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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1895)
yEATIi!bttt'RD & WtlTt Attorneys at Law. Will praaUceln all courts el the Mate. 8pcc:M Attention tven to matter in prob-l, and to to lections. OFFICE In the Filnn block 7 It BE1K.TEU Attorney at Law Mid Solicitor In Chancery. Ool Uima made on all points. Loans negetiated on -able terms. Albaav Oregon J. J" WHITSB1 i Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. LAOXD J irJ & SOBERS -Aa'TORlSr33Z"3 LAW, A!! lo,'.tl mutters will reneive prompt at eni:oa. " Olhoe, First National bank uttdiny, up stairs. OXTANTS HACULEBAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon D U. J. HI LI,, Phyddan and iarreon, OFFICK Coma Farry atroeta, Albany, Oregon. W. HA KRIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is riw located in the Duocitt ntne. corner o 2nd and Broadalbin struts Albany. Or. Bents .and Collections a. Specialty. D rs. n. E. and O. K. Beers. Physicians and snrgeons, post office block, Albany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence corner 5th and Calapooia sts. Special attention given to diseases of women . DH. C, U, C..AF.1BERLI?. JSOQXOH 03 Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offio boors, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases . IltSJT NATIONAL BANH, OV ALBAST, ORKSOI reatdeat. LFLISH ?ioe President 8, K, YOUNG Otsbier. K, W. LANG DON TRANSACTS A G SKRALbantUTxieinese AOOODST3 KEPT scbiect to check. Bi&KT EiCHANGB and tel Taphio tnaet r, toM hew York, San rraaeuoo, ClUeajro ana r wuand qffoa -.0 .ii-JHOf? (AOS en favorable emu snuKJ-ntt Yoen K ,w Laaoncni' Bun, L. Fun . Sox. CCT4ICK CO..BAKH.ER OT ALBAS T. ORItSOK, fRAKSACTateneml Bankioe wdneea. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, Saa 9 goo and PorUano, Ore-wa; LOAN HONEY on approved aoearity . REUEIV E deposi ta aub jeet to check. VOLL&JTU):! Blade on larorsNe INTE REST oeid oa time deocei 12 1 A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal Combines every element of It is beauti- L'a?-aty and parity. soo thing, healing, health i l lol, and harmless, and when A rightly used is invisible. A most & dciicate and desirable protection ;-- to the face in this clpriate. it rjca hating ths gsauiaa. s ?? 13 ?G5 SALE EVERYWHERE. ALBANY . INS. AGENCY The only first class agency in Albany that can give yon 100 cents worth of insur ance for si. 00. Besides giving yon the best indemnity -we nave paia out in mis community dar ing the last nine months for '"oats" bought over $13,000, thereby benefitting the farm ers and every business man. in connUera tion of which we fhould receive the pre ference ever 8?ents who send out nearly all you pay them for insurance and bring in nothing. We represent the only first class com pany makinp a specialty of farm insurance, on th note plan, "The Continental," of Kew Vorfc. We "also represent the Sun, Phoenix, Manchester and London, of Eng land, tl e Sun being the oldwt fire insur ance company in the world M. SENDERS, Mgr COPYRIGHTS. CA I OBTAIlf A PA TEST f Foe a prompt answer and an boceet opinion, write to experience in toe patent Dnmceea. jommnsi (Jona strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation conccrniiur Patent" and bow to ob tain tbem aent free. Also a catalogae of xttcbao. teal and ecientine books aent free. Patent taken through Mann ft Co. reoelTS rpecial notice in too rVientlfle America a, and tons are brought widely before the public wlto ont cost to the Inrentor. This splendid paper, tatted weekly, e Lee ami y Ulnstrated, has by far tba largest circulation of any scfentine work In toe) world. M year. Sample copies sent free. Banding Edition, monthly, S2J0 a year. Single eoplea.3 cents. ETery number contains beau tiful piaies. In colors, and photngraphs of new bonsea, with plana, enabling Builders to show the) attest deslgnn and secure contracts. Address co. litw Jane, aet Bb&jdwA'S DO YOU write letters? Of course you do, and what is nicer than smooth lefer paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary. . "ou ehould BUY ENVELOPES ef us at on a and sae th : Sae quality an extra lo prices. Ncit time you wan some inquire OF SMIL MY, THE PRINTER b mmz pays r. m . K.3'i otwiw ' Jf, N "last'alM enns r.-e.'cd f tut2 Carnlogoc A sir;: H JOUI14 i- v l ite ERIE" At 1JV mechanically tne iwaoa. rrctiurainwuci. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata- logue,mailcdfree,gics full description , prices, etc. AOCTTn WArrrEO. PZTALUMA IHCrBATOa CO., FetaIuma,CaL Bbancs Kocbt, sji a Main St., Los Angeles. JOSE PH .T SMITH. Office at Schmeer's stable, Albany, Or. Residence 5th and Montgomery. 1 ti I, I f 0f.1FLlK10 I pozzonrs ml pi vawwLniu.iiinui.iruu3iF r SLEEP & REST For Skirt Tortured BABIES And Tired MOTHERS la On Application ol itlciira eraiDi vum " with Ccricum Soap, gentle applleatiooaof Crmcrma (ointment), and mild doses of CDTI CUBA Rssoltxat (the m blood purifier), r old thnrnjtbfmt the wmM. BriUab dsnoti T. Nw. tar a Sons. 1. Xinr "warS-jt, A??' TV Sana " Cum. Coar. Sale flops, Bostoa, W. 8. A. Thn oTMifost seller on the market for diseases of the Liver.Kidneysand Con itipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No piping. The root of the Liverine plant is raten nvely used in Norway for the cure of Pile. Sold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, AKCHOR S CHEM ICAL CO. Lebanon, Or IIGOR v m EaaDy, QsickJy, Pereasssiiy Bettor!. WtMtkaaaa. Harrows Debility, ana au ua vram of avUa rrom early errors or later excesses, Ue reaoiuot overwork, atckneaa, wort. etc lull strangta. oevet- openent ana taoe given to levery orxaa ana wum of the body. 6unpla, nat ural method. ImmertW mta lmproTemeaa eeea. railare InpoatiUa. s.000 r-Xereacea. Book. axylaiwUaBiaXdprootamrllad laeaiod) tree. mi ISEOICAL CO.. Buffalo. H.T. (f T T7 Let Beascn To- KJ iVl H. gether ! la it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of course i bi you dont want dyspepsia and yorc't store. U. S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd fet. C. D. Vaxdtm, Proprieto AT R. M.ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of food for maai and braat: also oil meal. Brass seed, limejiair, atment and fertilizers, also Wilbur's Seed Meal, a sure remedy for the ailment) of horses and cows. All CHEAP FOB CASH. HEW CROP OATS WANTED. I am prepared to contract for new oats and nave sacks on hand, which I will furnish to farmers at 5 cents. Call on me before making other arrangements. M. Skxdem, The Ins. Agent of Albany Office oppoeite Odd Fellows building. awThdmill FOR S35.Q0 W Crawford will sell you an . 