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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1896)
5 tmmL TERMS. D aLY Dkmocrat, 25c per month; f3.00 per year, in advance 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c prr week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run orei 8 months. Single copies Sc. Wbbelt. tl.25 n advance; 51.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second, year; $200 for third and Dreceedinir rears, whfti not naid in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers for 15.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weefelv DitunrRAT and IWelilv Examiner will be sent to subscribers (or $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the bxatniners big premium gitt in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directlv to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Dkmocrat and thrice a weak N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in will receive all the advantages ofl either proposition. C Elder, partition. CIRCUIT couu r. DKPAKTMKST SO. 2, II. H. HEWITT, JILGK P J Porter vs John On Reference. Assignment of Albertina Kriesel. Con tinued. Assignment of Propst & Butler. Con tinued.! Assignment of The Orieniial Tea Co. Continued. Anglo Am. L'd Mtg. & Agency Co. agt - w u uuiiiua. t l hi inrwiiMiira er mi, Decree as per stipulation. Assignment of R X Thompson. Con tinued. TV H Oummings act Wm G Brown et al, foreclosure of Chattel Mtg. Judg ment for plaintiff. Nonsuit as to Lamb not served. W T Ccchran agl John Cushman, foreclosure o Mtg. Continued for ser vice. Assighment of A L Lamb, Insolvent. Dismissed. Assignment of F M Kirer, insolvent. Continued. Joseph G HaynesagtTarah E Uavnes, divorce. Continued. Sawyer Bros, agt R II Grover tt si, foreclosure mechanics lieu .Nonsuit bv plaintiff. Assignment Guseppe Mat&see. Continued. Assignment G W Drinkard. Contin ued H V Gates agt Inex I Wilson et al, con firmation. Sale confirmed. M Sternberg agt Ruel Custer et al confirmation. Sale confirmed. r.ancy J Gfthens et al agt Maud M Wagnon, report of referee, if ale con firmed David Link agt David Hawley et al, connrmaucn. eaie not made, .Error. R L Burkhart agt Krause & Klein et al. I- . ... . coDurmauun. oaie connrmed John Sommerville agt J K Jones, con nrmauon. bale connrmed. Perry Hyde agt J M Mansfield et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. J M Pierce agt H J Hand et al, con- urmauon. sa;e connrmed. Assignment Rica McLean. Continued. Parker Bros, agt Jos. E Berry et al, foreclosure ml?e. Judgment bv default. W I Vawter art Wm H Beidler et al, motion for sheriff to make deed. Order granted. Assignment of Clark Bros. Continued. Assignment of A F Hamilton. Con fined. Maria Miller, et al agt D P Miller, et gl, partion. Continueu. Assignment of M E Hearn. Continued. jonn Lniz agi ki a Jones ei ai, sun for deed Tried and submitted. Wm Faber agt E J Lanning et al, suit Mattie A Fox agt John Fox, divorce. Granted. Mattie Shaw agt Geo Shaw, diiorce Granted. Assignment of F C Aver & Co. Con tinned. Eohraim Haner agt J P Donaca et al, confirmation. Continued. D W Bridges agt Easebria Bridges, divorce. Granted. A From ai.d S E From agt A H From et al, partitioned. Continued for service. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years 3fiTTriees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will : : : Albany. VICTORIOUS COLTS. The Albany Colts defeated the pre viously undefeated Portland Monograms on Saturday and the Astoria Examiners on Sunday afternoon, and are thus the champion boy's club of Oregon unless it becomes necessary to p'.ay Ashlaud. They will now have to play the cham pions of Washington, which has not yet been Bet tied, there being several more games to be played. TICK COLTS VS MONOGRAMS The game with the Monograms was witnessed by a large crowd. The Ore gonian devotes considerable space to it. We give a few quotations : It was by all odds the most excitine game piayed on Portlaud field since the ( and there event that decided the amateur chain- ment of things. When the wreck oc- pionehip of lt9o. lhe grandstand was rnrroil Cant. Smith tried to whistle to nnea witn tne partisans ana sympathm- the Ruth, but th era of loth teams, and, if the Portland work. The boat, AN ALBANY ACCIDENT. Below we give an account of an acci dent to the Albany, as fairly given by one of the passengers. When he left the boat it looked as stated below. We are informed this afternoon, though, the damage to the boat is cot very serious, that it will be taken to Salem this after noon and repaired tonight. Two hog chains were broken, the cracks made as stated and the pipe disconnected. It was the escape of the steam that caused the alarm and created the belief that tiio dsmitge was greater than it really was. The boat will be running again tomor row or next day : The Albany followed the Ruth down stream this morning, both on time. As they passed Spring Hill the Albany was about one hundred yards behind the Ruth. Suddenly the passengers and crew on the Albany were startled by a harsh grating sound,' an explosion of steam, and the crackling of timbers. The boat stopped as if it had run against a bank. A rush of steam tilled the parlors. There were two women anil ten men on board. The women screamed and all tied out doors, greatly frighteued. The ends of the boat had dropped down, while the middle was in an upheaved condition. A bin hole had been made in the floor, through which steam flowed in a torrent from a p;pe below which had burst. The top of the parlors was rent in twain and badly splintered. Two hog chains on the boat had given away was a general displace- contingent was the most numerous, the rooters for the Colts certainly made up me umerence in lung power. Electricity was in the air, and at several critical points in the game it seemed as though a storm was imminent from the freniied spectators. Glenalvin, when he wis here, complained of the lack of enthusi asm of Portland ciowds. He should have been at Portland field yesterday. The Colts won the game by their su perior field work. Their backing up of the infielders was especially good, and indicated good coaching and caretcl practice. Their style of playing was al so sharp and snappy, and showed up at times in strong contrast with the some what slow and undecided work of 'he Monograms. TheIbany fielders show ed, when they got the ball, that they knew where to put it, and there was nothing of the hesitation and reckless throwing of the kind that usually char acterizes junior teams and "rattled" players. While the Albany fielders deserve full praise, it would be unjust to detract from the wonderfttl work of Fleming, the ex M. A. A. C. twirler, who occupied the box for the Colts, and was instrumental in winning the game. Fleming struck out 13 men, and at critical points of the game showed the greatest steadiness, allowing Lis opponents only 7 hits. M li ter caught an errorless ganie for the visi tors, and YVeatherford at first showed up very well. McFarland, at second base, was Albany's weak point, but the strangeness of the tieid might account for some of his errois. He re-ieemed hitnstlf, however, by bis stick work. On a whole, tne "battery, stick and field work of the Colts was superior to that of the Monograms, and they de served the victory which they won so hand ly. Fleming, however, is one of the best amateur pitchers in the Forth west, and without his aid it is doubt fui whether the Colts could have won, for fine fielders lese much of their value when balls are batted over the r heads. Players on both sides were protested, Fleming among the number. Score by innings : Colts 4 1300036 421 Hits 2 110 113 4 1-14 Monograms 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 210 Hits... 0 120120107 Struck out Fleming. 