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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1893)
lb Mtmmut Of ihe 40 wooden thips In the United Stuns nnv 20 Years ago only nine remain in active serv'ce. One of the most extensive concerns in Maine tiki neen experimenting on n inge nious process of burning lime with oil instead of with wood. Viewed collectively Europe now spend mote tuan $1,000,000,007 annually on her fighting force, which already amounts to t. 500,000. We are told by the dispatches that Sen ator D R Kill says he and Muiphy, who will be elected senator from New York will he obliged to support Cleveland whether they want to or not. Q However ihst may be t looks very much like the democracy New Yoik, by their dissensions, are pursu ing a course tnat will inevitably fit them selves in a very subordinate attitude towards the democracy of the country at large. It is sta'ed the autopsy on the body of Genenl Butler showed the cause of death was the bursting of a small bloodvessel in the brain, caused by a violent fit of coughing. All the organs were in excellent condition. and but for this accidental cause he would probably have lived many years. His brain wtighed four ounces more than that of Dan iel Webster, one of the largest on record . President Kulton ot the Se nste, In ma ting up his committees mtaifestej his dis criminating judgment in the selection ol Senator Weatherford as a member of the ju dioary coram ttee and the committee on en rolled bills. Mr Weatherford's ability and experience fit him for the Important dutle to be performed by these committees. Thi proposed amendment 10 the consti tu ion of the United States providing far the electnn of U S Senators by the people passed the lower house of Congress Monday. Most of the republicans opposed It. We trust it may pass the senate. Then the legislatures of heg veral states would have a whack at 1' was a well earned compliment paid to Sena o Coggswell by the president of the senate in miking him chairman of th: stand' m; ummlttee on 'ederal relations. Mr C 1 : j the only democrat in either o bit received a chairmanship. rm n, president ot the senate, in Mfctag up his committee on assessment, conpleeiy ignored western and southern Ore a, Northwest Oregon, Portland, sets t o or he member and eastern Ore gon gf three. Linn county gets no place on heme important committees ia either n us There was purpose and design in this evidently. The Mil- to compel the Southern Pacific R.'lro'd Company to accept the freight n o. prescribed by the Railroad Commis si" ers has ben decided by the supreme cou. of the state against the Railroad Com pany Mr Chamberlain who conducted the case mainly on behalf of the state deserves much credit for the legal ability and untir ing zeal displayed in the management of the case. I 'Ml ' IJJ Any tariff bill tbdt Senator Corllsle shall lorm a u late will be adapted by a'l tariff re formers without question. The confidence of The People that the distinguished Ken tuckian enjoys not less than the very high opinion President-elect Cleveland has of his abilities undoubtedly accounts for the anxiety oi Mr Cleveland to have Senator Carlisle ac cept the Treasury port folia. A tarift hill prepared by him wonle go through the House and Senate wlihout serious opposLion from anybody en the Democratic side. Deaf and dumb asylums, according to Dr A M Fanning, are filled with persons who in early childhood completely lost thtir hearing, and consequently their ability to Ulk, through neglect of their ears during an attack of the mettles, scarlet fever or 'liptberia. The gieat majority of all forms of deafness result from affections of the nose ard throat, and many cases reach an advanced stage before being noticed. Among long residents in the vicinity of New York it is a rarity to find a perfectly healthy nose and throit, and ia a recent experiment in a large eye and ear nospital not more than five oat tf 25 atients Were found to have perfect hear, rg. Care was taken to select only those a ho had never suffered from any defect of hearing, yet four-fifths of these pstienlt were partially def v-ithout suspecting it. In all discussions in the legislature on the subject of assesiment and taxation, the mem bers should not lose tight ot the fact that the constitution of the state provides that "the legislative auembly shall provide by law for ULifcrm nd equal rate of assessment and taxation; and ? hall prescribe such regulations as shall secure a just valuation for taxation of all frofrrX bch real and ftrional, except Ing such only for municipal, educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable turposes as mey be specially exempted by lsw " The supreme court of the state has decided thst notes and mortgages are persmal property villain the perview of the section abve qun'ed, and are therefore subject to taxati. n. See Poppleton v Yamhill Co. 8 Oregon pige 337. It nas also decided that no L'as of property not falling within -he exc;'l specified in the constitution can be exe upt.-d ty legislation from taxation, S-e Crawford vs Linn Co. II Oregon page 482; u Dun ice Mortgage Co vs School Di-tri t, 10 Sawyer. The members of the le-l-l ture wiien "hey are sworn declare un dej natu Uses they will support the constitu tion of the state. Now the query is how can am .n -ruber vj e for any assessment law that .inc. not provide for the taxation of notes and mortgage? They cannot and if any such law .hould pass the supreme court of he sta e would hold it as violation of t'.,e ns;itu'i in and hence null and void. A BAD II A BIT. Children should be warned against tbe indiscriminate fashion tbey have of patting everything in their mouths while out o doorx. biting at the gloves is a very com mon trick, and even money is often held between their teeth while making change. People do not realize that their children aro constantly carrying things to their mouths unless they liegin to notice them particu larly in regard to it, and they will then be 'Sb'tonii hed to see what a prevailing habit it is Give a young child an umbrella, a stick, a pencil to hold, and the chances are it will be iik the mouth withir five. minutes; and when one considers how many danger ous diseases can be, and are, introduced int t he system solely through the mouth t ir eaty to understand why one cannot be too careful! Even rubbing the face with tbe fingers' in any wuy should always Le stopped. Many people have the habit of putting t lie hands to tbe face for no reason whatever, and they might easily carry germs to tiie mouth unconsciously. Frequent ablution is also a great preventative of of contagious diseases, and it would doubt less hi a good