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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1896)
i T lit IT & m - a " rii in in i&i ii m ALIUNrYORWiON, K!)AN JUNIUS &$$ Vol, XXXI. Kb tore 4 cS Ctae FooJ e a 1HT. Or. Itttid-riiu Hell atsttcri Wi.Tl WCTTM6 rWUfcri-4irrr'.fr HII 1(1 111 El 1(1 111 II 4jt 1 L .111 X II 111 111 ll 4 ILL. Nothing BUT THE genuine: Tou will find on coupon Inside each two ounce oaf and two coupons tnaldoeaeh four ounce bag of BlackweU's Durham. Bay a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which glvea a list of valuable presents and how to get them. rne Indestructible "Maywood" BICYCLE. a (Bost Cden. .Jlost RcliaiiJs. - Host rrU , STRONGEST WbceJ ca Eerta. THIS S75.00 COM BICYCLE WITH COUrW. n?"Pk'- " E ""at ie"Sr PATEVT J r,, s 1901 8J";i .Tan. SI. 1890 Others resutins; The H) uer fs the vr:;?.-; C-W ttritrle eTi.n-aa. AI?ted for all kin OB of roads and riders. Ms; of it -verjJd that in wiiti. ?. . rirg: simp's ut onstraction. easily taken apart and t-ut toe- -Mnli.i iew i.-s: iof -twh "Vy conjunction Mut Us parts will hold together e3 cm : 00 hol:ov. tri. st vros'i in ct wry contact; a fraiii that cannot be broke'is so -r:iik- .:-t its al..usi',ov . to. m r... a . tt connK-tlrt? fart: aoeer ice crack in place ot x tke p j s: always reuiir u -ivc rvliij aad rapid transportation. IKAMi:-Improved tlouWc dinoa J. eairMUni lor thr5 jtmk. i!alec( ft-incfa ccl4 rolledsted rods iroo?licst t-.t r.-uTs metal for it eich kiiownt: joined toct-ther with mlnminom bronze 20 a m Miter that ii in i. ..;3-Mc to brrxlc or anr part work loose; a marvel of ovci:y M e .'icitr .mil !umiiitl-: c ;t w t comt'lcatioa of ineraoiir in bicycle enow tos.i ! a inunc i nsr j fi t and tnbirte. ax you know that (ramen continually Inat -u 1 rs.ttr az I ra.-.. -1.., abes when they are buckled in cannot be repaired. - . . ? warrTit --.oJ rints pis" wire lanzent itpokea and brass nipples. il"T!I-i Li7tr 1 nl patfcrn. VittS "Aii:beu;a" Mrtsepipe or jUor--an A Wrisist if-iick repair, or Kar x :or tim--ts r--tna:ic ti.e. UfeAkj N'US Bai! fcearlDes to every part, in ltd n wli"f-ls. era-; ; axle ..-writ-i hc i and iwiele. C l tSAil COSKS Beat qatUitv toi'i sice . careinliv i; caii Ijar i.-;je 1. HAiKS firt mu iardened center, rev adjotsrient. t'K IXtiS t ur ccienariii oio ciwr-r irtnk. f ally pror tected by patents: no cottar pins. itC VCR S'.o-rrH' i; inth: : I weet ST iiitucs. CLAR 4 OTT2. raoNT FJitK-In le-strnctible: forfe cr-n mie fr m eur-.-j;;rrl steel. UIVPUS ItAB Reversible and aljat le; eih adjoRteJ tc ;o position desired: ram's fcorn fvir niabed If ordered. 8AOULE- P. A F Uitiiam. or some other E:jt-clas make. JKiAL . Jiat-trap or rnbben fnH tall bcajtse. flVl 11 i:nsn:e!ed in black, with all brfcht pans oickel plated. Kach Bicycle complete rtth tsrf 'lit. pamn, wn-och and oiler. VVe irhi. c torduurto tires, pelalx. wliilea. etc. 9T to 3 ironed. StO Is oar Special Wnoleslr Prir. Never before o)d lor less. To quickly introdac- the -If irwood lijcjcb', we live decided to make a special coupon off-r. rrme cverv reader of this paper a chancs to e?t a first-cla.- waeci at tbe Jo west price ever offered. On receipt of ntl ctmtn vre will ship to anyone tbe abovp Uicrelc. sernrelv crated, and anarautee sate deli -err- Money -e'nnd 1 if not as represented after arrival and exxminstion. We wil ship CCD. with privilece of examination, for &SVCO and coupon . provided $5.00 is sent with order as a sn&rantee of sooi faith. A written bindinc warranty with arh Bicycle. This ia a shanee of a lifetime and yon cannot afford to let t "ipor tuaitj pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' Coupes Na. 21 03 cqco SOS UNION. ma Wast Vaa Baren Street. Bs 91 0.3 CM1CAOO. HX. I $5Q I 0. 5 MTWC1 t ...Bicycle. Albany Furnitiire Co., Incorporated. Sk - ft A m Ik ft COUNTY COURT. (J. N. Dtmtstn, county judire; J 11. WiWrj 1 J. W. Push, Commualoners.) Tax of Chaa Homyer orJerxnl rt bttiej. Bill of Whitney & Newport f20, con tinued. Abplication of 0 II Erickson et al for county road, continuetl. Contract for wood let to Pter Kiley for 00 cords oak at f 2.35 per cord, for lir wood to J W lloloian at 1.90. Uogtinued, petition of J Yceman et al for county road, also application of K W Hutchius for county road. In application of II. F. Bodker et al for county road, viewers appointed: Henry Follia, Samuel Kingaad A. 0. UlirisaiHQ. " Application of U 0 Hamon .etaljor coutrty-road, viewers appointed, llenry Ojx, Frank Uaight and Milt HuaU n. Regular salaries allowed. Aid Mrs Clark, 5.00; Cox family, f7; Kenworthy fatuilytS; W L Coon, $11 ; O T Lubber, $$; Alma Vail, 8; arah Ilines, $3; Kobert Gillack, 6; Dobkins family, ft! ; Orin Watson, to; Powers family, f 10; Jos Lewie, S; r G F Jun ky, Henry Mvers, 4; J as Larew, t4; Katy Bray, $S; Mary K Davis, S 10 John Usher, janitor f 10 00 P P Nutting, printing 6 5) P W Spinks. Lumber 59 SO ilarrieburg Lumber Co H3 CW boltra & Kumbauh, roads 45 40 Jacob Schilling, It L iievanev and F J Lenny, reviewing roads Oregon agt S Cochran K R Kullierford, postage , . P J Smiley, printing ,;. II M tlli, poor accoant Aibanv Fire Co., Farreli and Bonner, lumber RJ liedricks. mtlse J P Wallace, am insane... Klixa Carol hers, ex teachers. . . . . KKMichenor ' A R Rutherford " Train & VVhitney, prln'lng. ... t, jewiit. insane acct Stewart A Sox, roada V Jackson, toaxls W B Wright, elections Wm Chrintener. roads. J C Hardin, acct poor W E Kirk. " E Kirk, F.lswick & Miller, acct poor M FTavlor. ...... Indigent fund GAR A E Ranaall, M Phillips and J Z .Morris, viewers W J WMbnks,road..... Graham & Robwn, roads rortmuier & Irving, acct poor... J E Clark. Toads W E Fisher, roads J E Clark, road supervisor J C Davis, stock inspector. Mover Bros, roads. ., $ F E Alien, aid Miss Bray E T T Fi !hcr. aid poor Burial Greenbaum D F liaitinian, recorder Read. Peacock 4 Co J G Reed, acct poor M filer & Turner, livery Ladies Aid Societv. acct poor. ... C V Clifford, acct bridge J M Waters, reads...,...'