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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1892)
Ik fBtmmtt. LOCAL EZGORD. On the 4th there will be a continuous run of attractions in the city. At nine the procession will form ; then will occur the spread eagle part in front of the Court Housp. Prof Bios will orate; Miss Grace Scriber, of Salem, one of the best elocutionists in Oregon, will read the declaration, and there will ba music of a high order. After dinner, about 1 o'clock, the Po Jays, consisting of some of our best citizens will appear and give an entertainment on the platform in front of the Court House, which will be of a very hifalutin order, such as a regu lar qpread buzzard speech, comic songs, instrumental solos, probably a skirt dance and other attractions of a like colossal style are being arranged. Be tween 2 and 3 o'clock, immediately after the attraction, the contests will begin in front of the Court House, and all who wish to participate will have to be on hand. There will be a 100 yard foot race for $10, a 300 yard race, ladies foot race, sack race, wheelbarrow and three legged race, for good prizes, a greased pole, greased pig, longest run, hop step and jump, etc. Then comes the hose, hook and ladder and steamer contests, and at night the fireprks- The fun will be in the city. LelTverybody come. Who Thky Arb. Following are the candidates for Collector of Customs at Portland : David W Moonaw and L M Olmstead, of Baker county ; W J Snod grass and J W Korval, of Union county ; ex-Governor Moody, of -Vasco county ; William Kapus, John McCraken, W Newbury, DC McKercher, S G Reed, John W Minto, George Himea and L A Pike, of Multnomah county ; Robert J Hendricks and J C Johnson, of Marion county ; W P Connaway.of Polk county ; Harrison RKincaid and J M Hodgson,of Lane county ; Sol Abrahams, of Douglass county; J W Watts, of Yamhill county, and J B Upton, of Tillamook county. How familiar some of the names ; but Jim Lotan's is not there. V.' s Newbnry, one of the men, has been in Albany this week, and thinks his chances good. The Oregon delegation though, so far, cannot agree. Besides some live, young blood notice the old chronics like Watts, Moody , Minto and a few others. The contest Is an interesting one. Strange Freak. Mr Moses Parker who lives in Center precinci, informs a Democrat man of a peculiar freak In the conduct of a turkey gobbler on his place. Some time ago Mr Parker observed that the turkey was absent and he did not make his appearance for two weeks, when he made his appearance at the house hungry as a wolf. Mr Parker fed him and when the tuikey had satisfied his hunger he im mediately started to leave the place. Mr Parker out of curiosity foiiowed him to ascertain where he was going, and to dis cover the cause of his remaining away. After going some distance he -aw the tur key ensconce himself in a nest of l.en's eggs. Here he remained until four eggs hatched out. Two of the chicks died but the old turkey is carefully rearing the other two, taking as much tender care of them as is done usually by a hen. Mr Parker takes this as a certain omen of the election of Cleveland. Probate Matters.- Ia estate of J F Colbert, E A Colbert was appointed ad ministrator. Bonds, $6000. In estate of John Grisham, Elizabeth H Grisham was appointed administra trix. Bonds, $16,000. Bond filed and approved. S O Wallace, C R Lamar and BMW Hindman were appointed ap praisers. In estate of Owen Bear the will was ordered admitted to probate without obliteration. In guardianship of Nancy Dickens ci tation was ordered issued, returnable August 3rd. In estate of J C New land et al minors, third account approved- In estate of P B Tucker, W F Peak ins was appointed administrator. The Portland Industrial Exposition has adopted the general plan of secur ing for their exposition this year all the exhibits intended for the Chicago fair of 1893. This plan, especially in regard to jarred fruits, grain, minerals, or what Hver if not neriahahle or can be nreper- ved. will he of irreat advantage to exhibi- road next WednesJay or Thursday morn tors in the assurance of superiority in?. and that the work will be pushed which a successful exhibit at Portland The first contract will be let to li W Hoi- i will give them. The exposition manage-! den. proprietor of the street car lite. ment will carefully store such exhibits free of cost- Our people should avail . Crook County. Dan Hindman has gone to W'llaniette valley with a band of horses for sale. Phelix Dorris and son passed through town Thursday en route to Albany with 25 horses which they are taking to mar ket. One of tli leading attractions on the Fourth will be the balloon ascension and paraschute jump from the clouds by Frank Carter, the renowned aeronaut. " Crook county's cattle business is be ginning to look up. No less than 1500 cattle have been driven from Willamette valley to this county this season, and more are coming. Still the horned quadrupeds continue to arrive. Harry Milliorn and T Mal holand passed through Prineville Tues day morning with about 300 cattle which were brought from the valley and will be turned on the Bear creek range. A Hacklenian arrived here last Mon day from Albany, having 375 head of cattle v hich he had driven across the mountains, and has driven them to his ranch on Camp creek. Mr Hacklenian said the snow had about all gone out of the mountains, but the roads were quite muddy on the west side. He reported crop prospects good in the valley. Re view. Base Ball. A live game of base ball was played yesterday at Scio between the Scioa and Alhanies- Hepner was in the box for Scio, and with all the 'players but Cole, Ilibler and Jones, was import ed, being a semi-professional. Tarpley and Collett did the work for Albany. Scio did some good batting into the pro per places. Albany's batting was gener ally weak and where the ball was taken care of. That is one version of the reason the