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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1892)
1 ii 0 ; Tho " The New York "World" 'Tlie -:- Democrat," J Tlo Best Paper in the Valley. -:- Democrat " j Both One Year for. Only $2.80. o VOL XXVI L EaKred at th r al Albeaf. , M htliu """ ALBANY, ORM5GN; FRIDAY, APRIL t4 1893. TITM at HITTISC, r.1lt.bert mm rroprleforii !1 1 Ih F l f I! I f) NTC). 39 A o Newton, UL From 1 86 t to iSS; about 22 years I suffered with rheu matism of the hip, I was cured by the use of . St. Jacobs Oil. T. C DODD. O "AU. RIGHTI ST. JACOBS OIL DIO IT." t OUR MM !$ A STOCK FOR N Ui killLllijl id MEN 1 new complete, and comprise the following Hue. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroideries and Plouncinga, Silks and Satin?, Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc AND ROYS' WEAR. Clothing, Pine NegJegee 8hirts, Working Mena' 8hirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Gaps, Boots, Shoes, Etc. guarantee price to b the lot at compared with quality. Call and examine good and gel prlcee before purchasing elsewhere il you wish lo save money. No trouble to show good. Q, W. Simpson. War at Monro. The following from the Timet of CorvaUlt I followed by en affidavit by Keney and othera mentioned In the Item, to prove that there wa noth In the poattton of hi antagonist! There baa rot been auch excitement here tlnee the war a there was on Thursday, the 7th. It teem that Preacher Wallace pawed through town on horseback, a Mr Ueo Keeney passed the , oiher way on foot. Respectable wltnestea tey they did not even apeak to each other. Wa.lace rode Into the Belknap tettlement and ap parent I v apread the report that Keeney had attempted to pull him from h'a horse with the It.tentton of trouncing htm. Vpon thla fifteen or twenty foalLh per. eon under the leadership of Gen Ed Bdlknap organlied ro go to Monroe and uwloe it out." the report ald. the prlticl- Titota fk-noot, Ho. The . Koteburg ! "view gives the following particular of tne stabbing affray at Kiddie by which ynesier rogue wit killiMl: 1 wngtit wtlieaon of II Wright, - who lives between Kiddle and Canyonviile, end I'ogue waa really an .-'Iplmn, hi father being in the timniHylum and hi mother dead, fie ha l.ed in the mynau laraiiy at Kiddle for many year, was quiet and Inoffensive and Iwra a good reputation. The liova nni.rmll.Lt on there way home from school separat ing at the Cow creek, bridge, it j co rnea uiai vv right uaret i'ogne back ml tha latter returned and a iiirht en sued. Wright bad oiwried hi kuife to cut a switch and had put It bark Into hi puvaei wr.n tne nnae open. While they were clinched he utcd bit knife with Julius GradwoM's Bazaar and the aaloon. The would-belotert came and congregated in a body between the atorc and the aaloon. The new had apread for mile around and many boy and young men had come from all dlrec ttont to i-e the fight. Jut Before any violent action was taken. Oca Keener alone. tteppl out of hU place and walked up to the band. He addreaaed them a gentlemen and told them they were ap paren'lr laboring under aome mistake Uen Uclknap runted aeveral tine front hi ' holler than thuH pedaitaL In a mn- ner that Indicated that Keeney lied. Thlt arouted Keenev' Ind'gnatlon and he gar a the lead.T a little cuntng. telling him that If he had come aire ply for a right he could get all he wa-ted. Thlt brought them to their eente and they llitened more respectfully to Mr Keeney' epUn- itlon. 1 her wa no light. On thb vViliamrttb. A Stlen paper Ire the following Interesting river newt 'he Steamer lluag reached here last night from her upriver trip, having gone uo as far Monday at Flnlei't, which It about twenty-five miles ikls side of Hr rlsbcrg. The (loag brought down a big load of San Francisco freight, among which were l (, crates of pressed brick for the Hughes IVArcy block. W Wilkin ton, of Corvali't, hat been put on at purser In place of Purser Dv, who ha rone to Eastern Oregon. The Oregon Pacific also has a new agent l ere, R II Kutherford. M Young, the. Ijrmer agent, having returned to Albany. Guy 'owert, the we.l-kttown Oregon racinc purser, hat turned mineralogist and hat gone on an exploring expedition. Ei'.ar' P. O. The report of the P. M. at Eugene I a good oce, and Indicate that about one more year will bring that city up to a second-class postoflke, now enjoyed by Albany. It ahew the num ber of atampt, stamped paper and postal cards sold amount to $6170. j6. Boa rent collected. tSSs JS- Urafu tm late post master, $497.17. Total, 1 7651 68. The money order issued amounted tofo, 8;H.i6; posul notet Issued to $1717.1$. The number of letters registered it itSj; number of parcels regUtered,25o; number of reiiUtcred parcel and letter received for delivery 294 j. Thlt I quite an in crease over any prevloii year. Pooa ETtt.Jamei Coffee, who keert a, grocery store near the depot at Snoho mish, accented a ralaed f 10 bill Thnreday in making change, and did not discover it character until about to make ft de posit in the First National Bank. Th figure two in each inanee bad been covered by the fignrea 10, that bad evi dently been taken from tobacco or cigar bos stamp and pasted over the original. Oregon City Express. That Bio Cab. The big furniture car mentioned ft few day ago arrived last night and was unloaded today into Fort miller & Irving' warehouse, which it about filled. The car was packed