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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
Ksssr MflTf 11 1! o re ffi Mil r. fruit The Democrat," The Best Paper in the Valley, VOL XXVIII. Kutered the '. office at Albany. Or , at .!.) la Mall Mailer; ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY OCTOBER 88, im. TITEtt MI TTIMti, PaMiakcra aad Pr.prlcl.r; Si) 13 7 Ar' W"WW'WSr r$r W vmr W W . ONLY f W. F. READ & CO WEARE now receiting safely say they excel We want your trade,and if good stylish goods, low prices and courteous treatment are any induce ment we hop to merit a share of yoar patronage. WeBhaWtiriccV,oi ISjfe" Wf lore our tkataal Mfcoet. j'efff'"" W" Yt loe out evte teexhi' WaafjSPa. An obey iZ-in.cH rule. Py-WjFag- We have lately added a full line of B00TSA-D SHOES o. wh ich we are making a ver price to get them introduced. CALL AND SEE what trouble to show goods. W. F. A.Ua.n.v, -1- tke BLOOD, Carta COJSTIPATIOJf, EfDIGESTIOS. , LIVER COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, COLliS, USbIN AFFECTIONS. ami DISEASES ierilfliw. I'lBi a DISORDERED STOMACH. 2e Genuine- HAMBURG TEA it put up in YELLOW WRAPPERS trilh FoctiwoU Signature of EMIL FRESE. REOiNQTON CO. Aoemts. Sam Fdaimxi 8QT.D BY ALL PRCCIT AXV (.RWKII. Oregon Will Chop ali Kinds of Grain. on swhyj-ou should buy the Giant: lt. Because it is the bast mill ia exisisnze. 2nd, Because it ia mad at home. 3rd, Because it will grind more g si i thao any other mill. 4th. Because it does better work than aay ctber mill. 5ih. Because it Is no ezbeaae lo you after yia nV9 t- i,r i V. v Oth. Because It does not heat the grain U grinding as oin r irt'lN u j 7th, Becaosa yon can malt- m ire ru may with tvi ) i r a 1. at; t i i 1 m 1. ifir wiri'.ofi v ,' .-u -Ji. ,.n- tbr n mini n i i : r I fit If fit v;ii tciit'y oil i 1 en ait 1 1 u. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE 3S7 Slid & Ellsworth st, Albany, Or Rupture, Asthma and Piles ?r's. Shin p & Hoaser, Specialists in the treatment of all forms ot Chronic, Catari hal, Nervous an female Diseases. Twenty (20) Tem Ex.rlence in Medicine. Su.-r an 1 K ej.riol'.jr curable cases Ousran-eed. Olfiia 253 Uotnnurei '. Stratt, Salem. Oregon. I I I U F MIK1TI P. YZ7 TML s--f Sf ?? 6 Salem, Oregon, W. I. A thorough business training school Endorsed Five Departments: Btcsituss, .Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, EnglLSi School in session the entire year. Student admitted at any time. Catalogue, containing information, am FOR Four - Block? - in Good location. On the line prices and terms see Oregon Co., agents. J. GHOIIE TEAS, Subiicriptionsgict fox all the leading Hear tkeP. .. our fall goods and we call anything ever shown in we can do for vou. REAB&CO. - x- Oiegrr Giant. : Sure Daath ioWir Staley, Principal. by.the business and professional men of Salcir- SALE Towosend's - Addition. of the New Motor Land Co., or S line. For N Steele 1. Townsend. Kenton. -:- tier Id SE2 COFFEES. SPICES. and a general assortment or O O X3 R X XI fit. Newspapers and Magazines. Termscaau 4Iby o r LOCAL F2CORD. Tiik CoLt'MBUM Entertainment. A large audience was present at the opera house last evening to witness the Y M C A Columbian entertainment. They " ere paid. It as good extra. Local talent did itself credit. It knows how. Six Columbian tableaux, and America were presented with tine effect. Mr Arch Hammer represented Columbus, Mr iamea Charlton and Mrs T J Overman were Ferdinand and Isabelie, Miss Mamie Cundiffwas Pocahontas, and two little girls represented pages in the court of Isabelie. The Apollo club were heard in several Columbian songs. The Davis aaarte.1 delighted the audience and were given a live encore. Mips Lulu Sergeant, of Salem, presented a splendid ly cultivated voice m a vocal solo, and was heartily encored. The sweetly blending voices of Eva Cowan and Bertha Ellis were heard in "Cheerfulness." Mrs Geo E Chamberlain, Rev Prichard and Ptof Lee saug Viena Al Mar, a rich vocal effort. Prof and Mrs Davis were given a hearty encore on "Only Thee-" Flossie Kuecht recited "The Oreat Die -covery," which proved to be baby's big toe. The Columbian reception was a re presentation of the different states before Columbia, represented by Miss Sadie Nelson. A prize was given for the beat representation, voted by the audience, and was won by W E Ortel. who hd a splendid "take off" on Missouri. The decision showed the public taste for the ridiculous. Several really meritorious representations of states, like Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, Maine.etc being of second con eideratior. . WtNiKKrri. Salmon Hi s. The run of salmon on the Sinslaw has also been im mense. The Review says: The advance guard crossed the bar on Saturday the 34th day of September, and those who witnessed their coming say it was a grand sight to see them as they seethed and rolled and squirmed.almoet choking the flow of wondering waters of the "Great Sinslaw" in their mad ruah to get in Kyles and Timmin'a ready made cans. Timmin'a seine caught in fonr dayB upwards of 7000; the two biggest hauls being 1256 and UfM. The seine wis then laid off as the gill nets could eacily supply all the salmon needed. The Rose Hill cannery packed during the week ending October 3rd, 19,800 sal mon, or nearly 290 tons of fish as tbey wer j caught. One man alone caught in two nigbls 565 fish getting nearly $100 for two days work. Barney, one of the progressive Indians, tells me that he has already made more tban 300, and that his two girls, dusky maidens of about 13 to 14 summers, of whom he ia justly proud, have filled at the Timmin'a cannery more than 40,000, cans getting $1.20 per thousand. 