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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1895)
itsMaLIJJ iWiiiiliiiiiiiii iiwii iiniwiB iivysisauwism, i mm irw iim n - jfiijUj i - ' .- ,. -" e yf 'ft 0 m if ilif T iff 3E ft't1fr1r VQLXXXX ,..r. ..nnt ALBA.NT ORfciGON, FIUDaVT a UGUST 30 105 r .tt. , -,..,, Nn5 ? j ' for Infants - lastoria is so n-ell adapted to chMren that v recommend it as superior to any proscription "aowntome." H. A. Aschk, M. D., Ill oo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Ths use of "Castoria" la ao untrersal and it merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the Intelligent faaHies who do not keep Oastoria witnin easy reach. Cuuxa lLutmc, D. Dn New York City. Best Work PRINTING Office Stationery Give us yoar AUIANY THE NEW BSE?. Ng$$ and O. R H. CO To all Pel at Washing.. Idaho, in Montana and (he East p All Points in tbe Unitsi States, Canada aifl Inropa The Great Northern Railway is a ne transcontinental line. Ran bu Jet-Uorarj observation care, palace sleeping and dining ears, family tourist s'eeprs and firrf ana second c'ass coaches. Having a rock ballast track the Great Northern Railway i free from dug', one chief annoyances of transcontinental (ravel. Round trip tickets with stop over privilege and choice of return rou'ea. For farther information call upon or write. P. J. Whitney. G-1 & T. A., St. Psnl, Sins C. J wit ii. Ivisfi' Viiat, 12JTii'l ion. Pwtiiaa, Or This is the wheel that was illurVed In. ''Bearings the Cycling AufhorH of Amer ica "Januarv 25th. 1895. over the following title: "The handsomest Model Shown a the' recent Nation1 Cvcle Eibibitioo " It is th Wavmlt Scctcnaa aid I the most admired and talked of high grde bicycle in he word today. Want a bicycle. Illustrated Catalogue free. Indiana Bicycle Co. IndjanapoHs. Indiana, b, S.A E E.G. exclusive agent for Albany ji.A.jL..Ji.i.Ji.Ji.Ji.AAiWl.AAAAftAAAAAAal BEWARE el imitation trade marks and labels. is the whole story about i i i i i i i i i L MifrivAf BO ARM MP. HAMMER SOPA jfT : 111 pdvldya f4T-ers Hade only by CHURCH h CO., Vcw Tort- Seld by grocers everywhere. Write for Aim. mad rTsmsser i. f- -V WW yxtauaJy y ay mmjja. sjnyrsj. - R ONE GIVES RELIEF. NE W : : : FURNITUEE. MVSK EE 18 NOW frCLL OF FUMT-OUSS FURNTTUBE, 1M 0 bd ruora set, ohai , ranges, etr. BOTTOM EIGHTY MIIUOH DOLLARS, is the remarkable record, that the 0L0 INSURANCE CGMPAHY OF NORTH AMERICA, presents to the people of Linn county, as 0Tsn't this the company that you want J. W SENFT OFFICE ever Read MIUiMWJMJIimWllWIM UIJ,.IM..1!I1IJL)11.1I I I and Children. Caatoria, cares Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KOla Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial rexulta." - . . .- Eowm F. PamiHES, K. IX, 135th Street and tth Ato-, New York (Sty. Th Gcrrac Conwjrr. W IIdbbat Srajocr, Naw Yoax Cm. Promptness A Specialty- Patronage. Y OBECQFf. WAY EAS1 LINES-The Short Route Tkrsmzfc TlehU on SA Chics go. St. Louis, To and from Washinsrtofa. Philadelphia, New York Boston, ar4 SMILE "We than other 'rkace sod never spoil ft ft ft ft .Boo aoT ralwaale FltgJS. A-N- CON'JIVl-NG which I will eel) at I PRICES, Ilios. Brink having been paid out in losses since its to place your business with, think it over, District Special Asrent. Albanv. Or. Peacock A Co's store I XJ3. U l M f- T I LUI ITA1KK IIOKK, iOU riVCt HaVl- 1 ! Ike UllnM'l The O. C. & E. Outlook . A dispatch from Corvallis to the Port land Oregonian, undoubtedly upon sanc tion of the management, gives the pres ent 0. C. & E. situation, certainly an encouraging one. According tu it the company has already spent $75,000 in betterments, this week an order was placed for 750,000 feet of lumber besides ties enough to run all the mills along the road for sometime. The engines and rolling stock aie being repaired. The total improvements Manager Stone has already planned will amount to $150,000, ten months work ahead. Mr. Stone wrote to Mr. Hammond yesterday, strongly favoring the commencement of work immediately upon the extension of the line, from the present end of the track at Kock Creek to Independence Prairie. The distance is 12 miles, and 8 miles of the grading has already been completed, but no bridges have been built. The work is n it necessarily vwy heavy and could easily be done this fall it operations were begun soon. Mr. Stone has been informed, and believes, that the residents of Crook county will build a wagon road across the mountains via the Minto trail to the end of the track. Hon. John Daly, who gave the matter considerable attention a year ago says the route is a feasible one, and es timates the coast ot such a wagon road at not to exceed souuu. witu it com pleted, the hauling distance from it to Prineville would be reduced 60 miles as between that route and the one to The Dalles, over which their freight is now received. In connection with this plan, the manager favors the establishment of a mail route and stage line. This would afford the people of that . section better mail facilities, besides a saving in time of 24 hours. The point is made in his letter to Mr. Hammond that the work should be com pleted as soon as possible in order to re ceive the shipments of wool that must come out next spring. The wool clip that is tributary to this line is estimated at 3,000,000 pounds. The building of the line to Eugene is considered of first importance. Mr. Stone also mentioned the propriety of a branch line from Halsted to Salem, a distance of about 20 miles. The project, however, be aoes not consider demands such immediate attention. Jonxsox Hebjc Sheriff McFeron ar rived in Albany this noon from Los Angeles with A. R. Johrson indicted for obtaiuins money under false representa tions. They rode from San Francisco to Portland on the steamer