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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
II R I 11 II VOL XXXI. Eaters at Ike Fast Bee Mbaay. Or. Beeead-Class Mali Kl tt.i MHO ATRA ORMhN I?I?IMA Fl I7n I? f fll? I . lone for Infants Caatoiia Ism veD adapted tochOdren that t recommend it as superior to any prescription 'aiowntomo. H. A. Abchs, M. IX, 111 So. Oxford St., Brookij u, N. Y. . The use of 'CaatorU' b so universal and ft merits so well known that it seems a work f supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keepCastoria within ay reach." Clbxos Mjlkttx, D. D., New York Ctty. Tm Crsmra Best work PRINTING Office Stationery A Specially Give us yoar Patronage. p. ALCAfiY II X J TJ- I t X JT 'Pcw."5:::f'i:. '-lit. This it t'u w'nel t'i n i!la-fr'ei !.i "S'.vi ! theCrcIing Aatiorst oFAm'er n , "Jaia ' 2'ti i. HJ. ovsr tai f l,iia title: "Tn hui h nt M.Jel Sajwn a e rejMil Jui ii' 0.! :3t ti'i:i i." I U t:ie Waverc, SocacusR an 1 1 lb, oitalnirel avl UKilof hli -rr li hiccU ia tb- jrd tod. Vaa a bicycle uitnts Cal--fin f e. Itt tv Bictclu 1i. IndUoapolis, Indiana, U. S.A E. E. Got, exclusive agent for Albany R-I P - ONE GIVES RELIEF. University of Oregon 1S95-1S93. "t The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers tree tuition to all students Yonug men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for 2.50 . per week. Roomers furnish their own iinen. Young women are provided with ' board in private families at (3.00 per week. Toung women desiring hoard should f address Prof. John Btranb, Kagene, Oregon ; or Secretary Young Vt .jracn's Chris tian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees. Bachelor of Ai ts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding arses of at dy. Ttie following shorter courses are also offered: An English lurse leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title a4ate in English; an advanced coarse o tne degree master of pedagogy; a three ine aegree oi civh engineer; a course oi two years lor teac tiers ot physical equ ation leading to a diploma and the title director of nhvsical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars wliich is payaole in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those iiaving teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department hould address the Dean, N. L. Narrezan, Eugene. For catalogues and information address u. H. Chapman, President, or J. J. alton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. GRtfT if The Buffet Car Route. NrTAiiShoi'test and Quickest Line . " BETWEEN PACIFIC COAST POINTS, , ST. PAUL AfiD THE'EAST, Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in PAYLIGHT, affording paoscc gers ad opportunity of viewing the I GRANDEST SCENERY f Two trains daily from Portland; one at 11 a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. m ia 0. R. & N. and Spokano, Runs superb equipment, consiscing of dining cars, buf fe' library cars, palace and upholstered tourisbi sleepinir cars. Itib b 'ffet library car are marvels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, barber shop, easy chiiw.etc THE MAGNIFICENT r - - 1 Twin steamships, "Northwest and "Northland,' leave Dulutb every Monday and , j-raayiortoe-roo, aamac wiana uetroit, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection . wvth the Great Northern Kai'wav. Bava mn, nA iu HnuTupD v : STEAMSHIP COMPANY and enjoy a . R. 0. STEVENS, G. W. P. A 612 Front St , Seattle, Wash. THOMAS All and Dealer iu you ne ALBANY. and Children. Castoris cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kola Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommend eI "Castoris," and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results. ' '- Eswu F. Paaoa, X. IX, 125th Street and 7th Ato Now York City. Compact, T7 Ucbbat SnucsT, Saw Yoax Crr. Promtnes ORcCO'i. v A - N - for graduates of normal schools leading years course in civil engineering leading delightful ride f-ee from the beat and dust. For A. B. C. DENNISTONC. P. & T. A. 122 rd St., Portland 0 BRINK; kinds of furni beddinev and it want the most SMILEY complete Hour safe. nas tnem and his prces tne lowest OREGON. THTJESTDAY COUNTY COURT. tl. N. Duncan, county Judge; tndJ.W. Pugh, Cooiml J It. Waters ilsstonsrt.k Is application of H. B. Sprenger, et al, for road, ordered opened. .9?ntin.ued' biI1 Oregon act J D Wide, .5.1; Oregon agt Loyd Montgomery, $S0.15 ; R A Murry, road supervisor, $40; Oregon agt Loyd Montgomery, in quest, $64.20; Bills allowed. N H Allen, rent of Oregon Bank building for assessors $ 53 50 Albany Electric Light Co 23 60 Guardianship Mary Jarvis 10 00 Chandler, deputy sheriff: . 20 65 B M Payne, miscellaneous 12 60 O Meyer icct poor 9 0 Cahle-& btauard, aid Adams 6 00 R W Moses, lumber el 55 Sawyer Bros, lumber 68 50 J Gradwohl, acct poor 10 00 J E McCoy, bridge work 275 00 N B Washbourn, acet poor 16 00 J R Smith, roads 4 05 Conn A Huston, acct poor 2 15 Martin Paulson, acct OH 1 25 John Usher, Janitor 9 00 P J Smiley, printing 11 50 J A Cumming, acct poor 9 20 Dr E L Irvine, medical services .POOf- : 1000 w F Deakins, assessor S84 00 W W Parrish, lumber 7 00 Read, Peacock & Co, aid poor. ... 6 78 Lee Brown A Co, acct roods 11 65 J A Beard, reads 7 05 ii W Moees. lumber 4 20 SVHall, roads 5 80 David Mowery, bounty ; 2 50 ! E T Fisher, surveyor 9 00 J M Wiley, lumber 3 25 A P. Rutherford, ex teachers, etc 27 30 Mrs E Thrall " .... 21 00 Maston, Dygert ft Co, books 55 50 Straney & Mitchell, livery 2 00 R W Fisher, roads 1 95 A J Crand&U, acct assessment roll 28 00 C N Young, acct " " 23 00 H Kizer. roads 10 00 b arwell s Douner. roads 33 18 Jr a GJ-P fcuPerJi801 30 00 G V Standish " 17 15 J S Van Winkle deputy sheriff. . 