1 n fact all who have fished as well as the cannerys have done well even Kyle is satisfied. Hi l ansa Nov. 1jt. Again the time draws close to the date when the Oregon Pacific sale is to be consummated, and $1.0eO,0CO i to ICQ to Mitisfv receiver's certificates and $2,000,000 to send the road eastward and buy steamers. Will the matter be settled is an interesting question ; bat one causing less comment than usual on account ot the many post ponement?. A gentleman, thonah, has it from reliable inside anthoritv.tbat the money has been secured and the transac tion will be completed, which we can only hope will prove true, as the event will oe one of great commercial signifi cance to this valley. In the meantime the people have concluded not to get excited any more until the proper time. Lebanon . M C. Chezem and family have moved to Albany. Miss Minnie Gil son, who lives near Tallman, was thrown fresn a horse Toes day and had her arm broken at the elbow. Dr Foley set the limb and it soon will be all right. A Lane countv man recently made the largest purchase of beef cattle we have heard of in the valley. $27,000 worth. Thos Kay tells as that the railroad will be extended to Waterloo tbia fall and winter provided the right-of-way. M A Miller made a queer election bet tbia week. He bought a bill of goods amounting to $25 from a Portland firm. If Harrison is elected he pavs $50 for the goods ; if Harrison is not elected he pays noting for the goods- Advance. Theatrical. At the Opera House Oct 23th wil! come sterling actress, Jeffreys Lew is, in the great society drama. orget-me-not." Miss Le wis needs no introduction to the Albany public, for her genius has again and again been ex emplified on oar own stage, upon which she is a pronounced favorite. As Steph anie in "Forget-me-not." she is nearly without a peer on the English-speaking stage. She masters the part in every de tail, being transformed into a she-devil, with tbe heart of a fiend, and the face and form of a Hebe. The supporting company is pronounced nsusally strong, having won encomiums everywhere dur ing ber present tour. The ladies of this city will no doubt be greatly interested in tbe costumes of the lady members of the company, as they were brought over by Miss Lewis in Jane from the great Worth of Paris. "Forget-me-not will be maenificiently staged, and no doubt will be a great production - No Sigxs or Rain. C J Stuart, trav eling agent of the Oregon Pacific, was In the city testerday on businers with his company. In answer to a reporter! query as to when the O. P. would be able to run its boats h said: "That's a pretty hard question to answer. The river stand one foot above the extreme low water mat a exactly where it was when we took the boats off. But there are no prospects of rain. The barometer Is up and indications point boa continuance of th present fine fall weather. When the boats do com mence running we will have a big busi ness. There are over 40,000 bushels of wheat to be brought to balem from Buena Visia, Ankeny and Independence, and at other points on the r.lver large amount of wnear await tne tardy arrival of tne boats Statesman. Boy Cbiminal8. Conitable Kissenger arrived here last evening from Fall Creek precint, with three boys named Koman Schenr.k, aged 12 years, Edgar and Adamson, aged 0 and 11 years, re spectively, and turned them over to Sheriff Noland. as they had been bound over to appear before the grand jury in the sum of $500 each. It appears that on October 8, the boys broke into the residence of John Harris, who lives in Fall Creek precinct, about 18 miles east of Eugene, and proceeded to break up ail his furniture and destroy his provisions. Eugene Guard. A Fatal Kick. Monday morning Andy Conrad, living near Xrvlng, led out a colt and himself and Mr Hermann Kupp, who also resided there, were looking it over when It suddenly kicked Mr Kepp In the abdomen. He was just far enough away to rtceive the full force of th colt' kick. He was struck on the left tide of the abdorren and the force of the blow was clear across and lodged over the liver, and It Is supposed the liver was ruptured. Mr Kepp survived the injury about twenty-six hour and died yesterday about noon. Eugene Register. An Erk)r. Initeid of as published yesterday the summary in the financial