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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1892)
fro fsui.i!l i 1 J Tl There see nt WEATHKRKOSO CHAMBEKLAI1V, Attorney at Lav. Will-pmotlc In ell MM of the state. Special attention given to matter In preset end to co lections. OFFICE In the Flinn Meek. yr n biilyei Attomey et Lew vnd Solicitor in Chancery. Calleo liens nude on all aetata. Leans negotiated en rahle terms. Albany, Oregon. EO. W.WRIHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Pub.l. Will praetioe in ell t fx courts nt this state Special attention rirea to collections and matters in probata OSsee Upstairs Maeen-Twedale Block Albany, Ogn 1. Matt til , B LACVb (aH fc WATSOS, all local nutters will rose ire pre can in Odd Fellows Temple. Albany, O attention fflca OXTAMTE fc HaCELBIalf, OX TASTE sfc H Attorneys at Lav, Albany, Oregon. J ? WHITSBY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAM Ki J. CHARLTON, AlleiusT-at-Law promptly: All lag! basin; FLDfS3 Block, Albany, Or D R. J. L. BILE.. PkynWan and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Ferry elreate, Albany, Oregon. )R- WSTOV d BATIS. Phvoirians an SanreusM. OFFIIJE-Oernor eennd and Broodelbin streets. Albany, r, Calls pr .aptly wan i car ana conn try: c. HtCDeatRUUst. ITSpacUlH in diKsue. 9 th Et Twtmty revs' experieoo Mb honn 7 to 9 s m; ONLY LINE RUNNING 2 THR()CGH AWaINS Leaving Portland,; 8:45 A. 1. 7:30 P. M. 3 2 DATS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours (nitker to St. Pan. V Hoars Quicker to Chicago. 40 Honrs (Jnidfr to Omaha Kansas City. and PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE PECLININC CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. For 'ate and general information cat An or address W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt, 154' Washington St., PORTI.AXB. OREOOX. CODLilJST WORlv and BO Re. . PROTECT - YOU RJ-I TREES P4B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. Samples and circular free. Paraffine Paint Co., Portland, Or room TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD! A hile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO OEYOE & FRO MAN BROS store, where they always have on hand lit: largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifle and Sho ins; immense stock of Fishing tcklt of every description; Tents, Han. oc ,Camp Chairs and thousands f of. Ings too numerous to mention Pa ;pnir Shop In connect: ""le hes.t wo n with the Store, and one of men in the State to do any in.! ail kind, of wor CoajM one Come liow goods "Small i" is otn .notto. No rouble to profit and quick ' r-r: t . :.t i li;- Im.'I SLo r I L VciaOiul e C.lti. . f.-li.- w lil V.JTy. ..I It. i iI In, r !icu liio o.rwl i with. Tbcy are imroty 'ireuUile, ant ' satlsfa, Suicar 1'oaM I Luyi a ' t cents. Bewnre of co.uitiafl i- oe trvnuin laanifnetured only iik 31 rfi The Tariff Has not raited the price on ' kJidsn VV vll o Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. arc many other brands, represented by some inter red person to be "just as good 3 the Bmx Durham." They but like all counterfeits, li lack the peculiar and - qualities of the genuine ACKWELL'S AM TOBACCO CO. DC.; HAM, N. C. . YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. O' Oregon Pacific Bailrodd, T BOi.., Bee el ver O- Oragm Developmaat ro's Steamers, Short Uu t Oallfhrala, Wk It bIsbb through passenger ajqe) freight tin frna Portland sod all pofjgk to the Willamette, Valley to and from & Francisco, Cal. Boat make nloao connection at Al ban with tralna of t ha Oregon Paolfi Kailrojrd TTafE SCHEDULE- xcpt Sandajo.1 lsxvAlay U:M r. ,L.-Are Yaonma, T :. a Ueve Oarrallie IMr. a. Lav Corvelll,lC,x.' ,a Arrlr Yataina, iM r. a. Antra Albany, 11:1S a. O. et O. tralna oonnaat at Albanr and OarvalUa. The abov tralna connect at Yaaulns with tha Oragon Dviopatn Yimpauy' Llna of Steamship batfMea Van, ulna and tan Fraaclsoo, SA 1113 DATES . raoa yaaoraa. Ills mm Fsltsr, Ilvisnr ff.a . tie I flat ran aa raaaXjafto wlUaenatU Valley, Daoscaber Sth ; lath : tTth. The Coat pan v aesarraa tha ngnt t ihauga Bailing dates without notion. K.B. Paaaangara fram Portland an d wniamatU Vallay polnta can make el with tha trains of th Tannin riota at Albanr or Corrallia. and if dsn d to San Francisco should arrant U mw at Yaauina tha araning balora data 1 aauina- Freight ratewalways Us EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Rout SHASTA LINE. 1 Trajns leave Portland Dairy n w 1. Met T:08. m. I Le lOtalra Lv SOS a a i Air Portland Ar I 7:35 a a Lv I M a Lv ! 7 am r u Albany San Frand Above trains stop only at tollewtnf station nortb et auesuma. East PorUaad, Oraroa city , . sw ear. Batata, Albany, TaVreot. Bhodd, Baeaey Bar risaarv. Junction City, Irving, Kogexw. aasaaca katl, baot tMil I Lv lr.46 p I Lv I At PorUaad Ar 1 rs Lv I : JLvi TaXJaa Albany ataaarr ucaM an,v ncarr Stsnav) i 90 r u I tv ir r I Ar NrUaahl Ar I Lv 03a a MOit A'bxry t.lC a I Lv 900 a I AT 1 :Str ' Lv twtalAr Albany Lehanoa Albany Let-en .n I Jo Jlaa i ran I S:Sr Wri Lv Ar Lv PULLMAF BUFFET SLEEPERS. JECtKU Mfm ! For teeosnaaedalioa at Fsuue a xere, hotel lax second -Class t leket .(' tieil .te Bap pre s Trstaa Vest aide aVtTtalo. roBTLtisB Asm tOtttaLlie. Man, -taiDaaT (Except Sunoay, 7 JO a a I Lv Portland CorvallU Ar I 5: r Lv 1 1S36 ra ILfl Ar etnas, raaia dailt (Ezeapt aensday . Portland VIcMlnnrllle Ar I :3 A Lv 1 S t A T36 r a Ar Tliron?;li. Ticket e all poinU EAST AN0 SOUTH. 'i fu.. infoi nsatle i rerardlnt rat, map, a on Company Aareat at AlVsay KOBHLKB B P. ROOER5I, tf anae-er tee t O. F . and P. Ar Portland. Oresjoo IRST NATIO-VAI. BAlffK. or AT. ART, OstBOOM, resident . Vice President L FLINN 8. B.YWSO E. W. LANG DON ITtANSACTS A GENERA L hanktue basluwe. ACCOUNTS KEPT sabjeat to eheek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel raphle Iranater, ocd New York, San Franeisoo. CUeago and V it land egon COXEOnONf HADE on favorable tens. E. Totme E Blais, E.W. Ul L. Fuxa Kstraae f . Sat. J CDMCK 0 . ftH r.n. F ALBANY, ORP.OON, Itlklna bd DRAW SIOUT OBAFT4 oa New York. In Tr see and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY en approved security RECEIVE deposit, subject to check. COLLECTIONS mode en brenbl INTEREST paid on Ueas depooils. B AHK OF OREUOR, ALBANY, o BEBOP. Capital, -1- 4 II Y MERRILL K J LANN1MO . 