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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1893)
t.xfcajV-sxW. Per over 25 Boll Dcrbn) v;iollv$ Tobacco toed 33 the standard .1 rxvtactton. This is why ;c.;u:nod, during this long Uf5rtt r anufacturers of tcco in the world, it 0 MtMtf w hav Snolih lias a (raff liar cwiience. DU&KAU w KATHKKr Attorney! at Lav. Will practice In courts of state. Special attention Riven to matter in proba anil to co lections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. R BIII.YEU r at Law vnJ Solicitor In Chancery. Oollec- s on all po'nts- Loans negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon G K. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law. and Notary Public . Will practice in all the "ourts of this state Special attention riven to ro!lec'on and matters in pre bite O SB ce: Upstairs w-ason-iweaaie uiock Aisaay, ufro tt hdl iCX fc WATSON. all leil matters will recs ire proiai rap attention mceir. oil fellow a Temple, Aioany ONTANVE 4 H.UKLKWiN Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon WHITNEY, ol . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CHARLTON, Attornv-t-!.vi. All lies'! business 'attended .to proaepUT: FLIN.VS Block, Albany. Or LB4NT COttEtTTING A'GN'l DALRYMPLE & NEWPORT Managers Qallertioa a specialty regardless ef ails. Cot Ants in an I be valley tens: OFFICE L K Bhun Co's stare, Foster's Block: D R. J. I.. KIM,. Phycicien ol Surgeon . OFFICE Fefry streets, Albany, Oraavn. D ICS. IASTO at OA V IS, PhysMaos an Sirraon. OFPtCU Corner eeood and Br :d Jb.n streets. Albany, Or, Calls promptly tser.ied 1 citr and country. c. V. CHIjIRERLsVIN. H. D., HemospathUt. IWpeciJIat In diseases ef the Eye Tweatr ears' experience O.Bce boors 7 U t a sal 1 8 p re. and tc Aeveaiae. Albans, Oregwi. tlRST NATIONAL BANK. nr axbamt. oaaaon, raNn'. .. Vie Prosident LFLINN 8. K.TOCKO W. LANGDON rttASSACTS A OESKRALbanklngbnatDeas i'-i 'im-VTS KEPT sab feet to sheet. GIGUT EICHANGK and tel tapbte traaafer, U Sew York. San K ran Cisco, i;n'cgo ana rn ".' O .LXOTIOKf SADEob favorable W, Uhws Fuaa K Bum. Ed aid I . Sox. R ANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, ORBOOX. TbsrtTtti - PrasiJevit Vice-Pre eident... a-..r . H F MERRILL y.i LANSING . 1st w blain sssaawaVra swats b:it;n business; Exchange bought and sold on all the prlncipa cities In toe uattco state I aisu en BAgiaoa, ircuuiu France and Germany. CoUeetiens made at all accessible point en favor ble terms. Interest allevrsd o a time deposit. Si INK CO NATIONAL RANH. Or AI.BAJST, OB -OOS. CAPITAL STOCK 8100,900. ident I COWAN PreJAmt ...J M RALSTON. atrvashler O A AKCHIBOLO. n nnrm J I. r.nn. I al Ralston. W Ldd. W II lioUra. J A Craword and O A Arch bold. fRAXS ACTS a reneral banking- buatneas . DBA V7 8I0HI 0PAFT3 en New York, sal 'sttsi : Oregon. ')AN ''ONEVon approved security SET El EdenoaiUi subieet check. BILIOUSNESS The S. i. Headache and Liver Core If A A V. I PHYSIC I RCatE A CHEAP If taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or refund your money, , DON'T SICKEN. D0N,TGRIPE, 50 cents per bottle, by I A CUMMINGS. nuCn ks wka t 'wai fi A E Jt I' n CAT MEM I.k E C Wkbt's Nrkvii and Drain Thiatmint, ruKrahUexl srioclic t ,r stcria, DisxinoM, Con TulsionM Kit.NrvrTU NT.- irnlyna.Hodv:h, V ivoua Prntrili'n riaiiwd by ths ose jC aJoohol uriubacc. WftefulnoHs, Men Lai D;irMjrit Hofhmitijr of ths laVt-AMt riMulMnir mi i iHnvuivy si 1 UiJtn tvi ininurv, docuy death, Prwnaturt CMU Kg Brreu n tn. LstMiu of Vrwvr .11 either1. I:iv.iiu'itrv ltM i and Siafr tutorrh uaiitoi bj tvae-xvrtln of the l ni , mif-abu. or over-in lu genee. Each box oM'xi'X mm mmitb' treatment. $1.0) a box, or six h.ixtji( rri.MntbvraUpr3piiJ on receipt of price. WK Cil'ABANTKE MX JBOXRB T "tv em. Wittiev:'! irlir r w ( ' j I Io'ia .i.ji. Jt'n) I'liil with fi -t). rfj vi ,:. inAw i- iavmim to rVft t m-rliOV if th I Tf-. 4' i-,r, ,J w,i A(fj ,t . ,r , an -m 'ami! I titj'r ry U -ii. i r .ami mm LB AMY QRSGtri I'iiopuiijro ti.A6. Pt-'cJIt'Fiiit QMk r- Years and flavor of CITATION. I a the County Gvl of He Stole of Oxtgon, or tie county sw' Linn. In tbe matter of tbssostata of Peter We It. detiesnod. To A J Welt, John Welt.Catb hlm, and to all others unknown interested in Peter Welt, deceased: Q TN JL o THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby citml and ro quired to appear in tbe Couaiy Court f MM state of Oregon, for the oonnty of Linn, st the ourt room thereof at Albany, in thaoountv of Linn, on Mon dav, tbe 6th dav of February, 1893, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon ol that day, then and there to show cauae if an you bve why an order of this onurt should uot issue empowering and licensing the administrator of teid eetate to sell the real property belonging to said estal described as follows towlt: Beginntat. 58 chains and 3 lin s north of the nth east corner of OW Klum's donation and claim No 39 notification No Saa.oti chip 12 south range one west of the Wi ism ette meridian; thence west 11 cb-ins thence north 30 chains and 18 Knka, thence ev ( 11 chains, thenee south 3 chains and 18 links to the place b ginning conuining 37.60 acres foi t: e purpose of pay i a the claims preserved against said estate and tbe expen w ol tbn adminiat.'slion thereof. Done by order of the Hon J X Duncan Judge ol the County Court of the 8tate Oregon, for the counts' of Linn, wilh the eal of atd court afflxeJ, this 16th day of December. & u, isvz. Attkri : N P PAYNE. Clerk CAVEAT. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etc For htformatton sol free Handbook writ to ataii a ju, mi BsouviT, Ntw iobk. aaa ror Brery pexent taken out by na la brought before : by anotioe (lven free otehartala the Scientific amenaa -car 1 of asry setentiSe paper ts th Illustrated. Ko Intelttnnt bout It. Weekly. S.t.09 a rear; SUOatx asoatba. AdOrass MTN.N A CO, K snaaaHA. 31 Bnsatwaa-. Xwm York GUy. YAQDINA BAY UOU'I a o Oreeon Pacific Railiodd 1 , Kcceiver. Orsgjn OaYelopment Cos Steamers, Iswrt Line to Cstlliwrnlai. Pirot-olssa throogb passenger anc" ralcht line rram Portland and all points zi we Willamette v alley to ini rrom ssr. f ran dsco, CaJ. Boats make doss connection at A I ban with trains of tbe Oregon Par Iri aailroac TIME 8CHEDCLE. except Sandara.) Albany 1M0 r. fav CorvsJli 1.-0A r. Arrl TaajBlaa. iM t. Lave Taqoina, T.-oo a,a Leave Corrallls.lO-.SSi. Arrive Ai jaoy, 11:1s a O. A C. trains connect at Albany an C :rvallU. The above trains connect a taooina with tho Oregon Deveioprafft ompany's Line of Steamships batra7 Vaqnina and San Franriaco, 8AILIS DATES . rasa Tisrou. Give it a trial. 