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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
cuioaat Washington Letter. Prom our refrulir Correspondent, Washington, Dec. 2nd, 1895 The most noticeable thing about the opening ot Congress, to a democrat, was tba absence of eo many of the men who have for years fought in the front rank of the democratic party. Among the ab sentees in the Senate are Butler, of 3. Car. who has been succeeded by Ex Gov. Tillman; Hunton, of Va., whose successor is Martin, a good democrat; McPherson, of N. J., succeeded by a re publican, and Ransom. N. Car., whose successor is a populist. But it is in the Bouse that; the hole in the democratic ranks is the biggest. It seems strange to bear a roll called without the names of such veterans in Congressional har ness asHolman andEynuru, ot Ind.; Springer, of 111., Kilgore, of Tex.; Hatch and Heard, of Mo. ; Outh waite, of O. ; and score of others who have won honors and scars battling for democratic princi ples. Ex-Speaker Crisp will, of course, be the leader of the democrats of the House during the present session, the man who will call down Czar Reed every time he attempts to trample on the rights of the minority. There has been no though among democrats that this would be oth erwise, as was shown by the votes of the democratic caucus all cast for Mr Crisp. f he stones about thi administration de siring another man for leader had their origin with those who wished to add to the unfortunate differences already ex isting in the democratic party by mak ing it appear that President Cleveland was demanding that no silver man should be given a post of honor. It is need lees to say to any intelligent democrat that President Cleveland never thought of such a thing as dictating to or interfer ing in any way with the democrats in the House. Representative Otey, of Va has a scheme that will injure no one and may greatly benefit needy ex-Confederate sol diers if it can be carried through. In the Treasury there is an accumulation o money sequestered during and directly after the war for want of evidence to Bhow its proper owners, 'amounting to about $25,000,000. Inasmuch as this money belongs in the South and its rightful owners will probably never be found, Mr Otey proposes to try to get a bill through' Congress, providing that the interest on this money shall be dis. tributed among needy ex-Confederate soldiers, and that when thev no looser need such aid the principal shall revert ts the government to be used as any 9 a other money provided by Congress . In order to avoid any charge of partisan ship, even by implication, Mr Otey pro poses having the bill introduced by a re publican, if he can get one to do it The calm which now prevails among the republicans of the House is as omi nous in its way as that which precedes a storm at sea. To the inexperienced on looker, Speaker Reed is a Czar, indeed. But there is a reason why everything seems to be going Mr Reed's way among his party colleagues in the House. He Wasn't announced the committee assign ments. Until be does the calm is like ly to last; all of the republicans want to get as good committee places as they can. But after the assignments are an nounced the dissapointed ones will be numerous and Mr Reed cannot let them down easy by saying that he was bound by promises made before bis election to dissapoint them, as his friends have for weeks been making a special point of claiming that be would become speaker without having made a single promise and that he was free to arrange the com mittees just as he wanted them. There fore every disappointed man will know lust who to noia reeponBibie. li u charged a'so that Mr Reed took a band in naming the minor officers of the House who were elected today, which made him some more enemies in his own party. On the whole the outlook for him can hardly be considered a pleasant one. President Cleveland's message was ready to go in today, but, as has often been done at the assembling of a new Congress, it was held back to give the House a chance to organize and will go .in tomorrow. Secretary Hoke Smith has gone to At lanta, where he will, by special invita tion, deliver a financial address before the Ua. legislature. He is expected to return to Washington this week" Mr. De Yeung, of the Chronicle must have been looking in the looking-glass when he wrote the following definition of a politician. It is about as mnch like the real politician as a sunflower is like a rose : "At a political banquet held a few evenings ago a gentleman of distinction in the councils of his party was called to the toast, put interrogatively, ' What is a politician?'" Without undertaking to either quote or paraphrase the reply we venture upon a definition of our own. A politician is a man of education, breeding, integrity and patriotism, who consents to sacrifice a large portion o' bis time and a larger portion cf his in dividual effort for the advancement .of the principles of government in which he believes, and which are beat represen ted by the party with which he is affil iated. That there are so-called politi cians who come far ebort of this stand ard is not to be denied, but that fact in no wise interferes with the true defini tion of a politician. In Walla Walla, Wash., the story of Romeo and JnUet came near having a counterpart in real life. A conple were visiting the cemetery and coming to a vault they, "just for the fun of the thing," went in and closed the door. The door had a combination lock and it was not long before the couple discovered they were locked in. The lady began to cry 'and yell, while the roung man gave bis attention to the combination. He , soon found the Iocs