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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1892)
11 Tlie Deinoi'cat;,i1 One Year for Only $2.00. VOL XXVlii DO ARK OF SliGKXIS- Ken sir in Scbolfleld. ftaaMsMt, J B V Bo i er. eeretart; ex s,lUdo, lit Ex -pi leney Governor Sylvester fen Dover. Hon h. B tlcE ro.v. Superintendent 01 Fubiio Instruction.Hon G W McBride,Secretarv Of State: Ho,l Jacnh Vrmiiinaa W.. a ."'nrifr, j uinie. Hon w H Alfred Lacy. Hon P w Hals laly. i images. Hoc J J Fo r - I s? IT : : W F. BEAD & Co. K ARE now receiving our fall goods and we cah safely say they excel anything ever shown in We want your trade.and if good stylish goods, low prices and courteous treatmeat are an induce ment we hope to merit a share of yoar patronage. Wf leve our ska! xfcot sasVamx7 WET sit tore owr ftattt teacac VkmMVT -And cfcey tis 13-mhH rta fPAaayJtjgg W e have lately added a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES ori which we are making a verv low price to get them introduced. CALL AND SEE what trouble to show coods. W. F. -A-l bany Rupture, Asthma and Piles Sir's. Shimp & Honser, Specialists in the treatment of all forma of Chronic, Catart hal. Nervous an female Dineases. Twenty (20) Tear Experience eurab. lUusraneed. offlss a9 rcenrsDi BourrriB. OUR SPRING A N Is now tomplete, and comprises the following liner. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Bmbroiderie3 and Flouncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock of Shoes, Bcc. N AND. ng, n NegJegee Shirts. Wo ng Mens' Shirts, Dnd wear, Neckwear, Hats and Gaps, Boons. Shoes, Etc. ME Ve guarantee prices to be the lowest as compared with qualitv. Call and examine goods and get ffrfces before purchasing elsewhere If you wish to"sav money. No trouble to show goods. G, W. Simpson. i'siriflcs th BLOOD, Cnrea CONSTIPATIOJf, INDIGESTION, BVUaUWMM, IiITEU COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, CCL3J8, i'lMPJ.ES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ARISIXtf from ' DISORDERED STOMACH. . Tm Genuine HAMBURG TEA with FactimUe Smaiture of EMIL REDIIIOTON & CO. JSU)BY ILL PKCCCI8TSS AMI sVHOCKRW. The Oregon Land uo. vVltn itt home office alj SALEM - - IORZEG-OjNT In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office tn Portlan-. MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots rat $50 to $60 Elf'4 acre small cash payment-long tim o Entered at the ros Omre OREGON STATE pRMAL SCHOOL MoniiKunli. Orrjion. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. The State Normal is a I've arhool. ra, grnwiag.and rapidiy adding t Its facilities for the special training of teacher . Ita irrariuate- am in .toman ; to nil rood poaitiona A ca n of0 per cent tn attendance was made last year. An enrollment of50Ui. mticipa'ed for ine next vear. r.'essr nietnhora liav haen added to the faculty, ai d additions! ni- iiaraitis anpplied. Asllplonit from the svnnni entitle one to teach in any county in the sate wit hout furthet ex Rtninatioi. Normal. Normal Advanced. Basinets, Musi.- nd Art DanartmiMit. Speoia. Mdvactagres in Vocal ami Instrumental Music. A year at achoo I for 150. '. uition re duced to $6 25 Normal, and $ 00 Sub Normal perteim of ten weeks. Brnrd at Normal Dinina; Ha't. Si.r-0 ymr week. Furnished rooms $1 00 per week. Board an 1 lodging, private fami ies. $8 5(1 per HM k. Beautiful and healthful 'ocllon No saloons, rtrsi term opens Sept. 10 r J . POWELL, A. 91, , we can do lor you. No READ & CO. -i- Oi in Medicine. Surr? an 1 E ml ricItT 0bmtnrji, Strest. Saiem. nmr.uL STOCK FOR - SUMMER BOYS' u put up in YELLOW W: FRE8E. 'PEitr, SnENTS Dili Fosuriocn. WEAR at Albany. Or., a Scendl lass Mall LOCAL E2COHD. A Rbal Ghost. -Coming from uny other source but a Capita! ci!y paper the following would not be believed : Alder man George Collins saw a ghost wl.iie on his way home the oth.r niyht fro' ihe Netcuira country. He Isn't umch of a hand to see ghost i, and of COtttM he doesn't believe in them, bet nn the i.ight in question he saw a ghost an:l it was a real live one, too About i a m when he was still In Polk county not a mile from the big bridge he looked over to the right of the road and there saw the most re markable spectre that an aldcnnai: ever had the pleasure of seeing on a dark night. tie couidn t ten whether it was a boglc- man, a kobold or a flibbei tlgibbct, but it was there, an awful, demoniacal, uncannv sight, at least ten feet wide nd tilieen feet high. Its legs were of red vapor, lis bodv of white and its head of green.all combin ing to make a grue some sight indeed. Tie councilman had some scruples against disturbing the thing and drove on until he reached the icpof the hill, h.