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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1892)
"The Democrat" The Best Paper in the Valley, Kit tr red H the Pes Oaaee at Albany. Or., M Seeed-t'tess Hall Hatien ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL ti9, 1892. STITEK A Xi TTIX. Fabllsbert std Fr.prlrlor.; vo. v' v ini . - nbl m rmw -im jr :n fn in b im ih am t jh w h w aw m iss i - i r, m i hi r , i k.Xt- laboring MEN! TAKE CARE! X.OSS3 CF TIME T& COQTLTI ST. JACOBS OIL, THE GREAT IIEMBDY PGR PAIN, CURES Oprttri, E.9JJ.-5. Cai8, VYsaOda. Bambml . de, Eton. .JCr Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest neura Is that you oan'huy at JUJuIUS ORADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods ls follows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar lbs Magnolia Sugar White No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon . Cans refilled, ft gallons 6 Gallons Good Pickles 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 20o. $1.00 . 1.00 . .25 . 1.00 . .90 .90 LOCAL R2CORD. JNd a tries, lor. nt!l good, 'ilk b o!(l for net sah fr fa VI l MJia fll-VQ I i my ouitomen. agent, for several responsible Insurance oompanisi. JuSine SrBdal. COMBINATION SALE Of Tinil BRED COLTS AND FILLIES At MW Oregon, May Ik 1892, at 11 I M, DAVID M. REAVIS. OF CHICD. Batte county. Ca!.. vlll consign to this sale, obe sold without reserve : 16 head by BLACKBIRD 2:2. MONROE CHIEF, 2-.18 1-2. SIGNAL WILKES, NOONDAY. 1 high formed individuals, of great Bize and substance. The stock wil1 be exhibited at. the White House race ck, on Monday, May 5th, 1802, and speeded through stretch. lerms, one-hall cash at the fall of the ham ; and one-half in sixty days, on negotiable note, with per cent pei annum interest. Thos. B. Merry, Auctioneer, PATRONIZE HOM INSTITUTIONS.- FARMERS & MFRCHftNTS IHSURAHCE CU. AlkMjr, Oregon. HEAD, Presidsat, J L COWAN. Treaaurer. J O W R ITS II AN SeetsUnr Geo F SIMPSON, Vic Pre;dQ, -diksotoi id, Geo F Hi in peon, ' V Read. D li SJontcitb.M Sternberg, J a " 'Cnf-''c: HrBiD,4 v writsmsn. also mstsic aossts to a! -Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ALLEN BROTHERS, male Retail grocers TOBACCO, A WD CHOICE FRUITS OF All D IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES - N THEIR SEASON- I ALBANY. ORBSQ. Oregon Land Go Wtln its tiosne office at .Lilwt, - - - pR3C3-01Sir Porfl ar.a, Ky aaL Liberty and Stata street, branch ofBce In ppecialty of Sunnyside fruit traate near galam b 10 or 20 acrs lots at $ 50 to ft pr cash payment long time on balanof . Sepd rs. Right im PrNDLfcTotr. Storiea like the following do very well for a big city ; but mat e curious reading for a small city like Pendlston. The E. U.savs: JohnAp V llliams was approached last Friday by a nice looking stranger on the street, with the remark: "You must be a Welshman. ' Williams assented. "Iam also a Welsh man. Mv name it Edwards." "My name U Williams,1- said the unsuspecting pros pective victim. Being countrymen, an easy acquaintance soon followed. Satur day evening Williams was asked by Ed -wards to "have a cigar, anyway," having refused to drink, ami they entered a saloon near. While thty were at the bar a man attired as a rancher came in from aback room, annarentlv t,uffc?rin; from an over dose of distilled deliaht. and proposed thickly, that ll shake the dice for the drinka. towards "stuck" him. The rancher then hauled out a wad of green backs and offered to bet $100 that Edwards couldn't do it again. "He s full and 1 can beat him." whiapered Edwards to Williams I've cot $60: loan tne $40." William producrd the $40, the two shook and the rancher won. Sometime afterward dawned unon Williams that he was the victim of a conspiracy. He left this mora ing for Baker City, with lert money but more wisdom. The fact that a family tn California depends upon his labor makes the loss and the lesson all the more J severe A Romance. The Walla Wl!a States man tells the following : Fourteen years ago Robert Connell left Scotland to make his fortune in the great west. At he stepped aboard his ship he left his affianced, Janette, to wait for his return to claim her. The years went by and the fortune, for which Robert strove in the United States, wan far away as at the beginning of their separation. With in the past fer years, however, Robert's worldly prospects improved so greatl, that he wrote for the patient girl bac in Scotland "where the bright waters meet," and she consented to come to these strange shores to wed her long ab sent cavalier. She shipped for Australia where she visited friends, then touched at Samoa and Hawaii, and this morning met Mr connell in St Paul's church in tr is city where the rector, the Rev V Marshall Law, made them "man and wife" at 7 :30 a re. The couple looked verv happy as they wandered about the city in the fresh morning air, wailing ior train time. Tax Whits Swam. The Baker City Democrat says : It the law office of Hyde A Johns tne necessary paper were prepared by Mr IJ A Johns, a attorney, for the incorporation of the well known vv bite bwan, situated twelve miles east of Baker City and from which nearly $100,000 in gold has been taken oat of