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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
i f mo era "State Rights Democrat" Tlie Best Paper in the Valley, "The - Demoi'crat" One Year for Only $2.00. Or., a Second-flats Mali Mailer. ALBANY.OREOON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1893. MTtnt, rabllshers aad Proprietors: tTTtt WTTTW-b- ! a.t,red at tse at Albany. 1 A.V III MaMMaawawaMWaMMaaiiaaiiaaaaaaaMaa- , 1, IMq!!agagMaaaaaaMaMaMaMaaBaiaMaaaaaMaaMaaaa. M 29 Chicago's Population. There is probably ns city of importance in the world that can show such rapid and wonderful growth as Chicago simce its detraction by fire. To-day its population is about Mr. Peter V an benaack, one of the leading merchants of that city said in conversation, that a large number of his personal friends, as well as scores of representative men throughout the Northwest with whom he had conversed upon the subject, had found St. Jacobs Oil a pain-curing and healing remedy of the most extraordinary efficacy. It is the Great Remedy for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Backache, Bruises, Bums, Swellings etc. A cody of the " Official Portfolio of the World's Columbian Esposition," beautifully llrastritedE water color effrcti, will be sent to any address upon receipt of loc. In postage sumps by Turn Ckajujs A. Vocataa Co.. Baltimore, Md ) Boy Stoves and Ranges of Mattjiews & Washbnrr Bar Stoves and Ranges of Matthews & Washbor j.L .-v- j . , w " . .w ( lit - . or ' Bay Stoves and Ranges t Matthews & Wash In Boy Stoves and Ranges of Matthews & Washburn. Bay Stoves ai Ranges ot Matthews & ffasabra CARPET DEPARTMENT. Hm. STtH Kl H TH THE CHOICEST "CARPETS! MATTINGS- Oil CLOTHS. DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS ; CURTAINS OF THIS SEASONS NOVELTIES AND PRICES DNEQUALED IK THIS 1ABKET Samuel E. Young PUMPS ! PUMPS! PUMPS! It Was a J on:. - The Lumberman tells it: Matt Gollivan, the genial timber land locator, telle a pretty good Oregon Pacific story, which we believe haa never before been pnbliehed. It happened about four yeare ago that Ed Wolff, who at the preeent time livee near Gates, aix miles below here, wae coming across tha mountains by way of the Minto Pass trail. Near .the summit he met four hunters. On reaching civilisa tion he reported having eeen four Chica go A Northwestern surveyors working in the mountains. This came to the ears of Wra M Hoag, manager, of the Oregon Pacific railroad, and be telegraphed Wolff to come to Corvallm forthwith. A party was made up to investigate the matter and they started on a apecial train, going as far- aa Gates. They then took pack horses and crossed the moun tains, returning by way of Portland. The trip failed to reveal the surveyors. Taxing Legacies. A number of mem- befa are earnestly in favor of Geer s house bill to tax gifts, legacies and in heritances, but it is doubtful u it win become alius, though in judgment of manr it ia a wiae Taw. It proposes to tax property, if the a mount is aver $6000, which shall paaa by will or the intestate lawa, $ 1 on each hundred. On a $ 1C ,000 estate the state would receive aa income of 100, on 100,000 the sum ot $1,000, and ami from the late W S Ladd aula to. if this law had bean in force, the state would have received, supposing he had left $10,000,000, the anug amount ot $100,000. Such a law prevails in New York state, where the Gould estate had to pay over $700,OC0 into the tax of the state. After th S. G. The editor of the East Oregonlan having said that the Ore gon militia ''Is composed of spindle shanked youths, and the entire lot would not keep at bay a couple of cur dogs," the Wallowa - Chieftain retorts: "There Is no law to prevent the East Oregonlan man from having his opinion and expressing It, but if he will come over to Joseph he ..ill find In a single company of this despised militia forty men, any one of whom will convince him of his mistake In about two minutes." If he will come to Albany we will present him to Capt Overman, Lieut McFeron, Ex-Capts Chamberlain and Ir vine, or almost anv of the privates, and there wouldn't be a grease spot left of our E ( friend, who is said to be hardly a shadow caster himself. Dbep Sxow. The trip from Green Basin to Detroit would at the preeent time co sno under the beading of carrying mail under difficulties. Last Saturday P M Roe eame down with Uncle Sam's pouches), aad started back the same day. making six miles and stopping over night with loseph Hamilton, bun any lie r ausaed his ieurnav. covering only two miles, when be stopped with Mr McKay The scow at that place is about SS feet deep, w hile it is four feet at Detroit. It ia not known how he made the remain der of the trip. No mail arrived Tues day from that place Lumberman. In a Commotion. From a gentleman who waa in Cottage Grove yesterday we learn the citiieae of that enterprising and progressive little city baa been thrown into a commotion over the charter bill as was passed by the legislature. It appears that the portion of the toon west oi tbe river haa been left out of the boundaries of the town and the residents of the eastern part are therefore quite angry aa it cuts off considerable taxable property. The party informed us that tbe division question produced but a small amount of excitement in comparison with this one. -Eugene Guard. Lebanon. A third saloon ia talked of in Lebanon. Tbe latest contemplated improvement in Lebanon ia a water system aad fire service. The matter ia being discussed by tbe citizens general! v, as it should oe. Last Saturday a dispute arose between Linn Walton and Wm Hildreth, which resulted in one carrying his hand in a sling and tbe other wearing a black eye. It also caused the city treasury to be re - We are general, agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Prmps, also the Rumeey Foice and Lit Pumps. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pienisbsd a few doiure. Exptsm. pump in the market, 1 A Hit at Misw.niAXs. The Seattle foat-Intelllniencer in commenting; upon the defeat of Raley's bill say s : 1 Tne peo ple of stregon that is, the Missourlane of the Willamette valleylon't want the Columbia river opened. Thev are content to live quietly and grow -heat, doing no prie. valaw and volumes of currency TP,. ,1 1 nf Form Tmnlcmanf. Business witn Eastern Uregon and Wash- . - r i , , , - r t .i n - ii 1 . . ana venicies 10 do iouna in ine vaiiey, uive us a can Pkohatk Recobd In guardianship o Selina and Samuel Burkhart, appraisers appointed. In guardianship of Leota and Vera Patton, T F Smith was appointed guard ian. Bonds $2000. Sale of real propeity confirmed. Iu estate of W P Smith, R Andrews appointed administrators. Bond, $6000. Bond approved. In eatate of Jesse Barr, inventory filed I real property $090.25 ; per. onal property ordered sold. In guardianship Guy and Frances Rinehart, third account riled. In estate Robt McCullaugh, personal property exempt from execution of 'slue of $85 2S ordered aet aside for widow. In estate of McOuUaugh A Talbot, W W rarriah waa appointed executor of es tate of McCullaugh. Bond $800 filed. Peraonal property ordered sold. Final settlement of estate of J F Back- ensto continued until March 6, and in estate of Rebecca Vernon to March 8. In guardianship Claud Shelton, gnard- ia ngiven time to make showing In estate of Nettie Sanford, adminis trator appointed, bends $500. In eatate Otto Serfling will admitted to probate, J A Bilyeu, executor. Bends, $30,000. In eatate of Alfred Lsroy Reel, sale real property confirmed. In estate F E Mann, sem -annual ac count approved. A Very Versatile Man.- We learn incidentally that our old newspaper friend and confrere. Rev J R N Bell, A M, will leave for Washington City via New Or leans He i the most versatile man we ever knew, In no position was he a fail ure, lie is ex-newspaper man, ex-c era of the R R commission, tx-hotel proprie-tetr,ex-presldent Oregon Press Association, ex-school teacher, ex-agricultural college regent, ex-school director, ex-editor Ore gon School Journal, ex-soldier of the army of Virginia, ex-merchant, ex-delegate to general conference, ex-moderator of Pres bytery, ex-music teacher, cx-Worshipful Master, High Priest and Grand Orator of Masons, ex-officer I O OF, and is at present Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, A F and A M f Oregon, Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Utah, and Grand Repre sentative of the Grand Chapter of Virginia. He is also a popular lecturer upon his i hi iuu. iiaii.1, buw uiiici .ui'jii. m iiu i . an old line democrat of the first water, and to cap the very top of the climax he has turned inventor, which last at all mean s that he is now on the highroad to one of three places, the palace, the poor hoose.or tbe insane asylum. Corvallls Times. Wagoner v Belejcaf. The Salem Democrat gives tbe following account of the war at Salem heretofore mentioned : It appears that rvpieaentaUve Belknap, who ia supposed to represent Benton cbunty, favors tbe petition, and hia op ponents charge that be does so for the reason that the county seat of the new county would be located m his neighbor hood, and Mr G A Wagner, on the part ot the remonstrants intimated that there waa aa unholy alliance between the friends ot B sine and Lincoln counties. Representative Beiknap retorted to the effect that Mr Wagoner waa an unholy liar, whereupon Mr Wagoner promptly reached for Mr Belknap, but tailed to find him. Immediately tbe room waa in an uproar, and petitioners and remon strants were mixed up in what threat ened to be a firat-claas edition of Bonny brook. In a abort time, however, order waa restored and upon an examination it waa found that the whole affair bad been aa bloodless aa a French duel A Ftasimsv. Governor Pennoyer ia decidedly a pessimist Hia face ia get ting terrifically long, on nearly every thing. Without regard to the right or wrong of hia position in vetoing tbe military bill we give ths following in hia veto message aa a sample of tbe gloomy view be takes of matters : "Our const i tution provides that 'tbe militia shall be kept ia strict subordination to tne civil power,' but it would seem that now tne militia is in the saddle, as it baa bad sufficient potency to procure a largely in creased aopropiiation in tne pasaags oi this bill at a time when retrenchment in all civil departments is sought after on account of the depressed condition of our people consequent upon the stagnation