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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1892)
Mmt Rights " The -:- Demorcat,1' j One Tear for Only $2.00. The -: Democrat" The Best Paper in the Valley, o VOL XXVlii. I ulerr.l at Use Po OSlc, ... Albany. Or., as MtMllt.. Hall Matll r. ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY SEP f EM B KB 2 1892. ftTiTt t SlTTISa, Fakllakera aad rr.prtri.r,; '0 4 W. F. READ & Gil K AKE now n c ivmg pafely ay they excel We want your traie,arid if pood stylish goods, low prices and courteous treatment are am induce ment we hop to merit a share of yoar patronage. C. M. HEgDSOi Wt law our 9ttasaascot. MVP8-"Lll W" VYt lo our fwle read tHLr-'CjhjRMa. We have lately added a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES -' which we are making a very low pries to get them introduced. CALL AND SEE what we can do lor you. No trouble to show goods. W7F. READ & CO. Albany, Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's. Shiinp & Houser. Specialist in the treatment of all forms of Chronic, Catan ha'. Nervous an r'emale Diseases. Twenty (8) Year Experience in XTediem-. Surjrv a i l Kevr.e KW curable cases USNta eei. Office 259 Oommerot StreH. slem. Otsajahb 1 1 1 r sMnts. OUR STOCK FOR SPRING A Is now complete, and comprise the following line. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroideries and Plouncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc. AND BOYS' WEAD n g, NegJegee Shirts, o ng Mens' Shirts, Und wear, Neckwear, Hats and Gaps, Boots. Shoes, Etc. Ve guarantee prices to be the lowest as compared with quality. Call ano examine goods and get price before purchasing elsewhere it you wish to'sars money: No trsuble to how goods. Gr, W. Simpson. ?orifk3 tiie BLOOD, Cnres CONSTIPATION, IHBI6E8TI05, JOUENESS, LITER COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, COLDS. PiMfLEa, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AR'SIVG froaj b DISORDERED STOMACH. Tne Genuine HAMBURG TEA upxilup in YELLOW WRAPPERS Facsimile Signature of EUIL FRE8E. frEDIHOTOfl c CO. Agents. Qah FnAHCisoo . BOLD BY AM. DBUQCiltSTS AMIS UBOt TRsi. CARPET DEPARTMENT. nCLI. STOCKED ffiTH TIIK CHOICEST n a ppiJTQf MATTINGS' 0,1 CL0THS' PIIPT A IMQf uAnfCilO! DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS, uUh 1 AllNol OFiTHiSBSEASON'S PRICES ONEQUALEDIN THIS MARKET. Samuel E. Young. The Oregon Land uc. sVftfl its home office alj S-A-IiEHVC - - - lOEEQ-OH- In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Prolan- MAKES a specialty of fmnnyside fruit tract near Salerr. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots 'at $50 to $60 s sraallcash payment long tira our fall goods and we cah anything ever shown in SUMMER NOVELTIES AND An Hi'MtLiATiNG Coni-kksio.v. There is no better sign of the deadliest of a town than the manner in which merchants use printers ink. In view of the fact the fal lowing from the Corvallts Times is rather startling: "The newspaper Is the only legitimate channel for adverll.l . it is the main artery in a community that con veys information from one to ano'her it is the very pulse ol the publir. Now just look over the advertising column- f ih; newspapers in Corvallk and test what merchant there are who ate bMdfng foi vour palronage. Just look, for fun. There ar not four coltimnc ot home advertising! in e:icl paper. The Albany papers have1! auatt 30 columns each the ear around; the Eugene papeis about 12 columns; the Koseuurg papers ac: Salens, 1:; inde- hi'lL fiirp tr". Of ,-..t,r.. it... ....Kli-I...... here mi , i,,! ,'., ...... i - for they are a trifle above paupers but we shnplv make the omjirion ti preve the assertion that our merchant are an easv-gol lg lasof imiiyiduaU.ithou; the ambition to write an advertisement for their home papers and make an effort to sccuie more patronage." As Odd Wsuhkg Odi WtniHNt; A Walla Walls paper tells the following: A rather odd aeddi-g took pUteii tew days ago at Co I ton 1 noli, liPwparty of tourists, journeying from therontd tip into North ern idaho. by team, were n loans; man ..: L. . J : J " . t x t . yea is isnu u uiaifien 01 llliern summers, who were desirous of heing ! bitched," nnd arriving at Colton they f hailed a preacher, who married, them on a license from Columbia county, bat on consiaeration the minister concluded this wes not legal, so the hero of the cloth got him a buggy and lollowed the j couple, and upon .. vertakms them L aaain, wlnle thev were tandinic nnder the .wagon ;-..vering, and she was 'a rhewing. of hr bonnet string" pro nounced them min at.d wife. The pic tuieas presented to the mind of a wit ness was ludicrous indeed. He with overalls and ducking shirt, and a hay belt acting as suspenders. She with calico -ires running string in the waist and snnbonnet, making as odd a pair as Joeh Billings ever saw. Lebanon. Ueputv Sheriff Gleason made two artests last Sunday for fast driving across the Waterloo nridee. Dr D M Jones, of Albany, is euending a few days in Sodaville, rusticating and improving his properly in this lively little village. If wind is to be the motive power. there wiil be a motor line Iniilt from 1 ' ..... ... V - ; - l wise, we fear that those olares wiill have noming oetter mon