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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
Wat Mtwmt Who would be president with 5000 office seekers at hia heels. Now the Oregoniaa call Dr. Driver the Caliban ot Oregon demagogic life. Anybody with money can haye friends, but it takes bustling for ft moneyless man tohavejanv. Mr- McKinley is getting all the bites. Mr. Cleveland is decidedly not in the tUbing contest. The history of this special session of congress will probably prove that it was not in the interest of the masses,. The president of the United States will almost be forgotten tomorrow be sides the champion in the Carson ring. With ft niue pound rod, ten feet long, Walter Mansfield at San Francisco cast fly ICS feet, which broke the world's record of 102ji feet. England is ft mighty small country, els it would not oppose Greece, the only country with sand enough to offer to fight Turkey. A Washington young lady went craxy over the wrongs of Cuba. Mr. Cleve land ought to be made to suffer little on accuni of it. Ohio's largest jewelry establishment is in the hands of an assignee. Is this the best Ohio can do on the wave of return ing prosperity. Secretary Gage nsed to write for the maga&ines. Secretary Long has been Fet. Thus two members of the new cabinet are exposed. - From the Nashville American: Prosperity is to be restored by hanlicg moaey out of the pockets of the many to place it in the pocEets of the few whose pockets are already f nil. This is United States Minister Bay ftrd'a last week administer of England . He will probabiy come home with big eye glass etcetera, very English, "yon kna w Mr Bayard wouldn't have to go very far U become a thoroughbred Eng lishman. What the United States want at the court of St James is a man who will be a loyal American from beginning to end. Ezta Dnrand who passed himself ofl in Portland several ytars ago as being very religions and thereby securing a vast quantity of filthy lucre, baa been brought back to Portland, for trial, Gua Carrie, a tormer Albany younz man, going to Michigan after him. Experience al. wave teaches that one needs to keep a look out for smooth tongutd men who profess too much without enough to back their professions. From the Chattanooga News: McKinley himself is undoubtedly hon eet in the belief hat the proposed law will benefit the country at large, as well as the "interests" to which he owes bis election, but he stands almost alone in entertainirg a sincere belief in the doc trine that prosperity can' be restored simply by increasing the taxes on the multitude ot consumers. With a senate like this we would like to know what justification there is for s president to call an extra reasion : Republicans .. 44 Democrats ...33 Popniists Silver republicans j Independent Vacancies Total 90 It mean an inter ninable wrangle. It is to be hoped that tomorrow the superiority jptCorbett and Fitzsimmons is lborongbly settled. The blow and brag of both men baa been very disgust ing and it might also be hoped that the United States will become interested enorgtt to pass a taw abutting prize fighting out generally in the U. S , so called boxing exhibitions as well as reg n'ar ghts to a finish. Aa carried on tber are disgraces. The Democrat to morrow will probably give the result of the affair if it comes off. We will not pretend to give the details . Col Marceau was recently in Wash ington ; upon being interviewed he said: "l bope, tbat Editor Mike De Young will be named for tbe Italian mission or sosne other of equal dignity. He is in many ways a fine type of an American, and would reflect honor on Lis country abroad. His wifeis a larly of infinite social graces and accomplishments, and I exactly suited to shine in foreign court circlts. Mr De Yonng is fortunately of large meafisand wonld spend much mare than b:s salary in maintaining the credit of a Minister of this republic." Eow will hat suit the Examiner. From the Washington Port: Tt-.e two Michigan Senators were elated yesterday over securing the first appoint, ment for any state sent to the senate by President MsKinley. They both called at the white honee Saturday and sug gested the necessity for a new pension agent at Detroit, mentioning Mr Oscar A Janes as the gentleman most to their liking. Yesterday morning both were invited to rail at U.e white house again and on aniv;ng they were selected from tbe liirong cf visitors there, and, when oMi.ereil into the presence of Maj Mc-Kinlt-y, iofoiined tbat he was about to select '.heir wan. Mr JaDea' confirma tion in the smate was hastened on ac count ui ths need cf tome one to sign ide penpif n vouchers at Detroit, and the two Michigan senators now haves, record of pocuricg their man bis place within two days, or if one takes out Sun day, of ret-nring his commission for him . wiU'in ItfMitv f-,nr hour. William iC. Curtis tells this story of tiie ne eeirrettry of the treasury: Mr. (jijir'a inauguration as secretary of tbe tras'iry wa? o,'iiie a social event. All the nifniWers of the Chicago colony in Wasliiuu'on were p re-rent, and many vis itors from Chicago, who appreciatrd the tlioogbtfulaei-s of Mr. Gn In invKinp theiu to-witness the, little ceremony, which is eimVl enough, hut very im viorUnt. In tdkiog the oitli of office, Mr. Gage's loyalty to hlehoioe was again exhibited. It was neverthnh'ee very ap' pas. As Chief Justice Fuller stood up rn-iorH him to read the oath of office, Wiiicti Mr. Gase was to repeat, the latter ca d nervously: "Judge, give me small tas." "Alt -right," reiiied the chief justice, in a whisper, and started out: "l. Lyman J. Gage, a citizen of IIHnoie," but tbe new secretary did not hear dis tinctly, and when he repeated St volun tarily inserted the name of the city we are all so proud of. Uo said : "I, Lyman J. Gage, citizen of Chicago, Illinoia." Washington Letter. From our roguUur OorrMpondwt. : Washington, March 8, 1897. senator Teller was speaking from personal experience, having himself been Secretary of ihe Interior from April 17, 1SS2 to March 4, 1S85, when he told the senate that Mr McKinley bad wade ft serious mistake when he nomtaated Cornelius N Buss to be Secretary of tbe Interior. 