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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1892)
! Ww Biackweirs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco, composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has BiackwelPs Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all limes dur ing the last 25 years, the best in the world. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. WEATHERFORD A CHAMBERLAIN, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all courts ol the tat. Special attention given to matter in probate and to collections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. -yy V B1LTEV, Attorney at Law vml Solicitor In Chancery, tions made on all points. Loan negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon. Collec on G EO. W. WRIGHT, AttorneT at law, ar.d Notary Pub.ic. Will practice in all the courts of this state Special attention in ran to collections and matters in probate OlHee: Upstair Haaon-Twedale Block Albany. Oro D. R , IUCHIH . I MCkH t'KS A HA 1 SOX. all legal matters will roejive pr o op attention. Office ir. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albauj ty, u M Attorneys at Law Albany, Cregon. - ! WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. D R. J. I.. HILL. Phjcician and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D RS. HASTOW A S. VIS. physicians an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner sstwat and Btcnlaibin streets. Albany, Or, attended in city and ceuntry . Calls promptly c V. CHARRERLIIN, H. D Hemeopathist. XSTSrwcLJist in diseases of the Eye. Twenty years" experience Office hoars 7 to 9 a nK 1 as t p to, and 6 te S evening. Albim, Oregon. IIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY, OBEOOX, resident Vice President . .Cashier L FLIJfN 8, E.YODNO E, W. LAXODOX TEAS 8 ACTS A GENERAL Hanking suetaess. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to sheck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and Ul Taphic transfer, sold New York, San Francisco. Chicago and P Hand regon COLLECTION? atADEon faiorahls terms. simscroas I E.W, LansMiw L. Push Tonne Edward f . Sox. INN CO NATIONAL BANK, t OF ALBANY, 0RE90S. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. sident .! L COWAX, e-President M KALSTON. st fishier......... O A AECHIBOLD. P asjCToats, J L Cowan, J M RJtn, W S uuid, W H il rttra, i A Crawird sJH O A Arch bald. fRANS ACTS a reneral banking bnatnesa . DBAWS1UB1 DFAFTSon'New York, San ail Pjrtlirl Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE deposits subiect check . B ANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, OBBQOK. t'apltal. 93S.SSS. ...H P MERRILL KJLANXIXA IstWBLAIN President Vice-President... ashler Transacts a general banking business: Exchange bought and sou on all the principal cities in the United States I alas on England, Ireland. France and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor ble terms. interest allowed oj time deposits. W. CU4ICK sic CO., BANKERS OF ALBANY, OREGON, TRANSACT a general Banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San Fran sco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security . RECEIVE deposits subject to check. UOL.Lr.iJ HON S made on favorable INTEREST paid on time deposits. I? ANK or CIO. SCIO, ORBOON. resident Vice President . . 1 S Msaaia ..Jars Mr ass O S Mar HEALTH 1SELT Da E C Whit's Nsava Basis Tsiatmist, gnarsnteed soeclAc for listeria, DlxzinsM, Con. vulsions. Fits.Nervous Neuralgia, Ueadachs.Neivous Prrwtratlon caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the train resulting In Insanity and Uading to misery, decay an! death, Premature Old Age Birrenncss, Loss of Power n eithsrsex, luvoluntarv Losses and Bpormst irtb- i caused by overexertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-inda'genee. Each box rxinlaine one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $9, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ef price. WE il AKAXTf.K MX BOXES To cure any cms. With e-c:h order received by us for six Mixes, accompanied with $.O0. wa will ssnd the purchxsor our written guarantee to refund the inouey If the troatmcnt does not affect a cure. Guar - antees Issued only by J, Camming, llracglst tuie Agent, Albaay. uresm JAPANESE A n iv . 1 1 Jiit . f !, 'ii' i ii xJt irii i.Oiiil n 1 1'. 1 1 Jiiu'ii tin i I ii e Positive Cure Im t.i."il,f i'.i" I il ' ing Itahmr, C'll'iii;, R l V. d it I IIIIV P It ihau oth ir diwmi a 1 1 it ni'e sil'tunii; it I ways a grail nonifit t ths gsnsra' bislth. T is 11aniTnrir ef 1 sfl'tri TVf rmtirlif ai on.-a with ths k ilf j u it', is il try herjvftjr. Tin run hunsverbien kniwi tofiU. $lpjcbic 0 f ir sat by Why suljr fro:n this terrible diss when a written guira itej Is pitltively givsi wkt liixes.t'i rufuid tne mneylf nor stired. s mi I sta f ir free Sample. Guarantee Issued by J A ( ii nl ruing, lllrugglsi, Hale Agent. Albasiy. o regno THE FAR. Ml GTO For slc by STFtWiLT SOX Healers In GENERAL HARDWARE Albany, Oregon. ssssssassaasissaass W CURE L3 S A Nccs Quiet Game Complete without a libera! supply of WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS SS1S arlls FOB CnWC GENTLEMEN THE BEST 8HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE KONEY? It is a seamless shoe, with no tack ar wax thread to hurt the feet; made of Hie best flue calf, stvlish and easy, and evrauas ire snots mom saoe of this mradm tknn any otlur vuinnfactvrer, U equals hand sewed shoe costing from .00 to A0O. (SfS M Genalne Hstud-setrrd, the finest nit Pa7e shoe ever offered for S.ft: equaU Firnoh imported shoe which cost from $s.t to .. sSA 00 Hnnd-Srvrr-d Writ Shnr. fine calf. sPTe Stylish, comfortable and durable. The best soe ever offered at this price : same tirade as cur- ni.-ule shoes costing froin te.Ou to (axu. t, 0 Police oboe i Farmers. Itailroad ilen 3v and LetterCarrlersall wear them; fluecalf earn I. nooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edit . One pair will wears year. A 341 Ids ca If i no bett ever offered at 9sSe this prjc: on trial will convince Uiose who want a shoe for CMn fort and service. CA and SJ.OO Workiaansan'a shoes aPsase an very strong and durable. Those who hawa given them a trial wUl wear no other mate. Bnvel and SI .73 school shoes are DVJS worn by the boys every where: Uteysast on tne.Tr merit, as the Increasing sales show. Asdlsmas S3. OO Iland-aened best laClUICd Ih'KoIj. very stylish: eqtulilTecca imported shoes costing from tuil to taUU. Cadies' J..O. SJ.OU nud f 1.7.1 shoe for Wasea are the best fine DougoU. strltsti and durable. CatllM." See tl.