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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1893)
Bhfore Congrkss. A dispatch "from Washington reads: Washington, OctS. A very interesting matter is placed in the han is of Representative Hermann by the citixens of North Brownsville, Linn county, Or. It involves the title to the entire town. When the town was located it was understood that the title to the land was in the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad Company, although originally assumed to be in the state un der indemnity school land selections. Conveyances have been made by the state as well a? by the railroad company and lots sold under these titles- The government, however, declined to approve the state as well as railroad selections and the people find themselves without valid title. Representative Hermann has attempted relief through the depart ment, bat without avail, and has now resorted to legislative relief in congress. His plan, as outlined in the bill intro duce!! a day or two ago. is to authorize Oliver F Coshow, Pickpockets Arrested. Wm Gieen and Edward Bruce were arrested in Portland Friday for picking the pocket of E Campion of a gold watch on the evenlng.of Aug 25, valued at I40. The two men then went to Salem where the works were sold to a jeweler. They were in Albany during the races and while here Green tried to Bell the watch case, vihich had been battered iutoa lump to F M French, who suspected something was wrong and refused to take it. Bruce was placed in jail here for assaulting Ernest Fuller. Green refused to pay his fine for him, though he had the money, which angered Bruce, and when he got out he immediately turned states evi dence 'against his partner, resulting in his arrest. A Portland paper says: Green hss lived in this city lot seven" or eight years, and is a hack-driver. He has a bad reputation, and is said to be very clever with dice nnd cards. Bruce beloncs to a well-to-do and liielilv re spected family.i esiuing on the East 'side, and has al ways bonis a good reputation Until recently, when he has been seen ! frequently in bad company. The two young men have been "following the of North Brownsville. ! ( who is the assignee from the railroad! It Coi-sts. Tasty, judicious ndvertis- company, to make payment of 2 50 per i ing certa'nly pa vs. The merchant who i-V-T1, "? '?ake T . I wil! h" re in the preparation- of his vin d. w,lyde!TP?nfir.8t annourwinents will tie sure to receive mlkn entr nrf ihorLfol'i lnn ,on ' satisfactory results. When' a merchant and ffl' he hn.,nake I does not advertise it is a sure sign that l il'!!!.-10.-! 1 ? i he is indolent and does not care to reach " Zt .Kr V !TT o.ubiisyi ie uie out for trade. When tluiu title winui' property snail nave been derived from any attempted convey ances by the superintendent, and the Oregon A California Railroad Company HOME AMI A itnn All MONDAY. A live stort Yaqulns Bay. Mr fohr, A has been prevailing al one stops adver- Millard's cherries sent to the World's fair received a premium. The regular meeting of the W C T I' will be held tomorrow afternoon at half past two o'clock. A II Green, of Harvard, has vaulted 27 feet 5 inches with a pole, which Is now the record. The Vigilant won the first race with the Valkyrie. It requires three out of five to win the tropny. The case of Mrs M R Waddy against Dr S I Darrln for breach of promise and $20,000 damages resulted in a verdict for the deiendant. A N Gilbsst. of Marlon oouoty, j been tent to Iho poor farm. As this it the came of tha postmaster ac Salem our reader') must not jump to a hasty ooupiusion. The Portland Telegram Is authority fur the statement that an Italian there took the money hU wife needed to buy shoes for thtlr'chlldren invested U In a lottery jind drew $7250 and then immedi ately left for Italy. 'Decidedly thin. F P Medill, of Detroit, wanted for cut ting timber on government land, has given bonds to appear before the U 8 grand jury. Mr Medill claim to have simply cut tim ber on his own claim tor the corner. can be safely spent in advertising and it i wm prove a good investment. Of course. The entry when made shall be transmit ted by the Oregon City land office to the commissioner of the general land office, and upon satisfactory showing to him that deeds have been tendered by the entryman to the various property "hold -ere, pa tent shal tissue to Oliver P Coshow. Orioon DntT all Right Lane comity dirt is still In demand notwithstanding the depressed condition of the financial world. Yesterday the deed was filed in the county clerk's office by which the estate of Samuel Meek, deceased, con veyed to A Vitus Sons, "5 acres of fine farming land about eight miles northwest 01 Eugene, for the considera tion of $18,800 or at the rate of $25 per asre. Tha Messrs Vitus will place the land in a high state of cultivation at once, and will plant a portion of it to hops. A few years ago these gentlemen carao to this country without means or credit and rented a few acres of farming Friday night's freight itua. oy close attention to business they have accumulaied a fortune estim ated at from $30,000 to $40, XK), owning one of the finest farms in the county near Springfield. Eugene Guard . 1 per on ms own claim lor the Durnns of tising tiiere is evidence that he has done clearing it. it so poorly that he is no longer in the j Theae are prell Uvtt tonn we re hv. IIZTJ i , Patrona8e' J'cious ad- j but th mrM u-b roel O0 thfc w., mPh oL wioMT( What0,1.",.t0 l.n.ette,i;il.h.riv. Wat. will aooo be machinery. W Itliotit tt success is im-; lUDmnjf . A l.ttleblue. weather mean, lower possible and the sheriff , around the rate For aev.,ral months now .h. Two per cent ot gross receipts ! s Fshiah rate will tut no ffanra in th,. valley tnffin. money can be wasted in,. . I .. 54,am ;,le rtn ti can fools drown l,P,.lrp. Vmr rh., . we irons ran tnrougn a nig storm meeting whocan not successfully advertise can not 1 wl hT w,e??T, "Pi,uoa xa. Pirees hope for success in business in this dav i " f ff ! J'? " I 1 I MS WMUU mj IUO niu j vr sj ( J of close marains. monies and nineteenth century method. The business man of today must be alert, quick wilted and thoroughly alive, and "printer's ink" judiciously applied ia as necessary to this as pure air is to health, to be successful in modern business life. Ex. waa retched Wm F Wtstlske died at tori land last j weak A book indicated that b had work- j ad for G Lots at Halsoy, and that perhaps , his came was W H King. He claimed to 1 hsv a danehtel teaching school in Alhajiy, t 1. known 01 hies I", r, i t j j mb . , m . The Tramp Nuisance. Tramps " S - ' - - , . . r- V;.P,irf 7 eStlmted t,here ' obtam 20 ceaU a pod. A 50.000 bnsh.l R5h?. J ,! elTB .l"e i'T H whaati, .U,iio5 formed for 50 ;; . 