13: A Hard. 4. 1 wo-base hits Mcl-a."land, Weather- ford, Cnsick, 2; Miller and Purrot. Home run Weber. COLTS VS ASTOHJAX3. The Monograms defeated the Aft-rians 22 to 12 yesterday forenoon. In the af ternoon tne colts defeated the Astonan kids 10 to 0 in three innings with Goins in the box. The Astorians saw thev bad no show and quit. The Colts then lav ed the Monograms five inninzs with Fleming in the box winning 5 to 2. Affidavits in reference to Flemings age have been forward d to the Examiner. on the protests made. The decision is bound to be in favor of Albanv. The proof is good that he was born March 2, 1878. The showing made by Mr. Mack and bis team is a fine one, and the Democrat is confident they will win from Wash ington, if not from the southern victors e whittle would not which was in very shallow water had evidently struck a rock on the bar. It was not tar from the A Crook County Muidcr. Last Saturday Hiram Smead of New 80iu creek catno riding into this city and announced that Isaac C. Swearingon had been shot and mortally wounded that morning by John 11. Campbell, and at the same time Campbell came in and surrendered himself to Sheriff Combs. He acknowledged the killing but would not say anything farther in reference '.o the fatal shooting. Swearingen and his wife hadsenaiated and Campbell according to the Review was accused of being intimate with his wife or daughter. The Review eays : He was ia this city the day Before his death and arrived homo Friday evening about 11 o'clock and went up to bin cabin. When he arrived at the cabin he found John Gibson and family who remained until morning the Uibsous and swearingen went to the barn of Swearin gen which is about 90 yards from the house in which Mrs. swearingen and family live, and got some provision, John Gibson remaining with Swearingen heiping him fix up for tus harvest. After he had worked awhile he want ed a drink and wanted (jibeon tc go with him and get it." Gibson refused to go. He then picked up his gun and started to the home and went to the front door and said to his wife who met him. "If he's here I am going to kill him?" She replied "he's here." Campbell stayed all night at Mrs. Swearingen's and his horse was still tied at the fence that morning when Swearingen and Gibson were workirg at the barn. Swearingen on receiving the above re p'y entered the house and his wife at tempted to take the gun away from him and they bcultled through the house, wbich consists of several rooms, on to the A Remarkable Case. A case of rare interest, with few, if any, parallels, concerning the human anatomy, has been discovered in an au topsy ot the body of John W. Jones, of Jellersou. The position of the heart and the organs oi the alimentary canal are translated from left to rigut, and vice versa. 1 lie, apex ot the heart whb WE 3D HT 323 Q CITY COUNCIL. ' Tuesday Evening July 14. Present Mayor, recorder, street su p?rintndent.'ioiiudmaRterand all conn- found to lie in the right chest, instead of I c,)men . The following bills were order- theleft. The larger or splenic end of!5aP,'d: 1 C Dickey $3.15; P J Smiley right side of the V.; the stomach is on the ngl body, and consequently the oesophageal or cardiac orilico communicates from the right side, lhe pyloric orilice commuii costs citv vs lialatead. i.1 fw, N J Henton, $30; Geo E Fish, fl.3r; K A rarker, 25; W O Richards, $25; City v aier uo., mn ; Electric Light Co, $28 ; ieatea with the lesser end, from the left .,?!? 8! niayor and members coun suieollhu body, the duodenum has .'.v. . uiiii- ui j ijoaru oi iramps, Chas Pfeiffer, repairing alley sewer, shore and was worked near enough to th : ck poarch both re laming a hold on the shore, so that the passengers who de- i nn- J ben Campbell, who had been in sired could get off. Rev. J. T. Abbett ! the .roo, ner l,,e ,rmt Uoor fl and Rev. Jenkens, of this city and Prof. Keul, of Lugene, walked a gang plank to the shore and came back to Albany. Two miles this side of Spring Hill they passed a farmer who reported hearing :he explosion very plainly. The other passengers, among them J. S. Moore.the barber, and Mr. Barton, who was start ing for the east remained with the boat. its beginning on the left side also, and instead of the usual oblique upward and backward course to the right, it ascends toward the Iclc and then descuuds to pass traversely across the body from left to right. The entire length of the in testines, large and small, ate thus ar ranged in the reversed oroer, the trans verse colon croHBinif the body from left to right instead of right lo left. The appendix vermiformis is on the right in stead of the left side of the body. The position of the liver is alao necessarily changed, in adjustment to the stomach. The light or greater lolie is situated ou the leu side of the body. On this sub ject it has been demonstrated that a re version of the arrangement of the inter nal organs of man is not fatal. He lived to the age of 53 years and 1 1 months. A tumor was taken from the stomach, which will be put under microscoiiiu in vestigation. It is generally believud that it is a case of cancer ol the stcmach. With this exceptiuii, the organs were found in a healthy condition. Ex. Letter From Rev. I'oiiim. Should He Stopped. Complaint is made to the Democrat office of lawlessness across the bridge, inside the city limits, consisting of dis graceful conduct between young men and women of a character not to be des cribed by the newspaper. "It ought to be broken up," says a complainant, and so it bad. Some of it is said to be very braxen, and has become so common evenings as to excite attention, and even cast suspi cion on innocent peopie. Will somebody tell how such proceed ings can be stopped and many saved from disgrace. pea red in the door