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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1894)
W1 EiTAERFOKD CHAM BERlaAIN, Attorney at Ijiw. Will practlcs In all court of the slat. Special attention irlvon to matters la prob-.te and to co.leotlons. OFFICE In the Fllon block K BUM EU Attornoy t Ijw vrnl Solicitor In Chancery. Coll Mon made on all point. negotiated on rablo terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. VS. WBIfiHT, Attornov st law, and Notary Pubdc. Will practlcehn all tho iwirta ol thia state Special attention riven to collection and matters In probate OUcC: Next doer t.i f uUifllje, Albany. Otu . II r 1 1 . 1 3 K al it 1 J v V 1 i n . II lojal mattorn nrlll receive prorop 1!1m r. O Id Fdlow' Temple, Albany, 0 attend n. J J- WHITWEl , I . 1 Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M ON I AN YE A HACKLEN AN. Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. 1) B. J. Is. II J I.I. . Phvdcian and astrgaaa, OFFICE Corn rT"7 street. Albany, Omron 1 I) it., nturov ivi, Physicians as Surce-w. OFFICE -Corner ecund and Bi-,:stt,!biu streets. Albany. Or, Call projipt.j attended I cits- nJ cssantry . T.' n tt HKY, n.n. Physician an.l, OA ce Upstair over Ui Batik tif Orvgon. nesi.l.n. c. comer loth and Calapnoia st. Dr H E Beers.' Dr O K Bee Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women, liou's 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 aad 7 to S P M Offices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth. M rit. Dr. lerson "il'allare The Noted Clairvora'tt a-d L'.fa R-vter, I now beie, and can hef raai at her residence, Dext dooi J B C.niirs. She tell mi all subject, paa present nd future; lore troubles, absent friend and buslnev. You can hear from vour dead sSsslJ. W. I ilt K X fiS.B hKR1 OF ALBAST, ORKGO, TRA SSACT a Tener BssMaW uatae. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Sew Yv.rk. San co and Portland, Orega. LOAN MONET od approved sreurtty RKCEI V'E denosiu subject to cheqk. 0OULECT10NS made on tarorable term. INTER&3T oaid en time dDOi ASK Or ail'IO, SCIO, ORKOO-f. .. 1 Mrsa ...A J Job Gladstone has A clear Head 1 -VHY ? Because he follows these rules: "Keep the head cool, the feet v aim, and th- bowels open." You can have a clear bead and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Bile Beans. Th-ir cction is to mild that vcs uot aware of !L A'.l day your mind will be cleir ano JOtL "Not a gripe ic barrel of them." Ask for rmall size. Tako n- substitute for SMITH'S . 1 Bile Beans LEGTRIG BELT ft-CCTBATCHTe n . 1 mi -via 1 sj T y WITH ELECTaC- MACNEilS SUSPENSORY EE aT 'MOfEMEKTi MA rurf VrifhskQ Ha-lie nmdm f lri. Br AlHaVMMMi or iBU'refjeriv rctnlltsf free. im-i, laacttnr, r I tu ma tl kiduev, lieer ud biae)eJr ' '- xn.ta. Sm tNaek. umbcf, eitnlx. (ravcrai J11 tttith r eetric iti eouiAto rrfJ f aaBrtrseaBttta otcr an ulLen, and lrc rrt that U lnum ' fell ti - irer ur forfeit fS.iMMl. u4 -HI nn j of thbtt -lit- -rs or pnj. TbooomstH Lave bet rtireej te thla r if atioa ssts-r Olhor Trm-4lt failed, aad m ;(etr .r. irerta of t cat i niwaiaU is (Ma ao4 Ttr etker stat Dor i.f-rft. UlniHHl M H Tat If 'IMIMM.H1 11,. iau-et hco t-r oflfl rf wak mtn.t If f.t 'WITH ALL WU 1 1 11 a t:, aad t ixornnt atreriftt fl R 4.1T II I' in CO tottaf I-a-e tHwttrtltod PWitilU, Balled, tnm. L . treat BiklVDEW SXiBCTXUO CO.r " - PORT LAN 0 . 00w iLP4Y BfiLLBBlATE Wm ALSAttY, OREGON .1991, 18& i reraa iistaeit Septmher tie . r ; f I natruetorar ttlML, SCIF.KTIFIC, LITERABf ifCIAL AMD NORMAL "'ASSES. irsiK at -tudy rranged i. tr-s ll K dj -.MidentK tot tmtmeememti rfitreJ to ttudc 1rom abroad. ev. RtBKKT V CWMISIT JlfPElf U LP rll for wean men Made so bjr too close s plication to business so ere mental strain, Srxiaal Kxere In ro Id le lite, nr vicious ba lilts contracted In youth. IVSAK. are vic tims tn SI. - vnu tebllltjr or zhwatton. WwaUsitT Weak . Invola-.lury I. wita Ewrlr Ie r In Younscnnd Middle iffd. lack of ylgor nd tre'-gtb, with sexual "awn Impaired and enkenu preamturelv In approaobiog old sue. A'HK.V Vt K OiY CtKK we tpeafe from inowledge of result tn many thousand cases xeated and cured in the past flfteei y-ar. OarmethiHlof Introducing Prol Ii A KRIS' SOI VULE HKUICATLD PAST1I.I.K Teattsent I one which commend Itself to all sensible person for the rerun .1 that we tupplr It upon their Judgmentof It yalue. Nothing In the way ot expense beyoud postal card and a two cent oataire stamp Is asked. The postal ' urd for use tn sending u their full addre jom1 the pont age Btamp'for the letter returning -he statement of their case for which wo supply them Trltb ques tion blank, to be HI led out, and a elf-ddreaod envelope for use In returning It when filled. 19 M A Wnen we reoelve the statement Lt LKKon blank we prepare eight days. V To 1 A I treatment and forward It I r mail 1 1 tt'Afa prepaying pontngo. Along with the rreatn'nt we r.nd full dlrectione for nslng. The treatruent oatirses no pn In or Inconvexuenot and doe not prevenlattentlon to business. Vve loave tbe matter of tending orders entirely nth thoe using tbe f reo trial treatment. Uay ing satisfied those sending for trial packnge of our ab.oty to beneHt them wo feel thai tbey pre more largely Interenied than err reive la ..ontlnulnf the ueof tbi Pastille. We tnakt tbe peine a lor.- a. fioa.t'.i'.e.acMj tho 'Wine to all. They are as foii.jv.-s: ttt.od for one month , t jaj for two monthf; t'.UO for throe month. We ask all iHjrsntiH needing treatment ta tend their r ddrcus on poatal or by letter. Allcommu nlcatl'.n.conllilrntlnl and should oetddresaed to THfc HARI3 REIwEDJf CO., MfK.CtLeasJsSt OT FKKaTAN BTK EK. . . Hy.-gy YORK EfZJ - ail Meat BVTRAScaiajnt From the f" nOHENT OF BIRTH dlUr CUT1CURA (77 lr SOAP Nf It is not only the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of nursery soaps, but it contains delicate emollient properties which purify and beautify the skin, and prevent skin blemishes, occasioned by imperfect cleansing and use ol impure soap. Guar anteed alwolutelv pure by the analytical chemists ot the ta:e of Massachusetts. Bad Complexions Dark, vellow, oily, niothy skin, pimples, blackheads, roughness, redness, dry, thin. ana tailing nair, sou simple baby blemishes prevented and cured by CuticiTsA Soar, great est of skin purifying and beautifying soaps. It is sn because it strikes at the rHt of all com plexional disfigurations; vuu, the clogged, in flamed, irritated, or aluKiih Fork. Sales greater than the combined sales ot all other skin and complexion soaps. Sold thro(hout the world. IMce. jc: Daco and Cmi. Cos. Po !" i Brno. MW "All About lb Skin, ConiBteiiun, Ha-isU, and Hair," mailed free. Women Full of Pains Aches, and weaknesses find comfort, strength, and renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, the first and enly pain-killing, nenre-nrenjthen ng plaster. SJU T LAKE. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS. EASTE1 CITIES. DAYd TO f)2 2 CHICAGO HOURS llWf UftllQQ QUICKER TO OMAI HUUrO AND KANSAS CITY DICKER TO OMAHA PULLMAN AND T01W3T SIEEPE1 , FREE PECLINirtG CHAIR CARo. DINING CARS. S H H Clark, Oliver W.Mt.ik, E Eller Anderson, Receivers. For a-es and general information call on or address Curran fi Mootelth.Albanv Oregon, or W K HURI-BURT.AssLGen'l.Pass Agt, 254 Washington St.. PORTIASD, OK EGO Jfi rs V ' axted on Salarv and Com mission ;nt UiNLY AU I nUrVlZ.tL r s . I ai. t- 1 r I r r f v jifTSpliy Of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail HaattLTOX hit literary executor, i with the co-upf ration of hia family, and for Mr. "latcv Complt so'k, Iwtn I ni:- Of Coxostss," and hi later ktastc. "Political Deaoaataotja " One prnspeclns for these 3 .- sellim; books in the mar ket. AKP J rdan of Me..took 112 nrdi-r from first 1 10 call; agent' profit f 19'J 50. Mrs Ballard fU. took 15 orders. 13 -ei Kassi, in I da : pmrlt $-26.25. E N of M s. touk 27 aiii-r in 2 da.-, profit $47.25 J Patrii-e n Me. took 43 rder r. rt :;; profit $75.25. K A !'.. - N. Dtk. loos 53 n-ners in 3days; profit 15.25. Exitus'vf Tri.KiTouT aisen. II U wish to make I.Ahl.E 4IOK V write ned.ately for term to ! 1 Iff Hn- Bill Pub. Co.omirh.Coan COLLEGE.:::.: Send for Catalogue Addrese, KEV. E. :.'. CO-ND1T, Albany. Oregon Manifold Disorders A'e occasioned by an Impure and inv porerished condition of the blood. Slight impurities, if not corrected, develop into ' XIIUUS IllatltaXUCS, SUCQ tU SCROFULA, ECZEMA. RHEUMATISM an otner troublesome diseases. To cure those is required a sate and reliable rem- eay irta Irom any harmlul ingredients, an-J purely vegetable, ouch isl It e moves all impurities! troir the bltxid and thorough-' ly cleanses the system. ThimunH. f cases of the worst forms of blood dis eases nave Been Cured by S. 8. 8. Snd for our Treatise mailed frtc- to any address ' 8W1FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Qa. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE 'HARKS, OE8ICN PATENTS. COPVRICHTS. trtcJ Por Informatlim n-.i free Handbook write to mums a co.. a,i Buoauwar, new Yokk. Oldest bureau for aeeuring patent in Aniericw. Every patent taken out by a it brought before the public iiy a notice given free of charge In tut gtrntiiit JVmetifati tairgeet eirrrulatl'm of rny BCientlfle paper In th world. SpltD'sidly illuauatad. No intalligeat tsn rhould be wlihous It. Weekly. E.l.OO a " ' 1 MuVsi ''0 - rir.. it. ML McFarland. DBA I. Kit IN -:- ttarness-and - Saddlery, ilispia) !fa in the Dqoi 0 k 1 tnr m m m She QtmvaL Tongue's Speech. The Democrat reporter was ull j to hear but a small part of Mr Tongue's speech last night at the orera lio ise deliver to a fair sized audience, and 'n the Interest cf the republican par.y. Mr Tongue made but one point while the Democrat reporter was present. It was this: ''By levying a protective dulylon Imported articles we tax the foreign manuf.ictuier." This is so manifestly absurd that it is unworthy ol the character of an intelligent man to make it. Does Mr Tongue know that foieign manufacturers do not ship their goods into this country? Ninety nine rf every one hundred dollies worth ot foreign goods shipped into ibis country arc purchased abroad by our own American importers and they have to pay the duty in the first Instance as certainly as they have to pay the freight and insurance, and they as certainly add this duty to the price of the ! goods, when selling them, as they do that of the freight. The last man who pur chases thes; goods, (the 'consumer) as rays the duty freight. he does the j So it is so plain that this protective duty j on goods is a tax upon the American con- scmer that way faring men though fools need not err as to the truth of the propo sition. Ti ere Is only one charitable view to ake of Mr Tongue's position on this ques- j tion: That h-is ij.iorant ol tie econ- I omic lawwbicliis asinchaneable as the law , nl Cn. an.l Prljn4 that 1'ie rosum- ! er of a manufactured nrud act must iaevi-l tably Pav ail the expense of conveying such product frJm the place of roanafactu.iag I I to the hanl of the con.umer. And this is 1 just ai :iue of the daty as of the freight, cartage, on Insurance. We unders'and the sperkei indulged in some vetv harsh criticisms oi Mr v earner- ford but this wi'l simply operate to make j vo'.csfor him, as those who know Mr : Tongue's public course in this state know that he his been the tool of co-porations, j anJ hence would be expected to make war ( upon Mr Weatl erford, A Que at ton. EJitors t) MOcrit : Since Gov Pennojer hi chsnged his. tactic4, to protect his salary giahbing. and defend instead of act u iog the legis!a- , tare cf criminal in all matters ' except that of the $24,000 paiJ to clerks, i would It no be well now he is working and on the defensive to hsre him explain how it it that te has purchased a farm for the deaf mu'.es and contracted for a huild-. ing to be erected thereon rive miles from ' the seat of government, nhile the question ' of the consti'utionality ot scattering the public but. dings over the state is pen : ing ; in the supreme court of Oregon. The deaf ; mute school is now located at the se.'t of eovernmen'. r nl the state own ihe buildings which are or can he made ample for ihe school, and ts remove it from the s-at ol government is an unwjir,nlei vt fiat needs csp'ainstior Ifltcin ba icmavcd I five miles it may be removed fifiv. Every body knjws 'h;s step is a pitce of unpardoo- ab'e forty peculiar to the Tennoyer trs' o .. 'the school needs no farm. Kentucky. A man of good family, attorney by profes si-jn, ea cfBcee in the Confederate army. He formed in the capital of Keo'uckey a hason with a woean and by BT had i. legitimate children, lies now the democratic n:m Inee for one of the highest ;i-iir- In ihe ' gift of the p.ople of Kentucky. Oregon. I A man ot good family . stUrney by pio- fes:i mi. olioer in the I'nion erniv. He ; formed in the capital of Oregon liaaon child. lltnoltr.Ta,i!'eannomi. nee for one ol the lnghrs: postttaa In the ! gift of ti,e peOrle cf Oregon Mc Ma Inns Wa- I "Of course, Jarlgc Vrti cou'd .