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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1893)
Site j&mtttmt Probatb Recobd. In estate, of Thos Alford, inventory filed, real estate, $2491.27; personal property, $227460. In gaurdianahip of Lena A Farrar. et al, Chas Pattiaon, M A Shough and R t. Bamford were appointed appraisers. Inventory filed. Real property, $1S70; personal proserty, $303,56. In estate of Jno M Ptanlev, inventory was filed, ral estate $200. In estate of R M McCullotigli, bond filed in sum of $10,000 and appraisers ap pointed. In estate of John Grisham, report ot sale of personal property approved. In estate of A P Nye, petition Unity Nye allowed. In estate of II K Schooling, sale of real property confirmed. In guardianship of Rosa and Henry Mack, fifth account filed. In estate of Henry Moss. Margaret Moss was appointed administratrix. Bonds $5600. Pond filed, and appraisers appointed. A Street Fight. An exciting affair occurred yesterday In front of S E Young's store, which has caused considerable com ment. The version given the Democrat is this: Henry Williams, the well-known saloon-keeper, and Geo Carroll.who works for 1 1, Such, across the river.and who run the ferry at one time, met, when Wlhlams asked him for an account due him for some lime for liquor. A quarrel followed, resulting in WilliaiT.s knocking Carroll down. A couple bystanders interlerred, and one man told Carroll tn run, which he surged to do, when Williams it 1 claimed, set his bull dog, Patsey, on him. , the dog grabbed i arrow by the leg.throw lng him down. Then he sprang at his face, just scratching it a little, and not biting a big chunk out as at first reported. Carroll said he did not want any notrlety and refused to have any warrant issued. Tkachk a Institute. Following is the program of Institute No 5, to meet at Sliedd. 10 a m Teaching of proportion J G Maggie Dunlap, Mattie Cross. Primary geography vV H Latta, Daisy Lee, Linnie Rsmsey, Grace Stafford. A Year of O. P. The Democrat is under obligations to lion Jeff Meyers for the report of the railroad commissioners. As the O p R R is of particular interest here we give some of the facts reported : The directors are T K Hogg, W M Hoag, W Nash, 'A Job, G R Farra, T Graham, B W Wilaon, E A Abbey, A Hackletnan, R R Job, O Welsh, R G Hazard, N S Bentley, G 8 Coe, H C Atwood, lonn I Blair. " The officers are T E Hogg presi dent. Hoax, Nash and Bentley, vice presidents; Job, secretary; Bentley, treasurer; C C Hogue, comptroller, audi tor, general freight agent and general passenger agent ; Win M Hoag, manager; Chas Clark superintendent telegraph. Road operated, Yaquina to Halstead, 7.9 miles Track laid to Boulder creek, '41.81 miles. Capital stock, 180,000 "hares, of par value of $18,000,000. Bonds, $15,000,000, Jdue injl900. Cash available $1,194.43; assets available for cuirent liabilities, $207,336.16; current liabilities accrued on June 30, 1891, wages and salaries, $71, 782,88; sundry judg ments $103,725.18; vouchers, etc, $31, -397.03; miscellaneous $430,40. Total $207,336,13. Construction cost to June 30, 1891, $4,334,804.11; equipment $342.-26V.71- Earnings, passenger $21,154, ireight. $41,841.07. Total, $69,617.52. Expenses for operation, $124,544.57. Number of employes, 123. 28,773 pas sengers were carried, tons ol freight carried, 24,679 02. Another Side. All affairs have two sides. Mr John Rothell.who had a fight with Mr Morg Hopper, on New Years eve., mention of which was made in the Democrat, is to be atrested for assault, a warrant having been issued, which sug gests another side to the matter from that first given in the Democrat. A disinterested resident of Cloverdale savs there was not sufficient provocation for the attack by Rothell on Hopper, in which the latter waa first struck: with a aix shooter and then with the lantern, followed by Hopper's hitting Rothell a couple live blows with his fist. The new version given is that Hopper sat down in a seat, in front of which was Rot hell's lantern. which H tinner niched nnid Jan 14th, 1893 commencing atfdwn again. Rothell taking offense. took the lantern and went out doors. Hopper following to explain matters, when Rothell struck him with the six shooter ithout waiting for explanations and the fight followed. The case has not yet been tried. Probably an allowance needs to be made for both sides of the matter. Gibson, AFTERNOON . Opening exercises Clara Harker, W A Robb, Ma Porter. Ella Dunlap. The habits of the teacher R E Mich ener, Nellie Pugh, A T Giuggett, Fred Ralston. A lecturer is expected for Saturday night. W H Latta, Pres. W A Robb, Sec. No. 488,922. Mr Geo P Cramer, the blacksmith, yesterday received a patent on the car coupler invented by him and Samuel J Gallowiy, some time ago, a description of which was given by the Democrat. The invention is unquestionably a fine thing, not only being accident proof, but simple, and easily kept in order. In fact aav common break can be adjusted at once nithout send ing the car to the shop as with most coup lers. If the railroads really wish a meritorious coupler they will Investigate this one, a glance at which shows i's superiority. Grange Elections, Harmony grange No 23. Master, 8 A Dawson: overseer, H 0 Powell; lecturer.C McGregor; stew art. E E Parrlsh; assistant, Wi.lis Powell, chaplain, F S Dough'.on ; treasurer, M F Dawaon; secretary, J W Piopst; gate keeper. J Clem; pomons, Rosa Marshal; ceres, Nela Marshall ; lady assistant. Mar