score was 10 to 1 in favor of Scio. Chas Burns made the one on an error of judgment by Scio or it would have been a shut out. Streadimu. There is one class of celestials who seem to b; wanted. The Times says: The Medford gun club has just imported a dozen Mongolian pheas ants to be turned loose for breeding pur poses, and it is hoped that they will not be molested until they have an opportun ity of rahiug a few broods to stock the valler with this desirable game bird. The hue and cry about them being enemies of the farmers has completely died out, even in the Willamette section, and they are there esteemed as a very desirable acquis ition to Oregon's birds. Some Difference While wool Is being sold in Albany for lS cents the fol lowing item is clipped from The Dalles T M: We received a call today from Mr B Iremonger, one of the sheep kings of Grant county. He sold his wool at Moody's warehouse, about 10,000 pounds, at from $15'., and 15-V cents. Mr Ire monger informs us that some of the wool in the vicinity of Caleb, has sold for 16 cents al Moody's th s season. Oops aro-ind Caleb are in excellent condition, and rains have been qoite frequent. Mr Iremonger noticed the difference in grain after crossing the Deschutes river. Th:: O. P. R. R. will run a speciai ex cursion train from Halstead to Albany Monday, July 4th, leaving as follows: Halstead, 6 :15a in, fare.round trip, $1.R0 8Uatiininvr Niagara, 6:25 J-5 j ville, aceoi Oates, 6:40 " " 1.55 i SOCIAL AND PEK8ONAL Mr and Mrs O H Irvine, of McMinn ville, spent Sabbath In Albany. W H Stone went to Meharaa today, where he has the contract for building a hotel. W F Deakin's, assessor elect, and H S Williams, the presert assessor have been in the city. Jas Shahan returned today from Brelten bush, where he has just completed n school house. Mr Alex Rennie has accepted a position with S L Klelne, of Corvallls, and will begin businesi immediately after the 4th of July. E P Rogers and other S P officials, a Chicago lawyer and a San Francisco law yer, were In the city today on legal busi ness. Oscar Marshall and Mr Billings left this noon for Mankatoa, Minn., where they will spend the harvest season. Mr Bill ing's parents reside at Mankatoa, the scene of n recent terrific cyclone. Bob Copeland, who has been visiting Webfoot friends the past few months, ar rived in Harney City a few days ago. Bob's numerous friends here are always glad to see him. Harney Times. A former Albanian. A big family gathering is being held at J M Irving's today. Besides Albany re latives there are present MrC C Hogne and wife, Mr Harvey Hogue and wife and son, Mr Harry Hogue and wife and Miss Lena Story of Portland, Mr. Rev Hogue, of Corvallls, Mr Wm Powers and son Burr, of Shedd, and others. Rev H F Wallace,!) D.and wife arrived from Mt Ayr, Iowa, la.t night, ind are at the Wallace farm in I'olk county. Rev Wallace is a brother of ihe late R S Wal lace and also of Hon J M Wallace, who recently arrived In this city from Greeley, Col. Both of these gentlemen will reside permanently in Salem They, with J H j Albert.are executors of the Wallace estate, j Statesman. CTX PSOaKKOINGg. Tuesday evening, June 28tb, 1892. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Superintendent, and Councilmen French, Stewart, Pfeiffer, Burkhart, Hawkins and Wheeler. The following bills were orderad paid : J E McFeron,$3.75; P W SpinkB,$35.28 ; C II Hart. $2.50: Chrin Rnndnr 4S N men ion. lien 1 Ramarrl p,, $2, .50; AECausley, $8; Chas House, $28; CLPomeroy, $2; Train & Whit ney, $148.40; JohnClelan,$2; W B Barr, $79 ; Albany Iron Works, $17.75 : R A Murphy, $115.94; Stewart A Sox, $5.15; 1 Santiam I.iiinlior iVi JN TUESDAY. left Mr Milt Hale and Coll Van Cleve this noon for Toledo Olney Fry, Sr., has moved from Soda ville to Albany to spend the summer Mr Osborne Davy, the candy maker,, recently of Corvallis, has accepted a position with C H Mueller. Sheriff-elect Jackson, of HaTsey, is in j the city. Mr Jackson will assume the! duties of his office on Tuesday next. E S Redeker, the popular traveler for j the Simon's Hardware Co. left this noon for New York to be gone several weeks, j He will probably return on his bridal tour. $62.99: N J Henton. $250.00 Petition of F M Redfleld and others for latteral sewers granted. Fetition of C R Johnson and ors asking for raising of street grade was granted. A latteral sewer was ordered construct" edinbll8, H's 2nd A, a ! closets to lie connected with it. Surveyors report on rights of way lor sewers was read and adopted. Street superintendent recommended the grading of Firs' street, Montgomery to east Hue Main street.and sidewalk im provements. Referred. Petition of D C Schell and others asked that Calapooia street 1st to 4th, be put on established gradefof city, and remon strated against change according to last ordinance. Referred Report of FJ Miller, superintendent of bridge, showed that the bridge had been completed at the following cost: Contract price, $83,350; supplementary, $5,000; improving piers. $318; Benton approach, $2216 30 Tolal, $90,884.30. Already paid, $60,000. Petition of Matthews A Washbuin and ors asked that Louses and streets be numbered and named. Referred. Ordinance bills 258, 2.9, 200, 261, 262, 263 and 264, providing for rights of wav over blocks 117 and others, It's A, were read three times and passed. Resolutions 30, 31 and 32 providing for street improvements, new searers and new sidewalks were read and adopted. Licenses to sell liquor were panted Marx Ilannigart, Peter Schlosser and Henry Williams. The City Marshal was authorized to supply needed assistance from the 2nd t. the 5th of July. bids for repairing and building side- ' wants, in H's A, were read, I F Hadlev. 