-t W. I.. Do las nai4 std Dries are stamped on tne bottom of each shoo. ITTAKE NO SI' BSTITrTE4TJ Insist on local advertised dealers supplying yon. WTL. DOl'ULAsS Brcckton, Maaw. Sold by L. E. BliAl P- I'B Vi f '1 lusssH i klass?j? sssKssmBst "el" s sssasagssssssjri EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA- Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily South I I North Sr I 7iS s Lv I 4:23 a a Lv I TJX) r m 7:U0r. K. I Lv lC:23ra i Lv SOS a a 1 Ar Portland Albany San Francisco Abre trains stop only at following stations north of Kosebnrg. East Portland, Oregon City, Wood, oom, Salem, Albany, Taagent, Shodd, Halsey. Har risbarg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene. aosascse bao, daxlv SBBBBBBBBP'ii' - 'B, if Hn;"' ' aBk :30i ILv Portland Ar 1 lr l?.b r I Lv Albany Lv I 1231 b-Mrm j Ar Hoeeburg Lr I 7 3Waa ALaaav locai aaar axcart Snmar) S 30 r a Lv Portland Ar j ".0 30 a a e r a Ar Albacy Lv 1 6:30 a a Ulbsasox isasc I-SoTsTTLv Albany Arl :51 a 2 J r I Ar Lebanoa Lv I n a s 1-30 a j Lv Albaay Arl 3:45 r liB A a j Ar Lebanon Lv j r u PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. SEC0-) ! vjzh) : Far A tee sw ssi edal Ion nf Paaseagers. heldlsg neconit'C'lass tirketa.altaeheal le Ex preas Tratsa VTesI aide Mvlslon. BtT v V.f.y rullTLtMi AMI COBVALLIS. Man. ."bais saut (Ezsept Bnnoay, 7:30 a I Lv 12:10 r M j Ar Port'and Coryallis Ar Lv 5:30 r a 12 m sirasss raaia daily (Excsp. Sunday . 4:10 m ILv 7:26 r a Ar Portland UcMinnrille tvi -.n a a S.45 A a Throiifrla TicketM o all points EAST AND SOUTH. I'm fui, iuformatio i rsitardlna rates, maps, on Company Arent st AlSany KOEULEB E P. BOOEK8, Uanaesr tss'tO. F. and P. Ar Portland, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY R0IJT& o Oregon Pacific Railtodd, T. E lift 4.., Reeelver. o- Orag-jn DeYelapmanS Po's Steamers, Sh4rtv fJne to Cstlirornla. Firat-class through paneenger and reight llnofram Portland and all points lo the Willamette Valloy to und from Man Francisco, Cal. Bosts make clost connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Hacltt Railroad TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays.) Ler ve Albany 12:2' r. .:Lavs Taauina. 7:i 0i.a Lesre Corrsllis 1:03 r. u. i Leave Coryallis. 10;3f. a. a Arrls Yaqulna, 1:85 r. y. Arrive Albany, 11:18 a. u I O. fc C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaoulna witb the Oregon Development (Jompany'g Line of SteamsbipN between Yaqaina and Hun Francisco, fsAII.IJ DATEtt . raos taqi-isa. illtatttii Valley, Uiimiwr 13th, 22nd 31 at raoa sah rKAscisco WlllametU Valley, December g'.h ; 18th; 27th. The Company imsive the ngnt to ihange sailing dates without notice. if. B. Pasasngors from Portland and Willamette Valley points oan make close eonneetion with the trains of ths Yaqulna font at Albany or Corvallis, and if des tined to San Franciaoo should arrange to rrive at Yaaulna the evening before date f ailing 3"Paasenger and Fretaht rates always the Iiswest ror Informatisn apply to A R Chapman,Frelght and Joket Aiteut, Albany, C. C. HO , O. F. and P rmoctAt THE TIN PLATE FOLLY. The debate in the house upon the bill to reduce the duty, on imported lin plate gives timely interest to the statistics furnished by the treasury department in the report oi a special agent charged with ihe duty "of se curing from manufacturers of the product in question accurate returns of the quantities turned out from their respective establish ments." These returns are included in the mir.ority report from the wajs and means committee as an argument against the re duction of the duty, and they may be accepted as making the very best possible showing for the effect of the McKinley bill upon the Ameiican tin plate industry. The report shows that ll e output of tin plates and tetne plates in the United State from July I to Semplem' er 30, 1891, wa S26.922 pounds; from October I to Decem ber 31, 1S91, 1,409,821 pounds, and from January 1 to March 31, 1892, 3,004,087 pounds, making a total for the nine months of .44o.S?o pounds. The same report states the average yearly imports of tin plate and terne plttes as 678,000,000 , .. . , . ,,,!. mS a daily consumpt.on of 2,260,000 pound f:r tach working (j-y in the year. Thus annears that the entire pioduct of "American i r . .. .1 in nine months under all the stimulus oi ; high protection would barely suffice to keep I our tin workers employed foi Iwo day if the I supply from abroad were cut off. ! It is stated in the recent circular of a re ; sponsible firm of metal broker that of nine i teen firms officially reported as manufacturing , . . . . , I tin plates, twelve simply buy the mported sheets all ready for tinnng and dip them in j imported tin; only four even pretend to mtke j j their steel sheets, and only four have attempt- ; ed anything but roofing plates, end the pro- j cesses employed are generally of the cheapest . kind. For all this the prices at which the to- r.ll-,1 " American" lin is offered are slichtly i in advance of the cost of importation with the , , . i.jj, i duty of 2.2 cents per pound added. . ine omy rc encci ui m piij-i. j duty, spsrt from a little campaign advents- j . ' r , , . . A, ... mg, appears lo be a general depression Of the j trade and a severe check upon the canning 1 industry, which is ol vastly more importance ha ibU mnntre than the manufacture of tin plate ever could be. The d.m.nished pack ; ol food pioduct5,togelher witb tne greater use of palvanized iron and other metls instead of i lin, his prevented the full increase of price ; mt expected from the t.uly, by which the home j hu brwUhipg WM scarce! v perceptible, manufacture was to be encouraged, and thu ; four physicians were summoned. 1'n mb this exoibitant tax has defeated its own en 1 1 bing and chafing to restore the pugiii-t ischicf heide. to the benefit nf nobody. It is quite time to unrfo . . 1 . . this folly. HAS MANY MEANINGS. The word "prolectioo has many mean- ing., bunco of the listener by mixing tnem up. 1 hate to use the word in different mean- 1 ings. but desire to stale are. The word is used :learly what they ' 1. As the simple grant of power to an Industry to tax the people for its private nenefit, whether it uses the power or not. ... , . a. To express so'.elv the us; of the power by an industry. 2. To defin; an act of justice to an In- dustryby releasing it from a tax on raw material . This i the use of the word In old limr. When e used the raw ma- teriai of sugar 3 cents per pound, '.he , .1 c u.j . , 1. .... ueasury. ut sucn a tax wouiu ciose them up, and to protect them Irom loss ir. pavine this tax a duty of cents per r w " " j r pound cents in , . 