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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1896)
KM I5t Arhr It ft ft VOL XXXI. Eater el as (he Pcsi mee a llb,. o,. Hall Kallr.i ALBANT OGlkGON, FRIDAY. 'FEBRUARY 7, 1890. r. r; istmsc rablUker aad irrlert V !1 i i H V H ilj in y I for Infants and Children. " Castoria is so veil adapted to children that 1 recommend It as superior to any prescription itome. H. A. AacHsa, M. D., Ul Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. MThe use of 'Castoria' is so or.'wsal and Ba merits so well known that it so :na a work f supererogation to endorse it. Fewarethe Intelligent bunnies who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CAMoa Vkwrsx, D. IK, . New York dty. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, - . Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, CDs Worms, gtaa deep, and promotes dk gestion, , Without injurious medication. ' i "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced hwnnft-lal results." Edwin f. Pabdss, M. XL, 135th Sreet and 7th Ave, Now York CSty. Tbs Cectack Compact, 77 Mcrrjlt Slant, New Yobx Cm. THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. Dealer in R A ONE GIVES RSLIEF. FORTMILLEE & KEEP constant! oa hand a full line of metallic, cloth and mood ciskets and coffin Also bu-iat robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, eassemere which wi 1 1 e s 4d ai The lwMt Living Pralil' nd 'he proper cire of h dead a specially. TESiTLK UB.W FiO EXTRA CHARGE F0?. HEARSE OB SERVICE. - . ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOM3PII. Propi-ictui- TiH fWMwBcMr ca-cs qaSckly, irmsneBtly as r-T..i oiaafC?. V. ejjt iKcjurr. of tirain ioet; ions, evi! ereams. tepotrney and wssv.ns duauea eaaaed by youXAfttitrrvrs orexvust. Contain no opia&e. baserve loai WMbloMMIMer. jauesinep&ieanapnnyPTTOcraiMipiiraiiu BsrtlyeTTlJlntjoekct.ipMtoi:a!J-S5S. BynalLpra- Kjr-'"l-l yMmrgVrwmfWfjHaw. BnMfKtffrM mli- timm. totttrtm WMIiwMPHUtt. SnuliTi li.fTj iisa. CJ a rorsaleia Albany .OnsViby J. A. CCJULOtid. and b i UOIX.E3 A Mct AHl.ASU. ftroggista. c Evidenced bv the fact that there were mora of lhm sold in 95 than any other make. Be sure to eee sample before purchasing your '96 wheel. MAE'S BY INDIANA BICYCLE uO, ISOASAPOLIB, ISD . Hodges and Goff, A Moutgomery Items. Loyl Bryon Montgomery is to be hanged sometime , tomorrow , the exact time will be announced tliis even ing to those having inviUtioi8 ; but will not be made public, lie Bays he will dio game, and will not be a coward when the time cornea. The sea grass rope for the occasion has been received and is ready for doing its deadly work, it ia to be hoped without a miss, tor hanging ia bad enongh when done smoothly. Ihe rope ia the regula tion ?4 inch. The prisoner it is aaia ill go directly upon tue scaffold from the sheriff's rooms above the jail. Mrs. Mcreron and children are vis ing frienda during 'the eveut, of course not wishing to be present on such an oc casion. Already the hanging lias attracted peo- pio io our city, ana a large roU is looked for tomorrow out of morbid cur iosity. -Sheriff McFeron this morninir nnr. chaved Montgomery's death suit. It as of neat black, diagonal, 38 coat and 82-33 trousers. He will wear a ner whiin shirt and collar aud wili present a neat appearance. Arrangements are beinz mad a by rel atives to take charge of his body aud give it a decent burial iustead of alloaing it to go to a medical col live. He made an earnest request to this effect. However great his guilt this is only right. sheriff McFeron will himself. It will be dnn htr nla.Mno hia foot on a lever at the side of the gallows. It is probable about twentr-ae ner- sons will see the execution. There is a great deal of speculation as to the hour of execution, all kind of stories being circulated. The exact time will be made known to those havirnr cani8 sometime this evening. Nearly all executions are had between the hours of 12 and 2 in the afternoon. On account oi the Haywood execution being between 12 and 2 o'clock at nk'ht nearlv all hours of the nighr after midnight have been set mr una one. i Dr. J . L. Hill has for some time been preparing a work on heredity, and for scientific purposes has called on the con demned man ; but his interview failed to reveal much ia the line desired, though some things. Montcomerv has been anendiow hi last full day on earth to day in a quiet way with less singing and fiddling than usual. He was cool and braced up for the event. To one oi his attorneys he insisted that the McKercher version was correct and declared he would die with that as his last statement: that he onlv gave the other version because bethought wouiu Mvojum irom a earn. lie said he would die bravely and .daring today would keep from excitement as much as possible, which he has done, talking with people less than usual. Every precaution is beiuir taken to make the callows work easilv m uki avoid all possibility of accident A mong mose present are bneriR Johnston, of Lane, and Cathcart, of DougtaB The DenocKAV has : opposed Lovd Montgomery because it had no doubt "of bis guilt and the public safety demands justice for the commission of 'such a ter rible crime. We have tried not to 1 vindictive. Oar position has been prac tically ti e same as that of other papers. THE YAQUINA REPORT. Captain W. L. Fisk, of the corps of United States engineers, of terday;received a copy of the report of the board of engineers, coaaiating of Lieut. Colonel Amos Stickucy, Major J. C.Post, and Major Clinton B. Sears, appointed by President Cleveland, to make an ex amination of the bar of Yaquina bay, with a view to a project for dee peer water. The report was submitted by Chief of Engineers V- P." Craighill, on November 2t, 1895, to Daniel S. Lamont, secretary of war, and by him transmitted to the house of representatives, Decem ber 9. 