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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
TERMS. DAILY DRMrtru 4T 3fanta rtfi mnnt.h $3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per ween. iu per cent added if allowed to ran over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Wkkklv, 81.25 hi advance; $1.50 at eno of year; 1.75 for second year; f200 fot third and proceeding yearn, when not paid in advance. Clubo of five new Bulweribers r $5.00. What They Did. The Congressional Record shows tha from February 15 to February 27 the Oregon delegation in Washington attend ed to the following business: John H. Mitchell Nothing. George W. McBride. Amendments offered by, to, Indian appropriation bill. Petitions and papers presented by, from Ne wberg, Oregon, Friend's Society : for legislation in interests of morality. Against interstate gambling. Xewberg, Or., Woman's Christian Temperance Union, fo' agricultural ciniesion; against interstate gambling; for Sunday rest law for District of Columbia; for legislation in the interests of morality Oregon, citizens of Ashland, for Loud bill. Publishers of: for Loud costal bill, i Remarks bv. on Cum obeli. John : re lief of. - Hermann, Binger Petitions and pa pers presented by, from American So ciety of Irrigation Engineers: for com mission to investigate arid lands. Lord. M8. W. P., and others: for tariff on flax. Newberg, Or., Woman's Christian Temperance Union : for Phillips bill: for legislation in interests of morality ; for Sunday-rest law for District of Co lumbia; agsinst gambling by telegraph. Vregonr citizens ot lamina county: against Loud bilL Portland, Oregon. Chamber of Commerce: for delegate irom Alaetta Ellis. Wdliam S. Appointed confer- enne. Petitions and papeis presented oy, from Portland, Oregon, Chamber of Commerce: for delegates from Alaska. Crook County. "We hear that Jeff O'Kelly killed three bear on Mill creek a few das ago. Peter Davis, who lives on Mill creek some 15 or 20 miles above here had the misfortune a few days ago to lose his house and its contents by lin, in fact he lost everything he had. Last Monday evening as Sheriff Gray was attending to his prisoners at ti e county jail, Emme'.t Ho man, one of the inmates, scaled the jail fence and made himself rather scarce. The sheriff found i him a short time afterward at home. He was immediately locked up. In two weeks the schools of this p'aoe- will close, and for the next six months the little ones will have nothing to do. There ought to be two more months of school by all means and we think that if some one wonld take the trouble to do so a private school could be gotten np. Last Saturday was the time appointed for the second rabbit drive totake place. It was not a very inviting morning as during the night previous about an inch of the "beautiful" had fallen, but this did not deter a large crowd from leaving onrcity early in the morning. This drive was not as successful as the first one, aa oniy about 200 rabbits weie cor ralled and killed in this drive. But talk about fun does hardly express it. We have been informed npon reliable authority that the directors of the Ante lope school district on lan Tuesday dis missed rrof Lke. the principal of the school at that place. The reason as signed was that Lake attemted to com mit rape upon a 13- ear-old daughter of AIL EBOrn -KaiiiAnt nr fh mar. When our informant left, feeling ran very high and it would not be surprising that harsh measures were used in meeting our justice to this inhuman fiend. The heet wav to meet iutii nnt to this wretch would be to rse about .six feet of :good ropo. Review. Oakville. Two little bovs, (Harry Davis and Phillip Cole) were riding on a load of bay. They both slipped off and in the fall Young Cole had the misfortune to break both hones of his forearm. Some boys when tbey arrive at the age of seventeen have an idea that are men and at liberty to do as they please Two boys who reside in West Oakville. think it manly to run their horses, and one day last week tbey run the poor cattle that make their living in the road, causing them to break into the farms of their neighbors. Such conduct is unmanly and should not be tolerated in any com munity. Tbegreat prize light in Nevaada is all the talk now and we are sui prised to near some ol our t otherwise) good peo- ' pie offer to bet on the result. Oh what a shame and disgrace to the state of Ne vada to license this great sin, but how can we say anything when there are other states that license and tolerate as .great a sin "the licensed saloon," and ithe two go hand in hand and we expect to bear of many murders resulting from .drink on the dav of the "licensed prize .fight.". Little Kobe Bcd. A. Portland Fight. A five-round glove contest, tor a purse of $75. was fought today by Houghten and Lamp man, the latter to out Houghten outin five rounds. The latter cme nearly putting Lampman to sleep in the first round. Hougten won the purse. Portland Trib une. Lampman, (Dell) will be remem bered as a former Albany young man. Mrs. Judge Wclverton came up from Salem to-day on a vieit with Albany friends. J. A. Wilson and J. R. Wyatt returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. N T. Moore wi!l move to Olymiia to reside, leaving Albany on Wednesday. Homer Davenport has arrived at Car son. His first picture appears in Satur aaj'o -Tivn the lank form of Bob Fizsimmons, Mr. Kola Keis, of this city, left today on a two months trip through the east. He expects to be home by May 1. Ex-U. S. Senator J. H. Mitchell left Portland today for Washington to argue a case In tbe U. S. Supreme court. Won der if that is all. g. M. Wilkins, the railroad man, was in the city today on bis way to Waterloo from a trip to Portland. Mr. Wilkins hopes to eee the cars running between Waterloo and Lebanon by July. Mr. Arthur L. Simpson, the popular lanndrv man, went to Buena Vu ta to- dav where tomorrow be will be united an marriage to a former Albany young lady. Miss Altha Pillar. They will go to Portland to rem? in a ween. TheU. R, K". of P. Saturday night gave an installation of the new officers of fhek Rank in the presence of the mem- horn of the K of P , Rathbone Sisters ..ta.few friends. It was a pleasant affair. The program was opened with a niano solo by Ms Joyce Browneii, exe- in an artistic manner, the new officers were then installed by Lieut.Col fieo. Hochstedler, of the Oregon U.R. ; . niain. but impressive ceremony Miss Ora Harknes, by request gave her inimitable presentation of "Mary's Little TaQ- W1W1 