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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1896)
Tha nervous aysteffl Ls weaksnsd by tha neuralgia Torture. Every nerra Is atrmrthencd In the V2ETHERF0RD & YiYATT Attorneys at law. VVill practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flinn block. , .. W.B.B.LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. BLACKBURN & SOWERS x"roE.3srE"2rs -ar m."W All legal matters will reoeive prompt at ontfon. Office, First NationsBank uilding, up stairs. a i a, lOKTAHfG HACKLKH" Attorneys at Law Albany, uregca- D B. J. Im HI 1.1, hydcUn ud itanrson. OFFICE Con srry itmM, aJbaay .OraRon. OR. G, U. CHAMBERLUl BOBIOBOFATBXST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry bt, near 3d street. ;- IRST HATI03AI BANK, or axBABT, oaxeoM rastdsnt . . . ... Flo Praatttoot - Ctahiar -- .LFUNM 8.K.TOCKO LaJiODOH ACOl S13 KEPT BObject to bck. BIOHT U.CHANOB and trt xaphis trsaat r, oM Ksw York aaa Frsadsoo. Cssca aad r -Used Ywnsf K w - saasca Bhara, b. Fuaa, Eswaas 1 . 80s. J. J- WHIISKT Attorney t i-aw, Albany. Or. QEO.W.HAKKU JUSTICE OF PEACE, a iiw loratM la the DaaocmvT atlee. earner Had and Broadalbia streets Albaay. Or. Beats aad CoUectiaaa a Specialty. sr AAS. Cosier Block Albany, Or Filling end extracting of teeth witbon pain a specialty- . e4vMMMtvvvvf Jolt and Cyclone Proof. Th.? Pathlight Tlicyw&o itde most sec tnc 1 road. The PatAlis-nt makes 1 bright the vaj. AH dealers selfit. The Place & Terry T J Mfg. Ca,247 Centre Sfc,N.Y. J Prof. A. STARK Of Will k Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic tonege. I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by tbe latest and improves methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block Albast. Okjcsos. RIPAN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine:. Cures the common every-day ills' of humanity. B3 J CI Oi fa la z Maie Mistates, M Tlej Got thing3 spelled wrong and all mix ed up display wsu, poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as itooght to be? Well, take yonr next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and . It fill Be Doiie EiiE P. S. cr-npftant). The price for do ing it will be right, too. &miley'a printing is good printing. WHILE. O The "ERIE" mechaslcallv tnc beat wheel. Fnttlert model. We are Pacific -Coast Aarenta. Blcvcle cata- lusae.nuUcd'&ee.idvta full dewrriritlon . prices, etc., aoctts 'JVAimtD. mALUM A IHCrjBATOR CO., retaluss.CsL Bbahch Houbt, J31 Mam fet., lo Aagelca. lCavei4t and Trade-Mirkuta.aMt, and all Pat-, aentb-'Axieiscoatlueted Uh fncmerz rcce J fourt irntt ia Cppoarre C . F tcnt ornee w maa we c&ji ecure patent la ie -'tu Mif n laeeei rmoteirora wtstiingtoa. -6eod nvjdel. drawioa at nhtr L. mtA Vv . W ad"ie, ii piten'aO'n r not, free ot Barn Our (ee not due t' . .j'tbureS I A PAiHicr, "How'.oObr 1 r"-aeut.' wtthl eat of ar.-ue ia the U. 3 via ueigj coauiai C.A.SfwOW&'QOJ GUI MAi ' ' f i Oee. tATTWT Ort-ce. Vji sumaioN '6 i- 12ox. H H 1 Lll pOlilUy UUaUUCfc care a Kby Stick To Itl Stick to what? Why, the bluing fact that our display of up-to-date wall papers beats everything in sight, There un t room for tbe shadow of a doubt on this mint. Wa have the DaDers to which this town should surrender its walla uneondi tiAnnUv. Onrdesicrnsarene and taste- f ul, artistic and elegant, ncn ana pieasing, There, am no fewer than 600 different pat J terns here to choose from, and every pat tern 18 Bnown in nun qusunjr i Ft Prices, 15 cents to 100 cents a roll. J. ACumming. Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR -Dealer la- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, . Tobacco, -' Sugar, Coffee. . Etc Canned Meats, Queenswar Vegetables CJgar&, Spices Tea, Etc everything that a sept in s good variety and gro eerystore. High est P1'- paid , - for- W ' ALL KINDS OF PRODBCE FOSHAY & IIASOH, Whelesale A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELlERb A LEAST. OREGON. Pore Drags and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in Ue Market. ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SEN DERS, Mgr. Ttnra'and Ml!a whraL Oat aH'l woo! at all points in the Willamette Valley and i tbe ieaaing insurance agent oi Asoaaj. la placing yonr inaoranee there are two things to be coBStderea; 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place yoor insurance with an agent who thoroughly nntersUndt bis bos iness and knows how to write a policy giving yon its full benefit.,, bavin had 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of losses. Can goarsote you I have these. requirements. erj Respectfully Tours. M. SENDERS. ALBANY Red Grown Hilling Co la now under the management of Ed ward Going, N. H. AUen.Wm. L. Vau E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. YouDg.whe are now prepared to sell the beet FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. Smiley Good printing Always one Very uickly. The Printer. ALBAHY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KWDS Cheat seed for sale or trade r ree de livery. Telephone No. 81 R. N. Morris, Mgr Cor. 2n1 and Msir. 6ts. V1ERECKS SHAVING ANDHAIRCUTHNG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Gftfo-vfct. A bead of hair or no pay. Cures 1 diseases of the scalp. Address Box (21 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honea and Bet and Pot in Of er on Short Notice. NO MORE DUST, fiOnOBESPHIlKKLIIC, riO K0HE SCRUBBING By the use of DUSTINE On your floor, When tDDlied to floor of anv Irinit An ables yon toeweep without raising duet. It is an odorless compound whichpene j trates the wood and for months keeps up a constant exudation sufficient to catch , and hold the dust. Atwatkh & Brows, Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer House, Albany, Or. Plainly Put. In the democratic party the silver men are fighting a magnificent battle. In the (ace of their own administration, in tbe f tee ol the great "money power" ol the country, in the face of naarly all tbe great newspapers that for years they have looked to for instruction, ami with many of their heretofore most trusted