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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1896)
1 7 A Wire ri in vol xxxi. Ealorsd at the rssl a tlbaay. sr. aeeoad-Clasi. Mall MalirH 4LU4NTY OKMIOV HU v JANU ?V 3f 96 X for Infants " Castorla is so wen adapted to children that 1 recommend It as superior toany prascripUon aiown tome." H. A. Archkr, M. D., Ul So. Oxford St Brooldya, N. Y. MThe use of 'Castoria' Is so universal sad IU merits so well known that It Booms a work f supererogation to endorse It. Few are tie Intelligent families who do not keep Castaria within easy reach." Cuius Hurnra, D. D., New York Cttgr. 1st OtNTica THOMAS and Dealer in ALBANY, - ONE GIVES RELIEF. FORTMILLEkilJRPG A J& KEEP constantly on hand a full line of jieta c, . o.n a.i wojJ casketi imJ VV coffins. Also burial lobes an J suits, In .r.jjc.i sat rt.rua m i - which will be sold at The Lowest LI V lag ProUle. EMBALMING nd Uxr proper cue of th:d a special'y. . . MASOXIC TESlLE U0 EXTRACHAHCEFORHEAR OR SERVICc i jn;. crril nxMflsrol baoftx M itct. BSIts,I. JM WI. PU JUai. tWfU. bM tftWtUsTMraiUIIBiUlON aUMBMTwaSwlAMBO CJ b l or sale in Albany .Oreff-, by J. A. C U Gi. and by HO!Mid 4k McJTAfiIAil Dme&t. ALBANY CiGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. RI-P-A-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Fire Insurance INSURE YOUR PROPERTY -with In the Old Harlford, the New York Un derwriters Aaeney or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will b promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. Smiley Good printing Always Tone D Very rulckly. . The Printer. imiimnimmimmmmUf JOSEPH J SMITH VETERiNARY SURGEOS Office at jdiller ti Turners stanie, resi dence and Btr.ble at 4th and C'alapoou streets, Albany, Oregon. r Price's Cream Baking Powfle. a r 14' Fa.. HisjlMct Medal and DIstrTV 1 D 111 and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, . Sour Stomach, DiarrboBa, tructatlon, ' ' Kills Worms, gives steep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. ' " ; "For several reara I bars recommended ' Castorla, ' and -shall always oonunuo to do so, as It has invariably produced beneficial results.' - . r Enwnt F. Fabdes, It. Dn tS5Ui Street and Tth, Aye, New York CRy. Coxrarr, 77 Mcbjut Btusx; Ksw You Cm. BRINE, Ml All kinds of furniture bedding-, and it , w va. i wuv uuu auvo J complete flour safe, he has them and his prces x,the, lowest. : :X-C:U QREC023. raXn A - OREGON 'k'at ?ngt Sewdy car qaick.1T, routcmly iiurvofu iaisrm.t-, WcuJC VeaiiifT. of Brmui fovvc; lleatiacbe. WsUfoiiM!s. Last 'limUty, hixhilr Kml re&mft. tmootencT ind wmsttusr dlMUMMniMl hv a.mti h.aad ImtKer. MkestbpBUesiMlpan7mijpzidplttcipt. AMly pfirrteMl In Tjt pocket, trl per box: for S&. By mflpr wld. tiiha. trrtLtnnTanU4 oriumrvTfiidiL. Writ bilIVm bmImI Dials vrampr. with ttlmoni; And flTMOclnlfttsndlnff. ho rhame f"r rrmntta?irm . Brwmof imit Propriclp Otm tm '.t nOposrrtt . S. Pmwt Omtt ' -ad we can jecure palest in lews wasiaa Scad m-jdel, drawing or pbotti. wfta deserlpx we utise, a oueoiaow sr noc. me bmtf our lee ooioae on p leatisMcai est of arve m the U.S. wt Uoga en ntnl am tree AJren. I 0,A.Sr30VV&COi DO YOU write letters? Of coarse you do. and what is nicer 'ban smooth let'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary, on should 15 U I JINVljLO 1 of us at onc4 and sm the fini qaality an extra lo prices. Next time yon wan some inquire OFSMILKY THE PRINTER a rt m ' AsSiraney Upholsterer Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mattivsaus renf sted atd made over. Furniture of every description and lain carriages re-upholstered and varxisheu. Drop a uite in th P O , or call at? treet, between Ferry aid Brjadalbin, A hany. Or. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEll ER! ALBANY, OREGON. PureDrags"andthe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Boots in the Market. VIERECKS SHAVING AN DHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. . HEADQUARTERS FOR . Writes JSTe ifqi A bead of hair or no pay. Cures al diseases of the scalp Addrees Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put In Oj der on Short Notice. I aentbnaessconducXi!(iiuraoeaaTc rcca. A Store Electrified. xne .Astorian toil the following re markable incident, perhaps exaggerated, but certainly never heard of before : Who ever heard of a grocery store be ing magnetised? Yet such a case hap pened iu Astoria : yesterday, w lien Joe Kippo put his key in the lock of Foard A stokes store yesterday morning to open up he received a severe shock that al most knocked him down. The store be ing opened, the other boys soon followed and customers began to arrive as usual. One wanted pickles and Joe dived into the brine to till the order, when he re ceived another shock. Bv this time he . began to ' suspect that -something was wrong. Just then Carl, the boy. began to build the fire in the stove, and he, too, was shocked, being thrown down by the force of the unseen power. Fred Johnson reached upon the shelf to get down some canned tomatoes, for another customer, and was immediately doubled op like a letter U. This was something of a surprise to ' Fred so early in the morning. "Jim" O'Connell took a pur chasers cash and attempted to put it in the trolley car leading to the cashier's desk, but waa thrown back into the su- rar bin with sack force as to make his teeth chatter. Bis; "Hank" Ingal's and tne Doss arrived on the scene about this time and it was decided to investigate these strange performances of the erst- wuiw statu storeroom ana too electrician of the street car line was! called in who soon discovered that the electrical suo- Iy wire which runs the big coffee mill ad got loose from its moorimm and had Charged tne entire store. Tne trouble was soon remedied. Probate Record. In estate of L. Gerhard, application maie to sen note and mortgage. Iu estate of Alonio Ames, petition to -.11 1 . 