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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1896)
-fl I ) aA ii n ii m mi ALHVNY D.g,M.ON, KHIDAN JULV 10. 11)0. 49 VOL XXXI. r r- aimao rirt""r, Kal-re.-t tf. es r.'tui a tlbany. Or. eeeBw-'la Mull K r ' 9OO00O0O04O0e09O900OCH0aOOOOO3 o &!?fai!S&v s3 aflS The Best 0 aiiiuKing wuawu mauo Hie Indestructible "May wooer BICYCLE. ws post Kodtm, Host Reliable, Host Durable MB STRONGEST Woed ea Earth. PATENTS 1 F- XX A3 WITH COUPO;. The "Maywood" la the sfrrmirzt n-t-f nmi'W 6--i. r-r J.-ln ie for ail ktnos ot aoads and riders. Hade of material that is :. -e rirs; lc in const ticiiun. easily taken apart and pat toeetlicr: has few pen: i of - ixh- c o:- -til. : c- that its parte will hold together even la an acci ent: no lioiiov tio t rWuo 1;; m tciy lo-itac',. a Irrnie that cannot be broken; so simple that its adjustius j-r-na she. c iiMMmir. irr.'Hcm ttiece crank in place of a dozen parts: always ready iccit"-- r- ii:sil i;. J jai i I li-.n-i :i-.iipn. FRAME Improved donble diamond. arnti u-r i,r. - yif -. );.w!ec( H -nchrold rolled steel rods (toofchest and strnuite metal for : wci -.'.i iwiriii: vain- i toe :t t-r v h alnminom bionxe fininca in such a manner tb -t i ;- r.-;c 1. 1- t., ! ik i t ii.r xrt nurk loose; a marrel of noTelty. simpliciTy snd dnral ili; ; ti.e - r t cm in.t?ot oi iusrnnity In bicycle mechanism known. toboiM a frun w.tcn; brazr j tit ttiitn;. y.'.n know that framescontlnuilly break and fracture rr brazo i-.i's. !uh w: i the m beckled in cannot be repaired. WUtL-i s-iach- wnrrintt-d wood ri :c o wire in- nt ik.s and brass nipples. HrrtS lanre barrel p tttr u TIRKS "A.r!.;:t . oi Wor can A Wricht Quick Repair, or some oUk r tsn cuinxtc i; c. EAKI N Pai! beaxinss to every part, incladimr wheels, cniic ale .rfT bai a "U;i J li'S y COJiES Best quality tool at-ee'. caretnliy a-a;rrtt'l art- tra, !;: -'S ITjjh sraae hardened centers, rear adjustment, t E Si j t:r.i tele).: t h est . itci f nil v pro tected by patents: no cotter pins. BEACH S'lo-te.?. i.mvh !i.i! i-ebfs. vii"AK tAorTL FBUT FUEK-Indestructible: fork crt.wn nude -.iS-nsirret wai. l ASill.E Bill Reyersible and adjnstihle: eafilr f!juMd to nvpci-. oc 'jtircl: txt-'b tom fur nished if ordered. SADULE-P. & Gil.'ia;!:. or so?!i otte' '!.is:- i; e "'- 'tlji uat-trap or ruooer: run ball beartne. n:u-'.ntmeiel nickel plated. Each Bicycle complete with t -! S 4:. pnup eordinir to tires, pedals, saddles, etc. 37 to 3 poatxl. SIO Is oar Special Wholesale Price.' Never before for less. To quickly introdac- ths lywoexi Ci. ycle, 11 hare- decided to make a special conpnn offer. 1 inn? rrert reader of this paper a chance to get a nrst-cia?. vri.eol at tiit lowest price ever offered. On receipt of H5 0!' wm we will ship to anyone the aborc BiotcIc. fcnrelT c?r.ted. and rraarantee safe delirsry. 2!orer t b.1 "J -at sa represented after arrjTal and examination. W w:l ship C O. D. with priTileee of examination for s.; ;hmi jworided $5.00 is sent with order as a earante-' of evv-vl faith. A written binding warranty with er- h BicT'e. is a haace of a lifetime and yon cannot aiTor I to let to pur anitypasa. Address all ordero w , CASH BUYERS' UN50N. jso Wast Vaa Bureo Street. Bx id; CiilcAOC. ILL IIHIHUH OSBORNE and BEERING Extras and Attachments, Mowei andt Harvester Sections, Hollings worth Tiger rake teeth Harrow teeth. Exclusive agents for Osbornc'ind Deeringjcxtras. HOPKINS BROS. Albany, Or. Albany Furniture Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge for MLSSMUSINESS PORTLAND If j, i a ; 1 - n-t,t. ur um& wkmm lames 0 1 To Be Siven Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of BlackwelPs Genuine urham Tobacco You will find one coupon in side each 2-ouncc bag, and two coupons inside each 4 -ounce bag. Buyabag, read thecoupon and sec how to get your share. THIS $75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE tvtls. JOR 1. 1.-! Jan. St.'lSOo Utterv IVn'dn;? tuoit ai'l oikr. AiKt. c Csooso No. ri 03 .00 .E-T WITH oaotn pes No. S Mywfvl Bicycle... Co., Incorporated. Hearse or Services ORLGON FttENCII l..iU -..L.tAiAN liUSINLSS UUANCHUS. SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. THUSDA-y A IIG FALL,. ThelHte.-n earold girl of Mr. John Hammer and two other girls were crow inn tlie O. 0. & E. bridge thi forenoon, when the Hammer girl became, dixxv when i.ear the end of the bridge and fell through the trestle to the ground lelow, a distance of about twenty feet. Almost niiraruouely she fell fret lirst striking upright, but falling in a heap. One of her arms was broken anil she was badly injured. Or ft E. Beers was called and ret the bone and at. ended her. It is not yet known whether there were any in iernal inluries, but probably not. It is the greatest wonder in the world that the wasuol killed. Soldiers Reunion. M in a i, Or., July 1st ISM. The Marion and I.lnn Countios Veteran Aassociation will hold its 3rd annual re union at Mehania the fist week in Atl Itust, beginning Monday, the 3-il, and lasting five Javs. A good time is as sureil. ). 