20 cents per foot : J B Tillotson, SOJfc. Rejected. To proceed under ordinance by superintendent. The street superintendent was directed to grade street at 11th and Washington HOME AMI ABROAD MONDAY. J RN Bell will deliver the oration at Falls City on the 4 th. Remember the bicycle mooting at the Y M C A Hall at 8 o'clock tonight. Thero will be ni issessment in the A O U W order for the month of July. A Cumboiland I'resbytorisu College will probably be established at .function . Pr.nident Jordan, of Loland Stanford Universif , jr., will Itcturo at Salem next WednciduY . Yesterday at the fair j.'ouml the Lower Enderi defeated the Willamette in a five inning pune 12 to 9 . Saturday at Umat'.lia the thermometer was as high as 114. In Albany tho ther 111 meter get as high at 93, A couple youi.g mm in returning from the hall game at Scio last evening, in turning a corner, were tipped over, mathin the cover to tho carriage m a serious manner. One of the striking feature at Ashland on tho 4th will he the grand parade by the "Followers of Meuhistophele," led by the famous "Limekiln Band.'' K K Paikor'a sprinkler tam ran away this Bonriac breaking the sprinkler up in a very tcriuas mannor; i.tnce the noaappear anoe of tho much needed spraying of the j streets dining the day. An attraction at Yreki, IV ., on the 4th will be Old Reclfoot. the famous grizzley bear.who killed so many cattle and people. He'll go in the procaaai. c. 'If course ha ia stuffed now, having been dead xevera! year. Friday'! btnk exchanges show aboot the telative importance of tha citiea named: Portlaud. exchanges $330,874 44. balance $49,351.76, Seattle, exchanges $136 380 46, balances $39,S4S.S6; Ta aMata, exchanges $91,737.86, balances $37,229 48 Knox Butte vs Scio.-Ycsterdav at Scio a live game of bate ball was played between Knox Butte and S-:io. The Knox Butte nine was composed of Wallace, Collet:, C) and A Marshall, K, A and Bert Miller, Charley and Dica Bums; the Scio nine cf W Jones, Harlow, Cole, R and K Gill, Hugger, llarron, B Miller and Hib ler. The battery work for Knox Butie was done mostly by the Burnt boys asiih a record of n struck out, and Harlow and (Jill for Self, with 6 struck out. The score ' was as follows: Knox Butte I 023401 1 J 14 Scio 3001 1 2 o 1 1 10. I'mpirc, Arch lohnoon. The Scio ground, it Is asserted, U the best in Oregon. Another will be played between the same clubs tomorrow. Hariand's Endorsee OF al Baking Powder. Marion Hariand's Letter to the Royal Baking Powder Co.") lis V fens FASHIONABLE CLOTHJjSIG is preferred of ouree when prices are the same as for other styles. OUR NEW SPRUNG SUITS are the most attractive we have ever brought o and we ask your special attention to our line Sack ami Cutaway Suits now on sale. We ha them in all of the new and nobby designs. y ir r. u r.;i, 11 e wei anuu .a.iu nd 7U nd ,nd otlier 8treel im. j or thoal AogU(t 7. vuicuutiui, 1 hi onuu, ivm j ppjvesiients were ordered city. Mr Eaton was a resident of Al- ' , .. ' ... bany about thirteen vears ago. ..SlVSESS tf .d,recteJ,1 0 "ol,f? the , o j : county officials of Linn and Benton coun- ""HTiwr leuumer, .mi ihiuc, ari,i rffi-il. ,. tn l TmsUAT. The new U I f'horcb w.'l be dedicate! on Mill Citv, 6:50 Lvons, 7:10 " Kings, 7:30 ' Bates. 7 :35 " Crossing, 7:60 " M ankers, 8:00 " Maxwell, 8:15 " Ai riving at Albany at S:30a m. 1.45 1.20 80 75 65 50 25 On i Supt McElroy, of Salem, and President Johnston, of the state university passed j through Albany this noon for Corvallis - to attend the agricultural college com I lnencement. Dr Irvine went to Portland today to ; ! assist in installing the new minister of ! the United I'reabvterian church of that city, the church having just become self- Kev A M Acheson, o( Oak- accotnpanied liiut. WEDNESDAY. Itcmembvr the Miuinoary adtre-a tc morro night at th M I Clrj-ch by Misa Lizzie McNeil. Gran j jury biought id if-d clmct agsimt retaining will leave Albany in the even ing after the fireworks. At TnK Fair Croisd. A Democrat man visited the fair ground this morn ing, where he saw a novel quarter mile dash, another horse being trained run away and men at work preparing the grand stand, tank, etc., for the 4th. The track needs considerable work on it to be in first-class condition : but the in- W H Settlemire and family have moved from Tangent to Albany and will hereafter make this city theit home. Judge McFadden, of Corvallis is in the city appearing for the defendant in the case of the State agi Baker et a! for horse stealing. E J Roe, who recently left Albany for Forest Grove, is reported to hare gotten into trouble there, resulting in his re locating. Bische, the Chicago drummer, alio had a hand in the big flood at this city the first of February, 1899, was in trie citv today. present at loruiai opening ol bridge on ; A Blodcett uot a true hill, a :rn bill J-'y"1 j against M J Breaslio tor the l.rceny of a Committee on health and police wen vSSt ! inVe"Ugat n,,i"n! inj Agenthmanpreseut.rsB.y.i.Vffrev, " " er" OTrr Sudsy. IsmUm after the The matter of fire protection for ttie contract f-,r rui!dto S.o aw railroxi. 4th was left to committee on fire and Guard. w,lr- n.. o t . I. A -I V.' . - K.U . M -I, , ; .-J .j .111 , J . 1 ' U , ly the neat hand in Ortfoa. na been en- s f of II, June gigtd for the 4:h of Jolv cVhration in this i ,.. . cmij. 1 ni wii: prove an nmri ni i irjc. t c n. An ordinance providing for penalties for fast driving on bridge. defacing bridge, etc, and for sign warning drivers, was ordered. Xdjourned until Friday evening next. I HENOKIAM. BatnD, June II, 1892. To the officers and members of Oak Plain Grange, No 6, P ol H. We, your committee appointed to draft suuaoie resolutions on Uie death of Bro Shedd, beg leave to sabmik the fol lowing: As it has pleased the Devine Master, whodoeth all things wed, to remove from our midst our worthy brother, Frank Shedd, while we mourn the loss of our esteemed brother we too aie ad monished lobe readv when the messen ger death shall call for us. Therefore be it Resolved. Bv th if arrange that bv thA ueatii 01 uro rihedd, that Oak Plain grange haa lost an honored member and the community an honest citizen and neighbor, the family a loving father. Resolved, That our heartfelt evmna thy be extended to the bereaved family of our departed brother, and we com mand them to Him who alone can com tort in the most trying hours. Resolved, That as a token of our re spect lor our worthy broth, and synipa- my lor tne family of the deceased, these resolutions be spread upon the records of this grange and a copy sent to the bereaved family and a copy to the Al bany Herald and Democrat. Jons W Ptaii, H B Sprkoer, Henry Frekemox, Committee. 