leaders arrayed against them, confronted by almost every disadvantage known to politics, they bave gained ground with marvelous rapidity, notu now, tn me absence of fraud of the most. outrageous character, it is practically certain that the? will dictate the platform and nam a the candidates of the National Demo cratic party. At the same time disaffection has been spreading through the republican party at a most remarkable rate. Large numbers of life-long lepubliosns are al-1 together dissatisfied with its monetary policy, and disgusted with the servile toadying to wealth that has became the characteristic of jits leaders. No matter what the democratic party may do, the success of the campaign for tbe restoration of the people's money, will depend very largely upon the St. Louis Silver Convention. That conven tion should be numerously attended and should consist tl thoroughly represen tative m so men in every way worthy of the greatest cauoe that has been pre sented in this country since the out break of tbe Civil War. The coarse to be pursued by the con vention will rest with the convention itself. Should it be satisfied with the action of the democratic convention, and choose to endorse its candidates, the endorsement should come from a body of men equal in numbers and standing to any similar body ever assembled in the United States. Should tbe democratic candidate be unacceptable, then it must be prepared to place an independ ent ticket in tbe field, that will repre sent the principle of bimetallism in the highest and best sense and at the same time command tbe respect and confl- of the people of the U. S. To win the battle the entire strength of tbe silver sentiment most be thrown to a tingle candidate. United we can win, bat diyided, we are bound to lose. National Bimetalist. - It is a source of wonder where all tbe bicycles come from. A careful examina tion of the catalogues show that there are more than 1000 different makes of bicycles on the market. At tome of these establish menu aa many as 100,000 wheels are made annually. Practically there are no patents on then machines. except on unimportant specialties, and litis an easy matter to pat a new wheel on tbe market. There is not so much difference in wheels as one is in clined to suppose. Few manufacturers nuke tbe whole machine in their own rbops, bat by far the larger number bny the parts from some maker aod simply pat tbem together, finish them, give them a name and put them on the mar ket. For litis reason a fully equipped bicycle manufactory can be put in run ning order for 55000 or 10000. Hun dreds of wheels of different make are produced, every piece of which is turned oat at the same factory that furnishes the different parte, and all that the manotactory require is good master mechanics and some ordinary finishers and workmen. Tbe bicycle is not an expensive thing to boiid. and tbe differ ence between tbe cost of the mount and 'be price it is sold for ia S3 large that tbe mannfactore of wheels has been enor mously stimulated. Bat were it not for costly salerooms, extensive advertising and large commissions to agents tbe price of the wheel would be very materially reduced to tbe purchaser. It ia esti mated that tbe present spring and sum mer at least 1,000,000 wbeele bave been sold ia this country alone, which has in volved an outlay of 150,000,000 by the wheelmen of the United State, and still the demand is nnabated and bicyslesare being marketed by the thousands every day. Chicago Newt. Tbe President bat vetoed tbe bill pen sioning ilen M. Jacobs, wbo as tbe widow of Benjamin O. West, a Msxican war veteran, received a pension from bis death to April 1861,- when she married William Jacobs. Tbe latter Laving died, a pension waa again granted her as a widow of West. The president declares it is a "wide departure from a palpably just pension the ry." He says a sol dier's widow is "pensioned only because be bas served bit country, end because through his death-bis wife lost her tup port. In other words, she becomes tbe beneficiary ot the gorerntnent because she ia a soldier's wilow.. When she marries again she displaces the memory of her soldier husband and surrenders all that belongs to ssldier widowhood and she certainly ought not on the death cf ber second husband be to altowtd to claim sbe is again soldier's widow. Believing Mr. Tongue defeated tbe McMinville Transcript says: The defeat of as able a man as Tboa II Tongue by W B Vaoderbnrg, is a surprise, even to those who placed the latter in the field. And yet it is not to be wondered at, Tbe people generally did not want Mr Tongue. Tbeyeaid no before the con vention that nominated blm and they have so raid at the polls. Transcript Las supported Mr. Tongue because he was party nominee ; but now that the fight is over it must speak the truth as to the caufte that has led to defeat. Tbe Boseburg Plalndealer, the leading republican paper of Southern Oregon sayt: Tbos U Tongue is doubtless elected to congress from the first district over Vanderbuiy, the Populist, by a very small plurality. Had Mr Hermans been nominated he would have had a ronsiog majority. The people have an eye on conventions and a knowledge of who they want to serve tbem, and will not tamely submit to any sbenanegan, by tricky politician. The small plurality of Tongue it an index to popular senti ment. Over 800 people are known to have been killed iu the United States by wind ttormt daring the last sixty days, and fully 1,000 bave been severely wounded. Of these destructive ttormt 10 bave oc- enred in Illinois, two in Missouri, two in Michigan, eight In Iowa, six iu Kan, two in Texas, two la Pennsylvania and one each in Indiana, Colorado, Kentucky, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Virginia, Ohio, and Nebraska. None in Oregon, no mt one. .