the lehanon Advance the fo1 lowing is particularly appreciated by the Dbnocrat: "The Aibany Democrat is one of the best uipeis iu Oregon, and is more copied from tban any other paper in the state. Mr. Nutting is a "live" editor and possesses the faculty of pre senting the news in an interesting way. We also believe tho Iemocrat is about the fairest paper in tbe slate, nevtr in tentionally misrepresenting anything, politically or otherwise, but always en deavoring to mike fair and impartial statements Dan'I McClain visited the metropolis this week snd consulted ac oculist in re gard to his eyes, and was told tbey were all right but that bis glasses were im properly fitted. This is only oneot many instances where people have been bilked by so called opticians. tiarriabtirg Re view. Another warning to leave travel ing opticians alone. There were only two Kangaroo Colum bia bicycles in Oregon. One is owned by E. M. Waite, the veteran printer of Salem, now t ver 70 years of age. Mr Waite continues do ride his wheel re gsrdless of its being far out of date. The other la owned by the Man about Town, of tbe Dkmocrat office, and there is a rumor that it will be seen in the plug ngglies on ihe stli of July. It has not been used for several j ears. When you ask au editor to suppress an item of news because it does not please you then go and ask your grocer to ex clude pickets fro, n his store Decauee you can't eat them, or your butcbor not to keep bologna because it soes against the stomach. There is just as much fair ness in one as the other. News is an ed tor's stock in trade. So are pickets a urocer s and bologna aud nockwrust a butcher's Jhuisviile Brooze. The Roseburg Review gets this off on the women of Euirene: "A balloon as cents id parachu'e jump Is to be an at traction at the Albany 4th of July cele bration, and tho professor (?) udvertises that he will marry any woman who will make the ascent witb bim and stay in the balloon after h-cut the parachute loose. If this proposition is ever made iu Eu gene, it is stated upon good authority that the bold aerial navigator will be forced to enlarge the sarry ing capacity of his balloon." The Ashland Record gets tbe same thingoff on Jacksonville. Come to Albany and see the fun. J Gradwohl Informs the general publio tbat he will sell as low as anybody in the city for net cash. Come and get prices before you buy. April 1st, 1897 . J. Uradwohi.. TELEGRAPHIC. Brake his Neck FoitKvr Grove, Or. June 18. Coroner C. L. Large was summened to Ulencoe tbis morning to iaretigatfl the canoe of the uatb ol I'eter halscb. aged C2. who died at 8 o'clock a, m today. '1 be deceased was a uiacbanic and was woikinv nn a barn, owned by O. C. Barlow of Ulencoe. lie was gettina ready to put ud a ad-Jpr. preparatory to hoisting bay into tbe barn with a derrick, and was liftinir a m rf timber up aguins the barn, when the lad der fell trora under bira and be fell 35 feet striking tbe barn floor and breaking bis neck, dying instantly. Slew Werk Washington, June 18. Tbe tariff bill came to a bait in the senate today, less than one page of tbe flax hedule being disposed of. The debate drifted into po litical channels. Senators bacon. 'tmt. Jones of Arkansas aud Tillman takinir part in an exposition of desaocratic doc trine on the tariff. It led to several lively exchanges, during which tbe cleaning of political "dirty linen'' was frequently re- icrrea w. Cabaa affairs MllUllflWtf fnnA 1Q f'l - fT llf r. forth returned last night to his Milwaukee homo after a year in Cuba as personal pbysician to President Cisneros. Dr Dan forth had a thrilling escape from the island in a small Mat ana several times on tbe island narrowly avoided capture by the Spaniards and execution, tie savs the Cuban leaders are all bound by oath not to give in, ana mat tbe insurgents have well grounded hopes for final triumph. Aa