10, BBonStlLl. June 27th, 1S92, Hot and dry of !a:e and spring gtain will be quite short In this part, especially that sown late, while fail grain looks well and wilt generally be a good ciop. I J B Williams and Charles Miller got ; Into a scuffle on Saturday evening, when i Williams got thrown and huit in Ihe hip. Mr Williams thet. got mad ard wanted to , . o Miller up, but Charley has a marriage Yesterday the Ksglta went o Tangent and alngcd the c'ob of thai city io a hv game 18 to S. Hacklemaa and B.-n'.ly did good woi k as the Albany's bil!ry and Mod son aod Moacs for Tacgvat. Hail of Grand Prairie Grange, No 15th, 180J, God in his wisdom has re moved from our midst anc. take.) from our fraternity ot-r esteemed and worth r brother, J R Thompson, and of the still heavier I-jss sustained by that who were nearest and dearest to htm. therefore be ft Reoived, That we tenderly condole ih ihe familv of our deceased brother in A private letter from Mvrtle Creek htiojs J their hour of trial and affliction and heart neat cf tha drowning io Unspqua nvcr of j Sy commend ihem to the keeping of Him two boy near that place Sunday trrairf. 1 who looks ilh a pitying eve upon the Ooe was the son of J W W avw vjd ' -Ut.aow and the fatherless, ether of Mrs Thompson, a widow. Tn 1 Resolved. That a coor of these resolu bsdisa recovered, says a Kieeburc dis patch totboOregociia. 'icense aiid nas cards out for Wednesdn Father Croquet, who has for thirty- of ihls week, and did not w.nt his es trod net ion of water and a hiir roller will two years tieen stationed at Grand , dressed i.i mournim?. so be talked Wil-I probably accomplish considerable. Seven j Ronde, is in the city. Also Father White ' Hams into a good h umor, and all is quiet or eight horses are at the stables, mostly f Salem. t on this line. runners.being trained. The ball ground j Hon W P Kady, of Portland, whom Some sjv the Times will not come out ! is in fair condition and arranged so the ' it is said will be the next speaker of the ! th: week," a Calender has a n-.ashedl game can be watched from the grand : lower house, was in Albany today on his ! rhumb and Calder has a broken fmger.and : stand. j way toCorvallia to attend a meeting of j the devil has neen blown op. The Tiroes' wie ooaru 01 regents 01 uie Agricultural . devil is not like most devils. We never co'tege- I hea-d before oi one of them taking a bottle Lon Wain, J (' Booth, Bert Hensley ! of powder in one hand and a giass tumbler and L B Hoffman went opto Albany ! bottom up in the other wlir. a lighted last night as witneaws in the case of j much on the glass and sprinkle powder, ; State of Oregon vs Baker and Phelps, out of the bottle on 10 the match to ce if the powder was good, though ims is wnai j was done by the Times devil. There was , an explosion and the young gent picked frn.-c.f up and satd,"why 1 am ail itgn: ; Means Bv si nks The Guard says: Col Isaac Britton, manager of the Siusltw & fcastery Railway informs u tlesA an enginering corps will be sent out Monday morning to set grade stakes and cro . ; , v. . c. f , ...... mjidc ,.' . . .. m-A 9VV.LIUII UIS III 31 Ui.b.ll ill 1 .1. 9 Ul ,llt IV.U, . .11,. Also that grauinz siii commence on iric . , , , ,. ... . e . o . ( IrlAlvr fur lir,nuaron tin i. - mitnaman Una Lydeil fta'.er will orare a Salass t-t, : thj 4:h. . T. t State teachers iottitste it ia etiicn at rorllaod. The grand jary (his aftotoo n psi.1 a vuit j to Use poor farm. Orange and hUek are the colur of t Stat iftricwltcra! aaHaga jast adopted. The Dew HAL soils will be gtM n. n j Friday niht aod WW be ready I r tbe twna be transmuted to the famliy of ine deceased as a token of our respect and spread upon Ihe ra'nules of the gra.sge, also that a copy In sent to each of the Al bany papers for publication. J H INTER, ! W Mi.MEK, M B Case, Committee. parsds rn tbe 4.b. An a:j uroed blcjc.e meeUos wi S HIS 'BUS. r GbwUEB PaslBJK GraJioe, No. 10, P. ofH , Jnae 85th, 1892. Whereas. It has pleased the Supreme Master of the Universe to remove from fo ECO ST1TC W ESTHER. EKTIrE themselves of this liberal proposition. and thus secure a good representation both at Portland and Chicago, at the least expense of time and money. Fell in a Well. The little 8-year-old girl of lohn Henkle, of Philomath, had a miraculous escape last Saturday. It seems they had been cleaning out the well and the covering had been removed. The little girl was playing around the yard, and In hei thougtfuless glee ran into the open ing and fell to try bottcr.i . The well is about 35 feet deep and had several feet of water in it at the time. There was no body near her when she fell, but some one saw her disappear and gave the alarm. When they ran to the rescue the little girt was clinging to the bucket, which was haneine In the well near the edge of the water, and she was rescued,strange to say. without being injured. Corvallls Times. The State Vote. The canvass of the State vote shows the following: Her mann, rep, 18,920; Rigdon. prohibition, 1285; Rork, peoples, 7518; Veatch, dem, 13,019. Congressmsn, second district Bright, prohi, 1178; E!liB,rep,i5 659; Luce, peoples, 5900; Slater, dem, 13,120. Su preme judge Bennett.dem, 28,866; Moore, rep, 31,438, Walker,peoples,l2,22o; Welch, prohi, 2708. Attorney general Cham berlain, dem, 3541 1 ; Wbater, rep, 34,981. Circuit judge Burnett, 7492; Hendrix, 1415; Shaw, 6518. Circuit attorney--BHyeu, 6463 ; Denton, 20T4 ; McCainjoo j. Board of