plan if nurses saw to it that the faces and hands of their little charges were thoroughly washed wbenpver they return fnm an outing. N Y Tiitttue. A GREAT AND GROWING POWFK. The action of the federal supreme cour in granting an injunction against tu secretary ot the interior is a still further enlargement of th9 continually enlarging powers of the federal courts. In theory the judiciary does not make laws, but only de clares them; does not creata constitutions, but only interprets them. In fact, how ever, the federal courts are constantly making constitutional changes, as in this case. An injunction avalnst a secretary of the president is really against the president himself, and, such being the case, it is hard to see how government by injunction and mandamus is to find its limitations. It is not always easy to tell what the coordination is or when it ends in a govern ment of departments with co-ordi ,nte powers, but under the system of triple checks then must be a highest authority somewhere in fact if not in theory, and in controlling the executive by injunction the supreme court is asserting that this highest authority is vested in it, not only in declar ing the law, but in executing it. When it assumes the authority to say to the presi dent that be shall do something he is unwilling to do, or that he shall not do something else, the court is certainly as suming a supreme control over the execu tion of the laws and the conduct of the government. It may be safely asserted that it was never intended thai the courts should exer cise any positive power in this direction, or that they should do more than check the legislative and executive branches by de daring that acts in violation of the consti tution are null ; but the courts have enlarged their powers until now the supreme court does not hesitate to attempt to assert right of control over the executive, and, as in the Original Package decision, it even finds ways of forcing congress to embody the views of the court in new legislation In very many respects the federal courts are essentially tyrannical. In their en forcement of penal statutes they deny one of the fundamental principles of local self government the right of any person ac cased of crime to a trial at his own borne, among his own neighbors. It is also true that for the last thirty years the federa courts have cast their influence on the side of the plutocracy created by the war. There have been exceptions, but they hav been few. The Greshams of the feder bench have been rare, and it is no exagger ation to say that for almost a generation the power of the federal judiciary has been exerted almost uniformly against the peo ple and in favor of the privileges of money . White it is well enough that any further assumption of power by the supreme court si ould tend to check the executive, it is certainly pertinent to ask what is to be the check on the supreme court in the exercise of its perpetually increasing power. Only the other day it was proposed to give the federal courts power to dscidi who are entitled to ait in congress. When it is proposed that such power in elections shall be granted by law to the federal courts in addition to what they are constantly as suming in interpreting the law, there is ample occasion to ask where fh their power will finally differ from absolutism. Ex DISHONEST OR IGNORANT The national association of woo', nuts facturers in session at Boston declares: "That It Is the belief of manufacturers that the existing tariffrhts proved advantageous to tbe wool growers, manufacturers and 8"S snmers of woolen goods.' Tbe Democrat has not the onor of an acquaintance with members of tbe associa tion, nevertheless one of two things it trus: If these men have ordinary buslneas sense. they do not believe the statement made anove. If thev reallv In cool faith do believe it, then they have not good sense. To benefit the wool grower, he most have sold hit wcol at a better price than he received before the passage of the la. If he sold at a better price, then the mannfscturer had to pay a higher price for Ms wool, and hence must needs sell his woolen product at a higher price, and this higher price is paid by the consumer. How Is the consumer benefited by the present tariff if he has to pay a higher price for genuine woolen goods which he does, But did the passage of tbe McKlnley tariff benefit the wool grower? Every man who produces wool knows that wool has been cheaper uod'r the McKinley law than under the law of 1883 which levied a lets rate of duty than the McKlnley law, No, the above ust ian, folly and sophistry, can no Iooger hoodwink the people. The seller's advan tage is the disadvantage of the buyer if be be a consumer. Legislation promoting apeci a 1 interest is always attheexpens e of other in terests. These manufacturers seem to have forgotten tbe most recent political events. In 1890, the people after a full and elaborate discussion of the McLinley bill, condemx.ed it by an overwhelming vote in tbe con gressional elections. In the presidential contest last fall, it was declared on all sides by republican leaders that the tariff was tin supreme issue and the democrats cheerfully accepted the gauntlet thus throarn don and he result was an utter route of the tariff barons. Why now attempt to thwart the will of the people so emphatically expressed? VOTING OK 8F1I ATOR8 The voting for United States senators by the legislatures it several states yesterday resulted as follows: Washington. Allen Rep. 49; Griggs, dem, 27; Timer, rep, 26; Teats, pop, 9. Necessary to a choice 57. California, White, dem, 6.1; Fo'ton. rep, 13; Perkins, rep, 14; Bard, rep, 9; Reed, rep, 3; Widney, rep. 7; Franks, rep. 3: Estee, rep, 1 ; Preston, rep, 1 ; Neff , rep, 1 ; Cator, pop, 8. Necessary to a choice 61. White, dem, will in all probability be elected today. Minnesota, Davis, rep, 61; Lawler, dem, 49; Owen, pop, 23. Davis will be elected today. New York, MurpLy. dem, 90; Hiscock. rep, 64; Wbitelaw Reid, 1. Murphy will be elected today. Indiana, Turrie. dern wMl be elected tsday. s Montana, Sanders, rep, 3i; Clark, dem, 23; Dixon, dem, ll; Collins, pop, 1. West Virginia, Faulkner and Camden have combined, the former to succeed him self and the latter to succeed Keana just deceased. Hale was elected in N H, Bate in Tennesses and Quay will be in Pennsyl vania. If you oont. rapist" p-t't iii tu aw .tir plant net prices nrtw nd mills. pnmp, pip, ttalts. etc., fromW WCra'riord. He -rill astonish you . The Portland Collection Aitency'hac com rnsooed teveral uit to cnli-ct account f- r G I. Klackmao. ' Parries wim him should settle their accounts and save uoi f , it, a ot iKii,- and the