like a fish' scales, and contained seventy com plete bedroom seta. Think of bow much 1 that is when op ready for nee, consider able more than the ordinary furniture rare can carry. The result i ft big say ing in freight. fact bt counts. liuy ft bed room set and get the benefit. Be sides the variety to select from Is great another important point. Oaaoow C erkalb. According to statis tics 1, 1 16,07 bushels fcf wheat were raited In Linn oounty In one year on 5S.314 acret j 906 306 bushels of oats on 37.299 acret, and 32.864 bushel of barley. In wheat Umatilla county took the lead with i ,64 3,30s bushels, Marion neat with 9951 bushel. miamooka record was too bushels. In oats JJarlon wat first. Linn second. In barley Union county was first. A Bad Tbamp. Ia returning from Spokane Rev Wilson, of this cit7, wit nessed, an ejeiting affair on th North ern I'acifc- A braktman attempted to keep ft tramp off the train, when the tramp drew ft revolver and plazed away at the brakemgn, jast mitting blrn, The eondncto appeared and iboi at the flee ing tramp several times; bqt wUbont eoeci. Srattaa Aaaiyst,, 9 S Willamette Valley arrived at Yaqulna thlt noon with following 1 Jot Tervls, A Relman, G K'appenger, It S Shewey, A C Darling, A K forward, w M iryon, k 1- Uuncan, K D McKlnley. Theo Wisman, W A Blood, Uha Klce, Mr v;na Kice, MUl AtDI Rice. W T Ingallt, Mrt R A Bentell. M E Williams t . . - . AX Economic SngiAa:. The bill of the marsbal of Salem for March was $232 85 ; street suDerintendent.t84: surveyor,!), This stirred the councilmen op, and a raaolntion waa lntrodnced limiting the marshal's salary to 11200 ft year, and another one consolidating the office of superintendent and civil engineer. The cry of retrenchment is being raised. A Good Showing. Sheriff Scott hst already collected $93,185 39 of the county taxes, yesterday turning over $41,000 to the county treasurer, Thlt Is a much kail., .Vnuilni 1 1. - n tia- ViJM tnA K Will Bell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $ OO to $60 perl most coumiet. The total ta win be " ,V i . s ! 1.1 O j , awu. acrav small casn Davmeni lonc urae on uuiaiii. oonu " w AAt. ar . rut 7 . . psl of attack being Wllhelm'. ttore IZvZi ",-. u , 7 W f'7 1 0 i-j ... t.. i.iw,i,,i.n 'walked aome illatance awav Iwlnra lie knew that be bad been Injured. Wright waa exammeu before Juttlce lirown yes terday, and held on the charge of mur der. J 11 Kiddle brought the boy ft) Koaeuurg tnd he is now in the county Jail. A similar tragedy occurred t Kid dle several years ago between two school boys, when one of the Kussell boy stabbed young Qulne to death. The very latest news Is that you can buy at JUIslUf ORADWOnL'8 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows! ......... Arbuoklo's Coffee, Per Pound , lbs. Granulated Sugar , . . lbs Magnolia Sugar White... No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon L-anj replied, o gallons. 6 Gallons Good Pickles 0 lbs. No. Say on Soap t r t ! t ? 1 1 ! r r t r i r 25e. $1.00 1.00 .25 100 .60 89 J will cod dust a strict stub store, an I all goods will be to'd tor net ah fr m la M i per eetit ieea into regq ar prl.-r. afy stock of Chlntsrsr. fAney good, tot. all the deeirable tylee nf ditbea, aa well as a general avrtmnt at groeerVse, eroM lamp and axtnrea te eonipiele. 1 make a pIM.t qr a Mt, jqts awl bskliig powder, and el way pla mj euttomar, Agent for tverl repnnibl inturinoe ojoitipanles. -fttlltia ars)4fUI. Ait "UxroBTVUATB Woman. -The foJ lowing Is publlthed in the Salem Journal by Lucy Young, the woman arretted for selling goods without ft lirente. It tells a pitiful story s I am told some of the business men have aald I waa radn to them because tbev would nut buv iuv goods. Have not been myeelf since I was thrown Into jail March Slut at June- won vny. v ame here sick, with little money and mvself to sunoort and atlmn dependent on me. After working nearly three business blocks and talking t so manj, eeumg uaruiy anything when I knew these business men saw so few women selling goods, I suppose I did act rude to some of them, nerhans wild or craiy, and I ask their pardon, also Mr Minto's, when he called here I was no sick or craay I hardly know what I said. 1 also ask old Lr Uoodell'a tiardon if I said anything disrespectful to hint per sonally. This telling good is ft bard life lor women. It is so bard for a decent woman to live. Prouatb Maitb In the matter of the estate of Gen Cleveland, deceased, fi nal account allowed and administrator dis' charged- In the matter of the estate of U W Vcr. non, fim account filed and a'iowed and It is further orJcred that personal proper'y be told. r 3 In the matter of the estate of Chas If Ducke'.t. will admitted to nrobate and I", lis Y Duckett sppolnted executor. in the matter of the estate of It W Hamilton, Inventory filed.nersonal nrorter- tii. .. I in the matter ol the estate of Chas A ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL GROCFRSt CIQAR3 TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF AUl KINDS IN LARGE OR SMALL UANTITICS ' IN THEIR CCACON. ! linn Block. -:- ALBANY, OREQOH. The Oregon Land Co. Wltn tit home office at SAT.IDM, - - - OBEQ-OIT, In the Gray Block, comer Liberty and State street, branch office In Portland, 11 TAKES a specialty of Sunnyeide fruit tracts near Salem utiAi ad rr.uatt.VAt. Judge tlllt HK e Mratian cittne up irvn T5;tlrm noon. - Til Sheddy, Mie DUmord tKl tnkn, Is In the city. Hen F French the wtcran book agent, I In the city. ' ;-. J 1' Galhraith wa In Snlum yesterday on business. ... i. 1 Jt Ml K'tiK Mton at J Mis Ayrr were In StN-m yesterday, , Mr Serlor has Just uriived in Abany its l t relative of the from tl.e Kat. iteUt relative of woolen mill etnploje t)l thr.t name, Mr Wfll Parker, formerly of Albany, It a candidate for, nomination for county recorde.