a shaft forty feat deep and thirty foot of tunnel. The capital stock has been placed at $1,000,000200,000 shares at a par value of $5. The White Swan is st present developed by a shaft about 160 feet in depth and by two tunnels run ning each way in the vein. The Valley League. McMlnnville and Independence could not send repre sentatives to Salem yesterday to formulate a valley baseball league and therefore the meeting was postponed for a tew days. Albany and Salem stand ready to act as soon as the other cities respond. Mr Strouthers arid go to Independence todav and McMtnnville Saturday and it is ex pected to have a meeting here next week acd arrange a schedule. In two hours Al bany laised $1200 to back that city's team and If the other cities do aa well a four club valley circuit is asrured. There is no doubt but" Salem will take bold of the matter with the right spirit. Leveque and George, pitchers,are here and in good trim, ready for the fun, as are also Mlnto, Mellen, and Booth. Reiilv and Stanley can be secured after a few days'eoUce and the team could be filled up with good men In short order. It looks after JI as if Salem would have baseball this season. Statesman. Thk CoxGKEGATioxAUfm- At the re cent Congregational convention in Eu gene, C C Hogne, of the O P waa moderator and Rev H F Burgess scribe. The general theme was "The Living Unurch," and under tins general bead such topics as the following were dis cussed : "Its I?uty Towards Small SieVda and Country Districts," "IU Methods of Giving, and the Christian Steward's League," "Ita Hold on Men and Young Men," "Its Denominational work "Its Attitude Toward the Customs and ices of Society," "ita Attitude To ward the Christian College," and "Ita Ministry, How Secured." Among the papers on women's home and foreign missionary work was one by Mrs Alice Dcdd, of Salem, formerly of Albany Cak't Kill Them. A hobo who climbed upon the top of the express car of the north-bound train, at issca last week for a free tide tell on Just alter tne train started ana recetvea ser ous iujur ies about the head, one wound penetrat ing the skull. It was thought at first he could not live, but he waa reported able to travel again the first M this week, Conductor Matthews says tramp ridina on top of his train some time aaro fell off while the train wa3 eoine 30 miles an hour down along the Sacramento tie Btruc leet nrsi twenty five feet below the tort of the uara on aLuen fill, turned end over end. and then nimbly picked himself up, gracefully waved his hand at the startled train men and started off to view the scenery as railroad pedestrian. A circus penormer can't stand half as much heavy tumb ling as ih rajlroad tramp Asl'lnnd Tidings, . Postland Mkn Only. In the decis ion In the case of Seal agt Crawford and others, by which the Crawford bioca win be sold for the benefit of creditors of J H Foster & Co., Albany men wiU not, -get any benefit of It. Neal simply rapre ! lints several Portland-creditors. At long I a Foster's creditors are to get the bloct I It-Is to oe regretted our Albany men are I not in It; but the Portland men are the Unes who did the fighting. fuRooGH a Medium. While p. land VecentW Mr Ch'as Pfelffer visited the rnhmi of Mi's Rruce. a medium, and re nleailons from his fathtr and djiushtef Carri?, of a paSpe'to make he matter verv mysterious and beyond ones understanding. Even the writing y said to be Mke that of M1 finC. First-ulsss Aressmakftut done at reaeoaa hi rate,ohlldrao-s clothing a specialty, by Miti Georgia Kisor, t the resilne of Mrs Coll Van Clere,oomer ..f 7 A and Brsadalbio. LiKii anon. M rs Viereck, of Albany was visiting Mrs B F Kirk laet week. Mr? 0,fly viaitd her sister, M Marshall, m Albany, over Sunday Dr mil aid Surveyor Fisher came out uuiue trKin yesterday and unde toward Duuvme. vve would gtirFs this mean ouujciiuug bdoui motor line. Walter and Wm StubblefieM, of Ken tucky, arrived in Lebanon the lirst of th. week to pay a. visit to their brother. Prof -.I.UIW a oiuooieneid, who is afflicted wuu consumption. The Messrs Stubble neiu Btaneu nome Wednesday. UA Joiinson and K E Claughton pur chased the bakery and restaurant btisi ness from Henry Parrish last Friday rjounson is trom Albany, and Mr laugncon was raised in Lebanou. Mr John Nichols and hia ann' a I Nichols, were arrested Tuesday on i warrant charging them with haviug die turbed a school meeting last March. Lebanon public school closed last Fri aay mgnt with a grand entertainment, winch evory one spoke highly of. Our school has done good work tins year un- urr iB management of Prof McGhee with Mrs Funk and Miss GriggB as as sistants. Pearl Rebecca Lodge No 47, 1 O O F. naa lusuwieu iaei luesday night, J F Backensto acting as installing oflioer. assisted by Mrs Stites and Barns, of Al- Danr. in? lxxige organized with fifteen charter members, after which the follow ing omcers were elected : S A Nickerson, NG; Mrs Jos Elkins. VG; Miss Doll ssutmaran.Kec sec ; Miss Fannie Griggs, Per Sec ; Mrs J G Bovle. Truaoii G VV Crusoris Warden : M ra I Ka llmarol Conductor ; Mrs C H Ralston. R S to N G; Mrs I M Settle. L S to N G: Mr To "usual, no to v u; Mr James Ho.le, LStoVG; Mrs S A Nickeraon. ft