. J M Keeney, deputy f her iff J S Van Winkle, present owner book Telephone Co C Simpson, laundry B Erickrfon, surveyor W E. Chandler, deputy sheriff. . . GVStandish, " ... Wm Brenner, Cep sheriff ...... . J A McFeron, ex accr. . J C Hardin, dep sheriff :. . J A Wilson, lei. Co l C Harknesf, roads W F Deakins, assessor... R M Helcher, roads C W WalU, printing J H Wallace, poor B M Donaca, poor 8 00 22 50 & 40 84 20 2 00 19 00 :j 10 I 40 aVO0 21 00 1!) 50 21 00 10 50 3 50 275 as 12 55 1 70 4 61 6 45 1 40 3 24 13 00 10 00 S 00 7 80 30 70 800 8 00 I 00 20 00 6 35 1 300 5 00 3 00 21 50 20 00 85 6 00 a 00 56 00 85 00 17 90 3 10 30 00 8 JO 1 50 2s 10 1-0 40 . 7 85 3 10 11 25 2 00 12 00 J 05 24 00 527 95 5 00 9 50 6 50 7 55 ELECTION NOTES. In Lane county Rev. Driver has di feated E. R. Skipworth for state senator by about 51 votes. The Siuslaw country brought in enough votes to him to take him ahead. Both are gold stand-in.' men. With live precincts to hear from John son, rep, is 12 aheal for sheriff and will probably I e elected, likewise Jei.nings, ren. for clerk. Mr. Tongue should move to Lane county. It stood by him better than his home county, which gave him only 1!7 plurality, while Lauegavehim about 700. Hon. W. Yates, cf Oorvallis, was elected district attorney of nis ditttrict by a handsome majority. The county seat will be retained at Toledo permanently by 90 majority. The fight over its locat on was a warm 0110. "Dick" Wheeler, the school superin tendent elect is a native of Linn county, a graduate of the Albany College and a student at Stanford for two years. He is a young man of splendid character and habits, and it is generally believed will make an emcient superintendent. The biuH-:al.sts ewept things in Yam bill county. la Umatilla county Zoeth Uouer, sheriff, re-elected ; Ben Burroughs, clerk re elected ; William Martin.county judge, re-elected ; Wm Kein, treasurer, re-elected; E. Gilliam, assessor, re-elected; E. Bickers, recoider of conveyances; J. W. Kiinbreli. re-elected surveyor; Ralph Folsom, coroner. A democratic rhertff aas elected in Douglas county. His principal opponent was the deputy sheriiffroui w hum Sam Brown escaped. The republicans elected everything else exivM school superintendent. The issue was princi pally A. P. A. hich etidently won. Oeorge Blakely, a son of James Biake ly of Brownsville, was defeated lor re election as count v judge of Wasco county L ... ,vw . . . . . oj iw majority, running ahead 01 bis ticket. In that county tht-re aie on ly abunt 400 popuUsts -Tongue beat Vanderburgoul 37 votes in the formers own county, running about Jj3 behind most of Hie rest cf hi ticket. It looks as If Onvon will ha ve tan ivtn. nlist congressmen. Had Hermann been nominated and had the Orenonian not pot up Northrup the result would have been different. Msvor Pennover savs lie will uvuni only half of his legal salarv. That will be a novelty, in this ace. when men are trying to gut more than llicir salaries. the otljcial count of Lion county will he begun tomorrow bv the clerk a,.l tarn justices. It is probable HaniUm wiil t reoountM on account of reports of mulJ. lated bailota. If so it will take a of days to complete the oificul recount. There, is a prosi.ect of a coo lent over the office of count clerk. George Waggoner wa defeated for sheriff of Benton county by Rickard bv 2 plura ity. Mr. Waggoner oaered to run the otlice lor f jf000. the regular ral ary, and nay al l of bis deputv hire out of his own pocket . That did not help mat ters. The Corral! ii. Times savs; An analraia lof the vote of lienton county indicates that the republican plura!it has dwin dled down to about 100. At the election two year ago it wae in tbe neigh borhood f 200. The relative strength of the two parties teems to be, repabiican. about 850, democrats, 7"9. The oop-iHst Vute seems to hav averaged sotnehera iu tne neigh Uirbood of i'0. The ranvascing board tomorrow aill eorrMst of the coonly clerk, and Just res a. u. rreerkcen and G. V. Harris. Harness Collars Cheapest I'lncc to Buy. Mr. Frank Ketcbnm returned toilay from a trip to Spokane. Mrs. Charlotte Monteith has returned from Otkalooea, Iowa, after a ne.-rlv two years visit there with ber daughter Tina. Mrs. W. T. Peet will leave in about a week for Iowa, where she will remain in the future. Jin. Peet will go by way of San r rancieco f r the parpoe of viBiting hfr filter, wtio lives there. C alii Times. orr'" Special prices on whlptt for the next sixty day , Powkr A ToMUNiea A. O. U. W. Orru k.!8. The following new ollicers have lt-n e'ected : S. X. Steele, M. W.; C C. Hrgie, foreman; O. P. Datma!?, overseer; H. B. Miller, P. M. W.s A. H. Martin, recorder; J. W. 'hite, guide: W. H Warner. I VV.; Wm. Farley. O. W. ' Dk kkbop Honor. Mm. C. C. Hogue, C.ofH.t Mn.LVi,,i,4,i',c.i Mra. X. 11. Allen. L of H.; Mr. J. Lindgren, C of C.; Maggie Barker, recorder; C. C. Hogne. fin,; L. E. Grer. recsiver; LiSlie Mcifargue, nsher; Ediih Cbiswell, I. W.j W. H. Warner, O. W. A PoPi-LsJt I.Ki-n mkk. Dr. J. T. Mc Crory, president of the State Christian Endeavor Association of Pennsylvania, will lecture in the U. P. church in Al bany, on WeJnesxUv evening of nest week. June II, on "Lyon In tbe Way." Dr. McOrory resides in Pittsburg and ia railed the Dr Parkhuret of city. He is an eloquent, able man, to hear horn will be a irvat. Instead of the nsnal adniiseiun fee a liberal collection will be afket. TiirOijj Folks Wo. At the metit g of the IVgree of Honor. A. O. V. VV . lait night the deciiiion of the judges in the prize entertainment was rendered srd r&reived with anticipation. Much gotd natnred rivalry bad resulted in the de cision being watched for anxiously and when given mas received with enthnsir asm, particularly by the marrird men Wrs a hose pnhctions were all fulfilled. Important Decision A San FranciHi-o dispatch says that Gharlee Clirk, receiver of theOreop Pi cihc r ulroad. w. a awar.lej $'23,CCO in coin, the surplus lioin the sale of tl& stcaiiiKhip U'.ie Valley .over which a number o( creditors of the bankrupt company have b-en at law