6SmM DURHAM Jf'SSSS'SI co.. Durham! 1 n. c. .H mm7IM I vs. 9 J ar 1 11 mm mm His mai ss!iir. Ojsassr 13th. el I raoa max rstwosoo WUiametl Valley. December gth ; Wth ; nth. The Company -vrves the ngnt fa !rance saiiing dtsj v'thout notice. W, B. Paaaenirer from Portland an Willamette Valley points can make cloas -.unection with th trains oftheTaqulo r .EU at Aibsnv or Corvallis. and 'fdai oeaionsn r mnnsoo should arrantre te rrtve af xaatiioa the evening hbfore date 1 RBUir g. aeatrer a a freight rates always la Itwest EAST AND-SOUTH, -V1A- THE 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Go. Repress Trains leave Portland Dally. South 1 raoa olt 1. 1892, I Harth 7:0r. a. I P !:! Albany San Prandsc Ar 1 l.y. a Lv I 4M a Lv I TflO r n loan Lv 8:15 a a Ar Abave train t,o r1t at foliewin tA,t.i .tmw earn. Salem, Albany, Twkawnt, 8hrjdd, Halsey rtarrorjf, Jcnctkm City, Irving, Eogene. aeeatr ao aaii, ar Portia Albany Uusebunr SJOas Lr Ar' ! Lv I )1 a ;Lv 1 ; ,) 1?:45 r at i Lv i:50ru I Ar ALBSST LvCSb DA1L1 (SXCBTT Sl'aDAT) S 00 r h 1 Lv tTU I Ar Portland Albary Ar I :3Sa Lv (1:30 a 8:10 a y 9:00 AS Lv Ar Lv Ar Albany Lebanon Albanv Lebanon ar Lv Ar Lv io n as 80am :r sr 2:33 r a :SCra :08 a a PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. -AND Dininer Cars on Ogden Routes SEC0ND-CU33 SLEEPING CARS Atlaebert teall Thraagb Tralna. rTeal Side Irlvlalna. BSTVir.tV PWRTtAMIS A-. (OUUMIS. Hail rsAisoAiit (Exsapt Srnraay, 8U a u I Lr Portland Ar I f,::t(i a' 12:10 r u Ar Corvallis Lr 12:66 rm sir rasas tsais daily (Exc.-p. aiip a Lv Ar Portland VcHiiinvllle :20 a s 7:26 PS l,v Throajch TicketM to til poln(- in the ICutern Htito, CanavU mmI Kurofve can be obtained a. Iowimi ra'.eit frum 1 K rvUM. Afent. Albany. ft, KOEHLEB E P. BOOEaS, MariAtrr A't U. K. nun Oregon, ACADEMY OF lad; of Pfirufltnal Help WELL DIGOI1SG -E1 Davidson in proo red to rlo well diggirig Is fiyat olass style, promptly, and will guar ante his work. The annus' ..onsumptlon of oranges in the United Statu it between 5,500,000 and 6,000,000 boxes. Rome, the ancient city of Italy, it to be lighted by electricity generated by the power of the Falls of Tivoll. Exports ef domestic beef and hag products in November, 189a, $10,448,554, n Increase 01,407,940 over 1891, ' The largest telephone centre in the world is that in the exchange in Berlin, Germany, where 7001'Aiies are connected with the main office. It is said thai on an average two persons die of starvatijn In I. union every week, And yet flour was never cheaper there than it is No country in Europe, Sweden alone ex cepted, has io miles of raiiroal per 10,000 inhabitants, wtdle in this country but two Sla ts hsre less than 10 miles of railway per 10,000 inn tiutant. em M'm tu .' This leisUture our' l to do a great deal ogood work for . OAtpIc as there are no political schemes 10 be worked out, but we fear they will not. In one of the Comstock mines a new water wheel is to be placed which is to run it 50 rcvoiuUms a minute, and have a speed at iia periphery of 10,805 fees per minute. A greater head ol water than has ever before been applied to a wheel will be used. f Compressed air for cleaning cars is aseJoa the Union Pacific Railr ad at its Portland shops. The air, uodera pressure of 50 pounds per square inch, is delivered from a flexible hose wilh a smill nozzle, aad is uaed as wa ter would at. If his Excellency, the Governor, deprecates and contemns the ways of the wicked one with the same degree of intensity as he does tbe ways and existence ol "commissions, " then there csn be no discount on his pros pect for future happiness. An impression never to be forgotten Is made on the mind of anv one who will stand around the legutative halls end behold the anxiety depicted on the countenances of the four score and tea lassc thete striving to secure committee clerkships. Little girls who have been made very unhappy by having their dolls' heads broken by cruel brothers or the careless step of others in th; nunc ry, w ill rrjelce to hear that many of the ne dolls now being made are to have heads of iron, which will be quite as pretty as the fragile waxen and plaster heads of the psst, and also absolutely unbreakable. w Mswsesa The dtnjeratic oem)crs paid so on meinin comp'tment t3 Hoa C'-ss A Coggs well wCLl fjfissis jo-'tt imj'o: from Lake, fvlamai.i ai l Cmok, when they cast their votes lur him for president of the senate. Mr Coggsue- w oI. in leeislstlve service and has acquire i ext-nsive experience m legislative matters that fit him to preside aver the grave salons cf the upper bouse of the legislature of our young but advancing com monwealth. 1 he ancient Egyptians had tool for stone working equal to anything in nae today. They used both solid and tubular drills and straight and ctrcu'.ar saws. The drills we e set wi'.b. jcaels, probably cortut- dam, snd even lathe tools had such eatung edges. So remarkable wss the quality sf the tubular drills, it Is said, and the skill of the workmen, that the cutting marks in the hard granite give no indication of wear of the tool, white a cut of a tenth part of an inch was made in the hardest rock at each revolution, snd a hole through both the hardest and softest materia! was bored perfectly smooth and uniform throughout. Of the material and n r hod of makin he tools nothing (a knowr THE r.oVKR' ; S ML-atiAtJE. All tbe slate papers and documents bom tbe pen of Governor Prnooyer sre unique in style ol construction antlmannav ofldelivery. Tbe message to the present legislature is no exception. There is a cutting and slashing way abou' tbe Governor's message that wc find in those of no other Governor's. In yesterday's Issue we pubUshsd the recoomen- datioss of the Governor as snmarsraed by himself. He thinks that the one seventh of one mill tax to support the Stats Universi ty should be repealed on th: ground that It i both unadvissbte and unjust to tax tbe people cf the mhole Stale to support an In stitution where bat a very small number of the young people of tbe State can be educa ted. The Democrat urged this rejection years ago. We think the Gaverror la right and that the recommendation should be car ried out. Tbe Governor would have the State buy the locs at Oregon City and do away with the fish commission. These are mooted questions, as is tbe one relating to tbe repeal of the railroad and other commis sions, and tbe legislature will evidently take some action In regard to tiem. Tbe law allowing deductions for indebtedness he thinks should lie repealed, viewing It as a "pen alty upon honesty and a rewsrd for rascality by affording an immunity Irom taxation to those ho will trump up