Powell ; delegates to council.D McGregor ana j ciem. Charity grange : Master, BM Miller; overseer, II L Klzer; lecturer, O Butler; Stewart, C Klzer; assistant, A L. Shick ; chaplain; secretary, C W Shlck; financial secretarrj F Henry; gat keeper.E Wag. gener: treasurer, " Jode Pearl ; pomons. Mrs Butler; ceres, Mrs Grover. The Ficue Four seems to be a fateful one with ex-marshal Hoffman, who became a private citizen last evening. His first pub lic experience in Albany wis that of a city council man; be filled tha: position four yer; then was chief engineer tor four yean, fol lowed by lour year as city marshal . The present U S government would secure a competent otScial by gbring him a four years job a few notches higher, for instance U S Marshal for this district. Good New Years Geketdcg. The San Francisco Examiners advertisement in Printers Ink, for which it pays $140 for one insertion, reads : Let us make 1893 the happiest year in our national history. In society more simplicity, less show in nse of money ; more extravagance in benevolence. In politics more inde pendence, less partisanship; in church mote practical religion, less controversial theology, in home more lore, less fashion ; in our personal lives more hope, fai'.h, charity, lesscynicism, shams, selfishness and more "Ads." and circulation than ever. Salem's Population Obenauer's dir ectory of Salem shows a population for that city of 11.940. The Democrat re cently predicted that it would be close to what the local papers there had claimed 12,000, as a mattet knew what the fieures were at the time. It is a splendid showing for that city, and shows a rapid, steady growth. While the state institutions have done much in the progress of course that is the good fortune of that city. Raising theAssessnent. The state board of equalization Saturday raised the assessment on lands of all kinds 10 per cert in Linn and several other counties, merchandise and Implements 10 per cent, improvements and town lots 30 per cent, horses and mules 20 per cent ; catt'e 10 per cent. The total Increase in this county will be $1,000,000 approximately and $25,000,000 in the state. Mortgages should be equalized. This after assess ment is considerable of a nuisance, when it is ones own county affected . A Fox Chase. A large crowd was in own this afternoon to witness the fax chase which proved a rather meager af fair. Only four dogs were entered and they ran more by sight than scent. A'er shaking tf.e fox out of its refuge In a tree the dogs were given a szcond O' third chance, and finally a hound belonging to K M Blair orertook and killed him. Guard. Resigns. Mr Wooley ho has charge of the C P church In this city since its or ganization has been called 10 do 11 issfon ary work for the church snd hence re. siggns his charge here. R 8 F Longbot tom will succeed to the charge in this city and will hold services hereafter on the econd and fourth sabbaths of earn month. Akm Broken. Last evening Roger, three year old son of Jav V.'filaln.fell from Mr Blains lap, striking on the floor in a manner to bleak one of his irinf, The break was set and the, '.ittle boy is doing well. At The Mines. Notwithstanding the wlntery weather work is progressing on me Santiam district. The prospect increases. When once into the ore bed there will be a big thing for rhe mines, as then the ore can le gotten out at a small coat. Knot Touts. The records show that marriage ceremonies were performed in by the following Linn countv in 1892 by the Rev E R richard, 10; Juotice LM furl, 9: Revs C R Larrxar and J T Abbett, and Justice Geo Humphrey, each 7 ; Rev rj G Irvine and Justice N M Newport, each 6; Revs b J. Memtnger, V j Harmon. vv H Wiltse, G W Hill, and Judge Duncan. each 5; Revs Silas Williams. T P Boyd and LS Fisher, each 4; Revs David Wolfe. J F Stewart, C N Plowman. W A Trow, G M We'mer, Judge Blackburn and Hit ice Henry Lyons, each 3; Revs Jas Pearl, C A Wooley, Thos A Yost. I Carlton, I N Mulkey, I B Fisher, H P Satchwell, Louts Metayer, H Oberg, and Justices Albert Savage and J C Simpson. each 2: Revs S F Longhottom, W L Blackwell, J F Anderson, H B Elworthv, D C McFarland, S J Travis, E C Jackson, S B Cole, A C Fairchild, I H Small, W R Williame.Daniel Bridges, V W Crabtree, Badger. J K Kempker. F Farnsworth. Jas McAllister, M M Basher. V? II Hol- lain, H Burreg, F. J Conditt E Scofield. T J Wilson, E J Thompson, Alfred Brunk, W W Duncan. G P Rich, Jas Vanderpool, S L Lee, Norton, T P Good man, J R Giraid, H L Bates H S perry, Edward Eccleeton, and justices Dunn, Elson, Ireland and Gleason, each 1. -Word comes SOCIAL ARB rUMONAL G L Black man and daughter, of Port land, are in the city. One of the spiyest men In Albany Is Olney Fry.Sr, who Is 91 years of age "in a few days. Mr W H St John leaves tonight for San Leandro, Cal on a visit to his daughter, Mrs C Q Rldeout. Mr and Mrs A B Woodln gave a New Year's dinner at their home Saturday evening, which was a pleasant affair. Geo Landreth and wife, of Albany, were In the city Saturday, called here by the death of Mrs Landreth's sister, Mrs S PhilllDpl. Jeffersou Review. Senator Alley arrived here last night from Florence 'on his way to the legisla ture. He was compelled to walk the entire distance as the road Is blockaded by hundreds of fallen trees. Eugene Guard. Another unfortunate young ladv Is re ported at Prlnevllle. Miss Mlna Wilson Is now the wife of an editor and her name la now Mrs Fred E Wllmarth, her husband running the News, and