2 00 Wm Brenner, deputy sheriff 49 35 J A McFeron, office ex ft statry 19 25 jail and board 72 30 F P Kntting. printing 5 50 Frank Simnsou. aid clerk 15 00 J W Barton, sect assessment roll 10 00 W W Rowell. board iuror. 00 Tne county court adiourned last even ing after transacting the following ad uiuonai uu8ines8 Oregon act O C Hamon f Oregon Telephone Co 66 90 6 65 Aid j w uardwick Irw n Hudson 4 Co. books S 00 17 00 15 00 14 00 2 65 5 00 17 30 18 70 C W Watts, printing J P Wallace, services poor Klein ft Duorudle, aid poor D F Hardman, aid Door J W Pugh, as commissioner J M Water,, " J X Duncan, miscellaneous u .J n A Booto, aid Dobkins family.. wi Bill of A R McDonald for $500. dam-1 ages in getting hurt on continued. county bridge, Bill of Dr Prill acct Door 120.00 dis missed. Ordered that the sheriff nroceed at once to balance tax roll and settle with the court for tax of 1894 before the next term of court. Mrs. Dr. Skiff, of Portland is in the city, the guest of her mother, Mis. Wm. raoer. Mr.C. P. Burkhart left thn noon for Tacoma, where he will leinain a month. perhaps all winter. MissMinnfe McFarland delivery clerk at the post office will take a weeks rest trom tier arduous labors. Key. M. M. Gibson and wife left on last night's overland for their borne in San Francisco. Many Albany people haw greatly enjoyed their visit here. Mr. Ed. Mack, of Oregon City, was in the city Uih noon on his way to Yaquina Bay for a few ilavn. On next Tphhii, he will again publish tbeDaily Independ ent. A letter recieved today by Recorder N. J. Kenton announced the death of R. Cole, father of Mrs. Henton. at hi. home in Otkalooea. Iowa, at the aga of 80 years. Hold red ee ft Dickson, the Pacific coast evangelists, will begin a series of meet ings at Haisey on Wednesday, Dec 11. 1895. The "Old. Old Story" in sermon and song. You are invited. L. L. Van Noitwick and I. R. Bo rum have bought into the Combination bar ber shop, combining their shop with it, and the members are now Mr. George Thompson and these gentlemen. Mi-. fc.. 31. Uindinger, who sold his interest, left yesterday for San Francisco. How It Was Dose. The narjera have been telling about Marvin Turner hav ing a big toe nearly cut ou by bis shoe tongue and string, while wahftnng a foot ball game in Portland recently. The toe was nearly cut off: but Marvin was not excited ovtr watching it; he was in the midst of the fight playing left tackle for the side that won by 16 to 0. Some dif ference. An order his Ven made alio iar drum mers to ride on southern racibc freights A steamer went np the river to Harris- burg last night after bilm logs for the Or egon City pulp Mills. The state board oi equalization is in aion in Salem. They will soon procee make aaietsnient rolls checkered. Tbe Y. P. S. C. E. of the 1st Christian church will give a dime social noxt Friday night at It.. : J mm . i L" uio icuucuw vi nre n. Uboaoes. - Wheat is 43 cents in Salem. In the early part of tbe season that city was be hind Albany 2 cents, but it seems other wise now. Jos. G. Birusey, the well known sheriff oi jaefson county, died a few days ago au menus in Aioany as well as gen erally through Southern Oregon, who will regret bu death. The game of foot ball between the jun lors ot the college and the Santiam Acad emy eleven announced for Dec. 21, will not take place. Instead on that day tbe college and public school bois will olay Arrangements have been betran for lh presentation ot The 3ay Makers, an en k.wiuiuk utuuua ny me i. w. u. A. in this city, some time in Jannarv Thi. will be made one of the events of the win ter season. The Albany Furniture Co. will assist all those who make cash purchases of them during December in procuring suitable holiday presents. For each dollar's worth of goods bought toe purchaser is entitled to 12'A cents toward any of those artistic baskets shown by them. Thus an 18 nur. chase entitles you to a dollar's worth of baskets bee tnem and be. convinced of their utility and beauty. iupuun new tun u. vtuuuam, woo was in command of tbe sealing schooner Iini. r XT . - 1 1 Olsen, convicted a few days since of being engagea in nauing ior seals within tbe prohibited 60-mile zone, and forfeiting to the government, was yesterday put on trial in tbe United States court, before Judge Bellinger and a jury, on a similar charge, the department having instructed united states Attorney Murpny to pro ceed again ne tbe omcers ot the vessel per sonally. The court instructed tbe jury to find a verdict of not guilty, which was done at once. Louis Viereck has secured the sole right of Linn, Marion and Benton Co. for the , sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Parties 1 desiring treatment will do well to consult hini at nis place of business or address box 421, Albany, Linn Co.. Or. Or. Price's Cream Baking PowOw. K-wU's Pali- Hlzbast MsdsS a4 DI$rV Death of a Pioneer. ourra'ARY. Mrs. Francis M. Garret, whose maiden name was Welch, was born in Kentucky March 16, 1823, and died at her home in this city Dec. 4, 1893. At the age of 3 years she removed with her parents to Missouri, where she lived until April, 1852, when she was married to James Garrett, and the next day after their wedding they starttd across the plains for Oregon, traveling by ox team. Thev spent six months on this journey and encountered many hardships. They settled on a donation claim two miles southeast of Peoria, where they made their home until the death of Mr. Garrett, 7 years ago, when Mrs. Garrett moved 10 Albany for the purpose of edu cating her grandson, who u -s always 'made his home with her. Deceased has been a member of the M. E. church for a long time, and died in the faith of the gospel. She was the mother of five chil dren, 4 oi whom have preceded her