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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1894)
(The llcmortat. A BAJtPLEOF GOV.PENNOTERS METHODS. Be Foola Nobody But Himself. JUf ors Democrat: have hJ fiequenl occasion the past f jur years 10 condemn their jovern or for lib recklessly false statements con cerning this people. Take for Ir.stancejthe following gratuitous and misleading state ment which he ejected into his speech to aitarn a miserable 'ale llesalil: "Thirty five years ago I taught school in the Willamette valley. At that tlflM a gentleman with a small basket full of type and a liand press was publishing a weekly newspaper. He '.lien was worth probably as much as any one of a hundred farmers that lived aloui the valley. Afterward hesold his paper xr.d went into the banking business. After the lapse of a third of a century the farmers toiling end aoirying the whole year round, year after year, in summer heat and winter rain, are worth no more than the banker who without stub :oil has Accumulated wealth sufficient to buy out the whole hundred farmer-.'' The only re'.iable'word in '.his statement is that the governor taught school in the valley. If true.however, as he s'.aUs it, what farmer would expect to ccme to Oregon to make his living? Af:er thirty five years of toil and worryment our farmers are no better off now than they were then. What an immigration document this statement would make to be sent abroad. The fact is thirty five years ago there was n;i a city thatcould beca'lcd auch in Oregon. Portland was a mere village. Thi condition of the one hundred farmers then was the conailion of i the farmirs all over the state. Pernoyer says they had nothing to start with, nave accumulated no'biag, and the hanker has made enough out of them to buy them out, nothing from ncthing. This i- his logic made to order to hit sam one. iVhat has built up in these thhty rive years our citiss these firm center? Has it not b-itn our farm s? Is it not due to them that we have cities now all over our state? It has teen their traJe and traffi: that has given population to Witt city. What has made Pel Hand but the farming Interest?! Take the farmers out cf oui state aud what ci'.ies would we have lefi? The farmer has ' brought ia'o being etry othr industry aai thev are entitled to the credit of it. 1 From the toil primarily the financial founda- lion of the community is derived, and our farmers have liad as a roe tut l.ttleodo with banks.Un t'ie confrary.this poor school mater by rom. scciet he could not allow to impart to those pooi f. raters, as i' is currently repoited, accumulated a half mill ion of nroperty by the aid of "banks'" and lumber tresis. Are any cf these farmers new tramping from state to state i defiance of law and order for no other purpose than 10 live a dog's life through methods that are neitV.-r respectable nor hones' 5 On the contiary this pernicious element from whLh the Governor takes his full measure of in spiration is a menace to every farmer in cur land. This tramp class with the exception of the ftw who joined them fcr a "lark'' at : id the 5 une old tramp coot-ntioo i nas D cn Dffjt-. a ate to :ate for yrarg. It U now brcu- lit 10 '.lie sur face by Coxey, and all tolJ, ili not exceed j proper, rten. What is this nu.nber j to 20,000.000 male adults in the United States? This mob is not out of work it will not work. It is a shiftless, reckless 1 nuisance, and ei cry one of them koow . fhey are all now the pets of every fool dem agogue in our country, hence their defiiance of all a Oil art ty 0 )aw anj order. The men Out of work'' ar: another class tbey are principal'y the strikers and those living on depending industries that are destroyed by these strikes. In this unfortunate stat; of thin here are thousand, by the hundred !y .ffC ed This disorder affects serious the harness of the whole na'.ion. Times sre hart, markets are C'osed, ami labor will I not ihow the depreciation in business that capital llaw, it will not wait 1)11 times are better, and here is the Irvutile. And th.jre aie crazy Governors, who aspire to 1 'a ts for which they are totally unri ted, who encourage the strikers to carry the torch with ihe knife in their madness. If or it r was rtstoird Letwcen c. phal and labor we would see at once a very differ ent s-ate of K ings. K would not be long, with t' e exercise of that patience so neces sity in t cases of financial depression whic' will come periodically, before times woul I irsume sitifactory relations in every depar'mtnt of industry. This mak ing Gi ds tut of DesHs to elevate the veri est e'emagoueg to power is disgusting. But sa)s our governor fai lhcr along in his shallcw nwrative, gpeaking to his audi-cnc-. "Vou will iememler when you stanel out for yourselves about forty years ago, the various opportunities afforjed you. With a swelling volume of money the worl.l was miking vast str des of progress and ihe old ivenuis of all industries were Outn to you . This Is noi strange lan guage for the governor can't he consistent long. Here he has tacked ship, and has opened Ihe avenues of industry ai the very im: h; cioed them to the one hundred fa.mcrs. We naturaallv ask the governor to tell us why these one hundred farmers did not citch on to this grand bcom? The governor caught on by turning his country sch-wji house into a lumber yard. He was afraid thee farmers would all go into the lumber l-tneeK. tun e Ihe reason fur hiding this secret of success on h's part. But now the tjovernix i . rich Hh h had nearly eight yeaiv experience - g vernor. Tnese. one hundred pi r la.nuis (his word for it) who wore a bu'ui e of -ill farmer, in Ore gon. having nuthifg n 1 . the lan.t t e gov- num. 1 ' gave the ui. tr- sti I tojjog ,n the r deti uil.m. Tbe got e. nor tells us of f e r mierry and the liclus of Hie beaker. But e li,, no' fell 11 what he nas done I . ' f rmet in 'ifse tight sears. lie has KIM. lit : i our legislitu'c to saddle taxes up; ' Hi' 111, ttiai 1. can lUin in an amount O