1893. Pollowing are Borneo the more im- ponaHi statements mane in the report: "The board ia not called upon to ex press any opinion whether a farther permanent deepening . -tit the water on the bar ia practicable; or, if practicable, whether the coo. me ice of the port, prospective, will justify a fur ther expenditure. "The result of the work of ' improve ment has been a net gain of 7 feet in depth of water across the bar, over what it was !iore the work began. The sur vey oi J uly, ibvo, shows a least depth of 14 feet across the bar, the narrowest part vi me cuannei uetweeu me lourteen loot curves tieiog w leet. Tins increase in depth has been obtained at a cost tuu.uoo tibia includes the $25,000 esti mated as neened to completed the pres ent project), or a little over $101,000 a foot. The value of commerce in and out oi the bay for the fiscal year ending June oj, ia:io, was as ioiiows: "The board is of the opinion that if any further permanent deepening of iui3 wr uou uo luaue, it will ue only ny prolonging the present jetties. The. crest oi the bar in front of the jetties which has a minimum depth of "n feet at low water, is now i00 feet in advance of the ends of the je'tiet, anil it is pos sible that the extension of the jellies would of themselves cause an advance of the bor a distance equal to their prolon gation, if there were no other influences at work to modify their action. it therefore seems reasonable to sup pose that any tendency of the bar to re form in an advanced position would he largely counteracted, and that a chan nel of increased depth would be main tained. "The project proposed, therefore, is to extend the north jetty 210J, and the south jetty 2000 fwt. Thev should he parallel, and 1000 feet apart, the distance between Cie ends of the pieent jetties. "The south jetty should have on the channel side groins of riprap every 300 feet, each groin to run fruui grade level at the main jetty, down to mean low wa ter at its free end: the lecs.h of each groin to be determined from time to lime as the work develops. It ia prob able that they w ill have lo be not Itsss than 100 feet in length. Tne object of these groins is t protect the jetty from undermining. Jt may prove necessary, as the work progresses, to buikl similar groins along the north jetty. mined: iiain jetty, 4100 feet long, ai 10 733 (Ml Seven groins, 100 feet long, r 7W leet. at 1100 70.C00 Inside spur, S00 feel long, at 75. tiO.tJOO Removal of detached rock, 2000 cubic Tard. at 12 St.OM For contingent iea, Id per cent. .. 133.SU0 NT YOUR TRADE. to ploase you. If every k. kindly let us know ling t cost but at moder e can furnish you any arness line at lowest prices See on-line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips Powcb & ToMLISaOH. UUI'B; ig t:r 't- V?0t fl!r; SAFE BLOWN UP. The sforo of Cruine it Davis of Shedd was broken into this morning and the safe blown open. Giant powder was put in a note arnica into tne uoor ana ex ploded, shattering the door but not en tirely from the hinges and it would have taken n.ore work to eet it off. The noise was loud and the men 'evidently thought some one was coming lor tuey skipped our, though $80 was in the safe, and was not touched. No clue a as obtained to the burglars. 2 Mrs. W. B. Lawler went to Salem yes terday. Miss Sadie Cohen returned this noon from a trip to" Portland. Dr. J. W. Cusick came nn from Kalem this nora. Editor Irvine of the Corvnllis Times is in the city the guest of his cousin Dr. E. u. irvine. Frank Powers, who has been workim; in a drag store in San Francisco has re turned to Albany. Mrs. L. G. Gray went to Albany this morning to visit her daughter. Mrs. F. J. Miller. Eugene Guard. Mr?. A. L. Stinson and daughter. Miss Mary, went to Albany tins lnormna to remain several weeks. baiein Journal. Miss Alita Arrick. who has been the gueet of her aunt Mrs. Weatneriord for the past month, left last nigh, for her home in Sao Jose The Y. M. C. A. of Albany College are planning to give a social and entertain ment, in the society hall, Friday even ing, February H." Further notice will be given later. Miss Anna Woods, who Uvea near Al bany was last week granted a permit to teach until the next quarterly teachers' examination. Miss Woods has been en gaged to complete a term of school in Lust. ro. 4 lor the regular teacber, Mies Burkbart, who was compelled to resign on account of sickness. Gazette- Total $1,025,800 "It-is possible that the work as out lined might be constructed at a loat r cost than that estimated. ul congress make a liberal appropri ation on this report, th-it is the vital questi.n to Oregonian. MLm Gilbert's Mimical. The pnpils of Miss Hela Gilbert gave a musical last eve jine at he residence of Mr. A. M. Hammer that was greatly enjoyed by a good sised company of friends. The program displayed markeil improvement and that the pnpils are gV.tine an excellent foundation to their musical education, following was the program Oa the Divide. ' January 28, 1390. Mrs. Adamson has been visiting with her mother Mrs. Wassom, of Diamond Hill. Mr. A. Springat and family and Miw Short have been visiting in Eugene and Springfield tne past week. Courtney Ollicer, who for several weeks past has been staying with Harve Som merville here at lh old home, returned to Kugene last week. Clarence Macey is sick aaia. Iren Grimes spent last eek viaitin in Eugene. Miss Short, of Oakland. Calif., who has been visiting her sister Mrs. A. Sprincate for some time, mill n-tum home next week, via Portland an I Astoria. David Ehv ami wife are now at L'nt-le Presvja Barker's making arrangenienu for moving him and his aged wife to live ! with them in the future at their home near Gochen, in Lane county. Mr. and Mrs. Barve.