- ic: e-..l-ed upia, as governor, ts eta the iaitia'ive scheme and ihe mcrtace lax h .mbog " Correspondent O.eecnian. Judging from regain fact have de veloped du-irg this camjaia I is safe to say that tha statement clove maJe it true, ar,d being sc, it nmiins for Ihe vcter ol the siale.tnd e-pecially thote of l.ion conn - ty, where the stntlnent Is almost a unit in layor of the reenactment of the nurtgage tax law. to r; : y rcfli-:t and so'emnly pauie before casting a rote (or a nin for . govereor who wil deal the death blow to the very mtrssuie tle favor. Best vote for Galloway who is plelged to sign such bill Tbe l'orllind Mercury alleges that tie largest corruprion fjnd ever received since Attorney General Williams brought that 90,00a, wa. re eived b George Steel from Washirgton City t hit week. Of course It was furnished by the corporation corrup'. ionisis. Cor.trac for votes w!l be made from now until election, tat "the sack"' for voters will not be opened till elecdan day. Slr.kert and tutilers will be hired as uautl but the ling hopes t buy enough votes to recover ihrir lost .rounl for they are de feated tow, Tne . people, however, will fool lh- hi this time, l.ilioring men want honest lermenent work no, tltverv. Arlilicil wood f-r furnilur.-, roof., Insula to. s, etc is now roae by burning magne site, tcgetlier witli wood, shsvinps, siwdust. cotton, hair or wool. Kngland ha won eighty two per cent ol th.; wars she engaged In. There are four unique niountamg Ii. Leaf er Califomi two of a'um, one of alum ard sulhur and on- ri purr su'phar. It Is estimated tna' In the four peaks th re ui'c O'le hunr'.red mil ion ton. ol 011U alum and one million tons of -.ulphui. There ire but to journal published in Russia in the direct Interes t ol agricultuie, the Semie rljelt-iirsUnjn Gazita ana ihe Wjpstnik Ku ken Sselskwo llotaietwa. 9 me very ancient bxrk are to he f:iund i.i the sacred relii at Ccfiott. They a'e formed of plain leaves written up in wi'li a metal pea, and tre IhiiuhI innelf by a silken s-tr I n 4 . More man forty on-- pa cent of lh" Mnj; lis'i pr'i le could not write thelrown name when Vlctorii asgende-llhe 'tirone rite pro portion In that coidiil jn '1 i now h ;en re -duced to seven per cen . S ockholm has tin hig itert from dilnk of ar.) 1 ry i 1 1:1 : w.( n one thousand. Mevth rate 1 id, nil ely Over eight ihousan i varie ie . ot pisial cards have b-cu issued in t ic world wi'hin thirty five years. In the BrilUh Muc 111. accoidmg Hie catalog je jusi insue I, l.iere are 2700 COmpltti KiMes iu all languag?r. It is stated that a pail of water containing a hand'ul of hay, If, placed in a room where there has been smoking, will absoib all the odor of the tobacco. Mr Weatherford returned to tlio city yesterday from his canvas for congressman In the first district. He says the outlook grows better day by day for the democrat. He says the contest has narrowod down to a contest between himself and Mr Hermann. Thon populists in the district who prefer Mr Weatherford to Mr Hermann should vote for the former at a vote for Mr Milter I only makes Hermann's chances the better, Kvery farmer in the Willamette valley i should vote for Mr Weatherford a) he pledges himself to use all his power, if i elected, to secure a sufficient appropriation to make tho Willamette river navigable I most all the year. This would secure mucn ' cheaper freight for wheat to the sea board Every one knows that Henunnn has been I playing the game of politics ever since he was first e'ected to congress some ten or twelve years ago. He has secured just j enough money to make a feint of clearing the obstructions in the river, but all know j that there are far more difficulties in navi- 1 gating the river than when the first ap- j propriation was made The shadow of I appropriations have hung along the river for years but no substantial work has bee! done owing to a lack of money. Let the tannen of .he Willamette valley s'and to- '. gether and elect a congressman who will feel that the valley has interests that ghouUl be looked after in congress. Mr Weatherford, democratic candidate I0r congress, states in m speecues mat lie. some lime ago. sent for and received a copy ! j of the Sydney Mail, the leading newspaper of Australia, of the 1 1 dale of .March l.tli, la toe market report he found wool urn-leaned, quoted at 14 tt 15 cents, and at " very time H was semng uere at .0 .u a l I t I a 1 a Ol ceata only , cleaned wool was quoted at 21 to 25 cents and in Oregon it was selling at 12 to 15 cents. Wethers were selling there atri-Wtofci.OOahead. and here they would not bring more than $l."0. This dissipates the bugaboo of foreign wool com petition. Why would Australian grower ever think of exporting v,ool to the United Sta-es and selling it at nualler prices than they could get Courier- at hotne 'r ' 'egon I'ity The office of super's n'endent of public in struction is non political and ougut lo he removed as as possible from partisan politics. It should be tilled by a man of acknowledged ability, cf known integrity. a leader of educational forces in the s'ate and a thorough public school man . Such a man is I V S Held. We want a man for sta'e superintendent cf schools who c-ui command the respect and conSdeuo- of chosl officials ami teachers. Such a man is D V S Reid. We want a man who ha had experience in public school work and has bee i successful ia all his school work Such a man is D V S lieid Men who atteupt to make po'.Uical cat ita! out cf the l uioes mi-fortunes of the 1 caun-ry 1 ave but little of that true s; Mi o patriotism that eootitute? a man a wcuy cl iien. When a man from the aiucp or in the columns if newpaprs proclaim that Ihe present haid time a:c the result of the democrats. . . u-dmg to power be ' sncs that r.e at Lut one purjosc m vjosy . making votes foe hi party. Kne-y sate man knows lh hard times weieTTMnieg "org i bcfjre th-" e'ection of Mr Cleveland, snd :tiey bat,, been c. ir sarj naj titr- too or Waver been elected What makes , limes so hard in Australia. South America 1.. . Germany and ia fact in aktat nar t of I-alv Germtny and ia fsc. in mast pars of . . ,. vorl? ' We are tj'd that lepuMican arc railing i the Herald to iiall In ! warcfare upoa Mr ! ! T 1 Ti . i- I . Jackson Tint ra;er l making coyr of j vote for him. Cra-ges asd unmanly in siau'ions t'm have no krsstfa ia htni . rove ' a boomeiae.g to those who with o mske Be- j litical capitrl by their ute. If the r -publicans ele.t the gjscrnor an ' . a msj jrlty of the lesl.laiun. ti-v wil: with- ; out a doubt o moiify ihe Awtrallao j l-allot law a la destroy t sale guarJe agairstso e huiig. Tlie repabiicans liied to accomplish lni during th; SCStsiaa ol tr e last legislature. Bath Ojyernsr lVunjye an : Judge Uotw I "e heen c-nyicied of 'nw.nj sslarl.-t in . aartss of the sums allowed bs the cots'i'u tion. Juice Galloway p.