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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1895)
JOT IIP V VOL XXXI. Katered at the iPast ) a Albany. r. Sceawd-Claas Hall Mallei i ALBANY OftbQON, FRIDAY AUGUST 3. IS95. r. P. LTTI6, rahllsli N 4 I for Infants M Castoria issowenadapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription rown to me." H. A. Andrea, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, T. MTha ttso of 'Castorta fa so untveral and Its merits so well knows that It seems a work af supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Casus 3Ubtts, D. D., KewYorkCStr. Ths Cestac Best Work FromLtaas s PRINTING Office. Scenery ft Specialty Give us yoar Patronage . AL6&NY THE NEW nh5 and 0. K H . CO TsairPtioM Ws8blD.. Idaho, ia Montana Dakotas.1 Minnesota, and i be East All Points in tta United States, Canada aid Eurcpa. The Great, Noifaeru Railway i a ne transcontinental line. Runs buJrt-Hr-rarj observation cars, palace leaping D" dining oars, family tourist iwr" nd fir' second c'ass coaches. j Having MrJrJiaiiiwLtrick the Great Northern Rail ay i free 'rou dut, one of chief annoyance of trarigcontThentai " ; - Round trip tickets with stop over privilege and choice of re 'urn rou ev For further information cad upon or write. I. J. Waitaey. G. P. & T. 1., St. Paul, Sina C. Dmii. Imi-i- Visit, li2 Tain S:rj!t. Portiaal, Oi Thi U the wheel that was iilus'ra'e" in,"8ri-ig the Oclinsr Anthor'tv of Amer ica, "January 2-Sto. 1395. over the following title: -The handwioe-t Model Shown at the recent Narionl Cvcle Exhibition " l is the Wavesxt Scchcher ai t the most admired and talked of high grade bicvcla in tb world todny. Wan a .bicycle- Llilustrated Catalogue free. Indiana Bicyct.JO. Indianapolis. Indiana, u.o.a. E V. . exclusive agent tor Albany University of Oregon-1895-1 896. The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all students. Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for $2.50 per week. -Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with Cn. in ro-;mr families at s3.00 ner week. Youne women desiring board should address Prof. John Straub, Kngene. Oregon ; or Secretary Young W omen's Chris tian Association, Engene. ' The University offers three baccalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding courses of etndv. the Ioliowing enonercouiwi are mru uoemi; nu xiicweii mu lonrlincr'in two vears to a business diploma and in three years to the title graduate in English j an advanced coarse for graduates of normal schools leading ? .1 i rt noi),iwwv , threw. lntlrfl in eivil fn frinMriTicr llliTnr U) me degree masur it-s-j , Ko Ara nf civil enirineer i a course of cation leading to a diploma and the title tt;,c;. fharces an incidental fee of ten by all students. Btudents holding diplomas from the public schools and thoee having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department should address the Dean, N.Larregan,l!.ugene. For catalogues and information address U. H. Chapman, PresMent, or J Walton, Secretary Eugene, Oregon. ONE GIVES RELIEF. fW : : : FURNITURE. iVI Y S roaR j8 KOW ItOLL OK FIE3T of bed room aeto. ounge?, etc BOTTOM EIGHTY MIIUON DOLLARS, )9 repariable record, tbattbp r ' - - . - 0L0 INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA presents to the people of Linn county, as organization. , .... ISn t tiliS til COITJpttU.7 ;v " J. WSENFT .wJ.5r??2Si,B,t' A,bMV'0r- I T and Children. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, Bout Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills. Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes U- gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years X have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial result." Edwis F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Atb Now York City. Compact, 7! Mltuuy Sraxrr, Nr Tors Cm, SM LEY ORECGN. WAY EAS1 UNES-The Short Ronic faraxat Tickets Savf Chicago. St. Louis, To and from Washington Philadelphia Sew York. Boston, ar J ' - -r v , - , , " two years for teachers of physical edu director of physical education. The dollars widen is payanle in advance J. - CLAS8 FURNITURE, which I will sell at CPNSm.Nt PRICES. Ihos. Brink ' - ...' having been paid out in losses since its " . :,. irv iwvw jwu iuoiuvoo TT iHJ, I ill UK. lb UVCi A THTJESTJA Cowan Case Appealed. Iu the case of II. the Linn County SI. Beall, receiver bank vs. James of L. ! Cowan, W. B. Donaca, J. M. Settle and J. A. Roberts, to recover $23,209.l and set aside tho transfer of a largo amount of real aud lersonal property, an apju-al was tiled vesterday iu the United States circuit court to tha United States t-ireiiit court of appeals of the ninth circuit. About two years ago J L. Cowan, who was conducting the JLinn County bank and the Hunk of Lebanon and other en terprises, became financially distressed, and was attached by Fleischner, Mayer & Co. and otiier creditors. Cowan ex ecuted a mortgage to alt of his property both real an.t personal, toV. B. Douaca, J. M. Settle and J. A. RoberU II. M. Boall, as receiver of the Linn County bank, held that Cowan owed tins bank f23,JU9.t0, and thr.t bis transier or : assignment of all of his property, built individually and as the Bank of Lebanon tu Messrs. iKmaoa, RoberU and rntitle, knowing that he was insolvent, and was tor the purpose ol fraud. Beail, as re- price ot wheat there si:oull be aromlun ceiver ol the Liun County bank, sued to I ation to rais the pric of flour. To raise recover the money tlue f23,209.60 and to set aside the mortgage Dy Cowan to Roberts, Donaca and Settk. In their answer, Cowan, Donaca, Rob erts and Settle set up that the property ot Cowan was translerred for the benefit of the creditors of Cowan, and the de positors ot the Bank of Lebanon, and that there was no fraud or conspiracy. When the L.nn County hank sued, by Beall, iu receiver, an attachment against Cowan et al. was also issued. On the 