-n he looked back am! satisfied himself th it it was no earthly nbjeV, and he has been wondering ever' since whether it wa tn electric line franchise or the irhost of that big stcelhecd salmon he caught on the Netuc Hemakk&blk Prkssnck hp Min:. The Dallas Transcript savs: Quite a dis aster ot-currcd on the farm of Mrs larrtes Bridwell.a few days ago, which for a time tnreatened a tearful fate for James BriJ well.jr, son of the widowed lady men tioned. Young Bridwell was driving a self binder in the field. Ha got down on the machine sidi of the team to make sjtne needed adjustment to the harness. While in this situation some i.dng frightened the horses and ther firang forward. He crabbed at the bus I of one of the horses but failed to catch them, and awav went the outfit on the run. The young man had but a moment to think and act. To escape outside the range of the sUkle was impossible. His only hope was to so Batten himself upon the ground that the rrachine might pass over him. Instantly he hugged the earth, and the next instant the small outer wheel struck him, passing over and leaving him severely bruised but thankful m escape the urcadful fate which" moment before had been threaten ?d Mm as he faced the murderous jaws of ttn sickle. The horsrs ran some distance anil finctly brought up 'gains-, a tree, upon wnich one of the ani mals struck its hsaJ and dropped dead. AxoriiK Si ddas Death More sudden deaths have occurred the last few months In Lane caumy than In Ihe rest of Oregon. The Guard's (Vttage Grove correspondent under da'e of August 17th savs: Robert Hall, an oli resident of this vicinity, who resides about three miles north" of ibis place, died suddenly vesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, from what is supposed to have been a rupture of an artery in the region of the hcait. Deceased was about 55 years of age. Mr Hall was In tow yesterday morning; ap parently hale and "hearty, went home and went to work oiling railroad ties near the house of Mr Wm Weist, went into Welst's house and lay down on the bed and died in a short time. Siole a Texr. Mesiis Snrlea and Monroe Miller returned last Wednesday evening from the Flnley springs, in th; Cascade mountains,where they have been recreating for some weeks. Ttietr princi pal incident developed after tney had gotten home, whan Mr Ml ler found that ne was minus his lent, which wa safely '" i in Ihe rear end of the wagoa when they started from camp. On the road they overhauled a fellow wh wanted 'o ride. He was granted the privilege. Bv and by he complained of having the ague and go back to Me down cm tt.: tent Suddenly he took a notion to discontinue his jour: ey in that 'conveyance and o: out, taking the tent with him, though i: was no: discovered at the time. Dallas ' Tranccrtps. High Titicm Stock. The Oregon City Mining Co, having interests in the Blue river minir,s district, authorizes I Jerome Fetterly, one of the stockholders, ) to cell 10,000 shores of a pat value of $10 each at 50 cents on Ibe dollar, 2$ cen.s jf which is to be deposited in bank and paid wnen tne mill own-d by the con.panv is laid djwn in Eugene and the other 25 cents when it is made tiom the mines. Tne stock :s t. unassessable . The com pany has a milt ready to put in as soon as a road is' completed. Guard. Excitement High. V H McOscar returned yesterday fom Jefferson and savi excitement was high there on Mon : day over a woman who passed through town who it i believed waa onf of the escaped convicts In disguise. Mr McOscar satisfied himself that it was not one of the missing men, but slill thinks it may have been a man in woman's attire Journal. Probably all a fake, as such a chiracler could not very well pass Albany without being sized un. M e have several citiztns who can tell a man in woman's clothes nearly ten blocks away . Keeping Ith Hand Is. It having been several days Mnce a fatal shooting acdaer.t occurred in Lane ccunty, a paper pub'i-hed in lhat treat aun' accident I countr, gives the following: Lst Sun- day as N Train was standing an his porch r.e was struck on the leg bv a small bullet, uch a some of the boys about town have been in the habit of using in their slings fcr shooting birds. Mr Grain has no idea where this came from, nor was he much hurt, as the bullet had spent it force, but it goes to show that there is too much carelessness in the use of sn.a-l weapons Hops. MrGecrge Hall reports that Ihe hop crop in Linn and Marlon counties will be at leajit twe nty-fivc per cent better this vear tha'n last, and that all the yards are in good condition . The lice are killed as fast as they appear, and the yards are well cared for. Register. As a high price is the prospect, hop raisers arc ?n clover, or rather in hops. A Big Yield. Mr Julius Oradwohl tells the Democrat of a big yield of wheat which he is willing to vouch for. Mr 'brams, who purchased the Hill larm.on bo seres raised 3080 bushels, an average of W j bushels. Mr Abrams is a first class farmer and accounts for the good yield from the fact that he put the soil in the right condition for bearing wheat. A Rare Cane. We get many ideas from drummers. Today a Democrat man was shown a cane, which was simply the horn of an oryx, or African antelope, whicli a friend who killed the animal pre sented him. It is very straight and speaks for its genuineness, a fact demonstrated by tne Democrat man guessing what it was with his limited knowledge of zoolo gy. The cane U valued at $100. OIVIS enjoys Both the method anu results when Byrupof Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches ana fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAtlCWCO, CAL. tOUISVIUE. KY, NEW H 0R M. Eights THaitUf Uot iviah about it. It llcrc Is any thing people are tentative about It Is the populatlo.1 of a city. Thev will fight for ther figures. The Astoria Examiner gives a good Illustration: yulte a spirited tii cussion took place on on; of the steamers wnilc