to the other world. Mrs. Githens,the oulv surviving child, who lives on the old home place, was with her when she died. Four grandchildren survive. Mm. Gar rett was industrious and frugal, much of the success of the farm was due to her hard work and good management. Thus another one of the old pioneer land marks has been removed. Peace to her ashes. Funeral services will be held at Tine cemetery, near Peorin, tomorrow. The remains will leave here at 8 o'clock a. m ann uie services w ill be liem upon ar rival there. Opening n:uul. The Conservatory of Music of the A' bany College will g'ive an opening recital tomorrow evening at the college chepel. Following will be tne program : "Overture," "Johann V. Paris" Boiel dieu, First Piano: Mioses Aldersou and Bruner. "La Matinee," Dussek : Edna How ard. Torbet, Market Day." Vivian: Miss Ella Venitian Gondolied." Mendelssohn : vnas. a. L'unum. "Love and War," Cooke Messrs. lunuell ana Afctrs. Vale in. A Mat op. S3, Luraml : Dora Page. "Allen's Echo Song," A'len: Miss Mitt, ataua tiQiouru : "i "J?""? " "The Students of Sorrento," Celega, Vocal Solo, selected. Miss Aldersoo. "Sly ative Isle," White, By the A. H. L. and P. Quartet. The Bugler." Pinsuti. Mr. Lundell. SonaU l'athelimie." Beethoven m;. Alderson. "Man the Life Boat. Rn!!. "ic:n Fun," MLlard, Dr. Parvin. "Fantasie Impromptu," Chopin, Mia Marguerite Alderson. The AnrtnrvTAf. Km4 fMm.nyn .1 ent in the Lebanon Kinm. irwiota ih .i the death of Mr. John knifon? . ,v,U,!-i.l II t r. j. , ... ry -. ewe wnereia.ur. ivnuong met death at the mill, but the coroner's inquest we hrnily believe was a mere farce. The mry bold that it must have been murder. The doctors' testimony should have Keen escinuea lor this reason : no autouev wm iieiu. naa mere Deen a thorough exau- icaxion ot the internal organs there might have been found evidence of a fall as well as a broken skull. We under stand the doctors claim that a man cotdd not fall in sach m manner a to crack hi skull in such a m inner as the deceased without having other bruises on his body. How do they knoa ? A hundred men might fall out of the second story of the mill and no two would be injured in the same manner, this is a faet.uosr who shall say that this was not one of the ways, out of a hundred would be in jured.' We hold that the verdict ren dered is not just to the employes of the jiil on that exenlful eve before Thanks giving as it cast a doubt upon all w bo were around the mill that nn'ht. and there was qnite a number. ffeceaed complained of feeling feverish, and upon rwvening tne second noor may have felt faint and not thinking of anything but getting fresh air, rushed blindly for the ilea rest door, anon ooemn? it he n have fainted, and in falling, struck his skull only upon the walk. As A lb ax y Hoi-n Up. The Lebanon Express is author of the following: Leb anon is not the only community where j 'hold ups" are in vogue. The latest comes to us from Albaay.wheti.a china man was held up and searched by two nnmasked young ladies in open day light. The ladies reside o.i Third street and started down town to do some chop ping. iiaviDg gone auout two I'locLi the purseholder discovered that i-he had dropped her money about $16 thea they retraced their steps searching for the lost purse. Not finning it. thev rtro- man wuo dnves the sarbage wairon. slopped the gentleman and hastened to go through his pockets, searching hua comiHeteiy. not nnciing their purv, they next began turning his swill barrels topsy turvy, intent on finding the lot-t treasure. Every effort proving futile. the young ladies turned away, of course excusing? themselves to the consternated celestial, boldly cjeclaring Ins innocence. -i notak-e-. iins lurnishes us with a ase unprecedented in the annals of hoi ps, where Ah Swill was the hero, and kuhi no lets i-eroirits Another Saliui Failure It continues topour in Salem. The Post says : Com plaint was riled in department Z ot the circuit court, this afternoon containing a demand for receiver for the Salem t on solidated Street Railway company. The I complaint was filed by E P McCornack. I trustee. The complaint is the outcoue 1 f - . ...I t. . . vi uciuauu lur iw) went ui iu bccudiu- dation notes for $8,712.50, no part of whic has been paid. F R Anson was ap pointed receiver by tne court, l he bond of the teceiver was fixed at $50,000. The road will operate as usual. Death of Uev. Wiiitkev. Rev. G. M. Whitney, father of J. R. Whitney.of the Herald, died suddenly of heart disease, at bis borne in Eugeue last night. Mr. Whitney went to that city on the over land. He was a minister in the Christ ian church.anil was universally esteemed and respected" for his christian worth. Rev. Whitney was born in Indiana in 1823 and came to Oregon in 1853. He has resided at Eugene sines 1872. He leaves a wife and seven children. A Good Showing. During 1894 there were shipped from Oregon 300,000 pounds of green Iruit, in 18Ud this has been in creased to Z,1Z7,ooh pounds, !3Z,i8Z.z- being paid the growers, an average of li cents per pound. Of the fruit shipped there were 11 car loads of strawberries. 2,500 boxes of cherries, eight cars of peach plumes, 55,443 crates of prunes, 9,960 boxes of pears, cars .of grapes, etc. Scio Election. The 'following officers were elected in Scio at the citv election last Monday, there being four tickets in tne neiu: Mayor, A J Johnson; re corder, R Shelton; treasurer, W F Gill ; marsnai, jn young; aldermen, T M Munkers. S M Daniel. 