IlllaeU Crleae Liscoue. III June 18. A tornado which pasxed over the central and southetn portions of Logan county this afternoon de stroyeu thousands of dollars worth of pro- perty and completely demolished the im mense cow barn on tbe farm of the state institution for tbe feeble minded. Twenty six persons seeking refuge from the storm were burned in the debris. Pour of the refugees, boy pupils from Chicago weie taken out dead. t.Uly bat Arejeltle4 'Chicago, June H. Charles W Spald ing, ex-presideot of the Globe Savings bank, and ex-treasurer of the state ustter- ity, was today acquitted of the charge of eauf zioroent. i De verdict was a general ur,ri ... aa tbe infractions of the court li the y.cj left scarcely any chance for a J SC i, Hal. Birailaf'i Bear Southampto. June 18. On the arriv-1 alt tbe steamobip fecot tooav with the body of Barney Barnato, tie coroner's of ficers went abroad to ascertain as to the necessity of an inquest. The inquest was beld. and the jor returned a verdict of death trom drowning w bile temporarily in sane. Swase Appalalaaealt Wasiiixctox. lane sent to tbe senate the tioes: 17. Tne president fallowing nomina- Charles F. Nerior, of Xew Jery, In- aian inspector. J. U- Smith, of Oregon, and W. J. Jones of Washington, cooimijisioneFi for the dis trict of Alula.. Clinton A. Snowden. commisjioner for the lands of tbe Poyallup Indian reservation ia Washington. Am AUarla f ate Astoria, Or.. June. 17. Mrs. Laura Uaris, who lite at Clifton, yesterday went ! ft,,T brorw. that bad strayed oa the pro- P of U. r a najra. Vn. taintgs, it lc alleged, set four dg opoa her. Wrench ing a rati iroci ice rno. irt. Uavis Dal the docs off. whereupon Fa'cara. bis wife. Aotnee and Mary Sdocaon attacked bet wish do'. ana bmt her n-r'r to Ja'h. aUc rvrtaes fsi.ox Jane 17. The Madrid corre-7-a!e3t of tbe Mail tsr: A tucnsion of erdontt and Sctos had tonn have dt-ntei tbe crops and ine vard in the provinces of Valiadeiid ani Gasiialajara. Ia the ditric5 of Xeweasu,. bif- bave teen fljodd. baodred of ct tie drowned and a camber of lives last. SetT UwJ CMIas. Ctnmrr.E, Jane. 17. Jimmy Michael the Welshman. la! f.d Jie MclaS?. on the Chari Biver Park track. Uiu after noon, in the hottest 1-S-miie bicyde race ever tan in America, and at tbe tame time established a new l.Vrni paced competi Uon reror-i of 26:12, McDaSe led all through tbe raoe up to the last tap of the 14th rai'-e, when ci papers beca-ne worn ont. and tbe li'iie Wethraan, behirhl a fat ' , . V l I ,n' or bJ 4 -" -f 100 yarda. fraee buMhSei Losdox Jo 17 Tbe Athens corre spoedent of the Daily Telegraph says: It is repotted here tonight that the peace CAfrenoe and the parte have accepted a settlement giving Turkey either tbe town of L -g una. (oi bast cf Miiouna, or Xezeros, eonh of Lsria. The Athens toneatpoodent of the Cbreo icle jy: Tbe porte has abandoned the policy of dt4a an 1 decided to accept the advice of the pemers. ?-Tl.-d wkiupej Xsw Y.sjk. jxinv 1" A dipal-t Io the Herald from Madrid savs an official telegram from Manila announces a d?;er ate combat in tbe Philippine islands anient tbe rebel general AcruinaJdo. lhe Spanish low wens over 11 killed aid wounded- The nesbasctued a profound ly painful impresalon. ea.s aa.eialt... WasntrcTox. Jjae. 16 Representa tive cf the government cf tbe Uaited Mate and ilawa i eatbered at lhe State S department Ibis mnrning and signed tbe ,.r,5". which, if ratified will make the little j1"1" ' republic a part of the United States. me jspanews k?vfmmeni nas n?a a r-ro- i . . . 