Truckee. arriv ing in Portland lact night at 11 o'clock. Mr. Johnson is in tne county jau tem porarily. Mr. Johnson s version of the affair is that he had been in the habit of drawinc drafts on the estate in which he con tinues to have an interest, and supposed these would be honored; but there seems to have teen a family trouble, and the letters from Mrs. Johnson indicate that he knew the situation. Mr. Johnson when arrested was cutting meat for the Los Angeles Packing Co. at $4.50 a day with a promise of a raife. He is an ex pert at the business. His bonds were placed at $400 and will be sent to Port- snd by the next mail, where his bonds- mer have already been secured, and the whole matter will be settled. Johnson has a good many friends in Portland, but seems to have lived a little ahead of bis means. He will return to Lee An geles and resume his job. Sheiiff Mc Feron bad a pleasant experience at Los Angeles, but reports a rough trip from San FrancUco, the steamer reach in e Portland forty hours laic. A Bright Yocso Max. J. B. Walker has returned to America, and is now in New York. He write from there to rel atives in this city that he has employ ment with the well known firm ol Munn & Co., publishers of ti e Scientific Amer ican. Mr. Walker is employed in the draughting department, and aim on the editorial staff of the paper. As a draughts man, air. gainer nas lew equals, and with his long experience and originality in this line of work he will form a valu able acquisition to the leading scientific journal of America. Mr. Walker is the originator and patentee of a boltleea rail joint that has received consderable fa vorable comment by engineering jour nals. When once put in, this joint re quires no care or maintenance. It has attracted much attention among railroad men ot trie east, where it is quite exten sively need., Corvallis Gazette. Mr. Walker is the artist who drew the orie- inal topographical man of O retro n. the beet ever made, which Crawford A Pax- ton have photographed, a copy ot which may be eeen at the Democrat "office. A Fbakcter. Wm. M. Hose has been in Oregon several davs on business of a private nature, says the Corvallis Ga- sette. Last week he took a trip over the O. C. & E. to Yaquina, where be has ex tensive real estate holdings, and wnne in Lincoln county paid taxes for himself and associates amounting to about $1, 400. Tuesday, in company with C. C. Hogue, he called on Sheriff Osborn and before leaving, drew bis check for $1. 267.91 in full of taxes to date upon the property assessed to Geo. S. Coe, trustee. Mr. Hoag, since leaving Oregon some thing over two years ago, ha been at tending strictly to business affairs in San Francisco. He is regarded as one of the ablest and shrewdest financiers of Cal ifornia, where by his enerrv and careful management he has accumulated a for tune. Though well advanced in years, Mr. Hoag is as active and indefatigable worker, and appears as vigorous and sprightly as he did in 18&4, when he as sumed the management of the Oregon racinc. Brvas Comisg. The Statesman says the state fair committee is in receipt of letter from the silver-tongued silver advocate of Nebraska, Congressman Bryan, relative to bis intended visit and address at the Oregon (Itate fair. Among otner suggestions to mm was trie possi bility of a debate with Koewell G. Horr, to which Mr. Brvan reo'ies with that confidence for which the brilliant Ne- braskan is noted : "I am prrfectly will ing to debate the silver question with Mr. Horr or anybody else." Mr, Bryan looks forward to bis visit with pleasure and the committee has arranged for him to be here on Friday and Saturday, Sep tember 27th and 28th. His presence will be greatly enjoyed by the thousands of Oregon people who will wish to hear mm. Assessing Railroads. The following; from the balem f ost, on railroad assess' ments, is a timely one for Linn county assessors to consider : Hon. J. M. Chiles, county judge of Josephlne county, writes to County Jfudge W. C.' Hubbard, nnder date pf August J9, in reference to the as sessment ol railroad property, tie says that competent authorities say that the expense of building roads is about $62,. 0OQ per mile, that UaUlorma assesses railroads at $12,000 per mile, or $8,000 more than Oreeon : that this state should arrive at some conclusion in reference to what the assessment here should be. County Judge Hubbard thinks that $5, 000 would be a low assessment per mile for railroads in this state. Heretofore tbey have been nsfeeepd fit that' and lees, andif California can assess roads at $12, 000 Oregon ough t to get more than $5,000, Special Offer. When organizing a new lodge all charter members reap a benefit. The Home Forum Benefit order is now being organized in Albany by Mitchell & Woodford at St. Charles hotel or at office of Dr. J. L. Hill. Avoid a big membership fee by becoming a char ter member. This order furnishes in surance cheaper than any other order on earth. It is solid and reliable. See them at once. Low Water Work. This rivet navi gation is uncertain business nowadays. Here is a sample from the Tost : The river steamer Gray Eagle has not been able as yet to reach Salem, on her down trip to i'ortland. On going np the river to Independence, Sunday, she stuck on the bar above Eola.and after a great deal of trouble succeeded in getting off only to get fastened again on another bar, and there she is tight and fast. The latest report we can get from this steamer is that the crew are working hard to get her off so that regular trips can be re sumed between Salem and Portland by boat. It is doubtful if she will try to reach Independence again this season until the river rises, which will not be till the fall rains have come. Orr for the Bat. F Co. left this noon for the Bay under command of Lieuten