s fictitious indebt edness." Many taxpayers who have hsreto fore opj -red this repsai have changed opin ion and now favor such a Isw. It Is be lieved the legislature will r.peai it. The Gov -mar would collect revenues for the State by a tax upon the gross receipts of railroad, exptess, telegraphic, telephone and asurance comapnics, snd by a poll tax of $2 on every male person over twenty-one resrsof age, the receipt fo- which lalter tsc should be demanded at lbe polls as proof that the holder thereof who claimed the privilege of citizens. ip had fulfilled one of if required obligiliong This latter chins miking the right to vote contingent upon the psyment of the poll lax wouul rot be sustained by the courts as the constitution of the State has already fixed the qualification of voters, and the supreme court has already decided that the legislature cannot ndd to these qualification-. The Governor i very earnest in his position that the railroad commission should be abolished and a maximum rat e law passed. While tbe commission has done something in the interest ef shippers, Its work upon the whole has no been satisfactory, ann the Governor will have Urge suppcrt In bio effort to do f.way with the commission and adopt the maximum rate plan. The Uover no- introhuce the financial questions to b? settled hy Congress with the air of one who thought the legislature might largely tout rib- , utetotheir srttlemen'. On two points the ! Governor disappointed ever body. One was, what should ne done with ha mortesoe tax , law, and Die other what ho i'o be done about I he lai ill question A Grbat Isventiow. Is the self ' pouting coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without turt j lng the pots. Wonderful None of the : hundred 'Ittle Inconveniences of the old i fashioned way. Coffee rook sure anA pure and cantut burn, and us to perftx I lion. You taise the light lid and the ! coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou j would hsve the finest thing In tne world j I order ene when Mr, Tslt, the local agent, calls on ou. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. At Utt,e White Honse. Laxewood, N J, Jan 13. President elect Uievoiiind arrived hero this evening (his on the r : 1 0 train. He wnsncoomnanied by Mrs Cleveland and baby Ruth and the little one's nurse. They were driven at once to the "Little Whito House." as their cottage is now nailed. With the possible exceptien of a few days in the I utter part of i... i :i ;u 1,.,,.. ,,.,t;i they start for Waihtnjfton. Tkeaiagle Track Maat Jan t3. Dr J B Mahanna. in ventor of the single-rail and saddle-truck railway, is in Salem trying to work up snterest in building a line of hia road between Salem and Dallua. He has been to Dallas and along the route, and pays he finds people interested and hits good pros pects of success. aeus Pralt. Pkoria. HI. Jan 13. An important meeting of the prominent distillers m the whisky trust was held at headquarters in this city today, and action of a most im portant nature was taken. In view of the net that Wall street speculators have been bearing tho market for the purpose of buy ing back, it was decided to purchase the entire stock, if possible, and remove it from the market. There was abundant capital represented at the meeting to do this. The profits of the trust now amount to 12,000. 000 per month, aad a director says th dividend next month will be the larges ever known. fast Hi Salem. Jan 18. AtOtbs- of Senator Dodson's bills is to remit toelU.100 which Baker county owes the state for delinquent taxes sine 1879. Part of the amount is uncollected from having been levied on stock which perished from inclemen weather. Some of H was due on double assessments. Baker has a claim on tbe state for the'eare of its own indigent per sons, and, the litigation now consequen made the ground for an emergency clause. ABIgst s Washington, Jan 13. The president will tomorrow issue a proclamation under act of March 3, 1891. as to timber reserves, upon tbe recommendation of one of the special agent of the interior department in Oregon, creating a great reservation of the public lands in the state of Oregon, com mencing at the Columbia river on the north and running nearly through the entire length of the state. A Terr Ikte AsTatr! ij Y McCune, Chas t'attereon, Jas A Sas Feancisto. Jan .2.-A Canton ' p WilHsmson C w Ystes. correspondent sends this account of a terri- Friw -George tris?ndorfer, James ble disaster in a country town about 50 Wallace, J M Archibald, John Mei.regor. miles from Canton, which occurred early j M F Dawson. M H Wikl. John Propst, last month and resulted in the loss of 1 W W Scnddy. nearly 2000 live. A band of robbers! Rock Cresk -T B Barnes, W J Torn- made a raid on a village m tbe shin lung ldge, B B Butler. district. They first levied a tribute of gcJoR D Calls van, A J Johnson. M several th on sand taels on tbe priests of the r)anje. (j W Muneaker. O W Morrow, temple. The latter had just received large M y Bilveu, M M Peery. K J Dal v. Z?i&mLZJt Shellborn-B F Titns. J L Croisan, N frrtn5t,ttTS an'gry 'Sbe B W ash Iki rn H J Fol Us , Pr ice M un k e rs. applied tbe torch to tbe shed, and the peo I Syracuse -r D Leverick, L C Strsltoo, pie. in panic rushed into tbe temple for A Farlow, m Uale. refuge. The main entrance to the temple Sao Mam J M Hassler, C T Ieever, canght fin from tbe heat, Iwrnin - the John T Bilyeu, C T Croft. Jr. A H Chart shed, and ever 1400 men, women and j ton, J S Davenport, i A FtUsstsW, Jas A children were either burned, smothered or Richardson. F M Smith, J W Garland, J trampled under foot. W Gaines, H E Savage. A Wsaaaaa staa4 tt Fwset Home Henry Nvc.O H Russell, n., . r. 10 u; nu n.fc Uscob Nye. D Andrews, J M ware, John who lives at 412 Couch street, was held up by a lone highwayman at 6 M o'clock last evening on Couch street, between Eighth and West Park . The man tore open bar cloak and demanded ber money and jewel ry, but be found neither. He overlooked her watch which was fastened in ber corsage. When Miss Rack reached home she fainted on the doorstep, and a great of difficulty was expert -. jed in returning her to No Ptaee fr Is . Tacoma, Jan 12. A Chinaman appl isi to the city derk for s license for peddling today and the clerk refused to issue it telling the Chinaman that to attempt to peddle in Tacoma might result in his being murdered, as tbe white ci linens bad shown a disposition to admit Chinese only as merchants- The Chinaman agreed to take j the consequences, bat tbe city clerk bow could ; ever, refused till such time as be consult tbe mayor. la Kx-aMtI'a SalrMr: Eccexk, Or, Jan t2. A man