a wagon road con- ,... .1 A j neetion until the S 1 is extended- Wev wish, bnt dare not hope that thepro- posed line may be bniit. I Mr Thew, who recently come to Leba jnonfroin Xea- York, :;, ,- i $3000 in . real estate last week. He bought 32 : acres of land of Eb Keebler, sixteen ; acres of which are in hops It ia hi in tent ion to take np every alternate bop and nut into its oiace a nrnne tree, col - j tivate the hops and prune trees until the Miier grow to a sufficient size and then j he will grab op his hope. Advance AiTCJirTf o Jail Bekak. This morn. (ing on going through the countv jail Deputy f heriff Smith while invest'igst- ing matters in the iail discovered that twLZTZnZm JjlTtTZiZ Jl .three ol the outside '.are o: the rear i window bad been sawed off at one end. Tb- nri-x i..j k-A ,1. j inside bar and done the work. Mr Smith made a thoro-eh .-arch of lh . jil and foand a steel knife hid over the t ' stove pipe as it enters the chimney. U ' had U-en made into an excellent saw. James Itrown.the Tangent highway rob- ber, K1 Oliver and Thos I'nee are the only .prisonavs there. It is probabso. Oliver and I'.rown were ihe oolv ones who had done the work. A steel glass I j -utter and a punch going with I also fixtnd ; but what nse thev this connection cannot be told. The men were placed in eel's and locked op . GaAND Views, lnan article in the Sep tetaber Chautauquan headed "from the Gelden Gae of California to th; twin cities of the Northwest," a writer savs I For mile we traversed the Rogue River valley, then came Into the narrower, more picturesque valley of the Lmpqua. and presently struck the b:oad Willamet'r river, which we followed for nearly two hundred miles to Portland. The view all through ihL region are grand. Mou" lain range on cither side, and distant snow-crowned peaks tower to the height of nine, ten and eleven toonsand feet. The broad ard rushing Willamette falls are. on the lett. almost horseshoe shaped, and thirteen mile below we reached Port of the most prominent and prom ising cities of the far west, and then fo low a fine notict. of the metropolis of the Northwest. to Ear Fiae.s. a fire started in the wood and dry gra near Elmira last Thursday andprcad quite rapidly, say he Regiter. A f' m owned by Ja Kirk , of Junction, was burned over, all his tfence destroyed and a barn filled with straw burnrd. ' His hjUSW was burned hv the same way last year. The fire then spread to the school house and came neat cetltns- that, but the children plarlnsr I aground the building had worn the grass I off some and the neighbors were able ts save it. Several big hres have been ran; near tne head of the Wilder. One man started across the mountain a few day aao and It look him twelve hour to go 1 three mile on account of having to doojje arour.d the fire. Ax Assignment. The Oregon ' Me tsiic Paint Co., of Scio, which started ou a couple tears ago with such bright pi pects has made an assignment for she benefit of creditors. Assets, personal p.-opcrty, $673.68; real property, $tSo Total, $953. 6S. Liabilities, s bout $1000 I E Davton, of Minnesota, bcinc the prin- j cipal creditor, having a claim of $580. M Alexander, of scio, being neat with one for $j8l .50. Fined $50. In the case of the S?ate against Asa A Hull, of Oiwfordsvir.e.for 'earing down the fence of I F Moses, tried !i?tore Justice Curl, a verdict ot nr.e, and nearly $100 costs, was rendered against tne defendant. The case excited great inteiest among Crawfordsville peo ple. It Is reported the case wiil be ap pealed. Got Off CbbAT. A few. day ago according to Information received at the Dembcr st office, a couple of young men riding past one of the gardens across the river helped themselves tosome melons. They were discovered 'nd it cost them all the money they had, $1.75, and a sack of oats to settle the matter. om ENJOYS Both the method ana results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, deanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in 50c ana 31 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN fRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVIUE. KY. HEW tORK AY. If. A 1. ska PnorLit. The editor ot tbv j Oregon City Courier who recently visited I the Aliea tells the following: If you want the full benefit of a trip up .Uses bay, hire a boy with a 8k iff at ! W'aldport to take you to "Tidewater."!!) ; uiiivo uy, alio wuy in COIUllllI 11 ICtlll ve. ; "There, up that cieek," savs he. "'.a the , ranch of feller that went to Kansas to marry a widder. lit watt dead etuck to .get a woman, been batching goin' 011 BO v ear, and he got th' addrees of the widder i'rom ati adv'tiaemen' in n raper. He wrote to 'eran' las' w inter lie went out to 'er an' he's there yet Port' know, it seems he bought 'er. He tuk along all the Bluff he could scratch up an' den seat back Vre to borrer $400 on his place. "I' tap say 11s Kansas widders must be BM he can't ntlord 'em Are there no widows here?" "No, but there is the ranch of a feller that's entry ; that's his boat. When la in off his base he thinks he's an angel an' then he fixes on his shoulders a pair f w ings of green fern. O, he's aqueur dark " One of the oldest residents of the Alsva valley is Mr Haydcn, wiio located here in I ..".! Then