SB? Mrs R S Roberta. L 8 8. After ina'alla. uon 01 omcers recess was declared and an enjoyable supper was served. Ad- assM and Express. CoHVALLis. The CorvalKs street car company has established a new rate for car tare to those that desire to take ad vantage of it. Hereafter those who purchase a monthly ticket, can ride as often a they choose during the month for which the ticket is nurchased. Th price of a monthly ticket is $1. Thos Callahan, a few davy, aon n'tf. chased 36 lots in J Ravburn'e addition to Corvallis of J W Ravburn. ivavW therefor $5,400. These lots are choice residence property and the orice is con- aidered quite reasonable. M L Don-is came near meetinc with a serious accident a few davs ago by being heavily struck on the forehead while putting together a harrow. An aW gash disfigures the handsome young man 10 some extent, out 11 is lortunat that it was not more serious. One of the cases in the circuit eonrt was the Fanners' Loan & Trust Co v w A C R R and O R R Co : citation upon receiver to show current indebtedness. to employes and for operating expenses and to show what amount is still due and the amount of rec liver's certificates that will be required for that Dnrnose. Gazette and Leader- Myrtle Creek Mixes. Judge Scott and J F Robinson returned from the Myrtle Creek n.ines ieterdav morning. The judge states that everything t mar . ing along nicely there and two giants, are at work but tkey are troubled some yet oy a scarcity of water, rhey are tunnel ing through a ridge and expect to com plete that today and on the other side is a ditch ten miles long which taps several streams and in a few days they will be able to turn all this water Into the flume and then they will hare a good supply. Mr H olden, who has a contract ior ditch ing, has not yet commenced work but Is building a road. Judge Scott brought home some samples that show what is there. Qui of one nan taken the band he obtained gold to the value of 4.75 and from another about $3. He bas great confidence in the mine. Eu gene Register. HARRiSBi'RG J F McCartney went down to the metropolis Mr"jdav. In a few months Mr M exftecu to be' a cititen of Portland altogether. Miss Florence Busev returned from A'.- bany Monday, where the bad been visiting friend. M rs Sel Warner who lives near the foot hills east of here was in the city Sunday after a warrant for the arres; ol her hus band on a charge of Insanity . Inebriety is saia 10 be the cause ; and if one half the rumors mentioned in regard to this cafe are true, then it is a sad one indeed. Courier. Prcbatk Matters. In the matter of the estate of Jas S McKechnie. inventory filed. Real estate $600, personal propcm $7-40- In the matter ol the estate of Henry VtCMer, sate of real estate confirmed. In Ihe matter of the guardianship of Wm H Ribello elal, Wm H Ribelin be appointed guardian with bond at $400. In the matter of the estate of Henri Meyer, final ccaunt filed and set fc.r hear ing june j th, 1893, at 10 o'clock a m. The Mines. Secretary Pipes received a letter from the mines last e-.cnir.g an nouncing that the mill had oren sel run nlng day and night, beginning on Monday, with a prospect of making a continued run until June 1st. With a capacity of 20 to 25 tons a day this means a good deal for the mines. Qver 150 tons of tine ore was out readv (or use Bm .lvrl.--i- a jment adds to the bright Drained ol ihe mines, no doubt among the richest in the 'Honnwasi. tterealter it is a matter ol -inness antf the result of this lonr run wrSil be watched with gfeat Interest. There is no deubt in the minds of 'hose posted a 10 the result. MKEAL AXU PKKMIXAL Till' RSDAY C P Huntington went through Linn county on Monday on the OregonUn R R Rev Rominger, Prof Voung and others passed through Albany it-day from the Congregational cotiventkn recently in session in Eugene. Last evening at the residence of F P Nutting the Y P 8 C E of the U P church gave a social. About ifiy young tieople were present and a liv lime was had. Mr George Moreha. o went to S tlem this nor.n to attend thr base ball meeting for the organization of a valley league, vhlch ii Is thought will become afac'.. In else it succeeds, it it probable an enclosed (.round will be built in Gollra's parV by the street railway company, who have patUatly made a proposition under which the track would be laid to the groundr. by J'lly 1st. FRIDAY Mr C B Montague was in the city this no-11 on his way from vancoiver to Let. anon. Piof Davig, of Albany, is in town t arrange for a musiial entertainmer t somti time in the near future. Lebanon Express. President Condit. of the Albany Col - legiat-e Institute, will lecture at the M E church in Lebanon tonight, in the inter est of education. Dr B F Fuller, formerly nastor of the i-.iirsf ttan ennrch ol tins city, is now ic .Moscow, waho McMinnville l M. AIbo a resident of Linn countv at one time. Dr Nat Red path, an assistant physi cian of the asylum at Steilacoom, Wash., is in tne ciiy, accompanied by Mrs Ked path. They have iust returned from the East to here the doctor took a post gradu ate course in the New York' and Phila delphia schools. J G Crawford has iust returned from Portland, where he