was found ! dead on a pile of wood near tbe railroad, 1 j ust south of Irving, this afternoon. His name was uppoea to be t.eorge lot a, ne oau a oiscnarge m toai name nwa uw ronrteenth infantry. L b A. having served at Vancouver barracks. It is evident that he committer! suicide by taking strychnine. we bottle being' found near by. Sasall lax la Walla Walla. Walla Walla. Wash. Dec 12. A case of smallpox was discovered in tbe city this afternoon. Last week Richard Orscino. an Italian, arrived from Wenatcbee. Sunday be was taken ill, but physicians were not called until this morning. They pronounc ed the affliction tmuUlpox. The patient was removed this evening to the pest bouse snd placed in charge of competent nurses. PawSerly Talk. Sf rantox. Pa. Jan 12. Grand Master Workman Powderly, in an address to tbe union carpenters, said : "I am a socialist and 1 say it without blushing'. If tbe avowal brings condem- nation. I am willing to take it I am one of 65,000,000 socialists in this country. I brtieve the railroads and public highways shonld be nationalized, and that the tele graph system should be owned and operat ed by the government." hi amp astasia 8 .vrrwer OxrxfRiA. Jan 11. Sixteen years ago a young man arrived on the shores of Puget sound, a stranger in a strange land, wilh- out ffloner or friends. This particular young man began the struggle for a lireli hood by the prosaic work of grabbing stumps on a clearing. Today, twrrotinded by luxury and civic pomp and pageantry, hundreds of representative men lenrned nrolsaois, statesmeu, politicians, lawyers cap tahsts from all over the big state of Washington, assembled to do him honor. and stood with uncovered heads while the friendless and penniless young man of 1C yean ago was sworn into the highest office wiinin tne gin or tne people ot this meat commonwealth. Governor John H Mctirw. naacesl By a Mob Brikklet. Ark. Jan 11. Paul ckmirrm and Henry Alien, who on Saturday night murcierel. robbed and cremated Ku be At kinson and his bousekeerjer and daughter near Cotton Plant, were taken from jail mere oy a mob lat night and hanged and shot to death. Allen confessed the crime, but Scruggs kept his lips sealed till death. Alien also implicated William Hollett and lid Purvell, Scruggs father-in-law, in the crime. They are under arrest. More than half of the mob were colored. e csn raellle Sale Paslpaaed ConvALLis, Or, Jan 11. Application was made today in the circuit court asking for a postponement of tbe sale of the Ore gon Pacin railroad until March 5, which tbe court granted. Tbe application was made by the Farmers' Loan Trust Com pany, acting for the bondholders. The ad ditional time is requested in order that on expert may be sent over the road t examine and report on its value. alber Seasallaaal Tacoma. Jan II. At the city council meeting today. Alderman F rattan said that there were reports current that Mayor Huxon had received $25,000 from the Light Water Company and the Aldermen 8i0, 000 a siece for their suppcrt. The Light Water Company has placed a proposition before the city to buy its plant The mat ter has hung fire, and taxpayers have be come alarmed, although it is the public desire that the city own its light and water plant. Two Men Killed Spokane, Wash, Jan il. A terrific snowslide swept down the mountain aide 'ant Wednesday, near Kaslo, in tbe Slocan district, killing two men and ruining con siderab'e property. The Freddie Lee mine, owned by James F Wardner. was almost in its path, and (the men killed, Martin Flaherty and James Switzer, were employ ed in sacking ore at the mine. Earthsjaake la Maryland Frederick, Md, Jan 11 .At 1 :15 this morning three distinct shocks of earthquake were felt in tbe western part of the county. Uoods were thrown fr jm the shelves of the stores- The shock lasted for five or ten seconds. , o, ev nIfht form sreek urousoTorpld Livers, too. por bottlo. (OIM1 COVBT. (J. N. Dnnaan. county iudae; Win . Rumbauh and J. W. Pugb, Commissioner.) Contract for repairine bridge at Mill City let to D P Hoeye at $215. Continued, bill of 0 P Cosliow, aid Hail family. Bills allowed: N P Payne. 17.50, Judge Duncan, $103.50; WmRumbnugh, $22.30; J Pugli, $24.00. The following jurymen were selected for the coming year : Albany J W Cnsick, J A Cutnmiog, Thoe Hopkins, H F Merrill, J A Miller, I M Ralston, Henrv Bettlemier, W L Moore, W C Stellmachsr, R O Watson, T L Wallace. Central Albany Fred Burkbart, Fred rick Brnckman, Robt Brown, i K Bloom. East Albanv A Wolverton, A B Morris, T . I Miller, J B Hughes, M Bry ant, C L Shaw, Hamon Shelton. West Albany Geo VV Cline. B W Cundiff, I F Conn. T J Butler, Perry Conn. Wm Fortmiller. A B Matthews, Denver Hackleman, Dick re'.era. Mat Scott, Frank Trites. Brownsville Henry Blakely. John Wolf, Ua Windom, VV T Cochran, F M Jack. G M Brown, D Ambrose. B F "Child, E A Evans. James Pearl, Jno Montgomery, E B Michael. Center Henry Jackson, W W Craw ford, Dean Wheeler. Scott Ward, Geo .McKnight, Albert llutuplirey ,11 L, Utsseil Crawfordsville W B Glass, T Malone, Wm Ireland, Geo WPugh, J A Brandon, J H Edwards. Franklin Butte John Curl, Newton Crabtree, Wm Arnold, W May, A T Powell, E C Rogers, l Bilyeu. Fox Valley -J BTrask. J L Berry. W E Potter, W F Hammer. Halsey W H Gnlllford, John Miller, Antony Maxwell. Geo Shepherd, H C Davis. T F Smith. R F Armstrong-. I A Crisp, John Cumming, W R Garrett. J R Temple ton. Harrieburg W g Brown, H Bishop, Samuel Nixon, Milton Rodgers. Monroe Fhilpot. John B Hayworth. WC Lasseli, D S Boaey, Wm M Davidson, Frank Dempsev, C M Grimes. E J WiUoughby , J F Davis, Wm Wassom Jordon P R Bilyeu, A M Shellon, T P Goodman, O W Richardson, A T Mc Cnlly, H H Phillips Lsbsnon JC Bilyeu, A J Adams, J R Keebler, N Bridges. D F Hard man J W Burkhart. Samuel Mullen, B F Blodgetl, ' J M Coffelt, Z T Truelove, O D Stem. Orleans M Acheson. W H Millhollen, Uslbrsith, A J MeClure, E B Wilson Sodaville Jonathan Card. Wm Do gram, E M Hazen, R W Fisher, T A U lesson. A K Waters, Julius Daw, U P Card. Shsdd Henrv Sprengerjohn C Davis, J BCornett. V W Robinett, B R Forbes, J R Darts, W B McCoriaics, H C Far well. Tan irenl Geo Cochran, Ubbe Peters' los Simpson. Morgan Henshsw. F B Jenks. L B La per, J K Owenby, Alfred Morgan, Arthur Churchill. Waterloo J Burre!!, W K Crstttord. Jacob Newman. Martin Whitney, E E Tavlor. snrni. R iand. C H Peter West of t'matiiU connty donned s woman by postal card, and was arrest' ed and taken before judge Itesdr. s terihle warning to people who want ntoney bad enough to ask for it in j a semi-oohnc way. I fslilllln-lsisw Wilkinson of Lnne.tbe Trnn,t mmher of the lesriaUlnr. nnu 3 , . rointion Thnrwolr to nrohih.t riawrotts amnkina- in th hall ol rent.; seutatives, which was sugnm. it is a wonder some on does not kick st an in terference with persons! liberty. - Ll.L S . 