beat vain in thos lo sls( fiocn, sod to WD. Great reduction, in Aermot r wind mills fir December. See'the a.en', W W C.iw fjrd. Try W F Read whsn y.,u it h mi. Prevent and cure Constipatiou und Slcav Headache, Small BUo Beauia, THE DISTRIC r ELECTION PLAN When the Michigan legislature, in strict compliance with the provisions of the United States constitution, derided in what manner the presidential electors for that tate saould be "appointed" and changed the customary plans of laier years for that which was most in vogue in ihe early years of the union, election by districts instead of en a general ticket, President Harrison felt called upon to utter a jeremiad on the wickedness of the Michigan democrats in gerrymandering the state for electoral pur poses. Seme other republicans with more reliance upon the partisanism of the judges than upon their respect for the constitution of the United Slates, took ihe matter into the supreme court of the state aud then of the United States, only o be laughed at for their folly. The strictly constitutional order for the "appointment" of the Michi gan electors by districts stood and the election was held. The official returns have been published at last and some instructive facta appear. The total vote cast was 465.365 and the republican plurality was 20,412. On the general ticket plan,of "appointing" presi dential electors this plurality of less than 21,000 would have given the fourteen votes of Michigan in the electoral college to the republican candidate. That is to say, 222,701 voters of Michigan would be rep resented by fourteen presidential votes and 242,657 voters of that state would have no representation at all. Under the district plan this is what happened : Dividing the total vote by the number of presidential electors the number to an elector is 33,240 The prohibition ticket received 20,569 votes and tbe populist ticket 19.762, neither party being entitle.! to a vote in the elec toral college. The 222,708 republicans secured nine electors, the average vote being 24,734 Tbe 202.296 democrats elee'ed five presidential elect jts. the average vote being 40.459. It will be seen that the republicans secured more than their proper share of electors, but there was an approach to fairness in the distribution of votes which did not exist in the general ticket plan of election. Compare the result in Michigan with that i t.Uin 1 h .l.fnral ti.lrar. in this state were but a few hundreds apart at most, but out of the twenty tiree electoral votes of the state the democrats get but one and the republicans twenty-two. Under the district plan tbe democrats would have ; had ten at lsast. and probably eleven, which wonlrl have Wn ia f r nrotv.rtion tbe minor parties not having vote, enough TT ... to entitle either of them to elector. Cleve and PlaindnU ITSaS FISTBREsr. A ba'ging meat tin is a sore isdicati jn of decomposition inside. Prof Dewar claims that water can be made solid sy he evaporation oi a quarter of its weight. A hieW shaped c.p of wo a and ice. having in tome places a thicksets of 6oo' feet, i soread over the interior of Green land. Ia 'hat section, having a winter of six mon'.hs, the thickness fill mors. In s warped board the convex side of tbe carve is alwtys 'owtrd the heart of Ihe tree. TJi ..mtM Ic f mm tn iifumin I ahriiL.tfe .i,,K.r.f,re.hvth. ... ,.j . - - -.. mieaie puns is less revert to mis rrouoie than uts fon t he other parts sf the log. Nutmegs have strong nsreotic properties, A nint of ... from two nutmeas. .f drank by sn invalid, will ptodoce sleep of many boors duration. Ths symptoms will be aboil the same as th-ee occasioned by opium. Nntmrg. in the qtantity of two or three dram. wl caaae both gtapor snd de- deiirtua. The bottom of the Nrtb Atlantic Ocean, says Prof. Huxley, is one of the widest snd most even plains in the world. If theses) were drained off. a wagon might be driven , , , . ... - of Ireland, to Trinity Bay, Ir. Newfoundland From Vvlentia ihe road would He down hill for about 200 miles, to the point ai which the bottom is now covered by 1700 fathoms of sea wsler Then woohi come the central plain, more than a thouan i miles wide, the inequalities of tbe surface ol which would be hardly perceptible, though 'he depth of water upon it now varies f rant 10.000 to 15,000 feet. .WrfarexpldUlc Now that there is lo Greenland the coming during, scientists are weighing he re ul sof tbe recent ones to see if ther a : worth the &jtt. In the correal S:rinnet', P'ofi Hellpri.i, who con ducted the I'eary relief exhibition, summsr izes 'be results of Lieut. Peary's discoveries. Thay determined the insularity of Greenland. They removed thai tract trom a consider ation of complicity in the main workings of tbe glacial prrioi, the inlsad ice-cap having been found to terminate at a; proximately S2d paiallel. They resulted in the discov ery of giant glacier psssiag northward from the inland Ice-ap, sal discharging their Icebergs Into tbe froien sea feyond. Over 4,000 miles of railroad were added during the year just closed tothe railroad mi'eage of the United Stites, which it-only a little below tbe annual average for the last 30 years, snH tefore that comparatively little railroad building was dene either in this or any other country. Tbe most active year was 1887, when 1 3,000 ml lea were buil but it was not expected that that rate would be kept up, and there was no disappointment when the tieuret drorprd 5 000 the following )esr. The on y States that contributed nothing st all to tiieceun'rys totalmileage last year wee Vermont, Rhode I land, Connecticut, Delawart and Nevada, and Kansas might also be plsced in the ssme list, as only one . mile of new railroad track was lsid In that State in 1892. ThrSoutr.ein States and In dian Territory contributed 1,846 miles or nearly half of t e country's totsl, Texas leading oH with 211 mile. West Virginia built 304 miles, Florida 147 and Louisiana 121. New England has seen its most active period of railroad construction, but all that U needed logive the Territories a rsilrosd boom Is thtlr admlssioo into ihe Union as States. The central hell of Stales from the Hud son River west kept up its record until Kan sas was reached, Missouri, Ohio sod West Virginia each having laid about 210 miles of new track last year, New Vork and Pennsyl vania a little more snd Indians only a few miles less. Illinois was the only one of the seven States that dropped behind, but 1 1 list ois is so far ahead of nearly every other State in rail read facilities that she can afford 10 lake a little rest. The country now has 75,000 mile of railroad, and there ia scarce ly any dbuht that th figures will be 200,000 before the close of thecentury, Wnile the net earnings of the railroads for the entire gun-ry Isst year were not what was geneiallv expected from the unuasually large amount of grain handled, they showed an inctease ef $43,000,000 over the net e imings ot the previous year. The expenses 1 ate into the hio re:elpi in a way that kept the dividends down considerably below the anticipations of many of the stockholders, but the increase in tbe expenses was made neces sary, n part at least, by the preparations which all the railroads have been making for tbe anticipated World's Fair rush ibis year. What wss losl on account of these preparation' last year should be more than mads up by the increased passenger travel this yeai . MISFITS It cost $110,199,33 to run Marlon coun ty during 189a. The greatest expense wasroaus aun bridges, $35,900,61,x1 the snerin $7,040,23; the clerk. 