- on the de mocrslic ticket, and III probably be nominated, 4nd the I)kmocn AT hopes, elected. Rev Irvlnr. Wilson and Acheton hve returned from Spokane, where they had been to attend the I'resbrtcry of the U 1' church. Mrs 1. K 11UIt, ho went aiso; stopped at Wahtfturg to visit friends. Last evening at the residence nf Mr A I) Matthews, the ladies f the M K church south gave a tocUl. which proved a very pleasant atuir. uamet were payed and a oe iic lout lunch, including tome tavorv ice cream, served. At latt fudee fkle. of the third judicial district, it to retlie. Me wa first elected In 1858, and again in 1864, 1870, 1H7C, iStto and i7Hf). in election In 1K70 wat con tested by hit opponent. !i F ilonham. and after a jear or two Ilols retired and gvve ur tne rest 01 the term to hi adversary. AltogetSei he ha been on the betch thirty-four years, and hat been generally rrpet-ted aa an upright juCge Tcle ram. eatBAV (irandma Hlaln and Mist I'.UIn. of Al ban, visite.1 the family ofJM Marks last Friday. Lebanon Advance. A J Acheson and wife, of Albany, were In the city this week, their object being to establish ft s'eam laundry. -1a; banon Advance. VYm Q Obetiauer returned to Portland thlt noon from a short trip home- The Albany directory is nearly In type, and will i printed ready for delivery about May 1st. Uev 0 V. ISrorn will preach at ljuotnb on Kunday In place of Hev J H Klrkpat- ricK, who goes lo Albany to conduct the Kaater Sunday service of the com- have a grand alfir in the t. if.uleon thial annivemarycxpreta. Mr W U Woodworth who Bred let ihI that Oakland and Pan Francisco woutd be swallowed np a year or two ago, caus ing quite an excitement among the cred- nlout. will drt Orix-nn hetrlttfilni ml tt.a Rlnehart. first account filed and ordered I state catiitaL sI,h hI.m has a t,.nt r that distribution of property bs made. for business. The crank mill keeps In the matter of th estate of P J La- turning. - uenioi Albany, waa la the city this noon with Cunningham, the man who filed and approved A Cukkbt Dor. A few days ago team waa taking a lot of eggs to town troia the ttore ol Mr Urace at Clarses. The load proved too large and two cases of eggs were unloaded at the hiato of farmer. Those egg disappeared over night, and the day following a boy rame to Ms-U race's store with a bait doaen egga to sell. They were bought and neat day and also the third day hov came with eggs to sell. But the third day the boy had his egg ia the bucket mat walked oil from the farmer's house itli the eggs. Ho waa collared and confessed that be ha I been selling Mr Urace his own egga and the young hievet' parents raid the bill. Orreon City Courier. Lkbaxox. E C Phelps has bought four acres of land ad lucent to Waterloo and too$ possession last week. Mr Shea, superintendent of the Brownsville tannery, was in Lebanon robbed a Chintte bouse between Car Tstlis and the bay several months ago. on their wsy to Fa em. Cunningham having plead gnilty and been sentenced to one year la the penitentiary. ATUftOAV. C O lack son. democratic nominee for sheriff, f in the city. Mr Jackson will gain in strength as election approacbee and people become acquainted with him. It W Foreman, recently of llalaK. was ia the city, and went from here to gpokane, which he will make hi borne. air foreman recently returned from a trip east- , Mai. Johnson and wife made the ftsM- ovs AT their annual call ta-day. They now nave two boa lit the Albany College, and believe in ahlng their children a good education. The llrownsvill Times save: On Wed nesday evening In response to invita- iui wrts irruig w cuim our ciuirni in I ,;,.. . .1 .;. . 1 .- 1 . T t . . . I .nH w .. ... n u, IIICUU. u. I'l I Bill! oVylK.kM nd " : W?t L w?--.J? - - 1 i hiiv vvciiiiik iu auiriBi nnorniDUL We have a oitin In Ibftnon who was I The tlm waa well occunied in t.lavtna a Ford's theater at the time of Presi-1 games and some -fine muale waa alv aeut i.inwin-8 anattintuon. ue was renuerw. At 11 o'clock an elegant lunch a as. mu. lftu.. .1 L. a - .1 li t I t . f. aim .a ucj vuurii w iuv .retyruj wmi'ii i wu rervra Ritei wiuca Vn gueatf re uirrw a nmiiun inio muarniug. ainnj 01 1 parea vo nviw UOme$ I It A Si rAAt Atei nf tasiil tea at as Vti laa I - v -.v. nnT,.n. An, An. ,1 T a .s.oW.prto,.,p,.y. Wilcox, f,a-sold bis Interest In tfregro: The inropertyr!E M1lbredtw..U:h was cery and bakery business to L M Mat ordered sold by the court brought in f . il ?X M Mondfty: & Co tia. a atelegranhTrVto'r.'nd .Ten Vt uvery bill amounung to more th.a this mU, on the U P R R, and is represented uui, aurccit mj reikis l"r uiai .mount. We know not how W (j Myers who brought suit for wages, is to get bis py. -Advance. A RKMABRAat-B fjit?iaT,--The Port end Dispatch tellt the following Yes terday a stranger cauea at the fnton Pacific office in thlt city and paid lor a ride he had a'olen In a bra car from Whit man to The Utiles some eight years ago. The amount was $6. to. The man de clined to give his name or to take a receipt for the