2Sth day of May Judge Bell inger passed a ceruin decree that the assignment of properties, real and per sonal, from the defendant, J. L. Cowan, to Donaca, Settle and Roberts should be vacated, and set aside, insofar as the same created or attempted to create any inwresi or ciuim to me properties oilier than an interest or assignment for the benefit of the creditors of Cowan, and bv the decree the assignments and transfers were decreed to be lor the beneht of the creditors, and a receiver was appointed, to w horn should te conveyed and trans- j fened the several properties assigned, for Uie benefit of the creditors : and there was denied to the complainant, the Linn I County bank, a preference lien, arising by an attachment in an action at law. i This decree provided that it was condi tioned upon the written assent of the Linn County bank, and a waiver bv it of oDiecuons to the said decree, and of an right of appeal. ine Lann tountv bank refused to ac cept the terms of the decree, and upon August 12 the decree was set aside and vacated, aud it was adjudged that a de cree be entered dismissing the complaint of the Linn Count v bank, and in favor of the defendants. Cowan, Donaca, Set tle and KoberU. and for their costs and disbursements. The appeal just filed to the United fclates circuit court of appeals of the ninth circuit is from this decision. The Bank of California has a suit against Cowan and wife, and another against Cowan, Koberts, Donaca and Settle, both to set aside transfers of propertv. and decided by J udge Bellinger the same as the Linn Count v bank action. These two euiu will also be ar-nealed to the United Mates circuit cjnrt ol ap peals of the ninth circuit. Oregoman. Miss Pet Strahan came up from Port land this noon. J. Y. Cuick and familv have returned from the Sodas. Drs. Mr. and Mrs. Beers and Mrs. Sowers went to the Bay today. Mr. Tim Wandel retnrned from the Bay today where he had a siege of chilis. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westbrook went to Waterloo today for their oiting. John Ungr has located the Golden f ity and Greea Horn mining claims in the San tiam district. ' Joe Tyler, of Salem, and Sid Dorris and Geo. Anderson will leave tomorrow for Fish take after trout. Miss Lncv Gard returned tnis noon fnm Junction, where she has vis iting relatives a few weeks. Misses Lillie and Ina Robertson and Miss Brown left this noon for Yaquina, where they will take a several weeks out ing. Mrs. Matilda Churchill and son, Ed win, of Halsev, are in the city tor a tew davs, the guests of the former sister, Mrs. A. Rideout. Invitations are out for the maniage of Mr. Walter Peacock and Jiiw Pearl Vance, two of All-any's well known and popular young people, on August 23 Mrs. II. C. Clement and E. B. Lung and wife and mother, of Tacoma, have been in the cotintv on a visit with Mr. Jonas Davis, of Shedd, all of w hom were in Albany yesterday. Rev. D. V. Poling and familv returned home last night from Newport, by horse conveyance 1 lie distance is iV miles, 65 of which they made yesterday. They cam ped on Nye Creek for two or three weeks. Kartreantu Rvron Millov and E. M Horton left this noon for Yaquina to se lect a camping graund and make ar rangements for the encampment of F. Co. there, to begin one week from oday It is probable the camping ground will be a short distance north of Nye Creek. Manager Stone and J, C. Stanton, of the O. C. & E.. went to Eugene yester- lay to look over the field in reference to the extension ot the road to that city, and reported that Mr. Hammond him self would be there in a few weeks. It will be a biz thing for that city when it gets a branch from the O. C. et E. Miss Carrie Haas returned from her outing at Detroit yesterday. Miss Haas visited Mias Minnie rotey, at Waterloo, who was reported some time ago as being dangerously ill, and says that lady is considerably improve! in health, and bids fair to recover, lias will tie good news to Miss Foley 'b many friends in Salem. Post. Miss Amelia Sender?, of Albany, Miss May, of Harrisburg, and Miss Sarah Harris, of Portland, drove over from Al bany last Friday, and during the after noon visited friends in this citv Miss Harris formerly resided here, and her friends will be pleased to hear that she is meeting with splendid success as a kindergarten teacher in Portland. cor vallis Gazette. Eli Lee, the well known cycle racer of this city, met with a serious injury in a collision on the track at Spokitna Satur day, while making a tryoutiortne races, tie is improving rapiuiy, anu uis trainer savs he will be able to take nart in the speed contents next week. The physi cian who is attending him says that while the concussion on the skull was severe, it has proved to be not a danger ous one, and that the rider's recovery is assured. Had it been a fraction of an inch deeper it might have proved fatal Telegram. Lee rode in the Albany races. ACosvicth Ebcapb. Geo. Merick, nn inmate of the state penitentiary, ran awav lust night from the Reform school. .l.ora Iir wan emnloved with a number of his companions, clearing up ground for the state. Superintendent Gilbert was notified today, and he- immediately offered a reward of $50 for his capture, and Mr. Gilbert and his assistants are now making every effort to capture the escape, ueorge werics; is uve ieei, usn and one-half inches tall, weighs 197 pounds, has dark brown hair, and gray eyes, is 24 years old, is a laborer and a native of Kansas. He was sentenced from Umatilla county for forgery, and was received at the penitentiary Novem ber 18, 1892,under a four year's sentence. rwt. i PRICE OF WHEAT AND FLOUR. The Red Crown Mills are now in tl.o hands of among tho most responsible men in the valley, each of whom is pet sonully responsible fir all the liabilities incurretl in 1 living wheat and running the mill. The Alliany Farmers Co. in probably the most rosptmmhie warehoiiHe company in Western Oregon absolutely