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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1897)
VOL, XXXI 1. Catered st tfce Feet at llbaay. Or. Beeend-CIa Mall Mallfti ALBANY ORLGO F1UDA. JUJLY 3, 1897. r r- xrrrisc rabiui SO. 48 ( t i r t i-1 I ? f-' ww I Htm inn itiynwHwrnwitmimw I 'm SI JCVrgetablc Preparation for As- jij slmilating thcFwxlandRuia- !j -3 ting the Stomachs andBoivcls of 1 1 flllj 11 Promotes Digcslion.Cfe :rful ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morpliinc norlEniiraL Ivot Narcotic. Apofecf Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of TTEW "YORK. exact copy or vrappes f 1 Thirtieth Year. ALBANY . Calendar fob. 1896-7 1896 Sept. 16 College Year begins . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Tburs. and Fri. Dec SI- -Term examinations begin . . Monday Dec 23 First Term ends . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days "-97 Jan 5 Second term begins ... Tuesd-y Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends ... Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday lone 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon Tnne 13 Address before the Y". M. and Y. W. C- A. Sabbath evening Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon Jon" 14 Junior Orations . . Monday eveninz Toil s l& Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . . Tuesday forenoon June (5 Popular Entertainment Tuesday evening Jane 16 Commencement ... Wednesday Jane 16 Alumni Re-union . Wednesday evening four Courses-el Instruction leading up to degrees. Welt equipped Business and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free For further information, address Wallace Hows Lie, President, Albany, Or. ENGLlSHBUSiNES 0LLG PORTLAND Full English Course. FREsai a::d glrman. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDIHG DEPAKTAEUT'o LAI!S ml THOMAS' All jbJa-xx ia. and Dealer in you -a- Wall Paper, carpets, Lineolsiim, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "P.'ture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Ca" " ALBANY FURNITURE CO. OREGON STATE HQ&MAL -A Training School' For Teachers- Regular Normal Coarse of three years. Senior year wholly professional. Train 5n dnartment of nine grades with 200 children. Instruction and training in Gymnastics (Sweedieli system), and vocal music for nnhlic school s. The normal diploma tificate to teach. Light expense tuition, books, board and lodg:ng (approximately) $35.00 per vear, students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Aradpmie grades accepted from high schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on Application. Address rr p T. Hamphbll. President. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY ,i. '.lOfeEPII. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF TS ON" THE WRAPPER OF EYEEI BOTTLE OB Castor! Is pet up la cas-ebs bottles only. ft Is cot kII ia btUk. Doa't allow anyone to tell yon an ytiicj also m th plea or prcauM tit it i "jest as good" and "wilj assurer every pf poee." ttat job gat O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. COLLEGE OREGON BRINK, IH - rirlcs r-F Ptl-vrifvCk ii va,u vs J. A. ux AX J. u lia j I bedding, and it want the most s iy complete flour sate, he has them and his prces the lowest. SGHUOL. M0SI05TH OREGON. is recognized by law as a state Life Cer . ' .. or W. A. Wash, Sec. Faculty. Proprietor 4th of July Prizes. Base ball, Scio vs Phi'omath. 20. Mexican cilt, $7.50 and $2.50 for horse men nd $5,00 and $2.50 for bicyclists. Fifty dollars to the fire engine that gets water first after the alarm sounds; five dollars to the fasten swimmer across the river and return ; $10 to tug of-war win ners; $5 to winner of skiff race; best carriage team in the parade, $2.50; beat draught draught team, $2-.60; most handsomely decorated bicycle, $2.50. The myatic masquerade of Plug Jays will not be a prize contest, but it will be a long parade In menagerie form, and will capture the crowd. The business mens parade will be first class. The parachute jump, athletic txhibi tion, etc, ill be presented as advertised. A big crowd is coming and everything is being done to make it a satisfied one. KainkdFkogs. The peop'eof Moroare exercising their imagination to fathom a mystery that has developed at that place, anil have about concluded there was a shower of froes in that vicinitv last Monday. Alt Dillinger, a prominent farmer of Monklanu, was caught out in the shower and was thoroughly drenched when he reached Moore's store, lie nro- ceeded to take off his boots and empty the water out of them, and while setting before the stove allowing his clothes to dry.two lively little frogs hopped out of a hole in his pants leg. Dillinger de clared tht the fro.s rained into h;s pants leg through the hole they came out of. The Dalles T. M. CiBCin Corisr. The following new cases have been begun : Josiah Weddle agt Elizabeth Kuvken- aall et al, suit on undertaking. Jacob Kees azt John Leedr et al. fore. closure. Miss Ella McAllister, ot Eusreoe is visiting Albany friends. Miss Edna Price, of Salem, is in the city the guest of Dr. Maston. Dr. D. M. Jones, of SadaviHe. was in the city today on business. W. L Jones and three thers came dd from Jefferson today on bicycles. Judge Hewitt and family went to So- davitle yesterday for a few days outing. Several farmer students passed through Albany this noon on their wav home headed by President Miller. A. C. Hausman. Jr.. bas been dis charged from the asylum as cured on a six months leave of absence. L. L. Swann was in Corvaliis vesterdav to preside as toast master at the banonet of the alumni of the O. A. C. Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Gibson left last night for their home in San Francisco. Their visit was greatly enjoyed by a large number of Albany people. D V S Eeid. the democratic candidal foi superintendent of public instruction, was the eueat of Dr W E Carli on Moo- day. Oregon City Press. T. T. Geer. the politician, delivers! the address to the O. A. C. rraduaiimr class yesterday. Mr. Geer is also a farm er, so he was really in place. Prof. Helen Crawford, the popular in structor in elocution at the O. A. C came over this noon on a few days visit. 3i iaa irawioid nas given great satisfact ion. Mrs. Frank O'Brien, of Independence. came to Albany this noon on a visit with Albany mends and to attend the Sisters commencement, and is at her fathers at the bt. Charles. Mr. Ed Mills returned Ihe first of the week from a trip to Eeastern Washing ton. While at Colfax be met Mr. Martin Payne, of this city, who ia there on a visit with a son. "He reports crop pros pects there as very bright. Mr. and Mrs. John Butterworth. Mr. Bernard Jackwav, M:se Elizabeth Jack way and Miss Peck left yesterday for Portland, where they will reside, as that is Mr. Butterworth's headquarters. At the commencement of the O. A. C. at Corvaliis yesterday two Albany young laaiee toox part. Miss tienua tilis ren dering a vocal solo and Miss Jovce Brownell being beard in a piano solo Both are highly conmended. Mr. Gales, one of the old pioneers of this county, after whom the town of Gates was namei, returned from Prine- vine last week. He reports crops look ing fine in that portion of Eastern Ore gon and money is freer and stock men are much encouraged. Statesman. Following are the O. A. C. graduates: Miss Louise M Barnett and Miss Carrie A Lyford. Ina I Barclay, r.moa Martvn, E J Hufford. William T Johnson if I. McAllister, William H Smith, Clarence I L Bump, H J Eliott. Robert E Golden. vtuiiam (j roves, J Wallace Harrison, Charles R Porter. Charles E Small. Charl O Taylor, and Ralph W Terrell. Harold B. Fiske, a native ot this city, reached Salem vesterdav direct from Boston, Massachusetts, where he spent a lew aays prior to coming to the coast, at' ter rns recent graduation from the west Point military academy. Mr. Fieke holds the rank of second "lieutenant of in fantry ,and bas a four months' leave of absence, alter which time be will be as signed some command, probably to a regiment stationed on thiscoast, as he would preler to remain. Statesman There are 507 registered pbarmac'e'j Oregon. The banks at Walla Walla closj at noon on Saturday. Tbe contract for a new Methopixt church in McMinnville bas been let for $2,455. Tbe Willamette bridge at Salem is being repaired, and wid be closed to travel about 3Udayi. Tbe Maccabee picnic at Jefferson has been postponed to Saturday of next week on account of the bad weather. Since the recent rains tbe spring wheat is said to have grown so fat one could almost see the stalks lengthen. Pendleton defeated Walla Walla at bare ball 10 to 8. Turner, which one we don't know, played 2nd base for Pendleton . The San Francisco Athletic Club will play the Day Crockett next Saturday. t lemincr bas left Ue club, and was in Port land recently. A naLent has bean issued to J.impuR. Bugnes o! Lebanon Or. for a tool for cleaning sewers, and to William II Hart of v ancouver, Wash., for a bicycle brake Mining is looking up again on the upper Santiam. Mr. Lawler, of the Lawler mine, is expected here about tbe 25th tnst., and will then start work on bis mine. Minto Cor., Salem Statesman. May & Senders have between 30,000 and 35.000 pounds of this year's clip of wool in storage, juauy tarmers are ooiuing tneir wool until congress has disposed ot tbe tariff question. Harrisburg Review. 7 u. .nnrinir and disfiguring of itching. burning, scaly akin and scalp humors to In stantly relieved by a warm bath with Ctm ., .inirla atiDllcatlon of CtjnccaA (ointment), the ftreatkin core, MdaftdoM ,:,-.. i . HUOLTDI. mUMt Of DlOOd partners and humor cons, when all elae fail. 1C1F1 FALLING! HAIR Ptec&WK" 0) m out Entitled to Pay. From the Telegram : Allan B. Slauson, special correepon dent at Washington, D. C. writes that several old pioneer settlers of Oregon and Washington have been recently making inquiries at the war department ana ot ttieir representatives in congress whether they can obtain any pay for services rendered and horses furnished for the volunteer military service in the suppression of Indian hostilities in that section in 1855 and 1856. An act for this purpose was passed in making provisions lor such pay ments under certain limitations, and up on suomusion oi satisiactory proot tnat the companies in which the claimants served were engaged in actual service. All claims for services and use and risk of horses under this act must be present ed to the auditor of the war department lor adjudication, uiaims lor horses, nowever, lost in service are barred by statute oi .imitation. A peculiar feature of the old act of 1861, which, however, has never been put into ettect, provides that for pay ment ot such claims as this, the secre tary of the treasury may, if he deems it expedient, issue to the claimants or their legal representatives bonds of the United States of