8 foot Aer motor for 133.00 12 foot geared Aermotor 7SJ0O All steel and galvanized after completed ATTENTION: TCNK SHOP- Cor. Second ahd Fe, Sts., Albany, will br.y rags, iron, bot t'es and all tinda of met!, hides, bone and tallow, tor cash. J. Bbocxsteix & box. PARTIES VISITING THE FOLEY and Belknap springs, orerossir.g the mountains on the UcKinzie wagon road will tind it to their advantage to buy their advantage to bay their supplies of Shumate at Walterville, sixteen rr.iies east of Eugene on tne stage road. All goods so'd at Eu gene prices. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that the firm of Kuett ner & Conn, consisting of Peter Ruettner and N. D. Conn, has been dissolved by mutual consent- Each will continue in the old business, that of house movincr. fr r HOP PICKERS WANTED. For s) J particulars enquire of A. L. Lamb with Mitchell, Lewis dt Staver Co., Al bany, or yard one fourth mile from city. 11EOEFWI u THE PLUMBER Tin roofiing and plumbing, the opera house. Opposi FOR SALE Pure bred S. L Wjan dotte fowls for sale at a bargain. I have to sell for want of room. Albany Poultry Yards, corner 4th and R. R. sts., Albany, Or. Jons Brush COMPETENT WOMAN wishes work by the day. Washing or housecleaning Inquire first door west of the Baptist par onage, Fifth St. G.C. MOON. Opposite Runs House. Feed, bran, nhorU, germ meai. buckwheat rye flour, hay. straw, potatoes, &c. FOR RENT, a Bood houw with the use of 16 acres of fine paxturo. Rent. 2.50 a month. Inquire at L. Viereck s Barber Shop. BRICK FOR SALE. 14,000 brick for sale. Barcain Call on P. J. Smiley. first class for cash. FOR RENT 5 room houe near bnsines center . $7.?0 a month. It miir t I Viereck'B. "PERSONAL. If you are so nit ua ted that X Jon neea a wife, and you can trive a good woman a comfortable home, ri'e me lully. Address lyck Box 950. Portland, Oreiron. FOR SALE. A new second hand bicy cle. Inquire at tnis office. TTAY STORAGE for the teaon. Call XX on M. fenders on Ferry between hi 2" gni etw Albany Or-- K. 1). T.M Meets every Ealnrday vrninp in K. O.. M. Hall. Visiting Knights invited to end. I. S. Van Wis tu .Com . ftK. aw w m TL an Wni gemotvat. A Shrewd Undertaker. He was an undertaker g:iai, And lifeheid ne'er a joy for him ; For in the town a year he'd been, And not a corpse bad been to him. And yet, he was the only one By whom the death work could be done ; For the little town was scarce alive, And conipetit'on could not thrive. So as he pondered drear one day, He tlieee wise words did softly aay : The air is pure, the doctors good, And no one could die if he would ; And Bince 1 see that no one dies, I gueaa it's time to advertise.' Straightway he wrote a full page ad. In a hand that would drive a printer mad. And unto the Weekly Boom he came, Where the tditor. Bill James by name. Was wondering how bis family could Live on subscriptions paid In wood ; When in the undertaker walked And said, nor eniiled he as he talked, "I've a full page ad. which il yon have room I'de like to insert in the Weekly Boom ; And I'll pay in advance," be produced the red. But got no farther, for James fell dead. Ha took tho page into the old press room; "This is to go in the Weekly Boom,' He eatd. "And be sure and not an error make For my reputation la at stake." The printer took it, and one poor fool Killed himself with a column rule ; When the other one on the copy looked, He gave one groan and the goose waa cooked. The undertaker buried them all With finest trappings from Learee to pall. So the money into his coffers rolled; And to the people the doctors told, That a dread disease, Astonishment, Had killed these men ; and a quiver went Throughout the village and on that night Some twenty people died of fright. The undertaker gathered them in And loaded himself with the gleaming "tin," And a queer lock comes to his sombre eyes As be says, "It pays to advertise." Press and Printer. It is to be hoped that the following from Harpers Weekly proves true: Much interest attaches to the rumor hich comes from London that the princess of Wales and her daughters have been late'y teen in publm in gowns th small sleeves and narrow skirts. This bit of intelligence does not reces sarily clinch the doom of the balloon sleeves and the letter A skirts, but it ill teed io make prudent investors wary of locking up much capital in those varieties. Of course the balloon sleeves must go presently. When fashionable mothers btgan to put tbem on little boys' legged night-gowns it become ap parent ttiat the taste for them had come to be an extravagance, and coq'.J not last- But it will be a shock to miss them. Doubtless we will find our friends much changed when we get down to their real sleeves again. Sotae who have grown stout won't shrink as much as vecxpect.and others who wore awty in the hard times perhaps will shriek much more. But let us have the farts at any cost, especially as there must be material enough in the sleeves and skirts to cut over Iito anything conceiv able, and have enough eft over tocktbe a child. Tbe following from tbe World has eroraed t it continent; A sure and some what pectacu!ar method of suicide was taken by James Fk. who kH:d himself at Bea ;er. Ore., a few days ago. He stored a great quantity of giant powder in bis bouse under bis bed, from all that could be surmised after the event and blew himself and most of bis borne into nothingness. The Coroner would not bold an inquest in the case, because all that could be found of the suicide's body was part of a foot. The treasures of the Bank of France are said to be belter guarded than those of any other bank in tbe world. At the close of business hours every day, a ben the money ia put into the vaults in the cellar, masons at once wall up tbe doors with hydraulic mortar. Water Is then turned on and kept mnning until tbe cellar is flooded. A burglar would have to work in a diving suit aod break down a cement wall before he could even start to loot tbe vaults. If this Durrani trial ends by Christmas the people of the Pacific coast may be congratulated. Think of stard ng three or four months of tbe slcshy subjret. Ihet-e days of drawing a jury are aggravating ones to the au Francisco papers, which sem hardly to know how to spend the lime, as a matter of fact a Jury could be serun-d as well as not, but both sides are splitting hairs. The public is