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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1893)
HE MOKE CONSIDERATt- Tlie Telegram tells about Governor PennoyergUng tc Oregon City to meet the U S Fish commlnioner and Phil Metchn out me utter olhcer not being there the governor quietly wended his way to the llaptlst church and listened to a sermon reached by Rev Oilman Parker. Now, ii he governor' eoing ,o church ao rare a thing that It must needs bt published In the dally newspapers? And then the governor la slid to have "quietly " wended his way 10 church. Well, of course, he wended "quietly" if he wended at all, for the governor Is an educated gentleman and knows how to deport, (this Is not used in a legal sense.1 Mms-lf as such We protest against this kind of notice with reference to our chief magistrate, for to say, as the TVIegram did, that the governor wended his way quietly to church tray lead many to believe that the governor usually goes in a boisterous way to church. In the ab stract we can not ste that it Is Important that the governor went to church for on that same day t'o thousand of Albany's beat citizens went, and no one thought of publishing the names of these church goers. Neither was it important that the governor went quitWy for Albany's two thousand, each and every one went quietly, and so uniform is this habit of going quietly that no one attaches any impoitance to it. It may be that the Telegram thought that our governor, having in mind th vicious and vigorous attacks bring made on him by the Salem mtVenreni, the arawr's Journal and other populist papers and populist leaders, could no very well go to church in a placid state of mind, but if so the Telegram should have said so and not have made statements fions which conclus ions hurtful to the governor could be drawn. The truth is the 7legrsss made an un savory mess of the whole affair for, to clap the climax, it tells that the governor went to the Falls City on Sunday to meet the U S Fish commissioner and State Treas urer Metchan from which people naturally infer that official business took them there, but finding they could not attend to the business the governor as a minor matter went to church. It is to be hoped that the Telegram hereafter will be more cooalder ate of our governor. NFW YORK DEMOCRATS. Tne democratic state convention of New York adopted the following platform and ticket: 'Tne transfer of the legislative and executive branches of the federal govern ment (o the democratic paity wss none too soon to correct, even if too late to avert the widespread distress caused by unsound plutocratic republican legislation, to re peal the unwise and unjust llws of repub lican origin, the democratic party is pledg ed and may safely be trusted to reconstruct our currency and tax laws in accordance with popular reeds and sound political principles. Recent events have emphasized and confirmed the utterances of the demo cratic platforms of 1S91 and 1892, and the democratic national platform of last yeai. In denunciation of the Sherman law provi ding for the compulsory purchase and storage of silver bullion; and in reiteiating that condemnation we again demand the speedy anJ unconditional repeal of the last's obnoxious provisions." The platform further favors liberal provisions for all dis abled Union soldiers, widows and depend ents; congratulates Cleveland on the ausp icious beginning of bi administration; pledges earnest support in mil efforts to secure the enactmen' of democratic meas ures ani the carr) ing out of democratic policies, and especially approves his patriotic action in convening congress in extra session. The following ticket was then 00m Lasted : Secretary of sta'e. Cord Meyer, of Queens ccunty; corr.ptn.ller, Frank Campbell, renominated; treasurer, Hugh Daffy, of Cortlandt county; attorney-general, S W Rosendale, of Albany, renominated; state surveyor, Mtin Schenck, renominated associate judge of the court of appeals, I H Mayaard, no filling the place by appoint ment. Maynard', nomination caused con siderable oppositou cn the ground that his record was not clear, but it went through, nevertheless. The convention was con trolled by Hill and his friends. A dispatch comes from St Louis saying that the outline of plan for a new na tional parly is the outgrowth of the Pan American Bi Metallic convention recently held here has been publiahed. Free silver is to be the istue and it is hoped to draw all the free coinage supporters fiom the old partis. A convention is to be held in Atlanta in December, it is said, at which a permanent organization will be effected. We think it proper to sav that there will not b - enough in Ihe fiee silver question six m mihs after dale to build a poli leal party on . The oldest flute in the world is made of the thigh bone of a sheep, and was found in a tomb on the Nile. The highest church steeple In the vorld is tha o the (.'a hedrsl of Antwerp, 476 (ett. "Only the Scars Remain," Says Heney Htjdsox, of the James .Smith W oolen Machinery Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age , of 18 years, I bad swellings came on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores . Our family phy sician could do mi! no good, and It was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Barsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sorrs healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Barsaparilla has dose me. I now weigh two hundred aud twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have, been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Bar saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's SarsapariHa Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you 1 hi I leal B Wf KMMIi The Evening TeUgram says that the Albany Democrat "actually denies that silver Is recognized as money by the consti tution." It expresses great surprise at th: position taken by the Democrat. But really the Democrat has the greatest cause for sUrpilse surprise at '.he statement made by the Telegram. The Democrat has never said directly or otherwise, that silver is not recognized as money by the constitution. It has never said anything that even squinted In that direction. We call upon the 7elrgrm to tell its readers when and in what issue of the Democrat is denied that the constitution recognized silver as money. Either do that or confess that it made a groundless statement. The Democrat said In an edltoiial a few days since that "ihere is not a word In the con stitution about free coinage," that "con