- The treat Wallace shows sre billed for Baker City for June 23, and will proba bly be through the valley (0 July Tom Reed hat given it np. He had to. For Prescriptions DawHon'a, Tree Coinage Safe. A prominent man writing from Lon don says- Your entire financial difficulty is in this; You cannot maintain a sufficient balance of exports over imports to pay 300.000,000 which you require to meet (1) tbe interest on your foreign loans, (I) the enormous expenditure of you a. tour ists and residents in Kurope, (3) tbe frelshts you oav to Brltlah ships. This is a difficulty not at all confined to your community: it Is today the case of all communities. I believe that not much later the most bigoted gold monometalllst will be obliged to recogniss the disease. Since 1873 we bave so legislated to depress tbe price of silver that 800,000,000 of Asiatics are able to buy slver their silver mon eyat about half price ; these hordes of Orientals selling their product in Europe for the gold sovereign, that sovereign now sends them back, when excharged into silver, twice as many rnpeesor taels or yens or dollars as was (he ease twenty years ago; and meanwhile all the evi dence shows conclusively that the value, the purchasing power, of tbe Indian rupee, of the Chinese tael, of the Japan ese yen, of the' dollar of the Malay pen inania, la no whit reduce;. Tbia is, I believe, the burden too grievous to be borne by the industries o! competing white men, ahnough the press of the great "creditor nation," England, and equally of the great creditor state, New York, revelne in objections to this, tbe evident and rational explanation of yoai present troubles. As to whether by going to free coinage your great commnoity can maintain steady exchanges everywhere at 1 to 16 between gold and silver, lam not going , to ' dogmatise. At .Brussels I found much difference of opinion. Mr. tier man Schmidt, whose knowledge of ex change piobltms entitles bit opinion to respect, believes that you eaa. For mv own part I bave alwaya believed that Lord Aklenham then Mr. Gibbs wss right when be declared in bis -evidence before our enrrency commission in 1S36. that any "first class nation," but espec ially America, could go safely to free coin age. Mr. Gibbs Is, as you are aware, one of 00 r "merchant princes,' a man whose whole lift has been spent in trad log with every part of the world, and to whom exchange complication are as fa miliar at the points of the compass to a mariner. Who it in a position to ridi cule tneb an authority as this? The monks of the Middle Art divided the kin into 15 dirlinct and sepira'e or ders. 1. The decoroai or modest kits. S. The diplomatic or kiss of policy. 3. Tbe Spring kiss, to ascertain if a woman has drank wine. 4. Tbe slavs kits. 5. Tha kiss infamous -a eh arch pen ance. 6. The slipper kis, practiced toward tyrants. 7. The judicial kits. 8. Tbe feudal kite. 9. The re'igious kiss (kissing the cross) 10. Tbe academical kiss (on joiniog a solemn brotherhood). 11. Tbe hand kise. 12. Tbe Judas kies. 13, Tbe medical kiss, for the purp-He of healing some sickness. -14. Tbe kiss of etiquette. 15. Tbe kise of love tbe only real tisa Philadelphia Inquirer. The DKnocaar will help let the tbe Korthwest world know about Albany institutions. We bave received clippings from articles from this paper about tbe Albany Creamery all the way from Idaho into California, and a Chicago paper re cently mentioned the creamery. Those things count and it is the local papers that do the business. The laundering of republican tiogerie gee on. with both Piatt and Mil'er np to their el baws in the suds. A little later tbe neoole will do their house rltai.ioir. -1'banyArgw. Mr.Qjinn wis eTI dent'y badly needed Deck Eat. A good deal it being said about bo laughs last. Well, if Mr. Tongue wants to laugh over a victory where bis own county went back on him, be is welcome to do s. It re net be tort f an htsna at. fair, tbongb. 23,000,0X1 worth of American proper ty bas already been destroyed by tie Cuban war. Aren't we ent tied to gel excited. "His words went np, his thoughts re mained below, words without thought never to Heaven go." A man's profes sions tnus- bs followed up by good works sod honest Healings Tbe Albany college is doing excellent work. It should be placed in a condi tion to do better work by a more liberal Soaocial backing: Give it a reasonable endowmeot and things would hum al the end ol Br Mulalbin street. Albany will have the best streets ol any city in Oregon if the present policy is continued. Keep rounding them np in the middle from end to end, side to side of tbe city with good gravel, and wtll made gutters. We bave the propo sition by the horns. The public likes to be bilked, if one may judge from the way they patronise huuibuga and fake concerns that past along. Albany it a good deal of a chair town. Nearly thirty men are employed in this city making chairs, which are sent all over the North we t. A man from near Balem Is taid to bave spent a week at Silets recently end the result was that the 10d Indiar, voters there voted solidly for Tongue. Small fry pugilists are allowed to fight wherever they please, bnt when Corbett maket a contett tht public ariaet and howls. Consistency is what is wanted. The populists will meet ia Salem to morrow to protest against tbe de eat cf Vsnderburg. It will be useless togo behind the returns. The result will not be chaoged. Several valley papers are publishing ouud money plates sent out bv a New York Wail street sycdicate. Now isn't that significant. Kegardless of Toneue't election this district'! vote was decidedly free silver. The pikers of tbe msn wbo doesn't try to pay his debts ayaiteth not. Silttz Indians cannot can vote, but worn j II lares Uvea KvsrjtDay ) thousands of c-e of ea.fli of l' v. Asthma, Couifbs. Colds and Co m . uiel evtry day by Shdoh's Cure. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Oar Pioneers. The knowinar Incompetent voters. i How to be conspicuous. The weather all rlglit. During tbe past wevk tha Linncoanty have been celebrating lie event at Brownsville, as is their annual cusiona. It brings them together in good fellowship, not riotously but peace fully, with warm hearts for each other. A pioneer it any one who came to Ore gon previous to the admission of the siaie on rebiuary 14, 1868. He was the man who built up this commonwealth into a comely state, and this county into a pleasant spot. Here where no cyclone ever sweeps along, and only 45 inches of waterfalls annually, he has spent at least 37 years of his life, and now he deserves all the good words that may be said about him . The pioneers are slow ly passing away and the items headed "Another rionrtr Gone" are common : but they have done their work and earn ed rest and relitf from the burdens of life The graduation season is upon ns. dan tbeleettnnoatenia ijoslt is done theb:t ter tor tbe graduate. We make that re mark at once, believing experience proves it. Yet the rightly conducted graduating program is one that speaks for the alma mater aod offers features not obtained in any other entertainment. "There's a feeling" among oMer people that brings up memories dear to every heart and the sight of the neatly drreaed senior surrounded by flowers after flow ery disertations is one that no one wishes to dispense wiib. After a'.l we never graduate. lostead. the older we get the fees we feel that we know. Approximat ely twenty-one ia the great knowing age in ones life. We ate confident our mother knows Un timet at much at a Sileti Indian about our goernment. Sbe has studied political history and formed an opinion on nearly every event that transpires. While it is doubtful if bait a doxsn out of 106 Silets Indians can write their names even oor mother can not only write but spell correctly nearly every commonly need word in the dictionary, in fact we have never seen a mis pelted word writ ten by her. and yet tbe SfeU Indian owning property in severalty noder a law aow ia existence is allowed to vote and she is not. Whatever ones pretodicet there is no justice in that, Is there? One way to become conspicuous this Saturday night it to announce yourself at a candidate for president. You may not get at many voles as Tom Reed bnt yoa can get the notoriety We are g'ad to be able to chronicle t'ist tbe weatber of the past week bas been unanimously v jted U factory to everybody. Washington Letter. Fnaat aar ifar Ootiii 1 ihUiil. Wasbucotox, Jane th. ISS. President Cleveland reversed the usual order of things doriog the clot ins boors of the session of congress, when it is customary to bury questionable jobs in appropriation bills with tbe hope that they will be allowed to become las in order to avoid the inconvenience that might arise from tht veto of an appro priation bill, by vetoing tbe general de fictenev bill, b.caue it appropriated more than a ai la jn dollars lor the old eat job of tbem a'l, ths French spolia tion elai ns, and aaotber tmtller jib ia the shape of aa appropriation of not quite 1175.001 U piy a claim tor a bat tery furnifhed the government daring the late war and for which the govern ment holds a receipt in ful'. Even the republican hoase aim td that the president was right by voting t ansta'-a the veto and then pae-iag tbe deficiency bill again without those imt. 1Mb of tbow jobs were put in be bil by the Senate, but, of coat :, the bouse became partly responsible for them when it failed to insitt upon Iiaviog them struck out. Iu view ol the record of the French spoliation claim it seems strange that any Senator or Representative can be found willing to vote for tbeir payrueot. For nearly one hundred vears tbey have been before congress, an 1 only twice be fore this bas congress parsed a b'.ll ap propriating money to par them, and 00 bill was vetoed br President Pierce; tbe other appropriation was smogg'ed throogh in a general deficiency bill on March 3, 1391, and t e money was divld ed np among tbe c'aimaota. Repreeen. alive Pavne, of N. Y.," ooi CitreJ Speaker ft-ed while temporarily reeiding over the bouse, when therepub llrao majority was engaged in unseating democrats and giving their plaeea to populists an l lepublicans, not because they needed the vote, but becauee o( the effect they hope such action mav bave in the coming congressional election Reed's counting a quorum has long ceased to attract any attention, bat Payne actually declared a quorum pres ent when members enough were not in the house to make a quorr.m, and when Representative Bailey, ol Texas, ap pealed from the decision he refused to entertain the appeal, and declared the motion that Martin, a populist who had been indorsed Ly the republicans, was entitled to the seat occupied by Lockbart, of the seventh N. C. diatrict. The dem ocrats had purposely left the chamber to break a quorum when Payne made this outrageous decision and there was no quorum on tbe floor, only 1 13 votes being cast. Mr. Payne also made use of hit arbitrary power as acting speaker of the bouse to protect Groaverror, of 0., from tbe burning words of McMillio, of Tenn. which he bad provoked by his conduct In the contested election cases. After turning ihe republicans side of tbe house into a howling mob, In order to drown democratic protest against the railroad ing of contested election cases, Grosvenor tried to taunt McMil'in by asking him to guarantee a quorum. Quick at a flash McMiHin replied: ' I think that when there II any dirty work to be done in a contested election case in this con gress, I might guarantee that the gentle man from Ohio would furnish a quorum." This raised a mighty democratic about. Later Payne ordered that McMiliin's reply bus' ruck out of the record, but that doesn't affect its truthfulness. - Andrew Carnegie tayt tha ship of ttate it in danger if we do not deper d upon a tingle gold standard rudder. Ot course Carnegie believea that way, he it a millionaire and be wanta more. The commtn people are the ones who want gold and silver oet her, on equal terms. , Albany's publie schools are in the best osndition tu their history. Tbey bave bun splendidly organised and the stand aid luureassd two grades under tbe etQ- client superintendency of Prof Ty ree. The ! . 1.1 . s . a. ... 