statement for Linn county should read as follows: Warrant No 2019 dated July 2nd, due April ist, 1893, for balance payment on steel bridge drawn on the county treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid $29000 00 Other warrant outstanding and unpaid 1568 48 Total liabilities. . , $31568 48 The county pays no Interest on the bridge warrant at all. C1100K CofNTV Caskm. There areforty two cages on the docket of the Circui Court of Crook county, for the October term. Mr M E Urink is attorney in fourteen of thpm. AmoagtiM cases in which former or prestnl residents of Linn county are interested are the fol lowing: N C Congleton vs John V irele, re covery of money. Karnes for ptflT, Green Beard vs I N Bottwick.damages. Barnes for plff. Moore for deft C M Elkins vs Arthur Hodges and W A Booth, injunction Barnes for pHT. Moore and Brink for deft. D Froman vs T B Price, recovery of money. Brink for plff. 11 A Belknap & Sons vs CM and M Charlton, recovery of money. Brink for plff. ATiiLaTic Fish WAStirft A fish ladder that f. ali cannot ascend exists at the ar tificial falls in the Santiam river a Niagara, two miles below this place Governor Pennoyer was prevailed upon to, and did, inspect this circuitous canal over the rock, and gave it as his opinion that if a finger lioard was placed at the lower end of the affair it might be pes sible for a few of the more intelligent and athletic salmon to make their way through. He also stated that if the fish commission was abolished and the matter placed in his hands a change would be made very suddenly. It is an outrage which the people of the upper Santiam should not lie compelled to submit to longer. Santiam Lumberman. Another oatrage the people should not submit to is the fish ladder at Oregon City, a matter that interest of the entire Wil lamette valley south of that city. Give us fish ladders. Marion Tax P.YBas.-The O P R R is assessed for $10840 in Marlon county; Ladd & Bush pay taxes on $175,448. R Livingstone is the heaviest individual lax payer, paying on $48,300. H p McNarr, trustee, pavs n $2J33; Dr W A Cusick on $14,136: R P Boise on $6,3:7, O H Burnett on $7,510; Til Ford on $37,075; Hoefer Si Zorn on $72,737: Kay Woolen Mill, $i4,Qoo: Judge Lord on $5,750; W W Martin, $8,700: John Minto. $7,715; John Savage. Sr., on $44,105; R Mc Caustland, $31,69-1; Salem B Sc L A, Jo,6So. Dove AeeicrrreD The verdict of not guilty in lb case of the state of Oregon vs John 11 )ove seems to give very gen eral satisfaction among those who heard tbe trial. The California Insurance company worked hard to secure tbe con viction of Capt Dove as an accomplice in tbe burning of the boat, as a conviction would release the company from paying the $3500 doe Mr B F Drake of this city on tbe policy issued to him at tbe time be famished the machinery for tbe boat. Salem Journal. Last Call. Prof Aroneon, optician wbo has supplied many of oar well to do citizens with the proper glasses for their sight, is goiing to leave Monday after noon. In the meantime any one wishing to consuls him about their eyes should take advantage and not delay, as the chance of another graduate optician with good recommendation is not often to be met with and toot eyes are too precious to be trifled with ill fitted glasses . Call and have your eyes examineJ free. Of fice at City Drag Store. AFTxaSxirs. Tbe Demoarat is lafarmcd tker is nothing in the rsponed ki ilag of a horse in Monteiths pasture by a boy while huaiiag. While a boy was shootiag snips a boras lay down aod saotlicr boy rvpjrtea it kiurd. bt! it was aot injured, and probably oot bit. Some very caieless shooting, thonfb has oadoubtcdiv been doae, at tbe festive snipe. Oae toy got a sLot in hi ttce, aod neighboring houses have received calls from tray shots Bstabusiibd Fact The siwce of Prof Arouson in fitting glasses to the eve is well established. The menu of bl sovk is hlgb'y praised by many of our leading citixen. We are only sorry that he cannot remain with us any longer than Saturday. While we are ha'ving pleasant weather It would be advisable for any one who is suffering with headache or dim vision to call and have theii ere exam ined free Office at City Drug store. Charges reasonable. EC BEBE fatkar Bros, grocer. F. M. Preach keep railroad time Bay yoar groorri of Parker Bros Fiaa groceries at Conn Sz Headricaoa'a. Latest sheet music at Will Si Liok'f. Haw cream ehaaoo jaat received at Cofcrad Meyers. C W Cobb, job printer. Flion Block, doe Brat class work. Stnoka tbe celebrated Havana filled 6 cent eigar at J alios Joseph's. Dr M H K'iii, Dbvsiatsn ail surgeon Albany. Oren Csiu mill li oit'or country. With his osw bskary (Jmrai Mjy able to offer old and nw ersaWattri v tkiog firs Idas io baked gondi. Inferior Cooolst Tbe only aafe way for porchaaers ia to io- siton having the genuine article, aad not allow tbeauelve to be swindled by having plasters rata to be "just good, or "con taining saperior ingredient,'' .oipnsad upon them . These are only