equalization Cooley, 5865; Gib son, 7200; Miller, 2436. Hit His Nose. Sunday morning as tbe prisoners at the penitentiary were being returned to their cell from the yard, one Albert Lawaon, a 22 year man was loand missing. An all day search failed to reveal his whereabouts' but in the evening about 10 o'clock he was dis covered coming to the wall with n plank to make his escape. The sruard, Lute Ravage, ordered him to halt, but wns compelled to fire two shots before he would stop, one of which scaled his cheek and shot off the tip of his nose. After being taken in the prisoner said he only wished it bad killed him. Journal. Good Shooting. Some time ago a gun was taken out of the Calapooia, which had lain there about sey;n years. One barrel was ruined. The other I Banty, the expert gunsmith, bored and put In shooting order though presenting a very aged and ragged appearance. Yesterday he shot at a 30 inch target, at 40 yards, putting 417 shot In at the first time and 395 at another, remarkable good work even with a new and complete gun. The gun was formerly owned by W B Scott, Slow Work. About eleven months ago there arrived In Albany from the east a car load of carriages, consigned to Stevenson & Gage. Some being damaged the consignees refused to receive the car riages until allowed damages. This the S 1 Co. refused to do, and the car ai.d its contents have remained htre sidetracked until yesterday, when the matter was fin ally settled. The S P though cocceded nothing, the U P having to stand the dam ages, which were not very heavy. Getting Ready. Last night one of the scows belonging to th? Portland Bridge Co was brought down from Al bany, where it had been used in the work of building the bridge across the Willam fitf The scow wan loaded with a donkev engine and a number of tools, which will he used in the improvements on the capi tol. Statesman. 92000 Clean Up. The Cottage Grove Leader says: DrJM Taylor, cfthe Annie Consolidated Mining Co., accompanied by J B McGec, came from Bohemia Monday evening with about $2000 in bullion a partial clean-up in development work of the Annie mine in fifteen days run. None but development I ore taken frorr the drift, is being milled. ! Development work is progressing all the time and showing up well . A Novel Wager. This forenoon a novel wager was settled at the fair ground. A sorrel horse belonging to Frank Wheeler was to run a quarter of a mile and not make less than a twentv two foot .ing Tuesday, June 2Stb. but he is burnt in bad shape about the head and face. No doubt the papev will come out alt right T S P is all O K Doc Garouelte's butcher went out to kill a sheen on Saturday eveninz. and letin. No 13, season of 1S92, for wee end- wr,cn ncar lnc sheep it gave him a whack In co-operation with U S weather bureau, of the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul jump the whole distance. On tiial it was found that his jumps were about i-'2 feet. many less, and some slight. y but very littie over One of the disputants asserts that the record on a long run is 2t feet 8 inches. The longest horse jump on a single jump is a little over 30 feet. Did Not AprEAR. Del Savage who was held to await the action A the grand jmy under $250 bonds failed to appear before the grand lurv. A true mil was found against him for larceny : in ihe face which caused the olood V- run (mm ih nmr of the but.'her in BOod ! shape. The sheep was killed in short ! order after this. Western Oregon. Weather Tuesday the 21st was cool and showery, and from Wednesdav the temperature has risen unti lKunday and Monday the 26th and ; T he water works are all the alk since 27th when 90 degrees or more were re- ) dry weather. BeHeT do something at all corded throughout this section, except ' seasons and not wait for a fire tostart. in on the immediate coast; this is the I order to wake us up from our Rip Van warmest weather so far thia year. The Winkle sleep. sky has been cloudless and the winds MrJM Jaeger, of the E W M Co, left have been northerly. on ,hc train last night for Southern to buy Crops Gram has grown and filled ' ont Whether very well, except in parte of Josephine j Q . fcaU ninc ot bcat al Lebanon and Jackson counties where it has been burnt- Along the coast and in Douglas county and throughout tbe Willamette valley the grain is doing very well, though it is not so good as last year. The ground is becoming very drv and and all vegetation would be hard, lx-ne- the bail will be forfeited or not the Dem ocrat is not informed. That is to be seen. It looks very much as if our re port that he had skipped out was well founded. The Motor Line is ready for the mo tor, and as soon as it arrives our citizens 1 filed bv rains. and visitors will have an opportunity to j potatoes are doing very well and take one of the finest tides to be oV.ained a km1 it-id. Rasp and blacE in Oregon. It may be predicted this will ! berries are now" ripe. Strawberries are be a favorite nastlme. A base ball ground j not eo plentiful now as one week ago, should be establiseed in Boltra Park, which I they are going out of season. Cherries should become the amusement resort for j are ne - thev are of good qualitv. but i on Saturdav and their catcher is laid up ilh a broken finger. tbe city. P. O. Changed. The postofficc at Ed dyville has been discontinued, and an of ftice established at Little Elk instead, one mile southeas rl '! e previous location, at the siore of C C McBtide, with Emma Mc Brlde as postn i-tress, former Linn coun ty people. Card of Thanes. I wish to thank the not an average in quantity. Hope lice are present, but are yet 1 rather dormant ; it is hoped that the present sa'n: wea'.hcr may decrease I then . Haying ia being finished, the weather I being very favorable to that operation, i Tbe fruit prospects are no better as fur j quantity, hut the quality promises to be ; above the average. A II McIlwain Mh-i the fouowiogeduction in sugat or cash : 16 lbs diy granulated for f 1.00. 