secured about twenty five negatives of prominent points. He also caught several views si Oregon City, one of the falls being the bet ever secured, a grand view of foam ing water. Mr W E Baker has iust received a letter from B FTabler. which announces that he is getting settled in good shape in the cttv of ban Jose. Flowers and plants are in their glory, strawberries are in the market, three boxes fo' 25 cents: bananas are olentv at 20 cents a dozen and the weather has been good, though seasoned with earthonakes- Mr Tabhjr has bought a lot 100x337 feet for 1400 two mile from the court house. and only 500 feet from a street car line. He will build a $1000 cot tare and trv and be comfortable. SATURDAY. Rev EC Jacka. of Lebanon, will prob- bly be employed by the Dallas Pieeby- terian congregation. Itemizer. II II Warner.the patent medicine man. is down in the Siskiyous looking at souie mines tie is interested in. Dr T J Lee, of Independence, is in New York attending a poet graduate course, a big privilege and advantage to any Doctor. Rev Thos VanSccv, president cf ihe Portland University, wst in the city thl noon on his way to HarrUburg, where he w 111 preach to-morrow. V pleasant social was given last even ing at the residence of V L Vance, by the Y P S C E of the Congregational church. A good time was had and an interesting program presented. Mr Frank Power, who ha been liyir.g in Whatcom for several years,has returned to the Wi'.iaiuetle valley to reside. After Isiline Albany inends he went ta Salem this noon, where bis parents reside. Mr O P Tompkins, of Portland. bo has been in Jacksonville the past month tor the benent ol his health, is much im proved, and left for Portland on Sunday evening. He says that he regrets that his business compelled him to leave so soon, and tie may return again before long. Ashland Tidings. Rev I F Stewart, of Albany, is preach ing a few sermons in the Die spies church this week with a view of becoming the pastor of the church. Mr 6. seems like much 01 a gentleman and we teel sure be will find the church such as a good man will enjoy. Forest Grove Times Mr Stewart is a good citizen whom we should dislike to see going elsewhere. Fortcnats Oreooniaxs. The Ne braska and Kansas men who have been writing home about our winter rains should read the following letter received from Nebraska by a bsiem man : It is fortunate you are in Oregon, for if yon were here now you would resolve never again to live in such an infernal climate- 1 am sure tuts spring wia see all who cau get away going to find a better cli mate, this experience wm anve tens of thousands to the west of the moun tains or down booth, iho weather is now worse than ever 1 saw it here and I have lived here for thirty-five years. There was lour inches of tnow Sunday and the next day the wind blew at the rate of seventy miis an hour. A SHAM RBPLY. Some time ago the Salem Journal hinted quite loudly that there was bad manage ment of county affairs In Linn county un der democrstlc officials and that this was the cause of the organization of the peo . . . . pics psny in L,lnn countv. This was really In retaliation for a similar hint made by the Democrat as to republican man agement In Marlon countv. The differ ence in the two casts, however, was thlt The Dbmocrat tnrw what it was talking about and the Journal did not,a the se quence showed. The Democrat thowed these facts: That during the twenty years ending with the year 1889 Marlon county levi d taxes for county puiposes only.hesu .. of $920,991.43 and Linn dur ing the ine period' k-vt.i tax for county puj.oet only the um oi $583,- 82403, the differenc oesg $337,16440 That Marion thus levied an average of $16858-22 more evcrv tear for county purpose only than Linn. IVe showe 1 al to that the average rate of levy in Marion for the twenty years was ro mills and In Linn It wat 5.9 mli. We showed that wr4ile Marion had some more population than Linn, yet in point of territory Linn Is morr than three t ines ax large as Marion thus showing that Linn must have more roads and biklget to keep up Democrats as well at republican! in Marion county at e to be b'amtd for bad management in county affairs, republi iltns because they have had charge of the t (fairs in that county all the above period eixept the mm term of Judge Shaw as county Judge who paid off a $40,000 In debtedness and materially reduced tzxa tkn as well. But democrats '.hough not in powei have rot watched public affairs of thit county at they should. But the ,Vr nil hat attempted a defe.ite rga!n: the verr damati.g Indictment against repub lics, In that county. And what a de fense! It says : We believe an ana si of the !evle would show that Marion county ha levied more for roads and bridgta and for some other specific pur poses than Linn." But -bellevlnu' amounts to nothing. Why not give the figure, ar at least the reason for such "belief" Again it says: Lir-n county has thirty postoffices. Mar ton hat forty-three pottomces, one of them doing a much or more butiness than all of Linn county offices put together. We believe there are other legitimate cause to explain higher taxes in Msiion. Indeed there are good men H both parties who