Indians were numerous and be ero-erd over the Alsea mountain iroin :hr Willamette valley by an Indian trail. He has lived on the amine farm ever since. a I'-, v, ,,, , , .. , flGMT. A lorrrapondcni th Crvalu Times tells of seeing a school of whalts on a recent trip on the Willamette Vallev to jsan Francisco, in the following enthusiastic manner: "Onlr a lew miles from shore a sight met' nw eye that wa tnilv wonderful. As I looked upon t, 1 d?v'.Minv wished that our nnhv friend and fellow citizen. Hon George Waggoner, could have beheld it, because it was a veritable achcoi of whale and there are not many things that my good friend and myself en j;y mure than a real whale scene we hate seen them before. But these whale were a sight indeed. The u- was sinking softly and silently in the western sea, ad the calm water were gilded witl. a go'den hue. Yonder, hi the near distance, a hundred water-spout khimrarring in the lingering light of the dyins day qmckly arrested our attention, and presently !h captain says: Look! See those whales.' Sure enorgh, the whale weie mere, for now and then one of these monsters of the deep would jump fully 30 feet in the air and fall back into the waves with a sound like distant thun der. We tried with our glass to tell what kind of whale thev were, and what sort of 1m? ,ht-T werc P1i?'but e coming 01 oaranen prevented though we think it must have been "hop. skip and jump,' or pottly ttev may have been 'in bathing," a soine of them do a: Newport," A ill Be Si The Sutesman say.: Tsking Use decision of the court as a basis for the total Ut for iSot. including the levy of four and twenty-three thirty .fif'b mill tor currenr expene. ($98031.33) one-ntih mill tor upport ol state ml.nis. ! ($29.976.86 and one seventh mill for up- j port of state university. ($11,412) fixe the J total cute tax (Sve mills) at $749411.23. I Some of the counties have already settled ', in fell, other have settled on the return i mde b.'p ,hc county boards while other l!?y',lir 1 0 enuvor lo m,ke settlement. The stas -treasurer will make a test case wi'.h :,, . . . fT i Ib'oujtht andcr tne supetvhlon of the at- j XT?ey e1"1- to cW',n may le amved si at an early date end the co..lrorery settled. The balance due from Li in county Is $3,009 u. The j total In tne stale, J 1 1 ; i . A Rare Relic. The Journal t II of a very temsaiub'e relic: At the market ot Oarivn A' White, o furt street, can be seen one of the most wonderful it were j of modern time, ft is ao old knife, prob were in ably !ot by some trapper in Ihe time ol the Hudson Bay company, which h grown into a solid oak root. The tree wa about four feet in diameter and was cut be Ash ley White, of the firm, on hi tar.n in Polk county . The knife Is about seven Inches long, ha two blade, and I cruel oped in a solid root, with each projecting I slight! v. It I impossible to tell how long j it may hare been since lost bv it owner. but good judire say not less thsn s hun I dred year It was found In lhf root fully fifteen inches below the ground's , surface and was evidently cartird down J by the growth of the roo:. Relic hunters j should not fail lo see ir. I Bi'asen io Death. A child of O Q j Cartwrigiit, of this city, was horribly , burned at the Neis hop'vard. r-ne mile above Springfield, about 12:30 Ibis after noon. Tiie messenger who came after the doctor only gave the following par ticulars : The little girl, about five years of age, was playing near a eookatov usxd by the family in the hop yard, aad by some meant its clothing took fire, and before the santiA 1 tamvi-Mfl tha M..t 1. - ' intf w k r. ' v V. . .1 PT i V, Tl. limbs and body of the child were burned horribly, and it wa thought tbe child would certainly die from the effects of the boms. Dr Paine went to the scene of 'he accident, but bad not returned at the lime of going to press. Gnard. A SwrxDLK. A man giving his name as George Stevens was in Conallis Ihe first of the week attempting to get money n nder false pretences as told by the Ga zette. II? claimed to helons to the I O j U F, and applied lo Barnum lodge for money. hen asked for proof of his membership lie said be bad lost his card. To some he said be had 11.40 and to others $1.80. lie tried a number of times to get morphine but he had no physician's prescription and could get none. He was afterwards seen In mak ing s ma'! purchases to get ,'$10 changed twice. He is evidently a fraud. Pass him around. Scio. G W Phillips the first of this week sold the property latelv occupied by himself in this city to V F. Curl. Consideration, T00. EGoine tfeia week sold his property on the south side, recently occupied by J W .amber, to R IS Miller who will in a short time remove from his farm to this city. Consideration, W0. Died, at the family residence in this citv, on Tuesday afternoon, August 23, I, Matilda C Claxton, in the 33rd year of her life. Press. A Cubiositv. Mr P J Smiley brought to the Democrat office and exhibited to the hay seed editor a potato which is cer. tainty a curiosity, looking very much like an hippopotamus, having four leg, a characteristic head, mouth and eyes. The potato is 15 inches long and weighs 2'A pounds, Mr Smilcv savs he propoaes tc preserve it anJ send it the world's fair so that the world may see how wonderful a soil we must have that will raise hippo potamuses made of potato. A Bad Runaway. Lat Monday a runaway occurred near Mehamathat came near resulting iatallv 10 one of the two or. cupants, Mr IB Trask, well known throughout Linn Connty.and MrsMcClane werc in the wagon when the team ran. throwing both out. Mr Trask was picked up for dead ; but 1b now alive and getting along well, though badly bruised. Mrs McLlane was considerably bruised. Nkck Broken. Last Wednesday after noon near Uedar thv, twelve miles east 01 cugeue, a son 01 . 