denomination ot not less than $50. redeemable in 20 sears, bearing interest at the rate ot 6 per cent per annum, with coupons attached, pay. able annually or semiannually, at the discretion of the secietary of the treas ury. Dows th Colcmbia. We, propose to keep our reaueis posted about those evp sies until they get out of Oregon. The Astoria Budget says : A baud of gypsies, two men and twelve women and child- ran, arrived down on the Oatxert this morning. They had no sooner struck the town than the women started out on a begging tour. Chief Hallock notified them they would have to leave the city, and they will depart on the Potter this evening. They are a portion of the band wnicn was run out ot l ortland a iei days ago. From passports in their pos session it appears thev are Brazilians, have traveler! through enezuela and Peru, from where tbey came by steamer to San Francisco. A more repulsive ap pearing lot ot people could, not be im agined and the chief did right to ridding tue city oi mem. Indefinitely Costixceu The suit of i runn, receiver oi the Albany woolen mills, vs Ben Selling, assignee of J. M. Mayer & Co., set for trial in Judge Sh at tack's court yesterday, was continued indefinitely, on motion of the attorneys, deorge Uhamberiain and Joeepb Simon. The action is to recover possession ol a quantity oi cloths, valued at $nxjo. The matter is in progress of settlement. Or egonlan. Kiveb IxruovRicvrs. The Mathloma has just finished the winz dam above Corvaliis, adding five feet of water to the river at that place, and todav left Albany for the Black Iog bar at the mouth of the Santiam, wiit.-h will be cleaned out This has always been a troublesome f lace, and needs improving. At Mbu wim. on Jolly 13 there will be a G. A. K. encampment. One day will be devoted to educational matters Presi dent Chapman, of Eugene, President Campbell, of ilonu.outb.ani Prof. Tyree ot Albany ae amocz toe prominent speaker on the program. Ma. Arnoid, IIkec Mr. Arnold th merry-go-round man who was in A than lut year is here, and has teased a plac on the public square grounds until afte the 4th of July. Tbe one on the ground now wfil go to Lebanon. Mr Arnold i a popular merry-go-round man and the youngsters are all glad to ee bim back New Time Table. The following time table will go into effect on tbe O C A E tomorrow at 12:05 m. Paenger train leaves Yaqu n at 7 am. arrives at Albany at 11:40; Leaves Albany at 12:40 arrives at Ya- quina at 5 A- p m ; mixed leaves Detroit 6 am, arrives at Albany at 10:31. leaves Albany 1 .20 p m. arrives t Detroit at 5:4-5 pm. Sunday exrurtion leaves Al bany t a m arrives at laquioaat 11am, leaves laquina at o:d p m, arrives at Albany at 10 p m. won't Do It Aoats. From ihe Ga zette: Jack Mayo baa a profound re spect for tbe man who first ea'J, "The roatl to he!1 ia Ped with good inten garden Hons." Mis wile bas a kitchen and requested J wk to hoe out the weeds, but he kept patting the ordeal off. One day last week Mrs Mayo visited out of town and Jack concluded to dig nut the weeds and surprise ber agreeably. He worked industriously and retired from tbe contest tired, but happy. The next day, at noon, bis wife asked him, "who bas been hoeing in my garden?" "I did responded jack, with the proud con sciousness of a "good deed done." "What do you mean by digging np all my vege tables .' inquired hia better half, stern ly, and Jack realized that a man who does not know beet tops from c'og fen nel, has no business in a garden. Will Plat Asvtuims A base ball team has been organized at McMinnville with Dr. U. o. right as manager.whicb wishes to meet any club on the coast. Its battery is Redmond and Litt.eoeld Speaking of base ball the Man about town played in a game against Dr. Wright and eight other Salem men 15 years ago. Before finished the Dr. tried to knock our pitcher out; but we won 11 to 7. ThiCoe Pbopkktt. Edward P. Coe et al executors, of the estate of Geo. 8 Coe, have transferred to Arthur H. Man ten, receiver, in three deeds all the Albany and adjoining property in which Mr. Coe was interested, in which several hundred thousand dollars was invested, both personal acd real. Tkb Pobtlaxd Axtlebh. The Elks are to have a great clambake at New. rt on bunday and Monday next, given Albany lodge, to which Portland1 lodge bas been invited. To complete ar rangements for this excursion Exalted Ruler Frank C. Baker bas called a spec ial meeting ot rortiand lodge this even ing, l hey say the clams are growing large this season, and are now ripe, and when the a. P. O. E. get in amongst them it s ail ott with tbe clams. A very low rate, $4, has been made for the iound trip by the railroads, and there win be $4U0 worth of. fun in the trip.