would not give way, and as air was not any too plentiful he, too, became frightened and gave vent ' yells not in harmony with the tomb. The sexton who was passing heard faint eounds proceeding from the vicinity of the vault and this led to their liberation, after they had become about half choked for want of air. Truth in this case was much mnre forcible than fiction. Some of our exchanges continue to publish Foster's forecasts. There are men in Albany aha know more than Foster. Ask them. There is to be another North pole "ex pedition. How foolieh, for no one will ever reach that mysterious place, and it will solve nothing, for it is a mass of ice like its surroundings. You couldn't TJ. S. to tight. hire England aid the ! The Democrat's sympathies are with Venezuela. England has treated her in a very arbitrary manner. If she had a Bolivar she would knock the "stuffing" out of England. She has only a Crespo, though, and Crespo hasn't many cow boy a back of him. Venezuela is the size of Spain, France and Portugal, about the sue of Washington, Oregon and Califor nia; but its population is only about 2,000,000. Physically it is well .situated for defense but not tor an aggressive war. What is the trouble about? Along on its eastern borders are some of the finest gold mines in the world. England o vcs the adjoining country, British Guiana. In order to get those gold fields it has been arbitrarily absorbing this country and claiming ownership to it, already having pushed her boundary line west four hundred miles. Of course Vene zuela doesn't like that and awhile ago she shipped three English ministers from her shores. England considered that an insult. I t has been proposed to arbitiate the matter of the boundary line. Now the Salem hog, about which so much has been said, doesn't compare with the British hog, whose countenance is well outlined in Salisbnry, and that country it is understood refuses to arbi trate, pigheadedly insisting on retaining the boundary line according to its own measurements. That is, in order to get these gold fields it proposes to gobble up a territory just about half as big as Ore gon. Here's where the Monroe doctrine comes in, being an American territory it is the business of the U. S. to insist on the noninterference ot England in the acquisition ot American territory. "Keep your hands off." So far as the matter of the three men was concerned, that was personal, and the Monroe doc trine had nothing to do with it. Venezuela has taken rather of a bolj stand in the matter because confident of being backed by the U.S. So much for the war cloud that is ris ing on the horizon. Depend upon it, though, England will have enough sense before the crisis to see the lack of wis dom of her position and the affair w:l( no doubt be settled amicably. The sen sational press of the country, in order to sell papers will take every opportunity to enlarge upon the situation ; but the people see through such rot and it takes more than wind to bring about war. The Opening Prayer. Following ia tne prayer delivered by Rev. Milburn upon the opening of the TJ. 5. Senate : Almighty God, we devoutly bless Tbee that the men chosen to rep resent the soverign States of this Union upon the floor of this body Tuou hast had in Thy care and guardianship : that none has been smitten by the shadow feared of man, but all are ready to answer to the roll call of the Senate. Gird them for their responsible and laborous duties. Grant them, and a'l that are dear to them, help, strength, cheer, and peace. Amidst onr gratulauons ana joy our hearts ot sympathy turn to a darken ed home in Iowa, where a wife, adacgh ter ait mourning the departure from them of the husband and father, lately a member of this Home. Visit them, O God, who didst shed the tears of sympa thy at Bethany, and grant them Thy consolation. We likewise commend to Thy fatherly goodness the honseaold of an bumble and faihful servant of this Honse, who through many years in his lowly peace, by fidelity, courtesy, and stainless char acter, adorned the doctrines of God his Savior- We pray that they may find consolation and strength in the faith of the resurrection and eternal life. Likewise we commend to Thy father ly tenderness the time-honored officer of this House who for more than threescore years has been present at the opening of every session of Congress, bnt who now lies upon a bed of affliction, wont with pain and exhausted by suffering Comfort and bless him, O Lord, and grant to raise him from bia conch and bring him back to his accustomed place. Keep ni all by Thy Divine Providence, and graat that by onr devotion to Thee in the gospel of Thy Son, in lite and death we may be called Thine; and so at the end of this mortal journey come to the land of everlasting life. Through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. ine juniors oi vasaar college gave a novel entertainment in Strong ball tbe other night. Cards were sent to the seniors, inviting them to "attend the wedding of the Duke of Marlborough to Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt." The seniors rigged themselves up in bloomers and powdered tresses, and came to represent the nobility. The marriage was, of course, a farcical affair, at which a most extra ordinary appearing bishop officiated. The happy pair were congratulated and Queen Victoria then held a reception. When the reception was over a proces sion was formed, and all proceeded to tbe gymnasium, cheering as they went, and occasionally shouting a "tiger" for Vas- ear. The affair wound op with a grand frolic. . Tbe Eugene Register charges .that an old soldierjdoclor was discharged from the position of physician at the soldiers' home, and a yonng and inexperienced man, not an ex soldier, appointed, and gives the following plausible explana tion : "It is generally understood that he was appointed through the influence of Tru?tee,Alley, and that be owes his appointment to the fact tbat be is a son-in-law of Congressman Hermann, and was, in alt probability, recommended by his father-in-law for tbe position." The Oregon and Washington divisions of the Travelers' Protective Association now propose exerting their energies to ward opening the Columbia to Naviga tioa. Their plan is to build it as a pri vate enterprise, tbe funds to be raised by pnblic donation. Donations will be asked for from different financial orgaui zations of Portland and also from tbe farmers in tbe npper country. They eonsider a boat railway the most feasi ble plan, and estimate it will cost $400,. 