8 I Shore. J J Humes, c H llarniHb, R B Miller and G v arorrow Wa Abe Opening a line of Christmas goods this week that will excel anything we have displayed for yews, and at great ly reduced prices. Our line of sterling goods are 6-! most as cheap'a you can buy. Plated ware, watches, clocks and iewelrv 1 at prices way below what they were sold f t l.t - '..II . t - Al. ..I - j LKJL lOAU JI.IUI VHII UU UUr Ul'piliy UnU get prices. F. M . Fkench. Mr. l,. v erics nas secured the service of Mr. Michel Hogway of Portland Oregon Mr. nogway is an experienced barber coming well recomended, WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to please you. If every hing is nut O. K. kindly let us know We are not soiling at cost but at moder ate pronts. e can lurnisti you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips Po VII .fc T4'. ISSOH Death of Dr. Rich. Dr. W. 11. II. Rich, of Toledo, died in this city this forenoon at about 10:30 o'clock, at the home of his daughter, Miss Nellie Rich, who resides with Mrs, Stein on Seventh street, near Ferry St., of Brights dieam oi the kidneys. Dr. Rich was born on August 31, 1838, in BurlwKton, Vt. At the age of 21 he graduated in medicine and moved to Iowa, where he practiced bis profession In 1879 he moved toOregon. Fora num ber of years he was surgeon of the Ore gon Pacific. He was successful in bis profession and accumulated considera ble property. He was a Mason and Knight Templar in good standing, and was highly esteemed by his many friends here ana elxew Here. 1 lie ilooeawed leaves a wife and four children, W. If. Rich, of loieuo, .miss .seme kicii, who has been attending school in Albany, and two children in Iowa. Arrangeueuts for his funeral are being made and wi! be announced Utter. Jude Burnett, of Corvallis, was at tending to business in this city today. Suite Superintendent Irwin and wife were in Albany this noon on their ay to Brownsviile. G. W. Davis came np from Salem to day and went to Toledo to attend to Pioneer quarry business. R. M. Caldwell, of Lebanon, and W. B. Davis, of Corva'.lii", were transacting basiness in the city today. Mrs. John Shaw and Daughter Leila, of Union, Oregon,are in the city visiting bersister.Mrs Grant Hoberg. The last steamer that left Portland for San Francisco took the following Albany people: D. B. Montiethand wife, O W. aua ana w . r . Lieakins. Geo. Dunsford. the head nlumbtr far Dugan Bros., will go to Albany in a few days to finish the fitting for the beating of the new IV Forest mansion. Salem Statesman. G. M. Coffey went to Puritan,! nn Monday, in quest of a situation. Greene i a good boy, wholly reliable and we wish him guoJ luck w herever be ma go. clo Press. Last evening nineteen "rounitsters" Icelf brate-1 ith Carl Power his sixth birthday. They had a very lively and nnl.ri.lMlimo playing and eating for several hours to their hearts content. j Manager Edwin ton. ofthiO. C. ft E, was in Use city today for the first time since returning from a trip v Sa a Francwco. The O C. ft E. is liable to suffer from th rate war between the S. P. and O R. ft X. The Corvaliis Gasette gives away a former Albany taiui. in the fulloaing heart lei manner: tieo. I". Piper.of the Oregonian's reportorial staff, made one of bis occasional pilgrimage to Corvaliis iat week and worshiped at the shrine of Venus. While nn bi way to the object of his affections he met with an unpleas ant "experience and lost bis way in the streets. After enquiring of a balf-dotrn pehcemen, and wading kneedeep in mod, he finally reached his destination in the neighborhood of Mary's river bridge. During the luiath of Noetn-er the r;eip: of the c-Mintv clerk were ti7.00: ot the recurJer, $1470. Tonisrfat the r. Co. and woo-'en mill la ball teaunt will play at 'he armmy On Monday nuht the F. Co. and Y. M . C. A. teams will play. Eujene has a carao of Woodmen of the World with -'4 members, bavioz incrtsu- ed from 9 1 during Ibe year. Only 10 as- eruenU bare ten paid this year. Tne cur pay roll of Astoria in Novem ber wa: City ofliivr. Iitraryf 4i; ore oeparunenr, ,i;tireeu, 9 1 1 S.J,j ; ur- vej or. $119 "5; police department, $550 tioot K tiaye ha sold bis race horse Black Alder to W W i ardweii. of Rome burg, for the cam of $0J . The b-re will h. trained during tbe winter by Liza Pickard.of this etjr. Engine Ou.rd. Among toe ibcriber to the stock in the Salem Woolen Mills yesterday was Hon. J. K. Vvetberf,rd. of this city, who loot 50 hare of $100. There remains leas than 100 har to be cold, so that a new mill is assured, one with double the capac ity of the old one. Good- At t! ee!ecioi ;n Newport IMnndav in Ward No. 1 S. G. Irvin and J. II. Maine were sleeted Councilmeo. Ward So. 2 I. A. Olfwn and Clau Brand, in tti,rd No. 3R. A. Bensell C. 11. Wiiiiamf. J. W. O'iverand J. Loom is. Ouring the pant season Mr. David Kent. in bis quiet, easy way. has purchased and shipped froip Albanj ninety car hiaua of potatoes, putting into cirmlatton neary 10.000. The present market price is JO and 21 cent. Nolan ft Cvlahan say that tlnitt are perce'.iMy improved. Their buines for ibe ruooth of November showed an increase of 2l per cent, over that of tbe cOTe pond ing month lal year and prospects lur the holiday trade, according to most of the merchants, are really flalteriog. Corval iis Gazette. Two members of the Philomath literary rocietj had a "scrap"' the other day, so 'tis said, over tl.75 tbe balance remaining in Hie society's exchequer. Both were ar retted and togeuier coniriouiea io to wards defraying tbe expense of Philomath's city government. Gaze'te. Ca! Ripb os Freights. By heingable to ride on freight trains drummers can pain a good deal of time. They have been hunting tor mis prtvueg ;or some nine, but have onlv inst secured it. An ex change says: The Travelers' Protective Association some time agoapplied to the late railwav commission to rido On the Southern Pacific freight trains as lar north as Albany and between all points north of Junction City, in Linn county. Tim nrwiWo has been granted by the railway commission although the South ern Pacific people were reluctant to al low the nrivi era. 