1st W BLAIN PrcsMnt VI stenera banUar baalness: Exchange bought and told on all the priucloa cities in the United States i also en England, Ireland, France and Germany. Cellecuena made at all accessible point en favor, ble term, ntereet allowed e.i time deposits. LINK CO RATION AI, BANK. Or ALBANY. OB "SON. CAPITAL STOCK 1M,00. stdent - -1 1 I L COWAN, e-Preetdont ...7a RALSTON. at Owhier o A ARC'HIBOLD. D aaoToaa, L Cowan, J M Rtlttsn, IV S usdd, W (I Oolira, j A Qrawerd affd O A Arch bold. ntANSACTR a eeueral banking buelnas . DRAW 8KJ 111 DRAFTS ou New York. Ban til i't,ii. I Oregon. IX) AN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE deposit subtect check. cheapest, good fitting ready made suit of CLOTHES, -co :-ro F. Ii. DUMOT, " The Clothier and Merchant Tailor," On Lyon Street, near First. See what a bargain you can get there for your cash money . Alio suits made to order, cleaning, dve 'ng and repa'rlng Satisfaction guaranteed. F. L. DwMONT, - Albany, Or. lite gilttOCtat WHAT IT MEANS. The New V oik World speaking of the course pursued by Judga Uresharo says that tb abandonment of the Republican party by such man as Judge Gresham, Judge Cooley, and Wayne McVeagh has immense significance. These are not mere politicians, actuated by motives of self-iuterest or ambition. They are net ignorant; they are not fickle; they ara not corrupt; they are not soured. Why then do they leave the party of which they have been members and leaden for a generation? It is because the party itself is changed in character, purpose and practice. The purposes it was organized to accom plish, and which at the time appealed to the patriotism snd conscience of such man, are substantially accomplished, This they rec ognite, and doubtless each of them Is proud of his share in aiding the reculu. But the party hat now become the Instru ment Of selfish classes to serve their selfish ness. It despises the broad and aafe princi ples of constitutional tight, esteems power and privilege above duty and responsibility, and has conti acted itself to a conspiracy of plutocracy and corruption lor service in de frauding, oppressing and debauching the peo pie. It has relieved the rich of taxation upon their wealth, while it burdens the poor with taxtt upon the necessaries ot life and the too! 1 of their labor that are heavier than thoie imposed in ttme of war and heavier than are required for th i support of the Government. These burdens are not imposed for th pur pose of supporting the Government, bat for the purpose of putting more money Into the cofferi of the already rich. The natural, the logical, the inevitable, the actual result of tbis parv euion of power is not only ihe greater poverty of the poor atd the creation of a vulger aristocracy of wealth, but the subversion of the principle of equality in tights and rrivilrgee, the corruption of th national life and the debasement of pubis. morality. Seeing this and rightly dreading it, patii otic men everywhere are publicly withdraw ing from a debauched party lest they may teem te count ensnce its iniquity. Mr MacVcagb, after reviewing toe econ omic aspectsof Republican protactiei, so call ed says: But the economic evils, however great, of the McKinlev hill, and the unreasonable v- tetn of protection it represents, art of fat test importance to my mind than the moral evil which fellow in their wake. While such a system endures political corruption i abso lutely sure te increase, as such a system net only Invites bat it req aires the corrupt use ot money both at the polls and in Congress. Owing to bis judicial office. Judge Gresham ht been very careful about publicly diacaaa ing specific political questions, bat be lately gave utterance to these emphatic word: I would say that the control of elections and legislation by the corrupt ate of money more than anything else menaces popular goveinn ent end the public peace. If these abates are not speedily checked the ooase qnenccs are likely to be disastrous. The most insidious of all forms of try tony is that of plutocracy. Thoughtful men see and admit that oar country is beCOeuing lest tsd less deiitetratlc and more and tnor plutocratic. The ambit km and self-love of some men ar to great that tbey are incapable of roving their country. In these quotataoos may be discovered the sufficient reason why these men have felt it to be their duty to abandon the patty that is led by Harrison. Waaamakar, Qaay. McKin ly. Reed and Plat'. 1'LBU.isPEAKlMi In another coiumn will be taur.d a list of appointments for Hon Geo Nolar.d of Astoria democratic candidate for presi dential elector. Mr Noland is a lawyer of good ability and it well equipped to pie sen', the democratic position on the issue of the day. Dr Mullinlx alto of Astoria is a sprightly campaigner. Democrats at several places where speaking is to Le had thculd see to it that these gentlemen have good houses. Make it a point to get a big crowd. Precinct committeemen should particularly look after tbe whole matter. The fight it on and tbe democrats are making It one to the finish so let every one pot on bis armor for the conflict for it wifl be fierce but abort. A tariff law that increase wages and reduces the cost of living; is a good thing for a conn try; and that- is tbe kind of a law that makes democratic success impos sible in the present contest Astoria En amiatr. One of the strangest things in all the field of tariff discussion is the fact of the existence of men who will attempt to force down the throats of intelligent people such stuff as the above. Does not the veriest schoolboy know that if the manufacturer has to increase the wages of his employes, he must corrwpondingly increase tbe price of his productions to tbe consumer? Then how can tbe cost of living be reduced ? Just as well ssy that a condition of things under which the railroads might charge higher freight rales, the merchant make larger profits, and tbe cost of living be re duced would be a good thing for a country, and so it would if such a condition could exist, but such a condition is absolutely impossible, bnt no more so than that a tariff law might be made that would give better wages and reduce the cost of living. It ia an old saying that it is much batter to take half a loaf than none. This is sound in politics as well as business. Act ing upon thisprinciple many voters who voted the people's party ticket in June will now vote for Cleveland seeing the utter hopelessness of carrying this state) for Weaver. To them they say it is much- better to hav Cleveland than Harrison. Cleveland will receive from 5000 to 8000 more vote in this state than the combined vote of Slater and V catch in the two con gressional districts in June. Dunt throw your vote away by voting for Weaver. Vote for Cleveland, the coming man. Tbisita good year for the Democrat to stick 10 their ship. 