0. SsuraiiAV, CI) air. J. R. Kakkb, iso. . - Bihop Gross came U Irom Poitland this noon. Mrs. Itfi.aU Fos rett'rne.1 this from a trip to Ellenshurg, Wash. noon Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Chariton, of Sa lem, ar visi'in relatives in this city. Mrs. B. L. Arnold and son were in Al bany this noon, on their way from Cal ifornia to Corvatlis. A brother of Mr. Mark lrum, ha ar rived in the city from California and will remain two or three months. Kev. V. B. I-ee, of Portland, father of Pret-iden: W. H. Lee, arrived in the city this noon and w:li remaia several days. fiitor Kiser, of the Ashland Record, has gone east to attend the Chicago and St. i-ouis conventions. Rev. Wishart w-nt to Portland to.!ar to meet a fellow seminary student. He will will return Saturday. Prof Michenor. of Brownsville, will leave this month for the east toenter the Cincinnati Institute of Medicine, ami will retire from school teaching Miss Lilly Robertson, of the Tacorcs public schools, instead of spending her v teat ion in Albany as usual, is in Chi cago with her sister Miss lea. Miss Itha Cheadle who has Dee 11 teach ing a sucrefal term of school up the Santiam. hai finished, and re urned to Albany for the summer. C. S. Harnish. ot Craw for. 1 A Harnish. the photoirraphers. has arrived in Al bany with bis fami'.v from Scio. and will now make this his home. He is well poken of as a photographer. Prof. Rutherford will leave for New ork Sute next Monday, coine to his former home in the northern part of the state. He will soon enter Columbia law school in X. Y. Citv. Boy F. Gill of Scio. and P. 8 Tatnm of Portland, passed through Albany this week cn bicycles, bound lor bait Lake City and the Yellow Stone Park. They J their blanket, and will sleep out herever night overtake them. , Mr. and Mrs. A.J. flodges.of Albany. hate been vLtitiog around Wells during the past week. We understand that Jack intent: going to San Francisco to enter the dental college there. Success tovou jack. Cor. Oazette. Profs. Lee and Howland. of the colleee this week visited the school of Miss Oiiie Baltimore, at Piainview, going on their bicycles, making addrevees to the stu dents. Mis Baltimore has proven a very efficient teacher, and the closing exercises were very enleruiiniiig TheStayton correspondent of the'Sa- lem Journal esys: The sad news of the death of Mrs. 'Wheeler in Ailanr last Wednesday, after a lingering iUnesswu received here with genuine sorrow, be ing known in our town as a true, noble nd loveable lady. Mrs. Dr. Kitchens of this place was her daughter, who baa remained by her bedside through her ng illness. The deceased leaves a tins inttand a large family who were all at her bedside when she passed awav. To he grief stricken husband, family and friends, we offer our tenderestsympatby. The codlin moth werekd ed by frost. Eotb the Rosebursr Review and Plaia- dea!er have been indicted for libel. , Mr. J. P. Galbraif h has coved liu ofB e to the immigration board rooms. Miss Anna Kelaav bas purchased the tmllnery stock of Rica McUan in the hands of an assignee. The 6 re op tbe Sanliam hive been en tirely extiniruished. It did little if at v damage. At Yaqqina City. Ccpt las KiberUon bas tbe ferry in operation at d i also pre pared tocenvf bea'tb seekers into tbe deal Rock country Cor. Ex. C. F. Beit has been sppomtel poe!mat- r at Dallas, suoreiyling C. S. Grant. Mr. Be't nwicel at balem lor.g tim. ir- Kinia . Williams bas been appoiottd at independence. Rev. W. B. Lee D. D , of Portland, will preach the p eparatorj sermon in tbe f lesbtterian church toiiinbt. next ?un d y fae w i.l conduct tbe regular communion services. At that time there will be an ordination of elders and baptumut infants. Toe county court of Marion county yes effigy signed a contract witb Geo D. Barnard Jtio . of St L mis. Mo., for a set of suel and metalli; vbuII. furniture foi each the t ttices of the c-mntv c erk and re corder. Tbe ro-dract ca Is for tne pay ment of 14 35.3 for furmtu-e. They alo mdt-red a steel cabinet at wbich will be placed in tbe county recorder's office. ome our and see the bin Exa'niner haae bA'l conieft, Albany Colts v Salem Le veques. Tomorrow is the day. On bow cheat). IV; car fare. Kate ant grand stand all for 25c. How cheap for a firat doss game of bail. Mo bin.g your giils and tee Hie unn,r; brifig you motber-in-laws' all for on-j price, free and nn iuiited at a ratio of 1(5 o 1. First iar leaves at 2 o'clock, 2nd at 2:30. A KATTuatKAKE Storv. Here is the best ra'tle snake story yet told It is Irom the Eugene Register: The little six tear old daughter of Rev. Hams, who WIVUUI BUJUb IUUI ill 1 1 Wl TV Wl a er station has developed a snake killing propensity, me o'.uer day the little girl was left alone in the house for a time. She was running about with a pair of scisors in her hand. A vounir rattle snake about 12 or 14 inches lomr, glided into the house. The little tot discovered the reptile and took after bis snakeship Mr. Snake wasn't of the species to run to any great distance and so turned and took a striking attitude. Tbe child through ignorance of her danirer of course, didn't scare ; b-U on the contrary walked up to the snake and when it raieed to strike, made a lunge at it with the Bcisos and "didn't do a thing" but cut the young rattler right In too in tbe middle. The shild then sat down on the floor and commenced playing with the remains of hvr victim Shortly after a neighber lady came in, took in tbe sit uation and "nhe didn't do a thing" but faint away. Tub Rook Fell. The evergreen roof of the dancing platform on the court house square collapsed this afternoon. Two or tnree men were underneath, and were hit. by evergreens. leceiving no in juries. The accidont though caused con siderable extra work. Mr. Miles Wilkins who is pushing the sniAs-sf atf Hiiilf-ilrtrv e mAtAH linn Ivaim HlVjCvk V. uuiiuim B su vrvvrs iiuv s t VIII Waterloo, which everybody hopes will be successful, is referred to by the Cor vallis Gazette as the en twhile Corvallis street car magnate. For the best Drugs Dawson's A I'oit nd master Contest. The city council wanted a man for poiiiiduiHsier who would enforce the law in reference to stock leiiig lie.i out in the ci'y, so Mr. Ed Davidson was put in the position. Ootisiocrable complaint hav ing been made that cows were