get ting very weary. Peffer wants interest abolished entire ly. Crazier than ever. It would atop the wheels of business. All legislation, though, should tend towards the gradu ally lowering of interest. Men will al ways have to borrow money, and it will always take money to get its use That syndicate is having ite hands full keeping the gold reseive op to $100,000, 000. It may be somewhat of a s.easaw game. In any event it is not on the face of it very brilliant financiering A big discussion is going on in the New York World as to whether women or men are handsomer. A writer c'aims the latter are. He mutf be a con firmed bachelor. Ex Senator Conger, of Michigan, whi fifteen years ago was one of the leader of the It( publican party, is now a poor man, living in Wsshington. Mr. Conger is now seventy years o'd. Senator David B. Hill has come to the conclusion that the next presidential candidate should come from the Wett. What is the matter of Governor Budd. The move for the free coinage of silver is one on the part of tbe peop.e, ao d is not a purely partisan craze. II people, were to irsne their own money, as Pi ffer suggests.ttiere would be continual financial chaos.' ' ' If yon bear any one tay a man's word is as good as Wall ttreet don't trust him, Wall street lies right along. avion The Contract for building the Ooble road was let this week and the work will be pushed as fast as the "railroad plant can be gotten together for it. A paper down in Astoria ia in such a big hurry, though, it doesn't seem willing to watt at all. We tive what it says so that our reauersmaysee w.iai,0uUu..u....a..-(ivtj)r roads is : "A doien or two men working on construction is not going t satisfy the people who gave their land (or a sub sidy and right of way. If Mr. Hammond is not able to carry on the work as he agreed to, he should be as (rank to ac knowledge his inability as he was to ac cept the land. Another month has al most gone by, and now a contractor takes a handful of men to begin the work while tho time is sliding by in dickering over a site for a depot. About ten thousand people of this city daily ask, 'How loug is this humbuggery going to last?' It is time to fish or cut bait." Corvallis is gettirK very metropolitan and the Osteite very sensibly sets down on it in this way : The council passed an ordinance Monday Light to licenee bill posting. That body evidently did not know what effect the law would have, or it never would have passed. Its operation means that ch arches, and Other charitable institutions, merchants. In fact every one, must pay the man having a monopoly of the bill posting business whatever rata he chooses to fix for the distribution of advertising mat ter. Even funeral notices, usually dis tributed by friends or relatives of the de caased person, must hereafter be handl ed by the licensed bill-poster. The small boy can no longer derive any revenue from this source. If he does, lie is liable to a fine of from (5 to $20 for each of fense. There aaa no aI for the law. It will benefit onlv the penon it was in tended to benefit Tat lor the bill poster. The law should be repealed before il evil effects are fait. At the bimetallic convention in Sac Francisco yesterday, the report f the committee on resolutions, which was unanimously adop'ed, contained the following as the chief plank of its plat form: Resolved, That at the earliest rronient at which it can be legally done, and without in any way considering the financial policy of any other net ion or nations, aod ignoring all advice sug gestions or threats from any and every source, our national government should return to the monetary policy of the fathers cf the republic, and at tie coinage rate cf gold and silver of 10 to 1, respectively; that it ehould again pet; mit to individuals the unlimited coinage of silver and gold in onr national mints iibout preference to either metal, thus again making our stiver ana our go.a coin equal for all purposes in this country itooot diacrijQination for or against either, thereby again making our silver doMar, as it hould always hare remain ed, a standard unit lor the m;aaore ol values. An impoitant decision bas Just ten rendered by the supreme court of Ohio that it is unlawful for a municipal cor poration, and, by inference, any other body controlling; disbursements of pub lic money of contract to pay its debts exclusively in gold. The Inter Ocean tayt tbe trustees of the tinting fond of Cincinnati are anxious to refund a 4 per cent in lertl bearing debt of $3,CU,000. A syndicate stood ready to furnish tbe money at a 3.65 rate of iotrest provideir.g the new bonds were payable, principal and interest, in gold. The 'rurtee were about to accept bot they were re strained by a writ of ir junction. The common pleas cojrt decided in favor of the trustees. Tbe circuit cort overruled tbe decree of the common pleas court an 1 su-Lained the circuit court. The decree of the supreme court being leaned in vacation, it will not be published be - for September. Tbe MibsUoce ot the decision it that io tbe payment of pitb lie money tbe creditor of tbe public shall not be able to claim psymeot in gold. He cannot relate silrer t a pari'y with gold. The oext thing lo bicycleing will be be tire that wodn't puncture. Of course a good many are workiog on such a lira for it means a fortune to the inventor. An exchange says: There is a man ij Syracuse working on an inyentiou in the tire line that will prove a good thing If it ia ever perfected. He bas an idea of a Boopuncturanl tire, in the manu facture of shich rubber is largely em ployed. What material ts used cannot be learned, as the progress is being kepi a secret, and will be until the time r rives to market the aticte. One of its chief yirtues something that has always been lacking in a non-puncturable tire is lightness and resiliency. A Syracuse manufacturer bas teen the naw inven tion aod pronounce, it great sorres. A physician in the New York Son makes a timely susgetti&n io reference to corn : Now that corn on the cob has appeared upon cur dinner tables, may I suggest 'hat it should beea'en from the cob, and not cot off, or if cut offal all, to be cut with a dull knife. If the knife is sharp enough to make a clean rut of the grain it will a'r-o rut with it the lignoos substance in which the grain is imhodded a&d this substance isan in digestible at aawdust and is quiet as ir ritatingto the lining of tbe stomach and bowels. In biting thegrai'i from the cob, the woody eubitance