gress has the power to coin money out' of any meta! whether it be silver, gold, copper( lead or nickel.'' We did say that the con stitution recognized and confeired upon congress the power to coin money from silver bullion. But if the Telegrsm means to say that the constitution at the time of its adoption recognized our silver coins now in use, or any silver ever coined oy the authority of congress, as legal money, thee its position is ridiculously absurd for at that time no American money had been coined. The Tetgram quotes the constitution ss follows :"Congress shsll have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and ol foreign coin," and then follows up by say ing: "It was a bare power, ciupled with no interest, and without discretion." It was not a bare power, if by that the Teleg-am means it was a limited power, for 1 he lan guage is broad, ample and full, meaning that congress shall have full, sovereign and unlimited supervision of tne whole matter of coining money. Under this grsnt of power congress may provide k.r the un limited and free coinage ol all the si'ver bullion produced in our own country, o: it may provide for such coinage of all bullion brought to our mints whether produced in our own country or any otter country. It may constitutionally provide for the coinage of two millions, four mil'ions or any other limited number of silver dollars per month. All this it may do in connection with the unlimited or limited coinage of gold. The Telegram says the power of congress to coin money is without discretion and that congress cannot demonetize or discriminate against either gold or silver. This is a surprising and astonishing statement. There is not a line or word In the constitution that justifies such conclusion. Let the Tele gram tell its readers whst words limit the discretion of corgress In matters of coining money, and what words in the constitution prohibits congress from demonetizing either. We trust the Telegram will carry out its contemplated educational campaign for the benefit of some of the democratic (or otner pvess, for we know of no place where it is so much needed as la the T'legram office. And when stirted we think the Telegram editor should be its c'osest and most indus trious student. MAY BE. The following dispatch comes from Washington and may or may not be true. We predict the latter: Cleveland is getting ready for the issue of gold bonds, probably $100,000,000 either under a corapromne silver bill or under authority of the treasury department already had, J Pierpont Mor gan, of Drexel, Morgan k Co, who floated the former issue of bonds, has just bad s conference with Carlisle and Greshsm. lie goes back to New York with the informa tion that the best compromise that can be ma!e with the silver men is tr continue the purchase of 2,000,000 ounces of silver per month for three years, and to authorize hoods for the purpose of increasing the gold reserve to $200,000,000. The silver men may insist on the purchase of $2,500. 0)0 per month. If they do, they will con seat to a provision permitting the national banks to issue circulation to the par value of their bonds. Cleveland may repudiate the proposed compromise, and may evtn ssek to head it off by announcing that he will provide for the bonds under the au thority he already has. Carlisle's emphatic denial of the report from Paris that the United States wss seeking to arrange a $100,000,000 bond issue abroad .and his beautiful declaration that no bonds would be issued by the democratic administration nave no bearing,on the situation. All the republican papers and the Ex a miner and Evening Tikfan have howl ed because the administration ha not en forced the Geary law. Rome was not built in a day; neither can a siries of great reforms be carried out in the 6rst few weeks of a session .f congress. The fi nancial qu-stion will he satisfactorily set tled, tSe tariff will be p op:rly adjusted and the Chinese will vaca'e unlets the Supreme Court decides Otherwise. Collec tor Wise, of San Francisco has received instructions that will enable him to send away the un register e I Chinese as soon as the Supreme court has passed on Ihe esses hat now bead the calender, provided, of course, that the decision b against the Chinese. The instructions, which came In the form of a telegram signed by Secre tary Carlisle, snthorlzes the Co leMor to pay the expenses of Chine e ordered de ported to that city snd to pay their steam er passage out of the ci'.y . Klamith Falls Exprus Tne platform adopted by Ihe republicans of Massachusetts favors the unconditional repeal of the silver purchasing chase of the Sherman ac ; recommends the gold rest rve be ttrcnthencd; commends ihe course of ihe rapublicans In congress on t t ui iiicy ques tion; hclds the democracy la e y rc-ponsi ble for the fi .anttal depression; cerlarca for protection and Sgafsst free trade under any guise; favors nstlo; opposes a stat? bank currency; criticises the sdminls tra' ion's attitude toward the pensioners, for violation of the civil service law. and for cst.ring to high offitrrs b campaign con tributloas. Kreleii 1 l.r-cn was nominaud lor governor by accUmation; Licu't iun' Governor Wolbott was icnomi na'nl, Secictsry of State W M Olin was renoinlna en, alK J W K'mball for auditor, a. I by acclamation. Wc hope S iiatoi V.Kirliee may succeed In geiiing nisht ssfSsmis A. ) thing that will end tsik and fore; votu,ig Ohsrruet ion Is not naietnisnsld.j. an-l the will of the maj iriiy should he respected on all ques Ions, no matter bow s'rrngly insy differ ailh tliat nuijoriiy, ss e do at pres ent on this tilver question. But tho'e silver advocai. a now nyrjve this fillibustcrii.g, will have to take a differ ent course when the Federal election law and Ihe tariff schedule shall come'e theSer.ste. If it is proper on ibis bill, Ihey "t !,-v '.