calmly boasting in the face of two to support that he has had a subscription (topped In every precinct In the courty. May they overcome the many obstacles In their path and be happy, and prosperous If possible. A New Years leap year party was given at the residence of Mayor Cowan Saturday evening. Several hours were passed in a pleasant manner, and a delicious banquet was spread. The young ladies receiving and doing the leap yeat honors were Misses Lett Vance, Flora Mason, Vesta Mason, Bertha Ellis, Emma Pfeiffer, Sophia Ilouck, Anna Houck, Llda Gal biaith,Maud Van Horn, Minnie Van Horn, Lena Marshall, Zulu Winn, Eva Cowan, MrsTL Wallace, Mrs Thoa Montelth; while the fortunate gentlemen were! A Wilson, J I Charlton, W J Oriel, E D Cuslck, C B Winn, E L Qulnn, J A Cum mtng, W D Lyon. F Fortmiller, A Lel mert, E M Morton, W S Phillips, W H Cowan, T L Wallace and Thos Monteith. Miss OUie Butler gave a party last even ing at th? residence of her uncle, Green H Butler, in honor ol Russell Wyatt, our promising yonng attorney of Albany. Each vied with the other in contributing to 'he entertainment of those present, stopping only in their merriment long enough to partake of an excellent lunch. At a late hour the guests dispersed voting Miss Butler a royal entertainer. Those present were: Mesdames, Green H Butler, J W Ling, J B Morin and E B Holman, Misses Ollle Butler, Florence Buev, Gecil Rampy, Etta Douglas and Doliie Reams, and Messrs John Butler, Green H Butler, J W Ling. J R Wyatt, R D Cooper and J B Morin. Harrisburg Courier. TUESDAY. Hon Jeff alters was in the city to day. Father White, ihe popular Salem priest, is la the city Mr George Knox is 00 tbe streets after an illness of several weeks. Miss Ester Simmons of Corvallls Is visit ing the family of Prof Crawford. Mrs A D St Clair, left today for Idaho. Her sister Miss I tha Cheadle has gone to Monmouth, where she is preparing for the profession of teacher. The first license of 1S93 wu tssuedf to George W King and Mr Uatili a J Han rahan. License has also been issued to b E Gormlcy and Martha I Gray. Was Raumba-jgh returned from a trip to Curvaltis today. We have mud, but he re ports ss much mud there that she street car bad to stop for It to be shoveled away from the track. Mrs Jack Miller, son and mother, returned to their home at Portland today alter a visit here tbe guests of Mr A D Barker. Mis Miller is the wife of tbe well known engineer killed several years ago in a railroad accident at this dty. A large atiendaoce is reported at the F. Co's. military ball last evening. There were about sixty masker, in a large variety of costumes, and a good sized audience . Par I sun's orchestra, of Portland, furnished the music. Tbe ball was pronounced a success: Mrs M Baumeart gave a tea yesterday afternoon in honor of Mr and Mrs Lewis of Elleosburg, Wash. A delicious repast waa served. Those present were Mmes. M Sternburg, J Joseph, J Gradwohl, I Fox L Sender. P Cohen. B Brenner, H J Soer. LGotlieb. Wm Wolfe. Mr and ONE AMD ARttOAIt, MONDAY. will hold its last Week of prayer. Ths old elty council moating tonight. Drain is to have a $10,000 school house, and has voted a Ux for the purpose . The regular meeting of the WC T V will be held tomorrow afternoon at the nsual hour. Harriaburg had a Youth Companion windmill on Christmas eve. It waa for tbe public generally and ws set to running at the opera house. Klein Bros haye bought the boot and shoe store of Brow n, at Salem, mkI will consolidate the two. Brown's waa nee ot the oldest stores la the yalley . Mrs Stephsa Phillip! divd at Jefferson on Deo 23rd, at the age of 33 ter a abort illness. She waa a woman highly rss peeled and esteemed by all. Another attempt was made to wreck a train Saturday 00 the S P between Brooks aod Qervals, whore a tie waa found on the traok across the rails, evidently put there for mischief. A gentleman from Lebanon says they have now tbe best eloctrio light system found in the state. They will have a publio meeting in that elty neit Wodnesday evening to take into consideration the propriety of chancing their city charter and enlarging the territorial boundaries of the city. Lebanon is a pro gressive town ana deserves suooe. The Harrisoarg Ditch Co baa brought suit sgsinst Mr J P Schooling and Perr) Hyde, to recover unpaid assessments now das en stuck for which thoy rubocribad. Tha trial ia called in Justice Howell's court on Jan 5th and 6th. Mr Howall is our newly appointed Justice oi the Peace and this is his first oasc, Harris1 ri Courier. Following are the new officers of tbe) East ern Sttr lodge. A F and AM: Mrs JK Woathorford. W M; D P Mason, W P; Mrs M J Kalley, Asm M; Mr C 8 Wolvsrton, Conductre, ; Miss Lain Clara, AstoCoo dnctress; Mrs J I, Cowan. Treaa; Mrs D C Sohell, Hoc; Mix Sadie Nelson, Ada; ML Vest Mas, n, Ruth; Mia Lid Galbraith, Esther; Mis Olga Hewitt. Martha; Mia Amelia Senders. Electa; Mrs A E Pike. Warden; Miss Eva Cosran, Orgnit; D T Wymao, Sentinel. tckbdat. Advertise ! Advertise ! Wealth is won by enterprise. Slow -Go eits and robs and cighs. Advertise. Th Willamette bas fallen t? 7.3 teat above low water. The Monmouth Tribune is dead after an x stooee of nine week. The supreme court has decided that Pierce waa duly elected. Of course. Highest cash price paid for poultry by A Campion at Schmeer'a stable. Pet Callahan drew a gold watch at a drawing of one of to grocery men at Cor valli. Y M French received two Colombian half dollar today, the first to arrive ia Albany. aw some waxen cnarm auacnmoBt. Tsgreeetpla of the Salem P O last year, were 17, 135 34. Tbe P M roies 2500, I clerk hire, 12400; carriers, $3385.34. Mr Henry Miller, father of Mrs Dr Woodle, waa stnefceo with paralys Is recent- ly, and is lying seriously ill at bis borce ia this city. Health Officers Speak. m City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in every way Superior to all others. STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA; The Royal fulfils all the requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: There is no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market. U. S. GOV'T FOOD REPORT; Royal Baking Powder is shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leavening strength. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS; Royal Baking Powder is commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH: We cordially ap prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. BOARD OF HEALTH, SEATTLE, WASHINQTON: Finding in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its great strength, purity and wholesomeness. BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA WASHINGTON : In our judg ment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder before the public BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there is no baking powder known to us equal to the Royal. DR. BINSWANOER. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; It is also my opinion that there exists nq purer, better or stronger baking powder than the Royal. I confidently recommend it Do not permit the slanderous stories of interested parties to influence you in using any other than The Best The Royal. BI6 SACRIFICE The owners of the Merced Woolen Mille, Merced, ual., retiring from business, we have purchased part of f heir stock at a BIG DISCOUNT. A Barbecue of Bargains. We place on sale their complete lines, consisting of Men', Boys' and Children's Clthiog, Flannel Shirts and Underwear, and Blaukets, at prices that will surely make y u come again. W e guarantee a positive saving of 50 per cenr. It will c st y.u rcthingtoEee these goods. A New Years Fight to the Democrat that on last Saturday evening some kind of IHrrarv entertaln- rr.ent as given at Grange Hali just across j the river from rhiscitv. A row was pro voked between an old gentleman aged about 60 years and a ycuns; man by the name of Mug Hopper. According to the account given us lit pper and seme other began a course of uuylag the old man, when he started to leave the raom to go home being disgusted wtlh thir conduct. They followed him outside tbe hall when voune; hopper attacked him. The old man struck out from th; shoulder cutting i Mrs Lewis, and Miss Bel'e Senders some urIj gashes in the loong man's head ' sMs ltn a lantern complete) laving hiai cut. The young man was worsted so he had N M Newport of the firm of Dalrymple to be helped hme. It is said that the l & Newport 1 in Haliey and Harrisburg people over there think the joung man! . ,. ,. .... ... -w.. v;- deserved all !e received. . V. ..- L, . . . j Co in Baltimore Block, Thursday at 2 p aa. Linn-C.u.n-tv Bibls. Society . A I The lecture will be frre. All ladies wel meeting of the Lln.i County Bible socletv I come. was held at the I . C room. Sa'urdav , There were several visitors at the domic evening, when the following officers were schools f erterdav. Among them were Hon. e ecled for the ei.suine rear. Rev E R E B McElrov. of Salem, aod Prof. B I Haw- TsSCUT. Jan 3rd, 1893. The carpenters have Just completed the belfry on the school house. Mr Victor Moses, of Albany, and Miss Maud Beard are visiting in Tangent dur ing holidays. Tangent witnessed a lively dty for the last of the rear. Tbe vaune folks at tha M E church sooth spent IheafUrnoou in 1 !.! f-t. : A I it: t. hoard st i sin Hi i itn ot xo 7TurzrzL.zuLriyi Grangers held their meet in, and alto had a repast. rasse to sasnt oa Tmortcsa in Molt nomah aod other oooati to 100 east oa th dollar. Thss aod other raise adds 117.456.640 to Moltoomah's mi ...i. tl.693.S04 lo county, $733,473 to Douglas, fir.775 to Union sadt407,87 toWaaoo. W.DSMIur. Advertise: Ads Trade on paper wings mast ris. Like the kite that cleaves the skw. Advertise. Prlchard, orei-idrnt ; Rev G V Weimer secretary ; vice prrtiden's, resident min isters; John Foshav. treasurer and de pository. Eiecutive committee. I B Cougill, LH Montanve.DH sfcCulia'ugh, ss r neaa, rc. Al Kooertson, u Cheirv, E W Achison, and Fred Grimmer, from the everal churches The report of the cr posit or y showed a sale of bibies amount ing lo 8 8o. Sunday evening a public meeting u held st the M E church, and aras addressed by Rev E R Prlchard and Rev Hetzler the agent. Sk.tisg Carnival. A pleasant time was had at the mask skate Saturday night, a big crowd being present beside 45 maskers, in a variety of laking characters. A committee consisting of Dr Hill, Ed Houston. Mark Hulbert, Chas Casev and C W Watts awarded Ihe prize to Frank Hess, of Salem, for the beat sustained eentlemens character, a monkey; Ldllie Farrell.aa Red Ridln Hood for the best sustained adies character.Pau! Cotrand Belle (tender for best skating aouple. Other amusing characters attracting par ticular attention, Charity Farrei' as drum major and Wm Acheson a the beiie of Albina. Killed By Electricity. Clif-on B Ste vens waa killed at Eugene Saturday night by a shock of electricity. He was watch ing the old year out with several other young