-s many friends will be very sorry to part with them, though all will agree in thinking it a very is decision, as tney nave long been loo feeble to live alone. Mr. Yedder, of Marion county, is now at Mr. Simmons. Grandma Grimes who has been quite feeble all winter is slowly improving. Miss lli-am has a very full school, all the scholars in the district, besid-Hi many from adjoining districts. Krr. Crow, of Brownsville, was visit ing in this vicinity Ut week. Kev. Handiraker, of Eugene, preached at oar school liotiee. the 3rd Sabbath in this month. Rev. Graf? will preach at 3 o'clock the second Sabbath in February at the school llOtt'W. LOYD Hanged at 7:100 this Morning c Confessed the R Triple Mur- y aer. A man who owns property in Kansas and in Marion county fays 56'j mills iax on his Kanms county property and IS ntiils on his Marian county property. After all Oregon i tttcr off Uian many states. PHZDAT Important .Suit. For some time Albany has had an in junction suit on hand restraining the ivment of certain warrants to the Port land Bridge Company. The matter was sopplement4 today by Use bringing of a suit in the lT. S. d'iMrict coort against Albany by the King Bridg Company, of Cleveland, O.. for 9073.ii8 and interest, aboct til. 775 in all. Deputy t' S. Mar thai Geo. Humphrey serted tb papers on Mayor Burk hart to lay, as wall as a Duet, La Fille Du IU-cinient, Cxernv, ' retraining order on the treasurer for- d Froman. i tMdJing Ins utng any of the last $'JJ.- OW bond fund for current expene. It seems that about $1000 has already been owl contrary lo ihe ordinance; hence the suit at this time. ients. Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts CGKRAD MEYER, PRCPFIETCR (aasfd rrntln Vluissre, Dried Frultn, 1 obacro Bgsr fle He Qseeaknarr, Vegetable Cigar . Spleea, Test Ete . everything 'hat is kept in s good variety and gro eery atore. High- est price paid for ALL KINDoOF PRODLCE ALBANY Red Grown Milling Gc la nr under the managenien Eo want Going, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Yanc E D. Barrett and Samuel E. Yotuig,wh are now prepared to furnish sacks nd Receive Wh?at on storage, and will pay the highs market price for the dame. MM ISDMKCE AGENCY Dealers In Insurance, Wheat and Oats. We have had more thorough training in an tne orancoes ci insurance man anv .1 i. ah -a J otner aKenir in niuuny, rau can give you more genuine insurance for your money than an; other agent in tl.a city. District agents for the Sun, of ' London, established 1710 A. D , Phoenix, of Lon don, A D.. 1782 and "Continental,'' of New York, the only company issuing a Saretv t una roiicy. M . SENDERS, & Co., Mgrs ie. Price's Cream Baking ?ow(L. V-wld' Fnij-HiKhatMe4a and Oil r ALBiHY FDEIWi UU JOfi-COFORATXTD Baltimore Blotk. Albany, Ore. F U RN ITU B H complete line of l'l)i:itTAKICI The Uoag and Gypsy are both at or near Eugene. Tbe Portland police force is to be reduc ed fifteen Fftber & Neia today hipped over 300 bales of hops to Chicago. Yamhill has almost the same population of Linn county, 18,101. Astoria ii havine a terrible time selec!- tng a depot u for tne Hammond road. A society for the prevrntion of vice is to bi organised in Grant's Paiu. Will it pre vent rerbaps it will lessen, and that is a goon deal to do. Th; sil6 of reserved seats for tbe Hay waxen baa been very large, the opera tunica will probabiy be packed to morrow night. Don't mis it. Cards are out for tbe tnarriaea of Dr. F I. Ball, brother of the Misses Ball, of this city, and Miss Towtisend. an accomplished young lady. t take place at the home of tne onuej parents in fortlanc on rib. VI The motormen and condn tors of ths Portland Consolidated ktreet railway have been ordered to carry revolvers while on auty, in order to defend themselves againot the attacisct highwaymen. An iitm has been sroinir tbe rounds cf t ate re8 thut I L Chase A Co bbioped 4000 chicken, geese and ducks from Eu gene to San Francisco, and tnat 3000 of the birds w.-re obtained in Linn county. All bnt a smi; number of them were obtained in Lane county. Guard. Tbe city council and the Sineer Sewing Machine company have locked horns on a leiral rropoaition. Tbe sranitAcitv has an ordinance requiring a license fee of $20 per year from peddlers and are trying to en force it on toe company who claim that they are working under that article of the constitution which gives to coniwua the ngbt ot commerce between states, and are therefore outside the jurisdiction ot muni cipal license laws. Jacksonville Times. Misses Livingston and retite Barcarolle, llensant. Miss Mary Foehay. Organ, Ohio Waltx, St Lawrence, Miss Mvra Abbott. Marguerite WalU, Ueinhold, Mis Maud Froman. Vocal Duet, Come Riee with the Lark, White, Misecs l'otiay. Piano solo. Golden' Iiain, Mis Grace Livingston. Duet, The Peri Valse. DA!be.t, Amelia and Nellie F.whay. Expectation, Concyne," Miss TUerese Banmgart. Yocalsolo, Flight of tLe Birds, Mrs. C. O. Lee. Sonesters of the Grovei. Lam?e. Mis Ora DubruiUe. ocal Ihiet. Selected. Mel Jines C. O. Lee and A. M. Hammer. Duet. Kn Koute. Smith. Misses Tn- braille and Banmgart. trio, iroouinght, vman. Misses Liv ingston. Abbettand Foshay. A meeting of the city council wiil be held Monday nitsl to consider the very important and srious situation Uie two suits places the city iu. in all its branches EMBALMING aspecialty. tioHiopnee comer 3rd and t'alspo'iis Diep. Mrs. Koee, wife of Mr. August Stark died last evenina. Jan. SO. after a 1 lingering illness, at the aye of 31 years. i months-10 days. The dwoeased leaves a husband and baby.and many to mourn hesoealb. She was a woman of pure life, a model wife and mother. The family have the sympathy f all in their lreai loss. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock p.m. at the family rei.len-e ner 4tli and Uruada! bin streets. Friends are invited. Tbe burial of Loyd Mon'iroroery was postponed until this forenojn. Funeial services we held at the jail at 10 o'clock. being conducted by (Kevs. tviley Little, by Poling and McKee. The remains were buried in the city cemetery. T I? Let Us Reason To-V- yS 1V1 XL gether! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at. a reiiauie store where they uss nly the Best material why of course i Is you dont want dyspepsia and yon'i never get it by eating anything Irom ou tore. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yandvkb. Proprieto Torturing Disfiguring' 5KIN DISEASES Instantly RELIEVED by GUTIOURA the GREAT SKIN CURE Sold thrauEfoot th) world. BHtlth tfeoot: F. Niwmiv A Sons, i. Kmc giiiwiiU'Pni stasstayKi. at vi i mm awstvu k Cuxm. Coar., boU PfOj, BoKso, U. S. A. , I L w V r2 TtavEP Back The steamer Hoag startea irom liarrtsburg lor this cilv yesterday, but on ncountering drift and a new eravU iar, turned bark. She had on 20 tons of freight for Euireno. lie- sides quite an amount for points i:li. Mie went baca lo llarruiburg and nn loaded, and several teams start! down this morning to haul up the freight for Eugene. Guard. Another evidence of the almost iinposoibiiity of making the river permanently navigable bevon.! liarrtsburg. A. Bush, Salem's millionaire and pol itician, was in tne city today. Mrs. Ellis Arn lias thought suit agt jonn Jacob Arm lor divorce. Mrs. E. D. Cusick and Misses Emma rfeiffer and Lora Vance rcturne I to-lay irt,m a trip to Uorvaliis A. I. Barker, a very enthusla'ic A. O. IT. W. man of Albany, was in tliu city lacl Tuesday to attend the installation of oliirers of that lodge. He acted ac in stalling officer ot the evening in the ab sent of .Past Grand Master lW'nnan.- Lcbanon Express. Missis Annie Dnmond and Ilda El k'ns and Mrs. G. VV. Cruson went down to Albany today, for a visit with friends and relatives for a few days. They in tend to attend tlw irformance, "Hay' maker's," before their return. Lebanon Advance. A pleasant paitv wrb given Weilnes ilay evening by Mrs. E. D. Cusick Those present were Mrs. P A Young, Misses Adeie Morganstcrn, riora ana Vnsta Mjwoij. Anna Flinn. KvaSimpsou r.ida and ttattie ualbraitn, Mary Uudtll, Lena Marshall, Lora Vance, Velle Irv ing, Emma Pfeiffer and Anna Fortmil ler, Th republican club last night appointed the following debgat to the state meet ing of clubs; J k Whitney, delegaba-at-large; C B Winn. C W Wa'ta. J A Wil son, I R Wyatt. Dr M II Elli. Ed Cusick F I Miller. Dr W II Davis, N M Newport I) tt N Bluckmirn, J A Van Winkle, N I Conn and E M Horton. Tea following are given by tbe Scic Prti-H as people party candidates: J M Kliiugher of Lacomb, for srhool niperin tundenl; H B Spnniier. of Sbedds, for as fcessor; Mr Roberts, of Brownsville, for the legislature: D L Curl, of North Leb anon; for treasurer and J A Finch of Al bany, for Sheriff. m mi , . . . , , . , I ium wtfcbuu lis lira viJcm iiwuar ui "AiST 18 ,rom even Vila" Mrs E. a wek airo and advertisoil by W. 11. War- V" .. I tier, was claimed yesterday by Mrs. W. It, uaum, Mrs. is. Thrall. fidveu. She had not diacoveied her loss I until yesterday. add A GatAT Obegox Isvxsmo!. Jnvbh uamas, oi Asmanu, nas neeu isuet a j patent for an improved device for felling trees and loe-sawing. The device is an ingenious one, and is worked hy com pressed air after tbe manner of the Bur leigh drill . Tbe air is compressed bv an engine or other power and conveyed by a hose to the machine which may 1 ear ned about liom tree tj inc. Jt will weigh about 120 pounds. It may be quickly attached to a tree or log and runs a ran n hii auu uiiuuiciKiHine. it is claimed that four men with this ma chine can cut from 75 to 100 cords of wood per day. They can also clear 10 acres of timber, sawing up every stick on it, with one setting of the engine. Mr. Loraas has received a letter from the as sociation of American Inventors of Phil adelphia stating that "be bad received a patent on an invention of unusual mer it. " Lomas, who lias been a resident of Ashland for a number of years, is a black smith, following the trade now Courier. As OnanoM Max. The Oregon young men continue on top. The Corvallis Gazette tells of another: Attorney.!. II. Wiison returned Monday from New York City, having been absent exactly two weens, uunng ma lour uavs' utav in New York Mr. Wilson spent most of" his time in the society of his brother-in-law, J. B. Walker. Mr. Walker, who is a draughtsman of exceptionable ability, is employed in drafting department of Munn & uo s patent oihce. in addition to this work he does considerable writing for tbe editorial department of the com pany's well known publication. The Scientific American. In the latter role he is meeting with splendid success. liis articles are receiving widespread atten tion ,and are favorably commented upon, not only in tne united estates but in Europe. The Lapiks Auxii.mrv. The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Friday. Jan. 31st at half past three o'clock. All jadies invited. The following interest ing program will be given from the writ ings of J. G. Holland. Biography, Mrs. C. C Hogiie. To My Dog "Blanco," Mrs. H. 0. Harkness. What is the Little One Thinking MUSIC. Quotations. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't atoll HIS LAST SIGHT. Loyd liryson Montgomery spent his last night on earth In a very cool manner. He was completely braced nn for the occasion. Ou a stand in his cell worked on a white spread in evergreen and i In i X turn nf reil 1 rriA ntru l,A Mrnta "Jesus Saves," which no doubt ha much to do with his apparent peace of mind. He declared that he was recon ciled and ready to die. The Salvation Army have made him many visits and through than claimed conversion, and he said during the evening that his sins were lorsiven and tie was not afiaul in die. Durum the evening visitors were al lowed free access to the corridor aud the condemned man seemed to enjoy their vaits. Among others were several Brownsville .neighbor. Several hun dred people probably looked through the grate at the unfortunate boy, who laced them with wonderful comp-jsure, not being in the least disturbed by the