ant V .D. full uniform and with all the accoutrements for camping. The company will be under strict rules, but at the same time lealize that tbey are off for an outing. J as. A. Finch tffll have charge of the mess department, Lieut. Sears will be officer ot the dav, Sergt. Milloy ollicer of the Guard and Corporal Morton corporal of the Guard. Those who have returned from the Bay a I read have done so too early, as they will miss the company of a live crowd' of young men. The McMinxvitxe Races. The Bicy cle races at McMinnville will be full of 1 interest. The fapteet men in the North west will enter: I here will be seven contests, one mile novice, half mile, class A, one mile class B, 2 mile, clas A, 2 mile, class B, 1 mile bovs under 16, tan dem race by Hill and Hewitt against time. About I'M) in prises will be given. Or I struck t to Ladies. The Home Forum Btnefit order accepts ladies to membership in the same equality as a man. Every body in Albany should in vestigate this new plan, if you can no' call at the office of the organisers tbey will call on you and explain if you will drop them a card. Address Mitchell A Woodford, St. Charles hotel or with Dr. J. L. Hill. A I orx d toe World. Two bicvclists who left Oakland Cbht on Aug. 11, will be in Albany this week probaby to-morrow forenoon, perhaps this evening, on their way around the world. At Port land thev will turn east and go directly to New i'ork and thence screws the At lantic to Lurope. Tbey are both news paper men. Robert Huston of Corvallis, is in the city this afternoon. t red Veal left on a bicycle this after noon for Cottage Grove. Sir. Merrill Fish, of the Oregonian of fice came up this noon on a visit. W. F. Crosbv and wife returned this noon from San Francisco by way of Ya quina. Dr. Rosxiter. who is studying medicine in Portland, is in the city. Dr. Raesiter has brothers practicing at S&lem and Scio. Al Senders, Jos. Sternburg, Gail Hill, Miss Sarah Althouse, Mrs. Samuel Alt house and Mr. WLI Conn returned from the Bay today. Mrs. F. M. French and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Wandel and grand-cm Lee, and George Wandel went toSodaville to day, for an outing. Mrs. W. H. Lee and children came up from Portland on the noon train, bavins; visited in that city several days after re turning from the east. David From an and wife and John Alt- house and wife returned Ibis morning from a six weeks outing at Metolt-s, where they reveled in tUhing. MUs Bessie and ElKe Barnett. who have been visiting with the family of their uncle, J as. E. Barnett, returned to their home in Albany by this morning's train. Salem Poet. Dr. Chamberlin was called yesterday to Willsburg to see Rev. U. P. Webb. returning this noon. He report him low with Bright disease and with but little prospect tor improvement, Walter Taylor has purchased a farm in Linn county, a mile and a half north of Sbcdd, and with his mother will re move there in Uctober. The dairy farm they have been operating is for rent. Time. Card are out far the marriaee of Pemr Althouse Young, of Alhany,and Florence, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Gib son, on Wednesday afternoon. Sept 4, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the First I nited rrrsbylenan church, cor. uoiuen oate Ave. and Polk St., Sao Francisco. Lester Hulin Ir't for Drain on this morning's early train . From that point he will walk to Sonuoarg, where he will take the boat to Gardiner. From that place he wilt walk np the beach to New port, stopping a day at Florence en route. Eugene Guard. The stage man offers to carry passeoirert from Eugene to Florence and return for $7. 1 be regular rate is (5 each way. It is rerrrtd that Mr. Staotnn. the O. C. & E man. will build a summer hotel at the Hot Spring; s in the Cascades. Albany byeycl rider tbould ohaerve the or id Dance prohibiting the rviin of t'Tci cles on sidewalks nights without lights. As an inducement the state driver, Eli Bangs adirti"ee no hold-ops on the Sta sia w route I ou can t always tell. The first time has to com. Mrs. Mary Robertson Squire is lecturing on street corners through the valley on "Death to Monopoly i Life to Labor, tbe way whereby every idle man msy be em ployed.' Tbe contract tor potting down tbe Peter son cement walk bs Ik en let to C. G Hatne. M. Hayne will probably receive the contract for tbe colleee walk also He is a first class cement walk builder, and de serves tb Albany work. The Roselnirg Plaindealer tell of startling robbery: Thursday evening?, while returning from tne circus, ueo M. Pitts wss held up on Robert' hill by i matked hishwayman and a douhleibarrell ed shotgun, and robbed of $1,75 and i watermelon- Plaindealer does the correct Sa-uring It says: i be IWmmona Uoble railroad irom Astoria to Portland when completed will greatly add to the importance of that ea port town. This line doubtless will be ex tended on and connect with the O. P. at Albany, and then seen re connection ulti mately with the East and control a trans continental line of its own. The state fair management expect so many prominent visitors this year thev have appointed a reception committee con sisting of some ot Oregon's best known and politest gentlemen, to-wit: Mayor Claud Gatch, of Salem; M. A Millar, of Lebanon ;W. S. Junniway,of Salem ;George E. Chambrrlsin, of Portland; and Judge Thomas O'Dy, of Portland.. " $2 25 Tbrowm A wat.t The old saying that 'Hhere is many a slip, 'twixt the cup and the lip," has been once more verifiwl. Las' Saturday Joe Beaulm, of Pioneer, better known as "Dutch Joe" came down to Toledo and procured a li cense to wed tbe Widow Hosier, of Pioneer. Sunday was the day set for the wedding and Joe had to kasten home, and did not get to Pioneer until about midnight Saturday night. Imagine nis surprise and