people. The ret ort of the coroner jory snows now it '.n'ened: 1 he deceased in a 1 borne of the Cniyerily at Eugene. Miss Maud Straight of Walla Walla who ha betfn visitlrg friend and relatives at Corvallls and Albany is spending a tew day with Mr and Mrs F M French. A B Webdell, who was in town Tues day, reported a heavy wind storm on Crooked river Monday. It blew bard enough to take the tops off bay stacks and knock down fences- At this place on Eagle Rock creek Mr Webdell said the buildings were badly shaken, thongh n material damage waa done. Prinerille News. The installation of the nrw officer of the A O U a list of whom has been heretofore pnblish, . wa witnessed by a large number of memebrsand frier.daof ihe order last eve ning. Grand Master J B Hawthorne, assis ted by A D Barker conducted tbe ccremonie. Prof Hawthorne made a decidedly interest ing speech, also Dr J L Hill sod ethers. Some excellent music was rendered by Prof Isom's orchestra, aod Prof Davis, Mr Davis, snd Prof J W Crawford were each heard io wel I rendered vocal solo's, 'the affair was of par ticular interest and was managed in a man ner to confer credit on all concerned . C E. Convention. A convention o the Christian Endeavor societies of Lin county, will be held in Lebanon Or, Ja 13 and 14, 1893. All of the societies o Linn county are earnestly requested to send delegate and a toon a elected to correspond with the undersigned. It is hoped to make an Interesting and pronta- The Grangers had a call meeting and took io five more men bera. Election nf officers for tbe ensuing 1 ear as follows . Master, John Scott; overseer. A j Olin; lecturer, J A McGbe; chaplain. A Blevins; secretary. Dena Bridgeiarmer ; steward, A C Morgan; A f. David Bridgelarmer ; treasurer, A hah Holt: L A 6. Mr Mollis Laper; cere-j. Ada , Knighton: Flora, Minnie McGhee ; t Poincna, E'iia Scott. A revival has just started here. Con- , , ........ i ducted by Rev Fotretl. pastor of the M The Decease e setne light hill of Rose- Church South. l1' :"$'7lf Our literary society met on last Sator tiSSZHi. DT"h beard from at day night with a crowded bouse. The Oak l.nd Oregon, to which ple he recently society held a mock trial which attracted r"raed- a great deal ol attention. The society bad Tb -Salem Statesman's New Tear edi- A J Olin tried lor going to sleep while tsoe, a 50 f age pamphlet of good dimoaioas I acting aa one of the judges in a recent eofr great credit .00 that eaterprisirg i debate and not doing justice toward the joe real. affirmative side. Tbe jurymen brought P J Mosests makiocamoemato to ssove ! ia .verdict of not guilty. Following bis barber t hop into the Co tick block on exercises took place : Her i tat tons by BruadaJhin' street I May Holt, Addie Tisdale, Arly Holt. "sod Heard. Alma Hill Imnrontn Election of of ficers: President, George Koth, vice - u l i -k . - U ' noka Chioa cacar when for th Claud Beard ; treasurer. Benjamin Mill, ; mmm money ,00 can get a w .it. labor cigar j ro,rhal, J J Beard ; editor. Mies Cora obyJJosspb" Hudson; critic. Mrs Moljie Beard. At J A Camming No 1076 U worth a man- YorNo AxaaMra. icore set, 128 a tot lit set, 319 an ingrain set, 2575 asaetMt, 104 an tbom. 1606a portfolio. 103 a shaving set, 271 a scrap album. Klein Bros are boond to b the leaders in i p, r.i -i a. . ,. . boot, and .bow for low urines and beet uJ?9J!LlT ndnm hhmh,c kkj. uiact lut raiaruar, was ei aueca- Palrooia. bows, industry by .moting th , Omtk vV VT n cekbrated whit labor cgar. maoofactared 'J1 bF Mitchell by Ja'iat Joseph. January 3rd. 1883. A Blaker spent bis New Years in tbe city. Frank Harris, of Scio, is attending school here. A new blacksmith shop opened es terday. A lively competition is looked for. .Chas E Ferrers waa the proud piss as or of a ten oound eon on tbe morning of tbe 31st A young bachelor, who resides west of here, psvs th" bnrgb a visit every Satur day night. He dresses in bis best attire and looks rather suspicions. There was a grand shooting match at this place on the 31st. Tbe number present was estimated at 390- Frank Bayne, one of Peoria's fine riflemen was present. A dime social was given by the ladies of the W C T I' at tbe M F. cherch. on bast evening. This was perhaps the happiest gathering Shedd has seen in many a day. , Word reached here from Shaver and Hensiey this morning. They bave suc ceeded in trapping thirteen bearer and nineteen mink. The snow, although about six feet deep, has not disheartened these energetic men. from. Countv Sec piaylul moot! t:z d the lamp cord and ap plied forcenogli to raise the arc lamp some- thinrr like r r M - .u... ! : a connection lie e. . the lamn cord and the ' b, convention. J Bern-are Marks general circuit, thuk receiving tbe full force of the current of electricity that caused his j instant death. We find no criminality at- I taching io any one, but in view of the posii- I billty of similar occurence under the exit ing system, we unanimously recommend that the Eugene Liitht Company raise spools attached to the light poles lc a height of eisfht feet from the ground 10 the bottom ol th? spool. A Height Idea. If there is anything in the world in which nuality counts it is In flour. The Man About Town no tices along the street flour brought from other places in tbe valley, marked at lower than usual rates In quality, the truth is, none of it compares with that manufactured at home by the Red' Crown Mii;s, which in always good, never jerky. Two sacks is worth three of some that is brought here an honest fact. At the present writing the Man About Town never allows anything else inside his house. This is a home industry item and not an advertisement. Advertise ! Advertise ! He is heard is he who cries, Waitine; never won a prize. Advertise. Pkrmanbnt Branch Laundby. - - A branch office of the Sale ji Steam laun dry lias been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expense. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with Osborn Davy, permanent agent and solicitor for Albany A Ruddy Glow 1 s on cneetc and brow is evidence that the bodv is getting proper nourishment. When this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong, and health is letting down. Scott's Emulsion taken immediately arrests waste, regardless of the cause. Consumption must yield to treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew. .Almost as palatable as milk. Prepared by Scott Bown. If, T. All druaaHf- OTOP at Jj after diamonds, the best watches, and the finest silverware to be secured, have them. Will & Stark's when yo-a are , and fhey List Op PATKHTs.-Grantedtn Pacific States Inventors this week repot ted by C A Snow & Oo, solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Opp U S Patent Office, Washington, DC G T Ht-M. Monrovia. Cai, street car fender. J B Iloustan, San Francisco, Cal, piston rod packing. R D tiume.ban V rancisco, Cal, can-body form ing machine. S A Lake, Lake View, Wash, nut-lock. J McDon Jti, Los An geles, Cal, feed water healer and purifW. V L Munson, East Oakland, Cal, antl- fouling paint. W H Noirls, Spokane, wash, non-heat conducting covering. J W Raymond, San Francisco, Cal, gas engine. C S Ward, Los Gatos, Cal. ani mal trap. M Wyman, San Francisco, Ca1, slate attachment. Going to Astoria. Mr Louis Allen has accepted a position in one of the canneries al ftstorla, and will remove to that city. In the meantime he will sell groceries at prices that will open your eyes In order to close out his stock here. Mr Allen during his two ears retidence In Albany has made many friend, whose best wishes ne will take with him to his new field, an old field though 10 him, for he has had a long experience In the can nery business. Boots and Shoes I carry the larges line of medium priced snd good wearing boys, misses and children shoes in the city, and have just added a line of steel shod school shoe which I recommend to the trade. Dont forget that I reprlr any shoe f sell free of chaige. S E Touno. quality and largest stock to select They cannot be rootled io Albany. V Arrangement have been m with tbe O P R K to lake all granger to Kanx Batt graose hall 00 next Mtarday far 30 cents round trip, leavtog here at So'c'och'a m re tarnirgat 3 pm. Aa eastero man who invested $20,000 in The Grand Dalle, a gratd swindle, bas re cently been io th Dallas to look after hi Investment. He ahoold hav looked first, before leaping. A few day" "''' booting at Little Elk , , a brother of M re Geo A che- soo. v, was hit with a shot goo lo one . 48 hot were afterwards extr artieu lar were oot obtained. 1 sis 1 akes CCUfONS. G j.d beade i ease atjetiench Souvenir ions a Will A ttearh' VIA VI Co ffic. i- LViuiiore bloc!.-. Th beat ewtlry at Will & Mark s, B ly " artier Bro corset of W F Read Barga ns in summer goods al Read'. A foil ioe of fleece slipper tote at Klein Bro Klein Bros iron clad school shoecoxfem all Genuine Teres sea Sorghum 00 draught at C K Browned'. Several six octave otgaos for sale at CO Call 00 Prof W W Davis. Don't fad to bnv dry goode, holiday goods, etc, etc, of W F Red. Kleto Bros sell 00 shoddy stuff, hnt sell boot and shoe mad of leather. Moat complete stock of groceries io tho cit uao be tnn. ii a- c R Bmwoell's. Get Klein Brr prtes mi 'uhber goods be fore buying. They uwJ save you money. 1 -adies yon can liny overgalter from 75c to' $1.!50 at Klein Bror. 11 n go. Ten per cent discount oo hanging 'amp during next 15 days for cash C E Biowoell. Pot tbs fact io your head that yvi can grt holiday goods at actoal coat at Blackmao & Hodge. rtemember all boots and rhoe boutht! o Klein Bros that rip, run over or aolea com loose will be repaired by us free of iharge. Farmers try a pair of French Kin boots. made by Klein himself, for $6. the asms hoot to measure wonld cost you $7.50. fry a pair aod have dry feet. Oo to Carter's Orooery, opposite the Ross House, for live and dresred cbl.ikeos, cboioa fresh butter, eggs aod other groosrles. oa Jan Snd 16B3. Three and one half feet of snow fell on top cf the mountain during the storm -Its stay was very brief however. Mr Johh Young and Miss Delici Ryan were so merry that they got married the day after Christmas and now we all wish them a Havpy New Year and ac knowledge tbat they took us bv surprise. They returned from Eugene Tuesday and will reside at E J Willoughby'e tbe en suing year. Miss Motlie Ludwick and Miss Roxie Knaeh. of Harrisburg. spent part of last weea visiting at the residt nee of Mr Hill j Mr Nick Martin has sold his lease on the Raiwr nlam tn f lia M. asrs nooineii, one ot the pioneer ot Garrison and will r.mii .. ed. Mr R had many friends. Moving Outfit. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and in flrst clast order. Call or leave orders at my residence at coi of Third and Oak s'reets, Albany. J B TlLLOTsoN. Tho besVrnaat node in the oity at Com ad rtfoyer a. ENCVTCLOPADIAE and Glimpses of th World coupons taken at W F Head's. Consumptives, do not despair. There is hope. Try Wnt'a Cough Syrup. Is will always cure 10 early stages. I'recure a 50c large 8 oz. bottle. J A Cumming, Drag gist. Linn county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Jos Yates, on Jan 2nd. Mr Joseph Ferris and soa started 10 Tangent when the waters were at their highest, and when they got to the Cala pooia tnev found tbe water had come half way to met them, but as it did not loo deep they drove in, to find that ap pearances were deceptive. Thv saw a bridge and swam their team to it,thin ing they would be safe on ihe bridge. but tbe current took them below the bridge. The bridge being afloat they managed to cut their horses loose from the hack and they got on the bridge, which thev pro pelted to thor with no loss of life or property. uur mercnant is negotiating lor a' corner lot on State street - He intends to build a fine residence this summer. Amici 1. The Anntai. Meetisg of the Farmer and Merchants Insurance Company wss held this slternoon. The report of the secretary showed the receipts fo' the year to be $oo,iSo.o7, losses by fire. $13,963 79: net resources $57,000; assets $73,354. The election of director was beirg held, with prospects of election of the uld dtrerois except R S Strahan. now of Portland and C J Stuars in his place. -J893-1 glnr During the year 1S03. Irom be ning to end, Will 4 Mark propose tc geep up tneir reputation of having the fir est stock of jewelry, watches, silver ware, etc , in the valley. If you want the best goods st reasonable prices call on them. A Handsome Prize. A beautiful Oli ver water pitcher, now on exhibition at F L Kenton' grocery store, will b: given away on Washington's hit the' ay. A ticket I given for every 50 cent cash purchase Mt Angel this week. Mr Angelo McNarv waa given a tin birthday dinner by his friends and family. yesterday, Jan 1st. Itwasamoet enjovable affair. Mr Lytle baa been having some changes made in bis bouse and are suppose has improved it, each new tenant of that house makes it over. aiiea A tom's school closed on Friday before Christmas, on account of ill health. The last foar or five weeks were taught bv her sister. M McCann has planted out quite lot of young fruit trees on his island ranch and has built a new house thereon Earnest, Macy. Wjj.n Allinghsun and W ill Curtis came up from MontDMth to spend ihe holidays with their JVrents hire They returned to sfs&l this morning. w Miss Clara Philpott returned to Eu gene Saturday, after spending Christ mas week with her father and mother. George and Claret ce Macy bagged fifty ducks one day last week. The shooting was pretty good. MTSTS WKA1 mcs- T L WALLACE & CO. ALBANY, OREGON. Sasaraary. Sta-ioo, Albany, Or. Month, December. I $92. Elevation above sea level, 217.7 fact. Mr an temperature, 37-44 Departure I mjii tioroaaJ. 3 a Maxtmom teaiperatire, S3; date, 36. Mioiuiom tesnptratore, 25; date. SO. Mesa of ntaxiuom temperature. 44. Mean of mtnimnm temperature. 33-S. No. time naxiBam tempera tor SO or ab. re. 0. I No. tame minimum temperature 32 or beW, 12. Total prectpaUtuxi 9.05 mcbe. Departs! trooa normal. 0-51 inch. Total depth of snowfall. 15 inch. Pryalioc direction of the wind. 8. No. of doodle day. 0. No. of pa. tly clocdy day, 6. No. of clocdy day. 25. No of day oo which .01 of r'a or snow fl". 16 It 00 which hail tell 12. Date 00 which sso fell. 21. 22. Date of thunder atnswi. 0. Dates of btrnt frost, 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 16. 21. a a a tut rsn Dte of killing or ininnoo f rrt, 6, 9. 13, 17. IS, 23. Date of solar haioa, 0. Date of laoar halo. s 2S.J29. Jobs Bbjccs, Volunteer Observer. Boy Stoves aid Ranges of Mattws & Vashborr Bur Stoves andRangeb of Matthews & Washbur Bay Stoves and Ranges ni Matthews & Washb m Boy Stoves an. Ranges of Mattes & Yashbum. Bay Stoves anil Baiges af lattgsws & Wasabi KOKN. WILLIAMS. On Ian. 1st, 1893, to the rtfe of Henry Williams a daughter, reight, 10 pounds. BARE. At his residence near Ssreet Home, Jan 3rd 1S93. Jess Barr aged a boat 74 years. Mr barr was a pioneer of this country and was highly respected by ail who knew him. He leave a large rbxle of rel ative and friend' la mown hit loss. ROISNETT. -at her rtetdeocc near Craw fordsville. Jao send, Hannah Robnrtt, aged about 60 yew . letter ai' Koilowirg 1 the list nf letters remaining in the pnt office at Albany, Lion county, Oregon, Deo 26. 1S92. Horenn eallin for these letter must give the date on which they were advertised. AvIiibaM, A J Claypool, Annie Duke, Dorah (iardher, Harry Grim.-, Luida Havlteon. Mis Henirisli.Erdman Kruval, Fred Of the Cincinnati M E Conference, says; "We have for years need Hood's Sarrsparilll in our family of Ave, aod Hod it tally eqna to all tbat ia claimed for it. Hood's Pilh ear Livsr 111.. Klein's for slippers. Will & Stark, (V jewelers. Albany Market. When yon buy your boot Klein Bros they doo't make you pay 25 to 50 Prevent and euro Constipation and Stick Headache, Small lllSo Beans. and shoes of oents extra a pair for a warrant, but they do their own shoe makug and repair all boots and shoes free of charge, that rip, ran over or come loose. Put up In neat watob-shaped bottles, sugar coated. Small Mlks Beans. 26c. per bottle. Wheat, Mc. Oats, 86c. Flour, fS.OO. Mutter. 26c, Eggs, 30c. Lard, 12Xa. Pork-haras, loo, shoulders, 8cj" side 12o. Hsy. baled. $ 15 Do a toes, 6O0. Applee.1.00 Hops. 18o. Dried fruit plum, 9c, apples, 9ft Chickens, 4 60 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 2c. Hogs, dressed. 