-edges himself, if , d:a only hi coo ituiiona aai) j Vote for Galloway and jou will be; I to secure an economical sdmioist'a'ion. Gorrrnor I'ennoytr, who isoo King , over the state telling ',,e people how mucb j , he loverjbem an I ba e he corporatioas trav- j els on thee rail'o i4 pti . lie alsodiaws an official salary rf oet r $Io a d.y while he It out tumpinc. more tnan doub'e the amount allowed bv tne onuliuttm ol the ttaie. These who listen to his spcecne i ,r10 ,0 th oa, 'e ot ' p-?riaU'r.d -nt of should bear these facta in mled. Kaseburg j public instruction and indocing the can Review, i drdjcv of I'rofeater DT8 BcttL Tbe td- t dress is igr.esl by nearly al'. if not all, the When ,oavo cancel, cross or mark j male teacher connected w I. tui school out the name of ad candidate etcept the 1 diotrkt. ne for whom ou yote. Be very careful about this matter for If you leave tke names of more than oce candidate for any one office on vour ticket your vole Is void as to that oflice. Do not ue a yellow ballot. They are only samples and will nV be counted If voted . The French Lallot girls begins her career usually at seven year ot agr. She is then paid at the rate of torts out tor each ap pearence in public, as cemoleeUe de r,utd rille $20 to $40 t month, at a coryphee $50 to $60 and gnjcl $60 (12 i. A dancer of the first class villi get from $f;o lo $Joo a month, ami a star from $5001 to (loooo a year. V UUatB tja'loway, on the denim ratic ticket for govrrnor of Oregon, i the author of ibis sentence: "An honest man Ik ala - under oath." Komcmher that W I) Fenloii fpr-aks ut the opera home .Sa'urday evening. Ever, b id), nod epeclily ladies .invited. W D Fenton, of Pj-ilami. i billed to talk politic- I'on a desaocratk ttand point at th-r Uairihnrhr oper. house next Thursday evening May 29. Those whohtve heard MrFen'nn assert t'nt he i an able and very tnteres'ing lalkar. lrivi-n 10 r-!e peration Baeaaaa many of Linn QOtinty't Itevt drtaens will not heaiken unto the I lei t Id-, pettifoggery, that join na I j purse ing 11 cetrte thit will dels) t'. every mn Ir tttppo't. I'M w;iik is disulitUag, llarri-liurg Courier. Ilenieinljt:r W D Fen'on Ipem lio'He to night. speuks nt the I Jo and hear V.' 1) Fenton at the opera houe to-night. WSKUl rSillKHISI. Vlfl h Httik, Pie icweleit If y- ii want a liae.tmoke oall for Jin.iplt . while labor cigars, I he i. ttjroaat coffee in the city at Comae. Moyer s. Miitoh' Vitaiitrr : what you .ted for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yelluv. jk in nr kid ney trouble. It is'guaranteeit tojgtve you satisfaction. Priee 75o. Pothay Si Or. State Treasurer. The .Mate ''Venturer in the bands of Hon Thomas L Davidson will be B'enity ltnpictfd over ire meir.riiiH tna the methods tha have tontiolled It for i any years. The funds will nr.t. hn needed In heln out the'Msr. chmts National hank or the I'ortl.nd Trust j compear. Mr Davidson at grown up with he sta'e and.haa been personally Interested m its growth and development. Hi hat seived Ms county It. several capacities, and ' . . ., ,. I has never had a word of discontent or dis- j trust ottered iim. Portland dis patch . The Secretary of State. Cbas Nicke'i, Diiuo;raiic candidate fo Secretary ol Stalo is rtCi iving handsome uc" kaowlcdgme it of bis candid cy fiom air parlies and fiom all quarters of tie S ate. HU fiinei for the hithrodilon is fully rec- oenizeland undisputed, lie ba the e'e menta of bueincts and fractal character which make him a desirable man at the State house. W hile he is gtiicily buinss in hisdialings,he is affable in his intercourse and a peron leaves htg presence wltn a govl imiircsion of h;m 11VS Kcid. The Eugene Register, a radical Kepubli can paper saya ol I) V S KeW the lKmo- cratic oomin lor Superintendent cf Public institutions: ''He is a man cf quick pr- cep ceptlon, intta ntseeous at Hon, sr.u lirmnes Instruction; has made cducr.t.on astudy and h,B Jevotrd hi whole time to it an! is we qa,lt,ed for the posl'ion. Portland Sunday Mercury irepi: J K Weatherford, lK?mocratic candidate for congressman, is one of the foremost cit izens of Linn county. Mr Weatherford came to Oregon in 1 C. and has several times renrttrented his counts- iu the State Legitla,urc. ije ,b au,'bor of Kxmi ( irecon legislative enae'ruent of prime benefit to the producers of the sta'e, and has had the sa'isfactien of knowing that the cour's, in test cases, have sustained his measures. He is an all aroand g vl feiiow, and bis oldest acquaintances are bis l?st frU-nds. The speeshes of Wealbetfcrd. lialloway and Keid in Ibis chy. on .Saturday last, were listened to by vtry large crod Mr Wea'kerfoid in his elucidation of natiooa1 'juestions was graphic and t .nviociag. His arguments were simple and bonet. Mr Galloway spoke the troth ubout the mis management of the tiate by republican legislation :md Mr Ueid said a tw words about tne m-coss'.i ics of our public ach'Xil systems. A!! goji men and democrats. McMinnvi la Ketfulcr. vt hen the orgaa cf a political party can and no flats- in a caa-l'dte's rrcord. alter J'ligect search, but seeks to manufacture , Ofejudice again' him withoat gool reason tbn tl e aforesaid orcan admits the -k- ne.v- of lis own candidate and the strength of its opponent The conduct of tbe .V , bans Herald towsrd J-c'.soa i- a casein poiot. That paper ran End n jibing to ' reflect on Jackson, but hammers awat at h'm simply bec.-ui the County Coarl ; (which is republican) "made a bad oirrfain 'Hi the Abstract Company. " ii; re u no I m a . . conoeOion betwren Jackson and the county or Jackson and the Abs'ract Com- pany. H any one it to b'aroe it is the, i-.. r- , UA -:n lj u,i--,. I. ... . , , several ued'ed vote. And the seane'eaa u'terance cf (he Herald ten. to ia-! made cre -se Jackson's lead. Jackson hi a first class sheriff aad tbe pple kn and are not going to give him op bird in trie bosh, or two of Ihem fo matter banco Eapre-. m it. , foi a Baa Wru Galloway, the nominee for fovemor Is miking a quiet l et tigoroos canvas of tbe t'ate in ti e interest of the par'y He it a cultured man- lie was roriM 10 rely on liis o n res jurce to pay i. U way throofb the common schools and 1 , ... . ,, ,, , brcuah the 1 jt:i.' 1.. Ihr--. j tatuea mBirjer 01 tne .-jaio .s. jricu.lura' j Baeiey in whea he t l-nt JI years, j and hat retained bit memlersblp ever sir re. ( f is also a member of tbe State Hoard of Afairultdre. and has been pretnlcot of 1 Uo'h societies x-eral tiiae- He can always receive ibe vo'ecf Yamuiil county. I ' n) r(-j. jI( is rvpab'icin. kJ a good j wil atike the riaht kiavJ of' j a govern-jr f ir th people an 1 1? t.i p I pie. Portland l'ipa'ch. tne uretroo ocout. a newspaper publish ed in the ci'y of L'nion. in Union county. 