tricks to sell inferior good that no mors compare with AHcock' Foroos Piaster than cooper does with gold : On trial of Allcoak's Parous Pi inters will coovioeo the most skeptical of their merits. t he eminent Henry A Mott, r, Fb D, FC S, lata Government Chemist, ceriift: "Mf investigation of A'lcocks Porous Plaster how it lo csntain valoahls and essential ingredients not found in any other plaster. and 1 rind it superior to and mare efficient thsn any othr plaster." Atk for AllcocU', aod let no solicitation or explanation induce yon to accept a tab titat. Announckmekt. -Having. severed my connection with the Albany nurseries, 1 take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thank to all former patron and friends of the above nurseries for their liberal patrenage. I am still engaged In the nursery butlness, having ocated just acros the river. In Benton county, one half mile west of the Albany high steel bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am growing as fine a lot of trees as can be seen in any nursery In the Wil lamette Valley. Trees for sale this fail at the nursery, also at my tree vard In Al bany. Awaiting your furthev order, I am Yours truly, J A Hyman, Proprietor of the We Side Nurserie. Beautiful Homes. Beautify you home and make It attractive with Hybrid Perpetual and other choice roses, old and new varieties of Japanese rotes and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kind f fruit and ornamental shade tree at J A I ly man's, 115 1st St., Albany Or. See W F Read's line of dress gocd an bafore baying elsewhere. Ladies Oxfords. 1 now have a com plete line ranging In t rice from $1.25 ts $4.50 a pair. Good value and every pair warranted, Samuel Young, The Portland Collection Agency hat com menced several suit to collect account for O L Blackman. Parties owing him should ettle their account and save ootts. Bargain at Read'. We are going tojput the price down cash and sell for cash only. Allen Bros. to Call and see new fall dress goods F Read's. at W Large stock of white good and'embroid one at W F Read Co'. SOCIAL ABB I'MtftONAL Mr R Ebret, of Portland, Is In the chy. License has been isaned for the mar riage of Martin 8 Durbin and Bertha M Glaze. Lee Wann I the name of a resident of Dallas, and he Is not a Chinaman, but a respectable American ct.izen. I Capt Geo W Be'l, who spoke in Albany last year in tne intetest 01 uemocracy, Is now In Indiana talking for Cleveland. sir D M Jon. s tt to Oakland. Or, thio noon in respond lo a dispatch an nouncing the danger -us Illness ot his mother. The dancing school was opened at the opera house last night whh a membership of 36, which promises to be greatly in ert ased. Pro! Gustin I pronounced an artist in the business. Col W W Chapman, who died in Port land Tuesday at the age of 84 years, was 17 li District attorney of the territory of Wisconsin lo 1S36, having beet appointed by President Jackson. He came to Ore gon in 1847. J M Long and family, of Brownsville, have moved Into the cltv. They are building a neat cottage adjoining" Thos Kav's, on East State street. Mr Eong will probably go into baslness here. Salem journal. Mr Upton, ot the A! sea, was in the city today with 230 pounds of as fine honey as ever graced a table. The bes there must live on ambrosia', nectar bleeched for the occasion. D B Monteitli returned last night from a trip to the Coer D'Alene mines. He reports matters as link in a peaceable 1 oudition several of the mines, running on the big pay roll of $45,000 a month. No more trouble is anticipated. VRIDW Mr John Gibfe, of Put:nd. is in the flit . D Van Horn, is in", The Dalles this week, tuning pianos ""Hon, M A Millet, cf Lcbaeon, went lo Portland this aooo on banners Mr ami kits Win. "Tolf have returned from heir bridal toor East, and are ia th city. Mr and Mr C L Brush aod ton, of Port land, are visiting Albany relatives and friends. Hen John Parks sod Counci'osan Scog Ctas, of Portland arrived is Albany this noon 00 a banting expebilioa. Rev. E ETboaiDSOa will aaaraeb the an- sua) atistiooary sermoo a: e CPProsbytery to aigkl at the C I chorch this ereruLg at 7 JO- Liccnbe ha been iwnei for the marriage of Ckas A Mcknight, sen of T P MtKotgtt, aad Miss Dora BaMmore. daughter of Mr John Baltimsrc, Rev Geo Gil es pie. of Newport, has accepted the pastorate of the Presbyter ian cLnrch at Dallas, ana will tak charge in a few days. Mr Chaa Cottle, of Montana, has been in tbe city, and tonight will leave with his sister. Mrs K Weatherford, n a visit to San Joe, Calif SATl'BI'AT Mrs J E Brown and for tbe East eon left yesterday MrJKIly and family, of Gate, have moved to Albany to reside. Licence was Issued to ar for the mar riage of Geo M Maxwell aad Ida M Hsfttos). Miss Mary ScbatfTer, of Tamer, arrived ia Albany this coon, oa a visit onto Mr J W Prop! in j family. Mrs B S Train baa returned from her trip to the' meeting of the National W R C at Washington. Prof A ronton, the optician, wbo haa been doing a good bnsinesa in