1 1 , sen real properly uieu. uauga issued for March S. In estate of Pearl and Brandon, onal property ordered sold. per- In estate of W. F. Lillard. a minor. final account filed and guardian dis charged. In estate of J. F. Craig, fSS.SO ordered set apart for widow and children. In guardianship of Ira C and Oscar Gnabaru, inventory filed. Real property. siiay.i.'; personal, ... In estate of Lewis Long, administrator discharged upon full settlement. In estate of Mary A. Ho! man. final bearing set for March 2. la ettale of Hannah Peacock. will filed tor probate. Probable value of .'personal property, $3,000. Entire estate left to her son W. B. Peacock, who is appointed executor without bonds. Bali Hkam to thi Fsost The bald beads of Albany who have been meeting at Louis Vierecks seem to have counter parts in Ecgene according to the Guard, which eavs : There used to be lots of bald headed men, and women too, in Eugene but there isn't anv more. About three months ago these hairless deni lens put their heads together in private consultation for their own mutual good, wiw tne result mat a Daid bead duo was organised, with place of meeting at Jerry Horn's barber shop. And now these men who have for so long been de frauding the honest and hard working barber out of a few cents for cutting their hair visit this place of business quite fre quently to have the smooth and glossy surface of their upper sphere raked and scraped and rubbed and scrubbed until the blood ooses out in the places wbere the hair ought to be. But they don't mind this. They would be willing to go through the severest teH if they were only inspired with confidence in the as surance that said tea would bring back tne long lost but still longed lor Hair. And the scheme is succeeding admirably as several members of the club can tes tify to. Peiuiaps Sax Bhowx. Earlv last even ing a specimen of the "Weary Waggles" tribe came to the university dormitorf and asked for something to eat. He was set oat a good substantial lunch in the basement of the building and he fell to disposing of the mainstay of life in a way characteristic of the man who eats only when he gets a good opportunity. Short ly afterward the basement was vacated by every one except bis trampship and the cook. The cook commenced asking the man questions regardine bis previous and future wanderings, etc., at the same time noticing that the man acted strange ly, refusing to answer some of his ques tions. As soon as the "knight of the road" had satisfied his cravings for the necessaries of life, he arose to his feet. whipped ont an utrlv looking 44 revolver and chased the cook up stairs following turn closely. ben they reached tue eronnd floor, the tramp took to bis heels and disappeared in the whereness of the wbetnerness. tugene Kegister. Alex Rennie is commander of the Maccabee lodge of Corvallis, Mr. John Robb, of this county, left today for Iowa, wbere he baa interests and will reside. Twelve or fifteen members of the K. of P. will go to Brownsville on the 4 :'M train to assist in some special work. Commander W. E. Purdy, of Grants Pass, of God's Retrular Army, will be in Albany on the 28th, with other officers, when a special service will be held. Miss Helen Crawford recited in an .UU . Ua T.. 1 . . i - Maccabees entertainment in Salem this wee it. Rev. Copley waa In the city today after a special evangelistic season of work at Sweet Home. As a result there were forty conversions. The Oregon Frater states that Eugene camp rio 115. Woodmen of the World, increased its membership from 94 to 204 during 1895. The motion for a new (rial on the bill of exceptions in tne Loa .non'gomery case will be heard on Jan. 19 by Jude Burnett at saiem. It has been over two years since 50 cents was paid for wheat in Albany. That the present price may not grow less is certainly a consummation to he desired. Keep it np. The total tax for Douglas county for 1894 is $121,605 27. Of this amoiu.t $'.K),5l7.10 was co! lected :n doe time, and on tbe de linquent list there hs been collected up to date $19,460 56. making a total of 9119,- 001 66, leaving a balance now delinquent ot 9Z,VOO oi. In spite of tbe precautions token during tne recent nign waters tne i nree Bisters broke loose from ber moorings in this citv and after some difficulty was landed in the brush on tbe . Linn county side Tbe Gypsy also brake her fastenings and left her wnart, but was brougnt Dacic alingbt Corvallis Times. The Courier regrets to an no a nee that th e pine needle industry ha probably died a horning. Financial and other troubles amongst tbe stockholders seem to have been too much for it There is stilt S500 on deposit in tbe bank, which cannot be withdrawn according to contract unless for pine needles at 5 a ton.--Grants Pass Courier. Recently Chief of Police Wells notified f E. Sorbin that the sidewalk about his pro perty the old corner saloon needed re pairs. In his reply Mr. Sorbin authorized Mr. wells to mate only sucn repairs as were absolutely needed for the present, as in the spring he intends erecting upon tbe property a two-story Irick building. Corvallis Uazette. Iu the case of the State against Marion Crabtree, tried at Crabtree yesterday for I assault on Clay Compton, before Justice larniean defendant was nnedvlO and costs in all about $50. The case will be ap pealed. 