comint; Into the city the other day netween an Astortn gentleman and a Portland business man , stranger in the crowd aikcd Ihe Altoi in man what he considered the population of this city and with ihe usunl modesty of ar. Asto rian he answered that It was anvwhere from 7000 to Thi- Portland man took occasion to remark in the usual in sinuating way, lhat it was nearer 7000 than 1 2,000, whi-'h set the blood of Ihe Astoria geolltman tingling with InCigim- lon. He did nut wssle any time but pro ceeded to address the man fro.n up the the river in language that was moie '-for cible thso eloquent,"' and bv the time he go: through with him the Portland passenger was ready to beiieve that Asto ria was a cit , second tm'v to Portland tn population . Starved to Death The Northwest Progtess, of Monmouth, has suspended publication, and tells the following sad story, wnicn seems to be a co.nmon one for reform papers, as well as many others started without a Held for their labors: With ihe deepest regret, and a keen sense of financial sacrifice, we are com pel led to suspend publication of the Northwest Progress until the ncceatary support can be brought 10 bear, and the outstanding Mils due u- are paid. The sup port of he Progress as party orgsn hat been anything but saiUfattorr. The state executive committee has done nothing toward stimulating the growth of the paper uot even paid us frr the job work we did for the-r the first of last Msv, amounting to nearly thirty dollars. Vfc have been lenient with our friends, and repeatedly informed Ihem br privi:e let tera, lhat we have not been receiving the support promised us, and that we were lotlng money evcrv month, but the inter 's! displayed by those that should have given this ail important matter their earnest attention ard endcvors. have been so insignificantly smalt lhat It could nave been put In tne corner of a gnat's eve without making tne little insect wink. Ax Ex.wrui of Ldi strv. The fol lowing from the Urania Pas Courier is about a former Linn count v man. and an old 1m.krat subscriber: "J Chris tie, whose farm ti situated a short dis tance hum town, is often referred tons an example of what industry and good management will do. MrC came here seven years agowitb no wealth but a team of horses, and four years azo he sold a portiun of his fruit crop iu one contract for 1,800; the yeafo!iow ine he disposed of it for SI. 400: last vear he obtained tl.MM and this vear he has made one bantam for S990. These inci dents do not by any means comprise his entire sales, bat they combine to make UrM, a rretty snag sum by itself. There are big possibilities here in lite frail line for the man with capital in hi pockets or in his arms and brains, bat sitting around and "cussing"the country win no. briuc anv lv,-v. .Wree ..; suc cess here or any where else. Trotted Over a Budge. Last Toes- Jay evening Mr Geo Bub!, while at Waterloo, trotted his team off of tbe approach of the Watetloo bridge, for which offence one of Waterloo's citizens made a complaint attains'- Mr Buhl for driving faster than a a!k over the bridge Mr Buhl learning this went down to Albany and yistid tbe snm of S'.O fine. Moat of Geo's friends think if b bad stood a trial that he could have t 'Oft ten the case. but he thought it would have cost him twice that amount to fight St. It looks qneer tha: to many have no- only trotted off of the approach but rotted sod run clear across and th;s was ! the only case that has ever been report ed. Lebanon Express. A G009 Instructor. Ia the front window of Blackman S; Mo.!get' mar be seen several handsome oil patntbigs. the work of a few of the member of Miss Mattie Martin's class in oil painting. Ther display taste and skill and spak 'or Miss Martin talent as an instructor, as well as for the Individual wormanship of Ihe artists. Prot W W Davis has a handsome i mountair. scene. Mrs Wendal: a splendid i scene of Ml Hood, Mrs Dun'ap a couple 01 nower pictures, Mrs ttt.ncs a rugged coa! scene. The i n . ; is glad to see the tas.e for palming extending, and ihos: deslrinc thorough ir.slructions ctnnot do better than put themselves under Miss Mai tin's instructions. Pengra agt. Wheeler. Judg- Ful terton Sied hit decision In Ihe case of B J Pengra vs Almon Wheeler, to recover mon-y and for damages, which was tried at the special term of court, this morning. He rinds in favo. of the plaintiff tn the sum of $1.19530 Tbe case is an Impor tant one. determining teverrl question that have been litigated between the panic for severti years. It took six lawyers nearly an entire week Jo Iry Ihe case. Guird. As'.he suit was for f 20.000 the verdict is practical v in favor of the defendant, a brother of Mr Alfred Wheel er, of this city. Judge Flinn was one of the attornevsfor the defendant. A Boivkmb Medal or J887. W M Manning, of Hillsboro, is the possessor of a rare relic. The enriosity a metal medal, partly gold and partly brass, which was found by him in the woods in rpokane county, Wath.. last spring while he was engaged in survevirse. On one side is a relief stamp of tit- bust of George Washington, with the words en circling the edge. "Oeoige Washington, commander-in-chief." On the other Hide is-inscribed, "In commemoration of the departure of the Continental army. June 17, 1778." A wreath surrounds the edge. Tub Gam? F.T. .:.:. 