'Hie company main tain that its passenger trains afford ample facilities for carrying passengers, and the company does not want the re sponsibility of carrying passengers on its freight I rains. Holders oi iwu and aiw mile tickets will here after enjoy the privivilege of riding on the freights in me iimitea territory. Lovd Montgomery has settled down to a ouiet life, and while he is a somewhat peculiar fellow he is displaying no more of his wild pranks. Dr. K. L. Irvine has made a thorough study oi ins case, aim in .fnnvinrod that he has been feigning insanity, and is not insane. Even if he had had an epileptic nt the rosun woum not have been as carried out by him. Th Doctor is satisfied that when the mnrdor was committed he was in nis right mind. He undoubtedly was; but it is difficult to conceive how anv one could shoot a mother down in cold blood Thev Are Daisies. The Gazette clos en a well written and very long article on the Smith-Lieb, Taylor-Mciagan trouble in that citv as lollows: "ine expression is unanimous that both Taylor and Mc- Lagan should be speedily removed, 'ibe offence is one that cannot be condoned, or overlooked." The Gazette says both officers were drunk, and it all that pa neraavi is true Oorvallia has a counle of daisy police cflicers, who should be re moved before the week is out. Ah Swill's Trouble. Ah Swill looked out from behind th grates at the jail this morning. It wa not until then that he realized that h i arreH was not a joke. Here's the way of it: F.E.Allen, J. W. Jewel and M. Hyde had a chattle mortgage on Ah Lwill's hogs that the people have been fattening with the leavings from their tables for some time. The accounts were transferred to Mr. Allen, who had the hogs attached through the machinery in Justice Powell's court, and the porcine family of Ah Swill were all taken to the place of Mr. Jewel and placed in his pen, while Ah Swill was off on his regular round of swill gathering. Upon arriv ing home he missed Lis porkers. Hunt ing them up be tore an opening into the pen ami arove them liome. Thereupon a warrant was issued Dy Judge Powell for his arrest, and Constable Monteith armed with it arrested the repulsive and ignorant Celestial, placing him for safe keeping in the bastile de McFeron. The Dhrrant Case. Sam Francisco Dec. 6. Judge Mur phy, upon the convening of court at 9 o'clock, rendered his decision in the Dur rani case, denying the motion of the de fendant for a new trial. Durrant was ordered placed in the state penitentiary for 10 days, when he will be sentenced to be hanged. Notice was given of an appeal to the supreme court. D. of H. Orricttfta. At their meeting Wednesday night the Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., elected the following of ficers for the ensuing term : Mrs. L. Viereck, C.of U. Mrs.CC. Uogue.L. of II. Mrs. Frank Purdom, L. of C. C. C. Hogue, Financial Secretary. Maggie Barker, Recorder. Mrs. John Jones, Receiver. Mrs. Lucy Hays, Guide. Miss McHargtie, L W. Harry L. Walden, O. W. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Judge Wolverton came urt from Salem this noon. Dr. E. L. Irvtn went to Eugene this noon on business. S. S Train went to Eugene today to at tend the funeral of his friend of many years, Kev. hitney. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Hickok. of Leb anon, are in the city on their way home from a bridal trip to Portland. Mrs. Koby and youngest daughter, of Brownsville, are in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Power. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Zevss arrived in Albany on last nigtu's overland from their bridal trip to Portland. J. A. Cumming is at Elk City fishing for salmon trout. During his absence Mr. Arch Blackburn is clerking at the drug store. Miss Minnie McFarland. of Albanv. arrived in the citv today, and will be tne guest of Miss Ethel 'Levis, on Stale street. Salem Journal. Bert Van Clere is the father of an eight pound boy. The event happened at the residence of Amos Kisor, Wednes day. Corvmii is Timet. Arrhbiahon Gross is now on his way to Baltimore, where be will attend the ceremonies of derating Mos ignore Sa- lolli to the cardinahue, which will take place January 5. W. B. Lanier, of the Lawlcr mines. came in trom the mines vesterdav. Nearl all the machinery lias been taken in, and it will not be long before the mill wilt be running. Mr. Lwier is a pusher. CO. Lee, a brotner of Maor-elect Lee of this city was elected city marshal ! at Albany last Monday Political light ning has evidently struck the Lee family this year. Independence Enterprise. Mrs. II. R. Hyde and Mrs. Knox Ilaight gave an afternoon tea yesterday. a pleasant and well managed affair, en- toyed bv over one hundred oi the mends of Mrs. Hyde and Mrs. HaigfaU It was held at the home of the former. RcsTis. Mr. Catherweod. a traveler for Rand, McNallv ft Co' maps, baa been in the city. Though 73 years cf age he is a rustier. I pon being interviewed while in Salem be made these sensible remarks: There is nothing the matter with this country, except that there are not many men, who, if they cannet get anything to do in their particular line, make no effort to do anything at alL Tbe carpenter will work only at carpenter work; the bricklayer, only at bricklay ing, etc. Now, there is no man who can nut do more than one thing if he tries. For my part, 1 can do a dosen things, and on that account I have never seen the time, no matter bow hard, that I could not make a living. I have no pa tience with young men, fall ot strength and energy who say they can find noth ing to do. The trouble is