money. Every man that beats a railroad company It not a tramp or a nobo, yec they are looked upon and classed at tuch. The man In aucttqn wsi un doubtedtv an hohett man. but wat forced to ttcal the ride trom dire neieskjty, anu when fortune tmlled upon him, he like true man, cam bold)) to front md paid hit fare like a gentleman, now UWUT FK0M CON.VItm'lT. At liwt ft judicial dncinion hst been reach ed in the Conneiilinit politkal complication . i he Uinnnaunit epmode it one of very irmve importance in our political Lixtory The republican party, as is well known, bus apparently di'tominwi to low) no power thai it can retain, and to Uiot eni'M more than one instance, bits retorted to illegal and rnv olutiofttiry methods, while la several statr of Um union, sJtlwugh in tho minority, has held power by moans of an arcluiSc and unjust rule mjuiring an altolute majority for an ewtttcm. In Connot Ucut, in 1890, Morris, the dam- ocrotic candiduie. waa clncted governor by a majority of 20. lite other di-iiHKaulic caudicbdi1 hail absolute miijoritio ranging from 2J0 Ki 1,672. Hie !rdldui was di vliJiyl, the wuuw Iteing dunuHratie und tho house republican. Only one democrat baa bm given his oflioe, tlie other duly chosen otfiirt of the Ut being mfused tlieir lUuv by Uie republican bouse of rrntresen UlUm, wbit h d;Iined to n-i with the sen ate ani) to dnclare tin) result in obedience to the sUihj consUtutiou, In consequence uov iuiaeiey, who waa not voteJ for or even nominated, hna hnld over, For one year and niNtrly four months there has teemed to bo no jvmrxly. Tlie courts huve been appo&Ul to but they, have not rpim-dird the evil. IndixxL the supreme court but held practically that ft remedy it imiKjusible on the face of Coo fact. In other wortls, the government of Connocticut has been administered in ditSance of Uie will of tlie people, who have not been able to obtain rttlnti for the wrongful usurpa tion in Uwir own courts. By reason of the poasMstion by the republicant of the ecu- five or physical power of the slate and o one branch of Uie legislature, the iwuL have been governed by Uie men whom they defakd at Uie poll. IWeahle tubmis sioo to such a state of thing ouM not es 14 in any otlw? country and it proof of our own high civilization. ' XeverUirlea auch an outrage is ft danger ous menace, and Uie men who are gnilty of it ore the enemies of free institutions Bad of ft republican fortn of government Judge Hall's decision to tne effect that the democratic candidatcshaveft remedy by qt nxtrran U ounseqncnUy of Importance not only to the slate of ' Gmnecticut but to Uie whole country. It would be ft deplor able mkfortune if it were the unanimous opinion of Uie Connecticut bench Uutt there existed in Uie union one state where the Lw stand powerltM in the presence tit otn and viulent defiance of the people's will hsgaily eirr-mJ. New York VitrUt, ini t. leveurd ttock It going up, and from present Indications le would njt be surprising If he had s two thirds majority on i"e second or third ballot In the CUtea goconvenilon. What makes this mor prohatJle la the fact that be Is the second choice tit nearly all the minor candidate and their deltgstct. Lvenlng Ttlrfram Judge Mootr's record Is th-1 of a clean honest man and If elected he will cerlaiiilv do hit ptrt toward dealing out from the supreme bneri "eqnel and even handed justice," at he ttld, In his speech after the nomination, would ue his endeavor, J IdlHgl. V hen Br Leeds t"et the "record In the Pghl of day, be will hide his head In dis gust, The Cthimrt Club of Htltlrnore, the rprrerttallt of orgAnisd dcttocrtcy in Msrtlsnd, on mUkinof f Fret-man Kalsln, the recrtgubed "ilht hand mtn" of Serv ator Conn n, titianlininisly sk;tted to night a re.oljtlou In (vr of the nomlna- tlon of Cleveland, Iroubtlest u uu d be a grvat event fir the Du'ch to cany, and there have been timet when the republicans carried lo AS. If a State thai Itptcullarly "protected" cannot go republican li a presidential year, It neans m jch. Other Us It mctns nothing For Itself the Dbmocbat hat to say that It It unalterably opposed to the lerj Ing of a duty for protection. This we have re peatedly said. It t be decided that the levying of duties upon Import I the bett wsy to raise the necessary revenues to support the government, then so be It, but let the duty be levied to st to raise revenue and not protest. Protecting one class at the expen -e of another I unfair. Immoral, and violative nf the fundamental prlncU pic of our form of government. It I ab surd to say that American pluck, energy, enterprise and skill can not compete with the whole world In th manufacturer of nearly a'.l the ncccttartceof life. The cry of wge I demagogic Every man pay for wage just what he And the law of supply and demand calling for. Wage have Increased much more tapldly In England since the adopted free trade than ever before. Down with McKlnleylam. If that he free make the most of It. .s a pushing, energetic man, and ft rust ier, until oe eaa make his arrange meats to come into th store, his father. Hey 0 il Mattoon, will look after hie in- vsrests-indepeDdcpce West bide. TUB APaoS FKBTTVAL Given by the ladles of the Presbyter ian charch last evening at the opera house, was a social and financial success. A large number took sapper, a splendid ly gotten cn repAet. beginning at 5 o'clock, and the ball was tilled later in the evening. About ity aprons