18 lbs extra C whltS for ft .oo. 20 His extra C golden for $1 00. Br Ihe loo lb sack he will seil tugar as folio 1 : Dry granulate', 6 cenis per lb; Extra C, S cents; Golden C. 4,4 cents. He will also seHfa'ave gallon Leg ol pick let sr 80 :ents. at lb f MCA hall at 8 o'clock tonight complete arra&semeut Iw the 4:b Some valler clabs play IQm 1 1. :: oah Sooday Ihe Hnwall pri ie c&H defeated tba Uatvaia oiee 7 Io S. George tlroc oat 10 1 eo aod Hepoer 10. Buckingham's Dye Gsf the whiskers is a popular preparation ia 01 bottle, aod colon evenly a browo . r ! -. Aoy person can easily apply it at boose. A meeting of the Ladia Aid Society, will be held tomorrow afletaooo at 2 o'clock prompt, at Dr G F Crawford's. All members- are repeated to be present as import-ant business will come refore tha society. Mrs 1. T Hemes, who a injured last Saturday at the front on the 0 I by a team running a a av.ia reported to b sloa ly raoo -ering. her itijaties not being daogeroaa aa at ''rat feared . . . . g . I T ; ine eooieaia on ane v.&n novae j iqaare 00 the afternoon cf the 4 h SVili t a loot race 1 jr gtri un.ser IU -ais a ajm ana one for boys endsr 10. F M FrercS ctfeiing a cpeciaJ priae. The priro will be aaflvef cop for the girl and a silver knife, fork aod spoon for tbe boy. The business of the late I T Wright, the Will nown machine man. of Portland, Or haa been purchased by a party of Port ami gentlemen, who have oruanir-d a stock com pany under the atyle of "The John Pooie Co " tocsrrv 00 tbe business bith will I 1 a'ried on at the old stand, foot of Morr's n atrect. I ba b d 'our midst onr beloved brother. Oscar T Bodine. by tbe harvester death ; there fore be it Resolved, That while we the members of thi giange do mourn tbe toss of oar brother, we bow with bumble submission to the wisdom of oar Heavenly Master. Resolved. That we tender our heart felt sympa'.hy to the family in the loss of a beloved son and brother. Resolved, That ibis hall be draped in mourning for 30 days- Revived, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon tbe minutes, and also a copy be presented to the bereaved family, also to the Albany Herald and Pemucrat for publication. C L haw, S Frmm ts, J H Wallacr, Committee. BtCYcU fir Sale. A little Giant afesy, only nstd a few months. At a bargain. Call on Jos Klein for particu lars- As a family medicine, the Oregon Blod Purifirr has no ryoal. It haapro ts elf-f a certaii ard efficacious remedy for all die east caused by an impure state of toe blood Ladies Kmt Vests I have jnst received a ex. 1 ol iadus' 1 it-bed soxmr r vests, locg snl short sleeves. Special valors. Saxi'el E Yorxa. AtUUKD. many friends and neighbors who so In T.astern Oregon showers fell on the kindly assisted me in the recent illness 22d aud frosts of varying intensities oc of my papa. May God bestow his rich- curred on he mornings of the 21st and est blessings uoon them is my prayer, j 22d in counties east and south of the Mary Wilmamh. 1 Blue mountains, which injured vines Tangent, June 29, 1892. The New Bridge will be tested on Friday. The Benton approaches will be graded Thursday. The bridge will be accepted at once and it is possible teams will lie crossing Saturday evening. Nollre to Walcr CuBsamer. The use of hose or allowing water to run for irrigation purposes will not be allowed except between the bourn of five and nine o'clock a m and six and ten o'clock n m. This rule must be carefully . , tr c . 1 ill ODServeu. violations 01 uie eauie win be sufficient cause for shutting the water off from the premises without notice. Whirever hose is used ior any purpose it will be charged for extra except on sidewalks in front of stores where water is paid for tor other purposes. I M use 01 nose to sprinKie streets win not be allowed under any circumstances. Ail leaky or defective gates, garden valves, stop cocks, water closets or fix tures of any kind must be put in good re pair and kept so and all unnecessary waste of water prevented carefully. Fail ure to do this will be considered cause for shutting water off. Use of waer for any purpose must be confined strictly to the premises and uses for which it is paid for. Wallacb Baldwin. Cashier. and tender vegetation to some extent. Since the 24th the temperature has been rising until Sunday and Monday when it was upwards of '.'" degrees in almost every section. Crops Conditions have not improved ;nv. There yet is and most likely there will continue to be a gloomy outlook for the grain crop. B S Pagve, Observer weather bureau and assistant director Oregon weather bureau. Will At Stat k carry a rplcndid it ick of g .Id and silver watches, for mon and ladies, aid an elegant line of silver ware. GAST -FINLKYSON.-.U Philo- June 14, 1892. by Rev A Bonnett, Reuben Gant. of Sheridan, and Mrs E Finleyson, of PhlU.math. RAN JALL. STEVENS. At 'be residence of W B Ball, Esq., Lvons, lunc 23, by Rev Israel Carlcton, Prof S II Randlc, of Jefferson, ami Mrs M C Stev ens, of Lyons. HI RONS. M ASSEY. At the resi dence of B W Cundlff, Albanv, on Friday eyenlng. June 24. 1892, by C H Dairy- mple, Minnie h lltronsot sew, to v M Massey of Salem. DIED. Testing the Baking Powders. Comparative Worth Illustrated. nv PROF. PETER COLLIER, i.atk chemist ix chief or the DEPART aiKXT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, 0. C. DR. PRICE'S Pure Cream Tartar. ROYAL .. Contains Ammonia. UNRIVALED.... A Alum and Ammonia. Tayior'a 1 Spoon Alum ana Ammonia. MONARCH ir - Alum and Ammonia. SNOW BALL. . I Alum and Ammonia. I CALUMET .. Contains Alum. UOTEL . See W F Read's line of drts gjeds sad Ills before buying elaewhartt. letter bast', Followirg is the list of letters remaining in the poat olnso at Aioaoy, county, Oregon, Juue 29, 1802, Peruana calling for these letters must give tho date on which they wero advertised Barclay. Mr Byers, Miss Alice Cooper, b U Cay & Stwrt Kech, Mr Jap Kache", Mi.