is left on the cob, the teeth pressing the grain from bed, raher than taking a part of the bed with It. The Salem Statesman gets humorous bypntliog the head "Populist Orator Seen" over the following dispatch: A special dispatch to the Evening Express from the Echo mountain observatory is as follows: "Last night at 2 o'clock I discovered a new comet in the constella tion Pisces. Its place was in the right ascension no hour, 27 minutes, 40 sec onds, declination 5 degrees 30 minutes. It It very faint and bat no tail. It s moving slowly northeast, parallnl with the ecliptic periodic ( Nothing la known as to what comet It is or whether it has been seen before. Lewis Swift. Astrono- mer Peter Gumry, the proprietor of Ihe Denver hotel recently burned, leaves $100,000 worth of property and no known relatives. His parents were killed I in tbe wreck of the brig.Petr Gurr.ry.oflrj the banks of Newfoiin.lUnd.ovi r 5i yeais ! ago. He, then a baby, was rescued as the tola turvivor. His rescuers gave him ttie name of Peter Uumry. -a Hank Smith says the outlook Is gotd at Quartzville. It has a regatta Astoria ia happy that it a sr.ccese. An linthustastic Oregonian. MSovarerud, writes to hit former home paper in North Dakota in a very entlu lastic way. He says: Knowing that my friends injltarnes county would like jtohe.r .omethin(5 fcbout whatkindcf . in Oregon. I will in shoit ell them something about Oregon prunes. A few davs ago, myself and a friend took a drive'nincs miles east, on thi Coast hoik to Dr. A Sharpies' large prune orchard. If you want to eee prunes, that is the plave to go. SVe were invited to walk out Into the prune orch ard, and here we were shown 8,000 trees, 4.0C0 now in bearing and heavily laden J with fruit.1".' Most every tree we passed was bowing in prayer, praying to be pro tected from utter ruin and destruction. The fruit was breaking tbem down to the ground, am) only for a large gang of men now at work, propping Ihein up, every tree would be ruined by tho fruit breaking them to the ground. Tbe way the propping ass date was a novelty. A tall pole wsj fastened and placed at tbe main body of the tree, then twine ia fastened, from the top of the pole to t be drooping'.' limbs and the limbs tied up ; thus one pole to each tree was sufficient. Many trus haveCtO pounds of fruit on them, and none less than a hundred pounds, and the whole of the 4000 trees in bearing will average 250 pounds of fruit to the tree. With 130 trees to tbe acre and ;V cents per pound for tbe green fruit, you can figure the result for Yourself- But the doctor does not sell bis fruit green. He has one of the largest fruit dryers in the sae ol Ore gon, and can dry 10,000 pounds of prunes per day. W hen dried and sacked or packed in boxes they sell for from 6 to 7 rents Der' pound delivered f. o b. cart at Eugene Ibe doctor's lowest esti mate is that he i"l have 100,000 pounds of dried prooes from th" tree lie now j has in bearing. I' you want to sit; down to one of these Oregon dinners, such as cannot be produced in any other sta'e; if you want to be filled up with prunes, perches, plums as large as ap ples, in fact anything you wish in the way of ddlickns fmiu, then come to Oregon. And it will d) your tanned faces good to come out to Oregon and wash in tbe softest and purest mountain water m the world. It will greatly ben efit your health to take a short leave front your prairie homes, aod then step off into oar beautiful Willamette valey, clad and shaded with fruit, shade and ornamental trees. It will be refreshing to yoor mind, and yen will think thai you again Lave come into the land of tbe free. You will go tack to your prairie home, aod when you get there, you will n7er be contented until you step off at out City of Homes t the bead A the beautiful Willamette valley. SATL'RDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS, Daring the week the Pttix-tir man read about a Portland woman failing heir to Z ,000 and aomtahere else a mto ft II heir to e-veral millions. We have bad some Albany men in the past fa'4 heir lo big rums, out no one ever saw the money, and probably will not io these rase. This failing heir to big states generally ends io wind. A (real tnanr live In anticipation of some day getting a speck without working tor it, but tbe day rarely comes- Tbe way to fait heir it to get In and bustle and rotlte for lortv or Sitr yesrt until your hair grows grey. occurs ntai'.y every day t make one think about this bicycle riding. It has been a tevo'otiooUer. It bas changed people's opiubct, made them stand on their heads and eras I through knot ho es. Die illustrated papers bate presented different cj.inions.aad we defy any one to preeeot a copv not cootaioicg oselures of sevra5 heels and evideoc i of wheels in the heads of U editors, balloon 1 Wheels are the lad as much as sleevta. People will rootiooe to ride S keels, but a a means of pleasure they will go tbe aay of fads. disappear Asa health arrangement ther are liable to bare a I acker I. Already a leading physi cian of Chicago says that ai a result ol eareteiye bicycling the deaths from ner vous diseases in that citv have been trebled. Used in moderation there it no question as to the bicycle being good thing. During the past etk lite price if wheat bas fallen three cents. The prob ability ia that the price will hover around 45 cent. So long at the w riter scribbles editorially be will not ceaae to remind people that in nine years t ot of ten it pays to aell wheat at the firt hlgt warnec. There wi'd he exception some years. there may be this year, but thev will not be couim.'io. Whenever the ruV prevails il wl'.l materiil y help busi ness. Have jou noliceJ how p-cp'.e like to have tin: truth told when about other people, t not about the meelves. The r. ui who pras and doesn't pay might a well quit al once. It will do no go I. Thre aa people aho like to be hit so ti ) an cqueal an I mke a noise. Alter balancing your accouuis this Saturday right can ycu put your ti:i,-rr on more good dee-Is than bad ones dne during the wtek. If not try and change the record next wetk- The Democrat nun never weighs things ov.r in ortlur to see if he is getting good we:gbt, but in getting uiur.i' d he advises people to weigh the matter rev eral times, an idea suggested by the numlx-r cf divorce suiti of the d.iv. The engineer's estimate of the cost of fie Nicaragua canal was 964.000,000 in 138 and $'.10,000,000 ' 1691 The com mission J i-t returned from a journey along the route