theci'v for several days, will leave Monday evening. Frank Combe.J of F Company, of Al bany, came up this afternoon to attend the military ball tonight Eugene Guard. Dr G F Craw'ord. of Albany, well and favorably known throughout this coon er, Mrs T L Dagger, of this city .the first of the week 8c io Press Mr A W ( Ionian, af this ritr via a neichWr and friend of Col W"W Chan- man, who recently died in Portland, in lvS5. They then resided in Bnrlington, Iowa. v 1 1 io at nsMortUTie Ticnr. Fob Pbesibext rovs Olkvslaxu. f Hew York . Fr Vicb Prbsidbvt A. B. Stbvbk un, of Iilfnad. For PagsLWESiTiaL Eleciors Jbbob Nolano. of Clatsop toutity. R. A. Millrr. of Jackson count r, W. F. Bcicbxr. of Baker count-, arui W. L. CoLvio.of Jaek son eauntv. A large stock of pruning shears . n i prua ng beoka, tbe beat made, jaat retaivad at Stewart Ac Sox'. Now ia the UxJ to use hem Improper and deficient care of the rcalp will cause grayoaaa of too hair aod haldn. s. Escape both by the ato of that reliable apecitie Hall's Hair Knwar. Th beat rnaat , -oCWin the city nt Ooot eloyer a West's Jongh Syrup, tbe haasehold rem edy for coagbe, ooidt, sere throat, lafiaaosa. bronchitis, whooping coaghr, asthma and consumption, 23 aod 30c jer bottle. I.vgeat wottlce, worm beat, sold by J A Curnmiog, druggist. The finesMine of pocket city at btewart A Sox knives ia th l me and see that beaotifel Exposition lui j till rr-.. sr . 1 u C. I r i t I rrstr. (Then Baby was sit, we nave her nastartn Then site waa a Chile, she cried for Caatoru. When heeeame Mian, she eluoR i fasten. V'hen sire liaU I .lillctru) . !' t."w See our bargain oouctrr. W F ItBAB. Received tbia week at Wili'i Music store, the largest stock of guitar, zither, banjos, etc, ever brcugb to tbe city, alio piano tt mile?, instruction book and folio of every ditcription. Call and get price . it v about that order for job printing -u prnmUsJ Cobb, a few days ago, eh ? The beet ewelry at Will & Stark', In order -.o reduce our stock we will II our line line of groceries tt cash for triutly cash. A leu Bros. Furniture for tale nt Mrs Mueller's. ;orner 3rd and Ellsworth etree's. Important. Toknow tliatthe Heir. me Sc Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction. stands Tn tune longest, and Is an endless pleasure to all who buy them at u E Hy man's, First si Albany, Or. To rite in th morningwitb a baditattein th mouth and no appetite, indicates that the tni ih soda strengthening. For this purpose, there is netoing bettor than an oc casional doae of A r'e Pill taken at bed time. LojicH ir. Thai Brink will ropa your furniture neat and cheap or make furniture to order and sell furniture en reramissien at the old stand. Osa dollar saved i ne doilai earned, ts Al!ea Broa and la, your groceries ' cub priest. This desperate republican love for lris'u American is like leap year a quadrennial affair. This New York Staati seruag find this a great year for the third letter of the alphabet. We are through with the cholera and Columbus, and will soon be throuirii with the campaign. Then comes four years of another great C Cleveland, -t lj in. Harrison Clark, ex -department com mander of tbe G A R in New York, and Judge Lynde Harrison, a veteran republi can leaderof Connecticut, have abandoned tbe republican party. Tbe Harrison ought to be kept in the traces for appearance's sake. Prince Russell Harrison sti'l cling to the tai'hoanl of the tee cart. An inexperienced republican organ rays that 'Graver Cleveland ia not in favor of a fro j and h orient ballot; neither is the dem ocratic party." Every call and move for a repeal of the Australian ballot system, which tend to secure a free and honest election, has coma from republicans. Tua Census department t Washington after months of delay araa turning oat Bulletins on manafacturing by tiie thousands, all ccoit- e I op in good pr-itati i yn style end scattered broadcast alt over tbe country at government expense ith a view of m-sblng vo'es for Har rison . Whillaw Keid ays "there 1 oae , : whose njmiiees are not i '. of it princi ples." Ihi is a rmth at last. WbiYaw' principle as sxpUfitd towsidt his firmer partner Grecly and toward hi employe. t freelv in accord with I be preseat machine called the RepabUcan parly, but there are many Republicans who are nut in accord with either M' ReiJ's principle or (he ma chine. Look out for the latest Republican fake. The naiiooaS cxromitte Is tending et a big batch of so-called fae-simie state bank notes, naetamabiy 10 birect attention from tariff iss ues, force bill and the lea wagon. Bogus bank bid may be pretty plaything, but they are nrt very powerful argamen: ia fsvor of war Diet . The Ongmin dsaie that Girtkjm will vote for Cleveland. The only ground ojon which i! bate toe denial was a dispatch from T scotns say rag that W H Calkias cf that city had received a letter from U res ham saving woolJ sote fo Hoosu, bat as Calkins h irz.11 i receiving sacU a let'cr it will be la aedet for tame Wiy (otoege another telegram. Srjokane Wash, Oct 19 1892. Editor Democrat Correct opinion can be given sow of Iks) political outcome in tbU state in Novem ber next. From undoubted autLa.