1 ,..1 raw levied on refined ugar-3 tbe last meaning of the word to j make good their loss and 2 cents In the first meanine. When we say that their - , L, protecUon is now worth $15,000,000 (J4 cent per pounds It i in the second mean - ing of the word. When a tax is levied on a raw material, the industry roust be pro- tected (third meaning) by a corr.pensaiory v .... . duty, and the mdus'rv must form a trust to collect it . Free trade means that no duties shall be .evied to piotect trusts in collecting private taxes trom the people mat no restrictions siiall be placed on one man that ate not placed on another that trade shall be free lo all citizens alike. Ii doe not mean un taxed foreign trade, a friends ol the trust declare. And the best friends the trusts have are the loudest howlers for "tanft leform" T. E. Wilson Harrison is not popular In his own state. It is true he carried it in iSSS, but, as j everybody knows, the state was bought up for him. Everybody did not know, however, how much it cost, but th-; fact was s'ated at MinnneapoUs by Blaine men who helped to the 'fine work" for Harri son four y :ars ago that $1,000,000 was paid out for the purchase of the "Mock of five." Personally I!arrlon is not strong in hi own state o-his own city, lt will he recollected that Harrison was the re publican candidate for governor in 1S76 and was beaten by ''Bluejean" Williams. Some republicans of a superstitious turn of mnd also remember lhat he was nom inated in 1876 a in 10192, on Friday. The coincidence Is ominous. The Rev Ur Charles A Urlgg; the Rev Lyman Abbott.pistor of Plymouth church, Brooklyn; the Rev Ur 13 r Deuosta, ot the churcii of St John the Divine; ant? Rev Harry Wilson, formerly Dr Rains ford's assistant at St George's church, as well as Mr and Mrs Uriggs, have taken an action, the announcement of which wilt undoubtedly be a great surprise to many of the more orthodox church mem bers, 'lhey have enrolled themselves in the auxiliary league of the Salvation Army and by this action have signified 7 their spproval of the objects of that or ganiz&tion. Now, if lhe editor of the Democrat will telegraph to Use t levcland managers at Chicago reliable reasons for the faith that is in him reasnnsble groui.d for his belief that "C'eveiand is the strongest man'' it might fortify a good many doubling souls. Telegram. Our first thought on reading the above was lo telegraph, but firmly believlrg that no fortifications were needed, we did not do so and saved six bits. Selah. The democratic boats of the country called cully for their "Old Commander." The Chicago convention obeyed. Factional ilif ferences wi I now disappear, personal rival ries vanish, and minor discords are'lost in the general rejoicing over the promise of victory winch the m ork of the convention bears to the people. United rank's stou hearts and ready hands press forward to th enemy, and the battle is more than half won already. -- , , If a man weighing i6 pounds were to " s ' be transferred to the moon, the weight of hls body, measured, at least, by the at- traction which the moon would exeiclae upon It, would be reduced to about 28 pounds. If Ins muscles and his frame re- mained ths same, it would seem as if he would be able to jump over a wall 12 feet high on the small globe without on trie small globe without any greater exertion than would be required to clear a wall two feet high on the tarth. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Fir ml Arrested; Portland, June 25. Little Mamie Walsh arnvisher and murderer, a man named Sullivan, lies in a cell in the Hills boro, Washington county, jail, drunk and despised, while a guard surrounds the build ing to prevent summary justice being car ned out. He has confessed his crime, and told, while in his drui ken state, how he earned out the terrible deed. He related the circumstances to one of the officers, who questioned him, and then gave further evi dence of Jus guilt by telling how he dispos ed of his victims hat ami the bucket she carried with her. The story of Mamie Walsh 'm 1WI1 !.. , sad and pitiful one. She was the 14-year-old daughter of a farmer living near Mil waukie five miles south of Portland. Wed nesday afternoon about four o'clock she started out from the house of Alfred EmU ing. where he was temporarily staying, to pick blackberries. She did not return in the evening, and a search for her was instituted The result was the finding of her body early the next morning, outraged, mutilated, and cold in death. She had fallen into the power of somo fiend who accomplished a terrible ded. then, after strangling the innocent little girl, hid her remains, cover ing them with grass and brush. ' , uica(.o, June M, General Adiai K vania railroad depot. The nunuVr of tn Stevenson, democratic candidate for vice-' jured is placed a high as forty. ....... - ! . . . I I"""" "ii iil-ki it n.veinilin m Ills nioms at hote, was visited by . a large numlier of democrats from all parts! ot the country. 1 he general expression was j ilial lii. nAn,m,,i:n. .1 ... ,V . ii BUl'"K'"- l ..vivcfc. iit-iu iiuerson. ;iinunir others, said it would cause Illinois to go democratic. A IVi Hand Disaster. 1)uti.axi, June 24. The three two- bunj utiiiiiiiii?., ius cj, ;i ami 93, north First street, between Kverett and HOI III I1M Mil Giuwiers, e wjth a crash at exactly 9 o'clock last night, and immediately took fire from the explosion of kerosene lamps No 87,', a numln'r cf which is tho 1 ........ I .i..r, i.. ujuf . , Ti&ZZ ThiflS7Z was oxupied ns a restaurant. No 91 was vacant. JSo 93 was the Shamrock saloon! W b t at Mooney. pt tiy 1 111 M.xmey. Atiouier w persons werx' m tne buil.l- ; mir al the time. and. remarknlil t.i . it mt , ... . ... - ik an eve auic nu. unc .'iuaiiy swim ifK of them escaped without a scratch. rW!1(hlme( of with a bie crowd present. nt. suwv v iiijuhh, uiiu u ii y ui jt was believed that thrw were burial und. r the nuns and pniuui v ki letl. 1 l Harder. NEW iork, June .':. Billy Kraiier's bout Wltil JacK .M.'AulinV lA-t niirht at the ir 1.. itKi:.. i..i. :. m i a. t. -n o wfcen Crazier to respoml to the call of hi second to ge up and tret out of the rinir. he wff snaaen gent.j ana men nusetl tin m a . ,.u,ii.,n ilia ...... .... ..1,.1 ...i roiwiousneM, ana failing, thfv stiibUnl at r . a . . wmntB mmmm mm ue nu $ reet out witn- a t as A a a a n out much effect, rrazier was taken to ; ton in a half corweious .ondition at midnight 1 . 1 I -T 1 . , , . 1 ue pnysu iiins uiougni ne nail j chance of living. lilt. ireewy Uatpb: Washington. June ii -Senator IMnh 0 his bUI to UKTease the limit of cot for the site ana paD'ic building at rortlana to il,- ".?Va " ,s. en""1 ! ln snn !r?' i civil bin provided a '.ittte increaM- which has been rtpirti favorably by tbe senate committee on public building, and ground, is now pending before the coramitu-e on ap- J" '1J. U.ceun UH- slSiiSTU'lUitrm til lJC U.Kllr, iit- miH. -Kr, ntWT tbr j amend men! in the bill. A stallrsastl td PoRTLASU June r.nW 4 j Wiihunette Valley railway, which comprint ; 29 miles of narrow guagv road between thi city and lhmde juin-tion, with iiiS its roll- ' intr stock, deoots. shops and other proper- ties, was sold at the door of the vswtenlay by i mir-ti ; states cwrthouse at noon (leorye H Durham, master in chancery, to satisfy a judgement for $14.