of business and a general distress in leCIAs. As Ft.ttSONAL !1AY Jrscn Smith, of Portland, has had bis amc changed lo Jason Winchester. License was Issued today for the mar riage of August W Shulz and Dasle A Keener. Hon W R Bilyeu and J R Wyatt went to Harrisburg this forenoon to try a civil case ia the Justice court of that city. Row Hlbler, an old Corvallls prim rr, bow a sudcessf ul merchant of Scio, was In town today enroute for Portland. From him we learn that our eld fiWnd, Tommy Munkers, of Scio is like the Timet force, wrestling with the Keelev tobacco care.v-Corvatlls Times. Married, In Eugene, Oregon, last Tues day, at the residence of Mr Eli Bangs, by Judge G W Klnaey, Mr J L Hoffman and Miss Blanche Pipes. Mr Hoffmen is one of the proprietors of the Eugene Ice Works and the fortunate lady is a neice of fudge Pipes. Jamts Abraham, a resident of this city for forty years, died at his home on Bast Pine and Seventh street, yesterday, sged 82 years. The funeral will take piece tomorrow at 2 d'etat from the Centenary chuich. It is estimated that Mr Abra ham's philanthropic bequests during his lifetime amounted to $75,000. Portland Dispatch. At the meeting of the C L S C last evening at the residence of Dr J L !iitl,an able paper was read by Mrs C 11 Siewart, on the Important subject of dtv govern ment; Mr E S Barrows presented a flowery sn elaborate paper on Acadia, and Mrs Nutting was heaid In the reading cf "Courtln' " from Lowell. The next meeting will be held with Miss Laura f'aie.aiid the roll call will be a fagot party. Colonel Jav P Lucas, of Condon, Ore gon, after driving through 40 miles of snow, and being delaved 4$ hours at Bon neville by the snow blockade, arrived on Monday to comfort his sister Mrs T W bhellon and her daughter. Owing 10 his duties ss county clerk of Gilliam count v he was compelled to start for home tbfs morning. Eugene Guard. Assessor H S Williams cams down from the front last night. Rev Edward Eccleeton and Miss Zoe Marks, of Lebanon, have been in the city for a day or two. E H Bahr, clerk of tbe fisheries com mittee in tbe state legislature, has been in the city. Mr Bant waa formerly a law studsnt of Albany. Do not forget the" Apron and Necktie" social to be given tonight at tbe resi dence of Mr C E Browne!!, by tne Y P S C E of tbe 1st Presbyterian church. The Pendleton E. O. eays: Senator Jeff Meyers, who bv tbe way, likes to be noticed by the newspapers, has a bill in tbe legislature which tne gentler sex will tax a aindiy 10. J J Dubruille, of Albany, one of the members of the Lebanon Electric Light Co , waa in town this week locking a, residences with a view to moving lo our city. lbanon kxprees. Mr Clare Vunk, who haa been attend ing tne Holmes isuemeee College in Portland for several month, has been obliged to return home on account ot ill health C W Elkiaa returned Wednesday from bis ranch on tteaver. He reports stock in that section standing the winter well. Mr Elkins haa been in Eastern Oregon over twenty years, and says last Wed nesday waa tbe moat disagreeable day he has ever seen on this aide of tbe moun tains. Ochoco Review. sat 1' an at Katney. 01 independence, a city the Mr J II former citixen of Albany, ws in BSJtSSSJSSaJ CMr Will Merrfmae, the r P clerk ts M i hh 1 mi. it li fartland that wants the boat railway; that enroses the Lake Washington canal; that gives advice to the legislature at uivmpta." Our First Marshal. The first Mar shal of Albany was John Clever. An old t liner tells about seeing Mm make the Portland satisfied. The repeal of the mortgage tax law ts well received in this city, especially that part which pro hibits the exemption from indebtedness. That this indebtedness has been played for all it is worth, there can be no doubt, and the new law will reach many who have heretofore escaped bv that question first a treat ever msde in Albany by a city I ble reute. It ia understood that the Gov- M1TCHELL, LE WW &, STAVER CJO." 2457 2nd A worth st, Albany, Or 'fhe Forum 1893 $ Cshw H.C. Porra I W.E-Rutesu. The Forum. rat ronvv u f vitt mate what Tax Rmv sum Comt im to MnaUttt. and mnt f ijioriiM 14 tmt Utouahlul ptri jdKal w ham mr Aad." THE i OEtm contains artlclss about what me a sxs new doing la the world. The problem sand the tasks of ytmr own life and thought, and ot' oar own country, aad of oar own time; the educa tion of your children; the latest re sults of research in yoar own special stndy, the great book of the period; thereal leaders-, the lsjgemsTe-Btsats-are thaso act the most tatsrsstsBg lubjootai The sesrst of T us leras-s hold on iu reasVvrs U tiuet Its wrkers auks it helpful to all wao think. Its readers form the dominant part of every pr e fession, craft, and class - those who sj succeeding because they hat e a correct meaaurr, of the intellec tual forces aad of tbe larger activities of American Ufa. the best-Informed, sad the most ambitious. Its writers are the leaders of thought and of ac tion everywhere aad in all kind of important work. Ask the best informed man la yoar community what he thinks of Tub Yonvu. or send to us for the written opinions of some of the leading men in your State, and ia all other States. ltarosmi: tJsiosBqasre.gewTork. tSsyesr. rw- HutKTfvthrmt may be