Till lOHUIIO. I'll,, T .M. Parker read a comprehensive paper on the Rathbene Sisters. Tbey were organ ized Oct. 23, 1884, the Albany lodge five vears ago. Miss Loretta Stewart de lighted the audience with a vocal eo'o, and was encored. A vry pretty tab- inr was presented. Mr. L. M. Curly. . . , , . .. , read a paper on tne u. k airectiy to the po!nt. Misses Stewart, liarknega, Marshall and Dannals of the high school, ZVa tneored. A t eautiful tableaux closed the program, lbe gentlemen then served an ice cream lunch and so ciability prevailed for a time. All Humors ot the Hood, from the i mall pimple to the dreadful scrofula sore, Ire cured by Hood's SarsaparillH, which j thoroughly purifies, vitalizes and enriches I tbe blood- '! Hood' Pi'ls cure nausea, sick head-' ch8( jnligestion, billiousaes. All drug. p"2. -' ' ' $8.00 buys a good Mandolin with book f 5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 bays 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buya a 5-drawer sewing machine; nigh arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. SPriee8 on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on Application. E. U. Will Albany. Probtue Record. In estate of J F Ilendtix inventory showed: real property $1300, personal property $608.93. Tota 1853.05. in estate of Jos Harrison set aside for a monument. In estate of A Saltmarsh, personal property ordered sold. in estate of Thos Holt inventory filed. also in estate of John McKercber. In estate of P H Wide, final settle ment was set for April 5. In eatate of Eliza J Dutcher. G Love. lee appointed administrator. Bond $700. Inventory showed leal property $200, personal $985. Personal ptoperty order- 4j iojj In esvate of Louis F Hammer, apprais ers reappointed, to-wit: W F Hammer, 0 R Sylvester and Geo F Burkhart. In estate of Eliza Croisant, will filed and admitted to record. E M Croisant appointed executor. In estate of SEmeline Alford final ac count approved ; In estate of Henry Reamer citation is sued to Luther W hite, ex, to show cause on March 19 whv he baa not filed an ac count Sinoa Feb 27, 1S96. In guardianship Jas Drinkard et al, citation issued asking guardian to show cause why hi should not be removed. Settled. In estate of F A Hitchins, distribu tion of estate approve.! . In eatate of John-McRinney ISlh ac count approved . In estate of Wm. Kinder, real properiy ordered sold. In estate of Martha E Powers, A P Filory appointed administrator. Bond, $300 In estate of Jas McMahan, 2nd account filed. Advice received of death of John E Porter in insane asylum on Feb 24. Advice received of discharge of Miss Bosetta Liggest 'from insane asylum on nine months leave. In guardianship heirs W H Churchill. guardian was ordered to make division of personal property. In estate of Marv J Burkhart. final ac count set for May 3. In estate of J J Kosselie, J S McMahan was appointed administrator. Bond, $2000. They Bolted. - Et. Louis is a bolting Jty. Perhaps it is well that it is. Seven delegates, rep resenting the Pacific jurisdiction of nine" states, in the sovereign auxiliary of the Woodmen of the World, bolted the con vention last week and eftectoi a new camp of the Woodmen's Circle, ladies, organization, by adopting a constitution and by-laws and electing supreme of ficers. The break was occasioned by the overeigu camp ignoring the women of the west in making up the list of com mittees and officer k The bolters were Mrs. Helen South wick, of Salem, Or.; Mrs. Inez Filloon, of The Dalles. Or ; Mrs. Carrie C. Van ordell, of Pendleton, Or.; Mrs. O A. Onm;hiT, ofr Dtmmr, Colo.? Mrs. W". M. Drherty, of Pueblo, Colu.; Mrs. J. L. Wright, of Leadville, Colo. Mrs. C. . Hawkins, of this city, was present, and was probably one of those to go out, there being seven in all. A Nye Eroon Letter. T. G. Hendricks, of Eugene, has locat ed on Xye Creek, for an outing. Mr. Hendricks writes a very readable letter to the Guard. From it we clip the fol lowing: We arrived at Albany at I p m and took the O P road for Yaquina. This road seems to mender all the tributar ies of Mary's and" Yaquina rivers it is certainly a very crooked road. The road bed seems to be in passibly good condi tion, but the rolling stock bears a care worn, rnn-down-at-the-heel condition. On arrival at Newport we put np at the Abbie The seven by nine smile of ye host made ns welcome they gave ns a good room and a nice clean bed but they set no table now we bad to get our meals at a restaurant. Down at our cottage by the sea we find it very quiet. We are Laving a goo I rest rest of body and mind. Prof Straub's new cottage looms up just east of ns while L. E Blain's nice sea side borne joins us on the west. The writer of this and Mr. Rlain frntnuH? IhA plains together in 184S; he a child of Qrf and I a boy of 10. We have seldom met since thoe happy bo v hood days, but now, almost. 60 we meet and live as neighbors down by the sounding sea. I am very sorry to hear of bis financial troubles. The summer school is to be built here on a beautiful block just north and east of Prof. Condon's cottage. A Mr. Booth is erecting a nice bath house at the mouth of Sve Creek and it is to be 80x80 feet. The foundation is already built and the material U being hauled tc complete the structure. We expect our only son Br Mow the merchant and banker of Cottage Grove on Monday next. If you should bear a great roar off in this direction as "a rush of mighty waters" don't be alarmed. It will simply be we three, Briston, wife and I, taking a bath in the serf. A Govehnxest Job. Bids for tbe im provement ot the mouth of the Alses were recently received as follows: Vrilhs Vidito. Alsea, $1,890; W. H. Millhollen, CorvalUs, $1,889; Oscar Tom, Alsea. $2,480; K. Miller, Tillamook, $2,150; barles P. Church, Port.and, $l,47o. The contract was Jet to Unurcb. Farmers are getting a good price for hay, all tbs way from f 10 to $(5. Daniel Webster has imt accepted the pastorate cf the Baptist church of Grants fas. Only the highest grade cream of tartar and bicarbonate of soda is used in tho man nfactueof Schillings Beat baking pow der. - ine Messenger, ittttaga urove s new paper, with Mr Horace Mann, recently of ouage urove. as editor, has anoeared. It is well gotten up. Tbe Democbat now receives the Dailv Post, tbe leading paper of the city of Washington. Patrons of tbe Democrat ate always welcome to see our exchanges. Makes life misery to thousands of people. It manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarce ly a man is wholly free from it, in some form. It clings