$22 9i. held 1 n. -cT 1 - 1-1 .i"! uic 1 aum imiiiuiriiirm lie: , ' . . . , . J K . . . (or tbe Southern I"aciric Company for . fSt. '.). . as,. a,.s,t, 1 j Oesver. June 2!.-Jay tiould. his ; r Mi)no m yesterday from Pueblo, and left soon for j " od Kiver, Idaho, where he will rpend "me hn? in fh of . (lournev has no busmes signihcance. " ' " j BfRUXOTOx. Ia June 23.-1 .us Kranti n a ci fmiay hU moUior .n-law. cut S hi a srifo a w-ftusmAw m. U i.ssss tksvbrjf Mm.I ; JgB ji I dition. sj ismc t vsa I van t , .k ui 9 v hivsa iisa All -ir in a inuui CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON ! Chicago, June 23. .1:30 a ra. Cleveland was nominated on first lllot amid intense excitement. 1 lie vote was as follows: iieve- ii.'i Hill 113; Boies tO-r Gorman 36i: Stevenson ifV Morrison 9; 0i j 13; Campbell 2. W hitney 1; Russell ( '.irli'. I. Chicaoo, June il. 'onvention met ai 0-4-, Lamb of Indiana presents name of tirav. ! Pretlicts victory with Indira man on ticket, Wrorthingtr.n of Illinois presents name of v ri in 111 1 Minn 01 111. "'y.Tnus ' l",n no,"ln?u:m t m oi ancniffan presents name ot Ju.lge Morse of that New York second-, nomination of Steven -: son. j Tennessee second- nomination of Sleven l son. Terrible storm here, dark as night and thunder and lightning, rain coming down in streams. Call of states for liallot. Alabama. Morse 22; Florida, Stevenson, 6, j'iray 2; Dele ware, Morse fi; Heorgia. Morse 1 10. (tray 9; Idaho, (iray 6: Illinois. Steven son 4; Indiana. I. ray :I0; Iowa. after- issasiass; isasssssss, itrny BVJ lliaillM SJ. tray 12, Stevenson 12, Mitchell 2: Loui-i.ina. ' Stevenson 16; Maine, (iray 4. Stevenson 7; .Maryland, l .iray 1 2. Stevens m 4; Alas i linivo. Morse Ti SIovitihiiii iV Michimin Morse 28: Minnesota. ira lr: Mississippi. 'iray , Stevenson .!. Morse 1: .Missouri. Stevenson lb, (iray IO, Morse : .Montana Burke Cochran . Lunbert Iree I. Before the ballot closed Cale of Ohio moved to suspend the rules and declare Sfevenson, of Illinois, tbe nominee by ac clamation. Motion carried. Wholesale (enalerreltiac. San Francisco, June '22. (Tiovanni Ab- lietti and Poolo Visconte have been arrested a cnarge ot counterfeiting, ami warrants I X "ZnZ V r 1 - three more Italians an similar cnartre. 1,-.. . .1 . e i . i ,11'ri'I .l-rvtil' H'.rri wlufi.u MkSlf t 111. bantl has been at work for the past ....... -.. - months, anil have manufactured a great amount of counterfeit money, nearly all of which has lieen distributed by means of the various Italian colonies throughout Cali fornia. Oregon Washington and British Columbia and as far south as New Orleans. In San Francisco alone over 815,000 in counterfeit dollars and 85 bills and lottery tickets are known to have been issued, lie sides a largo amount of coin, and it is esti mated the operations of the band have reached nearly $100,000. A Load? Heath. KosKut no, Or June 22. Jesse Bounds, an old pioneer of this county, was found dead last evening fifteen miles from look ing ilass. James Frater cans in from the latter place this morning and the particu lars were obtained from him. Two weeks ago Mr Bounds and his two boys went out after cattle, and yesterday the lioys went to Linking Clang for supplies. On " returning they found Mr Bounds lying on the ground, IKK) yards from their cabin. It is supposed he fell dead but a short time before, as the body was not yet stiff. Heart disease was likely the cuum;, as there is no indication he was foully dealt with. Blown to Alosns. Lachutk, June 22. Three men ,,. i.i. i , 1 were blown to atoms and one boy seriously iniured yesterday at tho Brownsburg curt- , nuge laciory, wnicli somo years uiro was esiuuiisnea ny uuptain Howard, of the Connecticut National Guard. and of Oatling gun fame. At 4 o'clock veaterdav after noon the explosion occurred, which, even at j a distance of four miles, was distinctly heard I 'aa-niiu.. Order at.onoe some of our New Crushed ava eoUee. I It ha unequal O KjBkowneu.. ' A Ciirvallt Kolrfj! r; CdnvAi.MH, Or June 24. The city wa last night the scene of a mysterious crime. Sometime in the night Uift room of Charles Strage, a bachelor living in the north end of town, was entered by one or more men, evidently intent on robbery, as he was known to have money. His bed and room showed evidence of having been searched for val uables, but tho thieves were evidently un successful, as a purse containing $284 wow found carefully concealed in the mattress oy the officers. Strage was found this morning about b o clock in a bam .SOU teet distant from his house with no clothing on and covered with blood. Wood was streaming from a horrible gash in his forehead made 1 by a club. The weapon was found near his room, besmeared with blood. His recovery is donblful. The supposition is that the victim partially recovered consciousness and started up town fcr assistance, hut wandered around in a tlu.ed condition until exhausted, t nc arrest was made, but no evidence was found against the man, and he was dis charged! Fatal Trnln Wrrek. PaNttUM, June 85, The most disas wreck that ever occurred in Harriabarg took place this mornimrat 12:30 at I'oeks street. The second section of the western express ran into tne first section, completely w;ies iillllllf IWU I'lus. rut: ni-itu ,,... , i lltirulirloirilHrr Worn kmku. Mass June 24. Thedau-li- ter of Mrs S II Illiss. of this town, has fall- en heir to 87,000,000. She recently made a visit in iwr York, where shi met 11 uvitlthv v uu.: w:n: .. ii tn. ! i.iiiiMiiuaii. ii 1111. mi iiiii i n i i i. int mu fell in love and became engaged. The Eng lishman died in four weeks and he lieueatb ed his fortune of 17,000,000 to his loose. M Unf it U an interesting fact that Chicago j bulletins arrived !n Albany two hours be fore being sent. That is : A dispatch dated at 10 o'clock arrived here at tight o'clock. The difference in lime is three hours, standard gauge. The south side of Firt street in front of the approach to the bridge should be graded at once before the alh ol Julv. It ? ,1 1 1. . lne noiilt title bss been attended to In an exemplary manner. Let Albany present a respectable appearance on tne 4th. for a big crowd is coming. When the dag was raised at the unl versty yesterday, it was filled with 500 little flags, and when the big one was un folded at the lop ol the pole the little ones floated all over the grounds. They bore the inscription, "Presented by the old Soldiers and Sailors, June 21, 1S92.' Eugene Register. E very body knew that Cleveland had 1 been nominated awhile after 2 o'clock ' this morning, when the anvils began , booming. The satisfaction was so gen- , rrsi incy giu not siop lor two or mrcc hours keepir.g it up till daylight. The ' Harrison anvils were only ood fur a few I moments of ratification. i moments of ratification. i Six ,livorfet Hffc gr,nted lhe term of the ci.cui: court. Nellie Sladdcn ' wa granted a divorce from s C bladden sno permiitea to resume ner mai.icn name ! Nellie Eugenia Oilbcrt. Clara Sheppaid was granted a divorce from CC Sheo- para and permitted to resume her rnsiden Clara C NewhaH. Amberger ; " -T,"ted d"'e ,rom, A.M Wlini Ial1ll I. ,lAmi;,. II JIB I J U.t. aJ and Amanda 'Wait to J II Wait. In the Wa,t ' d S!dden case the property SL i I Tliere is a revailing idea in the V. S. j that to get anywhere near a native boa constrictor means death. Miss McNeil ; Sdh a mmmm I. : ....TV ins. iiitiuewi luiiiiriiiiiii; difTerent One morning on ttoing to a i neighboring school in Liberia. tin native I children found curled up on a rafter un- 1 ,1., iu nl .i . t i .