t direct lo 777E roKVM or XfavatMto.kiltkednbcrllion agenci or bookseller. or uromgn uiu poonr. Hoa. - ! & F. Eoswaos I at. r. a-wauow W. H. Mauock 1 TttWTMV DWIOHT F. Mamom Csawposs hA Pnaman W.Otwrrr Hvos ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BR0WNELL(Snwe8or to flyman & Browne.!, Proprietor.) VFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE V J cltv. Ve would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are better prepared than ever before to furnish eyerythlng In the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Oar stcck Is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' om inspect pests, and our prices low. C. E. Brownell Is our city agent and f ers left with him at his store will receive prompt and careful attention. fVr , and see mc or write for free catalogue to marshal. Die city had just been incor poraied. oeoree Miller was on a spree and was painting thlnsra red . Clever, not Ukir g the job at close range, got a rope, and finally succetded In laasootna Miller. when he was managed without further trouble. D Mansfield, the first recorder, nnea ntmtn tne proper maontr What as Ixpclsb Did. A few days ago Lon toung, a saloon keeper of Main es, Oregon, waa returning borne from Baker City on the care. He was standing on the platform, when his hat blew on. On a sudden impulse, though tbe train was going at full speed, about forty miles an hour, be jumped off alter the hat. He was knocked insensible and his right side was paralysed. He may recover. A Bio Company. A new company in corporated Is the Pacific Stone Company, by F D Wood, F Benlar and W W Mar- quam, to operate the Wood stone quarry In Benton county, opposite Albany ; cap ital to be Si 50,000. This reads well, and the Democrat hopes to see It develop into a great reality. The Held is s big one Held too Loxo. Several Umatilla ounty farmers are slill holding grain harvested In 1891. One has 6,000 bushels on hand An offer of 91 cents per bushel was made for the whesl after the harvest for tnst year, and was declined by the farmer, who believed that the price would reach $1. Some Linn count farmers are in just about the same kind of a boat Arm Bkcken. Col John Kelsay is con fined to bis room temporarily with a broken arm, the result of a fall suttslned by him while in Salea. last week. Although the fall wss a violent one, and more or less pain was sunered in consequence, the Col. was not aware that a bone had been broken un til his arrival home, twenty-four hours after the accident The Col. has a power ul physique, by the by. Corvallls. limes Another Chapter. The Scio Press in its long writeup of the Serfling murder closee with the following: Many of our citizens attach blame to R F Ashby of rortland and Albany, for the fearful re suit of the match that he was instru menta' in bringing about. Whether he ia in the least blamable, we know not; but we have heard it said that Bsrfling stated he was sorry he could not include Asiiby in tbe killing. An Accident. Yestcsdsv afternoon Mr and Mrs A li Woodin and Miss Zella Wood were returning from tbe couniiy. when they met another team on the bieli embankment ny Mr Burknarl's. Their borses became mgmenea ano turned on the, roa into a pond of water by the side. Mr Woodin- was hurt on the bead and bruised consider ably, while the others only secured a cotd but muddy and disagreeable bath. Steamer Arrived. S H Willamette Valley arrived at Yaquina at 8 a in, with following passenger list: J P Pevio.U A (irandshand, li a Brasfleld, a Wiemens, Corvallls; E Olliver, Albany ; T Chaffee, rortianu. ernor has signed the bill, snd our city fathers, who have been casting about for the source from whence the Increased ex penses roust come, see the this bill will add probably one-third more to the taxable property of this city. The bill was passed at a very opportune time. Dispatch, li was peculiarly a Portland measure to defeat the mortgage tax law and no wonder they arc satisfied. A Yol-ng Blacksmith. Clyde Danoals, of this city, working is the shop of his father, la probably the youngest oiaeksmun In Oregon, being only 13 years ef see. A sample of his work may be seen at Parker Bros, which cannot be excelled by many workmen after many years ef excellence. The boy Is a genius for his sge. The governor sent ia tbe following veto to the senate Wednesday: "1 herewith return senate bill No. 2i with my dissent This bill proposes to tale $60,000 collected from the psop' through the t axing power of the stats, and place it in the hands of a commission to be expend ed in making a show at Chicago. The legislature has the undeniable right to levy taxes for the general benefit, but a well defined line of limit is clearly established between those benefits that are practical and those that are merely speculative. It is unquestioned that the legislature can authorize expenditures for works of utility, necessary for the general welfare, but it is more thsn qusstioaable if it haa the right o levy txe upon tbe people for intanrible and uncertain benefits, such as are supposed to accrue from advertising their products either in Chicago. Japan, or elsewhere. To tax some people for the benefit of others or to tax the people for any other purpose than for