1, vaaghn was thrown from a wagon in a runaway accident, one w heel going over hia neck, breaking it, and killing him instantly. An older brother was driving the team and did not discover tbe absence of his brother until the team had been stopped. The deceased was a relative of Mrs Jos Kinn, of this city. A Qoou Rei'iitation. The Harrisburg Courier has the following to say about Albany: It is reported that Eugene is overrun with tramps at present. The citv authorities of every town in tha valley should exclude this element, as they do in Albany. It is a rare sight to see a "traveling man without visible means of support" within Uiecity limits ot our county seatc aOOUI. AND I'l KMOfSL Tllt'BROAV Geo V Walker, the boat builder, of Y aqulna, na been in ti e city. O B WhHmorr, the well known A O U W lecturer, was in the city today. Charles, Fred and (irace 1'lper left Ibis noon lor tfisir homes. Kev t lv rrictiaul and daughter went lo CorvallU this nooi:. J H ( ougill came ovei 'rom Yaquina Hay today and went to Portland, Mr Geo F iihnpson us brought home from Yaquina Hay - i)ny. He ttood the trip well.and is Lelln -id. ta- better. to Wtbber, jr., can e up from Portland last night to adjust 11 loss for his com oany in the tccrnl I I. Wallace Ac Co' fire. Bishop iio rls, of Oregon, lis con entcd lo the election ol an aaltan! bi.liop, and one will be circled at an early date. )a YV Shehlnn, of Aibon. Mich. I In the valley In spec (ng the Iraber land of the couniry. In tne intcre'. ( a b Mi chigan uniber firm. Judge Vip., of ihe new law firm of hallo, Strahan A Pines, of Portland, passed through Albany today for hi new home in that city. N 11 Allen I In I'urt'an.'.an J will make arrangement lo secure sswse netting for Ihe protection of arc lights used in stores, making them safe. In a private letter written by Mrs B McCoy, formerly of this county, bat now of Los Angeles. Cal.she say that Oregon as compared wtth California, 1 a heaven n earth Or J C Sir 1th, of the firm of Smith & Stelner, druggists, of Satcin, with hi family I visiting hi parent near Oak vtlie. Linn county. Statesman . More people have been to Yaqui.ia th's year than ever before. Every year the travel Is bound 10 increase, as it is un donbttdly the fine I resort In the North west. Last evening Mr W !! Ribelan, of Leb anon, was in the city, and bought of Van Wilson a high grade Imperial macnhe, pneumatic tires, one o. (be iineit bicvcle manufactured Rev I B Fisher, ot Jefferson, Rev L S Fisher, of Albany, are holding a serie of revival meeting In the tangclical tabernacle at the junction of the electric street car line in East Salem . -Statesman. Two divorce suiu hate been begun recent) v, four hearts refusing 10 beat a two. They were W j Dawes agslntt Jane Dawes, and A!He McPherson agsinst M S McPhetso. W F. Bull, agent of the Paefrk Odd Fel low, is in the dty canvassing for that paper. Every Odd Fellow hould have k In hi family. The reading matter I pure and moral in tone and will prove a bless ing to alt who read it. Mr Cart H Lnderman, now of Butte Mont , where he H in the real estate bust -new. Is in the dry on a flying trip. Mr Luderman wa at one lime, for seveaal vear, a clerk w the ore of S E Vcu-g. of this city. 1 1 is mother, Mr 1 . . at one time a resident at Albany. I run ning a boarding house in Bu"e. assi his brother George is ahx there w or sing at his trade. tWIDAT sValter Parker and family leave in a day or two for an onting around Fosters, in this) county. Wm Hesvdley and wife, of Aloany. vis ited the family of his brother. ai 'Head ley, Sunday. Delias Transcript. License was issued today for ine mar riage of P R SuUivanad Isabel! Owens The latter I but a mere g-f rl being about 1 $ year of age. Ma Fatrweatber and children, who have been visiting in Albany several weeks, the taealeof W F Read, returned towards their Missouri home today. Myron I sham left for Albany Wednes day.wbitber be was call'', to take charge of the night work at the railway office for the time being Harris berg Conner. Mrs J F McCartney started last night for San Diego, in response to a telegram announcing the sennas iilaes. of her dauglite., MrvThoa Wyatl Haniiburg Cornier. Capt Tli os J Overman, wile and mother , left this morning lor Portland, which they will make their home. Mr Over man will ro into tbe bicycle business with Fred T Merrill. John Chamberlain has one ot bis fin gers dressed op In cotton, etc , and to the usual question answered that he "was satisfied tbehnusaw was going " John's the boss pattern maker, at the foundry. Dallas Transcript. A former Albany man. bait a DAY. W E Mel" hereon has been in Portland on business. Judge Duncan went to Corvaliis tbia noon on busineee. S G Kline and family, of Corvaliis have been in the city today. Mr Geo Sanford. of the bank of Ladd A Bush, ot Salem, is in the city. Miss Kate Coahow. the artist, went to Salem today on a visit with relatives. Mr Bob Strong went to Portland t noon to spend Sunday. Mr Frank Propstwint to Turner this noon to spend Sunday wltii relative. E VV Langdon and D C Scbell left this morning on a fishing and bunting expedition around Meharra. Dr Williamson, assistant physician at the insane asylum, passed through A I Inuiy today on bis way home. Recorder N 1 Henton, wife and ilaiiEli- ter went to Portland today, where they wiil attend the M E conference. 