manner in which they stared at him. In the early part of the evening sev ers! boys were before him, when he re marked: "Trust in GoJ boys, and if ever you go to do wrong remember me." Ami yet during the evening he insist ed that his McKercher version of the murder was correct. Some of bis fellow prisoner remarked to the Desuaui man that he had told this so much that he really believed it. Christian poople and others visiting him persistently tried to induce htm to confeas Ut his version of the murder given before the grand jury; bnt he as persistently adhered to liie McKercher story. ihe 1)kmuceat man had a talk with tbe Fox brothers, who bad known hiui lor lite. They declared that he bad al- ways been like most boys, was good hearted and generous, but had a quick temper and was headstrong. To them . as well as to the other prisoners he had told the McKerJier story, which they substantially adniitbmi they could not tielieve. r or several nights Loyd had been restles and bardiy slept at all. nor would be let the other prisoner, sometimes forcibly awakening them so that thev would Uik with him, and in consequence they were atwl tired out. ! hhentl Mcreron remain! aim Mont gotnery ail night. Outers oorainnaiiy i popped in. Key. Miu ta. among otuers talked with biru and 1H-. Starr, of Browmrville. had a long talk : but he re tained his equanimity and held up won derfully. At 1 o'clock the sber.3 asked itn if he didn't want a np. when lie av down and almost instantly was asleep. He slept like a luai untii 4 o clork, whea ie was awakened bv the sheriff with iiScuily so sound were his slumbers. It tu necesatarr to taim him no before he could be niade to understand w bat was desired. Tuen the preparations began for his iong journey. Amon the early callers was Bey. SbuiU, of Shedd, who talked and prayed with him fervently. Ta him the bov insisted that the Mc- Kercher version was correct and the minuter believed he had kept the tact in bis mind so much as to have become convinced of its truth, and be declared that he believed be was saved. The new suit of clothe acre put on him and he was ready lor tne terrible event alter o'ciock. ItlS CONFEMStOX. About half an hour tfore the time set for the execution Jos. Hume, a brother-in-law of the sheriff, of Brownsville, and neighbor of tbe bov, went to him ;o is cell. He sat down beside htm and ; placed bis heat on bis shoulder and cried i out "Oh, Loyd, Lord, Loyd," and then he prayed as lew men ever pray, a prayer irom Ui? s n!, one making a deep im pression on tbe eevera who heard and 1 lie scene, l ben be tola t he boy impressively that he was in no condition to meet bis God without making a com plete contession ot the crime, and not dying with a lie on bis lips. The Short ness ol tbe time weigbed or. me con temned man, and a few words at a lime he admitted his guilt, that he killed all hree. bis lather, mother and lianiel McKercher on that fatal Nov. 19, but no details were given. It was not neces sary. At his own desire he wrou a cun- fission ot his guilt, and signed it, as follows: I did it I am guilt v oh God have mercy on me, take me as 1 aw a ixr amner. I ana sorry for what 1 have done, God, do have mercy on mv poor soul, lor my sake do and forgive, ah my sins and each and every one oi tbetn and lorgive tboee who sin agautst thee ou Ood help mots precious souls to see the ways of life for my sake do help them and guide them through this Uie. Amen. LOVP MoSTtiOMEXY. jury of twelve men, consisting ot W. C. L. White, J. II. Scott, J. W. Glass. A. J. Johnson, Wm. Faber, John Clelan, Jos. Home, J. Shea, J. D. I som, Chas McDowell, M. SI. Peery, was called into tbe tail and tbe death war rant was read to the condemned man iu their presence. uunng tne reading ot tne warrant Montgomery looked at tbe sheriff in a cool manner as if be pitied him for the unpkasant task, and then remarked lo thesoeiiff ani jury: "Don't feel bi d boys, I deserve to die. I hope you will foreive me and not feci too had. Then he kissed each of the prisoners who were tilled Willi emotion. beats were normal at first, then rapidly increased. At 4 minutes the rate was 173 a minute, then icgraduallydecreased and at 6 minutes was 128, at 6 minntes 66, with very little pulse, at 9 no pulse, at 10 only a Butter, at 11 an uncertain sound, at 12 minutes a slight movement. winch was felt up to 14 mmuu-8 - At 14 ' minutes he was pronounced dead liis neck was broken high. , Justice had ben done. The execution was well arranged and carried out. con ferring credit on the sheriff and his dep uties. The absence of any slip or re pulsive exhibition was commendable, tmrtng the scene about fifty men wit nessed tne very impressive event, fre quent comments showing their feelines. Among them were a good many strangers, sheriffs from other counties, reporters. etc Among the number was John Mc Kercher, brother of one of the murdered men, a band of crape around bis hat. tie watched the proceedings without anv demonstration, but with apparent satis- laction, and wneu tbe rope was cut was was one of the first to secure a piece, and a good sized one at that. Many followed suit .and the grass rope that stretched ixiyd uryson .Montgomery will be ex hibited in many places in Oregon. The hour had been amicinaieil and a large crowd surrounded the enclosure anxious to be in the presence of death. The body was takeu down, placed on a litter and leit in the courtbotwe for public inspection, many takimr advan tag of it to see the face of tbe perpetra tor of one of the coldest blooded and worst murders in the history of the Pa- ciiic coast. THE ACTOPSV. The brain of the murderer was taken out and given a partial examination by Urs. r.iiis, via'lace. Uavu. Beers. Irvine and Hill, of this citv, Starr, of Browns- yule, and Gustck. of Salem. About three inches 4uare of the brain on ftp oi the cerebrum reaching over each lobe was inflamed, with an ahesion