allowed to run over sidewalks, etc. Mr. Dividnun was expected to at once pih the duties of his olllce. He di I so in a very live manner, taking up lit leu u or twenty cows in a few da8, each caje costing the owner '. This 'put the poundmaater in hot water frou. the Jump off, and he re ceived many tlm-an of w hippings, etc. Last evening he met his first WaUrloo. Seeing the horse of Fred Senders staked out on the street lie took it up. Now Fred was near by watching the horte and he objected as the I oundmavter took the horse towards the pound and finally cut the rope, when Davidson, according to the vers on given the Ikmckbat, hit young Sendtrs with the end of the rope, whereupon the latter wadud into the poundninftfr and did him up in a lively manner, n I it took considerable water frqin the Kantian! towa-h the blood off Davidson. The affair was 'he talk of the town last evening. Mr. Davidson's no tion published rloewher will indicate that he will continue fo push hi new buni nvee. A warrant was issued out oi Justice Freerksen's court this afternoon for the arret of Anders on the charge of as sultand battery and relating an otlut-r, with 'he purpniieot tohling him for the grand jury if the facts justify. Tho caee will proltahly tie t iel tomorrow, but had not been el at press time. Oak villa. The wool crop is lout all harvested and some of our eople are rushing it on the market. Mr A. 8. Stone and his Wother N'eal took a trip to Southern Oregon a short time since In prospect for gold, A. S. has bren raised in the back woods and not used to railroads; they camped one night near the track and when the overland pased ho jumped up and ran after the train. He wil. have 10 keep away from the track when he is traveling or tie himself to a stake. Charles V hite aged ten, was drowned near Yaquina City on Saturday the 27lh. Hi father Wilson White was here at the time and ordeted the remains to 1 brought here and en Monday afternoon they were interred in the ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. White have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole com munity. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Bam ford will go to Yaquina this week to remain for the summer. They go for health. No picnic this week except the "4th." We leel patriotic, therefore we will cele brate at home. Jas Morgan wasat the Grangers picnic last Friday and he says it was rrattd ! Next. i-'TTLk Roa Bf. Killed ica Graim Arm.- It is es timated by some farmers who 'e been in town that the cxoetwi vely hot usys tht- latter part of last week, while somewhat detrimental to growing erain, were a cor responding benefit. Tne eratn' aphis which bas been present in great numbers on the fall sown wheat has, on tnauy Urms, aimoet entirely disappeared at a result of the hot ravs of the sun. The hot days, h iwever, piayrd havoc with the si raw berry crop ana in several gardens in the vicmitr of Corral li the fines had h life cook d ut of them Tim?). Cokb to Alsy. Corvalhs will not re'.ebrte the 4lh this year. The (iatt-tte says: Albany has engaged the ladies band The girls have been ptactictra faithfully and to their mti-c they add the I charms ot natty costumes and novelty. The O. C. A K. will tun a special train, leaving Corvallis 7 am. and going to the iront, giving all an opportunity forspend ing a pleasant day in the cool Cascade mnantaijs. Returning, the train leaves Gate, in time for the evening parade and enerinment, balloon acennon and lire wcrks at Albany. TuT Fatoeblmmi Bairt.r. Rumor! bad it yeste-.dsy that the Polk countv commit loners had determined to lake an interest in the big steed bridge con necting their bailiwick with thi city, not only in the cause of popular safety and economy,but to clearly ascertain and de- nne tne stains oi that rousty s proprie tary rigr-i and responsiUiiity in connect ion with that aerial highway, and fur ther that Marion contty's court will be asked to join in .he task of solution and taae a hand In the needed reaira. statesman. A Bicycijt Torairt. Mr. J. Harry Browp.reprraenting the Cycling West, ol Denver, was in the city today on hi way around the L. S. on a bicycle, a Hart- oro. tie lelt 1 linen-x, Arizona, on AprilST. and hence has traveled about 2200 miles. His hat was covered with bicycle badges and he was brotn from exposure. He reported rather tia! mads in Oregon. Brown was taking b;s time. and was not on any record breaking trip. Wool Pome one enU-red Mav & Ser.ders warehouse at Harrisburg Tuesday night and stole live sa ks of wool, worth about $100. One of the sacks was four.d lodged in the river yes terday morning by a hVnerman. The parties evidently were in a hurry to get away and had lost one of tbe sa-ks off the wagon. The thieves have not yet Deen discovered. My father ha taken wyral bottle Hco"'s Sarsapurilla ft r bis stomnt h ami lo purify bis blood snd cuie that tired feel ing.' C.L Iji'Vrjoy Sol-, ', Uotd'a Pi! cure all lier i 1. rofsn. ear Itaac troman r, a new- black trepe veil. The ownt-r ct i have the same by paving fortius notice and eatabliatiing ownership. Call at this of fice. Fksii Frsit. Mr. Hyde h. li.igi be Uih market on li...n lr-et, aud wit keen on hand conl inu.d v a fin a.ipuly ol a I kinds of Bfi o In secured, ."n; fine salmon aud uohbit now on ban-'. Mr. D. V. Volniar, the expert I arher, recently of calem, is no-y in tne corn'ona- tion barber tiinp tail and trv hi.n. He knows b's buainejs. To Poktlasd the 4th. A cheap excursion trip wn. ne made to t'ortiand on July 4th, from Albany, a one day af fair, iiie train win leave Albany at 7 a. nt.. after breakfast, arriving at Port' land at 10 o'clock in time for the parade, returning leave rornanu alter the mag nificent display of fireworks, about 11 o'clock, the round trip fare being only sou, considering me short time tx cup ed, being the cheapest evcursion rate onereu. Sunday Skkidk Kxcukkiomi. On Sunday, luni 2Ut, the Oregcn Ontral Eaabtin K. K. Co. will begin their popular suroay exrui:on to Xi. wport and return Train will leave Albany at 7:00 a ni . Cor villis 7:3il . in rure from Albany, Cor vallis and f'hilomatb to few port aid re turn $1 AO. Steamer leaver Newport fo return trip at 6:00 o clock p. m. EuwtNSroNE Manager. OrvalliaOr ,Jdne lth, 1896. t HAKOE oir Timk Reginninp with Monday, June 29th. the 0 C & R Co. steamer s win leave Albany at 7 a. m. in stead of 7:43 a. m. To Thk Fhont.