- leiegram. Peculiar Accident. Dol oh Taylor, of Toledo, yesterday was riding on the run ning gear ol a wagon, with his feet hang ing down, when one of them was caught dv a snag ana pnsned against the brake so hard as to break both bones at the ankle. He was attended bv Drs Gordan ana tsagiey. ihe accident wai certain iy a very peculiar one. Whitewabhsd. The Marion county grand jury voted 4 to 3 to indict Judge I Terrell; but as it takes 6 out of 7 no in dictment was made, instead Judge Terrell will be whitewashed. Tbe mat ter bas caused an immense amount of talk in Marion county. Remaekablb The Statesman says Watt Saipp rode from Dallas last evening to Salem in just 45 minutes. The distance is 15 miles. Some peo ple will call it a fish story; but Shipp can do it if any bo ly can. That German washing Quid, which bas proven such a fine thing bas arrived at Parker Bros, in a large quantity. Call and try a bottle. SISTERS COM M ENCEM ENT, The rooms of the Sisters Academy were filled last evening by a Crowd of young and older people. Supper was served early and sociability prevailed at all times. On tlii walls ot the rocuis might be seen the arttatic work of the students in different forms, speaking for an excel lent training. ! Awhile altera o'clocktie commence ment r roar a in began.' Misses Davis. Case and Casey on the piano and violins performed the Americancmo march in a pleasing manner. Littls Miss Marinan delivered a delightful greeting. The senior clrss, a bright one, aang nicely. Tom Shea, with his bead and arm in slings spoke "The Railroad Groaning" with good ettect. 1 tie rlairiet uiub gave a fine exhibition of juvtntie orchestral music. A dialogue by Stella Zysj, Nona Davis and lohn Shea. "Tom's Pracical Joke" caused many sinifes. The McUee brother and sister in old totks costumes sanir "When iou and I were ouns Maggie" in a captivating manner. "What I'd Like to Be., a concert recitation by a class was welt presented. beverstl small boys told of the "Golden Keys" prettily. Blisses tjaiw and Davis, with violin ard guitar performed the"Jlly li!ckruitb" skillully. A. Mclie "To'd the Way to Dolt." Misea Zevs and Kiley sang "Hetter than Uold" with clear voices. Miss M. Miller told how to care a cold. Not having chest she put the plaster on a box. Little Miss Shea recited 'Grandma's Loet BaUnce"catelv. "The Tourists March" was splendidly per formed by Misses Caaev and Davis. "1 he Old Musician and his Harp" on guitar and cither was a prettv composition Little Mies McGee told innocenriy about her beat friend. One ot the beet tliines on the program wasthereeitai of ''Long- leiiows t amine" from Hiawatha, by Misses McGee, Casey and Case. The regular program closed wit'i "Gad Bless our Home" by the senior c'iim. It was followed bv voluntary music, atnons others Prof Wyman, ot Moomouth, per forming on the piano several selections displaying rare talent. Weri ArraEctAisD The concert giv en at tbe opera bouse last br tbe "Alps" quartet of Albany, wasontof the best entertainments of the kind tver given ia the cuv, ana was highly appreciated bv tbe crowd that heard it. It the "Alps''1 ever give ano.lier one l their concerts in our city they will be greeted with a full house. Miss Dot Harris added much to the entertainment by a couple of very interesting recitations. Lebanon Ex press. Editor Alexa jder. of the Lebaaoc Ad vance, was in the city today. Prof. Z. M. Parvim will sing at the Turner campmeeting tomorrow. Albany to Chicago witnnat change of cars, h or rate apply to C a man at Well FarfO A Co s offic. Mr. Scott May. a former Linn county of Seattle, and Mim Carrie T. Arnold were married in Seattle on Jane 12. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lawler are in Salt Lake City, where they arrived last Sat urday. Mr. Lawler wili come to Albany in a few days. The Camera Club will meet a; their room tonight at 8 o clock. Develop menu expected. Each member is re quested to brinj a negative. Misee Emma and Alice Bootb re turned to tteir borne at Newport. The former bas been at W ashington I Diver sity at Seattle and the latter, M. lie'eo's uall, roruand. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hart left today for their former bome in Ottowa, Kan . to reside. Thev will vitit in Saieai several days on their way. Mr. J Clem Irvine has iost mirehajvd fine $150 Bcehm flute through E. I". Will, the mosic dealer. Mr. Irvine is one of Albany 's best flutists, and kcoas a good thing. Editor Smith of the Silver Imprint was attempting to do basinet in Lyon this week and slopped over Saturday night in this city on bis return. He failed to find anv prosperity op in that locality. Scio Pres. Professor F. L. Washburn started for Yaqnioa on this morning's local where be will inspect the oyster beds and give anl gain such in (or (nation as may be practicable in tbe furtherance of this in dustry. Eugene Guard. John Roe bad anile sn an accident last Friday, a push-car ran of! the track on the trestle near tbe K. L. Co. mill throw ing bim about twenty teet, be struck on the bead and shoulders and hurt him quite badly, but at tbe present writing he is able to be around again. Berry Cor. Journal. Tbe Gazette of Corvallia notices sever al Albany people as follows : Miss Ellis, ot Albany, sang two charming eo.o at; the commencement, altfs Flora Mason was the goeet o! Mrs. Martha Hoffman several days this week. Miss Mary Cun diff, Albany's talented rlocutionist, vis ited Corvaliis this week.tbe gnest of Miss Louise Weber. At a business session of tbe Pioneers association it was decided to hold the ISM annual picnic at Brownsville, and tbe fo.lowing officers were elected : Caleb Gray, of Halsey, president; S J Archi bald ot tangent, vice president: J tt Templeton, of Halsey, secretary: W R bim, of Brownsville, treasurer; Martin Payne, of Albany, D T Burey, of Harris burg and Robt Glass, of Crawford rvile. directors. We notice from our exchanges tbe suc cessful closing of the Albany public schools, and the selection of Prof. 11. Tyree as principal for the next year. Before going to Albany Prof. Tvree was county superintendent of Sherman coun ty, and also was principal of tbe W asco public schools. As