saie. ootnutwiien i coins is puiii lor wheat in Albany where only 44 and 4r in Pi n 5lem it may be put down as a i business proposition and not a wildcat !rr . . . . . affair. e mako these statements ire- vious to giving the following from the Salem Journal, rather striking remarks on the wheat and flour subject : "When you are talking about Albanv mills paying more for wheat than Salem, why don't you tell about their managers stealing 30,000 bushels of tho farmer's wheat and being under indictment for lan-eny from warehouses?" The Journal admits that this has mime bearing on tho subject of local wheat market, and it ought to be considered, that the S.ilem mills are not inangtil in i that wav. That is (put" important. A j well informed Sal.m buyer expressisl some rather interesting ideas about wheat i prices ana iniuing prospects. He said jm, place of a combination to raise the me prioe u wheat meant ruin to the - nulls. The policy- of the Portland M ill- ing com nan v is to keen the price of flour down, so as to nay as little as possible for wheat. This was a great . istake. The 400,000 people of Oregon could better af- lord to ay a dollar a sack for Hour, he said, than to get it at a price that ruined both the millers and left the farmers nothing At 4(5 cents for wheat and live bushels of wheat to the trrel. the cost of the raw material is (2.30. The flour sacks cost 15 cents a barrel: freight and drayage 15cents. That is $2.60 net. The milt teed sacked is worth to the mill SO cents. Hour now sells at $2.50 outside price. That is $3 for the manufactured product that casts $2.60. Out of the 40 cent? gross profit to the miller there must be taken the screening, discount of 2 per ceni off far cash, losses from bad debts, clerk hire, and other expense. It will be seen that the miller has but little left. The Albanv, Silverton and other mills that have Lid high for w heat and cut the price on flour have nearly all failed. The price of flour must go up or the present prices cannot le taised on wheat. Not Paid Yrr. It is generally sup- fKVeed that the Railroad Commissioners isve been paid, but the following from the Post shows that they have not len. and are not liable to be for a few day : Mr. Kincaid has had to draw those railroad commissioners' warrants after all. He butted his head against an en gin and got kn x-ked off the track. He was in a pretty good cause, but went at it wrong. He should have elected some state legislators with sense. Alliany Democrat. Brother Nutting i in error when he says Mr. Kincaid had to draw the warrants for the salaries of the rail road commissioners. He has not draw n the warrants yet, and w ill probably get a new hearing of the case. If he succeeds in getting a new hearing he may yet knock out the commit? ion. and save not oniy the paper in the warrants, but also the neat euui of $10,000 per annum for the people of the state. Secretary Kin caid is nt knocked off the track by a long, long shot. He is on the track," his truiiey on the cor.P"r wire, and he is corainc d(" in the grada ar. .L?r perfect control. Will Ofks Sept. 11. Thoogh not def initely arranged it is expected that the faculty of the Albany wi'.l re main as la.t rear with' the exception of Prof. Your.g. Prof. W.H Iev lat night at a meeting of the board of directors was unaniiuouilv - elected president, a position offered him while in the eat. which be accepted, though having good offers in the east. Prof. ! has been a resident of Albany since 1$.S an I a pro fessor in the coflege, hence is already thoroughly identified with it. He wiil I assisted by Prof How land, who has thoroughly Jeroonstated his ability in his department, and proiablv bv Prof a Torbet and Scott, men of thorough learn ing. It is intended to put the primary department on a first cla? Uis:. pml- ably with Miss Hart in the chair. The importance of keeping up thi college as it should be cannot tie too fully impreicd on the minds of the citiaens of Albanv. The opening date will 1 September 11. rrol. M. l a'von. lor manv vears in charge of the conservatory of muic of iliamette I tv will have chargw of the Aloany conservatory, w hich he will no douht build u into an important de partment here. Will Moi-xt JcrFEiisos. A rty left the city today far Mount JefTern," with the intention oi ascending the hoarv beaded giant to the extreme sammit, which has only h-en reached heretofore by two persons, Ray Fanner and K. C. Cross. The nartv is composed of F. L. Kernardi, Chas. Van Avery, C. A. Lang head and John Raler. They left by the 2 :20 train for Oregon City. 'From there they start arross country' for the moun tains for a hunting and fishing trip, and will wind up their outing by going to the extreme summit of 5lt. "Jefferson, as stated above. Look out for hunting stories when they come. We expect a generous slice of bear. Post. AsoTHaR Cibcts has gotten as far as Eugene. Posters an tip ns follows: Zoo zoo hipprodrome. Robinson A Humphrey's Ureal Show. American Porcupine. The only specimen of the animal on exhibition.' Captured after a terrible conflict in w hich three valuable dogs were lost and two man badiv in ured. W lid cat. This celebrated ani mal, a rare specie, was captured in the w ilds of r.ugene. Sometimes this ani mal is violent and can only be controlled by a liberal supply of milk and meat. ireat attractions, tunny clowns. In dia rubber men. II. C. 11. in Bloomers. People of nations. Celebrated cow from island of Jersey. Fancy bicvele riding by young lady. Admission, 2 cer.U, loges, 5 cents. A Bp RAi.t.T.