in the district court the past few months Judge aiorrow so aeciueu 111 a lengttiy opinion in tne rase 01 it. t;iianuter vs. the steam ship Willamette Valley. ReceiverClark applied for the entire surplus, as the rep resentative of the Oregon court, in whose posjewion the property of tbe Oregon Pacific is, and also as a claimant tor the vessel. Counk-r-petttiona were filed by the master for his wages as master and pilot: bv a judgment creditor, who had recovered a common-law judgment in the state tourist oy tne sureties who went on a bond to relrase the vessel when she was lirtt libeied, and were compelled to pay the amount of tht. decree; by several uifurance companies, as holders of re ceivers' certificates purporting to give mem a prior lien in t ayuicnt of premi ums for insurance, and by othr holders 01 cenincaies. me coutt awards the en tire surplus.lees all costs. U the receiver on the ground that he was tbe represent ative ot the owner, and primarily en- titieu to 11, and on the further ground that none of the petitioners, other than the holders of receivers' cert.ifieales.have aru.iien against the claim on the owner, and the petitioners holding receivers' certificates, whether they had a lien or not (abich is not decided), the proper court to pass upon their rival claims was the receiver's court which issued the certificates and marshaled all the claims pending against the insolvent corpora tion which formerly owned the vessel. Tongue Probably Elected. The unofficial returns showedVander burg to be just 96 head of Tongue. Curry county gave Tongue 102 majori'-y and a mistake of at.ut 200 was found in Yambill count v. Tbe official returns from I Jnn con at y showed a mistake of just 150 in Tongue's favor, through an frror in Waterloo precinct and other small errors. This p'ared Tongue just &4 ahead. A telephone message from Portland verifies "tongue's election on these figures and by the majority slated. OiSii! returns may change the result. Rig Ratification at Lchanor. til Balfour wheat- Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge for Hearse or Services There was a big nnion ratification meeting at I-ebsnon Ian night. An in? mene crowd of populists, republicans and democrats gathered out doors tiers a plali'onu was arrarged and a big lon fire built. Hon J. M. Scniers, of this city, was the principal speaker for the republicans. Dr. J.L. Hill and C. B. Mootagne waxed eloquently for the pop ulists, while Hon. M. A, Miller and S M Garland spoke for the democt ats, re joicing a much as anyone, for Ham Haytlen had lieer elected proeecuting attorney, T. H. Toneue had been det tt-aied, and free silver is on top. It was a good natured gathering and one-that will long tic rvmcmUre-J in Lebanon A BtT-a os Fib it. An immense blare issuing from tLe top cl Peterson's Butte attracted considerable attention last night. It looked as if the whole latte was on fire. It shot heavenward ,-a:nst tile skies almost maaiy. it was yro- noanred a prettr sight. What was i'.T As nearly as can be learned it ass a crowd of Lelrttnaii po olits celebrating, and tht was a "bright way to U-l the world know that they were in it. Cark or Thvks. The undersigned desire to return their heartfelt thanks to j the many friend f r kindness and tym-puhyda-.tng the iUntss and after 'the death of their Ut!ir, and part cu'ar y to his brother Masons ln a-re conia,nt and smlirirg In theirjaHentloo. Ail-any. June 4. i amt aEs ini Sisreaa Dian CoTJtrwo Vxtxrt. While site ting in his chair as one of tUe election jadges) of lMtty precinct. Benton coun ty, feell Hawlev. a resident there lor thirty years, when j t-rt a they w're be ginning to cast 1 tie baP.ota' fell lack in his thair dead althoat a strqgale and hardly a nle. It was a manure or two efore the tact was knosn. jTEIDAT THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: ' 40.000 Heana Bodies Mtard swey yw om Oisssetisg Tsbtas !a Medical Coilsfts ia &s Usitsd Stats. Is Abwiateiy AJr-figM sad J sr. .m mhhed snBDsUr. Ko grave, regardless of location, is - sate from tbe ravsge of tbe ho roaa gbonL The Bom Gut! Vaplt affords positive sad abso lute secan sumw, . mud body from dsmpness, mold and aecay. ana rrora iibttowuis avernua. t 4-5 For Sale by Albany Farnitnre Co. The State Horticultiiral rwiefy meet iu CorvJlis June 16 nd 17. Tbe s'eamer Gitwy ba made her lust trip to Eugene for tbe season. W. H.Goltra basjuit eo'd to Gu.hrte & Co. 100.0UU ba-bel of Price unknown. Mra Rica McLean, the ndllieer. has made an asdfnment to J. S. V-n Winkle f r tLe benefit of her creditors. George Reeve ai.d J . D. Howell leave today for I unci bo to be absent route time Tbev have contracts for the erection tf three cottages, costing $1,803, $1,500 and 1 $1 ,0i) respectively. Titne 1 M V. Leeper Las been appointed ad ir.inirtrator of tbe stale of ohn v. Rot hell defeated, who died ia t'ov-mber, l5. Jlr. Ieeper s bond ha been 6ied at M.OOO.with L. Flinn and L E. Blain of I'nny as snreties. In the same state J. M. Onikl n. VV. H. W arren, and skce!s hari been appointed appraisers 0rval)i Times. A hremen's touranient wa beid this week in Pendleton. Ho team J were a tered from tb it city. Walla WUU, Wai s bnrg and Baker Cit. .The pel con e-t 600 feet was wn by Wa' aWalt in 24 seconds a it I n w-t teat .iuu Iwt run and 300 fe-?t of hoe. was a x erai bv WalU hiIm in h- f.t time of 34 3 5 -wonds 1 he thnip-Kinlnp rjee was to be run to'iay Tl-er.was lively fist Egbt near the foot f Jeff' ron s'reet last night in which thete was clioking. pinching and tbe lise -1- .1... 1 J, .A . I nS Ik. . ... . 