'jaat evening an enjoyable family gathering was held at Hie residence ot 8 E Young, as a "tend off" for the four young men about to start Last tocollege. MrTW Harris, representing ihe Ore- gonlan edition nf the Encyclopedia Prit tanica. Is In thecity arranging for the in troduction ot the same in Albany. Cant V N Philips left this noon for the eatt 10 attend the Nations' encampment of the G A R at Washington. He will also visit Chicapo, where nls son is editor of the Cynosure. Min8 Inn. Robertson, orincioal of the Waitsburg academy, arrived in Albany this noon from the East, where she has been in the interest of that school, and will spend a few dsyn here before re turning to her duties in Waitesburg. I,icenn was ismed'todsv for tbe inarnace of Mr William Wolf, of Por land, and Miss 8rh Ste'nburp, tbe accomplished daagh. Ur of Mr M steroburs. The ceremony will bejperfortnod at the reridentie of tbo hride'a parents at 5 o clock Vt-ruorrow. an IJ the wedding supper will be; served at trie at Ciiarlea. EK tIEKfc i'at ker tiros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy yoarjgrooeriea of Parker Bros Fiae grooeriss at Conn St llvndricson's. Latest sheet muiio at Will ft Link's. New cream shoase just isoeivsd at Coat ad Meysrs. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, doss first class work. Sninks the calebratad Havana tilled 6 cent oigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H KUi, nhysiuisn an I sur;coi Albany, Orsnn. Calls malt I 1 cit or count ry . With his nsw bakery Umirad Mrye able to offer old and new oustumsrs -e thing Hrstolassin baked nomii. "HACKMETAOK," lasting end tra grant)perfam. fries 25 and can's See W F Read's hue of ureas gocd and , hetore uuyiug eieewuers. You oan save money bv buying of Read SCa TRgaJHtssv si iikmi: A corresj.'.! of one of our exebange says: In view of the growing importance of the people's party us a factor in American politic, i beg to submit to tlte readers of the Telegram who may be intereulci in the subject 11 few ideas bearing iiioii that party's financial policy. I is platform demands national currency, tc be issued by the government, and loaned direct to the peop'e at not to exceed 2 ,?r cent interest per nnnum. The scheme of distribution known as tbe sub-trrasury plau of tbe farmer's alliance revived tbe indniceuient of tbe convention. and the plat form rlemssdi that this plan, or a beUerone lie put int. effect Ihe principal feature of this plan lire that warehouses be erected by the Kven.:uent; that non-iruhabte farm product ! received 00 stoni-p at tin- warvhuuM-s. and that suh product, so stored, be accepted a seeuritv for the pro- p".4l government kaut. The purpose of tht'pUnutodu away with tbe lout to which thi producer is mb;eiel in the ex change of his products, through bet eg com pelled to sell in au unfarorab e market, tr secure a loan at interest, to m -e: bis re imiremenb for money. I' pom the necessity of such relief is based the argiant in its favor; this necessity afford an answer to many of the objections urged against it. Tbe plan is a new one and untried; it is radical and far reaching, and common con sen at sM demands for it a most carefu' consideration before its incorporation into our national leirislation. The enormous cost to the government ia enscting the several thousand warehouses rjuitc a a very objecttouahie feature, especially as it is not densonstrated that the plan would be successful, it l-intr nsstber more nor less than an experiment. Tbe neceswary in crease in tbe public service and tbe unrob ing of another long line of governmental tape are objection of significance, as is also the opening of another aad particular ly tempting atenue for fraud, which most, together with enormous losses by bad judg ment and inefficiency of governmental of ficial, be an inevitable accompaniment of such a system. The customary ksaes in monetary rsmsartioiu from unforeswa and unavoidable causes must likewise be taken into account in weighing the p'artieabiliry of tbe plan. Tbe axrompbsinent of tbe purpose of the plan would be in itself ob jectiisnabie. sin.x tberecan be no gain ia tra ie without a ccrresrandinff every dollar legislated into t ssscket would be necessarily legislated oat of another's. '1 i. ... . . , 1 ne met mat eruun classes are faroned by special legislation does n many seem to think, furnish a j for licensing another chua to plunder tbe publk. Probably I be greatest gain to the WMficairies A the proposed plat, a well a the grossest injustice to tbe public suing through m operation, would result fru tbe