1 1 a 1 atanuaiu vi lesviiin mvuiu us icp bd. aad they should be employed for their fllclency only. MISFMS . A Ben on county farmer says he give $300 for a horse that will chase cycles. will bi- Tbere hasn't been any ratifying over Tongues victory yet. What's the matter. Why not shoot an anvil and make a l.ttle noise? Tbe Salem Journal wants Dr. Cusick tu run his bank with nothing but eold for a month. That is as reasonable as to propose to run it with nothing but silver. Lincoln county gave Hermann 192 plurality. With the help of lOttatraight auui jntiinn votes it gave longue only 10 piuraiuy, a lact tnut speaks volumes. The Salem Statesman has sued Marshal Pilly for 30 cunts due On tha Htatexman. The case is a lest one. as Marshal Ltiliey is an honorable man and pays his debt. One J. W. MctCinney claims the right to tbe Statesman's subscriptions and tbe paper proposes to find out as the money is necessary these dsys in the newspaper business. It is reported that one of the boys in preparatory department ol the univer sity was found crying a few days ago, because, as he said, lie could not return to sihool next year. When asked why. he replied : "I don't want to beionir to the class of 00." Guard. KieHer. the wife-murderer U costing the county of Josephine :9 a week and there is no telling when me expense will stop, as the defense eeenis to have gotten tired immediately after moving (or the appeal and the supreme court is in no hurry to take the case tip without the manuscript. A young man named Mc Mhon is now employed as carve at a salary of SM per week and Fiester's board costs 5 besides. Dotes of mor phine are adniinisWred nightly and a j tn-weeklydoeeof salts is prescribed by , the physician. Grants Pass Courier. The old-timer aavs the cirrim t.nla v ia a very good show, but nothing like nhat they used to see in Oregon twentv or thirty years ago. "In them dare a cir cus was tbe biggvet thing on earth. We couidn t bold a slate lair at bait-m aod get a crowd without a circus. Money waa plenty, and there were not so many ways to spend it. S e bad no stale milit:a, bnt all were safe and bappv People packed np and camped ria-ht along with the circus a week at a time. and 'tended the show twice a dav, be side taking id the aide shows and lemo nade stands, between limes. Talk about spending money tort eastern iramivrra taon and bring people to Salem I What we want 10 make fcalem a live tows, t to hire a circus to stay here ail the time." And the old-timer aighed hard. Salem Journal, Mayor-elect Pennoyer bas written to a Salem friend: "If the policy 1 advocated bad been adopted, and Yan'derburg had witbdrasrn from the field ben tbe dem ocrats offered to Will off Myers, and Judge Waldo made the congressional nominee, be would have bad such a maj ority over Tongue that be coold not have been counted cot. o other is to blame for the election of Tongne than the pop ulists themselves." Keep your lawn green this summer. IVmj t allow it to dry up and die like Al baoy and some other at our fair neigh boring ciuet. Lugeoe Guard. A easel of a kettle calling snow black. Albany hat chair lactones, a creamery, tag nour mill, occeseful woolen emit, several railroads, competing steamers, big mining prospects, while 1'ngeae bas a State L'oiversity run br the people of Oregon. Better ooi throw any more Five men voted Monday in West Hood River precinct who were voters before 18W. W. L. Adams. G. W. Backus. W. G. Eastman aod J. K. Stranahan voted forUeneral Wm. II. Harrison in 1 SW.and D. D. Rogers voted tor Van Buren in l:v!o an i aeain ia ls0, J. K. Stranahan vot for Henar Clay in ISiS. Glacier. Silets precinct, Lincoln county, voted solidly, 149 vnes for Toledo for the county seat. It this were thrown out it would elect West Yaquina, hence there it talk of contestune it on that ground, which wouid alto afl rt the vote on con greman It is reported that a contest hat already been begun to throw out a like vote cat by some Umatilla Indians. "The Hon. Cyclone Davis rales the world of intellect no loager, or exert bus a divided svar. A new s:r, and one of superior tnsaito!e,now glitte-e trom the popniist nrinament. Col. Tube Scruth- ins is now the first bnlwark and orna ment of Texas populim. AsCimabue gave way to Giotto, so Cyclone Ihtvis gives way to Tobe Scrutcbins." X. Y. un. Weal Bastesl ftramea St. Lorn, June 10. That the color line has beea drsn by some of the hotels of this city, I bo re can be no longer aay doubt. The St James hotel today opealv refined to entertain neyro deles'.-, and canceled a $6000 contract it bad made for feeding sod bousing the odegatei. snaXiS . ? C3K. tare ir icuso, r a iocAr (t,it rv. 1 Fa: J. Cuexkv makes cath ths tie la Oks tentos partaerof lb firm nt y.J. CnKrr doing- 6asijB ia Ua "ty of Tvik, CVantr and Mala alomald. aad that said 6rj will sat U sum ot ONB HVNOKKD DOlXAKS lot sacsi aod CTCry case of Caiarra that can not bs cured by to as ot Hsu's Curaaait Craa. FRAXK J. CHESBT. Shears to before ne and sabsentod afl Trs yiusausa, tbia- day ot Decern tw, VD. ss, Isubl , J A. W. GLKAWIX. ' - ' ' AoMnrvsue. BaTJ'a Catarrh Cots ts taken Internal? snd acta directly oatbo blood aad macros anrtaaasot tbe system. Head for test imanials, free. F. J. CHENEY s CO., Toledo, f W Sold by DrogsUU TSa. ON THE CORNER. Juliu Grnd wohl Keeps Open Doors Early and Late. Julius Gradwohl does business now in the opera house store at the corner of Second and Ferry, whs re you can find a choice stock of standard groceries for tale cheap. Everything first-class, also a big variety of crockery ware of all kinds which yon can buy as cheap as it can .be secured anywhere. Tbe O.K. store holding the bulk ot his goods it kept closed. Call at the corner place on business. Bicycle Accidents. The Preferred Accident Insurance Co., of New York, insures aaatnat accidenta of all and every description, and especially from riding bicycles or ball playing, yachting, fishing, gunning, or other sports and athletic exercises. The rates are much lower than other accident companies. Double benefits paid if accident c curt while traveling on a public convey ance propelled by steam, electricity or UIO. Foe full particulars, rates, and appll cations call on C. O. Hi rkhaht, Agent. BORN CROWDER. In Albany, Friday morn ing, June 12, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Crowder, a