- TheO C & K R K Co bave again placed on sale round trip tick ts to idtmha and return for $3.00. Tick Is good fo return unti' Sept. 31 th .. Tne "Pierce" I7S.00 bicycle is tbe - 1 anal of manv IC0 wheels hb for vnnr. elf. 0. W. Klkins. Agent. I Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cold Msdal Midwiatsr Fair. Ssa Francisco, Harness Collars Mi Ch ;Hpot Pli.CC to Ituy. Special nrlceit on 'whips for the next sixty days. i'OWKK A Toui ijtsos FRIDAY THAT MOTOR LINE. There ! talk that the motor project to Waterloo is falling through; but the following from the Statesman indicate that it not only is not j but is to go right through to Salem, prolmb y the way tbe Falls City and Stayt n motor lines did: Hon. Thos Kay returned from Water" loo yesterday, where he went a few days ago to attend a mam meeting of citizens oi that progressive little burg which was called for the purpose of taking tome action Uli reference to the new motor line which a Portland sy ml ica.u propose to build fiom that place to Lebanon and presumably to Salem, in the near future Tho meeting was held in Waterloo on Wednesday evening, and a great deal of enthusiasm manifested over the project Superintendent Wilklns, the prom- ter of th. road, was present and reported progress in securing subscription for the enterprise, as also the right of way from Waterloo to Ibanon. This latter is vuite an Item, and the right of way was given chee-iully by the owuers of Ui property concerned along the entire liu, with the exception of two meo, who re fused to give consent for the road to be built acroas their premises unless they coulJ dictate the direction it should take in pawing through their farms. This, however, will be arranged satisfactorily in a very short time. Mr. Kay also spoke ank argued in favor of having the road immediately built to Salem, where the river steamers landed every day ot the year, where the state capi(o) and all the public instilnt'ona were located, and from w hich place hundreds of puoule would annually come to visit the spring at Soiltville and Wati-rl to. providing they tould get there without. being forced to make he tangoing overland trip. Other gentlemen spoke in favor of the srhenie and onsiderablt money was pledged. A committee n ten gentlemen was ap pointed to aeit in helping matters along, and to have a meeting called for July 4(h, on the occasion of the celebra tion, when the matter will again br placed before the pultlic. Superintendent U ilu.-s is now on the grounn wuh In faintly, havtrg located at Lebaoon for the present, and he will at once commence the erection of a tele graph line hetween that place and Waterloo the timber for the pole being generously donated by Mr. Kay. In a short time, it is expeclei, that grading will commence on that end of th. road and, as soon as the matter is derldnl up on, the work between Lebanon ami this city will commence. iherttssens of Saiem now have an opportunity to get in and secure the one iiung neexiliil :o make alem a leading city in the true-t vn of the word, by securing this motor line. There is only one obstacle to overcome and that is the bridging of the two branches of tbe San tiam, which, of course, will be some what expensive, but outside of that the line will l very cheap. Frank Spal&ht Arrested. Several days ago five sacks of wool weretto'ttn from the warehoue ot May A S-ndert, of fiarrUborg. a fact I list was learned by a sack being found near the river, evidently having bef n lost. The matter was traced up by Mr. J.G. Senders, who found that two sacks of oci had been sold to Sternberg A C hen of this city for W by Frank Spa'ght and stored in the basement of the form ers store with other wool according to custom. I bis wool had been re-sacked before sold. The circumstance indi cating fepaights connection With the theft in the judgment of Mr. Senders, he bad him arrested. He was taken be fore Justice Freerksen and held under $ aj0 bonds for the grand jury. In de fault of the same he was placed in the county jail until the grand jury meets in October. From the fact that only two sacks were brought to Albany it is thought two persons were concerned in the rooborv, and that two sacks were taken some here else. O NII)kKABI K Or A Ml'SECM. The IlU- migration ronis are l?comiiig quite a museum, and are attracting coiii'erabb attention. In one window is a collection of Indian relics, skulls, etc. A jtw lne is so enormous that it will gooti'side the jaw ltone of cn average man. Tlie owner must have heen a seven footer. .Mor tars, arrow, Itsp'aying the tools of the red men prim itively; out gone is he now, lo the agency. One skull was found in ltd eity by a man while digging in a garden a year or two ago. A collection of birds eggs was made by an Albany b- y, who roblied nests around tbecilv It isa tine one. isitors should drop into the rooms ami tec w hat ttiey can see. SpoIiks Death. Mrs. K. L. (till.erl, resiiling near tte lyalaiaaiia bridge, was lalit-ti snddenlv ill und evening from