UBwarrasUK.? increase f lb producer's capi'al. errahling- him to make a prosit not only by holding bis prodicts for a favorable market, but a return from tbe amount of tbe Iron as well. To illustrate: ' ;; worth of wheat tbe producer would Irorrow SO per cent of its value. MOO. at a nominal rate of interest. uaj to tbe cost the government in transaction. thereby increasing bis capital upon which to take a profit off tbe public to M00O, while his actual capital would be but toCOi) as oaiy a certain amount ol weaith i pro duced annually, this favored citizen woald take un'ohimself S per cent more than his share, paying out a merely nominal sum to the government for tbe maintenance of tbe machinery necessary to tbe accomplish meet of hi purpose. Before accepting either tbe financial, land or transportation theories of tbe new party. it would certainly be well for tbe vot to carefully weigh them in the balance and find if they are nrt wanting. The r-i iMhahs beiicve in tirotertion a principle or a policy and are consistent in tnat ibcv right tor it- 1 be democrat ' 'Igswaml justly, tool that it is robbery. WJ4.' 1 P (ieniooralic majority to congre4 pledged, to tear the infamous bill from the -Utnte liook. swallowed their indigna'ton and showed their approval of the McKinley bill ami their inccnststency by leaving it umlistnrbrsd with no marks of their dis pleasure about it .Lebanon -faftwaso-. When the .Wm r says that the demo crats of this congress kft tie McKiniey bill undisturled, it does so in ignorance or with a willful purpose to misrepresent. The house house passed four or five different tariff bills lot the republicans in the senate in com inittoe smothered them, not even al lowing them to come before the senate for special discussion. It is most charitable to suppose that the AUiaacr wits iiroorant of this fact. The Orrgoniaa s dntnrbed at the number of letter written by Cleveland. Bat Mr Clevelan 1 i no th: only letter writer now usins his pen freely. One Benjunin Harrison, (he of the "hat,"! iswrising letters to all pars of the country, and the reason given those who receive them lor no: publishing them, is that t.iy wind too "childish. Two vaiei s living within a short distance of Albany, nanird mw bora male babes "Ben," and wrote the news at once lo the roan who present, put in much of hi time t-. inking shout lilaine and rlatt and in dae time received answers, nut they cannot be prevailed to put them in print. upon li is idle for tl-e democrats of this state to talk about cat ry ing it for Cleveland and Srev- nson this yesr, although we would like to see it done. The best thing for the democrats to do is lo lute with the people pattv men and wrest the state from the republicans by such combination. This is feasible and prac tical, an.1 we believe tne result weald be vie tory for the fusion ticket. Otherwise, tbe republicans will carry the state by at least $ooo, ifaot 10,000. fiast 7"hc &uS Ongooion is certainly aware or the fact thst the stste central committee of the people's psrly passed a resolution two weeks ago declaring that they would not fuse with any party. That ends It, and why talk about fusing? Then is to be no fusion, then which stands the best show of carrying the stste over Harrison, Cleveland or Weaver. The former of course because In June tbe democrats cast twice at many voles as the people's party. Let Ihe democrats every where siick to Cleveland. The ikiin ivorpoisw are said to help their young in their efforts to breathe by bearing them up to the surface of the water on their Hippcrs. Tlin spiracle or blowhole appears to be a sensitive part of tho head, for when touched with the hand the porpoise in variably shows signs of great discomfort by lashing-the tail very violently. I s oar bsigun voanter. I V F Raar. rOUtS THE IJAKiK facia. The Democrits of the last Consrrst lid several -,.,f the (oice bill printed at public rxene to rircuiat in the South a a campaign fo ameni, and yet the force hill wa no: bronchi o ti-c alientsua ofOsngrrs in ilii Un Hktion The only force bill we heard o! was 1 hat which ihe 1 lemocrs'.s of the N'oilh nd East threatened the South with in tbeeteni ttia' a bee iiver coinage hill was passed. Lci.inon The Advu-Aft j ur.ues Ihe democrats with MS zeal iban most republicans and at tbe same lime with much less 'iisc ikn and fair nes. A'-oot priming the force billaad cir ca'a'iag 1' rfsespM 1. i amounts lojur. this: Sjm? . : . .;'c'.i...'i is makiag a speech, quO'ea most of 'be "furce MB" sad mtdr it Z 1 111 of j.'c:'i It h "'is speech that ilaasxiuralS 1 ucu'a e in lbs soJlh at politic eipense ia jat ihe sm?way ibst third party ;-!;. 