that they are too particular in regard to what they work al. Every man can find employ ment in this world who earnestly seeks t : although it may not be just tne kind of work he prefers. P. O. Needs. A Washington dispatch sava that Senator Mitchell called atten tion to the office at Albany, which had been reduced from a second to a third class office, and the clerk hire reduced from f 1 100 to 250. when there bad been only a slight reduction in the amount of work ; also tne postomce at ncaiinnvuie, where the revenues are quite large, and the work too much for one man . Tbe postmaster at this place is obliged to be a me uiuro vwuj uir"- v w viw , order to make up the mails tor the early trains. His was a modest request. lie wanted only f iw ior ciera hire. W. C. T. V. Social. Remember the Th.nktffarinfr anoial tn bii held by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. on next Tues day evening. Refreshments will be served, good music, games, eloquent. witty and good common sense speectiea will be the orhtr of the evening. No ad mission fee will be charged. Aa offer ing from any one from 5 cents up to (500 ill be tiiankiuiiy received by tne ladies who are greatly in need of funds to pay insurance and interest now due. All are cordially invited. Come and have a good time. The OrENiso. Recital, A good sied audience was well repaid by attending the opening musical recital of the Al bany Conservator ot Music, tinder IT, rarvin. at the college chapel last night, The program as published in the Demo crat was carried out. The piano solo by Charles Cum! iff and the rendition of Beethoven's beautiful eom position "son ata Patbetique," by Mits Alderson, were encored. The opening overture Irom Boielbeau s famous comio opera Jean d Paris, was particularly creditable to the four pianists. Misses Alderson. Bruner, Smick and Hulburt. Marked progress is reported in the different departments oi the conservatory. The Foresters at their meeting last night elected the following officers tor tne ensuing term : uinei Ranger, V. isrownoll. Vice Ranger, E. A. Fronk. Rec. secretary, J. L. Tomlinson. Financial secretary, J. V. Pipe, Chaplain and treasurer, E. N. Blod gett. Senior woodward, 0. 0. Lee. Junior woodward, Frank Sparger. Senior Beadle, Thomas Monteith. Junior Beadle, J H Howard. Physician, Dr. M. U. Ellis. The Funeral services of Dr. W. H. Rich will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in Corinthian Hall, and will be under the auspices of Temple Command ery No. 3, of which the deceased was a member. Religious services will be held at tbe hall preceding the Masonic ser vices. All friends of the deceased are invited. Highest of all in Leavening Li -.. DOME AND ABROAD I Plant yonr holiday adi now. Trilby watch guards at F. M. French's. See French's display of Christmas goods. 6 lbs choice raise n 25cts at Mcliwain's cash store. 8 spools Clark's O. N. T. at Mcliwain's cash store. Fat turkeys, ducks and bens at Robert sons feed store. 'the very best, and only $2,00 per doz. cauineu at xinxiea. The prices are all right on Christmas Roods at i reach a. Best hotter in the city every day for 30c yet rou at r, L-Onen I. 2p lbs best pranuiated sugar 1.00 at jncuwain s casb store. For the best cottage or cream cheese call at mciiwains caab sture. SUyton Red Crown snow flake and Jef ferson flour at Mcliwain's cash store. Fairbanks Gold out washing powder 3 f b package 20 cU at Mcliwain's cash store. . Tbe cheapest place to boy coffee or t is at Mcliwain's cash store, be keeps ths best. . Dsn't forget the Dolls Bazaar, ou Fri day evening, Dec 13th at the W. C. T. U, llalL Damon and Ptthias will h. twmmiImI at Brownsville on Dec. 13. nmW th unuM f I 1,- r - r vi i rw. ii in. ivasmoa. 50 song books were lost durino- Om F.ran- geiiMic asmeea, mjee fcanng them will please return them at once to tbe Y. M. C a. secretary. I-l re size photographs, the best finish reduced from 100. to only fJO par dozen at Ainaiea. cabinet, TZjau. Dr. While s new hair grower, restores trnatore gray hair to its original color. w sue at erica's uunsg parlors. Dolls of all kinds for sale, an appropriate program will be rendered aad as aduua- mhi tl 10 cents charged. See emmm wer. Regular cotnmankatioa of Corinthian Lodge No- 17 A r and A M tonight. Uecucn of officers and other business of importance. Tbe Woolen Mill base ball dab defeated tbe F Co'i dob last night 25 to IS. The r. Co'saad V. M. C. A. will probably play on Wednesday evening. A new school boose is being built near aioses I'arker s larm in Place of the one burned a hoot a year ago. Mr. Parker hauled a load of kh ingles oat today. Ah Swills trial was finished last nurbt sad the celestial was made happy by being discharged. All tb same Ah kmU is nn- donbtedly financial! basted. On Dec. 21 tbe A.O- U. W. aasl D. of II. will gire an entertainment ior the benefit ef their library food Cam the dale in roar mi no and prepare to at aa entertainment of merit. At a meeting of the H St L. Co- bst night J. L. Tomlinson was Domiaatod for assiirfsnt chief engineer. No oacaiaation made tor chief. No. l's will meet to night to make nominations. Look out for tbe Dolls Bazaar to be held Dec 13th. in the W. a T. l hall, wader the aaspicej of the Young Ladies Mmmow- ary Society of tne M. L. church. Come and enjoy tbe program riven by the chil dren. Next Saturday tbae is to be a match game between tbe second eleven of the O A C and the Albany college elevesu It happen on O A C field and will undoubt edly call or t a crowd of interested specta tor. Corvaliis Time. Hon. Thos H Tongue, the well known politician of Hilkboro, is accused of bb profeaaonal conduct and the Oregon Bat Association will present his case to the sq preme court. The offeoses are the