're. prir.ted in it i--ue of 'he 17th in-t. an addre-t "To ihe Votan, School t ' lioials and Friends of Ktucation iu the 8 -te of lrejPn. opposing the election of lie- i On nrx Monday evening-the I oe a Hon -tl'n. grand I is-mocraiic ral:y at I... i W D Ken on anil Ham tieo F. C iaia' of I'ortl ir.d. be the speskers on th caioi. Kvery bjly come out. llarri.ourg's lea ting republican rata Te ed in our presence yesterday, tfattl the llcrtl I kept ip i'.s present course it would sere y Ctect Jack -011. liani-buig Couiirr. Varlsaa Kabl.ery. Lo.soviaw. Texas. May 93. At :i f M today two rough looking meo wa'keU into tbe First Kat'onul bank, one with a sv in chetter. tad took posaestion. 1 be robbers hurriedly emptied tho vault, securing e'J'H 11 in 110 bills. No 9, and nine $JU bills. No 20. ami seven tinsignr-d l.ongview bank cotes, whi-h may lead to detection. While this was foing on. two of the robbers we'e in tbe rear alley of the bank .booting a1 everyone ho appeared. tieorge llucklnghain, who was shooUng a' the robbers, was shot r.d killed City afarthal Suckley. who was shooting ut another rchber, received a 'Vinchestcr bull in the towels The ball glanred from some silv.T dollars In his pocket, which may sav his life. .1 W KcQaeetl, a saloon ker(rr, rn out in tw aJlej and was shot in the boa, and i' is thought mortally wounded Charles S Leonard was walkiag through tbe court house yard and was shot in the left hand. The robbers escaped after one was till d. Klndlna tinld. MkiikiIiiii, Or. May SS Contiierb'e excitemeit has been canted in this vicinity during tile ptit lew days by the remit of u partial cnn up of the Miller plater mine, situated tbout live null s wett of this city. This mine was recently parehaaed by IWi land parties, and between $I2.0(K) and $111,000 lata been taken out as the result ot the past tinier' ItUI. A pal .in I clean up of thu Stitrgis mine, about 12 toilet from this ciiy, which was finished this week, proihiix-d ;!0,IK10 in yel'ow metal for lis ownett. Mr Lease's t'ondlllun Ciltleal Oi.ATiik Kan, May 23. While it is given outthat Mrs Mary E Leaae is im proving, ahe is really no batter and her condiiioaj is regarded as critical. She has sciatic rhaumtttism in her left leg and in flumiiiattry rheumatism in bee right hand. She has jancVea ul her May und June dales. Wanojuo nvitavionb. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden ! Common everyday. gjmfSHiutY . THURSDAY A ToNMuev ArrMn. -A correspondent iruni w.ikvinu utiuei up uiirigH in i lie following live manner : The picnic on I ho 22nd was well at - tended and the candidates did well, the republicans stole a march on the other parties and rung in a man hy the name of Tongue ! and he is well named lor he is all tougue. He made a lengthy har- consume.! 101s 01 lime wun nia bombert and iwannr. lie agreed to (jjvj(i,, time with the uoptilist .at rthedd in the evening, which he did in good 1 shape, taking three hours to explain him- self. He was answered by Prof Smith, but '.mill t-ouliln t use as much time for for the audience were tired out and it wag 1 a late hour. bile Smith was on the i floor some on in the audience cried out i Put him out" the speaker paused, and i asked, m I in a land of liberty free- i dom and free speech ?" and it is well that there was no attempt at violence made. We are not a populil-t but claim that all political parties should have a fair hear- j ... Uu... it. A . ..i :. t . -- 1 K www ifiut:.. nv re oitifriy pposeu to iiiou violence, ami we nave i, 1 ; 1 WlrV T .1 . ' , rAicpniMUD oi mis uaure nave .lone naMire more harm to the men that need them than they did to the other parly. The i abolitionists were treated in this manner ' but they worked on and many of them lived lo gee slavery abolishol So it baa t len in the past age, and the phrase, "Whom tbutio'l's . to destroy thy tlrst make mail is as true to day as ; ... : . 1 1 .1.. 1 ( , . nitrn lb naa I'IBl UECU, ItllO lim J g r the "Only temerance party" is angry . a - - : 1 1 t . . . . , . 1 sou iii oe more e alter tne election. Notice 10 tmk Delegates : OF Tlta (ikn Assembly AT Atsaw Or k fear - Brethren: An excursion to Yoserrr.e valley is being arranged for June 6th the less from Kavmond s'sllon ol Southern Pacific KK. The trip can be made in one week, or more time car. be profitably spent it desired. The regdar trip from San Francisco U not short of I75 Anv person who can shoald out visit Caltfor nia without seeing this wonderful park with it unrivaled UCtm&J in this or any other country. Rev ,VB ilr wi lan cr any qaection or receive it.e name otany persons who A ish to iln the er caislon. . ,...,aa..-.iUcKWue.I-.. vac. 1 . r . . I i 1 were paid the Drat three days of tb; re, ioi iiogisnu irienus coming to time hi nari'isome manner, loose paying SluO or over were lulius liradwobl r B Hogg 'ieoS oe, trust lor Hogg 210.50 . . Hil 31 . ltt.70 894. 45 Mrs E H Grisham John tiritbam .... Wm M iloag John i"chmer 120... 107.(45 5II.TJ 133 its I Fsst Ridivj. Ur tleo S Wrlgnt , made the . un from McMinti'le tUay ton 7 miles on a light 1; pound Impe rial wheel in 32 minutes, Thursday even ing. How I .Sat for getting .ver the ground.' Dayton Herald. As Or Wright wrigh about 251 pounds, t-n limes as much a the bi-tcle.the Item make very in-erevlng reading Kit t an a Cocosst. Fran's S-aBjsd killed a cougar Sunday morning near his r:ace on the Motiawlt. wrkti has been doing contJerab:; miw:hief in ihat i- cinlty. v frc Hi courarahlpi eeaattjd about n tengtn. Kettcr. i;::i.. A rf't x imln:-. Foilow ing are Hon J R fC.vereign's appointments: AiUiny. May 29. f r n; llroarnsville. May II ltd. I P tt Lelanin May SO, 8 m. Mr Will Barton, of Oakvilie, lias gone t 1' ' land to end the summer. A! Boattieka and S tl Ivorris returned ; Ibis noon from their lisbizg trip loaded don w:th speckled beaut ee. Kv V. I 1 ampbell. of Hanover. III. it reporting the proceeding of tbe general r a t a aUJ a t 5mbiT AnT 'v , Pkrcl,l ors ex'etided Ii'tn Mr Walter M Ilree, ol akville. made a i-rit to tne mu-wtnier lair, neinit aav , from homeahout a seek. Inhitabseote , Km. 00. borrowed 0 bus! ele of oa'a and poisoned hit betl 'hjg. Mr Mcllree wil give a handsome reward fo information that will convict the dog prisoner, rcastaxr H trtnt. A very pleasant su'prfse a given Mrs D II McC'ullagb by the l-adies Auxiliary of the 1 M 0 A on Monday a" ma of tn it w eek, at her home Mrs M-l'u ah has been president of the auxiliary for two years. The otCwStfM of :be aurprise ass ttr prv;iaration M leave !or i aquma ay w.f ;n a iew .;ays t sina -nt-turn- mer a he'r she hopes to fuUy regain her ' ht,1,h; , Af,'r pending tfatM in agreeable cor versation together. Mrs r. B , . , , tiotr made a very appropriate speech in ivu iuair a l i . peecb which tbe exptataM the incere appre ciation ni Mrs Mi-Cullagb't w-.rk an i ihe , high esteem in which he is held by all. , an I pretentl her with a itirely bound volume nl I'riimmon-ts atura! l.w in the Spiritual Wjrld.'" Ttir surprise was 1 complete, and one ol ttioee dengbtful events wlnom tend to make life tweeter. One to which Mr KcCaUagJl n.!i always refer with great flyajure. Mr. K-r.T.a Tatham gave a steieotican kindergarten .ecture at San last even- I be political adres lat nl,;bt wa a ver 1 Tunjurr affair, 'ikr lh - mr ja' cor rra.sonsteru tell ahou: Shed t ll was of the calibre that d -o't c -nt with th" public. The BOM Om Ve'eran will meet to nigh: lo make arrangements for decora tion services. All members are reques ted so be present By order ol J A Mc Feron. cart, bv N M Nepor', lit ser getn. Atsoon PattPltar. Two vears ago the Ciu:ier ierted positively that Jack ton waa well qwaltalad 1st till tl.e o.fice of sherlH an-1 c twsMtaaf the people thtt he would make a good officer; today we in iit thai our f.irmer statement I correct in every particular, anil know that If reelected-and few dub: but he will he that he will make just a g h! an olBcc r in the future a he has made In 'he pat . You cannot elect a bette- man tbsn J ic 4 son. H l-rlsbuig Courier. Caast Biryete Keeorda. Stockton. Cat. May it. The fast hi-j yclist bnke another coat record tvday whn Otto Ziegler. of the San Jose Koad 'lub. made one mile from a standing tart ia 2:131 . beating the record cf 2:t5, ih'IJ by Wilbur Kdwards. W l-r K Poe ter, of tho 1 1 viu"ics, made 11 new record for the ciut for a tuii'ter of a mile witb a living He covered the distance in 90 1 .'1 nv end. ... . ... nixav., nrr lin.ns SroKANK. May 23. Ware weather has brought the Spokane river to tht highest stage knot n since the advent of the white 'an. At 8 o'clock it was one inch Hbove last year's record, which was -J', inches higher than previous records 'iiu river is Mill rising. No serious damage Is an ticipated. When rtaby was nek. wo ,ve her Casioria. Wien nlxc was a Child, she cried for OtttOrvA. vtlien sin tuscanie Miss, slif i luru; to i'as'.-.; -. Wlien ahr" had t-hildrrn, the Kavc thcai t . :oi ', ill. in I in ioes nearly all the iraahing ia Al- Who baay ? Why, tbe Albany Steam Lanndry. Why, IsM-ause they do lirst-data work at low prices. tt ho patroiiiw tin- f liitiainoii? Oa'y a very fe-v. Don't meatioa it. nave you si-en the new wagop. It's modern ami holds a M.u-k of clothes. Their big bnainesa detnaiada it. KiciaarrJa Phillips made it. They know how, a- well as 1 Ow to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rit'n and poor and does good work for till alike. Try it, try it. BORN. MiOAU.STL.ANl. At tho family home in Salem, on Wednesday morning, May 23, between 5 and ti o'clock, to Mr and Mra Elmer .1 McCauntland, a son.g FRIDAY Mr A M Williams Is temporary secre tary cf the Y M C A. The J K GUI co, of Portland, have mide a general assignment. Another invoice of tailors and leghorn plat it 25 and 50 cents just rtcelved ai the I.aci . atizaar. A Pennsylvania man says hard times l affected thai stat hrve Orseon. much :nore than they base ball tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 between Albany and Independence, on the league grounds. Admission lo cents. In response to the request of a large numbr r legates we publish or. our j5"'- r"e 1r sermon delivered on retiring as moderator of the assembly. ( Mrrrona ot the Kouthernpacilic say the Southern Pacific will take the U i dele- gates into California next Wednesday evening in a special and a fine aPullman car service as can l secured. no ninattd on any county ticket, will get a hip vote h-r. Mr Wa;lar- .niendi.i man and is well qualified to fill the office of a .essor, or, Indeed. t, Advance. most anv other pia i' riaiia iiflh inws ano ji vr one r r- I 1 . if. . : , . . . . . 1 l . yesterdav from the Sanli.m mlnee. Too inucl snow on the way make woik there difficult. As provision- have to be can led In on the bacx the coat I too creat lo ius'.ifv ooerations. 'I he rare spectacle of a display of heat "fchtning was given our citizens last i nigm. sne nasties were iro.n ine east, and it 19 now in order for one of tne , ."alc-ni pap-rs t declare that the Thiee Sisters have tu rn .'rttinu on a taie. e m Mr France, formerly of Wisconsin but now of Portland. wag in ttveity this week looking over ihe field for the purposed i.V.H., I - I . I , . j : . . , . "lKU Willi IIIC piiWCI-- 4IIU III tlW Hsh that much needed institution. Leb anon Express. From report received we learn that Mesers Bilyeu, Myers, Whitney and the o'ii-r democratic candidates are doing efficient work on the county canvass. Enthusiastic meetings are being held al, alang the line and Qsw zeal is being in tpired among the local committees at every point. The grccery store of Giloert ii Patter son was burned at Salem ycsteiday. The adjoining stote of J A Van Eaton M badly burned and some damage was done to the shoe shop of G C Gen and h nl E S Lsrarsirt. Lass on Gilbeit i Patterson's stock abut $io, - 000, insurance 3,ooo. A Iatsi. ActiDEXT William, the 10 - . var-oId son of Mr aid and Mrs Antony rVaeier. of BUver Creek Falls, near Rarton. left h .me about 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon to deliver a message to a neighbor a sbxt j distance awav. and as was his usual cus tom when going through the timber, rarried his 32 calibre rifle in ca he might hml gatne for food. It seems that he had made amnaetaenU with a number of com rades to go fishing in the afternoon on Drift creek. (al3ot three miles from Silver Fallaj and :.- he neareit this point he left the road and took a trail leading to Drift irwk falls, enly a short distance asray from the raad The falls are about thirty feet hijrh and from the brink one 't.n see down tbe -trv.iiu and tt u supposed that he in tended to see if tbe boys hal yet begun Sh ing. and then finish what he had started to do ami return to the creek. Here thi body was found with a bullet hole through the bead. Th ball en.l th left t-vr and ranged upward, coming out at the too of the tu!l. Ihe rifle was lying upon his breart ami one foot van un-ler him. the body haying fallen bo. k ward, ft number f hiv :g.