1T Raid that Mr Bliss was a banker and merchant, with an experl a..a vi... t..N ence which might nave uivcu . the head of some of the departments, but that, in his opinion, the head of the Interior Department ought to be ft law yer. Mr Teller did not speak in ft spirit of antagonism to Mr Bliss, nor did he vote against his confirmation; he merely called attention to what he believed to be a mistake. ' - As might be imagined those senators and representatives who are opposed to Csar Reed's idea of confining the legis lation of tbe extra session of congress. which meets next Monday, to the tariff bill by not appointing the committees of the house which would have to act upon other bills, are not grieving over the failure of four of the regular appropria tion bills The Sundry, Civil, Agricult ural, Indian and Deficiency. Caar Reed already has another scheme to prevent general legislation . It is to authorize, by ioint resolution, ft continuance ofll of the regular appiopnatione ot the cur rent year until next December. . There was a more or Use interesting republican rumpus in Washington the day after the inauguration, about which very little has been beard.. A meeting of republican clubs bad been called for that day by Col John Bowles, for the an nouneed purpose of adopting resolutions advising the new administration what it should do to retain the support of these cinbs. Gen Woodmansee, who is chai man of the executive committee of the national organisation of republican clnba and who claimed that the individual clubs- reDresented at this convention could not properly act upon such resold tions aa were to be offered, succeeded in having the convention adjourn aa soon aa it was called to order. There was some very warm talk about this appli cation of the gK, bat the scent of the pie counter made it mostly whispered among those interested. Ex-Senator Blackburn will attend the extra session of tbe Kentucky legislature that has been called to elect a senator and will make a strong fight for hie own re-election, notwithstanding the repub lican majority in that body. Nobody expects tbe senate to seat Mai Wood, who has been appointed to the vacancy by Gov Bradley, and whether the gentle men appointed by the Governors of Flor ida and Oregon will fare any better, re mains to be seen . Eing Hanna has got everything he has reached for np to date, but certain sena tors who think he is now reaching after too much are preparing to give him disappointment, and there are big odds in favor of their succeeding. King Han na is reaching for a place on the Senate Finance Committee, in which there are two vacancies caused by the retirement of Sherman and Yoorhees, in order that he may be properly fixed to boss tbe tariff bill, which will go to that commit te as soon as it gets through the house. No new senator has been given a place on that committee in the memory of the oldest senator, . but that doesn't make aov difference to Hanna. Ha wants it and has made bis want known. It is practically certain that he won't get it Tom Piatt also wants place on this committee, bnt as he has been in tbe senate before, bis aspiration is not con sidered as audacious as that of King Banns, bnt whether he will get ths place is very, very doubtful. Ex-Secretary Carlisle has been; offered tbe position of General Counsel for the Pullman, Car Go., now held by ben Horace Porter who expects to go abroad, at ft salary of 125.000 a year, and tbe expectation is that Mr Carlisle will accept the offer. Alaska Gold. , Wilbur F. Cornell, well known by old residents of Albany, who baa been in Alaska several years, has written to ft Portland friend as follows ; . "There is more gold in those two dis tricts, which a. square of 20 miles will cover, than in any like area of placer ground I ever saw or beard of. Spots at rich bare been found, bnt they were con fined to few claims. Over 700 claims have been recorded here, each 500 feet in length, and more are being recorded nearly every day. "I can foresee what tbe result of this strike will Ire . There will be a rnsb here, and then there will be starvation. This year we are short ot many things, and every year before it has been the same. . Many men bave less than 100 ponnds of floor, which moot last them nntil June. Others btvs but little bacon on hand, and there has not been a shovel or goldpan purchasable since September. There will not be enongb here next fall for tbe men now here, ncless it is furnished by new companies. Men will come here next summer, a they have ezery summer, regardless of warning. Thinking they can get along, if we can, they do not seem to know thst two men cannot live on tbe quantity necessary for tbe support of one, and tbey cannot gtt away from here as they can from points on the coast, as Cook's inlet or Junean. "There will be work for a considerable number of men say 1000 on claims now located, and wages will not be less tban $10 per day ; bnt all men hired mnst board themselves, and it is more than likely tbat those who come without a year's supplies will be refased work. It is far easier for a person coming in to bring provisions with him than it would be for those men now here to go out for supplies. If a claimowner ' employs a man who eomes without provisions, lis is simply giving that man an opportun ity to bny the supplies from the stores which he will need himself in short, the claimowner is cutting his own throat. ' I bava written warnings fcevery year since I have been here oa my own re sponsibility, or at the request of others; and the) have been published, but have done very little good. A word to the wise has become a proverb, but a word to the other ort is a waste of wotdg, as has been often proved. "This has been tbe warmest winter, so fir, ever known here. Of course, this means more snow, of which there is now about 16 inches where it is oot drifted. Kt more snow falls In the spring than at any other