7t n-. A Chica go man requests us to announce tbe fol lowing: "Ilia greatest djo of enter tainers that ever graced the American platform, Bill Nye and A P Burbank, will make a tour of this section of tha country sometime this season, stopping at snch places en route as offer proper inducements. An eveninc with these celebrated humorists ia a rare one. Da'es and alt information can be hail bv addressiug Mr H B Tliearle,524 Pullman building, Chicago, III- At the Deaf Mutc School. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the Oregon state school for the deaf and dumb.tlie resignations of PS Knight as superintendent, and Mrs Knight as matron were accented. Ihe reason as signed for the resignations is thai Mrs Kniuht's health is failing and they thought it would be better 'o seek a rest. The board filled the vacancy by appoint ing Henjarnin Irving, formerly a teacher, as superintendent. Miss Mary Btalgor, also an instructor in the schoo was ap pointed matron. Statesman. OuTBAOEOfs. The Pendleton E. O. is authority for the following: "A local money lender baa secured judgment for $013 interest on a $125 note.although the justice who gav it denounced the pro ceedings as outrageous. Every once in awhile something occurs to show that Shvlock was n coin na rati vel v genial and easy going gentleman despite a ptejudice f against Ins style.' I'ixino Up, The Postal Telegraph Co s being arranged in metropolitan style by M r H 11 Sacry , the efficient and accom motlait.ig manager. Anew counter and tba introduction of the wires through a cable are among the features. The Albany office is doing a good business urfder the popular management of Mr Sacry. Teacherh' Obrtikicatbs. Of the twenty-seven teachers examined last week tif'een received certificates and twelve failed. There were two first grades: four second grades and nine third grades granted. Ffunder ' Oregon Sloodl Purifier it th great conqueror of billicuiues and iivsr complaint. Relief certain n every cat J Sold at oa dollir a boMls. fryit. ALBANY. ORhGON, FRIDA. AUGUST 1 iti mi . , tiMivii niihsiiAv Dr R 11 furl, of Brownsville, .as In the city todiy. Marshal Holtman went to Portland lids "'" s. Mr Geo W !odder left this noon for his mountain ranch for a weeks sojourn. J A Cummtnj and Eii Cuslck arc rusll- cailttg somewhere li tains. cascade n.oun- Mlss Vaughap, wh her sister, .4rs Joe re turned home Mondav . Kditor Yoran and returned home tod. which he pronounces 1 has been visiting of Albany, re Kiigene Register, nily, of Eugene, fiom Yaquina, brautlful resort. Mr McGce, the Inventor of Ihe calculat ing machine was in ihe til on lilt way to Salem. He has been In Cnl'ornla selling fruit trees. Mr Ceo F Simpson is repotted better todav, and tomorrow wfil be brought home to Albany. He Is now conscious and can speak a few words, License has been issued for the marriage of Mr D P Aimer, a prominent MaaOsV, of Richmond, Ky .and Mr Uettie Brown a relative of Mrs J A llyman, who recently lo.ated in Albany. Supt E B McElroy and family returned this morning from their lostf ot the Etsl and visit .o the national teachers' associa tion at Saratoga Salem Journal . Miss Murton, a t cachet in ihe public schools of Victoria, B C, and mother, arc in the cttr, the guests of their f-:mer Eastern neighbor and friend Mr Fred Dawson. A B Matthews. Councilman Hawkins and ex -Councilman I.C Marshall re rurned last evening from Ml Jefferson. with a rec.rt of five deer and a splendid Hi, E J McCausiland, ot Salem, passed through Albanv yesicTdav for Mill City, with his two eyes on SIMnc brtlae build ing. Mr McCaustiand has become a general contractor. 1 All members of tbe Apoiio c'ub are requested to meet at the First tlaptist church next Saturjay evening at S o'clock. ifus'.ness ot Importance. I l: Littler. president . Mr W C Taylor, who tia been tlerking tn Albany for the pas: year, ha accepted a position In Tacoms, and left tor that city, a day or twj ago. Mr Taylor has a broth er in that city . Mr Frank Kroman and toot. Alln inH families have been eiorctoi lutisr Imm S Alsea for several day s. Anyone know log nf th-lr whereabouts wilt please report at Dcvoe A: Fro man Bros new store. Two more Albany young men wP.l enter ihe Monmouth, II!.. 'college in September, Elliot and C'em Irrine, probably the Sopliooiore year. Willi Percy Young ar.d Carl'on bos they will leave" for Mon mouth in a week or two. Mr J B Cougill wi go to aquina to morrow to I -eg I a the erection of a cottage forLEBiain. I: will be in a sight y iocauononthe north side of Nye crk, not far from S G Irvine's residence, and will hare a on three tides tor giand sigh! seeing 'loo T M'F pstton is home from the great Knights Templars conclave at Den ver. Of course he had a grand time, and ttlnk Denver ooe ot the finest cHies in ihe world While ibis mar all he trae. the good man also realire lhat he lives in aprcttv gwd town himself. Salem lonrnat. Walt till our Albany represen tative return, and we will report tome solid crowing over Albany and her big bridge. mi;t Mr George Savage, of ai m, waslr. the city today. Wash Phillips, of the Jeffefcn Re view, is in the city. Mr Roy Cherry, a so of C C Cherry, ot Ta coma, has been In tbe city. Mr 1 41 w re nee Helm, o! CorvalHs. has t been in '.he city a couple of days. j Mr Geo F Simpson is reported a illllc tetlcr xy. 