Over t 2 ii,' hi allowing his Owe salary tc He 111 ire ttiaa d nihled a. part of thi su-n iu be ialsc'1 by iaxit on from the lands mi l . rsssa I .fT.c of ihe farmeri. Not a si n .11 ibc.Me was inn'e, nor st ve o in crpose I in liehstf of ihe one. hnndie'l starving farn.rra ur others. In his yam bui ine iiii'.r be adults these farmeis .rn. 1 1 ,i no'ases eacepl on their Una's. ' li) dd nut 'he nosxmor pie v. 11 Iniacalaints rii.ier man bring h on. a..r Inn luassli dem igogues do, try to in ke poll tl CSV1 capita! nu' of it fo' tbcuasrlvei. He is now posing as a can diJa'e Im gf-aier bonois. Will ll.lnkin men ,ive him Hnotlior opportunity to eit le . ui peoi le or gratify an ambi toi t'mt his ubeadjt pruvtfd but a stain Hid li'culc to our state. To take out all 1 1 11 1 iciiiuogues Is a du y we owe . aiav Do thi-and ties "poor f.irm ,ia" will Iu tfa future a ;n the past do nothing but what will b ing thrift and honor to our commonwealth. b'ARMEft. Tote for W H Holmts for attoru y uen eral. Campaign Slander: The Democrat believes that it would suc serve the best interests of all the people to carry on political campaigns in a decent and manly manner. There is no occasion for dealing in pure fabrications for the purpose of injuring the chancesof a candi date or candidates of the opposite party for elec'.'.on. On this account It lias kept ita columns free from those campaign fabrlca iens that at once detract from the ciedit;of a newspaper. We regret that the Herald sees fit to pursue a most unmanly and unfair course toward 3 Mr .Tacksor., the democratic candidate for sheriff. It undertook in the first place to blame Mr Jackson for the fact that county money was on deposit in the Linn county bank at the time of its suspi n s on and it has harped and bemoaned the fact that the county had to nav intetest on its warrents'in consequence of such snapension. The fact as ire have heretofore shown are these : At th: time of the suspension of the bank Mr Jackson had not a dollar of county funds on deposit there and the Herald does not dare assert that he Sa l. though it hints and insinuates that he had, for the purpose of deceiving its readers. Failing in this way to injure Mr Jackson it came out inan arti cle a few days ago in which by false insinu at ons it attempted to connect Mr Jackson with the abstract company. Mr Jackson bad no more to do with the work of the abstract company than Mr Mcteron had . Who is this court house ling that the Her ald ttiks so flippantly about? If that paper really desires to find the truth about who this ting is let it looks into County Cour Journal volume lo st page 15 and there it ill find that the Una countv abstract company made a proposition to the county court to revise and write up what is known as the present ownership book of Linn coun- ty Oregon in such manner as to show the present owners of all reai esta'e infhe coun- ty on the is'. Jtv of March iScn and 10 write ' a lecal descrirtion of the real estate not as- 1 8ej(le j for ,$0, for i3 mills on ea.h dollars worth of land so discoveied. The abstract companv went ahead and completed their contract and fouad land amounting in ra'ue o 457.3Sl. Ten mills 01 the dollar On this amount (the amount the abstract company was to receive) tgtrregated $457.1.83. This am3unt was so much rrreiter than the court or Ihe abe'ract company either supposed it wouhl be that the court hesitated about pay- ing the amount. To avoid any legal pioceedings the court snd the company entered into s new stip- ulatKin whereby the court screed to pa the company $0O3 which was to be in full fnr all services rendered by the company on te' thecontiact with tiiecouit- Now who 1 his riii- the Herald ta'.ks alou'? We agk again. I; i: the ahatract crmpany and the csan -I court? And the court is a republican court Dies the Herald aet that lodge j Duncan and Commissioner Pugh are mem bers of this rin? It does if there is any sense j or rea-o-j in it ftttlcli at all. Now what , j evidence is there that Jackson bad any in I teres! in the ownership boo's msttei? Not I any whatever except the unsrpo: e i in sinuations of UM Heia'd. Tar Hrrald'a course towar'Mr Ja-ison is ma!iciau. . But the cloven foot of rra ice is so pluniy shown by its own weak subterfuges that i attacks have the eflict only to makefr er.Us for Mr Jackson. A few rcoctas so it was' a common remark among repuh ic-ans and democra's alike that Mr Jackson had made ; IairxuUeXellx51.sJlXjL - & na i . i tt.i - t.-. t-:z i:r::: ujr:: energeiic, quick to perceive, vigilant, nver tiring, absolute freedom from favoritism, success !n every case when pursuing fugi tives from justice, Mr Jckou baa made an official record no, often made by sb-nffs. and of which he may well feel proud. Ths attempt of the Herald to cast a slor upon Mr Jackson without having tbe man liness and courage to make any direct charge has simply resulted in making more friends for Mr Jackson. Some of McFer- on's friends a said to be highly di-gus j M t thfi ,, bIu-ders lbat ' ' y ml, y, egmm iowaTlii Mr Jack. king in its course towards Mr Jack- 1 son and are demanding that such dogs of war be called off. Mr Jackson's friends need have no feaf from th?se attacks they fall, without effect, l a the ground, as Be Careful How You Vote. When tbe voter oes into the booth ' next Monday to prepare his ticket for vot ing, be should be very careful to prepare his ballot so It will connt and coar.t in the way he wants it to count. For example: When he looks at his licke', he will find j there are fon names printed on the ticket for governor. To make sour vo'c count ror governor vnu must cancel, cross, or mark out the names of "James Kennedy "Wm Lord" and "'atban I'ierce" nnd then your vote will count for Mr Galloway When the voter looks at the names of can didates for representatives he will find there are twelve names printed, hot tbe voter must vote for three only, hence be will have to cancel, cross, or mark out the names of all butCrunie, Whitney and I'bil pot When voting for sheriff there is but dne to be elected, hence the voter will can cel the names of all but one. If t . names are left uncanceled, when but one office is to be filled, then the ballot is void as to th t office. Be careful how you vote. It is a small piece of business for the Herald and the Telescope to a' tempt to make political capital against J.