a superintendent and teacher he was a marked success AS a man and citizen bis character was nnim peachable. We feel sure that the Al bany schools will rank among the best as leng as they are under hi care. Was co County ews. Thanks. The ladies of the congrega tion of the Catholic church wish to ex tend their sincere thanks to the many friends who attended tbe commence ment entertainment last evening, and for the very liberal patronage. Before Thinking of Anything More Serious You think of Scott's Emul sion ax only for those who have consumption or who have In herited a tendency to it. Al most its f reatest use is for those whose condition is so im paired as not to be able to get the rood they should out of their ordinary- food. In nearly every case with these, Scott's Emulsion ot od-uvcr Oil brings back appetite, stimulates digestion, restores color and plumpness, ana comro , me. diseases of thinness. The dis eases of thinness are consump tion and scrofula, poor blood starved blood. The former comes of the latter. Book tell ing more about it free. , a. an $ie, t alt dni(fta, SCOTT A BOWNE, Oumbu, Maw York. North West Cities. From the Telegram : Mr. J. D. Meyer, the tobacconist, re turned today trom a three weeks' trip through Montana and Washington, and as be is a oran of intelligent observation his views upon the business status of those states are worthy of consideration. In tbe whole of Montana, which Mr Meyer traversed, he found but two places enjoying any measure of pros perity, aud they were Butte and Ana conda, where the chief industiy is the extra lion ot copper ore. But Helena, Deer Lodge and all the other places he dropped into are absolutely dead, in a business sense Tb people are com plaining, and they all cry that nothing but the unlimited coinage of silver will save them, so long as they continue a resilience in the sitter belt. Jumping into Washington, Mr Meyer iounu an entirely onterent business as pect. Seattle and Tacoma,in particular, show a vast improvement above ltt year. Lebanon. Rev. A. M. Williams, who ia now pas tor of tbe C. P. church at Visalia, Cal , will soon pay a visit to bis folks here. W. II. Worrell, Read, Peacock & Co's popular clerk, took his departure this morning. He will be greatly missed by the fair sex of our city. Ethel, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Kickerson, died June 17, 1897, aged 14 vears. Deceased wat a bright and prom ising girl, and her death is deeply mourn ed. Lebanon's Fourth of Julv celebration will be a mild affair in all probability compared with the crowd that will be there on the day of Brvan's visit. Dem ocrat. We think so, too. But our 4tb of July celebration wi'l not be a smal. affair by any means. Ruff Hiatt write frota Los Angeles that be will soon return to Lebanon. He says that all the former Lebanonites at that place would like to return to Web foo. Read. Peacock A Co. discontinued their Lebanon bran:h this week, remov ing tbe stock of goods to Al'iany. We very much regret the withdrawal of this baainecs firm. In pursuance of public notice, the Un ion silver party of Linn conniy met in Lebanon June 19, lv.tT, and was ca led to order by Dr. D. M. Jones, mernber of state central committee far Linn county. There was a good attendance, and sev eral short addresars were made. On mo tion, the following county central com mittee was chosen : A. F. Beard of Scio, J. K. Weatherford of Albany, and A. S. McDonald of Brownsville. B. F. Ramp, was chosen secretary. D. M. Joxzsi, Chairman. J. H. Pxrar, Sec. Advance. Fixed $12.50. Justice Ifaakins yes terday afternoon fined Harry Nea'ty $12.50 for the following offense. Young Nea'y helped hi one if to a horse belong ing to George Burkbtrt and rode it to a picnic, returning in the evening. It was charged that be waa creel to it, and the punishment was for this as much as anything. S. S. Contsatiox. Tbe Linn County S. S. Convention was "peneu this after noon with an attendance of prominent workers from different parts of the coun ty of about fifty. Rev. SmU-k. presi dent, presided. At pre time only tbe introductory devotional exercise bad been held. The Tavlor sifters, of Portland, prob ably the brt akirt dapr-era on the COMt. web nave exmbited with great success in the eaM, will I in Albany on tbe 4th and exhibit on the public platform in the aftercoou. Every Vxly will want to eee them The Boy Club went t Lebanon today to play the Lebanon ctob. Toledo defeated Newport at bar ball Saturday 21 to 20. Johnny Atkin, former ly of Albany was Toledo's pitcher. Tboe Gypie having been kicked out cf Portland, are now rmm Sous fa, and Albany wiii again I evicted is attraction on tbe 4th t'l be a four rouod glove conbt on the public pi a.' form . Tbe platform 2?x40 ft wilt be built Mon day. W J Carty. tbe Tennessee nun, baa de cided to start a bask ia Lebanon and ha ordered a lea of tbe bank mi!Jicg. He is now La Inreee. At Dallas yesterday Cbemawa defeated Salem 12 to il. Al tbe end of the eighth ioniog Salem wat 2 ahead . Another of tbe land marks of tbe early 50' ha pasted awar. Tbe former resi dence of Prior 8 air, buiU upon hi dona tion claim 1 mile northwest of Eugene in lN4. was destroyed by fire Monday night. The trial of Roy Craven, who waa ac cused by Ike grand jury of committing adal'ery with Mrs IViia B Rennie. wife of O D Rennie. in Salem oa Use l&b inst . a held in Salem yr!er.ay afternoon and retailed in a verdict of not gui'ty for tbe defendant. This U jsst as the Dcmocbat predicted. Work it being pushed rapidly upon the I'mpqua wagon bridge repairs, by Con tractor Tillotton, but it will be several week before it can be completed. AH vehicles now cross the river at the Oik rtreet ford, and most pdetrains patronize the foot bridge, tuere also. Roseburg t lamdeoier. Women or Woodcraft. At their meet ing last night tbe members of this or der elected the following officers for tbe ensuing six months: Past Guardian Neighbor, Ray Allen. Guardian Neighbor, Rebecca Viereck Adviser, Julia Taylor. 