1 v . v jwiioiw. cents a bnshe . broucht in thirty-1 . . .... flp in or, ,1..!, , . ' I I" a Joiinvoa. nf th Ws! alls L a 03. " ' " w i ...... ,,.. . c I r: iimi . I . . ... Z They csme upon the overland from Port- I , 2" ''m,. member of th. board land 10 Albany Thursday nih.. and de- of Pen,wlturr d.-'t" and Gjo T Berry nea ijonauctor ilousion and his brake The ladles of the C P church will give a 10 cent shingle social Friday, Oct 13th, for the benefit of the Sabbath school, at the residence of Mr Muse Miller.on corner of Madison and Water street. AH are In vited to attend and bring your friends. Chief of Police Mlnto has established by correspondence that the man Huffman now In the county jail suspected of being Frederick son, the mutderer ot Uruce, Is not. that party but that his name Is really Huffman, and that he ha served three years In the California state prison fo. burglary Journal. Rumor has it that a party of O P officials will soon pais over the line of the proposed road. Provided, however, the man sent ahead does not report oyer two inches of snow on the cummlt of th mountains. This rumor Is quite encour aging, to say the least. We may get to see the men. Prlnevllle News, W S Chapman, the well-known cap italist, of Portland, made an assignment to S W Blasdell yesterday afternoon. Hia assets are placed at fi 178,000, and liabilities at 115,000. The assets consist of real estate of tne value of $148,500, and claims against various pertons, aggre gating $29,800, Mrs E E Parrlsh's watch lost In the recent the was found this morning among the debris. In the Democrat's account of the fire it stated that the property was insured in the Albany company about a week ago. Mrs Parrhh Informs the Democrat the policy was almply a re newal of an old one and that the renew al was made on Sept 30. The Salem V H C A have made ar rangements to open a night school. The tuition wlii be only $5 a rear. Rev Hut chinson has bee i engaged to teach a class in vota! music, Prof Stale y, if the Capital BuUnesa college, will teach penmanship, booakeeping and arithmetic.and Mr John Vi McCullock, formerly of Stayton.wili be the instructor In grammar, punctuation, composition and spelling. A base ball tournament has just been held at Frlnevillt, be! ween the club of that city and Fossil. Prlnevllle won 3 out of 4 game. The scores were is to it, 18 to 19, 39 to 17, 23 to 9. The Review devotes two columns to the tournament, giving the entire scoie while the News says in the game of baseball played here : this week the Prineville club came out i victorious We have not been able to j gi hold of the score. aMl-ANNCAL aTATEMKVr. Semi-annual report of the county clerk of Linn county, state of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the county court of said county, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and un paid, from the 1st day of April, 189:1, to the :10th day of September, 189:5, Iwth inclusive: ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. County Judge, salary $ G04 7") I rmuiurer, salary 500 04 9WS 85 3073 30 152 55 1617 50 641 99 75 10 :156 35 110 00 1357 3 Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rovl Baking Powder McMlMVILLE COLLEGE. McMinnville diem . Clerk, fees Sheriff, fees Commissioners per Acct' Assessor School supt Coroner District attorney. . County surveyor. . . Paupers and poor . . Koads and bridges 7118 58 OMR house and jail 639 89 Stationary and printing inxiuie Incidental Fuel Witnesses in criminal case . Petil jurors Grand jurors Witnesses before Inuid jury. Hoiliffs Elections Viewing and sun eying roads Road supervisors Bounty Preliminary examinations. .. 744 '20 56 05 2508 54 136 00 1617 50 835 20 115 90 348 80 153 00 9 00 206 50 105 00 :I 50 905 95 Total amount claims allowed and drawn from April 1st 1893, to Sept. 1893 2534fl 22 Ol'TSTAXDISO WABRAXTS I XI' All). Outstanding unpaid comity warrants on the 30th day of September. 1893, $ 9315 70 Ettimated interest accrued thereon 175 00 Total amount of warrants Statk or Okeoo.n. unpaid county . 9490 70 A Fire. About 8:15 o'clock last even ing a fire was discovered in the rear of the Wm Ralston house, now owned bv D B Monteith, and occupied by E E Parrish as a boarding house, at the corner of First and Baker streets. It had evidently started from the fire place in some manner. The fire engines were on hand promptly: but water was slow in coming, or little damage would have been done. As it was the building was badly burned through the rear of it, damaging it nearly a $1000. Considerable of the furniture was gotten out, ii eluding a piano and organ, the former though be ing nearly rained. The house was not in sured. The furniture had been insured about a week in Urn Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co of this city, for $1475. The loss has not yet been adjusted. The wet weather proved a fortunate thing for the conflagration, else the damage would have been mnch larger. Grkex and Brcce. The Salem States man gives the following additional particu lars about the two pick pockets recently in Albany: William Green and Edward men with draw revolvers. At Albany they were taken off with the assistance of the police, nd tSc next day started south. Some oi the gang entered Joe Micelit's house near the bridge Saturday. nd were caught in the act of carrying off a seek of flour and other articles; and made to dis gorge. They afterwards eluded the city appoiurra io me vsctnev. JoJinsoa i char&ed with tcalftaaance in offiecio that he sold grain buta from th oemtenlUry jata mill to UmatiiU county farmers. Notwithstanding a heavy rainstorm C m rada wss repeated Ssinrdsy evening las serial axb riussii ROfOAT Bilyen and ti W Wright this noon on legal busi- Hon W K went to Salem ness. School Supt Russell went to Mill City today to nettle some school mat er con test in that locality . Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of J S Warwick and Ida Phillips, marshal Vid escaped arrest. Roseburir ln a0 received co.iderabl nralss for w Wmmt good sized aadirace. The gneral verdict ' and Wi'.l K Chase and Melissa E James. is mat nc both occ itom it was wll pre sented ft.r amstenrr, and individual mem- Revit Xeablv part in the prese iUUoa of the pisy. 0 , .