1 fees were $c. 893,23; asssessor, $3,874 district attorney The time of the sale ol the Oregon Pa cific has again been extended. That's right. What's the use of getting excited and being In a hurry about these little things. We've got all eternity before us. Statesman. An ex savs that whenever a man goes out of office In Washington, which Is seldom unless death It the cause, the pol itician get together and pass resolutions "that he carried with him In his retire ment the confidence, esteem and love of the people." Only one railroad office In the Willam ette valley shows an Increase for every month during the past year and that one Is Junction City. The sate ol tickets and also freight receipts arc in excess of those for a corresponding period of the year 1891 .- Junction City Times. Next. In Albany saloon rows are mostly with the fists and tongue. In Corvallls they go us several setter and use revolvers. The Gaiettc aavs: A hostile demonstration occurred at the Stir saloon yesterday afternoon, in which Ed Chamberlain took a shot at Adam Bamberger, but mised his aim and Inflicted a no more serious darrage than an ugly hole In the wainscot ing of the room. It is said the two men had quarreled the evening before. The best way Is to nev-r drink; but If you are down the Jacksonville Time telia fiow to get up: In speaking of the Keelev Institute at Forest Grove, Dr R Pryce In a private letter to the Timet office tart: "I am to glad I took the treatment at Forest Grove. I am an entirely different man. My system does not demand liquor any more. You cannot Imagine what a relief It Is to be free from the continual and incessant struggling of my former condition.'' The doctor Is conceded to be one of the finest physicians ever located in Southern Oregon and hit words ought to have much weight with those Inflicted with the drlnn habit. Portland Is full of thugs, and the valley Is a'resdy getting some.hat of a benefit. E 1 ass 1 1 'ss uiv siiuu-u "vj . 1 is t ici v n, 1 tori the S P to keep thee eantM of thieves away from us. They nee J prodding with a red hot Iron. The Woodonrn Independent will . please chew the following from the Salem ' Journal : The assertion of a newspaper ; " r H?l "T'jll , Ford to pa his campaign expenses two years ago and had not repaid it, and that this had caused a coolness between the gentlemen, is branded as a falsehood bv Mr Ford. A Salem paper says: "Salem is the best advertised town in Oregon. We : cannot pick np a paper that does not ! have something in about Salem." Cer tainly, it is tbe capital . That it what a capital is lor. Tbe legislature meets there. It holds the penitentiary, insane asylum, reform and. Indian school, and feeds tbe pap of tbe state generally. and bow can it heip being referred to ; continually. It is a reference 'hough to Oregon more than locally to Salem. The Albany dye works man is equal to the occasion. He advertises in the alem Journal as follows : "The Tramp 9otif P1"" " Albany Steam . jjy. works Dye Works is in town and ready to take orders st 272 Commercial street Hay nee" tailoring shop. Those who ' have had , tailoring shop I dreinf and renovating done by this firm ?"d it highly lof q0.1Uy ol WOfk ana lo prices. Ladies' and gents' ar ticles of apparel and suits made as good as new for a small charge. j I . j u .tatet TTS ' manner, and regardless of Willis the females predominate, flee to one. i In Portland when a man is out late i "'" ant retarns home alter a row with a banged face, all be has to do is to ; claim that he ass stood up on his home. sy Vanderburg'e income tax bill provides the tax as follows I From 1000 10 $3000, at 1 per cent : ffSOOO to (3000 at 1 Vs par cent; from (5000 to $10,000 a! 2 percent This would be a good thing for the news- paper mtn Hut then now couii uie in come of a man ever be learned anyway - Crook county's tax roll, as submitted I the best prepared and most seen rate roll of anv ennnlr in the .lata Tht. i. a I well deserved compliment to Mr Robin- m i. .1. .1 11 wva uv sa sj 1, orv t w uw UsMIC U AT eUS7 I Ul I . Ocboco Beview. Next. Last Sunday a chicken escaped from a box at tbe depot and one of tbe clerks t st after it with a ravnlvar fin. Knll.t that was fired struck a rail and glanced off, going through a window in the second storv of Bruce Bros etore snd burying itself in the wall. Had the occupant of tbe room been standing b the wssh stand he would have been bit by tbe bullet. Rose burg Review. Tbe Pendleton E O tells as follows how the tin horns were shipped from that city : Marshal McBrian is a kindly-disposed officer, and dislikes to cause any one personal inconvenience, but it ap pears is compelled to do so in the fulfill ment of duty, marshal and Ssturdsv night the new i his deputies msde the i ronnds and extended a polite but press ing invitation to five individuals to re move their presence from the city, which tbey promised to do. Tbe reason given is that they have no visible n eans of support, and are of no value to tbe com munity. It is pretty hard to more ont in the dead of winter, when brake beam and blind baggage traveling is uncom fortable, bat the rounders will bsve to mske a virtue ot necessity and hunt in other fields for prey. Moving Outsit. The undersigned is 1 prepared to do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and lo flrst I class order. (Jailor leave orders at mv residence at cor of Third and Oak streets, Albany. J B Tillotso!. When Bobr wns (tea. l ive her f aatona Sh.n .ihe waa a Child, tlw erled for Castorla H'hrii aha became Jllaa. slto elimg to Cartons. I 'tn she bad Children, she garo them Caatorta. Stc-t X Six sill th thesrs aud scissors. var y be it paten A large .took of pruning shears .nd prun ng hoas, tbe best made, just reasivsd at Stewart Si Sot's. Now ia the tieie to nas hein. We have the largest stock t.f ladies un Jerwear ever ahowu in town. Ae sure snd Stewhat W K Read oaodo far you bsfore plsoing your order. Remember that F L Damont doss gasr ant -e lit, snd sswa onssthle oomiog rips n olothing bought of his store. Overcoats sold at cosl utitil Christinas. Shiloh's Cure, tbe great Joooijh and cronp cut', ia fur sale by us. Pocket aiz4 contains twr-ntf-livn dotes,ea!y 25o. Children love it. I"i)i hav & Mason. Call and see new fall dress goods at W lic-ad's. A ah iv 4 Carte, .iiitlB satsf 8)t ngi on Street. Portland, O. . To aid Digestion take one fttnoll Bile Desp after Sating, tbe, per bottle. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Bad Railroad Accident 1'ortTi.ANn, Or, Jan 15. The regular Sunday wood train on the Portland Wil la met to Valley railway (narrow gunge) that left the Jefferson street station at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, met with a serious ac cident when two miles south of Oswego, which resulted in injuring more or less sixteen persons. Every one on board, ex cept Conductor Kennedy and Engineer Miller, was hurt, several of them seriously and one or two probably fatally. There 17 men in me caboose, among whom were sekel Ilerrman, L A Clarke, C A Clarke, all wool dealers: C A Stuart, a young man represcntinc Dr i'onnleton. and II II Urun des, of Baum & Urandet, who was going out with Mr Hermann to inspect a lot of wool. Brandes ad Raphael Crozte are probably fatally injured. A Jailers Treatment: BiBatAKCK, N D, Jan 15. Harry Smith, jailer, lies in a cell here from which two prisoners have escaped He is handcuffed and shackeled and locked in. tbe prisoners haying carried off the keys. The jailer's room is spattered with blood. He cannot be seen, as the outer door, as well as the inner door of the cell, is locked. He says the prisoners were locked in the cell when he went out to milk. When he returned he was struck on the head with a heavy iron, and knocked down and then hit again. He became unconscious, and when he came (o be was locked in the ll. Prompt Jatslee, Morel, Mex. Jan 15. The particulars have reached hereof a terrible crime which was perpetrated near Cuernavea. I'adro Malevo, a well known merchant, accom panied bv his wife, left home a few even ings ago to visit friends in Cuernavaca. when within a few miles of their destina tion a band of outlaws attacked them. Malevo was murdered and robbed and his wife outraged by the outlaws. The news of the crime spread rapidly, and the com mander of a military garrison immediately ordered oat a detachment of 25 troops to pursue the perpetrators. Tbe troops in a tew boors came upon tbe rillians, who made a desperate resistance and kept up the tight until three of them were ai led. S The other two were captured and shot. None of the soldiers were killed. A large amount of stolen property was recovered. A ajaag t CeaelerfMlers, Sax Fsaxcuto. Jan 15 A dangerous gun ft of counterfeiters was captured last night by Secret service Agent N K Harris, assisted by Policemen Uleason and Dawes. A raid was made on tbe counterfeiters headquarters, and resulted in the arrest of Henry Dorr, alia oaries t ranks. Ueorge Oelke and Charles Meyers. The place where the spurious coins were made is room 9. on the second floor, at HC3 Mont gomery stree. r I re Catuwa a Pautlc JatrrEttsos Cut. Mo. Jan 15. This ! ia:,hlie lf'n oeld . t.race Loiaconal church, the evenrreen urace Episcopal church, the evergreen decorations caught fire Tbe congregation became panic stricken and fled in terror. several ladies tainted and were trampled on pat not badly hurt. I oe names were extinguished be!ore much damage done. Kvetythlaf la Trastai new Yob. Jan 16. The Columbian Emery Wheel Company, with a capital of 96.030.000, eras organized under the laws of the state of New Jersev at Trenton last Thursday, January 12. Frederick S Dick son, of Philadelphia, was elected president. The nomoae of the comnaaf is to tnieixsael ) ail the emery and cerundum wheel factories, j a Big rail. Saw Fkaxctsco. Jan 15. About 5-80 ; o'clock this afternoon David Porter, a well koown wholesale honor raerchant. fell from the seventh story of the Mills btuidicg. a ! I tenttory structure st the owner of Bush j and Montgomery streets, which was com- ; pieted a few months ago, almost instantly j killed. Porter aras leaning against the railing which runt around tbe interior of the court on the eventh Door, be toppled over ths railing and fell. Assad reatsjly Clerks Saw Whatcom. Jan 16. C C Rixaoo, ex-county clerk, whose term of office has jnst expired, is reported short in his official account about 9400 doe litigant. Of this. 92-00 was left in hit official custody by tbe assignee of a defunct firm. His private indebtedness was also placed at several thousand. He is not in the city snd it it thought ha joined the Canadian r.!.t.,r!. y Tare PoKTi.astn. Jan 16. Two of tbe victim of tbe narrow guagerai'road accident hare died, and the life of a third is in danger. John Hobenleitner. tbe firestan. died at a late hour .Sunday night, at the home of his parent, in Oswego. He was cangbt under use wrecked ensue, snd was not only bad j ly crushed, but fearfully scalded Iv crushed, but fearfully scalded, itaphaei iVoacoller, a laborer of Portland, died at St Vincent's bosp tal yesterday morning at :-. 1 be surgeons proooanced bis in- i'urie as fatal as soon as they examined itn. Mr M C Brandes is lying at tbe Good Samaritan hospital in a very precar ious condition. It is feared that his s,-tne is injured, and be is suffering from internal : fJf," however. He was reported last evening, as very mocd improved. An lassaeeise .' ' Sax Frascisco. Jan 16. H Woodcroft Hammond. C K. representative of 50 or more hnglish and eastern capitalists, has been on this coast for many months, with 1 Tiew to e!ectln suitable location for I f n "nnwnse steel plant. To a reporter here be Ml: I dd propose to boom any particular locality, nence 1 win not mention more than the fact that our pint will be located somewhere near Puget sound. A half dozen towns and cities along tbe coast nave offered us a MM bonus for the preference of location, but the matter now stands between three cities in tbe North. They have each offered a bonus of yw,000. A nit Cesafclar; Seattle. Jsn 16. The three brewinir companies of this city. Claussen-Sweeney, lenr aBd Albert Braun. have con soli - anu locurponiieu as ine neatue Brewing a Malting Co, with a capital stock of 1. 000,008. The property of all the three old concerts was transferred to the new company, and will be operated under one luanagernen. The new com pany is composed of the principal stock holders of the old companies. TerVcaM. New York, Jan 17. According to the oldest inhabitants of Manhattan island, this winter has not bad an equal in point ot severity tor at least 20 years. 