-fT .Myers by declaring that Jeff is a citiz;n of Mari on county. For better or for worse, Jeff has invested some money in Sa'em, hut that no more affects his residence than he republican candidates, property in Seittle does his residence. Jeff was raised in I.inn county and never hid a residence any where else. Driven to desperation, these papers try to find a crumb of hope in this. Remember Unit T L I'avidiun is one of the pioneers of tin ewMIJf He lie'rf;d convert the illamette valley which was a wilderness when he came .it;re in'o Its pres ent bijfh sta'i; of projjr -ss ami civil 7. dion He therefore deserve well at the Lamia ol every Oregon ian. your vote for Lim tor sta'e treasurer . Vote for Mr K I. llryan for county Ireas uicr. No more c ipable man can be found Mr liryan was so un ortunate a few years ago as to lo M an arm in a tlin-s ting ma chine ami deserves the eymp.itbt a id volt of every larun-r in tilt- count y . K very friend of education 111 'Imslite should vote for HV S Reid f ir state tajet intendent of pub'ic in-tru't i 'n 7we f. r Pud !' H 11 . h II so nil up ru'lciidi ii' . He is a large upeneace. .r euaal teacher ol Vote for K'ley Sheltoii li t nnndrr. is fnl y capable us wsll as a very uff gentli'iiian. L H Meefanye 1- our fe'low and will ncsire a Itirge vote. If sou want a buaine-s man for Sec re'.ry of itatc vote for Charles Nicln l. Cane--! all name. State printer. but John' O'Brien fcr Speak int; at Seio. Sditorf Democrat : Mr VV D Fenton gave us a delightfti talk today. After hearing and reading such vo'uuies of stuff about political mat ters, it is refreshing indeed, to listen to suchaspoeeh a his. Ho talked democracy, pure and simple, in a way to make ones heart feel good The speaker was kind enough to divide his time with a Mr McC'eary, populist. who made what he thought a convincing and impregnable argument on finance. Rut, although be is a pretty good talker and he handled his subject in the best possible way from a populist standpoint, Mr Kenton's answer of 15 minutes scatter ed the poor man's argument until not a populist could le found to hunt the pieces. I do believe that if we had such a speech here every day, un:il election day there wouldn't be one of that persuasion left to bowl a howl. Besides letting a bright light in upon many populists, Mr Kenton's speech braced up numbers of democrats ones, wto still clung to that old patent medicine man Pennoyer, and gave them much to think about and new hopes for their party. H K. H. A Fine Endorsement. The following Utter was published in the Riddles Ent-'prne of last week. It spesks foritselland is a 6ne endorsement of Mr Red: Editor Enterprise: 1 believe the time has come when evtry , Intelligent voter shou'J use the ball-t that ! the Ameiican cons'ltution has r.iven him the 1 Vh con "-t', therefore It theie should be a man on the opposition ; who is much bUM qualified foi the office. Party affilliutions shoulJ be Ceal t thewinCs snd he snould vols for the man, nut the party. Reasoning thus, I woul i earnestly notice of evtry commend to th favorable I republican voter.not onlv id south Douglas, but where-er he may r-e :n Ihe aa!e of Oregon tl e name of D V i Kcid for State Suptof Public In riictlon Being person- ally acquiirte wiih Mi Reid and his rr.cth od, I will say that there is none o'her in ihe state so well fitted for the position, lie Is a thoroughly pttfOfrnf, progressive aa er and an etV.liUM.-t id aiming that tends U perfect ou' pahllc sc 100! system. I fear so inch canr.o' bj sail of ihe rej'ublicsn nominee. I have a. wars tsen a straight ' out repi blican. asal my tirt vote for a dem- ocratic state official wi'l Keid Myt'e Ciees, May 14th be 1 asl f .r I) V B W T Kcgle. Jlr.n V 11 Frlrsn poae to a ccw !e bou'e at bcto Moncjy atf rnotin. A Mr a Mr C'eary. topu'iiai, was j resent and isked that Mi Fcrttn Civtne im wi:h I im. which ne (e eiously agieod to do. Mr Mr Clears- .poke or.e hcu- and a quarter ar-d hen Mi Kenton sioke a quarter of n tiut in , tl'. Be 1 1 I 4 kl Hi MtCisM m the money .-juettion t-at 'he gentbroan was di'ven tothe pi.tnt at which 1 detlar ei that iirrr nJ old " ore ar re i s f bar a'i m and that ; ar." money i the ooly right mocej :o ua Tnis of course . only icndeiesl Mrt'leaiy'sa'.titude the more awkward. Mr Fentcn'a speech was pro-( due it e tf goo I rrsul.s and a cumber o wavering derccc a'.s wer? swnng backira- . J l ta hne. Tne same w4 U to he ihe result i - i u ni6ht-whe. he spoke to a large andieuce. Republuans are charging JetT Myes ' V Uh vniirw tfcai gsaaaw sal bill in the legislature two years ago. We ,re informed that Mr Myr-s has a ceititica'e from the secre'a-.y of state ceiti- .fying that the c.lgii.,1 recall in that office. -hews that he voted against l'iebi.1. T. ..rn tiii, it is plain that that is a mtebsbe in the , Sena'e Journal s'icssing that he vote 1 for it. Be fair. mu Maurice Ssn lers, the democratic : non0'nee for justice of the peace of West AH-any pneinct i a native Oregon in, a j life long reatijent of this cry. arte Is by j education, age. aa i eatp? leeuJ, re! quall- fi-H iK- .r. 1 i , k . u:. j a- ..