- 1 i"... ,... (,, , ti Dl"'Hic Mi..ui iiic Ii4v rigins which shou'd be rttpecteH, nut under our Sjstem of governn ent, majorities mil. t rule, and the people have their recourse t ih lot box. Portland DHpa'eh. hal It lias t een Ascovr.l lint i observed to appear In marble remained for a ptiio l In sea caused by sn insect. hoi. s o'trn list which water arc A WIND BAG PUNCTURED For an oily dodger commend us to the tariff editor of the 7ime Mountaineer Senator Dolph has introduced a bill pro viding that machinery for the Oregon jute mill shall lie admitted free of duty. The t'orvallis 2Vies calls the attention of the arctic senator to the fact that Mr Dolph and his party have repeatedly proclaimed from the stump that placing n duty upon an imported article does not affect the consumer for, as they say, the foreigner pays the duty. The TVnics in its unsophis ticated way wants to know what Dolph is driving at when he asks that such machin ery be admitted free. Why does he want to relieve these bloody foreign Britishers from paying this duty? McKinley is on the stump today in Ohio proclaiming that the foreigner pays the duty. What seduc tive influence has been brought to bear upon our senior senator to induce hhn to thus legislate in the interest of Great Britain'? British gold? Perish the thought; and yet, But let us look into what .he Mountaineer says: SThis iute factory at Sniom Is n shite l institution, and will not compete with any department or labor, it is experimental as a means to furnish labor for convicts, whereby the state may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in their keeping. Under such circumstances. Uie machinery for tne mill would be considered differently than if it were to be used in a private enterprise and for the benefit of an individual or corporation. It would be a manifest in justice to apply the same rule to both these . instances, and protection aims to deal fairly . wuu ait muuMi ie itiiu lumc huu orccu. gaged in operating them Hut the state must be indifferent about the removal of the duty if the foreigner pays it. An I then placing a duty on an imported article does not increase its price, say these protectionists, hence its of no benefit to the state to remove it. Accord ing to the ifouaiiriaeerV theory no one can be benefitted by removiug the duty except the foreigner. We leave the Mountaineer to tell its readers why it is laboring in the interest of British manufactures. IWOIIIIItlM EDKF.MKD- The democrats in the lower house of congress have redeemed two pledges made in the last presidential campaign. They very promptly repealed the Sherman law and Ihe federal force election laws. The bill to repeal the election law passed the house yesterday by the large vote of aoo lo tol. Now let the senate promptly repeal the Sherman law tor it stands in the way of a larger and safer use of silver, sod the election laws for they stand in the way of a tree expression of the public will. republl- Some of f..e shallow sad cal'a can organs throughout the country keep up the campaign pietense that Ihe business 1 depression is due to the result of the last election. Are not tariff and other taxes just as high as the republicans left them? Is not the treasury s'ili suff.-ring fr;m the republican deficiency ? Is not the gold re serve just about as 'Calico Charlie" left it? Are not compulsory silver purchase s ill going on under a law passed by ex clusively republican votes and signed by A republican president? What has changed except the incumbency if fie higher oftic- 1 SB and the purpose of the govrrnmeut in Relation toNhe wrongs and Ihe evils which the people condemncc? Too many partisan lourna's are coonucted oa Ihe theory that the ptopl: are fool. Pesfsr the populist senator fiora Kansas has introduced, by request, a bill providing for the coinage of all the gold and silver in the treasury and all that will be offered and for issuing enough paper money to bring the volume of currency to $6,000,000.0 0. Of this $600,000 000 will be distributed to the states-and territories pro rata, accord ing to population, to be expended in public improvements. The bill further provides ; that all citizens of the Unfed States offerO ing their labor will be- employed under conditions of the bill. Peff?r said he did not consider the coun'ry rips for such legislation yet- Bismarck collects thermometers for amusement as other men collect coins or stamps or canes. Hardly a window in his bouse is without one, and altogether be has fully thir'y of improved make about U place. Th prince has a great fondom for tru Hnmli pa-afinn In ths frirMt hssmri his cattle there are many Muirrel boxes and j i - j ... s-s. i, w.l bird houses, tbe occurants of which have bsen so well treated that they come down the trees to receive tbe caresses of visitors The Minneapolis 7Vsfhrae because the bail J era of thit using an Ohio saodstone. As sandstone Is cheaper than Ihe complains .Slate are the Ohio Minneso- ta article the difficulty might be over-come, did not the Constitution stand in the way, by a good stiff tarifTon ihe prodect of Ohio. According to the McKinley theory tbe Minnesota people would not only be pro tected by this plan but the Ohiu people wouid be romp. -lied to py ibeir sandstone las. The Toledo Blade asks if when i Jovernor Campbell, takes the stamp for Larry Neal j b) will ask those laborers who have had their wages raised to raise their bands. Why no. ? The McKinley law has sorely been in operation long enough to have s fiir trial, and it would be interesting to know just how many American laborers have bad Iheir wages increased. We do not want (be senate abolished, bet we wsnt it reformed. It ought to be made to adjust itse f to the American idea of m ijorify ru'e. All oar institutions are based on this idea, and the senate should not be an exception. It should not be permitted to tr'fle wiih public interests and to defy public opinion under the pre text of maintaining the traditions of the senate. An Ki'jf'i-h jrurnal limes that n Bristol firm has bern using a lnd saw forty-seven feet loop, since 1870, 'he leereM cut be ing seven fori, tlircugh o-k. The majority in the have no rights which hound to respect . senate appears to tbe minority 'feels A Medical Firm Gires Away Casb. J. P. Smith & Co. of No. 856 Green wicb St., New York, the manufactur ers of that favorite cathartic known as Smith's Bilo Beans, have adopted s novel pi: n. They ask the individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans (cither size) to their office, and they give 5 for the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and $1 for the 2d, Sd, 4th, 6th and 0th. Every day $10 in cash is thus sent to their cor rcapcndcr.'.x .".skforSMAXiLbizo. Thr Test BnsAfc in this city s I'.iri er Bro-. Tn. v j.M.d I, esd for ..II who 1 eed 1 . d nl l en the he, t o.L ies, aV e, etc Ui cad h-ad, Thcfr lo k f srr c.j is H.d und thetr p o iIucb is ti-e, end flsdss 'hJ islent.. When you d al wiihtrit in ton will gjt fi at cla t en ment cud tbe esr 111 ihe ma-kef, abether in goods or groceries. CLOSURE HUtTHK 8KNATE. It is practicable to adopt a rule that will enable the majority of the Senate to bring any matter before that body to a vote without infringing at all on the proper rights of the minority. Senator Hill has proposed such a rule. It provides that after any subject has been under debate for thirty das In the aggre gate, meaning of course legislative days, a motion shall be in order to fix a dn'e for a vote, and this motion shall be put to vote without amendment or debate. 