2erk, Cora While. Banker, Mamie Montgomery. Magician. Mrs. W. B. Richardson. Attendant, Lille McHargue. Inner Sentinel, Mrs. James McH argue. Outer bentinel, Mrs. itrnckman. Captain of Guards, Mrs. S. O. Barnes, Managers. S. O. Barnes. C. G. Burkv hart.Wm Gotlcib. Musician, Miss Tunmcliff. A.O. U. W. Hbarucabtsrs. The A O. U. W. have rented the old Foshay A Mason drug store room tor Julv 3rd and win occupy it as bea iquartere lor w or men. All members ol tho order will be made welcome. A Bonanza Several men up the San tiam stuck a bonanza. They were sub poenaed as witnesses in tbe Judge Ter rell case and received $17.60 to $20.80 apiece. There were about fifty witness es in tbe esse, the total cost being heavy. hie PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody knows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alike. You may regret soma steps yon take in life but none takon into the store of Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yon want it well made. Try l'arker tiros. Wild Blackberries. Big crop of wild blackberries on E. Wills farm at Black dag this year. A fine place to pick. Only 50 cents per day per person. May begin on June 23. Mrs. Viorock has connected parlors with ber summer garden, where she can serve the public in all kinds of weitther with ber delicious ice cream. PERI POUQii Absolutely Pure Celebrated for if great leavening strength and healthfulneat. Aaaure the toed a gamut alum and all forms of adul eniiion common to the cheap brand. !Uv al Ba kimo Powdeb Co , New York. IIOME AND ABROAD. AO A R Prweville. post is being organized at J M Johns yesterday a appointed P M at Arlington. $1 00 shirt waiols reduced to 50c et Read, Peacock A Co'. See tbe fountain pens at Will & Stark , toe beat to be secured. At iG A R encampment in Independ ence last week the receipt were $201.20. Will t Sta k always bare in ftock the latwt novelties in all hee of jewelry. About 203 worth of good were stolen from tbe tore of J WheeW at Pleasant Hill hut Thar la jr. An effort it being made to have all the tore cloed on tbe 3rd of July from I to 5poj. Certain y. Yoo will aliy find a fine line of jew e!ry at Will A Slarks. Do not buy before examining their goods. Go on with tbe crowd lo the Combina tion Barber ahop for a clean bave, hair cut or shampoo. County TreMorer at orris yesterday re mitted $".000 to UiecUte treasurer on 1896 taxes. Mxeisdoe. Cbc:oe sugar cured ham at II. Broder only 11 cent per pound. Call on him for chome meat cf all kind. P J Smiley is now in tfce new Brjwa block, where be baa ome fine room tuita We for his well equipped plant. Ice cream and soda aad soda pop at Mrs Viereck 'a parlor and rammer garden. Ice cream, 5 and 10 ceoU a dub. Hall' Hair Renewer cures dasdia and c!p aJ-ciiotn; atso all c of baldnet where the gland which feel tbe root of the hair are not doted np. The glonoo 4 ih will be celebrated in Albany on week from today. There it every reanoo to believe Atbasy wi'l have toe Ut time in ber hitt.iry. Several Salem Elk and a few from Al bany and ottwr ptaaea west to tbe Bay to day to be oa hand at the bur clam bake. Tne crowd will go tomorrow tnornisg. HLL& STARK Best Ice Cream Acywbere At F. 11. PfciSer. for jjwelry. They keep the best. See Fniibw i!mat it- Smiley' pinter are in . Dawtoa selU Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawtoa. Dahlia bolt at F L Kenton'. Apple at C E Baoa hell's. Smiley doe tbe best printing. Delicioo ice crem soda at F. H. Ffeif fer'. Pictures from 75 cent to 135 tr doxn at Longs gallery. F H Pbeiffer" toe cream ba stood tbe tetl. It i all right. Crwford Harnisb for photograf t. Prioea from tl to $?0 pr dozen. Water white comb honey from California. Just in at U L Bbowxell's. Tbe Kuth leare fr Portland at 7 a m on Uniayt, Welu,day and Friday. Try C Sitnpoa & Son's City Laundry or 6rt claa wore opp St. Cbas hotel. 73 ladie were selecting drees and shirt watat gooCs yesterday at P. Cohen a, at one nme, it. u. w . Miton. physician and sur geon, Albany Or. CaU answered prompt ly in aty or country. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers oScee ec residence in the post office building. Spec ial aueoaon given to disease ot women. J. orcrott ba moved to iast east of Schmeer's stabtes. "in I street, where be will keep in market fine tub, game and poul try. Call on him. LitoU Viereck has lectired tbe services of Oeorge E. West, an eipeaenced teowrial artist, first clasa work guaranteed at Viereck' shaving and hair cutting parlors. i on make a score every time too buy your meats of the Albany Dressed Beef Company. Only first class meats are kept, of all kind, and prompt and careful at tention is toe order. Just dowa tbe street. Consider your wav. think before you act, and thee go to Haight Bros., where you will find a choice stocc of areata of all kind to ordr from. You are bound to be phrased if you order of