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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1893)
Rights emoftfl "5 8 VOL XXVIII. Eatere i at Ike Pst at Albany. r.. at ruud- ! Hall Matter; ALB ANYsO REGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1893. arms mma,riMitaintai mumoti NOS? i 2 - FORTHILLEB Undertakers and WE KhEP rr-nstrnlly en I ird a full lite of n Utile, tleth rd wet d cast tit ai ccrBos. Also luiial icltt and tuilf, in lit ic'rlcih, taiii ,c Ml n lr.tti1 which will be (old at The lowest Living PraSta. EMBALMING nd ll,e proper care of the dead a Feclalty. KO EXTRA CHARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC I r.e Oregon Land Co 1 iu home office at SALEM - - - OHIiJGrOIT e In the Gray Hock, corner Liberty and State street, branch office la Portla-u, MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract near Salem' Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 $60 per ere small cash psyment lunp time on balance or particulars. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BM WNELUSwffssor U flyman ft Irowiell Proprietor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. We would call the attention of our friend to the fact that we are better prepared than ever before to furnish everything in the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vine, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our stcck is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' ?m inspect pests, and mr prices low. C. E. Brownell is our city agent and; .er left with him at his store will receive prompt and cartful attention . . and see me or write for free catalogue to ALBERT BROW If ELL, A ban v, Ore CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholesale ard f Waiter. 1 J'i'ldera, Orsiinf and iron Seltser Waters, - W Country orders io. idled. Giya OPPOSITE! R.USS HOUSE, ALBANY? SEEDS PORTLAND SEED GO, Portland, Or. rSERD FOR HE LEADIWC PHOTOGKAPOEB8, i -tlbaar. Oregon BILIOUSNESS KttBEBBSL a The S. B. Headaelie and Liver Cure WM ) PHYSIC i W If Uken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or refund your money, DON'T SICKEN. DON T, GRIPE 50 cents per hottie, by - I A CUMMINGS, ACADEMY OF lady of Perpetual Help -A -rAhsolutcl vT Ciiyh for" Da in PrompT Cure! Permanent Cure. Peif ecTCure. A MING Embalmers. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGON Ktit 1 U. altrs ir. Bireh Beer, Narsaparllln and. Iron.' rant Wlae, Etc. us a trial. Bee and Poultry 8UPPLIE8 Fertilizers CATALOGUE. Cabinet photot from $1.50 to $i,o. per dozen. Snlaiging pictures specialty. 16x10 crayons f ram: for $10.00. We -:arrv a large I1 1 of 5x8 and steretcoptc views of 0-- egon. BBscsl"ff.l Mr mmm II I . sr aB 25cta MJcta.. 81.00 per Bottle? One cent a dote. This Cheat CtouOH tShva promptly curat where all others fail, Couht, Croup Sore Threat, Hoarseness, W hooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it nas no rival: hat cured thousands, and will CUB you tf Uken In time. Bold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a lame ttaca or uofat 8HILOH8 BELLADONNA PLASTER J ILOH'syiXATARRH REMEDY. ve you Catarrh I Tnls remedy is a-uaran- tcedtoouro you. Price. Mots. Injecforfree. 0. Ma IHcFarlandj - :- DEAl.KU IK -:- Harness -and -Saddler; Display in the floe LOCAL RECORD Lkbanqn. The paper mill company hare received a ISO- hone power engine which they will wewlun the water it too low to furiiisl- power. Ed Kellenberger left Monday for Swit zerland tq pay a visit to his parents. He will be absent about lix months. Win Frick, ot near Sweet Home, was on Monday arrested and convicted of killing a hog belonging to a neighbor. We did not hear what sentence waa pasted upon him, bat in the evening he escaped from the officer and has not been seen since- Prises were given to the following at the recent horse show : Clyde draft, first prize, "Prince Barrett, ' owned by W H oung, Santiam; second prize, "Helton Pride," G W McHaretre. Brownsville Percheron, first, "Titus," BlumbergA Miner, Albany; second, uorna," It H tt rover, Brownsville. English Saire.lirst, second, "Chief," J W Barrel!, Waterloo. Koadster, "Little Huov,' Wta Middle ton. Albany; trotter, Jaa Auderway.Tallman ; saddle horse, Miss Annie Keebler; mare and colt. Sam Claypool ; two-vear-old, first, E Keebler, second, Ben Keebler; yearling, Jos Buhl Advance Ur the Santo am. J W Brown sold a carload of wood to Parker Bros, of Al bany, laat week. Mr Estahrook has been relieved of the position of agent for the Oregon Pacific company at Niagara, and the plaee is now filled by E 8 Barnes. Chat Cusick. of Albany, waa np at hit ranch on Kinney Creek the first of the week. . About three inches of snow fell at this place laat Friday, but it went off very last Carran A 'Monteitb, of Albany, have donated a lot on which to build a church at Gates. Mrs W F Read, of Albanv. visited at the residence of C W Head at Gate ian week. The Gates dramatic organization will give an entertainment at that place soon. The brass band of the same place ordered a set of instruments