'I he Oregon Republi can lull is shewing signs of sinking and, there fore, the desertion of Itt deck it both advisa ble and natural . Let the passengers flee to the Weaver boat if thy will, bat if Oregon Democrats stand firm and rescue as many of tbe overboard passengers a possible, the ri.OAl.n.1 ., V,n 111 I.. .V.. li . ... wowfw .i.ev v tne uregon harbor the Bth ot ntxt month lorllaml Disfaick. The Staltsnan takes exception to whi the Danotrat said about Mri Lease not being a gentleman. We insist that she is not or she would not be gativanting over the country with Weaver. A letter from Geo Noland, democratic can didate for elector writes us from Osklsnd tbst the cause of democracy looks wclT in the Umpqua Valley. 1 BBS5SS I New Process. Cobb, the printer, has bought the exclusive right for this city ! and county for the F E Tayl ,...l!. I printing process and will make color printing one of his specialties, lies ssss plet of hit late work. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. the raeiae Ceeat Rest Minneapolis, when the Congregational council was re iievea ot the more serious parts ot its worn, by allowing the advocates of the different citiea who wanted the next meeting a chance to speak in favor of their respective cities, wave after wave of laughter and ap plause rolled upward from the auditorium at the humorous remarks made. It was voted by a large majority to meet on the Pacific- coast at a point to be decided upon by the" provisional committee. Probab ly San Francisco or Tacoma. Ah Editor and Lawyer Uolfax, Oct 14. today developed a sensation that stirred the city with interest. At 1 :90 o'clock Attorney lirown was stand ing in front of the postoftice, on Main street, when his attenttrn was called to an article in today's Gazette, 'which refers to him as a "bunco steerer." Just at this time, Kditor Ballaine. of theliazette, came down the street, and Brown atepDed up to him and asked if he waa the author of the article. On receiving an affirmative answer Brown applied a vulgar epithet and struck at Ballaine. Both were soon hammering awry at each other in good style. The two were separated after Brown had bitten i smalt section off the index finger of Bat I as tie's right hand. A IVmilar AeUa Detroit. Oct 14. The board of educa tion has adopted a resolution declaring that hereafter no person shall be eligible to teach in the public schools of this city who hat not acquired an entire education in the public schools of this city. This restric tion bars all college graduates. Under its terms halt the present tore ot teachers will be discharged next January. SBw Already Pen vex, Colo, Oct 14. Reports from the country west and north of here show that the storm which has been raging for the last two days has been the sevi known for the I man Pacific. The storm was continuous from Cheyenne to Oaden a distance of 500 mites. TelatTraphic com munication is almost entirely cut off, and all the railroads are blocked with snow which is '20 feet deep in the outs. The snow at Laramie, Wyo, it five feet deep on the level. Thousands of cattle and horses have pcriabed. Washington'. Levy. Olympia. Wash, Oct i3. The state board of equalization dosed its session Sat urday and the rate of levy will probably be fixed at 2X mills, as compared with 3 nulls butt year. While there has been a decrease of 15 per cent over the entire state in the values returned by assessors, the general railroad values have been increas ed. It was estimated 1900,0000 would be required to meet the expense of the state last year. Bwotrtale Raasbarx Hambcbo, Oct 13. At a meetiiuj of small shopkeepers it was resolved today in the name of 30.000 destitute citizens eon nected with the Hamburg trade that state aid to the amount of 10.000.000 marks was neceisaary to save the city from widespread ruin consequent upon the stxapftage of trade during the epidemic. The number of fresh cases today waa 16, the number of deaths 7 and the number of burials 119. The hos pitals ctntain 682 patients. Umatilta. Or, Oct 13. A jolly jack tar. clad in official regalia, with the name Minnesota" on bis cap and shirt, went through I'tnatilla today. Be said htv was second mate on toe Eng4Uh vessel Minne sota, and with five others, lowered a boat and escaped from the ship just before reaching tbe cholera quarantine in New .or. Hetscaing land, be tattrtled a freigh! train going west, and ha been on the road -nj f, twelonJ ! i Basils Fta lasatWeli Tceahoe, N Y. Oct 13. Today Mr McKesxie. an English mbject. who live in this village, went before tbe English consul in New York and complained of the action of tbe mob which yosierday tore down hit flag and shot holes In it, after be had displayed it in honor of the discovery of America. Mchenae has also sent a letter to Sir Julten Panncefote. the Englisfa minister at Washington, complaining bit terly of the outrage. Chicago; Oct 13 Nancy Hanks will not compete with the bicycle racers at Waahititrton Park next week. Budd Pol.le having teiegrapbed that tbe great mare has engagement that cannot be canceled The mtnagement baa communicated with tbe owners of Mascot and Jay Eye Sen and others, and these pacer may measure strides with th speedy wheelmen, includ ing Zimmerman. Tyler, Johnson, Taylor and others. friend of tUr stall on Kansas City. Oct. 13. A brief dispatch from Cofftsmlle at II o'clock tonight con veys alarming intelligence. It 1 as fol lows: ''Friends of the Pal ton boys have made an attack upon tbe town " Tbe wires have failed lo work since the news was received and the result of tits battle is un known. a rvtwi Pohtlash. Oct 13. Miss Birdie Morton who for many months baa been tbe recog