consternation when pe repaired tq the hqme q( his promised left the next morning with hor family for Linn county. Dutch Joe is uncon solable The worst part about it to him seen.s to be the money wasted for a li cense. He has tried to sell it at a dis count to the unmarried boys at the quarry, but all say they don't want i second-hand license. Lincoln Co. Lead er. By using Hall's Hair KOUewer, (nay, faded, or discolored hair assumes the nat ural color of youth, and grows luxurian and strong, pleasing everybody. ufiup, m pp pooiiy iniormeu I'y ner mm she had changed tier mind ana wouldn't marry him. And she didn't, either, but WE WANT YOUR TRADE We are here to please you. If every thing is O. K. ki- dly let ua know We are not selling at cost but at moder ate profits. We cau furnish you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices. See our line of 15, 20 and 23 cent whips. PoV KB A TOMLISKO. AUGUST APPORTIONMENT. DI8T rVFIUI AMT 1 39 $ltH.5S 2 52 219.44 msT 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 TPim 69 M 34 44 44 34 41 54 28 37 71 73 27 70 177 26 32 24 27 35 49 64 60 38 29 25 15 32 30 41 48 29 26 23 29 173 65 15 40 3 33 25 54 23 28 12 28 21 38 59 46 4" 18 11 23 36 4 32 3 4 $248.98 151 92 143.48 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 84 354.48 49 206.78 1074 4532.28 63 223.60 48 202.56 185.68 185.68 143.48 173.02 not apportioned 227.88 34 66 143.48 118.16 236.32 2 62 177.24 476.86 173 02 211.00 1612.04 274.30 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 81 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 110 112 113 114 119 120 121 122 123 124 64a 152 156.14 71 42 113 41 60 382 65 75 66 299.62 308.06 113 94 295.40 746.94 109.7: 135.04 316.50 236.32 101.28 113.94 not apportioned 147.70 206.78 270.08 253.20 160.36 122.38 105.50 63 30 31 130K2 S7 42 64 67 91 51 47 32 24 65 35 35 45 45 85 85 38 60 26 155 254 35 19 41 24 26 35 58 52 30 2S1 31 35 93 72 &s 27 39 156.89 171.89 270.08 240 54 384 02 215.22 198.34 135.04 101.28 232.10 147.70 147 70 189.90 189.90 358.70 358.70 160.16 253.20 109.72 654.10 1071.88 147.70 80.18 173 02 .01.28 109.72 147.70 244.76 219.44 126.60 1185.82 130.32 147.70 392.46 303.84 358.70 113.94 164.58 135.07 126.60 185.68 204.56 122.38 109.72 118.16 122.38 729.06 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 232.10 63.30 168.80 265.S6 139.26 105 50 227.88 97.06 118 16 44 45 46 50.64 47 48 49 88 62 160w 2IS.SW 194.12 198.34 50 51 52 53 54 55 56' 75.96 46.42 97.06 151.92 57 16.88 135.04 58 59 12.6 16 S3 slate Total enrollment. 72T0 pupils; rate, $1.05; state, $7633.!0; ouuntr $3 17; county, $22.SOVl; total," rale, $30, 15.19. Total rate, $4 Mr. Georee Le'.e!l:er.of Detroit, was in the city tcdav. W. V. Baltimore fanulv returned this noon from Elk City. Mrs. II. C. Watson end children re turned today from Yaquina Bay. M r. Strand Price .a prominent resident of Crook county, was in the city today. Hon. C. J. Shedd ha been appointed p. m. at Miedd. A splendid appoint ment. T. Grafi Schooling, a lawver. ha lo cated in Lincoln Co. and Hooch A. IHm- ick, of Woodburn intend locating there J Prof. Crawford, of Zenia, Polk county. was in Albanv todav. lie will co to Scio in a short time to take chary of the school in that citv. W. C. Paige, the popular and athletic secretary of the Salem Y. M. C. A was in the city today on hi bicycle, return ing by the S. P. on account 'of the poor roads. Miss Anna D.Crain, of this count v. has been granted a life diploma by the state board of education. Eugene Guard. Mia Crain is a niece of Mr. Jud?e Powell, of this city. Miss Reed, representing the Western Journal of Educational, of San Francisco, is in the city in the interest of this jour nal, the best educational journal in the lar weet. H. H. Gilfrey and wife and two daughters were tbe guest of XI r. and Mrs. Wm. Galloway, on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Gilfrey and Mr. Galloway were schoolmates at the University o'f Oregon in 1866. For tbe past 16 years Mr. Oilfrey bas been in ahinctnn. I. C. where be has held and is still holding the responsible position of chief legisla tive clerk of the United Stated senate. H will be remembered by many as the private secretary of Governor" Grover. Mr. Gilfrey has been in Oreiron foi the past month visiting the somes t.f hi early childhood and will leave for Wash ington about September 1st, visiting the Atlanta expoeion on the way. McMinnt villeT. R. Oregon City baa an anti-bloomer society. Born to the wife of Mr. Rea Hi bier, io Scio, oo Aug. 15, a boy. W atch for the posters announcing th coming of the Mise Webling. Thresher in Alexander LaFollelt's place report a yield ot 0l butbels to the acre for a piece of 35 acres. Salem Journal. A feffertoo man was in the city yester day after Bartlett pears. He will take as many as are brought to his place at 60 cents for 60 pounds. The restaurant of F, I. Delaney at New port has been attached by creditor, bat Mrs. Delaney ba been allowed to continue tbe business. It is reported that Capt. t. w. Svnions has recommended an appropriation of $25, 000 1 j complete tbe present project with. Newport News. Four Salem bicyclint were fined $5 apiece for riding bicycles nights without lanterns. Tbe ordinmie there is being strictly enforced am. should be. An emigrant named J. Butler, with his family, parsed throuub Lebanon Tursdnv of last week. n route for SVem. .lie left Viorton county, han., the 13th of lat May, driving through in 93 days- His teams were in good condition, lie tsid his faai ily had all enjoyed the trip Scio Press. Dr Uavis, of Harriburg. finished picking- all his early hops that were ripe.yeater day, aliout 15 acres Five acres more will he picked Saturday, after which pickers will be laid off until about Sept lt Our informtnt Btates tliern were about 600 