- i Co-non-drum T. Who is the Cc? The bTAUVED. An lUlIHJgr.Ult Udssw nf th OaMriU rknrel. Vh. family with ten childeren arrived at the ' nun? Beeinso :t is a sen. u a:temnt f.w j McKenzie bridge the first of the week from i what is thetarnm? A call to tea. Why T ! ll'ln U . . I 1 1 , . IB '....a . . - - v-iuuiii,v n ing own on ine roan Hnce : Decease u is nam tin the middle of April. The night previous 8onl dinner. Whv to their arrival at the bridge they camped j nod C. Time. 5 J30 Toex'ay . Place, Coo on me summit ot the -MMW in tne snow. : great:oai church. Pnx with not a bite to eat. When thev arrived ! nteilact. Geo W Hochstedkr and wife, Dr J L Hill and wife. Waller H Parker and A W McClain, of this city, and S P Banger, of Brownville, left this noon for Hepner to attend the Grand Lodge K of P. Revs Prichard and Condit , Mr Mc Coliagb and Mrs Howland, J P Gal- Kr.Uts . .1 -at. .11 : !. Jt stx hard ' and peorle can't . v ?Xi" u" "r. B,c"7.' aa "r uuodrum? ( -ne c-i . ... i .u- .v.. ' W MKUU UIC UIRIIUK Ul I IIC lMSW v iiiiihsu aociesy oi una cny asm at Power's they were in a mtifn! indiirm Th ; Pa:'fic Insurance Union ht iuued engaged Rev U M Wei mer. late of Albany, and nearly starved, and ate raw potatoes a decree that no company in it shall carry pastor of the charch in this city for readily not waiting for a meal to lie cooked, j policy cn the same property with the I the ensuing year. He has been in this They were taken care of by Mr Powers and I Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Com- t C',T lnia wek Md went to Albany Thurs furnishetl with all the food needed, and ; panr, of this city, and the stair of Salem. I " here he will preach his farewell they were about th? happiest mortals i n tbf i This means a hard fieht. and Oregon tans ' sermon tomorrow. He will begin his state. truard. i should stand by the home co-rDanes In AJEVSOLUTELY PURE Estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of county warrants 40000 00 Total resources ..$6219272 Phospects From the Cor- 2S!-; ituf,ion- th"e, mi t rr , . , . " (bad one, for merchants carry po.uie In vauis.ews: e team ma: mere WUI be several companies, and under this ruling seven boais on the river this season run - ; will not be allowed 10 n. in iihr Bruce were arrested in Portland on August ! ning ap from Portland. The O P com- j these companies. People earning on or A i- trer Ilia larnmi- . .f a ftl .111 .. .. ...1. t. ranw will La-n . 1. . . I 4.' T . .. . ' 25th for the larceny of a $140 watch from E Campion. The robbery took place on Morrison street. The police there were informed by Bruce that the works of the watch were sold to a Salem jeweler. The watch waa not sold to a Salem jeweler as stated by Bruce. Saturday Bruce ''squealed'' to Detective Sam Simmons and James Ber ry and told where the works of the watch were.: Officer Johnson of the Union depot came up Saturday and endeavored to locate it but failed to discover the least trace after pauy win nave tne noag and sisters an two notifies ma at h i...i-.-. tne upper river, the latter probably run- in th; mafer. ' Retidences will not be ning up as far as Engene and the former ! affected by the ruling to Corvallis The company will also run i ' the Elwood from Portland to SsJem. j txkwat Then there are the Altona, Ratnona, ' Take your supper at the Congregation loieuo, Willamette Ctuet and Manzan- ' ai i.nurcr. at the Lonunrtrum tea tonight ma, wnicn win also ran out oi rortlanu. work mat. the two former as far np as Eugene and the latter exclusively for the Corvallis Flouring Mills, while the other two will carry freight between points- Uocer a most diligent and shrewd search. Chief ' these circumstances boating will be tive- a ti- irn ii ' i . , . . . . i . ... . k rouw n r minw waa lesegrapnea aoout iy on sne river tnis winter. the matter upon the return and report of Officer Johnson. Yesterday morning the chief found the missing watch works. They were in an envelope and concealed the last place on earth where anyone would be likely to hunt for a watch that had been sold to a jeweler--under a sidewalk in front of the Fan saloon. It was found that there was another set of watch machinery in the en velope with the works in question. The articles were packed and sent to Portland on the 1 :40 train yesterday. The New Officers of the College so cieties are as follows : A C L President, A W Foshay ; vice president, R A McCnlly ; secretary, C C Bryant; treasurer, Ole Tobieson ; critic. AM Williams; sergeaot-at-artns, I F Altermatt; librarian, U R Dinwiddie. Erodelplnan President, Ora F'.inn; i vice president, Ella Torbet; recording secretary, Pearl Vance: corresponding secretary, Ethel Red he Id ; treasnrer.Ollie Baltimore; critic, Winnie Cbamberlin; sergeant-at-arms, Nina Galbraith. A good many new members have been initiated into the boys society. A novice aays it takes sand to have ammonia spray blown into one's face. Tbamp Row. About thirty tramps at the depot late Saturday afternoon got into a row among themselves. It appears that the professional tramps are not agreeable to some men that are r-onsorting with that element merely to beat their way on the railroads, and the professionals held up the lmpositors and robbed them of some money and jewelry. The officers were called on to investigate the matter, out no arrests had been made, although some of the jewelry was recovered. The tramps left the town on that evening's train bound southward. It is something new to see these gentlemen of leisure protecting their "profession." Eugene Guard. A Joke. Several hundred dollars go from Albany every month for lottery tickets, hence the drawing day is always one of interest to particularly fifty or sizty people. Yesterday was the day for the drawing. Last night an Albany man rushed into the headquarters for the lottery in this city with a pretended list of figures that had drawn the capital prizes as tele graphed from Portland The list was ex amined and it was found that a First street merchant bad drawn $20,010. (ireat ex citement prevailed until it was learned by a private dispatch that there was nr thing in li. ine marier waa aiuipiy a joae. ' Early Hion Water. A Salem paper says the Willamette has not been so high as early in the season since 1851. It in now 15 feet at this city above low water mark. Mr I McClung, who was in the city today, says it was higher in 1857 when the largest tioat ever put on the Upper Willamette came to the city twice, and then went to San Francisco as it was too big for this traffic. Next. It's All Rio nr. Several day ago the , Democrat stated that t he Oakland Home K II Hewitt ar.d C H Dalrymp:e went to Salem this noon on legal business. The Vigilant won the second race with the Valkrie yesterday betfing her taVj minutes. A vacant block iSoxsoo feel, opposite the Oregon Hotel, In A-d'-lsnd, haa jttst been sold for $4,000. There vie an .-rHw ..I iK- - Insuranse Co. of San Francisco, had ana- - day, but we haven't seen any one who pended. xhis was on the authorit y of ' saw It. Too many clouds nL'f0 PTk "Viii!6 The Willamette" ha. been rising with iiSS, ft bn8,ce'8 h,a.l "i.ruhumilitls.tagoodl-oaiing stage, taken from it. The papers of the sue-1 . f i ... s s ' reeding days exp.aineTmatters fnlly. ! '4 f"' bove 'ow WMr' , refuting tha first item, and showing con-, the Jsmoceat were to publish all clusively that the Oakland Home was! mane about ist nights doing business on a more solid basis i 6re "nd "nagement It would have iu than ver. Its aMets are S83,3fs3.19, ' h,nd lu'1- while ita current liabilities are only The chemical engine last evecing ran 15-1,521. 