place the gurrs atf 110, 000,000. Well it would be cheap at that. Let us have it quickly. We are in a hurry. Not having comp'eteJ their job tlio-p fortland doctors should be given another trial. At Albany's December flexion a ful eity ticket will be elected. The Dkmo crat predicts one of the hottest elections in theeity'i history- The man who keeps his word whether verba! or io writing ia appreciated these days, do not even try to do to. Oregon ha. three big mining districts , win oe nearj iiom in uis mniro. ' ..1.1-L ill i t r i ll .... One io Southern Oregon, the Suntiaui and one around Baker city. j Ah Fake is the name of a Portland chinaman. lie has a great many name - lakes and tome art In Oregon. MISFITS. , Hundreds of men have killed ChinoBO pheasants out of season in Oregon ; but it was left for Judge Magers, of Yamhill county to make tho center shot and get all the notoriety. A e have seen eood sylogistic reason ing; but none that equals that of the Minnesota editor who has just learned that the scriptures say"man w but dust." lie observes that tfust ttl. hut. hie subscribers don' comes to the conclu sion tiiat they are not men. The Pacific Empire is the name of womans rights paper just insue-1 at Port land with Abigail .ScoU Duuniway as ed itor. Let's see. Wasn't there a paper published ago in Oregon by a Mi uuiiniway called The Northwest or something like that. For several years there has lun crest deal of blow about a nmrwitu,! lidit i ... . , ? ."ViT timer that would run al 1 muuuicr; uui.ii never maieraiizeu li the government would spend some money in iiupiuimj; uio river nnu not merely in making useless surveys we would have a river that would be perennially navigable. ee: A Wisconsin inventor is coining money with a cycle merry-go-round, which he has constructed at a jKipular resort. In stead of the familiar horses ho has sub stituted 26 bicycles fitted with cushion tires. The wheels are arranged in pairs strongly braced together, and run on a track of 40 feet in diameter. The old style horse affairs are neglected since the new merry-go-round started up. An item is going the rounds about an anti-slang society just organized in a neighboring -rity, probably Corvallis. A young lady was elected president and she acknowledged tbe honor as follows: "Really, girls, 1 am too much rattled by the honor conferred upon me to give you much of my gab. It is the first time that I have ever tumbled to anything of this kind and I hardly know how to catch on. However, I will trv to 1 sufficiently up to snuff not to let any flies tigni on nic v one aoing uie premuent act of this societv. 1 am with vl.u in tint move and we ought to extend an in vitation to the married ladies Let our motto be: eihuot the Slangist." The Salem Poet editor is somewhat pessimistic and d jesn't eee any good timet in Oregon yet. As a matter of fact there is no more money is circulation than there has been but lliera will undoubt edly be. If ever signs indicated anv- thing they indicate muh better time than fr the pact two or three years. It Is always interesting to notice bow people who H-c the tamo thing differ in their accounts of it, though seen plainly under equal advantages. Take that Portland duel fur instance. Dra. Holmes and Asplund were present and both saw the shooting. One swears one man shot first and the other the o'.her. &o far at the public it concerned it was in the na ture of a duel. Both men carried re volvers undoubtedly for the occasion, and hence are equally guilty. Isn't that good reaeo&in. Salem is to have a big creamery meet ing Saturday. The following from Uie Post looks very much a if Saetn people thought a creamery uoal-1 do away with ail other kind of farming; but it' would make little difference- in ibis val ley in that respect- It simply adds an industry. The Port says : Every farmer who wants to quit raising oO-crnt wheat, Went hor. 10-ot-nt egtra, l-Vcvnl butter, and 12-cent oats, should make it a point y to be at the meeting in J-alem, on Salur- day. Tbe present opportunity niuft not be allowed to Our citUens who have been rwsurting are welcome borne. We are clad to see lheru,lhouh some are so black as to hard ly be recognizable. They have changed since we saw them last. An over supply of te bro-xes lias plaved havoc with their cuticle. They haven't lhat draw ing room look hey once wore; but weof the valley are not proud if we have re tained tbe complexion of She. and we will shake with the prodigals, for il means teottwed eticrgy in ihe life of the cirv. Iaac tern, of the Portland Hebiew News, bas been arrested for criminal libel on the charge of one S. H. Abra hams. Tbe rase is a lunny one. Mr. Mern acnounced a meeting on the word of XI r. Abrthams; but il did not come off. Then Mr. Mern declared in the next issue of his paper that Mr. Abrahams was a prevaricator, which the latter resented in a lvl way. The defendant can never be convicted in such a cafe. A few weeks ngr a young man from McEaeek bought a riir of ocks con tains a cote saying the writer was an eait4oye of the" Kenocba. Wis., knitting works and wanted a good husband. She gave her name, and ri ties ted the hover. it unmarried, lo write with a view of matrimony. The vouegman who found the note considered Ihe n-n'ter in all its phases, and ihen derided to write to thejj approved plat of survey of loansnip . giri. He did. Awaiting with anxietyTv'- rU"ge 3 Weat and of owDhip t- he was at lat swarded with a curt letter. stating that the girl was the mother of two children, and had been married four years, and the hitter hail been written ever so long ago. It was a 'eoc k dolacer, and the voting man hunted for a solu- lution.. He found it. The merchant of w bom he bought the socks didn't adver- itse. tiaker City Uemocrat, It may not b any of ibe Dawocmar'a buine: but (aruiera had lietter keep their eves on the highest price of the early wheat market. Il is expected lhat hose teams from the following places will compete in the firemen's tournament at ancouver. to occur on September 2. 3 and 4i Port land, 2 teams; Oregon City, 3 teams; The Dalle. 2: Hilleboro. I; 8a!cm, I AIlanv. 