-.. , .tuiuv..uK i,;.,, ; and strict attentian to basinets, are sa:h , v . - that hr arell deserves the vote of the entire pretintt regardien of patty affiliations. Wte fcr Senders. II jou want the best lawreroi fcll the. candidates foi Supreme Judge, vo'c for A S Bennetf. Let's have one democrat on ! tse bench, wi.b the two republicans that are alreatiy there. aaa , , lipfni-nill r.f I ... ll lar . , .. but one course to rnrsue-To'c for Ibose! who Imve nrr.rpn I hno.i.lra ! rl '. friend, of the law. Vote for Messrs llil- j n. -, . , r, j, . uuney. i nupot anu crume, and if elee'ed Linn, coanly wi'l have five unswerving supporters of Ibis measure in which the farmers of Linn county are so deeply interested- In mnlinjf up his ballot for voting next Monday the voter should be careful to leave but one name for eacli offiite fo lae filled. For example: ("nder tbe head of assessor the vfer should cancel, cross or mark out. the nimes of all candidate, except that of S O Wallace He is competent, candid. and honest, and will make a good officer Lvcry voter in I.inn county should vote for J K Weatherford, nd then I.inn coun ty will Ik; honored by having a congress man, an honor it has never enjoyed befoie. litis make it unanimous in I.inn. hen you cas' jour vote next Moi.dny see that the rames of till candidates for couaty clerk are canceled, Cleaned or mark ed out, except that of C K SUna'd who is emiiien ly filled for 'be complicated duties of 1 hat office. Vote for SVm (ialloway tor governor next Monday. If elected he will give ihe people a careful, honest, business almiiiis- tration If the legislature should a!t3nr,f lo Increase his salary, he will v.tto i'. on th spot. S.-e (bat1 the name of W K I'jtter is left uncamjeled on your ticket us your cho'ce, for eeassty commissioner. Ttic hl.iod is tSe sourer of health. K ,ii ll pure by taking ll'iod's S ir.apa- lla, wMcn is peculiar id lra self and su perior in strrnrh, eOOMO v. an I medical nerii . IttsisJ Prl - 'if--- iiii-.-iy vfi'ta:ie, raie fully (irepar -d Iroin the io't' liigredienis. 25 crn'S C il) 1 ten I' as. C'e'erv . S've t I'ot .toe's. New I .talous, 'i-r le. B Hcaiie I. ill w fin ynur Hinceri U S rt.i'.y Ii. ea J is rirst elas. Ca (i Kuond did between E I Iswcin hand I.) on aire' Is Parrying it too Far. Wo understand tbt Mr Johns on and Mr Dawson allege four things against Jeff Myers out of wLich they expect to make political capital for Ibemselve: Firat.thal Mr Myers voted for the general appropri ation hill. The Journal shows that he did, but Jeff do-'laros ho did not Homo days ago Jeff wrote to tho Secretary of Slates office to ascertain what was the original record. K C (iiltner chief clerk writes to Mr Myers, saying, that the original record shows that Jeff voted against tho bill, and encloses a copy of tho roll call, which is too plain to bo disputed. The writes has seen tho letter. Second, that Jeff voted for tho militia bill. Let the reader turn to page 7,r)7 of Senate Journal where final action was taken on the bill, and he will find that Jeff voted against the hill. Third, t hut he voted to repeal the mort gage tax law. Just let the reader turn to page 23 Senate Journal for 1893, and he will find there that Jeff voted against the repeal. Fourth, that Jeff wa one of the committee appointed to revise and cerrect the Journal at the c'ose of the ktaMB. i This is alleg d in order to prevent Jeff's ! denying the accuracy of the Journal in ref- erence to his vole on the. general appropri- -... .... . , . ation biU. This is iiot true. J 11 Loiney, of Marion county, and Henry blackmau, of Morrow, constituted thet committee. These- are bard facte, and Johnson and Dawson can not overcome them. It Is a . poo, w,v l0 ,0,4 i0 ,Uth unfair means io , dafea, , m&n It wilt finally hurt them 1 much worse than Jeff. CaMBM of liar. I Tlanra. Wasuinotos, May B. Senators lolph and Mitchell, iu their speeches on luinVr ( I today read largely from reports of the lumber manufacturers Of Urmi. Nearly all were protests against free lumUr. There was one no'ahle exception in lnman, Poulsen cV Co. l'ortland. The haid times are credited to the Shei- man act and the business stagnation is ex plained as follows: "The contributing causes of 'he st'jrn. i tion in business are undeubttil'y tbt- never ending1 howls from the ifpciMifM pr.'-1- Krarhrd tSrntrr. li:xvi:ii. May ia. Tonight :'.7 t'.xiy ites reached here from Salt I.i.e over Ihe lenverA Kiotirsnd road. To nundreJ ' of the men were the t'tsh contingent, un der the cvtuuiand of tleneral Carter. The t remainder are from California, and have : l-een 40 davs on the road from Stockton (They have experVnced ternb'e hardships , on the I' tali deserts and show ign Of hunger and great distress. a Brave Mather Astokia. May '2s. Sunday evening a child named Hendren, while playing in ti e yard in the rear ot his father s place of ; business, fell overboard, and would have 1 lrisbed but for tr.ei. bravery of bis mo" her . t . . a . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . i 1 a neiring me cnes oi uer waft -r ' I n . 1 . . t . 4 .1 . . -I I ith- . -. i i . mil :i ntonvn1. !.-! lit i .n nhtaeM ml tl.e ter. succeeding . succeedn in boidinc tb chi d op behy and agreeable substances, iu ' st,,:, tbe or the n.l of a beat manv exwUent qtialitiea commend it "f r - until 4 Uqwwr weleif Sa Kjuixctsco, May 2fi S : : warfare tr:-irt-ut the st:t t tn tem peranoei-i . arawd the;. aadt-wvholeeale Umor aad wtn-i .. , r of an rrancisc.1 hav formeJ the a!i:or nia Protective Associa'ion to offset the work of tbe prohibitionist. AiPMits i Ur new organi-i'.ion will be sent tbroujtb the state immediately to organir? affiliated a-sxuti:.a. in verv otintv. Hiuukmui. May K)Uert Hack, an .eccentric bachelor living near Cornelias, is . in iail at this place, cbareed with beinc 1 an accomplice in ihe murder of John D ljed nrk. the old lancber who was killed ; tbe nigbt of April 14 in be -raa h , and bis body buried in a neighboring com- post heap Wlliraase Traaaalr. TAHLt i. I T, May 7. -lleginning tomorrow. Trea'urer K K Start, of the , Cherokee nation, will commence tbe dis I bnrscment of i6.M0.00O to 4.:Mu Indians. twj,oftbellate ol , Cnfruk to tbe I'ni'ed Stales last year, and will he tbe largest amount of monv ever rvstd out to o lew people in me 1 niren .'aies. to say that serious troub'e will attend the dis tribution of this money is only lo fare shadow facts. Aa I (mi la a I Bill Washington, Mav '-T Senator Voor- hees has intr.iucMl an important pueeloe bill. It presides that T' r who re- ceive pension1, .rated by existing laws at 1 " l' "-. "-" '-aic meir to that atr.onnt Srv . ..1 ? ... . ciai provision is inane tna'- no wi t mt . pensions shall he less than $1J. a S'alal K AreMral . Nokth Yakima. Wash. May 7. A ' fatal accident occurred on the Northern Pacific, near Lsppeniah station 1 miles east of North Yakima, at an arlv knstr this :.. -t,in. as the result of the prevail ing Hood. An e-a.t l3und freiifiit wnt t through a bridge, crossing a s'ough, bury- i Int7 Kimmon V I M l.natii th man L- ; Kngine-- r Charle.' W,rtb. of Kilensburg! jumped as the engine was going down. and is now at the hospital suffering f m anaa invtni nu, ami iiiirruai luiiirir.. sen rai hroken ribs and Internal raunsii. I " CliF.EK, Colo. May 26 The I 5. 