03, a splendid showing. It did over one of Chaille Murpiy's feet, iamlng a business last year of $639,221 .69 and I him considerably. He was on the alJe paid $366.44S.54 losses, and is steadily i walk at tne time." increasing. So it will be seen to be a The new warship Oregon will be nre very solid company. jsenled with a sller service Governor RcsTLijrii roil Business The State ', Penoo?er remarked a gcod gifi these rimes Insurance Company of Salem, now in the V,?" T' same rekUonship to the Pacific I'nion as E MPeon the ball player, who was the Albany company, are now advertising rr"'' t Independence lor steadng a to do what this company can also do. It ?'Ld h"t "Ul nl"dJ- He was reads: The State Insurance company has n ed nd co"- and ,n defauit of done the leading insurance buainess in this Pr Jient was tzken to jail at DaUas. staJe for 10 years. It has paid over 1000 At the Presbyteran Presbytery la different losses upon property located in Salem j esterday Rev J A Han.ia was Oregon, Washington aind Idaho. It is an ( elected modeiaior, Rev" Day clerk. Rev Oregon company and managed by Orego j Condit, slated clerk, Rev Gillespie per nfans; is independent of any California j mancnt clerk. f 'trust" or ' combine." It is now doing a After wailing until the season Is nearly larger business in thi city than ever before over the Ire Railway In the Centra! way in ite entire history. Yon can save.aa your Plaisance, at the Earth's fair, sends the neiMioora are aoing. w per cent or one-hith I Uemocr at an Invttaiion to take a rtde of the cost of your insurance. on Its snow track during the ru.n snow period. Ugh! Of LrrcRHTTO All. Wholesale mer-j The Statesman aays the regular pay chants In the Eastern states have offered ' roil of the woolen mill of ihat city Is us great inducements and we want to give oar customers an opportunity as well, provided yon will buy now. We have made great redactions in the price of our dress goods, fine shoesapes, jack ets, etc, for cash, and intend to sell them as fast as possible. Eighty- five cents in most cases wiii bay a dollars worth of goods and sometimes more. Come in and make yonr selections. Our goods are nearly all new, and can't be bought else where In Linn county for the prices we panicky times win sen mem at 11 nought now. Rrah, Pk acock A Co. 4,000 a mpnih. The mills are preparing a c'isplay Ir the Midwinter fair at San Francisco. O.i account of a big rush of work thi Albany mill will probably not have time to send anthing to the fair. John K At wood an absconding clerk of the Vancouver Transportation Com pany, has returned to Portland and given himself up. Merman Re'nhart, an em bezzling 'jook keeper has returned with a detective. It pays to o honest even-in in the church here on the 1Mb He will move his family here in Lu.. . I. . , - n ? . 1110 wrs. nnpin tvegusier. Teas DAY. Mr Harry Price, of Portland, is in the city. Mr H C Watson went to St Helena ym tcnLjy on legal business. Mrs H F Merrill relumed this noon r om a visit with Portland friends. Mr Frank Hastings left this noon for the mines where be will spend several months doing wmmiil, work. Ex-Sheriff Matt Scott haa been in the city and rented a boose into which he will move about the 1st of November. License have been Hsued for the resr- riaae of Frank Tharp and Minnie Large, and Oreille L Swh.k and Maud E Mc Pberion. A suit for the foreclosure of a mort gage has been began by Milton Hale against - lie Bank of Oregon, The prop erty is the bank property and the amount of the mortgage about 610,00c. C H Dalryrapbte is attorney fur plalnt'ff. Miss Sbelbv. who haa ban mlisiiil to hn.-ten the Warship Oregon, recently passed teachers examination in Albany. While here aha was the guest of Mb- n inn. Wm S Stock. A B Ph G. formerly of Cor valli and a graduate of the Agricultural College, bat now of Portland, has been ap pointed to a chair in the Willamette College of Pharmacy, and daring the term will deliver twenrv-four lectures to the. run He also holds a position with the Downing irog t o- Mr stock is yet but a young man. but be can well feel proud of his record thus far in life, which has been made through Wing stadions and indas- tnous. ew. Mr Stork was at one time a clerk in the store of G L Black man, cf this city. Mr Wallis Baldwin haa returned from a several weeks sojourn at Nashville. Miss Ella Mead has returned from her visit East, having been absent about a year. Mr H W Mi Klmurrv. one of the substan tial citizens of Albany Prairie left today to visit his old home in Arkansas. M M Davis, receiver of the Niagara Mill Co., went np to the mill on the San tiara yesterday, having received word that be tween KJ0.000 and 1 ,000.000 feet of logs had breken away from the boom at that place. The heavy rains seem to have been general throughout this section of the state, as the streams are all np. Corvallis Newt. Mr John Green. Eugene City's leading citizen nince t. apt an Alstuie s exit, was in Albany today on his way home from Corvallis, where his friends in that town had apreled him in a Banner that would make him the envy of the Duke of Vaana. t ma , . .L- . ! r I ,ur .1 .xnan. me pnteriinsing niercnani 1 Cot?RTV OP l.ISX . I. N P Payne, county clerk of the county of Linn, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that tne foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the county court of said county, for the six months ending on the aKh day of September, 198. on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official custody. Witness mf hand and the ( I seal of the county court ' skal v of said county tbi 10th -' day of October. A. D 1H N. P. PAYNE. County Clerk. By B. M. Payne. Deputy. Semi-annual statement of the county treasurer of Linn county. Oregon, for the six months ending cn the 30th day of Sep tember, A D, 1833, cf money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid oat: amocxt RnravED. Am't on hand from hut report . . 