0 tit CtreaUstassj " in Wi'tos'i snd )otf S-mpi i. , t' eeilies a" pahhe expense Kowif :ire A hraiaM wat . libs li -rinltd t wiii nsrnsrS 1 s t iicnseoi rSgaiai 1' sy thst the f : -e liill is not Vowgiif to th sttra tsoo of iir frftrrnreet, fu ihh ro tioe. Congrewm a lte"rfsun of owe and other repabicam i'ei Lie I in ar.iov.' .ln.'t tetras 1 iber rs in fmsr of liw passsge of such s law, bat if in wis aj iresetuJ. tocnagress itwss ; rc ti'.r' ia ihe in '' way to the cwintry ia Ihe re j'..i an parts piatfoim ados let at Mir.oepoli Tneeffotstrf Hi Adtntxe to shield the lepa'j'.icaos trim tie charge of fasiting Ike forre bill arc wotlht of imi'alioa bv the most devised republican organs of ihe coau'ry KliillT.Tu.s V. The Dispatch has no war to make on democrats who foolishly propose to votefor Weaver. They are probably honestly mis taken in their duty. But it is useless for tbem fo argne that they do so on principle, or for tbe purr ose of defeating- Harrison . The only way to carry Ihegon is to tote unitedly for tbe democratic ticket Tbe same a was done last Jane for Attorney llenerai lieo! E Chainberlstn. Portland The Orrgomiam calls ihe New Yo-k Wotid- c am; aijo fend lot the west a rout plica fund TbcOregwiui waat to jotigc denot-rl by repsh'icaa co5uct X-j Mr, Scott, the World) western campaign faad is collected openly awl la -hf sanUgb'uf day I: is ex- preuiy unjers-ood ibal it is to be Men a a rforatiosal ampsuga faad. Tbe World' pledge tt tbe pabii: i lbs! it is 10 be used only for leg; iaute :atr ; igo purpose, not a cent fcjr corroptiju. Toe O"; i-ji kwow that the corra ion faai, are ao raised ia Utsway. Tbese hiads are sot raised by W axinakcr wbo i premised a posdlca in tbe cafatne. in case -f savers'. Tev are not to be pat into to- Sscii of a vaT or a Blocks of-Free Dtvlicy to bay lotc sjfcfr. These 'uodi arc to be tsrea ied sodr the super rissoa of sack repntable asca as Dscklasoa. Gov.Boies, Gov. Peck. Gtv. Winaas aad others cf ike food aasses- No. conuplion fsaos are ant raised ia that way . A the Oregsmuta weii ktows, huwit to C3rcsit raters sre raised from rich ravaauf.ctwei jskI protected Biboir. aha are psswaJsed a salt rrtnaarratsao ia piotceloa taws, or fiom rich Waaatnskers who ate -rctnisev! cabiae: posit iosts. Recc-:.y Dr MaCune published s state ment In which he attempted 10 show tk-st the candidate of his party. Genera! Field, was pretty sure to be vice presiem Theie wiil be no choice nf president by the electoral college, he think, and then Cleveland will fee e'ected by the house. Then the senate wiil elect the vice presi dent fruso l2sl two highest Or. the lit of of those voted for (not the three highest as in case of prcsideot). and It is assumed the people's parte man. Field, srill be Ihe lea nog candidate, that Reid will be second and Stevenson third, and therefore StevesuKMi will be ! out," since only two can be voted for. Tbe assumption is that the ser.ate wiil teen elect Field in prefer ence to Read This is exceedingly far fetched, since a majority of the senate in such a case sroa'id elect the vice presMent, and the majority I clearly republican evei; after all those who have tmi.ii'.e. wilh the people's party sre counted out. The Orrgonms mistakes Dr McCuoe's position. The Dr say the constitution of the I'nlted State provides that the prcsi dent and vtre president shall not both be elected from the same state. He says the election will be thrown into the house. that the house will elect Cleveland,' and lhal White 'aw Reid wll not be eligible L being from the same state with Ceveian d He says th-.t leaves the contest bet seen Stevenson and Fic'J snd that the republt- cau xna'.e wou dei-c: rield In preference to Stevenson. AH this might come to pas If there were such a constitutional provi sion as the Dr refer to. Lut there Is none such. Vhitelaw Reid. republican candidate for vice president, says: "Will the democrats dare to put back tne duties on sugar, tea. coffee and the rest and so put up the pri again to the whoie body of the people': ' Dear, oh. Dear. Mr Reid. have you for gotten what Bro McKinley. tbe very hither of the present schemeof protectionism says? Has he not told you time and again that the foreigner pays tbe tax ? Hoe , then, can put ting a duty on sugar, lea and coffee put up the price to tlie wbo'e body of the people? itont you see you are off? Did not McKin ley say in Nebraska the other day that his bill had brought down the prices of articles upon which lie placed a duty? Yes, let the democrats put a duty ou sugar, tea. coffee and every thing for McKinley says it makes them cheaper. The Roseburg .uWwisVr, though a staunch republican taper, takes a rather gloomy view of the prospects of the repub lican party in this state. It says: The republican party of Oregon is get ting in good shape for a defeat. And when it comes there will be but few mourner, und their grief will lie a balm of gilead. ;v it were, to the feelings of those who might otherwise regret such tin event. The de feat wiil not be caused by a lack of faith in the republican party, but by a lack of trust in the perons who have been leaders of the party in Oregon for tbe past several years. Politics, both county and state, need a thorough cleansing, and uulens tho repub lican party does the job itself, no mutter how disagreeable, the people will arise in their might and hurl it from power. This evidently refers to that boss rule in Oregon that keeps in a good office to the utter exclusion of republicans who command the respect and confidence of die peojMe. An old disiillarv kett'e lias been uti earthed at Heading, which, to fool the revenue officers, ran water if the spigot were turned one w ay and whiskey if turned the other. "i.ane county is a good locality for raising horn but it appears cannot produce all the bacon necessary. A truck load being de livered to one