the frugal administration ot gov ernment in the full excrciso of its undoubt ed prerogative may not bs specifically in hibited by any constitutional provision, but it is so repugnant to right as to be equally condemnatory, for the precepts of justice sbould be as binding upon the conscience of the legislator as are the restrictions of the constitution. Let it be conceded that tbe legislature can exercise the power of levying taxes at its own will and "for any purpose, and tbe taxpayer will become at once the prey of the schemer, and corrup tion and extravagance, through doly enacted statutes, clothed with all the forms and sanctity of law. will hold high carnival over tne spoliation of the citixen. A de parture from the one safe rule that the taxation of the people by the government should be strictly limited to its bonnt ad ministration in tbe exercise of necessary governmental functions wculd open wide Oe door for public peculation at the expense of private thrift, and, if once sanctioned, oar fate government would soon become what the federal government for more than a quarter of a century has been a most effective instrumentality for tbe robbery of the taxpayer for the benefit of the boodler. I veto tbe lull." Am tswfwrtaal MSTerearei To snnarei think themselves ill, that they are not affect- td with any disease, but that the sysUm simply needs cleansing, ia to bring comfort borne to th-ir hearts, aa a eostiva ooeditu a i easily cured by osing jyrup of Figs. Manufactured by too Lali'wru a rig nyrop Co. W men you come to Albany . Don t fall to visit Hodges A McFarland. The druggists They carry- a large and ch-.Ice tnc of drugs, patent medicines, ;tc Prescriptions are always carefully and attended to. It will Pay you. Athhv 4 Csric, Resl Fr'ste, 80. Wss! - ing'oa Street, Portland, ( r. All Style to go to Mueller's par lore with the ladies and treat them to Coeoa and- High T wafers. Served at all hours. Hhiloh's Cure, the great cough snd ctoap core, is for sale by ns. Poeket size contains twenty-live doses, only 2So. .Children love it. Fosbay ft Mason. t!on, visiting his parectv O H BSoont was at 'Jacksontire Tusa. day, on bwsksesa coenectel with the ft' Se men t of the L Msrtla estate. Mrs Bonne!:, of Albany. Mrs CoArjs, of Taageat sad m Couch of Albany arc 10 the cRy, -arlog eared acre by ike i..aru of Mrs 1 ii Couch Harrssbar Cca'ler A W Dawes, the secuoa bees, stationed st this place, will move to Aibaar this week lo be employed as waichosaa coon the O P bridge acioss the WiUame-.le. Mill City tisretie. Mr E O Woodwwlh, diegrist with j A Camming, has gone to Sesttle ' for a few days to stiend a meeting of the State Exam ining board of pharmacies of Washington of which be is a member. Get ready to attend the St Valentine entertainment at tbe U P Church Tuesday evening. Hearts will reign. Good pro gram, sociability , St Ynlentines P O box at door, and other attractions. Rev A J Hunts Ver formally resigned the paatorage of the Baptist church of Indepen dence, snd will occupy a position in Mc- aiioviiie colleee as a w-ictor of roods lor that in st Hetion, Mr S J Wickroan, who has been a red den! of Albany for a couple of years, some of the time running tne city launoiy. left this morning for Denmark, Australia, as a missionary for the EvangeUcle church, aad Intends staking this work s Hie busi ness. Upon the nomination of Hon J H Mitchell Mr I D Miller of Millers has been Invhed to attend the world's fair as a rep -resenfatlve la the department of agricul ture. The department will cenvene on the 1 5ih of October. Mr Mailer will accept the honor and attend if passible The Y P S C E ot the Presbytciian church gave one of their alaays enjoyable social lsst evening at the resident of Mr C E Brownell, which, notwithstanding the incle ment weather, was well attended, The Man About Towa being among those fortunate in being present. Betides numerous at tractive games was the apioo snd necktie icaiare, in omen tne men ntmmeo trie aprons snd the Isdlcs the neckties. It proved the fallacy of the old jokes about men not know ing how to handle a needle. A delicious lunch was served. trcckmek's party. The friends and brother truckmen of Mr Frack Purdomand Mr Al Savior took them by surprise by meeting at the home of the former last evening, that be ing their birthdays, tbe 44th and Slut The truckmen entertained their friends In fine etyle. Games were played and a nice lunch was served at a late hour Those present were: Mr and Mrs Frank Pntdom, Mr and Mrs Al Saylor, Mr and Mrs ueo stimpson, Mr and Mrs Johu Troutman, Mr and Mrs Joe Myers, M and Mrs ij o tviiEins.Mrs Jaue Stimpeon Mrs t. ivieier, airs Misan ntrdoni, Misses Bertha W allace, Mary Webber, l.ucinda Farwell, bou SNeeiand, Edna Miller.Ber tha and Lena Kiefer, Lillie McIInrgue rannie Jitus, rannio KUnards. Maggi aad Cora Barker, Emma Smead, Lillie Purdom, A B Lacy, Joe TesKev, J A Mc Feron, John lorman, Will Conn, 0 Nee land, John V illianmon, F E Allen, R B Wilkins.wui Warner. James Mcllargue J A Barker, Carl Kiefer.Arthur Purdom OSB PHASE OF THE COfcTEKT That the republican party is an organi sation wholly devoid of political principle, held together, as has often been tersely said, "by the cohesive power of public