74 Am't rewired from (' " Jackson. sheriff .taxen for 18BS 8643 70 Am't ree d from ah 'ff.dei taxel-2 488 79 Amt rec d tram sh'ff.dei taxes 191 785 81 Amt ree'd from N P Payne, dark. trial fees, sundry cases 321 .V) 7 50 1 (0 .17 oO u eoirrr roirai, Fairuoi'nt Gbahoc IlALL.Oct. 7th,18t3. The Linn County Business Coanci met in regular session after a summer' vacation. The dav was very nnpropi tious and there was not so large a number of patrons in attendance as might be ex pected. worthy president and a select choir entertained the audience with a few choice pieces of vocal music tefore call ing the house to order. Alt bing found qualified to remain, the council waa opened with prayer by the worthy chap lain, Bro P Doughton. The agent was called on for bis report, and he stated that there was no business to report at this meeting. Several mem bers spoke in favor o' the twine that was used the present season and waa well satisfied with said twine. Dinner was announced at this time when all oartook of a Leartv reoast furn isbed by the good sislert of Fairmonnt grange, and waa decided a success The worthy president recalled the houss to order when the subject of direct legislation and refer endum was tacen op, and several resolutions were read in re gard to the tame and waa talked on by several members of the council, and it waa voted that each subordinate grange take action on the same and report at the next session ot L,inn council. A vote of thanks was tendered the members of Fairmonnt grange for the use of their ball and the sisters for the repast furnished. The next meeting of the council will be held with Tangent grange, the first Saturday in November. On the good of the nrder there waa tome good suggestions made by several tarn, rmnrtcniscss Amt ree d licenses to peddlers Amt rac'd ferry license at Peoria. Amt rw q twos from JiMtiotoo(irt& Amt rec d finm and costs State 3 C Lyon 71 05 Amt reed from Circuit Court.... 100 00 Amt rer'd circus license 1 j 0w Amt ree'd school bonds sold for District 52 m 00 Amt rer'd fine for fast driving. -. 5 00 Amt ree'd petitioners to pay dam ages on Co. road 15 00 Receipt for fund paid state treas urer, returned to said treasur er as per order of coanty court 1600O 00 Total received $113390 school rvst. Amt on hand from last report $ 6730 69 Amt ree d frtsm sheriff. Uu l9 00 Amt rer'd from sheriff. deJ. taxes for IMS 25tG2 Amt ree'd from state treasurer . . 544 40 Total received .$44254 71 A llol' ST FAID OCT. County warrants $37400 61 Interest on county warrant 1304 27 Oerssrai fund on hand 17514 71 ft .tate hr.-Ai. jnt. Uue fcw 1802, 10888 00 To state treasuru .taxes for t8$2. . 10000 On To state treasurer. taxes for MM.. 10000 M To state treasurer, taxes for 1802 . 10000 00 To state treasurer, taxes for MM.. 10000 00 To F C Stanard. clerk school dis trict 52 1268 00 Tuesday evening, Oct 10. Present Recorder. Marshal.Street Super intendent, ConncUmen Burkhart in the chair; Stewart. Whitney and Whes-U-r. Ab sent, Marshall, ill with typhoid fever. Pfeif far, in the eist and the mayor, in Portland. The following bills were allowed: Fred Blount. $10 00: N J Heuton. IU5 00. John Orton. $2 00; cost bills. $5 90. An arc light was ordered at otfaand Vine til eats; ana the arc light at lit and Cali pooia was ordered moved to 1st and Wash ington Petition for arc lights at 2nd and Broadaibin. 5th and Jefferson and 9th and Ferry streets were referred. A duplicate warrant of $10 50 was or dered issued to U P Dannals. A communication from I Steinhart. hold insi the the city hoods, contented to an ex tenrion of time for the payment of interest. The report of the city recorder showed. $7.1.B0 received during the part loartar from taxes. $1000 tram ucenrc. frjtt from general license. $104. from street aa 1 I'll nit ami $7 :t: on hand July I. A total of pjMMUMi The dibanvtnent were $S66.12 -aid on warrant. ".", 74 interest. $26.42 in the treawiry. The inJentedneni is bonds, $75,000. interest. $2250. outstand ing warrants ;$20,(K!.1. A decrease of $'442.10 sir.- July 1st Following were the pnapoaea for which city warrants were tsaned paring the quarter. Mayor and roonril $45. marshal. $400.55; eeroraVr $191 .45. cuperinten lent oi streets. $120.00: treasnrer. $50.09; po liceman. $49.50; firedVpartnsent. $573.;; electric ligbu. $390.00-. stationary, etc $S7.7 . sewers. 4-i 20: street work. $4.99: tundri $-.'-.25 UiktlLl.i. The younir men and lrys an- inakiiur foot walk up State street. Klmariiin iSinttli, ofHalxey. is visiting relatives here. Prof Gilwon mailt: a hurried visit to our town the fore part of the week. J E Hamilton will go to Portland tomor row. He will visit the Mechanic's fair. He expects to meet his wife on her return from Kansas. Mrs Hamilton has been gone about four months visiting her parents and friends . J M Marks made a short visit to this place last week. Having some leisure time last Thursday we made a visit to the fruit drier of Mill holten A' Stone. We found Mr M busily engaged with a drier full of prunes, and although he was alone he took time to show us around. This company have dried plums from the time they began to ripen until prunes were ripe enough to dry. They have averaged over WK) pounds of dried fruit every 24 hoars. Mr M gave us a sample oMierman petite prunes which are superior in taste to California raisins. We prevented a portion of them tootr post master and tie has them on exhibition at the postoflios. Mr M says they have already had an offer for their dried fruit, hot will hold a while jet A (top of prunes is worth more than a crop of wheat. Mr M says that thev are only experimenting this seaton, and thinks a drier as large again as the one they are using will be as easily managed and think the fruit industry win be very remunerative. Mr David Mill hoi leu sold ten dollars worth of Drones, the ; product of one tree, after giving a share to muiuouen v r?une tor nrying. ana he sold in the local markate. At this rate an acre of land in prunes is worth a thousand dol lars. The time of cheap land in the Wil lamette valley is past and frriit raising is just in its infancy, and today the man with ten acres ot hearing trees 1 worth more titan a man with two hundred acres of farm land. The experience of the past twenty years makes it plain that the farmer can not realize more than a good living by rais ing wheat, while the experience of the last six years tuny denx.nntrate that there is a good profit in fruit of alKrinds. Amu t -. ijLnasfi MaJkl not found elsewhere BtivaBtta0M Beautiful Location. Hnitablr, Biiidiiw, Effif if ot TeacBert, Oregon, of the oldest and best Kcrtkwett Offers Sopor Advantages Expenses Light: a Ut irdinir hail in the College building on the club plan, President Brownsoc steward, thus guaranteeing food board at th least possible coat to the student. Board can al lie had in private families at $2.50 to $3.00 pe week, including lodging. The fine Telescope n-cently mounted in tlx New Observatory and the extensive Library to which students have free access, offen in this state. Thirty Acre Caapu, RealUf mit$im.ix, Tbortiigh Wort. Five courses of stodj special advantages m Scientific, Norma . Liter '.ry tad Bnstness, with mental Music, itasinesi course of two rears. Graduates of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to fill high positions. Mc Minn rule it accessible by rati from all tarts nf the fctete, on the main trunk of the Southern Pacific R. H. West Side; fifty miles sooth of Portland next estates Total paid flUm 59 Or. Price's Moat Perfect Made. When catarrh attacks a person of scrot- alotu diathesis, the disease is almost sure to become chronic. The only enScacious cute, therefore, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. which excels scrofula from the system and he catsrrh soon follows suit. Local reatment fat only a waste cf time. Millard A Beach to D A oom. 160 acres II w 5 $ 7300 I'Sto Henry .Sueaent, IOC acres 13 El Patent Thos A Garbad to Samuel Buck. 205 acres 11 w 1 4000 U S to Anthonv Weddie. -S20 acre 11 K 1 Patent J L Hill to Lena Younger.! ot.Soda- viue 30 l" S to Owen Bear. -643.50 acres 12 w 4. Date of potent March 1. !59.girned bv James Buchanan. Patent D Myers to N C Myers. 