000 and that one year will be required to build it. Baker City Democrat. The San Francisco News Letter says : A member of coneress from the North west (name not given) has arrived in Washington with applications from five former military men of prominence in his state, for' commissions to fight the British in the coming war over Venezue. Va. Better wait until war is assured.' Ind better keep cool. After protesting his innocence for a ong time Hayward baa admitted that he committed the Ging murder. Will Holmes andDurrant confess likewise. It is to be hoped eo, but may be very much doubted. Already a bill has been introduced further restricting foreign immigration. There is a big field for some good legitla- J tion on this suDject. . . That War Cloud. A Real Gun. Several days ago the Dkhocrat men tioned the fact of Frick having a real gun in the holdup for which he received five years in the penitentiary. The Tel egram has the following on the subject: A O Frick, who is now in the "pen" under a five year's sentence for attempt ing to rob the United States malls, grew very talkative on the way to the peni tentiary and told Deputy Marshal Ilnmphrey many things connected with the robbery, which, if true, are much in the nature ot a confession. To Deputy Humphrey, Frick declared that he had a real gun and drew a bead on the stage driver when he commanded that person to halt and throw out the mail sacks. "I used a real weapor," said Friak, "but I also bad a bogus gun made out of bark. I had the real gun in my band when I told the driver to stop and was ready to nse it, if necessary. When Deputy Sheriff Gordon got outot the stage with his gun, I fully realized the true situation in which I was placed. He was armed and I knew he meant bus Iness. I might have fired and killed him, or he might have shot and killed me. If I killed him 1 knew that I would be a murderer, and it he killed me, he would be a hero. So, under the circum stances, I concluded the best thing to do was to scoot, and I took to my heels and made for that tale patch. Well, you know how matters turned out with me. When I started to run, I dropped my real gun at the barracade behind which I stood as the stage drove up, and the bo gus weapon was lett in the tales. What ever became of the real gun I do not know. There was a report that it was picked op by some one, that was not confirmed. The truth is, I had two con federates in the holdup. The two men live in the vicini'y of Klamath Lake and have families. Whilo I was lying in the county jail these two men visited me, and we had a conversation about holding np the stage. They understood that the stage which would pass along Sunday morning would bare about $10,000, and it was decided between ns that we would hold np the stage and make a big haul, which was to be divided among the three. I was furnished the tools by there men with which I cut my way out of tbe jail and made my escape. When the stage was field np, the two confederates were in the brush on the opposite side of the road, and they, like myself, had real weapons. Just as soon as Deputy Gor don made his appearance on tbe scene with a gun, the two men 'flunked' and did not show np at all as it was under stood they should. The truth is, none ot ns expected to see Gordon just then, and his sadden and unexpected appearance knocked our plana ont. My confeder ates did not come to the res-ue as 1 ex pected, and left roe single handed, and I deemed it prudent under the circum stances to beat a hasty retreat. Of tbe unfortunate outcome to me, of tbe at tempt to rob the stage, tt is unnecessary to speak. Had the two men made their appearance as was agreed upon tbe re sult might have been very different; it might have been a gieat deal worse all around. Commendable Prizes. Salem Oregon, Dec. 2, 1892, "Tbat in order to instill in the minds of the rising generation a state pride that would result in patriotic support ot state institutions, and to bring tbe objects the association before the families of the Northwest, and that a due sense of tbe importance ot patronising home indus tries may be firmly planted in the minds of tbe boys and girls of the state, it was decided the association would offer three prizes. One of f 13, one of $10, and one of S3, to the best three original compo sition sent in by tbe school children ot Oregon under fifteen years of me, tbe abject being The benefits of Patroniz ing Home Manufacturers.' Tbe compo sitions must be in tbe hands of . C Masten, Secretary, room 7, Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on or before January 10, 1S26. and tbe prixee will be awarded by tbe executive committee of tbe association, and pub lished with the names of tbe authors. We have tbe honor to be, Yours very truly, Manufacturers Ass'nof The Northwest. By E. C. Mai'.en, Sec. The Oregon Central is making a traffic arrangement