nixed belle of Mono Tabor Villa, a ubob about five miles east of Portland, is the victim of a most cruel lover. By this time, according" to tbe opinion of surgeons, her rrkling- eye are dimmed forever and her pely body iscotd in death. Sbe had been engaged fo Burdette Wolf, a law student A quarrel occurred, and sbe would have nothintr to do with him . Last night be met her on her way to meeting and shot her through toe and then escape to the woods. Btnqrre lungs, Aa SJtat nearer Dead New Whatcom. Wash. Oct 12. Hon Edward Eldridge died of paresis this after noon at 3 o'clock, aged Si years. He leaves a wife, son. daughter and four grandchil dren by a dsceased daughter. He waa a member of both constitutional conventions and a delegate to the republican national convention at Minneapolis. He leaves an estate of about $500,000. Captain Eldridge was one of the oldest pioneers of the Pacific coast. A Sample of Barsrttariag Philadelphia, Oct 12. Tbe brown pacing- gelding Orover S, record 2:i4l.t, dropped dead at the driving park here to day while contesting in a race. He died from the effects of a drug adminittered by tne owner, W Sbankv, at Btnirhamton. N Y, to prevent the horse from winning. As a result, Shanley and his driver. Hollister. have been ruled off all the tracks of tbe National Association tor life. to Polities la It New Yoke, Oct 1 2. Judge Andrews, of Syracuse, republican nominee for chief justice of tbe court of appeals, hat been in dorsed by the democratic state committee. The nomination was made by W A Kirke. of Syracuse, and seconded by Bourke Cock -ran and District Attorney Ridgeway, of Kings county. Missionaries Mobbed. London, Oct 12. The Shanghai corres pondent of the Times cables that English, missionaries have been mobbed by natives in Kieng Yong. The house of Mr Philips, head of the mission, was destroyed, and ho and his wife fled for their lives. Vli-glala Jaatlee. CilARIXrTTEVILLE, Va, Oct 12. Phil Young, the negro who shot Walker Glass, a white man was taken from Palmyra jail and lynched last night. The lynching was done so quietly that nothing was known tllulllf if 11nf.1l tWo mominir urban il... 1....I,. . " . . J wag louna uangiing from a tree. Lebanon Six car load of host were ship ped from Lebanon the first of Ihe week to j be followed by two or three mere ctr losdt later on . Died, In Lebanon, Oct. 8, Ettells Hard man, daughter of Chris, and Mary A HarJ man, aged 14 years. This make lb fourth death In this family within eighteen month: the mother, father aad two children. Five children are yet living. C G RawliLgt nd J J Dubruille of Albany will put in an electric-light plant ia Lebanon immediately. They have ordered tbe ma chinery aad will begin the erection of the poles right away. Another step forward. Advance. . v,! wh, V. -.'"B -..s.- .v Iisici mil into sn excavation, head first, about fire feet, striking on hit face, in a rocky, web place, bruiting him In a serious manner, and he left for home this noon. ititrm, The Eugene National Bank tnowt de posits ot $48,000, loant and discount t it.85,580.74. Totals of 1 122,013.99. The Eugene Register puts It in th fol lowing old fashioned way : The Albany brass band is making music in tint city for the Knights of Pytblat. With an Income for Albany, of less than $20,000 a year It will 'ke rome fin anciering to make an expense account of over $8,000 In a quarter keep Inside of It. lion t It. An exchange says a rrnmor it prevalent that the Rev I)c Witt Talmag may leave th Brooklyn Tabernacle and ac cept a ttanding call to a church In 8aa nan-isco with a salary ct $25,000 per year. A tomiiti at Yaqvlna Bay during the summer told two kinds of eggs, cne: she would wartant freth, charging ait extra price, and another kind the watn't certain about. The Idea I one worthy nf emu lation. An Improvement In Albany It the new bridge on Ellsworth street near Seventh. It It Itt own comment. II there it such a thing at good sens- In Ihe world it can't be found hi connection with this structure. Train men are of the belief that the parties who attempted to wrec the over land train near Cottage Grove a catuptc of wee Kt ago were hoodlum residing there. The fact that the wreck was attempted so near the ttatlon for purpose of rabbet y J manes 11 ioo preoaoi tnsttne trainutaot tutptclona are correct, or at least well founded. Brake men hate been having trouble with some of the hoodlums there ani think the wreck was attempted for sphe. Register. Sarah AKhea Hill lam. Sbe has been of years. is in an Insane aay crazy for a number Even stubble fields can be plowed now. They say the foundation has been laid for an immense crop next year. Let it come. A partial eclipse of the sun will occur October 90. beginning at 8:44 a m, and ending at 0:4b a ra ; visible in Oregon. Do people bite at the greens good racket? Yes, but they generally keep axil" aa tbev are also criminals. Ballin- . - - - . , . erjB Nebraska man, thoogh.after losing $1000 squealed a few days ago, and is lutDie to go to tue pen uimseii - Recently 6tnitb committed a horrible crime In California. He was lynched and a coroner set on his body. The jury returned a remarkable verdict that he deserved the lynching, and bad been banged by persons to the jtrry unknown, and tliev hoped no one would try to fjndooL There is trouble in the Congregational church at Salem. Rev Porwin satTera to rsMisrn. Thousrh there i nlentvr of smoke it is hoped there is no fire. Of all people a minister has tocarryhim- tbe public is watching for errors. No one was ever known to regret a clean private record. F P Uogan, former sbe tiff of Douglas is also a resident of the Minneapolis of j tbe west. He went to that ciry with j about $8000 and it reputed to be worth between $300,000 and $100,000. He is! chairman of tbe democratic county com- I mittetv Eugene Guard. Mr Hosjan was the man who helped to capture W W Saunders who escaped once on a time from tbe Albany jail. The same reports a boat Chines pheasants come from all part ot tbe valley The Carlton correspondent of the Yamhill County Ledger writ): "There should be a law rH lowing banter to shoot China phteasxtnts one month in the year only and that from September iatti to uciooer iatn, lor at tue rate they are now being Riueu so two years 11 win tae hard to make a "tjtasr" ol ix in s day's shooting. Some parties have killed high tHtor 7b in a single day.' It for tbe market- Several men in this city , r . , ... are now hnntingfor the Portland market the price ol $1.35 being too templing Tbe giape thief a just as bad as the wstermelou thief or the grocery store thief. Boys who steel such thing can never epect to receive tbe confidence of any one. Here is a ray of hope from the Toledo Pot: "Tbre are persons who aswert put up the that the stockholders will coin required of the O P on Ihe 1st of November fSl.OtW.OOOL when times will . - - look up a little. A-nve-n '. 