1 : Corvallis, 1 : Eugene, 1 ; As toria, 1 ; Lebanon, 1 ; Pendleton, 1. With . teams from Vancouver, it is expected that 16 teams will enter the lists, and contend for the prises, Ex. Instead of Itt there won't be 0 teams enter. None of the valley cities mentioned will send U.'3m.S. Talk about the weather bureau, and all the expenne required to keep it'up. Lin coln county has a weather man, who if the weather don't suit him, changes it. This j-ifted prophet is Citizen John, an Indian well-known to many of our readers. He waited for pearly U'n days for the ocean to cot calm enough to go fishing, and then he fixed up a whip and whipped the waves and prayed, regular old indiar fashion. And etraugo lo say the next morning the ocean wag at calm as a mill pond. Leader. Ira Campbell the experienced bachelor editor of the Eugene Guard says: Sum mer outings often test tho genuine char acter of men and women. Awav from the restraint of home, with nothing to do mib w iiu Hunting, men ami women oiten do things against the established prin ciples of their character. The true man and woman comes out with a clean reeord.--uthern Oregon Monitor. The Dkmocbat hastens to take tho responsi bility off the bachelor editor by remark ing that the item was written in the Dkmotrat office. Ira hat hit hands full without liearing the burdens of his brother editors. The Democrat yesterday mentioned Mr. Ike Bantu's great success with his gold separator. It is an interesting fact that this separator is the simplest sep arator used. Most separators are com plicated affairs, full of magnets, etc; but the Bunta separator is simply a aluco uox. wuii a iKiiioni mat lias been sat urated several davs in a chemical wationthat has an affinity for gold; v! L t... . i ." ": " ..-"- e-- icbb uut no at mat sccceeaeii, ine result being beyond hit expectation!. At Gold Bluff, Calif, in a contest with a big $1500 amalgamator the Bunta separator saved ten timet as much gold. The process has not been patented, Mr. Banta keep ing the chemical secret to himself. In it he hat a fortune. aWsxta Got thd Vort of It. The Seio Press gives the particular! of how a couple men failed to paint the ccui;try red: Laat week a first-clacs row occurred in ono of the harvest crews, that are en gaged between this city and Lelanon. George I'rine and John Smith, two of the employes in the crew fame to Scio, and became loaded Willi bug-; nice, taking a bottle of the same back with thnm. For some reason Prine '"had it in" for one of the bosses, Mr. George Young, and upon their return he became so abusive that a fight occurred lietween them, Young (ret ting the best of it and made Prine au'ree to behave himself. In the fracas Prine attempted to use a knife, but did not in jure oung further that to cut his clothes and scratch the skin near one of his shoulders. As Young waa attending to his work about the machine, Prine, who had secured a club, attacked hiui again. Young again proved the better man and soon had bin antagonist on the ground and, forcibly, took the club away from wiKrui mis tune ninuii, obUine(i art axe ,t YiuR turn. About tins time hmiih, who had evident intention of making mince meat ol Imii. llenrv ttav. However, caught him liefore any damuge waii done. Prine and Smith were afterwards arrested bv Deputy Sheriff Brenner and taken before Justice Miller, of Shelburn, who gave them time to secure counsel. In the meantime they were held as prisoners bv the deputy at or about his livery barn. On the following day, Friday, Prine gave ins guarus trie sup, ana ins wnereaoouts is now unknown. Smith was taken be fore Justice Miller on last Saturday after noon, and on a sort of compromise basis, pleaded guilty to simple assault and was ned $10 and costs, amounting to nearly 90, for bis share of this harvest playful nees. A Crave Sllaallea. Losdox, A op 22 The Havana corres pondent of the Times writes of the gravity of the situation there, urgt a the neo&e tity of large concessions in the direction of autonomy, or even loyal Cuban, will drift into dUloyalty. The only alternative i a coetiy campaign in men and money, Tbe correapondVnt adJs followed by the occupation of the island by GO 000 men for a decade. a BtearxAatxallea eebrane. New Yoitt, Aug. 23. A plan and s-rrre-ment for tbe reorganization of the Uregon Railway A' Navigation Company baa been made public. It nroooaea the format ion of J a corpora ion which will issue f24 SOo.iaO m unjMaivn IUUI win imhx? e- i 4 per cent 60-year gold bonds, to be tbe j seoodd mortgage on the propert covered by tbe present hrt mortgage, and brt mortgage on all other property of the new company. A Roeeburg jeweler advertise that he has bushel of old wa'chee in sight every day to repair. He must have just heard tome of the usual summer fish stories, perhaps that one from Canada. A Sraarusa Dukovbky. Baldness cured or no pay. Vr White's Great Discovery is for sale at.Louis Viereck's barUa shop. It cures all disease ot the scalp. Parties desiring to go in'o a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair tor no pay. Louis Viereck, Tonsorial Artt Good Health. And a good appetite go band in hand. With t ks of appetite, the system can not Jong sustain iu f- Thcs tbe f.ru5 cations of god Lealth are broken down and the ytca is I able to atwh cf c"i-ee- It U in such cas that tke oedi ciati powers cf Hl i istrsiari'la are Hewriy shown. Tb jiuci, who have taken Hood s Sara.pari!ta bsstify to ih prJ rter- Mtwstorean Jsharw.nthe anr- aul r mo4, . Kui,v., i ,U A: ,-..; ewes. TfcMiti, t what we r but - tat Hotds SarronlU d that te'iU the Story and coottitaKt tie etrongt rewm- meodAHoo ihAl ca be nrsid f r an, n-d- icine. now? Why nc4 take !!! artapari'ia Subject to Entry. UmtxTi TTIa LN"P OlTlCK Oreoon Citt. Oa , July 2h, lJ5 NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN THAT the approved plat of survey of Fractional townflup IO vuth, rrsge 9 west, t-rao Township 6 south, rane 9 west. Frac- tsocal Township 9 south, ranje , t-ractional township IO eouui, rang 10 west, rnciionai township ju sU-.xj . I WJ. . . I -1 . . 1 . 1 "11 1 1 . VJ ..... souih. range li west, rractionai Town ship S south, range 10 west. Fractional Township 9 south, ran.