time, we loox for two feet at leantj which will mean a great flood when the river breaks." ' Whenever yon can keep your money at home do so. Do not patronise tiner ants when borne men in the same busi ness can seivs yoo better. Don't yon think it is better, candidly, to give the money to those identified with our city. As ft matter of tact this bas oot been done peveral timet latRly. St. Patrick's Day. There axe plenty of how it would go. men who knew A hardware dealer in Canton has just failed regardless of the prevailing pros pal i'y. Oscar Wilde is to be released . It is to be hoped he has the 'decency to be de cent. C V ;-' One Salem editor calls another one a venal lunatic They are getting down to close quarters. It is said several Ohio people have not gone to Washington for an office. Prob ably democrats. Even the presidential election did cot result in more bulletines and closer de tails than today's Carson tight. In verification of the fact that ft very intelligent crowd was at Washington at tbe inauguration it is declared that not a single case ot blowing ont gas occurred. The eld West Virginia home ot ex Postmaster General Wilson gave ft Re publican majority of 500 last November, but recently it faced about and elected tbe entire Democratic ticket. Ellis Mills, United States Consul Geu eral at Honolulu, ha furnished tbe State Department with the results ot ft censu iust taken in Hawaii, showing a total population of 109,020. The Hawaiians head the list, with Sl.019; Japanese next with24,4C7: Chinese third, with 21,616 and the Portugese fourth, with 15,191. Those part Hawaiian number 8,485; Americans. S.0S6: British. 1.250: Ger mans, 1,432, and the remainder is divid ed among half a dozen nationalities. The Democrat is opp od to whipping in the public schools. It is out ot date behind the time, and should not be tol erated. Tbe Democrat is glad to know that the piincipal of the public schools is opposed to it, using it reasonably only, in extreme cases. The scholar who can not be governed except by tbe whip shots Id be sent home. From the Washington Poet : Republican from the Pacific coast are of the opinion that Judge Morrow, ot tbe United States District Court, will be promoted to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of Jndge McKenna to be Attorney General, and that Jndge De Haven, of Mentlecmo County, Cal., will be made District Judge in Jndge Mor row's stead. Senator McBride, ot Ore gon, said yesterday that he bad no knowledge ot Senator Mitchell's candi dacy and he did not believe that the Senator wonld be a candidate without informing him. A member of the Kansas legislature named Wallers bas introduced a bill in tbe legislators enacting tbe ten com mandments into a law, with penalties as follows, the sections corresponding with 'he number of the commandment : For violating section 1, 1 1 000 fine for violat ing section 2, $1000 fine and one year in the penitentiary; for violating section 3 or section 4 1300 fine and six months in tbe penitentiary ; for violating section 6, hanged by tbe neck until dead ; for vio lating section 7, penitentiary for life, for violating section 8, fine or imprisonment, in the discretion of the court; for violat ing section 9, imprisonment in the dis cretion of the conrt ; for violating section 10, fins and imprisonment in the discre tion of conrt. "I would like to li-e long enongb," said Congressman Barham,ol California, '"to see every vestige ot patronage taken sway from senators aod representatives. It will be ft good day for this country when members of toe hoaae and senate bave no influence whatever in the distri bution of Federal appointments. It is the most embarrasaing and difficult thing tor a Congressman to choose be tween half a dozen ot of hievfriends, nil of them, it may be, equally flitted to bold an omce ot importance under tbe gov ernment. It makes tbe disappointed ones in the major' ty of cases his ene mies for life. Bnt aside from that s legislator has enough legitimate duties to perform without interesting himself in appointments. It is really no part of bis official basinets, ftcd I think that public sediment will ooe day see tbe need of relieving him ot this extraneous service." The Chicago Chronicle contains these hints of advice to yonng msrried people. Try to be satisfied to commence on small scale. Try not to look at richer homes and covet their costly furniture. Try to cnltivats the moral courage tbat will resist tbe arrogaoce of fashion. Try to avoid the too common mistake of making an unwise effort to "begin where the parents ended." Iry going step further, and visit tbe home of tbe suffering poor when secret dissatisfaction is liable too spring np. Try to be cheerful in the family circle. no matter how annoying may be the business cares and the house-keeping trials. - Try to cooperate cheerfully in arrange- ing the family expenses and share equal ly in any necessary self denials and econ omies. Try buying all that is necessary to wory with skillfully, while adorning ths boose at first simply with what will ren der it comfortable. From the Washington Poet: When Mr Dolph was United States Senator, which office be held from 1883 to 1895, he was noted among his fellow members as one of the most successful workers of his state, f U was of ft com manding figure. His stalwart frame, large head, and long besrd, black when he first came to Washington, but white before his departure, wej cure to attract the attention nd invok the inquiry of visitors . Tie was an authority on legal matters, and his opinion "was highly re garded by bis colleague. Ho hold posi tions hi the last congress in which be served npon the committees on Coast Defenses, Commerce, Foreign Relations Pobiii Lands, Relations with Canada, and the Helert Committee an the Uni versity of the United St-.tes. While toiling night and day for th interests of bis sta'e, securing annual appropriations for immense liver and harbor projects that older elates wonld have hesitated to ask fo", he neglected those social amenities which cement