1 wi'ii tiic usual uuiisc w 11117 ejrew vi iuc 4gAr DUJlw IU I belligerents One pugilist was an em 4 Vo laTCTPRT.I ploye on tbe Ruth and tbe oiher was 1 v . ,t &r voiith about town. Tbe rest of the boats figured more or less in tbe mill and , dot' en cents and hats were abed. Time. MsdswboUr of Bessemer steel and malleable Iron, and Is prac tically indestructible. Kboalii be used in every Interment. Over 13.008 in sctnsl use. Wot sale by eli ondertakers. atannTd br Tit Ckuspisf Ckestlcal C., Spriagfisld. Obis. isvniiJC and Best l7rLJUw ; A Factory in Ptof. D. M. IlrI.tors Horse Opera. The appearance of Prof. Bri-tol'a un rivaled horse show at tha opera bouse next week, mill no doubt atlord much pleasnic to many of our theater goers. It is assuredly, as claimed, a "horje play," but evincing a degtee of hone sense of the very highest order. In more respects than one does tl.i enter tainment stand out prominently from or dinary theatricals. The studied purity of the exhibition eliminating every ob jection that the most exacting could raise, has made this the only theatrical attraction that the laity asd cle-gy of all denomination attend. It is esperially interesting and instructive to children, and great crowds of little ones throng tbe matinee. I hey appear at the opera house ttednerday and Ihurmlay even ines inclmlinr a matinee Thursday af;er- noon at 3 o flock. Price 25, 35 and 50 cents ; reals on snu- at Hodges l.nrkhart Lhuj i-tore. Revival Me ting. There t 1 frir sized snditnee at the ix ra house hear Rev Ghotnily on ' Why 1 Am What 1 Am He said in part that the Christian thtirch f s,l ir chijsii.r. union. It IS nonstxtarian 1ro.11 tte fact hat noliiing is taught or demanded l-nt what is common to all clmtrl c-. He argued lha' '.he I titled stale ol C!n i' teiidom' rProtesuntism sluw.tlwrattH-! and caused many people to he skeptical. If all christian eople would return 10 the New Testament teaching and that alone .there would be vimble organic anion. His subject tonight is "The Bible Not Responsible for Denomina tional Differences." Fvery man and woman in Albany slit uld hear this sermon.- OfTicia! Fi,tirc. The orticjal vote was canvasl today. an I did n change the n suit on the county vote, though materially on con- t-rtMtsman. So far as the totals bad been figured at pres lime they were as fol lows : l a I Juetice Wilson's court yest Experienced Ait Old Qriwno. The cases of A. B Doughty, arrested came up in yesterday after- . . . .si I V S J J I rw . la . . 1 select the Waverly because they have learned to Know tne o- noon rviaoeranu .,o..g it muun select mo " - . - . ... 1 1 ...ia na that I Knt li lMinr nitfrnhitpf nf this Year's nrv-t ference between ft wlieeltnat is aciuan; uigu8. ... - , riu I "7 'i ".1 " V." isBiranty claimed to be. Some others may oe ?ooa out jrnouaic w.vLy is the hiehest of all high grade, hcorcuer to neigute; .f 85 00, Belle 26 ar.d 28 inch $75.00 and $85.00. Mr. Jesse Barker of Dunsmuir GaUf . is in the city. Attorney C A. Park, cf Salem, has been in the city on business. Geo. C. Will ia the new f-retnin of the A. O. V. V. in Salem. Mr. F. B. Tinkl will run the t-hote- graph gallery at Leban-.n. Mr. Tinkle is a nil cias artist. Mrs. T. J. Slite. Mr. J II Uoham and Mr. and Mr E. E Goff and daugh ter, went to Portland on the Albany ibis morning. State dinSomas have bevn awarded U . L. Jackson, of Brownsville and Mus Ellen Sedgwich. of Albany, ami a iut certificate to 11. Tate, of Sodaviile. Hon. E. A. Watts, formerly of Shedi'i, in this county. r-iveI 1223 vole for representative from Multnomah county, in the recent election. Albert Wig'it. of the A I bar-r Coliree. ha been awarded the I'rnnoter srhrdar- ship in Williams colirve and will enVr tLai coiieg, t' reel lent Lee s aim a mater Frank Powers has returned from Al bany and is ir in at llm eWlt'a in the local office of tbe O. RAN. Co. Salem Statesman. Chat. W. Haines, a son of W. W. Haines, the well known tannery man, of Eugene, and Mis Edith A. Park, were married in Eugene last Wednesday. Ir. Vance. frmAiy of i-Oouilie. who it now 10 tbe Willamette ra ley. with Her mann the bmier. wiil pctshaUy are few St. Lnuie. Mo., in the n-ar future, having tad a liKrative tffer there to manage an tabulate. Coos lUv News. Invitations have been received in AI bany to the marriage of Miss Elisabeth railing Uonner and Sir. William Lewi Brest ster. on Friday afternoon. Jun- tbe mneieentn, at nve o click, in the rust raptMl church in Portland. r. J. k. Uaight. of this ritv. who is el.r wagon in Mussourt, ass altbin a mile ol the recent awful rvcione that swept over St Lotus and the adjoining Highest of all in Leavening Power.- mm 1 11 v cy iciest U. S. Gov't Keport i? ' mm' 6? aAC502.)TEE.V PUCE DOME AND ABROAD freh fish of all kinds at Ed Scbroeets. Factory shoes Racket yri.ts, . Raket tor. ' Ix cream S and 10c a dub at Yiere-k'r summer gaiden. Fresh vegetable of all kinds at Conn & Hnslons. The best irrrceries at nrices to suit the time at t'oun b Hustons. Special La-tains in shoes tor a abort time at St. Luis Raket .tor. Mr. Viereck has opened her ice cream parlors and summer garden f.r Uie teason. Dr. J. L Martin, one of Owu'i old residents died at Scio on June 3rd, aged 74 eara. A new invoice of Shces iust onenfd st St. Luis Kaket- Prices lower lb m ever. Linen Pioie and Duck suits ready o.sde -perfect fit and latest strtes for $3. 00 at f r,. 1 a: u " 1 the Ladies Baxaar. lodav it strain looks like VanWhnrv for coBeresnnii-ri. tie is 38 vote site d so far as beard. The Linn count? oinnevs- t.i.;r ir will r held U Biownsrille on June 10, 1 1 12 The otttai fine time is anticipated. Several loads of A. O. C. W. peop'e ent to HaJsey this mommir !o ath-nd 110 big picnic held there today. Lad'es wiil do well to oaJl at ti e Ladu a tiazaar h.r tm-ir shirt wairta. They car ry the largest aormeoU and l-'e-l styhs 7-a perfect Q guaranteed. Mr. J. R. Dooglas. the Sao'um irard- ener, reports that he will have tbe !.igt and fioet cr-.p of a a 'berries be has ever nad. u is vines and berries ievr looked better. In 'Harney county democraU eketed everything no-pt tbe toiioii-flnnrr. lo Crook county democrats elected clerk, as eor trrasum and srbooi lapnntniiect ; popoliets reprvseetatire; repuolicaa sheriff. First das meats of all kinds, as wll aa hams, rateon, etc. at tbe Linn Dressed lie! Uo shop at Second and E 1-worth streeu. Courteous arid nromDt treau ment. a,Ptstesareoatfor a cninn raiiS.aUon tcevtinit at tbe court boose toniirfat. As tbe