muti lation of public records, and other charges. George Slsama.of Oakland. Omron. took S300 turkeys down to 9aa Francisco which ware sou in advance to dealers fcr X ban ks- jmng. lie say that section is the best on tbe coast for turkeys and next year be win taxe oown aoou. Dr. C. C Cbamherlin has iust received from Chicago a complete etscrrical outfit, consisting of battery, electrodes, etc.. for treating tumors, facial blemishes and many other diseases, for which it has proven very effective Maay in Albany will be glad to take advantage of these appliance being in our midst College Notes. The Erodelphian society held its reg ular meeting yesterday. Excessive care for Juvenile humanity has well nigh broken the health of a cer tain college classman. The A. C. L. S.. at a special meeting today, decided to try one of its members tor violating the society laws. A certain Normal has discovered that Pallas. Athena, and Minerva were three different persons. The class in Analytics expect to enter calculus after the holidays. Natural Philosophy is a very difficult study for juniors. The football team is swelling with pride as the boys contemplate playing with some of the neighboring towns. New Bates. A dispatch from ban Francisco says: The Southern Pacific made another important move in its fight against the O. R. ft N. on business between here and Portland today. Tbe tariff from here to Portland and Albany will be 12.4 nta per 100 pounds for the first four classes oi Ireight, and 10 cents for the remaining six classes. From Portland and Albany to this city the rate will be irom ti to a) cents per nunarea A Bad Cct. This afternoon Ed Schmeer was playing with his child in the Delmonica restaurant. when he went to snring upon a table. The table tipped over and with it Mr. Schmeer. who fell upon a glass sugar bowl in a manner to cut a deep gash in one of his legs. Dr. Davis used two or three stitches in sew ing it up A Oocirrav Fire. The farm house of D. H. Pierce, of Rowland, was burned to the ground Thursday night. 1 he iamiiy escaped in their night clothes just in rims, uni v an organ anu one stove were raved. The house was insured in the Roval for 1375. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were in Portland at the time and Francis Kizer was staving with the children. It was not known how the fire started. Grrmro Octe. A lady bought a ticket from San Francisco to Portland, intend inn to stop off at this city this morning; herhasbanddidsoacouple weeks ago; but she didn't stop. The company had flag men sent to the crossing and went right through. People who get ahead of the railroad have to be pretty sharp. Wonderful are the cures accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparula and yet it is only because uooa t oaisapariiia, tne one pure blood purifier, makes pure, rich, healthy blood. A MAN'S A MAN, Bnt Its a big advantage to him to wear well laundrled shirts and underclothing. The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards ft Phillips proprietors, make a specialty ot gentlemens work. Free mending for men besides the first class laundry work. ',A superior -high gloss finish to shirts, collars, cutis, etc. Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report A SCHLATTER CASE. A Salem Boy Gets Benefit From a Scblattered Handkerchief. Roll in Budlong( living with his par ents in Capital Park addition, 13 years Id, was taken sick over a year ago with a bone disease and baa not walked since bnt had to be wheeled about, and his parents had resigned themselves to the conviction that he would always be a cripple. The boy, however, bearing one day of the cures enectea Dy ecnuuter, made np his mind to send him a hand kerchief in the hone of being eared. He sent the handkerchief on the 24th of October last to Schlatter, and waited pa tiently for a month for iu return until yesterday, when it came to band. The remarkable part of the affair is that from the day he sent tbe article be began to improve in health, to feel more cheeriai, ana grew perceptibly stronger. In the month be has gained just eight pounds. His appetite has grown robust anu be feels sure that he is going to be greatly benefitted. Post. T LrajELRca H. C. Hncr-HRET. Col onel J. A. Straight was arrested at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Minnesota hotel by Constable T. D. Linton on a warrant sworn out today in Justice A. E. Wheeler. office, and subscribed to by Major L. D. Forrest. Since the death of H. C. Humphrey of this city, which occured in Portland November 15, 1895, Col. Straight has been circulating reports to the effect that Humphrey bad de frauded him of large same of money. He was very bold in bta assertions, and al leged that the amount which Humphrey "beat" him out of reached a JjUfh as $14,000. These "tales" have bee pretty generally circulated for some time aaong the lriends of Humphrey, and maay others, bnt nobody placed any credence to them. CoL Straight was takes before Justice Wheeler at 3 o'clock, this after noon, and on motion of bis attorney, K. R. fekipworth, was allowed to go os his own recognizance. His trial was set tor Monday. December ith. The crime ot which be is accused is a misdemeanor. and the penalty is not less than f 100 nor mure than (500 fine, or one year in jaiL -r-ogeje O oarrt. Falser Faicx. Highwayman Frick. who has just been sent to the peniten tiary ior nve years Ior standing np a stage near Klamath Falls, would hare gotten several tisnea that, if not a life sentence, if it had been proven that he had a, real ran. Instead, the run found on him. was a piece of wood or bark looking Like a con. It was sap- posed be was running a bluff, as can gen" entity be easily done. Tbe ijexockat is informed that upon