1 he worst of it is. the weather official here say there is no thaw in sight. The cold spell today extended from Maine to Florida. In Mary land and North and South Carolina the present generation has not before exper lenced such cold weather or so much snow, and Alabama tonight reports a heavy fall and still snowing. Baellag Frances Paris, Jan 17. Deputy Paul de Cas sagnac appeared before the parliamentary commission of inquiry today and reproach ed Deputy Dutemps, one of the committee with having circnlated reports to the effect that he had accepted bribes from the Panama company. "Such reports are unqualified falsehoods, and 1 shall demand personal satisfaction from the man who is responsible for them. A eaeral Attack Washinoton, Jan i7. It is evident from all signs visible in the congreosiona1 "ky that a concerted attack will soon be made on the anti-Chinese law. Geary, of California, the author of the measure, is keeping a close watch on ths Chinese dig nitaries, scholars, etc who have been pay ing unusual attention of lite to members of both houses who have expressed hostility to our system of exclusion. $100 Reward, $100. Ths readers of this paper will he plotted to Msrn that there it tt least one dreaded diseaas that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only poaitlve cure now known to ths medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional diaease, reqnirea a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lnter- nallv. utlnvHlF.(-tlv imnn th. hlood and mo co us surface, of tbe system, thereby destroying the fonndatlon of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up I hu constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. JVSold by Druggists. '.tc. mnoq jsd -005 -stmafj errj, noutf? 'parens asSnsseioqradsqsqMsaiituuidn )nj Hayes ISenili Fukmokt, O, Jan 17.' Ex-President Hayes died at 1 1 o'clock tonight, but the information of his death was not given out for some time later, us everything has lieen kept exceedingly quiet jn the vicinity of the Hayes mansion. The early report of his condition, that the ex-president was improving nicely and resting easily, allayed all suspisions of so sudden an announce ment us that by Webb Hayes, that bis father had just died. A Bis Typewriter Treat. BitiDfjEroiiT. Conn, Jan 17. It is stated here on good authority that a typewriter trust is nearly complete, and that the lead ing manufacturers are in it. it is under stood that 0 0 Fowler, a New York broker, has secured two-thirds of the stock of the Remington company, and a controlling interest in the Caligrapb. Hammond. Franklin and Yost. It m understood that tbe Smith-Premier wiil not come into the deal. It is said Seamens, of VVyckoff, Sea mens a Benedict, will be president of the new combination. C C Eoler, who is manipulating the deal, will lie treasurer. The cencern is to have 820,000 capital. Mr. Geo. W. Cook Of 8L Johns bury. Vt Like a Waterfall Great Suffering After the Crip Tremendous UoTing in Iks Bead Putn iss Use Stow no. "ToC- I. Hood St Co Lowell. Mass. : "Two years ago 1 had a severe attack of th Grip, which left me tn a terribly weak and de bUiuted condition. Last winter I bad aawtber attack and was again very badly off. my health nearly mtMTMy wpeta; .was sone I bad no strength, tell tired all taw sisaw . had dltat?eMerotuin. noises m my beaut, like a waterfall- I also bad severe headache sod Sinking Pain tc my stomach. I look medicines wrdsoot ben- eat, until, having hMrd to much about Hood's atrsaoarUl. I concluded to try It, sod lb re auli tsvery sxmtxfjtnc- all the dtsagreaMe effects ot the Grip are toe, I am tree trom pains and acsas. aaa scone Hood's Sarsaparilla tm ssswwssvtw afrrtfi TftX fXtXTTl. to all. ... .. Ji 1U A si. TJWaaa-Waasrae UIU. If . . OOt. OS- tiMwnivn; 45 sold In 'US. 2,288 sold in '89 6,268 sold in '90 20,049 sold in '91 A 6cm ViHt&mm and State Teaser every 3 muvu Z j Thcvia famrea tati stxsraofxftc svsr.sjroafiej. ease aw Steal Acmaotar. one ssoea atndwa"Tae IMliMLW a. aw am Mmi.!.ktMkta.a - jj j ai I eJ SHILOHS GOKSUfViPTION CURE. Th Mxxera ef t.SH Great Cotigh Care f :tacct s tarsltet ia tie hirory or raetti .ae. A:idmsT'lsarsauthtrui it a pos i'ive pirsalw. test ttist DO other cure c . rxnnAV.r stand. That It caay becorae kaowa, te Pracrietcrt. at an e'tooooet Fev. are pl.Hor j SKmpU- Bo-::e Into vary b'.ine.'.i Uw C"ved ratra .-nd Canada. It tm , Saa a .Csenft. Sor-. Tlr-.T!it. !n chUip: a - ::. for It WSU eare raw. It r.-r eat) I ImS tj Cr. . sr ' Jt:.r eofh. aaa it T.---.f:i. -'it is sura, j f rra d.-ead Ih-! . -Moat dlseaa. fllisaasilillil 1 n-4 It. V1" ik ir Drntii't for firtILi,,f ' rtTIE. Irs 1 1 sssjss. andti.oo. i! set taxaaa are re or lark larce. nt Bat4 IVro" Plai r. !Mce a eta. k r salt- i.. t! lira rist. .nd 1 CHEAPE8T, good fitting READY MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES, 00 : to F. Ii. BUMOJT, The Clothier and Merchant Tsilor," On Lyon Street, ne First. See what a bargain you can get there for your cash money . Also suits made to order, cleaning, dve )ng and repa'ring. Satisfaction gusrar.tced. F. L. D11MONT, - - Albany, Or. GOOD NEWS For ths millions ef csnsumcrs Of Tntt'sPillg,e It glvM Ir. Tutt pit-sau r to an- 4Sa nnuacthat ha Is nan putting npa TINY LIVER PILL whss h Is af axceedlngly .raall slm, a y.t r.fElnhig all Oi. ef tk. 9 larg.r atlas. Guarant..fl pnralr v.g.Ubla. Both pills A are still laaued. The eaaet alaa af as TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A la ahowu In the harder afthls "ad." (.ST. A K of P badge. Return 4 this offios and reoeive reward. 10 :estray NOTICE- Strsjed frem mr place, near three head of four or Are roar old dehorned, and brand 1 with tett hip. They weie brsttgh. from M P farm near Hook Hill. Kswnrd a one who will let me know of their to abouts L. MENU an aou 60,000 ar.'92 is sat ta 1 st atasWS7 Steal Acrmotar. Where j ilISTwaamw ant bom osssaraSaaow. " ' j:,iii - SB -- - - - - -i 1 Miff!4 m xzttsruxzzz ilBl I 111 '" ' 'mwmw 1 m 1 n.imi it I staa lastraatsata, Bmss -t Viw it Exrr I PK HH t " .-- a"r i UacrH ; : o I lit motor co. BHBsea taHSSBaasa iriS LUX .TT: illli illlll" pyjaSstsaSs v I '0 MWmmYs rfsi ssTB-Sr-Etsl TRV A ... PlIV Hir 51 fSglf -C a . -ifMlmi trini -f7 p SISSSSiS us-suwawaass,,. JBrxTn W Tfeasf Frwiliii Pfbblf fytirin. itwr -itt i 'ir-T.rsij 1 it i.nai 11 w a. t 1 ' a rwuo,Mtt. UKmawtr. Fm m a I JTZttZ..Z U J For sale b, F. JJ. FRENCH, the Je-ecr. f XZZg 2LV-ilLr 11 ''?" 0r"- rarai. saac tSass at ttatry ItaatTL? a laaa asxsty,'r! a law a. m rf v . 