-e 10 weet. t rao- tional Township 6 eoi.;li, range 10 test, have len received from the surveyor general of Oregon and on August 2ih, 1, at 9 o dock a. m. ol said day said plat wiil be filed in this efhfe and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. RoaxsT A. Miixcb, Petes Pwrrr. Kegi'ter. Receiver. Notice. Csited States Lsd Or-rtcK, Oreoox Citt, Uk , Aco 9. l!i NOTICE IS MKREBV GIVES TR T Sjatb. Range 4 East hate been received from the oreor genera' tf "regn. and on VpI. 18. Ie. at 9 o'clock a m, cf said risy, said plat wiil be fled In t! office and tbe land therein embrae-l will tw subji-rl io e'ry on and eftr nid' da'e. Kobkkt A. adLLEB, PrrKK Paqi-rr. Kegistcr. Receiver. CrtJHF. ONF, COME ALL. Juliua Grndwohl Will Give You the Best Bargains In the Oty. I wish to Inform the pub H that I will reiluce my large stix-k of crockery, glass ware. China ware and silver ware, and will sell oui mv entire stix-k of hi-l:d.iv goods al cost. What I say I mean. Come in and price my goods and I will prove to you thiit I aw not deceiving you, but meau bu.i nest. J . li at nwuit i, If yon want a good anJ clenn smoke buy cigars made bv ir Al bany cigar factory. Vacation Time Is at hand and is gladly welcomed bv alt, especially those wnose duties m lifehave caused them to greatly run down their system lo meet the requirements, phys ical and mental, forced upon them, with these and others, it is important, wheth er at home, at the seashore or in the country, teat some thought be given to diet, and as further assistance to nature, a good building-up medicine like Hood's sWfaparilla had best be resorted to. If the digestion is poor, liver deranged and frequent headaches soem to be the rule. Hood's will thange all this and nable everyone to return to their home and business in a refreshed state of mind and bodily health. DIED. BRECKENRIDGE. In Albany on Friday night, Aug. 23, 1895, at" 11:40 O'clock of bronchitis, Mary E., wife of . C. Breckenrldge, at the ago of 47 years tnd 2 months. The deceased was born in Pennsylvania, moving from there to Illinois with her parents when six years of age. In 1867 elio was united in marriage to Mr. Breckenridge, and a married life of great happiness followed. In 1881 they moved to Kansas, and in 1892 came to Albany. A husband and four children, one son and tinea daugh ters survive her. Mrs. Breckenridge was atilicted with asthma for about eight years. She bom her suffering w it h great I patience. Mie was a memiier ol the United Presbyterian church, and was a christian whose every day life spoke for her religion, a loving wife and consider ate mother, a true neighbor. Her doath will be mourned bv all who knew her. and her family will have the universal .1 . A . sympathy of the community. Funeral so-v'cea tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the family residence on Ferry ttreet, near Eleventh. Karl Cover Root will purify tou blool, clear voi r complexion, revula your bowels anil make vour head clea tt a bell, 5c. 50c, and TELEGRAPHIC, Kel4 tVlleaers. Los don, Aug 23. A special dispatch rrom nnangni sas the members of the commission which recently left Foo Chew for t heng Tu, to investiato the recont massacre of missionaries Ihere.are virtual ly prisoners. Commander Newell, of the Lnited htates cmuer Detroit, has gone to Cheng Tu to consult with J. V. h xscn, United fctatrs consul at Foo Chow, the leading membrrof the commission, oboot Undni iuorin3 for pro'ction and tbe protection of tbe other commissioners. firltfas t'elettlala. LoKoo.t, Aug. 23. A pe?Ltl re:vl '.ere from Shanghai, says that many C'b-ne converrs were bs tcherd when the American n.Usion otit.nide Foo Chow was attacked by;the infuriated mob. The dispatcha dris that ti.e Chinese officials are jubilantat the defeat of effort of the American and ttntun &nuU to obtain be maanacre. an inquiry Tbe VT fatal Crap. Bcoa PtSTH. A UflT. 2j. The fnir.It.r of agriculture aonor a a result of data ! obtained from consuls and pecia!its that j the world's wheat crop for 1&S U an fol- j lows: ! The tutal produHloo in couarrie which j import wheat is estimated at 7Ja,022,000 btisueU. In countries which export, the to!J pro dudijn is 1,651,701,000 burbeU, Tbe crop of i35 is 23C.OJ0 trJG boahels le-s than that ot 1&4. a Big Dallas, Tex Aug. 23. There is be rinning to be quiet a ur and show of bomneae at the ute of the amp hit eater in which th-r great glove contest will take place since the contract for the lumber was Jet- Ten of the birget saw mills in east ern Tet- have been running sight and day to fcil the largest tingte Li.l ever placed with tbem. Something over 1,0 .00u bet of umber will be used in the building, trerraat Dlsal die it SasFBAjtoisco, Aug 22. The police are r-iJ to have a tangible clew to the identity of the mau who murdered Eugene v are. a drug clerk, lat December. Ac cording to the theory upon which the police are working. Ware was murdered by a jealous nvai tor the affections of a yonng woman, ibe woman is said to have toll the aecret to the police, aod the arrest of -" " T mw ua e,mv the murderer is expected in a fear days a Leas eBBBel S 1 1 vu Cr l. IV, T1,- . - I 1 !' of pearaueiUced tor Load n wujfthipred ' " I . . '.MU. . L A IIUHHII orehard. selection and pickins were ; u. me unuer ice tnpervuion ot . 11. hhxie. lbocga this is the first traa AUantie ibipmeot from Oregon, Vr Rhodes does not consider it experimental, and he estimates ttiat cents per pound.rj9364 proSt, will be realized from tje carload. A Silver raavewUeav Loxdojc. Au.22. Id the h jase of com mon. the firt lord of the rranf-r Rio-Kt Hon. A. J. Baif jur, replaying to Sir John j Long, liberal member for Dundee, who j aked whether he wonid ailriw K mrom-l ment to invite an icternatiocai rxicisrtne on silver, said: "I am nd always have been in favor of an international' agree mast, but 1 have no ngit to pledge a tol een. and I do not believe an inter national agrteineBt would result from an internaiional coofereose Pi WI-41T. SroKASE, Aag.L "Wild BdU" r W. J. Waiters, wU ksown in Spokane, cora miUed aics.le in Co: fax jail Last nia-ht . He was aires'ed a"xut fnor moo tit am in !opcite iBrwuajr wauky to lodtasa. "u " T conauement at Col - 1 '4 be camplamed of tooth JT, T1.- lM ! U tD Jf c4 ci ? ""V" vtI. ."".P- Frocurea a cord ti ticsd biai-ef to tne jail Beealax Bekwel WaHtxT03. Aug. 22. Taeerpecdi tare of the goerBUent fcr the fin two thir 'a ot tbe prfent month exoeeoad the receipts by 7(C9.i3. Only t.230,0(U remain to be paid on accounts uf pensions. ini ice ireaarj czoiait eaunate teat tbedeScit wiU be reluoi darin? the next 10 oar to abjot S5.0.),0aW. Tbe excess cf d;eaditnres cter leceipTs last month wa, s?.4:s,46i. Today's tAteaient of the toodition of the rreasnrr imw.