140 acres and several piece of land 4000 S Thompson et al to James B Davis. 1 Hii rj feet, bi 47. . H 2nd a Fall Term Send for a ta log tie. Begins September 19th. Address. T. 43. BROI XNO.V Freaistrsst. Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Orcas StPTZMBsa rj 1003 Closes Octobrk sS. LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Spxciax Faaruau Will Ecursa Those or sjcv Par viols Yeab. MADAME QIRARO OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Com coeted at a cost of 910,000 and throwing a t loassutd jet of water ia all esters o' the rainbow will beaotify tlnate Hall. T. A T?T--tn CalTJJEilTJMS Containing tub cf all variatka foaad ia Osegoa w stars, have bees constructed 1 1 expanse, THE ATxVT G-AT.T.FiBY Will eentaia a col action of sssiatiae selected f rota the World's Fan'. Ansae? t bean labor g s ewlstsrated painting. Caster's Last Vitht. To visit this great Exposition and view its wooden in every dcpaitatssst of Ait and Bssraee, will be the next thing to a vint to iha W or la's Fair at Chicago. Radaesd rates on ail Transportation Unas. For fartasw iaforatataoa aderosa. K. W. ALLEN. - Fapsrsateasteat and Seee ary Alter.v Martha AJford to Mary AInaon.6I.14 1 Albert W Pkk to WmClingtnan. 80 IB w 4. acre 14 w 4 I'nion Hall Co to School I listrkt 5 50x147, feet 650 M ra netcnum o VJfx umpter,45.4I aires llti 094 WCIVtendnto Win Balston. 1 tot. IS Jas F Rmker to C L Rain,-. 1 21 acres' 11 ei 600 S W Faulkner to E 0 Allison. 8.08 acres 11 w 2. COO Lon Aldridge to i K Thontns, 44.56 acres 725 '1 K Thotnas to and George Ro4on. UJA acres 9 E 1 700 0 S to John H Itomon. 16$ acres 13 K 2 Patent A Is what Hood's Saraaparilla vigoi I Ij tights and it is always vletarsoaa ia expell ing all the I el taints and tha vital nasd th quality and oaaatity of perfect BUY HEATING STOVES Hood's PUts car all liver ill. 25c. Vwrrck.s shaviag acd hair eatting par OWING to the present monetary strin gency and during the existing condt- aCBOOL Ft AD. asjperiaten- Mvfa-i lie cf V At IN fDSHK sed lion of the financial market. I find h I' COS iaMKHS. 1 naiad tag snsny novelties, i c mpuleory tc run my business on a very for isdisu, sntMSM -d chUdeeo. it new on j cooservsttve basis. Sugar, as yon are sale. SEYoaeg. aware. Is handled on a very small margin Matthews $ Washburn. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE HUD RETAIL Only White Labor Employee?2 Operaslves there are nf all sorts, some good,ftome bad, some Indifferent. You want the best . So takes Simmons Liver Regulator only. It Is the tvt operative in any a' tack of indi gestion'.dyspepsia.c .nsiipation and billot s It is a mild laxative, without gr'n ins, or any debilitatinc effec'.s. You wiil know the article by the la'ee red Z on every package. Take no other. WHO does your washing? It is to lie hoped yon send it to the Albany Steam Iuindry.thua patronizing a first-class home institution that employs only white lalsir. The work too sneaks for itself, not after the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, but on account of the Kupehor manner in which it is done. A Lith-eTilt. The ahuriff aDi the Oonoty Judge bad a little tilt over a bill rat in by the litter at the rece-1 term of court. The bill was for expenses occurred in visiting th sjeno ol ths rsceot Chinese riots, and it is said the argument grew quite warn.. Tl.e sheriff won, however,! two 01 tne commissi inera taxing nta view of the matter and voting to allow t'ie bill. Sslem Democrat. A Oeiicine Cleahxsce Hale in taenia fine shoes. Within the next 15 days we propose to dispose of 12dozn pairs of French and DoognU kid, hs.nd turned sod machine aewed, opera and common sense Uste, sice from 2 Jj tot in all widths The.e goods mast go regardless of cost. Ladies wearing shoes iu theae sizss will do well by cilling on Klein Bios Milmnext. Mrs M Buoy and daughte desire to inform tba public that they have moved into the rooms lately occupied by Mrs Sower and are supplied with a line of mU'.'.nery goods of quality and prices to Hint the pre.sent hard timex. Be Htire to call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. Amt paid on school dents' warrants S5683 21 Balance school fund on hand I '415 4? j At Msal Times do sou ever consider Amt paid out on school superinten- j the quality of Ihe food sou are eating? It dents s warrants not reported ; mav be good. It might be better, purer. in statement made Mar. sitt. 1 fresher and more wholesome. I It not shlie to make sure that your tea. mrrr-.rr.. . mwizzr rfle?t- sunpar. bjikrd cpfwvi and innumrra Total paid . 44254 71 bieau,er groceries ate of the best quality ? Of the above amounts S16."l:l..Vi of the I There is such a trifling difference In the oraerai fund and i!7.?00.1& of the school i prices of the best and the worst that it fund are on deposit in the Linn County National Bank, which dosed its doors on Jane 17th. -State of Oregon, Coanty of Linn. ss. I, Brice Wallace, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct state ment of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, In the county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 30th dav of Sep tember, AD, 1SB3. Witless my hand this 5'.h day of Oc tober A P. 1893. BRICK WALLACE. County Treasurer. 