rimming onto the porch, while the voungest daughter, Myrtle, 11 years ol J, was begging him "not to go to the door " "Dou't shoot" and like expression and at the same time tried to keep him back. N hen he ap- I peared at ttie door Campbell said "Ike, if you have anything against me we will j settle it now." Al the same time, ac i cording to Mrs. S. testimony. Swearin- j gvu jerked the gun from her hands and I years i cocked ami leveled it on t. am ! stood ta the door. She stated 'that Campbell drew his pistil ' was covt red with the snot Swearingen. the j breast near the r ght shouu'er. V e are asked almost every day : "Do I .M-. va npneii i a irowier-ru-ia o you prcier vregoa io i a., ami !o ail we Soi-TU Fokk, I'a , July 9, 1S90. EJUor Vimotrnt: 1 wish to acknowledge the receipt of several copies of your paper. There isn't much in its columns but that I read, since it comes like a friend to greet us miitw irom home. We reached Johnstown, Pa., on Sun day, June 21, having traveled enough to make us willing lo rest awhile. 1 find that Western Pennsylvania has greatly improved during tlue pant seven meeting and did allowed. Progress wag reported in matter of Ore alarm for 3rd ward. Matter of a sewer at Dih and Jackson streets, stopped ur, referred to commit tee on H. and P. P. with power to act. A nuisance consinting of a water closet between Broadalbin and Ellsworth and i.Bml lh waa reported. No action. The matter of changing flames on retry, Broadalhin and Lyon streets to tiling was referred to the committeeoii ire. ami water to rejnjrt at a Thursday evening. A petition for a cistern at 7th and Llm streets in the 1st ward was grant ed. An amndment to the ordinance on dogs running at large was introduced and continued. The ordinance providing for the im provement of Lyoc street was continued. The matter of repairing latteral sewer was refeired to the committee on streets and public proiwrty to devise some plan juct to proiK-rty ow ners The big bridge was ordered cleaned under supervision of the street superin tendent. 1 he amount of citv taxes collected was reported to he $708.27, and the time was extended a month for payment of taxes. The rejiorts of the treasurer and r. corder nhowed the following: April 1, bond interest fund- Amount in treasury. . . Kec'd from taxes 1894. Rec'd from taxes 1"j5. Kec'd from taxes lSUtf . rrom saloon lirence lands and years The Johnstown of lodav far sur- From "nVl liTn!;' ' pU-U who the Johnson of lsw. From i IZZ tax ' I further, Pittsburg to Altoona. one sees the evi- j Krom fines 1 after he deuces of improvement aud nrtwin-ritv. v incheMer and j Oreal changes have beeu w rsught m the j ball entering tbejyid Keystone state ince l.S6t. 61 26 5 m 570 IS 2431 40 I3t 00 i 60 28 00 ! 00 KEEP COOL ! 1 Mr. Geo. Ktiox, of ibis city. X'jCTIE SDAy Paguc's U. S. Crop Report. In the bay fields the greatest activity is found. As a rule the crops of hay are i give uui one answer: n iiu ail her I wealth, with all her industr e and man- Iu!a-lories, the yel must yield, in mauv respects, the (alm to the young and . gruwmg wl. Uregon, and e5rv-i;iy ths Wi.Umeite vaiiey, is THE country j in which to live long and well, j l. V. Poum;. Tangent. past week the eat he 6 could not have! been belter to enable larmers to make progress ia the hay field. While the weather has been atihat cuuld I w ished t i , i wr progress in hav nelds, it has not been Tasgest, Or.. July 14. 1896. isiactorv or ule-sown grain, garden Most all the farmers are busy this j and potatoes; earl vtom grain has a!o week working with their hay, and the '' suffered in some sections. The heat has hay is not bo plentilul this year as it was been excesive. the temperature record ing Irom b-y to W degrees, has caued the An i'xpalnatlon WantcJ. last vear. Albert Hudson and Beard Brothers have been up in the mountains on a fish ing trip. Mr. Langtry'e folks started today for a trip to the Luckiamnte in order to gather wild blackberries. Hon. J. S. Smith of Albany was shak ing hands with his many friends in Tan gent last Sunday. The fourth quarterly conference of the M. . church will Iks held at Fairview on Saturday, Jnly 25, and on Sunday, July 26 there wili'be a basket dinner at the McCoy bridge. There will be preach ing in the grove at the bridge at 11 j o'clock followed bv a basket dinner and preaching in the afternoon. A special invitation is extended to all lo come and bring well tilled baskets. Yors Amebic. July 6. I5. a ten-pound fire at- Born, in Eoeene, Monday to the wife of 3- A. llulin on. Regular mwting of tb bnard of defecates tonigbt. Let all members tend. A a expert on the bokn of Sheriff Gith ings of Barns, have found a shortage of about $5,000. J. H. TownsenJ of Polk county, is committeeman forOregon, of the nation al democratic committee. OakvCle. Mrs. Keedham, oi Albany, was visit ing friends here last week. Judge Barton makes daily visits to Oakville. Miss Anna Millhollen left for i'aquina last week in company with Mr shelton and family, of Albany. We miss her. Mr. Vineyard has run his milk wagon in tne shed. The cows failed to yield ah much milk as thev did for Ah Milk and Mr. V. couldn't go to .Vbany once a day for nothing; good looks bad nothing to .do with it. Next? Our school board met last Saturday .evening and engaged teachers for the fall ;and winter term of school. They em iployed Prof. A. D. Morrison for principal .and Miss Anna Yantis for assistant. Prof Morrison is a graduate of the O. A. C. And is well qualified for teaching. iiiao Yantis has taught here the last two winters and has given satisfaction and is well liked by the small scholars. There will be a "basket meeting" in ! the grove near R. L. Smith's on Sunday, the 28t binst, which will be conducted by the Methodists. Everybody is invited. The sound of the meat wagon will soon be heard on our streets, perhaps Ah Beef will be the driver. Dr. J. N. Smith, of Salem, was visit ing friends here last week. The Dr. is one of the members of the next legisla ture sod will euppoi t J H, Mitchell for U. S senator. Mr. R. L. Smith has gone to Eastern Oregon and report says he has gone to prospect for gold. Mr. 8. is a free silver man, bnt if he can find gold he will not - jive it away. A small band of horses passed down the street yesterday. Ws learned that . they had been driven from the range across the mountains. Littie Rosk Bcd. Rev. Edward Davis will lecture in The Dalles tonight on the '-Scierce of Art." Af r. nhAA. Ctasick has returned from an Mr. L. Waldahl and family bav re turned from their trip to Eastern British Columbia, and will remain in Albany. Mrs. George Humphrey went to Port land vesteHay, called there by the ser ious illness of her grandson, the son of Mr. William Humphrey. Ex-poctmsster Monteith is in Spokane where he expects to locate. Mr. D. B. Monteith is there in charge of the store of hi? bruther Charles during bis absence in Xew York C:ty. Ur. J.L. Hill, ot this city, has been appointed one of the medical professors in Willainet'e University, and his name appears in the catalogue just issued, with a long title alter it. Thos. Sharkey, the famous prize fight er, passed through Albany this morning on the overland for Portland, where he will give a boxing exhibition tonight. He Is beiog made a great pugilistic lion. The Democbat believes his light will go ont as fast as it came up. that he is greatly overrated in a pugilistic sense. Total Bal. April interest paid Bal. June interest paid Total Bal in treasury Bond fund of 18y.5 Street fend Rec'd fn tn street tax tS'"j . . liecd from sueel tax lstj. . . Ami in treasurv 4497 'JO 10.'8 & 600 0U li"8 65 7263 94 1 01 2j VI 2 9-. Total in treasury, all fands. . 