bl'.l poisoning, aril died at 4 o clock this looming. The deceased was Itorn in Albany on May It, Is.rt snd was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Briggs. Slie altendeil school in Albany and graduated from the public schools On May 30, 1894, she was united in mar riage to Mr. Uilr-eit, She waa a young woman of excellent character and her death will be generally regretted. t uneral sirvii-es on, Sunday at ' t in at the residence of W. It. Graham. That Motor Lm. Dr. D.M.Jones and fifteen others of tiodaville have sign ed a protest and published t in the Ad vance, withdrawing their subscriptions to the Wilkins moior line, declaring that Wilkins made certain representations to them and different ones toothers. Mr. Wilkins recently waa at the head el the Corvallis street car line. The Dkmockat wants to see a motor to Waterloo; but l.uBin. tH U w hat the people want. ON BABY Gzetna Crew Worse n niter Treatment of 'Best ' Physicians. Tried . CUTICURA REMEDIES Qreat Change In Five Days aad To-davy is Kntitwly Cured. My baby bad Xesetna la Its worst form. One of the best physicians in tbe oitjr attended ber, but sbs continued to get worse all tbe time. He finally admitted be waa at his wlta' and. I then got Cutiuuba Kkkkiiiics, and la a tie day woMnsd great change to her am ditto, bhe oontlnued to Improve and as-day it enuretf eurea, nas nice neaa or nair, ana is lively ana hearty. I spent considerable money for drugs and dootor's bills, wulcb was useless. J. B. JACOBS, 9031 Wilkins ATS-, Bait., Md. spssnrCeasTniTimtT. Wnta tsalu wits eert. . etrsA Soar. estl appltaatlou of Cvtiovka lotngMSl) I t , .. .. "A S1S thmnAmt ffhs wntM. TMm. CtmrrwFMmjk BoAp.Sto.i Km VL-T km r, AQe al I L tvnsaltsuassB Crbh. Cosr Sol, Props., Btoa. as" "ilow is Can Crsrj ssia ilaatsr,' Bwllsd fns. THE 4 1 II. 47 lU is at minrixe Ktcur.-i. ni s on overland at 5:45. 8 oVIiN. El ii. .re from Corvallis. 8 o'clock ex tr'..i.t train fioin Phil omath wiiii t,di.-a Band from Corvallis 8 excursion to Gates 10 o'cliH'k, Co test. 11 o'clock, s'anier excuision from In dependence w ith Escort baud, Silver Star orchestra and visitors. Excursionists on O. C. & E. trains at noon 12:30, Japanese day fireworks. Danc ing in pavilion. 1 :30 p. m. Oration in front of the Court House by IKn. J. M. Somers, songs by Albany Male ehoru-, concert by liarrisburg and Independence bauds. Baby contest, under one year from country; under-two years from any where. Foot, bicycle and other races. 4 :30 p. ni. Return of train from Gales. 5 p. in . Tug of war. 5 :'M. Steam engine content 8 p. in. Woodmen entertainment at Opera House. 10:30 o'clock, fire works, balloon as censions, etc. tux rail 2 mile bicycle race free to watch. 1. 1.50; 2nd. nin. .60 eta. til, 1st, I mile bicycle race tree for all, 1st, pair pants. 2.50; 2nd, cyclometer, 1J50. 1 mile bicycle race for boys, fish pole, f t 50. fi mile bicyde raoe lor boy. 1st, bell, I. 25; 2nd. lock snd chain, .60 els. H mile foot race, 1st, suit ot clothe. f5 00;2nd, - 50 vard t race. loo yaro ,'o.k raoe Girls foot" race, purse, .-lO els. Boy. foot race, knife, .50 ct. Oldest lady, baud bag, 30 Ct. Iatdy co no ng farthest, silk mil, .50 eta. Best lady wal ter, chain, . Best gentleman waltier. locket, 1.23. Baby from oountiy, batter, -.S0 Baby from anywhere, ring, .74 e s. Tug of war, flO. Greased pig, $1.50. Egg race. & legged race, climbing pde. b ind-fold, barret, wheelbarrow, sack, cracker, doughnut, each $1. woooees tvTaTAixEMT at ocma uocsa. t enure by Independence orchestra. Welcome to camps by Anderson Can non. Reply by Rev. II. Gould, of Ha I'uet UV MUM Allot Lov and vantner, oi f larrialmrg. neicome to o roves by Mrs. Barnes. Reply by XT rs. Joes A, Rllooo, Dalles. iijng, "Plover Serenade," Tay trrs i ufuaro. Ilet-iutiun. Mias Ollie Ivwo, "The ttevolutionary C prising." aiusic, violin solo, by Mies Fe Independence. KeUtatino, "Jamie BolWr : Owl." by Mrs. t. Singleton. , mouth Preaenlation of rase lv Itv. of Dallas. CViiiting votes on election contest. Prreentation of badges to winners. I oooanul dance by Taylor Sisters Marriage of Mr. I. N.' Warnock and Mi Daisy Wood. Mendelierin March ' v orelxestra.. Soto. "Star Soanele.1 Kinr ' Grsae Minoette Ai.. A SIGNIFICANT THING. When the Oregon de'ewatioa to the national convention to meet in Chicago, k-ft for that city they took with them large packages of cards 3.4x5. inches, on one i le of which is a fine picture of ex-Governor Pennoyer. On tlie other s:de is the following, which the DKMoctUT publishes for the first time from an original card, and which euggveta the fact that Pen nor era name is to be poshed for at least th. position of vice presi dent, if not for president: PENSOYER OF OREGON. A democrat of Ihe Jefter soniaa schoo'. Born in the state of New York in 1831, Graduated at the Dane Law School, Harvard, in ltl. Came to Oregon in I $55, eventually engaging in the lumber business. Elected democratic goverrorin 1886 by 2500 plurality. Re-elected in 1890 by over 5000 plu rality. Elected as tbe regular democratic and populist candidate tor mayor of Pr rtland June 1st, Itm, by over 2OJ0 plurality. After being elected mayor, without previous pledge or promise, he volun tarily reduced his own salary one-half, to meet the fall iu prices an-l vaiuee re sulting from the siegls gold basis. He refused to call out the militia dar ing a threatened railroad riut. insisting thai if the company wi-uld pay iu men peace would be preserved "pay voor men. Tbe men were paid. He has always favored equality in tlie coinage and use, as standard money, of soth tlie money metal a ol the conslitn- lion, and an equali'v of protection to the wage earner as well as to trie tnanutac- turer