them. S.S. Convention. Tbe Coontv S. S. Convention ad iourned this forenoon after three interesting and helpful sessions. Friday afternoon's exercises consistod ot an address of welcome by Miss Lilly Robertson, addressee by Rev. Davenport of Lebanon on "Tl .i oi -in- tendents bv Rev. McKillop on "Tbe teacher, before and away from bis class;" by Rev Henderson, of Oakville on "How to teach tbe class" and bv Rev. Hood of Shedd on "The teacher and his Bible." in which some excellent ideas were ad vanced. Several good reports were made At the evening eessiou i rot. Le spoko on "The Relationsip of the S. S. to Good Citizenship and Rev. Wire on The 8. S. aa tbe Nursery of the Church.' The duties of youngjeople was discussed "s-htly. . . . This morning a Tier devotional exer cises Rev. J. V . c-mith spoke on "ine Importance of Teacher's Meetings and How to Conduct Them, "and Kev. roiing on "The Attitude ot Charch Members to the 8. S.," both bringing out some use- lut thongbts. Resolutions ot thanks were passed ana the following others were elected : Key. Robert McKillop, president. Mrs. F. H. Porter, cor. sec. and trees. Mrs. Rev. Hood, recording secretary. The place and time of the next meet ing will be herealter agreed upon. A Skkbatiom Spoh kp. Some men aoross tbe river yesterday found what had the appearance ol a sensation. It was a freshly dug grave recovered. De termined to trace the matter to the very bottom, they dug down expecting every moment to run upon a human body; but they did not. Tbey found what is being talked about so much nit, Tbe where fore of tbe original hole is a mystery. Thanks. The Sisters wish to extend thoir sincerest thanks to the ladies of the congregation, to whoso untiring de otedness the success of tbe sociable ia due. Let everybody come co tne star Bakery I cure it DromTjtlv for anv one who and get 4 Waves of fresh bread for ft.oe wishes to try it. Do not accent anv nf.v.. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Eugene, Jane 24, 1897. EorroK Denocbat, The better, more cultured, more in fluential and by far more numerous citi zens of Eugene resent with inexpressible indignatiou that their sentiments rela tive to the management of tbe State University are in accord with tboae of the merchantable? petitioners that have been heralded through some of our pa pers. The history of this conspiracy dates back some years and is perfectly familiar to the people here. It is the -ring - that has slways put on "war paint -or "Haunt the red flag" when unable to dictate tbe policy of munici pal, school or county affairs; groups of which may be seen in front of rmTn , uucinesa pieces. Uonspicuoos among mem i always km in natured, cotton faced, boyish local editor, who is just ready to "whitewash" or "roast alive" everybody that does not give bis paper their printing. This would be Czar will have an army on hia bands from this on to fight for the same reasons that he is fighting President Chapman and bis friends Indeed tbe people here eniov his discomfiture at all times, as well as the satisfaction be seems to get, owing to bis disposition, in trying to dethrone and tear down an that ia not ol bis lik ing in tbe town. Tbe university nnder President Chap man's management bas advanced very materially. The courses of study have ueen mcreasea.atversinea and extended, tbe standard of scholarship raised, so that now the courses are of a grade equal to any and are more complete and thorough than can be found in most western institutions, and i. is to be re gretted that for selfish motives even a "ring" would so far forget duty, respon sibility and good citizenship as to try to undermine an institution that has been (or 21 years under tbe direction and sup ervision of a board of regents composed of men of as good judgment, learning and neceeaary qualifications as could be elected by the chief executive of the state. The inference to be drawn from tbe efforts of this "ring" is none other than to question the judgment and ability of the present board of regents to manage the affairs of tbe state university. X. A Scorcher. Tbe report of four members of the Marion coontv grand jury in favor of in dicting Judge Terrell is a scorcher. We give some of the hot parta. That it is our opinion the business of tbe county is conducted in very loose and nmrystematic manner. That Judge Terrell has ordered, bills paid, without sanction of and nnder pro test from the county commissdonera. e end the county judge of this coun ty is guilty of criminal negligence in al lowing exhorbitant charge to be made against the county, we alio find that said judge altered the bill presented by Pogh x Gray for coarthoose improvements by inserting the figure 2 before $9.50 in one item, making it read JJ9.S0: also insert ing tbe figure 5 before 65c in another item, making it read $5.65 instead of 65 cent; also tor raising tbe bill of one A. Mason for improving a road east of Ger vais from $250 to $325. That tbe county commiesiooers while not criminally culpable, have shown a lamentable want of firmness in opposing the extravagant ideas of the Judge. mat in view ot tbe existing bard times acd tbe scaicity of money we utterly condemn tbe action of J odge Terrell. W e end from tbe facta and law given to as by said court that crime was com mitted in altering and forging the re cords of tbe county. Brownsville. From tbe Times : G. A. Dyson and J. W. Moore started for tbe Blue River mines Thursday, where tbey expect to do development work on tbe Lucky Boy claim. Harry Templeton, eon of Hon. W. A. Templeton, who is now aetudent of imam s ooliege, rennsyivania, naa ar rived bome to f peod bis vacation. J as. Van Winkle, of Albany, who has been visiting bis father near Halsey for the past week, made tbis office a pleas ant call Tuesday evening. M. G. Hoover, accompanied by Mason Croft, Hugh Montgomery and Harry Metcaif started for Baker City Wednes day, by team. If tbe outlook at that place, is not favorable they wiu proceed to Eossland. 