'You editors have an easy time of it WtupOlC ... U ICUIV VVWi lUUKn, remarkeJ one of the ermine wearers to tl.. M.iiiniitf m ...i.r ti . 1 1, ' ' quoth the svribe. "You don't hate to read one snotfier's opinions-' And all the judges laughed. Journal. e continue tne admiration society with the following from the Mill City V ll.a fell latrine mb St.. Mill f 00 Gazette : "There is more general fel lowship displayed by the Albanv Deho crat than any other paper published in 1 Albany. It is antagonistic to Ihe tariff measures, but yet liberal, obliging and unselfish. A young couple stood up before a Lebanon pastor to be married this week before it dawned upon the mind ol the excited bridegroom that he had not his marriage license with him- The couple were ms tried however upon the author ity of Albany papers, which showed that said license had been iasued. The gen tleman should swear eternal allegiance to newspapers for their timely assistance at the most critical period of bis life. Advance. John Denny, who returned from Elk City Inst week, relates a curious phe nomenon that occurred at that camp, say the Teller One night about two weeks ago, during a storm, ligntning struck a pine tree And fired the fo'iace. Every needle on the tree vras burned ruT snd the fire made a light so brilliant that the men in the camp could readily read at newspaper at 75 yards distance. The tree burned about 20 minutes and went out. An examination showed that the remainder of ft ne tree was but slightly damaged. ABBIESt. CAUSLEY WEYGHENT. On Wednesday evening, Oct. uth, 1892, itt thetesidence of and by Rev G W Hill, Mr Albert E Cautley and Mits Elizabeth Weyfhent both ol Albany. A worthy yosjstjr couple who deserve the bett wlshet .faN. WATERMAN - DILLON, On Wed rteadaw afternoon, Oct. 12II1 , iRq2, at the M t frsonage, bv Rev I T Abheit, Mr Asa D Waterman." of the OP R R, and Miss Eva May Dillon, recently ot Ne braska, having just arrived In Oregon 10 unite her fortune with the groom. They have the Democrat's best wlshet for happiness and prosperity. ALLEN BOWERSOX. -At the resi dence of J Bowertox, in Salem, at 8:30 p ri, Oct is, 1892, Mitt Addle R Bower aox. of Salem, to Ira E Allen.of CorvallU. The bride It a Salem girl of great pop ularity and was for tome time an operator for the Union Telegraph Co., and It the daughter of Presiding Elder Bowcrsov. Mr Allen is a bookkeeper at l-oitisnu, where thev will reside. Journal. HORN. KNOX. On Oct 12, 1892, to the wife ot J K Knox a girl. Brvan. On Erlday, Oct 14, 1892, to Mr and Mr Albert Bryan of Tangent pre cinct a gtrl, whose net weight was 12 round and four ounces. All doing well COt NTH. FHOt fcKll Wednesday evcnlng.Oct. lilb.iSj. Present Mayor, Recorder, Martha), and Councilmen French, Stewart, Pfelffer, Burkhart, Wheeler and liawkin. The following bills were ordered paid: City agt Scott, $2.95 ; Matthews & Wath t urn, $29 88 ; C VV Watts, $39.25 ; WB Barr, $54 50; Train & Whitney, $2.24, R M Wade. $6.28; R Brown, $10; A Saylor ic Co, $375: Mayor and Councilmen, $67; Electric Light Co, $284; Vlewert, $9; rent for engine drivers, $25. The. committee on street and public propei tv reported in favor of the follow ing improvements: New walk along lot 4, Ellsworth street, Second to Third, and repairing of walk north line of block 3 Eighth ttreet, Thurston ar.d Lt'ayctte streets. The o-vners of canal ere ordered to remove trees along Vine street, Third aid Fifth streets. The report of Jason Wheeler, superin- j tendent of the ripraping of the bridge ! piers, showed the entire expense of doing the work to be $487.3. Quarterly reports of Recorder and Treasurer showed the following: CiKNBBAL VVXtl. Rcceiptt Amount in Treat. July 1, 1892. .$ Received from finet Rec'd from Linn Co. Nat, Bank. Rec'd from saloon license 356 00 150 00 1600 00 Rec'd from general license . . 199 00 Rec'd from taxes 63 Total receipts $847 63 Disbursements Paid on city warrants $ 7865 42 Interest paid cn clu- warranit .. 152 61 Total paid out Amount on nand Sept 30, 1892 $ 8018 03 129 60 .. $8147 65 Total. Bridge fund- receipts i U -rA l.r,m I Inn fV rsih tin nm nn ' H le'M frtvm I j n n f an a rra ri t Ne I 2019 00 ! i Total receipt $30,000 00 DltburserocnU Paid Portland Bridge Co $10,000 00 Warrant assigned to Portland Bridge Co . 20,000 00 Total dnbursemcntt $30,000 00 GENERAL PUBPOoB. Mavor and Council 72 OO 220 OO Attorney Marshal Ot) Recorder 57 95 . Superintended of streets. . . , Treasurer '95! 5 00 I uiic iicstnioi sh pjre department. ecric liwi t Police (regular and special). 442 00 "77 53 Set 00 S6 74 o$ 9 3i 91 S 7 25 00 163 25 S 44 22SO OO 25 OO 36 IO 303 IO Printing . I Dirt ami gravel . . . j Lumber j Hardware 1 Sprinkling f Surveys : Labor ,mere'J" bond. Rent office StaUottery, etc i Sewer .$0591 ta aVstal I ox tx T i txuaix. Rillttrf rn rrtr raT 3)10004 3 450 00 1300 00 j Balance auptniendent Interest on count v warrant Extra wotk on piers and algct 479 a J .$1513 58 .$21,674 70 Tout Grand total . . CITY wabbamt accovkt. tie-era! fund Outstanding July I . . . Issued during quarter. Total Paid during quarter . . .$ 9.SS6 IS S 238 oa SiS i-s 20 . 7.875 4 Outstanding Sept 30 $to.yS yS Bridge fund Outstanding J uly 1 Issued during quarter $ 8.64$ 65 13013 5 " Total Paid during quarter . .Sai,6C2 :6 . 10,000 00; I Outstanding Sept Jo .$11,662 Sewer fund Ouuiandine lul 1 .. ..