most iroixr'aot office is vet in d. nbt a ratification of congressnun should be post poned lor a few da vs. For Ibe Maainic Grand lodger. State onday S-h-al IVturentios) ard doners f ensree the O- R. A X. Co. wisj make r-jond tno rate 'A tl 00 Good nne 6;n. 8th nd 9th. I am tuk.i. i-p unltt June lj:h inclusive J -1 lia M:!W. tbe met of tKe RIarsia ia in Or-ioa. lUwn't ton nobced a chillier Miuoptefe. SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL The Rev C. II. McKee, of Albany, wiil preach at the Baptist tabernacle, in Corvallis Sunday, the 7llt of June, both moining and evening. Rev. M Noble, ot Corvailis, wiil ad dress the Y. M. C. A meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock An men are cordially invited. Mrs. Walter Monteith returned to her home in Albany today after an absence of about two years spent with her sister in Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Barnes, an Albany lady, was in tOWn visitlnc the W.ViHnxm'a eirrl arwt Rebebab lodge Toe-day nieht . Wbi'el TlT? I Tl fil1 I f fPV Pr t ( in t.wn she was the guest of Mrs. L 51. jADn V. TajA WUl 0L t If. rirr.r..h.M 1.....1.;. it ". wig Mimyitt.m j Mrs Jos. Klein, who has been in Co- burg on a visit with her parents, was in the city today on her way to Spokane where she will join her husband and re side. Their home will be 71 'i Riverside Ave. Rev. F. II Gwynne and family are It will please you to seebur.Iine of 1896 SHOES and will save you 15 to 25 per cent on every pair 1 Preparing to leave it Montana, where .they aiil reside in the futnre. The change of residence U made necessary on account of the impaired health .f their daughter, Mi Oliie,--Sa!em Statesman. Dr T. C. Mickey left for Roeebnrg yesterday where he wiil reo.ain a day or two and then go to Buffalo, New York. Via llie Southern Pacific, as a delegate from this jurisdiction to the supreme HsigeA xj u i wtnen convene in that city on the 12th inst Ilarrkborg Re- view. Mr. Ezra M. Uorton retunie.1 last night from hi trip to Vermont, where he had been on account of tbe danger ous illness of brother, a student in one 1 of the eastern college, who had been in-! jured by an accident while attending college. He was yet alive, bat doubt were entertained as to bis hvirjg more than a ebon t me. I X lillinrF! A mwsu aa. 1 saw n IUp. ft tbe oiwxrawl of U He. on Normal I thstrict So. 8 (Lebanon. Jnatice. Geo! flTtfrsl I Sbxl. ml i.n- in P.. 1 1 ..wl lrvl w 11 ,.r,, i ffTir!,,, ' I va-aawa s-a a.y titLilrlMTatjgen. I IXsc-ict No 9 (Soda vilie and Waterloo). I - s '1 'it. A general f rs- Egbt wasooeef 11- U - J notice. Martin U Canaviav; Constaule, I OIU.CKSIIII LIllI 1 T ores or me Lai tie tut Ut Moodac. It 1 oon started over the warmth if seme poiiiicaj isrssaauo. ar-d from tbe returta invea in "I tne malbT. A must have been a resntar lKjon)l-vek Ldr for a wh. Njboayl District No. lHCrawfordsville). Jost sKtpreme Jtide.lWan, 1792; Butm-ll country, ana writes that lie will soune. IlJ. Gaslun 16V3. Coricressman Christcm-r 119, Myer 44 J. Tongue 1647. Yandt-rburg 2r8J 1 ist net A Uornev. varson IS-w, nay- den 'SfS). Repreeentative-i. fiartmus l.iC7.Soro era 1771, Say lii9, MeK.tnurry 77., Phil- pot 9 W at son Monkers. IH, Hoberis IrJ.T. Stnitli 1909, Brown 121, Harkleman 153. Walki-r 117 Judge Bsrton. l0i, Duncan J(i.4, GarUud lt!8. Ra'stott. 11 . County Oninussioner firi.igefarmer 45, D L. Curl 1719, Mill tr J 16S7, Pot ter 1 19:? County Clerk M wtague ItVJI, Need ham 1651. Archibald 1 i'7 No material change bad been found from the figures given in the other of ficea. Memorial Resolutions. At the regultr meeting of the G. A- R Post last evening, the fullowing les jlu lion was unani uouslr adopted : H001.VK11, 1st, That McPher-on Post, G. A. 11 , No. 5, inos' emphatically ex press our ilistiivroval ol the ten lency in the public mind to take advaMBue of the gathering of the people on Memorial MACK BT V INDIANA BICYCLE GO. KDIAHAPOL18, IKtf A.J. Hodges, Aent 1 i ' a 4 ''ffi COLL PGIcTLMlD -i t -J W'j, SH'JKrHANO, 'l'ELUG,AiHY. Wli M , s.-JMCT-.v-s.-mv-gs'----. tsr,r e;--.a nassaaasmiaMaBssssaassSI The first bail from North Yamhill, and the latter from Till smook county. A weak point in the ev idence against them on a charye ot ille gal voting was the fact that both have been for a long time in attendance at the college, and both have most of the time remained in Corvallis d iring their vacations. Doughty also has voted In this countv for the last four vears. On account of the complexity of the circum stances the case against each was dis missed. Times. As AaaacLT Cass. There has been trouble around Providence scii- ol Louse. It arose out of a former case W. J. Turnidfe charces Mr. fcd CJree wi'li as saulting him while on his bictclf. aud made complaint before Justice Harris, of this city. Constable Kred Uioiint of fiiscity eerved the papers and next Saturday at I n. m. the cae i 1 ue tried. At the time of the .aeenmt, brothcr-in-la" of Cree is reported to have whipped Mr. Turni Ige, at once going before the local justice and paying hi fine, eight or ten witnesses will come to Albany to testily in tne case. av to i.nluik" in si-Orta and pas' manifest dt'tritut-nt of the sacted larai-ter of the ilav. We coudi-inn as irreverant all such acts as destroying the hole put iiose ol the ol vr vance of the day. Bttseball, bicycle nieeta. horse racing, etc.. should be prohibited by law, 2nd. that this action of the Tost Iw made public through the city papers. From tux Sastiajh.