101:50 11 City warrant account. s J-ine 30, lsw: for a few remarks utn a subject that i of i )X issued prior to im . importance to the uatrun i our t.iti-hc i " ."" lued iy4 school, and in julncalion ol Mine ol our teachers who are worthy girls, who have bsn turned out to make rc-om for others. Our lit frchool year has been a i . . f.t ik.i ... , .. i ' . .. ? Total u,th il in -n . ii, ,. im-.,s Issued quarter ending June 30. Our directors from some c i taw tit to f .. general purpoww. quarter ending i Warrant i ue.1 Warrants issued lv.itf Bond inteictt !a.5 . . $i01 f3 14 tv 59 4 i 1244 16 00 d.cbarge Mine of our leaihers without late-sown crops to burn, and though straw in many instances has a rank growth, it is thought thai the heads will not fill unless rain should roni. Much ot the late frown grain, which is ilia su ject of complaint, was sown after June Ka! rn n and In" I"'. by greatly in i ... ..... . " Sjuring gsr. wh-j hav lAbored hard ta through the warm "speil without suffer ing any perceptible injury, and rare! v there a report from any set-lion ol il.o Willamette vahev depreciating there-! Bond interest. 12792 21 23 IS 42 , giving them a chance U get employment i j I in oler schools a time had ped for j ' ' liieai to ma's- application to other: Warn rand total 1J710 66 rrants paid quarter eadics June At, li'oj i era ro j them have taught in o-r sctioob It years j -uu-menl of indebledne ;nd are tusi'ied t letter ira'.mnt. t landed debt du ivi l 11 1 S They are al l-st -n::ii-l to know lhe j Bomied d-b! d. Jiin l !!;" - - , I . - .a ; i . . v wi ier u.a;ii;?4i,iur snuie 01 iiiem t s ToLsl Fall-sown and eariv-sown .f P' lu" lmir "'"V': . isLamling wanrauU. . , ' , , r i i a great manroi lhe pttron o! ttie.-hj K.W.u MIIIT Will IJ? III1UT ! (. , I ...... j .iv u.TmifiMvi win 1-kfuO M 7?W 00 2tWJ 00 lh. ;, i , i . .i ere given to undrttand bv the j.rioci the damage it mieut do to the rmrs. ...... j cent changes and an expiaaaiin is oer 1 ta:ulv due fruiu come one in order toal- X. nnecror harvested in tbe WilUaietie vaiiey. m.hZ. T.. , ",i"'Jt". V. iiT lows of good public a-.-l.oo5. weather has not ln tne li for the ! ' grain crop. There is a diversity ot opto-! j ion concerning lhe amount of icturv luat I hasten done. However, there are fa-; Tti C-iw Hows -The Albany Colt ! vorab rraoru. but most of them come jamreii hoal9 in,m lvrtlan i oa tr.e irom Mood River. yp-,T Jt eight, hiehly elated over their ) . j V!torjM- They are champions o! Oregon . . . j under lw year old. It is an interest- - j ing fact that six oi the yoang nien at-e j is doubtful if a stronger club of the age j fesist on the coatu If so the fact wills Total j Amount unpaid taxes, Amount unpaid Uxes, liSj 10taW) 64 757 4 . 2372 SI should Resios. The Oregonian has been havinz Drominent republicans in terviewed as to whether Jonathan Bourne should resign as secretary of the repub lican state central committee, in Al bany U. B. Winn. 8 F. Ynnnir M H El lis, W H Goltra, N H Allen, 3 M Somers, J W Cusick, E W Lanedon. H A Lein- enger.E D Cusick ,N MSewport,LFIinn, W U Davis aud P A Goodwin thought he euuuiu go. iuo case is a plain one. Bourne is a tree silver republi can, the campaign u a sincla m.Id "- standard one ; hence not being To symp ' athv with the ereat iaann nf th. paign he should by all means resien j i- l -.1 ..... : i T. auu wura i'ir me election oi isryan. Chtldbrss Dat Eierctbfs. Childrens Day was celebrated at the Evangelical chnrch vesterdav. The entire day wat devoted'to the children. In the morning the pastor preached a sermon to chil dren, and took tor his subject 'Samuel,' and drew some practical lessons from the childhood of Samuel. The children occupied the front seat and took an ac tive part in the services, in the evening the regular exercises were given, an ex cellent program was well renaereu, tne church was made attractive by a fine floral display suitaole for the occasion, the eveninz was enjoyed by all, and the exercises were pronounced a success. Leit;r List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Postoffice at- Albany, Linn county, Oregon, July 14th,18&6. Persons calling for thews letters must give the date on which they were advertised Cbehalis trotted mil" ai Portland I act Saturdav in toe fatpit time ever made in I the northwest, 2:10,l4'. Mr. Arthur Sewall. tb nomine of the democrat for vice president is a Maine thip builder sixty yars of age. There i ta be a biir picnic at Waterloo next Sunday with a balloon ascensioo and parachute jump and o!br attractions. The W. CT. U. will brJJ it regular moo'ing in their hall n Tuesday, Ju'y 14. lf6. at3p in. A full attendance i de sired. As soon atha populids have met the Cuban will have bid the sympathv of the onpie of the U. S. Sympatby doesu't ffgbt Spaniards though A. Bu.-b, the Salem banker, will vob for Bryan, notwithstanding tbe tatter's free silver principle. Mr. Boh made a ntate ment to that eff-ct in tbe Willamette hotel lobby last evening. Statesman. The Hamaburir review says: The im povment our band boys have made was emphasized when they played at Albanv on the Fourth. They did nt suffer any disparagement by comparison with the many other bands who played on that oc casion. A fact especially noted and tre quently mentioned by tbe Albanv people wa, ' tbe Harrujurg band boy are free from the liquor habit." The shutting off of the water daring Saturday night and Sunday was a great inconvenience to the people of the city. Mr. Hogue has been so careful to give notice in the past that we were surprised that he did not do so this time. He says that it was as rcurh a surprise arid more annoyance to lum than anvone else as orders had been given to leave enough water in tbe ditch to ran the pumps; but too little was allowed to run for that purpose. Mrs. E. Thrall left Cbica for home. Mr. Jeff Cline, of Port San J, is in the city on visit. Mr. John Kmse. iwently of this city, is dow located al Yoncalla l.if' ne has been issued for the mar iage of F. P. Thomas and Etta I k nermann. late, supreme workman, of the A. O braska, is in Portland. Mioses Ella Dunlap and Carrie Van S Winkle have been engaged to teach toe j Shedd schools. ! be learned. A banqael wis! be given in honor ol their vic-i lKw sun's Hitters for harvest lianJn. Dawsun's Bitters for hot men. tired fcv-ling. " " wcati toin- ac!.. Money .Made tn a Minute. I have cot made less than sixteen dol- g The Neatest Designs of the Sea- 1 i son in : : : 3 Summer Coats, 1 White Duck Vests, I Negligee Shirts, 1 I Light-weight Flannel Shirts, g Cotton & Woolen Gauze Underwear, 3 Summer Balbrigan Underwear, . 