think the ounir levy for roads and bridgrs should be Increase from two lo five per cent. Uv- what Is there In all this about post officei ? The county does not pay the ex pense of the post office. If the statement that one of the post offices, in Marion dee more business than all those tn Linn put 'ogssSer were true, (though it is not.) it would have no man ner of bearing whatever upon the question under consideration. And what the Jottr- beiieves about the matter is entirely irrelevant and Immaterial. The truth is the facts are against the Jomnud and its party snd it would do well to confess it. Linn county he from time to time spent large sum in the construction of roads an J bridges and there it no complain', that Marion should do to, but Marion bat dose no more of such work than Uon. 1e SlaUsmam (we believe It was,) undertook to account for the havy taxes tn Marlon by refers mg to the heavy wind and rain storms In about 1SS1, but the same storms affected Linn also. The facts are the case is fully nuaJe out against the Journal and Its party. Let taxpayers of Marion ttudy the facta. Kansas and Wyoming have elected Cleveland delegates to the national convention. The Fotterite. (the anti-lottery demo crats,) carried Louisiana on Thursday by about majority. The democratic state convention was a Cleveland con mntion from top to bottom and the Dkhocrat takes a pardonable pride in the fact of havinsr contributed its help in making it so. The Indiana tate democratic convention met today, and it is safe to say her delegates will be for Cleveland after giving Gray a complimentary vote. As was predicted in these columns several days ago the democrats of Indiana nave in' structed for Cleveland. In case of the fail ure of the candidacy of Cleveland the dele. gation will support Gray. n fi iT-l- ..i 1 rresiueni r-1101 or narvaru college it in Portland. In an interview with a Tnkmmm reporter he said that Cleveland can carry Massachusetts easily hut that the Hiil men would knife him in New York and that this practically ruin ; his possibility of sue cess. PE JM. For presidrolial electors Hie convention at Portland selected W F Bu'cher of Baker City, George Notand of Astoria, Col R A Killer and W M Cotvig of Jacksonville. They are all men of oratorical ability and will be heard from pubjdy before the contest In November. r or nuRrici attorney or ine me intra ju dicial district the democrats have nominat ed Hon W it Biiyeu of this city. In legal ability Mr Bilr.-u stands in the front ranks of hi profession in this state. Should he be elected and we think he will, no indict ment will be demurred out of court. U A McAllister ot La iirande was nomi nated for joint senator for Union and Wall owa counties by the democrats. McAllister says he thinks he can be elected. We have known Mc for a long time and have no hes itation in saying that he should be elected. Quite a number of democratic politi cians In Oregon who, two months ago. were trong Hill men, were teeo at the state convention this week clambering and Mumbling over each other lo their zealous effort lo get under the Cleveland shelter before the torrents began to fall. The lime hat come when politicians have to fall in and drill when the people point out the way. It it much easier now for the masses to lead the politicians than it it for the poHiiclact to drive the masses. R M Veau'.i. the democratic candidate far congress in this the first congressional district, is a man of splendid natural abilitg strong personal integrity, ardent devotion the interests of the masses rather than the use. He wag educated at the Agricultu ral College of this state, has served one term in the lower b ju of the legislature and is now one of the state senators of Lane county. lected by a large majority in a county that has 250 republican majority. Every fanner and laboring man in the district ihould vote for him. 1 1 1 1 TTATE CENTRA Ii COM M ITTEE. The state central committee Is as fol lows: uak--r. Geo'cre Chandler; B;nton, J R Mart, ley: ( -M .amas,J N Draper; Clatsop, II Wise; Columbia, S A Miles; Coos, E G Flannlgan; Crook, T M Baldsln; Curry, J E Hawkins; Dough's, T R Sheridan; Gilliam, G W Rhineharl; Grant, F I Mc Cul'ons; Harney, A A Cowing; Jackson, V H Parker; Josephine, C K Chanselor, Klamath, CT Silver ; Late, W A WII hhe; Lane, John RCan.pbell; Linn, J K Weatherford; Malheur, ICH Test; Marlon, John Gray, Morrow, T J Matlock; Mult nomah, D R Murphy; Polk, D W Sears; Sherman, W N Barnett; Tillamook, E E Stlph; Umatilla, C H Carter; Union, B F Wilson; Wallowa. A C Smith; Wasco, H M Beal; Washington, S B Huston; Yam. hill, J W Baker. D R Murphy of Multnomah hat been Elected chairman and C N Wait of the ante county secretary. F V Holtnan of Portland, Henry Black man of Heppner, J L Cowan of Albany, H C Grady of Pendleton, J J Daly of Dallas, S F Floed of Itoseburg and T G Reames of Jacksonville.; were selected a delegates to the national convention' These men are all consistent democrat and were selected as delegates because they are in harmony with the overwhelming sentiment of the state which calls for the nomination of Cleveland. The democrats of the second congression al district have