and producer, in the adjustment of revenue taxation. He defended the clearly reserred rights of the ttttri against attempted federal executive domination, in his cel ebrated dispatch : "I will attend to my business! let th. president attend to his." Water Waste. So much water is being waste 1 that the water com pan) is compelled to give notice mat the water will be shut oft from premises where closets are allowed to run continuously, or where hose is need for irrigation without a nosxle. A charge will be made for turning the water on again. C. C. Hourg, v-l fresident On Tux Km am The ladies of the W. O. T U.will open their hall on the ton rth, for the accomodation of visitors and people from the country. They will have coflee and sandwiches for sale, and people from the country who bring their lunch with hin can lie supplied with tables and coffee. W water will also be ready for all. Lit h at This. I have 18 lots with fair house. All kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to college and city public school, to trade for residence In Albany. Look t'jia up. Good place to make money or for specu lation. G. W. Maston. - July tli Exclusion Tickets. Tickets tor the Woodmen I excursion lo the mountains on July 4th, are now on sale at the oNire of C. G. Burkhart Only a limited number will be sold in Albany. Those Intending to make the trip should secure their tickets at once. Train starts at 8:30 a. m.. and returns at 4:30 p. in. Round trip $1.00. Dccring Mowers and Hinders. Knftnn. Burrell Comnaicv have a few fif liaaaa att at m I at ial HtaftKintus new lasansl vi vnvw ova (bbs vi stitavtiiHva rm s en i a .s which they will sell at special on accjouni of retirement from For particulars apply to J. M Albany, Oregon. liarwaina. I t.7..;... ."-"' far lbs sUdaeys . ' I am 65 years old; bave had kidney disease and constipation for 25 years. Am now well used your 8. B, Headache and liver Cure cue er. Used 6 bottles si 50cen's e'Cd. JU Kolgb'. Ratledge, Or." For sale by K huy A Maaon at 5ue P-T bottle. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report T7T n lu 1 1 U 111 IX asssa 11 An&OIAlTESX PURE IOVIK MJ AKKOAI) Tolrvlo wnbi a bank. Conn lliia'nn for Brocener. A Tol:o man bas invented a fl ing machir-e A permarw-nt court borne w ill now be built a' Toledo. I-ore.m 5 and Idea diab a. ytere-k's summer garden . Fredi vegetables of .-dl kinds at Conn k Has ons See Ihe Tav'or Istera at tbe opera hnns tomonow night. , A genuine marriagt. at Ihe npra houe tomorrow night. bo- a sp-ruity at fct. Lois ragt or New goods every week. The 8t, Lou raket hae sirn mval br- gains i0 st.e, all styles. Po indma.ter Davidson says several of bis D itioes have been tore down. fue books of the sheriff of Harney couo - tj tbow a shortage of iWJ Yoo can save money by trading at St. Luis raket. Cash tells toe -t tj. . TH s a I toe beat groceries at prwvs to lt.ii 'be umes at UOod Hustons I . n i . . ... owcmxh paper esrimates teat SjU.UU a year is spent to that city f honor 1 the eaaciag p'atform will ue Mi.ate: tonight with a two or three boar dame. Xoar is yonr rban9, Fiee sittings at the Long Photo Co a . for ahor: time only Mrs VUreck taopnH h -r ice rrewro parlors and umm-r gardVe 'or b ea on 8-.rne ban son.e i.irtrd .y gios at ill A Karks, cbeaj. Ona f r every moolb in tb year. For the n it thirty days the Ni- Ball wil sell tb-tr entire stock of miilinery at TOlng tbe L:.ejr r situp L. a bate ti n 1-ouad. a Aid Mr, il) at Ni Iov 120.1. 31. v.d 4 h tbe O C. r. it. r. win set! rwn tiiu tickets ti Po tlad t $1 Goal July th A i bate to P.TUn I au i m'um ah tho 4-h leaviug r-rre Bi 7 'U . r-tumieg after brewarks at U.u II ot tbe S. P. Kaiiroad f Wy Partie dWiring to nick wild a ran do so oe the piaoe ml! ids, at Black ieg lsodiaff. tor SO tnuU a day. brvin. oing oa Joly & Tne PkMocKAT if5os si I he'p tbe eagle crm totDcirm. Tbestb of jclr Uvoe ot tbe two holida)s oa which thi office take, a rest and Micas ihe band wagon R M . Roterbon has jut returned from a trp east ward aid throw bis store wide opea with a rii optxr of fu on band and says be i awful bungrv f-ir tbickeos The Ch-.gon Peach Bitter t now tf - doord !o $o 5P per doai. bolt'c in a cae. If cash accompaoie the order. Send direct to the Matiufacnrer A atentee. H. K'at- Aomsville Or. If roe go by train to Portiaml. oa th 4th yoo wii save a good d-wl of time, one day in g'tng and enmrnr. hotel fare Ac $2 60 for the loand trip is thru very cbeap. Hob. mwl L Ltvmaa. a hinrhir r- swrfed farmer. agH a boot 60 years, re nding oe mile sooth of Woodh-re. met ith a most uufortanata accident thu moraieg. that may pros ratal la its results. wS!e be waa engaged in pickinir rfternes Oo bis farm Mr. Lynan lost his balance and fed to tb gr-tun.!. a distance of about twelve feet. From the effects of the fail Mr. Lvmai is entirely deprived of tbe m of bis lower limbs Jcuraal. The inmranrw on the residence of A. J . Aesiyn was adjured in fall. Tne reSebrated Pav Cardiff, wbt t oid with John L Sallivaa in Minieifolts ev eral years ago. we John L. stiu-k bim so l ard he iroke one nf bis arm. i in ibe city, sad he and Mr ijaina have a stand near the center of tbe celebration grounds There win be no contest of ihe e'ecticn ii Lincoln count ot tbe recent electics. This n now beyontl any doubt as tbe time for fi ing and serving notice f inch coo lest expired at 12 ol k, midalgb', o the I nigl t of fuly 1 Leader I th- V.wv... ;r u.- -.. , th following advice. See is very calm now and no time should be ket by the kovera ment engineers in removing the r k from tbe channel at the tBtrance to the bar or. Ooc tbe sea begins to run high agtin it wi:i be impossible to do anything with it until next season. The base hall game between the Albany Col's and Letequea of Sa'em began at 3 o'clock this artemooa Toe Salem bjy are solid and wirej ; but toe coits we're confident of winntbg. The A bny boys were Miller, Kleoi ruing, R.