- w.. mm.. j w. ui p'Si". iwj , .iited boa constrictor. Tliinkin,, it would : make the teacher nervous, and knowing tney could Mil it any tune thev wished. jney aai-j, tney aw not notiiv uer; nut ... .... . . . . let Uie snake remain on the ratler.w here ; it did not happen lo be discovered by the j teacher. After school they attacked the i oa constrictor, amen it. anil ate it, pro- nonnnng ii limy as goon as chicken, like - . a a a . . ' . . which it is ram to taste, it wa eighteen i . i , i ,-.. . im iouk. sue natives nave lit: le icarg i of these supposed to be terrors. The 21 year old representative of 1-ane county is making a reputation. The ( .itnr.1 era -ss 1 Inst I L W ,1L,.k.H 5 . viusiim rsss s tj . a a vri as. ww 1 1 a infill has receiveI invitations from at leasta dxen , places to deliver Fourth of July orations. On account of a previous engagement in , a different line he ia compelled to re ; snectfullv decline them all. Farmers from all parts of the rer.ort crops of all kinds in trood ,f (': tion. Althonich the sorinir an late Urotind was in the finest shane lnmvive seed, and Ihe continued cool and moist weather has produced a wonderful .growth. From the present indications !f"e f1 g n w'" unusually j beavy Salem Journal. .... Tho Im nilli .m.icn. ktt clubs is that they expect the Pitcher and ...... ss I444s sal I yTJV I -Ull catcher to do all the work. Better jn and out Held work is needed. A pitcher can do little without proper support. In ! several games glanced at in the N V league, tne average put oat by the catcher was between 4 and 5, about the work of the 2nd haseman, and about a ; third of that of the first baeeii mi. The 1 three fields generally put out 4 or 5, , nearly all that come to them. Amateurs will do well to consider these facta and j learn to stop grounders and get under ! flies and not depend too much on the pitclu r Not many games of base liall are. played without some -.contention. The Woodburii Independent save: "The St Paul boys went to Lafayette last Sunday ' and played the Lafayette nine. The score atood 7 to , m favor of the St Paul bora. The game was for a puree of 10u ami gate receipts. The Lifavette nine claimed an erroneous decision on the; last inning nnd relueetl to give np either slands in tune longest, and Is an endless stakes or gate money and so the purse , pleasure to all alio buy them at B E lit -was divided and t'.'.e manager Kept the i mn's, First st, Albany, Or. gate receipts. S I Guise, formerly of this city, but now ir. business at Lafay- 1 otto, wnirproil nion..v mi ll,., 1 .if n-. n.. r -j in ujwe-w Doss and. no'witlisl.tnding the act on of the ifavette nine lie gave it up savina bat tbe St Paul bovs won fairly. V'ni iMiirpny, oi t I'aui, was umpire anil wc ST t r i c . x a . . 1 - 11 l". . i an snow mere is not money enomrii m ir v. 1.111 . .... . , 1a1n11111coun1ytoEetl.ini to ilo any thing wrong, St Paul 1kv will never again ctofs bats with the 1-nfayette nine. Recently the Democrat published an item from the F.ugene Register In refer ence to prohibitionists in t'ie late elec tion in that city voting for whiskey men. A writer in the Guard scores the "paper 111 me lonowing nve manner, aim e Rld.y.th7oUier.ide(H the matter ! v.i wui ot cic y j ' 1 1 1 1 'i ' 11 in . -l Kiien tne charge to be false. By reference to the vote ns tabulated in tire county papers it will be seen that South Kugeiie precinct No 2 only polled about five prohibition votes, and that these went almost wholly to the prohibition candidates. But the maliciousness of the Register's false statement scarcely exceeds its stupidity, as the vote of all the Eugene precincts are given in the same issue, which flatly contradicts tbe false statement But I suppose the Register man thought that no one would think to stand up for the truth by the side of his false statement. What will n hitrh license republican not do to defame a iimiiihit inni t anil iinlmlil the saloon? Alien Baby was sles, are Rare her Castona. When she was a Child, she cried for Distorts When she became Miss, slio clung to I'aatorta. (Then she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Tinwsre lasts longtr when purchased o Mathews & Waahbnro. .They ;koap good grade, well made up. "ii a 1 ESTATE 8ALE8, KF,Ai Robert Andrews 10 Mar A Chas- tain, oo acres i:j w 4 8 H Moses to S E Mills, i iot',' Tan gent R N Massey to T A RlrhariUr 1460 J6 pirt of lot In Sclo lo lf.,i.,.i T i 3" ivcvBiupmrnt sjo to H C Wlnmer, i lot, Waterloo T C Feebler to Emma M Parrish, several fractional lots, Lebanon' Alf N (ioln to Jaspci L Goin, 6o acres, io w 3 ' 7 200 10 jasper is ooln to A N Coin, acres io w i W.57 J V Wilson to A P acre io w 4 Cooper, 104 A P Coof er to Henry Row,' 62 86 acres 10 w 4 John Mayer to Augustus (ioMsche, 1 acre, Lebanon Cha McFarland to Win V (Vail 4000 400 bralth, ytU acres 14 w j . Vm V Gaibraiih to Sarah McFar land, 100 acres 14 w 2 1 Wm F Galbralth to Thos H McFar land. 20314 acres 14 4 3 1 U S toChristitn Ilettman, 160 acre 11 Kj Patent Oregpn to C Hettman, 160 acres 12 2 200 Rachel I'rine to Jas Crabtree, ct al J cre 11 Hobeig to Fcterbchlosser, lo.s and t, h!k 3 Sholti't fruit add, S Albany -00 W H Ramsey to jay W Blaine, itio acres 1 1 and 12 w 4 J J Dubruillc lo Rachel Laporte, 1 lot, bik 130 H's add :ooo 700 j 7S5 J K Kclley to Mary E Davis, 34 acres 10 w 2 A lick nalvown t ! I Waiter, lot 12, blk 4 P's add i Emma A Warner 10 Geo Wright lot IO, II, 12, blk3llanmarr6 add, N Broanaville f S to John Hater, 160 acres, ;i K 4 : O t C to J R Geddes, So acres, 9 E 400 l bo H W Mcttlemlre to Georgia Settle mire, 15.63 acres 12 w 3 H Keys to Mary Uolan, 69.100 acre Amelia Henry Humes to M V Springer, 100 acre 14 w 2 Martha Alford to David Goodlin, i8.i7 acre ijws Nora A Ingram lo Sylvester Leach 45 acres 14 w 4 Luke JdcCinnis to K (j Kecnc, 129 acres 9E2 500 Total 39ob ler Jsislar and A Horary. Below we give the vole in this district on circuit judge and prosecuting attor ney : Bar- Shaw nett- Marion 5Mo 234 1 Linn 1010 170 Polk -1134 1001 Tillamook 588 371 Yamhill 1300 1025 Mc Cain. 2W8 12S7 1088 012 14t Bil-vea-20ii5 Burnett's plurality, !74. Mct'aiu'e plurality, 601. Is Poan-aND. I)r Hammill and wife, two of the victim of the Labiah wreck, re now at Portland, awaiting their trial. which tskes place next month. Dr ' BT." madea bie Enro'iean 1'idaMri and was completing t on the coast Mrs Hsm- mii ia a'lso a Itto,. being the first Udt to graduate from a big Flern metlical -.H i. w ;n - 1 u-T. M uken to ,n Mviunif (,.,, mhlcU he , tiU bevn discharged. It aas claimed as lhe reeult of U.e.ccident. Mrs Hammill ().. Iris I l.aa "sde life weary by tracking them a ith detectives. Their suit forf.000 damages watclied with great interest. will be Two Lapv BicvcuisTs. Two fair j oung lady eyc ists of Corvallis went oyer io Albany one day tnis week, taking their wneels with the it expecting to return the same dir. Wr.Ile on their wav home ! I" i , , , . , , . . , , ! f i'. 