-The B. Y. P. V. of tha Central Association will bold u rally at the uaptlst church in this city bundav, Sept. lft. State Missionary Parker and U. Y. P. U. state President Coshow will bo in at tendance. An interesting program is un der preparation and will be announced lat er. The Assessor's office has been moved to tbs Oregon Bank budding. The Albany College will op?n Rent. 11 with Prof lee at the bead of it a rresi lont. The loss on the home of L. Vif reck, re cently partly burned, has been adjusted at $o. 1 he loss on tne furniture has not yet Le"n adiusled. Prof Ijp will have office hours at the cnlleue as follow, 9 to 11 a. ni. and 2 to 4 p in He will be glad to meet all desir ing to enter college next sason The "Yaquina Post,'' of Toledo, former ly owned and edited by "Col."' Van Cleve, was yesterday sold to Miss McKinney, of Portland, who will continue the publication under the same title. A number of the grocers in Sulem are having a tobacco wir. A few days since a brand labeled Toddy" sold for HO cent fer por.nd but the ile opened yeterdav at 5 cents per pound. Before noon one Ann was selling the same brand for only l,'s cents. Inioi-Mit in tli a nnMktion of tha IncAtlnn nf the railroad depot continues to be the al' absorbing topic npon the street corners, and in the hotel loobies 1 he matter i bnuinning to assume dbfinite shape and , , " , , ... , ,1 f ,. p ans have been subnutle.1 for the location or tne aeuoi at cr near riiuerurooa, as- torian. At. Price's Cream Baking Powdei AwardMl QM MmUI Mldwiatw Fair. Saa Fnacbetw A LONG FELT WANT. Tho public wants a better harness than tho average harness being sold to ' day, and Tomlinson is supplying this want of the public by using only ti e Best Oak Tunned Leather, thus in suring tlu- u.ost durable aud satisfactory ; harness in every respi ct. 1 1 is prices are j no higher than others nsk for an inferior grade of work. Call at his shop on 2nd St.,Albnny, and see him before purchas ing elsew her. FEIDAT The Business Outlook. R. O. Dunn A Co., of Portland, have secured reports from all cv r Ori'gon on crops and tho business outlook. The following is from Linn county : ' t Alban y Fall acreage tucrcas-d ; i mg about same; prtsK"cts go-d; otiii.nted vield, 15 biiHhels, an iucreat-e: 100,000 bushels old wheat on hand. Business outlook better. Brownsville--Fall and spring a rreagv increased ; prospects good ; estimated vield, 20 bushels, an increase. Busiiu-s outlook bettei. a m - a a tit. iMv; " "ii. rr n v , spring increased; prospects good ; esti mated vieltl, IU bushels, an increase. Alot it 10 per cent of crop of l$i:t-y on hand. Business outlook dependiuit on price ol product. laugent rail and spring acreage about same last year; prosvti giod; estimated yield, lH'btishefs: .'JO.OOO bush els old wheat on hand, business outlook dciiendii on prices. Lebanon Fall and spring acreage about the same; prosjMi-ts gjod; esti mated yield, 2-5 bushels. Rus.iiciw out look good. Harrisburg Fall acreage spring same; prosjecls gviod; csthnat-d yield, 20 bushels. Ilusiress oullook fair. Waterloo Fall acreage incres-.J; spring about same; projec!s good; es timated yield, 15 busheis, an increase. Business outlook enronraging. The general report is gtw.l ior the Wil lamette valley, not only in crops but in business, the'great nm'joriiv of the cor respondents sav that busines is U-tter and the futuie outlook verv encouraging This report is not confined to d parti cular portion ol the state. All t-tion sen to realize that better times are coming, and otilv those surlering under the depression ot poor crops eipres a different view. Kev. Fdward EcclesJon has ancop'el a call to the pastorate ol the Pre by :-rian church at Davisviile, CVl. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCamant, c-! Portland, are in the city and wiil go to Mehama to-morrow for a short outing. Miss Kiizalirth Rel, of ljcbauon, is studying medicine in the me-iical college in Portland, and is now iu her st-nior year. J. B. Woodford ba l-en in the cm- in the interest ot the Home Forum Benefit Order, and went to Ix-banon to orgaciie a forum. Ueorge W. Taylor and He. Marled to Portland Suntay. taking a wag--n hd of freight, and driving the entire dtc'.anor. Scio l're. Ye!er,Uv Mr. Martin LuJ:"s tbirtr-niUi birlUvhiv. Hih wife remem bered the fxci an t in the evening (,-v-him a genuine surj-risf rty. fevers! friends were invited and a verv t U-jsant evening was sjient. William M. Hoag. of San Francio formeriv ntanager oi the oi-1 1. p. and C. C Ifognr, of Albanv, vtv in the citv vet-r-iar, nvistenl at the Cbarlcv. Thev were looking after the Albany at this place. I je anon Express. Robl. Mont-ti je. the genial mana-T of Read, Peacock A Co" Lelamm store, is off for a wed earned vacation, lie left Saturday for a viit to the Sound cauniry and Victoria, and wi'l f away two weeks. Jack Kaisfon is clerking in the store daring hi absence L- lancn Advance. Sheriff McFrron w ill am re in Ailar.y tomorrow ni'ming with A. R. Johnfoil. w ho obtained $100 from J. W. Cusi'k and $100 irom Collins Elkins, on fal? pretense. As be has alrwidy le'n in dicted he will t kept in jail for the next term of court, unless bailed ont. John son is about 55 years of a-e and married. His mother, ife of the millionaire butch er, now dead, is very wealthy. Roy Gill, of Scio, has returned from a long bicycle trip across the mountain by the Iehanon road and bark by tii Mc kenzie route. The 1 'r-s says" tlill met ome of the moiuitotii that tare Mr Rudd, of Alliany, so much trouble, yet thev bothered him but litt'e. Thev ex- a mined his wheel rrtticaJlv, i; thev came to the brand "Imperial" and iu a trice there was not a mosquito m :lit, nor did he see anv more. Braov 500 Mii.cs Aw a v. At the ex amination of Biady, the supposed high wayman and one has iden tified Jjiiin as one of the robtiers of the passenger train near Marynviile, in Cal ifornia, at the time a sheriff a. killed. Speaking of Brady reminds us of a lit! It hunting that was done for him ic IKiiig las county. Tho story goes that when Tommy Waite was trackwalker between Oakland and Yon call a he had suspicions that Brady was in that neighKirhuod. He confided bis suspicions to Bruso. ol Oakland, who stntightw ith provided himself with a Winchester ritleand sailed out single handed, on a dark and rainy night, lor