nominated Hon J H Slater forcongrees. He has held many importan ant positions, tuch as member of the legis . . . .. . . lature, one term in the lower house ot con gress and one in the senate. He is too well la r a . . anu ravoraoiy Known to need any mendation at our hands. Hsve you tried that ideal total t E Al an's, If not, why sot. SuffaS St 8a W P Raad 's Ita of drat ocda atut tils tutors baying e:ae where. Ayeis Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So ay Leading Fhpslclanm and Drvffffists, and their opin io is indorsed by thousands cured by it of Scrofula, Ec zema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. . '..AyeT Sartapartna ha won n repu tation by years o-rateable service to the eomnnmtty. n u a btL" Vt. g. V5&2I Merrtma -. Lowell. Mass." BY. W. P. Wright, Paw Paw Ford, Totl, aays: "In my praetiee. I invariably pre aertbe Avers Sarsaparilla for citroojc dis eases of the Hoed." Philadelphia, Pa., write: "For two year haT Prescribed Avert Sersapariila ta nmnerocs instances, and I find tt Ulghty ettteaekius In the treatment of ail rttsentiib of the blood." aw-is t-X. BoMosoa, Pliannacist, gahtnat, o eertlSe : "Ay r's ffersaparilla hasay, been a great seller. My customers thmk there is no blood-purifier equal to it." "Tor many years I was oMwi ,1. W running sores, which, a 1 i 0 bad the doctors arfvli . a of my leg to save my life. n7u taking Ayert Sarsaparilla and toon saw "a I 'J- ."-!-"11' After tsshahont two doxe ta take a few bottbs of tbis atedieme each year, for my Noel, and am ZoiatVmL Wed with sores. I bare tiWotton t-purifiers, Don't tail to Ayeis Sarsaparilla rasrasatD srr DH J. & AYEH & CO., Lma, ifejj, 8Wt7lrast. $1, six S3. WeftbgiabottJ. OUR STOCK FOR SPRING SUMMER CIGAR FAQTORY 13PH, Proprietor, E3ALE 00 RETAIL ly White Labor Employee', MAN & HODGES, NGDRUGGISTi ED1C1NES STA1 10NARY &C HlSSBBBBSBBSBlBH ttSBSBtSBBBBBBBBBBBBSV m 1 OGRAPHEBS, Cabinet photos from $1.50 to f 4-e per dozen. nlaigtng picture 1 specialty. 16x20 crayons frames' for f 10.00. We carry a large line of 5x8 and steretcoplc view of Ore eon. Studio In Froman's B!ofc next to Masonic TempIe.FirttStree csivrrc ENJOYS Both the method and reaulte when Syrup of Figs is taken ; l PWW and refreshing to, the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Jiiver and Dowela, cleanse the sys tem effectually, dispels oolds, head aches and fevers end cures habitual coustipation penniinently. For sale in 60c and 81 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO, 8AH fKAUCISOO. CAU i, icmsmu ky. roar, .. A ijooo !5Tat.--No vfllley tor. n iss secured a factory that will advertise H more than Uorvalfts. 4 od wairon always attracts attention. The Times safN : The first vehicle manufactured at the t;0rvalli8 wagon and carriage factory was finished and put together last Tues day. There are about SbO carts, buggies and carriages on the eve of completion, and In a very short time the company Wi.l be able to supply the urgent de mand of the Oregon packet Orders are cowing In every day, and it begins to look as though they will be able to dis pose of all the yehicles they can manufacture, A DEtsotTE. The Portland Telegram tpeakt thutly of one of the delazatet to the national convention: "J L Cowan is not only one of the leading democrat of Linn county, but of the state. a it a business man, not an otnce-teelter'. lie has perhaps done more than arty other one man' to help l.ln'b county in its proud position at the banner democratic county of the state. He has. been repeatedly elected mayor of Albany, and hit selection atone of tne delegates was only a just and fitting ackuo ledgment of hit long and faithful service at t demeeretanda nitHc- .1 ..I. tt spiraea viuzcn. APbksident. Prof JnoM Blosa. re cently superintendent o? the public schools of Topcka, Ivan., has been elected preBiuem oi we Agricultural college at CorvaUia Prof filoss has been state superintendent of the schools of Indiana ne was in vregon aoout two yeans ago, when the Democrat omce had the pleai- uiawsrauiiuui mm, ano remembers blm as a talented gentleman. He is a. man of fine bearing and scholarship who Will grace the head of that school. The salary will be f . . 4EAvr tBASSFsa.- -iJJ Pengr has transferred to the Springfield Ind, In vestment and Improvement Company over a thousand lots In Springfield and several hundred acres in the vicinity of that town, besides the water nower irawu uv mil piBuu. tjonsiaeration, $400,000. Which indicates that Mr Pengra is certainly not vey cray now. Ik rixt Sorr. The following from the Oregon City Courier is a good illustra tion of the average law suit : Papers were served on Tuesday by the sheriff on sir snsbauer of Canby for a new rehear ing in the suit against him. A dismissal took place in this case at beginning of this term of court oh account of absence and negligence of Mr Williams, the Port land attorney employed by the prosecu tion 5, r Susbauer has already expended nearly $400 in lawins and Mr Mathew is not In the least tired out, in fact, he can stand it as lone as Suluer s purse. The latter, destrou of having partner ship in trouble, lias men complaint against lo; tvnignt ior seuing liquor. whereat old man