from Albany. Prof M M Norton delivered two lecture at this place Tuesday, the aim and ob ject 01 which waa to enow the very near approach of the comma of Christ and the end of the world- Mr Norton seta no dale for the final wlnd-op of affairs on this earth, but says the present genera tion will witness it Lumberman. A Good Rcmmkdation . A citizen of Sodaville haa prepared the following well worded writeup on that city : "No matter what your disease it we feel sure it te curaale by a liberal use of the min eral water by both drinking it and bath ing in it. Never haa each a remedy been discovered by science aa this Godaiven water for all complaints, aa yon will see tor youreeu by thus visiting rs. Men and women who have come here broken down in health bare bathed, drank and recovered. Young people living here are among the stoutest in the land. Children with their school book a under their arma and bright rosy cheeks crave this water aa the sodden ed drunkard crave iris ram. Come ye, bathe, drink and live. The bath house is now equipped to suit all corners with hot aad cold wa ter baths and the proprietor will do iris beat to help yon regain your health. Thz Crops. B S Hague weather and crop report shew the following: The fall-sown wheat has slow growth, but it is rooting well. On the low un ci rained land where water stands rome of the wheat is reported to be rutting. Con siderable yellow Is seen on low land. Spring seeding is generally retarded. Plowing on the uplands is about finished. The wheat acreage has generally been in creased. Grass is growing nicely, it is about the only vegetation not retarded in its growth by the present weather. Hop are appearing above the ground : the acreage of hops has been greatly increased, especially within 35 miles of Salem. The streams are high and lumber men are actively engaged in Boating their logs. rresent atmospheric conditions do not warrant the belief of an immediate clear ing of the weather; but the wish of all is warn-cr and fair weather. Several Change. On and after the tTth inst there will be a change In the running of trains on the Oregon Pacific. Train 6 will leave Detroit at 7 a m arriv ing In Albany at 11 :i$ a m, leavtng Al bany at 1:30 p m arriving at Detroit at 5:40 pm The name of the station at the eastern terminus has been changed from Coe to Detroit. Train 1 from Yaqulna will arrive in Albany at 1 1 :iS a m and leave lor Yaqulna at 12:35. The accom modation train leaves Albanv for Yaqulna at 8:40 a m. The freight train will leave Corvallis for Albanv at VV P m Instead of 2:50. This arrangement will be a great a:comodatkn u. the patrons of the road for summer travel. Dear Aitls. The special agent of the government who was here last week taking testimony of citizens of th's county in claims against the government for In dian depredations, had six claims submit ted to him. The largest claim it the Bel thaw, wbich it for abvut $1500. A brother of George Belshaw of this city, accom panied by another man, abtained a load of apple down the valley and were taking them to Southern Oregon, when they were attacked by the Rogue River In diana and killed and their property de stroyed. The claim it for thit property. Eugene Register. Can be counted on to core Catarrh Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's nothing new. For 25 years it has been doing that very thing. It gives prompt and com plete relief bat you want mora than that. And yon set it, with this Remedy there's a cure that is perfect and permanent. The worst chronic cases, no matter of how Ions standintr, yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing properties. " Cold in the Head " needs bat a few applications. Ca tarrhal Headache, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh, are at once relieved and cored. Ton can count on something else, wo eouu m casn. xou can count on it, but it's more than doubtful whether yon earn it. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy, in good faith, offer that amount for an incurable case of Catarrh. Don't think that yon have one, though. They'll pay you, if they can't cure you. That s certain. But they can cure you. That's just about as certain, too. Can you ask more? Red CrownMills I SOU & LANHING, PROPRIETORS. aw FRocmat flour soramioa for vAatrus amd sax ana eta, REST STORAGE FACILITIES WswIWtfsW ' 1 " A An Albany Woman. The Pendleton E. O, says: Mrs Mary J Train, president o! the Oregon relief corps, is a fine look ing, well preserved lady, with a kindly face and a cordial manner. At her apartments at the Hotel Pendleton last evening, a reporter asked her concerning the work of the corps. Mrs Train first paid a warm tribute to her predecessor in office and stated that it had been her one wish to keep np the rapid rate of growth in the order formerly attained. w nen sne too tne omce, mere were about 760 members in Oregon. Now the roster shows 1085 in good standing. Dur ing the year six new corps have been in stituted, and more are to follow. The relief corns are in active svmnathv with tne grand