of the mem brane to tbe surface of the brain. What this indicates will cause speculation and no doubt lead to different views. The weight of the brain was average, ounces, aud there was nothing particular out of proportion in the shape. The brain will be preserved by the Albany Med'cal Club, and when il'banl ens sufficiently will be examiLed on the interior as to gray and other matter, ma Lrrrea. Yesterday afternoon Montgomery pen ned the following letter and at n:ght gave it out fir pubiicatiun : Albvxt, linn Co. Or Jai. SO. 1S6. Dub BsoraEas asp M-tee : I t&ke this last opportunity of writing to you a few line. 1 feel a UiouzU I mux, eend to i c-r.e more meaeaee bektre my time arrixes to cross that dark river, although my mind is not as clear as I would like to have it to write this last letter to you all, and besides my nerves is somewhat un;ru;.g this uKning. I fully realize this is my last dsy ou this earth; only a few hours more and I win be no more here below, but I feel that when my soul departs from my body that my name ill appear on that great register in heaven, and when lie great jaigment day cornea I wi:l answer to it. I cannot find words sufficient to explain my feel inrfS and situation. This life seems lo me like a dream, in fact I.fe is nothing like a dream ; but remember, dear broth era and sister, that when we depart from this life here below w must be prepared lo gain that eternal life on high, where there is no sin and sorrow. And dear sister vou toid me vou have joined the I SATTJBD. THE HAYMAKERS. A Fine Presentation of Geo. Root's Famous Cantata, Tbe Haymakers was presented last night tinder the auspices of the Y, M. C. A. U a large audience. Under tbe direction of Prof. Z. M. Parvin . of tbe Albany conservatory of Music, it was brought out with splendid effect, great help being the faithful and artistic work of the plan hit, Miss Burmester. The Haymakers ia fall of pretty songs and at tractive scenes, wuicu will be best ru der stood by the complete prog ram, which we give below : "Arouse Ye! Arouse Ye!" by Farmer. "Awav to tbe Meadows, A way" chorus. 'Heigh, ho! How Early the Folks Get Hp" by Snipkin. "Sweet Morn, How Lovely is Thy Face" by Mary and Anna. "To Him Who Made L's," Chorus, . "Now Steady Swing Your Scythes" by William. itli Step Firm and Steady" Semi- chorus of mowers. "Slav Hold On" and Fireman's Sons, child rescued from fire, by Snipkins and Chorus. "Tbe Sun Ilia Drunk Co tbe Morninz Dew" bv Anna. "Toss it Hither" by Spreaders Chorus by Mowers and Spreaders " Higher and Higher Mounts tbe Sun" and "The Birds Have Sought tbo Forest fcbade" by alary. "Yea the Hour of Soon ia Here" by Farmer. "Tis the Farmers Welcome Call," Chorus. "Saeet After Toil Cometh Et" by Mary, Anna, William, John and Chorus. "Hefreehed Now With Vigor" by Farmer. "Hark, the Cheerful Sound," by Mow ers and Spreaders. "Prepare to Cloaa the Labors of tbe Day" bv Farmer. ; Coaie, Follow while Gaily We Bake Up the Hay" Cbonas. "When 'Wandering O'er the Dep" by Mary, Anna. Dairymaid and Chorus. ""A Dairyniaid Am 1" by Katie Uie Da-rrmaid. "Softly tbe Twilight Fades," Chorus. ! "Mary Love the WoM Beposea" and ! 'There's None so Brave as Willie" Serenade by William and Mary "My Katie s a Girl Beyond Compare" Serenade by Snipkitu. rAttr 1 1. SOCIAL AND PKKSONAL - Mr. Robert Andrews, of the collectors office in Portland, was-in the city today. . Wm. T. Stevens, the well known seal hnnter,and family have n.oved from Ya-. quina to Alba -v to res'ule Mr, H. 0. Jaekwin is being uientkmerf for county commissioner on the r'. a,., era tic ticket. He would make a faithu servant of the people. Tbe friends of II. L. WalJen generally will be glad to know that be has been re tained in charge of the Albany business ' of tbe O. CAE. He will have charge of both the rail and river business here. Prof. W. II. Lee. President of Albany College, was in our city on Thursday, calling upon Dr. Thompson and family. He reports an attendance at Alhanv col lege of 200 student. TLe institution is one of the best ol Christian Colleges oa the coast. Corvallis Times. " A birthday party was beinz held from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon at the resi dence of S. S. Train in honor of tbe 10th birthday of Miss Arlene. Twenty or thirty children were present enjoying the afternoon in games, program, a de licious lunch, etc. A birthday social will be riven at tbe C. P. church at 8 p. m. tonight. Birth day cake arid cocoa. Every person at tending will be charged a cent for each birtnday up to 21 cents, and all persons over 21 will be charged only 21 cents. A surprise party was given 3fis Elsie Kinney. Friday evening, by title and Elva Conn. The evening was spent en- yably .during which a lanch was served. hose piesent were:- EUie. Allie and Bertha Kinney, Elva and h-:e Coan-r- beie and Bertha Tyree, Ford, Nellie and Belie Craig, Wiliard Marks, Millie Kidder, Clare h-etennm, fc Lanier Ice land, Jessie Kay, and Clinton Conn. Hon. William Galloway, of McMinn- ville, has been appointed receiver at Oregon City. This is th position for wbicn Attorney j. vt. mrut ot this city was a candidate. Albany peo- Sle generally would have liked to see im secure the position. Nevertheless the appointment is a good otie. A BTCDESTS PAXTir. A delightful party was erven last even ing at tbe residence of Mm. Nellie H. Laixtbson, by membf rs of tie chus wuo have just been promoted to tbe high. school department. A feaJ.ure was the pinning of the names of celebrated peo ple to tle backs of those present and the guessing of the names from it description and history of the person. The follow ing were present wrui .hecnararters and people reprerented : Mrs. N. H. Lamb- eon, Mother bow; Mrs. iyree. airs G rover Cleveland; Dorcna Marshall, Queen Victoria; Anna Marshall, Prfe- -cilia; Myrtle MaxweU, Mrs. Gen. Cus ter; KetU Stewart, Ik peep; x-dit!i Kowe:!, Mother Bickerdyke; Anna Wil lis, Bed Bidicsbood; Hatue Ulsen, Martha Washington; Ethel Bentiey, Louisa M. A loot t; Mida McCoy, Helen Hunt Jackson ; ProL Tyree, Blue Beard ; Clarence Cameron, Gov. Lord; Claude Lambson, Judge Flinn; James Bryant, Mark Twain; Harry Crawford. U. S. Grant; Harry Schiosser, K. E. Lee; Harry Uimeron. Bid ye; Clarence Bu&bnell. Gen. Thomas; V'ernon. Bamp, Grover Cleveland. 