people on the Grounds, and many were turned away. hugeue Guard. A Bad Eoo. According ta the Leba non papers A,llbi, the foot racer defeat ed by uanteron, got sou as iiih snare oi the proceeds, and openly toasted of making more by losing than by winning. He was cultis generally. In a saloon row he was stabbed, and Monday was arrested for Indecent exposure. The marshal took him to get his coat when he skipped, followed by three bullets. The whole foot race affair was a dis graceful one to all concerned. That Rooster. Mr. 1. I. Millerjs rooster, which he has been carrying on his thresher on account of making the biggest week's run, disappeared the - . L : IfU -lowfr .l.n it 1 ,, .brpsber. and its return d- manded. It was returned, and Mr. iUe Haelarna will tin kent hoistail nntil his weeks average is beaten. Success. Mr. I. Banta, a former gunsmith of Albany, arrived in Albany this morning from Gold BlufT, northern California, on his way to Seal Rock where his wife has been residiu for several mouths. Mr. Banta reports his gold separator ss hav ing met with great success, and as a re sult Mr. Banta is in clover financially. He statfs that he sold Idaho for $10,000, California for the saine amount and a half interest in his separator for $20,000. He has sold forty-eight separators for use on claims a ong the beach in South ern Oregon and Northern California. A great deal has been said in the papers about this beach raining. Mr. Banta savs a man with one of his machine on a fair claim make never less than $10 a day and as h'ygh as five ounces of gold. The gold is of high grade and worth $18 an ounce. A good claim is valuable as it is inexhaustable, the sea continually washing in new sand. He reports buv- ing the Zumalt for $5,000 and selling it , for $7,000. After going to Seal Rock Mr. 1 Banta will go to Nicarauitua. where be reports an offer of $50,000 for the right for that country. Mr. Banta talks about thousands the way most of ua do about cents. He is fairly in the swim and his menus here generally will he glad to auow uiai tne gold la ! gold is panning out so heavily. 70 Cords of Wood Burned. Mr. Hub Bryant had his hands fuli in the eastern suburtw of the citv last evening fighting fire. It happened aome- lutag nap una: air. Bryant was burning bruih. The fire was kept under control unu; souuemy tbe name shot op a dry barked tree, run out on a limb and lean ed over into Andrew Bankson'a lot. here it burned leave and brush until it struck a large pile of wood Mr. Bank ud nau rui ai d pueii. An enort was made to put out tiie flames, but the sit. uation discovered too late and m-v enty cord of wood were burned. As Advanced Geaoe. The effort ! being made to add an advanced irrade to me public sci ois. A the directors are not willing to put the district at the ex pense now , it ha been proposed to add the course and charge a tuition of $10 a ear, a good many having expressed a lUingnet to pay it in order to obtain the privilege. In order to be placed on a footing with other schools, in cities like Albany the school needs the grade, and it l to be hoped the arrangement are completed for the Fame. Nothisg Like It. Since Jadse Burt got back from Southern Oregon he would niaae a good real estate agent, lie say that that country i all dried op except wht re irrigating streams run. The air i dry, hot and srnokv. The eountrv cannot compare with thisjn natural ad vantage. Lincoln countv, he say, is the beet country on earth, if we'onlv knew it, and we true theJodeia about right. Lincoln County Leader. A Comma Cooe. Tbe cook on the steamer Farallon waa assistant cook on the i 1-fated Coiiata, which sank some few months ago with about 200 sonls on board. This man rays that the veeeel was loaded with lumber and fiat car. and that she hac. no lesvj in the hold at ail. The captain turned her broadside to th ea, and the vewsell promptly rapeixeed- ToJedo Leader. Bio Brorrnoji. On and after Aug. 21 rale on cat in car load lot of fiftv thou sand pounds, all points between Port land and Kutrene including branch line points, will be $3 per ton. or 15 cent per hun dred to Sacramento. Oakland wharf. Port Coetra or San Francisco. A rate that will be appreciated. Saooi. Hocsb BraytD The school boose in dittrict 6, Benton count;, situated near the residence of I . McClung. was m tiieir destroyed by fire ttit morning-. How it was et on fire was not kaowa. probably a some way on aocoont of the dry condi tion of everjthtng. Tbe booae was injured in tbe Connecticut, H. F. Mertil, local agent, for $300. Bio Pairus. Several dav ago the Democrat mentioned the gift of several peaches from Koeebo.g, all over nine inches in circumference. Last evening Ruth Montague gave the Dewim-bat some peaches taken from a tree in tbe yard of her uncle Mr. Arch Hammer, one of hich was 11 inches in circumference and another 10,. Will that satisfy the Ashland editor; SOCIAL AND PtRNONAl Mr. Arch Hammer returned yesterday from his 'rip to Oakland. Misu Lida Rumbaugh returned this noon from a visit in Portland. License has been issued for the mart riage of D. Primus and A. Pohlinau, F. O. Breckenridge came up from Port land today to attend the funeeal oi hia mother tomorrow afternoon. Judire and Mrs. C E. Wolverton have returned fioin their trip to Spokane and other points of interest in Washington, where tliev visited relatives and mends. Stateeuiau. Miss Stella Case will resume her stud ies at the Sisters School in Albany Mon day. Mrs. Case will accompany ber to Albany todav (Saturday) and also, visit friends in Portland. Junction City Times. K. W. Ifadhvr anil familv arrived out from iiewport Thurodav. after six weeks spent at the seaside. They leave short ly lor California to reside, meir return home wa hastened by the illness of Mrs. Hadley. Corvallis Times. Mr. and