1 ha' is fair and even liberal to any minority. Thirty days of debate Is suffic ient to enable it to I e determined, at lesst when debate may properlv end. The date fixed may be an early one or a later one. It is unlikely that any leasooable request of the minority for additional lime would be ignored, but the majority cculd require the minority to say definitely how much time it desired . Mr Voorbrct bss several limes during the current debate asked tne minority to indicate how much time would satisfy it. The reply has always been a refusal to do so. Tne m'norlty desires infinite dilution of the debate. 3ut this is a finite world, ard the attitude of the minority in this case is that of senatorial insolence, not of senatorial courtesy Senators may not be conscious of the injury they are doing to the dignity of their body by suffering its impotence to be so glaringly exposed This damage will they take measures be irreparable unless lo end the farce sad prevent the possibility of any similar occurrence in future. The contempt into which the senate as a house ofcongiessis falling will extend lo the hslpless senators. A legislative body that confesses it cannot legislate will not long escape tsdicsl change in this practical nation. 1 MCKIftLEY SHOWS THE WHITE I EATHEB. 1 L T Neal. democratic candidate for gov i ernor of Ohio was advertised to speak at Flndlay, Ohio, the 3rd inst After his ap pointment had been published the republi can committee made an appointment for McKinley at the same time in the same town. Early in the day Neal, through the democratic state committee, challenged McKinley to meet him in joint desalts;. The challenge was declined. The democrats inet in one opera noose ana tne rejuouc.n, j fcr ,h ,ctioQ u tbat ciy did not fol ia another. j aAah protection to persons and property in At 7 p m, an hour before the time set for . the troub's brought about by the antt- the meetings, Neal strain challenged Mc Kinley. The latter accepted the challenge on condition that he should open and dose the debate had have two boors' time to ninety minutes for Neal. To this I aaj sr j Ki'UrtmtaMlA Kamlmm equal terms provided the speeches were made in the opera house hired for McKin- ley, which already was packed with repub beans. Need demanded that one-half the hall be given to the democrats. Tuis was refused and negotiations were dropped Neal in his opening remarks defied Mc- Kin ley to accept challenge on equal grounds with equal representation of both parties. McKinley steadily challenge to debate terms with Neal. arcant a " " l041 declines to anywhere 1 HS , , . ' ... T.e Imlepen.'.-noe V eat Side editor says of the state editorial association: "Forty editors proper attended the noting, but one hundred and forty ate at the banquet. The hangers on in journalism are the one who make oor annual metixurs snrh a fan e Next year let no badge be given those who do not attend the The number of editors may be less. but the profession will be more honorable. The men who make themselves the at the hiertintrs tf the association are about as much editors as a i aqnina Bay clam A paper down the valley refers to a "widow women" just as if all widows were not women . It speaks also of a "capitol building" just as if "capitol were an ad jectirs. Statesman. Then there is another valley paper al ways resorting to petty criticisms of its con temporarae that came out with a scare bead the other day. "The Vigilant ins First. " The boat that wins. you rnow. always comes out first. Journal. A live Lit by the way. Sensible papers never criticise the grammar i if lir(rhiflOM TnMV is wrtimilvi 1 hitman with newypapm. k s tk fnlirinrs t& - f)Ks ni.U ... P1" unr ths : The State-roan aukD should not tie to severe upon tbe Press a.,: it. ,., i.. Jih, k,:ir , , m ,m ... s "w" ometime. The Oregonian says only two of Port- lands conncilrnen pay any Uses Dal- gieisu ui in" .Merrick . w nen rort- land people elect representative tax payers for,c unci!men their city govern ment will be ran in a more acceptable manner. County assessor bare a hard job un der the new lsw. The assess meat haw to be made to cover be property in each school district, hence requiring an im mense sight of figuring as a gr?at many tax payers own property in several die -tricte- Id the matter of ihe S P R R Co "a property this is slone a big job. Cbas Brown, who has been doing some insurance soliciting, is evidentlv ins- rected of ca'rvine Tars? amount of coin on hut person, for two attempts hare been made to hold him an within the naat week. The first time wss near the re- form school Wednesdar niahr. and the next was Thursday evening in Polk county, but his Heat mare broke away from the highwaymen each time. Salem Journal. It requires an immense sight of cheek to stand up an insurance solicitor. Several days ago we published an item about what Mr 81addeo of Eugene had been saying in the east about raia'ng prunes in Oregon. Here is the way he figured : He says be baa a prune or chard of 100 acres in the Willamette valiev planted with 132 trees to the sere A fud grown ree of go-d bearing power will produce '00 pounds of fruit a year. It requires j'a pounds of green Iruit to make a pound of dried prunes With 132 trees to tbe acre, an acre of land would thus produce over 44,000 pounds nf marketable fruit each year, it sells in the Chicaso market for 15 to 20 cents a pound, giving each acre sn earning capacity ol $0000. The trees begin to bear lien they rearh the age of3 or 4 ifr, bjt they do not come into their full bearing power until they ar 16 years old. Secretary of War Herbert named Ruth Oolph to christen the new Warship Oregon, and (Jjvernor Pennoyer designated Miss Daisy Ainsworth. Governor Pennoyer is mad, and claims it is none of Herberts bus iness. Oregon's Governor has more fun than any Governor in tiia Knifed States. Allen G Tburman says: "I hear them talking aiout the national law and the gov ernment policy as being the cause for the money stringency. How ridiculous when one knows that this financial stringigicv prevails not alonn in the United State... out I in every nation of Kurope, Asia and South America. reople should not be dema gogues iieeuuse they can without much ef fort. Tramps are still quite plentiful. The police fprce reports having shipped thirty one away this afternoon on the freight train, one of the number being a ten year old boy who hailed from Butte, Montana. It is wonderful where they all come from. Guard. How did the polios force send thirty-one men off on a freight when the S P has given strict rules to keep tramps off the trams. It takes lots of figuring to keep up with the procession these days. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Train Stalest. Houston. Texas, Oct 10. Southern Pa cific officials are considerably excited over news received from points along the line concerning the capture of one of their freight trains at Del Rio by 11 band of (55 armed men. who claim to be miners from California nd New Maxico. The men sny hey were driven to desperation by the delay of the senato in settling the- silver question, so business may be resumed in silver -producing states, and they propose going to Alabama to tnke the places of the striking miners, as it is now work or star vation with them . They ran the train on tneir own schedule, and dispatchers were puzzled to avoid collision with regular trains. The headquarters of the Soutbe'n Pacific here have just received a telegram from San Antonio, stating that when the train pulled in. there 40 or the tramps were caught, while 25 escaped, but arc being pursued. 4 nasubardsae.t. Nkw York. Oct 10. The Wor'd's Rio Janeiro dispatch, under date of October 0. says the vessels Lucky, Volcano and Gloria were defeated in an attempt to capture the steamer St Dingo at Lloyd. The same vessels, with the Trajaona, Jupiter and Uranus, sent a storm of shell, trrape and canister over the business part of Plainka. c: iai , . r 1 . 1 r ive citizens were Kineu ouingui anua great many wounded. Toward of 300 I houses were more or less seriously damaged. several officers and men of the land force were killed and wounded but the loss among them is not great. striving Oat hrlMlaa.. Cist inn ati, Oct 9. Rev Joseph L Pot- 1 ter, of Cincinnati, a Presbyterian mission- . ary at Ooramiab, Persia, has written home that there is an uprising of Mohammedans that is very threatening to Christian mis sionaries. Rev F O Coon, formerly of Wooeter, O, writes home that danger from the Mohammedan uprising against Chris tians to prepare to flee to America. He says there is much vioUnce and life is in danger. A Ira Deadlark, Baltimore. Oct 10. After taking 5812 ballots, the first judicial democratic con vention todav ended the deadlock by nom inating as chief judge Henry Page of Somerset, and as associate Henry Lloyd of Dorchester. The convention started w rk two months ago at Ocean City, a summer resort, and lasted until it became too cold for bathing. They then moved to Salis bury, and thence to this place. A rrrallar Kail. Fresso, Cat. Oct 10. Sam Wing Lee today began action in the superior court of Fresno against the city of Selena for 92995 ilimiinii In Himself and nthar Chinaaa. who I !.- -. h i .... .1 Itlrrt l...i .-!ai nn ttA ommuI Chinese mob in Se'ma September I rrasssMy a SssssBSL WAsnistG-roa. Oct 9 Cleveland is get-1 : . a- r . u .1.1 1 .,-.1. I "TX'TT1 ST crrri: :irsiri .::rr "::r.: (.yjuj iiruui ur uitn triii in uuun muitrnMH nl tlU traaanrv ,Urtm-.l ahwad, bad. j i..Z.",. TiI,.. a i ..I.. i vi . .EladT7 '1; oThEda" Ulsvla fara with Carii.i and tireaham. He goes hack to New York with the information that the best com promise that can be made with the silver men U To continue the purchase of 2.0C0.O0O ounces of silver per month for three years, snd to Authorize bonds for the purpose of ! increasing the gold reserve to ?J0u.030.000. Ua She stiver. CoKVAjxm, Or. Oct 9. The Wi! smelts ,s abeTe kw water mark at this i point, and still rising. Superintendent Muleahv. of the Oregon Pacific, has re , reived several telephone messages today : from Harrisburg and other up-river points, statins; that a great deal of grain was j endangered by the riving water, and that a ataamar moat tat aaat nn at our or it would I be lost. The steamer Hoag was consequent - : y onUwl op (man the tower river route i .BA uced on the Harrison nr line. wSer ; ;, reawm pend, the removal of mch grain as is endangered. ssis ''- j 1 sdsj-esdescs. Or, Oct 9 Continued ; i rains have naasaxt the Willamette river to rise rapidly since last Friday, and it is now 15 feet above low watr mark . Such a rise during this month is unusual, but Henry ; Hili. an obi nsadVnt here, am a similar rise occurred in lvI. Today about noon daring the time of the eclipse, this and Monmooth were visited by a cyclone. lis base was apparently about 50 feet wide. It unroofed woodsheds, over turned outhowrs. and tore up young trees and tore down fences. Cat fa Mate. Saji Fnasrtaco. Oct 9 Mrs Marie Collins was killed by her husband. Patrick, i this morning The murdered woman was j employed as a jsnitress In a kindergarten She was engaged at ber work when she ws approached by ber hruband. from whom she had bevn crpajraed After a few words sat drew a knife and literally rut ber to j pWCe" Tawn ssstrneai. - t a Tn. i..... ' ww a MUrv, ism. VC jr. jw: CUIIIC wwi I neas portion of Parkerslsart; was destroyed I ' by fire at 1 o'clock this morning. Thirty 1 1 buildings were consumed. The Waterloo i j fire department was ca led upon and sue- i needed in savins" he residence port' on Not tbe town. 1 Tip rw is estimated at rJ'.- 000. and tbe insurance i probably S.Vi.000. All rrabab j Straw a rS DsKa l us. Mich. Oct 8. This m ru ing a drifting fishing boat was picked up by a crew of the Muskalongc life saving station, inspection revealed her identity as the craft which left YY hiie t :h point on rd five wn. nsasa s s s uu itsKvu aaar" " - J a. . awn. a.w vtA.aiKOTOK. Oct H.