-V-l a- to hw to ut; lent irre-l. lot the in tst plansi bV one i that when he came to the falls to iook d"wn tiv- stream be tk the gun from his shoulder and set it upon the stunygrocnd. tbe Imtt striking a rk with sufficient f - the .srtr. ;a tbe g-in. ln.lejndect. A I-ivg; Ait air. Thr- t raveling railroad men were ol. ine rool Wedoes- I m . . - ' ,day niaht, or rather, about 2 o'c'ock ThurnJa m iTn'tnr, whrn they g-M to dis- p-a'.mg about the iuir.rss ot their respec tive roads In or.Ier : settie ihe ma'ter P and I" H went out Inio the tret and . J "trc T".nd m,tS C at B at referee U r ent!fiy !-jo mcf. 1. I. an tagonist . Tnere wa tatk of prosec-itson but the matte' was .trooped Sttjstsicaa r Event. A national gatherins is a r.r thing for Oregon. OTir ir-.r. . .... . . . . . . r. , , ; Die prec- of two ir. one year it l very Ujjn'hcan; thircj (or mt stat It wdl mean a grt da! in the future. Aioany alto will e the benefit. Today In all Use d!i , -l!v-r of fK ..' .& w-la.t prcv, tt te! It, .111 the Cnirel P-eb. ,-,!, ,ai .ymK . . a: bany, Oreaon, and pi.nle every where will know ihat i" I a place bi; enough to entertain a r.i'i :..,', a?hrr:ng ol near ly 3-x people. Paowrr Soma. At Toledo yeeterday Cyrtta Hnrlengh, aged Ti reart. .it tried and i-onvicte-t before Judge Sr.afock. of tne crime r,( attempting to commi a rape on Ms step grand daughter, only 10 yrnr of ag-e, wbtW she was under li's charge- Zatsa was a week ago He was indicted and arrested oa ihe train near Cetrra ttw whale attempting lo escape. His sentence was live ears in the peni tentiary tsiick trork. Ir L-Xis Wai.L. Tre Oregon pacific sale w :il take p. are one sets from to morrow Thara ia uUte qnaattoti that t'ol Higg and cmpanv will purchase rheroad.anst the pr;iecl is good that tbev will ex tend 11 into Crook rounty, a b-isiuess neeitity. for winch there is said to be ready tor nse. Tbe mere statement is an encouragetu":it. The gia.luating eserc-ses ol the Albany I Public school will taae plare at the! opera houae June 1st, 2 and Spin. In or- j dertobe ppay tbe expense, an adruis- J lon fee wi l be charged in tbe evening. tal seats 15 cenls. at Hodges i Mc ! Farland's drug tore. Gallery 10 cents, i The route of the proposed motor line I I between Albany and ixlayibe is bein j viewd. Ibe piut as now being viewed j 1 runs a couple of miles west f this pltce. j The motor company a 11 1 make a big mis. I I take if they do not run their road through j i.euatioti . Advance. J Harr- tiay.the optician, was 'ecrntly tnarrie! in Kansas. He writes that he 1 ' is making money and is liappv- l.eba-! non Advance. Ralbrr Toi'kka. May i. At a ' iloiiie Gaartl" moe'ing ia tbe 1'optilis. league rooms here G C Clemens said' "I do not hesitate to sav that one of the i objects I had in view when 1 advocated the raising ot me llome i.u'rvls was to have I f0" va lah'e. so that in case the troops I or the National Guards are callel out to ..,,,,,.,,. ..,. ,..w. I this Mieai-sintli riser si-.. .-its .t.srs tha ! troops or the National litiard." Oar 11,1s turn Daw a. t TatOM vs. May 25. TW Queen's Dwn I Mnea, 01 toronto, came 10 this city yes terday to join in the celebru'ion ot the queen's birthday. Ceorgv J Wilds. I'nitol states consul, displayed from the wiudows ofhisottW an extra American tUir i in honor of the day Some of th members ! from lorouto tore the Hag from the staff, iwil is s Baa kr City. Or, May 25. Hank Camp liell and one I lilde' sleeve, planer miners, while at work vVedttesday oa Oae creek, "JO mils from this city, wore both killed 'iy 11 cave in Drapped Dead. Itcmriu iui, Dr. May 25. Andrew Jones, aged tit year, droppeil dead from heart trouble last night aKnit 10 o'clock, at bis residence. Mr Jones, during his lifetime, was an active member of the Masonic lodge of this placr. IrllMMytlvr Feel prac - im'okank. Wash, May SB - hi'e ticing on a big ner'nl ladder, ut tion No 2, the ladder tiroke ami tire sta- v apiam tttHirgt 1 i. haptimn tell tvi teet, ore.iaing his neck and killing him instantly. " ' Sweeping Reduction. iu Millinery Owing to the bard timea all millinery ut the Ladies' Fstzaar will be greatly reduced for the neat thirty days. No extra charges will lie made ttiiumiua; This will be an excellent opportunity to . aecure hats for yourself and anil get our prices. 8ATUEDAY HOME AND ABROAD People are accusing tl e ministers of raising thunder last n'.ght. United Presbyterian souvenir spoons at FM French's jewelry store Stamps at cost and Stationery In propor tion at Fred .)awson's little store on the corner. The handiest place in town Fred Daw son' Ht'le drug store on the corner, for pills. S the nig So-ne one pulled the notices down for speaking of lion W D Kenton to- ht. Small business. Go and hear him ai.y war Old fashioned family oiils at lo ct a box at Fred Da wron' little Dru Store on 1 he coiner. It cogts no more, aid gaves time, to buy your quinine from Fred Dawson's at the little drug store cn the corner. A btight window is that of Foshay & Mason Some very pretty moss has a setting ir. white of the word 'Welcome.'' Archbishop Grot lectured in ga'em Thursday evening or. the subject : "That j tne (Jithollc Church Is not the enemy but : the friend of the Republic" A thunder shower occurred last even 1 ing more extensive than any in the past I for the Willamette valley, accordHg to the ; memory of the oldest inhab'.tai.i . Per- hapt caused hy two National Assemblies n Oregon at one time, being male up I mostly of Eastern people. Hon Wm D Fenton, s-vak on the j po'.itieal Issues, tuis event i a'. 7:31st j the opera house In this city. The I young ladies of the Democratic Club rf Albany will attend In a body. Let every one come, ladies, democrats, republicans and populist and hear politics discussed by an abl I c'oquent speaker. SOCIAL AXD PERSONAL. i Mrs Arthur Brasneld, of Salem, is visiting Albany friend. J A 1 11 in iu ine, F W BlnmDerg and Dr Beers returned last night from a fishing trip to Boston Mills. Tbey caught fish and had an enjoyable ride. Messrs Knox Height. E thrall and A J Ansljn. the well known wagon men, ; arrived in Albany yesterday from South ', for Texas ern Oregon, and wil. leave on Monday Saiem haa one man who it alwavs , hPPy- He never complaint of bard; 1 f ini.a anrl a 1 mr m wr m Vmm AnnolA tr hair, ; " , j u ,k n- C.. .. - Ir tjteotl. B.Uy W nght the tcieo ' ,BC7 ""l three daily newspapers. He ia always posted and never the victim of a bunco man. Salem Journal. The kind of a man the world needs. Uneie Billy is a model christian, evei day in the mon'h. '91 AXD 93 Taxls Paid County Treasurer .Vallate torfar receii ed a re- I celpt from the uu trtasu anoe of Linn County's us ret- for the bal- nty's Uses tor the rear 1S03, the total taxes of over $37,000 hav- 1 ing oen paid. He alto recently paid the ba of :be tax of 1S9!, recently de- ; ckded by ihe Supreme Court to be due. Tr.e only state ux due is some of that of s,j, lied up in the Lino County National Batik Eunds are 00 hand to par road warrants, amounting to aiout S2oo. and in a few dayt county warrants will be taken up. There are only about $12000 1 outAttnuing. about that amount has a!o Deen paid on utei. The only county fundi in the Linn County National Bank 1 were Sooo, about which a paper has been I matiog so much fust cn account of the j intc-e: running on it. Tbe bulk was the , tchooi and tate rrnaryt. Linn County it lo remarkably good circumstances con sidering ihe hard time. A Long BicrcLr. Rme. Cast Matlock' and Harry n, of Eatgeoe, made 1 ome good time on ineir bicycle Tosrt- I slay. Thev left Ifectw at 5 in. west to .