army, and it is ever a source of pride that they can look back to the days of the 60's when father, brother and lorer were at the front. They delignt in providing for the comfort of the sutfei ing veterans, and indeed that is the real meaning of the relief corps. An Oregon Boy The Democrat likes to keep track of the Oregon boys who go back East to school- Hera ie aoo'her: Percy N Olmsted, son of Judge M L Olm sted, 01 isaker city, 11 the cadet for Ore gon at Annapolie, and waa honored by the grade of commander of hie class. Thie position is cne whteh la attained purely by merit and bard work. The class graduates June 1st, after which Percy will be sent abroad for two years, before being commissioned for regular service. He holds the second best record in the world for artillery shooting, the first being held br a Minnesota boy.who is a cadet at Annapolis : As soon aa a vacancy occurs Percy will go into the service of Uncle Sam' on board one of the monster war ships which carry the stars and stripes. Oregon all Right. We bare now an other proof of the productiveness of Ore -gon climate. While rambling through the brush in search of his. Mr Jos Hume, who lives near town, found an old ewe who had mothered four iambs. He gathered the lam be up in hit arma aad took them to the hoes, where they were warmed and given some milkand at thit writing they are fat and growing nicely. Another "healthy" item te in regard to the killing of a hog recently by a gentle man near Rock Hill- The huge swine measured six feet and eight inches around the body at the heart, and yet some people maintain the idta that you can't raise hogs in Oregon Brownsville Timee. Bboken Blvm Rocks. The monthly Mascot shoot occurred yesterday. Sev eral medal holders were absent, even Smith was notoo hand. Tbescorewas: tfeargo Froman, SI; Chas Wallace, 18: Horace Froman, 14; L C Brown, 14; Grant Froman, IS: John Warner, IS; Mike Froman, 8; Wm Morris, 8; H Jonee, 8. and Jot Klein, 6, lb first two getting the gold and silver medals- An exciting special aboot between foe Klein and Jack Hammel resulted in a victory for the former, who broke S bloe rocks out of 10 ; while the latter secured 1. CosrraACT not Lxt. The contract for transcribing the Lincoln county Records bat not been let and wilt not be let, aaleta it contains a correct and complete transcript at of all records of Beaton county aftecttag the title of real estate thaated ta Lincoln Co. Contractors most give satisfactory bonds that Lincoln Co will get that kind of trans cript oy the contract will sat be closed with any bidder. Vaqnlna News. The lowest bid Is that of J S Van Winkle AOs, of Al or or $4,300. the neat of B F Jooot, $4. 5CO. The Salem Journal It keep ng ha readers posted an the Richardson case. Referring to an article in the Davocwigfeafe says: The Democrat should remember that a great deal of the circumstaotlal evidence" alluded to was manufactured and placed in the mouths of the newspapers by these very detectives and Pinkeitons whose headquarters are at Portland. They have hung more than one nr art aad tent scores to penitentiaries, just as they will Rich ardson, whether l.e is Innocent or guilty -The Journal has shown no disposition to prejudice against a railroad company, 00 the other hand it is not easily worked by "detectives" laboring for their lee. A Crave Bov. Tom Tower, a It rear old boy, living at Hole brook, in Clacka mas county, bad a terrible fight with a panther, resulting in the death of the panther and the probable death of the boy. Yoone Tower fonaht with a knife. Being alone, and too weak when found to talk, the particulars are not known. The panther was found about two hun dred yards from bim- The boy deserves to live. B010BT a Farm Mr A Gardner, wife and eight tbildren have arrived in Al bany from Iowa and will make this county their home. Mr Gardner has made arrangement to boy the uotrua farm at Peterson's Batte, consisting of about 600 seres for W5OO The Admin istrators sale of the property will be made on the 18th If they like the country several other families will ceme to Linn county from the tame place. Aasoa Day Eietcibes. Some very in- teretting arbor da exercises were being new on tne school sousre tint afternoon. in which the whole school was nartici pating. Among other things forty new trees were named after celebrated men, prin:ipaliy those first in the positions they held, ancb aa the first Governor of Oregon ,8 rst'eonn ty school superintendent 01 i.inn county, etc- Pearls. Two brothers named Fagan recently found a large number of shell fith pearls at the month of the Y achats river, in the south western corner of Lincoln countv. and th'nk thev have a good thing in the discovery. They have gone to Portland to have the pearls tested They wilt nrohably not prove ef very great value along aide the other pearls of the world. Aw Interested PH.