-1'o.luiaster n" able attention in his annua! report U tbe rirti iiinrii w IRUCJ iu uc,u,r Miwtiuc" projec etl i-cent postal service. He believes j I the inauguration of ibe service is impos i aible at fie present time owing to a deficit ! of 13,000.000 in po-da! funds in to treas "ry The situation vYAMiiistuTON. Oct 8. The momentous event in the senate this week will be an at tempt to sxure continuous sessions of tbat body. That this attempt will produce im port ret results can hardly be donbteo by anyone familiar with the situation. There is a gvnerri belief in tbe chamber (bat the present week wilt bring a solution of tbe problem. TLe opinion is expressed that there will be a compromise of some ci r acter agreed to and put through The proposition simply to extend tbe Sherman law for a definite period with reduced monthly pure basis snstss to be taking shape as the most lively of Ihe various proposi tions to receive approval. It Was a I idler 1 Boiuk. Idaho. Oct 8 Judge Ueatty. of the federal court, today overruled the de murrer to the indictment in the case of J H, publisher of the Mmifpelier Post V.'aUis was indicted for putting papers in the in hi I containing an advertisement of a drawing for a sewing machine, a scheme for aiding his business and increasing bis circulation. Ihe judge decided it was a lottery. An Isamease t'rawd. CiiK-Aoo, Oct 7. It is estimated that I50.C00 people arrived in, the city today. The railroads were almost swamped by the unprecedented number of passengern. From numbers reported on the road it is cert 11 in that many thoussnds mora will arrive dur ing the next twenty four hours. "Chicago day" Monday is the attraction. Total admissions today were 856,735, of which 222,170 were paid. The 1' P'a at Taesma. Tacoma, Oct 8. The synod of the Co lumbia, of the United Pres'jyterian church, closed its annual meeting here Unlay, elect ing Rev A M Acheson. of OaJrrllle, Or, moderator for the ensuing year and Rev James Speer alternate. Spokane wa chosen as the place for tbe next meeting, in Sept, 1894. A committee was appointed to arrange to brine out .TOO delegates, from all over Ihe Unifed .Males, to the general as sembly at Albany, Or, next Muy, by special train, making stops at Spokane and Sound i.ities. The reports show that tbe denomi nation in the northwest is very prosperous and growing fast. They Increase appetite, purtir f'i S"" System anil act on lh liver -Htle beads Si THE WSKEOIRATE W Alt JOURNAL. The October number is now ready, snd contains the following: Portraits Hon Judah P IJenjamin, of Louisiana, Secretary of S'ate of the con federacy; (lenera I Hnxtoii liragof.'C S A; Commander Catesby Ap R Jones, CSN; Lieutenant (ieneralu Ambrose P Hill, of Virginia, Daniel H Hill, of North Carolina, and Iticluird (Dick) Taylor, of Louisiana - Il'uitrations Map of the battle of Big Bethel,, Va; The Battle of vTilson's Creek (Oak Hills, or Springfield), Missouri size '.)' , x 13Ji inches. Descriptive Matter Biographical sketch of General Brixton Bragg. "The services of the Virginia (Merrimac)," by Captain Catesby Ap R Jonec, CSN; List of officers of tba Virginia ; Accomplishments of the confederate fleet. "The battle of Big Beth el," as described by Centrals J Bankbead Masrruder and D H Hill. "Operations o the army in Missouri, from July 25th to August 11th. 1861, including be battle of Wilson's Creek (Oak Hills, or Spring field), Missouri," as described by General Sterling- Price; Order of March and Com mands; Address to the soldiers of Louis iana, Arkansas, Missouri and Texas, by Genera! Ben McCulloch. Proclamation to the people of Missouri. History of the civil war. chronologically arranged. Roster of the officers of the Confederates S:ates Arm p and Navy, and their commands. Ordinances of Secession of Virginia and Arizona. Confederal pr ems. Organiza tion of the troops in the department of the Peninsula, commanded by General Magru der. Abstract from the return of the Department of the Peninsula, and abati act front the Department of Norfolk. Major General Benjamin H liager commanding Humors of the camp fire, etc. The November number wi 1 contain a description of Ihe captore of Fort Donald son, by GetvcraJs Floyd, Pillow, Buckner and Forrest, and other interesting matter. besides portraits, battle scenes, maps, e'e The subscription price of the Confederate War Journal is only $! .00 a year: ingle copies. 10 cents. Address, The Confederate War Journal, Lexington, Ky, and 1 10 Fifth Avenue. New York 110 sior wait too long. I lie great' Wnrld's Fair will be closed in a few weeks The traveling public are fullv alive to the m ... . . m n -a iati truu tne imcago luton 1 avcurc tc Northwet'Jn Line still lead in -time and ii. .-. iiii mediations to the eot. Remember that a whole day may ! saved with its contingent epene If taking the I'nion PaOhc to Chicago. Wheat . 50 els; oats, ice : hav.Sh baled wood, $310,3. , taken in ehs io a . r. 1 "nmes or organs On nana at t ji aim music store. Also on all book 6 """h . S" machine bom Sl5of3. with my per sons! guarantee for 5 jr. I Waal ar. You may bridb the appetite but vou cannot bribe tne liter to do its work wet. Yc u must be honest with br, help it along a .title now and fieri with a dose of Sua mons Liver Regulator. The liver becomes sluggish sometimes and reeds same stimu lation to keep off those attacks of indiges tion snd bHiouaaci. A good sctive liver promotes digestion snd prevents mala- a. AlSaas Mask"! Osstn, tie. t'onr. ft .On. 'oiler. 3Se Uid, IS to 15- Portr - ham. 12 to 15 - .hn." .r at i . Ht JlV . !7 aiossv 4V-. Apples. . 4 Hope iwsad f.-uH -plum, Bu, app:. Chickens, ft tw dosea. Issaf. on toot, lfc. Ho, disnssj. So. to lust a f. S. U. hurchUi XL Veraoa. Wash. An Honest Medicine rzr Tp. t f TT1I1 1stii writes soulaern California i.r n lo bo anvyears. wnen I ca affile ted all over -Ui Rheumatism nalns in my back ui . eeneral feattng whwu m; iuium BUSS tbe element all the time, and t innmi . 1 H14 . . . I- sell unfit In jvcrii. landing an advertise- " ui s ; iciprsuc ana learning also that tba medicine was compounded ti my own State of Massachusetts, ieonrlnded this amy be sn nssneat snestsvssss. I took it and am so roach unproved itwt I ass out Hood's Cures I all day wtth na To any ona that Sarsa- partUa In all weathers and travel all day with na fatigue and tired leeiing. To any ona that feels bad all over I say take noon's Sarutpst. rttla. It has cured tne." IS. n.CrA-iu mLi7 HOOP'S PlLLS cure Uver Ills, Jaundice, miisntnsss. Hick Ueadaeas and ConaUpsdJan. ssk- 'n : ;v u ' J ah J awasSBBmhjh HILL'S READ OUR TESTISIONIALS ! Double Chloride of Gold Tablets wui i complete! v oestroy tbe for ' , ' , "Z ' . , ' " ... m Ki ven Kjre of U10 patient, w ho will voluntarily miuNKENNISS anil MORPHINE uio paucnw oy tne use 01 our MT.UAL imrtiiK treatment BSHBSasa ore nllowed ;jhiii.