politics aod personal friends, and the idea went abroad throughout Oregon tbat Dolph liked Washington too well, tbat he was getting too high-toned, and' ought to be taken down a peg- So it re sulted that when be came np for election two years ago hs bad any nur.iberof op ponents, ad Interested in preventing his return, but nnable to agree among them selves who should be bis successor. On tbe last day Senator MftBride, whose name had not bifore been mentioned. was pat forward, and bis election was MISFITS. It is easy to see why the Postmaster General is willing to go to Washington. He has eight unmarried daughters. An exchange suggests that it Mayor Pennoyer had thrown ft "royal flush" he would never have closed the slot ma chines. Adlat E. Stevenson, oh yes, seems as It we have heard of him, the gentleman who has lust retired from tue ODSsumy ot the vice-presidency . Both Corhett and Fitzsimmons declare that they will win tbe tight. W e hope thev will keen their word. It would be very pleasing to see both knocked out A remarkable case is reported by the balem Journal: "Sheriff Johnson, of Lane county, has broken the record by omitting the $50 hack hire for taking a prisoner to the pen, and simply charged the state car fare 23 cents." Several Albany men have been trying to do this example. A grind stone weighing 40 pounds was dropped break ing into four pieces of such sizes that every even pound from 1 to 40 could be weighed with the pieces. Who caj do it. Oregon taxpayers are supporting 60 pupils in school tor tbe deaf ; 23 pupils in the school for the blind; 1,111 patients in the state insane asylum ; 131 boys in the state reform school ; 364 convicts in the state prison. Total, 1,669. AH at Salem, Over the door of a Missouri church is an inscription which reads: "This is the gate of heaven." Just below it is an other which says; "Closed by the Amer ican Loan Company." This should be a warning to church organisations against running in debt. The greatest man in the world, says an exchange, is the plain, plug wan who pays bis debts, sun porta bis lamiiy tainy well and never doee anything remark able.' These remarkable men mho are I thoroughbreds for ft time and rob all r. i. . - . : , . - . uieir inenor, w m avoiuea. Senator-appointed Corbett yesterday presented his credentials. The Journal aay: The opposition to seating Corbett la directed by Mitchell van nas a great deal of influence with the committee. O. N. Denny and J. B. Montgomery of Portland are also at Washington to op pose Corbett. There are lots of Astorians and tormer Astorians in San Fraacisco who go to the free library in the new city hall every day to read the Budget, which is on file there. Nearly all the papers of Oregon are to be found there, with the exception of the Oregonian, and it is not allowed there on account of tbe Indecent attack it made on tbe ciuxens of California a short time ago. Astoria Budget. Homer Davenport is not t Carson' Kev., with tbe training pugilists, but has been called to Albany, N. Y., to assist in preventing tbe New York legislature from passing the Ellsworth bill, which, if it becomes ft law, would stop tbe publish' ing of cartoons in New York state. The hill is a direct thrust at American free dom. Salem Journal. A great deal of interests was taken in Albany-over the big prise fight. The sentiment was generally in favor of Cor bett. Perhaps it is a good thing Fitxsim- mons won. rrtxe ngbuos is about bis size. Cor belt's bringing np should bsve placed and kept him in a better business. Again the contest shows that be bad not taken care of himself, sad while the better man at tbe start he lacked endur ance. ' Tbe Salem Journal has so many people to hit it makes ft double killing at one shot Here is a sample: Barber Bo- ford is no more fit to be farmer at the re form school than Prof. MeElroy who gave him the appointment is fit to be Droteseor of ethics at the state nnirtrs;tv, The public interests have been disregard ed by hia retention at the school during tbe past two years and it Is said uover nor Lord is to be blamed tor it. Here is another one ot Ira Campbell's Mexican stories : All the street cars in tbe republic of Mexico are propelled by male power. Americans were success! u l in obtaining franchise for an electric street line at Monterey, and placed an excellent plant in operation and it was expected that every city in the republic would have street cars of like kind. But lo and behold, yon never can tell what wuinappenin this country, toe nrst day tbe ears were operated, gnaser was killed by one o: tbe cars by bis own deliberate negligence, and tbe franchise was cancelled without further notice. much to tbe disgust and loss ot tue in vestors, and therefore in ft moment the electric ear was doomed in this country for tbe present at least, bnt civilisation will soon compel tbe use of the cars tie- spite tbe greasers. MARRIED. SIMPSON PILLAR. In Boena Vista, Or., on Tneeday, March 16. 1897. at the home ol the bride, by Rev. J. H. Balowin, of Independence, Mr. Arthur i. Mmpson, ol Albany, and Miss Altha Pillar, of ' Boena ista, formerly of Albany. The ceremony was performed in a pleasing manner in tbe presence of rela tives and a few invited frienls. It wss followed by a delicious wedding repast, which tbe Democrat will vooch for from samples of cake received. Mr. and Mrs. bimpson were remembered in a substan tial ioaone-by their friends. Mr. Simp eon is one of Albany's steady and popu lar yonng meu and tbe bride is a young lady of fine character beloved by all knowing her. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson wi.l visit friends in Portland and Salem for several days, returning to Albany to reside on or about the 29th. Tbey have the best wishes of many. WALLACE JOXE8. Oa Saturday nt 9 p m., at the residence of and by D. V. Poling, Mr. R. R. Wallace, better known as "tiabe," and Mita llallie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have gone to Astoria, where Mr. Wallace has a posi tion in ft barber shop. Eternal Vigilance. Sternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " tt is the price of everything worth hsving. It is the price of life itself. A man needn't be always looking for danger, afraid that something will happen to htm; but a wise man will form a habit of care about the important things of life. It in't half so much trouble to take care of yourself aa it is not to. A man who follows regular, healthy habits, feels good all tbe time. Life is worth living to him. But a man who "don't want to bother" with taking care of himself haa more pain and tnia cry crowded into one oay tnan a goon healthy, Beany man 'who Uvea right -would ever know of in a whole vear. When a man's stoats ch is out of order, and his digestion dont -work; when his liver gets to be slngKish and won't clear the bile out of his blood, it is time for him to look out for himself. He gets no nourishment out of his food. His blood gets thicker and thicker with imparities. Hi nerve get irri tated. He lone energy and fighting force. He may aay, "I can stand it, I will feel better to-morrow; " but the chances are he will feel worse to-morrow and worse still next day. He ought to put himself right at once. He seeds Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. It is made for just this condition. It rouses n; the digestive and nutritive organs, snd gives them power to extract from the food all the nutritious elements and transform them into rich, nourishing blood. It enables the liver to clean out all bilious impurities ana poor into the circula tion an abundtince of highly vitalized blood, full of the lifei-frivbig red corpuscle which build np healsny fieah, muscular strength and nerve-enenry. It does not make flabby flesh. It ia the only suitable tonic and "" T TZ7" Use the Only Spring Remedy in the World That Paine's In Marrb. April and Mv hM P. Inn'. oelerv com pound. tna oiuy ralne's celery compound! Far tt la nature' reined. Do not for a moment confound It with n.yofthe Ignorant, catchpenny. short imiom rAmeaiaa enra-parl laa nervines and ton lea that bar reaetr-bisnoe to Pains' oat-ry a 'trip mud s tbe parasite Tinea do to ttie k the? live on. Palae'a oelerv eomoonnd nnraa ti. eaae. It mke people well. It hu the Uvea of tbouaands of aulTorcr. It makes tba weak atron -. It purifies tbe b od and enriches U.e nerves. Every condition of winter life hu i mo detrimental to health. There h a bm a steady decline ta nervous vigor. Now that spring come tbe bndyl, medy to ct off unhealthy tissue r It la oniy given a ebanee. This opportunity com. when the excretory organs, kidncya.rkin nabowela are made to wot a actively and the nrrveaarw able to furoiab suffi cient energy to tbe digestive organ. TELEGRAPHIC Will Hat raj Tasra. PoKTUtXD, March 17. Jndge Kortbop ha decided not lo pay over in fuiltotbe state treasurer tbe state tax of 1!&S. which Multnomah county will collect, amounting to about foDO.OOO, and it is understood that moat, if not all. of tbe other coontiea of the stat will follow suit and withhold tbe state tax. Ibe various counties are nearly all in debt and panag interest. Tbe tejaon for this proposed action ja largely that, as the secretary of state has de&ded tbat be will issue so state warranis. Ins state Ui money wonld sccordingty only reoiatn idle in tbe vault of the state tretiurer It twaa rtghtlag. CaxEt. March 16 Colonel Yauos baa transferred his headquarter to Spbakta, the most monntainou and inaoreastb e po sition in the island. This i .held to indi cate tbat Greece is firmly resolved not lo recall bet troops, ft step which t n girled es impossible in tbe face of th strong na tional teeuag. Aaetax-r Wawkra Mill. Csto. Or... March 16. The Union Woolen Mill Company, recently onranued. ha completed all arrangement for tbe erection of a two-set woolen mill here. At a meeting of the board of directors todir. W u Uostrander u appointed to sapenn- tend the constroctioa ot the boUJunra. I bever. ot ftebraasa. who bss lost arrired anu iw ia a man liieisng npmewce in manufacturing woolen, wa cboaea to take charge of tbe work when completed and ready tor the production of fabnu We Mlvcr larkft New Tons. March 16. Coo.idrbi weakness has bees apparent in tbe silver market recently oa heavy li'juJation Bar stiver declined today 1 per cent to 62 on reports that the London market wa disor ganised, owing to the sentimeuUi eS t of tie efforts making by tbe Japan govern ment to adopt the gold staaoArd. Laa asteaa. Wasbisgtox, March 1$ In the senate today, 433 bill and eight Joint resolutions were introduced.-1 bey embraced nearly every pbsae ot tue pooitc service. Auo s batch ot bill numbered about ,i 1 bey included bill directing forecboare of tbe govern men! lien on tbe tnioa fauSc road; to prevent profeional lobbying; dVSning the powers of tbe jodknsry; far service pension, etc. Bills introduced by Hale related to a cable between the United Slates, Hawaii and Japan, and to tbe twelfth cento. Baal SerMeat. M'Missviixk. Or.. March 16. A 12-yeat-old nn cf ti Anderson, who live on f 'anther ernes, in this count, met with an iriurv Sunday that mavcawe bisdeaxn. Hi father set Ere to a tree and a hose limb bad tiornea nearly on, when tbe father told the hoy to run from beneath it, but tbe lad wa struck on the bead b tbe falliog limb snd his tkoli fractured. Cara Me WasutKOTOX. March 15. The 65th hoaae of representatives met today for the work before it. Although tbe proceeding were perfunctory, the scene was a brilliant one. At 12 o'clock. Major McDowell, the clerk, rapped tbe house to order Rev Mr Coo den, tbe blind chaplain, delivered an inro cation. The vole on speaker reoted. Reed 199, Bailey 114, Bell 'J I aad Xsw tandsl. Groavenor presented a resolution, which wss adooted. for election of candidates for other officer of tbe bouse, as follow: Clerk, Alexander McDowell, of Peouayl- vacut; rgeanl-t-arma, benjamin r Ku ell, of Missouri; doorkeeper. W Oh-oo, of New York: postmaster. J U MeElroy. of Obio; chaplain, flenrv K Coudeo. A Wathlagfan rater. Vu.rr. 