boy. All doing well. Wo Gripe When you take Hood's rills. Tbe big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not tn It with Hood's. Easy to take and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's rills, which are up to date In every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists, sse, C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Tbe ouly rills to take with Uood't Saraaparilta. Pills TELEGRAPHIC. Can letted ftetO St. Louis. June 12 Up to 11 o'clock tonight the republican national committee had taken action upou contests involving 96 seats for the forthcoming national con vention. Ieavine70 still to be Daaxed nnon Of these 96, 36 were din posed of today. these ou incioae the contests cmttiedele gates-at-large from Deleware, Louisiana arid Arizona, and district delegates trom Virginia, MiiHippi and Louisiana. Tbere wa special iuteiest in the contest from Delaware between tbe Addicks acd Higgins factions. Xadaaal OMrera. B?vru. June 12. A mee'insr of ladv delegates to the Ancient Order of LTuited Workmen supreme lodge, which opens Tuedny, waabe'd today, and a superior louge ot 1 ne uegree or Honor was organ ized, with these cHicto: Part supreme chief of honon. Mrs A Kinsley, of Uelea, Men.; supreme lady of honor, Mrs Mary J Stewart, of (San Francisco; snpreme war den. Mrs Kate J Yound, of Portland, Or. Delegates were present from every state in the Union. latfepeadeaee. Waa. Indwrxdexck, Or , June 12. Yester day the Orions, of Vancouver, dtfeated the Independence At hietic dob teum bv of lb to 7 Today the Oricns were defeat ed in a bot!y contected game, the score be ing 15 to 17. Bir, of the. Orions, was knocked out of the box in re fifth inning; and Manager IfloM substituted Kiggens. who did not fare much better, hedaian pitched a rood ram for Infljrn.k.nM J Ibis was the Orion's 61st defeat. Tomor 'ow a will be the dectJing ganeof th series between the two clubs. ail ike Saasc a a; war. r. Lotia. June 12 A most important conference wa held in Senator Qiay's rooms tonight, at which SenaTor Quay, lion si ark 11 anna. Mr fLihn, niijnaJ commitbiuiia from Onio; Mr llobert, of New Jersey; Hon Samuel Feeoden, of Connecticut, and Vt i.liam Andrews were present, and at which it w.s practically arranged thatOjay should retire from the contest lor the presidency. ft Maa Be Slabs. St. Locis. jane It is generally be lieved tonight that the declaration ia favor of the gold standard in the republican plat form will be very emphatic and unequivo cal. Wbentbemen from theeaxl reach t Lmiis, they will find that the close friend o; Major McKieley are readr to of fer Ibem a fijaacial plank that they can agree upon aii'hoat hesitancy. Several drafts of a pla form bave been prepared, and it is now believed that a form ha been secured which will be satisfactory. NsiIICmi. Wash ixotox. June 12. The treasury today lost $2,131.4M in gold coin and ia bar, making a total for the day of e2.1?6 O0. 1 his tee true anvnot ot tbe gotd reserve at flu4.rv.754 Of to day 'a withdrawals, t.W.Oaj was for ex port. H rtr. St. Lous, Jane 11. There are hun dreds of forms of financial ptaek for the repuUKaa national platform at JJcKinley headquarters in it. L00U, and ia tbe bands f f McKioley's friends, wbo will largely determine what tbe p'atform shall tie Tbe more the matter u considered, tbe mere it appear that the national p'atform will conform closely to that of the ladiana coovequoo. witaaii reference to a ratio stricken out. Tbe Indiana platform de cures against tbe fiv aci Qirimitfd coin- ae ot silver at "a ratio of 16 to 1." It proposes to cut or? be sentence oaoted and i" ito straight declaration agaitut free coinage. The rukiag aUsjattaat. Astow. Or.. Jose 11. PraciWlhr libUe change has takea p ace in the saimoa ashing aittutioa txU 1- I here is a renort current thai the tidsertsen of the Scandina vian tannery, which is not a combine eow- orrn. aad srhicH offered its nsea tbe price of 5 ceot. as demanded by tuem yesterday. wui go out and Bft. despite the ruling cf the r ubermenB Uaioa that tbey should not do to until ail of theeaoeerTmen agreed to pay 5 cecu. I'lil-roni-i, lane II. At a special meet ing I fx executive council UxLiy decided to release John Fay ilammoed. Cecil Rhodes, George Faerar and J W Leonard, tbe leaders of tie Johaacebcrg reform committee, upon payment of a fine of 25 0 0 earii. or. ia default. 15 yarV banish ment. The reformers have paid tielr fines. The aWXatffcJax Saaceta. Wamusgto. June 11 Vice-Preident Stevens brcamht the session of tbe ea!e to a fin, close at 4 o'clock today, after a brief valedictory expressing hi thkrks to sena tors for tbeir courtesies to him through the section, fbe ckuiBg ceae was not of a dramatic order. Lot w marted by placid serenity ctarc!ri-!ic of ti u4?cr branch of cocgrw. The rsaai sesioa cf ifce hc-ue was devoid ef public io!vt. To appropriation biUs had beea pasted, and tbe bouse simply waited for the end to come - A camber ot member arere made cappy by the passage ot sorae total btiis of interest t tLeir dis tricts. sua Sfyesariatlasis. Wasnixc.Tox, June II. Chainaia Caa nou, t,f the bouse appropriatioas commit tee, aad Carres of Texas woo i at the bead of tbe minority of toe committee, re preparing eUborate statement of the ap propriations this region, which will be given to the prwss tomorrow. TiiC actual approprU'.ion (inclusive of future tiaUtli Ilea contained in contracts aotbortaedi will reach a grand toUl of olo,Tia,Si J. lery lw aaala. WAsniNOTost. June 11. Today's staie- cent ot tbe coaluton of tbe treasury bOs: Availahle cash ba auce I2S.S92..V4 Gold reserre , 1C'.31W,S98 Texas ais-'e. Bhtax. Tex . June 10 A mob cf 300 came o tbe to a Ute tonight and look oot of jail Loui V hiirhead and Geccce L Jotmson. who attempted to rspe Lr Wil oa's duhter. t bey elso took out Jim RedJick, wbo bad beea sentenced to hang for rape, but whose case bad beea reversed by the court of appeals. Tbey took the victims three miles from towa. where a big ore naa oeen oum. ite wooos were pick eted and newspaper men were not allowed to go to Uie scene. Men could be seen pil ing fagots on the fire. It is not known whether tbey were burned, but a maa ia from the tcene at miduight siya ai three wereoangea. Ill tr bell Stalesaaas. VASiitsoTO). lune 10 - At the opening 01 iue kmio louay, .uitcieil 01 vregoa made a statement as to the accent ty oi action on the resolution looking to reor iraniration of the Northern larifi, tie said the road was about to he sold, after ahich it would pas out of the control of me leuerai government and be subject to the laws of Wisconsin. 