being taken to tbe penileatirylby Deporv Marshal George Humphrey be admitted tc him that aa a matter ot tact ne bad a two. waico ne threw in the bashes, and which was taken away bv an accomplice. He knew the difference in the eyes of the law and had taken this precautionary step. BE OBSERVING. Take adrantace of the low price ia tbeto at Tiakies, Tbe beet fresh groceries and predaoe at Conn ft Hostua'a. Ladies the latest fashion is a seamless ne made by Mrs. Mrlan. Good treatment at Conn and Hustons, aad their goods are taw best. Some elegant desigwea ia crockery ware at low price at Conn aad Hostons. SO os. savon soap at Parker Bros, for aly 6 eeats a bar. This ia a world beater. Big redaction ia the prices f ail sizes of photos at Tinkles. One dosen new jackets lost received at the Ladies Bazaar very stylish. Though tbe season dosed November 1 the Sioaw canneries contiane to ran. A large and choke stock of jewelry, sil r ware, etc Jait received at Will and Stark. The most elegant line of statuary ever broegfct to Albany at Will and Starts. Ia several beautiful figures- J. W. Bentlev at his old stand ia tbe Casick black. Boots aad shoes made or repaired wed and carefully. If Tinkle can't make a picture that suits yon yoa just as well give op. See his $1.56 pbotaa. New stamped linens in the latest de signs, aim the best wa&h auks ia ail the new art shade at the Ladies Bazaar. Dr. H. E. and O. K. Beer offices aad residence ia tbe post office building. Spec ial atteaaoa given to rtiweaf ot wotaea. COME ONE. COME ALL. Julius Gradwohl Will Give Too tne Best Bargains in tne uty. I wish to inform the public that I wil reduce my larpe stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come V l j i t : 1 1 ill snu pnee my xowu auu a sui prvro to you that I am not deceiving you, but mean Doainesa. J. tr nan worn. Backache, dizziness, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegetable SarsapariUa. ENIOYO Both the method and Teralbs vhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem, effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho Etomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In SO cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro ears it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F13 SYRUP COL 94H FtAMtOOO, 04c. mm nut, ft y New Time Card. Following is the new time card cf th Albany Street Railway: Tbe ear will leave eoroer of First and Washington streets as follow: 4:20 a. m. for morning overland train. 80 " " Lebanon train. 11:35 " " Yaquina train. 12:00 noon, train going soath. 12:35 p. m., Uosebnrg train north bound and west bound Yaquina train. libS p. m O. C. ft E. train, east boned. 40 " Lebanon train. 11.35 " Ovrland train going south. 40 " Orphan's Moice. The car will alsemeet all incoming trains on both the Southern Pad 5c and O C. ft E. railroad. C. G. Bcrerart, Secretary SIMM Oifj IREGUIATOR? GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost every tody takes some laxative rfledidne to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. 1 hose who take SIMMONS LIVER KBGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the bencf.ts of a mild and pteasanr Uxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LlVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is la rood condition you nd yourself free from Malaria. Biliousness, Indigestion. Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid cf that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is property at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR- The Kir ? of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. EVERT PACKAGE- Has.tbe'Z Stamp in red on wrapper J. H. Zeilin Jt Co, PhUsv, Pa. MANLY VIGOR ONCE MORE hi aarii with th vofid. 9000 cnsspletdy cared oca ara sangiTisT aapfT praises lor me greatest, sraaa est and most toe caflsrai ears lar sex- loesvicor kanrs to merftrmi wrieace. Am. aeeonatof tbitwom- book fans, with ref erence ad praoCs, will ha sent ta Krf. tartar eaaled) frm. Fall zaaoly nx nsusm -failure impowarwe. EEIEI!ED!CALCO.BUFFaLO,H.T. Ibe greatest seller on the market for disease of the Liver.KJdncysaad Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or yous;. No piping. The toot of the Liverine plant is extea sivety naed ia Norway for the care of Piles. Sold by aU first cbus drogista Wholesale hTaBafarfurea, ANCHOR S CHEMICAL CO. Lebanon, Or r tsiit, Cosk Block Albany, 6f Filling and extracting of teeth witboa pain a specialty 120 DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Locautv Bade easily aad honorably, wttacet capi tal, daring yoar spare boors. Any mat 'oman, boy, or girl can do the work boi .ry, without experience. Talking- un necessary. Nothing like it for morr making ever offered befor. Our worker i always prosper. No time wasted ra learning the busiwess. We teach yea h: a night sow to succeed from the fir hoar. Ton can make a trial without ei peoss to yourself. We start yoa, fbmisV everything needed ta carry on the buy ncss sMccessfaii . and guarantee j against failure if yon out follow o?.l simple, plain instructions. BeadW. if yoa are In need of ready money, sr want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send as y"" audress, and we will nisU yoa a ti- ' Steut giving yoa all the parUcalan YRUE& CO., Box4COj Augusta, Malirir ffhsa Baby was sick. rars her (Wluk. Waeasha wa a Chad, aha cried far Castoris. Whca aba became Jtba, ah t&ug to Csstoria. Wksa aha had CxUM Ma. she gsw t ten Oucort, JOSEPH J SMITH VETERINARY SURGEON OfSce at Miller & Turner's stable, resi dence and stable at 4th and Calapooi streets, Albany, Oregon. r. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awards Gold Madu Kldvhusr Fair. Sa F- mc.fc.-a.- rmm 1 LI !' . I '"I ii PL. .1 mm.