tenaciously until the last vestige of scrofulous poison ia eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho One True Blood Purifier. uxta tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positive. I ly perfectly and permanently cured by 1 " " Li Sarsaparilla Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. .' Be iur to get Hood's and only Hood's. u i f n-n are the best alter-dmner iClf US I Si ttjbsd Ajyr. Will Hang On. The following from the pen of J. B. of the tailroad commissioners, in the Roseurg Flaindealer, indicates that the commissioners will hang on as long as there is a cubic incb of breath left. We giv the commissioner's very peculiar reasontre: According to an interview of the stcie- tary of state published in a Portland pa per the various commissions are extinct because there has been no appropriation made therefor. If hla reasoning is cor rect, and the secretary is correctly re ported, the office of secretary of state. governor, treasurer, Judges, district at torneys and other state otucers who de pend upon the semi-annual anoroori- ationa for their salaries are alt "extinct," yet no one has heard of the secretary packing bis grin and leaving Salem for his home in Eueene. The commission ers were elected according to law to per form certain things provided in the law, until their successors are elected and qualified. This they have done, are do ing, and will continue to oo unless tbey learn from some other source that the secretary of state is a higher power than the constitution, for that document de clares that "the operation of law aball never be suspended except by authority of the legislative assembly." We can get along without the various commis sions but the law is on the statute books, and their powers and duties are pre scribed. It is the province of the legis lature, and not the secretary of elate, to make and repeal laws for the govern ment of the people. The question of whether or not the commissions are use ful or useless are not in issue just now. A Whipping Casj. A whipping ease in the public schools yesterday has been causing some dispos ition, o much so that a newspaper can hardly ignore it, Miss Borden is the teacher. M;ss Eva Trainor the scholar . A note the teacher asked for was crumpl ed up and torn. The pupil was slapped, then whipped with a ruler and again with a switch over the back. Miss Bor den claims it was as well for taurines and other causes. The directors were notified, the girl was taten to a doctor and the marks on her back were exhibi ted before them. Today she could hard ly lie on her back This forenoon the directors passed resolutions reprimand ing the teacher. The mother of the girl has reported the case to Mr. Whitney, deputy district attorney, but it is to be hoped the case stops outside the courts. Nothing has yet been uone by him. From the Country: Spring ha arrived and the time for farmers to begin active operations on the tartn nas come. The state of the weather and the con dition of the sol will not admit of much farm work for the next few dava Fall gram iooka quite well, what there is has pasted through the winter in rood condition. ' If the spring opens early there will be a large acreage of sprtn.' grain sowed. Wheat and oats for spring sowing will be scarce, and the price is high, some uk 90 cts. and $1 per bushel for wheat and SOand-iOcts. lor oat. Feed is scarce and the price rules higher than for sev eral years. Baled cheat hay ceils for $10 per toe and feed oats 30 and 40 ct. per bushel. The present indications for a large fruit crop is good, and if the cold weather does not injure it apples will not sell for $2 per bushel next winter. The entertainment given bvthe schorl in district Xo. 27, taught oy Prof. M. F. Wood was a grand succees. The house was crowded to its utmost capacity and all were well pleased. A ten cent ad mission was charged at the door and some of the ladies broogot lunch baskets which were sold, and the proceeds amounted to about $16, whicb will be used to purchase a library for the school. Mr. Wood was immediately hired to teach the spring term of school. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Long who wers lately married took the train Sunday for their future borne in Washington. A large crowd gathered at the depot to see them off, and they left with the good wishes of their friends amid showers of rice. Mr. Will Scott took hi departure for California a few days ago to try and make his fortune, and now Bessie feels quite lone!y. The newly appointed supervisor for road d:at. No. 22 was seen looking after the intere ta of the roads tbe other day. We think Samuel will have a good big job a head cf him to put the roads in good condition. The roads tbe past win ter have been worse than for a number of years, caused partly by neglect in giving ce proper drainage. Many people ttroner drainasa. Man grumble xbout tbe condition of the roads ana are never willing to rut in a few days extra workto put them in igood condition for winter. A few bright days and things will IMnma . iltflaMn jwtnfltt; m whan we will forget tbe bad weather and bad : . " I roads for another six months to come. H. Mr. aud-Mrs. Walter Clark, of Idaho, arrived on a visit with Mr. H. R. Hyae Cam Hemphill and Miss Emma Fel- g?r, of Corvallis, were united in marriage at Salem yesterday. Misses Winnifred and Kate Fennell have returned from a short visit with Al bany friends. Salem Journal. Mr. Harry Connoway, the popular night operator of the S. P. has returned borne after a two weeka vacation. Miss Ida Sberfy, of Junction City, is visiting friends in Albanv. bbe wi.l leave in a few days for Baker City, Or. Mrs. Elvira D. Fellows, of Portland. a; ate president of the Rebecca Assembly, 1. 0. 