'asb.. March 15. C D Moodv was shot aod fatally wounded by Gait Lat tin this morning. Moody is shot through' the body, and cannot spesk. lie went lo Lsttin's place for a load of bay, and it is supposed that tney reyied a long standing quarrel. Lsttin bad Moody arretted abut ft month ago for arsauiting him with an sx. Moody is a brother of H i Moody, a prominent capitalist of Spokane. Csrkcll's fhsneea. Wasniiioio. March 15. Since tbe arrival of Senator Corbett in Washington and tbe explanation which his friend have made to various persons, there has been a change of sentiment regarding seating him. i here is found some uiiaapprcuen sion of facts, which, open being explained, tnsteriallv chanirea existing opinions here, i The fact have been presented not only to the senators, but to others wno nave in fluence. Earifcajnak la Me Ira. Mokk'ma. Mexico, Msrch 15. The mountain districts of Mochoacan fend Coli ma have experienced several earthquake ibocss during tbe last three day, and there is much a'arm among the inhabitants. 1 he Coltnis volcano is becoming active again, and dense columns of moke are pouring from its crater. After llitititeece. St Pbtkhsbuho, March 15. All the admirals, except the French and Italian commands!, bave been oruered to imme diately blockade tbe principal Greek ports, especially tbe Piraeus (port of Athena), Syra anu Vo'o. An ultimatum will fortn -with be addreaaed to Greece by tbe admiral of the foreign fleets. Beaardteaa at Frperlly. New Tonic, March 15,-Crook & Per ham, wholesale coaldealt-rs, have aaalgned to fclihu B Frost, without preferences. The amount involved is said to be over f 100, 000 Tbe firm has been in buaineas for 22 years. Bailer iles I Pan Fkancihco, March 14 Frank Butler, nlias Asbe. alias Newman, the accused murderer of Captain Waller, Ar thur Preston and Charles Burges. has decided to give np his fight against the effort of- tbe Australian polite to secure his extradition from this country, lie gives as bis reason for this action that be has no hope that the United States supreme couit will reverse District Judse Morrow. . sVnraad Back. . Portland, March 14. Era Durand. nnhamiriorf erndua from Portland five jesis ago : left his friends poorer by nbout $150,100, returned tUy morning in " A. Iran Hi! has Stood Every Celery Compound No remedy tn tbe wor 1 o o p Uh these result like Pain' 4 -rr em nourlahe. r a a s an I m vigoratea th ent ra a . v u t a fro n the brain to he raliutau nerve fl emint. IteansaantoreS4d app ti ,id tone np tbs stomach, to tet w. h n-i nKtreiaa I fd. It nor ling n u InineJIat' e'y maoiVwt It o. striae u H tat m i l dy. u'ibsa'ibv skin, in In r i wjigh' and i ora refreshing h irst dltr jvsre I ir , ,r , oj ,n tiflo reMr?h bv tin tb . tU;.i-Wn America bt'n? (I 9 ,f BivtrIK Phelpv, M t, LL DitfDirr, no h cilUf i, It la prawsriiwd anil pubiiclv eti l rad bv toa beit pratuuoner i.. irr oi yof America, tt uiiea e i tj niavieil y ra-ominu ii J by rut(n n ni wo men in every wtlk of if t u I -. .Jay 'n evary mn the in wt t ip i r r? n Jy tbe worta evr kna It has proven lua.f toe j-ea-Mt of a'l apriuT tuelicloeav. In New York, ,.iliaiip1iis large unlet ths letJiog uavppra mtc Currie, and i new confuted ia the moinen'a quarter of the eoonty jail. He look 10 tears older than he did when be left, hi hair and beard having turod white; tot be has made no effort to duguue himo.lf . aVrtaaw t'laaaclal luuil.a. Havana, n'A Key Neat, March U. Wej lerha forwarded to Spain, for ap proval ot tbe cortea. I be pohiic I : diet bill amounting to t&.OOO .000. inanition to an appropriation bill, it is said, will be carried throngfa to meet the extraordinary expense ol 'Jb army and nary incurred on account of the Cnbn insurrection The income for the new fiscal year, beginning in July, will budiy reach 15,t.fX, which amount will ahrink conaiJorably should, the ptopoaed treaty with the United Stabs' be earned oot. Therefore, there will b an j ejonnoot defkit, reaching nearly $lC.-j 000.000. to meet which tbe wsdadjeatara tunct decree new taxes to Spain or call tor another pnUic loan to meet tlie iottrtit on the same. A Ubely trla. , Oltmpia. Wah.. March H. Consider able consternation wa crvated here today by the announcement of iiovernor Rogers tosereral prominent citifo thatbeseri oaly conUmp?aed vetoicg the capital building bill. However, the governor axi he would willingly grant aa aodietve to the sopportert of the measare Tb Ttaac piata. Loxixj. March IS. The Times ihit morctog print nearly a page -f whit par- ! uwt lo b th now tariff ,-W!i commeaung edsturiajtr, sat; "Acuro.-y slinoe i eoca-rh to show that a long backward atrid- ia U-in nude in ibedireciiM of tee Mch'tni? tariff, ia whatever way ti. matter niiv be settled, it ui invjive at wa disturbance aad de raagemeot of baaioe lor BiVu.h export er, a well a a eripaiijg kaufir Ani riCAC tht-maetve . A tHlM fUttcrtas. Wasni'SGTOJC, Match It The &3th coogre KKKt ia esroriinar) sesame tomorrow in purvoaice .of President Mc Kiniey's proclamation Th work before it the psxcice of a tariff bill, i pretty weU cot out ia advance, but the indica tion are that it win be a .or y nioa . and its legu snd scopes yet are mere matters ot speculation Nearly l,rvO,(i) has bees spent Carson co account wi the big fiht. in IMORTHtRH 111 PACIFIC R. R. I J Puilmaa Bleeping Oars, Elegant Ding Caxs, Tourist SleepiugCar" ' -stlanl Minneapolis lnlntb t-arito, r tirand Forks Crookston vVinnipes: Helena an4 8o't THaOUGMTlCKE S TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia Sew York Boston and at Points East and South ThrooRb tickdts to Japan-and China, vis Tacomaand Northern FaciBc steamahif Co.. an American line. For information, time cards, mspe anc tickeU call on or write C Boikbart Aeent. Albany. Or. Or A. D Charlton. Ast "aen Fse Agf Portland, Or. r--v - - -,. , f ' , rf'i ..' is a book every Oregonian should have. The introduction is by the cele brated Rev. Frank W.Uunsaulu ana the sketches bv Oliver W. Nixon, D. D. The book is printed from laree, clea new type, on extra laid paper, bound in vellum cloth, etr mped iu gold, cllttop illustrated with 18 tull-patte halt tones and retails at 1.75. Any subscriber nsvins a vear in advance for the weeklj or 6 months or more tor the daily can have it for fl extra. GROCERY BARGAINS BY Albany Trading Company, R. KQ1ULI8, Manager. 