Mr. Lawler. Mr. White. E. O. Smith and Mr. Lynch, from Nevada, also Mr. Maud, from England, arrived at the Mehama Uoum yesterday. The gen tlemen of the partv started to Quarts ville today. Cor. Journal. , A irood delegation of resorters return ed from the Bay today. Among those for Albanv were lira and Kutti rlinn, Mrs. O. C. Hogue, the Mise Allen, Miss Elsie Martin and Mr. Allen Cham berlin. The passenger list over was i good size 4 one. Mr. Wm. M. Hong, after a trio to Portland, passed through Albany last night on bis way to San Franciso, which is ins prasent nonie. oeing ncavny iu terested in Albanv and Benton and Lin coln county property he w ill occasionally visit tins part oi me coast in a uusmeoa way. J. M. Cameron, who has been doing business in our city for the past two year, this week moved his stock of har ness, etc., to Corvallis, where he was aU ready doing a liirge business in the same liuc,7-BroP8Vlle Times, Fkvit Bbaocung. Speaking of some peaches presented the Democrat by B. F. Ramp, all over nine inches in circum ference, how much the Democrat did not say, the Roseburg Review says : "They were cut iosities here on account of their smallness, and Mr. Ramp though it was a good joke on the Democrat to brag about their being big ones. It is easy ta fool Willamette valley people ou rruit they don't see enough to get accustomed to it." Don't, eh, well we do, we raise a bigger variety and better fruit than any country in the world, right in this big Willammette valley. In peaches even we have an article equal to any brought here. What about that eleven inch near n raisea in AiDanv. anu we navei Albany, and we have nlentvof them. As a matter of fact i innnt Southern Oreeon neaches sent here are six inches. Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PUDE A Sea Breeze. Nte Cheek, Aug. 19th. Last night Mr. Hendrixson of Eugene gave or rather made the finest bonfire 1 ever saw, all tne Nye creek sojourners being invited. The beach was beauti fully illuminated. The people eanu old eougs, such aa, Swauee Kiver, and Home Sweet Homo, and th children played in the sand, and w ere happy as children are usually over here. We are ex peting more mountain trout in the near future, than we kmw what to do with, as Messrs Little, Hwlicker, Hood, and Dr. Beers are gon a to the Satchet on a fishing expediliou. Part of tbe same crowd went fishing on the Bay last week and caught a star tish,and, one of th party thought he felt one bite beside. Mr. Little preached at the Presbyterian church Ian Sabbath and 1 can voice the sentiment of the people here, by saying that he can break the bread of life in such a manner aa to give spiritual food to the hearer. Heard a number say that hi sermon did them so much good. Last night Mr. L. E. Blain and Mrs. Dr. Beers gave a unique party at Mrs Blain' lovely cottage. It waa beauti fully decorated with seaweed and Chi nese lantern on the outside, and inside with Dull net, water-lillies, ferns, and sunflowers. They uoed razor clam shells for invitation cards. Those present were : Profeescr Condon and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Mia Ada Hendrixson, Mise Gilfry, of Eugene, Mrs. L. E. Blain, Dr. and Sirs. Bears, Mia Lilly and Ina Rob ertson, Miss Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Red- icker, Kev. and Mrs. Little.Mr. and Mrs. Haight and daughter, Ota, and Mrs. Cundiff. Mary S. Cundiff aod Manraret. of Albany, Mr. Irvine and wife and Miss Bail of ve Creek. A splendid lonch was served in a novel way, after which we were favored with an aoorooriate ad dress from Condon, followed bv witty toast given by almost all the guests. In all, the occasion was so novel and inter esting, that Jt will be long remembereu oy ad w bo there. J clietta J as e. A VitXAia at BaowxavrLLE. Mis Vena Gibler is now one rear younser than she waa this time btst year, as a result of being badlv scared one evening 'aet week. She had ocra.ion to be in the back rar.l isut afu-r the cl. -?.- rJ darkne Lad begun hovering over the city, w hen all of a sudden, some fUndbh devil, in man's clothing, grabbed her, aod made an effort to strangle her, but she soon released bis hold sufficiently to allow her to articulate inoisunctlv. which attracted the attention of N 6. Slandisb. who happened to be in that neigbborbood oo this particular even ing, en matters pertaining to business of a private nature, and soon the villainous scoundrel was making lintly itulw-cv ing so fast as to almost leave a hole id the darkneaa. Mis viibfer was so fright ened that she tainted awav, but adhered to the application of cold water and other restorative Speculations as to who waa the perpetrator of the fienduh deed are rife, but evidence of a convict ing nature can not possibly 1 acauired. Times. Ox the New Womax Prof. Shorev.of Portland, occupied the pulpit of the Con gregational church last Sunday night. His subject was the "New Woman,"and while euksrixing woman as the equal of man intellectually and socially, be de precated the practice of women wearing bloomers while ruling bicvles or on an v ot ber occasion. He claimed the women houkl have an equal chance with men in all tbe proles.ion and ail the avenues of employment, but it was not necesmry lor viieni io uni tnemseivc to nil these place. Whenever a woman doe any thing to uosex herself, she destroys the high regard and esteem held for her by the male sex. lie said tbe practice of wearing bloomers wa a custom imported from foreiim countries, and a relict of barbarism. Several of the adie. who attended the service, and who are advocates of the advancement of the "New Woman," aseert that wearing bloomers does not detract from woman's modesty or charms, and that it is ab solute! t dangerous for a woman to wear tbe ordinary style of dress when riding a bicycle. Besides, in