-H Lucy 1 Massie, Mr Nelson Miller, Jason Curlr. Ueedy, Jnsiab I Searcy, Edgar C D0ESY0URO 8T0VE fcUlT YOU Then get onethat di.t-p. Dou't be mtde miserable all jour life with poor stoves. There is nothing in it. Life is too short. Get tho very best. Matthews A Washbuin andouttedly have them. Tbey keep the best lisrdw aisand tinware alio. They like wise have stoves, otc, for summer use, jm t tbe things to take to the mountains or sea coast SUPPOSE) YOU TRY US ONCE Brnwn, . J Cyle, J J Curves, Miss Dealia Gray, Clarajce H Knott, Miss Net io Lanwell, Miss Laura Mosly, s I. Miller, Eliza .1 Haines, Miss Rise Turner Mr 1) A J T. Mosteitii, P M, Hivtj jutt received acme extra choice s ve. prune. C E Bkownkll. WHEAT, 67 DEBTS. Oate.80 " " " Butter, lb cents per lb, Kgtrs. IS eants per do., Votatoes, SS cents per bushel, lard, 11 (3) 12 cents per lb, Bacm-Hams, 12 cents; aider, 11 eonts! anojldors, 9 cents, Beef on foot, 2 2l4 eeaU per tb P,irk. dressed, 6 eeuts per lb ' ' 16 per barrel. p Its, SO CSDts. HUMPHREY. On Monday evening Juno 27, 1S02. at 4 o'clock, ofi consumption, at the home of his parents in Albany. Mr and Mrs Geo Humphrey. Cass H Humphrey, aged 37 years, 6 months and 27 days. The deceased came with his parents to Albany from Iowa when a boy in 1863. Here he obtained a good education, and then learned the printer's trade, working on tho Dsmo cbat for a good many years, considerable of the time as foreman. In 1882 ho ac cepted a position in Portland, working for many years on the Oregonian. He was elected president of the Multnomah Typographical Union, a position he filled with ability two 01 three times. Three or four years ago he was run for legislator in that county on the demo cratic ticket. For several yearB he has been foreman of tho state printing office at Salem. A severe case of the grippe settled on his lungs last winter, result ing in his death. He was one of the most expert printers in the New West, was very popular particularly with the fraternity, and was a generous, kind hearted man who will long have a place iu the hearts of those who knew hint. Besides his parents the deceased leaves two brothers, Geo W foreman of the Scio Press and VV A, W U operator at this city. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the home of the parents of deceased, and were conducted by Rev E R Prichard. Some beautiful floral de signs brought from Balem by State Printer Bake:' and several brother print era, were a just tribute to the deceased. The services at the cemetery were con ducted by the K of P, the deceased hav ing been a member of the Salem lodge, Contains Alum. VARNA!.!-. -. I Alum and Ammonia. I MILK WW-1 Alum and Ammonia. I SIIKPARD'S Alum and Ammonia. MON MON .. Contains Alum FORKST CITV . . .. Alum and Ammonia. cmrAooavEAST Alum and Ammonia. CROWN w.. Alum and Ammonia. SILVKR 8TAU..W w Alum and Ammonia. DODSON St H Its Alum and Ammonia, . .s .i i , nil its A -,, . 1 1 1 n rrr-n ,ti -u-nQ I r :vv i ,iti - - - , . . . - . ..i vtipnt! ,i Tho illnstr:it:ou is letails, bv Trof. Teter Collier, who is pre-eminent r.s a Chemist, and bcienust. i ne tanwruv " VjV.. I.; i.,,.irf.i tests ot ench brand enumerated. maue in uaummii-c v ..... . - . - . , . . .. .,1 The Carbonic acid cas was calculated to gc uk ivnanB e quantativc analysis to ascertain the con.pur Uve whf taone rmnty d genera usefulness of the leading Powders. Uie result of Pm .f. t-o I. wi s every lr,.,,in and teat, reveals the fact, that, with but one tsception, brand tested contained cither Ammonia or Alum, and n number l.otl ... . .i. .1 i,l iisf an Amr.tout.i i.t Aim PIOI one woman 111 un umui -- . , ,., Tor;ri knew it. Such Powders not only undermine the health, but ammonia imparts a sallow or blotched complexion. NOTB. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder, as shown , 2' j. .i 1 rn, Tartar Powder found exaTiiiii,uioii, in i in tJ,ii. -in. ,v..., , , Uon and the highest in Strength. All authorities report r Pnec Amnimiia Alum. Lime, or auv other aUulleram Powder has never been questioned. Indicates the Powder containing either Ammonia or Alum Indicates tbe Powder containing both Ammonia and Alum. While the diagram shows some of these Ammonia or Alum Powders to be of litgher strength than others classed below them, it must not be taken tbwf they possess any value. All Ammonia or Alum powders should be avoided as dangerous, no matter how high their strength. Alans Baking lv Prof. Collier's free from adulter- free from nuntv ol tins Meal ataatsiBDVLa.t: tnt The weather is excessively warm, crops are growing pnely. ) M Slack has sold his farm two miles from Crawfordsville for fJOOO. Hon T I) Hawkins from Arkam-as was visiting I F Moses and family last week. He expresses himself as bein much pleased with this country. Miss (iussie Moses and Mies Bi'le Chance spent last week in Eugene in at tendance upon the commencement exer cises at the university and seeing friends. They report an enjoyable time. Rev Calder has been holding a two days basket meeting in the grove at this place. He had several min.sters from a j distance with him. Some salmon has been seen ascending I tbe Calapooia river. Two ol them about j three feet lonir, became stranded on the ' rocks at Finley's mill. McKercher & Co , will soon have their mill changed to the roller process and everything in running order. Last Thursday a general surprise party ' was held at Rev P. Robe's, where i speeches were made, presents donated ' to Rev Robe and wife, baskets unburd- j ened and dinner enjoyed by a large i crowd. Life is enjoyable whin friends ; and neighbors thus manifest their friend ship and appreciation. Mr Crisp from Halsey came near hav ing a aeriona accident here yesterday. His buiarv containing himself, wife and child was overturned white the horse was going at a rapid gait, resulting in some bruises to Mrs Crisp, in throwing the horse and damaging the boggy. I j learn that Mr Crisp was trvins to pass another buggy at the time and a new grade in tbe