'It was reported that tbe Eugene bridge bad gone out, bat this was found to be a mis'ake. - EVOLUTION DISCUSSED. As a prelude to his lecture Dr. Grant last evening offered $100 to any one who would show that his accusations against Komantem tne previous night were not true The Bhskx-ra? representative did not hear this part of the lcture, but some of the remarks were said to have caused somewhat of an excitement. The discourse on evolution which fo -lowed, was one that might well attract attention and even arouse the professors of a state university, for Dr. Grant's the ories in refererence to evolution are out spokeu and strinking.a direct attack upon scientists, who are declared to bo com pletely at sea in reference to their theo ries and demonstrations. Below wo give a synopsis, enough to show the tenor of the speakers remarks : Evolution means to evolve. Evolu tionism id a creed, a distinct belief. Un der it things hsve kept growing until everything in existence is accounted for by It. There are two classes, the theistic, which admits of divine interference, and atheistic, that ascribes it to natural laws without the intervention of God. The speaker declared that hi would speak purely from scientific research and not as a preacher. Where came we from, where do we go, that is the question, and a minister has as much right to discubS it as a college professor, who doesn't know any more that, vou do The neb nlar hypothesis was discussed, and crit icised. First it was a cold nebula, then it was devided to be, a hot nebula, but after wards it proved to lie only a great many stars. Thr heat of the sun according to scientists is iwj uegrees to o.otosjH.i de grees ; the cold has been figured out at about 439 degrees. The speaker found that they didn't know anything about it, nor anyone else. The inconsistencies of scientists was that there was a cold.glacial period, then a warm period and now it is ec tune colder. Granite was not pro duced by fire but accumulation of dif ferent rocks. Ignorance is the stock in trade ot many scientists. How long did it take to cool ilia world, scientists varv from 5 to 350 million yean,. The crust of the earth is 24 to 200 miles thick, that is as near as scientists get it. The falla cies of the alleged different ages are now at work tt Yellow ttoe pars. Forma Jon of life: Hens have eiiiht different words at least ; all animals talk to their mates. Therefore people are born of bens. Oregonians of ducks. There has been development, but man never came from anything below. Instead of devel oping the speaker showed how trolobitea degenerated and a tew life: was started to degenerate in its turu. The magnates have always been first. r.very animal baa been perfect in its adaptation, needing nothing more Otherwise it would have died. Thus it could not give birth to anything better. Anything done to change an nimal will destroy it- The swan for instnace is built for his business and cannot be changed in the least for his life. A mongrel in anything can never pro duce itself. The result is sterility. There is not a missing link from the loacst to the highest form. A horse developed is intensified and more of a horse than before, not changed in the least. Freaks indicate nothing!. The type is always persistent. Species are immutable. Sometimes flexible. but always returning. The rooster crows just the same in the morning as 4(Ki0 years ago. It is 1 ily to try to se! lie the question of how man came. In the beginning God did it, but bow is not known. Science can't even tell how life is now procreated. It knowns nothing about iu Every child is born now the same a; the first one. We do not want our public schools to teach dogoas, and evolution is a dogma, and eventually atheism, the state has no right to give lunds to teach dogmas, evolution is In the iU We don't want our children to go to state schools to learn that our ancestors were monkeys. w e are tne olL-prings ol uod and notol apes. All praise to Mini. Th WittAT snriTios is given in the i following from the Statesman : The price of wheat jumped up two cents yes terday and is now quoted at 50 rents in this city. It is q site probabU that a con siderable amount of the product will be sold at this figure. At Aliiany and Cor- vailu the ottering are the same, and, as a consequence, the farmers all smile. This is tiie highest notch reached since September, ls93,wben the quotation was 50 cents. Al .over the norlhwett the market is stronger and there is good prospect of a greater advance than that of yesterday. A leading dealer of the Wil lamette valley sixes up the situation in this manner: "It is undoubtedly a fact that there is a shortage in the world's crop of wheat, and that this year we shall consume a portion, if not all our surplus. This is one of the thiocs that has helped to stiffen wheat,and whether if any t.igher.and if so. how much higher it may be, it is impossible to predict. It is also true that the war news contrib utes more or less to the advance. A pe culiar thing in the present markets is that wheat today is nigher by a cent or more in Portland than t hicago, a condi tion very rarely seen. This is doubtless to be attributed to the lact that tne grain fleet, Portland bound, is large, while the visible wheat supply in the port is not This I act is very suggestive mat uie price will not lemain up, and the Ikh- ockat fears a fall at an early day. The Same Lakk. Theie is something bout the handsome features of Attorney Lark Bilveu that causes people oten to identify him with the theatrical profes- sion. Last summer ne was taaen lor L a ... Senter Pavton while the company was playing in Albany and tue otuer uay while Elr. Bilveu was in Salem, a man itepped up to him and gave him a inenj- ly slap on tne snouiuer an taiu, ney, there, old man, how's business taese days I tall you Gardiner (referring to ne comedian ot the Chase biock com pany), vou re a trump say what did you play last night and what do you put up toniguw Afira uma iu uiv fluuauvu instanter and rubbed his hair the wrong way off his noble brow lor a minute and replied. "We put on the Octoroon last night and tonight we put on Nugget Nell come out und see me." bugeu Register. While on the sucject of monkeys here is timely item under the bead ' Aliasing Link" from tbe Grants Pass Courier: B. McArthur's second-band monkey was let out Monday for an airing and immediate ly belped himself to two