-The new ad ministration has given It out that the fourth class postmasters will be allowed to com plete intir term of lour years and no longer. According to thit ruling there ill be a change in the Junction City office before long as Postmaster Lee's term will expire May 8 next .Junction City Timet. A Fearless Mam. Editor McMaban of the Daily Independent is getting down to his original self. He gives Sttte Printer Brker a breety airing forgoing on one ot his periodical sprees and tear ing up Jack generally, it takes tne fear less newspaper to teach a public officer hie place- Stayton Times. A Cranberry Country. J O Stearns, of L,oer isra, nas nan an acre ot cran berries under cultivation, and will tet out an acre more, requiring 4000 vines. Othert will do likewise 00 a smaller scale. The soil Is said to be suitable and people there believe Alset has a big cranberry luture A Grcat Invention. Is the self pouring coffee and tea pott. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without turn ing the pott. Wonderful. None of the hundred Mule lnconvenlencet of the old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and tpure and cannot burn, and tea to perfee ion. You raise the light ltd and the coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou would have the finest thing In tue world order ene when Mrs Talt, the local agent ai it on ou . out or atafet The traveling pnblio are now folly alive to the f sot tlist the Chioagn, Union Paellio Ai North-Wef tern ilne offeritfcn very beat aooommodationt tc the public from and to Chicago, Omaha aad intermediate points. not only during the World's Fair, but all the year round. Lure for Colds DUlty, SmaU BUs revert and aeneml Dn- js. kic. per Do run. If you bay Imberitl, of a bioyole get the beat The wuieh a fine cat appears else where it the one that ie on top. Riders generally are learning that ia THE BEST without aa exception . Call on J V Wilton, with Stewart & Sox for particulars. One .Small Bile Bean every night for Week arouse Torpid Livers, xbc. per bottle. SOtlAL ARM PEKteN AL THURSDAY Mr Merrill Fish, of Portland, is In the city on t two weeks visit, W S Pslsley, formerly of Albany, it now a retidcat of Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs Ctrl Parltet, ef Tacoma, who hat been la Alblny on a vliit with hr patents, Mr and Mrs H Ewert, returned hsnte this noon. Mitt Mary Blour.t hat been appointed to succeed Mrs C II Datryrrple In the public schools, Mrs Iulrymple having re signed. Mr O P Coshow. President of the Young People's society of the Baptist church of Oregon, and one of Oregon't live young attorneys, of McMinnville, it in the city. The Annutl Encampment of the G A K and W R C it in session la Pendleton. Mrs S S Train it in attendance fiom thit city and delivered an address there yeeVrdty before the latter society . loe Klein hat been up from Albany thit week making arrangements looking bt the opening of another boot and thoe more In thltdity. Walter Shumate ann Murray Vaughan will have charge of the of the store if opened. They are bargaining for tne room in the ttckrtt building on Wil lamette street. The arrangements are not completed and Joe expects 10 return the last of thit week Eugene Register. FRIDAY Dan Wagnon, of Salem, a resident! A! baay several years ago, it in the city. Mat Minnie McAfie, of Salem, it in the city the guest of her sunt, Mrs W B Barr. E W Helm, of N'aasene, brother of MsHe tlelm snd Mrs E E Parish, is vititlri in ti city. Cbaa Wardlow haa been appointed traveling freight and nateenaer a vent on the O. I A good selection. Miss Lid a Rumba ugh. of Albany was in town visiting her sister, Mrs Johnson Port er. Corralks Times. LW Dtyoe, A W McClain. Will Hand ad Mr Brown of thit city, are in the mines around Ashland DrctDcctiiur. The find at Jump off-Joe wa too much for them, and iney took an early train lor the land of 1 lit tering staff. Prof J Harry Gay. brother of Mrs D It McCulhifh, of thit city, who it aa ooitician and not t teacher, has opeaed an office at Lenaooa to tne St Charles hotel for a short time. J A Dean, of the Colombian Pooaltst. wsa la Lebanon bst Saturday He intends ta remove hs paper from Portland to Al bany. Mr Dean Is a rustler and will pub lish a good paper. Advance. Ailomev-General ChambeiUln and fami ly, ana Mrs Crsndetlot Albanv nnt down hie morning to attend the funeral of Mm C C Cherry, who was widely and favorably known at Albany, and will be buried at gal em today, the Teoudas arriving from T sco rns. Journal. Dr Ed ward Allen Pierce, of Biaahtmson. X V. aad Miss Grace Goidie Panlvb, ot Salem, Oregon, were united in marriage by Rev G Psrsoat Nichols ta the First Presby tenan church en Chenango street, in Bin;b amton. In the pretence of 1,500 invited guests. The O: eg on on is sprakine of the Tbos Jefferson gathering tart; Colonel Bob Millets tail ere to cart ore the Tuiklsh mhtuoa was diacatted ia hashed whispers by the l-t iarte't. bet none of the orators al laded 10 it. It was the opinion of Ike hopeful that the colonel s disappoint ment meant JreT Mter'a anoointaatat. and that the sly colonel has a line ant for some other office the marshal-ship, may be. .trraAV Fred Speight haa returned from the reform school, and imposes to