were exhibited aud eod for sums ranging np to 15.00, going like "hot cakes.'1 They were sent to Albany friends from ' .11 over the world, from Africa's torrid sands, from Alaska's frigid shores, from democratic Texas, and republican Penn sylvania, from the world's fair state, , from the "Old Dominion" state of Vir- Fr the twenty years commencing with the; ear 1870 and ending with the year 1SS9 It cost the tax payers and termers of Marlon county the enormous turn of $9"-99M3 to run the affairs of thst county. During the same period tt cost t he fanners and tax payers of Linn county the turn of $58.81703 to pay the running expenses of Linn county. The republicans during all that period . had control of county management In Marlon and the democrat, had charg In Linn, it cost 46,04,9 5) a year In Mai Ion and fj9.19t.35 in Linn, We trust these figures will at tract the attention of ever v tax payer In Marion and Llrn as well. For years It hat been known that a few republican! In Marlon county were cognisant of the bad management of county psalter In th1 county, but their feeble protettt have been unheeded, (be -great mats of the tax lorn Piatt the rprtib!jcn tennVr of New York says be will go to the Minneapolis convention and U-ll the convention that Harrison can not carry New York against Cleveland, lull or tiny otwr democrat. '. 111 - ....- .-11 ..v It would be just as well for Uiose who talk about who will be Uie democratic can didato for pailr-ut to Wp at leant otic eye on Govia-nor I'utUton of IVtinj)vanLt. He la a clean, able man. Jim treasury department reports the fol lowing baltince shent for the information and instruction of the farmer of the United Sttttest EXrOKTS OKMKrtTH A5MME. r Agricultnral. Mitniifactun 11. nmm,m- m2i, Jl MVH1,5$44 168,927,310 Our export of farm products have de- clin4 from 83 to 73 per cnt;, our exporU 01 protected machine goods have increased front 9 to 19 per cent. What the farmers have loot protected mnj-owncrs have gained Tlie trwurary dmiartraent also kindly ex plaineswhat purtkular elate of farmers have boen hurt the most! KXlOKTfor Mkrcuaxdisk. ' Bnsnlftnff , Manufsu-tnma im ........ tmwizii t.2.zMt For three months pat Uie protected bun co wewrers have been engnged in trying to break the force of thews treaeury statitks by "fooling the farmer" with sUUsmcnt of how much more he exported in NovemW than in April, in this week than in that The companion cf 1881, however, with 1801 t?IJ the ta!. It shows bow much let Euroj buys now of the American farmer than it did ten years ago, ait Uie result of legislation which is designed to drive or m- merve to other com tries. A dUpatcn from Atlanta ttyt: The state executive committee of tl.e Georgia state alliance met here tonight an unanimously adopted a reso utlon de manding that all a.lianies which have In dtcd the people's party' movement must rescind such action promotlr. or surren der their charters. It is slated that the number of our pen sioner will now reach 1,000,000. But, as ex-pcakr IUod said in defense of the bil lion dollar congress, this it a great and growing country, and the pensioner being a fixed institution, mutt be great and grow wiUi Use remainder of at. WniBETo Gbt Tmxm. When wasting organ r piano call on Blacktnan k llodget ahere vou can srlt-rt !rnm a artt clatt s:.k. an hEREVOKCHTHAYElt of HnsrUi Ind., tsys: "Both n.vsa If si r! wnVnw one livas to 8!IIIX)S CONi-UMPTION CUEK," WiUi several hundied Uiotwand Ameri can workmen out of employment, Uie Eu ropean rmhing hither at the rate of above half, million a year and Uie immigrant being used by the mill bctae and the labor barons to cut dot, n tragta, no wotidVr thai the Amur loin workmen are coming to think that justice to themselves ought to go before generosity to otlicr. FURNITURE AT COST At TIios. Brink's Old Stand. ALL AXD miEE litems Mill 1BEEE IS A COKE Stnctirled Matt U Jty hat pronounced sgairtt keeping the World's Fair open on Sundayt. The highly moral and retiglout nature of the besmirched national republi can committeeman it greatly shocked at the wicked net of the fair directort and rollt op hit Batdsley bank eye In consternat'on at the bare tuggetilon of giving the labor ing man and the thousands of other wage worker an opportunity to see the great how. The republican In their state platform endorse the Sherman act of iSpoby which all the silver product of the country I added to our circulating medium. It It under that act Hint our country It flooded with whtt the Oregon! and other ortho dox organ call the 70-cent uV.Ur. A much a that paper has tit time past de nounced this 70 cent republican dollar It stands devotedly to Hermann who sup port unlimited coinage anJ to ElHt who will favor It it he ever gets to congiess, and by Mitchell who It a leader In the free colnsge movement. The republican party In convention as sembled did a very great thing when the nomination for judge in this district waa given to Geo II Burnett, and Judge Boise, who ntt served at judge for tMrty yeare or more, was slaughtered. If a boy lc lw, obstinate at . mule, without judgment, It preferred to experience and knowledge of the law, the sooner the republican patty I, ousted from control in county affairs the sooner justice will be given to the tup- porters of the commonwealth. T&fbwt Rtristet. . navara thre hlvs avldetltl twn tn lit. then.let the Union Pacific take an example glnia, one being made in