3 -jia.t uatast ssM eatas. w asnaty natarta ta du nas. AS aamaaa aarias; caakss taas aud ryi2i jtma A1TT IT S3 TZ. rAnj v t K.i H1R1V Arcnl. Mill M I J 8TEI S v Rasja Cass taasStk NEW ADVERTISEMENT. T OCT. Ketween Lebanon anrl Albany M4 on Saturday laat on train, or st! l'iimao, s gold hand ling inscribed with three links, Bible, and other Odd fe, low emblems. Win reward liberally ! for the return of the rln M HooTT, Albany, Or, j FOR MALE., Fine Imported -standard Bred (JlJdss'lal wtalllon. Five yearn .id. Weihs near ID X) rm. In fins eond ion. Pric 9400. Address I) L Kiel, rds, Yew Park, Salem SAY, Uncle Billy Wright, the charr. plon. ! on tbe atrests, grinding aelaaora, koivsai, etc. Trot then ont and get them sharpened. Hoarsening and repairing lawn mowers a specialty. TJlTANTtfl). Fnergellc man of lair v V business shillty aad irood nki iar to enter i;uinee a itn view vnclng, salary geod. Aidrets of Kvkxipo Dasosssr. DBY WOOD. Inaolre of several kinds, for sale r w spinlcs. at foot of Krrv sirtet. or of A B Merria. Third Ward. FORHALKCaTKAP.-A read cart and Single harness, bo b new. ( all on O F Russell, county sebool euperinten uent. Hr ANTBD.-To rent a.blsycle. W!l use lightly. Call at Dmocrat oft-ce. FOR HALE A BARGAIN. A model steam isundry for sale, rapacity in waah department 950 per day; for 2 hand", Itcated in Central Alhan oa and Montgomery street. I wish to en- j gage in other busine. Will sell cheap, i J I' SMITH. Proprieu'r, I TtOR SaLF. -Three pair of health v full grown CblnSM Dbnmania. Call or ad str Mr H Torpin, Jeff-r on, Orezmi WILL'S MUSIC STORE MOM Ftj- .CHICS EK ISO " "HP MILLER. ' "Srraci,- AXD I t osn Jt io tTAxaa, scmv Bans , D EAEBCFP frutrr Ciialoraa aad Price. Win Porch-nrx rrkast stsU laaira-amu, B.-t H BSSSBSrSStsaSS Xi Tt. mlt, XwJksa. OJ tad Lx .ru t xUiaet E. I. WILL. - ilbofii. ir. LINE RUN mm; 2TItApH INS leafiig Portland, s tt m 1. m. ns n as i.-'f I. m. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Bcsrs Oiirker In St. Pai. Hoars Qairker to Chiraco. 20 Doors (juifkfr ti Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, For raves and general information cal S or address t XV M HrRLBL RT.Asst.Gcn l Pats. Agt, W -- III Ul . ... ' -,Vf .tmviiiiiioh oi., PoRTLAXh. Oregon- TWO MEX AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.! A'hile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO 0EY0E & FROfMAN BROS store, where they alwavs have on hand ho largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles eta J Sho ins; s" immense stock of Fie ilng acklt of everv mhmMmti Aa. T. ta. r ..., ...u. -,v-smp cnalrs rnath asands nfott. - tngs too num. roue 10 mention JE pAir Shop n connect n with the Store, and one ol he best wo ;men In the State to do any snd all kind, of wor Come one Come now goods "Small aW Is ous .notto. No rouble to protit and quick m FRAZER AXLE me BEST IN THE WOHI D. XSrwaariaa aualitlMar. oiiumaaeil &ctn.lbr SUasttBS two Sons of an v other brn a. Mas Satsd by Imt tarHKT TH GE.H 1 1 MV. roB SALE BY PEALKBB OENEBAIXT. Srt (',." . r. A ' Tallmln.O, i JWMjilgsil VllaUl U i Char,.,. xrBaasT ' at B JbwLZSbwbV i Atteraey Sar Eatcaton. WANTED At the ttore Allen Bto., TJTTTTlB'R J3 U X A JJJ XV, EGGS formerly owned by ' A DTI -tJ.rvi-', BACON, and OHOIOB APPLES, for which possible. I will pay'ihe best cash price 6. F. RAMP. SiWall Paper, t font nf Jk I ru yrts, PaintMs Oili (Jiasi,, lotc J. A. ALBANY. Comming -:- 0REG0B w. IK MeFarland, -:- IJKALKB w Harness -and- Saddler j 1 Display in the Door pp esiie Fir.t National Bank. Albany FARMERS, ATTENTION if : you ; --Airr ; a WACON HACK, BUGGY CART PLOW, HABR0W,0RilL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or ariT kind of s Farm I rm' ere en: or Ve hicle, call on or address. B. F. RAMP, Oppcite Post Offce, Albany, Or. isrgaias st Bead'i EXECUTOR S NOTICE. oncC IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE TV. .- 1 assi xt. tpnasa. aarr hi a.--, ssb : UBSS 1 ssstxg at and astuc ate ataaay set' sad to pnr- I B Ht laopaa t :-. A ' TSisiac Uzh S.T ol Jmvunrr. lim HAMON SHELTO 11 ti oa.'r:. Attcearrs Sar Exaeetar ItOlTcrof FllfiTlIlRTr VnCE VS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE US XS dniaxaad eaweaw e ta has wss mi m,z, ,1 job sr saH sttssa s-.j: swstiiiS.htt III I lie saxl misslln Its tbl SSSS BM I Ik. rust t tXSSJSBI ISsts Say at lansaiWr. 13. i-KV -lla r irXET. Eiare-.rti atsatasnx. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE1IENT. VvnCE IS HEREBY CITES THAT THE CY- a - - .M.aiiiuaH.SasStat sat Xaal 1 taaoSka cStkaeoaats cWrt at Una oaaal i iKaasn- rantdarf I Swa lb stfc daj S Fefcrawr ! ; stasia ss 1- , . ud the mart rim state fr laeitsg ilijsnassa if aay toasts xaal , Mst sad ths asaxassssas eSssai .stmt.. RAETnt PATXE. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. OtTEX THAT SHERIFFS WX Im tk d remit Comet of the St-tte ' t . Linn Cswarjr. Jnseph Hnwkins. Plaint iff vs Peter Bear. Defendant. X fvriOE IS HEREBY OI EN THAT A tiy virtue of an execution aad or.i. Of aahj dnlr issasd ont of th. .h.r. nsmod court, in the above entitled action to me directed an-t il 'verod. I will on Sataraar. she Ufa day af rrbraarv. lasa. st ths front door of the eoort house, in the eitv of Albany, I -inn Oregon at the hnur of one o'ciocg p ru of said dar sail at pnblle auctiol for cash in hand to ths highest bidaer, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant In and to the real property in said execu jon an i order of sale described ss follows towit: The donation land clai-n of Owen Bear, it being rctifieatton N'o 2240 and claim Jo 41 in ta 12. R 4 west, and olsitn So 48 In tp 13, S R 4 west, contain Ing 644 1, acres in Lin a county. Oregon ls 41 acres heretofore sold therefrom. The proceeds anting from the sale of said r-aal propel ty to be applied first, to the ooata or and apon said execution, and tile oosts and disbursements of the above entitled action taxed at SO; second, to thepsvment of the ptainfffs claims as lol'ows; The sum of $115 65 with iaterest thereon at the rale of tan per cent per annum from the 29th day of October taws, ana tie further sum of $19.1.0 w th maroon at tbe rate of S rr cent per annum from tba 29th day cf October IsHEssa Dated this 2nd dsy ol January. 1893. CC JACKSON, Sheriff uf Linn sounty , Oregon Red CrownMills iSOtt ft LANNINC, PROPRIETORS. aw rftocasa rbona strraaioa roa asn bakkrs sas. rasirus MEST STORAGB FACILITIES iOO Reward ! th ftbovo rswftnl fvr mxty cm rf lr-rpsximftkSt UtNsAJaW-rs, Its4aVBUoii .- vtt. Trrc rcnitot eur vita 1 1 vrli:i,wlrrn the -r. I Vi'ltl. Th7 t : o fttrvt- v , v-; .i ; fast. I a SasUsffJUTlitsITt, Sojv. t IklYO ' ". CsMtsT. --.Wats Of cvur t. -1-1 . atre .