Rice Hilt and Brady. He pa tiently waited, bat d;d not wait long In fore he drew a bead on t-o men who were approaching and told them to hold up their hands. Up they went, and they staid up until Tommy came alorg and relieved the painfulnessol the situa tion by dividing that neither of them was Brady. Brady was 500 miles away. Plain'dealer. What Ri-stlb Does. T. B. Kav, who returned from the Fast on Saturday, w here he has been in the m't restsof the Thos. K iy Woolen Mills, of Salem, was in the city tne iirsioi tne weeK. lie was celling the product of the mill to eastern jobbers and met with great success, se curing enough orders to keep the null riiiinini? to its niirlit and-dav csnacitv until next season. Oregon woollen gooils have a great reputation in the east, and it Is an easy matter to undersell eastern nranufacturers when it comes to qualit v. McMinnvillc T. R. Fasi Bio MajtO. S. Wright is tho fastest large bicycle rider in tho United States, ritteen months ago he started in to ride a wheel, weigh ing 250 pounds. By careful training and Kood rubbing at the hands of 1M' Martin e has reduced his weight to 205 pounds and is now in the pink of condition and bus at no. tiuio been overtrained. From a mho In about 10 minutes, he has slow- y increased his Bin-ed, passing all the other fust riders of the city, until he is now able to work off a mile in 2:20 and a half in 1:01. His chest measurement is 41 inches with an expansion of nearly 7 inches; waist, 35 inches hips, 42 in ches; thigh, 31 inches; calf of leg, 10 inches; height, Hit. z.1 in. 1 lie wheel upon which bo accomplishes this fust time it a Gendron road w heel, handled by li. M . Wade A Co., of this city, and made upon specifications furnished by Mr. Wright. McMiunvilleT, R. Titus McConnm.!. Faiih Sold. The farms of Reason MrConnell were sold at Masters sale to d ly bv Wallace Mofianmnt, of Portland, to the plaintiff, the Orvtinn aoiniEttire vuinunny itir tun huixiih ut inn I jud " t anJro.ts. 19,201.7.. The farms ; :k , , o nl n,.r. ni aonsibt of about 9.)0 acres ot ti.nj land. Ths best roast oolh-a in tb o l) feysr s. The Appropriation Exhausted. The following peculiar dispatch ap pears in the Oregornan from Yaquina, It is interesting, but very speculative: The appropriation having been exhaust- ! u',L .... .1... ....!, ....... . i: v. t,i. kiiiii ji-iLi nan oincou tinued last night. Contractor Daniel Kern uill r..tiivr, ts. I .. I.. .. .1 ;.. t.. ....... ..... ... ..ill,,,,, ,j, mi! morr inir ami tin. In u l.i. l. ,.uai 1.. towing the stone barges wilt lie sent to i .....:.. ii-i ..i .. . . ... nnuiia. o iienier mere win im any more cocernttieiir u.-,.rlr ,!.,nu rl.........t.. upon the report of the engineers appoint ed to investigate. Mr. Holcomb who t At , oaa tiart'c oi me worit Here, was in trucien ny me engineers to make a thorough Miirvt.v of tl.u l.n Tt.;. t I lias completed and forwarded to Captain ' SvnionH i.t IN krtlurul Tfi tii.. i. ' . - ...... j ... . ina fu gineers w ill mfvt, probably in Cincin natti, aud consider all the data laid tie- ore iiu-iii. i imout uount. the work already done has resulted in much good. It is learned from excellent authority that it is a toss-un u-ln-tliop ..str;n.,,..i Work WOtlld In- I -i I nr. muruvatu i Oi money, t mier tliese cin iimstances, I it im lli ..tiiiiiim ,f IIiiuib n-.... ..tK. a,. - -- ....... ... . . u.ii y-.t:ii l i, ir"-uun, mai, ine report ol the engineers will lie favorable to Yaquina bay to the extent that they will recom mend al least one more appropriation. sansiaciory resuite lollow-, llie work will Ih continue.!. In m n- money will le available for another Vt-ar. In a 1s t race at Sew Vie!we-n Frod M y-ii and u oung man naoisl Hay fir t-u Hileu won l :x inches. Ao elegant new schoil bouse, hnd rei-Jae-( lor iljior Mmik. r. John Ray and f J. t'laxtjjn are jniong tin summers lui- provenieiits in riio The shite sgricaiturl college diertimng f ir bid for college cadet uni- .inu. specify that tha cloth muit be Ureg. m-ina-i " uood for the O. A C. Wheat i 44 on' in Salem ind 47 cer.ts in AUi:,i.r.ijj 1 by vi reliable beat dealers a there are m nreirn. That if the com- niep iiii JUIerence betw-en tie two citie. .-v-io la in use wisest market this wttn Uith ieei lne cent p.i ba-be! abote the Albany market pno- in bringing tb &io Roller Mills plenty tf wbeaL Pre. FiAncis Hamtamdof Portland ban i Ca Hario. of lUrlo. known in Alban for t.(M) for breicb of prmi. IUri i now nunie.1 to Addle J. Ru?v of Stock ton To-re will b a between a pick ed nine frvra tWAiUint and Newpjrts, nd tii Siieiz aed Cbemawa teams S;ur Jay. EvjboJy txue- AJcinin to ground 2 cent. NewKrt News. Tiie Sep rt Ne teat Aug-tt IS, jt Prei.!eran i urcb. Rev Ki!j Linl, sf Fm'rd I t-i-i irnan church, il'uuij, i.l rejrh at the momiDir tenir. Rev A liSiAia vlay. ol the Pre j.y:erii eburth. Lifayetv, will pretch at Uj evsotnif er ne. i Minor ill- i to Lave llg hi-cyc-srat. Thellmn to be there ar ii nl. ff AUrd-vn. VabicirbMi: vVtyett. of Otynipta. Whi 0.15; Waite. of Colfax, Watjtngion; inin, of SprtkABe. Wah iDgton; llewist. Must and Staver, cf Port land; SfAT. r.f Allccy The J-anial Lj b-n cor-vitsii wiitr jt- mt frt-.m th tona hudet credilioi: ilifa to that pap-r orij-tiMj v. now 6nd wst (4 Uwm are t.ken by the Hadgt fr.m rt!;r plr wiliK-ut credit. We p wjie to ovir r lis f-..r imposing npon tuenj -;eru Joaraal. A warrant ha !neo i.--j.l for the .r ret c 1 JuJ -c Mairer. sf Vc 3J:n.i ie. for ktiiins; Chiuei 1 he c will b bi-tiy vjt-a .ludfc-e N'a4rs arrest, be tieingat therwt when tie watrant wa made ut. Mr Mie it a brother of Mr ' . S I hoxpa-'n f thi citv. and i one of sb Jes iing iwr cf Ysmiii'd county The hfe c-f a fUhernian oa the Columbia 1 a pficuhar vat. It i f-xir crSve mfltithj wcrk and seven oreigkt tut:rjtis witfcoat crs. Dcriog fcur months a good shr tnau can m.ik n-ug'i to iat hi;n a year; t at 1 e generally tjMri it. 1tr i one who i e M. I'le Trbit- n. well knuwn in Albany i roing li.rufc-b Stanford Cni rersity on fih tnocey. Tuvday w were shows a txvima of wht'at by Mr I D. PrettTruen. taken from tne field of V.r Chatle Olttt, near tb city, that urpaM9 anything lr ever wo. Jbevanetv of wneat l what l known a "vtLite Me-literranean'' or Ninety t'ay" wheat, and tfce prjdaci cf one jfTdin only. 41 uik. 1 bead 1. war a we co;, M judge woo Id avmire 0 inches in S'n-th. and from M) to W rrain to the bea 1. .N e-r'v every m-h rontairud four grain.