Virginia, from d k on lhe luhec. But thev are ttlnff from thlt man, and return the money New York silk by a Minnesota lady, ?' , on f f", " 8 stolen from the people by extortionate fromsmany of the states and from Japan. thc,r eyopen. Something wdl drop there j" (or particpUrtJ. PATRONIZE KCM INSTITUTIOKS. . IE FARMERS k KHAHTS IHSURAHCE CO. Albaiay, Oregow. W F READ, Prenldeat. i It COWAN. Traaaurer. i O W RITSM KV. Secretary Geo F SIMPSON, Tie PreaidenC -PLB1X7TOB JL Cowan, OeoF Simpson, W V Read, D B Montellb.M Sternberg, 1 VT riattek J K Weatbertord, KH8trahan,J O WrlUmsn. ALSO PISTKICT AOIKTS FOB Ssyeral Qlid Eastern nd Foreign Companies ATakwcby. Messrs Rlgg and Shra f Brownsville have made a proposition to th business men of Albany to moye their tannery plant to thi city provided the cit izen ot fvioany win taae 95,000 tioca in the concern. Uur men ot mesne should look Into thi matter for Albany stands In need of nothing to muph f manutactur jng enterprises, A Boy Stabbed Last Monday even ing at Riddles, Chester Pogue, aged 17 veart, wa going home from tchool when ne was aiiacacu or a avuuui inaio auu tubbed three timet, dying at o'clock vetterdir from the effectt of the wound. The deceased was a brother of M E Pogue of Baiem, at one time a resident ol Albany for tome time. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j; J OSIIHIt proprietor, WHOLESALE Hi RETAIL Only White Labor Employ sc1, LEADTNGDRUGGIS1 ICr.lAW &MOD&EG,.'' 1 JJ .'owns KiNrjOYO Both the method and results whea Byrup of FiRS ia taken ; it in pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneva. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the ey9 tern effectually, dispels colds, .::. echeq and fevers andcurca habitual constipation permanently. For rt overcharged rates. That Old Faks. Some Siiem men, have Just msde the ttme foolUn trip that hat been made teveral timet by Linn county men. The Journtl tayt. A mot Strong, A Herren, Mark Holms.J Frlxzetl and Ed C Gross have returned from a week tnent at Mitchell, 12s east 01 The Dalles. In the Blue mountains Mr FrlzzeU t brother had written tha. he had discovered the famous Blue Bucket, " lost gold mines, supposed to have been found and lot. In tats by emlgrante. The f tther and mother of Mr Herren were In tke train that located the fabulous Blue Bucket mlnet. Careful investigation thowed the party however, lh,.t Mr Fris se'l was mlttken. The party had a pleaaant tfip Looks Warlike. At the meeting of the militia board In Salem 0l Bowditch secured .n appropriation of f joo to equip lor actual dty troop a t wntviiie, wnq are liable to he called out to defend the settlers against the three thousand In dians still on the reservation, tayt the Journal. There It sreat danger of an Indian outbreak there and the present state military ooard deserves credit for doina- all In Us power to protect the set tlers. A Rattling Breeze. A decidedly stiff breeze prevailed thlt afternoon, rattling 1 Ignt lively and whittling through whiskert ominously. Gut It was tame com na red to Nebraska style. It tlmply rattled things;' In Nebraska and Kansas and most of the eastern states the winds run Into cyclones, arid the cyclone smash inings anu pcuiJip. s '-v blizzards here. A K00i breeje ocpasjon ally It a pleasant flair. A HbaW IluTY.-r-IJigb pjotective tariff nliiv a nart in nearly every tr ing. often an unoieagant one. One incident to the rjoint comes directly borne to Al bany. Mrs Lisle sent to relatives In Ire- and for an aDron for the apron lesttvai. A costlv one was sent by express. It reached New York. The vigillant collec tor declared duty of 12 on it, and notifled Mrs Lisle, and it bad to be paid before the apron could be secured, and hence It failed to-arrive in time for the festival. Prof Rkib E-fKCTg.At a meet ing c,f' the board of director of the Eu gene school district held last evening,Prot UVS Raid, was unanimously employed ' as principal for another year. The pro- a handsome white silk .pron being sent In June dv a ttrotuer w A - a seal from there. The exhibit was novel and Interesting. At 8 ;45 a short program was presented The Apollo club were beard In song and on vocophones, delighting the audience in tne lortuer. amuttns them In the lat ter. "Looking backward ' by eiaht The fusion ticket nominated by thedem ucratt and independent republicans of Multnomah county will poll a strong vote and moat of It will be elected to tit friends claim. There never wt a plee so badly ring ridden as Portland and thete demo- heac), and lialr done np on their faces, In i cratt and republicans who have broken loose from party Met In order to smash the dangetout machine deterve to succeed whether they do or not. The republican party of that county seem to He utterly helplett at the feet ot the machine bosses, and It It a matter of to tursrite that to many lf respecting republican thould earnestly desire to liberate their party from the dutchet of thHft bote. young ladies was a cunoua arranaement. Made up with faces oh the backs of their met directly turned .round no iar as their makeup was concerned, they per lormedto. march and were heartily encored. I general social was had and the enjoyment was general. The ' total receipts were ovir $200. - riles fart fee Cared, Richard Boonf.t, WstQld, N Y, wiiteti "For thirty- two yttrt I suffered from pPet, b.ith lotarnsl and saternal, with all tntir atteodsat agonies, and like raaoy