Matlewg anai'cs a ons smile, joy- Teackert' Examination. Notice to hereby given that the regular rvnKiin avamination of teaohsra. for t han county, will take p'aoi lo Albany, oosa men'na: on Wodnesdty. May llth. at - - I. ."I! c-l.J 1 o'c!oo. p to an i sraaan uuii criusj noon. May 11 U AU teaehsrs must y b.t presfliui at inn u n or c-na- - . i i i . ... ji V 1 1 Q-9 VUiUlUVU not ) present. . it.ifiotis tor ihw cotunoasea tea Btete diptomssi revived at toe $h,0? nam d tunc, a f. County Titasol Snpt nosltivai ror.!n?nt, a no ono w to tho saattti nation wtn is Look Here a Moment. I havs torn nf the choicest residence lots in Albany fr.r ale. terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of hi own by baying a small payme.U down and am monthly payment thereafter until all paid for. For further Information ca1 the office, corner and and Brjadalbin a opposite Democrat office., yft W Mastoh. Pride Try it. of A.ltiny tiyra. an 'lb butt C F BROWKETt. a tun atook of primug shears .ni tin a ing Hooka, tbe best 'made, j itt rrceived t al..,tSin,i. Nuw is the ti-pa to uo OVO""' w - thorn. n., .. froeiriat of Parker Broa YtU ai',ud u tf.ou goods aid fir.t-clfH V ' - , A. - trtatnicnt.- It is in the loaric of tbinos that the Wall street junta should seek to down Governor rVnnoyer. But that is no reason why a democratic state convention in Oregon (-':; :!! llssi t':..- tr'vem- r .- f ..-.. U wa bad politics to 5xgin with; so bad that we bare an idea that it was ot republican ori gin, ami the wonder is that a democratic conven ion coald have been led into such a bto!. blunder, Esrdles of h p-thar view on public question. Governor Pen Was. has a penooal foUowitur in this state which mtkes him a power. The fact that he refuses to wear any man's collar make him a ssssttusatui nower. Strontr individ uality conpied with ability and patriotism are hirfefnl element in political affair. But. m the desire to carry everything one trav. ihp fvsrsvpntion Wait tioht of the fact that if Oregon had pat forward a candidate in the Lhtcago convention tho state would have leaped into prominence and the Or? gon dwiiocraev would hare wielded an in- nenoa in national Dolitics. But it does no good to cry over spilt milk. We only al- ude to this matter a an illustration ot now a body of intelligent and level-headed men can sometimes commit a serious mistake. WrTSSS. This aspersion upon the convention is un just. There was nojdisposition on the part of the convention to slap the governor in. the face. The fact is that out of, is Sft delegates in the convention, the governor. had 265 rxilyioaitTtend and well-wishers, loit uidor cull for the statement of the fact, that on the question of what should be the policy of the denvicratic party, in coming presidential campaign the governor was not in harmony with the sentiment of a large majority of the convention. Had he been, he would have been elected a delegate to the national convention, hy acchimation. It was creditable, to the governor that he re mained steadfast to his convictions notwith standing such steadfastness precluded his election as a dolegute. The members of the jonventkn were equally to be commended for their firmness in truly representing their constituents in that convention. It was "bad politics" from first to last tfl attempt to force the converitCiH, vo adopt a course antUviy at variance with the overwhelming sentiment of the member" of the; convention and the constituent1 thW represented. and it i i" extremely bad taste for the ed itor of the Telegram to thus impugn th motives of "a body of intelligent men, or to say that thoy committed a serious mis take, when he himself was a member of the convention and could not po?sWj- nave failed to grasp the fcveithat every act ot the oonvtUun was in harmony with the over whelming democratic sentiment of th? Btate. It, is true that thp goYerwv wears no man's coIIrt, and ibis tact reflects great crrjtiii upon himself and the people of the great commonwealth of Oregon wjjtwe twrt ant he is' But it ia eaually true that th members, cf the lata state convention also wear no man's collar and this roltect much credit upon the independent manhood of the democratic veters of the state of Oregon, it is folly for the T k?ram to kick against the pricks. The democratic stale convention made tbe very best selection hen tt chose Hon G E Chamberlain a tit candidate for tbe effice of attorney general. Mr Clvamber lain ! the present Incumbent of the office and ha performed itt dulie faithfully and well. If tbe court should hold that bit term expires with the coming election the people should see that he is elected bis own successor. A majority of the democrat of Oregon do not really like Grover Cleveland, but as be was the bead of the only democratic administration the country has known within a generation, it was thought neces sary "lo point with pride lo Grover Cleve land . " Oregonix . This statement It devoid of truth, and If the Portland cotemporary could conde scend to come from the high perch he oc cupies down among the people he would find seven-tenths of tbe democrat who declare they like Cleveland because they believe Implicitly tn hit Integrity anj