$ 16S 83 I . i.i ,,,r; ,m., tot j Ouittandlng Sept 30 $ 47 93 I loa! outstanding warrant. Sept 30, 1S92... The Recorder $2242 97 iKttruCtcd a nmlfv teveral parties not connected wuh newer! to do so inside of ten day. J A resolution was read dUro Using all ; remonstrances to change of grade on , CalapooU street, paaaed. Several resolutions were petard provld ing for tidewalk and other improvemintt. Oidinance bill 277 changing grade of CalapooU street one foot above survey of tSoo was read twice and failed to pas to 1 ""r? ""din 5o 1. Chestnuts I 1 , --- - ? Mm,8" 8" rim., coo. I IMrh In. .1 Al Hm.rf.lhl. street was ordered improved under supervision nf committee on street and 'public prtpertv. TL city surveyor wasJ1itctd to set grade staae for streets approaching : he I W -f f. j bridge.ihe same lo be graveled sr.d graded : inside nf ten day. The following bid were read for grad ing and graveling 1st street, Montgo.Tierr to Ma'ne, where no otherwise provided for: Etcaaarlng, 45c; filling, 35c; river prayed. See t!t wsac. he Creiahv Ja Co. j Excavating, 40 cems; filling, 20c; river. a . t a 80c; pit gravel. 70c, bv S W Ross. River gravel, 68 cents, by R A Murphy. Coo tracts let to property owners bidding and lo S W Ross, rivef gravel to be used. Work tD be completed in 30 day. Bond. $100 ranTEKs Oct. 9th, 1S92 L'ncle Andrew K .-.Von 's sister hat come from Iowa to :ive with him. He It going to build s new and commence living In the right kind of style. L McQueen ha come home from a trip to the valley. Unci) Peter LeFrancit It batching uow, hi wife being gone to Spokane. The Concord school is prospering under the efficient management of Mr Frank Wilholt. Foster, our young town, 1 Improving fast. There are four dwellings, one large ilourlng milt, one saw mill and planer, three barns already built other talk of building soon. cnt and REAL ESTATE St LEA. Lonis Bantee to M M Bashor, one acre, Sodaville 10 J L Hill to Lonis Barxee, 5 lots, Sodaville 1 J A Yates to Chas Yates, 4 lots in Highland Grove 5 C H Mattoon to S W Crowder, 6 acres land near Albany Rachel A Thomas to F A Aldridge, 43.56 acres 9 E 1 726 Anna Uablitxel to J Hablitxel, 160 acres 14 E 2 500 J L H to A W Dutcher. 4 lots, ffodavitle 160 Rasper Kropp to F M French, lot l,bll5, H'sSrdAd 400 C G Burkhart to Geo W and J C Davis, bl 63, O's Ad Albany. .. 2000 II Bryant tj E L Blaus, 80 acres, 11 w 1 600 Alfred N Coin to II Bryant, 02.74 acres 20 w 2 784 U 8 to Anna Habftxel, 160 acres 14 E 2 Patent U S to Dudley Hadden, 139 73 acres 8 E 1 Patent $5,081 To rit ia th morning)) th a bad tart in th mouth and no appetite, indioate that the tt n th eds strengthening. For this purpose, there is noising better than an oc casional dose of a, J.''i Pills taken at bed time. L)x(Uai.. Thoa Brink will rdpx your furniture neat and cheap or make furniture te order and sell furniture on ecixt mission at the old stand. Oss dollar tared it tne dollat earned . Wo to Allen Bros and to f year grooeriee at ish price. BOMB ARB ABROAD THURSDAY A genuine Webfoot day. Th ntw motor was te arrive in Portland today and will be in Albany about Sttorday Rev Walker, who has jutt returned from Chins, where ho has been a mittionarv for several years, will deliver an addreaa at tha Bapt t church oazt Monday eyeniog. S . laville's new ptper, the Review, has apptared.with A H Pbelpe, at pnblither. It the spring, for the chance of early sow it wall gotten up, and promises to be an j ing sometimes proves a failure. . A ,.t- a tko .. . A .LI! . !,. ! a T'' .'r. S 71:T " ' J"F- ' -n-A sscussev as well at l.!m c ,nnty generally should give it their best tonport. FRIDAY. U W C chrane, of Taogeot, rapmt, the death of a fine horse, and alto several deaths among neighbor horse. The State Baptist Couveotioa will be held in .'ndependenct next weak, and hold during th last days of th week It a ill oav to bear the lacture at th V P i ohorth tomorrow night by Pr..f R K Warren, , I el Portland, on -'Uddera." Admistion, (rem . . u in r. Tb Alt any . Mill ng t omoany havnjattreivedtbeirtAmplofor.bwh , from the Oregon ctr, af:r a joarney of aboot - me e xtracts w Btno. graveling P'r'. street, and moat be euaed tomorrow . Tnis ioclodei property owners bidding on atone . Eugene bss been tued for $5-000 damages canoed by Clsrttone llinney, a six year eld Kay having an arm broken by falling through a bad sidewalk. A C Woodcock and W S Mcfaddea ars attorneys for plaintiff. The Saotiam Lumberman says: "We have get it on gcod authority that Csnadisn capiulitta will nxt spring k th citizet f Albany for a reasonable bona to erect and operate a largo sanmiU in that city. . " ?: If the desireri l,nn is not f rvrt hrmme tha .li 11 tJ- i : a Z'""" " " " WHtAT, CI j CENTS Senator Ooiph wilt speak at Lb ojara j hens this evening at s a cloe . t every , body attend. Mr Will Pf-iff sr will begin Lusiness next Monday in the cxmfectionary ttnre now ran by Mr A Bseoiek. Tha lecture to bav bees delivered this overling by Prof Warrea has been postposted , oa aeeoaot of toe nines ol the speaker Keeper Kroop last veaing sold to F M rMfuh o In in Raat alkonv ta . tow in ox cbaoge U 1 French's fa tea n, wagon mA hJ Th. new aaotor far the .treat rati way - ri.trfloiay Itu a tIookuag of resin, xry xa as. sascr a. vo. Tha North went I Jf Lianranoe oomnanv I today, through Mr ft F Mscrtll of the Ore goo Bank, paid Mr J P gtahUeftotd $2500 insurance 00 bar huthaod s Ufa. Jo Kleta received a diepeOc 1 yeetcrdsy asDoaceieg tha death of bis father at Mee aota. III. Ha waa 76 jeers o age. Mr Kiem recently taid bim a visit. . l 'ha Pvbcm and Dav Yenax, charged j with horning th BC Young, plead gailty 1 a ttaea Cirea-t Cteart ta Sale ) thereby. John Dove, the captain, plead test gsiity. tt a, - 1 1 . : 1 1 . - 5 third la'.ereat ia th S to Mill property. j CosHudoratiosi. f3XTl Tae traaeC-r papers i will b mad this week. Mr Crabtrte will probab! y rcove to town Itemed tat ciy zpaea. A fine Use of ttb'. sad hang.s ? lamps jaat received at Ot aad Hetsdrtsaoa'e. I f tot would have the prettiest sod boat call 1c wk-er dandruff. scalp disci is. ! falling b4 arrays of f.e mm , not oeg ect them, bat app 1 asd took like Hal:' lltir Ladies Ovcrgajten ta all colors at K! n rsa Ladias gfnd tie at attoal t ot for the next 30 dav at Klein Bra. ! R.rr. raber all boots aad ahot bt ubt of ; : Klota Br. that rip. ran or or to! cost I Ins wi'l ho r. .-. - . ! by r , r f -ktve Chmcw jerked Ycaiern at C E Brooracll. C E Brow ceil offers fo-anlea lot of fUsraar , 26!P Theffttcrarb. :-.: tr eato: at C F. Browse! U . IO, Sweat odor l-r tan ee pie by the gaUoa I alCEBrwii'i i The B Bco-v t OOZ waiaed an i BBJ feet ff::-.or. it can L. Lad st the Ladle BoXAar. j ' Xo-.c'.tte in oer!!lo- tta.ionar ia ia- , vitataoe. . t.