1 LISLE THREAD HOSE, I rert shoes, 3 TENUIS SHOES, 3 E BICYCLE SHOES 3 H AT L.E. Blain Clothing Go's. 1 Ice cms in fwaers. Any one should make from five to eight 'dollars a day ce..;n cream, and trom seven to ten sc.Ung Inreicrs, as it i such cran.l . I". W. ma:er ot .Ne- lhe bors toa:gut tone. i The bovs report verv unkind treatment ; at the hands ol the lVrt lander, t hey j dollars were even ftisseo. ami nos givn me . wonJer, ihcre i alaavs a crowd want coartoirs de Indians. The ouly n1(? caam. You can freexe cream ele friend they had were the soldier from j gantlv in one minute and that astonishes Vancouver who sbwd by Ibcru like pen-" ptopfe , thev all want to tte it and llemen. and former Albauv men. id.-n manv ot them buv freew-rs as the uiay s Telegram in its usual tail end j rr,m lt 'mooth and "perfectly frtwen. stvle of journalism cave a c-nleinpwbie v.-..rp fmir rrmi.l t, M:s Coggswell. the we'd known ac-1 sling at the bos. referring to them ; cream iriecllr in one minute. Anvone tre who is spending the summer at I greenhorns, woo a-ked counlrv jake cream and the freezer sviU Eugene, waa in the city yesterday. . j juetions, and this as being their tirsl i Mv swter make from ten to John L. Jones of ine Southern Pa-i tr'P av 'roul horae.oal'.ed the mansger t.(ten duli'ars a day J. F. Caev Co., ciSc passengerdepartment, aas lighting ' Willie Mack. etc. When it as pro- jt4:t St Charles Si , St Ltuis, Mo., will up Aioany toaay with his genial cuunte- C " f'"' V' ",,rl'u" l"v mail you mil panicuiars iree, so you can leietrraui rv u.i- iii.iu.u.s u..uiir.i. f ,) w or iw mte :ou oi money any "Mully Uee! ' crie.1 one, "Jer yer ant mhere, as with one freeier, you can ter give der hoi snap away? lon'l gtv' j tnake a hundred gallons of cream a day, d-so l'oTtlaod jer aevantage. OT , jou aieh they will Lire vou on a Where's der captain'!" And amid the ; salary. " Maar A. Mr. Geo. Finiev of Crawfonlsville. t , iin.,i,t n " Th.i ,i'm.!m i.i.-,l ial i retain secrecy on the upon the j w XIok hpxml rti to All. :rap!ain s appearu.g. Altogether the I iinjmrtance fell by the loys and the ning cpon Teiegram. SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL. Chas. F. Lord, the new district attor-J oejr of the Portland district, has been in 1 the city. i j Sir. John Krnw, n-ftrred to as l.-jcating t loncaiia u not Jobnny Knirf-. Albany's il. around man, but another gentleman cf Ih fame nttup. I'r.J. L. H i!. wbohal intended orymi ing Kat, on arcoont of the exeive heat there, and buine here, will re " -ti in Albany, and has given op lhe trip. T e M:m-s If. !-u and Lillian Craw for i came do n from Albanv vesterjav u honor of the Martin-baveoport we-i-ling this morning, and are guests of Ms JeMie Creiuton. Statesman. M is Mau Je Hoffman's star is still ia the asc-ndant. She has jtin cloie-1 a cr.ntract lor the coming Reason with An -gustin Ia!y. proprietor of ia!y,s theat res in Xew York and London, and will t-lay lli coming fail and winter in New York Ci:y Mr. Iraiey s ew York theatre is one of the greatest ones in the country, and his company is, perhaps, the stroegwsfc. Mi AJa 'Urban ia lead ing, and Miss Hoffman is to be second iady. Hoffman i with her daugh ter, and both at present are, for the be.led term, at Martha's Vinevard. CorvaiiU Times. x Eisiirrr to tsi toir. The buinei-s men of tKe city pave ti e j auanjr (.oil bail club jr. Wieners ret-.aurant. in appi sion oi iiseir exoeiient work done in se curing ibis honor fr Albany. The spread was a delicious one. niseiv gotten up and weil served. A vote of" thanks aas extended the baines men fu the bam net, Mr. and Mrs Sietur fir the 5preat, the Mandolin club, consisting of lr. Lienecger, Iavid liotiib and Mr. Miiier, lor laesr wr miDes. l oasts were CAiiea for by master ol ceremonies Mr Kafus I iom and responded to. The bovs real ize thai they have work ahead to' do and , . . . . . . . ' - ...... ,u . l 4. I I.IV 1 JlUC Mil,. J "y mit n-iiiiis ituu.ui(ii .. It .... - V . I T. 1 Colts, thethaoipioa lioys J-a-e : ib of Oregon, a banqoet la"l B'gt.t Shelters restaurant, in appiecia-t A TO.VST FOR THE "COLTS." The following toast composed by a prominent young man of this city ia a hne tribute lo the boys : We are not vain nor prone to boast. But feel the "Colu" deserve a toast; Anl io with pnd- and pleasure, too. Commend them for their valor tree. Their battles on the diamond frame Will bring them and oar city fame. And w ben so irnly earned and' fairly won With envy should nil ncne. In future years when old and gnr These Mrlf same "Colts,' that ran away From tbeir oppors in our state Will each be harnessed with a miv. And when the twilight shadows fall. Will gather 'round their fireeiaes all The liltie "Colts" and weanlings too To teil them bow i'?y fought so true. To win the penant and home plate. Whir!: made them champion of our slate, And bid them go ootsMe oar lines To battle with cneonqnered nines. Now. when the northern nine you meet We hope yoa'11 knock them otT their feet. Then turn your battery on the Golden gatrS As.d keep tcrn off the goai-plates. Then here's good lock and wishes well Thai the retnm mtr rri'v ta'.l - .ire .oiiwj ftu.Am up lurir nceui And victory won on southern fields. Capes. Light weight fcr spriiiz and snmirer. Black asd colored. Latest styles. Mediaia prices. Shirtwaists. Lrts and lets of them more fast re cetved. Many different grades and prices, fetyleanew. Summer Goods. toek now complete; largest ever brocg'ot to tiiia part cf the Taliey. All new good and prices very .reason able. S-nd for samples. S. E. Young, Albany. HO.VIK L AHrtOAl) lacoma. ana it i hoped, and is confidently believed, with the champions of California and Nevada. Thos? present were Manager Mack. A'-istant Manager K. IVum.Capt. Heach Weatherford, Pitchers li. H. Klemming and A. Uoins.cecond baseman, Kd McFarland, third baseman. E H. Oononr, left fielder. Lair Thompson, center ticider, Harry Cusick.right tieider, Fred Wealherford, umpire, Cbas Fulier, scorer, W. H. Warner. Sam Headrick, Marv n Turner J. K. Whitney, of the Herald. Jtw. Dubrailie. of the