eggs at lmer s grooety- He climbed up on the scales and let both tail to tne noor, alter wnicu ne was allowed to eat tbem and wai ejected from tbe premises. Ilia next raid was on Judge Chiles' chickens, jocko doesn't kill and eat poultry, but he will captuie and pull the leathers out of every hen fce can. He likes to sit on the top of the house sad watch the children who gather b crowds to view bis comic antics. WORKS oraers la curias torturing, disfiguring, hu miliating humour of tha Skin, ' Scalp, and Blood when all else fail. oldthiaaraaat Ox woiU. BriSjfe Sspoti Ns. SSST a Boss, 1, Klas ntnM. IxaSoa. Forrsa Dana ass Cass. Coar, Sou rnsa, BsMos, U. S. A. mticura TTi 7 WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to please you. if every hin is n t 0. K. kiridly lot us know We are not selling at cost but at moder ate profits. We can furnish you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See ourjine of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips I'OWKR ATOHUKSOK, That Reorganization. Recently the Democrat copied an item from the Astorian according to which Mr. Hammond had been to Corva'.lis and entirely reorganized the O. C. A E. greatly reducing the exprnsettg the road. The facts of the rVbtijaTiixation are now becoming apparent. Under it the Dkmockat is informed all of the em ployes in the olliee at Corvalla will be discharged lot Manager Stone and Su perintendent Clark, who will also do of fice wcrk. J. K. Abbv will act as train dispatcher and Corvallis agent, and II. O. Chapman, recently auditor, will come come to Albany and do the work of the office here, while the Walden brothers will reti.-e. The fight between the O. It. A X. and S. P. has undoubtedly affected the business of the company tempora rily. There is nu truth in the report that tue road had been sold to the 8. P., nor is it likely to be. Knox Case Decided. In the case of G. It. If sight, adminis trator de bonis non of the estate of Jas Knox, deceased, airainet B. M. Pavne substitute I for Nimrod i'avne as execa tor of the last will and testament of E' L. Knox, fleceased. Judge tieo. H. Bur nett ha judt rendered his decision, or dering the complaint dismissed and that neither party recover costs or disburse ments from the other. The court found that f 1879 44 should be charged against the estate of E. L. Knox and that the tate is entitled to an offjet of ilhSO 21. This case was warmly contested at the recent special term ot circuit court, and the result has been watched for with in terest. While at Eugene. Chief of Police Lee received a letter from Constable Lindion, of Eugene, in which he gave a history of Alex McKin sey and Ethel Bryant, while in that city. They went by the name of Evans and w ife, and boarded at a hotel about lw. weeks when they jumped their board and went to the 'College hotel, wbere they remained a few days, when the girl secured a place at the" home ol Secretary of State KtDL-mid.v here she re mained two or three day,wbeo she sud denly disappeared at night without any warning, prubably coming thence to Al bany. The girl tuld a nnmber of di0er ent stories; but claimed to have come from up the Columbia Her conduct i very puniing. Information is expected which will give more of their doings in other places. !.it of Patents. Granted to .Pacific State inventors this week. Heported by C. A. Si'.ow & Co., solicitor of American and Foreign patent, opp. U. Patent oJlice, Waah- ngton, I). C C W Ranee, Wtwo, Or., sirs w burn, tn store; C E Bergman, Everell.Waah., hydraulic steering gear; V F Bowers, San Francisco, concentrator belt; J Chute. San Jose, Cal., automatic- elec tric releasing device: G Cogswell, Los Angeles, can opener; I Frey, Ilerkelev, Cal., concentrator; B La Fk-ur, Hilgard, Or., saw swage; J Lomas. Ashland, Or., tree-felling and lV-awing machine; L J Pechner, san Francisco, Cal., mail de livery for buildings; S H Reynolds, San Jose, Cl.. electric releasing device; D C Wilgus, Los Angeles, pipe and hue coupling. lliy Msker rehearsal at $ o'cloc tuoig'it at coiltge chapel. Jack Roscoe bas returned to the motor after a siege with rheumatism. Mrs. Thomas Thomas and Miss Martha Risley came over from Yauina this noon. Mrs.Capt. Mitchell snd Mrs. Delaney, oi rort land are in the citv. the guests ot 1 u. .1 . t ... B. F. Fuller was in the citv Monday and f ueedsy looking after the sale ol his property here. McMionviiieT. R. Tbe Scio Press sara th nam nf L K. Young will be considered for represent ative at the republican convention. Red Wells came over from Corvallis this noon. He reported wheat 50 cents, firm and with an upward tendency. Dave Froman. Jr.. and several others returned last niht from acoose hnntina- expsumon. iney raptured n I teen or twenty. Major and Mrs. Morton. Cadet Sheri dan and other S. A people arrived this noon and tonight will give a big meeting at ine uarraca. Admission 1U cents. iorn, in uervais. on aundav mornimr at about 5 o'clock, January 19th. to the wife of Wm. Merriman, an 8.4 pound daughter. Albany friends extend con gratulations. -May tha youngster grow up in neaiin ana beauty. A Pleasant uiriuuav Dartv wa eiyen Tuesday evening by Miss Winnie Cham- berun, enjoyed by a about thirty of her friends. The evening was spent pleas antly in games and a delicious lunch was served. The chief of justice announced Thurs day that information had reached the court of the death at Washington, l, 0., of Judge W. W. rpton, a former chief justice of this court, and directed the clerk to make suitable record ot the event. Hops are down to 2 and 'J cent 51 cents is being raid fur whiuL at Wells. Soma's band will be at Sa'eni in Feliru ary 19. v beat is ou cents at the larmeis ware- bouse and has been this week. Washington ountv maks a eooc show ing by placing the tax levy at 14 nulla. Col. C. T. Blumenrothcr. of Bandon Coos county, has offered his services to (Governor Lord with