- Newton Ferrell. Elmer White. Colonvl J. Oims'.ed and Frank P. Haas yesterday returned from the ."antiam fonntry where they went sevtral weeks ago to look after their pro?rty in teres and also took iart in the ekt'tion, casting their votes it. Breit- Tiia First Timk. According to an nouncement, memorial day, in chsrge of Prof. W. 8. Mayberry and bis pupils.was observed at Sweet Home for tbe first time ia the history of the villa,. Thepnpils, and quite a number of the citizens, each carrying a small flag and a beautiful bo quet, formed in line at the school house and marched to the church, where a short, concise program, consisting of recitations and war songs, was rendered to an appreciative audience 0. B Montague delivered the address. Ad vance. ; fo-es of Vkterakc TheO, C. & E. R, R. will sell round trio tickets to Indepen dance from all Willametto river and rail Do n's to ttae member of tbe Woman's lie lief Corps and Sons of Ve'erans at one fare for the round trip good going June 8th to 12'h inclusive, reuirmrg June loin BOARDInD DEFA!uMEHT' LAUIES No. l'sOmcEE. Atthe annual meet ing last night the following ollicers were elected : Frank Dannalb, foreman ; Elam Miller. 1st assistant; li, K. cindley, Znd assistant; G. E. Fish, president; Bert Crawford, recording secretary; J. W, White, fin. sec; O. P. Dannals, treaetu" er. This Famaas aemedy enres qnlckly, iiermanently all aisKUaes, wm sieuiorr. tbs ox uruio ruser, CjSs'orsale' V?a;y.Ore.,byJ. Wakefulness. Lass Vlusllty. Niiititly tails- rttnms. Imootencv and wastlna oiMsases caused bv errort or zctts. Contains no opiates. Is a nerve ton la bload balider. Makesthepaleandpanyst nine and pi am p. rrtertln vest pocet.l per 001: n mra. btimiiji a. a written tranrants or mimry nfn f UA. Wrltsns.rreo mMtt.,,1 luw.k. aesled Dlsln wrn'Kvr, wna testimonials ana tions. iMllrwiraiats,esJarMfcJtIISiiku,U.,MlMsllTsa'il,l Slssis. A.Ct'M!lUb.abrHO ' The vote show that Mr. Sate Need ham has been defeated for reelection as county clerk by 10 plurality. Mr. Need- nam ut retire irom lite clerk s otnee ith the respect of all. He i a gentlc- nian from top down. In lit olli.-ial ruictty he has treated a 1 the same re gardless ol politics. Mrs. Lou Ousfrhoudt. formeitv of Al uany, uesires us 10 state to lier uiai.v triends in this city ar.d A Han v. that she and her daughter Lithe are now comfort ably situated in her California home near Santa Barbara, and that her daugh ter has nearly entirely recovered her health. Scio Press. Coming from a par of opposing pol itic the fol'owing from the Corvallis Gazette is a compliment any man should Iw proud of : Dave Oaborn has made an ! i leal sheriff. He has been subject to some criticism, but on account of having done his duty He has len independs ent, but was always obliging when he co-ild tsf without interfering with his duties. Rcvard'fcs of nattv and politic. Mr. 0horn leaves the otlice with the good will and respect of all who admire a sensible, just management of a public otlice, without catering to popular clamor, or running the office on Uie "policy"1 pln. Mr. On bom's busines method. strict integrity, and high sense of duty. commends mm to the -espect and con- mience ot ail, and we wish htm all tbe sncxes no matter what hi future occu pation. ALBANY Red Crown Milling Cc la now under the managemect erf Ed ward Goina, N. H. Allen, Wm. I Yai4 E. D. Barrett and Samoel E. Young be axe now prepared to sell the best FLOUR in tbe market at reasonable rates. Highest caxh price paid for wheat. ALBANY Insurance Agency -M. SENDERS, Mgr. Justices and Constable. The official vote show the following j is ike a nd constable elected : District No. 1 West Albany. Or ean. TaneenU. Justice, J C Powell; Consta ble, Siml II Brraa. DistiK No. 2( Albany. East Albany, Price, Syracuse) Justice, C E Uawkine; Constable, F T Bloont. District No. 4 tShedd and Center), J ostice, u J Shedd; Constable, F G Power. District So- 5(H!sen), Justice, W J Stewart; Consuble. E M JeweiL District No. 6 (Harrisburg), Justice, J E Cart wright; Constable, T J Stephens. I "istriot So. 7 Brownsvitlet- Jasics -. " 111 0-11 rer toe aodnaw Hill tl Uhance ; Uonstate. t W Cole. Hnv and se',s sb3t. oats and wool at all point in the WilUtuett Valley and is the leading inesrsinse igt.t cf Albany. I a placirif vrwr inaaranc? thre aretw thing to be e:-iered; 1st. Get a go.! impan,r. 2t-d Pi mit icsoracce with an agent wto tt- rnkb y Brjertaiids bta hus- inea and kuibf to write a prJicy. giving on its foil bec-t, havinig had 8 years of e ren er :n a g-i-raj ca.e and tCe adjtbting 4 ksev. t an gcarsGtee yo 1 have the rfjoiren ewt. ery Rpectluliy lours. a.StJULK. nojrl injured -- Toleio La.trr L uve rtcnraua parties parsed throotrti AlLasr fOm Coi vsihs to Sleni to the ate college field day tbi morning Tbe hlmore bad Uw O A C. tu tests o!lere band and the Kosur a misrellanion- rowd i.h the Ladies Band They were joined by a number 'rota Albany. rite Rustier. Cart L-eaad Flcvd Ramn. bs.Uery.defMted the Prnnvwioklefs. Barne and Kacert, battery. 18 to 13. on the Markleaaao ground. This i the BosUeri second virtory oter tbe Pennvwinkiem Toe Katiray iney were offered tbet dinner, but haven't teen it jet. The county tklet etertej in Uncoln u'tyi:Br Janes. tWk. dem: G A , 1 ..... . inujs.;a. po?: t A tioodain. com inisMot-er, r?f ; A Lllyde. treasurer, rep: K Lota. as-Mr. dern: S G Lvin. scbiol Mitjenatendent, rep; k, M IVmck. rarreT- PTS ' w Cakou'k. cosooer. rep. To ledo has been seized CJUa- seat, by 111 mjj n y. Datrict No. 10 (Sweet Home and Foe- . ; p V3 D" locf!u ae" ft ter) Justice, a H Yost; Constable, Wm linrrintomee. wwve yT1 " Howell. l-fo general txarssmiiDinv in a urn c manner, t nce to sttt tne umef.flipr cent dtrcour.t for cwb. C-rti-taijie. T Abrams. District No. 12 (San'iam and Franklin Bane.) Justice. J M Flauieher: ConsU- ' ble, W W Sanders. iihtt.' i'leinct .o. jo ti-cjo, jnetoarn ana unite,-, , , . .11. eue4icv, sjeiini; vouetaute, J W Peterson. LHetrict So. 14 Fox Va'lev), Jastke, H J Brane: Coniabh?. C F Swank. District No. 141, (Rock Creek 1, Justice, I Kelchum; Consiat4e, W B Robertsoffi. f f- aTrdMsrfc!tisa.dsafa. 1 Settles CoiasToOnx:c. That the effort -t the Pacific Northwest immi-1 gratioo board are beginning to bear fruit i imply evidenced by the following dis- patcft recered at tbe office ot the board yesterday, from D. R. McGinnis. secre tary of the Northweat Immtsratton As sociation, at Su Paul, Mina.Fifteen settler for Oregon Tin Northern Pacific last night ; nve more leave this morn ing. Letters received from Mr. Mc- irinnis and from agents ia Ohio and In diana, wno are working in the intere-ts ft m mi. m linn t . . I 1 . ..n ...IimI. . . . there is going to be at a verv earlv ffate a Urge movement of farmers to this see- I uon. Tbe M. 1'anl Ihspatcb. ot recent dale, ha$ quite an article on the advant age to tanners ot celtitng in tbe antic Northwet.and aluge:her the work of the immigration board fives promise at present ot the addition of many hun- loon amancsstwrtv hthtq.