- at i lib Us catsh UiUace $i?l.KM .;o:d reserre I01,71?.527 a x:aib J'wrys Sa FsASCtisCO.Auf C2 W&rrea D-it-i ton a retirtd rarrefcar.:. u weured a tie! ninth juror &i tai niora:nc's :on cf toe suierii c3rt. in of ra?oi.e I arrant for tbe murder of 3;acb Laaj-M.1 I I weatv two other veriiretnaBt wh-re chal ! ler.giJ for o-ase and expired. S'-nrns tad been mad tody on 125 lew ventre- j oea I hi number vf resrnis wa nn-1 OfuaJty Urge, an-1 the oppoia a?ut$et hare gTeat h. p,s of securing tsi m j Mrs from the number. Oclfk Wert.. ratsoriELO. . Au? CI rise dem ocratic ticket comioalvd at lue state coo tention today is: liovernor. Jam-w E. Campbell; lieutenant-governor. Joha B. I easiee; state roditor, James . Knott state trsamrwf . Wthiaai Ssioir. supreme judge. v liUui X. Mooney; attorney-gro-eral, Oeorge A. FAtrbanks: member ot the board of public works, Harry B. Keefer; clerk of tbe supreme ccar:, J. W. Cruik rhack. "Ihe mtrst ,ia were all made without oj i.-i.wn. rteaav Waa)'. Nsw Yoas. Aug. 21. The conference 'between Prvsideut Hid.of tbe great Nurih- ern. I. P M-wsan ami Chairman Edward l. Adru. of the Northern Facific reorg- aniaatioo committee, locking to an ar : rangement for the union of interests of tbe j Northern Pacinoand Great Norther u is jtil!in pro; re s. It is learned from an f al wn,, ,TT,;,n! " f did decline to consider a modification of the p an to form a new company to oper ate the Northern Pacific and Ureal North ern rvw.i. this (Joe not interfere with con sideration of tin subject. a tfceexla. atTrae. Srttl,Au". 21. A special to the Post Intelligencer from Woodmville I unction. King county. ay: a fearful shouting af fray occurred at Avoodale, about eight miles east of here this morning, resulting in the death of Joseph Cieerg- and probab ly iiKjria wounding ot Jim JtcVann, both rancor. Uv1Dg newr Avoodale. Bad blood has existed between Cioero and the Alciann brelher since the election last rail. :ialck JbsUc Ciscixxati. Aug. II. At New Rich mond, 23 miles un the river from Cincin nati, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, a mob took Noah Anderson, colored, from jail and hanged him for the murder of Frank lin r riedinann, nearly $3 years old. and president of First National bank of that place. He was driving the New Richmond sqon after noon today, when he stopped at one of his house. Hitching hi horse at the door, be went into au adjoining field where he was suddenly attach! by Ander son, a muscular negro, who tad no weapon but his hands. With thtse be quickly bore the aged banker to tbe earth, and then, clutching his throat with the powei of a mailman, he literally choked his help less victim to death Aaelarr.ealrate Hoxo Koxtt, "Aug. 23. Another out rage has been committed near Fow Chow. The American mission has been altacaed by a large and infuriated mob, armed w'ith various weapons. The chapel and school were wrecked, aud four native scholars were fatally wounded, while the foreign teceher escaped. There is a strodg antitoreigu feeling among the populace, ho are parading wrh criea of "Driae oat foreign tlevilst" The ( aalrael Let Astokia, Aug. 2j Contracts for the construction ot the Astoria ' Uoble rail way were signed yesterday, and today Corey Bros it Co.. the contractors,and two difforent gangs of men and teams com- wenofd tbe work of clearing and gradini- ill. 11,.. ...a. J ...i. .1.: . air. iiammojd stated this mnn ti,.i worx on the new road would continue with out cessation unm us tinal completion, which would be some time in 1S96. Karl's Clover Root.the great blood pur- ,'re.immmsana Clearness to tne complexion and cures constipation, 35c, oc, 1. 00, Fothay A Mason AgenU. ti V 11 Is All When your cake is heavy, j8ggy indigestible, it's a j pretty snre sign that you B lene. When this great short- S f rrr tf e-tnrtifl.- ewt f,A a- j stilt will sorely satisfy they ! most fastidious. Always re- a member that the quality of H Cottolene makes a little of it M g go a long way. It's willful waste to use more than two- g H thirds as much as you would h of lard or butter. Always 9 p use Cottolene this way and pyour cake and pastry will J q always be light, wholesoiae, h delicious K 3 Geeaiae GO! TOI.M. S it Is sol4 g..ieU.ja E2 la baa, -its trs4-SBarka "Cw, aad aa4 - e4tm jiiimI a wi jrt oa iicii ta THE SL K. raiaaaag COMPtirr.SL Laaia. I li s- ts. FIRE INSURANt Ua Insure your propertv Ti'th Joseph V Tait i.." The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITEK6 AGENCY, or any one of the . a W a W - othtr reliable flu line onm- - parties he represents. VOeg SHVcI- IOr payment OU lartl insurance. All businesi. plac ed witi. him will be promp -v atended to, OFFICE IN P O. Block, Albany. Or. . A Sovereign Rer.edy&Carh$, Ccjds. LaGripp- i-isj Act;srj f SeThroaL Chest csd Lungs. 50cts.f IS tea pRwiK APIF-TE?'lED.Gi(llCaI(fll. fvNt Mxa, ge at. DOLLARS PER MONTH !n You Own Locality msue easily and honmbry, wrtczi capt during yoor spare hoors- Any mac -Tman, boy . or giri cau do the work baW :y. wilhou. exferience. Tilting so cccessary. Nothing Eke fc for ne-rf-i king ever offered before. Ourwrorkera tits prosper. No 'ine wasted i3 learning the besheess. We teach yea In a aiht how to scceeed frora the fir h- scr. Too can make a trrsl wrHboot rf eusi to yourself. We start yen, farn eyeTythiEg needed t carry on the ba ts aaccessfB' r. and peine We y-V-3a:nst taiiure if you jt follow wj fiaple, plain luftracdotrs. ReaaW. if yoa are In need of ready mooey, arx rr-vnt to ksow all aboct the best rwylni CTsinesa befojw tbe public, send us pv" alrass. and we w't b j:I yea a tts. Kent giric; yon :U .be paracolass 1RUEC CO., Bo?4CO, AufTJSta, tVIairtdk. EHTABLnpt .16 FH Hammer, Wta'a'B Ccaunisjisa Isrclsait il5 .nd 217 Davis St. C01 Coramereial, Sas Far sctsco. Cal. We pay the highest mark . price tor wheat, barley, oats, pota.xs, ap ples, poultry, hides, wood and gea era I produce. It will pay you to write us acd keep post ed Liberal advances made oa coGsiraments. ( Saa Francisco Prodate Exch. Mem tier: ( San Fraarisro Fruit Eiclnage SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A Soreiure for Ba:jne-, Hair faiii&g ut. IwndrutT, Mea'y rr S.-icV eond t-osi of ihe se p, fatty d- generation ef the hair, folliciea or any empliot,, scaid beads, M chsads e endoef ete hay secured tha sole ri hts for -s . I.ioo and Marion eounttea. i'r 1-3 wishing 1 real merit oi oocsuit me as my p tare of us! ne or Address Box 421, Albiny. Linn t?o. Or N. B. lMweiv. UVJKREC& Itiaaold, on a amar-ir,-' gista. It oures Ineijiti-.: and ia the best fknuc asa ' Jim. c Upholsterer Ard Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy diattTsea rv ri valed ar.d made orer. Turnituro of every description an lah carriages re-apholstered and varxishea. Drop a note ia the P. O., or call at . street, between Ftrry and Brjadalbin. A 120 9Bta. aV0nSii5'?5 A fLCOBottlevl 0 1: One cent a dose. W'--., .