1 1 - . . " , 1 ground tbat it promises to !ead to a breach of tieary stipulations between Japan and Hawaii. . laspwetaal apswlatsaeai. WAsnixnrxi.v lune. 16. The mrci.lont has norumateu Stewart L Woodford ,1 New York, to be ui in is ter to Spam. The president also sent the following nominations to the senate: Julius tioldchmid, of Wisconsin, to be oorsu I-general at Berlin. Howard M . Kut'bin. of California, to be agent of the salmon fisheries of Alaska. Harrltalj bararw KfGRNK. Or.. June, 16. A tenible ac cident occured about four mile north of Eucene this evening, which will probably result faulty. A family was in camp near tbe farm of I aimer Ayr, and a woman and ber child were working about a camp fire, when the clothing of tne child caught. The mother strove frantically to extinguish the flamex. and ber osrn clothing "as set ea fire. Both were horribly burned. Bailer Swat Haas Sypnrv. X. S. W. June 16. The trial f Frank Butler, enwged with the murder of Captain Lee Weller, while the two were on a gold-prospecting trip, was concluded today, the jury rendering a verdict of guilty. Buder attempted to cut his throat with a piece of tin this morning, but was siezed before he did himself any injury. Later he made a violent resistance to the koers while on the way to the courthouse. He fought hkft a wild beast. Japaa all Klaht Paws June, 16. The Matin publishes an ir.t.rview with Count Ito, of Japan, who is now in this city, cn his way to attend ti"een Victoria's jubilee, in which, he says Japan never had anv idea of entering into a conflict with the United Stat.w as the out come of the troubles between japan and Hawaii, which, he added, hare even been greatly exaggerated. ni( Buy San Astonio, Tex., June 16. John W. Macksy has bought the Thornton ranch near here. The ranch consists of over 100, 000 acres. It is one of the finest in Texas. It is reported that Muckay will start a thoroiitiorvd horsnbreeding farm. Mrs L Yicreck is prepared to furnish ice cream in any quantity on short notice at her ice cream parlors ard summer garden, tee cream 5 and 10c a uiih. . - Albany Market. Wheat 03 cents. Oats 3d. Eggs 9 cents. Butter 8 to 10 cents. Potatoes 30 cents. Hams 8 cents. Sides 7 cents. Shoulders 5 cents. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and pntrtfy In tho stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, nloodl'S huomlua, nervousness, and, sj a not relieved, bilious fever I 1 f or blood poisoning. Hood's III a5 Pills stimulate tbe stomach, " W roao ths llrer, enre headaehe, dizziness, con stipation, rtr. 2T cents, hold by all drnsglsW. The only Fills to take with Hood's ttarsaparllia. Supper and Lawn Sociable- The commencement exercises of the Acslemy of "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" will, lie held Thursday evening, June24th. Th ladies of the congrega tion will begin to serve supper at the Academy at 5 o'clock to accomodate tbe many friends, during wbicb time choice selections of music will be rendered by tbe pupils and by friends of the school. At 8:30 the following program will be given: American club march, by Muses Xona Davis, H Case and M Casey. Greeting, by M Marnin. Give my Love to all at Home senior class. The Railroad Crossing Master T Shea. raines Club, (inttr.,) H Skelly, D iley and chorus. Tom's Practil Joke Stella Zeyes, X Davis, J Shea. When Yea and I were Yoang Maggie, vocai.) a ana u iiicuee. bat Id like to Be concert recita tion. Golden Keys small boys. Jolly Blacksmith, (inst) E Case and X Davis. Tbe Way To Do It. rec A McGee. Better Than Gold- X Riley and S Zeyes, now to uure a tJooeb, rec il Miller Grandma's Lost Balance, rec M Shea. Tourists March M Casey and N Davis. The Old Musician and His Harp guitar ana z! trier. My Beet Friend, rec O McGee Sailing, (vocal) by little boys. Tbe Famine, rec L McGee, M Caeey and Caee. God Bless Our Home cborns. Tbe Sisters and the pupils of the Academy extend a cordial welcome to tbeir many friends and patrons of the school 'ITifc City's Water Service Albxt, June 14, 13&7. There are so many complaints of la:k of proper preeenre in the outer part of our system tbat we have made a thor ough investigation. We find that while we are running