-in eaade, at C W Cobb- Asftbv d Cart, Real Berate, ai VTaah Baft oa Street, Put Used. Or. Stesrait & Sox sell th very beat ratea shear atd tcisoora. Buy Waruct' Bros corset of W F Read. Bargain hs tunsmea gvd ai Read'. New goo4 it W F Head WU! V ytarii, IS fee One of the greatest pieevs of enterprise ' ver performed by a newspaper waa re- ent'y sprung by the San Francisco Ex- j aminer. While detectives and posses of men were banting for Evans and Sontag ' the r.xammer tent a reporter to inter view tbe outlaws. This the reporter did . , ... , j d besides slept over ntgbt with tl em. Crooked C books. There appeared in Lebanon last Friday a somewhat novel type of confidence man. One man whom be tried to dope was Dr L Foley, with whom he professed a former acquain tance, dating hack five years, at which time he raid the Dr attended him in an illness. Notwithstanding the fact that Dr Foley was unable to recall the pleas an memories of a former acouaintance. be invite! th man to his home for din- ner in preference to making a cash dona i lion. The next day the individual ap- pea red in Waterloo seeking an invest t nieut in real estate. Learning that Mr : Shepard owned considerable property, he lonnd that gentleman, 'o whom he ! introduce! himself as Mr Crooks, a I nephew of Pr Foley of Lebanon. and said I tbe Pr waa his guardian and waa holding i $20,C00 for him. Mr Shepard set a price ; on ins property a store oonuinc. a . dwelling boose and several town lots which Mr Crooks considered reasonable, and therefore he said he would buy all of tbe property after a visit to Lebanon to get his money. He inquired of Mr Shepard if there were a clothing store in town, and was answered In the negative. Being Quite anxious to chance his j clothes, hich were somewhat shabby. ' Mr Shepard kiudlv loaned him a new i He was arrested on complaint of Mr Shepard, after trying to hire a horse to go lo Corvallis with. Advance. Pkrhaps You want the bet groceries to be secured in the Bros, citv ; then tall on Parker Perhaps You want freth produce jutt from th gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. Pei hap Yon want the best baked goods In the city, breads, cakes, cookies, pies, etc.then call on Parker Bros and you will get the goods and first class treatment. The Holmes Be sin ess Colleoe of Portland, Ore., is now a day and board ing school , so parents who send their sons and daughters away to a business school, can feel that they are surrounded by a school atmosphere and home influences. Every young man. and woman as well, should have a business education. It fits them to do business tor themselves, and a good book-keeper or stenographer can always find employment. Send for catalogue of the Holmes Business Col lege. WnttN you com to Albany won't fall to visit Blackman st Hodges, The druggist! They carry a Urge and -hoice stock ot drugs, patent medicines, etc. Prescription are always carefully and promptly attended to. It will Pay yon. Jro to 0 W Cobb, successor Co Paisley & ilea, Flinn Block, for ynurjab printing if all kind TAXtlBST. Farming in the vicinity of Tangent Is in foil blast The frequent showers is putting the ground in fair condition for work. There has been quite a large acreage of fall grain already sown, end if the weather permits there will be many ' acres of stubble land plowed and sowed, j Farmers are afraid to risk sowing in As the time for gathering fruit is at i,. - .. ,nriU. -. The lanrer nnrtion nf what there ia. are ! badly injured by the codlin moths The potato crop Is not overly Urge, bat ; I think by the time they are dag there will be plenty for home use, and possibly j a few to spare. I (ear the condition of the roads the coming winter will be a bad as last, log in many places they have been poorly "'ru .oll?n entirely negieeteo. iiie P' method of working j veiy ior, 1 'r ,are ?0.?tof wrk is commenced ; oi neer unisnea, consequently n is left in a worse condition than before. There ahould be u different law enacted, wben foy we wooM , e rtiaAK M a..., c: j . o t . cbibald, died near Halsey Oct She ielt a linalianrf onrl Innr hiliren If. niourn her toes. The children of N P Slate are afflicted j with flax, one has died and another is j dangerously sick. A I Olin is seen very busy at work 1 lately. He wishes to sell hi, place lately ; vacated by John Wicker. Why does a certain Dr from Albany : make so many unprofessional visits to Tangent lately? Mr John La per expects to move to Tangent before long. .. ,iU P P. Hill has sold oat, and will take bis for a more prosperous country Qn a visit to Tallman, I fisd ;rr: r .y- mtr)t . The R. R. Co. hi v. bnikt cdtaew de pot and a dwelling bouse for the i;C.iuo feneman mtti several ether bui dinga for the tue of the aecticn tcea. A larje sized building ha been erected for the parrot of opeoing a general mercacttie extsbiishrneet. Mr Wm. Clyrner has moved back to bis farm and erected a fine dwelling. . He alto intends to otherwise improve bis farm. 1 xa u. 1 li. -i-- . . - t :heuM(I McQ4ee. And S say he . lnlaSta oo-m-U.;if yet. dorvot thUU J. R. ThonpaOB has moved to Salem, tie will try bit fortes Is the city for s while. Rob Gilson has moved on the John Marks place with hi new bride. Jest Smith is loosing oU once be has got f to be pa. Mr TrOa'ssaa has laaut a honte and bars on at place put sooth of the depot. The warehouse of David Stastb hat in stsre a ;ar;e antoaat ot gram Farmers in that vicinity ate improving their time potties' In their tail grata and or hero is making reacy far winter. J uj3bte do I look?" That depends, trnsdBiTi, upon how tou fec-L If you're suffering frotn facctional distarbanoes, irregulari ties or wcskpssBct, ypp're sure to "look it" And Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription is the remedy. It builds op aad in vigors tee the system, rsgulaiaaj and promotes the proper fujicticsns, and restores bealth and streegth. It's a lttimats medtctne. not a be venire ; Tegetable, perfectly Itnmlsss. made espeetally for vomsai s In the cure of nil female com plsintt," it's guaranteed to give sat- -isf action, or the money is refunded. No other riaedicixje for women is ; told so. Think of that, when the dealer says something else (which pays him better) b " just as good." " Times have changed. So have SAKwV Th mAnAro mtfn-A menu in pills are Dr. Pierce sReas- ant Pellets. They help NatYtre, is- stead of fighting with her. and nervous headache, bilioo cxMtiveness, and all derangements of the liver, stomach ud bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. DELINQUENT TAXES D EUKOTEV- Cist.' Uxe cf 1691 i oats of sale- as the muss be rdued. Proper. wil be .'