- Weatherlortl. Mc Far land, Connoway. Ltyton. Toomp- son.Cuairk, F. n therfttrd, with Goin on tbe bench as reserve pitcher ON THE CORNER. JuliusGradwohl Keeps Open Doors Early and Late. Julius Gradwohl does business now in the opera lio-tse store at i he corner of Socond and Ferry. wh re vou can find a choice stock ot standard groceries for ! sale cheap. Everything firt-f-class. Also a big variety ot" crockery ware of all kinds which ton can buy as cheap as it ' can be -ecu red anywhere. The O. F. store holding the bulk of bis goods is kept closed. Call at the corner place on business. A MAN'S A MAN. ho. .u big advantage to him to wear i well laundriod shirts and underclothing, ' The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards A 1 Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of gentlemens work. Free mending for . men besides the first class laundry work. A superior high gloss finish .to shirt collars, C'ffs, etc ' v t'ar ike Laas Elder Alaon W Steers writes from Port laud, Or: There ia no medicine for the throat and lungs that 1 can recommend to ministers, public apeaiera and singers with the confidence that I can the 8. B CughCuie." For s tie by Fa-hay -A Ma una at 50cla pev ottttte. far SjraBBla ai,d L'ver Complaint you have a printed n tee on e"e. y bottle cf Srdlo's V ital - gua'a Ier It never falU to cure, a' or sate by F.hav $ Mason It tayea Uvea ttveey Stay I Thoua nda -f ca- o t'ouHUiuptlon. A-tmna. Coughs, Colda aud Coup are arid ti'Tj day by Shi'ou's t 'ure. Music Miss Mildred Burmeater teacher of piano or organ. System tb. Mason touch and technique. Residenct Fifth street, opposite UPchuich. f. SOCIAL ASU PKKSO.NAL. Mr. Bert Wight wi l deliver a 4th of July oration at Lebanon, tomorrow. Mrs. Virginia A. Williams, recently appointed poatmiitn-es at Independence, Oregon, is the mother of Mrs. D. V. Pol ing, wife ot tbe Congregational minister of this city. Geo. W. Davis and family left today for the Pioneer quarries, where -bey will live this summer. The bouse on Nob Hill will be closed, and the family will return in tlie fall. Salem Journal. Mrs. Inex A. Filloon, guardian ot grove at the Dalles, and Mrs. Sootli-wii-k, of Salem, circle organiser for this tale, arrived . n tbe train today and are stopping at the St. CharW-s hotel. Postmaster Cha. A. Smilh returned from . Portland last Saturday. His brother-in law Jack Hrwrd of Portland accompanied him home. Lebanon Ex press. Mr. Howard is a former resi dent of Albany. Editor Johnon. of the Corval ! telle, was in ti.e cily this noon bound for Preitenbo-h after fie t, Keillor Irvine, of the Salem Sta'esmau, bonnd for the Kay. and Walter Lyon, Salem corres pondent of the On-gonian, for this city. a number of the young friends of Win i. i r. nie Kovce yesterday afternoon gave h j a genuine surprise party in honor of I nojtx yetteroay aiiernoon gave nim a genuine surprise party in honor of his l Itti lurthdar. A livj time ear hal by i be boys, and the event w ill be 'emem lered on kccoun: of the pleasant time had. C. S. Harnish left early on Toefdav morning, bag and baggage and L. now a citizen oi Ai'-eoy. Mr. liaroi.h is a first-class citiaen and oi.e 'hat Scio can not lose w it boat regret. 1 le is energetic, lhorougb-goiiig aud very industriors. snu we w in miss rim , i nt what l oar lcs is Albany's gain. t io Frees. DiscoxnsreD. "The post office de partment has diecoo'inoe.1 tbe free de livery service at Ro-eborx from and after the first of this moti today. Mr. Hern ann secured this serrice' for our eity for the hvt five years and to him tbe ciiiactis owe all the advantages and conveniences of this free delivery service. Now the people will have to name to the office to depoeit or receive their wtail. Tbe boxes at the five stations are taken down and laid aside, and we opine great will be the people's d:eappointaieot.' But there i no great ks without some pain. D op letters will bereafrer be ooe veen! w herjas under the free delivery system tliey wet e two cet.ts each " Democrat. fc-.-,,c Ticket. Predeidial Electors ED ARD Kl LLFE THB, I. M. CAROLL J. J. WHITNEY. W. W. OGLESBY. When voor sio u u i eg' n to tro-iLl you it needs kep Tot b-f(.- tt neei, is to 4ige-t tour !,. and. un it i: a it. yoe won't have any peace. Store A trunUe l very ditretng. very ott-tiaate. rrj daatrous. Maty of the most dangwoos teirin wit-t sttsp'e ind:gtioa. 1 be rea-i w tftat itw irf.ion (not-diges-ti m. nof-ooctt-hmr-B") weakens ibe sys tem and allows ;- germs lo attack it Tbe ant idol ia Sharer Lintive Curdial. trecgtbening. sourubieg. coratie It cures indiaestioa and renews streegth and btatth. It does this by strrngtbeaieg tLe rtecaeb, ty helping it to digest your food. It norUbesyoa. f-hater Digestive Or dial i made of pore nerbs.piaats aad wine, ia perfectly harmless Bed will certainly rare all genuine sfomaefc trveble- Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to 11 CO ptr bottle. BE OBSERVING. Ca.a for poiSlry at R Tnebet fresh groceriea M. Rjbertson's and prodece at Cooa & llou-a's. Liaittfii lite-it f .:ia dress made by Mrs. McLean t a sea ales Dr. G- Msxoe, pny-K'taa and sex geoa. Albeuy Or. t alis answered prompt ly ia city or country Dr. H E.andO K. Brers office, and residence in the Lost office building. Spec ial at eutioo given to diseases of women- ra arrk l a ea ii al'n aad aH breath ecqred b Snil h s Cat ib Remedy. ItHNt 50 ten's N sal injector Te. for aie by rosbay Mas. a. Ja-t across the street at Ha'ght Rro yoo raa gel what ynu want in tbe na at line, well co. with good treatment thrown ia. Some nive bacta and trvns on band. ail ssewe It. Ask your phs;cla. our druggist and our ft'en about Sbilob's Cure for con Dmptinn. 