plunder," and held together very badly by that even, is patent to the most casual observer of public events in this state. In the dis graceful scramble for tbe highest position in tbe gift of tbe state cow going on at Olrmpia. tbe leaders of tbe two factions have spfarentiy lost, if they ever had any, all sense of personal decency in their rela tions with one another. If aa intelligent foreigner, an Englishman for instance, coo Id be set down ia Oiympia today and be told that the republican beer garden 'here was aa organ i Alton of citizens for tbe porpoee of carrying oat ,,-ertain political ideas in tbe common wealth, be would certainly receive the statement with in credulity and surprise. Nor is tots ail. If half tee republican press says is fame, there is not a prominent man in that party worthy the political sup port of any reputable community. Senator Allen figures aa all that is bad in public life. If one might believe tbe reports of his enemies in his own party. Judge Turner fares 00 better: Governor McGraw figures a a meddling busybody who has pushed his operations to tbe verge of 'esral liability while poor Representative Ludden is pill oried with unlimited abase for having changed his vote to A I 'en. after several wfeks of futile effort to elect Turner. The Chronicle is charitable enough no believe all that tbe repuUiran say of one another. At the same time it rather credits the veracity and reliability of tbeir organs to find what was white before tie election made so very black after it. Thc'r party newspapers have done much to discredit tbe character cf the republican organisation in tbe eyes of all right-think ing people in this state during tbe past few weeks. In this regard their iinsssnw ary work, though lacking ia dignity and honest 1 . may vet make for tbe ultimate advantage of the state. Spokane CJsrowirfe. SAL1K.M rolNT.-. The following are some of the sslient points of an article on the tattfF sjuestion by David A Wells snd published In the Feb ruary Forum, The low tariff riod la the United States extended from 1847 to i860 aad Prof Sumner of Yaie says it was "the golden se of of our national history , when foreign commerce and American shipping Increased as never before or since: and when domestic manufactures did not perish asprel dieted, but. made steady and genuine pro gress. Ia 1 861 when tariil duties were large ly increased such action hinged almost en tirely upon the demand for more revenues I wltb which to p-osecute the war not upon protection Another more striking Illustra tion is to be found in the fact (bat although the United States and Canada have united in building up a doable tariff wall, one on one side of the border and tbe othtr on the other side, which all trsde between tne two countries hss to climb over, yet nearly one half of Ibe trade of Canada is carried on with United Slates. An illustration of the. ab ardlty ef tariff legislation which freqaently obtains, may be found in the fact that the United States impuseaa duty of is cents s pound upon imporied bops to jro'.ect A merican hop growers against the Uieap hops of Canada, while Canada imposes a duty of 5 cents a pound upon Imported hops to pro tect Csaadian hop growers sgaicst the cheap hop product of America. If the bop product of the United States. If the bop growers of th; United S ates need protect ion against tbe Hop growers of Canada, then certainly, tbe bop grovcrs of Canada do not need protection against the hop growers Of he United States. A Washington dbpatcb says: There ia bo longer any tope smoeg the republican employe of the senate, tele graphs a Washington special, that they will be able to hold their places. Tbe election of the populist -democrats in Kansas and Nebraska removes sll doubt a bout tbe ability of the democrats to reor ganize as a body. Now, of the holdover snd newly elected democrats ia the next senate, there are 4 members; there are five popolists, all of whom HI undoubtedly vote with the demo crats on reorganization. The republicans will have 4 vote if Ike minority In Montana prefer, rather than W A Clark ss s democrat- to allow the gover nor to appoint Colenel Sanders. Wish the Vic President Stevenson and the assistance of the populists, the democrats wfll have a working majority . a XAtTitAt, EAKoarTEg. One of the most remarkable geologic substances hand in any part of the world is s'on believed 10 be peculiar to Finland, where it occurs in many localities, it pecul iar property being 111 of a natural barcra- eior, curiously foreteUing, by change of col- the probable character of tbe weather ia the near futcre. It is known by tbe came of tie secuksir, and is said to tars black be fore an acproacniag rain, nhiia in fine weather it is merited with spo.s of while. Far a long time this interesting pheaotaeaoa was mystery, but an analysis of the s'-Oce shows it to be fossil mixed with clay aad containing a portion of rock, salt and nitre. Ti.ij fact betnc kr.", the ext sanation of the change was exsy; that is. tbe salt, ab sorbleg tbe moisture, tsrned black when tbe condition were favorable for rain, whOe the dryness of tbe atmosphere weald as natural ly bring out the sal; from the Interior of tbe stone in white spots an the surface. 