stay - Mrs Johnson Porter and son. of Cor- rallia, hare been in the citv the guest of County Commissioner Ratnbangb. Mrs D H McCuliae-h went to Tacoma today to attend a meeting of the mis sionary hoard of the rresbyterian church- Nichols, ot Albany, arrived yesterday ith his splendid atallitns "Obeli" and " Deo." The animals are Quartered at the Ryan stud-stalls and will remain for the season. hale jm Statesman. Col Kelsay. who resides 00 his place near Elk City went to Corvallis on the in. liia arm, recently broken, ic a! most well. The Colonel expects to be with us at that first session of our circuit court. Ytquina Post. Chas Lindey of Ashland and M E Rig- by of Med ford were th only Jackson county representative present at the Y t- A meeting at Albanv. Charley re turned home Tuesday with the same big, nroaa smile on his good-natnred coun tenance. Ashland Record. Laat evening a delightful party was Kven st the resilience of DrG W Matton. ssides vocal and instrumental music, and a large amount of sociability, whist was indulged in and a delicious lunch nas served- Those d resent ware: Mr aad Mrs J M Irvina. Mr and Mrs Wm Fortmiller, Mr and Mrs J L Cowan, Mr and Mrs D P.Mason. Dr and Mrs W H Davis. Mr and Mr C F Wolverton. Mr and Mrs J W Cusick, Mr and Mrs 01 Stuart, Mr and Mrs J R Stockman, Mr and Mrs J K Weatheford. Mr and Mrs Geo E Chamberlain, Mr and Mrs John A 1 mouse, Mr and Mrs N li Alleu. Mr and Mrs H H Hewitt, Mr and Mrs A R Chapman, Mr and Mrs W F Crosby, Mr Mr and Mrs T G Hopkins. Mr and Mrs C GBurkhart. otlrar n A little college spirit addt spice to the lite ef the students, jutt to it is kept within reasonable bounds. Laat niebt a Utile Inci dent occured of a spicy nature. The ACL had made grest preperations for the initia tion of several new members, going to extra troible to make the work effective, Among other thingt the new comer were to be made to walk m blood over cross bones, etc. Some red lights having been secured for the elect ricity to produce the gory effect. Just be fore the beginning of the ceremonies the lights went out with a flash. The wires were cut in two or three places by some brother students tnd the society was ohlig- ed to adjourn in the dark. A protestor was called and an effort mace to find the auth ors ef the joke; but they escaped In the dark after an exciting experience. ail To cUanee the tyttem in a gentle and trnly bjaencia! manner, wbtn the tptingtime nae the true and perteet remedy. SyrnpofFigt. One bottle will antwer for all tie family and coats only 60 cents; the Urge tixe, fl. Try it and he pleated. Man ufactured by the Caltfortia Fig Syrup Co, only. The Portland Collection Aaencv'hat com menced aeveral -uit t cnlWct acooonta for O L Blaokman- Parljea owing him should settle their acoounta and save 001 ta. World's ralr Travelers Will Slave lit The public demand through serviou when traveling. It ia old-fasbioned to "Change Cart. On the ihrough, olid vettibnled traint of the Chicago, Union Pacific St North Western Line from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate points there 11 nu change. Tint ia the finest and faateat eer vloe between the point" named. Nxw Stbambr Lnw. The Independent steamer Bismarck is now making regular trips Monday, Wednesday andrrnlRy connecting at Salem with steamer Kl- wood. Through freight to and from Portland. The steamer Bismarck is a light dralt boat and can run lar m the I summer months- Order your freight by steamer El wood from Portland. For rates, see Morris at Feed store. Poultry and Hidbs. The undersigned Is paying the highest cash p:lce for tildes, fun "and poultry. Call on me at corner of Third and Calapoola ttreett, In Albany. A. C'OIIKN. m NIW TOKK New York, April itt, 1893. It Is with regret thst the newt of 'he destruction of ''Crowt Nett," the tummer retldence of the veteran American actor Mr Joseph Jefferson, was received by the many friends of "aid Joe" of Rip Van Winkle fame. The house In quettlon waa located at Buttardt' Bay, Matt. The pstntlngt, which decorated the walls of the tame, were slid to be valued at $150, 000, all ot which were destroyed by the ute, wmcn ourneo tne structure to the ground on Saturdav. On the fatal day. a oonie'ic, miss m co rain, discovered leak in the gasoline Unk, which was kept in the celUr, and calling the butler, Mr wngri, tried to prevent the oil from run nlng into the furnace. The cavity became so Itrge that the oil ran swiftly into the furnace and in one flash the tank exploded, killing Mlts McGrath The batter es caped, but wat very seriously burned. In the meantime the servant escaped from me nurning noute at also did Mrs fetter son, who was confined ta her bed, owing t lllr-eta. Thit sad accident will no doubt prove a hard blow to the genial old actor and the Wor'd's Fair will be minus some very Sne works of art, which were burned and had been Intended to be put upon exhibition In Chicago early In May . Eatter Sunoay opened with a clear tky and a mild temperature. It I a great cus tom for peple living In the auburn of New York to "come to