others sutlured from hemorrhoid All tboe thirty two yens 4 baa to cramp rnyatU to pay dooto t and drnggUt for stuff thst wtt doing me litMa or no good. Finally I WAturaed bv one who had had tha tarn had been enrtd by Brand reth' I'iiCj, to try 1.:- - j; . f ins cam. a aia so, ana pacta co improve. ted for the last two years I have bad no inoonveolenoe from that terrible ailment," TsfhCirs tSxajuUtailon. Notice Is hereby given that the regular pu line examination or toaehera, for Lion oouoty, will taKe olaad tn Albany, oam- menoinii on Wednesday. May 11th, at 1 o'clock, p m, and continue until Friday noon, May 13 h- All teaohers must pqaiUyely bo present at tha U ni of 00m mentwmsnt, aa no one wl.l ba t dmltted to (U' examination wu u not a present Application for 3ttts eortlQoAMs and State diplopia received at th above named ttme. G F. UTJ5TSIX, County Sobool Snpt Prid Tti it. of Alb toy syi'4 o-i 'tba heat C E Bbowkell. A huge Aici of pruning shears B1 prae ing hookt tbs best mode, just rreeivel at Staart & Sox'a, Now i tJj ti'ne to use tiiern. " Buy jgor groctrias cf Psilior Bros. - Yen en depeud uu good goods aud first-clsts tctatment. We would like lo know what our al liance democrats can find In hanging on to the democratic party. If they do, it cer tainly will look like bad faith. Alliance renaieion ) tj train. , But why will It Qy more look like bad faith for alliance dcmociatt to remain faithful to their prlnclplet and party than for republicans to do so? Will the Herald explain? Further, why can It be regard ed as an act of bud. faith for a democrat who has, in good faith, become a member oi the alliance under the repeated assur ance that it, the alliance, In no way In terfered with a ma n't political views and oartv relations, to remain faithful to his e party t Will the Httald explain thlt? The Pla'ndeaJet has a long account of the life of F A Moore republican candidate for supreme judge. In the account we find, the following: "His ambition M Mm to come west arid botfin to car? ouhis fortune while he wa SMll ti youuK uiau. Well he did ao some au narym?, an ae count of which vfhen placed before the voters of the state will create a sensation that will lead to the defeat of Mr Moore. The republican paper are crowing lustily over the, renal t ol the election in Rhode un4. And yet that little community has not voted any other way in a presidential year since 18&2. There are fifteen thousand. lees voters in Uie state than there are-uUtubo Hants in Yanderberg county and no where else is society so sharply divided on the money line. Aa the t.athville Ammca re marks; "U is one groat big manufacturing town. Throw a rock in any direction and it will fall upon some factory which is Jo tored and protected, by republican, tariff leg t&iation. It is. state whim is dominated directed and owned by manufacturers. They o,wn its enterprises, control its politics and are the master of its people. In spite, how ever, of such influences Rhode Inland's ma jority for the republican party, under the tremenduous logic of tariff reform, has been out down to only a very few hundred votes, On the majority tide are the wealthy and on Ihe minority side oxo the laborers. On the side of the victors are the monnfacturers who receive their munificent bounties from an indulgent government, while on the los ing side are the men who are foro4 to. sleep under one blanket instead, oj two, wear few r clothes, pay double, process fr th uten nils and; the necessaries of life in order that the, country can continue to pay the bounties rofflitioned." Evwa'gviH (Ind) Courier. The Live i3 When out of order, Involves every organ of the body. Jtcroedfcs lor some other Ucrai.K! ment are frequently token without the least effect, beeanse ft Is the l.ver which Is the rent source of the trouble, and until that I ft rlfrht there can be no health, ttrcMrtli. of wnfon In any part of tlie system. Mercury, In torn form. Is a eommon specific for . slug gish livers but a far safer and more effective medicine is Ayer'o Pills, Vor loss of appetite, Wlloti trootiles, coiwll patjon. Indigestion, and tick beadachc, tlw e Plllt are nmurpassed. -For a long time 1 wat a sufffrer frrw stoma b, ller, and kidney trouhlct, e!.. rlcnclng much dimeulty in dlarsUoii, wii'i severe pain in the Inmtiar wk,n and otlicr parts of tlie body, Uarlng tried a vai U iy r,f remedlss, hteiiirtiin warm batlit, Willi only ternporwy relief, aUmt three months k I beaan the use of Ayrt fiiLs, and my health It to much Improved that I gladly testify to Ihe mperlor merlu of thlt melk-iite." llanoel Jorge Perelm, Porto, PortueaL "V or the cure of headache. Ayer't f (linr t! fllLi are tlie most efftlve ocdlc!ni I ever u-d."-E. K, James, Dorchester, init " Wbea 1 feel Uie need of a cathartic, I take Ayer't Pills, and And them to be mor effee. tl v Uiau any oilier pill I ever took."- SU s. B. C. Ortilb, Jiurwellvllle, Va. - I have found in Ayefe Mils, an Invalua ble reuir ily for eonstlpatkm, b)lknir5M, and kindred disorders, rcullar to miasmatie Itwalitiwi. Taken la small and Iriwiieut dws, Utete Pills - Act Well n the llrer, restoring Its natural powers, and ""'It t throwing off malarial polsops." C. V. A lston. Quitman, Texas. "Whenever I am troubled with eonttita. Mon, or suffer from lost of appetite. Aver's fills set me rfebt a train." a. j. siu. Bock House. Va. " In 18W, by the advlee of a f rtmA th.. the ate of Ayer't Fills as a remedy tor Ml loutne, eomtipatlon. bhrli eolds. They served me better than nnytliing I had pmloaily tried, and I have th.