by which it can compete with the O. R. & X. by way ot Yaquina. Some people think this means that the S. P. will own tbe O. C. & E. if it does not already. The Demo crat does not believe there is anything more in this than a temporary traffic arrangement to meet the cut of tbe O. R. & X. This reminds tbe Democrat ot tbe banquet given the San Francisco men two or three years ago with this tame object in view. There was lota of talk and a good deal of champaign drank ; bnt tbat was all it amounted to. There is a suggestion that the S. P. is 'n this arrangement; but just bow that is fig ured ont the Democrat is unable to see. In any event it behooves the O. C. & E. to get io and rustle for some of the bus iness that is around. An American cranlijofjthe first water is in England. Here is tbe ridiculous story: Mr. William M. Wjnans' distri bution of $5560 among tbe ballet girls at the Alhambra has made him tbe hero of London' music balls. Mr Winans has been known for some weeks among tbe frequenters of the Alhambra as "Tbe Mad American." Every night be has occupied a $15 box duiing the 40 min utes of the "Titianna" ballet on tbe stage. He has never sought to go be hind tbe stage or make the acquaintance of any of the performers. His name was unknown until a week ago, when he sent a check to tbe managers with directions to distribute the money among tbe girls. giving the first dancer $200, the general dancers $50, and the children $20 each ills figure is still seen in tbe box every evening and tbe members of the ballet salute him as the American Monte Crisfo, A historic elm tree at Plymouth, Pa was cut down Thursday, for fear it would collapse during a heavy blow, and cause damage. This elm was voted on March 2, 1774, by the town meeting, as the place of pnblic rendezvous, and was then re ferred to as "The noble tree upon which our ancestors have gazed." Subsequent to 1774 it served as an auction mart, vll lage market and whipping post. A count of the rings upon it showed that the tree was 372 years old. The Oregon Central is doing some rustling to get some of the business for which the S. P. andO. R. & N. are labor ing so stret.oor.sly. The Incentive is the proposition to enable San Francisco merchants to come into tbe valley by way of Yaquina and compete with Port- land for the rich trade of Western Ore- goo MISFITS. In a foot ball game at Eugene Webster Kincaid has a shoulder blade broken. He got off remarkably easy. rriinB mAnn twnta nn tvA enrAAtt Hi'S month. It will be full twice, a remark able thing tor the moon. Mary Ellen Lease was to lecture at Van Buren Ark., a few days ago: but because the lecture committee did not meet her with a carriage and escort her from the depot, she canceled her engage ment and declared sue would not lec ture anywhere in Arkansas. 17,500 lias been raised toward the 125.000 required to rebuild the Salem Woolen Mill, and 15,000 is from Albany, If the people ot that city would get a little of the Albany stylo on they would soon nave the entire f.o.uw. A dead calf was seen in the ditch yes terday at the Elkins falls where it had lodged. It was sent on down stream A good many sheep at different times have been seen co-amp this way. They are evidently thrown in by some one in the country. A law should be passed making it a criminal onetise to do tins, A good many albany people drink the water, and tliey prefer it without veal or mutton in it. ith its usual inaccuracy, the morn ing paper states that Mrs. Hannah, now conhned in the stale penitentiary, is the iirst uregon woman connneu mere lor murder. Old timers, however, will re mein!)cr the case of Mrs. Charity Lamb. of Clackamas county. One morning, in 1857, she got her husband bis breakfast, and when he sat down to partake of it. she slipped out to the wood pile, secured the ax and cotinne up oenina mm, spat his head open. She was sentenced to the penitentiary tor me, and, we ire in formed dieu thefe. Salem Tost. Dr. Julias Roeenstein, a San Krancisco surgeon, 8 suing lor fM,(KK) tor six weeks attendance on Joseph MaclJon- ough, the millionaire. Roeenstein charged 20 an hour for his time. 11 is bills amounted to over $1 4.000. but lie re duced it to $10,000. When the adminis trator of the estate refused to pay him Dr. Hoeenstein restored bis original bill and brought tuiU Kosenstein ought to get along pretty well these hard lime. ine uuard says the iwnieisuuv letters signed by Kate and Harry and sent to Uie men and women in that city came pretty near causing trouble in a number of cases. One man tried to learn of the Postmaster who bad sent the postal to his wife. One husband cave bis wife a very warm lecture on having correspond ents by the name of Harry. m m m Three JSwrwerrr. Oreoon Crrr. Dec 10. Three young men, charged with niarder are in prism here tonignt One cf these is Charles Montgomery, who killed Hiram Hall yea- . j j .i . i . ,. . i - imu), ami uio ouier two are r.rut-ol uv , sell and Tennyson Bleakney. who are be- i lieved to be guilty of the murder of Jamet j M tirown. tne ilboit rancher, who wa slain nearly a year ago. Sheriff MaJJotk arrived with Hutsell this moraiog, and Deputy Moody with BSeukney this evening. ajrwarsl la aged. MrsNCAPOus, Dec. 11. Uaywsrd was banged at zKn tots ( ednerda? I morning. tie made a stab-meat ot five minutes' lu - ration, and, while not making a confr-- ion. &&ia ne uopeu uoa wouia i or give nun or all the harm be ba-1 ever done. A bill introduced in CoogreM if passed will be a great blow to this insane toady ism to English nobility. It provides for disinfranchising any cilisen of the U. S, who shall solicit or accept a title, and making it a crime. The Welcome says that a good many people have left Portland on account ot the rate war, affecting besinrss very ma-1 terially. It is a big thing, though, for' tbe railroad and steamship company. HoliJay Goods at Will & Starks. A lug and elegant line of silverware, novelties in jewelry, statuary, etc, may be seen at Will & Start, one of the choicest displays in the valley, with prices in react) of everybody. You can EnU what you want at their store. Wheat i2 cents. Conn & Huston for groceries. Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson's For the best Drugs Dawson V. Fr Pure Drugs. Dawson's. Photos all greatly re 'need prices at Tinkle. BORX w ALLER. In Roeeburg, recently, to air. ana airs. mos. nailer, lormerfy ol a many a boy. MARRIED. Mcculloch Mcculloch. on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1895. in Albanr. at the residence of Mrs Gilbert, bv Rev. G. A. Manshardt, pastor ot the 2nd Evangelical church of Portland, Mr. George MeCulloch, of Portland, and Mrs. EtU McCulloch. The irroitn ia the brother tn.l Uie Wile ol William MrOn vh ...... v years connected wiin the Herald. They ...A .1. i 1 i . . mc wtv nuun ci many menus DIED. JNfcON. At bis home near Waterloo, j.iiju county, December Z, 1SU5, J. 8, Vinson, aged 87 years. lie leaves a wife and seven children. Mr. Vinson was born in Circlevilln. Iml.. August 12, 1808, and was one of Oregon's early pioneers, havimr errvl ih (MHIUB ia IDOZ. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to mny on sending name und addrcu to us on a postal card. QNCB USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending litem out broadcast ON """" They absolutely curt SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia and kin dred derangements of the Stomach, I,ter and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." TTie substitute costs the dealer less. j t costs you Atsuui tne same. HIS profit is in the "just at good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for F&S8 Samfls, World's Dispensary Medical Association, JVo. 63 Mala St, BUFFALO, N. K TELEGRAPHIC. M Louis the IMaee. Washington. Doc. 10. Th national convention will bo hall at St. Louis June 16 next. That was the decis ion reached by tlio republican national committee after spirited balloting lasting .v .wis. xuc successive uuuow ire suown as toiiows: 1 5 .1 A K V?uw 13 H 18 22 29 Saniruneuco M i in ls u ritwourtr n o ft 1 thiaiffo a 9 o o New York i 0 0 0 0 A Cranky Proceeding. Washington, Dec. 10. Representative Barrett ot Massachusetts th sbell into the house soon after it convened. ty offering a resolution to impeach Tbos F Bayard, ex-secretary of state and now Luited States ambassador to the court of St James, for high crimes and misdemean ors. The grounds udvunced were utter ances of Mr Uaywnrd delivered before the Edinburgh, Scotland, Philosophical Insti tute, November 7. In thWspeecb Mr Bay ard spoke of "protection" a a form of "state socialism," and said it had Hone more to foster "class legislation," "breed iniquity," "corrupt public life," "lower the tcne of national reuresontution," and divorce ethics from politics than any ouier single cause. Oregon' ahowlag. Salem, Dec. 10. Twenty-nioe of the 32 counties have sent in their assemmeut rolls to tbe State board of enualiz.itinn These 29 counties show a decrease of $1, 000,000 from the equalized assessment ot last year. The three counties yet to hear from are Multnomah,. Lmutilla and Ben ton. A Waelesale t'easptrsey, Constantikoi'I.k, lec. 9, via Sofia Bul garia, Dec. 10. Humors which have id- p.ireiit foundation in fact are current here of a wholesale conspiracy which may have or lis ooject tne deposition ot the sultan it is Known a number ot prominent Arme nians hew and several military officers of bitch rank in the Turkish arm and navv have been closely watched for months pai-t, but in spite of this they have succeeded in escaping from the country. sw asm Washington, Dec. 9. A I or ire number of bills were introduced in tbe senate again touay, ine moi important ol which were liy Berry io provide a territorial form of irovernment tcr lntlmit tfrritnv u named lcdianola. By Palmer Giving a uniform pension of o0 per month to ail who l.i a hn.l nr in the late war, and 00 to those who lost an entire :imb. By Allen wufranchisiog any citizen of tha United Su'et who shall solicit or ac cept a tine, patent ol nobility, or degree of uooor inrai u. loreign nation, and punish ing this aii as a crime by both fine and im- By Yoorhflen-G ranting pensions to sol diers ana sailors w ho were captured and wuuucu iu uiaieutriie prisons Uurtng the war. Among tbe public bills introduced in tbe Doue was: By Bailey of Texas Prohibitic? ena tors and repreaenUUves from soliciting or recommending the appointment of any person to office, tie appointment of which is vesica in ine president or the bead of any department. Ubeoon City, Or.. Dec 9. Charies ; i ' jjf this i tur.-vndere-J himself to ih afternoon, sarin? h ria.t thn and killed Hiram Half, a mile from town. on the wtt side of tbe river, in order to escap beioir robbed. HalT body was found where designated by Montgomery and brought to town. Montgomery, ap txirentiy, had been unier tbe influence of Hall for weeks, and was indajed ta mort gage land to gt money fr both to n on Mleti reservation lands. Three hun dred dollars bad disappeared and Mont gomery tboagbt 1111 had stolen it, and was trjing to rt 1300 wore, which be bad. Hall is to ban hw a taanh character. Both bad been dhakinz much together Uleiy. ! sir M Lt. WaatuxttToit. Iv. 9. The national re putlican cvmuntty wiil Buret tomorrow at the AJlingtno hoUd to select the time and place for holding tbe national convention next year. As to tie time, toe committee wem to be pretly well agreed that it she aid be held some time in june, although there are some advocates of a very kte conven tion, and a short, sharp campaign. Ibe place at which the convention will b held. i tbe subject of bird, but goodnaiured struggle. It will be Chicago or Sit. l.ouis. Tsx riUawUM DtilTtresl. Loxrwx, Iw. 9. A ui patch to the Times from Caracas says: ' l be Brttih ui'jmaluui has been deliv ered here, but the minuter are nticeul as to its content." Tbe Times puWiie a letter from Cara cas, taring Uie Yenexoelani are thenuetvet hopeiew of preventing tbe judgment going against them on the question of the frontier outrage upon Uritish Uuiana jolice. ta Law Irwiit. w AsnisoTox, Dec. 9. -Today's stato- uicui oi uie treasury snows: Available casu balance SITS 397 -i Gold reserve '.. 