two companies of sol diers to 6ght the Eug-ish. This is one way oi obtaining notoriety. The niempers of the republican conares sional committee will meet at Portland on Feb, 6 to select tbe time and place for tbe congressional convention. Albany is good candidate, with good prospects of getting tne convention. The Scio Press attacks tbe county cou for making two tiilrds of tho judges and one-nait tne cprks ot election republican, leaving a intra and halt only tor the dsnt ocrats and populists, declaring it to fce part of the spoils system. The annual meeting of tha stockholders cf the Bank of Scio was held Tuesday af ternoon, resulting in the election of the following officers: President, A J Johnson; vice president, PO Smith; cashier, W A Ewing; directors, A I Johnson. P O Smith, A E Randall, 8 M Daniel and J S Morris. An election has been ordered to take place in this city on the 3d of next month for the selection of a major to the Second regiment, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ot Major v. v. Sherman. Lieutenant Colonel M, W. Bunt,- aid-da amp on the stun ot uovenor Lord, wi l act as inspector of the election. Statesman. Lebanon. Dr. H. L. Parish has returned to ban t rancisco to rendu. Mia J Eva Scott, who has been visiting Mrs. Everett and Miss Leila Westfall, of this city, returned to her home in Albany a unsuay evening. It was decided that the tax levy should oe as ioiiows: niree mills lor general purposes, 1 14 mills for road and street fund, and $2 poll tax. The levy is the same as made last year. 0. B. Montague is mentioned for con gress by the populists. There is no man in the partv better eauiooed for the Flace nor more deserving of the honor, f elected, he would make a representa tive ot whom none seed feel ashamed. S. M. Garland, of this citv. is btine urged for the nomination of county iudire on the democratic ticket. Mr. Garland is well qualified to fill the position, and wvuiu pou a targe vote. There is no lonirer anv danger nf a further spread of the diphtheria. All the old cases are well. Only two persons now are aiiectea, they having it in the mildest form. Our country friends can safely come to town. Chas. Stokes and family left last Mnn. day for Berry, on the O. 6. A E. railroad where Sir. stokes has a permanent po sition wiui tne enterprise Mill company. it . ccvia u uiuve up mere is a couple of weeks and will work for the same company. Jos. Hansard has made two inventions in the bicycle line. One is a wheel to be run by compressed air, the rider to work an air pump. By this arrangement the wheelman could acquire great speed with little labor. His other invention is a steel tire a steel rim overlaid with short, bent strips of sUel which wauld serve as snrines. Mr. Hansard has Lik en Knff iiiatt into partnership, and they wuiuavu wiu mnnuoDi possible. Express and Advance. A Woman's Reason. The Post says: The governor's office has been (loaded by letters latelv. es- w 0 penally from ladies, both in this and other states, who protest asainst the hanging of the boy. The following is characteristic of many other e rust lea which have been received by the gover nor urging his interposition in the execu tion of the boy parricide: , January 23, "66. tiovESNoa I beseech vou to not let the in kill that lor in Albany jail under I sentence oi death u tor no other reaa-n than it wiil kill a lady here who baa a beautiful sou of the same age whom she has not seen for sometime. And every time she reads about the execution of this poor boy goes into spasms. The taking of human life is s revolting crime. Maxv Mothsks If the taking of a human life is a re volting crime a hat is the taking of three human lives. In Mcmoriam. The following reoluiioi.s have been adopted by Spartacus Forum, No. 634, of this city: Whebxas, It bas pleased God the So pretne Ruler of the Universe to remove from oar midst our beloved companion, Mary P. Hdl, we feel that in her decease that our Ferom baa lost a most 'efficient and worthy member .the husband a fond and faithful wife, the children a kind and indulgent mother; be it Resolved. That we as officer and mem bers of panactts Forum, Ko. 634. ex tend to the bereaved family our heartfelt vmpatby, and trust that liud who north all things well will sustain them in this their hour of bereavement ; be it further Resolved. That a copy of these resolu tions be published in the daily papers, a copy spread on our record book and a copy sent to the sorrowing husband and children. Lima- A. Caaw. Mabv Saltsabu, Amv Lmrosrox. Committee. Tils H nek Mimmku. A San Francises) dispatch sars that the steamer Homer, from Coos Bay and Coquiile rier, with freight and passsengets, is overdue twenty-four hours and the news brought by the steamer Areata from Yaquina to day is not very profiling for the vessel. Tbe Areata sighted tbe Homer January 21t making slow headway against heavy seas. The Homer's port propeller shaft was broken but the vessel was making about thiee knots an boor with berstar board engine. The sea was very heavy and it is feared some accident of a sert- ious nature may have overtaken the coaster. Ib Spreck lea are preparing to send a tug to the Homer s assistance 11 she does not come in tonight. This boat waa at one lime on tbe l route. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. L. C Young, tbe artist, came np irom Miem yeeteruay. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huston, of Cor vallis. are in the city the guests of Mr. B. M. 11ns ton. Rev. Little returned from Portland this noon and will preach at tha U. P, church morning and evening tomorrow. Miss Rose Fry, of Albany, is the goest of ber sisters, Mrs. R A. Kirk and Mrs. Mel Hamilton in this city. Salem Jour nal. Rev. J. M. Turner of Independence will preach at the M. E. Church South tomorrow at 11 o clock and at 7:30 in tbe evening. y Mai. Collins, O. N. G., is in tbe city snd this afternoon examined OapU Phillips, 1st Lieut. Sears and 2nd Lieut Milloy with a view of issuing commis sions to them upon their passing the re quired examination. J. A. Bilveu. of Scio was in the citv today looking over Uie Albany creamery Scio business men are talking of starling one in that citv, a move that would greatly lieneht that city. Mr. and airs, a it. unapman came over from Corvallis today to resume their residence in Albany Mr. Chap. man is lo take charge ol the Albany otn ces on aionuay. JMr. W. II. Head ley, formerly of this city, out now ot Albany, was a pleasant cauer at this, Monday. Mr. Head ley is traveling tor a tJbicago music House. Dalles Observer. Mr. S. B. Hart, the drummer put off the train here several weeks ago, left this morning for Portland. Th course he takes in conneciton with his misfortune at tins city will be watched with great interest. Millard Hays, who has been employ ed on the snag boat Corvallis for several months, arrived home Thursday, to re main for awhile. The snag boat has been laid up, pending the appropriat:on by congress of further funds for the river improvement. Times. An afternoon tea was given yesterday by Mrs. Percy A. Young in honor of her friend Miss Adule Morganstern, of San Francisco, who will go to Europe on her departure from Albany. The servicelwas ono netlJr Prepared. Mrs. Young and Miss Morganstern were assisted by Mrs. E. D. Cusick and Miss Bertha Ellis. The affair was greatly enjoyed. Miss Mary Oundiff, of this city goes to Salem every Friday noon, returning Sat urday noon, for the purpose of taking special lessons of Miss Sara Brown of "uiameiie university. The Post gives uor viau this week as follows: "Mie. Marie Oundiff arrived from Corvallis to- . lainette university." I , v7 uu win resume aer studies a il- The total it . . m maL'j010' " 2 , s. " " coun- ty's is 21 mills. Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report ilOSOIstlTEEsV PUCE HOME AND ABROAD Ladies fine shoes, cheap at Raket stor. "The Hr7 Makers at the otera boa Jan 31st. Best 12.00 shoe in the city at the bt. Lois Raket stor. The tota' aessnient of the city of Salem is 2,308,886. Ladies best Goodyear welt shoes S2 75 at St. Luis Raket. Boys heavy shoes, shop n. ad, and war ranted at Raket stor Jan. CUttheY.u. C. A. will rencer "The Hay Makers." The steamer Farallon will leave Vaquina Monday morning lor San r rancisco. FCo. defeated the Y. M. C. A. club hut night 26 to 18 in a liv! game. Loyd Montgomery has six days more in bicb to live on less his execution is stayed. You can't afford te miss bearing "The Hay Makerk" at the opera bcuK, on Jin. 31st. Hello! Did you ever hear "Tre Hay Makers?' If not go and hear them on 'an, 31st. The pat week shows the increase in Spokane's clearances to be the biggest of any city in the U. 8. Erskin Martin, a brother cf Attorney Martin of Brownsville, was found dead at Myrtle Point in Southern Oregon. The O. A C. will not accept state aid this year. Why? Became they get enough from the U.S. Mr. Ed Schmeer baa sold the IX-lnjonico nstauraat to Mr. Augat Brownaby who ill now run iL A. T. Savase. a Marion county farmer. has made an assignmeo with asaeta at 11,127 and liabilities $1,230. Coda- the directonhip of Z. M. Parvin. the cast of characters in "The Hay Makers'' are able to offer Albany a mutkal oramat ic treat, on Jan Slt Th Pioneer stone of Toledo baa been se lected for the big union depot at San Fran- cix. It will take neary 15.UUU tons. which wut mean toe bringing of about f 1 75.0OJ into Oregon Sid Horn and Duncan Scott started thin afternoon for Albany wtn three bead el horsnt. which tbey wiil ahip from there to San Francisco, fbey hare another horse at Uarritourg. Ettgmoe (iaald Another item of ecocomv on theO. C. A E, not mentioned yeiterday. will be the running of the pawager engine by Master Mecnanic Lhtpman and th: retirement bt one of the other engineers. Tne brownri! bsnk held tneir visual merlins; iat Monday and elected the f -luwiGg tiSkvrt: l"re.. V.'. R. Kirk; Cab ler, U. L Sat; Asmutaat Cahur. J. II. Uimctkri. I. 3d. itoytr. lira. El more. W. R. Kirk. n tw nut twutiut r r v f;!.t tram Satur-ay Arthur Ca-tee!. tne enjrin- i w or hi. rr- i.f ' by the bursting of a water aHaas. 1st saglncet is trying to slop the leak in the Loiirr and car tne engiae. bal to put hit nands la the net sle-un and water until the were eerlr scalded, especially lis left hand. His face and ear were also quite badly burnt. Leader. The Haymakers. Posters are out for the Cantata to be given in this city next week. Below we give the contents in full : Grand Cantata, the Haymaxers, con sisting of splendid solos, duets, trios, quartettes, quintettes and choruses. In- irodocing oarnvara ecnoes, mocn to tne : annoyance of Mr. Snipkins. a yoong man ' irom tbe city. A genuine mowing scene in which will be introduced New Lng- , land harrest implements, followed by auwer id u una ; iu an a iuu uauu. i A real thunder shower then overtaxes uk uiiuum, uiuuii uiui uiku "? uvuy is ojspuyea oy ue unner ana uis . assistants, and them is a general de- nimnci iew iimimiiM. iimmmi f-nnrna ' superior merit then follows. The whole program is appropriately con cluded by a grand Hardest Home Chorus in which mast excellent musical dram atic effect is displayed. The climax is snperb. Cast oi characters: Farmer, S.N. Steele; hi sons, illiam and John, A. M. Hammer, b. E. Irvine; Sntpkins, t , i. i: . A I f : t . 