60. AN INVITATION To a wedding is hailed with delight, so an xortation to says money i liatend to with attention, snd if heeded should jtaido yon to the store of C E Brownell. Guaranteed to cure Illllous Attacks and OooUpatkn, Small title Beans. Cash Grocery Store Allen Bros, are now In their new quarters in the Brink Block, at the corner of Ferry and Second Street, and wr.h chesp rents, a small expense account generally, and a first class stock of goods, sre prepsred to give their customers the best bargains to be obtained in the city, for cash. Cash counts with them, and the public want ing the best goods and produce to be se cured in the city should cU on them, where they will get low prices and the best goods Kundret, Ed McLead, Neil Mitchell, F E Perry. M C Koe.Mrs Jennie Lefreng, Jsck McCullogh, W A Mitls, Ben KichardsDick Rogers, PJ Koberts.Mrg LizzieE Robinson, L D Sullivan, C Smith, Miss Harriet Thompson. ElmerE Thomas, Mrs Ad Thompson, MrtLaura Watson. A L Wilberton.Charles Weiland, Frank Williamson, John Zembler, Leon Thos. Most kith, P.M. One Small Bile Bean every night for a Week arouse Torpid LI vara. asc. per bottle. MARRIED. SETTLE BODE. On Jan 1st, 1803, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Lebanon, bv C A Elson, J P, Mr 1 F Settle and Miss Pauline Bode both of Linn county. PARKER SMALL On Dec 21st, 1892 at the residence of W P Email, Mr Hiram Parker and Miss Annie Small, Rev Q W Hill officiating. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. DPR! ireo CE'S RalfintS Powder: Mrs. Mary E. O' Fallon of Flqva, 0-, mti tb Phy stfetaM arc AnlonUhwl, and look at hr Ilk om Raised from the Dead Long 'and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning; Completely Currd by food's SOrSMSSMHUsK Mrs. Mary K. O' Fallon, a very Intelligent lady of Ptqua. Ohio, was poisoned while as sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago, aad soon terrible a leer broke out on her head, arms, tongue and throat, Her hair all eane out She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prospect ot help. At last ahe began to take Hood s Sarsaparilla aad at once Im proved ; could soon get out ot bed and walk. She says : " I became perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. I weigh 138 lbs., eat well and do the work for a large family. My case seems a wonderful recovery and physicians look at me tn astonishment, as alnnst like wae nsiaea frwao SSm 1 . "The Forum xyf b TWL ru-m 1 I l893 MsWjKF M.CPct-1 -ijj5sjrp C.W. ELycr J Th e lnjim!j fZ y prje I "TaK "t fflf'iJi.J?! rRv.jl y - taJf ' fi rn-gz FOSrx ssBSsdsa aCsMai abac: wiat sua ' JW SsSMjTR an asm dassg in th world. VSrsWy jr2f&i V Taprohlsuadtbetsakssa'yecrcwaUfSAd w W J ou.sOTs I tasaa at, aad of oar ewa sssastry, aaJ sf ear sera I ho. I . fw.LSnsu 1 trow-. tat rr T T '""" th f a f. emi - I ssUuahsssajSiUiiiusoaissilstsdr,taBg . f 4 sootaoftariod;tarsdkslsx ffkk M I sasats srsthastrrM1 1 " " 1 M u 'j""' f. jWm m 1 rtmL I Thu ssnst ss Trnr T --" - f fk18?! j tTM k Uit its writers max it bclpfal to ail who Uunk. I wfXcJ yjSfl-l? lis 1 sslsi s fla is ths shssatowtsf JJ'IF' Pgsjij) Sflaf taehaisclaiasjsef tJaUuiie- . tJTt fss 1 Ms. tas ksst isfsrsisi. aadthaaiosl saiMtssas, JSLm V V SSS I IU writers axe th. leader, of thought aad sfscv F,'Wku" 1 Uoa everr-rhsre aad ia til Idadsoftasoortaat work. , Ask ti seat lafstsial axaa ia year ossaasaaity 1 MK& H what he liinks of Tsm Taatm, er wnd u as for S Bk Lfjm 4rf yoor Stsi, and La all other State. JfS J HOOD'S PlLLS shonld b to rry family oMdicin cheat One used, always preferred. NKT ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST, In Albany, one female Hootch Coolie yellow abepard pup. six tn tbs old Any Infbtmation will be rerHonably rewarded & D MILLER. TfaTOTICK.--! hereby give notice that I XV have bought nut tbe waah bouse of Ham and II partiea must 100K to mm tor their pay as 1 wi.i not be rotponstDie for his debts: SING LEE, -nOR SALK CM RAP. A road cart and F single harness, ho.h new. Call on i F Kussell, county school superintendent. The only Pure Cream of lartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the StanoVfeV CURB A new and Cora date Treatment, eslsUtu; of Sup oattorlee.Olntme al in Ctmites.lft In Hnx aod Fills s Positive Cure tor Axterasl,latenl, Blind or Bleed, rag Robins;, Chruoic, Recent r Hereditary Plies, and ssany oih r dlse and teuale weakneascs: it Is at' way I a gnat bn0t to the senernl health. u cure rei i''eary hi 'n total I. The Unit liaooverv 01 a OMdiosI euro rendertrui an operation wtlh UM nr mail . Why sutler from this tarrihle tUnaae knife miiK-mmrT hereafter. This remedy asoyrosa kwntoiai. fiperox. u tor as sent rw mail. Why sutler from this en a written irusraiitw Is ouaiUvelv aiven with S boxes. to refund the money if no cured. Send sump or free Sample. Qoi.tss.ts issued by t A Caososlag, Bruggiss. Hale Ageat. Alboav. FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers W1 and Embalniers. E KEEP constantly on hand a full line of metalic, cloth and wocd caskets an coffins. Also burial robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, cash merOlc. which will be sold at Tho Low east Living Profits. Si EMBALMING'."0 P"rrr care of the dead a specialty. XlM , fesrgr fr IftlM or Srrvimi ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGON R L. FINE TEAS. w Kenton, Dealer in COFFEES. SPICES. and a general assortment of OOBRIE Subscription agent for all tha leading Newspaper and Magaalnee. Near the I. ., 7r-n-, 1