1 . B A case of malpractice, or mow other practice, perhaps hydropathic practice, is reported near the depot. The Barker Bros hsd s sick aa.b They undertook to prescribe for the afflicted animal. The first dose killed the symbol of meekness. An tnvesttgstton will probably he msde under lbe auspices of the W P deliverer. Mary Hhulti has been taken to the m I sane asylnm from Portland. She wore s Itjtlle, which she seemed to value very I much. It was examined, (oond heavy, I opened, snd twent r $20 pieces fonnd bidden inside. Notwithstanding the crv of dull times t here seems to be money in everything, rolls of butter, bustles, and an fjexchenge says there is money in sugar. A Kentucky n en recently rot a prise for the following definition of a g-ntle-man: "A man of refinement and culture whose aims are noble, whose truth is ; constant, sod not only constant in its kind but elevated in its decree ; whose went of meanness makes him simple, sod who can look tbe whole world in the face with a true manly sympathy for the great an I small." In fifty or a hundred years from now people will be referring to these days ss the good old limes. Pat this fact In your head ar.d Jon! look so blue. The stale board of charities have been ex amining into the Insane asylum scandal at Salem. Part of the report will be: "Fscts sufCclet t to rast doubt on the efficiency of the control of the institution; liberties ap pear lo have been permitted incompatable with proper discipline and a generally 'oose avslern of accountability for ket s and admission to wards seemed to hsve pre vailed. The state printer says the ballots used In Oregon in the late election cost the tax payers about $11,000 and he could have done the work as state printer for $1500. Now, the suggestion is made to have the legislature authorize the secretary of state to have ih printing done for the enli.e state and It Is being received with much favoi. E O. In the roll call in the state legislature Lane county furnishes the first name in each house, Alley and Baughman. Among the funny things of the State Leeislaiure was a bill by Willis, of Port land, that no women be given clerkships. Mr Willi, will be named Mr Dennis if he keeps that up, and will soon be bald headed in the bargain. Q W Davis, clerk of the state hoard of school land commissioners, reports sales of land and receipts from different funds of $330,620.38. Of this $201,293.30 ia school fund principal and interest. To tal number of acres of land disposed of, 122,2411. These flgnree are for time lw tween August 1, 1801, to Dscejiber 31, 1892, one year and five months. Brother Bell.ex-editor.of Independence, seems to be interested in the subject of baptism. A Polk county paper says: Rev J R N Bell will preach next Sunday, Jan 15th, st 2:30 p m sharp, in the Opera House, Independence. Subject : "First, Baptism by immersion not the exclusive mode. Second, Baptism by immersion not the Scriptural mode, but a Romish invention . " Also at the same place and hour the following Sunday: "Iinmer aionlsts disregard Divine authority by refusing baptism to their infant chil dren." No charge to get in, snd but little to get out. Guaranteed to euro Bilious Attacks and Constipation, Small Ullo Beans. NT ATE LECIftLATEBE. A clyclone of bills have been rushed before the legislators. Wc give a list of some of them . IN TIIBIICUSR. Coon reortilatlnir sale of nurserv stock creating office ;of Inspector of fruit pests; oy oaugnman, creating the county ol Mineral, now part of Lane; Ford, by re quest, to create office of examiner of sta tionary and portable engines; Miller, to create state mining bureau; Duncan, as sessment law; Brown of Douglas, to en courage use wide tires for wagons; North up, to prevent sale of unwhelesome food for medicine; Nickel!, lo amend county publishing law; to amend game law as to deer, to provide for levy of a hospital tax of $1 joo per capita; Cooper, fixing legal rate ol Interest at 6 per cent, on contract 8 per ccnl; Blevens, assessor law; Miller, of Linn, for state series of school text books, to be compiled by stat board of education, to be printed and bound by state sold by state treasurer at coat ap propriates $25,000 A communication was received from the Portland chamber of commerce asking the r.peai 01 the mortgate tax law. Cooper, to exemnt homestead from ex- ecution; Oeer of Clackamas, to prevent j stock running; at laree in certain cases.and ' to amend the eeneral laws relanne to railroad commissioners and providing for their election oy the people: Houck, to punish the placing of obstructions on car track; Sheridan, to make railroads liable for damage lo employes; Ford, notice of bills for precinct assessors, county prose cuting attorneys and to icquire all public supylles to be bid upon. IN TRfc SENATE. By Denny, to prevent a person with fire ; tomorrow : arms from trespassing upon enclosed j 'Iday afternoon Call to order Coun lands; by Bancroft, o regulate the as-jty Secretary; singing and prayer ; wel tetsment laws; Loorev. to rrsrulate hunt- dime from Lebanon Society Edward lng on enclosed land; bv Matlsck, lo create a commission to represent Oregon at the World s fair, to consist of six per sons; by Bancroft, to define and punish for obstructing the railway track: bv Mevers, to provide for the filing of cnaltel mortgages within five day after execution;' ; addret,"Rctuit,"Rev Edward Eccletton, by Cross, prescribing lees of assessor; by , Lebanon; music; lecture.Rev H I. Bates, Blackman, regulating the amount to be j Eugene; anthem,"Service the True Ideal," paid upon ar Insurance policy, he fare of j Choir; informal reception, the policy to be tr.c legal' amount to samrdav morr.lng-8:3o. prayer meet collect; by Cameron, to establish a n.ln--, phl, 'yti y FoTtroi!er Albany; re in bureau, and to create tbe office of state ponot nominating committee and election geologist and mineralogist; by Weather- o cntr officers; report of societies; fard, to exempt homesteads from execu-, "How to Keep trie Pledee. A M tlon; bv Crosno. to appropriate mone lor ; w,Umv .Aih,nT. p,riUment of samr; State Agricultural college; ty lSenny, !fpaper J'.e a" Failure?