tbe pumps at a pressure of 65 to 60 pounds, the pipes on Sixth and Seventh streets only ebow 2D pounds pressure, a fortber investigation show ed that several parties were using bose without nozzles and that a great number of water cloeets are running all the time, makirg it impoesihle to maintain a te cert pressure in the greater part of the town. Tbe Water Company is not to blame, but our customers are, for this condition of aSairs. C. C. Hogce. erara OF Ohio, cmr or SKZDO, I , IxruCnnT i SB. I Faaxx J. Caasorr makes oath tat be I the Senior partner of Use QnnotFJ.CsimaCo., stain bmsiTwes) in tb Ctrr of Toietio. CosUf and eai aloreaaid. and tut sa ferm will par tae sua of ONE HL"XDRI DOLLAKs for each: and eref? case ot CaTaaaa that cannot be cared ar Use use ol Hajx'a Caxaaaa Craa. FRANE J. CHE5EY. Fson to before sne and nbseribed ia my pnaeace, Uua iu daj ot Iwotsaaer, A- U. i i A. W. GLEASOX. I'SZZi Sour, Public H a!r s Catarrb Care is takes fatensaJIv and acta UractlT oa biood and atneos ssrfacca ot lae arasessi. bead for teytt warm? sis, rree. F. J. CHEVEY A CO., Xssdo, O. Mf Biui ay Orairxiala. Tic tlaM's Fami'y Fill are the best. !!ii;h Grade Ltundry Work. The Albany Meam Laundry, M. V. Phillips proprietor, does ork Ciat speaks for itself. It is high grade what ever the article. Now a specialty ia being made of ladies l.irt waists, which aie laundried for only 10 centa. LVlicate ooiors retained and goods handled with great care. Yoa can depend on work done by this sundry. A large assortment of garden seeds white cloves, timothy and b!ae grass seeds just receiied fresh at C Bbowwexx's, pays To boy yoor groceries and prtKiaoe of Coun k Hostosi. They keep the best and freehest a- are all right on pnc. Tbey will help T.a to poper ie doll tiroes. See their fine Uce of CTockery. Trz German washing Cuid, which ban proven soch a tine thing has arrived at Parker Bros, ia a large quantity. Call and try a bottle. To tub Sbasids. TheO.C. A E.K. K Co. have placed on sale tbeir regular summer excursion tickets to Y equina, good for return until Oct 10th at popo ar price, 3 oO. Ice Cream. Soda Water and Fruit at A. O. Beam If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. Let everj and get ' cash . body come u tne atar Bakeri am oi fresh bread for Si.oo C Wives. Wild Blackberries. ilig crop of wild blackberries on E. Wills farm at Black djg tbis year. A fine place to pick. Only 60 cents per day per person. May begin on June 23. Some new things pieced np in the east and a large stock of clean stationary. Toors f w a little money, S milky, the Printer. Iu our new builJing after June -5. 'Pnone 9. i Comb and Sss my line of ladies and childrens bats. Children's all trimmed lor Toe A complete line of fine new dowers also received yesterday. Any n.mbcr of dozen eggs taken in exchange for bats at Mrs John X. Horrxax's. Changs or Tin. Owing to low water the O C E steamer Albany for the pres ent will leave Corvaliis at 6 o'clock a tn and Albany at 7 o clock a m- Savc Your Grain. Few real i that each squirrel .destroy $1.50 worth of grain annually, Wake lee's Sjuirrel and Gopher Etteruvinstor ia ihemMt effective and economical poison known. Price reductd to 30 cents. For ale by Fwhay & Maon, agents. Regardless of Cost. Julius Onidwohl intends to go out of the crockery aid glassware business, going in to some ot ber line ot business, and hence wi.l sell bis good of this kind regardless of cost. Wben ou caU and get his prices aou will be convinced that he means btsi nts, aud will believe what he says Wool Wanted. At the Albany Woolen Mill, highest rr arret price paid. Call at mill and get woolsacks. Allfkrsoks knowing themselves ia debted to the undarsianed are requested to make immediate settlement, as I shall close present business the 1st ot July. R. M. RoBKirooir. Mrs. Viereck bas connected parlors with her summer