-., wvtM jecori-teMajle-- Ms a (sncs.issa Wsucsrtoa. 1 -jtnt Bjdn. ctw a tr i -- r - i W e ad-r-c J t M"' "",i Oar fas not. ore :-' e . VS .a tie I 5 ii Oss fas not ore r o ot teat to. A "I hat Santiarn Vote. Tlier i some talk abont some irregu larity in the ballot in Santiain precinL Mr. Hardin, the postmaster and mer chant of Lacor.b. waa nomina ed tw justice of the peace on the republican ticket, and was also appointed one of the I dred of sturdy, worthy citirens to the iu(,o vi nniKHi, rur eutue ui i- l population oi mis eta-e in uie very tore tne eiecuon tne i cpunsts ot me i ulure. Uregoman neignnornoou irgea uim to resign as a candidate or as a judge of election, tell ing hnu that the ballot won Id be illegal, I H,ri-e Kiixcd. A horse to but he instated on retaining holh posi-1 George Cochran, of Tangent, mas killed tions until the morning of election, when I iD a peculiar av this f reeoon. The a nnmner oi reioents ol that section. heade-l by J K. C hariton. sncceeded in gelling him to resign as a candidate for itistHx, and Ins name was scratched on the ticket. Now it said that a number of lb ballots were rnnlilated by the bot ton part containing the preciact officer taring torn off.Wndome are of the opin ion that thee ballots wiil be thrown out. It this is done it will nut in the tepubli- can candidate for clerk and commts- C 3 ce (A i ; " -11 ! R-IPANS Tae modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. team was near the Red Crown MUia 1 as the steamers passed down stream, one of the horse being . tied. The Klmore was putjir ir ii a live manner, the btnd playing and the crowd on board makittg a lug noie. all of which frightened the team and they jumped back so violently that the neck of the hone tied was brok en and it fell over dead. Situ I'ayden'e miiori'v for prowtuling attorney is nearly 2-'H)J. G W. Drunkard, of Brwnvi'le. has ma'e an. awiignment lor fhe benefit of rteV.itora. Liabilities over t'.OOU. arseU 1756. Next Monday I. W. Roberts, tbe dray men, win hi re tr with a bran new outi-t. sioner. Thia would be a great injustice and we do not believe it will be done. The official count wiil be made bxiav Advance. The Greatest of Shows. eubusb precinct, where their claims are I prepared to eerre tbe pe-ple promptly and tveated. Among tne potnta visura iv i " -j. 1 these gentleine:i was the Quartsville mining Listrict and they report that things are in fine condition there and the mining dist'ict presents a bnay and an- imated scene. About sixty-live men are now at work at the Lattler mine and more will be added soon. BABIES WITH SKINS ON FIRE from Itehlng and tmrntns sesemaa sad other skla and scalp tortures. If oris but parent real. . t r m. , ,, i iss now mess uiue ones suoer. To know thai A Bio Ohdkb. The Albany Creamery a warm bath win. orvimis. .n .w,?i has had two marriages recently and the) application of coricinu (oiotmeni). the great effect seems to be XMy.JSJg an order was received from Seattle for to s spaed y enrTand not to os uVem wituSi, a jz,utm pounas oi outier, wiin twenty days in which to fill it. One order al ways means another, for the butter tin veraiilly gives satisfaction. Working fob thb State, There ia considerable dissalfsfaution regarding the managemenr. of the new sewer now being constructed i n uenter street by the suite. Forty-four men, consisting of the pick and-shovel gang, have lieen laid off for an indefinite time simply because their work has progressed at such a rate that tho four bricklayers on the tunnel cannot keep tip. llow 8 this: Why isn't the latter force increased to a dozen pr more and then prosecute the job as it should be? At the present rate the big sewer will not I o completed before seven month. ''Twelve masons could cover the tunnel work in two months," say the four now employed. Salem Statesman. . A Goli.'EN Occasion. Oregon's "golden anniversary will be celebrated in the ex- I pomtion building In Portland on June 10, Tnis will also be the 24th annual pioneer reunion. Hon. Geo. II. William will jtieliver the address and Mrs. Ella Hig- mpaon tho poem, in 1040 by treaty I with England- Oregon became a part of the II. S. for certain, and hence the oc casion is one deserving of special atten tion. The pioneer of 1840 will be tho heroes of the occasion. to a speedy cure, and not to nss then moment's delay is to fall la oar duty. old Unaarhsat th world. Pries, OrnnrBA. SV , su-,ts.t t l Porraa haws aavCntH. Cosr..Snls Praes . aostoa. J" lie is Cars skis Twtand iisMetSBMOea frss. reoole like tender nicely cut. Henry Brodcrt keeps a full line of meats, from the best stock to be obtained com mended by nil of his customers Baf a Ball. Sundav, Jrne 7th, 2:80. at Goltra Park. Aloany vs Independence. Don't forgot the dale. Following are the players of the Albany club, ruder, c; Thompson, p; Cuvaiar, 1st b; Jones 2d o; lonoway, sra o; neaartcc, ; Goins, If; Dowel!, et; Wood, rl; Zeyes, sub. This i the opening game, and the boy will put np good bail. J.1M. RALSTON BROKE!. Mastoa Block, Albany, Or Money to loan on fairo texcrity. a's smill loara ntadecn rersot ! iccotity. l ity.tcnnty and exbool aarracts bought. Collections made oo favorable terms. Firs. insnraiK-o wrilteu in ibree oi tbe largest companies in tbe world, at lowest rates. Maey Albany peon; wih n-uret Ibe de feat lit Hon Geo. E. l-nam'riain for cir cuit jiide at Portland by aliout 600 plu rality. Each judge and clerk of election receiye $3 a day of about 8 hours and mileage for ttv jutlgn taking the box to the county seat a total coet in the county cf nearly I,000. S. L. Moore'iieaJ, who received $10 a day for 24 day for woik on the journal of the lust legislature was defeated tor r elation, receiving the lowest vote on tbe republican ticket in Lane county. Gen Sigiin ha so far improved, that on Surd y lie wa ked a few steps.. It was the hrst ume be bad boen on his feet for five months, a-iil it is hoped that be wiil in n ova rapidly from now on. The O. A K boys visited him on Decoration lay anl a th"rt cha with the comrad was much i n joyed. Coo Bay News. The junior orations for conimencen.ent at tbe co lege wilt be -as f. llnws: Mamie Allen, Simon feaya thumbs Up; ' ttl.el KedtiuUI, "Life . Series of Opportunities;" ine Uridgeford, "Music; .Edgar Stewart, "Pbik-pntria:'' Joseph aternburg. international wreeti a Menac u uur Coontiy;" Gale Hill, "lhe Effect of Hard Times in the T entieth Century . " The Scio public schools will close to night with an attractive program 1 he participants will be Flora E Myer. Maggie McDonald, Myrtie B Myers, Dora L Myers, Grace Gill. Homer Bilyeu. Stelia J Craw ford, Maud K, Myers, Cora Alexander, Claud MclCuigbt and Ernest Cole. Hon A. J Johnson wiil deliver the address and U L. Soutlier'and will confer the diplo The old adage: "Nothing succeeds' ike neces."ntly applies to the famori Bond Brothers' World's Best Shows, wlm h will exhibit, at Albany on Monday, June nth. luese eveiv where popular exhibi tions, now in the fortieth year ot artistic ana financial success, win make ttie ap pearance as above; bringing. unqTftw- ttonau'y, by tar ine best tented Shows on the American Continent The Press and ubllc of the East endorse it unstinting- y, and invito return visit. It great troupe ot "educated Horses enact their part untrammelled by harness or trap- imigs, obeying by command, neither whip ortorce being used; a revelation In equine intelligence and sagacitv. The greatest aud most modern feat bv three C ireuses amt,llippCKtrouie troupes. Huge double Menagerie of rare wild animals. Many Ethnological feature of unusual merit. It is vouched for as being ai ex- F - a v - " hibition nnprecedentetl for rate excel-1 I TlMnncrSS VUI 1 lCb A 'CrjCnl f 1 TV rvaaanr. Ss. f .riswuusi i OlLODDROlSl 0 wsfail loearw If yoatu eary, loUida Botwah, a;d aoU I aaiav M aeons 1'mtehe in raoalh. oadaryorTee. X uary ttLAMIU rOlSON !ersaeet: areo m I loj as ra. j a can i.mioj !Ke forsaass prsw wosier saae it raa ly if yxsa prefer toOLaa her we wiileca. trettoperallrcdxareefeiHeibl'Aa!Kl 1 ir vs ran toevns. yo tsara a sr- nave acnes east . mwi, laiplea. A'orMr Colorod Spot. I leer oa any aertcJuilxy.-Hslea FyebrowsfaUiiie; vr cwaematewtocsre. We edict U nwt obect Bate case and clalnrs thai world for S csMtrseaasetenre. This dt as ha alsTga barbed theskillot theruotesuineut pbysi-. etan. SOO,eOO capital beftind ocr nncrn. ttonai raaranty. Abauiate'rmMvfsserTtsealee Address K i KKM:V CO., lence in the annuals of amusement. Tub Rkvival. The gospel meetings at the opera house are in progress with guod result. Several perrons have united with the church and others will take their stand on the side of truth and tbe right. Evangelist Ghormley will take for lua theme tonight f.xeriment' !ut Iteligion." Tomorrow at 11 a, m "Savetl by Grace" aud tomorrow even' ing "The Church of the 20th Centurv Tomorrow evening may be tbe closing service. Prof, and Mrs. Webb will ren der special music at each service. l'xci'LiAR Back. A hot bicycle race fMm Ashland to Med ford took place Monday evening. J.J. Mehan, We; ern "Union telegraph lineman, with bis railroad velocipede on the railroad track, was to defeat a.string of bicyclists. Mehan on his velocipede and Bert Spencer and D L. Rice on the county road left Ashland at 6:57 p.m. Spencer made Medford at 7 :47.W and Mehan reached it 4 a minute later. The second install ment of cyclist Frack Johnson. C E. Donnelly, and Kefser i making it at 8:02'. The distance to ' Mrdford is 13 mile, Record. Dr. Prtc'a cream iklns Powder awaissd Gold PsHarlar Fair, nan Fraasawiy Fr Pure Drugs Dawson's. With a better understanding ol tne transient nature of tbe many phya- cal ills, which vanish before prper- ortsgenUe efforts plea-sani ettorts .-i.rV.tlw dire..jd. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many itarms ot sickness are not due to any actual uiw jaae, but simplv to a eon.stipatetcouui .ion ot the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes- That is why it is the only rvtmedv with millionaof families and is everywhere estet-metl - highly by all . . 1 1 l.K 11. wno vaiuu Ka ,.-. ,,,. .. ... ... . ffeots are ue to tho fact, that it is the ne remedy which promotes internal cleanliness witlitut debilitating the prtrans on which it acts. It ia therefore all important. In order to get its ene- feial elfecta, to note wlicn yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fte Svrop Co. only and sold by all reputable dt ugfrista. If in tho en-ovmeut of good health, Md the sv.-etem. bt refmlar. laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It afflicted with ttnv nctnal disease, one may l eommcntUHl to the moct skillful physicians, but if in n-cd oi a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of ot.n hiirheKt and U most largely j used and gives mc.inerulMtisfisCtin RHIP.SfRIEfaSir.3mS tl to use the rXl" lacatastars nreeder. Make Moer wbue others are wasting time by olJ processes. Catalog; tells all about rt.and describes every article neeced tor poalfaj buiues a4v I -Xff XV iU-t A t ERIE Orhe W r rani w .-TaCCttts. Bicrcw caw .. . a.l aw vVa AAKTSrrft WAKTKI. BaANCW liocan, Jt a alHia St., I AJMrele FAILING MANHOOD eerseraJ and Nervm DehiUry. Ti"eakneis of Bode and Mind, i. ilects ot Krrors or Kioessea in Old or Younx. Kobost, Noblj Manbood fully Keetorvd. How to tnlartw anil (strengthen Weak, la I d eve aped Portions of riony. usumicj u " . feili n Hoiuo TreatnusD fc. Uenetiia in aday. lea testify from 6 Suites and eoreijcn. Countriea. Send for Uecr;pttve- iw.a, jiaaation and prooiis Biaiicn iwatwui irao. ERIE IISEDIDAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. Ai