8emi annual statement of the amount of money and warrants received for tax- and money paid to the county treas doe not pay to buy ihe worst.even on the false ground of suprosed economr. The best Is always the cheapest , because the most satisfactory and durable .and the very best of everything in the grocery line it kept at Parker Bros. Will & 8tark. fV rswelar. of profit: s ) small in fa" to scarcely pay for the handling of it, and the terms upon which it I bought are very strict (cast, only.) While money was plentiful and collections good, I was able to allow sugar Mils 10 run 60 days ; bat cordltions at present are such that I will sell sugar for cash only. I assure voa I waa very re luctant to make a rule of this kind, but the conditions of the market are such as to make it imperative. Trusting you will look at this in the proper light and also understand that this rule applies generally. Perky Conn. ieuer Mat. -All our Kabo cornet are the new patented sott eyelets COBSETS. made with which are warranted not to pull out or cut the lacers. Their use prevents the back of the corset showing through the dress, and avoids stainintr of underclothing, which is the case when metul eyelets are used. We confidently recommend them, not only ax a perfect fitting corset, bat the most durable one in the market. Made in medium, ex tra long, and extreme long waist. For salt; bySamuel E Young, Albany. Oregon. Hodges & MoKorlaod, St, Albany, Ci . the 1 ading drak Foilowirg is the list of letters returning in the post office at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct 9:b, 1893. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Aldrick, Mrs H L 2 Arnspangh, Mrn Cliira Barnes, a Is lilankeniitiip, Mrs K. Ij Busch, John II Burkhart, Geo Cooper, Kiq. David F Diffenbacber, Min M Graves, Minn Elizabeth lira ham. Thomas Hamilton, Thomas Hall, Madame Jones Ksq.. W II Kidder, Wm Lutz, M V Leo, Alfred S Mcord, Jamex Meatee, Dave Myers, Miss Myrtle McKechino, Miss J NomuH, Ueo P Roberts, Mrs Ida K Stone, Mrs K M Stall 2 C O Smith, NO 2 Smith, Mrs Rebecca Taylor.MissFrankieTorrey, Mrs A M Warner, Harvey T WiJsod, John W Thos. Momteitu, P. M , Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pars Qrspe Cream of Tartar Powder. The editor of the Cnrhalem Valley Times disagreed wit.i a neighbor about "a aunfloweiand whipped the fellow. Being short of funds, the newspaper man lll edfrtiis paper from the county jail for twenty days. 'I he justice who pronounced the sentence will hear fiom his nibs In a future issue. He I primised a loyal roast. Ex. - I I The Portland Welcome pipes off two 11 v. Btwpri iiscii as iomows: nun i l Campbell, editor of the Eugene Guard.and Rev Robert Johnron. editor of the Cor vallis Evangelist, biightencd the atmoi phere of The Welcome sanctum on Mon day. These two excellent gentlemen are Inseparable friends. Earnest Williams, who was airested al Redding, California-, one day last week and brought back here on a charge ot horse-stealing, had his preliminary exam (nation betore County Judge Huff 3rd on Saturday and was ' dtrcharged. While there is r.o doubt that the horseavas stol en, jet there was no evidence produced to show that Williams corrmitted the theft. Cor valll New. A Journal representative, who Is a'so Colonel of Oregon Division Sons of Vet erans, USA, spent the day at Lebanon and addressed the associated pitilotic or ders In the evening. Lebanon has the eputation of being the liveliest lift e town In the valley e.nd what we saw Saturday confirmed that opinion not a little. It was crowded with people from the farming rejrion of the rich prairie about the forks of the Santiatn. Salem Journal. , Sma; Pkocp Rubber Riots at Klein Bros, Try a pair of K'cln Bros Rubber spad ixo Boot. Rubber goods of all descriptions at at Klein Bro. A Portland minister says a great troub le now Is that a great many people are spiritually atrophied. A civil case was In progress to-day before Justice Newport, between Mrs Dr Luiu Sick and Po, for money loaned. The price of discontinuing "shriverees," the Democrat Is Informed has been raised from $ 1. 50 to 2,oo in Albany. Lee Fairchlld. a Tacoma humorist, one lime on the West Shore, and Press Wood ruff, formerly a drummer, well known by Albany merchants, are lecturing In Wash ington, a la Bill Nye and Burbank. had left a vey conspicuous sign on his stove j rer by the sheriff of Linn county, Ore pipe as well as an inmense button hole j iron, for the six months ending on the Unmet on bis breast. He was the renter of 1 Soth day of September, A D 1S93 : AMOUNT RECEIVED Yes, Yoc Can see the finest line o J r a relies for suitings In the state at W R Graham s. where he haa a tailor with lew equal on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most (tylish suils of him. A new feature wilt be the making of ladles' cloaks to Order, or the j altering of cwaks 10 the tales' styles, and I he repairing of cloaks Prices are bot tom ones. A Watch is a ntcisit f nowadays. I yew want one call on Will At Stark, whose st jck is lam and varied, a ad price the the most reasonable. They can give yon a rargain ia thi hoe as well aa in jewelry fonarally NEW : FURNITURE, MY SrOBJS IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FCRSTTUEE, CCSSISTIXG ef bed room seta, chairs, lecutgsa, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. attraction at the depot. THE COXUKDRm T. at the Congregational church last evening was certainly a success so far as quality was concerned, both in management and the character of the T., and also in the socia bility of those fortunate in being present. The bill of fare will be appreciated by our readers, and speak for that part of the affair. Koch person ordered according to numbeni. causing amusement where mis takes Were made in guessing. The sub Htantiols were: Outside the bases, an un rnly member, intoxicated bovine, shortened staff; the relishes, women of grit, skippers home, compounded condiment, fruit of the vine, what a boy does in stmwberry time: (he pabulum, celestial, dainty digits, well rounded confusion, food of our ancestors; the gold in the morning, forbidden fruit, small boys quest, better than wine: the nectar, what asthmatic people are. Boston's overthrow, Oregon's plenty. Miss Cathe rine Althouse received the pri7.e for guessing- the most correctly, getting all but one.prao tically all . Mil m Mrs crosbv's i'artt. Last evening Mr and Mrs W F Crosby give a party at the St Charles to their Al iny and other friends. The rooms were elegantly decorated in ivy and flowers for the occasion. The evening was spent in cards in the parlors ana dancing in the (lining room. Music was furnished by Spiuiglers Orchestra of Corvallis, asaisted bv Wm Richards, of this city. At 12 o'clock: a sumptuous repast was served, consisting of the choice viands of the day. Thorn present were: Mr and Mrs H M Beat!, Dr and Mrs (i W Maston. Mr and Mrs Thou Monteith, Mr and MrtWR Bilycu. Mr and Mrs .1 H Wood, Mr and Mrs IIiob Hopkins, Mr and Mrs H J Hopkins, Mr and Mrs I' H Pfeiffer, Mrs D VanHcrn, Misses Anna Houk, Alice Porter, Minnie V mil lorn. Velle Irving, ljiitu (iiilliraith, Ilattie (ralbraith. Nina Parker, Zella Wood, Bettie Oiblin, Mr ana Mrs J O Wilson. Messrs J A Walker, O G Hopkins, and K K Mulcuhy. of Corvallis, Dr La Mer, of Salem and Messrs .1 A Wilson, E M Horton, J A dimming, W J Ortel, E D Cusick, Arthur Leimert, Dr W H Davis, J M Irving, Will Merrimun and C B Winn, of Albany. April.. May... Jane . . Jnly . . August 54237 00 15H65 63 4525 63 2525 a 1385 17 September 3607 80 COl' STY WARRANTS. July II8 " August ' September 826 60 A MO IT NT Will TO COUNTY ipril May June Jnly August fteptemtx r TREASURER, ....t 59283 03 . . . . 