--Si Pre. Mr. Prrttyman rive-l a centeuniai modal f. this saioe variety of wtesii. Ihrii. J. T. Kveson died at fi-id o'clock this morning, at the residence of his daughter. .Mr. J. 1. Appelgate e miles north west of Albany in Benton Co. The deceased wa t.orn in England Mar III lMll II trla nn nl lha velur- sn in the late war, being a corporal in Regiment I'd N. Y. Volunteers, and was a member of the G. A. It. Funeral ser vices will le held at the residence at 10 oVI-it-k e. m. on 17th dav of Aug after hifh the remain- will to buried in the City Cvmeterv of this citv. A Family Row. Jacob Christener was arrested last night on complaint of Mrs. Jacob Chiis charged with ae.-aulting the latter. They reside near the O. C. A E. depot. A neighbor who saw the affair, ar.d is as well conversant with the case gives the following version of it: Awhile ago a fortune teller told Mrs. Christener 's for tune. According to it Mr. Christener was to have his neck broken some time during the year and Mrs. Christener w as to many a very wealthy man of Oakland, Calif., who would keep her in comfort and luxury. This p -ems to have had an influence on her mind, and whether from tho foftuno telling or something else they had not been getting along vrry hirinonouslv. Yesterday morn ing they quarreleJi somewhat. In the evening Jacob went home slightly under the influence of liquor. Some "of the neighbors tried to get them to make up ami they finally shook hands, aud sat down on the stejis together. Jacob went to put his arm around his wife's shoul der when she threw it off and his hand hit in the face. Then according to the eve witnesses version Mrs. Christen er did Jacob up in qu'.ck order, besides going for a warrant and having bun ar rested. According to this version it liKiks verv much as if she was tired of her husband. Christener appeared, Iwfore Recorder Ilenton this morning and both gave their stories, which were directly op posite. As no other witnesses were call- e.l auainst tho defendant he was dis charged. Of it Pt iii.ic SciitMiiii,-- Tho Albany public schools will open on Sept. v tin iter tho moat favorable circumstances in its history. The city superintendent Prof. Tyree, is unquestionably the best man in the place the school has ever had. He is gradually placing it on a footing that w ill give," it the leading place among the public schools ol the valley. 1 The iKris uf assistants is a competent one thoroughly in harmony with the plans of the The stand j ing of the school w ill to greatly enlianc j ed by the addition of higher grades to I the courses, a result that is bound to fol low eventually. Our public schools should to our greatest pride. Thsy are tho stepping stones to business and to a higher education, the very foundation of life, work, and Alliany is fortunate in 1 having them in such splendid condition 1 as they are now In. I 0. PrW Cream Uakiajr PowJer i World's Fate flteatst Award. Highest of all in Leavening PfMf la! 11 x cy An&OHUVEVX PURE si:k:ial and pkksonai Ex-postal inspector Sealxlt was in the city yesterday. Justice Freerksen returned this noon from an outing at Newport. Tin Humprey and fainily.of the Jeffer son Review, went to Yaquina Bay this noon. Mrs. Belle Syfers and children, of Al bany. are guest of Dr. r.mith and wife. Jefferson Review. F. M French returned tl is noon from the Bay. Two big car lmd- from valley towns were on toard the train. A letter from Minnesota tells the Man about Town that he has become an un cle and has a niece, his first experience as such. Mrs Geo. W. Wright and children, of Albany, are visiting Mrs. Wright's par cnU, Mr. and Mrs. fj. C. Coolev this week. Brownsville Times. Mr. ex-Sute Printer F. C. Baker will in about a month move his family to Port'and to live. He has a large ranch near Salem which-he has name. I Capitol , View. Salem Journal. Mrs. Nellie H. Lamtoon. state com mander of the Ladies of the Maccabees, has been in Ashland this week endeavor ing to organize a branch here. Her home is in Albany. Ashland Tidings. -Mrs. M. L. Dorris left Friday for Ie- troit, Benton county, where she will visit relative for a few dars. Independ ence Enterprise. In Linn countv.rather. here the Misses Dorris. of this citv. are also stopping. W. H. Holmes, the well known attor ney and Robert Ausplund, a barber, of Saiein, in response to dispatches went to rortland on the same tram to attend their brothers, victims of yesterday's tragedy. It is now reported Uiat Aus plund w ill probably die. A. H. Hammer, of the L. E. BU'n Clothing Company of Albanv, and hts wne, Jir. Ka-.e Medley and I Mai mick of Oakland, are in the city today. Thtwxameover bv team on a "pleaare trip and to view our citv and chat with our citizens on topics (A general interest. Roseburg Plaindeak-r. A KTSTUtlA V PABTV. One of the pleasactest social events of he season was the gathering on Aug. 12. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parriiih- d the manv frleriila of their daughter Miss fane Parrish in honor ot her birthday. The vouug laiy receivl her friend very cordially and all were aade to feel at home. The afternoon was si-nt in pleasant conversation and vocal numbers, after which an elegant lunch was spread, to which the euesu did full justice. MiiS Marie was the grau-lul recipient of many beautiful and valuable preWnt. Thox who enoyed the hcc-i' hospitality were a follows: Mrs. Met lare, ot Sak-m, Mrs. Tnles and Miss Finger of Portland. Mu Ellb", Miss Vance. Mrs, Wilds, li Invss. Miss Ktta Iavis, Mfii Dr. E!i:, J. M. Keener. H. Sliannon, T. Chambers. Watson. J. M.Tgan. At " o'clock the friends dispersed earh wishing Miss Parrbh many happy returns of the day. JO ML AND ChOAlt Wheat, 4l zeau. The S. P. pay car wa at Albany today. Seine rich strike have been isade in the Blue river mines. The are all riibt. A Eugene man raid $215.11 cn a car ld of brtr shiptd frcm i. iiwiukee. Wi. Tb Yaqutni Pot appears this week witn Margaret M. Kin.ej a maiULger and Kownnah Mchin.ey aa Kval editor. It ; all rifc-tL On acrctsnt of having storred la San Fracciacw with hi prisoctr.Shenff UcKer- on did not arrive in Albany thia morning a was expected. J. M. Ilofft ba Ueo awarded the con tract for autting 200 loads et graiel on Main street. rraJii. at a ywt of 32','c per load, or $'"5 in all. Tbre Philomath men a few djys ago iled three elk between tbe suiamiis of Mary's Peak. At-anicf seven elks ap peared, bit these were ail tbey wtnted. It is again assrr'sO that a ejenerr 1 iant wiil soon go into the Siietx. J. H. Rts.vf Saieni, i said to hate cured the t-st l-sint for a cannery, near tfce tuouta of t'te Silet Yaquina vet. Astoria' great r-g:ta will begin on Aug l'J and conh nne four ti.ijs. It w II be the biggest event i f the kind in t'ie history of the tower Columbia and w ill no doubt attract a huge crod to city. John Water, of Po'k countv uses a steel forced fork brocght acres the plains in IS-vl and a cradle and crhc which his father bought in 1S54. Rejiemtor the Chriti.ui Alliany meet ing this evening at lbs Evangelical church. Rev Geo. Newtoa and Mrs A. J. Mead in charge. Come ani :earn of the Alliance work. Mr Juliu GraJwohl will give the fol lowing remarkably low prices, for net cash, iron stoce china: li dozen 7 inch plates. 40 cent; S dotn ctq and saucers, ii rents: wau lowl, pitch rand cnamher. J1.S5. Drs. Holme and Ausnlund had a duel in Portland vesterlay resulting in eucj be ing shot- the latter demanded a written retriction from the former, which was ie fured. when sliooting lieiran There i a dispute about who shot brst, probably Aus plund liotn will probably lire. Judge Duncan has decided that Browns ville is owner of the bridire over the Cala- nooia a' that city, and hence the city wiil have to rediek the bridge, requiring IS.OlO feet of lumber Well, that is what Alfj,uiy has to do with tho big bridge. The Albany Conservatory of Music will to a feature hereafter in the Albany Col lege. I'mler Prof. Z. M. Pan-in, fir manv years director of the Willamette Cotuwva- tory of Mu! it promises to le a great uc- cess. I rot I'arvin 1 pr.oaoiy tne most experienced teacher iu Oregon, and his success in NUetn speaks tor bis ability. Rtv. Ft'tLER Hklp. Uimn examina tion yesterday before V, S. Commissioner Sladen, of Portland, Rev. B. F. Fuller ,of this city, was held on the charge of send ing obscene letters through the minis to Mrs. .Mat tie t hamlH-rs, ol Centraha, Wash. Mrs. Chamltera, could not be found and did not appear against tho de- fondant. Wm.S. Hale ami wife were the onlv witnesses, Thev now reside in Redding, Cal and Mrs. Chamtors is said to to some when in California. Hale swore to owning the letters, sup posed to to from Rev. Fuller, bv request oi Mrs. Chambers, but they had no sig natures. Mrs. Hale swore to having been sent for by Rev. Fuller and meeting him in Portland, claims lie admitted w riting an eve-opciter to Air. ltaie, ami that he wanted her to prosecute Mrs. Chambers and tier husband, claiming they were in timate, but she refused to do it. The defense did not introduce any evidence The defendants bonds were placed at $500 which were furnished. It is verv doubtful if there will to sufficient evi dence to convict according to the facts given in the Oregonian. Rev. Fuller claims the business is a blackmailing scnenie. Loss Adji'btvd. The loss on mv furn iture and wearing anparel caui-ed bv fire on the I4tit met. was adjusted and set. tied today by the Imperial Insurance company, U. u. Burkhart agent. The amount allowed was $140, which is en tirely satislactory. Mrs. Ribkcca Yierkk. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iCBIH Held for the Grand Jury. The examination of Dell Cornell and Frank Holcomb, of IfiilsLoro, on the charge of stealing the bugsry and harness of H. B. Moore, of Cloverdale, on Friday night of last week, was held at Corvalhs this morning. As stated in the dispatches resieruay r-nenn tsoorn arrested tne men at Hillsboro yesterday. Mr. Moore was with him and identified the harness and wagon, though the tatter had bo-n taken apirl, mixed with another bugiry and repainted. Both n.en w ai veil exam tion and were hld under $2CO0 bomis. which it is doubtful if they caa give, though Holdcomb claims to be worth about $5000. Cornell has been living with a relative, Mr Brace adjoining Mr. Moore, for twsj or three months, and do. not have a very extra reputation. Mr. Moore was greatly rejoiced at get- ging property Dacx. Wk'ek All Right. Oregon and Wasb r.guin people have lateiy starte-i to boom their state producu for Eastern consumption in a large way. They are particularly anxious to sell' fruit in th- ast, becatue there has been a notable development in the fruitraising industry of their region of late years. They are making the novel claim that much of California s reputation for fine fruits has been made on Oregon and H ashing on prouuet. ureal quantities ot Srniu from these states have been sold to Cali fornia buyers, and, it is alleged, shipped ast as Califorria fruit. A recent case offered in proof is the receipt of an order by a Salem, Or., cannery from a Cali fornia fruit-packing bouse for 500 cases of canned cherries, "to be shipped with out labele." The inference is that the fruit would to labeled as California pro duct ami sent east. Under the new pol icy of booming their own state the can nery managers declined to fill the order. New York Sua. Bw Offer. A man oat from Newport asserts with convincing earnestness, that Samuel Case was last week offered $30,000 for the Oean House proDe.