0. F arrived in Albany this noon ana win meet with the lodge tonight. E. E. Monger of Lebanon. Anna Blacklaw of Lebanon, J. G. Swan of Albany and L. K. Brooks of Toledo, have been granted state diplomas. W. A. Calder, of Brownsville, and Laura Myers of Scio, have been granted tale certifi cates. Revival services were commenced in the First Evangelical church, on East Eighth and East Market streets, Sunday evening. The ministers in charge are Keva. L. 8. Fisher. I. B. Fisher and L. Anderson. Meetings will be held every night dvring the week. Telegram. All have been residents of Albany. The golden wedding celebration ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mayer, of this city, of the firm of Flebcbrer, Mayer & Co., takes place Wednesday next in Ala meda. Cal-, at the residence of Mrs. H. Zadig. All of Mr. Mayer's children will be present, beside numerous grandchtl- dren and other relatives. Hon. Sol Hirech and wife left last evening to be present. tribune. The ladies of the Relief Corps last evening tenuerea air. ana Mri. is. i Moore a farewell reception previous to their departure lor tbeir new home at Olympia, where tbey will reside with daughter Mrs. Rogers. Genuine feelings of regret were expressed at the depart ure of this worthy couple who have been faithful in all their relationships with Albany people. A program was rendered, consisting of a nicely rendered piano solo W T..J... ii I . u Grace Hardman, a vocal solo by Miss Torbet and appropriate and timely re marks by Col. C. B. Montague and 8. S. Train. A delieious lunch was served and sociability prevailed. Gen T S CIarkon. commander-in-chief of tbe G A R will be in Portland on March 30, where a reception will be tendered bim. A match thoot between club of four or five Albanv and Portland men is being ar ranged. Albany against tbe whole of Ore gon. Great events are passing through Albany continually without our realization. Sat urday night a whole train load of postal clerk went through tbe city on tbeir an nual jaunt. TbeBandon Herald siysibat a whale forty feet in length came ashore on the neacn at nana ueacn last week. The resi dents of that vicinity tried out 600 gallons of oil and teemed a lot of whalebone. Postnianter General Gary has made tho) definite announcement toat tbe administra ' lion naa decided to adbear to tbe four year' tenure of-omce policy fcr all postmaster. except in a rew cases where removal for cause was required on account of delin quency,, imcoropetency or onsatiaactory conduct or administration of office . Use Dawson's furniture polish. ALBANY'S PAST. From the Democrat of August 31 to fW 19 1Q77 Commodore P. Davis, a graduate of Albany College, now of Pendleton, and Nellie J. Barker ,were married on Aug 20. Geo Weller, Geo Burkhart and W H Huston killed twenty deer and one bear on a hunting expedition to tho moun tains. Mart Angel run a sack factory here with six euipto)es. Capt Humphrey In a hunt killed two deer at one shot. The record is in black and white. D V Reid was princtpl of the Al bany schools beginning in September. Mr. J. M. Nolan, (now of Oorvallis.) opened a store in Albany. Emersons minstrels were in the city. The great song of the day was "Patrick Mind the Baby." The West Coast F'ax mills of Albany employed fifteen or twenty bands. Rev M M Gibson, of San Francisco, preached in the U P church on Sept 16, being here at a session of the Pacific synod. A notable weJdinr was that of Hallock AGriihnand alias Anna B Rogers. Thos II McGhee and Miss Anna Mo Farland were married at Tangent on Sept 23. They moved to Umatilla coun ty to reside, but are now residents of Tangent. Mt Ross Humphrey and Miss Mary E Burrell were married on Sept 13. Wheat $1 on Sept 28. Late rains ruined an immense amount of wheat in tbe county. Fotatodom. Winter seems to be lingering in the lap of spring in a very rpoony manner this year. A four months school has commenced in district 8, with Miss Bodineat the helm. Mr. John Raney returned from Co burg a few days ago. Ed Snyder expects to garden on a large scale this season. Frank Thompson started last Wednes day for Eastern Oregon to better his fortune. e wish him success. Uncle Dick Bnrress has a contract tor getting out white fir Lgs, Ueorge Bur rets and Charley Cox will do the cutting. Archie Thompson is farmirg with George Birchet this jear. George Birchet and Joe Waldridge were elected directors and Wm Raney clerk at tbe recent school election. Joe Tall of Albany.was v '.siting in these parts last Sunday. As an insurance agent Joe is a rustler and he surely de serves a premium. As we have always bad a great rever ance for all the Belinda Jane's we ever knew, we would like to meet the Belin da Jane of Syracuse, thinking that such meeting would tnrely ripen into a strong friendship w ill yon second tbe motion Miss Belinda. We predict a wedding in these parti before many moons, if our prediction is correct please don't forget ns with a piece of cake. JosuorwAT. March 15, '97. A Six Months Cox. Among arrivals at -the state prison today is one from Lake county W. L. Krye. He was an eastern detective and had a partner in tho wood chopping buuness whogotaway with the little wages they bad earned Keyea compelled him at the point 'of a pistol to give np half of it aa it belonged to htm. Tbis cota the taxpayers of Ore gon hundreds of dollars lie is only sent to Salem for six month. He might have bren sent to county jail a month. Tbe judges name is Hale, but not Matbew Hide we hope Salem Jourrsl. RxDrctso the Firsn. Prof. White horn, teacher in physical training, this week began teaching a clasi of eight fleshy people, for the purpote ot reduc ing their weight, in which he has always been snccesafaL Besides other special students is a young lady from tbe coun try, fourteen years of age, weighing 257 pounds. "Iboeewbo ha to tried Prof. W bitehorn's system are greatly pleased with tbe results, which are prompt and effective, aa well as satis factory. Kobb-ed. Under the head of "A Young Confidence Man' the Salem Journal gives an account of trnw Horace L. Robb, a son of Prof. J. D. Robb, at one time residents ot Albany, took in a Sa.eiu iainler, in a blackboard making speculation through Clackamas county. Finally young Robo skipped out, leaving the painter with a horse on hand and ho tel hills to pay. Robb went to Portland, while the painter returned to Salem mad as a borne I Ta, Rgnrau Hon. W. P. Elmore, of .Brownsville, bv request, spoke at the cnUrch last night, giving I r ... . - . straightiotwaro. tmprewive ac- count Ol nis own experience ana nis . . . i . present position. Five last night an nounced their intention oi uniting wun the church, and to night Mr. Ubbe Peters will be baptised, tbe others later. Liss Cocstt Scep. The O. C. A E. has brought an injonc'ion suit against linn county and Clark R. Lone, restrain ing tbe building of a county road over the companys road on Mr Long's farm. A temporary injunction has been granted and tbe action of the county court will be reviewed in circuit court. Wab Fisep. Wm. Tycer. ol Browns ville, was brought to Albany last even ing, by Constable mount, ine charge was assautt upon .mck ciewari in mis citv. Upon examination lie was nnea $5 and costs, f-- in ait. New invoice ot ladies gold atch cbaini at French's jewelry store. Lcttsr Ltt. Following is the lit of letbr remaining in the