1: was defeated upon vote liulrd by a tlarse. Mosmocth. Or . June 10. Th ft-vA-. old soon of James Tethrow was killed bv tbe kick of a vicious bono Monday even ing. He was struck on the forehead and his skull fractured. Ue onlv snnk after receiving the blow, saying to his orotner, "lou loid me not to go behind that horse; didn't joulf" KsttraddUag Waaird. St. Lorrs, June 10. A careful analysis ot the situation seems to indicate that a straddle of tbe financial question wilt not be popular. A straddle to hold the silver states, the leaders sav, would loee New York, New J enter and Connecticut in nut i of a gold democrat in the field. 1 he silver men claim tnat no straddle the republican couid auopt wouiu noid uo'orado and suth states against tbe nominee of democrats and republicans on a silver platform . It is declared that the only logical and candid way is to condemn fwxjinage and declaie in an unmistakable way for the present standard. A rretMrnt's Saa. Richmond, Va., June 10. 0 F Trier, a son of 1'residcnt Tyler, is a prisoner in tbe poaee court, cnargeu with shooting with intent to kill Jack Carr, a young negro. ; Tyler ia a dairyman residing near the city. He went to the asitance of another person. , whogotiotoa dithculty with Out, and says the shooting waa in selfdefense. Tbe accused was seut to Ihe grand jury and sl owed bail. warmer. Tlie eath;r, lonight aal Sunday fair and River S. 4 I ,., ... . r M tench, Lisp'ajnian, - - -." . Best Quality! Largest Lowest ca Oar Climate. Occasionally we bear pec pie complain ot our rainy w earner, and one some- timet would think to bear tome talk that we had nothing else bat rain and mnd here. This is a long ways from the fact. Fig area speak aad tiier speak well for this part of tbe world. Tbe average number of clear lave in Linn county ia 118, partiy cloudy iOS. a total 0 2il fine days; cloudy 143; tboee on which M inch or more of rain fails 119. That is, we have 346 dart in a year with practically no rain. This i a the average fir a good many years and is the fact and not an iaopressjou received after a siege of wet days. Oar average rainfall is 44.94 inches and we neeH that mnch. Any country does. 11 it doesn't get it 1 k out for crop fail area every three or fur years. In comparison" with the & fores given it rsina on 127 dars at X. Y. City, on 134 at Boston, 165 at Roches t:r. S. Y 14S at Detroit. Some of the p aces where it rains lew are Los A neelee with only 43 days tn the year, Sacra mento, 6-; Denver. St. Our average temperature ia 52. Tbe lowest it riven as 1 and bigheat 103. Tbe mean temper ature 01 jtntooio, texaa is 68, ot Ltoe Angeles 63, of Sacramento 60. The st erage yearly sunshine in England, ac cording to a recent work by ir. Van Beobier on meteorology and hvgiene, is 1 hours; in German--, 1700; in Italy, 3300. aod in Spain. 3-jOO. London av erages 23 hours of sunshine oot of a pos sible 100, and Madrid 60. So we will see that Linn county ia pretty well sit uated in the matter of climate, when the actual figure are given. Took Wkll. A fair sired bouse greeted the Albany Sextette at rbe Auditorium last Thursday evening in tbeir admirable presentation of tbeir comic and classical eelectiooe. The entertainment was of the Terr highest order and each somber brought forth meritorious applause. The vocal solo of Miss Alderson was very fine and waa well received by tbe audience as was also her piano solo. Tbe sextette plainly showed tbeir musical ability by tbeir excellent rendition oi a number of classical and popular son??. All in all the concert was a fine rendition of high clafa singing, ech participant possess ing a very fine voice which harmonises well with the other. Independence En terprise. Xrxos Discharged. As was noted by tbe Review, in a recent issue in regard to tome San i rancisco commission deal ers making an effort to fleece Mr. J. F. Nixon of this place out of a considerable sum of money and upon failure so to do, caused bis a-Test, and he was held in heavy bonds to appear before tha grand jury of Lane Co. This week the case came before that grand jury, with these commission men as prosecuting witness es. Tbe facta in the case were brought out with the result of exonerating Mr. Nixon and leaving his character, aa a straight forward business man, without a b.emtsh. Uhdethie case haa been very expensive and annoying to Mr. Nixon, it will be of unlimited twnotit to Oregon dealers as an object lesson, for future ouMnesa ana no doubt will be uteded. Harris brirg Review Alter meats you soould have aucplv a feeling; of tomfort and satt.'action . Voa shoold not feel any special indications that duresiion is fir. on. it ou do yoa have indigestion, which means not-digestton. This may pe tbe uf so saaav dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it ia band at oace aod tret it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that in digestion makes poison, which causes pais and sickness. Aad that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps ditestion and cures indigee tion. Sbaser Digestive Cordial does this by providing tbe digestive materials ia which the sick stomach ia srantnio-- Is alan toes up and strenirthens the digestive or- tw "ou nuutes toeos pertectly neaithy. this is tbe rationale of iu method of cure. as ine doctors . would say SoM by dror- n. . ,., . . A. JU. .... ..sis, nue iu cents to el.uu per Dot tie. O. C. & E. ExiTssioss. Bewinnina C.H.l.M I .1.1 . .O .