Oriential countries. where the virtue of woman is more jeal ously guarded, than in this country, and where wo.oen are I veld in tbe highest es teem, bloomers are the prevailing custom. Oregon City Enterprise, Prof. Shorey at one time prewched, in the Congrega lional church here fur several months. Or Peache. Large numbers of local peaches are being sold In Albany this Tear, and the universal verdict is tha they are Ktter than any brought here. Not only is the flavor superior but the iae is all right. W. H. Warner has been bringing in several bushels a day. two left at Brownell's todav measured over UK inches in circumference. Will the Southern Oregon papers make a note of this. Since writing the above the Democrat has been shown a hasket of fifteen peaches raised by O. H. Stewart, of this city, all 11 inches or over in circumfer ence, several 11 inches and one or two 11 incite m circ'.imierence. rosv cheeked clean looking fruit, of a flavor beside which those ot our neighbors in Southern Oregon do not compare. It CosTtsrE. Ten Eugene freighter camped at the Oregon Central depot Wednesday night and rolled out for home with mammoth loads on their wagons Thursdav morning. Two others arrived shortly after their departnrw and one or more has been seen loading at the depot almost every hour since. The shipment waa two cars each of merchan dise and suar from San Francisco. Corvallis Time. And this in the face ol a big S. P. reduction. The trouble, though, lie in the fact that this reduc tion did not affect short hauls and be tween points not affected by river com petition. Money is Prunes. Several Marion county men have sold their prunes to Portland dealer for 4 to 5 cents according to size, those running 40 to 50 to tbe pound bringing the latter price. There is big money in prunes at those price. Dr. Sharpies, of Lane county has sold his prunes to the same Portland firm at probably a like price, He says the prunes will net him one cent a 'pound greeu. Elsewhere an article appears on the Sharpies prune orchard. Smiley, Tub Printer. Besides our regular line of Commercial Printing, we are busy this week on Catalogues, Pros pectus sheets, etc., for three of Linn county's tlueational institutions. Our facilities for book and catalogue work are the best in the valley, while our Job work there is nothicg outside of Portland that touches us. Good printing is our business. SjuaitY, The Printer. Now Is tub Tims to visit Yellowstone Park A specially conducted excursion will leave Portland, September 2, in special Pullman cars, in charge ot Dr. Rowland D. Grant. Only a limited .lumber will be al lowed to join the party. The lowest rate yet named will cover tickets for this party onty. ror run particulars apply to Dr. Grant, corner E'eventh and Taylor streets or K. D. Charlton, assistant veneral oas-' senger agent Northern Paci6c nilroad, 233 I Morrison street, corner 1 hird or ,C.O. Burkhart, agent, Albany, Ore. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder HOME AND ABKtlAU Wheat. 44 wot. A fine line of fall and winter sailor just received by Mrs. Asbby. bais Tbe AshLind woolen mill has started again. op Go Sin, a Chinaman has been sent the asylum from Astoria. t ' Mr. Jense Mcaies will cl. bis hcp on : Firs tlrwt and for at -eait a few day wi! : be found in the Oon.h:natum shop. Wheat: Falem 42c; Albtnv 44c W hen lie O. P. Itilds a line into this city it will be 'hOTs and boss." We don't expect to tee the tables turned statesman. . ! E II. K bodes. lr fferson's erw rot-tie trait buyer, on Tuesday purchsed the pear crop of the Wallace fruit farm, near ialem. ih-re being about 6,000 bcxes of the same lieview The Grand Commandery of Knight Templars of Oregon will met in Albany on I - lou win onn? to Uiu cttr mans prominent Or?jooi9nt from all tart of Lh iisUQ. Mr Julius Grad-ohl will give the fJ lowintr remark,! I..w tJ. 4-w -..v. iron stone china: dozen 7 inch olate. cents; J4 dozen cups aod saacers. 4a cenU; wah bowl, pitcher and ctamter, $1.35 F Co., of this citv. will give a big dam bake on the beach at Newport next Mon day afternoon and in the evening a bail. with muMc by Marqoaui's Grcheatra. The boys are having a big tune. The O. C E. are adTertincz for bid for patting their river boats in condition for use. This means live times on tbe Willamette when the river riM. Th Hoag. Bentley aod Sisters will all be pot in good condition. R- D. Holman. who has set a p six thte-hers this year, and came to Oreg in in the '50, says crop were never better than tbi year. Many wheat fields yield from 45 vo 50 buibeJ an acre and there is quite a revival iu wheat grosing-. Salem Journ al. A man in Portland erosr his own effee. He planted German coffee berry and this year raised 25 pound of coff-e. It is act a tropical coffee, bat is good. He mixes it with Mocha It continues to be demon titrated that Oregon can raise early every toing under tbe son. Barry WiUon bas applied f r patent on a bfp pre of ui own invention that wili eciipte anything bow ra ue He went to JIIum) on Weonesday local for he parposr of making pAtbvnj for ne in cat the iron portions o( his rress- He expects to hive ooe of these machine rady for work some time thu week. Har risburg Review. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has w ithdrwa n the standing reward of fS. OiO fcr information lewoing to the arrest and cocvi.