Telescope, F I. Xutiing. of Uie Desjcsit and the Mandolin club. f jr II 25 at the linen d-nlies. in all the vt at the W'hitjs ;k farasols ladies liaiaar. Special of stamped masic and the ; f f jnd 'an clofiis h asts were called for ff1 for tfl xi daj L.aa.e luzaar. Coca & HoUon fcr srocene. Campu;a buttons 10c at French's. Is en-am 3 and 10c a dish at V lervck's ssmmer garden. nance. P Wagnon and daughters of Salem, are in the city toda, Mr. Wagnon i train ing Oregon Belle ana Marun May for the state fair. in the city today. He was greatly elated over the nomination o" Brvan, and has no doubt of bis election. Mr. Christiansen frmerlv sunerin-i wfiirhl of recoonsil-ilitv wei tendent of the Mitchell Lewis t 'o's airri-' them, was funnv," savs the Some Accidents Hen. Hufus Thompson yealerday was hauling wood the other side of the Will amette, when his brake gave away and it load was tipped over partly on Mr. TLompson.who was considerably bruised an I his breast w as badly strained. At Millers one ot the sons ot J. A. cultural implement houw, in this was in Albany today. A. B. Morris, Justice C. tl. ll nkin. K. . Morris, Ire.1 I'.lount and their families left today for Lower Soda and Mrs. Blouut and daughters for I oner Soda. The Gypsy has taken the place of the ran aav. and Mrs, Miss Lillie Craw forJ, and Mr A. 11 ooun. Geo. C. Piper, the Piesrns bicycle man of 1'orlland, has bad Camptieil "the bicycle rider arrested for larcenv of a bicycle. It was ''loaned" to Cam obeli I read in the Chri.-tian Standard that Miss A. M. Fr'.U. station A. St Ixuis. jio . wouiu e an e;ecam iiaieu uw. j 'r : . ; , - i i citr. A pi which is manu a. tnreu roi. Most spoan to anyone sending her ten i csnt ; tht tMm. . vmtna, ,.. 'tM ' n. nl 1 1... itnva an. .not ol rnr mnt rmm-1 T t..r (11lln.ltiiAi v : - inent citizens, who have seen consider-, nseful that I showed it to mv able ci the world, and nne is s greenv. j ,ua.le f!3 00in two hours, Uking j . '..'.". I ' . L v " i l": Zir lol"r, tpooa . lue, noo,t T?- ithrown upon (lie ground. He remained that few amateur clubs can tourh. The j into t,e dish or cooking vessel, being . m r.i-'" ' . " """" V. i ,n n r " 1 iniunes. The machinerv was broken to t- .... . . a .... A A V liflM i.Ana sample spoon by sending ten 2-cent stamps to Mi;s Fritx. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Yery truly, J iunnette S. e .-..-11 : -- . I- ....:. hi more during low w ater. This morn-; ,," " , ' , 1 i ing sniong her passengers down the j river were Revs. A bhett snd Jennings. That Crook Co. MrmiER. Harry Miss Maggie l'.Hrk-r, Mrt.. Burkhart. ! Canudwil. who kiilel Isaac Swearingi'n on July oril in urooK coaniy, was neia for the" grand jury without bail. The Dalles T. M. says that "from all that be learned, it appears thai the killing was a deliberately planned scheme I tween Mrs. Swearingen and Campbell to under the Rgreemen that bo was to ride pet Swearingen out of the way. lie was Brown, Helen Cbesebn, C B Francis, Saiah Jacobson, Martin Washburn, A ii Chance, Frank Frev, Pawlino, Goble, 8 B McBreen, C E Young, Eunice T.J.Stitkb.P M "Cures talk "In fvor MM ot Hood's BarsaparUla, It 3.1 Lk as for no other modi- H cine, iu great cures recorded In truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute it most enecuve ad vertising. Many o! these cures are mar ninna Thoir tiava won the confidence ot 1 iu imn Hmvl'a BarsaDa There is about 75 men employed there t t ta the worWf and at wages ranging from $2.85 to 2 75 per ' . f!n, lu manufacture Mrs. Matascis Wow. The trial ot tbe divorce suit of Kale MatascevsGaiseppe Matasde was concluded in Judge bears court vesterdav, and a decree was granted in favor of the plaintiff. The parties reside at Albany, and each claims the other is at lault. Mrs. Maiasce al leged that the defendant deserted her, and made too free with the hired girl, Jennie Burns. The defendant stated that, in the short time of their married life, his wife drew upon his resources so generouly as to injure bis financial stand ing, and that she hatched a conspiracy against him, to which the Burns girl was a party. Mrs. Matasce asked for a share of the 148 acres of land of the defendant. This he objected to, and claims it, id in volved to the extent ot its lull value. Oregonian. 0 Aqaw Paralyzed. In response to the challenge in Saturday evenings uv.v ochat issued by the Pin Paralzers the "Scrubs" appeared at the bowling alley with blood in their eyes, and met the enemv on the alley. They took the starch completely out of the challengers beating them 21 points, and now fear lessly declare themselves champions of the alley. The paralysers have wilted it, winch, tt i claimed he did not do as agreed, and refuses to return ii. A.J. Hodges and O. C. McFarland returned on the flyer this morning from San Francisco. While in the Golden Gate city they took baths in the famous Sutro baths, the linet in the world. San Fiancisco is comparatively dull, there are a great many empty stores and many m.e men. l S ............ A t. .-. .. . .1, j in -.jj na an J lrej (J 9t them. I.Lin. . . . . . . was drstrwil some distance and " "P ; in a dazed condition for some time, but i fortunately received no breaks or bad lr. Hill attended both cases. From Auidem. Lon Raskins returned Monday from the Anidem gold mines.! These mines are located about 20 miles southeast of Gates and everything taken there goes on the back of a pack male. The owner of the mine is W. B. Lawler, and a 40-stamp mill is in operation at present, with talk of a 10-stamp addition of dij. h- dav and board. It is reported mine is paying well. Lon brought down gome very nice specimens of gold, con spicuous among which are some twenty dollar pieces. Mr. Haskina goes back next Saturday. Times. the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood s BarsaparUla ia known by the cures it baa made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cores of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cores of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cures which prove Fikgeu Oft. Clyde Danns! noliahinz a horse shoe on an atnnt in his father's blacksmi this forenoon, lost the end of a finger. -lit- F .t.A ... .. V t . n .1 'tlO miUUlo Wllger oi. iuo iigub uuu j caught on the stone in such a manner as . to mangle the entire end of the ficr er up to the joint. Dr. Maston dressed the finger. . .. . ;l Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purlfler. '. cure Uver tUs; easy to HOOd S PlI IS take, easy to operate. 