garden, where she can serve the public in ail kinds of weather witb her delicious ice cream. TO THE EAST SIVXS TBS CHOICS or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE MIMXEAPOUS AUD Via DENVER OMAHA aD ST. PAUL KANSAS CIH (OWIttTft) TO ALL E ASTERS .crn OCEAN STEAM EK EAVE PORTLAND EVERY S 0AW . . torn . SAN FRANCISCO Tot tell details call e Ccsaaw At Mowtbith, Albany. Oi SB aODKBftB: WHBCBI.HDKl. jsL Pa- Aoi IB S00 PAC1FID LINE. To All Fointa East Solid vestibule trains, eoosisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxn ions dining cars, elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist cars tnd free colonist sleepers from tbe Pa ciSc to the Atlantic witnoat dtesse COST OIBECT A SO CHKJLTKT aWn X Kootenay) Aliningr District f r saxesr. ire pmvxb, SJcat crrv, itsxeoy. KAX30. - sorni srrr asn All points in the Okanagaa Country. Get a pamphlet giving a full desenptior. of this wonderful country. Ask tbe agent for a copy of the minis g laws of Britisr Columbia. Lowes rates to and froio ETJEOPJU Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac.Ry. CVs Royal Mail Steamship ine) China and Japan CASAOIAS ACSrSALIA! RIUOS U BOXOLtXC, PUT AXD ACSrSAIXa. The shortest lioe to tie Cckmus. Thsee steamen carry aa experienced medicsJ man, and a stesrardeas on every vojage . for time tables, pamphlets or any ia ormauon. call on or address. S K STEELE k CO. Agenta.Arbany Or. EJOOTLE, Ag't, 16 Third St, Port and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, D. P. A. Vancouver. B.C Oregon Cextral & eastern r. r. co. YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Tannin Bay with the Sau Francisco & Yatjaiua Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sails from Yaquina everv 9 dare for San Francisco, Coos Bar, Port Orford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. 'assises Accomodation U.vsrnraBSXB Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare trom Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco Cakx 10 0C $vssaaci &0C Round trip good for 60 days 17 JX To Coos Bay Cabin tSJW Steerage 6 CC To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford, Cabin '. KU Steerage 'CO River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portiantl and OorvsJlis,throogh without lavcver. Leaves Albany 8:00 a. m. Tuesdays, Tbursdavs and Saturdays; leaves Port land. Yamhill street dock;, 6:00 a. m. nndays Wednesdays and Fridays. , Epwis Stosk, " J C liaTO Manager Supt River Pit. EAST AND-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Oalifonsia Cases Tllae ;av PortiasM DaU Sosta ' Ksetj ArtSSSaa ar & a a LaSra ) r. . 1 1 L roruanS .lit I Ar Above trains atop ' at sawa be twecn Portland and Sateen Tar ner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany Tangent, Shedd. Halsey Eugene Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland and all stations froia Koeeburg south to and in cluding Ashland. 8 1 a L l2Sra Le i?!VT a I Ar rvetiaM Albaa Soaebart AT lt unytrs L I T SSA bsan AlbaBT Icr bebaaoo Airin M Albaa tnn Labanoa Leave Albanr ke Lshaaaat Arrivs at Aloany troos Una Lav Albans1 tor Woodbant Tta Wsodbore lesis a ar arriTsj al Albanj from W nedboni Leave Albany lor Natron axnvs at Albany tnxa Katrott Sdttr lsJSlS A FULLMAir BUFFET SLEEPERb. AND Oininsr Cars on OgxJsn Route SECGND-CU3S SLEtPiNS CARS AUSMlsest alt Tbnaik Tralaa eTs ( sHtIsIs. BBTtfBU rWKTLAHst AS 1AIM Man, vaat aui (SxeacuSaawaaj aasaaeae bais aan.T :30a ILt UdsralAr rortlan4 Corraiils At is.t ra Llt'" l i I, I l I Ar runtas,) alcStmuvdle Dtraeteoanaetloiat S Fravisco with OodJsavr a,! Oneatal and PriS- mill at last ship anas s APAH and CHtM A Svlia dates oa a ppiicMiosi K ivai aixl Ucki tt ea-wejiP'inM and Roroaj soJXPVS. CHIS. HOSOLULU- and Al'ST -K iu fc ohuioal h-ja O aV FsteSIa, AmS Altiany K. ItoKBLIk r RaCBSta, Maaac' AssKSPaSPA rerVaad Orc" PorUaad T9 St3 . r Ssra