-tioa of train robuers The late Mr. Tnsw was the officer who Srt made ue offw, aiKit a year atfo. wtea l tnucn train wrecking was earned on. Tee Gen - eral Superintendent. Fillmore, has issoed a circular withdrawing that order, to prevent being bound to pay &5.0U) in case of a train robbery where tie less is triftitg. ChxrSes Harmon of Rosehuri-. a brotler of Aa Harmon formerly of Albany, ha a patent for an m proved stove oven. Ik patent is for a rotary bottom to the oven so arranged that the xok can, by tee turn cf a thumb screw on the outside torn a loaf. pie or roast in the oven without taking them out as i the old way. Also if the bottom of the oven become too hot. tbe cook can by the turn of a thumb screw ele vate tbe loai to as to prefer. t bumicg or scorching. The Fossil Journal says this year has been the dryest Gilliam county has ever ex perienced A few orchards on the Bp land betwica Condon and Arlington, which heretofore have presented a fairly thrifty appearance, nans withered and dried in tbe biatmg sun and scorching . wind. - Except along tbe foothills in tbe Fossil end of tb county, grain (exorpt fail sown) is hardly worta tbe cutting, aid toe yield from fad sown wilt aot average over ten bosbeu per acre. Genre TC. Doock. an On gon pioneer of lS56,died yesterdav at his borne. i our aules west f Monroe. He was born .'an airy 22, I $39, in Manayunk, Pa., and spent his tevbood days in Seneca, O. A lance tract of land lying in Benton and Lne counties is eviueaoe of Um buviDex -i'ity of the man w bo came West penailea. With his sou George he bas for several years been engaged io stockraising and woulgrowicg. and was regarded as ooeot bee ten county t well-to-do tinner. Djclancy Heard From. S.G.Irvine,of NewTort.Testerdayrecei'r- d a letter from tranfc Delaney the missing restaurant man of Newport, dat ed at San Francisco, slating that ho was about to hip to Honolulu. This does not surprise the a'emocrat. it was a plain case of skip, and no doubt Mrs. Ltelaney wiV be glad to know her hus band U on the rolling deep and not be ing rolled for his money. The amount he had on his person ha been estimated all the way up to a thousand dollars. Mrs. Delaney told the Democxat it was a little over $500 and no doubt knew. In the mean time she has the restaurant on her hands and an attachment against it, and undoubtedly deserves the respect and support of the public V. Price's Cream Baking AwanM CoU Mefel MtswhMrr SV- V Doth the method ana results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts peutly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and lowels,"cleansea the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup f Figs is the only remedy of "its kind ever "pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in iU action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend i to all and have made it the. most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 80 cent bottles by all loading drag ekts. Any reliable druggist trho i may not have it on hand will pro euro tt promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. FIAKJ3C0. CL, uxusnue. cr. kw tout, atx, Icdepeneent Order of Forresters. Tbe I. O. Fo'resters has a kr roemler ship in Portland and Sjlero and i rr.aUinif l--r-t siridai thnrjjrnou! Orejjjn. A l-irsr f:OU t it- b-ing -!aMi-li ;i in aUmkj, I ber, truly 5 0 10 me n r in Ca'ifcro ia, Don t fail t tak-; advaotige tt h rt rdes. pp imm-uia e'y to . i. Burk har litany, or Win. Si.ndr-n Portland SIMMQUS R E G U LAT0R7 'sjl- Reader, did yon ever take Bdo(o.v3 Ltveb Regulator, the "Kdtg op LtvebMedicdtes?" Everybody reed take a liver remedy. It is a slnzjsh or diseased liver that imrjairs ? causes corpation, when the asta j ww ouvuiu uv ixrri&A on remains in ! t W "f ; 7 hat dull, heavy feeling is due to a . STK-1- 0U5les8' Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver disease. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to tha whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons liver Regulator is better thax Pills, tt does not gripe, nor weaken, bat greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Bed Z tamp on the wrapper. J. H. Seilin & Co.. Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, CskrA & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, 4 -w. trf ;4 1 Jot&, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, 3ILsters, Insect Bites, II Cattle Ailments, kll Horse Ailments, Ml Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Musclt Membrane and Tissu Quickly to the Verj Seat cf Pain and Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub in Vigorously. Mnstan; Liniment cooqars Pain, Makes flan ar Deast well ecaia. MEW LIFE EX. X. C WX3TS V2T3 53 XSA3 tl UTXTTr if slct iwiiiiv wriU?a jrean rw ir ptaoritwti aiiebs ooiy. to cars M ak M-icorv ; gomot Brain a.-xi Sr rVwr: Iwi Mssfcixxi fat fcaew: Xttrfct Lo!es; tnl Fimbk Lark tf .oQi-"r; XtffTowr.ifntT; Lwvircoe: all Drairs jot ftywerof tiie ie&CiruiT Orcas ia eithd -er. esaeAi iy or-r-exert;on, Vcthtal Ermr. a. jryyu' Vp of Toterco. tr-iaw mr Liqaur i IWUl Uy cvsil jl a box; u for $3; rs?i -u-a inrai.- to ear. or wfcsd new?. 'ft fuli instneu.aBk rs crl v Oaa rri ki (a saco. persos W Mlt J A Cu turning-, sole Apenf. A'.Wrv -5sT tJ-r 1 rS -.w Si, T Matt Sal tt t st. W-Ti -rw Oo M M sTt.Nassji'jK tta A Cummlng, solr gent, A'.hany. LADi -3 J 50 SS0f STim END PEHMYS3YJL flJ art t$ orijriil and only FI5ENCH. safe and r tiahlciiF on th markt. Frice (DA); seat bf smi . OoatuBA suit only tiy I A Omrnins. sole a Albany, A Eroslf 8 Ersma-SBisrg. !5rloHfl o-JTrttw cen for V erroos or Sick n.icA. IS nam J -haiwruM. S.wsltiissamsiiiak rtiJ vkwtuwwi i'rtos t S uU A ckcu. .fed: roos.a. C ThE ARNOLD CHESSiCAL CO. ISt S.stera Jrwas. f H.'CG3 Sold by all druggist. Careus .-MlTndcMsrkstttaisicl.aadaUrat-i' so -ue eomiocieJ lor oc.-stc rm. Oua OrrvT 13 Crro.rrr V S. purttrr oer. f.Tli Hi a VV.vhtrioa. &cad m jJet, mawiua- or pbc'Ot, wits dewrlp- 5 tj- , W .1-ne, U tatce'.b'a r not. iiae oit caal Out fej no due In! p Ult n sceareti I a suwHi r-r. "How to Obe 1 l'tcot.- wiabl .ost ot wvd m tne L. b. n4 Actgac seat tree. AaAtss, aA.SNOW&GO, Oe. MTnrrOmcc. Wwnnnea. ft A tfcc4sarw awsB-awamwassaas-asas-.-...,,. fanaf "a KL as psnrEsnvB