-rn In attacks of that sort ever !. 11 u liersli, Julsonia, Ark. " Ayer's Pills, DR. 1 C. AYER & CO., teml Mrs. Sold by all Druggists and Dealar la kf edkloa. " F. Xj. Kenton, -:- ' Dealer In " CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, and a general assortment of .. ." O- IHL O O 3ES 2E 2E2 S. the leading Kewspapera and Magaiinea. Terms cash. Ketw (he) I. O., .I!aar. -- . HE LEADIXG mOTOGBlPaEBS, Albany, Orefaa. Cabinet photot from $1.50 to S4.n0 per dozen. Enlatging pictures ; specialty. 16x20 crayons framed for ftooo. We carry a large line, of 5x8 and ttcresccplc Tlewt of Ore gon. Studio in Froman'a Block next to Masonic Temple.First Slree 1 m il-m 3 r 11 A. t ' J for Infants an! Children. Caatorialsso well adapted tocMUrea that I recommend ltaa siiirior to any presortjitioa aowa to me." IL A. Abcbtii, IL D-, IU So. Oxford EL, BrooUgrn, K. T. "To un of 'CsKtoria'lt so anlveraal ano IM mnrita ao well known that it seems a work of suporerocatkMS to rmjorm It. Kaw are Uia intnliieent faioilte who do not keep CasCori wiUuu eat nuch " Caaxoa MsaTTti, T).D . New York Cttr. rte Paatoe Bloomlrr iale Eeforuied Church. Caatoria orrras Oolle, OonRttfatloB. Four Stomach, CiarrbrBa- KructaUon, aolla Wonua, irea sleep, and promote 3- fresUon, (bout tajurlocs metllcation. Tor aevrral I have reeornmeiktl Sour Castoria, ' and shall always continue tr a aa as it has bivariaubr iiroduoed beae&cia KOUltS." Epwik F. Faasaa. M. IX, " The Wlnthrop," lth Street and Tth Ave, : KewTorkCiti Twa Csarraua Coxo-ast, TT UtrasAX Shut, Ksrw Toaz. f- r - mmm :t Mm m mm hit i ii in in m rwnai mi v at mm m nmmmtwwam imKu.-msimmm r snna iara ai m La. f li 11 nniniiiii siiiMliai.ii.imii. mi mm. m t 7 . -1 r'A ii li&vc. 'srga spsortment of new style ribbon At tne Malheur democratic county con vention a vote wat taken among the dele gates on presidential preferences with the f V.: ' " r t."-.-'! ; Ce - ' - ' The sentiment for Cleveland appears to be almost like that of a religious revival. It Is an enthusiasm that need no leader ship and ttaitt with none. It It a con viction which pervadet the people, and with one accord, as occasion offert, they spetk. The manipulation of politicians. the carefully laid schemes of menagers.go to pieces like a "boom" town before Kansas cyclone, or rather It were belter to tay that they are tmothered as If by a ris ing tide, tilently and as if in total Ignor ance ol their existence. Hill in New York and Grav In Indiana have been dflv!ngr thelessly, especially the former, with the vast Tammanv machine, the frees-out Convention and drumming tow that took to the country. Lo, It Is as if nothing of the kind had ever been! The democratic 03 asset ate rising and dimandlng G rover Cleveland at if they had been the first word spoken on the subject. ' It Is almost a phenomenon"; certainly Il ls a develop:. rnent renarkable In political history la dlanapolis 2?w. ' An agreement has been reached among deraocortts cf I -i;.tna vrhreby the d::!- w .la.. w lirann f,.ta riAveiriDisiinu ivnieniiriin CILIOCS.SS, LITER C0MPLAITS,SICK REiDACITE, C01J;, riMfLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, end DISEASES ARISING froi MSQSOEBED STOMACH. . ft Genuine UAMB I'JtO TEA is put tip in YELLOW WRAPPERS trftA FacvimUe Swvxtnr ef EMIL FRESE. f;CHNQTON . OO, AotHra, Ban Francisoo. B01,I RY Alt, lRrGI54T AND KrFyt. HEALTH IS WEALTH EBAliM Wa.. ft., it RedCrownMills io. Lvnisa &:v. d pn i pttoossa ruaxiK srTERtoa ros. nvtut AND BAXKSS vsa. EST STORAGF FACILITIES. Da KC Wsstt Nsttt sua BtAUt Tsuthbtt, rusrantoed sjisciSa tor Hstna, Dlisuwss, Con Tiilniun. Fsts.Kervos Nsurlgm,Hdaoo,Neivoua PrsRlration oaiwat by ths use ot alcohol or tobanoo, Wakefulness, klaribj Depression, Boftsulnf oi th Brain rtaulting in tnsaulty and leading to misery, cteoaT ani death. Premature Old Aire Bsrrau&ess. Lnis ot Power m either sex, Invohratarv Istes and Siwrmatenhoea caused by over-exertion ol the brain, ssil-abuso or over-indu'eenoe. Eseh boa centains ens month's trealmeut. 100 s box, or six bexss for i. sent by m Ul prepaid ea receipt el price, WE CEABAKTCK MX BOXES Toeure any out. Withevsh order reoelvea by as . 1. nanmn.mad with a (Xk we will eena ,u mmihtvir' our written guarantee to refund the money if the trostiuent does not tf act s cure, ouar- anteea Issuea oniy oy , . . . J A CuaiMtux. Drestctst, ( ARfut, , . Albany, inuaoa rfAlf!rMl lntii LilAi TT CURB A new and Complete Treatnent, contitir.(r of Sup Bositories.Ointisetit in Capaules.slso in Box aad I'll! s PosiiivsCure for sxterusl.lntoresl, blind or lWi ing Itching, Chroiiio, Kttcentor Herediivy l'lles.and many other due& and fomsle weaktieflsi; Uteal wyt a creat beaa It to the teeners) health. The unit discovert of a nietical cure rendering an operatiia with the kaife uincceuiMrv hernAftAr, This remedy basneverbeea ktoa to fa-.l. $lpt'rbox, Sfv)ro; sent by mail. Wb? sutler from this ternhl difo wuea awntten in sr&utoe te jmuuvely ftiven with A boxes, to refund ti e money if no' cured. Send a'.amp for bee Sen) pis. 0 jarautee loo.itd by JifA sTsmiiuIng, DlriiSglsf, Kol AjmiI, Aibaoy, tre(inB. I'twnats. suit Trsde-Mfirks ofeWfflM, aiKi au rs at iinsim-is condacterl r Koearat Fees. Our ijuics Is C. ?i-' e U. S. Pasnt Office. BTsd we n tenure usavnt fcilose tuoetaaatnos And Suryeyor,