'Sul It waslttought best not to br,nS him " Albny tvr several data. Mrs Frank Trite, of this ciijr, ia lying dangerously ill of cancer of tlie bowel, without prospect of living more than a it hours. Mr Bernard Marks was in Albany yes terday on his sat to Walla Walla where he goes to take charge of the Empire Business College. Mr Willis Vidito, one of the rnstling resident of the Alsea valiey, i in tbe city, having come to Albany with Frank Froman and Losrii Allen Prof Wright, wife, and Miss Ora Bal lard expect to leave today for tbeir home in Astoria. Prof W has been euiploved as principal ot that school for another 7ear with his salary increased $250. Lebanon Express. Mrs W A Hmick and children will shortly go to Albany ,tn order io give the latter tlie advantage offered by the school .ot that place. Mr Stnick will remafh on ihe farm east of town. Rose burg Plaindealer. B F Prine, ot Weston, was in the city Wednesday. Mr Prine was the founder of Prineville, Crook countv. locating there October 14th, 1S6S. His son was the second white chitd born in what is now Crook countv, the first be'ng a son of Georre Jndy. Both these births oc curred in I860 Pendleton E. O. Frank Froman and Louis Alien and their familief arrived last night from their trip to the Alsea. They report thirteen deer killed and 2000 or 3000 trout caught. L W Deoe, who arrived a few days before reported only six killed. This difference is causing some confusion and the N'iniroda are having their hands full explaining mat ters. They all report, though, that tne Alsea is a fine place tor spending a month in a glorious manner. SATtMIOJM . Mr Z H Rudd is at the Hay . Caspr Vandran returned last night from a trip to Portland. Mr James Shahan lias returned to Al ban v from his mountain ranch. Pete Ruettner and Doe Conn having returnee irom the Itay the tame dear of that country are safe. Kditor Hofer, of the Salem Journal, returned liunie today from tannine looking pretty thitibtit greatly improved in heanti- Mr John Minto, who recentlv went with a Salem party to Mt Uood got lost and was thirtv hours without food, so reports the Mill City Gazette. A telegraph from Arlington to Mar shal Hoffman announces the dangerous illness of the father of R I Wood, who was expected in Albany with a horse today. MrsThos Monteith, jr, will leave on next Tuesdav on a trio to Alnska.aceone panying lier'father. Marshal Porter.wlio will return rrottt n rrancisco on that day. The Rev E N Condit, president of the Albany Collegiate Institute, of Albany, Oregon, will preach in tho Presbyterian church ot Ashland, Sabbath morning Record. Among those who went to the bay today were Julius Joseph, E I Schilller, MrsC P Mason and children, Misses Annie and Catherine Althouse, Mrs T J Stites, Miss llessie Merrill and Mr John McChesney. At the First M E church the pastor, Rev 8 E Merainger, will preach his fare well sermon for tbiB Conference year. Sabbath school at 2:30 p m, aud Ep worth League at 0:43 pin. No service in the evening. I Le Mahieu, editor ot the Oregon City Courier, passed through the city yester day on his way home Irom Yaquina bay and Alsaa. lie exercised his powers of pedestrianism by walking from Philo math to Alsea and return.Benton ' Leader. TAHillNlilO.s (Finn cur rrtu'.ar -1 . 1 Washington, Aug I5. 1892 lit n Adlaj Stevenson, will take a muck more prominent uiirt in the cainpaiim than it has been custom aryor the vice president ; ial nominee 10 do. (u September 1st he Mkjs n.. 1 j 1 1 . 1 1 . -1 . . iuc ire-io biiu rvmtiin on uiesiuuip uuiu ine ana eclipse anything of the kina ever at nd of the tight. He will do his first work tempted in tlie (.-ountry. Hon Adlai E in Indiarm. und when the anniversary the birth of that sterling onl democrat of democrats, the late Thomas A Hendricks, is celehrateil at Indianapolis on September 7, he will lie one of the principal speakers as he win also be at the monster gathering of ' untemSed ieniocrarj . Hon W 0 P Breck deiiKsnilsat French Lick spring, jus inridire. Senator John Q Or I isle. Senator afterward. The last two weeks of Sentem ber he wi I snd ou tlie stump in North Carolina. ::nd all of October, with the ex ception of lend single speeches in New York state, he will devote to making ' the grandest effort of hi life to put Illinois in the slsmiocratic coiumn to slay. Postmaster Ihtlton. of the house cf rej rewnlatives, who bat just iom borne to take part in tie campaign, gmerally man- ages to keep pr.'tty well posted on Indiana politic without neglecting other localities, and he does no: believe there it the slightest foundation for thettory that Judge Greaham hsd d cided to take the stump for Weaver, although a a good detnocrat be sincerely wishes the report were trn.