of our merchants this morn ing is very suggestive. Oraaro. The trouble is, it does not save its bacon. BRONCHITIS Is sa isffaassMsfcmof th bronehtai tubes tbe a, r passage Uadtog Into ate longs Few othr eomplalnni are so prsvalset. or esil lor more prompt and energstse aetann. At nsglcet or daisy may result seriously, sffsettvs remsdles should always be at a. Wl a onee a mustard potiine p, to upper art of th het. and, lor laKraal treatment, tak fjequsnt druses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral O tapper. Drsagist, Fort Wsyns. bat, srrttss: afy I litis sfsMr, (ow ysars of ags, was so 111 boss atwachias that w had almost given up heps of her rssovsry. Our lamiry pbyslelaa. a stelfal mas and of large ozpott enes. preneuacsd it useless to (Hye bar any asore wsdsstes. tayisg ft had done all It was possible tses, aad w met prssere for the worst. As a lass resort, ws 4aaeatm1 ta try aysrs Cfcerry rsstoral. aad I eaa truly w, wltfc most happy results. AJtea taklac a tew doss ah teemed to fowstsw saslae. sod. wftnia a wk, was ct of saagsr Wa niitaiusw slilag sw ftorai waJI ahs was essarsly wsU. Ttas assa erldaee t4 tk arU awrrn Xjtrt tt e my eustsssers, susswlag ttsaaswt 1 "Ayaf bfry rwosal ss-od sbsol a bad swwsbi assa i.y sartaer of hrwscbtsls. I st swsj areas wsw ta wtdsk f aw Bswrsd vsry bsaetel Sa fsissll 1 1 f Yoiing Children, so that tist nedtcn is knew as -taw eeasossr of raw ssllsf sd '" J straw Kafw Vasal. u CrtassM. BWa nia. ' sbsrt Oass ago. t was ssaea wftk a ordiaaroy ased la soeh ease tauad tm rae reuex. ajasost ia aespalr el ever aaysaaag to esre me. I taught AyeVs Cherry Fsotoral. aad team do I had est (it S tltsnsii Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1 a mb t ta, usa aVyairwaata. rV. 1 , Wx Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy st JUJ-JUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Axbuckle's Coffee, Par Pound 25c 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $100 18 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1 00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1 OO i Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup - 40 I wt:. erwMto a strict cash aaora, an-i a i Rood win b s"d Cw isee eh 'r s n in .0 per -nl l taac r-aru ar pries. aty sie: of Chinawarw. faswr gooda, assC U tbe oesixab swtea of dsbv as well as a ,BrsJ av-rrtos-sot af cr;-r.- eroea-r-. laniw ewd Bxiare W com s.ato. 1 mika spy tin a :. 1 - -t J skiitg powder, and always pi mho my enssotnors. Agent 1-sr so vera! responsible hrsaimneo eaaipaaie 1. JalisM mlwtil- FOR Four - Block? - in Good location. On the line prices and terms set Oregon Co., agents. J. ! for Infants and Children Caat rtaisssvircU adapted tochSdrrw that votuasred Urn superior to any preacriftioo, tSSUC." n. A A-... M r.. .P , 111 So. CfortlSl Brookljrn, K T. Th- use or 'CaSorta' Is so universal ana .j ax-rits si well knuwn that it seenw a work f iniprreroUion to endorse it Kew are the : tellipsnt .aiuMiee who uo oat keep Oasastsk viiia-wyrsweh." Carlos JXairrvjt. P. Du Xew York Ctty. late Pastoe BJooiuier all aBsfocmeJ Churv-h. Tux Csmtacb -PAT80f1IZ! H3.1 THE FARMERS & MtflCHHRTS INSURANCE CU -Albany, W p liKAh, Preahlaet J I. COWAN, Treasurer. -DIBJSCTOI J L (!wia, Geo F Simpson. W F Read, J K Wessthertora, RSStrabsn.J O Wrtumsn.; ALSO DISTRICT AOKKTS FOE Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies Salem, Orsgon, W. A tbcrouah busine traiiune school. Endorsed Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, Tlpe4ritiig,Pt'nmanskip, English. School ia session tin satire year. Students adiaitied at any time. Catalogue, c luuici ng iaformatioa. tree. H R LEADING PROTOOKAPBERB, r Altvaay xtsresB J TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DKAD1 V hile trying to Crowd theii WAY IH TO , DEY0E& FROM AN BROS store, where (hey a w ay have on hand b; largest Stock south of Portland, of the late.- improve" Rifiea and Shot ins; :mroetie stock of Pishing Tckit of ertry inscription; Tent, flan. r Cam ? Chairs and ;houand nf oti. ing too numerous to mention fa Shop 1 connect n with the Store, and one ot -he best wo men in ihe state ro do any x.d ail kind- of wor Come ov Come No roaHie to how good "Small pre fit and tuick " 1 oai jsotto. FORTMILLER & IRViSC -FUNEI-AL iMRr:rr;ks. rter-: Kmlaiaa n d-me Melawitffsen- Alsma. ttrrcss. Red CrownMills ISQH t UUWriC, f mPSlETBSS. sr rxis-iu mict sr:taiu o f 1 asm una "srs. SALE - Townsencl's - Addition mm of the New Motor line. For Land Co.. or S N Sttrele If. Tonsend. Caittria catcj CV-hc, ObBstipatieo. pour i.vnach, "xarracea Lructauoa. Kila Worm, gm sWp, arai praeaotes ci- tVilESl 2jurKus medicatioa. For several years I bars rrvotnaaiwaad rr Caatcna, ' aad sbali aiays essstsssss a so as it has swsaiiat-.y prwi-jcou . anetioia results." Edwix F. Paansa. U. TL, "Iks Wnilhrop" lessh Suw saw Tth Ave, New Turk CU Oosreaxv, TT Mi-axxr Stxuesx, Saw Tooav IMSTITUTiaHS. Oregoas J O WRITSM US. Soretar. Geo F SIMVSON.Vic Preniflmt. 1 B MoaUh.M Scaraberji . w n I. Staixv, Principal, bv iht; business aud pro it sstonul mea el Sale n. Cabinet pholo from $1.50 to Sam per doaen Enlaiging pictures specialty tfioo crayons traiv for 1000. We carry a large l:n. of 5x8 and sterescopic views of Ora m afaMb sBSBW