6 k. . i t r I i ,. . A will keep your promise to me and live , up to God word and be his faithful ser-' vant nntil Uie end, that you may wear a ' crown of glory in tae world to come. I And, dear brothers, I wish tojepeat to youwhat!bav said before; stop and think betore it is too late, that you mi' be delivered from narknesa into lue. I truct and hope that you may live a Ions and harpy Christian life. I feel as though the prayers for me has been beard and answered aud nope w hen your lime is near at hand to you all can ray the same, and I hope that tbe good christian people wid extend a word for you ail in ti.e:r prayers as weil as me. . It seems to me bard to ! ave you aa young ta liie in sucn a way as i nave to go, but as long as it baa to he done the sooner it is over the belter. I am. ready to ctv "Jesus take me as I am." 1 am ready to go and meet our father and mother in heaven.ani I hope when yoar turn comes that we will all meet around that happy throne where the word fare well is never uI, and whea the race of this life is run our Master ran say, Well done, my faithful servant." Then why should we sigh or fear todie, When trusting in J .sus upon high, Though we here should meet no more, Yet there Is a brighter shore. There released from Uil ami pain, There we all may meet aain. Now. dear ones, I will bring this to a i close. When this reaches you, and be- j fore your eyes follow tbese, my last tines to yoj, I will be cold in death. I feel ' "Good Morning" Chorus. "How Pleasant are Those Cheerful Words" and "Blithely Go We Forth lis Harvest Day" bv Farmer. "Light Hearted ars We" Chorus and Echo. "How Like some Tented Camp" by Marv, Anna, Maid and men's voices. "Joy, Joy it is uot the TenUd Fid l" and "SoemU of Happiness I Love Ye" by Anna. "The Dew is OS" bv John. "No, Not Yet" and -W u-ps. Wasps" by Snipkins and Chorus. Chorus by Spreaders and Mowers. "How Good is He the Giver"by Mary, ' Anna. Farmer, William and John. Mow suitry is uie i'iv caorus. "How Hushed and Still" by Farmer. bv ' . "A Shower, a Shower Chorus. "Now Creaks the Heavy Wagon' John. "Shrouded is tbe Sun," with lightning and thunder Chorus. "Lo, the Clouds are Breaking" by William and maid. Rainhnw. Rainbow" CJiorus. 'AU Nature Njw Bejoices" by Mary an-t chorus. "Harvest Home'' Cborns. S.N. Steele was splendidly made op and took tbe part of the farmer with ability. His sons William and John, were "well represented by A. M. Ham i mer and Elliott Irvine, Miss Bertha El lis displaved excellent talent as Mary, Mrs F P'Sntting was Anna her sister, and that is ail we can say Wl t mem ber of onr own family. . P. V. Poling raptured the boae as Snipkins, the city dude. Mis Marguerite Alderson did the milkmaid in a delightful manner. Tbe chorus was an excellent one, well sustained by itessrs. Achtoii, Akers, Clem Irvine. Lnndell. Yard Littler, Brown, Aubrey, Cundiff, A! terms tt and Smick, Mmei. Telfer and Sifers, and Misses Bail. Huston. Smick, Minnie Mc- farland and others: while Fro. Parvin was a hon in aistJDg, and. keeping track of the details. The cantata wiil be repeated tonight ; with a general admiion of 25 cents, 10c extra ior reserved seats. Dont run it. GOOD FOB EVERYBODY Almost'y takes sorae laxative medxine to ckanse Lie 5"stan and keep the Mood pure. Tik-sc v. Ho tie SUOtONS Lrv ER REGULATOa (liquid or povder) re ail rhe benefits cf a raiM and cleasant laxaDv-c and tcnc its-i puriies toe biooi and strersS-ns &i whose systera. An snore than this: Sl.tOXS LIVER KEGU LATOR rczuletes tr.s liver, keeps it adxn and healthv, ani r. hen ths Lrvw is in pood condin-a vcu lutd yourself free frota Malaria. Eiiiousness. Indigestion, Sck Headavhe and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and dtHlhatcd feeEris. These are aU caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digtsf-a and freedcra frora stomach troubles wiil onlv be had hen the tver is procerty at work- If tro4ed with any of these complaints, trv SLH HONS UVER E EG L LATOR- The rur? of Liver Maii ciDes, and Better than Puis. jr-EYEKV PACSAGE-S Has tbe Z Stazsp ia red oa wrapper mi" n 1 J I II in & it. Bibthpat Pa ktv. The Cumberland i i - - j f h.v an.were.1. so rrespyienan cuurcu was urgaoiaeu rev. J 7. ... .. . . Jt:i ism e'chtr-sir vears avo. in tm'.-L in - r : - - - . God l with vcu all. We will heaven. Farewell; 1-arewell. Lovo Mosnionxav cents. We have out a But in case you do not Remember you are in Come. Ctcoa and cake M Rheumntlsm is caused by lactic in the blood. Hood's Sarsanarilla neuttal izes this add and completely and perma nently cures rheumatism. Be aura to get only Hood's. n lull- - 1 1 . L u... j c ..,.. r "uo noon s i ins cure nausea, sick uenuuuun. rinimS indiBe,Uon,b...ousnes, Ho.d b, all dn.g: 0. B. WinnJ Puy, uttu jus. receive from the Han ranasco Agent a DaDerknifn ma,ia I m . . " -MBWxaw as Wit I a piece ot wood taken from the f unions gut a nag sinp during the . souvenir greatly prized tub kxscttiox. At 7 :05 o'clock a. ni. Uie prisoner, with the sheriff, deputies, Rev? Shulta.Snyder, and Little marched mreugti tbe resi dence rooms of the sheriff directly upon the scaffold. The murderer took his place upon the trap, with great coolness and nerve, and in a strong voice, some what husky made the following state ment : "1 am sorry for what I have done. hope you will forgive me, I want God to have mercy on me a poor sinner." Then Rev. Snyder, of Brownsville, atenned forward and p raved for the man on the trap and that the termination of his life should be an