-. at it would re move all doubt about the Sectoral votes of Indiana. Mr lhtlton's opinion about ires ham carries considerable weigh', here be cause of "the prestige ha gained wroiesTtne ago. when everybody else regarded tbe nom ination of lirtshara by the Omaha conven tion as certain, by stonily maintaining that liresbam would not accept Every B 8 consul abroad was, months ago instructed a to tbe part ther are to play in tbe presidential campaign : they are to in clude in their official report, ail of which are to rea4 tbe state department in tine to be used a campaign document, (tatemenu charging that business ilepratsioq exist in tbe country where tbty are stationed and that it was caused by the Mckinley tariff law. The report are already beginning to come in. and are to be circulated. aitbon'h it is not plain bow it is expected to influence any vote) with snch palpably made-to-order reports. The average American ha a think ing apparatus of bis owe. which be ha not forgxtes bow to use. Kepresentatite Mitche 1, of Wisconsin, chairman of tbe democratic con grow, ton campaign committee, wilt not be able to dine to Washington until about the last of J?pt Taber. hot when he oqpea he will stick to hi k-k until the dose of tbe campaign, in Li absence Mr Lawrence Gardner, sec retary of the committee, and also secretary of the national association of democratic clubs, i in charge of tbe bead-inartera which is a vary busy place. Many thousand document are being daily nt out by the committee, which is about keeping up with tin orders it is getting from all sec tions. Senator I "artiste's recent tariff Sfmili has already reached a circulation of 230,000 and orders fur it are still coming in; Henry lieorge's "ProtevtioG or Free Trade" is Laving a phenoaiinal run; RearesenbtHve Whits:' (of Iowa 1 tariff speech ha leen widely cirrali'cd in English, and n-.w a half million copies of it are bring printed in German. There i a great; demand from tbe south for tbesptecn de'ivemi by Rep resentative Henderson, republican, of Iowa showing up the puWic record of Wearer. Tbe campaign text books will be ready in about two week. Mr ifardner. wat asked what be thought of the outlook, and be replied : On the wbol good. D There are some porxle that may rry at a little before we get through, but then is no question a to which party will control tbe next house. I bars no figures to give out. now, but it is oar bouse jar. t the same." Grass widows are not exempt from hay fever- .V,i,ritia. in an our varied experience ' Lear.l it called " nav fever" before. never sets. Mr Ol Curl and family from east of I the mountains have moved here and will occupy the residence lately vacated by Rev W W Haiiam. lirandina llvde is er:ouiv III at t lie residence of her ton. Ic E 0 Hyde. Ir iiil5, of Albany, waa called in i:s'iia- tion one dav last week. A T Powell, of near this city, last week lost a young cow in lather a pecu liar wanner. She ga'.ned entrance to the hern and was ea'ing hay and litter from the floor, and swallowed a sack needle that had been dropised there. Aa she was neither a camel nor an ostrich. snch an article of diet proved indigesti ble, and a cause of inflammation in the internal organs from liicb she died the next morning. Press. HKC BIBBS Piker trot, gruerrs. F. M.r-rwneh k tp railroad times llov yusi?gTOMfs of Parker Brat Kiae grooi-ria ekOssM At llenrlnosoa't. Lstett sheet music at Will St Link's. Haw cream eaec just leceivad at Com Sri Meyer. C V Cobb, job printer. Fiiin Block, does first class work. Stewart & Sox tell tha very koitrsUn shear and scissors. Th finest tin of pocket knives in the eity at Stewart & S V Smoke tin- .-,.... w,. i Hasans filled 5 eenU cigar at Julias Joseph'a, Dr M 11 K'l'i. ihvwintn .n.i nrgoti Albatiy, Orgm . Cslt ma t l eit or oountry . With hit new haltery Cunrat! Mays' able to offer old and nassf customer "e thing lirslolass io bskl osi vlj. Look Hkk,,. Thos Brink will Npal your furniture neat and cheap or rnakw furniture te order and sell furniture on commission at the old stand. Look llaaa a Moment. I have some ot the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr stile, terms so reasonable that anv beds can buv and own a home of his own bv paying a small down and tmail mont.ily payments thereafter until all is paid for. For further information ca'i at ihe otiice. corner and and Broadalbiu ts opposite Democrat office. Da G V Maston. Whoa Baby was sloe, see ;tasru bar Caatoris. When sli wo a Child, slm ciicst for Castw is svhsn she became Miss, si clung t rusiorut, Vhen she had Chilireu, tli save them Cstoria.. i u... r,......i..i . .,.... i,; i;... w ate rt "owiauu V SVtt as V V V Wl J iVU 3 1 a w - - complaint," write Kraatus Southwor th, of i not in a speech making niosd. Bath, Me. "After vainly trying a n'imbari of remsd'.ss, I wa liually induoed t e taka Ashhv r Car, Retl Kssate, SO' Wtil- Ayer's Pillt. I had scarcely takeis two I nglon Street, Portland, Or. boxes when I was ootnplstely cured. k 26. 1893. STlTf! A KAItl'.KCI'K. On the 2nth of Scjitemlier the democrats of Bjtelbyvi.le, Indiana, 'Hendricks old hornet will give their regular presidential barliecuc Heretofore more than 60.000 people attended m h r.f the barbecues a this place and, from prevent indications ! assume national ironortk-ns 1 , . ... . . . ... 