- in. 111 smu i.iii-.ns iiii-y mi:i,i voinnuiriiy aive ine.i: up. We-send particulars and pampblet of taatimoiiittbi free. and shall be Bind to place sufferers from any of the habits In coraiiiiinica- wwi' no iiiowiis uu nave uitu curcg 1 mii 1 a Tint rvs ,,r.. r.,r .,!,. si.uu lv Bwvaassw. If yi .11 r driiKirisiiUn suot kwp them, enclose us 8 I CO nndwewlll send vou. bv return mail, a imekap,. uf .u-r Write your name end rddn-sn plnlnlv, and whether Tablets uro for Tobacco, Morphine or UIJUUI Kill II. DO NOT BB DECEIVED into purchasing any of the various uoDtruum that are tatr.s on. reii lor wile. Ask for XOXIi'S ava. a BS.S1 una taae uooiuer liauuf uetured only by THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. St. S3 a B5 Opera Block . LIMA, OHIO. particulars FREE. TUB 1 hlive RESPONSIBLE aal '",1 sssslssss! lAQENTS WANTED; ln wrlOns plaaas MOUTH COSaiBKBIHG Pay Perry Conn. Terms, cssh at F L Kenton's grocery store Pirate pay Perry Conn what you owe him. If yoo want a Hue tmokr call for Joseph s white labor cigar. The Lestjrnaat niiSe in the city at Com ad idoyrrs. Tl e best watch In the world for Ihe at French's jewelry store. Fine Scai t hern Oregon peaches as F L Kenton. Now is the lime to can them. Motor -nakea five trio.dailv to Vieieck's annitioii. ixitr tture on installments offl par week. Pa ronizs home industry l.v amoLina the eltthrated white labor oieara. minn'acturad a a oy ja'ius Joreph. ! Genuine part tor all sevlne machines. also the best oils, needles, etc.. for all sewing machines, bicycles, elr., at V Will s muMc store. Sewinir machines and orgtns repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid bv mall 40c a dozen. 3ows This! WeofferOncHnndreJ Dollars reward for as.; of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO. , Toledo, O. We, the nndemltned, have known F. J. Chcucy .ur the hurt U years, and believe fcfaa pr " etly honorable in all business transactions S aandally able to carry out any obligations fc. j oy their firm. Wsmt &Tai A. Whoi' -js'.f I rri mrfst . Toledo .O. VUlo. KtVSaa itMBvis, Wholesale Dins; luis, 1 1. . ao. u. Hall's Catant. Cure Is taken fnternallr. aat- ins directly r. n Urn blood and nmcoossui faiaa of the system T"tirotilc' aunt Prion vac per tuiii;.- boiu ssr an ursgsnsts. Batb at Vie;Vs shaving and kair cutting parlor. Shiloh's itaiizrr u what yen need far dyspepsia, tcrpid Hvr, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is irnrinted to give van titfactioc. Price "5c. Sild.b Foahav & . . - - - MOW DO YOU DO when you boy shoes or clothing? Don't you go to the place (if yon can find it ) where they tell you that yon may wear the articles out, and then, if vou're not satisfied, they'll refund the rnonev? Vbv not do the same when yon bur medicine? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is sold on tbat plan. It's the only blood - purifier so certain and effective that it can be guar- anttta to bencnt or care, in every case, or you have vour money back. It's not like the ordinary spring medicines or sarsaparillas. All the year round, it cleanses, builds and invigorates the system. you're bilious, run -down, or dys peptic, or have any blood -taint, nothing can equal it as a remedy. The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak ers oner Sco reward lor an incurable case. JEWELRY Is not bought tor temporal y use but a a perraanen: and servtcaote oros rreni. There U often as much value I Ihe make as ii. -he material Wiii A Stark of this cttv kect die largesA and tne Hoe in the valley, making a spccisdty of good goods. Their Hue of gold and silver watches U m superior one. and in silver aare thev :a- the lead in the centra WiUtme;te Valiry. If you would getfthe best in their lirx call on Will & S Ark,the leading jewekrs. Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. vVl W'sfssssgrnsjsn Send 3 S-crot stamps to A. r. ttrdwsv Co., BoKtou.Hacs for beau uanlical workr-ulilUbe-u DCiiCiiDCD W tiCABAVTEK A CCU nCinCinDCn and Invite tbe moat esuerol invmtiamtlon ks to our reoponslhtl-1 ity and the merit!, of our Tablets. TOR AOCO In from 3 toft days. Perfect lv harm 111 is cup ot ten or coO s without the knowl slop smoking or ahewlns In a few days. HABIT FORMULA OOLO CURB TABLETS. the free u?o of Uqnor or alor- ov me itseol ,v r riuiKK n ,,..-, ,.. ... irom ten lo mil smoktnl The Onto Chemical BBBBsnX .aKSBBBsW V aW wr ii ui iimr iRuiwiur iiumtfo naoic a receive, thorn all rill lit and, altbouirb IvaslsithahMivimnknrsnil ..... .,r they did tbo work in loss than Truly yours. Tnu OuioCBSMiCiLCo.: Oskti-bmbk word of prnlse for your Tablets. My iiquor.untt tnroiniii ittiienn, iwaa leu 10 COOi,f.Mtlt llrlnL'.. !,.. " -- and will not touch Honor of nv kind. 1 j w., u. ppi w miv, r i in Ohio CnKHICsr. Onflrmunitv one Tahlets used lnoriwl..O. bviMMl.eniiei,lv. tor ueven two packages of jour Tablets, and without any effort on -A.UIthhi till Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., ! , 63 and 83 Opera Block. IMA OHIO. roapnoo triUpapfe.. WANTED At the store Allen Bros.. formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, JL.ARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLE8, for which possible, I will psy the best cast price 8 F RAMP I. . R. HTIK. W. II. DIXDINGEK. I. It. .HVIiS. ALBANY FOHE CO., COFI Itltiaore Block, Albany, Ore. Furniture A complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches . EMBALMING a specialty. Residence corner :!rd and Cidapr-aia Streets. FARMERS LIsrEN'. We have a fine lot of fresh grass seed, of almos: every kind, including cheat, and we want to sell it. Come and see us. STEWART & SOX. PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for farmers in both riding And walking plows, disc harrowsjron harrows. etc. Prices in proportion to to cent wheat. It will pay yoo to call and see. us . STEWART & SOX. New Advertisements. f At IKi who wi f do writins: for meat a thatr homes will rsesiva rand wrmt a ; ilu mmiar.Mui aumpaa en velope, MISl MiLDKKD MlI.t.PH So 3th Band, I nd. 1r ANTED -Pnahinw ranraaaars of V sTOodasddresa Ubnrai aware and expense, psidwenaif; Prmacnt put tsnw. Brows Bros. Ct., Surwrjmtn. Partiat d, Urngoc. OA 1 8 WANTED. The nndaraigned wants lo buy SO basheJa of wbstn onia ! dtilrered at a usadtni-w nan mile north of Albany, on deiiverV. marks pries in eaaJ W H War una. FOR REN r Th-? of era bottsn atom, splendid hasauon. Oa I on ton tssnrssnry at tbe Dbmccbat olfire tor par Ucoiars ami A?TEP.- and esttr rant bought and eo'd by U K afar rt:i. WANTEtr.- A i ssssss sssstsnk m -id e agwd adv. first. keeper cibss a iinu lion as honseknnprr or to do ewneral hots work Sim ta alan a smed draws sd 'nsat bra S74. a i cany. Or. a o ject. FOB SALE. t wiii Dad for wood, arny mare, seven years o:d pni fectiy sr-ntie for woman and children in driest. Osti on E W Mart e wo km. rt OOKER EUS- Pore bred Silver Uaeed Mm SLEDS. V u' janoVUe euckerels for sale at . arsrain Address John Brush, e nnr 4th aed R R streets, Albany. Or. LAUNDRY FOB Wt D.