1 Uie strikinR j miners of the Cripple Creek district and ibe deputv sheriffs occurred at - a m W, iam liibideau. a deputy, and another dep uty whose name is unknown, and Hiram Crowley, a miner, were. killed, and "Dyna mite Shorty " and two others wounded. c.ullt, ar steresj. Saratooa, N Y, May 2C. The general assembly confirmed the judgment of tbe Cicicnali presbytery, by finding Professor Henry Preserved Smith guilty of heresy, nt 4:39 o'clock today, by an overwhelming rote. TLe result was reached after three tiresome dayB. Dr. Price's Cream I;, king Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Only a Scar Remains Scrofula Cured -Blood Purified by ' Hood'a Sarsaparllla. " C. L Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass. : " It Is with pleasure that I send a testimonial concerning what Hood's Harsaparllla has done for my daughter. It Is a woudurful medicine and I cannot recommend It too blgbly. Barab, who Is fourteen years old, has been a Afflicted With Scrofula ever since she was one year old. For flvo years she has hail a running sore on one shin of ber face. We tried every remedy recommended, but iiothlng did her any good until wu commenced using Hood's Harsaiiarllla. My marrleil daughter advised me to uso Hood's UarsaparUla because Hood'sCures It had cured her ot dyspepsia. 8he had been troubled with that complaint since childhood, and since her cure she has never been without a bottle of Hood's Harsaparllla In the house. We commenced giving It to Harab about one year, ago, and It has conquered tho running soro, Only a Scar Remaining aa a trace of tbe dreadful disease. Previous to taking the medicine her eyesight was allected but now she can see perfectly. In connection with Hood's Harsaparllla we have used Hood's Vegetable Tills, and And them the best." Mita. Maui A Obikki.v, Xaula, Illinois. Hood'a Pills cure nausea, sick headache, Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggilUk Stnte Democratic Ticket. NMtoM Oallortoy For liovernor hill county. m i lAhoway, if Yuni- l unsrrc--iiin. from the 1st di-tri. t -Hon I h" Weatherford. of Aliilinv. CoJagTMStmaa from 2nd dutril t lion las U Kalcry, f IVndletou. Supreme Jsrigt A S lleiinett, of Hie Dalle. Secretory of Mill.' -Charles Nickill, of I Jacksonville. I School Superintendent L' 8 Held, of ' Kuirene. '1 MMBW Thomas L I 'avidson. Salem. Attornoy Qaawndw-W M Holmes. at Salem. "X . State l'rinter--Jchb 0'ilrien.rf Portland. lrosectit!ng Attorney 1. 11 won- tae. ..... New Advertist'mems. o.m: ENJOYS Both the method and result when Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant mil refreshing to tho taste, and acta mntlvrcl nrmnntlv .n lU ITinon gently yet promptlj on tho Kidney, Liver and iwwcis, clearuws the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, bead aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. . . , hvrup M tlgS 19 the only remedy 0 iu kind ever pro- duced, pleaeing to tho taste and ac- ctntablo to tiio stomach, nromnt in if a a...., t Hhf I , anal a 1 in ila . Mi U ...... IIUI, l.r.. . . V . . . .. . . .. . effects, nrenarcd only from the most to all and have made it tiia most popular remedy known. SrniD of FlZ- is for Said in 50c and' 61 bottles by all leading drug, - , i.ii1a XIZJU -iSs " . .. . jPrrs may not have it on hand wul pro- I cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try jL LK not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM fUAMCOCO cu Utosvuu. a-r. turn roar. .r. SHERIFFS SALE tW Cirrm I Casvf ot SiaU o; On-pm i B C amler, F.aintiff. Jama H Shaban, lefeodant. lh i l..-rhT eivsii Ihst l.r v-rtn fan piseutkn sit I orvierot mHm 4'jtv MM out of the abiva names! court in tbe alwv antliie arti-;i lo me direci1 an I rfe.lvered. I will on Saturday 'b l..b day of Jon. UN, at Ihei fiTint rlrxirof llif Cosart Hous In lb city of Allnnv. Lion County. Or iron, at tb bour of 1 nVlo-k p m ? sal I di y. m1i at publio auction fee raab io hani to tbe hlgbt (driller tbe raal prarty dearrit esd in said execn'i.n and order fit aa'e aa follows, tow:i: Th SoatnMl quartar 1 1 Ssc!in No. 12 In Township No. 10 South oif Kan.o 3 East; of the vsil!aD.etle .eridian. in Uaa Countv. rr-aton. conladnina lH ar- Tbe ( pro-e-l ar wtn from a-d aae to osr sp P'leia uras unun r . UI :i ' i-l Ilia csiao an.! dxttiurx-menta cf aaid suit laxmi at and iha ro;a of an I up r. ui I ex cull'in. So.xanrl to tLe peyu'eni of th niaa -t f.'i.OO aa a natfwaii's attorney f. . the payironl to Iba n'ain lift heroin 1 tha -i" of Si.1 In Cn.lesl stales gild ooln ssi;h a-rnln inie ea: . Iheroon a' the . t,f ted ptW ceni 1 annum. Kourth iim -urn mi if anv thers , he be psi f over lo Ul aaid defendant til iisirsnrs'S'sm or lega1 ie remai vis Ist.d thi- lo h dav . f May. l-. C C Jai'ksix. Sheriff I.inn tronn'.y ( re GEO K FISH THK PLUMBER. Tin roofing and jobbing. Oppos te the , i .... , w , Ol' 1 HCM'ep. SlRticnery, Toilet Articles, Kuti instrument, Etc HoJ6s & HcFarlaflU, The (' rnei Dtt'g fttute,1 A. I st 1, NOTICE OF FINAL SElTiiMENT. Notice Is hereby klven that the n.h r .igned administratrix of the es ate of AI frcd Rre', deceased, has fi'ed her . coun as such Administratrix, In the coun ts enprt of I.inn county.Orcgon, and sld court lias fixed, Tuatdey, the ti.trd dav cf July, iSy4. at 10 o'clock a m as the time, aiul the countv court room, in Athanv. Oregon, as the p'ace. f ar the lu-aring of "all, and tke settlement of ob jections thereto if anv. 