'n"mu' ,n . , ; ... ' , oyer back to Albany where thev staved night aod returned home on the ...!.. ... . , j , e- tul' morn,n8 freight . -Gaxelte Ax Exrexsivr. Back. This forenoon 1 . , 1 1 . . . . . s 1 1 . . , . w . sr.,. w up yues lumuure store to get a loaa ot furniture for delivery. Instead of slop- at l,,e. enrbmg the team kept on isaaiug. iroiog w mi ivrtx iu M me torn- Z a . 1 ai Z -A . T I I uurr- consisting or a cmiiv set oi piusn 8'. " otner pieces, a.uiojt uscaiog ,ni. il.. i.m. ;k.ia. ... ..i . .. .. r i i 1 1 1 ii r. -a -. . iiitiv m.imnff ii, ri .. nl . . , . piivvc -- Kituu7iuauuri SOOT pa pert fresh fardea and Mow cr seeds awaiting I urcha-.ers st C K P Hows ell's. Look 11 Far a sloMtST. I have some ot the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of his own by pavineasmall down and small mt,,f"'r r:""' lhft'n" S!he i.cootidet paid for. ror further information ca i at i A . iheofBce. corner ind and Broadalb... st,.. ! ' sppc"uo Df.V K rat office. , ! John F Xi- appo!'. Da G W M aston. UH na n . I n Jt i The pleasant day. .r, gentle action sod sth iag effects of Svrop of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the lather or mother b c-etite or I iliont, the most grstifyingre- salts fellow its asfc. so that it is the He :,m' ' emely Known ana . very latnu v oooid have bottle. ! Go to f II Mueller's fcr yoor i -e errata ' . In At HAl KIMi CllLt-ll cmn be so quickly carel by ShiUh's.Care U'e gaar antes it. For S.vlb Cheap A second .land piano. For further particulars call 'i the drug store of Illackman ft Hodges' or at the residence of G I. Blackmail OsciJedly the largest and choicest variety of tea in town is at C K BrrwneU's. Sun diied. basket tirtd. g een. hack. Knglish breakfast, &o See oar bargain cjunter. V F r.KAD. Important. Toknosv that the Hercmc & Long Piano gives oerfect satisfaction. Fort- t. .... .i i Ju"1 rct-ciseu a fine ' "s,irtment- Kubber r Lach ur I ',"C41 wlu f,atent brakf a 8rcat UllnS- M.xKKIKK. RACt:-CROSSF.TT. - On Wednes day evening, June 22nd, 1892, at S o'clock, atthe pleasant home of Mr E Thrall, by Rev E R Prlchard. Mr Karl Race, the sslt known and successful proprietor of the St Charles, and Miss Euphemla V Crossett, recently .1 popular teacher In the aaiem public schoDls, formerly ot the AI- k.. ki o-u 1 were elegantly nda fine lunch wa served. Mr and Mrs Race have the best wishes of all for happiness and pros perity. SMITH THOMAS On Thursday, June 23, 1892, at the Exchange hotel, in Albany, by George Humphrey, Esq, Mr Jos A M Smith and Miss Mary C Thomas both of Linn county, COOK PHEGLEY On Wednesday evening, June 22, iS,2, a the Russ House, in Albany, b'v Judge D R N niackburn, Mr John VV Cook and Mist Belle Phegley both of Linn countv. : MED. WILLI AMS. On Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after a lingering illness, at his home, near Kendall's bridge, Mr JM Williams, aged CO years. The deceased has resided in Linn county, since 1S6U and was well known as a man of integri ty and Christian principles. He was a member of the U. P. church. One daughter, Mary, and many friends, are left to mourn his death. BORN. KIRK.PATRICK. In Lebanon, on Friday night June 24, 189a, to Mir and Mrs H Y Klrkpatiiclt, aghl. "'ft HOMR AMI AIIROlh THUKSiT. Fifteen or twenty Monmouth tu'leat came to Albany today by horse conveyance, with a big wagon of trunk, on their way home. Mt N II Allen is ureativ imnrnvina bis (home property by adding a basement to it, i 'h brick foundatlon.making It one of the ! fnest residences in Albany. : Base Ball. Albany, 29; Sc.lo.19. The core tells the story. Oollett'g batting was immense and his niavins eenerallv good; Martha.ll made a great second base running catch. The game wa full of errors. Cole and Simons did most of the battery work for 8cio, Collett and Harlow did he box work for Albany, and McFar land, Collett and Harlow the catching. Umpire, Percy A Young. Albany people would like to be surprised with a game in which the ,corc on on' side at least wa kept below 10. Livk Runaway. This forenoon, Ur J L Hill was at Mr Williams' restdence,near Kendall's bridge, paying a professional visit, when hii horse, which had been hitched, took it into his bead to leave that parte! the county without much provoca tion, and breaking the strap tore down the road at a terrific rate, breaking the buggy lo splinters arid disappearing In the dis tance. Ur Hill was taken Io Tangent and came home on the noon train. What ric came of hit rig had not been learned at presa time. yttiriAY. Feather Leg i th name of a iioaebarg base bail club, 1 Bathing in .h limped waters of the Wil- iamette now is equal to seif bathing so fsl At the Yamhill county pioneers meeting ' last .Saturday mere were enrolled 24 pion eera of 1843. The lowest price for strawberreia in Hose bo rg has been three for a qoarter. Here they hv 3 been five for a quarter right alone-. The Fairies' W was presented last night to a fair audience in a pleasing manner. It portiaya Irish life in an nnpiejadicid and attractive manner. Dr C H Lie. of Corvallis, offers a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of th men who ecentlv robbed his nauae of a laroe I j staantity of jewelry. Sweet Horrtft and Yat-r!nr will relehratA ; j 00 the 4th of Jnly. Ssm Garland will de ' iver toe oration at Waterloo and Hon M A ( Miller at Sweet Home. The largest crop of strawberries this year in tbe history of the valley as nearly as ' be estimated. Now a fine late berry is com ing in from tho Santi&m. At Tacoma yesterday the Portlands de feated the Taconua 21 to 19 a regular slog ging match. They most have signed noie of the Knox Butte boys. The American Jersey Cattle club will 2038 , give fifty $25 prues for essays on Jersey 1055 cattle. Particulars can be obtained v ad 347 dresatst: Use clnb at I B.-nactway.Kesr York, j 950 i or at tbia office. j Tbe gradaatea of the Indian school at ' Chemwa were Oliver Lindsey, of Idaho; J Aanes Whitley, Martha iVashumpe, Jose- ' phtne Ailard, of tbe Sonnd; Robert Wusoc, : Warm Sptngs reservation; Joseph Adams, of j Siletz; James FUocery, of Alaska; Frank Losrery, of Hngne river; William Miller, of , Calif.Jinii; Adds Irwin, of Salem. J L Hansard brought salt against Enoch . Hidgsray for the collection of 56 59, an eld , ! liquv bill hich he de-sind to hare "iHioid-1 case was tried before Justice ! ated." Tf t bilds on Jane 16 and jadgmnt by de.'aolt rendered for the fail amoant Browneville Timra ! Xu(B Wasted.