town," at they express it, en Eatter Sunday, and tee the new spring styles and pretty women. The churches all had special musical pro grams and many floral decorations. St Andrews Protestant Episcopal church collected $53,000 for a fund to pav off the debt upon the building. John B Simpson, the wealthy broker, contributed $25,000, and the congregation completed the bal ance. Fifth Avenue wat one line of bon nets, ribbons and smiles at about 12.30, as churches opened their doors and the world once more grasped the opportunity of the closing of the lenten season. The drive waa alive with vehicles of all descrip tions and Central Park became one oasts of humanity. Taking It all in it was a model day and an auspicious spring open ing. At to the style aad fadt ribbons in all shapes and designs teem to be the rage, especially cape strung with many rowt of silk ribbon. Mr John W Mackay and her too Clar ence, who as rived on the Paris" hut Saturday from London, left this city or Tuesday for California to hasten to the bedside of Mr Mackey, who was severely wounded by the crank Ripper several weeks ago. The appearance on Monday evening at the Manhattan opera bouse of Alexander Salvia!, ton of th great tragedian ot the tame name, wat an Interesting event among the theatrical profession. The young man plays in English and his per formance of -Don Caesarde Baxaa'' was successfully rendered, aad the verdict of the critics was fair for thit young man and ambitious actor. That the streets of New York are not clean ia a fact beyead denial, but the question Is, can two millions of dollars a year keep them in a respectable condition The street cleaning department, under the direction of Commhwacmer Brennan la al lowed $i,coo,ooo annually. It is the Eeneral opinion that the si reels could be ept In a fair condition at this enormous expense: but the trouSIe it when the po litical bosses and leaders are finished tak ing their commissions out tf the appro priation, poor Mr Brennan is (hart of cash. Complaints and charges aa to the filthy condition of the city are heard 00 ail tide, and finally the City Club, aa organization iaterested in municipal affairs, has taken a hand in the problem and demanded the resignation of Mr Brennan and the appointment of Mr "Oille" Teal. Mr Teat, who Is com moo ir called O! ie.'" it a manager of fairs snd numerous other public events, and fat also a swell clubman. Some people are un -gtateful enough to say that If Teal got the contract be would uniform the street cleaner with dres suits, kid gloves opera hats and patent leather shoes. Mr Teal's intentions are no doubt very sincere and well meant, but the problem it no where Is the man to manage the office but where is the man who can manage to make the city authorities turn over the full appro priation for the work he can do? Mr Teal has many backer and friends who are pushing his claim, bat the only way to hare clean street ft to have a clean dty government, and to accomplish this result you must clean out the present corrupt ring which control the dty of New York, and then clean the street. The war vessels that are to represent our naw in the gteat naval parade on April 27th have left the Brooklyn Navy Yard for Hampton Roads, where they will meet the foreign fleet and form in line tor the review, which will take place In ew York harbor. President Cleve lend htt announced hia intention of at tending, and if the weather ia fine a very rare tight trill be witnessed In these aatert. Wtt F H Korlscm. An excHaage telle the fo llowing: Alfred Mar ray, who lives aoout seven miles east of Stl vertoo in the foot of the Cascade mountains, recently had a lively experience with severs huge black bears while oat hunting. He was attracted fi om bit coarse by the fierce btrking of hit dog tnd after passing through (he brush aad aver fallen timber into the more dense forest be endeavored to locate the object. While peering through the brush and Into the heavy fir timber he waa attracted by the cracking and crushing of brush m toe reai, and turning ta the direction of the commotion discovered that a huge female bear waa making Immense stride for him, being so close he was compelled to run to avoi.' bet striking him a blow with her paw . The bear wat not entirely unsuccess ful in her effort, and caught tte ducking coat which the hunter wore, near the shoulders and tore it from him. throwing him heavllv to the ground. He lost hi gun In the fall and ahe would soon have finished her job had not the faithful dog. which wat in pur suit, tackled brilia to hcrcelf that the turn ed ber attention to the dog, giving the hunter time to regain htt leet and gun aad to get in a shot which broke her note tnd lower Itw. A few more well directed shots finished the mistreat. Mr Murray then returned to the den from which the dog had routed the bear and killed another lull grown bear and cap ¬ tured thtee large cubs, weighing about forty pounds each. Imitator an I ni o-ior . The nnenalled tocotas of AUeook's Poroat Plasters as an external remedy haa tndncwd