76.641,4iM i uere is taix ot anotner bond issue. Ill ta ike ta. washinotos. Dec 8. Cbicazo. St Louis and San i'rancuco, three of the cities conip.niDg for the honor of holding within uieir inniLa tbe next national republican convention, are now represented here by ufit-jfauyns. riiisourg, tne fourth eotu peUnir tity. has her vanguard in Washing ton, while the main body-guard is due in the morning. Each city thinks it his the auvauuge. rtstaWt (kriMi. Wahixotox, IVc. 8. The republican caucus committee of the senate will bold its first formal meeting Monday after tbe adjournment ot the senate. While noth ing baa been agreed upon finally, it looks now as if tim chairmanship of the mor important committees would be assigned aw luuviti; Agriculture, Proctor; appropriations, Al lison; coast defense. tMiuin? cnmi Chun- dler; commerce, f-rye; District ot Colum bia. McMillan; finance, Morrill; iUheries, Perkins; foreign relations, Mieruian ; im migration, ixxigo; Indian affairs. Petti- grew; interstate commerce. Cullom: iudi- ciary, Hoar; military affairs, llawley; na- vu auiurs, vameron; postoroces and pot- roaus, YJO'COU; printing. Hale; privileges and elections, Mitchell of Oregon; public buildings and grounds, Quay; relations with Canada, Carter; rules, Aldrich; terri tories, Davis. A Bfwtberls Aaalkraa. ailSNEAPOLIH. Dec. R. "Maw ilia mn ot UOfl full on you and jours, and allow me, from the minute 1 drop from the scaf fold, to haunt vou duv anil death; then 1 will welcome you on the urina ot hell with a red-hot iron." These were tbe farewell word nf Ifumr Bayward to his brother Adry this after noon, lie r.urled them at tbe lutt.-j- aa ho descended the stairs leading to the tier in which the prisoner was confined, and nana- ed through the iron doorway leading to the uuiuroince. it was ineir int rnnetintr on y' "i mm iutu uie uiuruerer imenaeu lira oe. Terrible Times Memphis. Dee. 8. Th relatives nf Mrs Helen Iioystcr bliss, who reside in Mem phis, are in receict of a letter relative to the Armenian wars. Mrs and Mr lilissare natives of Memphis, and are connected with the American Hiblo Societv in Con stantinople. Mrs UIibs says: Wo are having anxious times here, and know not what to expect At HiitdgoI all except four of our missionary houxes have neon destroyed, and these woro looted. At Erzeroum 20 000 Armenians were killed in less than 10 dius. There is no doubt nt nil that these oi'tragc are committed with the sanction of the sultan. The Governor Excited. Ben Li it. Deo. 8. President Cleveland's strictures on Uerraan's treatment of the American food expotU and insurance com panies in his mossage to congress have ere ated a sensation here. The government thus far, through its organs, has not re plied to Mr Cleveland's veiled threats. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Award. REV. MRS. Her Father, Her Boy and Herself Praise Paine's Celery Compound Women preachers, as well as womei lawrera. women voters, women blcv- diets and women in business are mak-: ing it more and more apparent that "the gentler sex," is not necessarily "the weaker sex, morally, mentally or phy sically. Rev. Mrs. Lydia Collman is an exam ple of the womanly woman whose influ ence for good in 4 lie community is on a par with that ot the maniv man. She is not one of that silly class of per sons who, broken down in health by mental or bodily strain, not quite sick enough to be abed, put off thinking ser iously ot getting well. Improperly nourished nerves and poor blood soon pile up a desperate number ot disorders. On tbe other hand, when reduced health and spirits are early recognized and courageously taken in band at once, w hen Paine's celery com pound ia need to restore tbe integrity of the nerves and blood, no further trouble is to be feared. 1'aine s celery compound at once cor rects atir unhealthy condition of the nervous system. It forwards tbe richest possidie elements ot growtn to every nerve cell and tbe remotest nerve thread throughout the body. Paine 'a celery compound poMtiveiv and permanently cures everv form of nervous debility and exhaustion mel ancholia, hysteria, headaches, dyspep sia, neuralgia and disordered heart and liver. The great number of enthu-i&ette un studied testimonials irom men and wo- THEY WEAR WELL and are stylish and reasonable and can be fitted in a well-light-ed, comfortable department at READ, PEACOCK & CO'S. WHAT, SHOES J Yes, those new shapes in La dies and Childrens shoes. BIG STOCK OF olidau Books A and H. AT FORTMELLER & IRVING U7& KEEP constantlyon hand a full Sine of tneta.ic, c o.n ani ciskeU and ' cottins. Also burial lobe and suits, In bmadcto.h v! n,c"m r- - at.lchwillbe sold at Tbe Lowest I.lvlwg Pro lit. EMBALMING d s,,e propercareol the dead a specialty. JUSOMC TFJHE MO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ALBANY CiGAR FACTORY J JOSEPH. tiammurr 'uwviiivjow v BMtxioit i p"sis'iiviV!i." 