-ity nicely the democratic candidate fjrgov erncr.and Carroll democratic candidate for oougiea will be si artel by good majorities. There is not a prominent repaUican paper in Washington except the Post Intelligenc er that did not pri ar to the nominat ion of Mc Graw. the republican candidate for gover nor, denounce him and hit disreputable ad erne in scathing term. Tbe iniBSli court, when McGraw was sheriff, criticised his disgraceful methods of official bo sine. Tbe owner of tbe 'art - neiogen r and McGraw being alike interested in ache-rues it tbe secret of tbe silence of that news paper on Mdiraws political status. Now all 1 be- republican rrenaonfpt McGraw "a candidacy and are with great disgust to the leader trying lo support him. When an editor tetta the truth, and afterwards j for party wilfully lie to destroy tbe effect of that truth, be becomes a more dis gusting object than was tbe dog that re turned to hi own vomit. For instance. McGraw was advertised to speak in Taco ma no one made preparation for him and be did not speak there, but left the city in a cloud of Tacoma disgust. It it plain to be seen everywhere tha these new paper have no influence in now propping up a pillar that they denounced when unbiaaea by party consideration as rotten to the core. Snively will be tne next governor ot Washington. Carroll ras every advantage in political standing and will be successful It is conceded that Geo W Beit of Salem Oregon, will be elected superior judge of this dirtrict, and one of tbe Fen ton brothers of Yamhill, prosecuting attorney, both data ocrate. There will be such a prink ling of democratic officer, legislative and other wise elected in Washington in November that will surprise the most sanguine of democratic predictors. Tbe people's party culm figure here and there, but the number of them 1 not so Treat as the noise about them abroad is toad. This party has here too much of an anarchist cut to it jib to ever amount to much. Thi is the case in many place This third party i not as large on the average in this section as it was last spring. Weaver and Lease are seldom mentioned in political con venation here these names bring neither respect nor strength to their cause with the masses, Uemocrats arc united and will make a grand fight, while on the other hand, tbe fight in the republi can ranks was never so bitter in thi state, and how thisJight can bring victory to the participants ia a matter that patse tho comorelionsion of the best- thinkers in politics. There are found in the third party good men everywhere who are divided up on candidates, and could they be discon nected from the objectionable element, democratic supremacy would bo all they would ask. This election will bring to the better portion of the third party a "second sober thought," and they wtll see that the only thing to be done in the fnture will be to depend upon the old constitutional dem ocratic party for state and national pros perity. RETOilTKR. Perhaps You want the best groceriet to be secured In the city ; then call on Parlter Bros. Perhaps You want freah produce jutt from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. Pei haps You want the bctt baked goods In the city, breads, cake, cookie, pie, etc., then call en Parker Bros and you will get the goods and first class treatment. Wmrn yeu come to Albany Bon't fall to vittt Blackraan A Hodges. The druggists They carry a large and -hoice stock ot drug, patent medicine, etc. Prescriptions are always carefully and promptlv attended te. It will ' Pay you. Farmbhs S. N, Steel A Co.a.-e now pre pared to make loans from 1 to 5 years in amount from $200 to $10,000. Call on, cr w.ite them at Albany, Ore,; V HCOXBTirfTION A t "Cannot tome well read democrat be in duced to explain to the country just why protection is unconstitutional ?" asks the local senior republican paper. If you mean republican protection we will tell you why. In the first place necessity require the raiting of a revenue to meet tbe daily ex pense of the government, and it is con ceded by nearly the entire community, that the least burdensome manner to meet thi is by laying a tariff tax on imports. There is practically no difference between tbe democratic and republican parties up to this point upon the question, but beyond it tbey differ widely. The democrat be lieve in a tariff which will raise a revenue sufficient for the condurt cf tbe government economically administered, while the re publican believe in a tariff for protection without regard to the needs of the govern ment. The democrat 1 believe in laying tbe tariff upon luxuries and, so far as it is possible, on things that do not enter into tlie daily necessities' of the peop'e, while tbe republican lay the tariff on tlte necess ities of life, relieving those who can Bbet afford to pay by throwing the