11 9100. ?T will bo pleased to ALBERT BBOWHBLL. A'bany, Oreg A District Conventio of tbe Epworth League will be held at Corvallls. com- 1 mencinsr on Tuesday. Feb. 28th. A eood program baa been arranged and a large I B0o large 8 oz, bottle, ueisgauon is expected. 1 gun 1 icafier sarathatl ;b.-t ono dreaded dissese M' 9 s uvBii i.oia to cure in all Its ,t,K'':. rtttd that U C'a'.nr.-h. Hall's Catarrh j' i" L&e wily tKi-s'th-.. .ttre known to the mod- leal fraternity. Catarrh L.-ina a constitutional llsesso, requires o, coii'iituiioual treatment. Hill's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting llreetly upon t:ie voon ana raucous surfaces or .he syntcin, thereby destroying the foundation if the disease, and eiv Ine the patient strength by bulldinx np tha constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors havo so much faith In Its cirratlve. power , that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that ft fails to curs. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, 0, 0f Sold by Druggists, 75c. Consumptives, do out despair, There I hops. Try West's Congh Syrup. It will always cure in early stages, rreenre a J A uumming, Urug Worm hnonlng. last Alluock's Porous Plasters sro the hichest lesolt of medical science and skill and in ingredients and methods bare never been equalled. That may are she original and tr.enmns porous plaster,., upon whose imputation imitators trade. That Alloock' Porou Masters nevoilfail to pel form their nine hai wcrk qaickly and efleotuallv. That thl faot is attested l y thoutands of voluntary and unimpeachible testimonials from grateful patients. That for rhoumaticm, weak back, soiatios lung trouble, kidney disease, dyspepsia, ma laria, ana an local -.ains.tbey are invaluable that ansa you buy Alloook roroti Plrs rsyou alsolutil obtil itbs best plat satm sue- We suppose that, now the mjrtgage tax aw is repealed, if a money leaider who lives outside of the state should take a mort gage for money leaned in this state be would not have to pay any taxes here for tbe mortgage and note, being personal property, and, under the well principle of law, follow the person, would not be in the state and hence not rubje d to the juris diction of the state. But it will be differ ent with citizens of this stale who loan money and take mortgages. Being peraonal property, such notes and mortgages would follow the person of tbe owner and hence would be subjects for taxation. This is quite a discrimination in favor of foreign money lenders. Some money lenders would find it quite profitable to take up their residence in another state and then loan their money in this state. From an interested standpoint the Drx ockat is prepared to express tbe belief that the machine or Hill men are preparing to turn New York over in the near future tc Uis republicans. These machine men ar turning every Cleveland man in the sU out of office or place, and so intense is their seal in this work that they have turned down every laborer connected with the Cspitol building who is known to be friend of Cleveland. It looks very much like the democrats of tbe country will hav to try and get along without New York hereafter. If the democrots of Indiana Illinois and Wisconsin will deport them selves aa becomes tbe friends of tbe peopl we will not particularly need New York in presidential conflicts hereafter. The first porterhouse steak was 10 called n New York city, in the famous old tav cm of Martin Morrison, st 337 Pesrl street This was a favorite resort lor seafaring men A steak being catledfor by an old pilot one nigh., Morrison said he had no steaks, but would cut snd broil for him a thick slice from the siiloin which had juit been prepar ed fur roasting next day . Morrison's place was known as the Porter House in the neighborhood, snd its frequenters soon col to talking about the Porter Hous teski, Lie Oregon Land Co vVitn its home office at SALEM- - - - OHlG-OIT In the Gray Block, comer Liberty and State street, branch office :n Pnrtla-i- MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near 3alem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptT oro small cash payment long time on balance or particulars. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar Te very latest '.news is that you can buy at JULIUS OR A.DWOHL'8 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Ar buckle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $LOO lbs. Magnolia Sugar White i 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons LOO b Gallons Good Pickles, market firm. 1 10 20 lbs. No. gavon Soap 90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 J wi: conduct. a strict cash store, and sll goods will be sold for net cash froaa I 25 par --nt leas than regular price. My stock of China wars), raney goods, aos sll tbe desirable sylea of dishes, aa well as a general assortment of groeeriea , crock fry, lamps and fixture is complete. 1 make a spewivUj of fine teas, coffee and sating powder, and always please my easterners, Agssi for several responsible Insurance eotnpaa at. J alios S3rssd cross I. for Infants cn Childrer. MtsissDwe3sSiSdtoeatta!rea&at rr,ii,trtA Uassupcrttr sasssy pnaaiptua intit II A- Jattn, n. Du, Ul bo. Oxford St., BaotJj, K. T. Cbe ssss of Cseseeii i so mins-sal aaa OrtTts so wr'A klr Lfcil It aerca a w.rt ' iwaw-r: :oet&xse. it Fe ar the trthreu .amuses srao no not tee? Cutona --rtesrrreeh.