'V Sun qua v.m1uu maid Mid 'o vn. MI'tnnUM fijiuniJ Ajiuhu AO iJiUtUfHJi u)!MM Vi- 'il cjd-iitiujiti IxoqiiHl n-t-j.KUJiU(pjwai.M H iuh J pun im i. i u iu) pu oiud om IV Pti"t pan oiuot &4.a wf H0itt1aouwuiitKif) jo jajf vVloS 'JSM-M UB4( JO C i - 'Ijiii: tOAV l.el!I IMUMl C I ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KNDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free do livery. Telephone No. 1. 1 R.N orri, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Mair Sit. C0LLMAN nc-n living in wil-lv-seja rated etatea one of the best evidences of how Paine' celery compound i regarded all over the country. Woman's peculiar life brings a languor and listlessness that are met by Paine's celery compound. The dispirit ed condition, the backaches, the neural gic headaches, the sleeplessness and nervous debilitv, that so frequently at tack women when their bleod is robbed of its vitality U soon dispelled when Paine's celerv compound is used. Mrs. Collman, w riting October 30 from her home, 127 fccott street, litesbarre Penn. savs: "Fully appreciating the benefits from the cfeof Paine's celery compound I rec ommend it to others, r-unenng trom sleeplessness and nervouj debility, I was persuaded to use this truly greatest remedies. Although 1 can have every medicine from my brother, the drug. gist here, I save Paine s celery com- ponnd a trial, and must confess only my benefit. 31y niv, dot, four vears old, was also treated" with it. and bis nervousness has disappeared. My father. Rev.C Kcebn. with whom I live, thinks a great deal of Paine's celery compound. I shall always keep it in the house., There are untold numbt-rscf women whs are working and worrying enough to drive them into theirgravesif Paine's cc-iery com pound were not always in their homes to strengthen their brains and nerves; when there was great need oi it. Notions J. JONES. A I BUT mm HEARSE OR SERVICE Proprietor. OREGON, LEBANON SANTIAM ACADEMY A preparatory school for all colleges en the coast. Normal department g.-aduates recehse state and lite diploma". Music, asr, bookkeeping, for catalogue address, S. A. Kakmjc, A. M., rrinciial M&Mflj IIRECOH CENTRAL II & EASTERN -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting; at Yannlna Bar with tne San Francisco and Yaquina Bay 8 team - hip Company A 4 and first class in every respect l 1 Sails from Yaquina. tor San F'ancisco about every 8 days. Paaneneer accommodations !nnirnrnaa ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albas r oroointa weett ' San Francisco Cam $12 Jbb Htkebagk 8.00 Cabis round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Days apply to H. L. WAUIBJC.Agt, CHAJI. CLABC.Supt Albany, Or. UorvalUS, O Edwm Stosb, manager, Corvaihfl, Or. Star Bakerj r Vroastalfcla ! If rat fis COXRAD! MEYER, PRCPRIETCR, .' Ft-alt-: Ulsuiaware, Driest rralta. lofeavce1 MBt;ar tafltc' eBB-l Ufa Qaeeaawar, Vegetable. Clear . Nplee. Tea. El everything that is kept in good Variety and gro eery store. High est pHce paid for ALL KINDSOF PRODLCE K. O. T. M Meets every Saturdav veiling in K. O M. Hail. Vision kniffits invited at eeA I. g. vm Wuiu .Coin. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. Ceattr WjmtieU beg.t act Sold. OEce, Hasten Block, Alan QrtgQB. VIERECKS SH AVI NG AN D HAI RCUTTI NG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dir. Whites Tetf tiit (xoCct. A heal of hair or no par. Cares al disease of the ecalp Address Box 121 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in Oe der on Short Notice. ALBANY Red Crown Milling Cc la now under tbe man age men ward Goins, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. BarreU and Samuel E. Youug.wbe are now prepared to furnish sacks and Receive Wheat on storage, and will pay the high market price for the same. Fire Insurance. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY - 17 k XsiEL In the Old Hartford, tbe Xew York Ua derwriters Aopoct or anv one of the reli able old line companies he representa. Notes Ukea and plenty of time given for payment on farm insuranee. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. ALBABY FDEHlfDBE la xzo-co3txMBvnrzxz BaltiBore Biota, Albany, Or FURNITURE complete line ot UNDERTAKING ia all its branch EMBALMING a-peciaitj. Residence eotaer Srd and Cabpooia ALBANY INSDMKCI AGENCY Dealers In Insurance, Wheat and Oats. We have had more thorough training in B' the branches ot insurance tnaa any other agent in Albany, and can give you more genuine insurance for your money than any other agent in tba city. District agents for the Son, of London. established 1710 A. D , Phoenix, of Lon don, A. D., 17S2 and "Continental," of New lork, tne only company issuing a 'Safety Fund Policy. M. SENDERS, St Co., Mgra. 1 STGCUCEES- Notice is hereby riven tbat by order of board of directors of tbe Albany Min ing and Milling Company tbat a special meeting of the stockholders of said com pany will be held at tbe officofGW Maston at 4 p m of January lOsb, 1896, for the pnrpose of antlmriting tbe rale of their mining properties B1 the settling op Albany, Oregon, Dec, 10, '9$. E Baown.L, N U Aiakw, Secretary. President Notice. The annual meeting of the .trwii.i.w. of ibe Albany Creamery Association will oe neia at ine Albany creamery on Janoary tbe 9th at I p m, for ibe purpose of elect ing five director; and to Iran act such other bosines as may properly rome be fore tne meeting. a t bomam. Uects, pnsident Axtkcd Wheele. Sec. 1 1 TASTED.- A reliable, active gentle- V V man or lady to travel for reliable established boo, e. ftalary $780. payable fl& weekly and money advanced forex penses. Situation steady. Keferencee. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. If. E. HESS, President. Chicago. ATOUXO MAN 23 years of age raised on and accustomed to tbe farm desires a situation of any kind, the coun try prelered. Acdresa c-seb h bast. Monmonth 111, CUARDIAN SSALL Notice U hereby given that the under signed, the duly appointed, qualified and act tog guardian of the person and estate of saninei U. our hart, a minor, br virtue of an order dn'y made and entered of record in tbe probate record for Lion county, Oregon, on the 9th day of November, I893. liceunng ana authorizing bun as tticri guardian to sell all the right, title and interest of f aid minor ia and to tbe fol lowing descriljed land, to" it: 1 ne undivided 1-5 interest in and to tne following tracts of lands: Beginning at the N E corner ot the land set onart to C G Bo rW hart la the tait for partition ia the circuit conrt for Linn county, Oregon, of J U Buranan, ec al, plaintiffs rtCti Burk hirt, et at, defendants, running from thence X 40 minotes E 11 75 chains, thence N 86 30 minutes west 37.75 chains, thence south 2 14.75 chains, tber-ce E 36.7? chaut to the place ot beginning, contain ing 5O acres, mo e or leas. Aio beginning at tt Jk E corner of the tra-t of land set apart ta C M Borkbart in the suit for parUtios in eireui; coort of Linn county, Oregon, of J D Burkhjrt. tt i. ts CG Butknirt. et at, it being ibe eentrr of !e S.iRtiam ditch, thescerunning sooth along tbeat boundary of sd C M Bark hart's land 63 56 chains, thence 20 44 chains, thence N C2.'Z6 chain to the center of said dit Ja, thence along the center thereof to the place of beginning, con taining 1314 acres. Mill on the 4th day of Janoary, 1896, at 1 o'clock p. m. at tbe front door of the court honse in Albany, Oregon, of fer for sale alt of the iniercM of said minor ia and to said land at palI:-e auction, for cash ia bands. This the 0-d day of December, 1S95. J. D BraxBACT. GnadlaB of SanoeJ O. Baikhart, a minor Notice for Publication Latd Office at Oeeso Cttt. Or. Novembers, is5. Notice is hereby givea that the fo low ing nacced tetiSer has filed notix cf hi in'.enti. a to make final proof in support of bis claim, antf th&t said proof wi.l le made before the county clerk for Linn county, al Albany. Oregon, oc Lecewber 13fa. 1S95. fix: Jofcn Fot?t, REXo. 11642 for ibe 8 J S W if of See 16 and E X W of sec 31. ia Tp 10 S RS E. lie names ine following witsesses to pro re nts continuous residence upoa Bdcoi:iva tioa of, said land, vii: Joi n Dalev, Neil M;Rea. J L Berry. V H vVhi'loek, all of Berry P O, Marion xwinty. Oreeoa. EoEEKT A 31: llec, I.egister. Notice for Pubiication. Laso Office at Oeegox Crrr, Oekow. X. -vernier 12. 9i5. XiUcs is hereby gi.ea that the fallowing named settler has fiwd nonce cf his inten tion to make ana! proof in support of hi claim, and tbat said proof will be made btfore the register anil receiver at O-'egca City, Or, oa Dee. 21. i ;S5, rii: Horace Harner, Hd 11553. for the X X V Sec 22. S X S W V Sec 15 Tp 10 S B 6 E. He came tne following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence nrnm and cu.tiva tica of. said laid. rU: F M Per-y, and E S Htoes, of Detroit. Oregon, f illiam Kreiiet, and John A.lison. of Idanha. Or. BobektA. a!tuxR Register. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tamentary bve been da'y issued to the undersigned in the matter of tbe estate of E a Cneadie. deceased, by the county eourt of Linn county, OregM. All per sons having daims agslist said estate are hereby noted to present tbe same to tbe ondersigned at the lawoSceof Momanye At Hackieman within six aioaths f'om the Cate of this notice. Dated Dec Ij. 1S. MosTAjrrK i HacaxEifAX. Attys for Executrix. D E Chradle, BrmotK E St Claikx, Itha E Chkasce, Esecntrixes. .ttOTICE OF F1XAL SETTLEMENT- Notice is hereby gives that the onder signed. as the administrator of the estate f Lewis Loci;, deceased, ha Sled his final account with the county clerk o liaa oounty. Oregon, and that tbe county conrt baa fixed Monday, t"e9ih day of December, 1835, at the hour of 1 o'esoct p. m-of said day, for the final hearing of said account and the settlement of said es tate. Any persons bar'ng objections to said account are hereby noticed tabe present at said time and make the same. Dated . 7h day of November. 195. HSOwks KATBCBJrO&O t A'tatt, Admr. dmr. T 17 Le Ts Reason To V J IV 1 JlL get her! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they nee oly the Beet material why of coarse i is you dont want dyspepsia and yo1 never get it br eating anvCing from ou tore. " U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Ltoh 2nd St. C D. VaxDTU. Proprieto LADT OR GESTLTOAX BOOK KEEPER. With refereaces, who has $2000 cash to loan, for a Tear oa ample se curity, and take steady position as book keeper and manager, on a salary cf S1C0 per month, for a welt known, long estab lished, good paying company at Portland. Addres. "L." Marvjoam Building, Portland, Oregon. M OXEY U lean. Inquire of J. M. Kalstoa. REPAIRS BICYCLES. Fiank Ukat ey repairs bicycles proinptlv and in nrst class manner. Breaks, punctured tires, etc. fixed carrectiv. At west of Y. M. C A - hall. WASTED. Several trustworthy gen tlemen or ladies to travel in the state of Oregon for established, re-'iable house. Salary $7S0 and expence. Steady position, enclose reference and seif- addreeiied envelop. The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Wdg , Chica go, ill. A MAN OR LADY TO MANAGE Dis tributing soap samples, specialties, do cor responding. Send Sylvan Co., 77 Wood ward, Detroit, Mich-, 10c for sample soap, eta receive outtit offer. WANTED-AN IDEA". thlac to patent T ProtoctTourtdeaaithevma bring- tw wealth. Write JOHN WDD&iU BUtlN CO., Patent Attomeya, Waabiaaoa O. C, f or their turn prue osier. 1 1 1