25c Mr. Andrew Lvtls, who lives on Willow creek met with quite a serious accident laat Tuesday morning He was on horse back when the horte became unmanagea ble and ran into a barb wire fence and serious'y lacerating his left arm ard left leir. it. U. Uleek brought nun to this city Tuesday morniig and Drs. Belknap and Gesner were ca'led and dressed tbe wound, 'i be wound in tbe left leg was not very bad but the one in the arm is quite serious Prinevllle Review. The Modern Way. Commends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and breakup colds, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, byrup ol 1 igs. JKanu factured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. . Dr. Price' cream inking Powder Amikd Cold M'4arter Fair. 80 FraaMOV The Albany will be up tbe river tonight. The ra(e of taxation in Seattle is ftL'a mills. The Guard reports fonrcaes theria in one family in Kugane. The Clow family, of McMinnvill. have b ind, consisting of a father. t'iii e daught er and two sons. Tbe river is getting pretty low for navi gation. Tbe fclmore hnsntoppnd running this side of Salem and the Hong hist night (topped on a bar below tbe city several miles. A party of Albany people who vidted Bakers sulphur spring in Benfon county, were so well pleased with the resort there is talk of i neveral daysciniping expedi tion U the springs. m Vance, of this city, aid E. E. Kin ney of Salem, were thrown off the bridge at the Jewish cemetery, together with their borne ana an were bailly mixed up, both gentlemen being conxidoraoly bruixed. Tbe Albany juniors will play the Salem juniors nf Goltra Park, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Admisiion 10 cent for men. 6 cents for boys, 0 for ladies. They will give a good eabiution of buys base ball. See the game. Following are the officers of the rrne ville fire department recently elected: Pres ident, W A Bell, recording secretary, Judd rainier; tinancial secretary. U ti Hell; treasurer, VVultwr O'Neil; foreman, F.d Harbin; find a4Mbint. Frank Barnw, sec ond assistant, Frank Elkins. The Kugene Guard says: Company F and the hospital corps of the second regi n ent. ON G, stationed at Albany, and Company C, at Kugene, .ire planning for a voluntary encampment near NewDort. ' piobably about Augimt 10. Other coai-l panies or any individual officers or men of tbe regiment will have an opportunity to ! join them. A pleasant and instructive, outing is expected, and the expene, which will be borne by the men themselves, will k e so little as not to be at all burdensome killed in the pretence ol of whom, a girl of 1 1 years, was pleading with thejmurderer to not shoot her lather. The feeling in this community where Saearingen lived is very bitter against Campbell and Mrs. Swearingen, and it u feared rali means will be resortta to to avenge the death of ttie murdered man." Campbell is a nephew of Geo Knox and J. H. Cox of this city. He workeJ for John Schmeer in this city at one time and went to Crook county about two years ago. Dally Service "Kuth" mure." and 'EI Tbe O. Ii & N CVs palatial steamers Ruth and F.lmore leave toot of Broadnlbin street as follows: Steamer Kuth leaves on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 a. m. arriving Port land 4 -.30 p. in. name day. Steamer Klmore loaves on lues days, Tuursdsys rnd Saturdays at 7 a. m. arriving Portland 4:00 p.m. same day. Kateo areas foll-wn: To Port land, one trip f 1.25. round trip 2 00, To Oregon Uity, one trip 11.00, round trip $1 50. To Siilom, oim trip 50 ci-nta, round trip 75 cents. To Independence one trio. 50 centa, round trip 75 cents. Special rates for party of ten or more peo ple. I m round trips are gooa tor iu uays. unit class, . ou, Rawijnos, agt. A Chance to Make Money I have berrie, grapes and peaches, a year old, fresh as when picked. I use "the California Cold process, do not heat or seal th 3 fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, and costs almost nothing; can put up a bushel in teu minutes, ljist week I sold directions to over 11I0 families; anyone will pay a dol lar for directions, when they see the beautiful samples of fruit. As there are many people poor like myself. 1 consider it my duty to give my experience toeuch and feel contident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home in a few days. I will mail sample of fruit aud complete directions, to any of your readers, tor eighteen two-cent stamps. which is only the actual cost of the samples, postage, etc., to me. r KAACIS UASEl, et Unas, mo. Fnr to Mn r ranctsco, ateer.iue :HK) C . A Salkm Cass. Maud M. Wagnon, the daughter of lau Wagnon, of High land addition to SiiiMu. is private pros ecutor in a seduction c.!e institutei in City Recorder F.des court aeainst Arthur Toinsend, tbe bicyclist. The criminal information on tile wilh that othcial bears date of Julv l.'Hh and reads as follows: "Comes now Maud M. Wagnon who. be ing first duly sworn, says that Arthur Townsend is guilty of the crime of se duction committed as follows: The said Arthur Townsend, on the IrV.h day of June, 18W. in the county of Marion, "did then and there, unlaw fully, wro-igfullv and feloniously, and under a of maxriage.eeduced one Maud M.Wagnoo, an unmarried female oi previous chaie character, coutrary to to the statutes," etc. After hearing that a warrant had been issued Young Townsend appeared before Judge F.des anl surrendered him self. He was placed under $'-) bonds to appear for trial today, and he expects to tight the charge to the fullest extent pos sible. Salem Statesman. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, old Medal, Mldwlrter Fair. 9B Did You Ever Make Money F-nsy? Mn. Editor. I have read how Mr. C. P.. B. made so much money in the Ii?h i Washer business and think I have beat him. I am very young vet and have had little experience in selling gd, but have made over eight hundred dollars in ten weeks wiling lhsh Washers. It is simply wonderliil how easy it is to sell them. All you have to do is to show the ladies how they work aud thev cannot help but buy one. For tbe benefit of others I will state tha I got my 8' art from tho Mound City lUh Washer Co., St. Louis Mo. Write to them aud ihey will send vou full particulars. 