4 of j .Stevenson, the running mate of Orover Cleveland, will lie present and make a speech on lhat occasion. This fact alone gives the meeting a national signtticacce and insure ;ui immense fathering of the David B Hill. Senator William K Vilas, Ex-Governor Isaac POcssy. Ex-Governor James E Campbell, Hon Lawrence T Neal, Hon lienrv Watterson. Oovernoe Horace t Boie. Uov James Boyd, Hon Hon M Dick inson. Hm Burke t 'ot kran. of ramtuany Hall. N V. Senator John M Palmer. Gen eral Black. General Sickles. Atty. General A 0 Smith. Hon J W Kern. Hon Lei O Bailey. Senator D W Y oorbees. Ojngress- menGW ('ooper, Jason U Brown and many others have been invited and will be present. Fifty cattle and hundred- of rvlve, sheep and poultry will I slaughtered for the oceAskn. .in-i. profit ir;.' h past esper knees, tbe committee will be prepared to fed all who attend. Cbea rates co ail railroads hare been secured. Tho Taggart. chairman democratic state central committee, sayt: "I will do rery thing in my power to assist yon in making your meeting a success. Command me aad I will be at roar service." Would you like to know why tbe people's party has nothing to say in reference to the hackneyed tariff question ( Kmd what we base to say in our national p ationn relative to the graduated income tax and you will never attain stultify yourself bv asking foolish and impertinent quest icnt. Lt'ua- ' non AJ: i: . The fact that the people party favor an ineasuL tax is no answer to tbe question being asked by the people's party voters al over tbe country why their leaders en'ireiy ignored all reference to the tariff question. Tbousamb of these people are opposed to high tariff taxation and they want to know whether this question wa timpiy overlooked by tbe rlatfosm committee at (Vmaha. or whether, as they suspect, it wst left out by design. Tbe Adzamt certainir makes a gtw mistake i! it supposes lor a that it can shut tne mcuths of these people's party voters by telling them that their quettion are impertinentand foolish. Tbry have a notion that they have as much right l discus the features of their platf. the great e-iitnr of tbe Afrw-. The KepaUic p'ess of this scCma baa been citcoUliag a sat) pwmts 'ive-cotama leancttestitsad "Prrrectaw xi Rcciprouty The New Vork Time sjs tu metSod of edacaiiar the raasaes, adopted by tbe rspab licsa mafeageis. it peewoar. Thi Jeaflct b called a sacnthry tt d Ser BJ the bead of the ritticBhuan this aoticc: "Eatereba. the New York rtortoflice. N.V ,a serwon class atatter." Tbe leaflet t r tract : made ap wholly of poii tcal rtkks.snJ cot 'y basso right to i to creu Mkcosc-thaaii! Rcpabticaa paper arc docb-tes naawne that they arc ! vi ,i'iac ' e ; i.s 'v BM9B " ir :'f sot jiemrott, xs-calied. iis' Quile a cstrrber cf oar rcpablcaa cxchxagti oa this caa as aeii as from the east base these leafhrtt. They ate seat tupplemeats od their ctrcuUtion tn ibis way are acsjaes -tioaably a vioUtion eff-.e potta latrs. Tbe campaigc comoutice cl the democratic nt'.iontl committc deciJci toettaMish branch heajorters ia Chicago, ia Uvargc oi Doe M Diekiosoo, of Chicago; B. T. Csbel, of 10- . inot. aad E. C Wall. olWrseoawa Thtir 'territory still be Minor, its, Michisn, Wis assess, IlUaois. North aad South Dakota. ; Ktnsr. Nebraska, Iowa and IatUru The poet with a high degree of intelli a gepee etnas. "It is not all ot life to Uve nor alt of death to die." The true, patriotic j partisan whose fidelity to the smal of the j public outweighs his tarty ml. may. with equal logic, declare that it is not all of party , success to gainkffice and the emoluments ' thereof. When a party has no higher am bition or purpose than to gain the offices of the federal government, it is high time that snrh parry shottid go into liquidation Snch a party is a sham. It is a matter of little consequence to tbe general public what party controls and bold the post, land and customs oSioe so long a their duties are honestly and efficiently performed. Rut the policy of the administration is everything to tbe people. The Demixtut believes that there is a radically wror.A and perniciously mischievous policy adhered to iu the policy of taxing, by means of "pro tective" duties, the many for tbe benefit of the few. Jt would defeat the republican party for the purpose of changing this policy not primariy to get the effiow. Carter, chairman of the national repub lican committee, says hii party is a sure winner this time. He says hey are sure of 20,000 to 30,000 majority in New York. Weaver says tbe people's party will win He says the republican party is not in it, that the contest is wholly between the democrats and the people's party. The l"tce, the prohibition organ of New York city, says that its party will make large and substan tial gains all over tbe country. The dem ocrats arc not claiming the whole warld by any means, but they are busy as liees and saying but little as to their chances of sue cess. Now you have it: - The Oreaoma aad other "force bid" or- j gans seem to think that democrats no longer need fear the force bill, inoe tbe negroes', (most all)voted the democratic ticket at the late election in Alabama. Bless your soul, ye. they will fear it jttst as much as ever. If Uen H could get the bill passed it sould, in his hands, be just-as much an engine of power against negroes who vote the tea ocratic ticket as against white who thus vote. The object of the forco bill is to res trict the rights of democrats to vole. Only this and nothing more. The wotkingmtn. he pays the bill in the Republican csmpsisn. Four years agoCar negie gave, it it aid, io help elect Haniton and lalt year gave the McKinlef psople in Ohio a litndsoaie contiibutlon. This year he reductt the wages ot hit workingmee In order to tuve enough Io give Harrison an otber $ioo,oo3. is the infernal style of clastCongresiional legislation as practises) bt the Republican party, and Itads to