'Jatrd this May J ",rd, 18M MRn isARII Milts. Gaa W WRKiirr. Adnilntstratrli At'ornev for Admix. ASSIGNEE'S FINAL NO (ICE Notice la beielry given that the muter signed assig- ee iif ih estate of I, T Han lies an Iiiho 'vent debtor Hs Bled hit Baalaeeoaat s anon aeH(aea with n'p Has ne, Cnuntf (Hera, l.intt Countv. Or gon. All pt moils hnvii.g ol j r' 11; to u'b line1 ncconat will prtsent. 11 ctnon or before the first day of ihe Hex' r-gu lar June term of the t n 11 1 1 court 1 f I.inn I'oiiplv. Ihe Hiire b'ing Monday, .fun 25, 1891, r J McCr-a'aT. A. Hlgtl ,"OPS, hnoS, KdOf. Fura bred Silver J, Laced Wvaudotts. KgK f"r H-Uli' the Allan' I'oU try Yard. From pen No. 1 and 2, f l.SSptrriSi ae. No. Sfl per 11 B Flymoti'h Hooks, 75ct'r it. Jon Brush, Alliii v, Qr, m -lib ai 1 WAN I'Kn - fi shin I'anvHsser o g'Ml aililrea. tilli rai aalary anil i-x 1 o I- ! im ) uc"k ly; Pertntnent poal I lor, BKOWN BHOSC), Ntirsi ryine 1 J Foi t and, Orsgon. jOR KAROAINS in rial estate Hddreia r or o ill on James W Card well t Co., Jeffersjea, IUKK BRKU Silver Uced Wyandotte cjfps for safe bv l 0 v nod worth. Or. Price's Cream BaKi.ig Powder Parts years tM f-Unf in- -Wns'Kinoetdduuo)B. leau ui dr. ;iwt DRUGS World Columbian Exposition. Will he of value to the world by illustrat ing tne lmproemtnt In the mechanical arts and eminent physicians will tell you t'int the progress in medicinal agents, ha been (if ecpial, and as a strengthening laxative that S rup of Klgs Is far In advance of all other. ! I ' OV THE OUTSIDE that is the best place to keep the BUSti. old laslii'ini 'l lull. Just ide it becins t'V'the uiof soon an you pet it umi to trouble vnu. hat of I Buffering with it, when you can eet more help from Dr. fierce 8 Pleasant Pellets? Theso tinv, rutrar-coated granule. I do vou permanent cood. They act , .ml. II.. on. I . . 1 1 -. 1 1 . in. I li r. r-. n mst """; v. o reaction afterward. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derafttgenH Hts of the liver, stom ach, and bowelfl are prevented, relieve!, ainl j-ermanentlv cured They're the tttiallest, the easiest ! to take, and the clitapest for , they're guaranteed to give satis faction or your money is re turned. Yon pay only for the ffootl vou get. Nothing else urged ' iv the dcah r, Utoogfa they may be better fr htm to tell, can bo " jtiat as good " for you to buy. SHERIFFS SALF. Mil or. Hale. va Tlal Kan'i o! on, J W llmp n L aalot 0 f thr iff. Riai laeai W S llsoc nl re leli datita. MnaeiekaMby livealfcal byviriueo. an einofiao an 1 ider f lu r .lo y l-au-out of tbe iSove tian.e.l court in this bov entiiied suit to me dirrctm s.i del. v. red I will 00 Salur iar tie l' th day cf Joo. is:s. a' me ir i.'. ooor ! th tourt tlote id the city el Albwoy, Ij-ri l'ooiii, OragSWL at the h ur of I m9mmck p t of ;. dat . r .. V. 1 1 . -f . . . n a, . . I A 1. . I 1 K . " - . t 1 1 id 1. 101 i tnr M(rbet bidder th- r. prop t eletcritwd lb said eicttittua and titder f ss! as fcl- lo, towic Hri.iC. at a p-'t on .--w j W . ; ma irc W in iihys moe (SI i- tl s- Hy of JJlawil ljun Ccoatt. . . . ... t , all (r fc- arets-rrls fan ibe I orth -sat lormr cf .svl .'. thre 7.-. and roeni- ti hne rf .d :nercr ro.ioer;s at.1 far . : wi'b the : em b nndara ' swi I I I nUe hot drvd frt m r. or ! tn tl r.r.r I !. . 1 , L -!.- . -sad ' '.icsr-hene- r. I dell I . sod lea tekea, t-eeoa aertbarls o tb 1' bep-eie, n.e preea-dt ari from ' ate to t ti iie-d aa in :d ei p.!r ,!:pr(..r ....... i pat tufst i f the cxiita of ajd ain iittiki eatiae) wad eipaaii wf awt aad tk, , ,:,.,; coals of suit taxe-1 at SO , aixs tbe for- :n-r iin or ?.i oo, in c i s and if .cse s;o3 the farmer eircatic -ad la th. p rrentii Ih attrrorja fin ik aum of , SiM); seoood, I o the pas meat f tbe aoso-nt , doe to ihe plant;fT hesie, from ih Oaak jfcf Oregon mad J W B'-ain towi: : the asm . of MHLM a-d isterest tbereoa flora Uw , ad dt of November. ISM, : the rat ct 10 0"f ct per aeoom. aod u. ih rsr--tn . ' nr th- uron.' die TO in a aaid plain-id from . lb Kaok of Oreenn alone, to aril : the som : V ."-.. "ill interval there-a from tbe 2id day of Noveraket, 193. at tbe rsfe . ..I . m iu pvr pr anrnm an.l Xhr. rrra,aa aav.mlll be paid over to lb defendant, the Back ol 11 re 10 tr it.s rer-reseoU- Date-f this 9ts day tf Mav. UM. C a ksu. Sh i'J f l.-nn "oocty O 1 H D B South Mi. : Notice for Puraiication Lure Orria, Ukav.ox Ctiv. ( Mav :tt. in. Ilnber Lead, Act Jao 3. ISTs. N.lice ior pa - I XuCir-i hvtiy nen that in oujpliacr ar.tS tasa pcwsrtaMsoc taasaes ..f .nr. ..f Jar..- a I i-T- aataiee -JS mat tW tin-aaie ff uratarr Lan.! ,a ,x' "lli atifoniia. (Invun. Nevada and WasntMbsa Tnurf." - exti-ed.-d to ail t'io Puh.ic t,a Sr-lna hy art ..! Aur.-t t. l-VZ- hari-" II ItaJrm;.Ir. i.f Alhar.i . 1 ..uM) af Linn Stall- el trviron. Baa th- lav tu.-.l in tin -.-I hi sworn tiitn-t N .. f,.r the pan-has f . the S K ", ..f S.-ii..r. so IS in T..-mhij- So le S. j llaiure X. fjtft. and wiil .-tt-r prmf to snow .t-ai t!.- l:id Mxiaht i more valuable (as ila umber or Maaa than f.-r aanetillaral t..n-"- and u, r-atahliah ln rlairr. to sanl lard before tr..-Ii.vt.-r ami itereiver of thi oflke at (r-on ( .i;. thMB..n. a Fn.lajr. Ithc llh Jai ..f u f He trai. a- -itneea.