awiul example to Uie risinggeneration. The prayer was some what long, but it did not seem to dis turb the one most interested. Ho cooly raised his head and looked at tbe rope iwu him ami at tha lever on the side. at hia request he had been shown a model of the scaffold about 6 o'clock and was familiar with ita makeup, men ne cooly viewed the audience, but all the time there waa a alight nervousness he could t.ot conceal. At the conclusion of the prayer the sheriff placed the black cap upon his head, when he again cried out : "Good bye, friends, I hope to meet you in heaven. I ask God to take me, a poor .innnr." The noost was placed by the sheriff and his deputy, Q. Prppst over his head and drawn tightly to his neck, and three straps around his anna and i . ti.o innt ha. I been tied by the .hoWfT and denutv. While this waa be ing done he cried out : "God have mercy on me a sinner. Take me as I am-" . Aa it was complotod he for a fourth time spoke: "Kind friends, farewell, farewell." The last word waa only ut tered as the sheriff stepped upon tha lever and Loyd Montgomery fell aix feet with that sickening thud one will always remember. Dr. Starr felt of liis pulse, Drs.Ellis and Davis kept track of his ieart and Dr. Maaton held the watch. The Dick , son count v. Teen. Feb. 2 is anniversary dav for the Y. P. S. C. E. and we cele ! brate both on the same dav. first Sun- hct.. I dav in Feb. This evening at Becker's . ', rw' ball, we desire to celebrate this commoo John Montgomery and wife and ri-.'. ..,.; ,,hP iel McKercher were murdered by Loyd . lntt fllr chvearof Montgomery ou Nov. 1?, and .d days , ... w- ,. m. .m auerirania n m..uc.v-. com in for 21 That was much prompter justice than V card and sack generally the remit in t ,e day, of red rTch tape and technicality and is an example to the world that should be followed. During Montgomerys imprisonment 1. ( W. Rivers, in jail for stealing harness, i ii- from G. L. Keeoe and otuerf, seem-1 eil to have the most mnuencc over uie condemned boy, and it is thought was the cause of his persistent story ot the McKercher version of the killing. He is said to have continually held out the hope that the Governor would send a mnliui or reprieve if he stuck to that view of it. Last night he had nearly an I hours private talk with hiui. Among the sheriffs present were John eoa, of IJine, Cathcart, c.( Douglas, Os borne, of Benton, Sears, of Multuomah. Ford, of Washington, Henderson, of Yamhill, Knight, of Marion. Before going to sleep at 1 o'clock Mont gomery wrote a letter uj nio ioiss av Brownsville, and as he sealed it remark ed that it was hard to seal an envelope with a chew of tobacco in his mouth. Former executions in Linn county were Andrew Pate on May 27. l!2,Thoa Smith, on May 10, 1-StfS, Kay Neil on Jan. 5fl. 1S77. There being no application i.x tne re tn,iina thev wore buried by the county in the City cemetery this afternoon after Do ing viewed bv a great many, several hun dred from the country. The relatives refused to haw anything to do with the body and it ia said its burial in the Brownsville cemetery was not desired. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Vtctin l Last rriiahfil t Hoc id sea i at rare tor a otxt& that eapbuas hew tail manly Ttpce b easily, qttkrtir and peroiaaeaUy No Baaa saffering (roiw fcae9S caa af ford to ignore (his itraeiy anti Rxi bow t-ali strnxth. it- vehnwtsnt and tooe are imparted to every BortMB of th body. Seat rtti rwsi'-iva tnuiiti fhiil) frw iiiriTnini -Tirrr ERIEKEDlCAlCO.,BUFFALOtM.Y. T Rmi Ana.vo. Y'esienlay morn ing as the two steamers were leaving Portland, the Altoma took advantage of the heavy load carried by the Ruth to challenge her to race. The Ruth' freight being well forward it throw her wheel out ot the water, consequently the Altona reached Oregon City fifteen min utes ahead. When Salem was reached the Ruth was almost half an hour ahead. Things now Gladness Comes X nib a better understanding- of the V V transient nature of the many phys ical ilia which vanish 4or proper ef forts centle efforts pt.wnt efforts rin-htlv directed. There is comfort In the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dia-naj- bnt simolv to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, fcyrupor tigs, prompt ly removes, mat is wrvy n w uie vmj remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who valuo good health. Ita beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it la the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating- the Xns on which it acts. It ia therefore mportant, in order to get ita bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the rrtK-le, which Is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep utable druggists. . If in the enjoyment of good health, n.i the Kvstem'ia reirular. then laxa- ' tives or other remedies are not neeaea. LlfEillE havimr shitted her freight. twin it nearer ecitiai the Ruth challenged tha Altona to race. The two boots took if mift.vl with any actual disease, one position out in the stream and after roay be commended to the most skillful watting some time for the Altona to physicians, but if in need of a laxative, start the Ruth proceeded. Then tho A I- then one should have the best, and with tana attempted to overtake her.but with- the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of out success and tue reacued uuepeuu' The greatest sel'er on the market for diseases of the Uver.Kidncysand Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No friping. The root cf ths Liverine plant is exten rively used in Norway for the cure of Piles Sold by all Erst class druggists Wholesale Jkinufactures, 1 ANCHORS CHEMICAL CO, Lebanon. Or ALBAHY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS ree de- nce ahead. Journal . Cheat seed for sale or trad livery. Telephone j.o. ot . Furs stands highest and ia most largely i . .,,tnnrl.tivftiL'VW. iUO ."