-' A R Ruther- provtde far the commitment of persons 1 ,rd nHburg; free parliament; paper, f using narcotics to excess to the asylum ;; ,ur d(t r to,,, tiie associate members," j b- Raley. to create the office of recorder Mili ptorm Mason, Albany; free par Ua ; in the county of Umatilla; Cameron, gov ment. paper, ,'How I gtudv my Bible. J J ernlng payment of county warrant ; by ; j Charlton. Albanv; free parlt roent ; pa-! Hamipon, to punish persons for pointing j iunif Work,' Mrs Henrietta Brown, I lire arms at any person; by Cross, regulat-, APjanv . disunion 0f same subjec' ; new I lng court clerk's compensation. j business; suggestions for the good of tte By Cross, regulating road suerslaots, ! C E Sodtty free; reports of committees; i Butler, far additixn to the Monmouth prayer. state normal school ; Ra'.er, for a portage J or afternoon 1 :i. singi.iu and rail way.abbve the Dalle ; Huston for the , piper, "What shall are do till the: asiisament oiaogt; rsancroir.torinc oen - efft of education, and for the pro ecUon of ralldoad cars against burg'ars. tiss cav nrsiscsA t 1 ft Enox Bt rrs GrtAxec Hall, January 7th, 1S93. The tegular session o' the Linn Co Business Cuuncil, P of II. met pursuan t adjournmerit. Worthy preidcn: J H Scott in the chair. The agent of the council trade his annual report of sale 10 have been during the vear, to; saving to patron473So. On motion the above report was received and placed on file. The worthy treasurer. Bro A G Mar shall.made hi annual rept.rt.snd un motion was received and placed on file Said motion prevailed. The worthy secretary read hi annual ; report which was very full snd explicit, i and on motion the rule were suspended ! and the secretary's report was received and placed on ti c. j The election of efficers for the council resulted a fohows: Preident.J I! Scott; rice president, F M Ki ; secrsrUry.H C ordan; treasurer... G Marshall; chaplain, " S Douarhton , gate keeper, Jas Conn; agent, J W Propti ; trustee, John Wal- lace and Martin Payne. On motion, the next meeting of the council wi!l be held with Harmony grange On dinner being announced the presi- ce..t declared a rec-s for the same. The president recalled the house to order and proceeded to the regujr bust- jtjfj: nL ureatL 1 -ir. I.J .k.,si 1 " rith a song in the 1., s --.. - a-w : hich was well applauded, s - " oro uougnton save a very in-ere-i talk lor the good of tne order, biu A: art Mil;er also made some explanations which was satisfactory . Bro lleeper, Dawson, Bryant, Marshall, T Proman and others also. Bro Daarson read a petition from the count v school superintendent, also a cir cular from the same, in regard to having -lK m -,tw ..kml I.JL -..-I. . K . " district, and was argued pro and con bv Bro Hrldgefarraer. eeper. Freeruon, Powell, Dawson. Marshall, F reman. Case. Dvughton, Bryant, Shedd. Train ar.d others. On motion the revolution was referred to the committee on legislation On motion of the agent a committee of three, consisting of Sisters Olin. From an and Marshall, were appointed to look after the ladies millinery trade fcr the coming year. On motion a vote of thanks was tender ed 10 the patrons ot Knox Butte for the use of their hall, and the sisters for the repast furnished for the day. Bro D McGregor stroke on wood of the order of some needed legislation. On motior. the council will take up the assessment and taxation question at its next regular meeting. R t porter. net l ESTATE ss M Burkhart to Jos Manerer. 50 acres 11 w 2 $ H W Peerr to F S Banee, 2 lots, Sodaville 1900 60 T E Streitl offto Matv E Crouch 21 acres 10 o ' est Elisabeth Cox to Mary Crouch, 60 sens 10 w 2 Albany Masonic Cametary associ- tion to C S Mullen, part ot lot . D E Berdan to A T Powell, 151; acres 10 w 1 Robert Conn to Nancy Csndis Conn, lot 4. bl 4 li s 2nd Ad . . ojrj 21 37g 1000 S M Pennington to Or & C R R Co, 2.29 acres Jss Mstchett to J A Rnberts,2 lots Cowan ad to Lebanon Willamette R E Co to Anna M Recter, 2 lots, Hslsev J L Mill to Sarah Faulkner, 2 lots Hill's ad to Sodaville J L Hill to H J and D S Faulkner, 4 lots, Sodaville J L Hill to S E Faulkner, 4 lots, Sodaville A J Hodges trustee to E E Faulk- rcr, 1 lot, Fairdale 1200 100 80 160 jqq ,Q0 6,744 Pkrhaps Yau want the best groceries to be secured in the citv ; then call on Parker Bros. Perhaps You want fresh produce just Irom the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. Pei hapa Yon want the best baked goods In the city, breads, cakes, cookies, plea, e'c.then call on Parker Bros and you wilt get the goods and first class treatment. Whkn you come to Albany Don t fall te visit Blackman A Hodges. The druggists They csrry a large and choice ttoca t drugs, patent medicines. etc, Prescriptions are always earefuftf and promptly attended te. It will - Pay yeu. Vss, Mors People want good groceries than anything else. It means a good deal for the harmony of the household. Matters go alon . more smoothly. Deal with Conn A Hendricson and you will get the best groceries at the lowest prices. Their produce I always fresh, and they keep the latest In everything. You are not tn It If you do not buy your eating go)ds of Conn & Hendricson. BnB AAD Aat0AV, Till' UNI) AY Mr Percy R Kelley has opened a law office in tbe Pearso Blook. 108 coci :sions have resulted from the M E tevival h Ku . The State Legislature adj. mined this muroing until Monday morning at LI o'clock i'b' Leak advertising car, which was in this :y lsst spring, was st Montiiello, low., last week. An aoc'ionerr with - tnrgo as fluent as an orators is luiirting forth rn First street in front of some jewelry, efetra. A apec-iil meeting of Alpha Temple No 1, ill he held at their hall Friday. Jau 13tb, at 2.30 p m. By order of M F. C. A connty Christian Endeavor wi!l In he'd at IUnsn tomorrow. Several will attend from Albanv. , , . . ,.. ... J .JFnnA KrT- JrprT' i00! ' 160,000 or the World, fair diav .bonld . pa... Oregon shoald do something in the matter There will be a special meeting of the La- dies Aid Society Saturday afternoon at 2:30 P at Mrs Dr Crawford's, for tha flection cf officers. A fullattrn-Uuer ia desired. We are requested to any concerning the item published yesterday sheet soma hoys netting burned with powder at the eubool house, that the matter occurred down the street and not at the rthool house and that none of the hoys involved attend the public Schoo.r . Ln.xCousTv Y. P. S. C. E Follow-; ; lng ia the program for the convention to ! I Aldrtch, Pres local society ; song by con gregat'on: response 10 welcome Mrs Trow, Albany; appoint, nent of commit tees; prayer and praise service. Friday evening 7 :oo, song service and ; prayer; announcement ; anthem. Choir ,, conto, " j 3 Marks ; sentence ; ; orrer me,n - fa-cwell word. President 1 of County; song and prayer; benedlctioc. j rtUDAT. There lave h 4$5 pfpits in attettdaM st the public acboois tbta week. A rcetmrns' fm tbe leg sl'ture asks teat the Vct:wn Hv chaojevt to N ivember. Mr Lout Al'en aild hi groca-y huti swaato Mr B t Rassn. Amor.; he naw bill is oee for o. 32 off WsssMSSki Crook, ith Actalope as the County seat . Tba Ssatiau Loraknnni say work will anas Siegie 00 tbe xtf!oa of the Oregon Pacific eastward. Th Athany Wootea Mills Compaay wa. inc-rpnrated yaaterday hy E D Meyer. L D Cale. W T orbrsa aad B U Cochrac; cap ital stock. tWO Ol 0. Msr -n Cosntv baa made a levy of 30 aiUi, ! 