3 cans fire oysters...... . 1 gal fine choice peaches. 1 gal best vinegar 8 bars best Bsvon soap... ... luilidiiiiUjlo. Ing t.elrova es.trt9S azIn thlt year, bav fonat that the demaai fr PinV eatery e inpinl utrpm that ef all othe- re-nodls toztthar! Palne'aee err eimooaod. te'on dnrirg the etfly spring days. In a a mors than hr mail rentrkaMe sUnir In ra'klog people ws l. It aAHt abort wjrk of ditoaa. U rao'idiy driva cut neuralgia, sleepfetwt, dyapepsia and rbsnm iti.m fro :n ibt eratem. it removea tna. Ia4itui. of Urad fe9lin2." whlh beto'ceia wtwkttal nr,e ol p-Mr ioot. Womast w-irklitu In clo a!Hr, aatea womn U.'al oat aad aervoai from Ion boura sua liaz on taeir ft n l waiuaz on impuieat, irritttiu ou-aotmr, ovar worite I, w jrria 1 ao 1 Jina-ta.l ran a'd wonan erervwher Wilt be auauih d to in t Hw ma ;Q happlor life beaoata wien thair narrat bars b;wi eJ agj ther b'oJ puhlt.i by oiansof la la greu nm d . Moor ramady baa tna baatty prlofa Ilka ba1y of eJaiUa l man nn-i wo sex and pioraMionat man, tor fcas there ever beea a remedy tbat wai WaJl Paper, Carpets, Lone ol slim, Lace Curtains, Rugs. Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Hcture Frames. Linen Warp Matting, S Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Hon W 1 A1 IV. J. Brvzn' r. mediately viJi Lh2 x An m A review of E5a?frf His bioartjp.'iy, V" w - .A""-: las rnc-st tr.K.or! V'Wt7?f The results of AQEMTO WANTED 2" Mr. Bryan has arsr.ouncej his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of Hmetallism. There are alrcd indications cf an enor mous sale. Address W. B. C0NKEY C0;?ANY, Publishers, 3!-3"i rrh-vfi St GUCGO. SUMUCH5 tit C,ic t Crl of tie Si-tl y Orrgrt J Uurney Fow er aad w J ar, p in tiSs T W q jJ;V(in. as sdminisirator of the r tateof Thoma MotB deceed; James Vi M'JTjan a admtnis'rator or he estate of Lrdia Uorcn dvcea-eo: Ms-t Ann lira. Frank t?rar her boahaol; Aa-nea McNeil, John McNeil he hnhand. John X Morirtn, Rath Mo'ran his "ife: Jame W Morsaa, Morgan bis wife; V G M.a. M v-5B b ifjjne Mor tin, K A M-i B. tort:a h.a . if; Mr caret Uaroan, Dircaa Is.- fcesHind; G L Stda aai II at its I Strjde ; Lin Co. Nauoual Hack . (a cWTrli ) W H G I l a, A Bash. Trejit: Fit Nauoual Bask, ia s-porUO) aad Mil oa Hale, 1 IMmdaata. To Jhn N Msao aad Koth Mors). hU a if,ad MarKret Doccao & Dsn cao, bar hatbiai. Dafeadanta. IN THE NAUK OF THE STATE OF OKEOON: V'os are hereby reqnirtd to ap prar aod aasarer th oomptaict hied againat you in ths stors entitled aoit, b tbe 6 rat da v ol ths nail term f this court following Id rxpir'ta of said saoaKMs,toit: by Use 4tH M dy in Jooe.lS97;t-e nstha 2Sth day cf id month; and if TO lai! o to per to anairfr, for wiot thereof, th pUiouna mii'. apply to the conrt for tt-e ra'wt prayed for in the cbiplamt Bled against joo hera ib. twit: For a decide forectoice, a certain martaf exaented h oe Tbrnnaa Morgan .1 d LUU Monaw. hit wife, (ith deceas ed) to'hs JarwConklin Mortgage Tnit I'omnaoy, to secure tts pajmant of $1625 with iotereat, and ths further rem if $100 attonraya Ue. Said mortgage bring opoo raal eaUte itu .te in ths couoty of Linn, late of Oregon, nd particularly bounded anJ deao ibed a follows towit: Ths W H ot tha D L C of David W A! lioghain: auaateC in ?eoa 53 and 34, Tp 13. oath, Raoge 4, NV W M. coou-nlog 159 acres mors or lea. And aircolioa ale of aaid property in tbe manner pridd by law and application of the proceed thertf om tt payment of the claim of the p ainfenN herein, including oasta, diabursameoui of suit Sad attoraey'a fees This tummnna is pob'.uhed bv orJer of the Honorable 11 II Hewitt, jadg of said eomt. Mads sad d ted on th S4:h day of Feb iurr. !S7. Gso W Hrs a Mostajits a Hackle ax, Attnej s for Piaintitt. (OMIIISTRMOR'S KOTICE No'i e is hereby e'ven that the under signed has beew duly appointed by toe C'oun'y court of l.inn county, uregon, a't . . r . . m ... tl t nt inUtrstor ol tbe es'ste oi jowpu u .uj rt deceased, 1st of aid county, ami he tm du'y qunUfird as uch and sit persons having ciiviut against aid etate are here by request d io present te same to me at Alhanv. Oreoon. nronetlv verified a Ty law provUed, within "ix montb from this oat". " Daied at Albsnv, Oregon. Hu 16th day of December. IS96. D W kTKKS. Whitket k Nswport, Adn.vitnor , Attys for Admr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice ia hereby given that " tbe under signed baa been duly appointtd admmic tra'rix of the ettate of ixiui F Hammer, deceased, by the county court of Linn county : AU peron having claim sgaintt said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified,- to me at the office of H C Watson, Attorney at law, Albany, Oregon, within six months from the dale of thi no' ice. Dated at Albany. Oregon. March 16,'9r "StVKministex5" "AX.'t.ix an 7 Test of Time. Makes wl!OTHt In aTtninr intoliigan";. pioi ant hjmn wit.ra pain s taken to gt only to bt H ti ri-al a mat e', in 9UC0 fnal I f all ovar tbe amry Pal sea eatery ootnpoan i Is the fi.-s , last ani oniyriy od. Prof PhalM bad a n Iid the D5'Va It health anl diaaate whn we'l n rorUaa 1 and when ml noariihal, in men ani wjrnan ail ehAArii yer bafara hj lookel frt'ia rmiy. P:nVa o-lary em?