- Yesterday Jeph Job, who recently bid in the Oregon Pacific railroad. go an extension T time for ' It n swlitsiglgnw sT' - si, t hqnidsting for the same, of two months The money had not been raised. It ia probable Mr Job anticipated the receipt ol money irom a quarter that lost its 1 pen. It makes O P matters look a little ' j slow, but put a telegraph pole on the ' ssstt that they will come out all right : lime- sUSOwBAT. Stay ton wiil ctlebrave the 1 h v Yetteriav .aayett- iiere-ed iodepen dence '29 to 1 . d Several dos.-y matden, of the Siletz. pv.i rd through All anv ft'.m (.'.rmewa today, homeward bomxi. Stcyclista eh iad rerr,e-i.' r the meeting of ... . - . - , , . - , uk ws :w . v -s hsll WsSlsUl evening i s o ciocfi. -jv. ttnin , mor:c rnder.d at the 1 reeideaoe of .-editor" last evewics: by ( serrta.lers were u.l ef inspiration. Thanks, i jjelt weJ. wi I he the last of the old i , osssosr "y ' The cew ones wi.i Co to . . ! work or Jaly -J-.a, practical. y Jaly 5tH The K!eetr: Liz -Z. company have moved ' their office. i opposite the Masonic rempls, j where they have oeat and convenient oasr ' ters. The K int,s Iaaghters of the C onrestian ; al chorch. beaded by th. i' saperin esdent, ! Airs Tsthsm, held a picoi party serosa Use j ; river by way of the big st- el bridge today. Mr Peterson, father -ii -law cf Del Sav- : age, who was reported to bare skipped oat. says that though U.-e boy ot ot the city. conndent re will tv 0:1 hand for the next Monday. Here, a real estate accnt. d nri ! i boainess at IilS'j Wssiuitgtoa strett. yester- i : day mort ion shot to death Angnta Sr.ogren , s domestic ia the employ of Dr K P Gilmer, at Sixteenth and Taylor streets, Portland, i and then killed himself A gentleman, nnder forty years of age, whose hair was rapidly becosnina thin and gray, besn the use ot Ayer s Hair s .gor, , ad io six months hig hair was restored to Sits natural color, and even more than its; former growth and richness. I: is conjectured that a specific my yet -be found tor erery il! that flesh it heir to. However this may be. certainly the best I apecitio yet found for disease of the blond is Aver's Saraapanila, and most diseases ori mate from impure blood. Th j telephone line from Portland to Cor vallis has reached our town in its construe Htsa. Cheap transportation of thought is .' what is needed, as well as cheap transport j tion for Ihe heavier materials of this xcon dane sphere. !c dependence West Side. Coi- CitRisroniER Taylor died in Yamhill county last evening. The Re- ! porter, anticipating his death, savs: "His prominent connection with the history of Yamhill county is well known to many readers, and is such as calls for more exteuded notice than we can now 1 give. He came to the state in 1S4.. and I was an early merchant of Dayton. Today ! the Masonic order, of which he was the first member in the state, becoming such i at Oregon City in l$4t$, holds a grand celebration at Lafayette, but a pall will j lie cast upon the enjoyment of the occa j sion by the absence jf Col Taylor. A j 33d degree Mas.m, he has held all the ; offices of distinction the order could con- i fer. His death will be greatly mourned 1 and deplored. Btatb or Onto. Crrv of "imso. I Ia a.i Cocxtv. S3. FBAitstJ.CuKsrv mates oath that he Is ths senior partner of the :iru of t'.J .Cuknkv .V t'o. . doing business ia tho City ot Toledo, Couutr and folate aforesaid , and that said firm will pay the sum of OH BHD N DRED 1K1LLARS foreaca and every case of O atahkh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarkk ft-su. FR.VXK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray presence, this lith day ot December, A. 0. 165. 4 A. "vV. GLEASON. V Sotary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood ami mucous surfaces ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. sT Sold by Druggists, 73c. Pay Up. Al personsindebted to Conn .S: Hendricson are requesteJ ti cV.l and pay up at once or accounts will be placed In the hands of an attorney for collection. An clcset line of diamond rings, dia mond pins and diamond earrings, just re ceived at Will Stark's, finest stock ia the city. Wests Ootnjb Sjrup, a sure curs fur coughs, cold, croup and consumption. 4 oa bottle, 25c. Large bottles, 50o. Sold by J A Camming, druggist. "HACKMKTACK," la.tiug and fra grant' perfume. Price 25 and oens. CATAUUH CURKD, hevlth H awas braath aeeure t by Skileh's (Jatarrh Rsmady Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Care is the remedy for you . Allen Bros always keep their customers ppliedwith fresh butter and eggs. a-rnrii 1. 1. Parker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Boy yonr'grocerieajof Parker Bros Finegrocrriea at Conn &Hrndricon'. Latest ;hcet music at Will & Link's . New cream cheese jast received at Conrad Meyers. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, doea first class work. E W Acbtaon &Co arealliog monumtnta at Portland price . Stewart & Sox tell the very beat ratens (hear and scissors. The finest line of pock as) knives in the city at Stewart It Sox a. Smoke the celebrate 1 Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H Ellis, nhysician and snrgeon, Albany, O--. 1 Calls made in city 'or country. With hi new bakery Conrad Meyer able to offer old and new easterners tirr thing firstclsm to baked goodj. bill, and sever Cared. O W Mess;nger, 216 Sene: street, Buffa lo, writes: "I was a treat sufferer for many yesus with chills sad fever, and tried reme dies of all kinds, bnt fennd no relief until a friend ef mine told me to bay a box of Bran dreth'a Pills and take them as directed . I ! need two boxes and believe that I am cored, . as I have not bet n troubled with tbera for the past year. I cheerfully recommend them to all who suffer." Net Ire tke Cirssge I have tiits day made arrangements 1.1. L' . . U 11 I. ..'el ! w.vii nuaip, iiuncii . vuujpauy, ui ar (.fjj lor their entire line oteoods, in ns binders and twin for the season of 1802, notwithstanding all reports to the contrary. June 17th, 1892. J. W. Pbopstt. Agent Linn Co. B. C Pfnodcrs Oregon Blood Purifier is the Brest cooooeror of billionauess and liver complaint. Relief certain in every Sold at one dollar a bottle. Try it. shilob's catabkh; REMEUY,- positive care for Catsnh. Lhphtberia 1 Canker- Month. Try cur syrnp. It is good. C E Bbowxeix, A large line of elegant gold watches sMw.trava at Wdl 4; Stark's. rjoY;cT iar The smallest is the bat ia pills, other things being equal. Bat, with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, nothing else is equal. They're the best, not only