anarchy Tlie statement is now made iu apparent ly reliable way that Blaine will not make any speeches in Maine during this cam- iiaitnt. Mr li lame, it is lvrover to say, it The The Best HITTISC. l-ci.ltsbrrs aad Hrotrlrler.; Wonders Are wrought by the use of Ayef Hair Vigor in restoring gray hair to It ortgfcai eolor. promMIng a nw growth, prevent, tie the hair Irom tailing, keeping ft nuR, silky, and abuadaot, and the scalp eoot, healthy, and free from daudrud or htwurs. The natversal testimony is mat tills prep aration bat no equal as a drestlag. and ts, therefore, IDdispenrable to every well (umttbed toilet. "I 'isve usee , Hair Vigor for tome time and K has worked wonders tor use. I wa troubled wttli dandnjfl and wa raptdiy becoming bald ; but since using tbe Vigor my head 1 perfectly clear of dandruff, the hair ha ceased coming out, and f sow have a E'jod growth, of the same color as wbea I wa a young woman. I can heartily recom mend any one suffering from dandruff or lot of hair to use Aver IlsJr Vigor as dresshie." - Mr, lydla O. Moody. East f'tttttou. Me. "Some time ago my wife's hair began to come out quite freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wife (rota becoming bald, but It also caused an entirely sew growth of hair I am ready in certify to this statet,t before a lustiee of tbe peace.- If. Malsebn. Lewtsburgb, Iowa. -Some vranaxo. after a severe attack ot brain fever, ary bair all easse out. I used wick prepsntioD for restorbis; tt as my phy sicians ordered, but failed to isiisVs a trowtb of bair. I then tried. sqceessiTely. several articles reetansaeaded by drnggtst. am all alike fell short of aeraraptishlas; tt it'l rrs,, t ; ...... rHSSSJf I was Arrr-s Hair Vigor, which Ln gr mUi ' hair m a few week. I ned e!Rj:l brXUes io tw., yswxs: more wa aecessary as a reparative, but I liked H a a ttrnsmc- and have continues Id we it' for that purpose I theve Avers Hair Vleur possesses sinues (ar above Masse of aar similar preparatsMi ti., -n t;,r mattst." -Vincent Jones. Rlrhmond. lad. Ayer's Hair Vigor raxrAKBB ar 08. 1 CL ITER C8., Lntt, Mm. es by Drawauid rrfsa. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can bay at JUIiIUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbockle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $100 18 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1 OO 5 Gallon Good Pickles SO 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup 40 I wi.. coo.: at a strict eaah store, and all good will be '! f af.i ja "6 per srist leas taac rga r prios. Ky B-y-k of C iiowt.-e. fa?v is ls, ssi ail tie .Srsurab1- sylwa t dsstMs. s wail aa a ar)ora'; sscrttn-- enes srr. tamps 4 ftxMrew ts eoasptata. I atske pz: tt e t-? . ta.i S iking powder, aad always pl-ase say iiilnsawrs. Jtgeat for eareral responsible inaaraaee eoatpaals - J alias G rd svokt . PATB0NIZE HOM THt FARMERS k MMTS INSURANCE CU Albavay , Oregon r READ. Piuslisst. J L COWAN. Treseursr. .' L tsran, Geo F Simpson, iV V Read, D B Uneita.U StrcbirxJ w J K WetthertorO, R S Sirthas. J O .VnUaxtn. i Diimicf Several Solid Eastern for Infants CMJorlab toyptZ n " iiiinTI n ililklill Ihel -roeuaaead Uaienortoaxqr praeenptsjo i wm t. II. a. ap-tsw. d. IU So. OciurU SL, Braktya, S. T. -Th use cf 'ftfi. r.j' hi snnniversal ana nwirr so seeli has,,. a that tt mtmr a work . supers rss -vtkw to-aslore it- Fr arvtbe ; 's.itiga- 4 amine who Jo not keep OsStrsia As .T nsski w Casus MssrTTN. P. . New York Cttr. iX- rjor Moomir- tale Bcfo.-tcod Ohureh. Tn Csyraca s3lsyIBMsBBBsBBsMsEfffiss tSBHBBB ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employe?. CARPET DEPARTMENT. aitLI. kTOt KED WiTH THK IIOIl'KST CARPETS! MATTINGS- OIL DRAPERIES, OF THISISE ASON'S NOVELTIES AND PRICES UNEQUALED 01 THIS MARKET. s " Samuel E. Young. : Democrat," FajKjr in the Valiey. SO 3 WB L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE es-s-JL m nrr hos m mmka mm mk terbss.sTlii aeligsitBaarcOrsKMs-r nMshstis. t- r-rni i il miwina trsaatsoiL rta HwwtVtwwua.fmrfiessss. n sOTbrm. kih4 iiate ru &. - k SO Polsui Kh. --era t 7 f w thwuiwh wt a ed hswsy earf. tkr-o gjfMf'Jgfa" Mlfca- r to walk fa. asstwg Wi. y .Cgjf. H S2- Work. ' In iis'sTt-rr- ffr- -i n mmi t n flm s . Thm huTOWia ssss afcc w that s tar ton OiMosn wamzm. rr I uMiHns nli rhsjsl r41sl Unrndm-wtATtSl . . jM 1.TS 'si-i fir otsaswst 11 tm$H. ores cg. swfko)totas. r J j hii i n j iin aim is r footvsar srr flndlsa tkn . CutiM.-w.LiawnMttia wttets jMst of m fc hjsw Sat aL sr Trw fasaaca. Vt.lZ iKII GLAS, Biwetuaa. Mas. ScMtty L. R. BLAIN i choice meats Or Au. Km 0?r-t SnTmsan Ursrr Stshss, in: r V W. Usrrt TxSctrt C u. WSTiTUTiilHS. J O WRnsMA-N. ixssetar F SIMFSWN, Vice Pres-LUat. aeasrrs roa- and Foreign Companies and Children Cwsteria c Sta CWi Ccas-ir.- Sour Stomach. TstKrb.M. LronaKa. Kills Wmssv gtsroi tisKp. atad peoaiaSBS 3- niidjfsiuja. Ftr savs rai srmrs I hsva reeoarlrsi Tsxir Caste-.- aad shiii s issejss csKitiai tf Sosoasitiua mvarithtr produced aesoficb results." Eswrjr F. PtKEsa. "si IX. "Tbo WiKhrtjp ' latmStnataadnhAsre Sew Tswk Ctt. Co isrr. TT Mrs a r SrextT, Xcw Voas CLOTHS, , CURTAINS! LINOLEUMS. m I A FT? y5u e-sre jr wrsetf wad late TJrSJ t Kst tsiat nsr sjsmfnr feoseaaiaw lw yawr VnrrS7 arrbuMSr J. I JDwusbi) SHisss, which represcat the 9K JM .see fries aeiscd. a rhownstrae I