street rendered it too uneven for fast driving. Hurrah for Cleveland and Stevenson ! ; CON ST I PAT I ON. lit Also a fine line ol straw haTs,and,the latest nov el ies in furnishing goods. Our Etockjof boots and shoes lor spring and sum mer wear is large and choice. L L Bin I'liir THE LEil.rIIVO CLOTHIERS, Tha IMS f Thai Laii Hi? aeiess half tie American pecala jrat Oars af aly et prasaaxailon ( trarrjla that seta m tbe bearaat aa4 raawaea tkU las pe rasa I tiiiuWi. and lias ts Joy's efaui .e fanspariUa. It ra larras it la 2i bonis, aad aa occaairaal dasa finesanara W : tr KnaiasJon loCss. , asttiaftan. U5 Loesst ATao, San Fraae'aco; . H. Erowa, retalssa: II, S. W!3. Garr CosnC i aa rtaaciaco, ard aaadmls ol ansao have I jawssl it ta casastlaatloat. OnelrOer Ua saBptoaf wsvlrsds. Eklajpoa, antes: "I hare bean In faan vrT n li'rfnaaa arailarl iaJ r-n- eM. aa. litre been so baj for a rear back bar ! baa to taie a pbysie every other a:xt or else I ! sroaM bane a bcadaeha A f;c- bsaiog une l-xlm ol J. V.S.Iaain spieadij slape. It bas tioaa smscerfsl taiass for rae l'rolo , . . - . i , , - - Joys Vegetable Sarsapariila Is "Judicious Burying" vy time. It always lays bargains not necessarily cheap goods, for the lest Largairs are always in the best goods, and re keep no othe.- kind. Jtos: Bods-to. oast aaTsatl amc pc-ka, 11-0. . six lor V-.(H. FOR SJaLCBT- CEO C STAN ARD ALBANY SHERIFFS TAX NOTICE OF SALE. OTICK IS HEBKBY tUVEX THAT ; bv Tirtoe of a sssattwaat for the co'iec- tana of de'ioqaeot tsxri SSS li e aratasaieDt cf ! IS?1 lor thacoantynf Lsoo aad "-tale if Oregon, acly isaned by the I'ouotv Citrk I f said coonta, which ararraot iimw is my 1 hands, attached to the in si unpaid cd dc- ; hDqaeat taxes for the vcar tWl.ta said Lien county, aod not having bren able after dit- gect search to nit: any prso-ai property i within said ceott y out ol hich to make tre ' taxes bereinafter nsectiooad, I have levied ' upon the I-ads descubed in the list h -reic- after set forth as the pmperty of the person : whose caui is set op--;;e each tract as tie ' same appears sse?e i u said delioqueDt tax roll, sod itl on NatarOaj. Ibr Sad aUjr ag Jalj, t3ri. at the door of the County cmrt hae, i Al bany. Linncouoty, Ore. on at the hour of 1 o'clock p rn of said day, asall at pahhal auction to the highest bidder for vah in r.ssd. oa tbe day of sale, all th hereioafier decribed lands or o much of each tract as may be: necessary- to pay aod satisfy .h tax assaasad agtiuft Usssm of snch tract, in said Linn' county, for the year ISUl, togcthei withae ; croiog cot ta ail expenses, which lUt is as follows: AM'T.OF TAlKS 0 J Haonon, tp UL R 3 w. 24 acre. . . 4.7. Mir L K B Myers, Haly. block 34,loU , - 7 and $, and block 37, lots 3, ,6, 7 an.i 8. 5 94 10, U2K, 1C0 acres 6.34 John I Mane, S K i of stc 34. to 3. K, I HO acre; Nr. j of N K 8v 35. tp 9. R 2 K, 40 acres R and II J Majo, N m- j of N E of N K J of Kw ( and S E wSw and S w J of 8 E and w $ of sec 38, tp 9, R 3 IJ, except 7 acres he.etofore deeded. 193 acres 1C. Mrs Jennie StarTord, N E of sec 34, tp 9, R 3 E. 160 acres 12.67 H Brnlires, N E of tec 23. tp 9, R 1 E, 160 acres. 11.09 C H Hoburg, Albany, H's 2nd add, B 17. lct 1 an'l S 62.55 F Wise. Albany, H's ..i.i add, B 15, lot 6 17-82 A O Smitb,$io, N K ,ort on of lot 122 I W W Wanda)). S 4 cf E id D Harrel and f U l.C in tp 10, K 3 w, bQ acres YOU - ARE - A - GOOSE If You Don't Examine our Clothing Mm Buying. Elegafit and ei ( re in e 1 y fine k ready to wear ttail Ai ktiailA aanssstct tUUVl IIICIUV for men and h oys that are n i c trade inducers and are actually worth your care- ful inspection. n vu H I $15.00 MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. T. L . WALLACE "The Leading Clothiere.'' $13.00 &C0 1 w. 17: Maro'iln ' SosVassbeata, it NealV D 1. 0 iu tu 9. I acres J M Jonei, ip), R 1 w,34 acres.. James M Morgan, I. l3 aud S w '4 sec 26, tp 10, K 1 w, 120aer"j John IS. 61 17.51 1.98 j 3.55; j. w M i. ... i . ar ... see 16, ip 10. R 1 w, 40 aorea .... 3 1 6 I Est of Jenisha Moore, thi N 1 of Uie 1) 1.0 cf <on Moore aud wi in to 10, R2w, 320acrea 38. W CCas-sell, Albanv, 24 ft offw .U of lot 5, block 6 IMt j J F Haawell. Albany, K's 2ud add, Mock 47, lot 6 9.90! Estate Mrs Jaoorn, Alhanj U'd'Jud add, hlook 34, lot ! I3.S0: 1 Mrs Jane Brinehani, Albany, EASE 4 ot blookZ 33.06 Mrs Mattie Freeman, Atbauy, vlock 64, lot 3 and 6 8.91 F W French, Albany, H's 2ad add block 49, lot 6 8 Mis Maggie F Powell, Albany, bloc 55, lots 1 and 8 55.44 CKHnttoB, Albany, Fairdale, bio 10. lot5 2 98 All in Liun county, Oregon. NoTioE.-Tsvxpayors ploase take notice that costs are now to be added to tbe above amounts before settlement. Dated June 1st, 1892. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county; Oregon Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JUIaXUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as fbllows. Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound 25o 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 13 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1 00 5 Gallons Good Piokles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 93 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I will conduct a strict cash store, and alt troods will b so'd for net oiah from 19 i J5 per cent leas than regular price. My stock of Chiuaware, fauov ttoods, aui til Ihe desirable sy les of dishes, as well as a ueneral avrtuant of jjroojrl , crock -jv, lamps sod fixture ts complete. 1 make a specialty of flaa was eoSa n and h iking powder, and always please my customer. Agent for several responsible insurance companies. Julius Gradavohl. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE UD RETAIL Only White Labor Employ 8c hi: i, i:oi?SG photocmaphebs, albaay, eregaa.- Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.05 per dozen. Enlaiging pictures specialty. 16x30 crayons fran , for $1000. We carry a large i ot 5x8 and sterescop'c views of Or e