because they're the smallest, and the easiest to take but because they do more pood, They cleanse and regulate the liver, stomach and bowels in a way the huge, old-fashioned pill doesn't stlsKsMTn f 'I'hlffl ar sf-SsT f ri tvw Ms-M tea use STSxem witn me orcunary put. .a . . -: a .a . V rtn It's only good for upsetting it These are mild and gentle bat thorough and effective, no pain no . griping. Une little pellet tor a laxa- : live three for a cathartic. The beat Liver Pill known. Sick Head-' ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa- j tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented, : relieved and cured. Put up in sealed vials a perfect vest-pocket remedy, always conven Mat, fresh and reliable. They're the cheapest pill yon can : buy for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. It's a plan peculiar to Dr. Pierce's medicines. You pay only for the good you get. Can you ask more? 2nd Store. itest stock of Sad ssr goods in the Valley, and ths moat reasonable prices . at ava on hand all kinds of FUBNIT03E, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. Ora- 4oor w est cf S E Youu-; ' eld sto L. COTLSEfi. ELECTRIC BELT Jsalss 4BSJT44Hg (BtsMOtS as. assswr. new saa" WBsSswa.aBtessa laiisas taaSfc tassaaUy lanayta (Mtstt a.eSX aw waFeara all er tka aaaia siimwarassar. Tlniisli aaiwaeaasarsSSy Uasassr saa ta.saitaa afssr alt aeas 1 swill 11 Soles, aa wa SiaraSssf lutlwislik as Ita ss aswn saka stale. ieM sua van aarliiui u. i' 1 earn ississsaiiiisiiain mil lrUMrSs-ffi No. 172 First St.. POsTTUaHD. FORTMILLER & IRVING FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rvxtecia! Embalming done SeteoUaoally Albany, Oregon. LADIES Will C Imi. uicia ' VI.E U aeriaa LsSSm' Tallay Is. .. r i... u . bj wsiea rsa saa eat all yaar avaeaS sSlsstaeS aarwwaaa iaata4laaaleyM J .J.ruiiw. rtw asak wiw, as Jt rartertlj. atttoat rsSulat. Kaallw l4sraed.,,' sswrsilsse.Fre1eal. Over lilO.OtHS IS. Meal on Thirty UvTrlal. lltoauaekanerualasalaa. Saauaw taastnas sir. caiar sad 1 kMim of ear aaanM aaas seal Flttta $rgZutfi A6ENTSWAIITE0 Ths Hood Masio Soaia Co.. CMoasre ' ALBANY OOLLSBJATE IHSflTUTS ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 18Q2. Irs Tersa Opened Bepteaslser Sir, A f; 1 corps of instructors,-- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL 5 LASSES. Co a rasa ot study arranged to meet tb all grades of students. Special imiMctments ofertd to stmdtnii from abroad . Mr, KLBEttT N CSHIl. 1 W BEST "HtgjE'g MACttrnc IMfiraVEMEItTS. VjMjIV SUSPEHS38Y. win ewe STtssaas Meaefis asVWiili in leeatltst treat wn iisnaial.sim fin isssssr - "i 11 11I11. ri1 asssaw!' ii tmLL' 'uTummPiS m . TERRIBLE ITCHING Used Everything Fire Months. In Three Weeks not a Scar or Pimple. Cured by Ootieura. When my baby was tares uoatks old his cheeks sod forehead bens to break oat with white pirn-nl-. mi red enrfaae. la a few daya ltcbiOS COSS- tue ieed, which was terrible. After be woakt rob n, matter wonas eo from the points, in the too of Ua head. scabs soon formed bead sad face We 01 could of for nearly five It grew worse I saw yonr I of the Or Ticnta Rnrsniss In the "Chleaeo Weekly." We ' on re based Ccvicf ' fcsranss sad eoss- - their use. Is thri-e weeks' Ume there was not a sore or pimple, BO eyeasscar, on head or face. He Is obseteeo raootks old now. and has no abnie of the disease. His scalp Is healthy sad be has a beautiful head of hairr. (Hum portrait herewith.) af as. OSCAE JAMES, Woods too, Kan. U y infsat, eighteen months old, was affieted srltb akin eruptions on fats hips. Bad sores came est othfT parte. All remedies failed until I procured Ccnctrsa. Cared s year and bo retorn of diss see Mas. A. K. WALKEK, Carsooyille, Ga. X Cuticura Resolvent The sew Blood Purifier, tatemsily (to cleaner the blood of all Imparities sod potasses elements,, and CfTiccsu, ths crest Skta Care, sad Conccaa Boar, an ezqnistte 8Ua BesotiSer, extenssily (to clear use tkla aiatarp asd restore tbe hair , base ctinil Ui isasdnsseaaes where tbe suffering sraa alm.rt I ,-yosd eodnranee, hair Bfsseas or all rose, di gur. meat terrible. What other resaedies have made such marvelkms cores? fkJd everywhere. Price, Ctrriccsu, sse.; Soar. c; Bzsot.vxwr, (1- Prepared by thePorrsst Bess asm Carmen. Cosar-osanos, Boeros. SSrSend for How to Core elfcm Diseases," 64 fssys.sSUlasslrsaaosassssd IsSesClly1rrlssl DlDV'C 6sia sod Scalp po rifled sad beaetiSed WO! O bJ Ctroraa Boar. Absolatejy pare. ACHING SlOfS AMD BACK, Hip, Kidney, and Uterine Pains Weaknesses relieved la esse ml m Uw the rntinra Anti-Pmla Plsetesv, the first and only pain-kilang ptaster. r.Ti: . aw IT 18 THE IDEAL MEPTCTHE. It rouses Ms Lfr and Kda--ya sw-l Sloiwach, rocs H-A. h-. Dyorr. cre-e aw Apftr Issr, Parina uc In,-irr BjooiI, and sjVeiTheJWesk Strong. i!lsslsliri-i'e'?:'hi'iarw Ccederenrwhere. 1 ' irUlei; aiior5. EEAL' MEEIT 1 j i S j j WS - S ss , - a. a . . 1 never tned the j 0 I. foto-t ai. Lifer Cire It works so a serif. rJeaasjag tbe Liyer sad Kidneys; acts as a aaild physic withoot cans ing pain or sickness, sad does not stop yoa from eating and wockiog. To fry it is to become eou icced, Traale sstpssUeel vy WSmktt W1SV Albany IRON WORKS. . Manufacturers HAH ENGINES GUST MB SA MIUMACHINEgy HON tOUTS W UL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, II ItOH AND BRASS CASTINCS. Special attention paid to repairiryt ail kinds of machinery. faitr-rDS Hade on Short Sotict Scientific Aswtritasi e Aaesss, .tV --arISi.. wiw TTTT" - W sWM WC1 WTfs Ownw secure"1 ; i -T!r. SiTla-irei p s. UnitlSe ryrt-c- zmm sees ahowM be . 1 .. ir: ' .' six iti.i;., - V'W. 4 PO SHAY A MASON wwsvavus aaus aarass- OmggistsaBd Booksellers AfrsLta for John B. Alden'a jml 111 rlnl entehweasUat oubllsker'e piiewa sriia 4Stajrsafl.W AIaBANT. OKKUOl REVERE HOUSE; ILBANY, . , OREGON 111 AC Da?Pfs7l7DI Il n. kfl IU ST A v "'i-'. irmrina l 1SUI lllr; 1 tyrs ACADEMY OF Lady of ParpaUil ) $500 Reward f 1 w par tke a Sots rwar. f r - - .- c.w- Sf Um .ii- iat. prspepsia, SioK lieau'.-v. . Cwt .atioa nr eoattscaasa we rmwet .-c.-v wita Sail etableUrarri!la,wlen the i.m-!i-u. stricsti--npiied wita. Btsyaraireijyss; il to fiss aatssfactluo. 8ag-ar tasal Lv re - na vtal35rtr":t. at eanta. Hewai at i-aaMAlSaSB i4 , .. . l'b ganuine maaufa-t:-rrtl oalj V JOHSt c Wtsrr cjoa.y cnn .Mii Ua. Red CrownMills HOtt.LANrftNCi A'J').. I'lOFft aw raooass slock arraaioa roa raan.ts and mian raa REST STORAGE FACILITIES. I - DYE - TO - LIVE llbaoj SteamDje Works. O.J. lefdqll,!aof)iie'(oi Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Repaired. Ladies shawls and Dress Goods a specialty . Faded clothing restored to its origin color, to look like new. ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call, Work called for and delivered. Opposite Parrlsh's Brick. IsWlfi? I aiat a w m i-a gaasss- TsT .- tsm ssaswesa, wssssSA san SBssasv u swssw PILLS? NO I!