burden upon the masses of people who are bent able to bear it. It was e (early demonstrated that with an average protective tariff tax of 47 par cent under an economical administration, like that of President Cleveland, we were rais ing a revenue of about II '.0,000,000 an nually in excess of our needs. I soch a system of protection constitutional? Let that eminent jurist ad republican. Justice Miller of tbe supreme court of the 1 cited states. I heard upon tbe subject. Here it what be said: "Beyond a cavil there can be no Lawful taxation which is not laid for public pur pose. To lay, with one hand, tbe power of tbe government on tbe property of the citizen and with the other to bestow i t upon favored individuals, to aid enter prise and build np private fortune is none the less a robbery because it is done under tha forms of law and is called taxa tion. This is not legislation. It is a de cree under legislative form." Was Ibis tariff tax which raited an an nual turpi a of I5O.O0O,000 levied for pub lic purpose? No sane roafl will say that it waa. . The government did and is doing exactly what Judge Miller said it had no ronatttatianal right to do. It took "the proper tyof tbe citizen" and "bestowed it upon favored individuals to aid enterprises and build up private fortune.'" and this tbe court said was robbery."" Judge Cooler, for many veers the repnb- licaa chief justaeeof Michigan, recognized throughout the entire coantry as eae of tbe toondestj constitutional lawyer in the United sta'ea, added bis opinio t many others. '"Conatrtutioxially. a tax," says Judge Cooley, "can have no other basis than the raiaing'.of revenue for public pur poses, end whatever gen era mental erartinn has not this basis it tyrannical and on sewfnt. Does oar contemporary want any other opinion a to tbe consutnUoaality of a tariff for protection ? If these opinion.. will not convince it, nothing will. Cleve land PlaUufcaUr. JCA AstaUKTIX. It is anaae-nced that Senator Matt Quay it lo be inakslled at the Republican Na:tonai Haadtjnartert alongside of Dave Mastta lo give direction 10 the closing days of tbe care- peigo. It it the same old gang aad tbe tame old game. Martin and Ilackett have organized and piepared frir corraptsoe . The Pharisee and fat-frier have supplied the money. Qaay is to raperictend its disbursement. This it the way the election was carried ia SS. Tbit it the nay that the Repubil- csb managers are plotting ' to carry it new . The presence of Qaay and Martin can have no other meaning. Neither hay any repute or (kill except a a political crook. Both ara adepts atTeibery. trading, co'onlxiag, false voting and other dishonest means of carrying election. They are wanted here because their methods are needed. Tbey are em ployed to save by desperate meant a desper ate caaae. We do not believe they can succeed. The World's exposure of Martin' character, like It preriout exposure of Quay' crime , ha put the Republican campaign under police surveillance. The new ballot law makes eff ective bribery difficult. The registration law renders fraud diflrcult . Th control ot elect ion board by the Democrats wil) make tbe in timid a ion ot voter difficult. The promise i that the decent Republicans who sanction the employment of Qaay and Mattin trill tni vcar sod their record in vain. Ex-Speaker Keifer says politics are alto getbertoo quiet in Ohio. Tbe indicttions point, be sayt, to an extremely light vote. This apathy, according to the ex-speaker, prevails also in Indiana. Congressman Caldwell, of Ohio, has strong hopes of re pubucan success in state. "Tbe only thing," he says, "is that the people are not worked up." This it significant. The democrats have usually won their great successes in years when the republicans were not "worktd up." Keeping quiet is not a good omen when the sacred policy of protection is at stake. The saprtme court of thtt ttate hat decided that thelaw paited by tha Itglsl atura in 1SS9 requiring physicians tos'itain license fro n the stale mtdical board before practicing It con ttitutiooal . According to "Billy" Edwards or the Mori maa House in New York City, the betting in that slate rn the election is about even on the general result aod $100 la 75 that Cleve land will carry tha. state. Tub Holmes Bcsmxss College of Portland, Ore., is now a day and board ing parents who send their sons and daughters away toa business school, can feel that they are surrounded by a school atmosphere and home influences. Every young man, and woman at well, should have a business education. It fits them to do business for themselves, and a good book-keeper or stenographer can always find employment. Send for catalogue of the Holmes Business Col lege. ' New Process. Cobb, the printer, haa bought the exclusive right for this city and county for the F Tt Taylor chromatic printing process and will make color printing one of his specialties, gee sam ples of his late work. Closins Out. In order to clote out oustnest, I am now offering at coat