. d upon if not attended to in at dangerous reasonable litre: Delays September '.Sth, 1892. C C JACKSON. WsasrtS A BAR(jA1 P SUIT AWD VBASTABX.B vai xt far Bale, consisting of 40 acres, ci land . one Btue n-rth or Albany f.sct wail im proved. For ptrticu'ia: irxnlre of V. 11 Wabkbb POSH AY & MASON wt-nBtat tar aarAia mm U for John B. Aldau's publlcntlOBa, euieh we sell at ouhUsher'n prise with siagsjandat- 4l.B4.11'. OKK4& end Stoie. Best stock of 2nd ssr goods In th valley, and th most reasonable pries have on band all ktnda of FURNITURE. STOVES, TINWARE, HUNKS. BOOKE. PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY ETC, ETC, On door went of S IS Young old store, L. C0TLEI6. o. Co MeFarland, -:- healer is -:- HarnessandSifJ-llery, in the D001, 0,,3lt Firat Si'liu! Bu'i.Vitif REVERE HOUSE, tLBANY, OREGON HAS. PFEIFFKK PROPRIETOR I OFFENSIVE ECZEMA SutYered Terribly. Doctors and Medi cines Useless, furrd ia Four Week by Cutlrtira , T have a boy. fifteen rs ssa. trim In SMasSX. portrait ensimeii. wnr. ..,. is.. ..,... ... ,...--.... that 1 could not stay in tk room with hire. The iftr i.'-y filtered terribly. Hie frt were terrlWy eore, hecoold not wear any shoes, sod lad therefor, to mj t pot -n a ilr of dry etocktmm in Die morning, they wool to e boor b salnrated with wA-tore and very uSeaetve e-irn to the coldest weather. The dLan began to spread over ht hody. eepcrtaily ate ha!s acd finsy-r. The thumbs on both his band Le ant .- stiff end so assies twowtthimd sticks of wood. V-iii If,;., r) It won Id be neele- for nv- toiry to u : I the "Bertoj this boy endured. I t htm to two OffctaS rf U.riTheth gov him lote o m -d.elxbeit al to no no. He grew wove. I therefor dssswll ! of erlSvtng him enrod. One day I sow the treat " who ssaald nse Ci Tl- SSiT.stieXltd'e, BttlefaiUttothem. ssoooi-. JUlSt.VKTf-hki;! Village, 5. T. Cuticura Resolvent TVs new Blood sad Bkln Partner, totereiil) , and ;.: v. tk. ms "kin Cere. ei i.vnaai Koar. . esedeSe Bain Beaottficr. externaily. iy relieve and speedily eor- JfJTi r St the skin, scalp. asd blood, h toeoo etanliy i susK.r ' . .... . . ... . hair, Sj m infancy to age, from fern pie to err,r. Bold everywhere. Price, Crrrrcs-A, Soe-: S. SSe.; Unrnvmr. 1. 1-repared by the 1 rrrsa Inula sail CBKaucai. OaavaATioa, Bewtsa. star-" How to Cere f-kia rji," W paces, 1 -. i Pll FLOS. I Itrtbaarli, red, rvogb, charjapad, aUy akin eared, by cencre eoar. MU8CUU.R tSMAaBSTsnd paiM. MA Sr"""5 Awtl-Polo tsskn. tack ache, weafc hMhtassv in nse mlriBte try tae canrsrs Awtt-Paln Hsswr. The tent aast on... lisiSiav-.-.s - I : - TSA ULTI Tow re s jaaserf Bad fsxa use swr p VSIatm, wHslet r mnemm aohed, in MO SCBSTITrn. JB W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ezefLEMis, ; TK BEST SHOE 1 csJfc jasxS5a aawy At rim So I '.-a; ' sh Dad at OS t ' ( fiJJJ. naaRAI, Ladies' U& U.r-ttt-kJ& Blloei sss asaw ot Ue oet Uceoxnt rw xrso Cotr. so r-i! trOCGJ-A-S Bcr- fcton. JaXaaa. SosdtV -Bf-L, E. BT.A1N. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Th trace or thi Great Couarh Cto it wrtbotst a t-trtlle us I've bjtaxtyatsaoaSicsxst. A-t dmrAs-a are aatasircrt? to oelt it os. a prm sjjve sntraaUe. e test that ao other care can aerc-ssfclir sxasd. That is rtsy beo-m tie Proprieto-. at an eacrraasa cx- scii.- a..-. . f ree BBta esTfrr h home ia the rutc StiMi -ij Wirca hare a Cc ere . S.?re Tircii. Hrca r.r. : . L era it. -r r. i:: cert joe. tr yoar has theCrawp. r WaaffciejiasrCtaBx.stse it BttatBBtt . and relief i en-r. n yon oread that isscna dsease CDsesxsstSsa, ttae it. Ask yowr LVcgyrisl tor SHILOH-S CXTLE. F-riee Met.. cts. I freer Ltig are sore or Bach iaac. use Sh&V Psta Plaster. Price SS cts. For sale try all Drug. giila and Deaitn into sASDKirs CI CATQIf. DEI T , kLCU I nlU Dbk I all reas !- attaai as tsssasauy SR s. tea raster s aatttctstt treats, sis om srow?r stoobee elOAioc Ysssl 1 km tsso J to sta war- stave Unas) t-jao etsnriwinriii saoatsws was. AOS we I 1 M 1 ittw mriymm. 00-, No. I7 First St.. PORTi-ajilp. ore. ILFAvlT COLLEGIATE ISSflTOW ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 1692. Uot Tr.- asewesl vcatcather Sit . A f 1 corps of instru.-ira. ClAiSJCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ol study arranged to mevtU all grades of students Vea im arrears; efsrtd .' l.Wro's from (.W. BET. rot, bit HEALTH IS WE A V 0 SCWaaVs Xsara Qacus Tusarvavv .-.S0'- a-ria. Watine. ca ruWoo F;U.Srroua Xeuraigia.Uoaa.-a.. ,, PrewU eaiwsd hy the as ot eleohol or lot seo, WaJealHiUMsea. Mental lepreia. Sot-eniag otth. Brtm rasulung in insanity aat tail.n- ta misery dscej an i death. PrMnuuru 0;j Ago B,rrr,r,M' Uws of Fewer .neither sex. larUiiurr Lat aad Spertaalanhoe caaaea by erer-xerUa ( the train, setf-abuse or oynr-iudu'ao. Bash box oaettuus en niunth't tracAnaeat, gl.vU a hot, or six hoxoa tor J. seat by mail prepaid 01 roeetptw pr ira VTB AB ANTES MX BOXES To our say east. tWith each crder received hv na brtlx k.iAOi, oenipaatoi with 3 00. we will sent the urehar our written iruaranteo to refund th atuaay ttth trealaseni toe not at set a euro. Ouar stitts Issued only hy J h Cm at tag. BragxKt Sol Agcal, Albany, Ores ALBAN r-;oR. WRITSIAH & HTJLBEET BROS, Real Estatt- Agents. r arms aad Ran :he for sale. Also city broaerty in Albany and Cory dli. pnee- Jt.;-fc-J3ssn assnr nsen ssnetwsssMvnvi rrosasssoa Mreaarytwa.ea7 ad dwnstiso easoea eer akt sgztokB 0 PodW Shoe, wc-a hrybser eadaa 1 efOo ether wfco vrast a good hewry coat. Urreo ealsl 11st Sum e li.ii its. isj towaat la-axsawSI : kee the tee drr aad wweart, I ten. The 7as, soTiT5s 1 nl akyss iilststB rroxo JJ'aaa ff! lZ? teeoaamats at I am7-iru0oS mx: thetanewtt '"I f ttoasjseoor eswa sSsw: ksesi for at tt yoo bcelewwrecr ah r ja LATEST FATTJIT S SpfoSr?? KrT ElJXTl KST 8gQgTl I -t'r 'oSMSsSSSiya . i.".T- 1 imtsi-t .