PoKtofuee at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 16, 1J97. Fensons calling for these letters niut give tbe date on whicn they were advertised. Allen, Uattie Bender, Cris Folliver, James Russell, Geo YoungJobn O Atterbury, Agnes Farwell, A Howell, John Walles, Mary P O Box 365 T. J. Stitks, PM In the Rain Storm the man trot very wet. The wetting gave him a cold. The oold, neglected, developed to -a cough. The cough sent him to a bed of sickness. A dosa of Ayera Cherry Pectoral, taken at the start, would : have sipped the oold in the bud, and saved the sickness, 'Buffering, and expense. The t household remedy for colds, coughs, and all lung troubles is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Scad i or the " Curebook." io pages It J. C. Ayci Ok, lUoweU, Maaa "How can Schillings Best tea cost so little and be so good?" Easy. It is roasted every day in San Francisco like fresh coffee and peanuts. ' Other tea is roasted once a year in Japan, etc like stale coffee and stale peanuts. A Schilling ft Cnmrmny Sao Frauds, o WE53D2SrE 8DAT SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Druggist Moses, ex-president ol the State Pharmaceutical society, was in the city today on business. Prof. W. A. McGhee, recently of Oak land, baa been employed to teach the Myrtle Creek school. Miss Pearl Applegaie has returned from a visit with Miss Besie Burkhart, of Albany. Salem Journal. Born. Snndav. the 14th inet , to the wile of Walter Wiles, in Corvallis.a girl. This is the first child and Walter has a right to smile. Times. Mr. and Mrs. C as. Pfeiffer left today on a trip to California, going by way of Portland. They will be gone three or four weeks. Col. K. B. has disposed of his interests in Klamath county, and will engage in the practice of law at either Portland or Salem. ) Mrs C O Lee will ing a solo.- Mr and Mr Poling and Sin Tailor will render a vocal trio and Mrs I.amlwoo will read dur ing the social this evening. Don't fail lo attend. Bev. R. A. King has been called to tbe pastorale of the Baptist church at this city and will enter upon his duties the first of next month. He comes highly recommended as a man and min ister, and all who heard him in the re cent revival meetings at tbis plice were well pleased with him and bis addresses. The salary h will receive is $J. His family consists of a wife and one child. Bev. King and family will receive a hearty welcome. McMinnville Trans cript. One ol Uie very pleasant social features of the week was the birthday party sur prise given Golda Howard on Tuesday evening, March lo The program, which was selected with care, was ably render ed by the participants, who were: Lora Pardora, el on a Davis, Minnie aocben haw, Francis Roberts, Grace Hughes, Low Holme. Jea-ie HyJ. Bertha Sav ior, Lena Saylor, Leon Hopper and lit tle isier, Roy and Ernest Morris, War ren Roberts, Merle Howard, Anna How ard. Refreshments were served. X. Real Estate Sales. M Hyde to F C Dannals. irregu lar lot western ad Albasy....$ M Hyde to J A Warner, irregular lot weatern ad Albany W R Kirk to Olive Lowden, oO feet front' Brownsville H C M iller to A C Bock, 10 acres, 13E1 U li Cook to Jaa Blakely, 116 l-100acr . J M Thompson to C W Hall, 1 tot, Lebanon Isaach Putt to EUas Piatt, 150 acres II 11 Hewitt to Msgsie Hewitt, Iota 3 and 4 bl 67, Albany ! R Rocker lo Jos K acker. 41 acre. ' 30 - 10 500 200 100 T75 100) 1 J $palic;er to Fred fleeter, 3 1-109 acres 1 Jos Conner to irred 1J otter, land for road T5 Martha Barnes to J e?ley and - K Wheeler. 1 acre. I'laio ne . 100 B Cbeadle lo M C Chamber. S2 40-ICO acre SIS 11 Green to J R tireen, 57 acre . . 300 C W Simmondt to John WeUJ!e, V I acre 37 C W Sim moods to George V tddie, l acres 37 Mary C Temple to MicUl Webber, 6 73-100 acres 66 A J Pitner to Wm O Eond, bl. iiaiaey.. uu M J Moouilh lo First Nat Bank. S3 acres, 11 w 4 and undivided kl 3, bl 4, lots 2, 3, 4 and , bl 63, lots 7 an ft, bl SO. Al bany T". 5700 E W Langdon to D V 8 Reid, lota 6 and . bl SS. H 2nd ad 1200 D VS Reid to John K Smith, same. 1AJ0 RC Miller to M J Miller. 2 lota. Lebanon 400 Mary A S Hlte to Jas Xannv. 10 acre Z7GQ Adolph Eichroan to F C Harris 23 acre. ZWJ Wm Knton lo G force Ruston, 44 56 100 a res 150 Augusta Swank to Anna Warasoth, So acres 250 Mary E Hamilton lo Elmore Pugh, o kk. uoiiev -iw Richard Bums to Edward and A j bheiton. 25.10 acres... EoQ Walter Ketchum lo Eoos Sherfy, 22 HO acre 27 ) Samuel Nixon to J M Holloway, 3 acres... 3t O Martin lo Mary Plaster, S3 feet irani, Leoanon i A Hackteman to L Flinn, trustee, 1 lot, Hs 2nd ad o00 L Flinn to D H Horton, 1 lot, hi H.Albany 1500 O P Coshow to Geo A Dvson. 2 lots B.-ownsville 32 Sylvonia Barkhart to O M Burk hart, 53.18 acres 1 John Bryant to Linn Co, atrip land 40 feet wid 1 F M Coryell to Eliza lnnev. 100 acres, deed is dated April 4. 160 Addie Moon to Albanv BALA. Slots. H's 3rd ad.. 1200 Omar Wheeler to ft L Wtieeltr, 10 j acres 1 R Wheeler to Solomon Lindley, 2 acres so Geo F 8itnpson to G W Simpson, lot o, bl II, Albany -KV Geo F Simpson to G W Simpson,, lot 1 and 2, bl II. E A Albany Iota 3 and 4. bl 12, Albany. . . . 43C0 J A Shaw to Santiam Lumber Co, acres 1 II Moore to Bose E Moore, 164.75 acres 750 Mary Drinkard to Thos Rrandon aa trustee, lay Ol acres ana and 817.15 acres 2100 W Marks ta Jos Kcnoo, Ub acres 215 F M French et at to Anna II Alder- eon. 30 acres. Oakville. ... r, . . 1050 Mai tha E Locker to J W Evans. 54.1W acres sou R W Moses to Anna Eggleston, 1 Brownsville 200 0 M Burkhart to Sylvonia Burk hart, 77.14 acres 1 Alonso Long to Martha M Hen- driz. 30 acres 1 G F Simpson to G W Simpson, un divided S.0 in oi icei on east Bide lot 5, bl 5, Albany 5(0 Red Crown Roller Mill Co, by sheriff, to May & benders. 1 lot. bl 122. H's ad. Albany. . . 1(500 Thos Cowan to Perry i"arker,36t.03 acres 300 8 8 Ca!lahan to T L Golden, 12 acres Tv-. 50 Peter Long to J i Hendri,30 acrea Eli B Moore, admr, to Wm Talley, several lots, Ilarnsburg 58 Ella Mohr to 8 J Campbell, 2 pieces latKtrr. 1100 Musical and Literary mcnt. Entertain' On Friday evening next at the opera house will be given by the college band , r. f th moit entertaining piocrama of tbe season . The band will be assist ed by tha college choral society, making iu all nearly fifty voices, also the cele brated Albany male quartet. Miss Al (dersonand Mr. Akers will appear in vnral solos, oesiue mmva uuurua nu the Oregon quintet club, several novel ties from members of the band will ap pear, etc., closing with a very laughable Farce by the college students. Come and yon will be pleased with tho niusio and lel thit the evening has been well spent. Admission 15c, reserved seats 25o HOME AND ABROAD. Forfruils Of all kinds, Go to F. II. Pfe'ffers. Dawson sells Li rerine. , Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Apples at O E Brown ell. , Smiloy does our job printing - Mo blur on Smiley' printing. Elks teeth are in demand. F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in season. EIk's l.ipel buttons at French's jewelry itore. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per do. n at Longs gallery. For the latent novelties in jewelry tee French the jeweler. T W Dilley of Scio has opened a general repair shop in Scio. Benton coonty has decided not to pa; its state taxes this year. It is to he regretted both men were not tn'.cked out for good. St. i'atrick'a eve social, at the Congre gational cburcb. Ten cents. Fcr a good physic take Liverine, for sale by IUon, the "pill autocrat-" Our printing it the chemeat became it w tbe beat, Sm iLtr, the Printer. Our work i the best, therefore it is the cbeaoest. Smiley, the Printer. Cnwford A- Harnuh for photograph. Prices from tl to ffQ per dozen. "Ak ) unr druggut for the Kindergarten Novelty, 'The house that Jack BauV tVuter white comb honey from California. Just in at OK Bbowubtj. ' Two packages of garden seeds for Rets, according to their usual custom at Stewart & Sox's. That German washing fluid, which bat proven uch a fine thing has arrived at Parker Bros, in a large quantity. Call and try a bottle- Information that is worth its weight in go d: Got your meats of all kinds at Hen ry Broker's, on Second street. If yon owe Conn fioatoa call npon them and pay up. Why isn't that a gojd eauluuon. for now is the pay np time. Members af tee Elki are invited to call at French's jewelry store and see sample of watch charou, made of elk's teeth. For choice meats of all kind, and prompt attention call upon Wm Emerick & toa, two doer weUof Kaecht Muera. Dr.. If. E. and O. K. Beers office f residence in tbe post office building. Spec ial attention given to disease of worsen. W itn bat little care and no trouble, tbe beard and m attache can be kept a uniform brown or Uack color by naiog Bockiag Lun.a Dye for the Whisker. S S Dertck. of Eddyville. 64 years old and the father of Cftwn chUdren. walked to AlbanT an I tsck. Ki mi. In four days betides attending to bis bmiaeai. lbs price of genuine Oliver chilled plow iba'e ba bees reduced to SO rents. Be cure the name Oliver is on every tsars l or sale only by Hopkins Bros. One cf the O A C E eecinet, repainted and Uue'ed A C It R. No 3, wasoa yea trdy taken north for cte nm the Attona and Ccluruhia railroad. Steamer Farailon ia doe to sail from Yaquina for San Fraacuco Sunday. March 11. Intending paweagers tbould leave Albany at aeon Saturday tbe 2Xb. Consider yoor wart, think before yon act, asd then go to Haigbt Bros . where yoa will fin-i a choice attca of mels of all kind lo ord t from. Yoo are booed to be pkaaed if you order of them. Keep going until yon leach tbe shop of tbe Albany Dreed Beef Company, where too wiu Sod a 6a line of meal of ah kiad. 1 hu eootjpaay keep tb beat aad joa wdl be orr if yoo don't call oa tbem. A suit involving big land deal in Ger many be ween two dozen of Portlar4 has been 2ed la tie Jt circoit coort Cart Ar-pel i the plaintiff, aad he waala to re coirer from C A Aluky 30.433 gulden and j 45 irea'srrt.cqaivalea to fI4.S23.66. This Jtn rcproeaU principal and intermt doe on property conveyed to tbe defendant ia ' Aog3t, 133 The ptopttty iovolted k at Locc.aa, tiavaria. Teie-gtam. Syracuse. Frank Thompson IJabo. left latt week for lo.'in Raicie. of Lane count v. ia viait- ir.g in the vicinity. Mr. WeUel is making some extensive improvements on bis dwelling. . Rain! rain! rain! the weather has a br-tken heart and ia crying itaselt to death. We think with i's seventy familiea and three schools Syracuse is entitled to a posioffice. We pity the man of whom it may be said : "Alas, he was aa inmate cf the 19th Oregon letfulatare." Mr. S. T. Crooks, one of our most en terprising farmer, baa already seeded sixty acrea ot spring wheat, Miss Lulu Masoa, of Independence spent Saturday and Sunday aa the guest of Nell Haley, who relumed homo with her on Monday's boat. Being encounged by tbe prospect of a good price for their product thabp men are all preparing to run tbeir yards dur ing tbe coming season, lbe acreage tn this vicinity is as follows : F M Miller, 35; J J Graham, S3; P W Haley, IS; James OroMiang, 10. The Srracuse literary still draws a crowded bouse. Tbe question for next Saturday night is: "Resolved that tbe negro has received worse treatment from the white than the Indian." After the debate a mock trial and the reading of the society paper will entertain tho au dience. The season of '97 has already brought us one blessing to wit -the end ol Gro wer, whether the change is one of im provement or not we welcome it. We despise his cowardly, Cuban policy and his Lombard St. financial policy .and he .LsHiea we trunk XoU.uuo a yea ou a dav T it too much for a duck-hunter. Give us war, fire, blood or famine, any of tbe plagues of Egypt orall of them, only no more of Cleveland. liauDA Jist uatcs. Gates, Or., March 17, 1897. Snow has all diaappeared and garden log will soon begin. The road between Gate and Quart i viile are almost impassible. The mail carriers are compelled to walk over halt the way on snow-shoes and instead of reaching Gates at 3:30 p. m. Deputy Ed IUath arrived her at midnight. Hit brother Gerald ha about recovered from the three days exposure of last week. Tomorrow being St, Patrick' day, there will be a grand mask ball in tbe evening, midnieht lunch will be served at the Pioneer House, wnicn is notea tor it fine meals and courteous treatment of its guest. Some of our cititens will start for Ba ker City in a short time. We wish them unbounded success in tbeir field. . We noticed T. Z. Praia carrying bis arm in a sling ana was airaia orr oia friend had been the victim of a pugiliatie encounter but inquiry revealed that he iaputlenng Irom an attack ol rheumatism. There will probably be a lull in the storm of social events, judging by the re ception given to some of tbe would be leaders recently. One man wisely sug gested that missionaries be sent to Gates. Mr. L. Jacobs and Mrs. Halite Wail ing were united in marriage ia Salem Wednesday. The groom is an enterprts ing merchant of Gates, the bride's a well and favorably known resident of Detroit, They each have a host of friend in their respective towns, that wish them a locg ana prosperous voyage tnrougn me. Dr. Eeed and wife left Gates on Friday last. fix SUGAR ATGRADWOHL'S. The Place to Get It Cheap. Mr. Julius Gradwohl reports an lip ward tendency in the price of sugar and advises buying early, lie quotes- pricea BR follows. 