09 the ha- of 10 cu.i for tte parposet. ' tr.sVit i the Conaty !vy 10 sailla. Tht ' ever the County about $90,000 for local ' purposes Mr Osbarn. s re ,Irxt of Lebaaor. wr-ile ( swasaasissi a aawat th fousdry Satardav. . j wa badly injured by the b-irstiag; of the j etnory bel. ooe pssos splittng his face; from th mouth to tbe Up cf bis forehead, j j aaather Oremairg fcis artr. abr-e tho wrist, j Advance. ; THX Mascot Gcx Cliw had it rooath-t tr ,hoot yerday. The score was: I. W j Dejor, 21 ; Thas Brown, 21 ; Grant Fro- j . man, SSS A D Leedv. So: Dr H A Leinen- ' ! ger. iS; W E Baker. 17; Frank Hackleman ' 16: A Proct. 14 ; Frank Wa'iace, 1 1 ; AD I n . -w 1 c rv s . mt t 1 rcrry, y , v.!. siuipnt, o. kjq m ncnx on ! Tho B.-dwdk, ;-etl the Rold raeda! a.vd VI I s 1 Ji I lUUlir 1 -C 11 Cv a . satsBBAT. Mill City talks of iactxnorataDg. If yon wear spectacle, see Dr Low. !f y-ser eyca Deed help, see Dr '. -t ". c and caiir, 15.-, at Maeller' Parlors. Choice Eastern oyster at Maeller' Par i Ion. . I-OW Are year ej e Soth aliie. If -xi, a Dr j . The contest for tbs T. crjw r..M Medsl ! tnsat the skating rok tbt veeisg at 8J : Renamber Dr Lowe, tbe plieaD, no. , only remain In Albany a short time. a j him . j The Une coaatv x lew b. heaas rwl doeed to 2? mill. I wa first placed at 25 Jlilts, which caused a big fight Ss A -a Kelrar" Auger ad. It spakee a ' pcit hols ia less th--a a tr icot. That's ' tuiaa. Do yea want srstt Wst'a Crunch s 't is stow th' kndiag ; remedy for cough, cold, sere throat, hroa- j csitia. asthma, w hooping cench and eonj samptieo, Lars bottle and 50c i Sold by J A Ccitarao. Dmi:;. j The foreman of the saw laoodrv. to b started by Richard aad PcOhaa. arrived in ; Aitraay tttts moraine from .mo FrsascsSaBO. : tie is aa expert, and the soaapaj propose doing the beet wo'k to be seoured st pru-' . that will attrprie people. The epeciej: will M about Feb 1st. (jet evervbody employ . white labor hy supporting this institatioo. : An Ash'artd minister will have hisli ar. is fell. "TtsTidipgs .: Th paator ot tne Prewbvteriao eharch on ! next Satvhath rr'Tnios wi!" preach a ecrtnoo I especially for mj Sjbjs-t: "Why do not i i more or soe nieu ... iro iu ensreer j Some lift men have been interviewed on ' the subject and their answers will be con- j sidWed. j Brick Wells, who was down at tbe H. ley ranch one day last sre says be there ooe of the bigit if sot tbe 1-urf j ateere in Oregor. It was bought of j flcit!i connty Ionian last :a:l rl ia betsg . fattened for beef at Hanley Y It measure 8 fart, 3V. inches around the brisket snd 5 ) Yeet m inches from shoulder ti romp. It I probablv wei;hs over 2000 ft now, and I can he made much heavier. Ashland Ti- J dings . i MrO C McKarlaad ha avid his harness j shop in this city to Mr O M Mcr'arland, a ' live young man, who will hereafter conduct the bnsmesr.and H nesotiatins forG L Black- I man's interest in the droe store of Blackman & Htvlgsv. Holgrs & McFarland will make a j i rename, pnf ciar nrra, wno trav oe depended oo lor gtrgra ncaimca:. oar MerarUad while at KUmath Agenoy for tbrea autt a half vear Actively assisted the government physician and while there gainiog a good knowledge if drugs. He has ceea sucoesa fal in the harness business, bat prefers the now bosinrs , hence the contemplated change. He is an enterprising gentleman who deserves the success he is receiving. CRsi-torors Skrvicks. Preaching at the M E Church South both morning and evening. Sunday scheol at 10 a tn. As the pastor will preach at Corvallis in connection with this church, there will be preaching here only twice a month. the first aud third Suuday8,morniug and evening. Tomorrow Rev H P Satchell is ex pected to be present at the Gospel meet ing at 4 p tn. A splendid meeting was enjoyed last Sabbath . We hope all wiil j come again and bring your friends. Baptist church, prayer meeting 7 am. S Sat 9:45 a rn. The Evangelist Rev May C Jones will preach at 11 a ia and 7 133 p m . The special meetings have been largely attended snd much interest manifested during the week. Youn Peoples meeting 0:30 p m. All will be welcome. Union Y P S C E Sabbath evening at 6 :30 o'clock at the Presbyterian church . A good place tor young people to be. At the M E church Rev II P Satchwell will preach both morning and evening. All the other services as usual. Novelties in wedding and ball invitations at Smiley, The Lcaoing Printer. Prevent and cure Const ipatiou ana SiuaV Beadache, Small JEule Beans. MSMIslOI TN. January nth, 1893. The school is again in good running j order. Quite s number of new faces have been added. A pleasant reunion was had or. the 2nd of all those who had j returned. The Board of Regents met st the O S M 8 in Monmouth last week. After vis iting and inspecting the school and school work they retired to transact the ; business calling them here. Pres Brownson, of McMinnyille, also ; Dr Stratton, of Portland University, de livered most eloquent addresses to tbe students last week. Dr Campbell, father of Pres P L Camp 1 bell, of the school, is still unite ill. A 1 r 11 u i r 1 sarB nii-n t Is a -VtraA1 iiy eve. by t,.e mutic gtndentd i,;i,l annr.i.orl V. tl... r...rt " r7. The Dixie Rand xave a band concert at DUie totortor evening. A number of lbe ttuderitf, from Monmouth faced the wiud ,nd w(,8ther ,nd dro. ov T,,e ; entertainment was very good The Monmouth Tribune has not K-en able to stand the winter and we are eorry to say ha ended this life's career and calmly and quietly passed s ay. Miss Jennie Turner.owing to ill health, has been obliged to stop her school work snd return to ber home in Harrisburg this week, where it is hoped she will speedily recover. MrJesteBarr died at bis liome 3 miles ) west of Sweet Home, at the age of 74 j yiars, 2 months snd 16 davs. Jesse Barr was born in Davis county, Tennessee, j October lSsh, tSiS, and grew to manhood there, and then moved with his parents to j Green county, Illinois; then to Missouri, j where he was married to Miaa Anr.a Kirk. ' in Mercer county, January 5th. 183, j Moved with his srife and three children to Wayne county, Iowa in 1848 ; then i crossed the plains with his wile and five children to Oregon In 1853, lived its ' Brownsville the first winter, then moved , to near Richard Finlev's. tUen on his place on March aSrh. 1855, where, he died. He raised a fa.nily of eleven children, of which two are dead- He leaves a wife, nine children and a targe circle of 'rierds and r.