unacrupuloue parties to offer imitations, which they endeavor to sell on th reputation o( AUeook's. H is sn absurdity to tpaak of them in the urn category aa thi genuine porou platter. Their pretention! are un founded, their vaunted merit unsupported by facts, their allotted superiority to or equality with AUeook's a talis pretense. Tb ablest medical praotionesis and chemist and thousands ot grateful patients unite in declaring Allooek'a Porout Platters tb btat external remedy ever produced. Beware of imitations, and do not be de otived by misrepresentation. Ask for Al ooak't and 1st no solicitation or explanation indn 11 to accept a subjtitute. Clothing at cost at F L Dnmont'a. Htulnh's Core, the great oongh tnd croup care, it for sale by aa. Pookat tise contain twenty-flv doses.only 25c. Children love it Foshay A Mason. Shiloh'a Yitalisar ta what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney trouble. It it euaranteed to give yon satisfaction Mason. Priee75o. Sildjby Fothty 8t The Union PaoiHo havs Dablishad a very nest pictorial World's Fair folder, containing colored lithograph of the various K position buildings, bird's sye view of ths around a, with a complete map of ths city, showing . ; f U :- un,-i. j iuiwiivu uw - , 1.11 " mj unvp, treat oar lines and dty parks. Copy of I am may be had by addressing W H Hurl- hnrt. Assistant D.naral Paaaanaap A mhI. ' Portland, Ore. WAalllKOTOK LETTER. (from out nxtuaw eotrsapaadsas.) Washington, April 10, 1893 President Cleveland has a remarkable capacity for standing long hours of hard work, and it haa been put to a severe test since his inauguration, at it bat been the exception rather than the rale when be has been able to retire before 2 o'clock in the morning, and be is always at his desk again lajfore 8 o'clock. Feeling the need of a little undisturbed rest, be, in company with Secretary Oreeham, left Washington Saturday afternoon and they will not re turn until tomorrow. Hit destination was not made public for fear that be might be followed by some of the importunate office leekert, anxious to personally present their claims. They went to see Amhnsttri Bayard at bit home in Wilmington, LaLs- wore. The investigation of the weather bureau. now being publicly conducted after office boors at the department of agriculture, it a very nasty mess so far as it has gone, and it promises to grow even nastier. The property of the bureau has, according to the testimony, bean stole and sold to junk dealers whenever certain of the minor offi cials needed a little extra whiskey money, and the stealing wat done in broad day light; the employes of the bureau being used to load it upon a agons. About every thing seems to have been included in the thefts, upon one occasion a stone step being taken from the buii-'tng itself. The p in cipal men implicated tbos fat are the fore man of the press room ana the captain of the watch, but others higher op are said to have received a portion of the money, and it is expected that the evidence will prove it. Secretary Morton is determined to get ta the bottom of filth and to see that every guilty man is punished, regardless of who be may be or who may br his friend. Major General SchoSeld and Major Gen eral Milea have had a tcruabois at long range over the trouble is Indian Territory. The quarrel it understood to have occurred over the carrying out of an order for the detail of an army officer to investigate the trouble. Ko U S troops will be sent there unlets the secretary ot the interior requests it President Cleveland said be intended to get the very best man in the country, who was available, to be commissioner of pen tioas, aad the general approbation of the nomination of Judge William Lochren. of Minnesota to the position indicate that he succeeded. Judge Lochren was not an ap plicant for the pontics, indeed, he at first declined to accept it. hat withdrew bis ob jections when hit party duty and loyalty were appealed toby the president. Hat war record is of the bravest, and although be is not a member of tne G A R. no mem -of that organ Lza km has o far at known bad a word to say against bis tpr aal fitness for the position He waa born in Vermont but hat resided in aTianesofs since 1857, with the exception of the time be served m the army. He wilt take charge of the pen sion bureau, about May 1st. Secretary Morton found not only indi viduals employed by the agriculture! de part meet who were not rendering services in anything like a fair proportion to tise salaries they receive, but a whole division of employes who have been practically paid for doing nothing for more than a year. This was the quarantine division of tne bureau of animal industry, which Secretary Morton ha just abolished. Quite a howl hat been raised by the republican because the chief of the abolished division happen ed to be the late Mr Blaine's brasher, al though it is difficult to understand why that should have made the (lightest differ- ie. Surely they did not expect that a democratic administration would feet called upon to take