13 to 11. That is the" score by which Lebanon defeated tbe Boys Ciab of Al bany veeterlay afternoon in a closely coc tested game at Lebanon. At tbe end ofthaStb inning the score was 11 to 8 in Alba ay's favor.wLen Lebanon round ed oat 5 ran and won. It was a pitch eis game. Lavton of tbe Boys Club ian red oat 15 and' Aldrieh of Lebanon 10. Tbe ground was rough and it was almost impossible for the infielusrs to stop a ball. The result was 15 errors for Al bany and 13 for Lebanon. Fred Weath erford besides catching a splendid game made a home run bit. The game was nmoired impartially bv 'Reach Weath erford. Tbe Bovs lub returned about S o'clock and spent the evening in a de-1 lightful social at tbe G. A. R. Hall Tub Cob Tbaxsfkr . The Geo. E. Coe estate also transferred all its property in Benton county 20,4o6 acres to Arthur il, Masten of New York, receiver. Masten is a receiver appointed bv a New York court in a suit wherein Col. Hogg is the complainant and New lork capitalists are defendants. Tbe object of tbe suit is to determine who are the real owners of the property. SI 25 shirt waists reduced to 63c Read, Peacock & Co's. ON13 1XNIOYO Both tbe method and results trben Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fics is for eale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drng- cista, Any reliable druonst who may not have it on hand will pro- a . . " substitute. CAUF0.WM HO STKUP Cll ftAKOCQ. Ct tttBTOlt&a atfsY rOaXtfc SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ""Mies Came Milloy, of Lafayette, ia in the ci y on a visit. Mies Nellie Hogue attended O. A. C commencement tk-is week. Miss Edith Train, of Portland, is the truest of ber uncle 8. 8. Train. R. L. Carroll, of Berry, was in tbe city today. Mr. Carroll baa resigned as P. M. and Mr. Whitlock appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Suckow left tbis morn ing for their futnre boma in Pnl,.j Tbey were accompanied to Salem by Prof Hsgal tbe balloon man is in the City ready for tbe 4th and is open for proposals. Where is the woman willing to go np in a balloon for a ha band. Wade Davis, son of E. E. Davis, re turned last night from Barton, Wash., wnere be baa been attending school. He bas grown nearly a foot the past year. ALBANY TRADING CO. B. 8. HOBBIS, HiHiSffi We will sell goods as long as they can be obtained on the market at prices as follows- 1 doc beet jar rubbers Idozgal fruit ir rs 1 dot H gal fruit jars 5 gal keg pickles 1 gal choice 03 8-5 65 75 30 20 25 25 25 25 25 15 50 75 I 15 1$ 20 25 30 00 00 15 20 40 25 CO 25 25 25 40 40 40 10 3 lb cartoon crackers 10 lb choice beans 8 bars beet Savon eoap.. $ o Doxes Dioeing. t qt bottles blueing Spkgaeorn starch J gal beet vinegar, try it 1 gal beet Bvrno. brin? vanr in 2 sal good syrup in backet 1 box beet axle g -ease 2 cans beet tomatoes 2 " Morning Glory com. rood 1 lb Corn Cake tobacco and nine.. . 4 lbs best crackers 1 gal peeled peaches 7 pkgs Arbuckle coffee 7 pkgs Lyon " 1 paper coffee, ground to order 3 lbs Gold Dost washing powder. .. 1 can beet baking powder 5 lbs Arm A Hammer soda lz cans salmon 3 cans beet coea OTsters 1 3 cans spises 3 bottles extract lemon or vanilla 1 lb best Gunpowder tea ....... 1 lb beet Japan uncolored tea..... 50 lbs fine salt 12 packages good matches Good stock working gloves 30c to SOe a pair which we wish to close oat. The above prices are strictly cash 4 Albany Trading Co-, Cor. 2nd and Main Sta. Headquarters For Everything. o ALBIHY'S GMTST STORE DIG VALUES Hitched lo Little Prices That's the way yon find it all through our store. MelMlJiIsloSiTi Our qualities, oar values, oar 'nrircs. ear strong bold. ALBINO CHEAPEST STORE. OECHT & JMM S. H. SCHIFFLEH & CO. Merchant Tailors a Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths m the valley. OH" Stall ii Fliiii Sect FOR SALE 40 acres of land situated about 2 blocks north of O C R R de pot at Balsey, Linn county. This valu able property, ratable tor residence tots or agricultural purposes will be sold at a great sacrifice, make me as offer'. Apply tor particulars to M J Mcttahoi). attorney at law, Mc&ay biug, rctvana, ur. EOEFIrt THK PLUMBKR at I Tin roofing and plumbing. Opposite he opera house Dr Adams Cuaick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evenmr as tv. w T. M . UalL Visiting Knights invitea 19 end. J. S. V as M rsELS, vorn. ALBANY ORCHESTRA JMB1CISIST0. Conductor BlMWESIFEOOXMgr., INSTRUMENTATION I Vic II VIo Clar., Cor.. Trom Bass and.Drtims Iepex toil? c of lTe-v? lx sic Music Furnished For Concerts, Parties, Receptions tater tainments at reasonable rate. Correspondence solicited, regaramr ro gsgerneta out of town, Address Bert Westbrook, Business Mas ner, Revere House, Albany, Oregon Vanted-ftn Idea WSo can tfetea ec son au&p mm Bln.p.- WIUWU PrgwaS vow Ideas: h may tihi jot wwttfc WrlUiJOHS WaUPEKBtRK I IVUI A.tvV ' wv. Waablactoa. D. oru taalr si.i pntm twfce