22WVS 87 .... 17112 27 , ... 2314 33 788 07 . ... 1200 84 Patrosisb the Central Pish a try Market, on Eit worth stnet. nd Poul-between Second and Third, for your Jressed poul try, game and fish of all kinds in season, oj-'xrs, clam aid crabs. Everything fresh in our line may be had at reasonable figures. Call and see us. Senders & Co. Tiionrros's Gi.ov Frrriso Corskt, cos .1! the most favorably kaewn linos in ih market, with ntia long waist f r ssie 8 K Yotwo. See tba Kw Improved Singer sewing mi ohine. The r-.t is alwsv tint cheapest. J W Se-wdeo. acent. Office at F M Frrnch'a sawelry store l'lULLUS - PCRDOM. - On Friday evening. Oct. 1 0th. 1393. at the home of the bride's, parents. Mr and Mrs B F Purdom bv Rev I, S Fislier. Mr Homer Phillips and Miss I allie Purdom. Both are popular voting people, who have roanv friends who will wish them a life of happiness. SNELL CREEL. On Oct- 10th. 1S93. at 3 o'clock p. m., at Use Evangelical par sonage, in Albany, by Rev L S Fisher. Mr K Snell and Miss Ethel Creel. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. COOKE HARRIS In Minneapolis, Minn., on Oct 4. 1893, Dr Clinton T Cooke and Miss Edith Harris. The many friends of the bride in Albany will wish the happy couple all the joy and prosperity possible m this life. sw sfcf w v r "'saw M PoKTUJsn, Oaasoa. A. P. Aaissnc no, Psixcirai. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X5 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. COUNTY WARPA.VIX J 121 10 . 177 59 July rkptembe r State or Ohoom Couktv- or Linn I. C C Js ckson, sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that th. foregoing statement ia correct and true. Witnesn ray han i this 0th day of Oc tober, A D 1893. C C JACKSON. SheriffolLlnnCo Semi-annual summary statement of the financial condition of the county of Linn , In the atfate of Oregon, on ths 30th day of September, A D 1893. LIABILITIES, Warrants drav. n on Ihe county tresauter, s r.d outstanding snd unpaid... t 935 7 Estimated amour.t of interest accrued thereon 75 cn .1 Mr Loo Ostarhoodt has resumed dress msking at heroli pi to of batioesa Bay 12 feat wid linolsom of tne Albany Faro. Co . Durable and sanitary . Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers Is the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest. most econonlcal and sattstactory oye ever Invented. It Is ths gentleman's favorite. Thia trip the s'eamer Willamette Valley will bring for the Albany Farn. Co. carpets, mattings, tugs and outside door mats. Skwinu Machimb neUly repaired aa warranted hv a thirousblv oomoecnt work man, at F M Fraoch'a jewelry ttore, Albany, Uregon. LEWIS. Iu Albany, on Sunday, Oct 8, 1393, of consumption, Mr Edward Lewis, at the age of 35. Mr Lewis, re cently came from Denver, Col., to Al bany, for ihe benefit oi his health, but gradually failed until hia death. He leaves a wife and child to mourn the death of one who ia reported have been an excellent fa'her and husband. Mr Lewis was a brother of Mrs A S Hart of this city. His body waa embalmed by Mr Fred Fortmiller, and will be taken to Denver by Mrs Lewis, for burial. ZUMWALT.Of lung troubles, at the home of his brother, in Lyon, Linn Co., Oregon, J W vim wait. Was bom Dec. rd , 1853, in Lane Co., Or., and died Oct. Oth, 1893, being 39 years, 10 months and 3 days old. Bro. John united with the Disciples of Christ at Latirande in the year of 1880. From that time he made the word ol Ood Ins stud y and died fiftVnVL asjStgywcaWaiTs-srrooaaiisisss.sarli as Weak Meaao-yJ Ptraar, BiiSiiS WaaaTat - la - a. -- nfc tTkw I as 1 sa 1 isnasalTal lllfl nf t lhnTslTfl niliatl flfl .SsatK wklc iea-f so I-Sr-tfJ. Ooll. orl A3, tot IU cafes do osaer. Wrlserorrrasa4Staii swoc saasw-i ,u .'JjSr74rFaw m sua sua., m J.t--aMiita fnir unt ITaalaltaaT.Cj'AkltUiU aa hy HOOOBs atcrAKlfeN P. taaaSsta. Cabinet photos from 331.50 to J.oo doxen. hnuiging pictures a Ity. i6xao crayon: framed iojqo. we carry a large stock ot jus and stereseoptc views of Or- Itr. a.SAtIHe PHOTOfilttPHiM, c" Aokxts W xtkd on Salary and Commi ssion for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED ofJAMMBLABfi Clean towela to every customer atVitreok I a faithldl defender ol Gods cause, ntving parlors. Oregonian please copy.also Salem pa- having pari Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Vsar the 3taadard. pers. Total amoq aad oat ec ituouao pus uuas ,i 'spioa aoi soobft "TO limuff 'rrm ana liabilities! $ 990 70 REsouRcaa, Kunds In hands of county treas urer applicable to the pay ment of county warrants g. ,7514 71 Funds In the rusnat 01 county sheriff applicable to the pay- merit of courtty warrant 41678 01 PRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in' Millionsrofi Homes 40 Years the Standard. By Gail HAsnttoit, hia literary executor, with the oo-operatioo of his family, and for Mr. Blame's Otxnplat Works, Twrstt Vrars or Cosorxss," and hi later book, "Political Dtsccssions." Oao prospsetn for these 3 best sslliso books ia the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 1 12 ordr from tint 110 calls; agent's profit $196 50 Mrs Ballard of O. took IS order. 13 Seal Kusaia, ia 1 day: profit $26.28. K N Rice of Mass, took 27 order in 2 day; profit $47.25. J Patridgo of Ma. took 43 order from 36 calls; profit $75.25. K A Palmer of N. Dak. took 63 order in 3 days; profit $98.25. KXCIXSIVB TERRtTOBT 8iv eo. If you wish to make LARGE MOaflY writ immediately for terms to The Henry BUI Fab. Co. Jorwieh.CoHi Wall Paper I ruufs, Paintnt, Oil Glaus., JEtc J. A. Cumming ALBANY, OREGO Fresh sweat pickles, olives, chow chow, its, jast received at Parker Bros. To Farmers I HAVE BKNTKD TBS MAGNOLIA Mill warehouse and will have it in ircod order for receiving ths present crop. The warehouse is first class and conveniently located. Contain -.wo Rood cleaners. delay in unloading. Sacka will baoo hand for deUvery indue tisr. Give me a call betoro -s-rr Albaay, Or., Jnly 15sh, 189S. Dissolution Notice. The partnership hereto fore sxtstln 8 bs ween U G Hayne tndOL Buck, doing a general contracting and cement work business In Albany, Oregon. dr 'ho firm name of Hayne Fuck. Is thjaday diaaoived by Mutual consent, loose Snnatae IhamaalyM U be luiiebted to the firm will please call and aettie. ttayne win continue mo uu.uw September 19th,l89oujHjiTKR C Ii BUCK. v a M" Or. ptters en-WatUatee TV N44 Oairvoraat sed LM Baajar. is an, aad eaa a round at aJ f1 zf i B CouaUl.. SaajAout " aad tuiura; ior """" ---r-" You osn bear mm rou i