honesty both In public and private life. In the famous Douglas -Lincoln cam patgn which was fought in Illinois tn iSS Mr Blaine, being then engaged (a news paper work, repotted the speeches and the incidents of the canvas lot a Philadelphia newspaper. In hi last letter before the elect Vn he wrote, "The state will go for Doug'.,. He will be elected senator, hut Lincoln will be the next preddem." Pw prediction was ridiculed, but It outcome proved Mi BUines agactty as a prophet. Two. yr later he wm present In Peoria when the committee informed Mr Lincoln of hit nomina'.lo.i, and was graliSed to hear the future War president say, as he took out a printed slip containing the ptophecy, "Young man, you tee that I have kept your predicton. THAT HACKING COUGH quickly eared by Shihh Care antes it. ean be to We guar- i. Urge assortment of new reeeiveu n .."- i-ji the late shades. Inst Uhitl'ia style rib ooo fta&ur, alto A NASAL ;NJ&C1)OH free milk saoh ttle of Smloh'i Oattrrh Remedy. Pnoe, bottle SOoent-i Has Frid o! Albany soap and ou will be C K Brownei;, soie ag sv happy J J Shaw is the democratic candidate for judge of the third judicial district. As a lawyer he'stands high in his profession at Salem where he resides. Judge. Shaw proved his peculiar fitness as a public ser vant when, in 1S7. he was elected county judge of Marion county over an adverse re publican majority of 600. He went into that office and found the county burdened with a debt of over $40,000, By careful judicious, management he paid off this in debtedness without increasing the rate of taxation then ruinously high, and ia 1S-51 the rate of taxation for county purposes was reduced from mitts to FH mills. Thus the t,;o; payws will readily see that he is just. tlit man to put on the bench where safe man can do so much to.kecp down extra va gant expenditures of the people s money. Oi this account Judge Shaw, we think,, will be as much of a favorite am"'': farmers as judge Boise wasj It is probable that the democratic state central committee mav secure the services of CRptainVeogeW Bell to lecture during the state canvass on the tariff and other eco nomic questions. Captain Bell is not partisan but he teaches the true faith vrith a zeal and vigor that is biUy reireshinsf. We trust the voters of Oregon may have the privilege of bearing the "silver tongued orator of Iowa." MEN la ow complete, and comprises tbe following Use. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroideries and Piouncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc. AND ROYS' WEAR Clothim. Fine NegJegee Shirts. Working Mens Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Gaps, Boots. Shoes, Etc. We guarantee prices to be the lowest ss compared with qoalilv. Call and examine good and get price before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to save money. -o irouoie 10 tnow gooos. G, W. Simpson. tor Infants and Children. -C stoJ I 's ao wrH a!a-sd So eiiiltren thai I --.-I M-rtoMyja-aaSSsai Wl to IBB," II A. AacHXS, H. IX, 111 So. Oxford St., Brooktjra, S T. "TV use of 'CsawcSa'ts eonnfrersaj end ks. R-rita ao wU tBuwn ubu it do not keep Oessnria at aUKaiarogatioB to enaocee rv teereretaw ! .i.ltsit fautli ho -J i aa. laalSi " Csbum aUsror, P. IX. New York Cttv. raster Bloomlnr-iale BatonnaJ CxiurcU. Csartnrim nnc CoBo. Boor Sxomach. TeArricas. Silts Worm, gross steep, and Ii tain intot tsiricaasBstsBaacQw Star a-raraj aaasaa T har i your ' Caatoris, and shall aleaj eonttooe tr do ao as ft sss Brrairiatjr prodenwl batMQci EdwccF. Fakbes. X. IX, Tas'nairnp."MBth Street awiTth Ave., KewTorkCli Tan Cssvass OosA3nr, TT Mcaaaa Xstw To PnTiSrs tbe BUMS, Cares CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, lYciti. . . . ar .mn nAUVkl VlJStta SS iTtsrr sTsTI S n iiTTXI tUT Vtt? HILIOUSftBSSa liltIS Waia'aiaAJ Aa.CUtaV Hf.AUAtnD t,V.lj-.'C c PIHPLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ABISIN6 a DISORDEREU STOMACH, fJW Genuine HAMBURG TEA upsfstp in YELLOW WRAPFVRi wtia FacrimHe Simatw EM It FRESF. REDiNQTON a OO. Aocmts. San FbawciscO- KOtP IIY AU. PKI-CIHTH AXI .ttOCKB. Col 0 A Cogswell of Lakeview ha been renominated by tha democrats for joint sen ator fox the counties oi Lake, Kalauwt h and Crook. This is ouite a compliment to the Col as he has been serving in that offjc for the lost four years. At the 'sjt session he introduced and secured the passage of the "labor bilT which is said to have secured ior hint many friends in his district. His opponent, A Snyder was a member of th.a lower house, and is said to have distinguish ed himself by sitting omtery and looking wise and introducing such bills as were pre pared and submitted to him by outside par ties fer that purpose. He was always ia close touch with the Portland ring dele tion. Mr Cogswell will doubtless receive larger majority than he did four years ago. I WANT MONEY And will sail for the next SO dayalosaDor at nay yard in Albany a! these pries 00 . . ia to 18 00 Common Rough - Common Rough, rVs:""'w"-.' Clear flosoring. ate, fui uUhtug. 15 00 2 00 TERMS, CASH. Laths, perm - LOTS TO SUIT. Come early while Use assort rnssvt is good. A. Wheeler, tra-f Railroad ttree tstween 4th aid 5ih Oreson