care of the poor members of the Blaine family. PmhasitFi General taste! has decided that no fourth clan pOftmartereehaJl be re moved, except for cause, until they tnalj have served all or nearly all of a four year term. This it a new rule, at these officials hare never been considered to hare a fixed term, but were removable at the pleasure of the department. The change is andar stood to have been by the direction of tne president and after ail it will make no difference in the end. because there are so many who have served four yean or more that by the time they are removed nearly all of the rest will have become re movable under 'he new rule. It was dur'nc e 'vt rHnen! of Fort McIIenrv, Sn tj 1SI4 The 9tir- Spaegled B un- 1 m cta.Uulaa tional balhv-. was wHiten A phytkian of Caper Mar!!w Md been taken pris oner by the British after the troops had raid ed Washington. There wa a great desire to obtain hi and Mr Frsncla Key snd Mr Skinmr of Baltimore 1 mured t visit the Bri nV re-Mr an r. que- iliat his gentleman thoul be ei at llbc ft The re quest was granted, bat ihree Americans were detained on "oaid the Bntl b vessel, because ot the coming ai'ac upon Baltimore. Da ring the night ot the bombardment of For. Mcllenry, ihey witacwed the scene from the deck of the enemy's vessel . The roar of the guns went on unceasingly, snd iae flashes of their d ischarge gleamed across the water. At last the return fire from the fort cessed, and the American wai'ed anx iously for the dwnlng -o know whether the r country' flae had been lowered or not. Mr Key walked up and down the vessel's deck and the words of the famous song were framed in his mind. When morning came It was seen that the Ameiican Sag wat still flying. During 'he day the three Americans were allowed to go ashore, and the Brit ith thlpt sailed away . Mr Key, upon reaching the home ef hit trierdt, wrote out the song, which since thst tine haa been sung in every part of this land A W Terrill of Tetas btt bees tnpolatcd minister to Turkey In piece of D P Thomp son. This was the plum our friend Col Bob Miller ot Jacksonville wanted . Uncle Sam it not rich enough in offices to give every deserving democrat one. Noticb. Partlet desiring s good cup of coffee should call at the store ot Perry Conn and examine the ran American coffee pot, guaranteed o save yot 30 per eent of your coffee; nkes a better coffee than can be made by the old wav.and It Is madejn twenty seconds. Call and see us. ah br 0srae. Rati Street, Portland. BrM, 80 0 . Waan- Ladiss who desire a comfortable and at ths ssras ti-ne a perfect fitting corset or waist for ladies or children snould hsvs measures Uken by Mrs 0 O Lee, (Broadalbin St., bet. 2nd and 3rd,) who will All orders while Mrs Talt is oat of town. ESTABLISHED 1871 by Borkhart Bros. One of the oldeft Job printing Officef in the State, Hie only Exclusive Job Ice IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, Flinn Block, for Infants ). toa.- n. A- Aaoexx, M D, 111 Saw Oxford fit. Brootjra, JL T. --Ok- in ot 'Cantoris t set m uwtisso wwuaaBsrentatt ' asiawrww Atnato inlaws nXFsw aretb - mthss wsa do act awe Cattoris Ttatr f I ill Castas Kasrnxt, B.D . yew Tort Car. iCaarasa Julias Gradwohl's Bazaar very latest inews is aDWOHL'S BA7.AAB, tar axbnekle's Coffee, Per Pound bs. Granulated Sugar $1 00 tba Mss-noUa Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 6 Gallons Good Ptokles,msjrket firm. 1 10 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup -40 J wtt. enttttaet a shim isssh stars, and nil goods will bo sold for net cash rront I SS par restt laws than reamaar prtea. Ky stock of China ware, ntnev goods, ana fl the SSBBl shss nylon of iftahut. sa wall aa a gattersl asaottaaant of grocenx crock -y, uunps aatd ftxtarea la eoapMU. 1 maks a specialty of fine tB, eoffe" ano ana always piasa say eastocaara. -PATRONIZE ROM THt FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO WsUCAtX i L COWAN. I Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Read, 3 K West hertord, C J Several Solid Eastern Bay Stoves atd Ranges Bar Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves anl Ranges of Matthews & Waste, . e Buy Stoves ana Ranges ol Maiews & WasM aHftrry a w McFarland ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprieter, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, ALBANY. anr Childrer 1 fMC9 COsSfC 0tnsht i raTaJ ki n Boer Stomach, VUrriaf,. Eractaxfcm, " Tor awtti yean I hare on so sal Earra T. Pum. Jt n -cn Sura aad Tth Sew York Csti Coao-sjrr, Tf Xnur Kiv Teas. that you can bay at JULIUS net cash, goods as follows: J alias GrsMftrohl. IRSTITUTIOKS. I O WRITS hTAJf. Geo r SIMPSON, Viea Preaadaot D B af ootaith.ta Sternberg J nr ra StasrtJ O tTritsmtQ ; and Foreign Companies ollattlifs&f ashbc ot Matthews k Wasnbnr itMattheis& Washbarn full line of purest dregs and chemicals to be obtained, also patent medicines, druugist sundries and perfumery. e carry a nne line oi station f a a a ary and toilet articles. tbas innrtsbty Compounding physicians pre scriptions a specialty.