-iatites lo "mourn his loss. - kAVVA-'AVVAVAVil A picture of health the woman who faithfully used Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. She feels veil and she looks so. It's s medicine that moist her well, whether she's over worked sad " run-down," or afflicted with any- of the distrsetiiig diseases and disorders peculiar to her sex. It builds op and it cares. For all chronic weaknesees, functional derangements, and "female com plaints" of ererj kind, it's an un failing remedy. And it's the only one. among for women, that's ovar ii it doesn't give satlsfao- uon, in any c&se, yon give your money hack. Csn anything good?" else he "just a They're about as bad as the ! " hot ail of thear, tboogh. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets an pleasant both wheat they're taken and when they act. They core per manently Sick aad Nervous Head aches, BUiotasneea. Costrreness, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach aad Bo weis. Root It Is an sgrweable Ixxaxfre for tbe D sal ; n he made lata a Test for use in sasS uumita. PrseeSy-. see 1. 0tarradrsts Prtoesy-. fv KO NO as Kmn ess-KT nssaa the Teeth and Breath Tsc -4 A aewaaS Osrsalsl s Trea; - 1 . . f sjax vwtaivrtia.iiuitaii il ia Cati v . a PoasuveCajraSar axsnnaal.lam aa.eliai or B. eeJ. SW awabssar. Cfsnast, Raeaast r HereJitarr Piles, aad aarv-thw Jsssaiss and festsai wwasrasares; h m al -1 kr t .- tewaat te us rcaerai aealtA. TV fba rr es a aasaoar cor lia la aa a snab use kaSSs sauw-waasrr beraaltar. This bssewTsr Swan scan tof.. 81 per wx. S f ir SS ;j bui tv awer rrota sas tamaia rasa rauste a poastAvarr mvwa wah S .w raraaa tbe waarcarem. Sead or tree Suapie. Uaii J t aatmatne. rr-.;,i. fate Aceat. BOeBetits Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Ueatlache and Coasttpattoa. 40 in each bottlo. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture "T. 8 u. - -iTarvc dose r.-vj. i. r. sarr:-. c co., rrop.-:tors, iew Vore, ANDERSON & ANDRBRSON -CITY X.A.TJ3STXR-ST Opposite Cuarlea Hotel. Bed conning and lace curtains ' well attended to. Start-!, wor: a specialty. Branch office at Moses' barber shep aundrv c'ose'' evenings. at 730 o'clock J. CV9ICK st C9..BAX K.ER9 Or ALBANY, ORICOOS, MiAWSkiHTDKAra on Sew York, San Fr a sco ami Fortlanil, Oregaa. LOAN MONEY on approved eeurity. KECKI VE deposit subject to ehok. COLLECTIONS made oo favorable terms. INTKREST.paid am tuns daoosit. FOSHAY & MASON watoubaui aaa aau Druggists and Booksellers a uei.ia lor jonn is. Aiaen s puoncsH iilea we sell at ooblialser's prisssi s.taawadilftr' ALBANY, VatKSiOM L a7 tSfrnfm Ho. 171 First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. f I MMBKSWm i-'-iii' ' .n . i kvmmmmRf3mwMm TrBBkmWE?'7imR f 2 OFFENSIVE ECZEMA Buffered Terribly. Boctors and Medi cines Useless. Cured In Four Weeks by utlrora. I hav a boy, fifteen years oil, bora la FUhktn, portrait encloeed. erhn bad tbe eczema o offensive that I could not stay in th room with him. To Met SOS .offered terriWr. Bis f wer terribly sore, sweoiild net wear any shoes, and had therefore to stay at borae from school. When be t on a pair of dry stocking Uv- mornlag, they won Id in oce boar be saturated with moist ire and eery offenetve yea In th ecldcet weather. Th rllsrsss besasi lo spread ever bis body, epeeai;y hi bands and finger. Tbe thorn j on both Us hand tv cam stiff and a nasi a tao srlthertd stlrks of stood. It won id be SSsSSBS for me to try to tell the auffi rlaw Oil boy endured. I lo'X him to two different doctors, both aave him sou ol I nletnet all to so nae. H grew J "f''"." !l1, ever bar! eg Wm cared. Ooe day I tav Use great r'rif. .r.Tj.1 J to tho-: who would nae Cvn cca. RIMXDIXS. I went right asrar to the drag SZaim thrm. I mast easfaasl bad hot Htile faith in them. Howe-rer l UMd thesa i aiiiassV faus, in lasill However o uww '-'" to mnetfosM, and ssMSay I say trathfotly to an rely cured, thank 3od aad thank the djaneeama tag 1 tbe 1 asureiy puw.,-'-" - They eared him in foar " JOUXHAVAOK, Ftabxtn Village, JT.T. Cuticura Resolvent Th new Blood aad Bain Purifier, internally, sad L JHLeelS3fbt lZSZtn -a iafanry to age, trom ptmpses to amrfula. CLe-.Lrf 1 anal IS SJ Mae. eencr-aa, Soe.; Boay, JJM. siD Carnocai. CoaroaaiHW, BasSssv, to Core Rain Dlaeaae," M DIIIFLEr, biakbead, red, roogh, ehapped, aad MlB otiy akin cared try Crnccma boar. MU8CULAR STRAINS asal ssSsv, i as a..te. sssas txr.tyt. 1. mlr.ntr br OS C Aatl-Paln Plaater. The Sas : aeiy Inatanfi assssss s flUen W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Norkip. Be was a wf frwaat. Sosse W. I Daarla, Bra itasi ,1 ST- L. R. HI.AIN. DFL ELECTRIC BELT assfcSfwa Ssraadle ismiusi aaacasawrsw a a suit and vaeacTABa.v. rarx tor sal uiiiaslafliia of 43 a?rt or less cf land mile nwrfh of Albany Lan-4 well tan proved. For putica'ai inxntre of W II vTassu CAVEATS, TRADE MASK' OatSSCss ATtSlTS, ! coray RIGHTS, xJ I MSBlA frtt fiflBffiMMlfst lltaav XFVS a m xc sann.v. am Vmr Every faaeaa takea on as as ts naas Safer si paSae seaasxae zrae of ebaaae a 8M aasaats. A iJrw Jtri a CO, aai Broavrav. Es VorKOxv. B tJiK or KCIO. scio, osucoo. 4nt 0 S at o. C. HcFarland. -:- ne.vLss is -:- Harness-and -Saddlerj Display in the Door tk, Albany LPiVHY OJOLEvIUTa, HSfIWTI ALBANY, OREGON lSQl, 18Q2. lest Terut Ooeaed Sept. iaber tit A fx 1 oorpa of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY9 COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CUSSES. Courses or study arrantired to meat it ail grades of students. SsVcsW ima Hcements e fit, tit to sin Jon ti from mbrootl. WES. BMEftT SJ (O.VOIT WANTED.-To rent a tisyele. Will use liahtly. Call al Democrat office. 1 I IViuolas atMaa an aoSft aiewrrwSMlL you cvs juuaealf so aw tasa Bwas waaaa sar aa-Take nwTwaS pe4 oat botsasa. Ink UTtST PATOTS SjfHbg rm ElCTlt- mseae artrtisaf SlasSaTMSaawai rwaagefswss sMSiSMrrrrM'1 'asasawasie' 'tJulrfuZi is sraesiilist SI saw a wal iw b r oave aMw. TSMMhwtfemamw Sa. en. ii rn laraavc iiemr 1 m -mmJrn TRADE MASKS, 1 psoiite r -at Si aasl ; asimia Jmr ' iiiTOMiinMnsi mr .sssSBBJarllCSrMfB &f Wot any rwoaniraluuxsassrwl fpwaEfrour oruasut for a botus at basMBMS O. It cures ia a few dav swajBaavwl'.hout the aid or publicity of a SEaSwsEa doctor. Non-pasaosiou anil XwlSttSM imarariteed not to stricture. BaasafSS tx, IWtsrrsal Aasrrteaa Can. WM Manufaetored by mmm Lp TM Cket'eal CINCINNATI, a "sss 8P