18 pounds granulated........ 1 00 9 60 4H " " If vmi want a nood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our bany cigar factory, , F1TZSIMMONS WON. Oamou, March 17. Sun rose brieht and clear, light snow on pround. John L, Sullivan arrived at midnight, announced that be would challenge tha winner at once. Big crowd np all night. Betting 10 to 6! on Corbet.. Crowd with Cor bet t. After preliminaries the fiaht beiran with White. Delanev. Jefferie. McVev. Joe Corbett, Billy Woods and Hampton in Corbett corner and Julian, Roe her, Stenlzer and Hickey in Fitzsiwmons comer. Fits remarked that he was bloody fine" and Corbett did a Her aten in his corner. First round. Called at 12:17. Fitx became aintreative. Tbey exchanged several blow,and clinched twice, break ing witboot damage. Corbett punched Fitzsimmons in ribs aa gong sounded. In second, tbird and fourth rounds Corbett hit Fituimmona twice to one blow received. In fourth round fighting was declared to be beautiful. Corbett was doing much tbe cleverer fiahting. In fifth and sixth rounds Corbett rushed Fitxsimmona, getting the .first blood, Fitzsimmons being literallvcovered with blood, but was fiahting like a demon. Corbett slaughtered him with nppercuts, uitung mm in tne lace In ahroond Corbett forced fighting, but Fitc fought like a lion, at end of round Fitx looked like a stuck bullock. In 8th round Fitx forced fighting at beginning, but bad worst at end. In ib round Fits landed below belt In round he landed more often than Corbett. In 10th round Fits showed op much cooler and stronger than Corbett, but both fought hard, Corbett cautiously. 11th round Fits had mocn tha better. crowding Corbett to bi corner a the gong sounded. In 12th round FUxrimmona rushed Corbett from tbe start, but got the worst or it. inta was uoroett around. In 13th round honors were about even, both fighting terrifically. In 14th round Corbett was knocked out aa follows: Fits landed terrible left hand jab on Corbett'a stomach, and Corbett went to knee with frightful look of agony on hi face. Second call ed by time keeper, including 10. but Corbett come to feat, and rushed to Fits trying to strike tim. Terrible uproar, Round lasted 1 minute 43 saconde. Siller ?ive decision in favor of Fitzsimmons be knockout blow landed over Corbett's heart and be collapsed after one of tbe greatest fight in history. A Fight roa Blooo. A eorrtwpondent ot the Med ford Mail at Beagle, this coun ty, says that T. E. Jones, a young man bring near tbem, bad aa encounter with a wild beast of tbe fr.t that will not aeon be forgotten. Ac bo was ascending a steep mountain in that locality, about oociocz, in tea evening, something crossed hi path ju". ahead of bim growl ing fivrcely and dUappeared in the brush, bat only to return and make an attack npon bun. Mr. Jonea had no weapon of offense hat be was not to be binned, and procuring a dob ha prepared him self for the onslaught vnicb be knew mast follow. The panther, for such the animal proved to be. made the attack and for a time a fierce battle encoed. but Mr.Jooe was compelled to saoreadr and he had a lively time mating his escape bat to shorten this narrative let ns aay that when be finally broke away hi ciotbea were nearly torn frona hi persos and be waa scratched badly bat not riouly. Dog were seenred the next morning and the settlers tamed oat en masse and the panther waa aooa a corps. The animal meatored seven feet and nine inches from tip to tin, and on it bead were wound made by Mr Jonea' club tbe previous night, Ladt Ma or be DaT. Monday, March ICnd. wilt bp Lady Maccabee Day. Lil lian M. f iollister, San. Com of L. O. T. M. from Detroit, Mich., will spend tbe afternoon and evening with the L. O. T. M. Hive and Tent Irom netgnbonng loans will be present, The I. O. O. T. xinrtiy extend tne nee ot tnetr nan to tne L. O. T. M. for the afternoon. Evening lector e at the opera boose. Coma and bear Mr. UoUtMer. IaicixES as ra to aa Haxoco. Wm. Akin, whose wife it will be remem bered committed suicide at Cottage Grove, baa been ia Eogeo for tbe past lew dava. Hi mind t senoosiy assert ed, due to atrotu drink, aad be imagine that hat to be hanged because bi wife killed berveil, tin informed Marshal Day that Lark Bilyea and some other persona bad a tree picked oat to which they intended hanging him and he im plored tbe protection of that officer. A complaint has been sworn oat for bl commitment to the Asvlum bat be baa not been examined yet Eugene Guard. Tbe New York World, aaaed Senator I leitScid, tha new man from Idaho for a statement of bow be worked np to the poeiUoo of U. S. senator. Here ii a part of hi answer: I have alway mad integrity, both political and financial, a ruling principla of my life, and attribute my success to the fact Utat although 1 bai not been an avowed candidate for the United State aroate. I bad succeeded in gaining and retaining tbe coo a Jence ol my coUeagnea in tha legtilature to ancb aa extent that they voted for tne in sufficient number to eeenre my election, li there i one characteristic of politic that the Amer ican people despise it ta duplicity ; ana i would surreal to lbe aaturant lor politi cal honott that thev are renerxii and might overlook bi error of Klgment,bnt once having established bis lack ot sin cerity hi doom ia sealed. lii.vrox eauaa. Following an some Benton county sale. 0 V Bainwate and wf to Geo Beamia. SOO acre near Albany; 12.000 The Farmer aad Mer chants In Co to Cha E Wolverton, 240 acre 2 mile n of Wren; f&S. A, D Conn et al to Ermioa L Hughe. 10 acre near Albany; tow. w H Kotneu ana wf to N O Myers, 290 acre n of Albany Uniform Ball. On Weduesday , March 1 1 , r . Co. wili give a uniform ball. A large number will be In uniform. 