- CasJ os JtaSTTS. f.D. Kew Tort Ctry. Ui, Faster a j-xr-ry tale SeCcrueJ Cb-jrch. Cartorla ctts Co!" Ocsira.-: fSossrSsonsaca, Taarrjsaa. Ernrtatinm. Tor errvraj rir I hare iulotiiii ii tcS. jo- Castor. " as i sLiU ragjoauacsir isnaiHi " Etrsrgr T. Faaasa, M. ft, " Tbs Trntffcrojv - jJth Street aad Tth Asa, Sea-Toes: rati Trr Citruct Cosa-aav, T7 StlL r Srassnr, Xatw Teat weoxize hom f iMsirnrnoNs. I FARMERS & MffiCHANTS INSURANCE CU' Tbe Uamev Peak tin mine at Deadsrood, South Dakota, and theTemescal mines in California were tbe only two nuses in the whole country where it was aliened, ieven by the friends of tbe Vi.-Kin'ey bill.) that tin iu paying quantities could be obtained. It was confidently promised by McKinleyJ that hia increase of tbe duty on tin would develop these into paying mines- Tbe beauties of protection were proclaimed from every repuh.'i -an slump speaker in the land during tbe last campaign, and these mines were referred to as proof of tbe great bene fits of protection. Weil, tbe mines in Cali fornia closed down indefinitely juM after tbe November election, and now tbs mine of Sooth Dakota have permanently closed. We trust tbe Oregonxi will once more tell bow the tin mines of thi country will soon supply every demand for tin in tbe country. We trust every a ool grower in tbe United States will look into and seriously consider these facts : For the twelve months ending December .'list IsM. there were imported into tbe United States 139,317,- 1 pounds of wool and for tbe year ending December Stst 1W there were 187,784,- 090 pounds. We mention this to show how well tbe wool grower is protected under the Mc Kin ley law Now look at another fact and then say what should be 'thought of the Oswssssaw's repeated statement that the democrats will protect manufacturers and not producers. For tbe first year above named woolen goads to the value of 934, 010,95 were imported and for last year there were imported of such goods IWT.olo, 39- worth. Importation of wool increases while importation of woolen goods de creases. Tbitetls tbe whole story. Albany. r itKAD, President. 1 L CO WAS, Treasurer. J O WP.rPSMAX. Oesaetsij Geo F SIMPSON. Tic Preaadesst -DiKJCCTOS svtn I Onwaa Geo F Simpson. W F Re 1, D B M jiUsiii.U ternsrsr. J S W ealbertord, C J Sta art. I O iYrrtstaaa. ; fj US) DISTRICT AGEST5 SSSj several Solid Eastern' and Fcraign Gompanies Sauer kraut, Chow chow, Sorghum. Salmon, White fish, Herring, and all Sweet pickles, Dried fruits In large vaiiety, Specialties in Teas and coffee, Fruits, things nice, -AT C. E. BROWNELL'S A large stock of pinning shears nd proa ns hooks, the bast made, just reoeived a Stewart & Sot s, Now is the time to nss hem. Fortnely sites for furnaces were often se lecled with a view to .material being brought to the tops of the furnace without any ex penditure of poweri nowusrs me sites are chosen so as to admit ot ready removal of the Iron and slag in large quantities within a limited time, plenty, of room and good drainage. One hundred ana twenty of tbe heaviest manufacturing firms of San Francisco, most of whom are republicans in politics, have sent a petition to congress asking that in the revision of the tariff, iron ore, coal, coke, pig iron scrap iron, and scrap steel bo placed on the free iit. Now these gentlemen, seeing that reduction of the tariff is a foregone conclusion are ready to rush in and secure ti e best benefits to re sult from such reduction and in doing so they manifest the true spirit of the scheme I protection ask for something that will beuetit theuit elves but ignoring the interests of all others. But this petition, though se!tish, thows that the great lestrictive and prohibitive Chinese wall is tumbling to pieces rapidly. The first bell mng in Ameiics was erected on the fust church ever built lo this countryl early in 1494, Columbus landed at Isabel Is, on the island of San Domingo, in De cember, 1493, snd soon built a church. Shortly afterward a new cltv was begun in tbe royal plaltat La Vega, and was called La Vega, or the City of the Plains. The church, with the bell, and all the other bouses of Isabells, were then moved to La Vega. ' ' The eyeball of the owl Is immovably fixed la its socket, hence the look of wisdom that that bird always appears to have. Iii the horse sn eye in which white predominates Indicates s vicious nature. Frost has a variety of effects on different products. Under the same influence eggs will burst, apples contract and potatoes wil turn black. HIE GROCER FORTMILLER k IRVING (TiMlertakers w and Einbalniers. E K fcEP ccrttsntlv en I si d s full !:r e cf n-tlsMc, i?t ih rt C t decs! its an ceffirs. A!:o luiial icls srd suits, in licstclc'.h, tttir tisl n nt.ri which will be sold at Tbe Lowest Living Profits. EMBALMING nd 'I'c proper care of the dead a specialty. aaS1Sft-''1aaaSaaaysTl K0 EXTRA CKARGfc FOR HEARSI: OR SERV tCE , ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGON THE HAZE, Cli CAIr. Issues 200 pas Dry Goods and General Outfitting CATALOGUE. Send your name on a postal card TO-DAY and get one,.