1 i i J : Anna. Mrs. F. P. Nutting: Sarah. Miss Lillian Farrell : Dairy Maid. Miss Mar guerite Aklerson; Musical Director,Prof. Z. M. Parvin ; pianist Mildred Burni es ter; assisted by chorus ot n.iy voices. Opera bouse, January, 31st. Reserved seats at tlodgea x Buikhart s drug store, 35 and 50 cents. A Live Brownsville Aftair. It is indeed strange how many peculiar and unnatural things liquor will some times prompt men to do when under its influence. Last Friday we had a strik ing illustration along this very line. Hugo Blakel v and w alter tiasbrouck are attending the South Side school, and it appears tbat U.e boys were leeunga Utile mischievous, and wrote upon their slates the name "Foust" which was pre ceded bv some word that at a distant re sembled vulgarity ,and exhibited the same to Gideon Fonst1s little girl, who took it as an insult, and miormed ber papa ot the fact. Mr. Foust had been drinking a little hell water, and getting a revolver proceeded lo the school boose to have a settlement. He arrived there at the last recess, when alt concerned were called in, and an investigation into the facts was instituted. bile Hugh was making a statement Gideon called out, "You're a liar," which was responded to by Hugh in a similar ungentlemanly manner, when Gideon pulled his revolver, Henry Blakely was present and inter ceded, taking the revolver from Mr. roust, who, however, made no-attempt to use it. The following Monday when the irate lather had become hint-elf, he saw his great wrong, and immediately went to the school house and acknowl edged the fact to all those concerned, and tbe matter lias now been. dropped. Tux Bioossr Evist in February will be the Wood mens entertainment on Washington's birthday. A program will be presented in which features will be songs by Mrs. Langdon, Miss Ellis and Rev. Poling, and recitations bv Misses Oundiff and Simpson. There will be an actual wood chopping contest on the stage in relava of three at a lime, urowns ville will send an expert with 25 mem bers, Harrisburg, Halsey and other towns choppers and delegations. The entertainment will close with a carnival of fun for Woodmen only and a banquet. Corvallis coal oil comes n astly now from Albany, and a big shipn arrived via the 0. C. yesterday morning, la order to facilitate delivery and save dealers fro a keeping large stocks on hand, the Stand ard Oilt.'o has established a distributing depot st Albany Times. Arrangements are being made to begin work on the scaffold for Loyd Montgomery. It is probable that it will be erected some where away from ths jail ready to be put up on next t riday n neeoia on that day. The Albany Creamery is now filling an order for 1500 pounds of butter for Alaska. The demand for the butter is incrersing. 'and no one ever uses it without wanting it ' aga,n- Dr. Price's Cream Baklos Powder AwsnM CoU Madsl Mkiwtott Fshv frtacissfc mm RAILROAD TALK. The air at Astoria and Portland is fnll of Hammond talk. As Albany is mater ially interested in that part relating to the extension of the O. C. & E., we give the following from tbe Telegram, though it may be said yoa can tell little about what Portland papers say on railroad building : "Wild rumors" and truly they seem such have been afloat since Mr. flam mond'a return from the east to the ef fect that the 10,000 tons of steel tails for the Goble road were rot in reality in tbe interests of that line, bat on the other hand the rails are intended fo. tbe ex tension of the Oregon Central from Al bany and Prineviile and east of the mountains. The strong hopes of the up per Willamette valley towns that some time they would be on a line ot connec ti m with the O.C.AL, have evidently led tbe Attorians into believing that perhaps after all they have placed too much confidence in Promoter Hammond, who, in reality, bas made more zealous efforts to start the Goble road than any of his predecessors in this enterprise. In fact, it is suraested that the 10.000 tons i of rails would about 11 the bill for the new line, which it has baen suggested Mr. Hammond will some time build in the Willamette valley and eastward. As tbe rails will be loaded on trains that wilt come to Portland, it is said that af ter all, it may not be that the rails are for use between Goble and Astoria But after giving this lurid rumor in elaborate form, Mr. Hammond is be seeched to reassure the people that it is all stuff that dreams are made of. and n ot fit to be listened to by sensible peo ple. Thereupon Mr. Hammond does bis be ft to qoiet tbe excitable nerves of the Astorians by firing at them this poser, which at first glance won id seem to con vey the fallacy of the story : "If it is rumored that these rails are to be used on the line in the Willamette valley, I can answer that in a sentence. Why should I have these rails brooght to the Colombia river and resbipped from here at heavy expense, w ben they coo Id just as welt be delivered by ship to my own road, at Yaquina bay? No, there is nothing in tbe rumor, and i wilt state furthermore, that it is not only my de sire, but it is largely t my interest.look Ing at it in one sense, to complete tbe Goble road even sooner than my contract calls for. 1 have already said the road wiil be in operation in lt&o." Air. Hammond further aasu res the As torians that the steel rails whh h he or dered from England are to be used on the Goble road. The only thing which seriously affects the early'compielion of tbe road is the delay of the Astorians themselves in the matter of giving the road the subsidies) that they originally pr?,m" , Mr. Hammond in a reported inter view, a few davs ago, stated that be was doing his share, and was acting in good faith, a&d that U the people performed tbcir part of the contract all woold be well with the railroad. In regard to the question of extending the Oregon Central A Eastern, it is a well-known fact that Messrs Hammond and Bonner Lave no burning desire at tbe present time to experiment with ex tensions to the struggling railway line from the bay lo Albany, w hies they se cured control of al a critical period, and have preserved in the face of great ob etsvcles. The line has cost the Montana capitalists dear and it sjunds as good as a fresh joke to hear that tbe 1C,(M tons of new steel rails may be sent op to Al bany and an extension be built toward oi mm ,UQ!a 1Q0 miles of the O. C. A E. in anv direction wooid gladly welcome tbe road, Md wooUi extend the utmost aid to help .h.h Km . l. tin um. Konw.r .nj Hammond said they were . - r, tt, m. ent. So tat any rumor about tbe un- mediate -xt-Bion of this line must be wnh . iiberli allowance of salt. however much tha people dislike to bear it. Mr. Hammond will doubtless build an extension to the Central Oregon line when tbe prospects are brighter. Last night the Hall of DowdaU Lodge was tbe scene of much activity until 6 o'clock this morning. Tbe occasion was the initiation ol nine members into toe mysteries of Pythianisin, Nineteen members from the Albany lodge were present, and did most ot the work, and did it in a manner highly satisfactory to all concerned. At midnight an excel lent w . . ' Hrml at th Hotel Brownsville to which the visiting broth ers as well as the home boys did ample iustice. Those in attendance from Al bany were: E. L. Ouinn, G. W. Hoch- stedier, E. U. Will, J. S. Van Winkle, P. B. Marshal. Frank Kitchen, A. McClaio, J. R. Wilson, W. M. Parker, John Isom. Jr.. Albert Freerkson. Jas. Githens, Dr. H. A. Leiniager, Orval Crawtord. E. A. Basset:. Wm. Savage, P. G. Morris, J. A. McFeron, Geo Long. Times. Rheumatism i caused by lactk a Hd in the blood Hood's Saraparilla neutiai- U-s this acid and completely and perma nentiv cures rheumatism. Be sure to get anlv Hood's. Hood's Pills core nausea, sick headache, indigestion, bUllousness. Sold by all drug gists. "Tbe Hay Makers" 35 and 50 cU "Tbe Hay Makws" 35 and 50 cts. 'The Hay Makers" S5 and 50 cU Gladness Comes AXith a better understanding of the V V transient nature of tbe many Phys ical ilia which vaniah before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simnlv to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pteasans family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the ona remedy which promotes iuternal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. 1 is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you nave the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep- ntttHlA lv-iicrrtKtjl- If in tho enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended, to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives moat general sati&f action. gfeif if New Time Card. Following is lh nsw tim tn of tb Altany Street Railway: he car wiil feav- coruer of First aiirt ' w ashington street as follows: ; 4 :20 a- m for morning verlnd train ; gjfrf) -Uif,n train , Ujgj . Yn(inm trin ; 12:0 noon, tair goi, g noutb. 12:35 p m . Itj-burx irain j -.nii and west bound Yaquina train. iwp. m U. C. & t. train, ea.t touud. 40 Lebanon train, 11-35 " Ovrland train going south. 4:00 " Orphan's Home. The car wilt aiseueet all incoming trains on both the Soot hern PaciSe and OCA E. railroad',. C. G. Bukshakt, Secretary O.C4L Time Table. Passenger Leaves Yaqnina at 7 a. m. Arrives at Albany at 11 :50 a. m. Leaves Albany 1 :05, arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. m. Mixed Leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12:15 o m. Leaves Detroit at 12:55 pm, arrives at Albany at 5:30 pm. Freight Leaves Albany at 7:15 a ia on Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fridays. Ar rives at Yaquina at 4 :05 p ns ; leaves Ya qnina at 8 -.15 am onTcesdays, Tbnrs dayhand Saturdays; arrives at Albany at 4:55 p.m. SIMMONSV s tSal GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some Iaxatfva metiidne to cleanse M.t system and keep the blood pure. Those ho take SIMMONS LTVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the tenc&s of a mil J and pleasant laxative and tonic tiu.t purifies the blood and strengthens t':e whole system. Arsf saore than this: Sf.ViONS OVER REGU LATOR regulates tie Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in rood condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion. Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are ail caused ty a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only te had vrben tbe fiver b properly at wcrk. If trembled with anv of these complaints, try SiMMONS LTVER REGULATOR. The sung of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. -ETEBT PACKAGE- Has tbe Z Scamp in red on wrappe& J. XL Zeilia Jt Cn PhQak. Pa. The grealest sel'er on the market for disease of the Li vcr.Ki J ne ys and Con- stipaticn. Pleasant to take by old or josag. TSo Piping. Tbe root of the LireriM plant is exten sively used in Norway for the core of Piles Sold by all Erst class draggists Wholesale aLuiufactares, AXCHORSCHEMICALCO, Lebanon. Or FAILING MANHOOD Geaml and fenreca DchHIty. TTsafama of Bodr and Hifid. Kffcss of Errors or Emws la Oid or Toaoa. Robust, Noble Maniaxid fatly Restored. Bow la EsJares awl Strenrtbea Weak. Vn deniofied Portions of Body. Absolutely a tai has; Bosk Treanneou Becefita la a aay. iwUfr front M Siawa aod Fwssa Countries. Send for Desrnptiva Booa. ex plaaation and proafs, mailed isoaledi frea. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA" ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Qtlitura Kxpnss Trains miml. 18ta pjruaS 8;SO. a. I L lt-f L li-0 a I Ar t,S!"' Ar t 1-4S a L i - r a Saa Praatwco Abov traH stp at E" p.rtUJ Oregon Cit. WKviiw n. StKoi rarasr Mirn. Jelrsoi. Jit o, Tang-iH, heJ H :ae Creswe"-!, Drain, nd all t-iKns from Roseborg sauth o and acludinat Vsn'-and aoaaacaa dai-i 1JS . a L I Pontes S uauiea attaa Ijiha-.-i S-N I L S.tSaa I Ar t r I L Oi.tin? Cars on Ugl v SECQND-CUSS SI EH i? C isaka la all Tb'-aa '' aartwKBS reavtasw aa i. Maik last aiUl ( Xioppt Sum!.) tsltt isalar rortlaBa mlla i i S l,v ' ) 4 ttli Express rain daily (ex eot sm.dat) AIUi.t and CorvalUs on act with 'rai t O 0. E. Ry. MOr a I Ly Poruaaa McKiaavUM Tasral At I s.wa TtroTiEfl Ticliett o 4l la tba Rastsra 8Ma, Caaada KanS eaa ba oblahMd a wm nla Horn rvwafe.Arat atbaay. t. SOSHLXI lluuu rwtlwt rr w- LIIBI1E