-.: I. H.lme. V V 1U-hjw!. A Wink. A Kit. .In e- all t.f Alhani.tien. Any and all r iairauia dren-l the l. ,,. l-arr:tl land are mja.t d u til- their rlaitna 1:1 thi aSBos on ..r he.'or.. -uil tul- .Ur of .. anft. 1-t. KuBSLBT . VlMJta. KiU'r SUMMONS. In l' Circuit Comrt for Limn Comnly.Siatt of Oregon: 0 Cushlng. PlalnlifT vs W VI 1 IpB, Tefendant. To W Thl!i, the defen 'atit atxave Mated IH THK NMKOF THE STATE OK CREOON: You are hereby reqaited to apt r ami answer Iha complaint fl el agiiia- you in t.e alaove entitled action, now on li e with the Claris of the ab. ye .entitled court, bj Ihe rtis: day ot the n xt regular term ol the above ehiitled court, next tVlftdwag the ol ihe asrvloa i f this im :110 m hr pablteattea towlt: by the fourth Monday Ir Juna. Ism, ihssims tieing the tStQ lay or June, It'll and if .you fai ao to siltWe r, 'or want thereof lh plaintiff vlil dintnl aiiainst vou for the am lake nut oemanded iu Ihe aaid coirptaint tawlu fcr tae aeas of two huntrni .1 : lan, wi'h inieieat ihereon frooa Ma I. IraW at lias rate of eUht per cent per an 1. inn aeil p.s'il tcgetber with tha costs ai d dl Ii iriHinenl ot thi t iion M l tastii and far aa order of eoartfbf ihe ssie .. v w '4 of See ti. Tp 1 s of K "J K M 1 fJnn Oonnty, Oregou. coriain intt 180 arrea, the "sine I as'ing b-en hare totoxa duly aliaeh-ai by the aheritT ol UanOoonty i. tMeaenoar Thi pblieeiiOu la made by order of Hon lieo 11 Kurnelt, jadge ef the a tans e ent Itled ooort. dnly made in chambers in the ciiy of Sa'eiu, in Marion r.utnv, Orron on the llh 14 y of May, UM, and now on file with Ihe'elerk of tho alove entltU il enait. W W McCiedie, dl Wright A Tmtsing. Attorneys for p alnllff NOTICE OF FiNAL SETTLEMENT. Notice ia hereby given lbat th under signed executors of tho last ill and tea tairent of JsnsIh Btrr deceased have filed their final account with the county olerk (if I.inn county, Oregon, ami ihvt the ooanty oouri has appolnaed Monday, the second day of Jirj.lSPI. MtlOo'ciickn ill of aaid day, lor hearing saM aoeoant and HcttlliiR said estate. Any persona hay lug any otjctions 10 Ihe settling of sa'd estate are i.otlficd lo i. present at the above time and preaaai the name. May IS Ia 8 V HaR Weat'ierfiitd Wvatt J K Basa A ttj a ful Kx. Kxeeutors US BAKERY . Fresh Br ad Every D y, Pies, Cakes, etc Special orders solicited. G I) VANDYKE, Proprietor. 2nd s reet, between Kllsworth Ac Lyon )r. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Furo Orape Cream ot Tartar Powder. Sure Cure for Sprain, Bruise or Hurt ! ft ST. JACOBS 01 L You'll Use if Always for a Like Mishap. Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. AND See Their Nice Dress Pattern and Trimmings. Also Their La dies Fine Shoes. As Many Pounds of Sugar. ! for a Dollar antI every tiling in Albany, at Julius GradwoMs at the comer of Decond and Ferry st: 3et. vour eroeeria aiul crockery ware. G.C MOON. Su:cfor Flour and Opposite Chffpd Fe - Ha 00 hacJ ii ra a-r: K . a foil sto Swhea', K. fa., 'Jit'. FORTMILLER S IRVING rndertakcrs K t fcr (m'lir' i cn I ar d c fT.ra. Also belt! utea ar9 -hich will be aaad at Tlsr Leweal EMBALMING -n,J ,h proper HO EXTRAs CHARGfe FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE , ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOl The Oregon Land Go V':r. its iA.l.iDl-: - " WocL minri Liberty A KKS ;i sn?0iahv Of RnnnVSlrfia fr l-.if trnrtv ner Aslam I . U'ili kcII R. 10 nr 11 "r- arc ml I rash psy roeni or particular's. NEW : FURNITURE, V srultE iS HOW FULL Or FIRST-CLASS FCRNTTCKK. CONMSTINC f beo notn.sU. .chsir. iconea, etr , ahtch Twill sell at BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY Ja .IOKI.PII rn : ' -7iaWe7 1 1 hi: i 111 as rota it 1'hkr.n v MANHOOD RESTORED! cuarmu-sel tocurv icrrtudtMaW!.&us. i u S. ca . d U a t pj - vt r c .tiTtt. n. utfm - jWl atama. which irduklnnrn 'YtT cxrini-n. yoMititi . tal 1 11 f ANV A srx i a i'is m-i . viprpi,i.ra ey man ptvaat Vritb A onlpr w , titr r W rlllett euartmless tea e- ra sr-e a a- r..-..' a ! 0.1 a . EIDtlnilCls'iMH. A"a for it. ia., liU.KkUM.i. l:iu.uiai.i-ivr. AuJrv Ko 1 J J A. i'1'VVl". II. 11. HYUK. W. B. D-MHKOBK. 1. 11. JAMKs ALBANY FOB CO., t OPOBATETJ ft.l(ini(ire Block. - - - Albanv, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of lAKKKTAKIX. in all it-s branches. EMBALMING a-aaeeialty. Reaidaaot hut Unl uml Calupooia Re al Estate, Collectio 1 Ins. Ait. Albany, Or. Oount; Warrants Bought and Sold. else a cheap, as at any sto:e New Store. all there for to I A Morr's Feed Store Russ House. ,lo:vaili Fnr, Brar, Sborta Oer S raw, Ft all as. Ai and EnibalmerK. lul! Iim of xt ta'ic. l ir. sr.c s in t rraccloib. iii r a caaS el ai set ,s tiia I . fa Proflu. carr of ihe dead a apedalty home, office - - OEEGO 3" and :"late street, branch cce !n Portiana' - - " ---' s sav .1 a. SBl wm V IU aorta loti 5fl t.- ftfiO rs lone time on ba'nnoe PRICES. Thos. BriDk. i'roprletor9 Cabinet photos from $1.5010 $4.00 per doien. Enlaigine pictures a specialty. irax.o cravon; framed for $10.00. Ve rarrv a laree stock of 5x8 and steresccp'e views of Or egon N t.KVE HI t wi-t. Jstrfnl resti-ess t ak. UMriM I .... .-.r Rrt.s- --rmiiirsa. a.wi .waoui-aj, -1 . K D 1 , T XX- JM OttS, JSC s-.f psiwer T lT"TTirl:Vt t .--; .f eslitas- aa w e- -rran. em-v.-eus-oi ttshadv -..rainnt .'ratim. tlrml! r. 1 nurii m :.tit sip I n ,-- . 1 V. . a a rt.MMbcr. Wrtle f r il i;. r av.,t - X CKV3K1D - rwat t tw4 by BOOQM t ' rw-i Star Bakerj I srKr H,tlblu anal Firal ale CONRAD 1VEYIP- PK0FRIET8R aau i rraiie, U'auskwssrss, Orled Fralla. Tebatsea, "r, odee. Ktw.s t aunr.1 Mew turrnsr Vegetable, tlg-ra Sipirea. Tea, Ktc., lat evaryth.c that is kept in n't and iraiieery stere, UtVhiMt market price paid for AJ.L KINDS OP PRODUCE PIANOFORTE LESSONS. W Gifford Xash is now arepaml to receive a limited nutu her of pupils. He will be at the residence of Mrs Christine Monteith, corner of 9th mid Ferry streets, ou 'Wednesday after noons and Thursday mornings in each week, commencing on Wednesday next 9th inat. Oregon Pacific Railroad. H.l LACK. Bceelter. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. o CoonCirK with steamer qnina sod san Frarciieo. Homer ttwen Ya mum . nucnoi Homei aaia FYr.y 20tt, aUrch 2, 12 25, and Slat, raoa vsa'-iit. Hamer ami!. Fb 2Mb, March 7, '.7, std 27th. The Company rawer to tb ngnt to hange stalling data wtbont rotlea. For freight ard paai-en ?er rtes apply lo any agent. t liar lea J Her ins. Son k t' . Kb 2to8 aeaxket St fan Francises Calif. Clark iffi;iir. C'Mitlia f:$fn SHERIFFS SALE: fj tk' I'ircuil Co-'tlof tir. StaU oj Oreg fo tie county tfl,iu. KKV pmvyer, L H Lasaell and - rt Hue km n cor art oeta d tng bofna undfr the firm name and of the Uarrtabarg Lumber Company. va Eugene Bashaw P.aint;. Defend aut . Kotice ia hereby gen that ny virtue of an earerot'on and order of stale duly issued out of the above court in I be above enti 'led action to me directed and detiTerei, I will on Saturdai 't- Iftth day of June. i the front dior of the Court House ! in tbe city of Albany, Linn Count, Ore coo. at th hour of 1 cVdock p m of asid 1 nav will at nnhliit muHm t .... .. I ! hand to the hlghe bidder, ail the right, j title and interest of t b defendant to the ; real property described in aai 1 ezecaticn and order of aaie aa fot lew, tow it: Lot 1 So 4 of the HarrishurK Ltnd C mpany' iand aurveysd and plat --! from their Fnller tract in Linn Count-. Oregon, tbe same h vi-sg been dnly attaehwt by me in aa,d action on tbe in i day tf February, 1893. Tbe proce Js ansring fn 01 said aa:e to be app'ied to tbe aatiafacti-in of said execution and the etata and expenee cf Mid aata. De'-ed this 15;h day of May. :U C C Jl ESOS. Sbe.-UT of Linn C iunsy , Ore. Notice for Publication I". s. LiNo Orrica t Obeg-.v Citt.Oe. Jaly 3 d, 1893 N li-S is ere' y eivec that in complixte ar.:n th oaorunoaa of tke act of Concrtra f j Jure 3. 1STS. eatitted "An set for tbe sale of : imber laoda in th of Calif rwia.Ore- 1 go?, Nevadi, aoi M'aaMntoe Territory, ' a extesds-d to a 1 pebtte v d statta oy act of As. as'. 4. vViHiam J siitk, f Niagara, canty of t Maraon, sute of Orecoc, baa it .day filed ' us this office kia v rn statement No 283C for the per c hate of tee F j r-! tke N W J .f tbe 8 K j, aod the N E W cf the S W "4 Secuo- No 9, in toansbip N'- 10 Satb Ktnge No 4 East, sad awsfsi proof to bow that tbe land roogbt is sore Tainable for its Umber or stole than for ri-oit6ral porraosea, and to catab:ish kia claim la said land before tbe Eeasater atd Eieeiver af . this oft oe at Oregon City, Orsgcn.oc. Wed nday, the ll'b day of Jaly. 1S94. He names as witse: rt Tlieoige, J S Is -y era, C I H:rjk e. A'ien milh, : 11 of N a.-a-a. Van. n Co, O r. Aa aaad all pe aona claimisadveise!y :r afxtre d -can bed land ate ncj-e-t-d to tie tbetr c'aims in ibis office cn -r befo.e said ilth day of Jaly. Is94. RoBKfcT A V LLlEaV Begiatar. CITATION ' tit C.'.,.-. Comrt of tie Stair ror fae Comttj of Lm of Ongon la tbe matter of the aata i ii - rriiiTii of Clara I Tc Laurence Erfaart Derrti IVrr:Der, greet uaa;. IN "BE NAME OF TBE ! aTE OF ORHGON; Ten are fcereb. eixd and re qaieed to appaar in the osaaty eosrt of the ' s ate cf U egae, f or the Coantr of Lion at ihe court room thereof, at Albany, in the County of Lana, on Saterdav the S.h day of Jane. 1S&4. at 10 o'elock in tbe harexaooo of that day, thee and tbe e to she w aaes if ; any voa have why aa o-der should cot istae oat of tbe above entitled ocrurt direct ' ma and Iieecsing John Dfa-rizsger tbecaly appointed adminiatratcr ot' tKe estate cf ' Clara D imager, deceased to sol tbe real j properly belon.iog lo tbe eetaee cf tbe 1 aai i above earned deceaa d, dssctited aa i-ws. towit: Tbe ordiv-ided oce i interest ia and to lot No 4 in b.-ck No oe hundred and three (10j to Hackleman's ad iitaoa to the city of Albany, Lino Coon ty. Orafoo, aa the the a sate is designated and described cn the plats and sa-vevsof aaid etty. now on riie in the ffice of " the eeonty recorder of Lion Caaotv. C retor. Ine by order of tbe How N rbxeeao, jadge of the Coantv -f ifec State of Ureajoo, f.w the Ore v of i.tna ,tj the ea. of aaid .-.-e- rha.d, tbia ITrts cay of Atiil, 1S94. AUest. N r Pavss, clerk . Notice for Publication 0 8 Iind PfBce Or 14 Notice ia hereby given that in coenpli. ance with the pioyiaksas of the act of Congress of Jane 3. :7S entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the tates of California. Oregon. Nerada and Wasb iugon Territory", aa extended to all the public land states bv act of Anon., a 1 1S9I, Collins W Eikina. cf Aibauv . ."S nn'v j of Unn state of Oregon. has this 'day riled in this otnee his sworn statement No rt for th parehaseof the Northwest of section No. 12 io township no. 10 S range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuablefor its timber or store than for agricultural purposes.and to establish his ciaim to said land before the Register and Receiver of '.his orBcc at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday the 1 9th day cf June, 1S94. He name as. witnesses: Jos 'NVhitcey and 0 Winn, ot Albanv. L W Laughead. ot Ha stead, C H Laughead. of Yaquina Clt Oregon. Any and all persons c'aimin adversely the above described lands a requested to file their claims in this offi on or before said 19th day of Jun 1S04. Robert A Miller. Registe . v, EXECUTOR'S NPTICE Notice is hereby given that tf; under s'lftitd was on the zVii day .f March. 894, duly appointed Executor of the last svid and statement of E L Knox, deceas ed, bv the Countv Court of Linn County. Oregon. This is therefore to notify all persons uavinc claims against said de ceased to present Ihe same to meat tiae Court-house in Linn Countv. Oreeon svith the prcipcr voucrrers within s months from the date thereot Dated this 6th dav ef April. iSeu W R Bilreu. ' Nlmrod Pasne. Attorrey for Executor. Executor-. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ia hereby given t'jat the under aigned. exeentora of the last will and teas lament of Parmelie Jacobs tteceaeed, have ti ed their final aoeoant wnrtfae county clerk of Linn County Oregou, and that the countv court ot said Linn eoun ty has fixed Monday. Jniy 2nd. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of .-aid day, fur the hearing of objections, if any, to said final account, and the settlement of said estate. Dated this May -1st. ; -i W DV" Walton. O A Taylor, Kxecuto rs .sioaaj ataraet. Wbea' ,40e. Oats, 30o. I lour, IS.OU. Butter, 13x higs lOo. laird, Vi to 15c. Pork hama 12 to 15a; ahouldera,srto10ei al.n-'. II to 13c Hay. baled, 7 aloes, tiK Apples , 4 Hops. lrio. Dried trull -pluuia, 9c, apples, 9e. Chickens, tl 00 per dosaa.3 Beef, on fc 04, lXe. Hogs, die see J. 5,s,c.