1 think '1 can clear over $.1,000 the coming year, and 1 am not going to let the opportunity pass. Try it and pub lish your success f jr the beneutot others. J.F.O. A MvsTKRiors Blaze. About six o'clock last evening a fire was discovered in the millinery store of Mrs. McLean, in the Cusick block. Mrs. McLean had left lfore for her boarding place across the Willamette, and Miss Huston and friend were sitting outside in Freh vegetable cf all kinds at Conn & Hustons. Shoe a f pecia-'ty at St, Luis rsxet stor. New gondt every week. The St. Lata raket hae aie great bar- ! gains in stoe, all rules. Yoo can save money by tra ling at St. Lou raket. Caj-h teiis toe Tne best groceries at price to suii the time at Conn & liiutoos Now is your chance. Fiee sittings at the Long Photo Co's., for short time only. Mrs. Yiereck as cpeod her ice cream parlors and rammer garden or the ea-on Seme handsome birthday gems at Will i Mark, cheap. One foe every month in the year. For the next thirtv day the Misses Ball U' sell their entire Uvk of mulinerr at tost. Have the Dailt DkmvTcrat sent t you at the ea or mounlaias. Oniy 25 cents prr monm. If TOO want a fine hair rut call on Ijm Yan Sort wick at the Bon Ton barber shoo opposite the Kus House. The old rates between San Francisco and Port'and on tbe S. P. and O. K. 4 N. are to oe restored, it u reported, on July 21 . A successful operation was performed yester-iay by Prs. Wallace, EUis ana Davis. upn Mis Minnie Reiner for ap pendiaU. The steamer Albany came op the river this morning and returned down the r'-ver. Tne HSig is on a bar several miles below the city. Call at llaight Bros, opposite the Pem ocrat office for your bam. bacon or lard for your camping expediiioa. They have a nee supply. Yeterday was a v-ry hot day through tbe as well as in Oregon. " Today is also hot with the mercury fizzing around 95 That temperature in Oreiron feels no hotter than S5 in the East. The Salem tile and brick factory, located on the west side of the tate f .ir grounds, was burned yesterday, lhe sheds. "5.000 green tites, ISO cords of wood and the tool were lost. The total loss is about toOOO. The property was owned by John Murphy, ami he was badly burned on the left arm and ear, fighting the fire. Tomorrow afternoon the iunior base ball club of Albany will play the Salem juniors at the Gaitra Park grounds at 2:S0 o'clock. Admission lOcts for men. 5 for boys and nothing for la.lie. Tbe car will leave 1st stteet at 2 o'clock. Following i the Al bany team: Walter Scott, c: Jode Gal- bratth, p; Robert Hunt, 1st base; SteT Whitney 2nd; Fre 1 VYeatberford Yer- non ramp, e s: Walter kuison, I f; 11 ry Crawford, c f ; Oliver Hewed , r f. LADIES Fancy Sleeveless Vests 5-10-15-20-25 cts Eaca SPECIAL YALUiS AT READ, PEACOCK SCO'S Coltou Cballjes 25 yds 51.00 Wool dallies formerly 25c com 12 1-2 cents per yard to close. OH, YES! OH, YES! OH, YES! Come KiSbt HloniTo H. F. McIIwain's Cash Store and secure some of the prea. bargains that are offered, as I intend to ctose ont all summer goods soon as possible and have reduced prices to cost and even less than cost. OCTTSU FLANNEL. Imperial outing flannel (6c grade) per yard 4Sc. Schonisberger outing flannel CSc grade) per vara oc. Standard outing flannel (10c grade) per yard Sc. STRAW HATS. Mens 73c straw hats i 40 " 50c " " 30 " 35c " " 20 " 2oc " " 10 rXDEKWEAJU Mens Canton Shirts good value for 45 cents, price marked down to roc. Tec grade go tor 40 cents. HENS HABVEST COOrC. Heavy Buck gloves for Mens heavy Capra gloves . . . . Calilornia luci gloves. Standard " . Engineer overalls the icar of I usetl last vear have again the building. lr. Adams smelt the fire bv Mr. Case, their owner. A general Wtu. Camp Oct. At a meeting ot F. Co. last night it was formilly decided to ta -amp at i aquina Bay on Aug. lo and remain until Aug. 24. a lie grounds been tender I by m CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard and going inside found the contents of a bJX under tne working table in a blaze. A lid was covering the box except part covered by some magazines. The flames seemed to have been smothering on ac count of the close condition of the rob bis!! inside of the box, and were entity extinguished. 1 tie origin is a mystery; but excited enougu attention to cause some investigation. In the bottom of the box was found signs of a piece of sperm candle having been placed there. Get your lawn mower sharpened al. Luilwiir. opposite r. u. Keen vour oyes on Uaiaht Rros. They sell firjod meata, of many kinds, and their motto is to please, noi ruriroui me i . u. A convenient place to order from. All kino's of pearl and bone buttons for Indies shirt waist, at French's jewelry store. First class meats of all kinds, a well as hams, bacon, etc., at the Linn Dressed Ueef Co's shop at Second and Ellsworth streets. Courteoui and prompt treat ment. Use Dawson' furniture polish Nrw Mining Claims. The fo'lowing new claims have been taken up in the Santiam district : The Defender, by E. O. r-iuith aud M. . hituig; the Uold en King, on the Yellowstone creek, 8 miles below Quartzville, by 8. E. Cor- the Huron, bv Heub. Thorn ; the Solid Chunk, by S. F.. Correll, J. A. Sturte vant, Wm, Mcl'tivrson, Chas. Lyon and Keub. Thorn. Fr Purii Drugs Dawson's. For Prescriptions Dawsuns committee has been aptHinted with oower to appoint sub committees. zra Al. llorton witl be at the head of the finance department: Mr. Cleaver trer on trransrements and J. A. Finch of the commissary department. PARKER BROS. Deal in groceries. Produce, fruits. And Baked goods. Here are some thing worth considering Alt road lead o be;r eor Reasonable prices make bard times eas ier to bear. Their goods are the best arguments Their st customers are those who have known them longest. A buyer has a right to be satisfied, is their desire to satisfy every bod v. Thev make no charge for time and at temvou. They strive to eive good quality as well as reasonable prices. Go back tomorrow. .. 1 harvest jumpers shirts standard suspenders. . 3 50 W So 40 40 hO S3 2i 25 15 jacss socks. Best Rockford sock per pr 05 Mens light weight sock per pr 04 double heel and loe sock pr. . lu SPECIAL 20 vds nnbleach muslin 1 ft) 21 " standard gingham 1 00 16 " Canton flannel 1 IA 1 toweling I 00 GKOCEB1ES. Western refinery best cane granu lated sugar. 1UU lbs a "jo Beet sugar, granulated, HX) lbs 5 00 Arbuckte cotiee ir lb 20 8 bars Savon soap (5c liars) 25 lhe price on all grades ot teas reduced 15 cents off each lb. Cwll at store and examine the stock. get ouV prices and be convinced, we can give you some great bargains never be tore ottered by anv store in Oregon. l ours lor bargains. If. F. McIlwais, Cash Store. July loth, 1S96. It For Pills and Plasters Dawson 5otic. I will coutev campinz parties to and from the mountains at reasonab 6 rates. Call on E. C. Sacrt, opoositn Sugar Pue Mill and Fixture Co's office. Send Your Bundle. Care and intetlisrence in Uunderina lothes has had its effect it is responsible for the success ot the Albany Steam Laun dry. Send along your bundle to tne best laundry m tbe valley, or let tuciiaxas x Phillip know and they will call fur it. If yon ate not a patron of the Albany Steam Laundry tell tbe proprietor at once to sand tar your bundle. Unce a customer always a customer. Fousdmastkb's Sotici. Notice is hereby given that Ed. Davidson has not resigued as poundm aster, nor will he. On the contrary he will continue in of fice and enforce tho law, in which the city will back biro, lie understands his business as pound mister and proposes to attend to the duties as provi led by or dinance. All good citiena should stand in with him.