-.r.u.iw i.ttaufkrii.'rsxl u UNO, WTOOUJA5Y U1CAOO.X I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feed Store, llsve removed their ttore to Ihe Strahan store, formerly occupied by Deyne & Robson, and have on hand a full stock of CORV ALL S FLQU I. BHAN, SHORTS, CERM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. ssss sstssttd. a . a'Daasaaxe lAaasaaatj. ka. . XSSS. t th. SSantaae nhi aar. au SUMMONS. f th Cfunly Court of tht StaU 0 Ortgon fo the County .of Linn : 8 st Ellison, Plaintiff, Defendant. vs. Mart Via lien. lo Mart Mnllee, the aW named defend- ant: I H THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are herebv r,n,,ir.A nrt . ,K 1 "V . ' " 'V r, IV J . yiini 01 the above plaintiff, in theatove entitled court, now est tile with the clerk of said court, on or before tbe first day of the next regolar term of coort, after the poblication of thas saoimoc for sii consecutive week, towit, Moedsv the 6th day of March, J893; and yoo are notified that if yon fail to appear sad .n.w.r .aid complaint, at hereby reqnid,ih, piiB. tiff for want thereof a ill take jodgmrnt apainatyoti for the torn of fjr2 17 and tbe costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed; and so order Girectins th. ..u j . eertain frame bmldine owtveH by the defend ant, on ttit west enn tt lot 12, in Week 3, m Shedd, Oregon, aad a lot of tools situated thereto, all attached as tbe property of the dtfendaot herein. Pabiiabed by order rf the Honorable J N Duncan, Jadge of said eoort. msdest Cham bers, in Albany, - inn eaanty, Or-gea, tbe 27th day nl December. 1892. WraTHHs rest. It C'Hatisxavaiy, Attorneys for Plaintiff a - CITATION. Im the Ctsuatr Court of the Stale of Orr gom, ifir Linn Cottuly. In th' mattor of the estate of J S Me Kri-bnie, deceased. To the nsirs kntwn snd unknown. sd to all others interested in the above named etfate Greeting: IN THEN 'ME OF THE STATE OF roo, yon are hereby cited and J r-quired to appear in Iba e-mnty eoart of ; the state of Oretran. far tbe eonntr of Linn at tbe eoort room theraof.u Albany, in tbeeountr of Unn. on Monday, tha b day of Harcfa, vm, at I o'clock fa tbe afternoon of the" day . then ant tbera to show cause if aay jnn hare why tea appioation of Wm Rumba ugh, the ad mints rat or of said estate, to as! I tbe real property rwionging to wtdeatata. described as follows towtt: ?sX oim 1 1 1 r2r(5S. Oregon, coataioias; ttft- bree sod seres more or leas; s'.so beginning si a point forty rods west of tbe northeast eosnes of Use doostion lacd claim of Lwel Ames r a m No 47 ruoLing then west twenty five rode, Utenee aoaih twenty-fire rods, tbe nee east twso-y fire roos; t nance north tweal--fire rri, eon tafnlne; 3 "7-10O acres nxoreor l-sftuted in said county ana tatr. a!o io in b osk 5 in the town of .sweat dome, ia aad eaanty aad state. 1 eeording to the record sraps thereof, should not be granled. Done by order of the Hon J V Duncan, J ndge ef th County C uit of ths State of Oregon, for tb eonntr of Linn, with the est. of .Sid ocr afSxei. teds 14: dsr f Janus 'y. A D. lSjt. Attest: N P PAVRE. By B H Payne, Clerk. Deputy. SHERIFFS SALE: a the CiremU Comet of the S teste ef Ottgem, fee Limm uisssry. W C Davis and Geo C Davis, partners dving bosnsesa under tbe firjn name and ssr'a of Darts Bros. Plaictrff. Peur R Bear, Defendact TOTTCE in HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 by virtue of an execution and order of sae duty kwuasd oat ot the above xsxaxssd court, ia the above entitled aetisn 10 me directed snd delivered, 1 will est Use Atat star f Fraraaur, b the eitr of A'bany, Linn eoon'y, Ore -gon. n die hoar of oaeo'e'ock p m of said da v, sell at pabli? anedon f r cash in hand to the highest bidier. all the right, title and interest ef the above named d Vend in t in and to the real property In said .xecntina and order of sale described as follows towic The do nation land claim of Owen BVar. it being natinration o ind claim ae 1-1 tp 12. B 4 west, and Haim f o 5 ir. t p IX. H R 4 treat, containing SMX aeraa ia Unn coun.y, Otettoti. less 41 acre bar -tofore sold thee'rom The pioraaJa arising from the sale of said real property to be appiieil first, to tbe payment of tbe et of and apon said ex ecu! itn sod that original oots of the action taxed as fJftsVC and .hereafter to tea pavntent rt point nV clsixn ainou.-.t ng to the tna of IttlfS with interest thereon st tbe rate ot right per cent psr annate from tbe 29th .'avof October UK Dstea this Jnd cav of Janoa-y. ian. CCJaCKBOS, Sheriff of Linn eoanty , Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. sTOTlCE IS HEREBY CCVEX THAT THE CTT- i.V amrMtaasmiMtirtrofAirefttK li.ii. Hint. Haas. Ww ot I T at Jmmn.nea. alAUB moss. aussasrcai iiiitisswa, attj far aVsnsts. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. rOTtCE IS HEREBY CITEX THAT THE CX is JrwrmtW -r - -T-br ililuial i ' " thaassu. -'J hnMStaaJrr.aj. rf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "axonoE is hereby gives that the rx- J.1 attsigaai Sara ba oobr aspstaatd br ta. T "! irrmiTT lisjiaijasiaisssislsis ill saathttise rlihas aVsissI aud astat. s reqauaa 10 fissiii t tbe mru. attMa sU 1 aW T aJbaToT W - - DstsithsSth iar ot Drc, isea. rf. Bl'RKH RT tad SWtxstSXSSSl . Otassjtsrlsta, C K BCBXHAKT Attrs for Adstrs. Aaautdstratrrs. ThJOTR K. 1 hereby give nonce that i. v ha.e bought ut the wash house of Sam Lea snd rtl parties must look to him tor tneir pay ss wi 1 net be responsible or u.i uoca: S1SG LEE, STOCKNOLOER'S MEETING. -SaTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THaT the annual msetinr afth. irw.t holders of the Albanv Building ud Loan Association wiil bo held on Fridsv Eebruarv 17th. 189S. at the hear of 7:3t in axlbsny. Linn sountv, Oretron for th- PU'Psa of electing nine directors Jf5 three auditors, to serve for the taaRTof one year next ensuing from ssid zxysr!: 1 u r r u.r. tu 01 viesrn j uw-a-sora are eieoled and qualified, snd to UasissKt such othor business a. may as keafors theassocia tn-, J?OD-' by onlsr of said asawciat.on this ISth day of Januarv. 189S. r . C H STEW ART, JAY W BLAIN, Fresideik. 8crsHsxvrT, M. STONK, Arehiteet aud Cstttsveer. Leave ordsrs with Holburt Bros. R, Eatase afenta. nros,, jci , ut ths old , acepara puPi ,1- rwsonably rewarded- ID miu k-JT A BIG STOOF Baby :-: Buggios bett asscrtment ever brought to Albs?, just received at Steq! Sox's. Ptsst rsssi ( MTTTsidl'to dVa"iLaS5r s th. offlc of Wtubarfurd a CSasatwtttatT as AAUj., .-Si. a--h. Datad taas Sth aar ot Dwastbar, 1SS9. SS TOLET. Ai-dnlsiiatsi 8 ike Bi??ifs aid fiet frites A BARGAIN. Fbuit afD vaxiKTABis ravMfor sal eonsistinK of 40 acres or less cf lan d ne snile narth of Albany Land well lui proved. For psrtleulais inxulre of 11 Wakssx