-. therce came to Albany- j arrislng at Eugene a'. - 30 r tt. The dittarce corers-d was 100 mile, a id the i actual time on tne road wm 9 hour and I I! minute, an average rpecd cf :: - mile per nour. Tbe gallery aeos at th 1 P Church I which have been sticking on account of 0'-.,-OTlfr- u'r "T 1 that there will be no niorv trouble. There will be no afternoon meeting ' at 'he V M C A hall to morrow, owing to ine memorial eernce at tne opera "ante at that bonr. Lt. on the road between CaVvilh- and AlUany a Urge black bag. eonta ning j eeveral anirlee. i'ieaee return lo the ! lHmocrat office. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE OF 1 HE Scutbern Pacific Co. KiptTSS Train '-.. PcsrlJaad tasUy aowta 1 rmam nr 1 . fmm, .Sortk ( U- a ; lr P.rtiaisst ir!tl at :;. L A-s.v L . - j t a le.f-a Ar Sau frsa-t s l.v T;JO T a 1 1 ..... - i I -s viiitiy 'ri -lutive. Tan- ht .1iy.Hrrtb'l-g. JiinetlOO . -. 1. . is i 41 1 .v r rom lrine. Kigm- I ll stations O Sb tr t-i u i!s 1 1 n;:ii' atatttj aa trttt .Al-T -J") I Lv eretracJ Ar trWr IMt FM I S aisaay . Lv 1 ItJU - a - wotwbqrr JL I T at aaaa :toLv lbiy Arlre-naa t-v A- Lttwaoa Lv SO 1 ; : Alhanv Art :jr -Ot a a ! Ar Lcbajx Lv I -9 r PULLMAp buffft sleepeis. -AXD i Dinine Cars on Ogdsn Route. SECONO-CUSS SLEEPING CARS AMaetaew la alt Tkr.ajt Tralaa Tel aid MrMs. rttatTLaaat ta toiuim Nan, iaaiatanr Kxerpt Sormay. ran i Lr Ifcliral Ar Port 'and CVrvaltt i - a. I ra sras raais aarcv Kic ,-rt Sor.da . t:0r a Tr r I Lv ! Ar PrsrUand VcJilOBVil Ar Lv St i t.ta a Ttronph to all point In ttw Krn States, rtnada atd Kwrssae can b ib-aairwd al iswest rst. frvm C rywak. Aeewt Albany. K. KOKHLSI K r. aOiKRt Wanarvr Vast O F. nJ rssrt'sti Or.c.'t Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PRjPRIETOH ko iw. etAtva itoa to ij .5.1 atsaaa waa, ' I V! WlUsaP 1 II,: n K tJ AN run I. k DIRS to o writing at I? home. Paj tI W lo S'.on per week Send sielf ai1dreaJ atampesl envelop forrwpvl. MaKKK FONTAINES, geonorl mao'iiwr, Dearbavrn St I'hteaeo, III. S5.00 to$tc..oo PEK DAY at home I telling Lightning Plater and plating jewy 1 slrv war.-hes tableware, etc Ever j house has goods needing plating. No ex : perience ; no capital; no talking, botne agents are ir.ak'ng fJ5 a Car. fermantnt os'tlon Address H N latino .V l.o., Co mbus, bnio. cOi.C (SC- i-h School: CariTaL Bus. Cola.. :. Salrru. Or Sam courae. or atudr. aaoie ; of tuiUoa- II .... i .. QLa.ika.J tt.. P. Arroatronir 1-rxn tt-AItfIt ' javrv. nn3.. JenriuA i2tm, ar In aawiM throaatiaoal Ua ;ar. BliadraW aaaa tat any tiaa. Caul's i nvui niuwr KaaaL to Qmm Tsnirr ill UU lOF THE FRYING PAN Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery what to do, as well as what not to do. Thus we have learned to use the most pure and per fect and popular cook ing material for all frying and shortening purposes. PROGRESSIVE is the natural outcome of the age, and it teaches us nottouu lard, but rath er the new shortening, v.-hich is far cleaner, and s - -.nro. lioMtiVtip than anv i lard can be. 1 1 ! The s iccesa of Cotto- dene has called ont worth - it less imitations tinder B 5 T 1 4. ; s similar names, auva. uui i for these! Ask your Grocer for Cottolexe, M , and be stire that y on gt tj it . Made only by ll j . K. FAWBANK CO., EC I - err I flUH mnA - CMICAOOfstW YORaVBOSTOII. iCorioanaloParDum CoiTOtJ Cottoi Wall Paper 1 I rti(M, Paintx. OlU Giatsts, Kte t m ( 1 niroin -:- 0REC0 J. V llDf iiV ALBmR? . GKEATJLY REDUCED PRICES MA! E BY SOUTHEBS PACIFIC COMPAM FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FiVIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Altai? to $ai Fi-sur im AND RETURN $6.90 KXDURSIOS TRIPS. From San Krancitco lo other point, in California w?ii be allowed purchaser o , special Msd inter Fair tickets a' ih- fo! i lowing round trip rates j To atntions under '50 miles from San i Francisco, one and one-third one way j lare. To s'a'ioni 150 mile or tot from .Sin j Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full particuars in ' quire of C K Fronk, agent al Albany. Or, j or rddre the cndei signed. Rich'd UtiT, T H Goodssax. Gen Traffic V in. Orr I'.stenger Aet- Sis -. i- . "1 I -l . . . E P Roger iiarrdOr. AsG Fi P agent, rtv- IT WTLL drive the humor from your system, and make your akin clean and smooth. Those Pimples and Blotches which mar your beauty- are camsed by IMPURE BLOOD. They can be removed in a ahort time, if you are wise and nse the great blood purifier. Sulphur Bitten, TRY A BOTTLE TO-OAY. "Why suffer with Boils ? Why r?ve with that terrible Headache ? Why lay and toss on that bed of vain with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will we you where all others fail. The aose is tj small only a teaspoonf tt?. THY IT atou you w ui ue.s.isneii. 2 ne young, the aged and totteringare toon t .ade well by its uses Kemember what Sou read here, it mar save vour life, has SAVED HUNDREDS. If yon are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old -". use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail to cure. Get it of your Druggist DO NT WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will core Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CURC YOU. rr SfDsl S S-eent stamps to A. P. Orsiwwr a Ca sjatj Maas., tot tet tx.srsi-.cai wsark gaaatakata FOR BAN FRANCISCO The StesmsMp HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Vallfti points via the Oregon bonthern Pacif c railroftds, sailing with freight anjTpas sengers on or about he fol lowing dates: From Sah Fran cisco on Wednesday April 4, at 6 p m. From Yaquina: on next Tnesdav. Anil 11 Fare from AJban3' and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, $12; Steerage. $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good ' friT SO inv'al 1 1 lyJl UV U tJHC. I ' HA9 Jf obt, So.v k Co, I lso 2 tofS Market ttreet SaniFrancisi'u i