1 bey wid recommend It. For ale by Fosbay A Mason LckCctis. ners-wtd at the City Laundry, call and get rices. Sbitl waists aundeied with care at C L. Let everybodv come to the Star Bakery and get ' -e ol fteah bread for f t.oe cash. C MSTM. Gladness Comes With a bet'.er uoilerstandu'g of the transient nature of the many phya cal ills, which vanudi before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts .-ightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms ot sickness are not due to any actual dis iase, but simply to a conKtipatedeondi irm jf tho svstem, which the pleasant trunily laxative. S- Tup of Figs, prompt iy removes- That is why it Is the only remedv with millionaof families, and is everywhere esteemed e highly by all who'value trootl health. Its beneficial ?rTc-a are due to the fact, that it ia the one remedy wh:h promotes internal cleanliness witlutut del Uitating the jfjans o:i whi.-h is no a. It is therefore ,1 all important, in order to get its bene- fcial efTecta, to note when yon pur- cha, that yoa have tlie genuine artl- ele. which ia manufactured by the Call- tornia Fig Sy -ip Co. on and sold by a'.! remitalde ucaggists. If in the en.'ovment of good health, to.) the svstero la retrular. laxatives or othr reiiietltea are then not needed. It aftlietetl w th any attrtal disease, , pne may be coa--nendcd to the most tdcUlful physicians, but if in peed of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup ol tigs stands highest and Is tnost largely 4ed aud g-ives ma.ienerul satiaiaaitjoa A Foots a. 1. Csask. Mr. J. R. Ma k ey of Corval is, who has l-en engaged in making an o iwrel.ip laj.,k at But e, Montana, during the bih; winter, ia home on a short vi:t. Sii ie- citing to Montana Mr. arklet has I-... me coo iieratle or a foditali cranir. bavb.g at Una time 111 hie employ ihr.c inenj!-rs of tbe Bill fo-lliali team, aiiwmg whr at a e Benson, who coai-bed Eogerm i. at rf and Laaswtdl, foruierv wiiii ttc M iltnomahs. The team bas been pis ' ing for several ami intei.d ket ing in trainining until falf. when thy will rgain meet the Reliance t-inb, wbi h they expect 10 defeat. Mr. MaHirey a- a they have strengtheneif the Bii.fe' tea n very materially i n.x last seae-jii, at d with the splentiid orachiiig they arerv eeiving. there is every reason to idiev. that ihe coaat chonipiotisbin for 1 if 1ft will go to the Butte team. Guard. Something Good to Eat is hard to prepare unless yoc haw ' nice wife and a cracking good rxjoi stove. Now it yoo have the wif , w have the stove. Yon don't want a dispose of the wife, and we do waa to sell tbe stove. What's to pi even us from making a dicker? Cong round and we'll talk ar&ut it, Sttwabt A Sox How Co. The Best Paint in tbe world is Mat-cry', Mixed Paid and we have it ;n ail colore. Every body using it likes it. If yon watt lead and oil we have that too, an 1 also varpiidi. turpentine, brushes, etc. Stewart A Sox H iiv Co. Who Hath Woe? Who Hath Sorrow; Who Hath Much Wrath? Verily it is he that bnyetb a HigJ Grade Bicycle at a cost of $o0 ana - 10 per cent off for cash For bebob it breaketh and cafteth him inio lis dot ; yea, even into tbe mire, ant telle b into tlie f ands of the lepaii-t-r, and in tl.eend coatelh him ninj ptes of g.tid Mont Eny a "Columbia,'' It eo-ts $10l.i and is sold try tbe Stewar A Sox Hdw Co. You Can't Fish very well without a good outfit, and we would like to sell it to yoo. We have rods, nets, books, lines, reels, etc.. and the prues are lower thaw ron artaliy pay. tkwakt A Sox Hdw Co. Free Silver Is a mighty good thing, and if yon have any that yoo want to swap .r wagons or itcpiiee, just come aruone and see ne. -Ve carry the stad baker ' vehicles, tbe" very best " earth, and can make yoa good ter: Stewabt A Sox Hdw Co . Two for a Nickel is the wry we cell packets of garden eeed. and we also have garden seed in balk and grass seed of all kinds for sale cheap. Sttwast A Sox Hdw Co. Almost Anything wanted bv a fanner is kept for sa by the Stewart A Sox Hardware O Engines, separators, binders, mot " ere. rakes, plows, barrows, and al most anything else in the line of im plements or hardware. J-M- RALSTON B.MiKEIt. Maston Block, Albany, Or M'-nv to loan on farm t-1 ;ty, els mall lueia madeca perioral uenrity. I" J . connty ard school warrai ts bonght. tVaiec w as made on favorable ttrms. Fie iBiraBce 'rnt'en ia tbrre Ot the largest txni( aaw-s in tee woihl. .t lowest rates. A. Straney- Upholsterer a Repairer Hair, wool sad shoddy a ted acd made over. Farnibtre of every desa iptioa and earriages re-opbolstered ard rarxisheu. Drop w note in th-. P. O . or call at 1 street, betwaea Ferry an J Br tadlhia. A I hear. Or. - K A a?i e. , -t t , : .JL. iai C ' S" " e a J3 toad. ThePatJsligttr-r' bright the "wav. Ai! cL t KIg.G,247CcntreSur:. ImiMlilANHQQO General ajaj Kenoes Deoiiity. Weakness ot Body and Mind. Laects of trrora er KxoeBea la Old c Yoone. Robust, Ne-V Manhood fully Kestorvd. How to Lcbunre and 8trengtbea Weak. I'n devioped Portions oi Body. Absolutely nn f ai ting Home Treatment Benefits i a a day. testify from 5a 8lalea and Foreign, Countries. Send for Descriptive Book, ex. pialialina and nroofa, maikd laeadedi free. ERIE MEDICAL C3.. Buffalo, N. Y. TRACTION ENGINES. One 8 horse power Buffalo Pitts engine ' I used one season. One 10 horse pswer Buffalo Pitts en gtne, new. j I For sale cheap. H0FKIN6 Bros., ' Albany, Or. , . , I v ' IJEO E FISR t U XHS PLUMBER I Tut rooSing aad plui-wr. (he Opera hotwe. Mea t ppo!tt