-iai la ths o-ttai a of hia entire prufat'ot hr It ia tna on rain iy ibattba wrid eon'd n rflcrts today at anv i-rica Paine' wy ei-mono 1 in la-j3 the boly tc tk oa -k14 flii. furaictai r'iri Kill.' cer7 comoua 1 aa tha oaa n-ieiiii spring ramlv. ai It l un:vra!lv orawenbad by nam winrTr tbara i g-as n 1 of vigrrou as 1 ;r t np: r-or.ot ot an i atranzth ti th w-ra ottt ay&e 4 Paion'a c-i ary romptaii i tha beet apnng remtJy B:i4ti; ia ratr than a ui sarin rosJy. It bring aT a; a has ihr taKi a, eoup eta tiaU9a, rga tsXm of tba bar aaalthe otner Book r2 the sale of Hon. " .j.;ld corresixod nn- w a. - c T-crk will contafn i-rrpaifjn tour . nfiUca by his wife -::t speeches i'vs-zt Caiiipa;qn of 1896. the jOoIItkaJ situation ASSiCNEfS k;TIC N"c ' I 'o piia tn :H person ii.U;c'd that 1. t? om!erijrVd aj i iacee of "rppat and Ba'-er l-ax fid tu tail account in tee matter of aaid :gB mewt. in lb circuit court of the sJa e of thvsroe for Lion county ad 'hat aaid final account will be heard and passed up on br Ud court n tbe court bonee ia tne city of Ailiany. Linncoony, O'eRon, al the hour cf 1 oVoek p m. ot he 2h day of March, IS37. i't'siux ropT, A-ignee. AKKUALKEETi: 5 Kctice i he'ehy itiTen tnat Ue s-cna mee'ing of tbe stock boloers of the AbcT Huiklior Association will be held at 'ore of J Grawohl. in Aibaav, on Monday, March 1M. 1S9T. at 7:30 pnfer tt eiectlon of director, acd scch o'her bnrf- ces as rosy cor- before tbe meeting'. Date Feb. 1 JM W C Twaenaix, F P Nctttxo Preaident. Secretary CITY TREASURERS KOTiGE KO. 12- Notice 1 hereby given that f.-nds are on haad to pav outstanding warrant of the ine of ie36, bom No 453 to &ol. i- claaive, interest oa such warrants wiU ceae with the date of tbt notice. Alny, Or, Dec 23. 1SS6- E. A. Fakkkk. Cit Tress DliSOLUriON NO TICK. Notice it hereby given tbat the copartnership of Emerick & Brack man bas been dissol ved. Mr. Brockman retiring. The bo nes will be continued br Emerick Son Indebtedness will be liqaicated by M Emerick to whom account should be paid DKESS-MAKiSG. Ladies withiogto learn cutting and fitting T the Mor gan system, call an Mrs. R. E. Oareo. Lirese made for f 2.50 and np. Cor Sid and Calapooia. FOR SALE. A fresn milch cow, and calf, cheap. Iaqaire of F S Dough tee, Spicer. ROOMS TO RENT. Call on Mrs. Oarena, on 3rd Street, between Broad atbin and Ellsworth. AT 1 HE MINES Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the e'antiam mines, at his place at the mouth of Dry tiulch. H. W. White. A WELL KiSOWN factory ,8tple goods, established five yeara. wants locsv salesman. 100 per cent profit. Must have ability, energy and small capital. Refer ence required. Manager 11$ Eddy C San r rancisco. aAajaaafcawa,ayaia a asj Ml Cavaala and Ttwds Hart obtained aad all F ant boalaaaaeoailurtad for Moderate Fees. BMianoilPLdrawtncorTihoto. Waadaiaalf pataotablarro(oliar7b OnrfwBotdaanU patanttaaeenrad. A Pampblet -Uo to Ob tain Patanta." aritb aoat of aaaie ta C. B aud fartifc-a ooustritwaaat frea. Addroaa, C. A. SNOW & CO. Oa. Pmwr Omea. WaBHinavoa. D. C nawayayaaayajaaaaiaaaaaaya 1 BURKHABT & LIS Z Are up to date drogsjista. ns- t ing the utmost care in filling 3 prescriptions. Pure, fresh Z drugs are the most imporUnt j SC part of a drug store, 35 U.UilUlU JUiUlU.U.UK One We txcreVry Ofin wimirw tik n, io iamm or w.n-er bat as the grawieat ot spnog mnadba it h4 axlTanrdioarr op p-trtnoittae lor n iioiog uw onaj ao throw eff mordid honors tbat poisjai it aod ens9 rheamatiain, neora'gta. - ben trouble and a general low awta of tba be'tn.asin spring tbe vasiemu more p. table aad ehr ntie ctaeaae so securely lodgad In the ayattta that t jf are with r-.Q diznsaity oarei ocote iwore Tooowiaiof msn and women nave tmn-i front pr-oo"i oaperwaee that Paine'a re er noeopoaad uk wopta we 1 ana sxepa ail Iroat slssneea woo take it in tbe eprin. Uany a lath and nt-Xbr nave notieea lb n'ttmatakabie loirnvemsnt ia lh hea th ot tb?ir ehiiiraa from taiti-ia;: Paioe'a ea'e'y eantpoani ia lha apnn;. It ta the on a actotf SeaMy aoeirata rente 4y fiuavl by its eMnpxitioa ts ttioro jg'n IT purjf f to lol i d spat that ex. luaated tre'iog a4 ree rd of acta di eui, hMla:h-a ani fi jaof dpreWar with wa rh enildrei weak, nervo-ia are tunj as wall as grows paopieie afB etsd S00 PACIFIC UM. So?id veibbcle trains, eoarenting of pal ace steeping car. Inxsnons dining cat. elegant day coaches, magni Scent toorist car ted free eoioeist sleepers from tbe P- I- eiSc to the A ti ax tic smhoot chaage. MOST D1XZCT ASD CHZATEST BOCTX T Kootcnayl Mining ) District r SAJtcsr. srw sxrrsjt, ELOOAS CTTT, XtVH, TSLAIL, ) BOSSLaSDAVW All pointa is the Gkansgu Coontry. Get a pamphlet giving a foil desaiptkM ot this wonderful country. Ask tbe arrest S . t - - 1 . X Columbia. Lowes rates to and trot ETJEOPJiJ via ah Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. By. Uo 's Boyal Mail Steamship Line to China and Japan. CAJSADLA5 AtTFrEAlJAS . STXAJKXX aUStOLClX, Sin AXB ACSTBALIA. The Kiartest lioe to tx Ccfouiaa. Thae steamers carry aa experienced medical man. aad a stewardess on every voyage. For time tables pamphlera. or any in formation, call o or address. S N STEELE CO. Ageota. Albany Or. E J COTLE, Ag't, 146 Third St, Port land. Or. GEO. McU BROWX. D P. A. Tuscoaver. B. C CIT3 THS CBOIrB OS TvTO TKAXSCtlXTISESTAU ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN VTA SPOKANE MIMXEAPCUS Ajro UHI0H PACIFIC via DENVER GHAHA as a ST. PAUL rAKSASClTT low rates to all eastern cities ocean steamers eavk portland every s das .. son . . SAN FRANCISCO - For rail details call aa CtrtKAX & Moisrarrw. Albany vOr. sn annaists: WHHURLBL'Rt. tist'L Pa .Aoa VI .SKILL Prwudaatsad Manager FORI LAND. OR. . ffhRECOHCEHTRAL UjJ & EASTEEH. HE. HEstt. OC3 -YAQU1NA BAY ROUTaT Connectine at Yaomna Bav with ta San Francisco and Yaqninn Bay Steam ship Company Sails trom Yaouina every 8 days fa' Pan Francisco, Oooa Bay, Port Or ford Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. P sscaa AccoMODATtosr ""jarAsaso. Short eet ronte betweeu" - Willam ette Valley and California, Fare from Albany and points west to San Francisco 1st class to San Francisco 1 10 ?? 3TKKRA6I "; Ronnd trip XtJX To Oooa Bay Cabin S. To llumboIUt Bay and fort Urlora, Oabin , W.W YAOfUINA BAY The most popnlar Seaside Resort on the North Pacific coast. No undertow Surf bathing absolutely safe. For thoee wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aqnatic sports, thi. re sort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, con gar, brook trout and salmon trout, can be found in abundance within a few boors' drive of the bay. Car Reduced rates trom all pot EnwiM Stojts, Manager. O. M ato. T. F. P. A. . L. Waldx. Ajjt. depot, Albany; j TO THE EAST