-uiiuav, .urny oiai, ana on eacn tucceea ing Sunday, round trip tickets will be aom at one way tare between all landings south of Oregon City aod meeting ro.;nt of tteamere, wnera Dasseneera will h transferred to the opposite steamer for return trip. For convenience of parties wishing to avail themselves ot tbia at. ceuent opportunity for a day's outing on wni.a u. uie n uiauieite river, ooats win leave uorvaiiia. Aibanv and Salem an nour later tnan on week dart. J. C. Mayo, Sup't River Div. Lojk at This. 1 have 43 lota with fair houso. Alt kinds of fruit, all in one body, closato couejr ana city puonc school, to trade tor reeiiece in Albany, look tbia up. Good place to make money or for specu lail.M. IS .tsar - j. v . .nosion. Karia ClevrVaVTea is a sure cure for headache and net von menses iomnjr relieves so qnick For sle by Foshay k Masoa. TbalUsat VSaassea t,onsupaton, cansea more than half Uw w w women, narrs Clover Kxt Tea it a pleasant cure for const Ration. For sal by Foshay k Mason. A iaet Waeth aVaawlar. Consvoiption. LtQrippe, Pneumonia f Thro d ting diseases are core bv Villa ia Our.-. Vr .!. ifi... Mason. iKilinl SnaillM Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the b'ood arm gives a clear and beautiful comp'ezina For sale by Foshay and Mason, 1 . . , a one nne ot itacy uarnagesjust re- ceived at Fort miller & Irviag't. 5ze! Price! A sot hi k Tie, In Coot county the democratic and populist candidate tor the iegtelatore are tied for representative. each receiving 79 vote, while the . nilhlirca nstlvmti SA4 In rvnl t pablkaB received 564. In regard to the VW . ta -je"- saM V matter the Coot Bay News says: W.-th regard to the tie between Back man and Bennett for the legielatare, Mr. Bock man bas expressed a determination to . ' contest the rotes, if certain repreeesta- tiona which be ears bave been made to him are correct, or look reasonable, and , at J. W. it not willing to except tbe rep- reeentativeehip on any technical advan tage to be derived by a contest, tbere is only one coarse opened so far aa be it concerned, aod that will be to run it over. Tte News is quite confident that there is but one way to settle the maxtrr. -and that is by another race, as it is eon- ; t em plated l section 3o5S, pace 11S4, Hiilt Code, Oregon Laws." Important Changes. Beginniaz Jane 8 the O. C. & E. ;" J will run iu freight train in addition to a first class passenger, instead of tbe mixed train son for several months. The -paeeenger will leave Yaquina at 7 a. m., arrive at Albany at 11:40; . leave Albany at 1 p. in. and ar rive at the Bay at 5:40 p m. A mixed train will leave I Jan ha at 6:15 and ar- rive at Albany at 11 :Q5 a. m. It will re- I turn tearing Albany at 1 :20 p. m. ar riving at Idanba at 5:5Q p. m. the freight will leave Albany Mondays, Wed-f needays and Fridays at 7 a. as. amvine at tbe .bay at 4 :TU p. tn. returning sk Tuesday. ThursdaTs and Saturdays, leaving Ya-iuina at 7 dO a. tn. aw riving at Albany at 4 :0-5 p. m. Me libers of the United Artixans bsv received notice aa follows: w, tk pleasure iu tuf jrming yoa that tbe Uni-f. ted Artsuis will bave ao asjesameat fori the mouth ot June. This makes aine-aV teen consecutive months without an at -. set meat. We now bave about twenty- one hundred members, and about $?. AA . -1 . - vjf ib .19 reserve tana. 30 atoer bu- eirsy w claim such a record. Uo tt Ucpair because you tave tried rlskt a r.A Kav f . eceive leoefit. Keraembcr that Hood's" Sarsaparilia cures wbta all others fail tol do any goed ahatever. J flood's Piils are the best family c- thartic aad liver mediciae. Harmless, renaue, sure. Cure For Crippled Children. The National Surgical Institute. VoJ S19 BushSt San Francisco, anccessfuM 1 v treats all nwa of nrth.-il - I one or more surgeons Ot tnit instituted will beat the Kevere House, Albaay Tuesday, June 9th., to examae cases. 1 The tuccect of the Institute in treat in? all cases of curvature of the spine, disea ses of the hip and koe joiota, club feetX crooked litaba and bodily deiormaties as well as pike, fistula, nasal catarrh and . .v umwq r umub rvr uic r stitute a national reputation. Write for circular. References may be bad to: Jno. A. Shaw, Mill Cilv; Jno. Meier, OrabTree: V. A. Cox. Albany; J. S. Morris, Soto; Jude T. L. itavidson, Salem, an 1 hundreds of others ClubrMnsj Offer." Tbe Weekly DKnocaay and Weekly Examiner will be tent to subscribers for $iX5 a year. Tbia includes all tbe prir ileeee oi the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent tbe reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Pexocsut and thrice a week N. Y. World, $2,00 a year. Subscribers to laiy paying in adv ice will recei- all tbe advantages of either proposttion. New Bicycle Seat. The latent and best thing in a bleycte seat ia the automatic Being divided through the center and ad jus table to tb rider it is the moet comfortable and . , . . , , - i too oniy aoeoiuteiy saie oicvcie r. Lsneciallv rood seat for ladies. It 1H beine introduced bv J B. Marks wbd will be pleased to "have you try The Automatic rare rasiav. "Mr three children areH subject ts crouo: I leleiranhed to San Francisco, ton o a bait dozen bottiesots u louiib vre . , . . j . . . ...... rt t 1 It is a perfect remedy. God bless you for it. lours, etc J.H. doner. Grants Pass, or." For sa'e by FoUiay Mason at .lcprfctt!e. raettw.kaaaa Elder Ala W. Steers writes from Port land, Or: There is no medicine for the throat and luncs that I can recommend to ministers, public speacera aad singers, with the roufideaee that I can the S. o. Cuab Cuie." For tale by Foshay Ma- oni at 50cti pe.- botUe. UriaadlBa at Stoat , 'Four out of every rive bottles ot medi I cine sold ia thi last five years are S. B. : ffoods. TheS B Headache and Live Cure 1 use myself ss a geaeral physic. If nui u iu tr i.iwt want ia set weil. the quickest, cheapest and safest method U to buy the S. t. remedies ana use as oin t! P. R.lrn llrumrisL Uufur. Or Foi by Foshiy A Masoa at 50 eta prr bot- e. War asyssteaiata aad Liver Complaint you have a printed td guaanteeoa every buttle ci Shtlo'a Vital- iser It nevHr faiu to cure, vor sale by Foshay k Kason Dr. Price's Cre&m Bnkinj Powdei 4 Worfdt Fair Highest Award. 1 n :1