1 he grant marra will be something elegant. Over 50 couple expected to be present. Thia will no tbe last event ot tne season. Spectator will miaa the sight of tbe season if they mis seeing tna grana march. Dancing tickets, OO cents; spec tator 10 cent, at tha armory. Skasonabi Eatables F. H. Pfeiffer ia nn with the time. Today he received green peas, caboagea, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, green beans, asparagus.ppiuen berg apples, bananas, Japanese oranges, lime, aatee. now is tnai ior a tay out. Attkstio.1 Maccabkks The O C E Co will make a rate of one and one-half for the round trip to members of the Macca bees wishing to attend their annual con vention at fortiand. Tickets good for re turn either byOCAEorORft N Co' books until and including March 20th. Ticket good going March W. More now dress Mtiri at tha Ladies Baaaar. New bicycle and driving Ladies Baaaar. glove at the A new line of handsome boleros just re ceived at the Ladie liaaaar. Our new soring wraps and an elegant lino of wrapper just arrived at the Ladie baaaar. The Crescent was the Gist to use The other factorie the new D tabic.. copy. Canned wild b i act berries ia one and two quart jar, cheap at O E Browhkll s. For the best drugs, Dawson's. Dawson will treat you right We Lead, Others Follow. and that h reason Hopkins Bros, are the first to the dis - I nlav a full line of the famous 1897 Ce Al cent and Crawford bicycle. Call and , them. BiGUG es' MARCH, 17, 1897. H. F. Mel I wain's New Cash Store. cUt prices 1 lew stock and cut -prices oa eyerr line of meicliaiiuiiB. leom ber that Mcllwain'i Casa Stors is with the people aad will protect ycuagaicEt higapiiuesaiia combines where it is possible. PRICES. A r buckle Coffee, per pound Lion Coffee. " 6 paper Arbuck'e or Lion coffee All standard brands flour, per sack Odorless matchesper p iper P'enty good matcfie, per paper 20 yard standard print 20lbagoi4 rice Fairbanks Gold Dust wash powder, 31b.. Men plow hoe(f IJM grade) Ladies 75e corset 3 can cove oysters (Una grade) V ew choice pattern outings from ' Beat line mens socks, rib top.. . Price Cream Baking Powder, 16 ox can. 5 gallon beet Pearl oil 5 gallon keg sugar house syrup Large lot twilled toweling, per yard 4 16 ot papers Schillings soda 50 lb fine salt Gojd broom Price cnt on every line. Call aad we will save you money every time. All stock warranted aa represented. Farm Produce bought and sold. (Call for goods as Advertised March 17 H. F. HcILWAIN, Cash Store. Ill Willi Closing Out Will sell Groceries and Provisions " at cost. Call and get prices. German wuhiog fluid 10 craU a quart or 35 cents a gallon. Z9X9 REPORT OF THE COXDITIOS or TBI FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT uaUT, IS THE STATE OT Oazdox ca.Mi.M ta 9.M.t . mml TTS C. a kli to an auxta. mte.itc. La am lfcaiijMiTi n Bass, vie apad. i fm! iKl c. a Total. JtBlJHm Cfcaital Mac, paid at , tajKet Cadmaad lasts . U.M, D wotfav N.ll il Baaka.. Da a Staat Bank aa kaakan.. tadivataal 4amaKa aaktoe la att alt Cantarai Statv Oaaatw, Coryrr c Lot, aa LEW Lammo. CaaVar at ika I aaafc a aiaaafr ear tarns taa ata a Ira ta lb kaat at tar kaatarai E W LJLSGDOX, abamW idimtoWfcnal Uua ITXk dJ ol Kaak,l8S7. O- a.) Axntcn ratE&Kssx, Xoaarr rabUc u ruyw. 8 E Diraeawa. r a ooopwix. . Beat of All To clean tbe tyvtent ia a gentle and truly beoerkiaiemanaer, when the Springtime I Sytod of fiea. One bottle will answer for J ail the family and cost only 50 cents; the I larae siie tl. Bay the genuine. Manu factured by trie California Fig Syrup Com pany only, ana tor n't oy au aruggista. The Weather Thia aitarDoon and tonight rain Thurs day accasional rain, warmer. River o.o ft. F.M.Frsxch, dbplaymaa. TO CURE A COLU IS ONE DAT TVk laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All drartrista refund the money ii it fail to core. Soc "Perfection' Dyes are Brtlllant and Permanent, for sale by Fred Dawson. Choice sardine at C E Brows ins. Pay Conni Huston. Pay Conn te Huston. Pay Conn ft Huston. A lag assortment of garden f white clover, timothy aad blue grass aeeds just retailed fresh at CE Baownxjx 8. Hopkins Bros have received a full slock of 1S97 Crawford bicycle. They ar im mense. Come and see for yourself Properly used, "Perfection- dyes are superior, insist on naviu 'Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fre Dawson. Try Pawson books. once on school If rnn want to dye easily and permanently use 'Perfection Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. Stop in at Burknart and Lee's drug store aad examine their stock of clear Havana cigars, they certainly have a fine line and alway try to please every one that enjoys a good smoae. ; ... Don't forget the fact thai French has moved hi jewelry store into tha Bank of i Rml.lin?. and ia now ready for huaineas. -.- Satisfaction guaranteed when tou use "Perfection" Dyes, for sale by Fred uawson. Pure Druss.rrca wawson's. tea Ikrtaw boon. mw.MUim (mhar fl mum mm wmt tmm mm mxjm&J Dalm 1 taWwiww M ! Dv tnm Smm Bute aa bnm li.MS. Dotnainamt mm tM ! nT ! im KUi iNMalatMf Mad Baaka l. rtanwl imiai aaij. tmm ?.rQ Ttaw arttaaata al ami . - OaroWJte Tattl The Columbia, the Ajax and the Wind sor Lines. We will sell you the best wheel on earth, or a cheaper wheel LT you desire it. Call and see us and get our pric es and terms be fore you buy S fEWART It SOX HDW. CO. 16 19 90 05 02 01 00 00 20 00 60 25 C5 05 30 80 23 05 25 0 15 .... J .. 1 ... 1 III! Ill III: IK Over oat mile of ribbon artistically di p Li red in the west show window. Kew assortments of ribbon ta tew shade. Moire, Taffeta. DonKe faced satin, Black ytlvet ribbon ia narrow width. S. E. YOUNG. now brings us a few new fab rics to show you every one a gem. Pretty checks, neat stripes, crinkly fellows and a dozen others that space tor bids telling ot The choicest of the lot will tlip away first. Call often and make yoursett at home at our store. RErU), PEACOCK & (30. We Print Everything- In tha Job Printing line. 5w stocks of fine stationary jnat re ceived direct from the east. We guarantee our work. Ask for samples and pricea. Don't be hoodwinked by blowharda. Yours for printing HPMSTJ03 OmOI, City Official Office. 1 C. & E. ft I CO. t Willamette River Division,) Steamer ALBANY. CUpt.J.L. Smith, Ff eiiU and Passenger, iMTa Albanv for Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursday. Unsurpassed accommodations ana Bhedules especially for the needs of up er Willamette travel. Picnie parties tan avail themselves of this schedule for my desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving la the morning and re turning in due time the name evening. Special rate for special parties of 15 or m H.L.Wau. Agent, depot, FIFTY DOLLARS A WEEK EASILY f artE. Airents wanted ia every lo cality for Hon W J Bryaa' jTreat and only book. "The First Battle. ' The neat seller erer produced. Agents are taking "many as 2Q0 orders per wee, ovwmn u a lent imitations. Send for outfit and be- ein work at once. WBOONKEY COMPANY, PubHshers, 341 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Each Day-