-Wi: ex mnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamamm mmmmm ass mmm . ennnfee laumlrv work for reod Cad t? imp' " ,h NOTICE Of FINAL SFJTIEIIBIT. j"pr?ci. " .ttaasanrorrsas that thk ca FURMICRE. earrna sloven etc. for ItwIii ira"uT"'rwa 'sllaS wan lAaCsssfc sale at the Rapt .t pa ionase Csdl sittna Ossstsi Osssrt far Uaaosawtj. Orasaa.sA. SSSrJf th.' fnhn J o..r -hoice- 0t kaa trad tswUUl ? 0Srlw7MssSltt2 ssssa at letsscs: nsa gf saat aay, sa taa Cassssy V IONKY ff tslEti Wait lo corrow Cassrt taasa tatAw tisssij assart sassnajsetaesissrsssr M 150 1 fer hree rrfivo Tear with tS.' ' " god real t state na security. Call nt thn Datas Seas sth. issts ostiee. . C F CStMrSK. FOR REST. 40 sn f .and, with SBsSsssssssssssssssssssnBssssss hnnns one aide from A-Jhany, in um- ss- nua. JLx . . 1 .v becton eontty. For p K ct; at. apply NOTICE Of FINAL StTTLEMENT. to Aren Hanatnt r. j Notice for Publication. Lasd Orncs atOrdson Crrr. Oa., October stb, Notice ia hereby aivea that 1I111 f llii.has, narml rettlrr tw f 1 n-4ice of his in tee -lion to mak- lio.i pi oof in aatpott of his elf tsn, and that said proof wid be made be fore the county clerk of Lis. C ', at Albany 00 Dec 1st, 1S9S. vi, Lerov f'owdrev, If K NoSSOT for the N , at S Kj.S W J cf S E i, iF. JotSW MlTISsRl K. Ha aSsaea the foUoiaa, witnsais to prov j bis ooatiraoas anon and cu -tiyatiwa of jaid land, viit: Milton A. Filazvald. Gar Oa kd. Martin Gaylord, RaooS Powell, ail of Lebanon, Lion Co, Oreaon. R A Mil I E. Kegi ter T. CVtCKEV, ti.n. rhvidaa and Sarraoa. Bank ss Oneoo. OAce rsasain avar the sssssasissr, ccmsr tel. aaa i.aasswinis st. Of from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets? The Onto CacatoAt. Oo.: iKsa mb: I have been using your mii' iw KiKKiiHBUi,,tHU luunil IS WOUH do what von cl&lm foe it T ,.u.l worin 01 ine strongest cnewing; tonaoeo a day, nod I rum one to Ave eisrars: or I wonlo ,mnh tortv nioeot of tohaeeo. Hivu rimnS for twentv Ave vicars, ami i i. n. ! Of your Tablets cored me so I have no desire for it. B. H. J A V LORD, Leslie, Mich rsn.aa Visit w v Co. : Okvtlxh.n:-. soma ui.un 1 three davs. 1 am cured. &i A I'll fcV JOHNSON, I'. O. Box AS. J PimuiiM. Pi It (rives me pleasure to speak a son was strung r aaatetao. to the use of try your inblets. ttewaa.he.vy Ho was a heavy and - . . ...... h.vo waited tour month hafom wrtiln. Yours trulj Mi HELEN MORRISON. CiKCiirxAYi, Ohio. have rrfonneI a miracle lu my uavu Uxai cured by the t rt. ' W. L. LOTJCU. vuars. HU uaa of my part. CUAT. J F. FOE I.list, Of Des' Moines, ows. wrilas under date of Match 23. 1893: 3. B, Man. Mrs Co.. Dafur, OegD. OenlUmen : On arriving h-rrie last week, I fcnsdall well and anxiondy a raiting. Oar little girl, aght and ooe-br-lf years o.'d, wbohsd wa tad away to 38 pounds, ia now wall, strong and vrgoroo', and well fleshed ap. 9. B. Cough Van hiss dm its work well. Both of the cfaildiea like it. Yoar S B. Cough Cure bss cared and kept swsv all hoarseness from me. So give it to every io e, with g re-hogs for all. Wishing yen pros set i y. we srs ' Yours, M h a Mas J P Ford. If yoo wish to fael lieaa and ikimfal, snd ready lor tb Hprtoj's mnfk , elaaose yowajaitsn wrtbtba awsssssass bmrvsra. uj taatn io i Issssssih -tck. MasstU pr tntsla by all dnsnpsts. rartir rnarajSaatr J ACUMMIXG. Star Biikerj rftrwi bin asatet Wlrnt t mm IE YIP, PROPRIETOR. t avattrst rratn, Ulasaaarr, Orient frsii. Tabsteen, 4 Vests, sssaVIs? Castas spiee. T-a. Cwsloe, vcryttar that is kept ia a asstar rtary sssdisiLwrssora, Higaest ssaiisi asasssaassr Al.C KINDS OF PRODUCE UNIVERSITY : OF : OM. EUGENE Ona MOXDAV, zmjiBEIt ISvB Just closed the most properoas year in its hisrerv. Wide range of studies Trio -rnioh InaiiiM-riraa Tlnalmaa aia Till il Tui km free Entrance fee, f to. Board I mA inotno muhk raM I K. ' riMtt new dcrmhw and boardine htUS j OT the eanarnis.whett tUadetiU wlllreceiv, personal suoervis on. , Jo!tao, ?re ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue. Address-, REV. B. X. COSDtT. Albany, Oregon I vroncK is hebxbt ;iras that thk i x- st Jaka Btream, dscasaan, has Sssd kis final ssirwst wish the iisastj deck at Usra csssnty, Qrarsa, sad tbat taa Hawass ssssttafssM Uaa essasqr. kaa Siwi FrsAar. laaSSk any Csfiisskar, lSSs, ,tsm ow i fssstt at tb isssBsssss at ssM dsv. sss ska ksarlas of objirslsn at any ta saM Snal ac ermtsnntke sassjssssnt af said sstsls. Uslad Aasrcnt lltk, ISSS. HMOS SHELTOX. H H" RK WITT, Till .las Attvfo Exaator. Notice for Publication Land Omct at Oaasos Crrr, Oaas Aotru at 21st, 189 Notice is hereby give, that the following named settler bat 6 led notice of his intention to make nnal proof in support of has etaisa, and that said proof will be mad. before the Conaty Clerk ci linn Co, Ore., at Al bany, Oregon, on October lijtb. ISSS. via: Gaoesja F Myers. H E Xo 7354, for the K of tha K W 4 an N , of X E U see3t,tp 11. S & IK. He asunea the ndlowing wit nssssss to prove his 00c tie a. as residence op 00 and cnltivatkie nf said land, via. Jassi. Pierce, of Lacomb, linn to, rssjoe; Jaxaes; Downing, of Lacomb. Linn Co, Orssa Wi tliam Dowaing, of Lacotnb, Una Co.Ors ala Marton Uowoidj, of L -score Lin. Co, Orsms Ecbkbt A asiuata. Register. Notice of Assignment, ( NCTICI? ia hereby girsa tnat Issne . I of Albany, Oregon, has duly aasigned ,h .ndersmad assignee all bis property and etfWu far tho Benefit of his creditors, under and by virtue of the general assignment laws of tha stata of Oregon, and the under signed has heretofo.e to-wit on th. 25th day of August, 1S33, daly qualified as sack assignee. All perrons having claims against said insolvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to present the same to the n.der sigaed at the store bonne building of Isaaa Beam, io the city of Albany, Oregon, nader oath within three months from this date. Dated this 2nd day of September. A D. IS93. R K CANTERBURY, Asa'gnee of Isaac Beam, an insolvent. fllRSSPASS XOTICK.- All hunters an 5. hereby notified not to tnanssa. unm the eneloaed premise, of the underalsmd, seven aud a ball miles east of Albnaw. nnlesn Dormtsekin ia first ohta InAil I shall prosecute all who thus trespass. KM BURKHART. Notice. Al.l. persons indebted to I B Benin by note or recount will please pay the same, the accounts must be oloan- br note Ii not paid. Tunes at e bard, snd itkst your interest to see to this nt once. I am in room No 11, Strahan Block: Albany, Or. Sept lath, 1893. K F CAN1 KRBURY. Assigns, of A B Beam . TO LKT.Three (8) work horses sad saddle home for sale, or will trails for wood, oats, waeat or IF. SENDERS, I J