all my large and well selected stock of dry good, drets goods, clothing, boots and shoet. and everything now in ttock. For rood good at marvelously low price call " once. GWStttTSOH. JrQ to 3 W Cobb, successor to Paisley & , Flina Block, for yoar job printing of all kinda Ayeis Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine Bo may Leading Pkyrtetanm and DruqgUU, and their opin io io indorsed by thousand cured by it of Scrofula, Ee ma, Eryelpelae, and other dieeaoem of the Hood. Ayef ftaraaperma ha won tt resn tation by years of valuable service to the eotnatally r u uu bat." B. 8. Lang, I-nigsist, 212 Merrimack St., Lowell. Jtaa. Dr. W. V. Wright, Paw Paw Ford. Term., aayt: "In my practice, 1 tovartaMy pre scribe Ayefs Baraapexilla lor chronic dts eaaea ot the blood.'' Dr. K. K. Bayje, Third anal Oxford six , Philadelphia, Pa., write: "For two rear I nave prescribed Ajrer Sarsaparilla ia nojneroas instances, and I and tt highly efficacious ia the treatatent of all disorders of tbe blood." L. 1 "Aver Sareaaarfll ha alv,,. bwa a great seller, fry ibiiibbiis llilaa there ts no Mood-porrSer canal to ft" "For many years I was affUeted trtih crerolow nusnhsc orea, wbiek, ax butt be-c-iiite so bad (h doctors advised anqwtattnc one of ay lee to save any Me. I beean taking Ayer"t SarsapanUa aad toon saw aa IninrnmsM nt aAer tnunx about two dozen bottle the totes were healed, f 1 null 11 In take a few bottles of this asedleme each year, foe my blood, and am no lonaer troo. Wed atth sore. I have tried other reputed u.i .a iiinm. mi none does so as Ayef &araaneritta."-D A. eai. Don't fail to gart Ayeis Sarsaparilla DR. J. C. ATER 4 cV. Lml Mta. SsadfcylJratafet. ai.aixe. WorUeakcXU. AT To Close LADIES AND Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Eroiderie3 and Flounciags, and Satins, plete Stock cf Shoes, Etc. MEN AND Clothing, Seglegee Shirts Toting Mens' Shirts, underwear, Neckwear, Oats and Gaps, Boots Shoes, Etc. G! W for Infants Caatarla I aoweS adapted to chiktreai that .-xmimturi it m superior to aaj f ai kjtlua ivotor..- Tt. A. Aaotxa, at. Hu, Ul 80. Oxford SL, Brooktm, K. T. -Th- nss of 'Castorti' Is so universal ana a n-rit ao welt known that it aeeanea work l TOpernroeation to twaoraa tt. Few aretlio jtrilirrnt lamiliea who do not keep Cnttaria Fitab -. JT rewch " Caavoa aUTm, I). Du New York Ctty. u Pastor B. joraaer tain Beroreaed Church. OBaaVanKraannana Julius Gradwohls Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS OR ADWOHIt'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Ar bu okle ' s Coffee, Per Pound 25c . lbs. Granulated Sugar ..$1.00 lbs- Magnolia Sugar White 100 Jfo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 26 Cans refilled, 6 gallons 1 00 ft Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1-10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 80 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I wfb eooduot a strict oaah atom, and all goods will be sold for net oath from is .e tS per rent lees than regular prion. My atone- of Cbiuaware, feuey 4oods. &A alllbe cloalrabla sy lee of dishes, as well as a general asaortment of fcrooeayes , crooS ryatnpsand fixture, la complete. 1 make a apeoitlty of das teas, e Bus and table powder, and always ploase my eustomers. Agent for several responsible lnaaranoe oompm'.s . Jail ma trad wohl. PATR0NIZE HOM THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS -Albttny, W F RKAl, President. J L CO WAN, Treasurer. L Cowan, Gee F frlmpaon, W F Reed, D B Monteltu.M Sternberg W I'naieh J K Weatherlord, R S Strahan, j O Writaman. A LaO DISTRICT AOBNTB FOB Several Solid Men and Foreign Compies in tbe pricea alley, and tbe most reasonable av on band all kind of iURMITURE.-SrOVEiJIrtWARF, T.UMKS, BOOKE. PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY. ETC, ETC On door weat cf H ti Yon a-' a old atote, L. C0TLEIB j 1 A BIG STOCK -:- op -:- Bab- .-: Buggies best assortment ever brought to Albarj just received a: Stetft Sox's. See the Uum as kt Ttm '.Create, and Trade Socka ptSLlineJ. son A T. -eat aswlaeas cesarnsrtad for Bladtrau fact. ow 0n H Owete U. f.Pxtatri CsVjs. tad ean BtSM pi;n: ia I tt thaw ii n tt-'' -;- 60m WacSlaxuw. Bead mmm, dnrii or nto, x itiscr: tB. V adrfae. if nateiwiiWe or fine i chars. Cor fee Bad na t:'! nz3t it sccxrel P i jMri. -Iknr 10 ui-tafn Patcntc." sritr names crfaerarJ f : :s T--:-sti-Je. nm - - ml. cex.t ic--. C.A.SNOW&CC 5-eaa "aiaat teste. KatfC-3- 3. C ACADEMY Lady of hrn Es stock of 2nd aav avian's &HU 19 aSSa! ilri 17- !L COST Out Business. CHILDREN WEAR. ROYS' WEAR Simpson. and Children. Cartorim riTres CoBr. CVaalJaatsns. fmir frunawsrk. Taniiasiia tiaiialiiai. a. " For aevrral years I hare reconuneaded your Cxutoria, ' aad shaU Alays coaunue t,- Oo ao a it haa unansMy proctccad I Eowur F. Paanax. at. IX, TneWinthrot-lSath Strcat aadrth Are.. KewTorkCtt) Ton Cvsrraca Coan-aav, TT Mr sat Strsxt, Ssnr Toax INSTITUTIONS. NSURANCE m J O WRITS Maw. Secietary Boo F SIMPSON, Vice President