-tv. The offer was declined, and $-50,000 was set oat as the figure at which Mr. Case held the nrooerir. The pronosed pur chasers were California men, bent on building at Newport a big summer hotel. H is said that in the paimv dars of the O. P. when land values on the bar were in the hevaar of a Sounshine boom let. that Mr. Case refused an offer of $40,000 lor the same property. Times. Claim Jrwriiw. Reports from the Santiam mines are to Ltd eSect that sev eral claims belonging to ihe Golden (Sty Mining Co. hare Wen jumped. This is a serious a2air and it means trouble for the jumpers. This is a daly organized company under the laws of the state and its a-eew-nieals have all been worked as rwuirej. The proclamation of the rn-s- tdent on this point will make it a serious matter for the jumpers. This company's claims are among the best in the San liam district and the company will pro- tact tr.em. An Swiix was arrests 1 this morning on a enap'amt trr-ied out of J as: loe Powell's :art on ta chargi of keeping a naisance an rues a nog rancn on the riyde farm near the fair ground, and therein lies the alleged nuisance. He plead not guilty, gave bonds and will appear for trial next Mod Lit. Indef-endest Obdex or Fobstebs, The Order of Independent Foresters which was founded in Newark, N. J.. in 1 $74 and claims to to the wealthiest fraternal beneficiary order in America, is establishing a court in Albanv. Those desirous of taking advantage of charter rates should send in their names at once to C. G. Burkhart, J. V. Pioe or Dr. Ellis. Tns State Dextal Associatios in ses sion this week at A storia elected the fol lowing officers: Presidentj E. P. Moss man ; vice-president, W. V. Henderson : secretary, J. T. Tat and trea-arer. Win. Kocbler, all of Portland, which place the next annual meeting will to held. OakviUe. ,. James McCcnneil had the serious mis fortune to fill from a horse power recently, but by timely assistance wa eaTed from a perilous position. Jim is one of toe good toys of t-hedd Rtr. G. E. Henderson's home ran away w itb him, but, fortanately diti no datna$. AaBEsTtp roa ' Blrgijibt. Geo.. F. Cbristensen was arrested at Nerburg yes terday moraing on the charge of stealing the horse.kaeness and buggy cf Mr. Tharp, on Friday i-ht of lat week. Ue was ex amined a! Independence and Veld under 500 bonus. in default of payment of which he wa placed in jail at Dallas. Christen ton has been in the penientiary twice, and is one of Penoyer's pardoned pets. It is said Kev. Read, th Portland bank robber, passes away the time at the Salem asylum by playing billiards and a temng the dances given by the in mates. Eugene Guard. OJTO ENJOYO Both the methcxl and results when Syrup of Figs is Liken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Howels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, disjuls colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao cept&blo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy knows. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI3 SYRUP CO. SAM AtUTCfSCO, CL , uximitu,ur. mm roue. x urn List or Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of American and ForeiuTl latent, opp. U. S. Patent ofhee, W&m'i ngton, D. C. S S Biggar, San Francisco, telephone ; A I Cohh', Seattle. Wash , kev fasrner; E Coppielcrs, San Francisco, Cal., fold ing gate or screen; S Duca.-. San Iran eisco, Ca'., voting-machine; J W I-lowers, Newport, Ore., propeller; C P Ifogne, Portland, Ore., lubricator; C Panders, Tacoma, Wash., rheostat-controller; C E Larrabee, Berkely, Cal., M-vertising-caster; B Bearsn, " Uedlands, Cal., flume-gate; L Phelan, San Fran ciso, Cal., trank-strap loop; N L Rigby. Loe Angeles, Cal., lawn sprinkler and fountain; J T r-tone, Cakland, Cal, door latch or bolt fastening; F Terramorse, San Francisco, Cal , continuous flow syringe. SUA MQNS "0" VreculatorJ Ifeiuipi. rlirl von avav t.tA Crw.s Liver Hegulatoh, the '-Klsg of Ltveb MEDiCTjrEa T " Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Baiousnesa, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are ail liver diseases. Keep tne liver active by aa ccasiotial dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons liver ItocnlaitfM. 14 p.nrm nrw Pm Te does not gripe, nor weaJzen, but greatly Everr narltar l th Twl T stamp oa the wrapper. J. II. ixum v v.o., jrnuaaetpnia, Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns. Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Ul Cattle Ailments, V!I Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle Membrane and Tissir Quickly to the Verj Seat cf Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mustang Liniment coaqnrx Pais. Makes riaa ar Beast well ccaia. LE BE0?fS TLX. f 1 . pajaw twsswsssv mvrm&im fxwssaa -assv fjfyL a2 W-M S-rssta, ja KlM fa Kl Is a pEVis.-nvE V tVJfcf3 aw .iJ(iMi:'t(warisl BtS'saiB.sssa V-- sbl Brxsxca. - a t caa f rtmiy V wacw -' , w a MSMwrt-r-w s" - Cuiamfa?. sole en:. .,banir sL A, V SiTEl m WiWiX iU mrothsorts-iaal and on!y I "aSCH.iitrsandrs. bahiaenns un tb rsarkm. fricwl4A-; sutit b o Uooaiansolt anijr br I A t'rorirr.ine. so'e s- Alhny, Upholsterer as Ara Repairer Hair, wcol and shoddy na!tn9es rem" vated ar.d made over. Furniture of every desciiption anc" labt carriages re-cpholstered and varc:sha. D.Mp a u-te in thi P. 0 . or cilt at 7 street, lwtwjea r'erry ao I BDjdaibin. A hasy. Or. LVeiav) cr iWnil urattefa; ati lor Jih-- HSSssdaWlMa. KrsUtt - hlLh-nm ji aw.latMa Wvt. Aaapmt. Aat;4o? for A !rohv! -.c 4 HMr xutMtXs i-nsUsAcutrasb THE ARNOLD CHE3HCA1. CO. 151 S. WrsUra iir, f H1CAG0 Sold by all dnigrtsta. Purtlaixl, Orsioa. A. r. Araxroni. inn. seaow: tS!TL Be, clou K i Wm. lasts coorm of suair, mua raiw ot iu.i:. J5:ines5u Shorhan6 ?la Msta UuwibtMti Um var. Sl!.u;:;5 as linsa Cauiixia um "r -v P"SSBSaPSBSJSS pS,BBjW"3" A C